x.Vrtts-e, ?i f s "f'rTWV ,M THE SGRANTON TIUBLTai-MONDAY. MARCH U" 100f. "IbIsThrl on It." I Ilr. Tinea's Phosphated Condensed Milk Is pure milk, ssllh phosphate nnd bypnphnspbltesfcddt'd In the proportion needed for building strong bone and teeth, steady nfrsc and rich Mood equivalent to wheatdlei, IWibcsthrheon Dr. Hand's Phosphated Condensed Milk hcati"e It contain ll the proper! leu of a complete fnoil. Best rnllfc for Inlands and for the hole family makes coffee I I narmie". ocnci lor iree rsjokiot B IbfPf. (HfitHtmcd 111k O., JtrrftiOn, ft. I Ice Cream. BUST IN TOWN. OC Per jjc Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 1 Opbone Orders rromptty n.'.lveml Jf-jaj Adams Avenua, Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. OfHco D.. L. & W. Passenger Station. Phone fO. Dr. H. B. WARE, sw.ciAi.isr. 1 Yb, liAR, NOSL: and THROAT Min.TiN,:iioi,n. i .;oa. in. i 2 1 p. ni. 11.1.1 MS 1H.H" Opp. I'tv-tutHec. 'BTnr tttttTttttt ! CITY NOTES : 4 t 4-4-4 l. A II PtY HWM.-Thr llelawaie hii.I Ibid fun (inpinv pilil Silimlnv ,il the f laltltiioio. No. J llilllui..ic tunnel, Halllmuic -lope mid Coning ham. OMVIIIM) H .I.MI..- lilli.in "trim j, .if Minion, w.i cHiiMlilnl In tlit- i rainy ji'l Miuiili.t I i.i Ju.ilic of tlio 1'c.n.t lull tot assault mil biMcrt, .ltl'. DIM lllllii:i.-l)Jiili'l licinc, who imi arrested liuti I, MilTcrinir (nun ilillilmn , unit us ami loc'nl up at police jc.lJ.iui li r, i.i ilNiluisnl -aliuda. IHtt. MIMV, - Police ll'.1liU.lltt IS WIT, 1111- 'ml IrM cttnltM ni the uisippt'.ii.uite nf .i 1J- ' I ,'lit III" kliOWIl IIS Mike Mikuiiho, litWi" ji .i fMnitli Washington itci.ui'. i.i.i r tin: noi'iii, -iiuLiit wniiiK. i.f Min Nidge, Ins been illsihngeil from tin- l-uk-.iiiii.i ho-pilil. W.illrn sustained injuries in I. Km f sonic tlnn- .i.'n I i,i Loliij thrown (mm , liiijelo. WMM, Mi:i:ilN(i. I In; Mo Ml ,iulli.ii.v will I l,l It-, .ItlllUll llieitlllg .11 till lOslllllKl' 11 Ml-. .1 1'riii, ill l.i.i' iiicnii.', this .ilttriiimn ,n ii o'lloik. Ml inteii'sled In the work mi- ml . Ih flit (till III iilti'iul, .in.) It is Imppil tin ii ii 'I In ,i luge .ilti'inlinei. I'lilM IP .!.' linl'Mi TMII.r.,-Tli. Piuiii I il-' lloinul lablc will inert In regular -fvinn ,, l'n.i,...,.r Gram's otitic .it tlio High stlnml i 's timing. Piofe-xois Moiu-, llawhir. (.rint riinl Mi-is Josephine Lee, (ohln and Mis. Tin i "ill im iks "llio Mlllil." fir.MIIM-, IUU'-i: llKt,i:il,l".--lliil sr.inlon ( liriili-;; lli.ii-.i' .i.Miii.iiiun In- thi tnllimlnir H--lull tin tin- wul, rnillin; Mauli !, 1'ml: Mini In. ln,.:il.OI; lni'.ili), Y-:il7,W..'ii: Moilnc. In. l"l,sjil.ll; TIiiiivKij, l-ift7b.i:i; I'llihi. "ii",' MI.SJ: mIiiiiIm, AI.Vt,n7 ."!: lot.il, -t..".'!,. ..'i '. liniopuiiilinj Mi'iK 1 it ji-ai, MiLiil-1. Is, INMI.1i:iJ Till: l,.l)II. .Inlin ltlllms-Kic vi.is jiriitnl Salunl.iy iiIkIi! l.y r.itiolnian 1'iirjr f r holns ilnink niul imnlllnii wonirn. nllllns l.i .iinni lilin-cH In tulliAiinc iniiiia: bIiI i.I ol.ltr wonirn niiiiniil tin rrnti.il i iti Hiicts .! In iippio.ii hint' a p.llti sljiiilln; i.n tlio ioi i'i. liiti-iiiiptlns their rnmrijtlon utnl jrinnallv n jklns lilniv-lf obiniiuiii, lie .n llneil ir.,rii) lii l.'norilrr Moll. DIED PROM HIS INJURIES. Mlcliael lllons. of I'lyinotith. was Knuokcil down and inn over by n train of rarsi on Hit' J.tieknwitnnii lallrnad, Satunln, and filially Injured, He tm liailly niaiiclod and died n fow tnlntilem after reaehliiK tin- .Movi-h Taylor hoh. Jiltal. RECOVERY DOUBTFUL. Andrew, tlio two-yoar-fild on ol Mr. and Mrs. Andrrw I'ununliiKi', of T.ty Inr. Mho M-na m painfully but noil last Friday, lias sdlghtly lmprovul. ! tliotiKli his chances of recovery uro UllBllt. ; BOND OFFERINGS. I Spring1 Brook Water,lst Mtgr.Ds Lacka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. North Jersey and Pocouo Moun tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 5s Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg. 5s. Lehighton Water Supply Co., 1st Mtg. 5s. New Mexico Railway and Coal Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Debeilptlon and price on appli cation. f M IroiOnijr, N, V, Mllkr Uarre. - Carbondalt, f t, 5 mil f, Conimoimraltti lllilu'., f Siratilcn. t A n i ttHtft f 1 (tfe- v' SERMON AT CATHEDRAL. Delivered by Rev. r. Boland, of Towanda. Rov. 1'. Holantl, of Towanda, n most forceful nnd rloquent Bpcaltor, tlellv cred a Rcrinou htHt night at St. Peter's cathedral, the occasion beliiR the third of a serleH of icclal Sunday nlKht Lenten services for men. Father Ro land ppoke particularly upon tlio Ro man Catholic church as the only true teacher of Mvlne. truth and the neces sity1 of all her disciples obeying her ptveepts during the scanon of Lent, lie spoke earnestly upon the bless lugs und grace which follow a parti cipation Mlth the proper spirit In tho service of the Stations of the Ctos, "If a inan'H faith Is ho dead," said he, "that he can look upon a representa tion of the crucified Savior without feeling a deep sense of sorrow for hH moral transBrcsslons, can that man expect Mlthout a moral