WWV;WTf'1!T4,Ti VO THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. MARCH 11, 19Qf V Na i WEST FUNERAL OP JOHN DAVIS SERVICES CONDUCTED IN OLY THANT YESTEBDAY. Lnige Dclegntlon of Wheelmen and Friends of Deceased Attended, runcinl of Ex-Pntiolmnn James Snul nnd Otheis How Aguinnldo Escaped fiom n Local Soldier Boy's Company Police Court Cases and Other News Notes nnd Peisonnls. sjioi Inl (Hi', containing I) ft i nt-iii - bets of the llleetrlc 'll Wheelmen, eat li w callus the club colots of blue and cllow. together with niombois of the .Ineksou Htioot Baptist chinch and holr, nnd a iiumb-r of local baibors nnd otheis, Journeyed ti Olyphanl yo tcldiiy nlteinoou to attend the fuilotal "I the late .Inlin O.ivK Who died so suddenly 11 few d.is ano nl his boanl Imr plmo mi Waslihuiu street. The ci lift- won- vi'iy Iniptessiw and wcio (onduilcil in the Hhikcly liatitlFt chiirch hy l!ev. Thonia do ' iiiichv, pastor of the .lackson Stivel Maptht church, ax.slnlrd hy ltc. David Spewcr and Itcv. Hague, of (ilyphant. iiartolte fiom the Wheelmen, com posed of t.ttthor Thomas, Thomas Thomas. Waller Divls and Kail llol llstor, sanp, and tho church (holr also tc-slstod In tho soil lie. v.1110115; the tloial olt'eiliiKs w(rc ' 'Jules Ajar." fiom the loial Haihois' iiiilou; a broken circle, tiom Stieet "oiunilssnucr llou laud Thomas and r.itnllv, and a broken wheel, from the Klcctilc City Whielmon The pall-limit-is wuie Messis. Mv.in nnd Willi--field, of Olyphint; Cdwiiid Davis, Kinrjs Joseph. Kiiki'ik VoshuiK' and (iu; i:.vnon. of this cltv. The llower boaicr.s wore .Inlin Thomas'. Kiln.ml Mmw and !eori;e DanlcK of the whoeltnon. lutcrincnt was made In the Moti Haven (emeipiv. Funeinl of James Saul. Kovoial huiidicd friends and tola lives (if the late ,laius Saul atlieud at the family losldencc- on Xoith Ilydc l'.nk avenue. West Keiantnn, vostorday afternoon to attend the 1 unci .(I of the deceased Tho lemalns were eniascd In a handoine black casket. The funeral m conilutted under tho dliocllon of .M. r. W.vmbs nnd many iltv ottldals, i.ilhond men and inem bots of the dt.v polhe forw- were In nttcnil.nur The services weie held in M Patiltk Catholic church at J.sn ABOUT THIS ( COUGHS out for f and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. An Exposition of Correct Fashions lu Ladies' Spriug buits, Wtists, elc. open toJay, which should attract much attentiou, as it is replete with everything that the best posted buyers can think of, and displays a class of workmanship and careful finishing not to be fouud elsewhere in tip's citv All the All the All the All the Can be seeu at their best iu our comfortable show rooms, and visitors will be welcome although they may have no further intention than merely making a tour of inspection. Some Very Striking Values Will be fouud in Htou Jacket Suits, with aud with out collars, aud while SixButton Blouse Suits Are also popular, aud showu here iu eudless variety, Laiglon Collars and Bishop Sleeves With flounce aud Aire skirts, are considered top notch ideas, sud there's no eud to the selection, as well as a score of other & Very Extra Bargain in Fancy Silk Waists at Globe Warehouse SCRANTON o'clock nnd Intel mept was made hi the C'athcdial cemetery. Tho pall-beat eis were Mai tin lllid, John Keeney, Seidell PhvvIIiir;. Miles McDonald, .Inlin .lotdaii, John Mc rube. Other Funcials. Sen It over the remains of the Into Margaret Keynolds wcio held at the family irsldencn on Lafayette Httect yesterday afternoon. IntPimonl was niaib hi the Wahburn stieei eenio tory. Itev. U ) Hopkins olllclutid. The pall-beaicis wcio John Lloyd, Albert Davis, .lames CushU, ItiRlmld Taylor, IMwnid I'aylor. Willi tin Tayloi. The llowcr-beinoi? wcio Joseph and lloy