The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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rot'l'MII ( II'MIIMI IIOTM! (or Hie Dene.
-- m oi Ail twin ii nr nou.s m or.... ..,,.
rsmte or Oilier rrupcily lo Mil or rxiiianKc, r
Who Want Mtu itlonM or Help Tin so Small Ad
leillmnriilH CVnt One Crnt a Word. Mx In'ir
tlom lor I'lte Ctnti n Word-I.vttpt fcltuilUm
Wanted, UliMi Uc lrifcrtrd tree
ut I nirincni' lioplt jl
(Hire t a. r. "t"itiici.
MM HI. IN ( (UUPlNd, Willi IlilrOMl V
if II1I1 rniuj, in in uhc Hi coiwuiucrs il
iilmnlmrp ot tin be.l trniii at llie lowest io'l
ll" rlir, ue take pKaMiio In annoureini Hnt
ii jnl ulhr Mauli lt, 1 iol, we will ItirtiMi our
I iiniM ultli itatrU lUlit liullu fici ol ihari!"
W hen nnl'iiu (or nr v IijIIh pleno iclurii tli
oil tun im in.- Imlhs will onl1 lo Rheu In
lianir fi r llie ulil
No Imltw tu In renewed undtr nlneti dan,
nlc liiininl nut l the lull) bcinturs ditk
' lidicie tlii! Irro hull 4 will meet with tlic
uilnMil of our introio at the Mine time In
in Hi l!iiirtHvnf tin iKIitlnt; rvatcin
I 4 km itm i ill, lit 1 Ikht A. I' " (0
I' II I'u.ui, Manager
Will Donate S25.000 for Llbituy
Building if City Will Agieo lo
Olvo R2.500 a Yoni.
'I lip following letter naj received b
('Intent' H Spent ci, plpshlpnt of the
Young Jleii'sLlbiaiyussocItitlon Satui
l i morning, In i espouse to the pttl
t Ion utklug Alulicw Cmiitglo to make
i dimiitlnn to this pity for the elec
tion of it building lor it fiee puhllc
inliru C in ile.
j Witt I III hrst Mrcrt.
Vv Soik
( I' Silencer. I , (ailiondale, IM
Hear Slrt uiiis of !Mli lilriur receurd
If ttic lit;' of t at tiii ilc will fimiMi a mi t
utile Mli ml .isuo li iut if ciunrlN to n tin
Ikiii a lllirarj at I coit if imt Im thin '.'.W)
a ear, Mr fiitniciu will lu pli inl to i,le
s.' foi n liililillii? ltrtK.rlfnllt nur'
I imcs Iletliam, l'rl ite Stirrtir
'hull 1 mi.
Tho ptoposltlon as pt foith by Mr.
t'ni nt kIp Is h mot llbcial one and a
mitjoilty of the tap.ici.s in this tlty
ne bCcnilnKly .uiNlmis Hint the ronn-
ll't will i.ttlfy tin btiiKiilii nt tin
.nrllcM pusslblo ilali . The city nov
P.iyii out 111 tlin liolKlibuiliood of JOUO
feu llbiuiy puipou, $100 uf whlih Is
ippioprlutpd Tho .i-oUntlon bus an
lllLllllIC ot Jl.Mi a iar fiom linpx't
tnoiitt. Tho acccptiim i of Ml Car
iipgloh pioposltlon thptefoix AMlllId
inc.iii an additional CNpondltuio of 'SI,
"'), a llttlo our half ,i mill on
doll ir of alujtlon
The now building' would pro lilc a
fue leading loom, i llbiaij, and pus
Hibly a hall lor lPLtuivi. It would ali-o
mean ,t wckonio pl.ico foi the otlns:
inpn ol the oltv to hpend their cen
lnc instpul of haiiBliiB: mound the
street loinois-. which mactkp lh fol
lowed nioio fNtenclvolv in tills tlty
luobablv than In nnv iltj. Its .s.c In
llie louiilix. Theie is no Vouiiff Men h
t'hilstliin nsf-oi-latliiii oi otlur Institu
tion ot a like natuii Iilio to attiart
hojs and xnunir men, and the Rood this
tibial htllldiui,- would iiPiomplish lu
this din-Ulna ilone hhould mal.o the
iltv futhPiH j elicit seilouslj
Some iltluib alicady Iipkiiii to
pick out di..siabli' ,slteh for the pios
ptcthc audition to out Ity bulldliiKs
AJiimitr them Is tln pnl whi-iv (lie
I'oliimblu lio"0 housi now Htanils; the
I'llino liuti-o, coiner I'liuuli Htnet and
i-lNth asenut: the old ainioiy, on
Xoitli Main fctioit; back of the elty
building:, on the ihci ImiiU, and other
lion. J. .t tiNclll, ps-nuior of the
'ity. iNpieyced liimself fsteiday as
hcaitily in favor of Hie ( Ity accenting
tho slit, but said that lie did not
thoioiitfhly undeistand the tciniM. He
tliousht that if Hie tin per tent., m
t.'.SO'J, wan to inn foi tin eai-., up
until the city fhoiild have appiopilatid
as nillch lib Mi, I'aiueiile. it would be
(II llsht, but Im did not think that J.' -p"0
a Mar Indciinltpij was lnccs-m...
