The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Q nr. modern mnowAnr stohc. rS
1 HM I
X mi X
rS Our Nickel Plnted Tea, nnd Q
X Coffeo Pots rue of highest X
? quality. Mado of Copper V
Q Nlckel-Plntcd outside, Stl- Q
X vered inside. All the latest X
S designs heie to select from. V
X Footc & Shear Co. X
Q 119 N. Washington Ave Q
Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm Conxlu., President.
IIi.srv Bn.iN', Jr.. Vice Pres.
Wm. If. Puck, Cashier.
Roddy, .
I I I i .
Murphy 'iMiiJ'1'! ! '
330 I'oj11! ,1,1?!'
LetLrVii. 5"w I i
A VAnilf
(x i wmuwi htii
Rcpairir, Done Gratis.
i i . -anH--r-, r
. i i N.l
tw R-3&W I A. I V I I
I.OjI .lit i (ui MikIi ... 111.
lliiliM I nii'iiii:ic . .IS device.
l.iu-i l. nip. rai -ie . . . . lio dijini
' m . S per icnt
i i 12 per i nt.
Tluce Flanos Cheap Today at Guorn
sey Holl.
Number one Is a high-grade, on sale.
fi-i cash only. It Is a. splendid Up
iiKht I'lano with all modern Improve
liipntf. mahogany, and tone un
fuip.ihtcd In brlllluuc, strength and
line binning iualfiy: bus been used but
wry little and Is piactlcill new.
Don't miss it If you want a baigain.
Niunbor two Is a very lint' medium
giadc I'prlRht Piano, latest design;
insular juke. Hid on time. Ila been
returned lor non-payment; used les
than Ms months; will bo sold at a very
low tlguii) to the lucky ona who call's
tli t.t
Number three Is u very lino Squat o
"lilcKciliig I'lano, in excellent con-
lellllon, worth to anyone $150; can bo
IHircliufeul for cash at a vety low flguie
t jja These bargains arc all genuine
and an- the best ever offered.
Don't tail to call at Guernsey Hall
snd oc tor youiself.
.1 V. Guernsey, Pioprletoi,
J!U Washington avenue.
' Scranton, Pa.
Lettei fiom Wm. E. Sullivan.
Pennsylvania Casualty Co., Scranton,
Pa :
Gentlemen: Just a lino to thank
you for jour diaft of J12.SJ. The In
Jury to my eyo only totally disabled
11113 for uno day, and I was not going
to put In 11 claim for such 11 shoit
time, but on reading over our policy
I saw that yon paid foi partial dis
ability, I decided to do so and have
not lcgiettPd It. I have had other ac
cident policies, but this Is the first uc
1 blent I have iivr had and I am so
well satisfied with your kind and lib
eral settlement Mint you can be sure
that I will keep my policy In fotce.
Thanking you for your klndneta and
wishing ou continued success, 1 am
Voiy truly yours,
Win. IS. Sullivan.
Today at Marvel's Maiket.
coiner Pcnu avenue und Hpiuee atieet,
t.evy tomato:?, new potatoes, wax
beans, lettuce, radishes, Florida celery,
tuvcl oiungcs, giapos, fruit und every
thing found at a ilrst-class matket.
venclto clsars, 0 for i5c. coutrrn. "
George Turner Badly Fiozen After
Sleeping Forty-eight Hours.
Oonre l Turner, a man ntiotit fortj
ycnrB of iirc, was fmind yestenhiy
uflcrnoon In tlio mountain!, ncai
Tliroop, with hit lunula mid reel badly
frozen. Tinner wiit liiounlit to tlit
lacknunnna liojiltnl
A paily or men triwinliiB the iiiouii
tnliin, near Thioop. ycsteidny after
noon, were ultiuoteil by what ap
pealed at flint lo bo a liwitloiilec
bundle of rag". They InvootlRUtecl and
found tlio wllent foim of Turner
doubli-d up In a biff Ulster. lit whs
awakened from liln lumbei and car
lied to a house m-nrby,
It wbh Been that the frozen man was
In a precarious condition, nnd no time
wan lout in conveying him to this city
From what u Tribune tcpoiter could
Klean from Tin net's Imperfect account
of bin experience!', It appeaia that he
had been IvIiir theio fortly-elprht hours,
tlirousrli the Intcns'c cold of Wednes
day and Thursday.