Tayloi. llev. Thomas de tlrinhy. D. 1., ufll clated at tho funeral of Elizabeth, the young child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Llewellyn Dals, of Jlynon stieet, 011 Satuiday afteinoon. Hurlnl was made In tho Washburn streol cemetery. The pnll beaiers weie: David Williams. Talllc Lewis, Thomas Thomas, liomei l.owle, John How en and Will Puller. Tho 1 unci al of .Mis. Thomas Cannon occuncd yostciday afternoon fiom the house, 107 Itallio.id avenue. Shot t sei vIpps wpic hold al Holy Cioss ehuipli and Intel menl was made in the (.'attic dr.tl conuteiy. The remains of (Ik I'aliln child, who was dlsiiiteued on Kiltlay. owing to nil invis.tlt?atlon pending: by tho coioner, wor- taken to DKon. Wvonilm; (otinty, estcidav foi b'lllal How Aguinaldo Escaped. Mrs I'. W T.it;tip, of .laekfon stieet, has Jimt leceivid a letter nnd jihotn Braph fiom lier biothor. Heiijaiiihi J. i:ans. of Company 1). Found Illinois Intautiy, who Is stationed nt Manila. InformlnK her of how Asulnaliln made his escape ivcenllv fiom the Ameilcan soldleis The wil. Kitlpluo Uieh-eil hlm-olf In his mother'H clothes and p.uadcd In fi out of 1'nclo Sam's men with the women and chlldieu, and when the sol dlPts seaKdied for hint ninoiiK thp moil pllsoueis they dlscoveixl he hud es caped. Mr. K v.i 11s ppepts to be homo In Decenibcr, when Ills three je.us aie out. Police Couit HappeningR. John Daco.v, of Luzetiio stieet. wag committed to the county jail yester day by Alderman Jliws In default, of .1 flue of $". for beliiK drunk and dls 01 derly. Maiy JtulKo, of Sumner avenue, who was ai rested for belnu dmnk and dN orderl., was comniltted to tho utility Jail by Aldeiman Moos for llftcen days. In default of a line of Jl. John Lynch, another offender, was sent up for twenty day. In default of a S fine Among- the Churches. I'nlon sarvlces were held at the Washburn Stieei Iiesb teilan 1 lunch oloida mornliiK and fvenlnp, when the membeis of the Sumner Avenue (hutch attended. Uev Piank .1 Mil man was in chaiK" In the nix 'me or Dr Moffat. Ite Thojnas do Oiililn 11 ) bo. New Weaves New Colorings New Styles New Combinations fashiouable ideas just at baud $3.95 Kim a seiles of Illustrated sermons on "Great Iljmns and Their Authors" nt the Jackson Street llaptlsl church Inst c cnlng. The saci anient of the lord's Supper was admlnlstcr?d at the mom I up service. "The AnolnlltiK of David, or an An (.lent Inaugural Ceietnony," was tho cubjcot of lluv. James Hennhmer's ser mon at the Hampton Street Methodist Kplcopa1 church ycsteiday 11101 nhm. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The fill Is' lllble dnsn and Junior SewliiK class will meet this cvciiIiir at T:"i) o'clo(k. These services will be followed by a kosH service nt o'clock, to which all women and kWIs aie Invited. This sptvlie will bo led bj the socie tniy. Subject, "What Cod lias Dono for .Me '" 'I he (1ei mini class will meet Tue.ulay evening at S o'clock. All tho students should Po pio.ent nt till session. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. AVIlllatd Howe, the noted Imperson ator 11111I dtamatlc leader, will rIvp a locltal at the .ihbuin SUeet 1'res byteilan ehuich next T-iduy evening. A company of Loyal Crusaders was oiR.mlaed by Hippie division, No, in. Sons of Toinperaiu o. nt Co-operative hall. Satuidn mcnlng. They will fight against the liquor traillc Membeis or the i:iectile Clt.v Wheel men the local baibcis' union and other ftlendn of the late John U.ivls attended the funeral services over the lomnlns at OI pliant yestnrdav afteinom. The nall-bcarcis weie selected by tho wheelmen. An hiipottunt meetln? of the Colum bia Hose and Chor.iUal company will 1m held at tlulr (iiai-ci t this conlntf. The ri-ankllns and Hlectrle