The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1901, Image 1

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Great Britain and the United States
Alarmed at the Recent Ac
tion of Russia.
The Nicarnguan Canal Affair of
Minor Impottnnco Compared with
the Problem That Confronts the
Civilized Towers in the For East.
Russia's Coin up in Manchuria Has
Aroused the Gravest Appichen
sions England, the United States
and Japan Expected to Act In Con
ceit in the Endeavor to Thwart
Russia's Evident Put pose to Camp
on the Richest Tiacts in the Chi
nese Eiuphe.
fly tvlti-oo Wire from Flu Vt.ouaied I'm"
I "n lun, .Man h S A i lists lias arisen
in tni i.istciti Asl.i which, in tho opln
loi lit the HiltMi government, is
A' r almost lliiin the tumbles which
n-'iuiillv tinned tin ovis ul tin- ni Id
i ' ml the nileut. In llils ill sooiet
n v 'lotions me going on between the
t ilt. fetalis and Hiltnln with
n l tn tliw in t ttlfX wllllt both gov
CMnmMits uppini- to i otisklci n dotci
"iilird alt nipt by Russia ti nlant lir ;--self
pi mi nmntly In one of the i Idlest
nil. ts ol the Clilnr-p ciuplio.
The oonfotento hold Wednesday be
lt' ten I' tilled States Ambassador
(.boat and Loid Lansilowne. tin- loi
ilcn sreutary. hud nothing to-do with
tin Nh ai.igliun (anal iiffali To quote
fioin a biltlsh olllilnl: "The Nlrm
a-unn ninrovcis) Is n minor mutter
ininiMifd with tho picspnt situation"
Whit Mi. Choato did was to iocelvo
r"iu l.oul Lansilowne an iiupnitiiiu
l'n-sigi th timing that :ruit Itrltaln
wa- not siitslltd at Kussla's decision
i' (.aiding Mmifhuilit, lis dcllvcicd In
Mi limlcs Slcwmt Smtt, Hrltlsh nm
liH.':iiloi at St. Peleishuig. b I'oiint
l..iiiiMlniir. mid asking tho I'nltcil
nlcs If they wvir ptopmoil to tul;c
loiiii action n mi h n. decisive nature
tiuii Kussln would have no alternative
bill tu t.iode froiu her position.
I iiiiiiM slmiiftuiiuHislv, thu Associ
ated 1'.S unilfi Mauds, (ho ditto,!
Stales government Instiuctod the mi
nus, anibass.ultns to Hike- similar .step.
Tin unmiiT of Sperptmv Ila has
"PpaiMillv nut p been leieived In
London, although the fact tint almost
oriiuiiiiit Insti notions vvpie Issued
f'uni Wu'shlligton is tiiktn tioio to Ik,
n siilhclcni gum.iuicc that Ttussla's
iptlmi In Mam hui la will not be tutor
alul lu th I'nlti'd Stutcs. Janon Is
'tiled upon to Hike u Hup In haimony
wiili tin rnltoil States mill Oioat
tbHuln Germany, In -iio o the
iiRn.(5pinmii (oinpaet. In consldoiod
r.iihei doubtful, owing to Kmpeinr
iliinn.s filpmllliR" Praiue, of
eoii.v. will hide with hPi all.
The Lion Aioused.
Th. hlKnllli-iince of the inesent pluu-.'
ran nnij be applet luted by those iou
niam .if the lethal sle attitude of the
lntih oiinment hlthpito iPKaidinB
Ki'l. n anion In riilua. Within tho
!' i w 1.ih all this has chunked.
in.ii a wielv ill two iikt n pio
lMim n nnij in n jtn ',SiSn',
iisunl pulii v Is now teiinpd "a kkip
mid , ii.m. Mate of affalis "
Loid Is usius Peiy ef
fort to Ininp the ioeis into Hup, ;n
ord. i t piesent to Kussl.i. such i
niPniiMiiK fiont that, without any am
MriiIiv leK.uillnpf toiupnraiv ordeis
'. iniu give up all deslsns upon"
M.iii. Inula.
What pioiupts the JliilMi foielqn
'MIii to take suih an alatmM view of
ht uinstanci.s, usuilly looked upon us
futnllMIe c (inspiiuentfs. Is the. npjup
hiiisimi Jtiihsl.i, having held her
wn In spite of the piotest of the mln
islets of the powtis to the Chinese,
goveiiiiiii nt. and having put heisclf on
let oid In the i, ply t sir Chillies Seo't
11.4 ilnli.i ...I.1...1 n.. I... ....
' ",1 in jum u H'MipOllllV OP-
upatlon of Minieliuilii. win irfuso to
b.u li down
That sin m iii. t do so l.oul Iv.insdowno
onsldeis Mtul both fot the futuie nt
China and loi the (ontlnutd eistenpa
of the conceit of poui.
Nothing- to Ptevent Poititiou.
ptint I-anidoiffH leply to Mr
HiarhH Scott K consldeied quite un
Ktlsfuptory. "If such cnpu-cs me a
pppted by tho powois." .alii a Uiltlsh
nielli hint fenliiK to a lepiesenta
llvo ot the assoelatPd Pun, theie will
hp nothln- to pi event Hip Imineillate
partition of China, for with almost ex
actly the Mine ioi binge, any poww
ould Justify the occupation of the
other pim lime."
Vjjoii the ileitrep of suppoit alforded
the niovenient bj (Suiiuany and Japan
depends the lesult of wnat Is under
stood to be almost tlfp syncluonous up-
uun oi Mi8iiiiiKton and London. Tup
whole affair Is BiMideil Vlth the great
est seoiecj. and It wa.s inn apparently
without motlwi that a special dlspatih
was allowed to go ftom London errone.
ously announcing that the negotiations
Jfolng on between Mr. Choate and Loid
Lausdowno telated to the Nlcaiaguu
atfalr. A feeling pervades Inner cli
rles hem that II" Count LaindortrB" e..