.im a Mnaller nmotiiit would be ample
alter lh llbiaty w.ih thmoiu'Iily
utlnih tald that thv did not think
the loiincils would pavb an ouIIiihiilo
affieeliiK to slc S.'.'iuu a .vear. tor thete
would not be "an.v think' In It" for
them, a Mr I'aineKle ltihUts nn fur
nlhhliu his own auhlteita and htipcr
ilsins; bulldei in all these, kind ot ion
ttaelh lu oiiki that the full h1up of
bis donation will eiilei Into tlip poii
.'tmellou of the uuIIiIIiik. 'ibis nn
ih.ilitable lcw- ol the inothes of the
'Ity leslsilntoi.s hlmuld not be taken lu
i mutter of this Kind, allele the Intci
psts ot the entile eomiiiunlty ai In
their hiiulK Tin tan b. ilLppiuled
uiioii to do tluir ilut. as tlu.e Me It,
mid an oppoitunltj to enhance tho
Milne of the ell t, ical etitale holdings',
stlell ilf this iifloidw, ii a lountei dp.
tpuent of nddliifr to the tiiNi'. even in
a Bllsht tlPRiee. fluuild make them bal
meo the iiuiMtlun dellbi ratclj ami with
i full uiiilPiMlandliifr of the iltj s pies-
nt uud ftitiin tu ilt, and obllm.tlons.
A FliiP Musical Sei-vlcc.
At tin Hist i'oiikiokuIIoii.iI chiin H
last eMiilnrr Hie. ptstor. Ue M. r. 1:1.
llott, picifhiil H took tor his tmb
Jpct t-hrlst Niuctlfjlnir Ilimst If."
fiom tho text, "Kot thflr t.ake I Hane
iiry Mj.ielf The musical fcutuii- uf
Uie ovciiIiik weio ot a lino oidcr. Or-i-.inisit
Najloi liu Intr an aimed a .spe
ibil piOKiammc. Hi slden the hymns
tho follow Im- Hontfs weie lenderul:
Anthem, ".Send Out Thy Light "
KIpllllR's lipeethloiial .. ..Do Koveu
AmbiiiHP Uattle, Uailtone.
riospoiisp, "Uiiu Sweetly Solemn
Mlhs IJdlth Ueusoii, Sopiauo
Holo, "The Heavenly Ureuni,". Tiehan
Miss l.dlth IPiifon
Duct, "Tin Hood .ShPiiliPid,"
MIhs lieuMon anl Mif. I.tindt
A Mnich Day.
Those poisons who hud the eouiago
to veutinc out jtnlerday felt that they
weroteally "up against It" befoic they
had proi filed fm. A ilp-snortlng,
tent liiKT. wild wind fiom the oust In
Midcil the town and played tnr with
tuts. 'Iffus niM wlie.s nil duy and far
Curos a Cough op CoW ot oncn.
thinners l loiip.V lu-,rifif'Ccii(;v' luptiiii' Ir,
r r'lini-ntidtoinjn.p'i n 1 i. ie t n I
l)r.Moii'l,lll5CurcCo'tlptlcn. fl!li Id.'
1 ,
C&shondale Department.
1 .
Into tho evening. A gloomv pull of
( louds hung close to the western hills
nml the huh didn't hnvc n fair t huncc
to bil,htpii up tiling!'. Tin wind tit
times niipiomlipil the velocity of a
hurricane. The striets were deserted
most of the tluy nml the city pnstoiH
preached to dlmlnslied Mode
Eight Flncei In Caibondnlo Town
ship and Twenty-tin ee In City.
The lliiuor llcciihes for the car 1901
w io handed down by the couit on
t-'atutday nfternoon. The list of II
ccnies Rranted In this pity was:
I'liKt Uaid Hotels Janus H raull.
ner, John I.mid, William T. IIIuk
ham, S. It. W'llllmiiH. )Iotcl Aineil
can. Uestaurants-iJopher II. Lee, Sal
ntoio I'ligllano, Anthony II. Letts.
Second Ward Hott's-rranU P.
Hi own, Louis II. Kehl.op, Jilphion C.
Hell, 1'atilcK J. Mannloii, IMwatd J.
Healey, August 'Nelsen, 15. V. &. II. (J.
Williams, UiH.nul Got man, Thomas J.
Hicnnau and lames 1 Iloylan. Itis
tain ants Thomas i:. Campbell, John
J. MeNultv.
Thltd Ward Hotels James IX Mo
Tlghe, JL Joseph Judge, l.eslauiant
Tluimas Judge.
SlNth AVnid Hotel Louis Hiiinncr.
It will be nnlli ed thnt not n license
has been liken out In either the
Kout tit or rirth wauls and but one In
thi SKth waid. In the ilty tlieic ato
twenty-tin pp licensed mloons. or euie
for cnci.v Ml Inluibltantr', whlih Is a
ery ucdltnble hhowiiirr, lompaied
most clllts n Scranton L'Go letall li
censes weie ki anted, oi one to peiv
.!S7 of poptilnllon. In tho Highlit v.itd
of that city alone theio me t0 1Icpiis?i1
letall places, and in the Hleventh w ltd
l!l r'aibotiJalo makes a IliHt-cln-.s
show in? for robrletj contpniPil with
in tti ly iciv botough, towniilp or city
In the rount.
In Caibondalc township, tin ip wio
eight lliensis gi anted, as follows. Ho
tels Owen Cogi;rs, John P.tlkn, John
J. t'artip.v. Tiaiiils Hughes, Luke
While lte tain ants P. 1. Toolan,
loli u J Hlcgltis.