rejuvenation to ever sec tho glorified countenance of Ood In heaven? "Let us be nil wise In our time," said he. "Let us ever cling tenaciously and firmly to the Cnthotlo church, the pillar of truth: let tm remember every day of our lives that wo ate the heirs of the glory of those early Christians Mho wen torn to pieces In the Roman arena nnd let our lives hi an evidence thereof, so thut when Me are called on the Inst day we can say with St. Paul: 'I have fought n good fight. I have ilnlsht'd my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there Is laid up for me n crown of ilghteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give mo at that day.' " TWENTY-ONE REFUSED. Couit Was Disposed to Be Libeial in the Gianting of Liquor Licenses This Year. Only twenty-one liquor licenses wvie refused by court this year out of tho total number of over 700 asked. The Itceithcs wcio granted on Saturday. Two well-known ict'orts In the central city, the "White House on Perm ave nue, and the Dewey on Lackawanna avenue, weie ref tired licenses. The license of the White House was evoked several montlui itgo upon peti tion of the Municipal League, It be ing shown that It was at tint time maintained as it disorderly house. The Dewey has been the M-ene of numerous drunken bruwln, and abottt two mouths ago Harry Davis was mur deted In Its buck room. Tho full list of llcen-es refused H ns follows: X.lIiujM lii.miiirli ( .t,v fulun, Third Mrcet DnkMn fllj l'ln-t v.ud, A. .1. Tiler, lloitlc Hk iuji, corner lk'inin Irect; M. I'rkkc, llonian ivlicct. Second ward, .lolm Mawts, conur .lacUn Mreet. 'Ihiril wnril. Waller K ili 7iihM, Lincoln Mtret: .Inllni l.'ilieivki-, Diiml.in load; Anlhony Cltliicklcnltl, famuli flll-Ot. Pi.nntvre -I'irt ward. John Aloik, Throop .iieiiui-. I'illh waid. Aitselo Cutelan", llrady, luiner Ketry (.treet. Oltphiint S(oml nird, John llrohotsky, War siii-i r. bciiintiin I'iftli vard, J.iniei T. Kcarne.i, lCil Jaikv.n tiect; A. J. Mnlarkej. I0H .iai-'i.i lteil. Dalith wiml, Thomas JlflilliS 11.1 lVnn nieni.e; Louis Horn, la", Kukananna ovennej It. V. Mari-hall nml Simuel J, I'orlir, .Ii". Cen ter tre-t. "ei'onr ward. I'owrl lloniinli-, 112s tiirdoM nirt-ue. Third ward, John Xealon, fit ( aitict trrcl. Nineteenth ward. Annie Mrnip linger. Old 1 orce l.otoush-Mat KoM-nhlnlli, Maple klllTt. Xandlintr .lames ,1. Ijim. 'Court held the following applications under further consideration: Jlaiv Manln;, Old I'mr;,.; M,nj I). i.iloiiion, Jerinin; William .1. i:aus Seiond .ud, Niait tun. Smtlh Miinaton-O-ejr . iLindnik, Ibers road, corner fun pike. 1lnnoi .hwph richer. I!.ilei.iid lonl: Jl. ih.iil Cieiviili, sandir-on airmu Ulnli.n Nionil ii.inl, .lii-iph Koiiieinv, Mimili Hint: .Inl.n i; WhMi, lltliltf,. tne':. 'Ihiiil naril. Mny Mi iie The bottlers refused weie. Till ti.Hii.lilp John Im ll.ir, .lellei.on tnet. Sianton iuii.1 uai.l, I'.iiMl Ikiiiilnli-, H!s (..ntield aieniie, llilid wurd. .luhn Nialmi, .ill 1 .11 lie i slice! I'nurt hold for further i nusideiation Hie following application..- .Maty Man ning, i ild Purse: Mnry Solomon, Jer mvn; Win. ,1. Ciiiis. Second waid, of Scrantun. The Hist man to take out n license fiom the county Measurer was Fred Nailor. of Old Forge. .Martin P. Flynn, of the Laekawnunit Valley hotihe. and County Treasurer Seranton lme entered Into nu agree, nient for the bringing of a test rns to aseeitaln whether or not the liquor dealeis in this city will lme to pay S"i"0 or 5I.10U for their lleens??. Mr. Flynn made a tender of $v,n u eUr reney on Saturdav for his license, but wins iftused by tho Measurer, who de manded Sl.lOO, that b'lng the prlej lived by the second-clnts eltv charl ter. Mr. Flvnn thcieiiion. thiougli his altoineys, (I'llrleu and Mm tin and Ira H. Hums, petitioned couit for a man damus to compel the Measurer to grant the license for X.V.O. A uile was granted made leturuable on Thur-ilav niorulug at H o'cloik. Ppon that oeca slnn the county tn-ahtucr will be lep seutcd by Attorney S. U. lriee. Til- petition filed by Mr. Flynn sets foi Hi that the li.w governing titles of the thhd cla8 nnd lunvldliig for n ile-i.se foo of p.-IO reiiiaius In full force until the city In reorganized ns u city of the second clai-'s on Apill I GREEN RIDGE WHEELMEN'S FAIR. The Handsome New Club House to Be rormnlly Opened on Tuesday Evening. The flreeon RlUiro Wheehueir.s fair, which opens In the new club house on Tuesday evening next, will be a most elaborate ulfalr. Airausc-nifnlH for this event have been nitide on a large scale. The p,o. gramme loreadi of tho live nights will be of tiniHiiiil merit mid Interest. Tho vailous booths will he In chaigo of young ladies of Oreen Itldge. Tho new bowling alley, said to be tho finest in thu state, has been completed and will be opened simultaneously with tlio fair. The new flub house Is hltunted at ICIj Wyoming au'iiue. Green Itldge. For Sale. On it' count of leaving town, tho household goods, consisting of hall, pallor, library, dining room und bed looiv furnltuio and carpets, will bo od at auction, commencing