'Tt ' I - X THE SCKAMOiS TIUBLjNE--SATURDAY, MAHCH J), .15)01. ' -- fl xf -T" , ii T7zr Office s ; BURKE X BUILDING II. PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE AI'OI'L'I.AIl Cl.l:.UIXl HOl'sT for Hie li' fit of VI Vh'i Hive llnuc. to IUI.I, Ileal IVtle rr Otlirr I'ropctly lo Sill or rNcliaiue;. ir Wlin Want Sltuitlotn or Help- Thru: ''mall d 'erlKmentu f e-l One (''lit a Word, six lruer ilon for fhi- lnl a Word- Kut MtuilUni M'ar,t.il, Willi h re lncilnl Free - - ' WAMI.I) S l'M'KHIKNf Kl) M fiOOIl ("OK at l.mriKeticy hopltul. miiiii: urn iu;vr tis su.r.vi aiimi, is ejulro of S. I". Stephen.. A WAKK MEETING. Tile Foor Bonul and Auditors Discuss tho Audit The Bido for Doctor, Attorney nnd Stcwnid Lnlrt Over. 'flic poor l)o.irl met hi roRiilnr hos fion hut nlKlit with an mnllenee ot nliottt tvventy-tlvn taxpa.veis. All the hictors writ picso-nt. In m coi'danco with the ie(ii"st uf tli' ho.ml. Mchsi'S. 11. B. .ladwln. 11. Hoi ton nnil .1. F. IVhcelcr, tho uudllni-K, weie iiIho pros put. After tlif rciidlni; and adoption or the miniltCM hynch moved to uppiiil mles and give tin1 milium h the lluor. Tim pioildenf asked tin- clhoctot'ti to express thetiwlven, lint for nevci.il minutes theie was umluoiii Nllcnie. I'.lvcnbiirp then took the lloor and opened the dlscu.sloii. ".Mr. President," wild he, "I wIhIi to Know if tin Is n full )ii id Dual audit." Mr. .ladwin wanted to lcimw what It" meant and ItlvenbiiiR letorted that he infant pieelncly what he said. Mr. .Itulvvln Mild lif Knew of tiullilnpr mine - nimhllng dlscilM-doii of little- conso ipience followed, which put ilu audi tors on their dlKlnlty nnd they became Impressed with the Idea that the boa id held the auditors at fault. .Mr. Klveiilnilg Insisted that he did not think the audit complte. There was u somewhat heati'd ai'Kit ment between Dlreetor Took and Audi tor Wheeler. The arKitini'iils In sub-dance were iih follows: Mr. Cook Hrat inquired If the nudltors had inquired Into the eonduet of the steward. Air. Jadulu answered that no kucIi power was Riven in the art. Mr. 'Wheeler gave his personal opinion that the steward wan holding only lo thi' boa id under whleh lie was employed. The auditors could only sub poena, him as 11 witness. Itivt-nhurt- said he considered the bond of the .steaid was still Rood, and that the board e otild still hold him responsible. Mr. Wheeler said the aitditois didn't ouio to be Insulted and th.-y would withdraw If the directors became abu sive, livery item on the report wii fully backed up by substantial ovl- denee. Mr. Jadwln stated th.it the auditors had done thi?lr duty as lully as tlie ' mild and said that If the repoi t was nut sutl&factory there was a proper le cral way to appeal It. ItenardliiB the affairs of the stewanl. the auditors stated that Mr. Chine had been called before them and had been clotely I'Namltied and that all the In formation received fiom him appealed In the audit. They had examined n witness stiS(j''sted by Mr. Cook, but louud no evidence vvlinlever on which Iiiukos iiKulnst the stewanl could be made. The islt of tho auditors ,ie ompliNhed nothing, as the illscusslons wen simply reh.'sh s of past ones. The auditor.s wlthdicw and then KlvenbuiK moved to refer the nport back to the auditors. The motion was lost. Lynch moved tn adopt and to place the audit on flK The motion larrled. Til. n r dlruuaalon wyt. Indulged Is an to the wheicabouts of the audit. It was lln.il l seeltred and the regular routine was taken up. The bids for tli doctor woio tluu opened. They wete as follows: IT. ! A. Kdlj i'or setvlcch only, i7n: for -nice and medkltie, S.'uo. Hr. M. i:. Mnlauii l''or services only, HT,i, tor set vices and lucdlilue, ?IT.". IH". M. J.. Halley-?2Jil. .Messrs. 1 Shell burp. Kneh and fool? voted for Kollj. and Thomas. Mci'abe and Williams for Malauu. It IipIiik u tie vote, on motion of Mr. Cook the liialtPf was laid ov i. :'J.'Jiejf was but one bid tor atloiney, i hat or ti. T. Similes, who bid flu. with 5 per dio i'ti,i for all v. oik outside Hie city limits, (in motion oi Mr. Couk thlh hid was also laid ovei. Theie were thiee bids for steward and nmtum. as follows. Thomas l)c. I.uiey and wife. wsV. .leicniluli Chine and wife, sum; .M. it. ciune ami wife. $.170. MesMs. IIImiiIiuik. I.jucli and Cook oted foi .M. II. Chine, and the other three dlrectm-H for Jeremiah ciune. On motion of .Mr. ItivenliuiK the bids were (leferrt'd till next Kild.iy omiiIur. wlien iiniiilnr meettun will hehl and the Mime hlils will be furtlur consld eieij, Mr. l.vncli repoitod that the Hillside Home people thnateu to turn all tho Carhondule patients out If the Carbun dalo hoard in-islsth In Its lefusal to pay fur the mi-vIicm of the ollicers 111 'iiituiliiK Movies ami (ioldlmr, the patients