City Wheel men will meet tomoriow evcnliur. The special committee of the West Side Republican club having In charge tho airniiseiiients for Thuisday's spe cial meeting and smoker, will meet In the looms at S o'clock this eeelilng. The latlle for a set of mining tools for the bencllt of Mis. S. Y. llobeils will be held on Tliuisdar, Mntdi 21. All inembeis aid fiknils of tho Hlee tile city Wheelmen, who purpose at tending the opening of the Oteeti Kldge Wheelmen's fair tomoriow ovenlng.wlll meet H thp (lui) bouse at 7 o'clock shaip and go with the lnlti'lrel tioupe. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Kinini H. r.eeker, of Jackson street, nnd L. C. Aimbiust, of South Scr.ititnu. The members of West Scrnnton conn, ell. No. IHT. .junior Older Cnlted Amer ican Mechanics, will meet at C'o-opcia-tlv- hall. v:n N01 tli Main avenue, at 1 P ni toda.v to attend the funeral of their deceased biothei, licoige (ilnader. A legular meeting of St. Paul's I'lo lie( r corps was held in the Voting Men's Institute hull yesteiday after noon, and after the business of the mips was tiansacted. a smoker wa enjoved in honor of the now quartets. The DaughtciK of Hi In will conduct their umiUHl cnteitiiuinert and social at Meats' hall on Mondav, Match is. Tho ladles' auxlllau lOininltlce of the Simpson Methodist Hplscopal chin (li will seive a clam clnnvdvi sup per at the liome of Alts. Trank llryant. IL'19 Academy stieet, on Thursday evening, Match 11, for tho benefit of tho chinch 11101 tgage fund. The Little (Jlcniieis of the Simpson Methodist i:pl-copal 1 lunch loallzod a good sum fiom the itiminuge sale they conducted the la ltd' patt ot last week. Andiew Dougheity, iiienian nt the Diamond mine, has boon appointee! night engineer at the engine house. The Jiukon Stnt HaptNt (lunch (holr will mof t foi id-.canal this even luts I01 tho lohoaisal of ICaster um Ic ot s u'clcik shaip. All uiPiiibeit. of Wasblnclon ('amp. No :;.:.:, I'.itiiotlc Ordei Soiw of Amer ea. mo u (piloted to meet as Mnsonte hall this (ifteinoon al 1 o'clock to -it-t ml lb" fiiuoi.il of the late (leorge Cilnadr 1. Tin fuiKial or the late (coigo tllnader will lake place at L'."0 o'clock this afteinoon fiom the house on Not th Miomloy avenue. Intel menl will be made in the Waslibuin stifot cemo teiv. Membeis of Cmnp "."..!, Patriotic OkIim Sons of AniPiIca. .11 requested to atttnd the funei.il. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ui Dav lil .1 Jenkins, or Jackson strept. Is confined to his home with an attack ot the gilp I! J. Hughes, of Noith Hiomley ave nue. Is 1 (-coveting fiom a two weeks' Illness of the grip. Miss Kthel Woodiuif. of North Hydo Paik avenue. Is spending two weeks with ft lends at Sayie. Pa. MHs Laura Thomas visiting ft lends in Petkvllle. Mis A W. fiiay and slhtcis. Maty and Maggie, of Laieyvillc. Wyoming 1 otinty. who weie viMtlng at the home ot John II. IVIIows. 011 Tenth stieet, have ut in ned home. Master (ilcu Seele.v, of Aubiiin. .Sus qudianna ( otinty. Is visiting at tin home of his mother, on Noith lhoiuley avciiup Osniun lleeis and daughter Lottie nltuidul the tuueial of a lelative in UolhloliPin on Satuiday. Jit Louis Lanmaii uud son (toy. of Noith SiiiniKr avenue, are visiting ti lends In.Phlladt-lphla. I' U. Tonumin, ot Sweet Valley. Is tho gtiei-l of ft lends In town. Mis C. P.. Slnvei. ot North Main avenue, fillet tallied the Uollar dub Satutdav ntKiuoon, Mis, Joeph P. Phillips, ot Sivellund alteet. Is entcitaltilng Mhs Delia Cook, of Wilkes-Hat ic. .Mis. II. Piank Haiilsou and chll dten. of Iladifusai k, N J. aie the guests of Mis J M Williams, of Noith Main avinue. Mis. tieoiRo lienote, of Itiooklyn, N. Y . Is a guest at the homo of W. K. Thajti. 