The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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tt y sir "" ' "tfr ""R
r-e -
, S
t'U "3
Juiy Empanelled to Hear the Testi
mony of Tlioso Who Arc Familiar
with the Case Dr. Sweet Will
Pleach a Sales of Special Sermons.
Two Funerals Yesterday Jackson
Sticot Chinch Notes Meetings of
Wheelmen Other Notes and Ter
nonnli of an Intoiesting Natiue.
A piM'iillii r t lift- vui lnmiclil to Hit
ntti'iilioli of thi' I'litiitiPi' yi'Mtfiduy. I.nt
rr devolopniPiiiH niiulf tlirow iiiok llnht
mi tlio rime. rn Stimln.v. Muich :i, Al
lifit, tlu oti:iir f 11 nC Mr and Mi.
t'lurlt'M Cnlvlii, of -".'.! Ti'li'n Htii'ft.
died an a ic-uilt of litltnv iweivcil ly
falllim into a ml) of liolllwr wuIpp.
Tlic child vvhh :: yearn of an mid,
) col (illlFr to tile Htoi V of till' raxo told
by the KtandmolhtM', Mie. u'Mallcy.
wan playing In the kltrlii'ii of bin linnic.
vtlieiv tin- vvoiimn wan lllllin r tub
Willi huiliiiK urn r Wh"ii iitr bid;
mils turiii'd tlic child loll In and viss
terribly .scalded. The chlld'n ncream :
iittr.ictcd the iiclnhlioiK, ulnl he was
lc-'ciied after lielni; b.iilly suhhil.
Dr. .1. J. lliciiimu, of .Iiirk.-im Klieil,
us called and did eeiythln; ini-sHilo
to lulluvt til lioy'i slllfei it). but
without avail. The body vwih !nli iv 1
!n the C.itli In I cemetery Tu t.i iv .i,
tei noon. The latin r and niolher of the
i hlld vvoto absent fioni home win it the
do.ttli declined and did not letuiii un
til after the tuueial.
When the father asKed Mi. O'Malley
iiboul the case he was Infoinied that
the liny bad died fiolil an of
bialn fever Mr. t'ulvln legniclcil this
statenient with su)IcIon and soukIH
Dr. Hrennan, who lufoiniel him of the
trin clicuinstaiices In the ease.
The father thcietioii nutllloil the
oioner and the body whs
cvluiinod by Ktineial Director Tasue
ntid taken to his llndei taklnir rstalt
llshnient, wheie Dr ltoberts held an
out(iisy jesterd.iy afternoon. A Jury
was empanelled and after they viewed
the U'ln.ilns adjournment wm made
until a latei date, when witness' will
be csanitned.
The jurois empanelled wue: John
Uobeits, Charles fii-nri,"
Kilter, Chailes Miiko"iii. John i:.
Johns and I'. W. Tukuo. Tin- body Is
One Day More of
"Wonder" Values in
Fashionable Ribbons
On Monday last we had scores of
people coming to the Ribbon counter
asking for the specials offered for
last Saturday onlv. Of course thev
went away disappointed.
Well, We'll Make One More
Offer for Today, Saturday
If customers miss the bargain chance
this time they miss it forever, as these
' prices will not be repeated :
Ail Silk Moire Ribbons, in black only, 6 to r
io inches wide. Never mind what they're J "c
worth, the price for today aud Saturday ouly is miAU
All Royal Corded Ribbous, in all the fash- r pa
iouable shades, iucludingthose for Spriug wear, 9 c
; iuches wide, Two days only at J
All Silk Ribbons, in the newest and most -d
beautiful effects, 4 iuches wide and of excellent I JPc
quality. Friday aud Saturday only L
Cord Edge Taffeta Ribbons, in all color- g
iujrs. No limit to the assortment, 2 inches Jrc
wide. Price, Friday aud Saturday ouly -
The Ribbon Sale for
One Day, Saturday Only
Globe Warehouse
now nt Tiigue's niorfiiio nnd will soon
bo ro-lnterred In another cemetery.
Electric City Wheelmen.
