..I"- t ;i .st?v xr ? t. . 3s" t. . j vrrfjj' t 3-f, . -tK -T--- THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 300T. Social and PERSONAL LKNT Is upon in wWi the full tlilu of tin; tltitiiiinliii? of Foclnl in' f(ilf.. Ulttlo of nny moment cim liu olironkleil for tho punt woelt:. Xutlilnrr Is piomlst'il for the coming fortnlglit. Js'iv l tho time 'Whrn tilt; luily with a 'Iluwei- Biinlcn In prospective IickIiim tn w oniler whether tho Kiiverniiient .siviIn kIh- rpt'olvril tbu other dn' will rciiiii' ii u new vailfly of iiatrr or an I'lM-styli onion. A poimin or two iiko a ccilnln yoiiHB matron, ooeiipylnpr n handsome new homo on tho 1IIH, received a pucknee of seeds from the nffrlctilturiil depurt iiieiit imirkcd "riowiM-n." My lady whh no fanner nnd had very little exncil cneo with peedM In Keneral, hut the ones ullepeil to be a superior type of pilmrosf looked Husplt'luuvly familiar, but an. she had no reanon to doubt the veinelty of the niHnltil?trutl.ii jf.irih'iior kin planted the fnld Feed:', linpltiK that pltik iirlmioseH would lesult. When l.i'er In the season a luxuriant elleuni iier vine, with abnoimally lun,-'' pump-Mn-IIko IiIid-sciiiih. ambled over tho rr fenee and the adjaeent landsenpe, Mi .. always took visitor to the gaiden to rouse their admiration and nHloiiMiment by "my lovely pink prim loses.' The fi w weirdly elongated u iiiiibi is which weie plucked from that vine j-he Insist. -d u(on terming j iltiiroi-i'M, and the "primrose vine" 1 ill a legend In the family. Mrs. William f'ounell and Jllcs Dim ml k letiirned on Thur.sday fiom Washington, after a most enjoyable k iimiii id the capital. .Mis. 1'uimeH'H panv at the liuiUKUtnl ball Is siioken f by the Washington papers- an one f the most attiaetlve piosent. MiK. 'onuell'K bow n was brocaded pearl irniy satin, with diamond ornaments. Mis A. K. ("onnell won rose-pink iep. ,i( chine and point lace. .Mlfcn .bsslo Dlmmicl; woie white crepe, with Mietlan lace eainlture. Iiiilm,r the session Mis. Council and MKs Dlmmlek' have Riven feveral beautiful receptions at the Shoreham, whose pioprietor, Mr. John Devlne, has Mirp.'ihsed all pio. Inns efforts In bis attempts to make them the most lettant In detail of any mk-Iii! iifCuIrw er held In that handsome house. I'onuief.'-man Connell did not leturn with hih family this week. lb .lolm ltandolidi, of St. Peter's 'utle ran chinch, and Mrs. llandolph will spend the summer In Uuropp. Miss Ibindolph, who has been with relatives hi mid for the ji.ist year, will return itoM month to take up her leMdenee Ulli her brother's family at the ree toi . Mi l'.andolph has leceutly been uised to take chai m of a iiroinlnent pmi.si in Philadelphia, but after enrc fiil deliberation h.is decided to reinnln lien-. Mr. Haudolph has been renmrk alilj siHcessful In his pastorate at St. 1'oKr'i-. by whose conpreKation he Is l'lueli -ippreclated. His culture ana itlillltl" have wioiiKht valuable results In that parish, and It Is a pleasure to know that he and his billli.mt and tal- n'ed wife are to remain In the city. Mi" Itandolph has been pecullaily for 'linate in iior professional career ns a -aeher of the voice ill this region. She has lifted the standaid of vocal woik Mid 1ms attracted by her !etoimllty i uniable cliele of friends. People ' icallzlnp: the advantage of having t'if'lr sons ami daughters hi ought Into ntfi' t with a lady of mu-li wide eiil ui i ud aie even more appi illative of iiuhh- standards, which must ele i and enrich the minds of those . '(! i her sway. Th. giaeious hospitality of their iuiiful home Is one of the delights "li the fiicnds of the lector and his I ally enjoy, and the hours spent t ii ir society these winter evenings. ui the aitistle surroundings, the i ui iimt.li and art and hooks, be- th'- inuiliig' wood Hi 1-, Is a picture Mii.d In .nmny ineinoiles. TTi. !v nnoifilc s,i-tiin of the lireen ltidge Woman's club has In prepara tion a plan which will be of great bene fit tu. this community If the opportun ' v in lie priwetiteil iceelves Its due t-ii'. latlori. On the night of Apill 1." ii i- i.ipo...i-d to have Miss Myra Dock, " wi l. known authoilty on Forestry, d awl' a lecture In the board of trade i "iins on that subject. Muih Interest " ! It In tin1 outcome of the lecture by l't"M' .