Thutmlay morning, March It, at 10 o'clock, m No, g:i Jefferson avenue. dealing Sale of Framed Pictuiess To Make toom for Hafter fjoods. A glance at our window will glo you an Idea of ths baigalns Inside. Tho liriiTin rt Co. Ask for Kelly's union crackeis. MAY ADVANCE THE HEARING Arouments on the "Ripper" Quo Warranto LIKclu to Be Heard Thursday. SUGGESTION OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Full Text of the Document in Which the Constitutionality of the Act Is Attacked Early Decision Looked for, Both in tho Local and Supreme Courts City Solicitor Vosburg Is Confident tho "Ripper" Will Stand tho Test and Shows Where tho Main Allegation of the Assailants Is Groundless. It Is probable that the hearing In tho quo warranto proceedings brought by ex-Sonator M. K. McDonald to test the constitutionality' of the "ripper" will take place next Thursday. Cu tler the law, ten days are required to elapse between the granting of tho writ nnd the hearing thereon, but when urgent matters of public policy are at Issue, the court can, with the agreement of the parties, advance the case. When the wilt was Issued Satunlay by Judge Archbald the hearing was fixed for March 10. The attorneys, however, have Informally conferren. on the ptoposltlon to ndvance tho enso one week, and have practically agreed to ask court today to set the bearing for next Thursday. The petition of Senator .McDonald, which became the attorney general's suggestion when presented to court, reads ns follows: And niw, Mauh .), . I). I'lil. the attorney Coiur.il of the cAnunonuallth of I'lnmijltanu comes Into couit ami rIus Hie court to umUr stiiiid and li informed as follows: 1. Tint l. i:, Mtliniijlil, a cltiren nnd a tmpi.wr ol the city of Sirantoii, aetliic for hluiM'lf and Mindry otlnr citizens of tald city append licfore the ntlorini Ktliml and ri' li'srntnl that on the 7th day of March, A. p. l'.ml, an att entitled "An ad for tl.comn. mint of cities of the n-iond las," wxs ap proved and Is now the law ie-ulitint; the fn crnment of Mid cltlc., nnleis tahl act is declared inopcratiic and uncouslituilon.il, MU Oll'S OfFKL Amil.lslll.ll. Vurlhcr, at tho t'eliruary election', held in Pcianton In 1:19 one James Moir was eleilcd to the oftieo of mayor of said ilty for the full linn of three icars, which tcim hf(!.in on the tht. Monday in April, li'if', and would not n-l-ltp until the first Monday of pril. V.:, there fore James Molr had more lli.in n jfar of hU tin ixplrrd term to -cre in the o(h, e of mayor to which ho wan ileeleil by the people, lint the ntorre.ild act of Miuh 7, 'l, in epies terms, aholWied the ofllce of nuot in cities of the fcco i. ml clay, and prmided f. r the appointment ol a illy Ircorder, who, when so appointed under the terms of Mid act, and who in addition In his other powns Is autlioilred to pirfotni all the duties hentoforc lieitormed lo, the major of tald cilj. 3, 1'urtlur, that upon the npproial of aid a. 1, Hie pnernor lioldiiu tint the nllup of phut was aholKhed thirel.y, piu.eiiled to rniioie by appointlin; James Mulr rlly leinrder foi tlx till of Siraiiton, lielni; a illy of the wcond iIim, until tho fir.t 11, nd.i In Apill, I'mi, im dir th prwitioiik of bald ait. and tint the (.lid J.iHi, s Moir, h.iWliir llled a bond uml I ik, n Mill of ulllce. now ilaiuis to cen Ue Ihe liglils. franihi'eK, prblh ce, and to u-cclie the iiiidI timeiits of the ofllie of i ity runnier of the city of Suanton under the act of Much 7, 1WII, and all othei mu appluahle Iheielo. I lui tli-r, tin- petitioner niakis eoniplilnt as citi7cu- and tapaeu of sihl rit.i. thij are li.teiis-lcd In li.ulnii t ihle and letal foi'in of liuiiili ipal mu ei mu. tit and thu thei ihny Ihe liht of the ifBMjtiiii' to inad a law whnli will dipilw an ofluir cledeil by the peopl turn e'iilslne; the duties and leeebim; the iiiioliiiiunts ol Hie offlee iluruu the lerni lor whlili ho was eleeted, and, if the leui.liture did not h.iM- the ilulit lo iln U), the .ilx.IUItilig of the ofuip of mayor, the cieallou of tlie iie'V ofrtio of city recorder and Ihe .ippmnlniint of the chief eecutiw ollner of Mid ilij umlei the pioMi.ns of Mid law will mlail ,rcat ex puse upon tlio citirens and t.ipaji of mI.I illv and dl.turli Ihe peace and itoml oulcr of the luinnimilly by uiidertnkiiii; to in-t ill ,i nnv iiiuniciial gmrrrinirnt testing upon doiilittul or no lonstltutional authority. lli:W I.K.M.AII lti:i lllillll'. ."). I'ctltloneis deny the rislit of the legili lure to confrr upon the t-'OU'innr Hie .iitlhoiuy to limoie a major dulj ilected by the people, and to npnolnt .1 chief exeeutiie ot.lier of a illy of the MHOiid ilas, wh.w lei in of oin. o li.nl not jet rp!icd. e.peclilly Miice ,e ap pointee named by the jjocrn,.i' un.lir the p o visions of the art hold his ofllie until the lir-t .Monday of piil. l'OI, tints piltnittini; .1 miiii i, ipal election In intent in without (riving the people in Ml,! citj the 1I14I1I to lieu a thief (Veetitbe olfltir ol Mid uiunlilpil rhdluii. fl. 