At ii Hpeclnl meeting of the Klectilc
City Wheelmen, held nt the club nouns
on Thursday evening, milt.ible ipso
Unions weie adopted on the death of
one of their nieiubeiH, John D.ivlg,
Thu club dclded to utlenil the fune
ral at Olyphant in n body tonioirow
aftetnoon nnd will meet at the house
at U'.r.O o'clock for that puipose. The
pall-beiirets .nnd llower-beaiefH will be
selected fium atnotiR the menibis -M"
the club.
Next Tuesday evening the nilnstiol
troupe will jjIvp a performance at the
opening of the flreen KIiIrc Whecl
tnen'H new club house. A l.iifje delPKii
tlnn 1m expected to accompany the boys
to 'push tlihiKH olontf."
Jackson Street Chinch Notes.
The mcnibeis of the church will
please notice the chaUKe In the time
of th Supper. It.v u vote of the
chuiih It will be administered In the
morning Instead of th" evening.
The Tom Thumb wedding was a suc
cess and the niembcts of the infant
department are cotiKratulated.
The Illustrated suuons for Sunday
evenliiK.s nie to be nil education cm the
various hymns thai we .slmr. lieinein
ber yolll olfeilni;.
The Invitation caids are out and on
them -tint may Unit the otiler of the
evenlliK lectin es, with topic.
The flashlight picture of the Tom
Thumb wedding Is Just peitcct. All the
little tots look well.
Seiles of Special Scimons.
'oiiimeucliw tomoiiow evenhif,', Kov.
J. II. Sweet, 1). 15., pastor of the Simp
son Methodist llplseopal chinch, wilt
pleach a soles of four seiiuons on
"The r.ast Kaithly I'tteiance.s of the
Th" Hist subject will be 'M'orRlvP
ness of ("ltd"; !-ecoud, "Motheily Sollcl
twle"; tlilnl, "Foisukpii ot (!od," anil
fourth. "r.ods rinlshed AVoik."
seiiuons me expected to be Instinctive
and helpful to all, and the pastor
tllolild be pncoui.'iKPd in his woik.
Two Funeials Yesteulny.
The letinlni; of an Infant child of
Mr. and .Mrs Michael Doughuity, of
i'M 1'lfth stieel weie luteiied in the
'.ithedlal cemetery yesteiday aftei
uoon. Scribe over the remains of the late
Patllik Muni, or UiS Kallruad ave
nue, weie held al Holy Cross chinch
at - o'clo'l: vesteiday atteinoon. ln
t'lmenl was made In the CntliPdtal
cemetery. The pall beaicih weie John
Mi Hale. John Flannery. James Uuh.
Daniel Connell, lvtcr Noon and John
A number of West Seiantou people
attended the funeral of the late Thus.
Thomas at lllen Lvon .vestcrday aftet
noon. llev. Ii. 1. Hvatis. of South Main
avenue, ofllciatecl.
Mm tleoiRp V, .iLliklus, of South
H.vde Pail; .ivtntle, entertain -d the
Ladles' Missionary noclety ot the
Washburn Street PrOHbyteilan church
yesterday afternoon.
The youmr ladles of the Woshbuin
Strest Presbyterian church held an
entertainment Inst evening for the ben
ellt of the pnrsunnKo fund. Thu at
tendance was small, but the event was
Another l.irKc pntiomiRc was neeord
cd the supper ut the Hampton Stieet
Methodist episcopal chuich last even
ing In aid of the pastor's fund,
Mall Carrier Walter Mc.NMchols Is
belntf coiiBrntulnted for an net ot brav
ery which occurred on Thursday. Up
Htopped a runaway hnisc.
The local Umbers' union met last
pvenhiRT and made arrangements to nt
tend the funeral of their late member,
John DavU, In Olyphant, tomorrow af
ternoon. Miss Maine Phillip, of Jucksoh
street, Is spendlw; n few clays In New
York city.
A daUKhter has been bom to Mr and
Mrs. John U, James, of ITU Washburn
A rcKUlar meutltiK of the Silurian
IchIkp of Odd KellowK was held In D.
1). Kvans' hall, South Main avenue,
hist evening.