who escaped from the luuiie Hjiine time iik". -Air. HUcidmil'. elalmcd the matter whs not under the order of business the board was on. and it w.it, foiRotlen Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs all caused by a cqld and cough Weak lungs -sooner or later mean consumption. tfs will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough. "I rjiheil (or crf haj hemorrhage. Tloctoiuf'id I w,t ii) Utt itago of coniump ' -lion. lUtjiJwn u; all hope, I finally tried Shiloii ami-it currd rac corapktely, Am todty In perfect he altli." MRS' KLOKKNC'i: llRr.W', ' l.att Oakland, Cat. fllilloti'aConmmiitlon Curo U aald by nit ltUKslt at Xftr, 60c, W ,00 n bottle. A printed K.iarnntxo pood with erery bottlr. ifrim iironiit nilMliil ro to rnur ilniKRlut and get your money licl. Wjtic fur lllnMrated bo .hi rnniuirpimn. Kent ai;hout ict tu yon. H, C. W'clla Co , l.cCoy, N.V. : - I Carbondale Department In the mote absorbing; matters which followed, A eomnitttileallou wnx received from tho state osfoclatlon iisklnu the locul board to pay an assessment of $lfi tu help defray the expenses of the Kile convention. The matter was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Lynch the pay ment of bills was deferred till the next meetlnc. The hoard adjourned nt 10.05 o'clock. A SUCCESSFUL BANQUET. Royal Arcnnumltes Feast, Smoke nnd Tnlk nt Hotel American. Carliomlale i tiuiiell. No. Ki, ltoyal Arcanum, held Its annual banquet on Thutsday nluht at the Hotel Auk-iI-can. About fmty n.mhcis of the touiicll, with u few quests', assembled. The b.ihqiiut wiih purely Informal one, Rood fellowship mid ftaternlty be Iiik .onstatitly kept In iow. The ofllee ot tho hotel was the meet ing pli"". nnd from S.30 until alter '..:!') Il was it romc of convlvlallly, as the vat lous hi others ni"t mid cNchaimod KieetliiKs and tiled not to look loo huiu;ry. although a few- owned up In (liik't conlldencos that they laid stinted themselves at their flipper so as "to have loom " At about irirter of ten lndloi'd Williams pceorted tlu; pilosis to the dluiiiK hall, wheie a loiif; tnble In Ihe center of the hall was set wllh snowy dumask, brilliant with hlphly poll-bed silver, and oinamented wllh potted plant", ferns and ttowns. The ex tended table comfortably held all the lucky diners. Tho menu prcpnted for their discussion compilsed" Shiewsbury Oysters. Half .lull. Imlllon de Itol Atcanae, en tass. Haiatotta Chip-'. Kohl Salad. liheiklnj. olives licet. Chli ken Salad. Itoast Tin key, Ctanbeiry Sauce.. I'illet do Heef, .Mtishiooni Dresslll,-. Cold Ham. Cot I TonKtie. Cold Lamb Teas. Mash'-d Potatoes. Coin. Tea Ulscults. KpuliRe Cake. Itlbbon Cake. Chocolate Cake Jelly ISoll. Coffee. let- Cream. Clais. After this repast was disposed of, the toastmaster. Dr. W. W. r'leteher, mose an dstarted the iufotmal short talks In which all weie expected to take part, but the expectations weie not realized, tor u number who were called upon to add their niltu suddenly de Mdopod acute attacks of "HtiiRe fright" mid lemalnt'd pelt Hied, seemlmjly, when their names wetc culled. These little Raps in the programme were (oven-d pratefully by the preMditit; of- llcer of the occasion, his fund of witty stoilcs and apl lej'dnders pioviim to be cntial l' tile occasion. Willi the blue wreuths of the lia uraiit llabaius lazily curled and wreathed Itself and the It. A.'s leaned h.uk in their chnhs with the relaxa tion of spirits and body that Is an 'ic compailllliellt ot Rood dilllUK, ninny were the huisls ot heaity laimhter at ihe td.nl is ot (,'ood-natured wit that flew emlly acioss the boaid. Di. Kletchei. in opening Ihe or.itoil cal portion of the fenst. told ol his dKappolntineiit at leainltiK that Mini of the best after-dinner speakers of tin' lodge had suddenly b.eome ver 111. but he trusted that enough material was on hand for some v ry effective talkim; After a few pleasantries, the doelor launched Into a RtowlnR eulogy ot the Itoyal Aiinmun and Its many bonellts, which was loudly applauded. Short speeiheh were made by I-'ralik Itoeiuuielmeyer. .lullus Mo-es. !'. K. llurr. Hal. Jadwln, N. U. Moon and olheis. !:. 1). Yairitmton Rave a Rra phle Impel. -on-itlon of a local oiator at Hip dedication of Memorial park. Dr. Kletchei i ailed upon one mem ber In thi. wls: "ilentleiuen. we have 0111011? us tonlRht a man who. 1 am Informed. Is to be the next major of Caibondale I don't know uiiiili about politics myself, but If liiolhcr Hum phtey Is to be ihe next mayor of our cll.v, wo would all like to hear him Mpak." Mr. Huniphie.vs' fine was a study In pink and white and he seemed to put toith a suod deal of exertion to inlse tiom his chair. He Joined: "Mr. To.istninster. 