In addition o the ipi ill lei-ii'-es th"
following- bottlus' llceiips wpio giant
ed Tlilnl Waul IMld, P-ed-it
UK Seldlci. Ji riltli Waul. Jlritln
K. lleale, hlMh Wud. I'lionuis .1
Pt uilei
IXitinil .'. Mutplix or ('aibondale
township, lolm 1 MePonald ami Wil
liam J. JlcUtanaghau, Caibfiidale, ap
plied tot and iciPlvpd whnleili II
i discs Xu lit elites ere ic fused in
this elt
Humpluey and Cliffoid Must Flay
Auotlici Game for Pool Champion
ship. The lllllf t -second gillie in the pool
totltnev at the I'arbnndale fvple t tub
was jilaved on Saturday evening. The
only two oonti stants lift out of tho
siiUttd of thlit-two uininf in ed
pliving on Januniv II me Humpluev
and i 'lllUn d, and If the lattii had won
the gamp on Satuidav night he would
alo have won the i hanipiouthip ot
the ellib s It was, bowtxpi, Humpli
ipy lied blni for llr-t plme bv beating
hlin by the seoip of r.'l to i, and an
other gntii" must be pi imiI HuniphiPV
had to ghp riilfoid right balls to slut
with, but he tioii oviramt that dls
advantiige and got tbliteen lulls out
ot the (list iaik, the Hint flame be
In? 1" to 10 in llimiihii v's favor. The
two leaders hnvo t nt h vion nlui ganifi
and lost two lu tho louinev. The de
ciding mime will be pla.vcd thin even
ing. Swingle Is sine ut thltd pils-i
The piles toi the Hist Hupp iup all
bllllmd pile-., illlfi-iing In value, how
evt I.
Another touiii.tnieut will piobablv lo
slatted this week on the pirefntigp
plan. H.tih paitiiipant must plav
iwiy othei paitli ipant, and when the
loiind h ii. been made the man with
the highest .iv-inge villi bt the wlnnrr.
Thin- will be no hnudliapplutr in this
toiiinaineut, mid all plajeib will b on
an iqual footing.
Lackawanna Encampment, No. 16,
Will Entettaln rtidiiy Night.
At the cleetlou of oIUpi'in of L.u ka
vviinni oiiiampuient, No lu. on Pilday
evening, Heni J Hall was elected
seiibe, ho being the onlv oillcer to hive
an oppont nt
On llfNl I'lldltv eveiiins the en
c impnu'iit will have a publle Installa
tion of Us oltleuis. 'I his will be the
111 st public' Installation to bo held In
l'i uus Ivunia Philip J. Vittet. of
Si i anion, ilNtiii i deputy giaud ihiif
patiljiih. will be the Installing ollleer.
IK- villi be nvsihied by liiembiis of
suanton eaiitou. Knights .Militant,
and it staff of dlstilet i.illtii. Delega
llulis fiuui all the Odd Pcllow lodgi s
In this set tlou an; eNppitid, ,n this
new fiatuie has cieated a gicat deal
ol Intel ent.
Visiting Her Parents..
Jim. Jliittle lluges Urown, of New
Voik Pits, whose tinubles with an
Italian nobleman, omiplrei no nun h
space lu the metiopolltaii papets ie
eelltlv. aulvetl lu town vesteiday lor
a visit with her poients, Jlr. and .Mrs.'se HtiKlies, of Salem avenue.
Dr. Whalen on "Baptism."
Itev II. J Wluilen. D. D.. paBtoi of
the ntiean llaptlst i lunch lu this city,
will lead a papoi at tho Uaptlst pas
tors' confeienco In Sciunton IhlRinnin
lug at 10 30. on "Tho Private Admlnli
tratlon of"
Spolto nt Ptesbyterinn Chinch.
Tho P.ov William IlnllenHhctl, of
Iluhokdi, N J. ilellveiPd a seiinon
yesteiday ufti'inoon ut the Second
Pitsbj terlan chiiuli. The subjicl ot
his nddtcsh was "The Soul ltehtorer"
Saw "David Haiuin,"
Mt3siu. Chitrles A. Mellon, It. H,
Oidder. K AI. Peek and Hminoiis L.
Peek wltrie.ised "William 11. Ciane'n
produetlou of "David llaiiuu" In tho
LvicMim In Seiantou.
A Smoker Tonight,
'llie lliial ginie In the pool toiiuu v at
the I'jcle club will be d tills even
ing between riilYoid and Iluinphrey at
S Si i o'elotk, lifter vvhleh tho i lub wilt
wind up tho mn ecssful evuit vlth a
smoker Muulial iiatuip.s In the pallor
and a gcneial good time all ovei tho
club house will prevail
I 'Phone :
' NEW, 286
Hottso on Wtinhlngton Stteet Rnn
sneked by Pniticulnr Thieves.
A peculiar burglary was reported to
tho police of this elty on Saturday
tnoinlng, and all day local slputhn weie
searching for clues which might lead
to the identity ot the burglars. The
case In pectillat In that nothing Is miss
ing, although the vlsltois itimackcd
scvpial rooms.
The house enleied wai that of Mis.
Augusta linker, a widow of Samuel
Uakei, at 10 Washington tsieet. Mis.
Hiker Is visiting In Scrunton and the
house was In chiuge of her maid Jos
eph A. Iloole, bookkeeper for T. C.
Uoblnsou, has a loom In the house, but
on Filday night he was away fiom
home anil did not teach his loom until
i o'clock Saturday morning.
The burgliits gained an entrance to
the house by spilnglng open doois
lu ft out. and must nave gone light
up stairs, foi the maid was out in the
kitchen at the rear of the house and
In at (1 no noise on the giound (loor. At
one time. It Is said, she funded she
lipaul steps upstairs, but she was re
assured by some vlsltois who were
In the kitchen with her, and gave tho
matter no timber uttentlon until she
went to her loom, when she found
thtit lie i buipau diaweis had been
tinned tops tuivy and cei thing In
her loom was displaced, as If some one
had been looking for something in a
At 2 o'llock. Mi Iloole came homo,
and when he had lighted up. he
thought at ilrst he hail stiuck a itini
miigi' sale by mistake. The contents
of Ills buieatl draweis. ilosets, shelves
and oveiv thing moveable In the loom
weie tin own In a confuted heap on
the Hoot and mlNPil up woefullv He
at once et to woik to lake an lnveu
totv of his possessions, and after all
bid bun lestnied to older could ills
i over no losses. A little vvatih on the
bineiiu was tit king away eheeifullv In
plain sight mill othei in tides of value
wotp all left behind So Im as he run
dint ov 1 1, Jit Iloole whs not tubbed of
miv thing but a i onsidPriible amount of
si ep
Tin seivunt was niuallj loituiiate.
although th'ti topi'spil In the bottom
of hi i bun au diawei, mulct Hip paper
lining the snug little sum ol $."0 In
papei moiipv Thi' spiiitheis bad
turned the i ouleiit.s of this tliawet out
on thi Hoot, but bad nilspsd the mone,
wbli h was not dlstuibed In any wav.