A rummaKc sale Is now In proRiessat
'M Washington avenue for the benefit
of the Simpson Methodist episcopal
Mrs. Mai tin Hums, of ,",l."i Meridian slipped and fell on the Ice near
her homo on Thuisday and fiacturcd
her skull. She Is In a seilous condition.
The St. Paul's Ploirer toip.s will
hold n regular nuctiiig totuonow nf
tornoon, to be followed by u smoker
H'otd has been lecclvod here of the
death in Minnesota of Uev. It. Koitlk
Jones, agpil 7.1 years, formerly pastor
of the South Main Avenue Wclih Cnl
vlnlstlc Methodist church.
Hairy, of ;t,!l North Uvuils
c-ouil. Is seriously HI with plelltlsy.
The congiegatlon of th Sumner
Avenue Pipsbyteilan church will unite
with the Washburn Stieet cluin h In
a union seivlee on Sunday morning at
lo.::n o'c-loik.
The drawing for the roniNh piano,
for the bonetit of Division No. I", An
cient Order of Illlvinlans, will take
place at Young- Men's Institute hall on
Sunday, March 17. Th instrument Is
now on ehlhltlnn in M. V. Wymbs
otlli e on Jackson stieet.
Mis. James Pi ice, of Klug.ston, Is
Lilting h,i daughter. Mli-s Catherine
Pi Ice, the, ot South Main nve-
Mi and Mis. lohu H. Williams, Mi.
John J. Davles. Mi-. William InvK
MKs Jennie Lewis. Dlstikt Attorney
W. !. I.ewlh and binther, Joseph Lew
is, alt. tided the liiuelal of a ndatlve
In Wilkes. Pane yesieiday.
Ib'V. KninU J. Mlllmaii, who l sup
idylinj the Sumiiir Avenue Pioshyiei
I hi chinch, has decided to cccept" c
"II to the Pottsvllle Second Pie-diy-t"ilan
church, nlilcli we tendeied him
. nth
Seiantou Men's Society to Entertain
the Ladles Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Feisonal Mention.
'I'll 1)11.11 ti'll mci-liHK of I he Welsh
I'oim'ieKational chinches of .N'orllieiint
eili Pennsjlvania will be held today
and tomoirou, in the Welsh t'ons'ieKa.
tlonnl chinch on West Market street.
The sc.s.snii win open at - o'clock this
afleinooii. PieachhiB s -IV Ices at 7
o'clock 111 the evcnlnir. On Sunday
niorniiiK ineaihlnrr will besln at 10 a.
ill. and T p. m. Hetvveen .' and t! p m.
a loiifeienie will be held, when all
the eminent dlvln-s of the entile dls.
I lot and a In lire number of lay dele
Knlys will he iie.-,.nt. All uie cordliil
ly Invited to altend
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Sew Inp: .school Satuiday ntteiiioou at
I.mO o'clock, liosjiel mcetlii;,' Satuidn.v
PVPiilnir at T.Su o'clock. Junior meet
In :. Satuiday afteinoon at ."..SO o'clock.
Monday eveuliu? at 7.S0 das-cs in
povvlnir and embioldeiy. All who wish
to Join class-cs ma do so at thin
I'lble sludv Tuesday afteinoon nt I
o'clock bv ISi'v. rieoi'Ki I.. All, pa.s
tor of !l, 'ice llefoimid Episcopal
chilli h. Subject, "The Holy Splilt In
l'"irth DNpcuwatlon." These ineeiliiKS
are well attended, but we would like
more to enjoy the pilvllcB" of thei-e
Wide Kindle!-. God is willing to leveal
llie deep thliiKn to us for cair lomfoit
and edlllcatlou. We especially invite
.students of the lilblc and mlntsk'is of
the Rospel, that toucther we may
scaich the scilptuics and "be built
up In our most holy faith,"
Miss AVoscott's cmbioldcry class on
Tuesday evenlnir ut 7 ::o o'clock. We
would like more to Join this class. Miss
Wc-fecott will also form n class In ,inlut
lUK for Monday nfternonn. AH who
cato to Join this class may repoit at
Tuesday evening elnss.