-Mve ladles of the city, and sev .I' r idliig i lubs will also add their t-ovi"ii t to the oei aslou. I nitr's bind ei ncert Is fccheduled ! Maieli Slsl Tho soloist of the oc asnm Is announced ns Mr. "Trunk J'i...iii. lb- biilllaut young tenor whose beautiful t-'onir reeltuls Inst beasoii at a number ot homes In this city were sii'h e delight. Ills many friends will gladly welcome his coming. Miss Dale entertained the l-'ilday UU'inoon fin tl cliil) vesleulay. Mis. llollls, of Phlludelplila. Is lift truest. Mi.. Henry H. Urndy. Jr. will sing n the lirst Preshyteilan eluueli to. monow The Mlss.es Hand gate a dinner Thursday nlsht In honor of Dr. Pat- f 77 99 It's Tonicity. A Cold Is usually caused by chrvkeri circuMtlon. recognized by a ..hill or shiver. The uso of "T7" stnits thu blood coiirninij tlnough tho elns until it reaches the extremities, when the feet warm tin and the "old or Uilp l Inoken, whllo lis tonicity sustains the s-utem during und after tho attack. Many persons wilto; "Your '"' has proved such u blossltitr, I want to try Dr HumplueyH Spocllles for other ills, cafes." In response wo send two a Pocket Manual, known as "Tho Dainty I.udy," fiom tho picture on tho cover, for which a beautiful model was In duced to pose, llumplircj' Homeopathic M-dlilnc Co.. Cor V lllain mid -lolui M.., Sew oi)., GRIP lemon and Mr. Charles Hand, of New Votk. Among the oilier giiesls wtro Mr. and Mis. W. II. .leixiup, Miss Jes Klip and Dr. Halsey, of New Vorlc. MIph Htcllu Seymour was In tho city hilcily last week, having recently ar rived from abroad. Mies Heymour has been In South Africa tdnce her last visit hero, where the lamentable Uenth ot hot hi other IauiIs occurred. She will make her homo In New York. Miss Seymour Is about to publish a book, which should be one of vivid Interest, us hho bus icmniknble gifts In a liter ary ns well us In an artistic way. Following Is the programme for the Oieen Jtldge Wheelmen's fair, to be given for the benellt ot the furnishing fund. Tho ofllcers and committees are: Ollltcrv 1'. 1'. sinllli. prmldent i '.. I. Mctrb man, tlic-irriileiit; llnward DjI. efcrcUt.v; IMar W. I'jinc, lrcaurrr. PlrctUiri A. t!. lliuiiuwn, lloninl U. K. I.. JtrffiinJIi. I. 1 Itimlmli, P. I'. Smith, Cliarlci Jl. l-.irr, (I. W. l'njnc. Iloiee Coiniiilttci-i:. I,. Mmrhnan, . 0. 'l'hoiiiaon, (lurlr-i M. ("jrr. i'mii fxntMirn.i:'. (Scni-ml CoiiniilttrrI. I.avirciirc ltonbi.n, rlialiuidn; . M. I'iiii', Irci-nnr. J'aney Wi.rk-Mi. .1. (I. llrlhmliofT. Mr. C I,. Veiriinari, Jllsi .iitolndte Kiui Ml Miry I hnltiotlli. ItctrivluiHiiln-Pr. Walter II. rnnlliiiii, J. It. I'lupiiuii, P. II. Myi-n. AiIumIMuk Itowjiil IUI. C"ainl Mr. IM-mn M. (lircn, l ( lulli M. (an-, Mi. i:. II. IIjvU. lluulliiK Mlij- 1'uiik (. Miluiup I'iiiwii II. P. I'MII. Pnoili I r( or.it Ions (I. W. I'ajnr. II W. lloUhi. Kntrrfuliiiiipiit I. M. W.ilUi-r, ('. i'. ronracl. Proiraininr-lt. 1!. mllli, .1. I.. Hi.ari'. AiHllcirwci Pi-. IMoii M. (irrcn. Tl l.llV lAi'.MNfi, MAIIfll t2. ? I' ru:cntip ( itv wiii:i:i.mi:n'.s minhii:i. InlprliHUtor Mr. C M. I'lorcy llonr..Mr. II. Vebon Trot'. Mr. I.uihcr TImiiiij Tmnbo Mr. Art lMi. Mr. Hilly Wllll.nrn M.'iinlolln Mi. IM Morc I'ioin Mr. (iin Knon I'l'inliic ( lifum Cuinpany Introiluctory Overture, lliinrc, Tjiiilm ami Onluttra "lr In llir Dei p." Mr. II. ItullUtrr ".liel llciausc Mic Made 'those (ioo Ooo Uiw," Mr. .lulm It. 