Planatlon In accpted by the powers,
rtijssla will be acini iled a fico hand
to take all she pleases, and tho door
will bo opened to any other power
KgiPsst enough to step In and an
ncc Chinese pioWihps under the pi p.
tet of tenipoiuiy occupation
Their- is much activity In Japnn's
nauil. nilliiaiy and political circled ic
caidlng itiiHsla's action In Manchuria "
mh a dlhpatth to thp Dally Mall rrom
Kobe, dated Match S. "It Is under
stood r,00 Ilusslaii iniirliicH. with ten
Buns, hue lauded at MaKunpo.KoicD,"
Our Position,
Washington, Mauili 8. Just whut nx.
tent our government exptessed Itself
to tho powers regarding tho attitude
of ltussia In tcspect to the occupation
of Manchuria, and what, If anything,
lias been rcceled from the lhltlsh for
eign otllre would not bo divulged b
the olllolals hero tonight. Our govern
incut dooms Ifc Inexpedient for the Chi
nese to maku any Independent nriange
nipnt with nny one power while the
ppacp upgotlatlons aio in piocess at
Tckln. An Identical note conveying
these sentiments has been tent by the
t'nlted Slutcs to each of the powers
Inlei -sled in the settlement of the dim
citltles glowing out or tho lloer
ti nublcs. The Chinese lmpei lal go crn-nii-iit
also lias been acquainted with
these sentiments. The stntempnt l
made very poaltlvclv hcie tonight that
the United Stales Is not In "i-ccret nego.
tlatlons" with any other power ipgaid
ing Chinese. Our piaetlcc lu dealing
with thu Chinese situation unlfoimly
lias bepti to ninko known the attitude
ot tho T'nltPd States to all the nations
Intel csied and for this purpose Iden
tlcal notes have been spnt to them
when luattPis of impnitaiicp wpic un
der consldpiatlon. At the samp tlin
the iutlmatinu Is convpjpd that the
London dlsiiatchcs on the subject are
State Leglslatuio Adjourns Without
Making a Selection -Addlcks'
Tlnent Can led Out.
n Ktclusiu Wlif (rem Till" uriit,i l'is
Ho et Pel.. Mai ch 8. The- last dnv
of the pip.sent session of th legislature
biought a I.nge iiowd to Pover.
i'romptl.v at Vi o'i loi k the senate en
ttud Clio hniive i liamber, wheie the
Ji.llit session of the two houtes was
held. Then- was Intense exeltenieiit
when the piesidlug olllier i nihil for
the ballot for fulled States senator.
The Mite fin thp lull term: Kenny.
Hem., lis- Addli ks. I'nlon Itep . Pi.
Ptipont, Tiigular Itep, 7. Higgln,
Kegular l!ep., d. Nccessnij to choke,
The ballot foi the slim t minr Sauls,
buig. t!1; Addlcks. J; Ith hauls, I'.pgu
hir llcp., T.
The icgular ltepiibllcans stood out
111 m ugilnst Addliks.
Stnator Kno. Itepubllcan.
ot WlliiiliiLMiiu, then spianga bomb by
moving that Hip two houses now sp
a'ate. 'Vole II down!" "'otc It low li'"
shouted Hie A-lilicks Iliu1ilk,in.
Amid the inniusioii the roll was i.illid
Hid the legulais oted with the
Heniociats, mid amid a tent of p He
men', l'lesliient 121Pson's gnel fell,
mid it was all ovei and Pelawaie will
be leptPsented by two .tiant seats
In the highest legislative body In the
Wild elieois fioin the DPinueiats fnl
lowid this nnnoiuiicni'iit. Dazed by
escltenunt the tiowds rushed about,
cheiiing the mpmii icgular Itepubll
inns. Senators Knox mid Klllson and
Kepieseiitathes Claik, ChnndlT. rilnii.
iiiiiiKL-noii nun rilling, tiipip wcie
(lleeis on the other side for Alddieks.
Toity-thP ballots wcip taken lu Joint
session slut the balloting began on
Jan. 1G.
Delawaip had not had ,i i-ull n pre
sentation In the I'liited States .senate
simp the expliatlon of fomier Senator
Illgglns" term in Wj Illtjglns was n
candid He for u-electlon. but was op
posed by J IMw.ud Addlcks, ho had
then leiently moved to Dclawaie from
Philadelphia. Mr. Addlcks deadlocked
thp leglslatuie and made the tin cat
that Hie s-nators would be "Addlcks nt
nobod. ' The deadlock has e.scd
since mid the factional flcht has been
pel haps, the bltteiest In the histoid
of AniPikan politics.
The Ex-Piesident's Closest Fi lends
Ate Alatmed nt His Condition.
IK Uclu.lii. W ii, lioin riiu Vtiiun, pin..
Imliii.inll., Jljirli S 1: I uilili'i.t lluiuinin
Itjirlien li u vciy i. man jml ,U iIumi-1
iiuiiiN irw ..l-rni(.l. UN roiulltkn it iii.h mi
(ii' llan U tcmially Uli il.