Whit the obJePl of the Intruders
could havp bern can onl be suimlsed.
Theie was a quantity of silver lu the
house besides other nitidis of value,
and vet not a thing was missing. It
was tald In jest estcrday that pct
luips thev weie the paitles who have
been lobbing clotheslines, and who
wpio in st at eh of some piitieular ob
ject to complete their wauliobes. as
the had stolen undciwear tiom one
line and silk stockings fiom anothei,
lining citliir nitidis In easy teach
iliitoui bed.
llPtillv, It spenis as If t'mboiidalo
thieves me vety disi i Imlnallng Sutli
fusslncss uvet details Is not to be eoin
incndid. Mall Cairiets Ovetwoikcd.
Substitute Malic airier Walsh has his
hands, lull the Kit lit nail ot evciy
wuk. owing to tho Pnlted States
laws piohlbltlng eat t Ipi s fiom w ink
ing nun e than loity-elght boms a
woik and In- being the only substitute
eaulei. he fieiiientlv has to cover two
cm lluee of the tegular routes eveiy
wuk on Satllldaj be had to flnMi
up the loutis of Cairlers Davis, Oliver
and I'hasp, as p,u h of these had put In
all of the foils--eight bouts culler In
the wpok.
A Conceit Tiiday Evening.
On I'lldiis evenilig ot this week there
will be a conceit given III the itucll-
toiluiii ol the Plist Congi'i gatlouul
i Inn ill. Time will be no admission
i hit Qui It will be uudft the dli co
tton ot John Nulnr. the oiganlst of
the t bun h, assisted 1 JIIss IMIth
netlson, ot Scrantoil, sopiano, nntt
Seiantou and Caibondale talent
Meetings Tonight.
Common count II
Olive Leaf Lodge, Xo. 16. Iuilepolid
cut Ortlt'i of Odd Kellows.
Pcdertil Union, No. 7.101.
I'.iti iotlc Order Sous of Anicilcn
Caibondale Council, No. "JO Knights
of Columbus.
To Mi. and Jits. Noinian Kilmer, or
Clieenileld toad, a son.
Good Mouth lor Pies.
As an cNtta attiaetlon at the Uiand
opeiu hniisH on Sattitclay night, after
the play of "DI.nIc Land," Jlunagcr
Slilpmnii, ot the Kevhtonc Diamatic
company, had a pie-eating contest.
The contestants, siv In number, nil
local oung men. wpio iituged ut tluee
nine tables, set 111 the centle of tho
stage, on vvhleh u posed sl big pies.
Two giiitluucu fiom the audience were
Uc ted as l etc iocs
At the woid "(lo'" .six palts of hands
Timely Advice fiom the N. Y.
"Magazine of Sanitation and Hy
giene." The New Yotk Jlngazlup ot Sani
tation an 1 Hygiene says that a moio
meiitoilous mcdlilnc than Kiause's
Cold erne toi the prevention and c,uro
of La GiiiijH- has never come under
the camlnatlon of the chemical and
medical cpeitb of that mauzlne. As
soon us von begin to take cold or feel
the ilrst symptoms of the Chip take a
Kiattses Cold C'uio Capsule oveiy 3
liotiib dm lug tho dn and -' heforo to
tiling nt night. This will Insuie a good
night's lest and a fie movemtnt of
tho bowels net morning Continue the
tieatment tho neNt day and you need
have no fear ot tho Chip.
Kiuusus Cold Cute Is KUJianteed to
bieak up La thlppe In a duy. and to
euie an onlliimy told over nilit. It
Is a new piintlple In medic Ine pio
paird In soli, soluble gclutlno tap
Hiilee, Willi h mo easllv dissolved by
the tilth and fluids ut the stom
ueh. They am fat supuilor to haul,
su;,rar.ciiatcd pills 01 tubletu. They do
pot nrfeet tho hend as decs quinine nor
upset tho stomach. They contain no
calomel, nnd can bo taken with safety
by the most delleute' woman or child,
KiniiAoV Cold Cine Is foi sal by
druggists at "S cents a b"-
grasped tho pies and started In on the
job of seeing who could masticate their
plo the quickest. The conditions vveto
that eveiy crumb lind to bo eaten and
tho ono who swallowed tire last morsel
the quickest would get a putse of ?3
und the next quickest ono of $2.
In lust two minutes and fortyslt
seconds Michael Gorman gulped down
tho remaining crumbs of what had
onte been an Immense mlncc pie and
stepped back from the table. Two see
ondn later Cluulcy Wagner did like
wise. Thev weie followed In quick suc
cession by the ivmalnder. The contest
evoked much -laughter fiom the huge
Tho Miners' Scale.
The news tint the Delawnip and
Hudson coinpnnv had posted notices nt
Its nrlous collieries that the ten pr
lent, advance In wages nnd other con
fessions made by the company on Oct.
6, 1000, will be continued until April 1.
100J, and thereafter until fuither no.
tlee, was tecelvefl with grntlflratlon
by mlneifl, merchants and rill others
In this city. Tor the Inst few wesks
the air has been tilled by rumois of
trojble on a large scale If the opei at
om refused to meet the concessions
asked by the millets, Rnd while mo-t
of llie merchants havp been of the
opinion that a sttlke would not be tho
outcome, they have been conservative
In bujlng their spring stocks. The end
of this week will piobably tee the mat
ter fettled by the dcelslon of the Illin
ois' convention, which iniets nt Hnzle
ton tomoriow.
