,iry -r .. ..vV". -ITI THE SC1UNTOX TIUBUXH-MONDAY, MARCH 1 11)01'. ji-v n ' 'j ;ooooooooooc ttu: JioDEns ii.nmvAtiE storr, No Odor Escapes from the Witt Cor rugnted nsh nnd garbage can has air-tight cover is made of extra heavy gal vanized Iron, corrugated to add strength; reinforced top and bottom by iron bands lids and bottoms ate one piece. Made in three sizes. Footc & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave THIRD NATIONAL BUNK OF SCRANTON. Carilal 5200,000. Surplus $500,000. United Stntcs Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts iuvited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday cveuiugs from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Consul, President. IIi.nry Bi lis, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. II. Plck, Cashier. Repa inng uone uratis. L ACKAWANNA THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Iaji.i1 data I01 M.irtli, Jrt, IT'l: lltStllM tillipi-Lllllie Ijomou trtnpirntiiio 1 1 1 tin i 1 1 1 v : 1. in p. in ll mull. .'I hour j (inline h p. in. ill dosreiM ,M degrees 7:i per 1 cut. e7 pT cent, tracr. MEN OP THE HOUR. the miow melts away t'mni the it and bursting buds on the tree In. niches begin to foretell the arrival of t-pi'ilig. the thoughts of the faithful bun' hull partisan tuin wistfully to the great natlinial game, and conjecture becomes ijiu as to whether tho city will lie represented this season by a team. Uotli Scrantonians and Wilkes Itarrcims 111 e putting In a good deal of time arguing the matter these days, but the outlook Is not bright. It Is doubtful If there Is a man In either city who will feel the absence of a nine more than Harry Merrill, the base ball editor of the Wllkes-Harre Itecord, who from time almost Immemorial has heeu associated with tho buse ball lore of the l.ackawanua-Luzcrnc legion. He was In tho city Thursday night, accompanying the Wllkes-Harre lodge of Klkti. of which he Is a member, on their fraternal visit tu tho local branch. "Pop" Men III. as he Is some times called. Is thor'oughly disheart ened over the present situation, nnd practically despairs of seeing any real bnws ball In Wllkes-Harre this year. In this city tho status of affairs is similar to that lu Wllkes-Harre, the men who have been yearly Investing in base ball and coining out at the horn's small, end, declaring that after last year's disastrous expeilence they are through with professional ball. How ever, botli Mr. Merrill and local scribes who have been watching matters see a faint glimmer of hope In the prospect of a weml-professlonul league. Clubs could be maintained lu Scranton, Wllkes-Harre, Plttston, Carboudale, Olyphant, Avoca and other surround ing places, and some pretty fast ex hibitions seen. , a M, F. Urown, who for seveuil years has been engaged In tho hut and gentleman's furnishing business on Wyoming avenue with Frank McCaun, lias dissolved partnership with that gentleman and will hereafter engage in tho business himself lu one of the Wyoming avenue stores of the Hotel leiniyn building. Mr. Brown Is one of tho bft known and most progressiva of the younger business men of the city, lie waa born In Carbuudale and ld his early butlnces training thstw lfeLf.!Mi ) I 3M h$dX ''' H' but has been here lone enough to be considered a thorough Scriintonliui In nil that the word Implies In the busi ness world. For Bevel nl years Mr. Drown was inuitaecr of his father's ncnural store on CapotiRO avenue, but nbundoned tlint position to enter business for himself In the centie of the city, where opportunities are InrRcr. The success the Arm of Drown & McCinm met with Is woll known In the business world, anil this succcsh, It Is safe to say, will be continued by the senior partner, who now takes upon bis shoulders nil of the responsibilities of tho business. He Is n (Tu I ilc and courteous, makes friends readily and Is today one of the best known