Mothers' ineetlni,' Wednesday after
noon at .'! o'clock. This meeting will
bo nddross-Ml by Mr, 'Wescott, of Sum
mit Pnik, a. All aie Invited to in
tend this meeting.
Kitchen Kurileu Thuisday atteinoon
at ) o'clock. Wble study Thursday
c-vcnlni,'. Sunday school lesson by soc
ietal y. All welcome.
Classes lu mlllltu'rv. I:iik11s1i and In
stiuinoulal music. All who vvirfh to
Join any of these classes, or nil, may
lcpoit to stfcietnry at looms, 2l? Xorth
Main avenue.
Teucheis of all the classes of the as
soi latlon and chairmen of the differ
ent cominlit"is mo rcijuestcd to meet
In iiioniH Monday ovenlmr, March 11. n:
s o'clock This is a very Important
ui'ctiiiK. Would like all to a'ienil.
ladies' Night.
Ladies' night" Is the attractive
immune latino which tho Su anion
Mon'H society have given to their as.
f.enibly cm Monday evening next, in
tho I'lovidoncc Piesbytcrlun social
looms. Tho llteiary and phllanthtoplc,
musical and social conuulttefs, In cw
of the- presence of the ladles on that
evening, aio announcing special piep.
aiatlons, and a coirespundlngly enjoy
ale occasion. In icsponse to uigent
solicitation fioni the llteiur Lominlt
tee. a toleile of Chautaiunia ladles,
Mis. Sadler, Mis. aillcple, Miss Kllza
cih Henwood uud .Miss Ituth Jnckson.
will give an entertaining delineation,
not or one of Sh.ikespeaie's plays but
of n pretty and dignified clianui of
Shukespeailan llteratuie, bearing tho
unlnuu title, "Place aux Dames," "the
Indies speak nt last."
fj In Mote for fill vlio w-o Kemp's IUIkiid fur
the llnoat ami I.unrs, Hip uical KUJrautroil
remedy. Would jou tirllevc t lint It l old on
Iti merit nnd any clrusritUt U authorlzrcl liy tlio
ptepildcir ot Dili wmiilrrful irmcd.v to die )mi
a kainplt" 1'Oltlf free? It Hour fall to iui
acute or (lironla coucln. All druggist tell
Kriiip't lliliaiu Price 23c, and 90c
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskej
America! Crentut Htdlelao
CURES Consum
General De-
billty. La Grippe. Colds, Bronehltla,
Malaria. Dvananala. rjanrnmlnn. and
weakness from whatever causes.
II i tho onlr Whukey utf 4 Ut the UOTcrnmf nl M a
RiMlrlnci, Itui U it miarantrd. lln aura you nrl tha
icouioc All .Irnmiiu ami groom or cllrtoi, l oo
oeuli-. (ijnd for ttrr medlcil hook let and totlmonialj.
Bri Malt Whlikoy Co., IlocScaler, JK. Y.
AValkenshaw orchestra will enliven
the evening's pleasures with muilcnl
iiumbei.o, nnd the social committee will
serve a dainty collation. President
Dolph II. Athertcm will call to order
promptly nt S o'clock, nnd Musical
nitector Whlttemote will Had oft In
the Ki'nnd ehoiu, ".My Cnuntty. 'tis ot
Thee." 1'ach meetlnir of the Men's
society thiniifih the winter has been
piolltable and eujo.vahle, and the Apill
assetubly will clone the rath'MlnRS for
the season.
There were three pilsoners lodged In
police remit on the chiri;i s of elh
ordeily cnndicr and leslstlm; nn oillcer.
They weie Michael Millar, Joeph He
votodlvlz and David lteese. Millar and
Unolodivli'. .were lined $20 and Iteeao
SI". In default of lino lteer and He
votodlvlz will spend twenty days in
the count, .tall.
t a special meeting of the Liberty
I lose company, No. 'J, action was taken
In toward to attendlni,' th- funeral o(
the late Henry ilrlllln. who was a
member of the company. All meinbeM
me icquestcd to meet at the hoye
hou at 10 o'clock to attend the tune
ntl In a body.