Mis. Devlne Dead.
Jlrs. Mnty Devlne, an nged lesldent
of Urookbn street, died Saturday af
ternoon after on etcnded Illness with
bioiichltls, Jlrs. Devlne was born in
Ii eland, but had been a resident of
this city for a gieat many jours. She
was recognized for her klndnc-s and
charity and was a devout nttendant
at St. Rose chili oh. She Is siitvtved
by four children. James and Tlinothv
of this city. Jhs. Jltny Connoi, ot
Ncbinska, and Jlis Knte Likln, of
this city. Tho funcinl will be held
this afternoon, Inteimcnt helng made
In St Rose cemetery.
A Candy Thief.
Nicola Jledlel, the SKth avenue
candy man, la deploring tho dlsappeai-
nncp or sonic of his most cuefullj pie
setvetl confections. Some thief, big or
little, visited his stmid cailv- in the
morning betore sunrise a dav ot so
ago, gaining entinnco thiotigh a trari
door leading to the cellar below thn
stand, and called away a consltleinble
amount of plug tobacco and candv No
clue to the llilil has vet been found,
nor Is it likclv lime will be unless Hie
culprlt has to go to the hospital as a
result of sampling Ills pluudei
Meets Tomoitow Night.
The Cnrboudale 0elc club will hold
their regular business meeting tumoi
iow ov enlng. It Is tindei stood thtt one
of the nuitteis tint will tome up for
tonxldeiatlon will be an Invlt'itloii e
tentled to the club fiom the Ciieen
RIdgp AVhcelmen to attend their fair
on some evening this week on a night
to be designated as "Caibondale Cjtlo
club night " It Is said that the lit con
Ridge Wheelmen huvo given iis"ui
micos of an extra lino time to tho Iom.1
clubmen If they will attend In a body.
The Last Pay Night Opening.
The stoies In this city will keep open
for the noNt ten nights In contnriult.v
with the old-established custom of
keeping open on pay nights, loiiiniene
Ing this evening After the 20th, ot this
month, however, tho pi notice villi
cease, In aicoulance with the ic-olu-Hons
passed at the last meeting of the
Jletc hunts' association TheiPiifter the
stons will tlouc it tl 30. excepting on
Situiday night, the nights ineeeillng
hullil.i.vH and on pa night onlj
No Embezzlement,
.lamps Callahan i ailed at The Ti Ili
um olllcp on Satutdii aftoinoon to
dPiiv the tsotj that was pilntcd in
rildav'n paper, which said that he lind
been phargpd vilth embezzlement by.
hl emplovpr. .lamps P.vlt. lie said
tint there weie no .uresis niade, and
while he was shoit In his accounts
with Alt. Pjle. the lattei had $40 be
longing to Callahan, which nunc than
made good any deficiencies. Ho also
said that he and his late oniplovcr
had loaehed an amicable settlement.
Tho Passing Tluong.
John J. Ilosle Is on tho bid; list.
Alits Janet lilgdow, of Iloncsdale,
spent feunday villi JIIss Jlaitha
Singe i.
Jlrs. Addbtrt Day I able to be
around aguln nftci an illness of throe
w cekf.
JIIss liny Stone, of Jlav field Yard,
has gone to New Yotk. wheio she will
visit ft lends.
Jllses Kannlo Knapp and Kntheilno
Plu-nnolly spent the Sabbath with
Plttston friends.
JIIss Alatv JlcHugh. of i'ovdni1v
stieet, Is recovering rapidly after a
sellout attack of the gilp.
Air and Alls. John L. Read have
removed to Rockland. Jlo. where they
will it-side In tho futuu.
AVilllaim, the diuinmer evniigellst.
dull. tied his addics-s. "Last Romp with
the Tigei." lu the I'lret RaplUt church.
Jctmvn, Sunday moinlug.
JIIss Almnlo F. Coghlan has totutned
to her home In Rockland, Ale., aftei a
visit with Iut cousin, JIIss Alamo
Coghluu, on Dundaff stteet
Nathaniel Depew. the oldest lesldent
of Jlayfleld, died at his home on Noun
Alain stteet on Satutday uioinlng De.
ieaed. who was S7 jcair of age, baa
leslded hero for tho past eighty
He had always been a rtiMi of etraor
dlntry strong physlqiio, Mid was able
to work until a few dajs ago. v.'hen he
was seized with paralvtls. Fiom tin
time he was stricken he giudually
givw Vorse until telleved of his suf
feilngs by death. Ills cnily lecollec
tlonti and cNperlonces of this vicinity,
which ho otten iciounted in conveisa
Hon. weie most Intetestlng and his
death lenitives a w ell-Known ilguie.
He Is sin lvcd by two cons, William
and Chniles, and two daughters. Ahs.
Z O. Wheelei and Aire. Coon, of
Thompson. The tunetnl will take place
Hill aftornoon. Set vice lu the JL R.
church nt hnlf-pjst 2 o'clock
Pveiy ono who enjoys a thoioughlv
goo 1 course of Ir.stiuctlee and cnioi
talnln lecturer should ph n to attend
tho excellent couisa of lectures and
a vinccnt to be given ut tho First
Ituptlst church, Heniy J. Wh ilen, D
U". ot f'urbondule. opens the com so
with his famous Icctiiro on tho "Wit
and Humor of the hlslt People." The
date of this lecture Ins been changed
lo next Thin sday evening.
Th" Dolnwnie and Hudson compiny
pti'tul tho following police at their
collleiy lure hi Satuulay "Thr 10 per
i out. udinnio and other coikorsIoiis
mud by this company on Oct, Cth,
Don't kill to come an J see as great bargiln'
are waiting for you.