Ilouivir, lr. llciiy Jjiucwii, tl. launl.v-
1' ho lu) In.l cl.aiso of S ,,!,)
limliflit ttuic w.n an liriiicilMtu ilaiiKii, In
tut ho was iif.t at all bIjtiii.i. lu- mIJ. Jg i0
(In' n.tcciiii',
.l,ul IT tlif oiio of iln-iLuti woulil n..i m i,,
a9imt hU rcciivuy tin iloilur t-.ilt miuulh
Hut cciulnb wirtilil In mi evtcta, but lie uuuM
ji nolMnir Inrlhcr than llnl (lie uniilltlon of
lil- pitldit h nut now eiluiis JM Hiriknn
i ii.itililnl Willi u (i.i)ilk.iton ol clip ami
IiiIih.mI il iiinraltilj, ami Ihcie I. fra, tliU will
Utvilep liitu piuumoi ia, I lie ilUr.isu In li.(h j4
nv niicvarlly cf an alauiiln; ihiuclii, tmt
Minn the aw of Cimr-1 llaul.on l ijKih ino
i ratlun with the illiuliiutlon of Ms roiii)M
ailie iHiniin, lilt 1'ieaCtit lllimn In lirlns Invul
villi nine li .mlrh
Mr lliiriixin n.iich piin tod.v, 'Hip
Inlei- munlM of flic fliot ore alloctnl uml the
pjlltnt uat ronlmril tn Ills tin, Tho niot fi
inralil. kj niptr tu loday was thp ah.cme oi lorr
and lill anollirr ilwiuiiitanip in fimr of (ho
(.innil f thai hU Hnji a yet In. not liocn
C) Lttliulie VMrf from The Aucflaled pfei.
london, Maul, s r llionua Upton h.n liccn
Rvctlcd .1 knishl comiiiiiulci of the Victorian
inter. Meiitiiunt t'olontl Sirclc. of Slialle
con' Hor.i. Ii.h liccn aipnntcO to Hie fuuiil,
cla.s of tli Vklorlm O,dor The hlne nt (lieno
ami the frown hint a if IKsiiiud hue nvelied
Ihe lionninry trawl no: of ihe Victorian Ordr.
Has Not Given n Million.
Ill i:ilu.iio Wire from The .Wcilitid l'ic
DuIjoI. Pa., Manh R.-Jolm II, Duhol ,uti,l
to the Vwoilitrd I'resj forrisiondrnl IliU ciin
in.' that Ihcro It no truth In the nitiinrnt that
he hat ultin a mint ,ri dollar, to tho Dunlin,,
Jkillul (ollezi! of Chliajo.
Prize Fighters Released.
ilj Lclube MliaAjm The V.ocUte.1 Pie
t.-hciton, Trti.,rjrili 8 -Ihe Rranil Jury t.
ill Tilfimeii ti iicfom n Inn' hill nliut (i...,,.
hll and Itimitiirr, the liiiprlsonid prle lUliti-iii.
Ihi'i weiii rilM.ed ami ImninlUlelv re iitcIii
mi I nowr waiiimt V luhra. tpniu m,(
l'l licit tor.
Statements ot Slxto Lopez Neu
tralized bu Correspondence
oi Whitelaw Reid.
The Only One Who Was Hcaid by
the Commission Wished the Hear
ing Kept Seciet Agoncillo Spent
His Tltno at the Hcadquaitcis of
the Spanish Commissioners and the
Spanish Embassy Healings Will
Be Given Whenever Asked.
Py Kxclmlic Wire from Ihe Vwoelalfd Pr
New York. Mmch S The following
coiresponduice between I,. K, VulWr,
sictetaiy of ihe Philippine Infoima
tlou soelctv (Itiiflton) ami Whitelaw
Held, one of the Ameil?nn niembets of
the lomuiNsion, thiows Ight upon tho
falluie of the Phllpplne icpoit to be
hcaid before the i oinmlssloiieis
In I'aiK
"I'ostflll. l'etl. ili Villi,
"Hun. Whitelaw Hi id, New Voik
"My Dear Mi-tin tnige IT or pi ,b
leiiis of i:pansion.' I llnd 'Jlvirv tlm"
i Mi. Agoncillo appio.uhid any inni
ber of the nmmlsslon on the siibjni t.
he was i ourteoiisly Invited to send the
i ninnilsslonciK IL wiltteii lpunesl fm -i
hi'.nfiiig. whhh would, nt unv rate, ip- !
, i Pive immediate consideration. No
.uih leipipst ever came mid unv Fili
pino who wiotP fur a hearing ill Pails
was heaid.'
"The statement nf Mi. SKto Lopez
spptetary of the Phillppiup iminls
slou as to Its cltott.s to obtain a lieni
ing tinm the trp.ity onimlssluit Is in
Hie pffoct Hut Solicit Agoncillo i ailed
lepeateilly iimn Senator D.ivls. In
wtioin he hail leeelved a letter of in
tiiidttetliin, asking the sinatm to so.
line him a homing liefoic the
iiiiiinilhsloiiPis. Mr. I.opiz v.tjs thu't
Ihe si iiator madi no siiRgestlou thai a
wiltteii rprpiest be made to Hie eoin
mlsslon, but stated that ho himself
would piiMent -Mr. goi:illloV miuest
lor a boating.
"May I now iiiiiulie w bother Sen nor
Davis did ever pii'ent the of
Senor goiulllo. '111(1 whclhei. lujnni
kiowledgc. liny niemboi of the iniu
mission advised ollhcr Iilm or Mr. Lo
pez to ptos"nt siilIi n willti n i'iiest.
Mi. Lopz fuith-i sinus thai Philip
Pino H-piesuntutlvis called mid li-rt
i ai ds tor e,n h iiiember of
the commission, whhh couites, he
sas, was lu no way noticed. can
you Infill in me In juiir own i.ise
vvlieth"!' a cud was leieiwd and. It
so, th' advmues nt a emu lllo nom in
any way com llkitcil In ioK,n, to your
stntomint that any Filipino who wiote
lor a Hearing in lui. was he.inl,
might I Imiulii- whctln-r as a matt.'i
of fact iin Filipino was so heuid.' If
so. tho mention of Hi- fait mils to ap
pear in senate dn union! No. r.2. An In
Utilry which has been made of Hie
Philippine infoi million society as to
this matter Is my excuse for appealing
to you for a more specific statem -nt.
I icinnln, A'oiy lespet tfully.
It. K. Fullei.
SeuPtarvor the Philippine Information
Mr. Reid's Reply.
Urn oh J. 1'iui.
I.. K. Fuller, esq, Soetetary PlillljiplriP
Infoi illation society," IL' Otis Pl.u ,
Hoston, JInss.