011 South Main avenue. Miss Maine Phillips, of Jackson s'leel, Is sojourning lu New Yoik, .Mis A. M. Moise, ot South lhoiuley avenue, Is iciovcilng fiom an llhuss riiii-ul Dliedot P W. Tfigtio and son Willuid, of Jnckhiiu stieet. aio iiinilu-d 10 the lioiin- by Illnesh. AViilian. P. Williams, tho popular niUitiel man of the ;ieeiilc City Wlteeinii 11, Is tonPnod to his hniue on Chohtiiut stieei by lllnus. NORTH SCRAINTON. A v i plcasunt hill prist pait.v was li'iideicd Mlhs Hessle .ins at hei home on Hill street last I'rlday even ing The plavlng of games and danc ing weie tho 1 hli-f amusements Mr. Louis P'-iiui icndeied a vouil solo and Miss Alice Leonard icclted. At a sea- THE HOIYIUEST MAN IN SCRANTON 1 ut-U 11 ll- liaii-ltmnrst ami ntlirrt lie liallnl In tall on an; ilnml.t aii'l u'ft Iipi- a tilrfl lioltle ot hrmp'a II.1P.H11 (or (lie 'J bloat ainl l.uni;, a in.irdv Hut i gliauiitfi'il to mn sliiil rclleic all Chronic ami Wiitc Cnuglip, Attliim, IlioudiitU and Coiiuiiillnu Price i',c. 1 rid MX', JONAS LONG'S SONS. CARPETS, FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS BEGINS THIS MORNING With the very best offerings in dependable furnishings that skill, experience and our unmatched buying power can uathcr. It is sellinc time for evcrv housekeeper to profit by. ' " The Best Carpets Hade Are Here In complete assortments of their several sorts or families and every newest pattern and exclusive design th.it the carpet mills of the country have produced for the spring season of 1901, will be found in our mammoth carpet stock on the Third Floor, and buy ing them as we do for the two largest stores in Northeastern Pennsylvania, you reap the benefit of our purchasing power and buy the carpets that are made for fully twenty per cent, lower prices than the ordinary store would ask. Carpets 27c " ,,r'' 'or n1iitu1c Ingrain Carpel Hut prs "w woilh 1V a j aril. Srtr " ,"r( 'or '"t "" ,t0l)' 'IP'"''' (Jrpet that "" lie north TOe a jarrf. ilii 1 JJ"I tor lapestrj Hnisel LViriiet tint are "' worth ate a j ant. SI 2s? J"1 'or ,",t ""'' niii.-l IncliiilinR lllgrinn v i.fKj k Lowell new clcdsm ami colorlncci. $1 Ofl ,l .,Jri1 ''f1 1'iilHy Vchrt, cnillrti varlflc of ..uicrin. Ilnetcunij and Oil Clotlu-fl prlcM. Rugs Our rul lot -A I'.ui.-IlM Hup., ic Sixll CI "lft Ji.clici oflcinl during ttiH falo al, cadi J)I.aSU Car.et fle ltus in M the ,t giuOu ratpcli, pilccs nre'lrom tStl t Wall Papers Tin- (tr-ti4itr d ;hv vc ate uiiUint; of wall (OicrlntTH Is the lict the Mcic ha i-ir hul or Simmon hat cirr miii. Krrj new tili-i, ccirj latent lint nml rolorlnj; l in tlic exhibit ami rich ililcin mil roluilnir In llir 'I apr-t rli ., and Denim tllk arc rrtlcrtitl In etui tho (hrip er padci. Hiili two ttvneil wall -.ipcra Hut no ti'iiallj M-M i I'n pcluive ilorre nt from itv to 7'iv a roll, are priicd hi-re Vniboril paprr for tarlorc. lull'. )lbia-n and dinliii; roonw, prlu- .1 ilotiMo roll Illih Orii-ntnl ffTrct'. tlir lihrarv or ilcn, in Djrlapi and TipfMrii-s al, a. doulilr roll Ingrains. inihcfi widn. (pry hjj wrlu'ir, forati In all .hadt, pi lie dvublc loll Walt papfra with white had. full lr? roll, in all nw pittcrns, piico douMo roll Iliidon ami cr-liinc to matcli Moulding md plate lalli cf cirr kind. Jonas Long's Sons. snnuhlc hour loffoshnioiits were hoi veil. Tho-e incsetit wore. MIksos HspIc Ittorly Mnmle W.ilsh. Jennie Itiilne, Mm-Knirt Willis, Alice Iypnimrtl, Alunilo Jotioi, .lennle .lenkltiM. Slerluni Lew It, N'ollle Tllson, Miircriiret ThomiiK nml lies-tie Kvuni, nnd .Messrs. llnjden P.ivls Louis 1'tiiln. Uavhl P.vnns. Wll Il.ini KvniiH, John Itlt'hnrils, CSeoiKu I'o.vle Wllli.iin How en. Ilenj.iiiiln How en Thotn.is Moibhiis, Wlllliini Wnlsli, Itohcrt Carivvll. U.iv lil Jonr-.s, Unnlel J. Thoinns anil D.ivld