In New Guernsey liiilMliuj
Davis Stcam Oyc Co.
l.oodi callr) lor atul clclltern! ( Icaniiv,
PjcltiB ami !'ri win,;
Golden Gate
Dining Rooms.
Rc"l 35 crnt tneil In llir elty
Hie Mnl Tlikctf, 1 00
Siimla illiinrr a p"ilaltj
Home mule ridi
244 ADAMS iVE.
W.J. Barriscalc. cJ!RTn'?A
iutAKlrr-i a COAL ANO
Vite-plier trlinniltiR. lillns tor Bomi
I Inlrli Irlns: ""l 1 Ivlute.
I.leetrle Dell ami Tflephon Work
Dealers In
Plate Glass and lumber
Mnimfaeliiicit.' i,eiiis
Putili 1 VcriiU lor
In'm V nn-lillne sin- ( o Wu It pr in.
Ilnllliil Wire c, mn IVn In hi I I'iiIiIhi Sll.
lo i llcltln.- l'i Une, Ho" mil Meiliani il
llllbt ei t.o, J. kltoillon l'i.kll'4 t ntrl
HI I lot 111 in: limn ,lu Paull lllds:
Iloi'i s, , I1- ,, ., ucial Hill kMllltl III,
Wavon ami ranhtc l.ulMhv
1100. ,i pci not Ire lusted, will be eon
tinucd to Apt II 1st, l'joj, nnd theie
after until further in tice. loial dlf
fetcncpH will be ad lusted with om own
enipioyi s at the leipetthe collleitis
C C IJosr, Mipitlntendent
Theodcio Uhoil.i ot Seiantou, w.v
a visitor hole -.stotd.iv.
Tho fi lends of Willi tin Jb How will
be gkid to heat Hi" j.oung man. who
Is In the hospital at Cm lion. bile, vv n
reioited yestenlav to be listing citlte
nw nnd his condition w is enn,ldeied
quite i neoiiiaglug
Tie Deliwuie and llinl'oii niiiipany
will pa.v at theP iiillleiy h.?ie to
Alls. Al'aliei Alunnv lia" t elm mil
home fiom a foi tnl-'lifa visit with
filrnds at PlMSOlla
H 1, .Teiinvn, ot Seinnlon, was 'i
vlsitol heio '(Stunt t
The niiieial or the late John Davis
was held linm the r.uullv honie, on
Plist stieet, niakel.v. at 2 o'i liu k ves
teitlay atleinoou. The vast number
of poisons who attended the obsequies
attested the esteem and lesput 111
which Hie deieused uung man was
hold. After n shoit seivhe at the
bouse, the lemaiiis weie taken to the
Ulakelv Haptlst ihilitli. where the sei
nIpis vicie coudutte'il by Itev George
Hague assisted hv Rev Di. spencer,
of Ulakelv, and Rev. Thomas de Gi it
chy, of West .Seiantou As the 10
inulus weie boino Into the c Inn oh a
beautiful solo was sung by AIlss Alug
gle Thuiuas Rev. Thomas de Giuihy
lead tiom the Seilptutes mid ofliicd a
player. The Electric City Win olinen
quartette sang voi filllngly, "Jesus,
Savloi, Pilot Ale" The fuueial ills
tout so was dellvtied by Itev fleorgo
Hague, who spoke eomfoitlng and con
soling1 vi ends to the beieaved one. He
also paid a high tilbute to the meinoiy
of the dei eased itev Thomas tie
Gi itchy and Di spent er also spoko In
ouloglstli tunis ol tho departed A
choli fiom Seiantou, lendoied "Hurl;
of Ages" In an Impiesslve liiannei.
Seveial appioprlate sdicllons wpip
also sung b.v Hip Susquehunna Stirot
llaptlst ihnlr. Then was a piofuslon
of tokens tiom loving ft lends
Among them, weie a bioken wheel ot
loses tiuni the Hleetilt Cit Wheel
men, a descent ft out the Baptist
Young Peopli s t'nlon a wieath and
a gates ajai The Hleittlt Clt AVhcel
men attended the tunetnl lu a body.
A long piocesslon followed the de
i eased to Union IOmeter . vvhe-io he
was laid ut lent. Tin pall beat pi
weie William Lewis, Hnieison Joseph,
Hdwnid Davis, I'ligcue Vosburg. iiieiu
bcrs of tho Wheelmen's club, Aitliur
Wlrlilowtlelil nml llli'bnil Cviins. The
flower benrois wpip IMwaid Aloii'e,
. Charlud Daniels, Atlhur Divls and J,
ii i nonius
Conrov, Alnck nnd Hdwaids, tho viell
known comedians will open a tin en
night's engagement at the Father
Alathew Opeia Rouse nc-Nt Thuisilay
night, with 'The Dlumoiid King '
A meeting of the mum It will be
held tonight, when Piesident Reap will
announce the coiumltlto appointments
lot the lomliig vi'fu, mid uppiopiin
tions to vnilous dt'pai tnicnts will bo
The pupils ot AIlss Alat.v Ileikhlosei's
class in the !laktlv llaptlst Sunday
school will give an enteitalnmeut this
evening. Tickets to cents.
Ah AI J Illlike, whose di ulh m
ciiried at his homo lu Paik Plato on
Saturday night, was a toimei well
known lesldent of this pi ice 1IH
mother. Ahs Hi bigot KuiKe one
hi othei H J lluike, and thieo slstets.
Alts. Audiew Fat i ell, Ahs Alargaiet
Itrogau and Ahs Heniy D-'nno, of inks
town, lauvlvo hlin.
Tint regulur session of Hie sihool
board will be held at the Central school
building tonight.
Airs. W R Edmunds, of Plttstou,
visited fi lends heio jesteiiluv.