'Ilioima "Mv Mulumi Sue," Mr. Walter Hail My Honolulu tjnoin." Mr. Art Vii i LJIi't Tell Whv I Irtio Yen," Mr. Tlinum 'Iripm i.imb, I.imli. Limb," Mr. Illlly Wtllliini I'.u-ody on Mjii' Anuio'.i 1 mitral Oration, Mr. ilen Allen "No (.ale Comes Too I Hull for .Me." Mr. Luther Thomas r.rand Pinalo, "Tlie Holy flt," Mr. Kchwrd llal ami Company A nniflral proi.imme will 1 irben by thi Orphnu Club at Hie ronclirdou ot the minstrel entertainment. M.t)XirAV i.tiAi.sn, maucii 1.1, k.ij. Oierture, "Xnrnii," Ilelllnl Orphciu i"'liili Mr. 1". II. Widmayei, lolin; Mr. C. C. Coiind, darlonet; Mr. W. II. Stanton, tornel; Mr. Charle II. Iloersam, piano. firat Solo (Selected) Vim 5race Spener lleliine Woik Mlui .Icnnle OKrII uc.d Solo (sck.ted Mr. Itilph Wtlllam MjiiIi, "Hand l!o.a," Soninllno Orphms ( lull. Till USD IV KVr..MMi. il MM II II. S.13. seleitlou Ilaan Trio Mr. Peter X. IU.ui. gulf in Miter lt.ilph II mi, iolln; Mi-ter lloy linn, mandolin. llecltitlon (selnteili Mln Mildred lireen ciil Solo (iIeitt-d) Mr. . II. Kmerlcli Ileatiire, Infant l'nli4".. Appeared with j;ieat Muieii.-4 at Ktlth's Theater, I'hlladelphia. Vocal Solo (selected) Ml Jennie llrbtol riuiHV i:vi:xifi. maim 11 is. a. Oieituii, 'i'rolu-i ( Oipid," (Iruimalil Orpheu Club. Vocal Siliclion Tubli Clef (Ueo Club speclaltteit. Mi, .lauiei liirdmr Sanderson, lr. William .1. Tmny. "election, "ri-le-plione (.ill." Kerker llrpl.iii-i ( lull. SATCHIIW I'AKMNIi, MAUI II Hi, s.r.. tlierlmc, "Krato," Punier Oipheiu I'liili. Ilii'Italinii 1-olce.tcil) Ml Mildred Cnrn sehi-lliin. "Pawn -f I.oe-," HendK Ori'Iiciii Club oeil -,,i0 es.1,,1,.,1) mIv( i:,i,, ,,rn ii leilioii, "I'iuIiiiic "Iclli-r." Ileibert (irplnu I lub. MovcMn4s of People Mr. .Iu-eili Levy a ill Wdshlnstuti thti Heel;. Mi. Sul l.uld-iiillli has irluiiiiil Hum 1'lilla dolphin K. II. SiurRei lelt for Xiv Veil; ye;terdiy alu-ineioii. Mr. and Mr. T. I". Willi' have icttirned lioni l'hiladilpldi. Ml i:ieanoi I!ejnold will fpend the summer in ( allle-inla. Mr. and .Mr. Ihcmaj J-prajjue Inir v'onc south fnl- a few week. Mr. .1. P. l)ickon and family weic In Wasli Irni.'ii iliN me I;. Mi. ( hailrs sihlujei and family will tpmd the MiiiiiiH-r In I'uicpc. Ml I'miiii ronter ppent tin pait weil: in WuchliiElon, P. ('. Ik ' . Dean nlndi retniiicil from a hir-inui tilp lo e Vmk rlly. Mi. and Mr. (i. c. Ynciiin ulll iinimvil tu Ilalion for ten' Miiniiu r. Jin. I.e iiraiide WtlKhl J ocimu-l.i ill .it her home en Mulbeiri Muet. Jlr. Hraiit and JtUs slnw. if New ork, an' true -n of li. KIul, on Adami ntiiiui. Aldi'imaii .Mill iv ii'luimd fruni W.i.lilntun lit nli;it and will be on duly at bU ofik-e this ii' mini,. T. U. I la ike. mineral Mipeiliilfiielciit of the 1 irk.iu.nm i railroad, lni rdiiim-d to tho lily aflir an .ibsem-p of i-cii-ral eliji. Mr-i. .1. II. Phelps uid iliiiKtitei-, Jlive nw. phine ind i:iolc, will Ko .iluu.ul in iho touio ol a len week lo remain for two ear. LITERARY NOTES. 'Iho improMinent. noted In recent mmilrr tl I'.ir,tboh'4 Mjk.izIih- U ttlll limit iine-piuioiH in iho Much bsue. 'Ihil U a llri-t-iato iiiiR.ilue, bilm-lull uf Indbiduilli), (Kiitalulug nmail.ably oliiuis fetinir.-! and aitlclci of elMluct inteict and iiaehbliiie4. ''Iho New Ijueni, Ale.aiulia, of (iirai ItiiUIn," will be- the leiibjcit of an li'leiilliitf arliilc In thee Apill Worn m'j Homo Cumpanloii. IMwaid l'auei (lalon will not only poiiray (uccii Ale. iiiulia'ii lib Mory, but will al-o draw an airuiato picture of Iho new soieielsn'i pciMindliy, her HUr, ilUllker, ta-tc and the hundred and one lillle pciull.rflllei. tLat make rl IhU "Kim I.idy oi ihe llrllbh Il " a le-iy Interi-.tlnu cf xiiiaui . 