1 felt pretty well when I came in heie, and I have felt pietty well dmiiiR the banquet, but 1 havo suddenly betoine very III." (Client ap plause). After the rounds of the lioiinl had been made, Kiank K. Uurr moved that a hearlv voto of thanks bo tendeied the toastmaster and the ( onimlttec in ihill'Kc. '''he lespouso to tile motion vmis voclleiotis. s the hands of the clock pointed lo midnight, the ull'ulr terminated. Tim (onimltte.' of uuatiRt incuts was: Misst. Hal Jndsvlii, John Copeland and Kiank (irchaid. Those present weie: Pr. W. W. Klelcher. i:dwmd YariliiRton, Julius .Mocs. 1'iaiik Smith. John Copeland. Delbett CooRau. Walter Uonnett, V'uinK Suedecker, Frank Orchard, Itnlieil Van Heif.iiii, James Cardeu, Call UoeiilRcr. Wlllluiu Hubbard. Jiimrs I'. Nleholxni. Jrank H. Dennis. Frank I'. Hutr. N. 1.. Moon. Frank I'olvin. Uewellyu William", Samuel .Moon. D. W. lliuuplney. W. S. Wac ner, Mr. V.nnx. Mr. "Wahh, V. I-). Hvuiis. J. N. i elder. K. I.. Ilatlleld, Joslah Vnnderuinrk. (IcorRO Hudhiin. Hal .Indwin. Insurance Adjusted. The lusinanco adjusters who havo been at woik on tho recently lUnmged stock of Abe Sahm, vsho was burned out last Monday nlRht. linlshed their task last evenlns:. They allowed Mr. Sahm an amount on his ruined poods, wlib ti Is said to be s.itl.faetoiy to all parties. In Dunmoic, ltev ltollln A. Sawyer, rerun ot Ttln. Ity Protestant F.plsiopnl cliurch, pleached a sermon In St. Math's chinch a i Dumnorc last eveuliiR. Meetings Tonight. Court lioldun 1'hiRle, No, fill, Forest em ot Auuilca. Diamond IoUbc, No. V. Shield or Hon ot. At tho Opein Hounc, Tills Aftoruoon "Mv story of Wood lawn." Tonlsht "In Dixie l.ur.ri." Mertlngfi Tomonow. Pioneer Father Mathow society. St JosephV nnli t-. Phone : i NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 J AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY. Luthcrnn. Flist (St, I'nul's) Lutlicinn fhurrli, Church sticot ltev. K. Elulnger, pas tor. Third Sunday In Lent. Sabbath school. Si.30 a. in.: services, 10.30 n. m. Sermon on St. l.ukc, eleventh chapter, twenty-third verso: "Ho that Is not with mo Is nRainst me." Lenten ser vices every Wednesday evenltiR at 7,"0 o'clock. Tho Lutheran Ladles' Aid so ciety w ill meet for their monthly con vention on Thursday, the Hth Inst., nt - p. m.. at the lesldenee of Mrs. F. UiliiiliiR, : South Main stieet. Congiegationnl. First ConprcRallonul, corner KlRlith avenue and South Chutch stteet Ilcv, M. C. F.lllnlt, paator. Sabbath services, 10.::u a. m. and 7.30 p. m.: Sunday si hool. '1 p. in.; Youiir People's Society of Chiistlau Kndeavor, S.4o p. tn.: ptnyer servler-, Thursday evenltiR- nt 7.30 o'clock. Special services and spe cial music both mornliiR nnd evening. All are welcome Episcopal. Tilnll Protestant Kpl-copal chutch. "iS Illver streetItov. Ii. A. Sawyei, rei tor; tesldeiice. ti'J itlvcr street. Third Sunday In Lent. S a. in., holy coni .nuiiilon In the chapel: 10.30 a. in., moiitiug- prajer and senium; 7.30 p. in., penitential olllce and senium, all of these latter being held In the new chutch. THE DAME OF HEARTS. A Meiry Evening nt the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Shepherd. .Mi. and Mrs. Kussell M. Shepherd enlei talnd a number of their young married fi lends last evening at their pretty home on Darte avenue. The pur pose of the gathering wus to play the game of progivsslv hearts. Theie w ie about tidily guests present and seven tables were utilized. Hefme the pasle-boards wciv brought Into requisition, however, a novelty In the way of a pastime was introduced. It was styled an "alphabetical narra tive" and the conditions wore that each participant should wilte n story on a sheet of paper, and that each sen t"Miie should commence with a letter of Ihe alphabet. In numerical order, common' lug with A and going to '., the author of the most original story receiving a prize. The ladles' pilze for this ctfoit was a book of poems, the gentleman's prize being an opal scarf plti. Alter the laughter thai followed iho leading of these effusions had sub sided the play-rs settled down lo seiu tliillng the faces of their cards to tiy and got tld of the objectionable red spots. The first prize foi the most mic ros! ill in this endeavor was a hand sonic pack of cauls In a case, vvlilli the boobv pi 1e was the singularly apt one, a book of Hoyle. Alter the gHine lefrcshments weie served on the tables that had bjeii used for the curds, ami other enjoyable Ii attires followed. THE PEOPLE'S LECTURE COURSE Rev. Mr. Boyle Lectures Next Wed nesday on "The Seen and Un seen." The next lei lute In the People's lec ture course will be given next Wed nesday evening by the gifted scholar and biilllaiit orator, ltev. K. A. iioyl. Tin- lecture-going public will find Mr. Uojl a delightful cnteitalner In his lectuie on "Tho Seen itnd Fnseen." It was of this lecture that K. Stacey Matheiiy, ihe munager of the Center caves. Ch.tiitauqua, said In Introduc ing Mr. Hoy I- "We bring to sou today the greatest lecture I have ever heard, and 1 feel cettaln you will call It such wnen j on nave lieaul It.