To Cute a Cold in One Day
lake lavalltc llionio f'ulnlne laldeU !'r
Brotherhood Wine Co.'s
I hie OKI l't Is t'liritiiinl m, ami
Miilmir I atiilh Iriili? Hiil'
Great Fire SaLu
Nm (kais On
Mi I mi ami all kliil-i ot
Scraivton Laundry.
Calli tiy tclcpliore recelie prompt nllfiilloii
"Rial's ill '
for I iihui mil flints
Ml shines, c
SuilOjSCI to
Wc mike a perlalti of flue titeail .tl ft
Urdus li r siIj.Ih, Oj!eit, ( loipicltei elc ,
piompll' llllcil
I full line if co Ciou i mil fir.
Eureko, plating Works.
Miter, f.nliKMik 1 tipper ind lit i
1 1 in Iclliii lie iiil.liicl
-jog 3Pfwcr sir. ao3 undcn st.
tvi lp.v or m: i:sr t Uii:s.
Two t'lioiica.
SHOES ,l,,,,. '"
toodiiun it Ilrino il sji
ano tile Manufacturing Company
M k r ,,! l'i in.- Illl.k el M It Pile
I. nml sd, v.uii lilnVi ij W i-liin&liii i
W uk i a Nn Vue. I i I V I! II
Tht laigisl iiowd that has jet at
tPiidul the fah ol tin Catvaiv Uaptlst
t him c h at Wilms link, was pieseut
on Satuidav evening Inteiest has
been glowing each night and It uitild
toiltlnue to diavi itowded houses foi
anotlii r wppI, Howevoi, Hie promo
Itis dot lilt il to i lose this (Alondav)
oviiilng. Tile liandsoiiie oil painting
of Ait 1st A C. Duke, which Is being
chain ed off at ten tents. Is a vorj at
tiaitlvo ft u hue. The You II a 1. idles'
sotiilv booth, with its pietty diapeiy,
Is nun h ndiulied The gioeeiy and
L idles' Aid soeletv booths ale also at
tl.utlve points The uti t slimeilt ta
bles ate lu lug llbeiallv iiatioulzd.
This owning will tit title the vvluuei
of the valuable lot
List of urn Inline d letltis adveitlsed
at Hit" Ta lot postulllce. Tavloi, Male Ii
II, 1 1)01 as tollows, Domeslli Thorn
as Davles. Godlilnl Hllgl.', ' H. H" (J)
"AI." (I). Lena Ott Potelgll- Waz
inleis Nudum Simpeill No7iueno.
Joslper Stustiu, Pitr Dleniiewlt,
Pianilseik Llagalo. .Muses Lleb Seian
geis .lulill W. Ileesc.. postmastei
The following oung people fiom this
town atltniled the let option teiideietl
Hllii'st Fiutihle at Lltu oln Heights
on Sitiiida.v e venlng Mlssos Nelllo
Cmdwell, Llllie Kit hauls. Little Col
ban. Jessie Nli hulas. Gll-le Uolnlini tit.
and Jlihsis cluster Hecv . Chailes
Powell. William JIuignm, and IMwaid
T A. Hums, of Jlaln hIipcI. was a
callci on licit (Xciidall at PecKvllle
Jl.s Gojigo Hood, of Not Hi Tailor,
spent vo.itonlay as the gtu st ol ir la
thes 111 Plttstou
The social at the l'list Congrega
tional i bun It. of Noith Tavloi. was
well patioiiled on Satuidav evening
Tavloi, Pue and Auhbild collleileii
weio nald heio on Satuidav
Jluubcrs of the Young Jlen's Cnils
Han nsidtitiou bund an wot King dili
gently foi the din tss of theli mining
Mlppei. to be held ill Liewelln's ball
on I'lilun stieet, on Manh 21
Jlt-ssi". Juhn l'" Tubbs and tieoige
Jlai-li have been tinted as topic
"I'lttatlvcH fiom luvlntlble loniman-tl-i
j. No .'"J Knights or Alalia, at
the nesl Biand session
Hdmoild W. Carter bus been appoint
ed tu the position as ill-Jit patiolmaii
at the Tailor tollleiy of Hie Lin ka
waiiua i onipaiiv. Since the icceut mb
beiy at the lot til tilth e the ollli lain
tleoiutd It advisable to station an olll
cvi tilde.
Aiihbald Mine An lilentol I' uud will
meet in Hie Odd Follows hall, oil
Noith Alain stieet. this ovenlng
S .1. Pieldman. of Alain tsieet. Is
vIMHiik his bioih.i. Chailes Field
liiau. at ilaiiBor Pa
Hinbleni dlvblon. N'o ". Sons ol
Tempeiauie. will nnd In n-gulu ses
slon this o mint.
Tin Oitlui ii Atodcin ooiliiit n will
inett at Leibuul hall this ovenlng
Hi nest Wcscoti. t Duijca. snuit
Sunda In town
Ahs. Freeman, of lltiunn who has
been visiting her tdstoi-, A1m Asa
Scott and Ahs J Uawoti. ictiinnil
home yestetila)
Alls. A. J. Hale le'tumeil Satuidav
uft er ipcndliiK a lew dajs at the home
of IMwaid Uiitnes.
Ah. and Alls. Chailes l oopei of
Hyde Pail;, spent jostonlav with Mi
anil Ahs. John ihlculule. of tho L'iIi
fa i in.
Theie will be a legiiliu met ting tif
tho Wilson File miiipnnv on 'I'nesdav
uv onlug
Mis David Wells of liiiueiliilo Is
spending a tew 1111111 at the homo of
Airs. William Ins
The honie of Ah and Alls John
Williams, ot Allnooka nunm was the
scene of ninth pltasuio Thuisilay
evening, when a nuiubir of voung
F. L. Hitchcock
t& Son,
5"0 ind W7 Coniinonnraltli PiillJIn:,
FCniNTOV, p,.