and most popular business men In the valley. PERSONAL. Mr, lircijiP I.. lVt li,i ittmiicl tu IMiIIj J I plita, alter pciiilinc a week lltlim iiltli IiIcihIj In tlil city. I'. .1 Tnolicy. of Cl.iiie Win., lod 1jI night tor Sew Voik. wlieie l.c w 111 peiul the JOinlns ivccl; en biiliii. MIm MeNanma, r,f Now oil I iWlliist her hrolhfr, Patrick 1'. JlcVaniiua. at tli Hank hotel, l.atkaiiamm aiciine. ' -latum I'lleli ami ulfe. ulio ete al Vahins ton attemlliijr the liiaugiiiutloii ceremonies ie tniiinl home Kitiinl.iy eicnlug;. Ml?. O. 11. loinl iiml lUiiRtilrr. Until, ho Imp been vltlthiR Allaiilli rlly ami 'Jhltigton, IPtnrnnl home Situnliy eiriilnir. fleoige C. DeWllile, foilti'ily of llii illy, and who hchl a tenogiaplilo po.lllon ttltli fluent A: Comp.in.i, or Philadelphia, tetriitly accepted More liictatlio pculthm a a teniBraphcr lor the IV ilijiil.i r.illtnjil In that lt. Mr. lr llilr- had not horn llolkitie (or tho I'riltlvll- jnli ttAlltn.nl company lor 111010 titan a week lien ho a promoted to n higher pn.it.lon. Ill frlen.l-i In thl clly will he plea'cd to team Of III' Hlice. ' HOWARD IS REINSTATED. Trouble on the Trolley Lines Is Hap pily Averted. All daiiKer of another street inr em ployes' strike was Saturday nvmioil by General Maunder Pllllmun, of tho Scranton Hallway rmnpany, relnstut liiK Conductor D. Jl. lloward. who was dlKi'harKcd Kob. 21, as a mutter of discipline for not olieylnt; the com pany's rules and reporting within twenty-four hours from the time of oc currence an altercation lie had with a pahsenger. At a meeting of the union held Fri day morning the grievance commutes was Instructed to confer with tho gen eral manager and Inform I1I111 that un less Howard was reinstated another general strike would be ordered. About 4.80 o'clock Saturday after noon nti answer from the general man ager was received at headquarters by tho committee, consisting of President Shea and Messrs. Kvuns, Kegler. Surlne and Harrctt. Mr. SlUIman's missive was a lengthy one, three pages of typewritten matter. In which wcr? carefully reviewed the facts in the case and embodying the very welcome news that In view of the action of tha union and general sentiment lu favor of Howard's reinstatement, the ills, charged conductor should resume work Sunday morning. On the committee receiving tha com municatlon they immediately called off the meeting which was to have been held early yesterday morning for the purpose of ordering a strike unless Howard was reinstated. The latter reported at company headquarters yes terday morning and was given a Pitts ton run. CAPWELL IS UNDER. ARREST. Complaint Was Made by Miss Fan nie Phillips. Lieutenant Walter Capwell, of Com pany K, Thirteenth regiment, denies the statement published In Tho Trib une on Saturday to the effect that h was united lu marriage on Thursday last by Mderman Millar to a young woman named Maine Compton, of liitf Cedar avenue. He admits knowing llio girl. City lnglne"r Jose.ih P. Phillips wem before Alderman Davis Satin day and had a warrant Issued for Cap well's tiriest, at the Instance of Ms daughter Kannle. The young man was arrested on the warrant, nnd spent last night In the West Scranton police stntlon. He will have a hearing to day. THE LITTLE NIGHT HAWKS. Mrs. Duggan Will Take Steps to Keep Them Off Streets. The presence of little girls on the streets after VI o'clock at night Is no unusual spectacle In Scranton. There Is something in the slight llgure wrapped lu a tattered shawl, with a big bundle of newspapers under her arm, that appeals to the night-hawks found lounging In the restaurants and all-night saloons, and the business is a profitable one. Mrs. AV. B. Duggan. agent for the Board of Associated Churltles. Is about to take steps to keep these little girls off the street late at night. Mrs. Duggan claims that the girls lu their eagerness to sell the papers make the 1 omuls