1)lh-r .k sh-peid, sin 1'i.imUio, announce a lillb lobiuic lli.u In eh. il in and eiil In.illly of eonxtrucilon .m.l prace of i-ijU- will lunch a iii1i l.oli- in ihe shoit nlory liteiatuio cf the elay. b I. itoijil Viilptor," a Holy of Pba. Iiy tliginU Ik Prime; i r. ttodaii, ,i ilriuin-eyeil nulplor, Ih' ehar lillle elilld, Corrona, ilio (i.i. el. ii l.ad.e, the ivmaiitle irtlhu cf "Id l'la, all Mi nil into a Mudy of fasilliitiu; ilitcuvl. The publbhen piiipoti tea bind iho book in llclblo Uieen ami eM, the tutor belli',' -ueuem-ij by thai ol the apron" worn by Piiau iwikincii. lUtpu'n "Ililui of the War ill Ihei i'mi. pllie" Is an 'aniplo eif ulcrtiii's-. in hbteiy. leeoiilin;; vhiili will alii let Jlle nlloll. The vol iiiiio l ii rompeiiil cf tpecial v. or eoirc'oiidence and oitlclala rcpoit. A a prefaco In Ihei minute iccoui.l ol eie.nu wlileli Ii.imi lakin plaeu III the) bland iilnee (lie bcjlnnliu r'f our war wlih Spain, the iclumej embodlta a liUlory oi tho t.luinli fiom their dUwueiy by Mjudlan up to that time. A a ipcclnieu of nindem liouk-iuak ng. tills book i no leas notable than n a ion lilbutloii to liUtoiy. It rontaiiii twruty-sW full. I.iko Illuitiatiuiii In lolorn, ind innra than ono tl.oui.uid pietiiri'-i In blael. and white fiom pho tograph! anil kileheit by llnpei k Urotlurs' rpeclal artUtJ In the Held, Tln'ie are nld many ullelal iniui war department iharti, reprodac lioiu ol l'lllpino I'loclamalioni, old elociiiiHiiti, I'le. Ihe loluiuo lueaure lllixin Inches In lAu, and l liounel In Klmkl cloth, leliered In (liter and blue. - rl" k & & 'i & k X SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inaccurate knonlcelsc l a dangerom IhliiSi S.i In all thmci let us be accurate." Camping Out for Consumptives. PH0nm .1. T. IIOllIItOCK, Ktalc loreietry commlwli'iier, hai preipewel In c'labllsti i.inipi for the Hire ol rntiuiiptlr In the nrlom foiieet rmcnatlom of the Kate. UN project one whitli merlin Ihe l.norabl'! ronblir.illnn of ciery nne Irtercitid In the mbject ot ieliiinii- lion ana In the rare ol ionumpllie, nec.iue, it a small ejporme, it oM'in up n war of ti eoiery In people of moderate iiiei.li whi'li olle erulci niiKlil be be-;onil lliclr reach. The lno- l.le htinin I'rnftu-ie llntlirock'it lilali Would lirlll ilpally benefit are Ihey who, at Ihe pient Unit, iimlcr lrry Kreit Merillie, eeek renjrauoii in lirallli In noino of Iho weitrrti anil rniilhcrn (llmatM. Such c.im woulel elo ai well In Peine lt.inl.i. In llit. Inrlton- ulilib 1'reifcMOr Iteitll tcck lia.4 lii nihil!, and at a muili leu e.peiio to th"mbe.i, anil without baMig to innie-au Ihe mlom biinlen of Iicing baiiMieel far from biitne neiil fricnelji. I'rejh air and the Inline ire of oonc Ireini ih' pliiei alow nre, liowner, not RUfltclinl, anil II I a well iienitnleel fact that In all the ion lUimptlle amiw. whether they be III the fuulh or in the mountains of nurtlicm Veiv Voile, tin want of nmu.-menti and oecupal ton for 'he patlenti N sorely felt. Occupation e.l the mind a well a fiei'li air are neiiMiry In eifeet Ihe (Lie of ciiMimptlic, and without the (miner Inn lillle It Rallied and flow pti'irieix lemaieti Improicment l luade by Ihev.' unfoitunatcs. The 'Bubonic Plague in Relation to Hats mul Insects. I)r. Albrecht ami (.linn, the Mimiing e ol IvigiiM of Pr. Miller. wh died from tlie bulimic plaeue in Vienna ei eir :io. npeut i" the iMUi of the woik on the morpholocy .n.d liloloejv of the baclllui and on ailillelal infe'clinn. pie. parcel eiuder the diri-ftion of Ihe Aeitrian Medhal riniliiliuli eif the lenii.i In pi rial iii.i.lemi, lint eirtaln SKcli" of nnlmiU are ii lellb- iiifei-tid by tubbing Hi- liruh-iil nutter Ilelitl; on the .Mn tun wlieu it i. dee fiom any ahi.iM.m. They think till it Ihe iiiikI ficnuent form of llificllr.li Willi huinaii l.i'ilu.". Il.mkin and Siineu d. In ludl.i, cite M'Uial i.ich thai hail li'Miltrel Irom lot-.eliins ilivi-rel or lead rat. 1'Kn lliln;; on r.iN mi) be the) luiiMiiilllrut useiil In man. Iiitmralot; epeii-mini- haie shown that a be'allliy rat will U' main licillhy when shut up with a dUia.ed one that U flee from Ih-i. Iteeaielle-. eif the ni"dc of tnfi'etlou, sin Profi-i-or Calmelle, the mid tlpll'atlon of the baeillui takcM pliee llrnt in the l.iniphallc ilianneU and thin In the blooel. Hut in It a bae-illn wlileli produen the iIImm. and is the .Iru not similar to lint of .elhn lorr, ciiel tallied by the IiicU from on" In dliidual lo anoih-r a '".uld -eiin to be tlie eaieV A New Discovery In Inoculation. A ti'lj tllsioicied plopflly