Ho was on his way from Port .lervln
to this city and hod lain down to test
In tfee vvooels.nml laid theio until found
yesterdnv. He claims to have h son,
Joseph H. Tuiner, living at Hawley,
and a daughter, Mis. Lizzie I.attlmet,
In Port Jervls.
It may be that Turner will loso pome
of tho froxeu limbs, but there niu
chances of his pulling tlnoiiRli safely.
Adopted Resolutions on the Death of
Attorney Anthony Baumann.
Services Last Night.
The funeral of the late Anthony
Uaumann will take place this morn
ing. Services were held at 'tho resi
dence last evening and this morning
the remains will be taken to Philadel
phia and cremated.
A meetlnc of the Lackawanna bar,
of which deceased was n member, was
held yesterday morning, at which the
following was adopted:
At J infctins ol the UrkJUJMM lur, lifld Jt
frriton, March 8, I'iOI. tlic following preamble
and rcioiutloris were imanlniou'.l ailojikJi
Haling learned with inofouml mi low ot tlio
ilcnth ot our brother, .nthon. niiiniann, r ,
ub'i died niter u long Illness Jt hl loldcnco.
No. 1013 l'enn ncmif. In the clt of scranton,
JI1n.I1 6, 1P0I. we meet to pay J tribute of re.
tpect to lii-t memor und conuy to hi bereateel
fiinlb 1111 expretlon of our deep i.)niulhy In
their hour ol affliction.
Mr. Hitimaim was Iniin near HcUdt, Oennan.i,
in toll, wline he Win eduented and jdinltled
to the bar. In lilt he came to American and
went to (intinnati, whcie he attained consider
able success js A fpeclal rumtpomlcnt or leidlng
nnwpapers of (irmnnj and the t'nited !-tate.
Hesirlnc to et.ibli.h himelf In .1 more ettlcd
occupation, he found more faorahle opnortunt
tun In Pciir.GanU than In llie weft mil came
tn Alltntonn. whcie he studied law In the yllicc
of Joseph Mel line, cou-ln ol Colonel Alexander
K. Mel lure, of the PhiladelphU Times. DihIiib
his two cars iciiilcncc in Allenteiwn, Mr. Btu
mann w.n cng.iRcd m in-tmetor 01 torein Ian
Kuape Ills sen Ices were flight by the Likciiiq
I'liblivhine compiny, ef Wilkes llano, and he
fiulh Jtiepled the petition as nniuRer of that
loncern and attiiued isjnsliltrablc pionilnencc as
the editor of the tolksfirtind. He abo eon
tinned In hn law studies In the ofice ot Attorney
Alfred Dartc, present oiphans' mint judge of
l.tuerne county, and was admitted to tlie Inr
f that county In lvfl. Mr. llauimnn tamo heie
in I'M. ilootlne himself to the legal prom-eion
from the hegiunlng of Ids roidtnee In Scranton,
where he Mon built up a largo practice.
I ailing heillh some file jears ago compelled
him to enlliely gle up hU profession, and final
ly tirminated In his death. Now, therefore, be it
Ilesobed, Thai In the eleath of Anthony llau
mann. ese the Lackawanna bar has lost a mem
ber who, niodct and unassuming in manner,
was tine to his client, and ot all times (air and
ripcrttul to the touit, while witli his brethren
of the bar his relations were ol the most kind,
cordial and courteous character.
Itcolud, That we extend to liu family our
bince-re fjmpathy In their moat' berraement,
eau-ed bv tlio loss of a kind husband and father.
Itc.-olud, That wo send the finillv 'a copy of
these proceedings and request the pres of the
city to publish the same.
i"oloneI lleunan Osthatts preside 1
oer the meeting and vSttoincy C. A.
Uattenberg was ."ccretnry Attorneys C
15. Gatdner, P. I Hawley and '.
Comegys were appointed a committee
to draft suitable resolutions and re
ported the above.
Attorney fomesyp, whose office was
connected with Mr Baumaun's for
ten years. Id the deeciFud was gen
et oiib, not nut row. To him thatlty In
thought nnd expi ess-ion was mote than
a name. In his family life he was
Indulgent nnd faithful. He caied for
his family with tendernes-s, and above
all he loved his children. To his
friends at the bar and among his so
cial iclatlons, nls death will bilng keen
1 egret.
Attorney Hawley, wlnve ofllco nso
elation brought him Into close con
tact with Sir. Ti.uimann, nl.o spoke
vciy feelingly of tho defeased.
To the Public.