of the disorderly houses. The girls found on the streets late at night average between eight and nlno years. A FIRST-AID BOOK. A Valuable Little Volume Written by Dr. M. J. Shields, of Jermyn. Dr. M. J. Shields, of Jermyn. for merly attending surgeon at the Emer gency hospital, Carbondale. has lately completed a most handy and attractive little bund book entitled "First Aid," which has Just been published by Thonuis Houndy. of Jermyn. The book gives complete, thorough nnd easily understood Instructions re garding the proper method of giving first aid In accidents and In sudden illness, with especial attention to min ing accidents. The volume Is Illus trated throughout with wood cuts, showing methods of applying band ages, torulqucts, etc., nnd Is a most handy and valuable volume for ever. family, and more especially for those employed at any occupation when there is any risk, NO NEW DEVELOPMENTS. There have been no new develop incuts In the silk mill strike situation during tho past few days. Energetic efforts are being made by tho girls' leaders to secure a settlement by arbi tration. No nets of violence occurred Friday, although a number of girls are known to be still working, INCORRIGIBLE BOY ARRESTED. William Kirn, of 603 Hickory street, was arrested Saturday evenlinr by Constable Uyars on the charge of be ing Incorrigible. Ask for Kelly'? union crackers. MITCHELL ON THE NOTICES President ol the United Mine Work ers Saus Tlicu Arc Not Satistactoru. TELLS WHAT WOULD BE SATISFACTORY National Head of the Miners' Or ganization Points Out How the Operators Would Be Gnlners by Recognizing- the Union nnd Effect ing nn Explicit Agreement as to Wages and Other Teims of Work. Nothing Now to Obligate the Men to Continue Work The Notice Posted at Collieries Saturday. President John Mitchell, of the t 'lil ted Mine Workers of America, arrived here yesterday afternoon from Indian apolis on tho S.SS Delaware. Lackawan na and Western train, and slopped off for n day before proceeding to the Hnzlctou convention. He was accom panied by his secretary, Miss Kllabeth Morris, who was with him during ths big strike last fall, and who will 111 ns stenographer of tho seciet sessions of tho convention. Mr. Mitchell spent the afternoon and last night in conference with the local labor leaders at the St. chillies. Dis trict President T. J. Nlcholls. Secre tary John T. Dempsey, National Or ganizer Fred Ditcher, Organizer Bolnrt N. Courtiight, "Mother" Jones and Martin D. Flaherty, president of the Central Labor union, were among those who conferred with him. Ho had expected to pass upon some allegations that were being made against certain of the local olllcers by a Sunday paper, but as the paper yes terday declared Its unreadiness to prove Its charges, Mr. Mitchell Is dis posed to Ignore the matter. His Inten tion last night was too leave for Ha zlcton this afternoon at 4.2." o'clock. To a Tribune reporter who called upon hliu last evening Mr. Mitchell suld the bare statement attributed to him by a despatch from Indianapolis, to the effect that the posting of no tlces was not satisfactory, did not con vey the full truth. MFAN MtVH OB 1.1TTLK. "That may mean much or It may mean little," Mr. Mitchell went on to say. "In my judgment the proper way to adjust wages nifd Insure uninter rupted work Is by annual conferences. There Is no good reason why the oper ators should not confer with us and there are many good reasons why they should. Last fall they put forth the excuse thnt the men were not rep resented by the Mine Workers' union. That excuse, they must admit, no longer holds good, for no one better than they knows that practically every man In the region who Is eligible to membership Is now enrolled In the Mln Workers' union. ' The operators make the charge that strikes arc more frequent now than ever before. I do not admit this to be true, but If It was true. It