of cells of arl. oim otKaa hai lurt len uiinounced to the I'arla Acaeleiny of sciences by V. Peleeune. cior'l inir lo a nolle e in "la Nature-" (Auir. IS): "If nu animal is tiioeulutcel with tho li'iuld cbcii by tini nijie-ruteil ciifin, thU animal yie-ld-i .1 senim which, inoculated In a new animal, briiiK-i about the ilelruetion of the e-ell' of the coin -.ponding oitfiu. Thui, for iviniplc. we may i-ain" the il. tncllcn of th nilb.ir; Klanib, the kidney". rie". An mini-ion of iho llicr, when gbcu by iuoe ulatluii to an .mini il. ehtermincs a moilir.ia. lion of IIk pcruni, mii Ii (hit thU mriiiii, when likewise iiduifni(.-icd te aiioiher animal, piei okcs the eleMiticlioii ol the 1 e-patle llicr eolle. 'Ihe aetieui ii stiictly lunlKd to the ortain a( feelcd. riirlheniioir, M. Ddciunc bn eli-oti-ied (hat the ..(lum in ejuetioit, inoculated eonlinu. niiily in well; do-i-s in - healthy .mini il, makes il Immune aiiiimt the action of stronger ei iinn." Iraiuilation nuile tor The l.ltcrarv DIkcsc. The Iheoiy built upon tne.e ob-.ervatloii' inly be collect, anel if , bearie on the cynrhiie or tho-ie who bale licateu jiatu-iitn sutti rinej lioiu l.illuin ailments with Ihe .inimtl eli,u.-i, but I ,ini incllneel lo ilnnk lint fiiill.-r mid roeuej chaiislle sludv ..ml f'pirimciiU aie lieided lo mill- ctahll-.i in iluc. The New Prizes Offered by tho Pails Academy of Medicine. Anionic Ihe mnr piin olle-iid b; the Pain Acaeleiny oi Jlesllclnc I. r Ihe best ei-iv-e th's ;ear that nil; be mentioned .lie u few- op.n to all nations and pipcis m ij- be wiltlen in all languae,i. Se.mo of the pi i.o-i aie eiy loudilenble in .ilue, , for iiiMaiice. a pilo of tweiit.i-H'Ui-thousaiiit fi met i-. offered to ,my one who hu-ell-coici'td, anel de-ciiln-pi a satisfactory piei.n-tlu- of tulie.iculil-e. Another puo ot two tlioiK.iiid fi.uic.s it for tin- disioeiy of a eeilaiu cine of u hlthcito eoiishleicil Incurable elKcae', and another pibo of V).'M Iraiie-s lor tlie Mine puipe.ie it olfcicd b; another pation of ihe acadtmy. Oilier l.ii?e amounts are offered fot elisiewei let In tin' tie.itiiieni. ol raiiin, cplbp-j, tiei i.-iu prottiatiou, neb .Hires In stiricfi;, cle. Kiw-ait t-houhl be Kelt te the secretaiy ol ihe Paris Aiademy ol Medicine eliulnv, tin- ionise "f Ihe ;cir. Trnnscontineutal Geodetic Survey. A le poll of ihe woik ol ti.intcoutli.eiilal tii angiilJtliiii, biffim In IsTI, und ci'iiipleted last jeai, hat Kin piililisheil by Siipeilnlinilent I'liuhelt, of tin I'nllcd Mitet Coast and (ieo dale humy. Tho i-e.nipletloii ol this work ' seid to mark "an epoch, not only In the uli-n-Ithe bbtny ol ihe I'ldlnl State", lutt In .Ii" worlelV asfoeloy as well." Wi have now- .1 nn tiniioui triafiKiilalliin .ilonj,- tho thirty-ninth par allel from thu Atlantic to the l'ae Hie, M; iiilh-t in 1(1 Klh. lit lalue to the slslun ftHe.i ciubraicil by It nccel not be cpl.Uncel, In lalue lie. m u scitutitle tlaiidpoint in;llj in the c,rc it adelllioii il ninn to the data in(t-iry ten tlie aciiualu elcteimlnation of the cartll's shape ind ne. pa main icmiIIs may bu Kiiiuiiiarled in the' itatiimnt. that the eiinalnro of the North Vinciii'Jil c-eintinent along the twcnt;-nlntli p..rallil cieii b) It is inti-riiinllate between Ihai ot the liesscl and the CTaike tplurolda. Ocean Study. Il it st.iU.l llnl, ill toiiscqui'iue ot i lit Kioulh cf (ii-iiiiaii tiade ainl lomniiiee In all parli of the W'oild, the (i.uuaii cinpciur lias dceleh'd to riablMi an institute for Iho stiuly of ocean olouy in lleillu, in connection wllh a nai il iiiiweiun. llolh are lo tonn a pail of Ihe lleillu uiiiwrxlly, ami will (.cue at a seheml fm- nnal liioli lie I lin el. the most appiotnl modem ) Inn anel in the widest cne of the wnul, IVieJ. iug the Ost.ililKliiiu lit id lliose lnsl llulloic-. a series of free public leeiuict cm oceanolony, cle., lo- scleral ef the k.iellns liiiiuin prnfessort, will be siartid at 01.11. This study it one which, .ilihouith in.t in.