A lively IlKlit lx beliiB made bv th"
candidates for the oilier- of tluauclai
secretin y ot th- Father Whltty aocle
t at the coining annual election. The
candidates for the utile aie Thomat
Homer, Mai tin I'avanauj'h and Wil
liam A. I.vuntt. The election will in
cur at tin icRUlai meeting Suuda.v.
April 1. All nienibeis aie urBcil to be
present for the "lection
Yesteiday alteinooii the diUK store
of V. D, MiivH. at North .Main avenue
and Maiket 'itiect. who sold to John It.
Lltllejoliu, of Parker street. The cb uc
stor has for many been inn by
Mr. Davl". who has become wldelv
I.Miown In this s-eellon of the city and
has Knitted many friend'.. Mr. l.lttle
John is a piouilneiit .vouiik man ot this
hci'tlun. and h.w lived heie for a num
ber of j ems. He H a uraduate of the
.Medleii-ChllUrKleiil coIIckc of New
Yoik and Is well veised In the line of
(ItllKS. He will take rll.ll Be ot the
"ton liinnedlatcd.v
Willi. mi Jervls. of Ite-M siiei't. is
sutfeihm' with an attack ot typhoid
Mrs". Thomas A. Price aud daiiKhter,
Hllzabi'th, visited trlends in Taylor,
Mis. IMward Uaiietl. or Summit
.iviuue. Is siill'ei Iiiff with an allaik of
Mr llobeit Von Stol oh. of Hast Mar
kel stlri't, Is able to be aiouud again
after an attac k ot the Klip.
All new . matter for The Tiibuno
will iriclve pioinpi attention If loll at
l.ils' dniK stun, roincr of Main avi
liuo and .Mail, -t stieet
The Junior I'pworlh Iciriii hi 11 a
cantata at the Methodist 1'plsinpal
chin c It last evenliiK, aftci which he
crain and cake were served In the lei -tint
rnoiv. It was a decided sun ess,
a Rood sum beliiR icallKed
J. II. Ac keison. of Tankhaiiiioi k.
.spout a few das with fi lends :n Paik
William Jllchniond's lamll.v of Junes
stieet. Is ill with the Rilp.
John C'oisor. of Towanda. Is vi.IIIiir
his parents, Mr, nnd Mis. I'mser of
Cmiit street.
Mrs. Diumlei and daiiRlitei, of Km.
est City," have been .spelldlllR a few
dayn with S. II. Sickles, of Providence
.Mrs. T, Htelsr. of Oiamoud avenue, is
111 nt her home.
.Too Poss, of Wilbur street, had an
Index IhiRer on his right hand ampu
tated yesterday at the Lackawanna
hospital. Ituss Is n miliar at the Mnr
vIiip shaft nnd several days iiro had
his hand raiiRht between buniperK
Miss Lillian E. Bush.
At huuliimlun, .V. Y., Mis. I. Ilu.1i
died lliurtiliy, March 7, at t'p. m after an ill
nca of tliioc dj from pcrilunltm, .it the urc of
il j cam. Tho U mrvlvrd In licr fi
tlit r, Willail i; lluili. ti.tori Ixiu M, of Hinu
li iiuton, .N. V , and V!r-. lto Marl,, of (. illlru,
I'.i., and llio fnltuviiiR lirotlai: Kmost 1,' , of
I.iteililic, v, v,.: IIjikc 1). of I'lpilnuiili, I'i ,
Piedirli k, of Pern's Hun, l'a , inl .Mai. V, of
.-cn.ulon, l'a.
l'lnifral will l,e Suniliy aflein. on, Mai.h lu. m
tin MctliOilKt rpl-eopd at njiri- nv, l'a.
IIoikmIiIp pipers plca'o cepc.
Mis. Thomas Cannon.