lilelmiils. TiihIkIiI will lie the Indies' nlKht nt the Men s dub, which will meet In the put low of the Providence I'leshytoilnn church. Mi. did Mis. William McAllister nm! son. Claienee. me vIkUIhk fihtul.s In Northuniheilniul. Tlie I.llieity Hose ( nnipnny. ,n s. nf tentled the funeral nf lleniy fitlllln, S.iturdn.v. SOUTH SCRTNTON NOTES. Geotge F. Kosar Badly Injured Yes teiday Morning Funeral of the Late August Biencl. (ionise I: rtot,ir, the X4-j 0.11 -old on of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Uosur. of 132 Alder .stieet. met with a painful acel dent .veMeidny 11101 nlnR. He wan ."tiindlnK: on a picket ienre when h Fbe Theie s no question but Hint the luoteiiHo in Insurance rates of twenty live tent j on every $100 which has just none Into lorce will remain In foieo for ore .vent, nml In nil piohnhlllty a great many mine unless the Insurance (I'liipanleft ko hack on tlulr own vvoid, which was that the Incivui-e would not be taken olf until such time as 1 er t u In leiommeiidntlons which they niiiilo had been lultlllcd to the letter. If councils In their wisdom should de cide lo ndopt all the tccomnicnilulloiirt by the Instil aiue people It would mean tin additional cxpt'iiw, which has been vutlottsly estimated nil the wuy ttoin $riii,nuu to ifi'ifniii. The leadllio; nieinbois til both blanches of toiiinlls nn- itnalilmiuiM lu Msseitlnti thai tliei ep(.-iidltiun of this eimi In addition to the lobular lite do p.ittmenl tipiuopilatliiii iIuiIiik the 10111I11K llftal .veal Is ctillicly out of the illt-Stlon. I'nless thu nsisessnu nt Just made is inlsetl fiom a ouc-thiul to a two-thlids vuluatloii It would not only bo out ot the (pier Hon, hut also absolutely Impossible, I hoy sa, for Um iwistui Hint tho diy has lor tlu past four or llvo tuts been collect Inc tho full ten-nilll levy allowed by law, or to use u shyiR phi it-e, "ohifr tlu limit" riauilng In this ten-mill I v.v for the coming year ns pint of tho estimated lcvenuos for Hie coinliiit year, the estimated expenses, now c leed the leventtes by over $CO,flOO, with out tnklnvr Into coiihlilc-ratlim at nil tin locnmemndatlons nitide by the In smaiicc men If the assessment vmif lalsed fiom a one-third lo 11 two-thlnl valuation It would be potslhln to inlre tho extra funis, but the burden of tus-ntlon on each Individual taxpayer would bo Rl-eator thnn It has been In nny vear In the hlstorv of the 1 lly. The .siippoilers of th- I'hltteudiu 01 dlnance provklliif; for tho teorganlza lion of the lire Ucpaitinotit, which Our Grand Draperies And Upholstery Goods. Goods by the Yard. ."fllmli vldc kllknllm at ioc. ia' jcand itc.vard liimllirs nt uV-.c. 15c nnd SC yrd Cuti'ii". ..(. itichiM wid" M 11 janl ic Iluneirian (loth .it . Jsea yrd Nnlllnsliaiii I.kc (urliln In huililrids ot A QQ lew iIIuik. 1 lu.- rlchtM uic iiric.nl. 11 pair . '" I'li-iily of dllien hilwcen that and in. Tamhoiir .Sot Cmtalin. Hmlcr ilf!ijin and O )C lifct (if vwirkimmlilp, vrrc rich ones at, a pair . U'"" -oiue .M low aa $.1.1. Irish Point iJice rnrtilw. hcautlen it n I "I QR pair IJ,U And vcr.i kooiI oni' n low- pniid m $.1 U- HriL-iU cl Cmhlm-llip fini-it aie prhdl IQ OR at 1 -.ilf ' lour (lni'(p el a dii?cn nT.idM iKtween tin' and ?l.,."i. fine Xtnlil tn Cuitalii", a piir for soino ")o Ort onl.i . .V.3 -M .VT a pilr foi tin (hiapfst, Vlnli- Antiilnctlo Laic (iiiulnt, very ilt.Ii in nil Mod al .1 pilr. XU.UU ltoiiilj(r Itell l.irr drttaltu from KM 1 IC (( pilr to IO.UU Door Panels Iu liih I'oim I .ups, Hru-teN Net, fine Vriii n Sf la 11 nnd Iteliai-nitre lice nt prlics fiom 1 -5 in JI of 35.00 Bed M.nl of ottln!niii. Irnh I'oint and lloii.lit- tinic.