-, hat hoHcuv. been Milly iie-Klrt toil in our schoolt and uai il aiadcmlcK, but II in at iuiitniiatii to Ihe lueii haul luarilio and the liny as the land nuii-j and sialf inapt of tho bjwayt of ih. eoiniiiy aie tu the uiiuy, Ihe lallioad cm-iiinr and the tiaiclei. Magnetic Obseivatoty South Pole. Near the ( . I oh-rhlt.1' I'.ur, in rhuiKc ot lii.i'.'ri'Mi. u .1 in New Zealand, bit wiltlen (o TVumil'l Jla : mil. in in itg.inl lei u iiuiiuctlu obtiri.ile.iy ocn lo be eicclcd in that uniiili;. Il will l- mil atcel appro.iuutely In south latllude (I eagre 0 inlillitii, and will be the most soiithul; uu aeiiutoiy in the woild. .Mi. 1'air iiuim i!i iillluut ntjrrll- expeelltleuit that uie soon lo lcaio Uuiopii lo make any me ihey may ui; to make of thu utuciiatory. and he i.pii'ict hit v-ililuxnrtt lo uio inaijiictii'ili.foimalloii or am other assistance be miy be tailed upon lo icnel. i the Inticnlel explntcrii of Ihe mnuliriii uilc nme Ants. An Aliican inlvlonary write an aeeount of 'die in vane a of tho whllo ants in Ithodcuta, wli.ih Ii piiblUhrd In Iho New Yolk Sun. It It no un common Ihlnir, be .n, lor the role-nUt re tuiiiliitf alter a da;'a labor to Und the eoit ji.i led luiuinic on a nail of lilt enttau'e will, or tho hooka o-i Ma (able, entirely dciliujcd by tlicsa marauder!. On ai.akenlng In (hi liiuiiilui;, bo otw, ;ou are often uilurildivl lv kfclns In tin dim ll.iht a coiie-h;d obleet ibint fiom the bikk I'oor a nbcrt distance Irom ;e.iir heel, wllh Iw-n bolen In die (ep like (hi irilert of n miniature ulcaiio. t pern closer v amlnatieii Joil ellteoice (hat the liolci hue Jut the' tlie and liin of the liwlele of jour beKit-, which ;ou IiitHUtloii'ly left on the floor the nljht b ton. They late Rlien form and pioior. Ilott tu an ant heap, end lid liinpr it telt of (hem ixrrpl Ihe iialb. the Iihm eiclete and pethapi a pit' of Iho lieeK. The Kime story Inn te be tohl with refitrel to ticry perbhabte objeit of the fori. Mr. dohn i ". chief ihemM of the tji'ro liMili.l linn and Steel com..1liy, some ,caM agi) fornied one of n nine; hit; party In llollila. He tetlt miny stories of ant whlih are similar In Ih'ite Jutt meiitloiied. The llollilan Insect w.ii red In iidor dnd travrted In nuarm. Rrn crally two feet wide and mlllli.nt Ihlck, It lit erally svipt .1 pith before It, like u rjelonc, and, t In It e 1 1 on b..ol, shoes, elotlilntr and all l.lti.li of non metallic o.'.inp reulpment. Pre epiiiitly, fa.i Mr. Cov, cumpi had (o be tnoiel lintll; at tilaht tlire, to get cut of the way of oiv of thee lumitij; coluiniit. To remain In (rout of one wan to Initio rxtriiclathiir torture In cae the lnreM look It Into Ihelr lie-ael, at thy Rem rally itlel, lo liipcct the bed ilnlhliiR and foini il.e aicpnlntanie of (he pertoin In camp, Hut It it not only in tropical ccunlrlrt (hit Ik iin-linhlrM aie nf.ciliiE from the r.naaet of mitt, and It will be welcome, perhapt, to knoev' that after cari-liil study of their luMt.t and con dilk.iit cf life. enlomoloiUt hue proved (hit Ihe ordlnaiy poweleied boiax It a jeurc meahi uf riddlnx (lie home of (he little petit. The hoiax ponder being dltlrlliuted around Hie inicka on the wallt and floorit which hale to be Iraveiscd b; Ihe insect! (rein lit flue crji lalt Into the bicathlng pores, which aie altuilcd along the side o( (lie in-eet and e online In ren tal t wllh the prciilliir add of the ant (fnlinlo aehll ale decomposed and an extremely polnonuut apor It foimcd which kills the aniniil In a boil time. A solution of borav it of no nail. Dissemination of Knowledge in Rural Districts. An editor in Mluamrl. sals Ihe ( hlca'ro Itrciuil, hat hit upon a tiotcl In. Instil il tom-lilii.