would be only natural. Before being organ ized the men did not feel the cimlldenee and strength that comes from union. Now they realize their strength nnd It may be that they ai" prone to us-i-crt it. If they were rootrained by some specllle agieement. such as we want the operators to cuter Into, the men would be obliged to do certain things before striking, and theio would be an end to petty nnd sudden strikes, such as It Is alleged are frequently occurring. "For installer. If a crowd of dilvers at some colliery had a gilevance they would not tuin out to enforce a re drws of that gilevance, but realizing that their olllcers were authorized to ileal lor them with their employers, they would restrain themselves and leave the adjustment of the dispute to their olllcers. If there was nn agreement between th" organization and the operntors th organization would see to It that that agreement was not violated by the men, At pres ent the 1 'nlted Mine Workers are un der no obligation to keep the men at work, and. without breaking faith, could order a strike every month. The operators ought to realize this and so that It Is to their ndvnntage to deal with the union." NO DUFiNlTK BKPLIF.S. line not admitting it In so many words. Mr. Nlcholls clearly demon strated that he docs not expect any operators at the conference. Ho sent them each a telegram aiU lug them If they would confer, and followed this up with n letter Inviting them to confer. He received some re sponses, but they contained nothing dednlto as to whether or not the In vitation would be ncceptcd. Following Is 11 iopv or th" notice posted at nil the collieries hereabouts Saturday: "The 10 per cent, advance and other concessions made by this company on Oct. fi, IOOli. as per notlc posted, will be continued to April 1, KM:!, and theieafter, until further no tice. Local differences will be adjust ed with our own men at the respective collieries." Tho notice was propaied at the meet- Armour & Co.'s Fine Art Soap Is the finest milled soap on the market. It is certainly as good as auy of the fancy soaps that retail for 25c to oc per cake. We offer it tlr's wee I 3 Cakes for 25c. E. Q. Coursen WHOLESALE AGENCY Who Can Write theO Best Short Story f Till. 1111111 VI: OI'i'KIM t.v'll I'ltl.M To l.(K VI. Wltlli:it- OP LOCAL 1'KTIOs. S2D.00 for the Best Stoty. ? 10.00 for tho Second Best. S5.00 for the Third Best. a Liii:rt.iiY coMrinriov wiir.m; i.v PlIML'Mi: In noi- si:ns.ii IN 011111:11 to tm. hi tlitt of Mi" fait Itat muldnalilr Inn I111.1 rlup-id tlnti' tliti." la I'M" "J WiM'" coii.pclltlon llnuiigti tlic l'c-il I'lf ,or "'e urxe nl Ml111nl.1t I UK Hie lltfi-uy aMHl.i lalrlit nioti3 tho people ot NoitliM.trii I'l'tiii-j-lvaiiia, The Tribune liai ilc clued tn offer u htIii of prbtn n tlniiil'ii I11 tlito direction. It 1 delioin ot net mine f"r "" In Hi uiIuiiim a number ol short MoilM tieallnif of lol l!icnie. In older to finnWi n Imeiithe It propnM to y til for the l.i toiy ol r.oi to eveed .t.OOi) wcid, in leiij,lli- J'O for llio leroml lM eluie, and ti loi the I'.did tut torv. Mammripl not u.elul in urine " of tPckC pibc will !w piildl-hed and luly iiedlled If tl.o aiitliris n deitie. Morlca Iriullc? I" la Ins ot " omj:ic 0 and lesend.n.v lore of the anlhMiitc ininlns liidiHlr.v will hate picfcifncr. hi lonneitlmi with cieiy intn.' 111 tho Ue theie u a iiidm of tradition. Including haudirei.llli ' iape, natiatlrt ef fpooky lupptnlngi nd other rlttalN boiiierlni on the nelnl or Mipcr ti.itural which l..ij neer beni gathered to gether In Merjrv f mi. Tli'i opei-" hchl vhlili li ptnitlrally Inexliaii'MM" ai"' wl'ieh nhould mipply tiii tiuleibl ("r ome exceed lag I.v fnlrrmtiiig lirllun, Tho t:l; o ii.msin,; l.nnn the incrlK of the nunu-irlpt (..ihinilled will ho n.lsued to n ilMntpirxtcil ImiRe, wliow ram will men ho jiinciinml, ami who will lend Ihe manu trrlpN tmt limi r,n kno.vledso of