Dc.irSli: Owing to m ab. Pin. .our
letter of Fob. L'fi has onl now reu hnl
mc, lofeiMiig t my statomrt i about
Mr. AgoiulUos icpoitid otfmth to get
a hearing b'foie the jieaco iommlsson
et s In Pails and piopoundlng lottaln
(liiestions on the subject, whhh I take
pleasuto In nnsworlng at onto
"(1) Senator Davis, on at least two
occasions, lepoited to the peace icini
niKsIonois the leiiuest Ml. Agoucllli)
had made orally to him lor a homing,
l-nili time Senator Davis was autlior-Is-ed
by the commlssloncis to leipiest
Mr. Agoniillo to juesent the applica
tion In wilting and to assuio him Hint
It would have eaily attention. Sena
tor Davis lepoited to the commission
each time that ho had communicated
to Mr. Agonelllo Its, nnswer. Peiluips
1 ought to add that on moio than one
occasion I biought tin. subject up lu
the commission and Inqulted of Sen
nlor Davis whether any such applica
tion had et come fiom Mr, Agoncillo.
I was told that none had come, but
Instead Mr. Agonclllu was reported to
bo fionuentlng the headquarteis or the
Spanish toninilsslonois and the Span-
t-.i viinmesy,
"(2) In my own case. Mr. Agrincillo's
tuid was iccelved and m cuid wus
duly lett upon him within twenty-four
"(3) As a miiltei of tact. 'nn F.
plno was so heard ' One was hcaid at
gieat length, and njoie than once, ltut
the hearing was at his own icqucst
kept scriet. He wab a man of stand
ing lu tho contioveisy in l.tmui. You
may ask the question and furnish in.
formation, it might bo well to let ii,..
Infoimatlon be ni.ulo known geneinlly
I am. theicforo, taking the llheitv of
liandlng your lettei and this icplv- to
Mr. Melville 13. stune. the getieial
manager. I shall b out of icach my
self, being on a lallwav tialu for the
next llvo days, but Mi. Stone will mliko
no uso of our letter If oU loiecumli
him nt the Now Yoik oillci.
"Very respectfully youis.
"Whitelaw Held."
The secretary of tho Philippine m
foi inatlon society lequliod ot tho As
sociated Press biiof delay and sent a
long message from Slxto Lopez ov
paiullng and adding to his statements
ulieady quoted In Secretin y Fulloi's
letter. This was telegraphed to White',
law Reid In California, r0 answeicd
thunklng tho agent of the Associated
Press for the couittsy by sajlng that
his own letter was exact and that ho
saw no icasnn fm making any addi
tional minuet
Rev. J. J. Kllpln Fletcher Has a Nar-
iow Escape fiom Justice as Ad-
mlnlstctcd by Squire Muldeilg.
8r"tl' to tli' Ser-nton Trlhune.
I'ltlson, March 8. Rev .1. .1 Kllpln
Flctihcr, pastor of the First Presby
teikin i hui i h ot Pittston, had a hear
ing before Aldenii'in Muldeilg at ln
keiman this evening on thai go of ills
ordoily londuet and Inciting tint, John
Kmilowskl appealing as prosecutor.
The chaiges iitcferted wcio to the ef
fect that at n meeting conducted by
the Itov Vincent Dlllonis, In Hooth's
hall, this ilt, on Febiuary J. .Mr.
Fletcher was scon to nourish a le
vnlver and behave in a belllgciant
niaunei calculated to arouse the popu
lace to deeds of violence.
The dofi admit biought two witnesses
to piovo that at tho time mentioned
lie was not at Month's hall, but was
conduct Itig a meeting at the Water
Slnet llaptlst ehuii h. Nolwlthstnnd
lug this. Siiulie Muldeilg Imposed a
line of MO nnd costs ninounllng to $(! C(
Uev Fletcher icfused to deliver the
iuh and was comiultlod. A telephone
lnessago was sent to Wilkes-H.u re,
and II. .1 .Million soon mtlvcd with
papns riom Judge Ilaldy giantlng an from the decision of Hie bench
ot lukiiiiimi and allowing the defend
ant to ontoi bail in the sum of $30.
Afti'i some hesitant the sqnho con
iludid to honor the; leqtiest of tho iniglstiatp mid released
the pilsnnpi. Aftci the hemlng a war
iiuil was solved upon Vioseculor Kuo
lowski and his pilnilpal witness on
i lunge of p i Jut . and they vvuip taken
befuio Miliiinau l. ans for henilng
These stilts ate mining the ninny
that have iomiIIimI fiom the action of
.Mi'p'r '111001 an some time ago, lu
"Hiding pollie uiiifors to bieak iii
mi-Hugs in id b Hov Vim out Dll
1' tils
Piesident Takes Action on the Earn
est Recommendation of the
Economic Commission.
tl.i I xi linlip Miii firm lin .oclite.l Pres-
Washington Manh S The president
today issued an executive onler abol
ishing Hie Cuban epmt duty on to
llmen rutin Apill 1 next. This action
was taken on tlia'nst r.'comnien
d.itlnn of the (Julian economic commis
sion, whhh leiently visited Washing
ton, embused bv Wood. A
pi e lous mder had been Issmd living
an evport duty ,,f ,-,o p ., , , nt on Cuban
tubulin l lorn Apt II 1 Tnihi.v's actum
leinuvi.s the expoit duty clitllcly
ieucial Wood's apptoviil of the io
inoval ol this evpoii dut.v Is ptaitl
itlll) an evpiosslnn of his belief that
the Cuban leveiiu s fioin othei sotiuos
.in Slllllclent fot the needs of Hie In
sular gov 1 1 anient. The oilglual Idea
was that tobacio tnv was necessa.-y
to fully imi't Hie lln.iiu lal loqiili.'iuents
of the gov i lnmenl
The abolition of duty affects
and ilguieltes, us well as tobacco in
lots, llllet ot cut All ol the nt Ions
tobaccos will bo given tho ailotis tales
of duly.