- Lace. 1.111110 Mti .ire cheap at 1 'I lie lincfl are ailio, lots of l.imU and prices t'PtlUcll 40c 25c 40c 25c 10c Brisbies lu ''ill.', In-li Point Lire come In l7t .iilvjl tin lie.1 nnd Mil-lln . . IrUh Point ilk Draperies 'lapito I'-itierc. .1 jjrds tons at .1 pair . 1 )S IHrln Poillcus piico 11 pill 7.1 tiiluitil vtilo CuitaiiH .1 pilr A )l lleiij ( iirtalns frlniri.it lop and liuttom, pi lip .1 pall . 7 if Mptmlrid Poiliuei a pair 15.00 Hi lentil tvp 'oucli I'ovem j 08 lo 900 Hpimie Window lmle, complete 15c Jonas Long's Sons. lost his tootlns, fullliip; on to one of the iron nit Kets, which made a deep wound lu the upper patt of the UiIkIi. One of his companions who was tiy. IlifC to help him out of that position, nut IcIiiK strotiK cnoiiRh, dropped lilm on uimthei ph hot. Some people IIvIiir mound that nelKhlmihood, hciiinir his CI lev, (!lll (li lllH (IHslHtlllKO The hoy wns taken lo his home, whole Dr. Kolb attended to his ln purle.s It ie(tihvd hc-vcn .stitches to cln.se the wound BRIEFLY NOTED. The tuueial of August Hienel was held from the family lesitli-nce nt .'07 AVIIlow Ktroet. yestoiduy afteinoon at " o'clock The s'rvhos over the re mains weie held nt the house. Intei ment wns made iu the (leiuiau Catho lli teineteiy. Minbei- of Company D. Thliteenth lCRlment, or which the de censed was a member, weie the p.ill beaiers. The ( ompany, which also mart hod In the ptocesslon, Ured the late naltll at the cemelety. Jaioh '.liinei. of Xew York dt.v. Is visiting fi lends lu this part of the city. William Stein, of Cedar iiveilil has left for Atlantic City for hl health. Cnmp N'o. 4.'0, Pntilotle Ortler Sons of Ameilcu. will meet this evening In Ilartmnn's hall. Anna. tlattp;htM of Mi. mid .Mi.-. .In .soph KliiBler. of Alder t-troet, is .serl riusly ill Department Matters, nieahiiie v as loiemly dc teMte-il In th- coinmon council, but which has now been ineoipoi'ited in the ncuuial sei -ond-clai-s dty ieoi pnniatlun otdl 11ar.11. have i-tioiiK hop. 11 of soeiuliicr Its pass-iiRe hi the common blanch within the next two weeks. No trouble Is anth'lpatt'il Iu t-eloi t eouiull. whtiv Mr Chittenden s oiIkIimI oitllnaiH" went thiough with vet.v little oppo sition 111 Hie toiuilioil eulilli II. Upon the niKiit on v hlch il c oiilli..itiec- was de leat.tl. thetQ weio ten nniphcis who voted lor and j. who voted uguliisi It. Councilman llaiv.v. ot the Thli teenth wind, who Is stioncly in favor of '.lie oidlnnnce. was oufoi lunate y iiuablt to attend the meitirR but has pininlsed' .Mi. Keilei, who Is IcailliiK the Ii4ht, that he vil htnelv b" or. , hand vv hen the mensm" i onies up ncalu. Mi Keller e 011111.4 upon tetnlii- In KT alt the other tc 1 votes and sociir- Im,' sevei.il iiddliluiial ones, Chief tflKolnuinn's jei-nt letfr to councils, in which In elated that 011 aceotuit 01 tin- lad; ot pioper 1 tiles In tho clcpaitnient the peimanei.t ineii take sieat (li'lljjht In Hiapphiar theli llnpoia lu his fdc ainl ilolntr as they PliMbu, Is taken ns one of tlu. erv ! best aigtinients yet ndvaiiced in favor of the leorRtinlzntioii iiidluaiue. Thh me.itue pnuldes lor the appointment of 11 foieman fiom animis: th paid men of cadi r ompany, this foicmnii to be held illicitly lespoin'llile to Hie chlol lor tho men under hln toiitio! The f'nlnnilila Hose 1 tiiupau.v. n' Wcst Seiaiitou, elalins lo havo upon Its mils the laigcst uiimhor of publle olUclal" or any (ompany In the oily The city olllelals hicltnle City Assess or (IwIImii Jones. Assistant Cltj Ko llcltor V. ,T. Davis, Coutlollei's Cletk John V. Howell, rnIneor's cieik Krnliklln r'hllllps. Select Coiinciluiaii Joseph Oliver and Common Council ninn A. L. Lewis. Tho men who now wilte ex befote their nnmos, and who Annual Sale of The Best Hade Furniture l:rom the best factories in the country is heie, and though only a few items and prices are named in our store news, every line of goods we show on our lloor is complete nnd PRICES ARE FULLY ONK-THIRD LESS THAN SUCH FURNITURE USUALLY SELLS FOR. If you have a room to furnish or an entire house, the sav ings to be made are equally importantso now while this sale offers you the opportunity to save, make the m6st of it and come and see the goods. Furniture Store Fourth Floor. Sets 75 .md tine Minim, ilovlt Inche. '5 1.