The Lickawanna Telephone com
pany icspectfully iecp:t,?sts tho kind In
dulgence of their fi lends and patrons
tor a shoit time longet. Thcie nre
now about seven bundled telephones
connected with the switchboard nnd
about fifty additional phoned aie be
ing Installed dally. While tho opera
tors aie at their positions tioin S a. m.
to c p. ni.. our patrons aie free to use
?uih hcivlco as It Is posblhlo for us to
turnlsh. but It will be impossible to
give sntlsfactoiy service until the
switchboard Is fully Installed and
handed over to tho company by tlio
manufacturer There will bo no
chaiges made until tlw pWnt is In full
lunnlnt, order, at which time we will
glvn the public nn oppoituiilty to
Inspect whit export. have salcl to bo
the ttnest telephonn appiiintns now in
stalled In the United States, and It Is
our Intention and film to ghe satistac
toiy senlrf accoullngly. Out titink
tines a 1 e built and ready for opeiation
between Carbondale. Jermyn and
Scianton and between AVIlkes-VJnrre,
Plltston and Scinnton, and our pa
tions will bo given fervltv up and
down the valley without extra charge,
as soon u we aie fully started.
TlidtikliiK our friends for tmir hearty
co-operntlon nnd kind encoiiia;cment
hlnce the Inception of our company up
to the piesent time, and assuring
them Improved and satisfactory
telephone sendee, we aie,
ss r; We land.
General Manager.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale,
lllegant home, Ciieen Wdgo, reduced
to 116,000. Flue house. Clay uvtinue,
only $11,01)0. Comer Clay nnd Pino,
gruit bargain, SW). Single houses,
$1,650. ViXA $2,7fK). CliaMe3 Sehlugur,
10d and 10S Washington avenue. "
Just letuined from New Yoik with
an elegant lino of Imported and Key
West clgais. Dean, US Connell build
ing, Fancy peas, 3 can? for ;5c, Coursen.
Atk fui Kelly's union crackers,
Stated That Thete Is No Doubt but
That Appointed Heads of Depatt
meiits Can Remove All Subotdl
nate Ofuceis Now Employed by the
City Cleik Lynott Does Not Wont
to Loso His Job City Assesois Say
They Should Be Paid Moie Than
S1.000 a Year.
ltec oider James Molr stated yester
day afternoon to 11 Tilbtino man that
he would not make public aiiiiciunce
ni'Mit of the names of the eighteen ofll
eials whom he Is iMnpoweicd by the
"ilpper" bill to nppolnt until Just beforn
they ate to assume olllce on Apill 1.
Ills new pilMite sect etui y. In1 said,
he would appoint next week.
"There has been 11 great deal ot ells
Mission," said he, "as to whether tho
vat lous silborcllnate employes of the
several cvlstlug city departments can
be 1 emo ved from ofllco after wo ro
ot gnnlzc under the "lippei" bill. 1
don't think there need bo any discus
sion on that point. The net Is vety
explicit," and. so saying, his honor
turned to section 2 of tho schedule
attached to the bill. This reads as fol
lows. "Said leeouleis may appoint the sue
cessois of tho vnilous heads of de
partment whom he may remove, as
provided In section 1 of this schedule,
and tho olllchils so appointed shall
have power and arc lieicby nuthoilzcd
to lemovo any aivl nil of the olilcers
and employes and persons holding po
sitions and employment In their re
spective dopat fluents and appoint their
successors, and the persons so appoint
ed shall ho governed by this act"
"The only Intorptctntlou of that sec
tion possible," said the recorder, "Is
that all suboidliiatc employes can be
leinoved without ciuesllon. It means
that the dlteclor of public safety can
leniove If ho sees lit eveiy policeman
and eveiy llreman and appoint their
successots. The policemen and llic
men who will bo lolalned will. In my
Judgment, have to bo all ro-uppoliUeel,
as well as all other oillcials who It
may bo decided not to remove."
It came to light ycslciday thnt tin
rp-oiganlzatlon otdlnanco Introduced
on Thursday evening does not create
tho olllces of pollc maglstiales nor
provide any districts over which they
shall picside. The "ilppet" bill pio
vides for live police magistrates to bo
appointed by the lccouler. In older
to concct this fault a sepaiate oulln
anco establishing live districts, cteat
Ing the olllce of police niagistiatcs and
llxlng tho salary will be piopaiod by
Attorney II. S. Ahvorth, common cotin
cllmaii fiom the Second ward, and In
trudiicod next Thuisday night.
Clerk of tho Common Council W. A.