The loss of i venue will be moio than
nttsel by the enenuiagi nient to plant
eis lu Cuba to Inc tease their ptiiduetlou
ot lohacio. Tho evtoiit of the tiado
n ff oi ted b the older Is v iy largo,
tho tobacco evpoits .liuoiintlng to about
t.'o.iBio.flfm a vein. Of this, b tar the
latger pan tamo to the Flitted States.
Tho total vilue of the unmanufai tilted
toli.Kio exported within th seven
nioitihs ended July ISI hint was J;-..jnii -am
and the latgei pin Hon i.une to this
iniinti v
The lotal vullii of the sutai evnoits
for tho seven months was W.n.W.uui).
Accident nt the United States Otd-
uance Piovlng Giouncl nt
Foit Wads wot th.
Hi I . Iii-ii Mil.- iii'iii he pi,,.
Now Yoik. Mmch S While a filing
squad Hum the Fntted States oid
niiue depaitment's piovlng giound at
Sandy Hook wus testing a slv-liuh
Annstiong gun at Foit AVadswoith
this afteinoon. the gun Jumped fiom
the cnnlago and laused tolislduable
daniage to the i an Inge. The gun It
self wus not Injiiicd. No hotly was
hint. Captain Whistler, who was In
lommrind at Wudswoitli tonight, said
the .ntldcnt was not ai. unusual one
and that no liattn had boon done.
While n tost of smokeless, powder
was being made at tho Sandy Hook
piovlng giounds today tho bieeih
block of a tcn-lncli i Hie. width was
In lug used, blow nut. Consldnable
ihiiniigo to tho uii'i hauisni oi the bat
hetic vantage toMiltid, but tho ilile
Hi-oil was not haimtd. The pieces of
biokin block wcio scatteied it liiitit nnd
sumo ilainago done.
Stiike Against Negioes.
lb l,ilu.iti Wire fiom Ihe Vivmalid I'n.i.
Vlleiitiiwii, Pa , Manh s Hhukc eluhi into-.
r.l iinili. ivire iflur, tnipluiiiiciit In tlio atrip
pint.' diaituiiiil of Ihunsh lleinuili ,c- Co i
llt'ai facton, the foit) ilglil v litre hlilpji. r
si i in I; fhN ullrniiii, uniifu Isiis the enilre f,n
loi.t, liiplej lug .a." hind., to .hut itimu
Ballot Refoun Confeiente.
l I. villi. lie Wire from the AwxHled I'rcji,
llirrl.tjuiir. Manh f -The I'liifuriiu of lead,
inc l'inii.'lianla Ihinotiatn to inuldu hallot
i. form, i lilt Ji i to hue hen In Id in this
it), will he li.ld on MumIij ut tate heil
niurtcru Aioustng the Boxeis.
Hi l.'ilmbe Wlie funi Ihe Aiented Pic.,
. .ii.Ii ii, Vlirih s. riii Th ii Uln cniieipAii ei
of Ihe Stuiidird .iwcrU thil paniilili U urt
nnd seerclb t In nlalr.l llllf.i Ini; foiiditiieni ind
liiilllni.' Ihe Ilixir. Io nuke iineneil erl..rt.
MARCH !), 3901.
The Constitutionality of the Muclil
bronner Gharter Will Be De
termined in Thlrtu Daus.
Ex-Senator McDonald Appears ns Re
lator with a Petition Attacking
tho Alleged Deficiencies of tho
Measure To Determine the Re
corder's PositionMust Show by
What Right He Has Assumed the
Offices nnd Functions of Recorder
Under the Piovlslons of the Muehl
hronner Charter While Theio Are
Doubts Expicssed ns to Its Con
stitutionality. Sjprlal f rum a Stall Corre.pinil'iit
Ilariisbuig, Mmch S. The conslltu
tlomtllty of the Miichlbionucr chaitor
will piobabl' bo determined within the
next thh t.v da.vs.
It will bo Hist passed upon bv the
lotitt of Lai knw anna ioiint and, no
matter what Its decision may be, tho
case will bo Immpillatel.v talleii to the
Supremo i out t.
The qiiistlon being one or pub
lic hnpni tunic It Is piobablo' that, nt
Hip suggestion ot the attorney guieial.
it will be glvi n tlrst place upon th
calendar and finally disposed or at the
nevt session of the Supiciuc cuuit,
which Is schoiluhcl befoio Apt II 1.
At lliiulsbiiig. loiln.v. the Initial step
In the devolopmint of the constitution
all tv of Hie clutitnr, and Its i Inner
atlachmont, was taken A petition, at
tacking the alleged weaknesses of tho
ait. fi oui n iiinstltutlonal standpoint,
'vas submitted to Atluine.v fiencial
John P. KIMii. Tho petltlnnet. or io
latur. Is o-Sennlor M. L McDonald, a, a ii'sldent of Scranion and
one of Its most luomlnent business
men Counsel for He tinder Jaiiies Molr
was picsont. Tho attorno.v getieial
gi anted a suggestion, which eiuhiaccs
the points labeil by Kolntoi MeDon
ald. also the objections filed by oijiin
sel for tho in tu dor. dollnos the lsuo
and furnishes a basts for a ilcnianl
tni wilt of quo ivairanlo.
The Recordei's Position.
Tin iiuinsel lor the lelator, who by
virtue nt tho suggestion Issued 1 the
attoinpy genoial loprcsom the com
monwoalth, will lomortow moinlng
submit the question to Piesident Judge
18. W. Archbald with a petition for a
wilt letui liable at the earliest pus
slble dav
Tho wilt will toite the iPiuiile-i io
appear mid show b what light he has
assumed the nlllie and functions ol io-
oidei, uinlor the ptovlsleins of tho
.viueiiiiiiotinor chmier, the same hav
ing been alleged tn be liiuoiiHtltulloniil.