-- As a pro lesslon.il lecturer Mr. Iioyl occupies a conspicuous place .inning the leading bureau lecturcis of the day. The lee lure Is within the i each of all on the free-will offcting plan. A Set of Resolutions. Cambrian lodge. No. 58, has- presented to th. famlb of tho into William Bow els a handsomely engiogsed set of resolutions ot condolence. The pen wml; was done by Piof, C, J, Leshcr. Pi ludp.il of Hit; High school business department and Is very llnely executed. At Trinity Chutch. The ltev. .1. U. llroadhead. of Foi est City, preached an eloquent sermon yen t M-day afternoon ot Trinity Protestant Kplscop.il church. Mis. tJcorgo Mill sang a solo In her usual exquisite man ner. Dark Next Week. The Claud Opera Hous-e. will be duik all of next week, no attractions having; be ii booked. The following week an other repertoire company will hold tho hoards, and utter them will come a number of onc-nlght plays. Mayor Corcoran in Town. Ma.vor Corcoran, of I'lttston, came up yestciday from our twin sister city mid shook hands with many old and new friends. The mayor said that h was not in town for any political pur poses, bin Just lo greet his fi lends. Returned from Washington. Alderman Moirisou returned from his tilp to Washington and Philadel phia yesterday. He icpoits a vety pleaeunt Journey. An Afternoon Tea. .Mis. Charles O. Mellon euteituiiied a nunibir of her ti lends at a tea ves toril.iy atteriioon at her beuutllul homo on Lincoln avenue. Minstvels Aie Talked Of. A number of amateur hlstrlons of tills city are talking of Riving a the atrical entertainment for tho benefit of tho fund of i-eml-tonteunlal celebration. Just what form this enteipilse will take is not yet ilctlullely settled, but thy majority of those who ure pro jecting it ure Inclined to favor a black iii'sN duel all Throat nnd Luug Affectloni. m SYRUR fej. (let the genuine. Refuetiblltute. A i. " sy V3 ti-'fi tc jr face show. It Is said that plans are already actively under vvny for the or ganization of a troupe to bo called tho SemhCcntehnlnl Mnmmoth Minstrels, In which the lending glngero nnd Im personators and Jokers of this locality will tnko part for the pleasure of tho rest of the community nnd to Increase tho cash nssets of the celebration com mltocs. Plans like these In furtherance of an object so worthy should be en couraged, for It Is well known that In every town there arc lots of people who will noi ko on a subscription paper who will readily "rIvo up" If they nrc to be amused. OBITUARY. Bartholomew Kelly. Bartholomew Kelly, a respected citi zen, djed yesterday moinltiR about 3 o'clock, nfter a short Illness. Ho had, however, been In falllnR health for some time. Mr. Kelly was born spventy-llve ye.its neo In Ireland, but came to this city about thhty-ilve years iiro. DuiIiir that time ho won many wnrm friends by his uptight dealings and readiness to do others a good tin n. Ho Is survived by the following daiiRhters, nil of this city. Annie n Margaret J., Julia. Katheilnc and Mary. The funeral will bo held Mon day. The ptocesslcm will leave the house, No. 270 Dundnff street, at !.30 a. in. After a requiem mass at St. Hose church, Interment will be made In St. Hose eenieleij. Collected a Crowd. "Dory" IJurdlck. who halls from re gions outside the rlty, and who has a periodical dcslto to sec Carbondale, which Is usually accompanied with dire results to himself, came to town yes terday afternoon with a gu-at thirst. i He pioeeeded to slake It nt handy "dls- peiisurles," and it wns not long before his shuHIIng gate had acquired a side wise, lotary motion, causing pedes trians to give him more than his half of the sidewalk When the schools weie dismissed at 1 o'clock ,i crowd of pupils followed tlurdlck's eccentilc movements, and he cut up a few capers for their cdlllcatlon until Chief Mo Andiew came along and placed tho stern hand of the law upon him, con veyed li f tn to the "coop" and put him In a place whore his gyrations would lie restricted by stone walls and Iron bars. Mayor Kllpatrlck will have nil opportunity to inteirogate him this morning. No New Evening Paper. Humors have been Hying thick and fast around this city for some time that A. W. Cook, proprietor of the De posit Journal, would soon come to Car bondale and establish a penny evening paper. This icport must have been started by some Joker, I'or Mr. Cook has been Interviewed, and lie denies that ho ever had any intention of MartltiR a paper here. In fact, ho says, he hasn't been In the city for two ycais and knows nothing of the pros pscts or chances of success for a new dally paper. Knights of Malta in Town. Deputy frand Commander O. A. Swmtz and staff, of Anthracite com inamlery. No. 211. Ancient Order Knights of Malm, of Seranton, were the honored guests last evening of Temple comniandery. No. 