Lynott difs not like the Idea of being
legislated out of olllce by tin io-oigan-Izatlon
ordinance and will uinko 'a
fight to have; that section of the bill
providing for the abolition of bis oftlce
killed In common council. He Is a
Democrat und a candidate for ic-elec-tlon.
The Democrats conttol tho com
mon council and he Is coulldent that
he has friends enough to successfully
kill that section of the measuic.
Tho members of the pi event board of
city assessors maintain that the com
pensation of $1,000 each llxeel by tho
general re-oiganlzntlou (ndlnuuco Is
entirely too small. City Assessor PhlU
lp A. Itinsland. In an inteiview with n
Tilbiine man yosteiday. paid upon the
"It-Is ne'lthor fair 01 Just to ilx tho
salary of the live ussessois who aie
td be soon appointed at $1,000 u year.
The membeis of the ptesent boaid of
assessors iceelvo that much compen
sation and their work Is almost. 011
tliely of a supervlsoiy iintuio,
"Tho members of tho now tumid
of assessois will hao to lo th actual
woik of making the assessment them
selves. At piescnt this Is clone by tho
wurd assessoui and the sum of $1,000
a year Is nppioprlateel for the puiposo
of paying thus; latter lit ndelltlou to
the Jo',000 for the salaiy of the tlueo
assessors. Not only will tho now as
sessors have to nuiko the assessment,
but they will also have to hear appeals
from It, a work now dona by tho mem
beis of llu bo.iul of levlsloit of tuvs
and appeals, a boa id which Is abol
ished In cities of the second iluss.
"The total appioprlatlou for tho as
sessors depat tment for the present fis
cal year was $0,050, while tin appro
pilatlon tor the board of levlsion and
appeal was $.',501. making u total of
SS.Or.l. or neatly $0,0(i0. In tho face of
this it Is pioposed to now appropriate
only V,000 for the making of the as
sessment, wheie almost twlcs that sum
has been appropriated In tho past for
the same work.
"Tho nsses.soi.s should be paid at the
1 ate ot at least $1,.'.00 n yeai. and coun
cils should s3o to It that this flguie Is
provided for In the nppiopil.itlun 01
dluance for the coming year."
Iiooiko Honipe. piopiU-tor of (he
Wide Avvnko pool joom, mi Poun ave
nue, was arrested Thuisday night on
a. wanant Issued by Aldetnian Kollv
Armour & Co.'s
Fine Art Soap
Is the fiuest milled soap
011 the market.
It is certainly as good
as any of the fancy soaps
that retail for 25c to joe
per cake, We offer it th's
3 Cakes for 25c.
E. Q. Coursen
Who Can Write the il
Best Short Story f
Tiir mint si oiti'.iis ( n tiiizi.s 10
l.ltf l, Willi 1.111 01' IIXAI, I'KIIOV
$25.00 for the Best Stoiy.
$10.00 for the Second Best.
S5.00 for the Till id Best.
A MII.IIAII lOMI'l.llflO. u Hl.liK I..
i'inn:(K is sor ni c 1 n is
In lc of tho fact that eoiKiilfuble linifl
bus cltncil "Iih-c t ! 1 c 1 . hat been an; (iiblto
corr,H tltlori thiuugh the I'tal pic-n ler the
mrpoc eil flhniilatlni; the liteiary ability
latrnt uinoiir; llie prcplc ot Ncnlheanlcin
I'riilivhaiiU, Jin- 'lil'jtilie ba thcbied In
offer h eri of pile at a llniiibn It: l''li
direction. It it clclrou id ffiuilh',- !'i ue
In IN coluinin 11 nuniuei of shoit lnle
lreallns of UkbI llcinc li. oiclrr to fmnUli
n Iliei'iilleo It piopeurs to pay
rij for the tory ni 1.01 lu cvet'fd
a,000 words In length
410 for llu Hcond hot toiy. and
ii for lie tilled best ttorv.
JIanuirlp! not kuceeislul In securliiB m
of tlitfc prlzca will U publl'lied and dol)
cieillted II the and ran ,o deslie.
btoriej lendlcs lis brlu out Hie voiiunie
and lesendiry loie of t'ic aiitliradtc inUilns
Indtntry will le pufeienep lu inniicitinii
with ceciy mine In tbe wllf,v Iheie li a
hum of tradition, Ineludine hail breadth e.
cape, nairalhe uf pooky liappenlng fnd
other details bordeilnsr on tho weird or super
natural which has iioer been sathcird M
ftelher In lileiary foim. Thla opeu a field
which I piattlfilly Inhaintlble and whlrh
M1011M Mipply tlif'tnatciUl lor noine eveeed
Inijly inirrrittlni; fiction.