tho iden tity of ihr Riitlmi .. The enielopej lonuiu Ug tho real name- of the inithniii will ho pnered lump, ne.i until tiler the awanli liaio Ik en nude. M1011I1I thl Ir.ii.j' roinpolitlon proi en roiiraslny. It 111 ho followed lij dher itirr niieri of miuilar ternr. rO.N'DITIO.NS OP Till: (ONTIT. All in.iniicrlit4 nut he mhnillted nol later tlinn Maieh 20. All in.inmnlpU niut ho lzned by t Hi 1ltiou name nnd aho the nritei'a leal n.nie llnl po-lotlice iildriM. The netio ot et1i ktory innl he laid In NoilheaMem l'(nii.ih.inlj. Ivit the namei o real pumjih muit mil he ued. One furlliT loiuliilim niul he iinder.lniil. (iiitiiliuitmi int'nihd for tlil ionlet will he tirii'iiled only from picw-nt iileillr tn 'Ihe Tilbiine or from llio-o who may. dm Ins tho conte-l, hoi oine uh,cilhin hy pnnmit of ai lean one nionlirs auh'Cilpitnii in .id laini' .ldie. MOISV (OY1T.M'. s. 1.111I 111 liihune, Mianton, I'.i. Iiur of the operators lHd In N'ew Voil Inst wok. SCHOOL TEACHER OF LONG AGO. Wants Information About Mercliant S. W. Thompson. The following letter has been re ceived by I'ostniaster .;. ll. Blpple: National Military Home, KutiMS Muni 0, PHIL 1'i.lliM'lei. iiantoii, IViinbanla. Dear Sii: Tlie wrllir l .111 old wddiir hi llio war In! Ihe t'nlon, lid-.,, and .1111 .1 iiii'iiihei ol 1I1U Nalional Military Home, lu the jciu I'.'d anil IV,i I w.h a loidiluu of Nraiilou, .1 em' lln 11 of nhoitr tlueo or lutti lhou.ind people. 1 w.K nl-i) a ,t I ool teacher then, and t.cuit M'liiml on tin- ia- ehlo, I Ihlnh, ninm the Itnar in llio.il. inrMHK 111 it the atrium on a Inidgp pa.-iiu I lu hhet fuinaie nn mn riht. I lepie out ll tu j on a ll iipiieau'il to ine tiny-one jears ajio. Ml plllpo-e In wiitlint to Joll l tn !el Miins infiiinialliin. It po-lhle ot one s. Tlioiiip.nn, who at the date mentioned w.n 11 uieiihanf theio, and Kept a toie Ju-t jmw the Itoanne llrnok and not far fiom Ihe M.nt Inmate. Mr. Thompson, at that date, I iudgp In haw luen ali, mt ,'iO or : .M'.ir-i of a'.-r. and I Ihink had .1 family. It may ho Hut he i nnl llilng now, if not .111.1 I11l011111t11.il in leicard tn an; of hie li-l.iltir- would ho thankfully reieivul. You will confer u laior mi .111 old leteian ot ihe war Inr tile I'lilmi hi- bhIii any infoiiiu linn j on 111.11 hoe alioul I 111- 1101011. I am. Vi-ri 1 1 illy, I'liailes r.lll.ion. Sallnlial Mihl.il.) Ilmur. I.ili.l-. I. lie I o. I', "eemid ltiiiiieni, Minne.in 1 Vnlunleei ( .njliy. OBITUARY. M. J. Burke. U .1. lluiU. II .M.iri. "f .iR'. ilii'l l-ii" -a niil.i.) nlclil ,il '.il Ifslilrim- mi Duiiioliil .or mn'.' 1'i.r iwiiii inoiitln Mr. Iliiiue liail liron .1 Milli-icr Illi llur until lr 11ml llnrr inoiillii luil ln'fii imiliiiril to 11U lnil. mIip .mil iiIiip 1I1II11K-11 Mtiuio him. 'liny .in-: M.'i.t. KiImjhI. TIihii.i. l'l.mt. llilni, .ilii-i, Liiimrt, I.i'I.iMIih' nml HoiiiIIij. '1 1 1 1 1- . I'fi .11.1l i'Iiii In'.itliir iiKu mn In-: Mi. A. . I'.uifll. ii)ili.int: Mi. .Iiilm Miiliiali. sml'i -I1I0: Mi-. Ilnny Pii. ol.viiti.iil; Mi-, .loin i ll.i'uuu. Ill.ikil.i, nml I.. ' llml.1', Ol.tpiunl. Tl.i) ttiiiirnl IU 11" I" In in s."0 .1. in. fiiin liU 1. 11- ir-iiliiif .11 tli luliii nt I li.i ui,,tii 1 .ni-iiiii' .nnl I'lotlili'iKO iciil. r-civliM will ln iiimIiiiIiiI fiom 'I. I'.mlV .11. il iiili'iinriit ulll lie 111. nil- in tin' .iiInMl.il ii'inil'iv. John Hayden. Jul 11 II. '.villi! 1II01I S,itiiul.i.i at lilt I1011111 d lii li'l.c .iioMic, .iltiT J liriil llll.i . Hiici-ril vj, 111 si.u'l lirallli until idinily nml il mm ili.iu.'ht 1I1H liN nif;'i'l ii'i'iliuiii'ii hoiiIiI 1 ul 1 llilll lliluuiili. 