'JSS, the oe lafion being the Installation of of ficers of the local comniandery. Pre ceding the Installation of the new of ficers, tho beautiful Malta, or Inltla toiy degree, was eonfenfd on a num ber of candidates. Mines Shut Down No Water. The mines at Iticlimondale have not been working since Monday of last week, owing to a failure of the water supply. Their reservoir Is dry and the pipes of the consolidated company do not now supply the needs of the vil lage, so no help can lie seemed In that (liteetlon. The large force of men there me tin own out of work mid it Is not known how long the pietvmt state of alfalr.s will continue. Funeral of Antonio Aelilo. The funeial of Antonio Aelilo was held yesterday morning from Ills late lesldenee on South Main street. The lemalns were conveyed to the Italian Homan Catholic Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, where a high mass of requiem was celebrated by ltev. Father Anthony, who also preached the funeral sermon. Interment wns made in St. Itoe cemetery. A. Substantial Return. At the meeting of the Columbia Hosa company on Thursday evening the tlnauclal committee reported that their seven-day fair, recently held in ilurke's hall, had netted them the handsome sum of over .$700. The couch, which Is still unclulmed, will be rallied off at some future date. A New Business Site. Il is reported that Mulhollaml Bio.', have purchased the ptoperty lately oc cupied by the Atlantic and Paclllo Tea company, on Sixth avenue, and will soon transfer their daily business, on Paik place, to their newly ncquhed property. A Rag Time Social. A huge number of persons attended the "ragtime social" ut the home of Mrs. .Mary Itlveiibtirg. on Lauiel ave nue, last evening. Old clothes were at a premium, as theie Wds a penalty In Dieted for wealing collars, cuffs, neck ties, or cieasod trousers. Family Matinee. This afternoon "The Mjstery of Woodlawn" will be the bill at the opera house. An entire change of spe cialties will be presented, including tho most laughable act on the stage today, "The Lobsterscope." Kvery child at tending will receive a bag of candy. Pie Eating Contest. After the last act of the roailng com edy, "Dixie Land." tonight, a pie-oat-lug contest will tuke place ut the opera house. A number of entries have al ready been received. There will lie all kinds of fun. Returned from Floiidn. T. C. Robinson has icturned from his two mouths' trip to tho south. Ho spent most of the tlm near Sea Breeze, Florida, and has returned home much benelltted in health. Will Retlie. Kdwmd J. Munaton, who conducts a meat market at 0 Canaan, street, con templates retiring from business In thla city about April 1. Mr. Manaton owns a farm of 183 acres at Aldcnville, Wayne county, and he has come to tho conclusion that there Is moro monoy lu aRricultiiro than there Is in butch erlng, It m probable that his son may mciceil Mm. 'out that Is not yet de- finitely settled. Mr. Mnnaton has been In business on Canaan street for about two yenrs, during which tlniff he has made many friends in this city. A Successful Social. The Friday F.vrnlng Social club riivc their flrst Invitation dance of the sn son last evening. The affair was hold In Ilurke's nail and was highly success, fill. Tile hall was Just comfortably tilled and the participants Were from the best social circles of this city, with a number of out-of-town girstx. The oflleers of the club comprised tho committee of arrangements and were: Kd. Cnrr, piesldeut: William Morgan, secretary, and George W. (Illlles, Meas urer. Will Closo Tonight. The slock of tho grocery store of Thomas OVonnell, of Park place, hav ing been neaily all disposed of, the store will probably close Its doors to night under the present ownership, Mr. O'Connell having decided to ictlre on account of III health. Ho has been In business at this stand for the past thirteen years. It is understood that negotiations are now under way with parties to rc-open as a griiesrj about Apiil 1. The Men's Conference. Small audiences giceled Ihe speak ers at the Men'a Missionary confer ence yesterday at tho Flist Piesbytcr Ijiii church, but what the attendance lacked lu numbers It made up In en thusiasm. At tho manse last evening, where si parlor confeienec was held, thete was n goodly number, and the discussion resulted In uiHiiy practical Ideas ,. To Be Mnvrled Soon. 1 iivltut Ion have been received by friends in tills city to tho wedding of Hnny N. (JtinHlis, a