--tic.ti. lie hat i-iulpird and I'onuet-teel Willi lilt prinlluir ofllee an evlcn-iie s.istem of tele phone linet, whicli radiite not only lei scleral o( the oilier tovim of the country, but to a lame number "I faun liouiit. The cnlerpilte was starlisl solely with the idea of lirliuin; In e-ouiil; newie for bis paper, but it tint mown ami ileieli.peil so rapull.i that the cslltor and hit piiluir lii id Ihcuischc (he owmra ol 3 labiatile and ctcusle luril telephone svsiom lie limit (hat llieie- It not th" slightest rollition between Ihe telephone and Ihe ncw-pipci but iiesf. Miciy printer in lilt oillie It laiujhl lo lnaiiipuhile the bwilehlioaiil, and the lehplu.iie opeialoi know- how to set l;pe, and Willi tnit Intcn lnn(riibl" slatt cicr.ilhim; woikt smo"thly JIiucoMr, cicry telephone subscriber It a leader of Ihe paper. In some of the slatet farther wejl Willi their rudliM bub-wire fincen around the ranches a simple si stem of telephonic communication bat lice n in operation for setcial ;cam past, and the cost to the indiililuil subscriber It merely the outlaj lor a sit of Instrument and the re piirlntr of hit feme, because the birb-whet are iimiI for eoii.hu Inn; wircn. W mMitg an oter held ceiiiiieelloii whercicr there ill a iate or lane lo be mused, a coiilinuout circuit it easily etlabllshed and the jy coiniiiunlcatlon by tele phone between neighbors ollcn nnni inllet apart, ha worked inue-h t-ood'morally and soclilly amoiic; the settlers. A luiak in the line, how ccr. fmlhatet a break in the fence ratline for burnetii. ilo attention, and the tlineb- eliseoiery of such a break saicri often thou-and of dollars to the i.iltlc ranitcrt and lame fanner. Definitions. Coutauii.ii. fiom the batin et.ulacrio i . touch to"), it the transmission ot a ilicae ifiui by the act of el I ree t or indirect conlaet with Ihe indent sulfei Inir lioni the- disease lit ituliicct eotitaet it meant touihinir or comln? In esiutaet with clothes oreither sutisHiicet which bate ln-cn in contiel nlllTthe patient. Infection, fiom the I..11I11 in faieic 110 nuke wltliln). It the iiiirodui lion into tlie .-l(iii e.f a ellsea-e ilrut by e-Mernal meant, sue h at bicalhliur of fainted air, catiiii; food and drliik- itisr waler whlih aie the carriers of the linn. Inoculation, fiom lailin 111 oilulut (the cj'-i. a leini used origin illy by Ihe wine grower In Ciafllni.- the srapc-tinni In what Ihey callcel the eie of the- tint, it the inlioduetlon of a di-eete i111t into the s.istcm lliioiuth a sceaiih or punc tilio In the skill, e.i nun out memhtancs, a in laeiiuilioii -(., s. The Secret of Success Tlie phenomenal growth of our business is not the result of chance. It is but another example of the fact that ab solute honesty in dealing with the great generous public is the only sure method of gaining its confidence. In the business strife of the Twentieth Century, we believe that "honesty is the best policy," and shall endeavor to continue to deserve the confidence and patronage of our thousands of customers. To those who are not acquainted with our business methods, we would say that the foundation of our business i. built on absolute honesty. We try to give our patrons the best values the markets afford, and to sell merchandise at tho lowest possible price. We believe In advertising truthful advertising. We want you to realize that our advertise ments mean just what they say. We want you to prove them: seeing is believing. Notwithstanding the fact that w already have the largest and best equipped store in Northeastern Pennsylvania devoted exclusively to 1 1 ut:$vs? ?L j &?, t? 2gW:??J, Our constantly increasing trade compels us to enlarge our warerooms, and we therefore announce a special ALTERATION SALE After April ist we offer special values in all broken lots, part pieces and designs we will not duplicate. These goody have been in most cases our best selling numbers, and at the prices quoted are positively the Best Value we have ever offered in our twenty-one years' business experience. The variety at the pi ices quoted is necessarily limited, Carpets Axmi nster All designs that we will not duplicate. Many with borders to match: regular i.