1'u.ir miiio nml llio iljnjlil or ntitiu Mm. Tin' f111111.1l iilll I'o I10I1I tomoiioiv. S'iii r. Mill In- mi.iliiitiil Irnni "t. I'rli'i'i. r.itliiilul ttllll IlilOlllllllt ill tllC f'lltllOcll.ll lOllll'tcil. Richaid Hariiugtou. Ilhluiil ll.iiiiiiuliui, .moil 71 voju. .111 nl'l .nnl ii.pri liil lorliluil nf l.'l" .lai'k-i'ii .iro.'t. llilll ,M-lll'Illjy lit llli ll'lllll'. Pl'tO.KI'll M,l l -1 11 111 Diiul.inil. uml li.'nl luiii ,1 lo.lil'iit n 1 ;,ln U.i many i.ai. Ho M'n a iiiiluwiii ami lunl In rj-c nml roiiifoit. The fiilii'iul Mill ti-o il.i'i' Jl '-' 11M01 U tnuiin alti'iiui'iii. liili'init'iii mil li, nuili in D1111111010 iciiiitii.i. T. W. Griiiln. '1 l) l.lillill, .i:nl li.', llloil at In, liuliio 11 liliiiliurn i''U'lila.v nioiiiiiiir .11 ti ii'iluik. Miu'ii tluii' Mivka ai;a .Mr. (tilf'lu fill u'nl limkr in- !'' mirt .11 the Mine tlino rin'lvnl lnti'iiul iiijuiii-, Willi li H'.llltCll in I'U lll'.ltll. Mr. Ilrlflin U liivnl li. III iu(o jml llif lot liivlliS ilill'liui: Waller, i-f sn.iiiion; (ioorso, of Niw Mrxliu; Holt ami lit my. nf (iloiilnnii, mil Mn. 1'i.ml; Niilli'ii, 01 lll.il.il.t . uml Mi. f'llallot WlluiX, ot SOIallllll. bu IWO lilutlil'",. (iomico anil 'llionus 'llio tiiuiral Mill l' I10I1I WiiIiii-iI.,1 fiom hU rr.l'lriuo. Iiiliiii(it Mill In nuilo in lliin- IIIOIO. Miss Kate Smith. ML- Itaii' imiiIiIi iln'il ;f-luil.iy aitiiiiiiiiii ,11 tin' liciiin of Inr l-lir. Mk. liooiiro .Malou , :iji AOain iitoiini'. slio ainilnil l,.v llio lol lntvlin; liiiillitK uml iloit 1'ilir mnl llioi'.'c Miiltli, Ml". tiiuiKO M.ili'llo ami Mi-l poll,) Mnllli, all i'f tliU oil)'. 'I lip fmior.il Mill bo liflil Tnoilay .ifirrnonii at i n'lloik .mil iiitoiiiicnt Mill lo made 111 the Catlioilral cfniitoiy. .laiurs llio llil.Hil niii nt Mi, .lainoi llroun, iif flioUnit ftirct, lliiniiioic, tlioil nn Satuul.iy nioinlne ulltr 11 rliort llliun. Tlir (uncial i liotil joitloiilaS' altrinoon, Intonnont Ikmiij liijilo In St. Ilurj'a I'ini'icry CHANGES IN REVENUE LAW MANY ARTICLES HAVE BEEN RELIEVED FROM TAX. Internal Revenue Collector's Ofllce Is in Receipt of Copy of New Law, Coins Into Effect July 1 It Shows That Tax on Almost All Documen tary Articles Hn Been Removed, Only Deeds of High Denomination Requiring Stamps Telegrams Are Exempt. Hubert B. i'ennuiu, cashier lu the office of I'nited States Inlet mil Beve line Collector T. F. iVmiinii, has ie celved n copy ot the new revenue tax law, which goes lino effect July I, and a comparison of this with the present law shows a number of change. From numeious articles tho entire tax has been lifted, while in other In stances It has been considerably light ened. One of the most material changes Is in the taxing of tobacco, cIriiis and cigarettes. Tobacco for merly taxed at 32 cents a pound Is now subject to a 20 per cent, discount, which brings the revenue doVn to u tax of ! n..i cents. Cigars formerly taxed at $1.00 a thotiKiiud aie now sub ject to but $3 n thousand. In all caps where Ihe weight Is over three pounds. On the small clgais and cigarettes weighing less their Is a tax of IS cents per pound, as compared to a former loventte of $I.r,o a thousand on paper cigarettes and Jl a thousand on the snull cigars. The beer tax Is cut down from t! to SI per batrel. The former was, however, subject to a 710 per cent, discount, wheieas the pies ent Is subject to none. The tax Is taken off articles tn "f-ehedule B." which Includes medi cines of nil hinds. The revenue on wines which are Included In this cate gory is. however, continued, 1 cent and 2 cents on pint and quart bottles. It Is also removed from all documentary articles, except deeds of high denomi nations. It has been the law to tax deeds fifty cents for every $.'00. tmder the new schedule, however, the tax be gins with a 2.", cent stump for any sum from $2.:.n to $3,000. A 25 cent addi tional tax Is icqulicd for every jr.00 over till". The stamps are also ictnoved from all Insurance papers and telegrams and exptess packages. The tax Is con tinued on Height, bltllnid and pool tables, rubbers, theatres, nnd other taxable subjects. Fvery bunk must continue paying on Its enpltsllzpil slock and surplus. BORROWED THE HORSE. Two Boys Had a Very Lively After