Mi.c. Tlioi.iat I'Jiinoi:, aged flJ car. dud i.i
Tliurnliy iiUlit at licr liouu. 107 lUIIioad iiuni. I. naribcd by li'.i liu.liand and lluiu
"J lie funcnl fcrvlies will Ui held toinornw in.
teinoon nt '.'.o0 o'clock at Holy ( uw, chuuh,
and iulcimcut will 1" nude in tin ( idu la 1 1
ie nut i rj
I he uiifiil of the late MM Mivilrl llev.
lii.lilc will t.l.p plai toiiiomm- alieii.oon it 2
u'tlurk. Si. ciics will he held at the houc,
Ji7 Jjfajlie .tic.t, and hittrnuni t ill lio
nude in the Uj.hljiim meet cciueter.t.
The funrul ut Klirihelh, the il .war old thdd
oi Mi. .aid Mm. llcveUhii Davit, of KM I.'.mioii
oliicl, villi lie tiiidurtid llilc alleinoon at .:..'D
uilcxk fiein tho liouse. Itev. do flruehy vclll
ofllilale, uud interment will he made hi the
Wathburn ttiiet ctnctuj.
The remains of the lato Juiiim atlliml
jc.leidi.i from lllnuia nnd v.eic tikeii to tln
fimllV rculilrnco In Wft Park. 'I ho uncial
union will ho crnUuetcd at St. I'atileKV churtli
tnnionow iftcrnoon at iCi a'rloili. Inteuueiil
t ill he made la llio Tathcdral rtimtci.t
The funeral of die lak .lohn Unit, who died
ai Idu liunlln.' place mi W'ltl.hiaii utrcct will
tnlc place tonioiiDw aflrruooii train the honin
of deceatnl in 01 plum. hitcuncnl villi lie
made In tlio Dbpluiit ccinetcry.
'I he miulna of the I He Mil, .leiict ( aninn, ot
Mvildisu Mrcct, wliq tlUsI al tho llilbije home,
wcio lirouitht heir yolcrday fur Interment. I)c.
ccaccd vi at .'11 ) ul ape and U lurilied by
hir liuilund.
Defeated Commciclals Last NiRht by
Twenty-Ono Pino.
In nil rspeclally holly contested Rani"
played on the llnrkus nllon last nlpht
tho llarkit.i bowlltiR team defeated the
Conunoiolnl team by. Just twenty-one
pins. It was tho Hackus toam'M last
Riime and I hey put a lursc itmount of
KitiRcr and snap Into their playltiR,
The detailed sion was us followo.
nt ki
HopMit 173 IM li
Ciini.Hi HI ;s K'11
Vrlttrr 110 UJ Id.',
Ceont r,li IIS 1V1
Uihir .1 lj Ml
78s 71. 77J jr.l
( OMVII.Itcl.M.'S.
Uitih.y ...
I'nuler .....
Duflleld . .
Van Woiiner
... ill 111 HI
... Ill Ml t j I
... 110 Mi 117
. . li, Kli ill
.. Ill 1TJ 111
71S 7'i 7.1 ill
nullleld had hlKh scoio, 211. and also
the remarkably IiIrIi avcuiRe of lnr. 1-3,
which Is the hlRhest nveraRo made
dtirliiR: the tournament. Th- next IiIrIi
uvoriiRo was Captnln Hopkins, of the
Uaiktis team, who had tsn.
Funeral of Little Helen Lnngrui Held
Yesteiday Afternoon Other
News nnd Personals.
Tin fiiinrjl of I It ii. 1 he joiiiii. . Iiii'lnr of
Mr and Mrt l.nnet Linsin. in Id jirimlit
Hflini, in at .1 ii'iIih!. Ihe fiudl.i ield, ni'e
.it .Ml, 1 iilar iiiiuiii. nnd .it I.i 1 i.'ili ntiiiuled
l.iiirc niuntir nf I lie till I . - pliinulii of On
dect.icd nrre pirvnt to ilh hei the h,t fin
Hi. t ikii', V!,..ii. Willi 1111 I C 1 11 1
M. illl 1111 Noll, looli I I,.if 'lid Willi mi I. iik
ilnrf lilcimelil 1 i.nh Mi Hie lluuiiinre
( .ahi'l.i 1 cm trie
News in Dilef.
Mi.-. (.11.120 lj hlilndl. ol 1'IIUI.ti .0,1,111 It
M-rloiKb III.