(15 ISO GREEN RIDGE. At .1 meetliiK ot the Yotinu Men's club of the ehuich of the CJood Shop lift d Satuiday evenlmr It was decided to abandon the Idea of having the banquet to the new menibets nt one ot the Iuiro hotels In the ccutiul cltv. and Instead have the Mipper set veil by the membeis In thtlr own room. This Is a 11101-t ilei'li.'ble nnaiiRomeut. Cor .vt-tM.s the suppoi.s and toeluls i?lv -en by this club have been nmoiiir the most ilellBhtfiil en loved nv Uiceii llidue people, nnd It koi-s willitiilt fay In? that the "new inembu.s" will fare well in their hiin-lc. The a'fali will takn place soon alter Taster The (it en Itldge Wheelmen's fair, which will open tomoriow c veitlnp; and torllniie tlnouRli the week. will, lu the viiilely of the cntci ttilnmenls and the abundance or things offctwl for sale, exceed iinythiiiff o." the kind ever b" rote held lu (itcen 1 ttc:o. nucli even ing 1111 entlicly clllfeient piot-ruinine will be lendied. Tomoriow nlKht will be the mln-'tiol troupe ol the niectrlc City "Whc-Mmeii of the AVcsf Side. Mli-s I'm a line, of KnnFas city. Mo. Is a mtest In tho family of C S. Wood iitfi'. of Plectrle n venue. .Mis. I'lnut T. Vail ha-" piithased the Swiss cottug-e on Sunset nvenuo fiom K. II. Sttirtjes, and with her fam ily l.s now oedipyltlK' the mine. arc ltii'inheis of tin totiipanv lm lude e-lteioidei- of Deeds J'. W. Wninkrt and ex-Commoii Ciiiiiiellmen Thomas M'atklns. AV. V. Cilfllths and Chailes It. liodshnll lu uipi"'alloii of the wnik done by the inembeis of tlie .Veptuue Caisllie company at the hlR Hie mi Lackawan na nvenuo Uft month, tho shoe lltm of Luvvhi, rtuddy. Davles ,vi Murphy have pret-ntctl earh meniber of tho (oinpaiiv with 11 pull of lubber boots. When the lit o was fli-t noticed In the icai ot the shot toro, th Neptune loy Kot 11 Htieani on the blaz almost In in- di.itely and pievcnled II, o siote fiom li'-iim enti-i. deslioyed A uuiubei uf tle local ht)-' willi- p.uilfs aie o''sanllns: lout In dubs for til plIlpoi-C ol 11111111111; tilp- to tile Tan-meile in llNposlllun to be held tills ear In Uttll'alo. The plan Is tn have e 11 h niemht'i Joining such a club (oiitiihiito a ccitalu tlsed nun towatds n Koneuil fund to b expended by 11 iiitinnhu. vim Is to senile iiillioad nnd hotel nieiiiniiiodatlotis Tho Coluinbl'i dub has nheady been fully oiK.nilzcd, and rianklln l'lillllp-. enslnect's dork, has been chosen uiauaKJt At the no Join ned uioolliii; of the 1'iie. mens ltellel iissodnilon, lo be held on Wednodnv nlisht tin the tlopaii iiient 11 oiKiinUatlon Mheine v III tin doiibtrdly lonie up for ronsltleiatlou. The vnilous compiiiile have been liolilllif; utw'tlllKS dulllIK the past lew dnyri to dlstcusis the (inesllon, and tli" delpsates vv III be piopaieil on Wcdiies tla nlsht to cypress tin Ir sentlnientn In the mattii. It Is undci stood that the icvolutlou dtdailnc; it to be tie Intention of eveiy 1 ompanv 10 d's band on Mu.v :il will he htoiight up lor n vote. This wns to Imve been lirnimlil lip at the lust nKellnc;, but vmis held hii("k by thoe havhiff It In chaifio. Furniture Bedroom Suits. Sdld Oak and Imitation miliosany miIh roiKiatlne of three plens ill Ml drricr wllli nevel phtii minor, dire Wtil Inthpa. Vah dtaiiil with tpl.i.lur tncl., npiier ilroncr. ami (iililnrt. ltr.l with