The wilt will bo Issued ami the matter
aigued liefiue the lull bom h .some day
in vt wcik. It Is oxpieted
Scene Has Shifted.
The s, one has skirted, fiom a
slandiiulnt 11 had been ovpeeted that
tho Htopis piollmlnaiy to a settlement
ot the cnnHtltntlonalltv or the chaitor
wiiuld have been taken lu Allegheny
coitnlv, ami (hat they would bo Insti
tuted Immediately upon the anuoiinc.
ment of the reooidoishlp appointees fur
either Plttsbuig in Allegheny. Hut
the ease will not In passed llvim j,v tla
Allegheny county limits, the proceed
ings of today foicstalllng sue h action;
In tact, a legal issue could not io i.iIs
d theio until a ipcordor was Appointed
and It semis piobablo that none will
bo until after tho Supionio mint has
passed upon the SciMtitnn tase. Tho
gov oi not has thlity das. nftei sign
ing the c baiter. In which to appoint,
ami It Is believed that n final o
ilslon iu.iv be hud within that tlni".
To Argue the Petition.
Attorney Joseph O'Uilen, who, with
ov-city .Solicitor Ha II. Hmns and
Dlstiict Attorney V. I: Lewis, icpie
s"iitlng ox-Senator McDonald, catno to
Haiiisbuig this inornliig, nccompanled
uy city Miiicltor A. A. Vosbuig, lep
Hsontliig Hfcoidoi -roir, mid at noon
piesented themsPlvts at Attorney Gen
eral Plklns' unico to a'guo the netl
tton. ordlnatlly. Iho petition U m-st pie
sentod and a lutute- time for hoar
lug lived at tho oouvonieuou oi the
lospondeiit's attorney, but thu Inipoit.
nine of the taso mill ovpedieno of
an cm I v sottleiuout uf the di.ipnto
whh h thieatens tuimoll tu throo of tho
biggest cities of the commonwealth,
piompted tho iclatoi's attorneys to
have the lespondent's attorney ptosont
at tho picseutiitlou of the petition.
Tho petition attacks tho Miifhlbion
iu r bill In geiieial, but paitluthiily as
sails the fentuio of tho "ilppci" clause
which attempts to continue a guvcr
nui's appointment b-jond mi Interven
ing municipal election. The Scnntor
Wellei contention, tieatod In vesict
days' dispatches. Is Included nnionrr
tlio grounds nf assault nnd a specltlo
attack Is b.istd on the gioiuul that n
roi'oidei piovldoil for by a second
i l.iss city ait cannot be appointed for
Scinliton, because Sciantoii has not
ns jet oigtinlsjtil us n sciondchiss city.
Vosburg's Defense.
City Solicitor Vosbuig was liennl nt
ilctigth In defense of tho act, hut his
K'ontiliued on Pajre .1 I
Vither Indication Today,
1 Cnieral- Scheme to Tcl ('ontltiitlonill(y of
the 1IIh.kt
Alarm nt Artlon ot liintl.i
Armlxtlco In Fonth trlc.i.
M(o I.pcx'd StatemcnU .Vuti.lUrd.
2 aunral-faihordilc Ilfpailnicnt.
S Ceneiat-sehcme to Tet Coiutltuliuiulll of
tho nipper (Com Indcd).
4 IMItctlal.
.Note ami Cutiinifnt.
5 Local Social and t'cuunil.
Hcleiititlc salad.
l-CH.l-lhnriicl of f ifjjctle Mniiiul.
slot .Midlines ltahled.
7 l.i.ial-Ueconler Mulr'ii uiolnteu
Streit Car Xen'a Deni.iidt.
S I.ocal--VVrt Stra'.ton and Sulntilnn.
f (iintral Vorlhf litem l'rnnhjnla.
Pimm lal and Commercial.
10 Ceneral I ondon letlrr
1'ishloni for (he ( omintf y.wn.
11 l.-ieal . ItcIlRlntl. Ne of the Wcel.
Sun lay Si hool Lisbon for Tomorrow.
12 bocil-Ilie .Vcwrf of the Intln-trlul World,
llnnniore N'nva Itudgt t.
The Well-Known Pittsburg States
man Dies nt Harrlsbuiir.
Sketch of a Busy Life.
n.i l.iclu ne Wire from The Vwouiled prs..
Ilmilsbuig, M1uc.l1 S. Senator Clnls
tophci L.vman Mugeo. of Plttsbuip;.
editor, st.Hcsnian. pbllanthioplst anil
tluanelei. died at .1.2 this afternoon,
after 1111 Illness of inoro than two
yens, ills death wa.s unexpected, as
11 was generally believed by his fi lends
that ho was Improving In health.
When his condition took a turn for
tho worse List night and the mem
beis of his ramlly wcie huriledly sum
moned to Hurilsbiiig, ho giadually
grow weakci dining the night and his
end was peaceful and calm.
Ills lem.ilns will bo taken to Pltts
buig at It o'clock toinonow afternoon
on a special car.
Theie was with Senator Mageo when
ho died, his wire and her sister. Mrs.
Wuiwlik. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Mugeo.
Steel Mageo and Mr. and Mis. John
Steel, or Flushing, biothcis and sls
tcis of the Senatni. Dis. Hi owning
and Wilson, of Philadelphia, weto also
with him.
Senator Mageo was laktn III with a
complication of diseases dining tho last
session nf the leglslatuie mid was al
most under constant ntteiillon of n
physlelan until be passed away. Dur
ing iin st or Hi" time lip was nt the
Stratford hotel. Philadelphia. Ho has
a reside ncc In llarilsbuig fur the legis
lative session and came hero the day
previous to oiganbntlon. He took his
seat on tho opening day of the session
and only once aftetward appealed In
the .senate. That was the day 011
vvnlch the ballot lor Uiilttd States
senator was taken and ho voted for
C'ligiesnan John Dalzrll, of Pltts
buig. lie kept In close touch with the
legislative proceedings, but was too ill
to attend the seslsons.