'fl.ey fiulhei deny the lilit of the i;o iinor to make a lenipmaiv ippointintnt for the pirlod tlseil in (be ait, for the iei"on tint It i contended tint the ad Is uniomtltullona! and icid and llierrfoic confi'i no power of appoint lucnl upon the RiAcruor ouy atieiupt on tho pari of tlio IrsU.itme or the Koiunor to deny to tho people of bald ollied ol the see. ond cla-s the light to I'lul their own oflleii-. al the next Mic-reeillng lVbltuiy rhctlons h without legal atilhoilly and that an net willed undertakes to confer it Is inieon-lltiitional and M.ld. 7. It is coiilcndul tint the act U union. tllu tic nil fui tho further lia-uii that It is in the ni lure of kpfilal en- loidl lci;ilatIoii lolillnlid by the constitution. I'tirtlicr li'irrrnlei that tint Hdioti lit the ad whli h iiiiiide tint pollnmeii and (lirnicn appollitdl under tho ,iutlioilij thfieol hhall nol le dl.uil..nl by tho appoint ing power without the i emu lit nf the oflliiri mi ili'iiiUstd Is In eoiillld with the loiisllliition wlieielu it oidaiim tint all .iipluinl ollli.n (.lull hold Ihcli ofliirs at Ihe plt.i.ini of ihe appointing powit. s. 'i'ltv lulllii i iipirnt lli.it the jppohii mint cf .linns Molr ws no made In .icmi.l anie with Ihe pitnl.imis ol llu l.w .iii.l the ie liilirrunt of the coiMlltitlon liii.muili as !,. luinu was not unit to the Mnale for lonluiiu t Ion, ns It was lonUndid I. miilted b the pioll..iis of Set tlnn d llllh IV ni the ton.tltiitlon. It is further lonlriulod that the leKinl.ituio und the t;oeiuni' itemled Ihili- ji. thorlly by utulcitakini; lo iiukn n pioil.ional nppolntnieiit In etrnd hcjenil Ihe flit Moiid.e ot Jatmarj' following the next Ber.eral tlniluu. NO I'l.UNAUV AmiOlIll'.. Ii. I'urther. under the cormtltutiun no iluuiy outhoilty Is confirm) upon the lesi.l.aure to ilu'iijo or aniriid Ihe eliailer.. of idles ami lo ihaueo or aholi.li the olilicri of cities or in urate new ofilees that would iIMuiIj nfiiira and olliceu alitady riratri by law, the ttrru of which tifuceis liad not jet xplml, ami it li contended that on iutumbrul in an offlic tieattil by Ihe lixlilaluu' holds the ofttie by li tuo of a eviiti.id of telatfon and has iuh u ftrd iL'li' I hi l el n a cannot be dldiirhed bv tin cieillon of a pew ofhee nlilili tlmitrn the tcim of .in ofllerr eleeied by lli peiple. 19. I'm tin r, th; mIU m.1 of ascinhly and the (rneecdlnsi under It are ot mm Kit-at Impm. I tiier, not oply to the cltj or iianion but to clher cities of the mi uml cla-j, aie to the iltl tens of the inmninnnrallh kvnrmlly, and that pteely ilclliniluatlon of all Ihe ipictlons In olvrd In a proper ioi,trtii lien of uld act is .li'.luble fee the rcenon lint if lint n kittled hi the icinl.s sre.it contmlou will remit in the aduilnlitntlon of the nuinltlp.il afTalm of berate A Popular Painting. Tlic Tribune has lecelvcd a beautiful platinum copy 12'4xl6'i In fIzo of Slch el's "Madonna," from tho Norman Llchty Manufacturing company, Des Moines, Iowa, orlglnalnis ami pro prletor.H of the celebrated Krause's llcatlache Capsules and Krause's Cold euro. This linn recently secured CO.OOft copies of this celebrated painting for ft co distribution. Owing to the great demand for them, they hnve been com pelled to limit tire number given away In each city. When Scrnnton's quota arrives, they Intend to glvo one copy free, until the supply has been ex hausted, to each pui chaser of onr 2." ecnt box of Krause's Cold Cure Cap sules. Considering the fact theie Is no advertisement upon these pictures and that they would ordinarily cost from i'i to J.1 a copy In any first-class pic ture store, thin Is certainly the moit liberal and expensive orfor ever made by any nianufactiiicr. fen and other cities of the (eeeiiel claw to wlifeh the act Is Intended to apply Tl.c pctitlnntr tlirirfore made application to the iitlunii.',' general for Ihe fllltip of a sug. jestlon for a writ of quo wnrranto In the court of rnniiiK.n pleas of l,.nkaivjtii,a county in order tlal all iiiptliin nlTeetlnt; the alhllty of h l little and tippoiiitmenls luaJr under the lit tl.orily tlieieol shall he finally and Judicially ilctrniilnid, The rupi intent appeared bv il rounfel sni cenerally a.lmiltril the Matemcnl of faclii con taineil in the p, llllon, but denied that Hip act was nneonslltutlon.il or xold for any ot the ici. urns Ml cut in Mill petition, and claimed that ihe (joicitior had the rh,lit, upon approial of the act, to appoint a recorder for the Mid rill, nnd Inasmuch ns appoii.ltnent had been made In tictcrdanie with the proM.hms of law, and thp appointee had been nwlallid in oftiie, he could properly ccrd. alt the rlahts, prblleiiea and franchises of clfy teeorder nnd recebc the tnioluiiients pertaining' lo nid oftlee. Ml MllPM.ITir.S MtlUlXY Af.KNT-s. 1:'. The rtqiondent fuilher cotitended llr.t Ihe power of tlio legislature to fluid liws for the Roicinmeiit uf clllm was ahsolule and 'in liltillcil, eirept as leslraineil by Hip totwtllu Hon; ami Hut nil nimiUlpalitlex ate men iv iinielm of the Mate soveinmenl for local pub lic purposes. 