Tho tit!: of piailng upon lh uieil' of ''"
mannscrlpii uhnillted wl'l be al;?iifcl tl
a elllnlerealcd JititRe, whoe name will fOoii
be aiiiioiinred, and who will lead the niaim
fcrlpU but hae no hnowleeleo of tho Iden
tity ol the authoif, Tin emelope e.iiiiain
Ins the real tiames of 1he aiulinn will be
preened iinop;ned until alter the awaid
hae been mule.
Should thU liuiu! compel II Ion tirote en
couroeslns. It ni.ybe (ollowd b olber
pil7e offeH of similar tenor. or Tin: tomi.-t
.Ml maniircrlnts inii't be siibnillted ul
Iain- than M.ucli U).
All manmerlpU luuel be maned b.i a tie
tltioin name and alo the mitri's leal nam
nnd poMolllic idJie-"
Tie scene of eaJi !oi inii-l be laid in
Noillienvtrni l', but the mines of
leal pcmoiM mu..t not be ihmI.
One fmlhcr eeindillon mut be umlerelooel
Contilluitlon'i inttmletl fgr tlilt contest ill
be aecepled only Irom pieent tuliscttlxM te)
'the Tribune or from lhoc who nuv, ibulig
flu iontel, become siVe.iibcr by pajnirnt
of at leat one niontli'i aub'Cilptiou in ad
ancc. Vddifs.
storv rosriM
Dilantin 'Iribuue, Sirantou, l'a
dunging him with maliitalniiu; a gam
bling house lie cntoted boil In the
sum of SJO0. John Dunn, a pool plny
01, Is pioseetitor
Why He Does Not Want to Confer
with a Committee of the Ghis
from the Silk Mills.
National Committeeman 1'ieeleilclc
Ullchci, of the I'niled Jllne AVoikois,
who has been acting as an interme
dial y between tho striking silk mill
gltls and tho owneis, yestetday said
ho locelved a letter fiom Supei Intend
cut AV. II. Davis, of tho Snuquolt Hill:
Manufnctuilug eompan who Is down
south with A'flletillnc ltllss, piopiio
tor of tin co mills now lellc. ,
In this, Mr, Davis Is quoted as stat
ins that tho majority of tho girls at
the Saunuolt are between' the ages of
l.t nnd ltf oais. and not conslileiing
them capable of adjusting mattois,he
lotuses to confer with any committee
chosen fiom their tanks. An Incieaso
ol from eight to twelve per eentr R
however, guaranteed tho glils If they
leturn to vvoilc.
t'omlmtleeniau Dllchei jesloiday i-ptes-seil
himself as much pleased en or
the piorpocts of bringing tho strike to
ft satlsfacloiy settlement by means of
aibitiatlon. Ho declined that several
local opeintoiH hod slated their will
ingness to meet the girls half way,
and place tho matter lu the hands
of a lair aibltiator. Ulsliop Hoban, or
any other divine, would be accepted as Said Dllchor to a Tribune man:
' Tologiaphlc communication Ik pass
ing between vailous of tin loeul own
eis and tin? two opeiators down south,
icgaidlug the lull listing of the isettlc
iiiont of the strike to arhltiatlou, and
I believe' that wo will bo able shortly
to bilng about a compromise ot this
Xo meeting vvoio held ye'steiday of
anv ot the textile workeis' locals. The
t'Joc.utlvo eommlttec met In tho morn
ing, but tiansacted no business of hn
pot tame.
Tito settlement of tho Wllkos-Harro
stilko. which now seems Imminent, s
looked upon as a favorable sign by tl)4
olilcers of the local unions.
Scinnton Business College Notes.
Tho following have seemed positions
etulto lecently: Cleituide I.lo.vd, with
the Set union Savings bank; .Mary
Smith, with Goldsmith's Uazaur; Ed
waid McOovem, with Pennsylvania
(oal company; Max Iteese. with tho
Lackawanna Lumber eompau i:d the
Simpson, with the Hi. Hand I'ordensed
Milk companv ; Wlltrod Hailstone, with
Hillside t'oal and lion company, at
I'lttston, Alletha Lanaiic-. with Web
ster t'oal and t'oke company.