A wilt for .1 special election to till
the vai.tney caused by Mr. Magoe's
deith will bo Issued b Lieutenant
Gitvcinni fiobln after the funeial.
The death will bo fonnally un
polluted In the scnti to 011 Monday
night, and the eustotnaiy adjournment
will bo taken, out of tcspect to his
memoiy. Committees fiom the suiato
and housp will ho appointed to attend
(iov ei nor Stone, w ho knew Mi Mageo
lutlmatel.i foi many e.n.s. said to
night' "Then N no man In Pcnnsvlvanla
who'o death 1 ould cause nunc gtlef
and bo a giealei public lus than that
of Senator Mageo. Ho was an honest,
feailiss, nhlc man, who built up his
own iccoid and who loaves behind him
a gieat host of personal fi lends who,
upon many incision", have oxpeilencod
evidences nf bis filcndshlp and who
will eheilsh his memory with sluceie
gntltutk '
f liriftihlur tina.i Ma.'ie l. hurt In PnH-
l.uri' in liiod liidie, Vpnl It. IR( Hit filhcr
n.. I hint, pliei I.. M ice and llU luntl.i r.
aheth st(,(, nu 1 ull.h iJil, Mho lami to tlii.i
inmiti.i t the Jfe ot tt cir... While a loy
Mii' .illtnhd 1 iihlli s'li'nd In the piiMiit
(.1 int hIi.oI on 1,1.1111 tio 1. 'iibteq'irjiili li at the VVctiru imlvci.lli. Vftir I1I1
"oin-c il Hie Wi -l. in miiici'lti he rnlernl the
ewpliii "I I'nk, Mcrmih (e. an nCll.e boj.
Il it.K inaiii' niieiai fm Vp. late tn (,' to
oil. e.irli In life In the ih.i'h of hie lillier,
"liiih tool, plicc win 11 li" u.11 l'i viirt! rid, hit
niothii licint; ML i.llh tine cliihliiu oun(,er
than Idiijiilf, Vfln .1 h-iff urilie with Ihe Heel
eomp,iu le oeiuiid .1 . loiUIilp In the contril
Iri'a nfliii and I'uotid hi einln.' to lie Ip
Mi.i.irl the f.nnlli. I'loiil liU niothti he if
'clinl lii likt uiiniii,' and i-lit. mm for the
nevt luenh llu mis hi. mo.' iruMed and
h. loird a.hitcr In le..O he Mas nude ianur
of tho cllj ItiiMii) an I in P-Tl, 11 Iho asc of
C, i ileclid Ilea-'iti. n the tit), riYiiiliii
Im.i IImmkiiiJ nine im.i II, 111 the landidato fir
iiumii on Ihe lliimhllian He uu uKain
hi ted tu the ollhe in li"l,
Il l. (I. In, id toe him that while ni.l .Htiiv.ard le had the (hi .loin ledum!
from fl.Vrii.uuu Io .f,i,,nii He wa tiuio
Kfiu'tati nt Ihe llipulillian ft a In unnmlilci' and
lias hem - (khk'ite ill .ilum.l eiil llrpuhllraii
tato cumintidii liicr I7J ind cuiy llipuhliian .i.nuutbii 1.I1111 1 s Til. In lv) he mi.
one in the irt tiiipitio. of (.mend firalil .11 Mi.)
llipublhun mtionil lonieiitiim. lu the mtloiil
lonvcntlnn of ifti ho u one nf ihe ii porti ri
of Pietlduit llJirl.on .,(i hating lendui.l hi
aid to 111 due and l.rcn (unhhed In him, it li
lie m.i le 1 lei lid Io the Mill' .cnate ii le-H,
tiling ilie iiRiilai nominee of IkiiIi the HrpiililP
tin. nnd in 111.11 rali. in pun he Mat leelntid
f.n the lirni hi lui I,, mi .etii.u at IliiiUlmrg
thi. Mlulri.
Mr Mau'cc wac pnaldcnt ot the ( om.illilite.!
Iiaitlon eoiupin.i and u ,t illtutcp In numcr
on Imal IhuU, iru.t ininpanlc. and iii.uiiiiio
lompanliA He wan al the pirnldint of Vlruy
hii.plUI. jii lii.tltullon ol tthlih he Ma Hid ililcf
conliilnitor, and in uhlili he look a pensinil In
Icirtl. He uat owner of Ihe Pill.liiiq: iiiic,
11 niMipiprr that he aemilrul atler lie Miuenle.1
th late llolirit W. JIai l.c) lu Ihe maiiifsriiic lit
of political atfali, ef the clt). III. dialh Mill
he klniciily moulted for his nio.l .irllint
Itlltli il 1 pi uncut Man In no ru.c hl iiernoiJl
General Botha Is Allowed Seven
Daus' Armistice In Which to
Gonier with Other Olilcers.
Loid Kitchener Meots the Boer Corns
manders nnd Negotiations for 1
Cessation of Hostilities Ato En
tered Into The Surrender to In
clude Do Wet or Hlu Suppression
nud tho Laying Down of Arms by;
All Burghers Negotiations Begun)
Some Days Ago.
By llicluslie Wire Ciem The Atioclaird Prm.
Lorenzo Mm que, March 8. General
Kitchener has granted General Hothu,
a h a ven days' aimlstlco to cnablo hliu
to confer with tho other geneinls.
London, March 8. In a special diss
patth from Piotoiia, dated today (Fri
day), It is said that General Kitchener
and General Hatha had a lung con
fluence on Gun 11111 tills moinlng. Gen
oial P.otlia was alone. Genoial Kitch
ener was accompanied by his socictary-
Aiiothi'r dispatch fiom Piotoria, evi
dently delayed by tho censor, contain,
the news that General Kitchener met
Genoial Hoth.t anil other lioer leaders
nt Mlddleburg, on the itillroad betwppti
Ptotorla and the frontier of Portugiteso
Kast Afiica. on FpIi. 'J7. when the)
question of tho possibility of the ti
mlnntlon of hostilities was discussed
it Is said that the meeting has awak
ened deep Intel est, and that there are
favorable expectations: as tn tho prob
able outcome.