$o values Now $1.00 the yard. Ingrains A few choice patterns, reg ular 60c values. Now 48c the yard, Rugs Royal Wilton, size 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 3 inches, regular $.00 value. Now $1,25. MARCH, APRIL AND MAY! Paine's Celery Compound the Best Spring Medicine in Ml the World. Purifies the Blood as Nothing Else Can Do, Makes Strong Nerves, Cures Disease! Their is but one sptlng remedy that never fnllrt. 1'ulne's celery coiniiound Is u phytd clnn'.s icinedy, and all schools of phy li'luuH prmcrlbn It. It la guiiratiti'ed by thousand. of men nnd women whom It lutH bouullted. It lutH nstvi'd tho hrulth and lives of hundreds uf fiiffciers In every coin mutilty It Is the only specific known for dlspiisi'S iirlslitK from u debilitated ner vous system mul Impure blood. Again nnd fiBiiln It euro"? when every other menus fulls. It Is as fur In ndvniici of the ordlnaiy well niciinliier; but use less sarsapurlllas, nervines, and ton les, us a finely adjusted chronometer Is superior to the dummy cluck on a jewelei's slim post. One Is the lln lsheel product of brains and sclenllllc skill, whllo tho other la a IiuurIIiii; Imitation. :.-. rrnen you I jl. ." illlS ); y appetite that "'MiBi iu'- nothing seems iH v$r Uneeda Wifl m Biscuit "IflBi w s--w- A soda biscuit that is nearly all nutriment. ; 5 sfHMj l I I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Jjlk f- W CarpetB Furniture Wall Paper JL - Wall Paper High Art Designs All small lots trom our wholesale and retail dcp.nrt- merits, Florals, Burlaps, Papers, Roll Up. IllgMillS, btripes, Pressed etc. ,ic Mouldings 50 odd lots of various colors and widths; values .jc, ;c to toe foot. 2 Cents Foot. . -itOt - -J A "L WB&r " j$itF$ '"i,hL Williams & McAnulty This Is why Ihe demand for Paliie'tt celery cumpoiinil as it sprlni; tucdtcluo ' far exceeds today tho demand for nil other lemedles put tutti'ther. 1'alne's celery compound, taken dur Inu the early sprliist days, has oven more than Its usual lematkable elll cacy In mnkluir people well. It makes rhoit work of all diseases ol debility tird nervous exhaustion. It rapidly drives out neuralKlit, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and iheumatlsni from the system. It removes that lassitude, or "ilnd feellnu." which betokens weak ened nerves and poor bloed. Overworked and tiled woineu'nto but 0110 class of persons who aie In ur 1,'ent need of the wonderful remedy to make nnd keep them well, llit.siuess men who are not slooplnt- soundly, shop RlrU made p.ib and dckly by lonjf bonis of Indoor work, and the countless sufferers from dyspepsia, kidney and liver trouble, ncd the- Furniture Odd Pieces Cut prices on our entire line of Inch grade tables, chairs, parlor suits, etc. See our brass trim med beds at $.oo, $5.00, $6.00. Bedding A choice line ol high grade bedding made to our spec ial order. Sec our Mattress at Ss-oo. 129 Wyoming Ave Scrnnton. Invlpiratlni; riTeci of I'.ijne's celery compound now that sptliiK.'wIth all lt diUKers. Is at hand. Its pie-cmlui'necj as 11 hoalth-maker comes from Its ex traorelliiary powers of mipplyliu; nu triment to the blood, nerves, and brain. Then Isn't a family so rlelr or so poor as to alford lo be without a hot-lb- of Table's celery compound In these i-atly .spilnt,' days, when tho human system needs every assistance to csury It (hroui;h the depiosslui; effects of Iho iciihoii when natni" ni.ikes It easiest to replenish Ihe blood with new, healthful matetlal. tnul feed the ner vous system wllh strength for ftituie work. What Palm's celery compouitd lriJ done for ihous.iiids of others It will do for the teiidor, and once this frrrat mi'dlclne is itlvcn n ttlal, iiivither per son will be added to ihe multitude who praise Us wondeifiil Irtiic.i. JL U wX XwV-7 -aperies Odd Lots Many odd pairs of High Class Portiere Curtains, were ,$4.00, $5.00, 6.00 pair. ' i- Now $2.50 Pair Lace Curtains All single pairs and two and three pair lots at a fraction of their real value, Sec our Nottingham Lace at At 75 Cents