'Ihrv are tlio trcatnrrs ot the leg islature which mat at any lime reform, rlianui', niiirnd or cnlirKP their clutter poweis, abolltJi their oflleis and create new olliees therein, hub I'd miIj to limltitions ns thp constitution has presi tihcil, 1.1. Portlier, tint In PiiiiisItanli plenary power Is conferred upon tlio leEblature to ehatv" or amend Hie charters ot the cities and to rlianvn or abolish the offices of tlliei or to create new offii es tiiereln, and Hie respond ent denied tint Ihe Incumbent of any etilce treated la the IiBblaturr holds the same by ilitua of any contract nhitlou or bis any eslid ilgtit hi'iciu. It. Kurllirr it Is ronlrncicil by the respondent tint there is -o pn.bon In the constitution feeuriiiit to titles the right to elect their own ehlef eseeutlie' nftieer by whalner mmo lie inaj bo pllnl, nnd lint (he nunner of ap pointing or tli" method of ileclion arc f,u,$ lions for the legislature to deternilne. IS. Tlio lespondrtit tontroverteil the po.ltlons tnl en by the petitioners and claimed thai the ,nr of Mireli 7, IXil. was eonstltut!onil and tint it jn-iii Ided a complete sjiteui for the ro em inent of cities of the ccond class and wis necessarily ofM-ratlio and in full force and effect, Mhcieforc, etc.. it Is wiggested tint a writ of ejiid w.iirantn be awarded againt James Molr reejulrlng him to fhow cui-e bv what mitlm-lty In claims to prsess nnd escre le his tights, prlillrges and fiaiitlilv.s and to ricibr ,!ip cmobuuents of (lie oft'.cp nf city leeoider of lh cily of Seranton. AN KAHLY DECISION. Ail early decision by the local court Is looked for ami Immediately upon Its being rendered, no matter what ll may be. an nppe.il will be taken te the; Siipteine court. Attorney General Kl kln will ask to have an early date set Tor the hearing and as the Supremo court Invariably giants his request In mutters of this kind, there Is ground for the hope that a final decision In the ease will be reached within thirty days. There Is some talk of the antl-Illn-perltes' attorneys from 1'lttsburg and Philadelphia scent lug peimhslou to be heard on the matter when It gets to the Supreme couit. This Is frequently allowed In ordinary cases, but whether or not any attorney woulil be allowed to participate In the piosecutlnn of this ease, without hiving been Invited lo do mi by tin- attorney genet al, who is the plaintiff. Is doubtful. city Solicitor Vosbutg Is confident the "ripper" will slanel the test of the constitutional scare blight. "It Is an admirably diawn Instrument," be says, "and the alleged Haws which the as sailants point out are fur from being flaws. The one thing the assailants seem lo forget Is that whatever power a city olTlelal may have Is only that of agent for a municipality, which In tuin Is simply agent for tho common wealth. A city nfllclal has no vested rights, lie Is the creature of the legis lature and his creator can ileal with him ns It will. At all events. In this case, there Is no ofllclnl legislated out of ofllce; the act simply nbollshes the ofllce. The contention that the gover nor can not appoint for a term beyond an Intervening election Is only partly Mile. The Supreme couit 1ms never held this. "What It has held is that tho got ci nor can not appoint beyond nn Intervening general election. A mayor N elected at a municipal election." EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Interesting Addiess on This Subject by Rev. Dr. Warfleld. Rev. Dr. Hthelbett L.Wai,pd, prcsl dent of Lafayette college, dellveied an inteiestlng sermon nt the Fltst Pres byterian chinch, whete lie spoke on the co-operative Inlluencc of church and education. He tweed the history of educational piitpous, und referred first to the ancient Jewish system ot education as nn excellent one, based upon bitty Ideals, lie touched lightly on the Relations dining the middle ages of monasteries to education, when pinlleally all the learning or tho time was .-unfilled within the. four walls when- dwelt tho monks, and then brought Ihe subject down to tliu present day Dr. Wailleld declared that all great tejai'liers had Inlluencetl men more by what they did titan said, ninl pointed out the value upon his students of Socrates' wonderful peisoualliy. Tho heavenly nntiiie of the Nnzareiie, pa. tleutly walking In the lleldn of .ludea, he Raid, partially coniniuiifenU'd itself to his disciples, and this axiom could bo found tiue In the cases of all gieat masters. Tile speaker lefened to the growth of icllglous purposes In this, country's colleges, and said that wheicas at the beginning of tho twentieth century there was at Yale university but one student professing religion, there me today over half of the young men at college Imbued with the religious splr It. Sciantou, Pa, Maichil, loul. We, the members of Local No, 133, of the United Mine Workers 'of Amer ica, have resolved to aid tho silk work eis of Seranton, and dniutto tho sum of twviity-nvo dollais itiTi). He It ie solved that wo coutlnuo to donate the ,,tme during their struggle for their rights. Ask for Kelly'H union ci ackers. ARE