Aceortting to tho Sun, the surrender
of Gcneial llntha would have bpen an
accomplished fact befoio now had Geti
eial Kitchener been in a position to
conclude the terms of mirronder. When
tho sin lender Is made, the Sun uilds.
It will include the yielding of General
Do Wot or his suppiesslon, and It will
Involve the termination of the war.
Kruger Wants War.
Amsterdam. Mmch 8. Tho news that
General Hotlm Is negotiating with Ioid
Kitchener lias caused much ovcltement
line In tlte Itoer colony. The belief
among tho lepipspntatlvc Houis In Hol
land Is that Ilotlui will piobably glu
in to tho Ihigllsh. Piesident Kiiirpi.
however, icmalus obdurate in his de
termination tint the war should b.
carried on, and It Is believed that Pres
ident Stevn of the Orange Free State,
Genoial Do Wot nnd Commander VII
Jueii will hold out to the end.
General llothn. It Is asscrti'd, cou
ncils only tho forces under his Imin"
dlnto ciiminmiil,
Little Change Dovelopcd During this
Past Week in Geuetnl Business.
Ry Kxclmlic Wire from Tho Avoclited I'reai
Veil oil M111I1 S- IJ. 0. Hun k Co.' Mcrl..
Ii Iti view of Tiado tomorrou Mill sa :
'T.itllr ihanico wis dueluptil this vicik In tl i
rondili. n of umerit lni'lnew ( nntlilloiu a
iruii and cli el hejjiii to .iMime an appearand
itlmllar tn that of 1W), Prim hue moieil up.
vird ripldb lne the turn w.11 made, and hiili
.il inricni ntiri for ili-tint ildliery ire oft u
irm-cd Mimifacturcrs aie unanlmoiu In le.
pcrtlnir .1 ripiI iliinainl for domestic consiiTnillont
vilitlo 1 port conlraels for tinlduit forms i-n
jt il I in competition with drclintng f.'reiun
111 ul I.j II, is at nub j time when thu outlook;
li hnthlcet nnd iuc,Utioni aihaneina; lurpl.
lint the ronnen.itlie mm ticcomes rnimlunt cf
1 lip Hit lhl there i cbi.ijs .uisrr ot inflation
1 lull iptliiiitin KOei lievond bound. (Irantln
lint tin in U not 1 cloud on tho horlron, it i
well lo ipiiicmlur tint expirt. of Iron and j.tis'l
I1111' li.'.n Miiitler of lite, ind jet tho preseic
firodmtiou i far in cicrf of domcstle rniiaumn
(lun even allowinj; a modrratei iner-a.e oier
prciious ear.
Failures for the weel. nere 20? In the t'nlted
Flatej. aKilnst iO", hat jeir, and V.u in Cinad
JBJill-l "1 lJft f n "
King Edwnid Will Be Presented n
Gem Two Inches Long.
My Mire, fnm tho Asuchleil Pree'
london, Shtrh S - Mr "dmrlce t.von, a Iiw.
tn. of 1,'iKi'n-ljnd. Iniit.iL Io kUo hint; IMvar.l
vthat U In Uev. d to io the laijiiit and finer
r.pjl lu tho world, viltl.ln III.' nplnion of lot
dm lipldailH. Its rnly rival In sl and heiuii'
U Hie one l.v I mptror rrancis .toep! .
Tie lion, pun m.ii Hiown prhJlth todji
In tho oflleo ot Sir Iluiiro Tccf, atcnl cnerul
of (Jiiceinlainl, to l'" other Aiutiqlhn acen
Kciiiul. It l-i oial In khuic. tuij imhM Ions,
.ii.t.1 mi huh and a half deep and mcikM lw t
hutidied and lifty riral'. When fiund in (irn
land It was an Inch longer, but it vvai brol
In Iho pre 1 iM of irmoval.
It U iMlinated to ho vioith npuaiils ot 5n,ono
ponndi nnd Mr !.cn ilevlrrs that it fhonld In
sit In the l.iiu' id; ill 1 ot the .Vmlrilun
l'cihr il,,n
Physical Culttuo Bill Signed.
fly Kxclmlic Wire from (lie Audited Pre"
lljirl.hmir. Jlaiili s Ravrriior htcne todiv
tl.'iitd .1 hill uhtlr,.' tn tlie kind) of ih)eli il
cnltuie ill the pill Iin k. hool. m iltles. lie
aUo dii'Toeil 11 lull Mipiilrinrntai) 10 l'
act of Vpill 1', l-sl, rilillin; tn iiiimly an I
town. hip oltieirs. HU nasi m fur the ilo li
thai Ihe ip I. ptiidln: In tin Iioit.e a ilnillar
liu ami 1, hut inoie ireneial In its ihai.ulrr.
Pnii' Commission.
Dy Kxchuiie Wire fioin The clatrl Picas
llariUl.iirf, Minh s 'Ihe smcrilor toi,i) ap
f.oliile.l Hie folloninK uiitlnivn tu mho up. n
thu hn.toie ktiti In the P11
Vmeilraii ixpokiiion: II. 11 .lo.ipli HufUngti n
I'm , unit; ( 1I1 n. I lam. I.luik'.u, jr , Phpi
iitlpliia. Jam., s VleVmilii, snadoii, .1 V.
Pew. PltMniii;, aid ,lae.ili I. I.nlwa), of I'lilll
del lila
"" .. 11
v . --- f
W.i.IiIiizIoii. M in Ii k I'.. i' LaXerti 4
4- PuiiMiliaiili' Kiln ind lonijiniMl w.iim
4- Sainrdjv , koulliiu.icili Mh.., (.1 -
lirUk on lh.. coa.l smilij, rain. f
I eni mi,