noon. After ftijoylng a nlne-liour ride up and down the valley at 11 break-neck pare, Leo Jordan, an 18-year-old youth, went to the livery stable to return the horse and buggy nnd fell Into the hands ot Patrolman Thompson, who was thre waiting for him. Jordan went to Alderman KWly yes. tefilny morning -and told him he want ed to get llio nlderman's horse to have him clipped by his uncle, a man named oar. As this man has been In the habit of clipping thf alderman's horse for the past live or six years, he read ily granted the lad permission to take the animnl. Jordan went to Decker's rtables, where the horse Is kpt. and hud ihe animal hitched up and drove away. At tho postotllce he picked up another lad by the name of Pnt Jlessltt. and together they spent the afternoon driv ing up nnd down the valley. At about S o'clock Jordan drove into the livery with the horse covered with sweat and almost dropping from ex haustion. The carrlafeo was covered with mud and generally the outllt pre sented a much-abused appeaiance. Jordan Hits on Emmet street. SLOT MACHINE GONE. Municipal League Detectives Had a Trip for Nothing. The Municipal league detectives who wont to Olyphant on Friday afternoon to secure the slot machine In the hotel of Jl. AV. Orogan, which the latter had prevented them from seizing that morning, returned empty-handed. The machine In their absence had been spirited It away and no trace of it could bo found. .Special Agent Wilson stated yester day to a Tribune man that several of the otllcluls of Olyphant hud Incited ("Jrogiiu lu his pieseiiee to resist his (Wilson's) authority and that war rants for their ntre.-t would be Issued this w.'ck. DID HE SELL MULE FLESHP A Green Giove Farmer Arrested by a Peckville Man, A continuation of the hearing of a ("lieeii Citove farmer named Slmrell, who was arrested at tho Instance of a gentleman named Williams, residing In West Peckville. who chatges him with silling the ilesh of a mule as prime beef, was hud on Saturday. The case attracted much attention and n large crowd gathered iu tho or 'he of Justice of the Peace Smith at Peckville, but the hearing had to be postponed for n week because tlie food Inspector, to viiom the meat had been submitted had failed to make a report upon it. Proper Ties for men's necUb ties that look stylish and are stylish ties that King Edward would be proud to wear. Narrow four-in-hands, Butterfly tics 50c there's our strong all star line. Then we haw more costly ties too. mfmmoStfh inlSii CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers 216 Lackawanna Ave. WASHINGTON. Four-Day Peisonally-Conducted Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. On Monday, April 1. the Pennsyl vania llaltroad company will run its annua! p"rsomilly conducted tour to Washington. P. ( from Central Penn sylvania. Tickets will cover round trip trunsportotlon. trunifer lu Wash ington, and llrst-class hotel nccoiinno. datlous for dinner on April 1 until luncheon on April 4, Inclusive. For lhni who desire to spend a longer time In the National Capital, tickets will -be nrceptod returning until April 11, Inclusive. Hates, coveting transportation, trans fer and hotel aecomiuoilations as above: JlL'.M from Wllllamspoit. $13.60 from Wllkes-lhirrc. $U."r from tfcrnn loti, $15.00 from Caibondnle, $11.70 from Sunbury. $11 from Altoona. $10.10 from l.ancasler. $10.S. from Lebanon, $10.10 from llnriisburg. !."0 from York, and proportionate rates from other sta tions, Including stations on the Cum berland Valley Itnllro.'iil north of Chamicrsburg. Detailed lllnerar Is now In course of preparation, and full details re garding schedule and other Informa tion will be announced later. Intend ing passengers should send their names as early as possible to Tourist Agent. Pennsylvania Itnllroao. -14 Public Square, Wllkes-lbino. Pa., or Ueorge W. lloyd. Assistant (Jenetal Passenger Agent. Broad