WE IN THE KINGDOM? MORNING SERMON OF REV. DR. M'LEOD, Another In the Serle-j in Which He Has Been Discussing Christian Science His Topic Was "What the Text Book of Christian Science Says About the Coming Kingdom." Before Wc Get Into the Kingdom of God, His Kingdom Must Bo in Us Lessons That He Drew. In the Flist Presbyterian church yesterday morning Rev. James Mc Li'od, D. V., dellveied another of his series of Christian Science sermons. Ills topic was "What tho Text IJooks of Christian Science Say About the Coming Kingdom," and he took his text from Mntthow C- 10: "Thy king dom coinc." Ills discourse follows: l-roin the beginning ot Chrisl's ministry until lis clewe tlio things pertaining to the kingdom ot (ltd lay very iloso to Mis heart. All IIU thoughts and words nnd deeds had refrrenre cither directly or Indirectly to the nfTalrs ol this kingdom, lip unfolded Us meaning in prra bleu, ami lie pictured not only Its nature and Its extent and its duration, hut also Its mighty con quests, nnd its unparalleled glory. Jesus loied Hod's kingdom, and He still loiet It. l-'or its sake He, tlio eternal fiod, became Inearnifp and Ibed among men in this wmlil of sin; for Its akp Up tolled, and suffered, and agonlrod and died; tor Its sake He triumphed our death and tho graic, and ascended to glory: and for its il;o Ho Is now our Vdsocatc with Ine Father, nor will lie pp nil of the tr.uall ot Ills soul and bo fully Mtlsiled, until thp gnat lolcrs In hcatni wilt be hcatil ciylng: "'I he kingdoms of this world arc become the kingdoms nf our bord nnd of His flirist; and He Mull reign forcier nnd eer." Thai diy will suiely i oino, and hence we ought to give most earnest heed b the words ot JfMis when he tells lis tint unless we luvp thp humble and conlldlng spirit of a little child wc cannot enter into the kingdom of fiod. Tin: kixhpou' Di:mr.r. Tie kingdom of God''' and "dip kingdom of lipaien" aie familiar words, and they are used er.v oflrn by the Inspired writers. They fell cry ftequently from Christ's own lips. They me nornlw.ijs wed In the rntne inse, but the ronlcvt khow-s their meaning: (a) Ily "the king dom of heaicn" Is sometimes meant the Christian dlpenFatlon. Thus, when John tin- !laj,lit be gan his mlnlstr, he (ilil: "hVpent, for the kingdom of lieawu is at hand." In the samo srn.p our fiord at tho beginning ot Ills ministry used the nine words, (b) Sometimes "the king dom of fiod" means the ilsible church, as for example, in the parables of the net, and of the fares. As Judas crept in anions Christ's true disciples, so hjpoerites, now and then, lnve managed lo get inlo tho bible church, and tares are found anions tlio wheat, (c) Again, "lli kingdom of Hod" sometimes means the em pire of grace In Hip heart pi a Christian. When the I'hari.ees asked Christ to tell them when the kingdom of God should come he slid: "The kingdom cf Ood cometli not with observation, for behold the kingdom of fiod Ls within you," St. Paul uses the words in flip same sense when lip ajs: "The kingdom of fiod Is. not meal and drink, but lighteoiiines', and peace, and Joy In thp Hoi f.liost." fel) Again, "Hip kingdom of Cod" ! u-pil is a sinonjm for the kingdom of glory that place and state which fhrl.t hn gone to pi i parr for Ills redeemed followers. To all uih, he will say by and by: "Come e blev-ed of my rather, inherit the kingdom pre plied for you, from the foundation of the world " fe) It is only fair to say that some elevout Christiana think and teuh that "the kingdom of f,od" sometimes means an earth! and xlsihle kingdom, like unto thai over which llaiid and Solomon reigned; but which, when It shall be established, will hue Christ for Its King, and our which he will lelgn for a tlinunml sears, i hoe Christian tiiends hap this idea of ( hrist's kingdom cliletlv in Uew when thty praj : 'Thy kingdom come. Hut as some of us re id the nible, this 'nr of God's kingdom seems, at best, to be onlj a pious sppiulallon. It Ins for Us foundation the poetry of piophcij, and some line figiues of speech which Ihe-p good friends intcrpict altogether too lllerallj. This is tlio view of Messhh's kingdom 10 wlili h titc Jews clung o lenaeiouslv, and to which the Apostbsnnd some prlniilbe ( hrisliins also iliing. unlit the wete more fully cullght Minl by the Holy Sphlt. Hence the Apo.lles asked tliP risen t lirist this question: "lord, wilt thou nl thij HniP lejtore again Hie kingdom to liuel?" In their case the nl.li was father to the thought, and whether tills xlcw- of God's kingdom be Hue or false. It is one which the gieat bodv nf I lirl'll.lli teiehers and pupils have nol been willing lo adopt: Oim OIIIKF WMI. When we praj "Thv kingdom come." what Is 11 preriseb that wp wish God to do' It ii our wish tint the temple and city of Jerusilnn mav soon be re-built, and that Jesus CluUt may come luek to this earth and literally occupy the tlirun of Hat. Ill, so that from that central point He ma.v rula in a trmporal way our the whole world? There nip not many of it, I imagine, who lime that idea and wish in