foinier Carbon Italian, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Oiifiiths. tn Mhs Lizzie Luty. The ("lemony will take place at 110 South Lincoln nvenilf. Wednesday. March 20, at S 30 o'cloik. Tho Pnhsing Huong. Chailes Chapman, of llouesdile, was In town yesterday. Mrs. Cieorge Cioft. ot Kkiimond stieet. Is on the sick list. M. J. Ilnran last evening tetiiiiied from his Washington tilp. Willie ConuaiiRliton, of The Leader's staff. Is reported to be veiy 111. Miss Stella BIroIow, of Wllkes-Hai te. has returned, after a pleasant visit lu town. Floyd Wilgley. of Factoryvllle. Is spending a few days with ti lends In this city. Thomas Irliind, of Danville, is ex pected heie loda to spend Sunday with Max Shepheid. Samuel lluiios will leave on Tues day for New York city, whcio he has secured a position. Miss Hannah Scully, of lluiiesdale. lias returned homc.uftei' a two months' visit with filends here. Frank Coddlngton. of Lordville, N. V.. Is visiting his brothel. Hdward Coddlngton, of this city. .Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur K.-lnlns. of Forest City, aie the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Itussell M. Shepherd. The condition of James McL.iiu, of Hiooklyn slieet. 111 with pneumonia, was teported as impioved yesterday. John D. Kvons, of the Boston Con servatory of Music, arrived lu town last night. He will spend a few days with his patents. Mr. ami Mrs. W. D. 12 va ns. Samuel Singer, the clothier, went to New York yesterday moinlug on a business trip, wheie he will select up-to-date styles for his tailoring and ready-lo-wear establishment in this city. Netves Like a Flat-lion. A woman who suffeicd for thiee yeais from nervous prostiation says two bottles of Llchty's Celety Nerve Compound effected a complete cine. She hardly knows today whether she 1ms nerves or not, as she never feels thorn It is eeilalnly a wonderful rem edy. Sold by Matthews Bros JERMYN AND A.AYFIELD. John II. bbs, a well know Moyfleld young man. who Is with the I'nlted States at my In the Philippines, lias written an Interesting letter to his parents. In which he gives some im pressions of iho natives and sime of their peculiarities. Ho say cigarettes sell at thlity for a nickel, and natives all smoke them, from old women of 70 down to children Just able to wall;. The national sport, he says, Is cock flglulng and most of the lighting Is done on Sunduys. The Filipinos ato great betteis and gamble all their money they make. All kinds of tropi cal fruit can be procured very cheap. He concludes by saying. "We get all wo want to eat and plenty of It. it is veiy rough, but wholesome. I have not seen a lnrd tack since I left the steamer. We have plenty of good bread." The following 1ms been handed to us for insertion by a member of the Clerks' union: "All union stores will, beginning with next Monday, closo at 6 p. in. AH friends of tho Cieiks' union ntc requested to patronize the stoics who close at C p. tu.. and try and make your purchases during the day, so that the closing movement may be a suc cess and the cieiks Imvo shorter liouis." Take your bicycle to W". T. ltobelts' Bicycle Hospital and got them re paiied, cleaned and enamelled for tho coming beason. ' A suipilse patty was jjlven Miss filndys SolSy at the home of her par ents, on Second street, Thuisday even ing by a number of her young friends. The evening was plenfinutlyr passed and lefreshmeiits handed aiound. Those present weie: data Bennett, Sarah and Bessie Jones, Madeline Bui dick, Kihul Soby, Gladys Soby, Alonzo Duvis. Norman Tenuis, Hurold Davis, Itolpli Dakur. Chester Staples, Hor ace 'iiiny. Percy and rteglnald Hough ton, lleinald Bell unci Ueoigo IJoml. The employes of the Delaware mid Hudson colliery will receive their pay for tho latter half of Februniy on Monday. Tho Misses Anna and Hay (liillltlis at'endrd tho ragtime social given by tho Ladles' Aid society of the Bap tist cliurch, at the homo of Mrs. Itlven berg, at Carbondale. lust evening. The condition of Nathaniel Depew was considerably worse last evening uud his deatli wus hourly expected. Mr. and Mrs. W T. Itoberts. or Main stteet. attended a social hi Peckville. on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mm. Charles McOlnlcy wore In Seranton yesterday. Thomas Mann Is tecoveilug lioni the Injuries received in tho cuve-iu at tho (ih n wood shaft u roitnlght ago. Jacob Pellow, of Noi ih Main sheet, was a Seranton visitor Thutsday, To Frovent tho Gun I.MWtitc IlioinO'tJuInlnc rcmovri tin iaue. " JONAS LONG'S SONS. "Born to Serve" Is the title of Mr. Chns. M. Shel don's newest book. In this book Mr. Sheldon endenvors to portray some of the evils in connection with important social problcmn. Mnny of of the conditions brought to our nttentlon we are slow to see ourselves nnd nie unwilling to acknowledge vlicyt our ntten tlon is dhected to them by others. This book should bo rend by nil espccinlly those who nio Interest ed in trying to solve the servnnt girl pioblcm. Bound in Cloth 15c Other titles bound in cloth, by tho same author, nio ns follows: His Brothor's Keeper. Robert Hardy's Seven Days. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. In His Steps. All '15c Each The following titles from tho Sheldon Llbraiy nrc hound in pa per: Crucifixion of Philip Stiong. John King's Question Clnsu. Robeit Haidy's Seven Dnys. His Bi other's Keeper. The Miincle nt Markshnm. In IHh Steps. Edward Blnke. Richard Biuce. Tho 20th Century Door. Bound in Paper 23c each Who Killed Joe's Bnby? A pa thetic little stoiy by Sheldon, in pamphlet foi m, 10c. dooas Long's Sods OLYPHANT. "Hi. lull. Ill el Vliili u I 'Vli II.iIp .i Ill-Ill cm l.uli iimriiliii; .mil w.i- nilii.ilfil In '' Ijiire tnniil'Oi 'f frmiil- el I'm (IucimiI V III ii'ilnil. Hie ii'iihilip. tteio l.il.in le SI I'.ii iicl.'n cliunli, wliiic .1 mldim lili.ii nu-s of It rpiUm uj itlrliutiil liy W. .Mm Kiiilib, who Im ncicliril .111 ciwuent frinioii. In cntuiti imi Hie Iihi'm! (orlc-Ki jiioiki'i'iI to St. I'Jt riik' (rim iii. when' liilrrmiiit w.it nude. M.IIO pelMUM fimii out of lciii weie hi .0 tiiiil.iiui'. The iwlllic.irc'M even; MwwiN. III. Ii rfnl Vlillale. Kilnanl I.wih. Jllilucl Wal-h. Mliluil Vi,iIi, .l.niii s MiIIjI,'. ii VrchluM, und Uuhs l.rfii. Mks rimriice Mi Hemic II." of UIiibIijiiUoii, -w-ilh'K 1 1-1 j 1 1 . -1 I, He, 'Ihe fnllimliiic piograiimic villi be nlven it tin- lna.ir In the I'm1i.t(rl.m ilmrili I tilt rem. In.-: limo ml.i. Mm. II. 11. Itibli; ohi, )lu. Ilifiit. Wllkru-lljrii'i ihiet. Ml-e Clraie dud lliwio slHiklmiix', Snautmi; iciillnif. Ills Vim Ilium, l.linliui'.ti 1I1111. MI-o 'JjL'i ami C'riiipeni m In, Mr. limit; LihliMii. 'Ihe lauJi will he 1 t tjliu lit to 11 1 lime tuliUlit. Allou.rj A. V. Ilimci, ct 'ir.nilmi. vill gov the nioml of a tilc of vuiioih on "The Life of Christ.'' Illii-lrattd liy Meiiiiiitlron view, in tin CoucKK.itlon.d ihiiuli loiin.iruv.- (vrnili;;. V piiblU- hue fe.i-t will he held In the I'rlin iihe MetlioilM ilitnili lonioriowim.inlus.it 10.M O'llot-k. Mm. (ieiiise Wccolt. of fin-i 11 ISldsc ci-llcd ICl.lllvin 111 IIIU1I Jl'tllll). MI- 1:111111.1 Itnlihk. nt .feinon, kPent J 1 1 r i!i wllh Miss l.i7le H.l., of Lackawanna ttirl. Mi-s Itutli I..111I1HI, of Minim, who li.u l n Hie L'oot uf Mit (i.nml.i 'llioiiii. icluiiieil lionie jot CI ill. 11 PECKVSLLE. Mm. Ii.i .Icnl.lin Iijh about lecoviud from her n .nt lllmiK. 1. II ll.iibcr, 01 Mam ttrcet, lontiuutN vri) ill. .Mi. W. -. IIIom nnil cin. Wjllw, re vliit-in'.- irl.ilhi'B at WllkevUntie. I'luile '!. Wlilu. of Ntw Yelk ell), U i.lt inu lil iuiilil, Mi'. .Hid Irs. K !'. Wiiitr. of Main .-trct'l. Ii s. I'. Whit', who la been iIjiirciuiii.I III of pneumonia, w.11 nportrd much linpioc 1 iAUnla. The pwpli' uf I'eikvilli- will won have no 1 a on lo u inp'uiii ol a Munlly of water. I" ,u lib iM Water lumiuny lave .1 lanrc foiec 01 men at uoik thawini; out the water nuin- tweiu Aulibald .i:;d Jeim.cn When tlil I- clone walei fiom Siull jitliil will tie olitalnilile mid .1 hlidi pic'tiuio iiuliitiiliitd. I.Io.mI I'am lu iCkiKlied till I.niitn.ii a r.iinuin at the elcctile plain. 'Ilio ciiniKilhtlc Hi.iccy at the UiplUl ihr. h are iiiciea-lni; In Inteiist and attendame. ! moriovv aftiiiiooii at J o'l'lotk, l!e. . If Willljiiif will hold a men' nuetlnir, ulijeit "votal I'liilt)," .N lie ui.dtr li jearK 01 jkii aclnilllcil. In the 1 veiling Ml. WIIIU'Ki. will pie.uh on "'the ollllR Mill and 111- Loin pin." All aie vcli nine. Ilio e. una I l.llc eitirn m Ihe ItiplUt ilmr. h will lie ronlliiuid next week. DALT0IN. Mm. ( Ij.euce -teilic' wa a ei.ltur In W-tiil 011 'lliuuit.1. .1. W. Iicrdiliuer hai procured a poMtmii m Si lauluii ;u a bgokkrepcr. Stanley Allen, who hi been In fiernian fen mine time, N r.p-etri! lo arrieo home tu k eeeiiln;. Mr. and Mm. l'aul Suii.ru, of N'.eomini.. 'e Ilic suenU of Ihe l.iller' paicut here. 'Ihe I'.pvuiilh b.iKi'e "I the Mulhcdiit 1 hu I laid a ilillifhlfill lllciai eiitrilnlmneiit lu ilu In tine loolil if Ihe itiiuili oil Tuiwlay eciniiv lliuc ceai a large uIiCIiiIjiict .it the 1 xen w Mlic lil.