Street .Station, Philadel phia. P.i. " JUMPED THROUGH WINDOW. While the religious services were going on In the Lackawanna hospital yestetdny. John Xewfolk. a Polandcr. who has a slluht touch of the delirium tremens. Jumped through an open win dow and was trying to Jump the fence when the hospital attendants captured him. CONDITION IMPROVED. (ieorge 1.. Tinner, the man who was token to the Lackawanna hoxpltul Fil diiy with his hands and feet badly frozen, ban changed veiy slightly as regards condition, but It Is now thought that it will not b- necessary to amputate the Injured members. The Scranton Gas and Water' Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. In accordance villi tlio pclliy of ll.r-i" mm panln lo rnliice lato fiom flino to time a may tio ivau-antcd by Incicasctl cnnMimpli-jn. notice l lioiclif Rbrn tliat. on and alter April 1 noil, tlie iirlie of en Mill I'o ono dollar per cno lliousjiui inliic- feci consumed, subject In the following discount! file per cent, on all bill-, tilieio tlie ioimiriiitioii for (lie nviiil'i arr.mmta to lex (Inn lurnt.v-nte doll in; ten P'r cut. on all Mlh ivli-rc (lie loiisiiinption loi Ui montli amtuiiH to twenty file dollan ami iii vaid... ' Pioilded ll.o bill I r-l'l "' "' "ef ore tlie CAtli day of llio month in nlikli Hie bill la l endued. Ilj- older of tlie boaul. IS. II. 1IASU. Seeietaiy. SPECIAL. SCIt.WIOS liS AND WTi:H lOMI'lM VNP I It Uc I'Hik IS.n ic.nipjii.i In diiIii lo nn our 131" llio i.v of nu foi IiipI impoi. noliic i. hcrrliy (then tint on ami iiltrr April I ncu lln price of gin n n-.fi! will ln 0110 ilollar per one llinuviml feet con.uineil, i.lijrt lo I lie folliiiwii;; spirl.il ill-eoimt'i: Tell per mil, on all l.llliwlieie tlie inmuinpiioiilor Hie piontlumountMo lw-tlun iMiiilj-flve ilellait; Iwenly per rent, on nil lillU ivheie tlie coiKiiinplioii Inr tlie 111011II1 aiiioiinii to txicnt'-flie ilolbri Hinl.iip.idiiN. Proildiil tlie bill U p.ilil on in- liefoir Hie IDili day of the mouth in iilileli Hie hill ii trmleiril, A Hjurale meter. Iiuiii.lieil lv Hie compani, is ncccMan. Ill onler of the hoaul. tl, 11. HAM). Seiieui.v. The Very Best No. 3 Hard Steel Mining; Scoops Every One Guaranteed or Money Refunded, Each. Clarke Bro 5& Pierce's Market, Penn AYenuel We liuki a ipeilall.i ul fane; CiMinrr; lu tr (nil .trlclly frch e;s ant) the prue it ai ioiv at fiut rlakj gooJ-i in be tolil it. We ilo not hte my tpccUl nct or lej'Ierj but l all tiniei cany as complete n liiu ot lUrkct (Joodj, 1'jiic)- Giocetlet and TaMe telica ilea as can be fouml in tho lareil New Vorl, or PhlUOi'lpliu Marketa ulilili t cll Jl iltlit ptltff. W. H. Pierce, It laclmanna Ae. rrempt dtllitry. 119, 1H, U Tina Aia COUNT UP What judicious buyiug cart save you. You will be sur prised, and the best thing abouf buyiug here is that you can't buy poor goods at any price. But you cau buy THE BESTGOOD5 at a very low price. cnoapb Wheu you have one of ouf Trunks or Dress Suit Cases, it is easy traveling, All sizes, iu all grades at all kinds of prices. j... CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna flue. "1847 Rogers Bros." Goods. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc- No question about the quality; wo have all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wcnrtwcnty.fi ve years, Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Goods for Wedding Presents. Mercereaii 5 Connell, 1.32 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, K Heaters. f US-8J7 PENN AVENUE. Kvery purchaser of Carpets whether for the smallest room or the big gest hotel wauts his mind satisfied on three points, namely: Price, Quality, Style. It is because vc convince our KllSlUlHCia U3 iu c;vciy HI oue of these require- I meuts that we confident ly expect your patron age. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! ' THE: 0N0MY S21.223.'J25.S27WyomlnR At FORM Carpets . y LW.S!