Onli flr! da.1 loinpatilcj repiffnttil Claim
piomplly pa i.
O. S. BLOSS 'c
L. SOMMAR. IliillrlliiR Conliactor.
I inplo' union men. l.ttmatr ilieertull'
glirn llcnioilolliiK nnj rrpalrlnit a rpeilall).
will m-ii all tliclr itnptea of Hue linportnl
Mjilrjc MiUU lor men at X.h , twilli$ltot:..'.0.
c.otil Mchl
c5 I'liotographcr
LlillliriiJ XS.
litlliclr. 1tll 1 ag Mil
ol all klnb llnu "
an I Imildius Int. at
lurs iln
1 1 Vdanis Vie
1 ii kauamu
I aiilagi. Wi tk
PROn r.
BERNHARD, jeweler.
V hue a.soinnriit of line I inliielU ml
1'iraiol ol t INI. s,k t p to dito piilrin'
I'uiei po'ltinlj HUM It Him Hti kou-e In
tlieiln Ml eoor kept in III PMK dec ol
iluici lor mi- irir III I'MltlMI ind Itl.
CUM IIINI. a .ililu
fi lends assembled in a surpilso patty
in liniioi of AIlss Anna Lent 11, of
Sttoudsbuig. The evening was passed
In a manner thoioughlv. enjovctl by all.
Those piesent weio. Aliases Nina Dl,
Vtrna Stlioonovei, Anna, Suslo and
liessli Watklns, Alniy and Jennie Ace,
l!i ll.i and Jluggle Giahaiu. Jtmy
Thomas. Nellie Kyng. Jlessis i:imer
Hmdio, Jlvion Kllllau. Gootgc and h.i
Thomas. Clinton AIImhh Rimer Tln
klepcugli. Hairy Seboouovcr, HoweiS)
Pet lew. Aloigau Thoinas Thonms Da
vis. Milt Coolbaugh, Hciman Cool
baugh. Giler Johiison
Air Patilek Htun. of South Aloosic,
Is llng silotis II kit his home.
Ah". Daniel Pi lee was raited Thins
day evening to I'liulra N Y, on ac
count of the set Ions lllm ss of her
datightei Jhs Albeit Hauls.
1 . -- . .. .
5 "1 1 il 1 1I1 Stunt' n liilnme
Durvia. Jluiih 10 Ono of the mosl
pleasant paitles of the season was held
at the home of All .ind Mis D C.
Heed, on Giove stn-i t In honoi of then
son ltenjamin s twetitv -Ilrst blithdnv
nnnlveiMiv The usual pleasuies wen
unlojed and lelieshiii-'iits weicTFcrveil,
aftei" whlih llashllglit plilines won
taken ot the metis toup bv Jnmef
Hoilhwlik 'lliosi piesent weio Allsses
Anna lleunett mid Anna Lliown ol
Wu.vne eoiintj .Missis Aim y Anderson,
Hlla Mi own. haiah Hi own Jlnv Nell
son. Anna IScnnctt, Anna Cuitls, LUle
HoithwIoK, Aluette IMsnll, Aleithelld
haltllsko. .it nnle Waldiltk. Alessis.
William Andeison. .limit f Nellson, Will
lain WlekUti. .Matthew Jim tin, Hliiies
Tlilklepaugh. lien Wkklzei Alcv.
Campbell, James Hoithwlok Ah und
Jhs. William Plow and Ah and Jlrs.
Aneltew Allien
The Infant -on ot Ah ami Jhs Pianll
Whyle died l'llim of bionehltls The was Iield Siindav 11 f lei noon,
and Intel incut was made in tho Atnrcy
'the fuuiial ut the Infant son of Air,
TlioiuuH (hay took lilac e Filday In.
icrment was made hi the Alauy ifine
ten The Infant daiulittr of Ah nml Alts,
Juiiies Tlbbs ot Tajloi, was bulled In
the Alaicj cuneteij Tliuisda.v
Ahs Gallits w is a vlsltoi in Pittston
tot ontty
AIlss AIni.v Alideison has letiuneil
home, attei a few weeks' vllt vilth her
aunt. Alts. Jones, of HdwatiUvllli
Ahs. lllaudy, tho evangelist, will eon
tluet icvlvnl seivlics all this week In
tho Pilmlllic Alethodlst 1 lunch AI
1110 welcome
Hdwaid Jones has ancptcd a posi
tion as shipping ileil; for Clark nios,,
at Scrantoil
boN social will be held In the Hrlck
1 bin th bv the Hpwoith league on
Tuesdav ovenlng
Louis Hilsall is III nt his home on
(iiovo sIipoi
Men Suffering
from lo of nervoui force often owe
ttieir condition lovonthhil Ifjuoraacc
tint feuful enemy to health.
It U the builnem of hdence to repair
tlieilamigeciujed by the tlioughtiesa
prictlcciut )oulli
servou Ilebltlty never gels well of
ltelf. Its viellitm drig llirougli n
tiiiscrahle exUteuce, vvcnV, listless,
hterrtllv feed the liuti(rryi',ries,RlvtiiB
tliem the precise ingrctlicutii tie.
tnanded by uiture. 1 111 womlerliil
remedy cures r.enous Urblllty, stop
all dralux, replaced winded tlue,
tends rlcli, vvarin life blood tlugUnn
tliroiiKli ciery part, miUltiR every or.
gin net nod cauilug on to glow with
Jl 00 per bejc. fl boxes (with RUru.
lee tcirurc), $.i(l Hook free mi.
McDicl.Nt. Co , CleveUud, Ohio,
lor rale It lolm II I'lielps, I'liuniaital, eoiuer
w'oiiiln; aunue uud serine street.
C" ctJ vik