mind when we pray: 'Thy kingdom come." RjHier hase we in mind the laiger Increase and wider Influence of Christ's church; the spiead of Christ' gospel; the spiritual and righteous authority which lie hhould cxeri'Ise over all mankind; we are think ing not so much of any tlslble or tempered lelgn of Jesus Christ as we ate of that "king dom" which "Is not meal and drink-, but right roiitncsa, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost", wp arp thinking of that glorious time when, be fore an assembled unberse, He will be crowned "King of Kings and Lord of I,oids." Hut frc.in wlnteur point of view- we look at this phra.p, "tlio kingdom of God" -whether we think of it as goi-pcl dispensation, or as the enipiie of grace in a Christian's heart, or as the vislblp Church nf Clubt, or as the Imlsible church, or as the licat.ru of the hoi It ttu "the kingdom ot fiod," Hie same kingdom onlv uniltr illticrrtit a.peots. And when we piaj "lliy kingdom tome," It is our wish tint s-alan's kingdom may be de.trojed, and that the kingdom of grace may lie advanced, mid Hut Into this kingdom of grace otireelrrs and others may be biought and kept, and that the kingdom of gloiy miy lio hastened. ."PllHlTU, KI.VflllOM Moitour, from uliatctrr point of iew wp locA at ll, "tin- kingdom of God" M a ipltllinl Mug. itoin. Its King Is spiritual, for He ls Jesus I'hti.l. Its- subjects nre spiritual, and Its lav.s nu' spiritual, ll til Hen fiom all other kingdom In respect of Its oilgln. Its growth, its etint, Us authority. Its object, and Its conniminallon. It Is ,i kingdom that Is pari! In this woild, and, el. It "Is not of llus wot hi," ,!eus ttilcs the mini anl heart find ailertlnns nf Ills Mibjeete. Tho luvs n! Hie kingdom ate designed to mould the tlioiiclils and words and condor! and tlio whole life ot (liibllam. Great things hae bien done ill this iibeellon. God's kingdom has al icidy eoiio to iiuiltilildts, and they Ijie their King, and mint il a Joy lo honor ,mi sine Hun. II". lUlOWTII. The uirutis by which tills kingdom has ginwn and will loiillnue ti glow- ptou It to b- "the kingdom of God." It., growth Is front within, Its sercl Ii in list If. I 'rum the smallest of be ginnings It his In coin the niighllett of king dom, nnd It has within llseif the puwe-i- of still m ,tcr ixpauslun. Of thu incuase of ( luUt'a gournnicnt and peace there shall le no end, upon the ll.rotio of laid and upon His kingdom, to crder n, and to establish It with judgment and with justice, fiom henceforth ecr forucr. 11.11 ieal of the Lord of Hoils will perdu in this. Me hate eurj nssiiiame that the leaitn will not cease lo work until the whole lump Is leai cried. The grain of inutanl ned which seemed so liulcuincant, and which was. In the ecs nf tho world, m dotpliablo, his grown jpieo; and li is still glowing with inueatliig tiger and tltatit. Hie stone cut oui without hands will jet beioiuc a git'it mountain, and It will fill the whole colli. The lunintjln uf the Lord's hollt? shall jet In estahlbhed in the top of the moiu t diif, end slcil be enallnl abop the hills, mid all nation shall flow unto ll. Th" ilslon of Krtklrl when he saw Hie llto-glilng watrts pouring out from under the. Ihrrehold of God's house will cl become grand teallty. 't first the streams wtto small and shallow, only ankle deep, but soon they lncreaed both In lolume md In depth unlll they reatlied the kneei, nd LEWIS & REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. Nos. 1 14 and 1 16 Wyoming Ave. WHY YE CROW? BECAUSE Our Shoes Are ' Honestly Bought Honestly Priced Honestly Sold That's why you get more value in our shoes, and the truth of the matter is it pleases our customers. We Place on Sale Saturday AND WHILE THEY LAST And you should come to this sael. You will not be disappointed. 500 pairs Men's Working Shoes 75c ioo cases of Ladies' Rubbers, pair 25c 200 pairs Ladie3 Vici Kid Shoes, $1.50 kind ' 1.00 200 pairs Men's Rubbers, a little narrow 25c 200 pairs Men's Double Sole Shoes, the kind that made our store famous the $4.00 CA and $5.00 kiuds. Why We Grow Price DJ The balance of our Ladies' Laird &. Burt's Fine Shoes. Your size may be iu the " A lot. Why We Grow Price ,3J And Last, but Not Least, 200 pairs Ladies' Comfort House Slip pers, solid soles and grain uppers, worth 75c. JA- Why we Grow Price t-JL LEWIS Nos. 1 14 & 1 16 Telephone 2452. Free M 5f We Garry the Only Complete Stock of ?S ilron and Steeli ft iu this section of the state. Don't ' H make any mistake when in the mar- JJ ket for 3auie. Bitten bender & Co.,fs J 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. JJ thrn the loins, and at last they will beeenip waleis to swim III, a iber Itiat cannot b parsed ott-r. (Hi, ie.. t,od s kingdom is oiiilng. The stone wlui h Ihe builders leitcted l etrii now the lieid stone of Ihe coiner. The few followers oi Je.us li.n e multiplied until now t'uey me hundieds of millions. The handful of torn that was rcilbrul on the tops of Hip tiioiiut.iln.s took- deip loot and it glow nnd pienl ou eterv hand. Its fruits