A runton lawjer writes for a ludy
stenographer; a city doctor tailed for
n lady stenographer; tho o Co. ask
for a lady stenogiaphei ; the S. S, P
Co. ask for a. btenogtaphei , a whole
sale sioeer wants a steungiaphei , a
stock company makes lequlsltlon for
live lady stonoginphers within the next
few months; u inllioad otllcial wiltes
for gentleman stenographer, salaiy Jfii)
per month. The fmegolng ren,uests arc
now on file. No one to send.
Piof. Funic Itutht'ifoid. of New
Voik, yesteulay inoinlng elollveied u
veiy cnteitnlulng and exceedingly In
stinctive lectin o on the "touch" sys
tem of typewiltlng. Piof. Uutherfoid
was accompanied by a Ilfteen-year-old
boy. who demonstrated the pructlcu-
unity oi mis ne-w milium u,v netting
letters lapldly fiom dictation, nnd then
accurately transcribing his notes with
out once looking nt his keyboaid,
Numetous vlsltois were present, In
cluding two repiosentutlves of the Col
llery Engineer company,
I'loliihitlonlHts seiul iiiuiie and ad
di ess to nur county" organizer. U. D.'so, l r1R Jackon stioet, Impoitant.
They Demand That a Conductor
Who Was Recently Dismissed Be
Taken Back by 0 O'clock To
nightIf He Is Not They Will
Sttike, They Say Mr. SUUmaii
Says He Was Discharged for As
saulting a Passenger nnd That
This Was His Second Offense.
The membeis of the local sliect car
men's union nt a meeting hold yos
teiday uioiuliig instruct":! the in lev
unco coiumltteo to wait upon Clontral
Maungor Kr.tnl; Hllllunn. jr. rnd In
f'um him thai unless lie lolnstatcs
I'onductor p. 11. Howntd, who was
dischaigod leomi two weeks ago, they
would go on strike tonight nl t
o'c lock-.
Unwind, ac'oi cling lo the sloiv given
out by the men, was discharged be
ciuso of some ttouble bo had with n
man on a reckvllle car about two
weeks ago. Thc say ho was dis
charged bo-elitist lie lriei enfotced the
rule of tho company which instructs
conductois to prevent pasgengcis ftoni
oatlnij on the cms,
Tho stoiy told b tin nin Is that
on tho pnttlctilar day In eiuoitloii, tlio
passenger boloio uientloned poislstctl
In eating n lunch lu tho car. despite
tho piotc.stt of tin conductoi. Tip
conductor, It Is said, ejected Mm Jiist
befote the end of I ho lino was reached.
Tho car was stopped ol tho end oC
tho lino for a few minutes nnd when
Ilownrl sot off to tuin the tiollny, It
Is said, the ejected passenger put In
an appeal anee nnd made an attempt lo
stl Ike him. Howard stuicU tho man a
blow, Knocking him down.
The passenger tool; the nct car for
Scranton nnd laid a complaint be
fote Cloneinl Manager Slllininn. Tho
conductor was called before Sllllman
and his stoiy was substantiated by bis
motorntau und also, it Is claimed, by
tho mototmau and conductor of th
(.'nibondalo car which was waiting at
tho cn 1 of tho lino to meet tho ear
from this city. The stieel car men
cbim that Mr. Sllllmau demanded that
llow.ud substantiate hl stoiy by call
ing pnssongois us witnesses and he,
falling to do UiK was dlsLhaigvl.
waiti:d on fii.mman
The- gilovaiieo comnilttoo waited
upon Mr. Sllllmau vostoiday and In
fmined blni of the action tho men
had taken, but h had made no ie
ply up to last night.
At (he olllce of the Scinnton Hall
way company. It was stated that the
dltbculty over rnuductot D. It Ilow
nid .nose tioin tho fact that ho was
cllschaiged for fnlliuo lo loporl nn
alleicutlcin with a passenger who lode
fiom Scinnton to Pockvillo on his cat
on rcbruaiy 21, 190 which ended at
I'ockvlllo In llowuid stilking the pas.
sensor and cutting- him over the light
Kalluto to lepotl accidents or dlfll
cultlcs with passcngorr Is counted by
tlio company as n most Feilntis neglect
of duty. Howard's falluio to mako a
lopoit of this otemtenco and give
tlio names of witnesses makes It al
most impossible to ascot tain tho exact
facts In tho cao. Tho only accounts
that nn available aio those of the
passenger and his companion on one
side, nnd thnt of Conductor Howntd,
on the other side.