Dinlil I. d'ltntli. f n.r i,.,t I,.,. ri'Miioed
Ir, 111 1 tmi link' Willi fri.ii.l. In I'Iiim n
MN Miu.uct M'.-ill. if Mum aiiiiue. I
trl..u. III
Tin ,f .l.,.,ilr. i,nii mil nice 1
in it'onthli ! .11 siimiit iifl.HHioii 111 t
Mir'- hill tin llnl, nt Mini
Scinuton Liedeikinuz to Invade the
Pan-Amei lean City on June 24.
Vri'iuriiiiiiii hue hi'cn loinp'tlid f r 1 m
"- I.llltolt Mill. m III In 11II1I11I th' l.nllii't
nul-inil fotil.d al III fl lie h lilli. .1. 11ml I'll
liilpiu in the citiiprtllhiui.
tin 1 niuuiilii,' npi'iiiulii! in ii.ii lluiljl.i
Miii. Ilirkcr. Hi In ule, shini-ilii .m.l r,,
hm iiliniid, .1II11 .ill, ikIihu In iIm pv'ui
il ..ill., nnd lepmi Iiii. ii- fi.iuit mil I,
Dllinited lit tin h.iililiu (..line (iihlic. ot 11
1 died -I1.I1.
Exphcd While Ho Was SittliiR in a
I'liim llux I) rkor. of 11:: I'Yiiikliu
,i. 111110. was. toimd dead in Ids beil
louin 1 hah vesteiday nioinlliR. The
discovery was made by his sun. Hairy.
At t o'clock vesteiday nioinlliR .Mi.
Htektr tos. itfiiu his bed and ul
t"liipted to walk 10 hish the loom, hut
the eiiim was too much and In fell
to tho ilmr Ihurv ranie to his as
sistance and placed him In a 1 hull
li the vvhidfvvs, lu lire 01 cluin t with
hi- lathi'i's wishes. Wheii the son u
tllllied to his I. libel's loom l.itei lu
tin mointiiR lie found him dead
1'or eai Decker had bin
emi.lo.H'd as a lliciuan and eiiRiueei 011
the Lackawanna mad. but was In
jun d mi tin .11111 11I10111 a :iro
On h.s i ii j. li'iiui. limn a IoiIri ineet
im; .ibiiiit two .!cks nun In was m izhi!
with pilns iimiI had ti be tssHt )
Inn 11 Sim Hi. ! t isj ki ulniill-
sink 11111U iili . n d v.t. 10111 II
This advance sale of Spring Over
coats is entitled to the distinction of
"sensation" because
here are much below the cost
of tailoring and making. What
is the reason that we reduce
the price? Because they are
last season's make only been in
the house six months. It's our pol
icy. You get the benefit. Some
are pure silk lined throughout. See
Them in Our Show Windows.
UO Overcoats Now Reduced to $5.00
10,00 Overcoats Now Reduced to 6.00
12,00 Overcoats Now Reduced to 7.50
18,00 Overcoats Now Reduced to 10.00
Suitslf you can wear size
34, 37, 40 or 42, you will find
some great opportunities (7 CA
here. $12.00 Suits for PI3U
Samter Brothers
Special Diseases of Men
Do MW Center
Not -iftl! Them
Scatter BPPm on
Faculties TjfflilW Specialty
If toil re uireriiit from an) diteate orronditiou peculiar to men. or If jou linn been
illtappolnted In not lattlni; a pcnnanriil cure, I want 3011 tu mine and ham a nodal chit
v!th mr I tt 111 itt.i.i.. ,.. ..... in uvsT!ti
nnn iieiclopeil after ntv whole llfe'n tipcririitc ill trratitn; tirelal clieavr) of nicii. I havo
i' lill, fptflfiit, lie i' mmplci, trial trealnienta or elietrn medic il tomtilnatlon.ti or ulinilar
Helices which do not and iinnnt euie llnaves peculiar to turn My Ion, mj evpnl
r?Co',ni "ist Irncr. my reputation luiielrniiit all mich epucker). If uu will pay me a
vi'it I will KIP jn I'ni.i; eji 1 iivkci: a thoiouuli txaniliMlleiii and nn honest
opinion of jour tan If jnn air Imnrahle I will tell Jem w, and advl you eo that ou
will not he liiiii.bujrcnl In uiuitrupulout prartltloners who tlilni to cure .ill. If nftir exmi
'unit J 011, I find joii curtble, I will liiture jou of a inrinanrnt tine, inasmuch -si I will
Roe 31,11 r nrittrn iruirintcr to refund voil cicrj edit ou hive paid me In caw I fall t,t
eiTecl a 1 ure. I make no rharce for intdhinrt, a they ure alu.ili inctudid In the noininat
fee. ntlinl, nml jnu know to the cent, jou start whit Jour whole tre.ittuenl It Kiting
tn tntt, Br,,i 1 ,vn mj,,, n (j,e pinmlsr at to the time for tlic nke of Rcttln; you a
a pillent, at I prnniNe only what I can do. and elo at 1 promiv.