weie miiilfold, and now it (hakes Ilku tie i-eiln of libaiion. It would be iliKnult to lliid a inoie unking tontrast, In respect of nuinbcis and worldl power, thin tint helwren t hrlsl's kingdom In fi" djs of His flesh Slid the empire of (.aenr. Hut, iicwitlii'le', Hi" t J 1 Hi fill historian states only lie Irnlli when he ay llial 111 Irs than thtce cei.luib's after Hie death of Chibt Ills klngdti.i wis lh nio-l eonspleuous object in the whole oltlbreil woild. With one of thrso his torhns v.e may well sit : Hun llllie did tint proud heaibcn t o'bl ion, Imw little did Im pcilal rtoieii'. lliroiieil in ler goldui palace, an.inins liti.lf In her bloody aiiiphlthi .iters, uieam that sin- n.iuiNhpil nllbln lui- bn.mii a power inlghtlci than herself a weaki.iss tint winihl li" tronger than all hrr fttens'lii a fool shnes that would b wiser thin all hei wld.iiii. a path ni o tti.it would weuy oil! all lur iruelli, a love thai would tamivbh all lur hate. 'In one seeing bill as man seis, whi-ic was Ihcre ever a flnngtli. a spbwi.ir, i gioiy like her Hie fourth beast which Hitld H. dreadful Mid tcirlble. and Hmng ixrefdlnitly, whnie boll lei Hi had In "lull ill plelcs all tho kingdoms of the eatlli, and iu flampliig the inlduo nf them, beneath lis feel! And when, on theotlm' hind, was a weakness like theirs, who, Iu the tudir nii'iit of one of the tiisr-l niul most tolei.ml an oil'.' tin1 belli 11. weie only the totailo of an exaggerated and ih'ti'stnble MipirMltloii; the Ioi lowers o( one Jesus who was dead, whom some, white In Syila a Itommi goternov had ome put to ihath, but wlioin the.p obsllnatu and pirterso enthusiasts atilruinl to be sllll jilt p ' Oi'lt HK.Mtl S IlKSHtn. ' Hue t'otwlthslnndlng .ill Hip dlttieubiea ithbh tho kiniiiloiii of God had em ountfred, ft (he lillgloii of ( lul.t has lrliuiiihcd o tint tn,iy Its IiIpssciI Inlluenie Is felt In eterj part of the habitable globe, Surely God's kingdom Is cunniig, but surely, also, ll i our brails' di-slte hinl pta.ter to lii.il that It 1111 come mine iiilikly, and tint its sating potter may be more widely extruded, It Is unely our hearts' denire and ptajer that all si life und dl.isjiil may cease; Hut wars and ruiiims of wars may be unheard, and that the art of war maj become a lo.t utt; that brotherly lote may ftft.iwlieic pirnlls Dial lice may (lee Continued on Page i.) REILLY Wyoming Ave Delivery to an Pari of tho Gity HELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. Hei. I Newell supplied Hip pulpit nf i I nits tl btangiln.ll chun li tcstordaj', both mm ing auel etining, in tlie absence of Hie past n, liev. J. V, Messenger. Ket . Ilr fliarles K llobinsnn, pastor of ti, Snond INcsb itilati cliuhh. pieohed nu el 1 quint firuion l.ii iiivthi caking l,r his l"p" "Conflict and CompicM." ltev. Hr, Chiilrs . fiiffln, tin elni,uenl pis lor of the Kim I'ark Methodist I'piseopil cliuiili. k,oki list night biforp a latgp eongrrgjlloii upon the thrnip, "I Sep Mm as Trees Walking" "Vnj-ago Uillionl Compass or .Mar," wi Hip ti pic of tlio Million ilellteii'd last night at t n Ashiity MeHinili.t 1'plwopal i hurch In the pa lm, llet. Ilr. W 1,, Miiipklns. iu ihe uiohi uig lie spoke nu "('hurt It I'lo-pttli.t'." Sfttrtary W. iV. Adah. ( liie llaiboal i.iiug Mill's (1iil.tl.,n association' ilelltcred i bin cup and earnest address at Hie afterno, n Melting .veslrtil.iy taking fur his (epic, "'Whit N Your bib'." lint splendid singing ol th Nlitibrrt null's inuitettp was ,iu r special fi'jtuie f the iiiptlln; Hot . Malttr Jllllir. Mstor nf Giaep l.ullieian huieli, Wilket'llatu-, ilebuied luo eloquent itr lions at Giacu buihcriiu cliunli in this tlti tCitrnlj. II" will .lien spiak al tho Gospel iiinltnc lo bo held lot.lght, The Goiel lueei lnb during the irmaliithr of thp week an' "i I,.. udtlieul bj Hit. II I.'. Meblnii, ot llluonis burg. llev. Dr. II. I', V. I'ieiee, pistor of the lVnn teiine llaptlst tliiinh, gate ono of Ids lllus li.ilrd sciiuons List night, taking tor his hm, "Silikon Hoiks or Mho is inur I'llutt" Ihn Minion was UliHlr.'llul thioujliout with the rap Idly drawn eri.toii sketihes which the doctor pxetulei .o skllllully and was listened lo by .1 Ijirp loiigrt'gallon, ' ' 'The lliiiniiner Kvangell I," 11-1. . If, Mill Lima, coiidiiclcd llirep un clings .trsletday, .'no Anli'Saloon leagu", niul Inn sppiial levWal meetings. He spoke at ln.;.tl j, m, n the Hap- bt ihinch, .lerni n, ubjeet, "Hie I jit llontii with ihe 'llgn." Al .1. J) p. ni he addressed n in'pllng for mrn only in Ihe Haptbi eiiui 'i, leeltllle. Siihjitt. "coiIjI I'uril." I'lii c Inns h was tiowded, V 7 p in., Mr. Wlb lilts ildiited a vt i,i- laigp loiuirgatlou In ths samp t liiinh. Mtbjtit, "Hip Voiuig Man an I lilt Couipaii." Tin' intpiest Iu the sp'i-ial inecllni 'irr fitth th it Ihe ihureb has requen ed Mr, Mlillllil. to slay with llirm a lets- ill b.liger tl'iu was flint jilanniil. The huhjert for tonight will be "The liln i;aliist the Hoi' Ghost." Mr. Williams will .p with (his rhnr n WicJiie'day, Thursday ind 1'ilday etcningi t,t thl4 ejk y