It was stated, however, by the com
piny, that this was noc How-aid's (list
oftoiiso of this same kind, and In Oc
tobr Inst bo was reprimanded for
the same offense. It Is said ho has
also flguied in other dllllrultlos with
passengeis la which M. temper bat
made him fotget his duty to thein.
Sent Two Bullets Crashing Into His
Head Had Been Despondent
for Some Time.
Altei two pievlous unsuccessful at
tempts, fleorgo Clinadcr, a West
Scranton bather, yesterday ended bis
life by shooting himself with a :!J-call-bie
levolver while lu a fit of despond
ency. He had been drinking heavily
for sovotal days and had not ben seen
at homo since Wednesday.
About ." o'clock yesleiclay afternoon
lit wuiidotoil clown on the old Love
load, which runs along tho west bank
of tho Lackawanna river n?ar the Mi.
Pleasant wnshoiy When at a point
near the Ontario and Western railroad
nestling (llnndor drew a revolver fiom
his pocket and filed two' shots Into
his head, both of which took effect,
and d?ath lesulted almost Immediately.
Tho i open t was hoard by men
who woie Heathy and they hastened to
the scene and found Olnader llfeness.
Coroner Itobi ts was uotllled and or
deied tho lemalns i tnoved to Cuslck's
morgue, vvheic nn uutopsy was hold,
A Juiy was empanelled und an IiHiiKht
will be held lu n few days, .Meantime
ijImuUr'ri lebitivoH woie notified nnd
pipparatlonn weto made to iccelve the
body at his late homo, 2di Ninth Prom
ley avenue, when his wife and her
four little cluldteii await d the father's
The follow had been denpoudent foi a
long time, and l?ft home peilodlcally,
tor men's neck
ties that look stylish and
are stylish ties that King
Edward would be proud
to wear.
Narrow four-in-hands,
Butterfly ties 50c there's
our strong all star line.
Then we have more
costly ties too.
Ur"1 , -aP
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.,
one time tinning up In Philadelphia,
whole his relatives found him after
seveiul ilus' absence boilt two
months ago ho tried to end his life
by soveilng lb at lories lu his aim
with n insior, but was pi evented befoie
uci ompllshiiig bis pin pose, although ho
neiiily died fiom tho Iops of blood.
Slueo then ho was mote despondent
Ihaiicvr and icpeutoellv declined his
Intention of ending his life us soon
us tho oppoituiilty presented Itself.
It Is not known positively wheie
tiluudcr obtained the lovolvor .vcstei
duy, but til lelallVes believe Il wii"
one he pawned several months ago and
ledremed yesterday. The bod wa
removed to the hoit.'c bit" lust night
The funeral nnung'inouts huvi- not yet
been mad.
August Flail, aged 4", of i Velar
avenue. dld at the Moses Taylor hos
pital enily .vesteiilay nioiuliig of pai
ulysW. l-'inll was taken to tin hnv.
pltal about tlueo weeks ago.
New Battenbeig Pattetns.
Tin novel Collins and Itoloio Jink, ts
Ci, unci Well' Co.. i;:n Wynmlng av
J.'.s: im! jhs uiivoi in unites 01 ir.o
per dozen, at Cum sen's.
The Scinnton Gas and Water Com
pany nnd the Hyde Patk Gas Com
pany. In Willi llie policy ei' nei otn
pilitrs to loiliicp tales fiom tliii In Ittne- ni
uuy tie ,eiritilcil liy iiirirn.ccl eoiHiiuiiii m
liollee l liinliy iiierii tint, on ami clln in'
I iift, llie luttc of Els elll I e trno eiclhi pri
cine tliousAnil ciiltic fot cniniimcil. Miliini .
the tollnwlriji clieiounlic Phi pe-i irnl ill
bill cilirie tin' conein.iplinn for llie imi.i'i
Clil'illllli. In lee linn ueenn 1Ie ilolbr. Id per
eel, I on ill Mile eelieir Hie i.'Ihumi linn fm llie
nionll. Diicvutt to Inoiitj flic eloll.ns una iii
v.nul. v
Pioelcl:! the til! U ui.l on or bcfuie the
"dill iIjv of the month In wliicli llie till d
icnilciee) y older of the homl
! II IIVMI. -i.iet.ii.
sciivmos i;s ami w vTi'i: covirvsv Mi
lllclc I'.lll. I, US KIllpJIA- 111 lililrl III HI dill
acic the t,i.e' ef km foi fuel iuiio'n noiii 1.