I VVU HAI, )sriVH(!l's utopped In A tu 10 ila.iic.
l:MsION nnd liialnt utoppcl In 3 In 15 dait.
I I (I'liv. I cue not of lion lone t.tnlln. I will elry tbcm up at once.
srilKTI'lti: cured iillhuut cuttlntt or dllatlntr.
IIYPIIOCri.i: or nny vtt llltitz or enlirBeimntt reduced at once.
IMI'OIKSCV l,.v iny .ittrtu of treatm nt it rurahlo hie-pi'dlic of the time Uniting or
J our aise.
Ill.l)I)i:U AM ktHM'.V ilerineementt l.y mj nUm of treitmfnt show rigtu of li.l
proremrtit fruit Hie veri heulnnlne
ltlli:t'.M1sl. liiliii; c-iumiI Iij impure conditlnit of Mood, It cured iiermanontly hy
MM'i II 11' 111.1101) r)lOMfi. piimilirlitlj eured vviihout the inc. of Iodide of Votath
or Mm urj
XV III II, If oii cannot call All orrrr,rclrtnf Mririly conlldintlal and all icpllr sent
In plain rnielopet I 'ieent ulauip to inture replj
Ul I'll I. IIOl.H.s. u a 111 to : p m and 0 to i p. in,; fcinnlaj.-i, 10 a m to 4 p. nt,
ronnnncntly Located nt
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building
inn mo P.. P OfiDAMfTAM n
n lao-'riio ouiuijc oi.,
Green Ridge Wheelmen's
New Club House, 1045 Wyoming Ave
Opens Ttiesd.iy eve., March 12,
continuing for balance of week.
Good Attractions Nightly.
Is survive il hv mo adopti'd scmsi, llany
iiid I'lmrli'H
Tin I' will In held Suiuluy nf
t. riieiuii ut .' tt't leu U fioni II.I l'"iunK
lln rviiii'i, and lntoimint will ho m:ui
in Km. si I till rinirtii,. C'oionrr
Kolj.-its imix utiiiil.'tl ot the di'iith,
vicui'I tin ictiuilns- ,ind clicidi'd all
Imicii si mis mil iucevsui
the price's quoted
3R1 li-rm t
Hi t flu sr H
- - li 114)1 I'i'- U
ml tiic itvicv i .i.i,i. 1 i...A ...i.tI..u,..i
ounmuvii, rtti
Managers and Lcescet. Local Minagtr.
Ai.r. mis vn:K.
Marks Bros.' Dramatic Co.
r rtciiiine a rcpetlolie of standird Uya t
popular pricet.
aliudiy Alattnee "Celebrated Civ"
sitrrilay l'.ienlni; "llu'ilt, thu Mom-tain Queen."1
m:.t VV1XK.
Keystone Dramatic Co
In Hcrcitoire.
Matlncc dallj. Itegluiilne Tuesdiy 10 and !(,
I'vciilne I'rlccM 10, Si) and TM cntt.
AM. (.'. llKIIIilSmO.V, Manitjer.
riuti.1. ims commlscino ' '.
Monday, March11,
fi I OF
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M I -
US I .im 1
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