i foot hleh head Imatil ilotcli patincled, ewry pine lilttlily twllaheil j oe and rlc-hlh luillt. Special .huiiiir wile al .... I'ttVO apiece mHIk with Me VH2ji mirror 15-95 apiece mil wllli Klre -Mvlii minor 16.95 If our prefer Iron hedt with Mi. -a iiuiU in. lead of the wood they cod no more. Combination Hotel Dressers I. trice variety of the-e dreww to choo fiom, in woods oak ni'thptc II11M1 or whlto Q en enamel Sjiecial value loda at Otu! Iron Beds Midi- of the IhM ipnllly Iron tiilnni; Willi white iinuiil: Inve luavv .iiikIo emU and diilled O fin llllcrsj one cpcclal lot nt tO" fin- niounteil iron heds with Ih.i-h lop rill pillar inonntM and cruse .iiieIo Jolnta, r-peeial c Xn haigaln at , 7Oy Bed Springs I'or iron wood IipiN, lino woten wire lop, cahlp support, and tn.iplo framts elies to Ht I Of) Jiiy bed, fNchl prito tiOV Sprlntji Willi Meel fnnics jjj Koldlne fplral fprlnpi, cuh fprinjc con. ") JQ lalrlnc 110 tdr-il, prn.0 17 riattresses Soft rotton top nnitre for .jg SMilltem husk tnatticxd vltlt ItAYj rotton -5 -Jrj top and liest ticking coer. Site prlco O.OJr Cotton toiiiMmtloii niattrem for -403 Clothes Trees Me i-how them in nlmcst endless vaiiety I ilfl from 50.- to "" One fpreiil lot in oak or mahecrany fluls.i Jft oflerot this wnk, nt cadi JJC rtecd and itattan roeken with hewy roll over arms and hack, fancy hack and cane seats 2 69 One pechl lot ottered nt eadi Five piece Parlor Suit nphohtered in lap- ettrj and velour, have inahoRany finished frames q in with cmliosed carviiiRa on pannels, price aul... '""" Jonas Long's 5ons. AMUSEMENTS, I YCEUn THEATRE " iieis & ntinot'NPFin. itntft. . J UtiTt V, -MaiUKcr. dm: NKiiir oma, Thursday, Harch 14 IIIOMVS HIIOMIIUdtsT'S MASslVK SC'llMO t'IRlPUCIIDV, JUSTICE An Vnieriuii pin for the morican people, Iwn art pewit keener) Tho original lleraM Sipiaie nuarlctte I'ltee-. '-'V . I'le TV anil l do se.tts mi isile I'ikhIuv it (1 j hi. J ACADEHY OF HUSIC, R2lh& HUHqU.NIIRR MARRV A. RROlVr, Uanascrs and Uhstc. Local Slmijtr. All. 'lllls WIU'.K. The Keystone Dramatic Co. si:piornr? die repulai' arlNts. OEBTRVJDK sllll-vivs and !.WHr("i: AlrdlLL. rresni tiiff Muiiiii- evt-nlni; "III Mglit ot St. Paiil'." I.icllca' fiiiei.il t lekc-t.s Mundjy er., 1 cents. Matinee Prices- to and 20 renin livening I'mtalO, Jl and 20 cents. NewGaietyTheatre AM' C. IICIIKINOTOy. Mamcer. ninir 1UV.S, COVIMF.NCI.NG Monday, IVlarcr-i11, 20th CENTURY STARS Green Ridge Wheelmen's New Club House, 1045 Wyoming Ay Opens Tuesday eve., March 12, continuing for balance of week. Good Attractions Nightly. ADMISSION 10c. DUNJV10RE. The I'ldeis of the T'lesbv tot Ian chuioh went to Tin imp .vesteidaj. wheie fif teen 1 unveils weie taken Into thu I'l.indi of the MaK.vai.s. ieientl stnrt wl tlii'te as a mission under tho cam of the lull c h heie Thioutjli the kindness ot tlie Judges, this plate will have no leason for KoIiik: diy net .vear, llcrnses heltiu granted to only ilfty. seven, an Increase of seven over last year. Mis. Fiocl Uiejer and dauuhter, Annie, of Vine stieet, have lettnnest fiom Allentown, where the wont to meet Uev K 1' II. Hreyer upon hln letiiiu Iieim I'hlua Mr and Mm. Ilrnyet an- expeclcd to come heri to day for a loiuTthy sta at the hoini ot his mother, when It Is hnp-d his health will he lestoied. A toiiKiciTiitlonal mcctliiK will be hei at the 1'icsbv teilan cliuich, follow-n: the piayer meellntt on Wednesday evdilnif. when two eldeis -vx 111 hi cler ted. The Voiinir Lailles' Mlsnlon tlie of the l'itsbteil;i t hint li will meet with Miss l.vtllH Panei, of chciry Knet, on Thuisilii) evenliiK at 7 SO o'clock Dr. .1. H (luivej ami P. J. Honm left yestenli for WllllHmsHrt for a shot i stay. (fe.i Jt - t-y -',.-' . -tysr 'j'i. ijrtf. j 8, . i i- v t .,