Iieieli then lint on ami .illil Ape II I ins III
price ol ra wi mecl will he enni chilUr r em
Utotiviinl feet eoiisiimeil, Milijee-t lo I he follow in,;
sp'clil clikeoiuit' Ten per rent. on all MINnliri
the) eoiiMnnptionfor tlieinonlliuiiioiintsto Iroitlun
twrntj (lie ikllan; twenty per nil oi, all hllU
while the consumption foi the nionll. aiiiniinU
to lerntvRee elollais ,nnl npwaril.
Pioililcil tiie bill i mIiI on or befoie the "nili
clay of the ninntl. In whleli llie lilll I. lendencl
A ep.irJte imlei. fmnl.heil In the eonlpjnj. I
iieeiiiiii lie uiilei of the lnuii!
(i II II V. ) Sureuii
The greatest commercial
economist in tlfc world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Minisn'i oflkr, 117 Adams aeenue.
Men it Miil . l i
Mhi'i I'jiiH ... i i'i
I.j'Ur-4 siilK . . I
laelle' el.ii 1 1 ... 'Hi
I'll .mill;; I'lis-lli'.- Miik .. .
I leaning ..let I'lif-hc I'.iiiih '
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
KOn I Villi s MI (ilAI
435 Spiuce St., Scinnton, Pa.
Do. tor ol l iit tit I) n ,ii' n -ri
I'JjlK'U'ltO ttM'lllt. illl 1 IHU-.I Mi) win i
kiifjulfilgp of hU t lio-rji itohtilhi ill i inn
uniinjtr, wilt a follows ifkinhiu '
Mason & Hamlin Pianoforte
' Vii!; 1 I iei
''.VL.uii A lljialm (' ,
ficntlcnini' llie I rlilil I'uiinf.iiie wi, , ,
lecently puichjoeil of lull is a eeiu.tjiit uiu,r
of delight tn me Ilk hcimiiullv iihhiiu! i
aril elellcatel.i ieiunle jell, u ie lu km I- nl
niliabl Jiljiishiienl ih lei inlme a inuUj in,
nn Ihii part ol the ihiier jii. eeen ni,i
niueieal Icleji lo th eouipn.ii.
"Ulllle rjiiihli' uf ejreIis luideii. n
ilen.c'vi it I, t-ii iintHne liinw iiiiehi Imm
J-'J,-i-'. jli'l In lhl ic'iicit it , '. il,.
ujtiirc of a c.uiil riaiidfijili.
"It li an iiliiuiKiit fur llie lnil-li . II-' i i
Cent, eojiieljllc tm llm-e In uhui.i u i..ii'l
I'l.iroli il" ' I", mil i . .1 vie, ill l.i it I
Wf ildijl.l In 1ium1ih' lh M.oi llmr n
I'pi islii , ali'l llie IIjIi.v Oi.iii'I. lo nil ui- i. i,i
prccl'tlm; u jb.ujiiicle i . t -, i..
131-133 Washington Avj,
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
We teuVc a tpcclall) of func.i CrCJinfry Bii'
ter am) ktrlctl fioli cjsi Jiid the I'.Uo li m
1ot u flr.t elji gooOj tan be tolii il.
We do not liavo my tpcclal taloi or leader
but at all tlmra cuuy as loniplcto a line of
llirltt Goods. I'mity Uioceriu and Tahlei Uellca
clea aa tan be lound In the largest Nc"r orl.
or Philadelphia Matketi uliieh we .ell at right
W. H. Pierce,
tl Laclawanna An,
rrempt delhery.
119, li:, HI rno Ath.
What judicious buyiug can
save you. You will be sur
prised, aiid the best thing
about buying here is that
you can't buy poor goods at
any price. But you can buy
nl a very low price.
When you have one of our
Truuks or Dress Suit Cases,
it is easy traveling, All,
in all grades at all kinds of
305 Lackawanna flue,
"lb 17 Illlia'l'S lll'lK" (ilMKll.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowes: pi ices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty.five years.
Immense stock of Steiling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Caied
Gocds for Wedding Presents.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
K Heaters.
Haw you any ohaiit
that iieeJ recalling? We
don't do re-caning, but
we sell you cane that
will make it easy for you
tu Jo the woik.
Good, strong, service
able cane runs smooth
er and evener than any
other. Fine, medium and
coai be grades. Binding
Per Bunch.
221.-a3.aa5.27Wyomlnr; Are