-ie i:dll-. of sciaiilou. I. vl llin; h 1 aunt, Mis. Ma hru.e. Mi nihil k Of H.i llaHoll t Hull Mllbo pillj. Ipjlnl in a dilute )c.lrnliy aftrinooii. the (uenU. 11 1II.1 11.W1I win. "Ilcciluil, 'I I ut llie'io i iii'Tc biatit In luleie than In arl " II. W, Crlllm, ol lilrnbiiiii, line with 1 p.11111 il miidiiit ouTik.Ii laat, L llaiUllin; hi iitt'n lie He lpprd out ilnoin to (jet the nionii e impel- ami lu di'ln,- m llpi"l .ni'l fell. itMill I hi; In the ihotc anldeiit, Mi. liillllu I' 1." in: louifoilabl al hi. home A lncopliiou betiire 011 "I lie I. lie of ( hil.t" will Ih- diliecifil lu the llapllut diuieli oil Men- JONAS LONG'S SONS. The Essex Is the name given to our new stylo fouv-ln-hnd tie, now being shown nt our Men's Furnishing Stoic. The Essex is designed to tnke the plnce of the reversible four-in-hnud that hns oecn In vogu dining the Inst few months. It hns nil tho ndvnntnges, nnd none of tho disadvantages of the ve versinle style. Every new silk is here, Including a variety of com binations in the latest shades ot Eey. AndtbePrice is only 50c A Peep At somo of tho new arrivals in Men'u Fancy Half Hor,o will con vlnco the most skeptical thnt thero will be a gicnt demand for fnnoy hosiery during the coming fcpason could it bo otherwise with such a pretty assortment to seleot fiom? Prices 25c and 50c Pair 'Today i Will be a good time to test the merits of Armour's Extract of Beef, A cracker and n cup of beef tea, nittl wo'll probably hear you sny, it "Has That Rich Beefy Flavor." Tile demonstrator will also tell you about some special ways of prepniing the extract. In Booth Center of Store il.i rifiiiiiK next h lire. II. .1 VVhalcn. I). P., of t aibouiUle. No iiiiiutslon will be ilialjid. but ,1 lhir nlfciiii); will be taken. On 'lue'iliy cmiiIiic he will cice an illu-lrated lecture on "Life In New York rile " u .iilinliMon of l"i ami ID ii'Uli, will be 1 ImiReil. Pliunbir Sttue lu ti'iu buc.v -ecrral da c thawing out 11 tiuTin water pipe in the fiont of 'lillan.c's (ur( Mii. 1'ieii I'aln.ei Mieiil fait e! tlii nirK wlfh her tiaiintii In viunton. The l.i.t ipiiiinl loulerenit- of tlui cunffience jear w.n In Id etleri!a.v .ifiirnoou In the Mctho-ili-t 1 111 1 1 li. l'li-iiliir,- I.lder ri"d bad cluir- 01 Ihe rrrebc.. TAYLOR. 'I In' thll'l liliilil ol Ihe (.ih.m iluiiil, fair iluw .1 my laiue latioi.at, the altendilne b. Inc. fcr Kiiatir ilian the Inn pncloii- cccuiUK'. Man' ftraturiit tiom viiIoim Ioimi tip ami dowii th" vnllev wete ptescnl. The pii'ur.ii.niu; thi. ccinlnif will be nude up of excellent iiumbirV. Motlnr Vlay .liinec, Ihe liniale oiiranler, viT eemii to lo.ni tin- m nlnit to ii('iliic local l I'll'! in lliiir qoirteii. in llatIV li..ll. 'Ihe tiiiiuil of Mibil, tl.c l niutilhi-olH ihlld 'f Mi. and Mis. Mliluel "Ihotriton, oecniied ve tirdj aftciiirH.n from the faiiiilv tesloenee ti Tiiclur tuet. Vleffrii. W. .1. Ilou.lb, 'lliuiin. M Daelt Jtut 'lhnma II. Moe, 01 die lilcl lean I'rnloMoiit arrieialiiill lodue. all I (irlllitll W-. OlIilK, '.J l li.nl- and llacld l!n-l, ol the Temple ol l.oe loilje, No T, Tun leorllm, left .vcslndav for (Jlen Leon a. uneentitice from theU- te feetlM' oiilert (o .iinud Ilu turcul of their diii.iscd btntliei llio'iiai .1. 'Ilmm..-. - 1I.I..1 tli nit hes al the Vlcthodl.t KpUeopa' ilmii'i ioiii..ririiv at '0..'i .1. 111. and 70 p. m Ihe ..i. t'.l. Itet (. It. Ilrni. will olllclnl. -..Iiliilli Mln.ol at '.'.1.', p. 111. All aie totilUll fuelled -cieleiv. al Ihe tale.ll llaplUt (hilleli loin 1: nee will tip held at the ii'iud honir. tin pa-tm' IJ.'V. Ilr. II. II. llniU oitlelalli if. Sunday mIiou at 'J p m. Mui A. the l-iMi old lit.; of Mr and Mi l.i.dli I'liitihli, 01 I tilou -licet, who died on T!iiiriki.i of uieiiibianioiw uoiip. wa. lutei.e In 1I1 l'uiet Home iiuieiete Mttrrdae Tin fiiu.i. I ai plicate. )xrr-WljKA, tnhl ' . In tel, but did you Nil, rrrr tfr A I I ff MltlB? "'11, thi. trom tli lfir hi trillion 1 tbt Ut DJ frftttlt rQVr ojt. ill nra fun ulth thii rut lull porker thin mythic Ncirr 1: Implj lifc tl 17 diow nira up th rletur bt tbntha llir tiatnn toMtna. Artri-Bloc-(nfawhil b tquc!', then ccllire lfu (tlvti up tli gbott wiih alnttfiilntsrunt and finally iliti. tr s'SSSfe rh?.. zt:a mr&w.ttvys.viw. rr "fi'i" a '..m'ii pocket .nil lujjinlr tljw Mm up to llitu (her. 1. 1. fun 4 Oi.n of mwikr 1 rt .ii.ourliiarnmJ. M'f oenel nn 1 'II . "''VV, '', li ironili.' 11UI .ub..rlpllon (; crnr ' ,'n'l'y,P"'h1'3 ' SS for li.'e., f r .llle. nnil one ?r I,"V;r,J,r "" l.rVi lwul.if ef ry nionthlr U r"1.-,,' .' iiin l In lirllM "Ion .ml If r.'l by (w ,.nV','"!, Monli Il lMg..Ml ht cmtlMilK lifw, nov.l i .1 .!. AMmt COMJHUlTi Mux C54, 1101811, lMi OEAtfTY, IS GONOIIERIK BELLAVITA Areonio Beauty Tablots and PIU. A pir 'ectlj lafOHndrnnrautericltrc itmrtit fcirallnkin j ten-dors. Restores the blocn oljouth to faded lact i dr.yi' treatmoat Wot SO dan' $1.00, by null nn lorrlreeil.ir. Actdros, iovirA Mfili"-' fr c'v.-i JckHii6tl.,Clilctr Kohl by McGarrah Thomas, Drug Clt tOJ Lacluewaunu avo Seranton. I'. m r tu m: 'Mi &vwimjw ' is. iffiaiii BimMTtaPSO tiny I'lipaulrij nr- y jtBJPreit In -Ih liours xvlihout ?,.,. 1 Uai.lH nconvcnlencT,nllecllonIMinYll Uraiu.xvble i Coiinlbn. I'n.lnuUI II ajlbehi nuil Inleclloin fain