THE St'KANTOX TIUBI'NE-FIUDAY, MAItCH S, 190.1. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MUSICAL ALLIANCE. Third Day of the Intermediate Ses sion Shows n Lnigo Class. Sit ial In the V,ranloii 'IrHiunr, Kurtoryvlllf, Ki.. Mauh 7. Today Is the thlid d.i of iho Intel mediate ses sion or tli" Laekawnnna. and Wyoming Musical Alliance, which is now' bolus held at this place. Conductor W. N. Manchester In ukjIii pi "Villi liliiiwlf a er.v able iniitluotnr, and 1 confronted by a largo elas of Intelligent sIiikci who teadlly ciap the dilllciilt music mid piove Iheinselves inuntem of the same A vi r eniert.ilnliiK piori'iiiiiiuo will bo Klven this evenllUT which will with rut n doubt be ciiJoed veiy lilllch. The Hp'.'luli will i lose toinmtow night with the UMial giiintl coneerl, which l alwajs lunch uppi 'i lined hy tltc nuish hiving peojile or this community and neaiby towns. The diagram for the sale of seats Is now open at Kltch's tliug stoic. Anions the lnoie prominent "IliRi'is. irt-ieut. and that are iittonilliiK the Allium, o, Is 1'iofesstir A. I.. Thayer, Ilcudlm Shields, of Nhliolson. Mis. S S Si'iiiuans, of Scianton. A very eliiboi.Ue and entertaining piOKrnmme Is bcliiR jiiepaied tin tomonow even inK's Brand conceit, which will with out a doubt llll the ehuivli with music levins pcnple Tomonow evenhiR's proBi.unme will appeal In Satuulay's edlllnn "f The Tillaine. FACTORYVILLE. JJ r ml In II" Vi.iiiKn 'lillimr I'm loiyvllle. March 7. Ml. and Mis. Jicph Heyindds, of AVest Nicholson, and famllv spent the d.iv with lela-tlv-1- heie today. Mis small I'lniM'. who Is veil kiioM'ii heie and who has- been spend Ins the winter heie with hei son. Piauk. met with a painful m eld. lit while reluming to her home In Au burn a lew .lays ago. Her sou met her at Monti oso with a hoi so and wnfjon and on the way homo they eiuoiinleied some large snow-diifts The wusjoii was ovel till lied and the eci upauts violently tin own mil. and the team inn awav. Mi". Chase le eived a broken nun, besides other bad Injuries. T.f Roy Hutson. tin pulal niaiiiiKiu of the Lackawanna and Wjoinlno: Daliy mep's association's cieameiy heie for the past josh, lia.s tcndcicd hi.- rsi, latlon, and has atc pled a polllou elsewheie. Mr. Thomas Reynolds, of Oils plnci . will succeed him at the oreiiiuwj' Tax Collector Guoigo I'lur appealed ' elorc the boioupji touucll last iip,'ht and had the council o.sonorate the ! Unqucnt taxes, which amounted to M'J.21. which Is a very good show Ins. The old boiough council nvt last I'lBht for the last time and cljsed up the vear's affali. Duleis weie diavvn to pn ofl1 the outstandlliB bills, alter which they aoated their seats for the moinbeis of the 11""' collin II. which pioeoediit to oiBimlze. A. A. Hi own succeeds hlin-elf as pusldeul: AV. X Manchester was elected seciet.u.v. and I CJai dner i i- '".Is lilm-elf as I tieasurer. The following, animal icpoit from tin bo.inl or health was lead and no optnl' Fol the year 011111118: Dec. :il. innn liiirltiB tie- eNlsteuce of the boinl wo feel that .the sanilaij lomll-ttoii'-- o" tlie hoiiHirfh Tiave been voty nnicb impiovid. AVe report oIkIiI leallis' foi the past vear one of v.hlch as an inlant but four days old. The hnlatui weie adulls. Hlrtlis. live. Con tnclous diseases k polled, f'liir, as fol lows line ol dvphtheila: tlllee of scat lei f'nei. No diaths fioin coa tTcIous dlseahcs. Number or nuisances iba'od, two. Kxpcnses of the board foi tin jcar. t7 .i". The icporl ahlts for the usual annual aiipinpi Utlon for the lioard whMi Is t0.j. HARFORD. Rr'eljl t" Hi" ,., !,(, I'llbuiir TT11 ford,. Al uch 7. Frank Whitman lot a valuable iovv last weok. Oui'. and I" P.. Tiffany and son. Floyd, wilt In Factoiyville Satur rtnv Oui meat inaiket has reopened and Mr, Tiffany will put the wnmms 011 he load Apill 1. Kniiik Willlains, of Lakeside 1 ailed on P X Tllfany Tiusdaj. V TS. ilraut has accepted .1 position In the Hopbottoin creameij'. The eiitertalnment kIvcii In the Con friccatlonal chiiith under the auspices of the Chrlstiiu Kudeavor socioly was n s'.teeosF. Mlhs Cuiscr proved a d"1 llBhttiil enlerlaluer. O. M Fauar Is nomo better it this WiltlllK. Mrs. Ocoige Payne Is veiy low at this wrltlutr. Mrs Alma Cluuiiborlln was called to Caihondale Tuesday hy the of her sister. Mis. Caulner. Murey lord, of L.ithrop, and Mls-s Nlnn Willlains, of llarfoid, weie uni ted In marriage at the pnronaBe Match 1!, by the Ilev .1. I'. Manwcll, - - SUSQUEHANNA. Ppctltl In Hip iidibm TlilniK" RuBnueliaiiiiii. Maich 7. Killtor A. W Cook, of the Deposit Jou1n.1l, denh s the outront icport that he is about to Jtart a dally newspaper In Carbondale. Tic says that lie hat, not been In Car bondale wit hhi two jears. In the matter of the newspaper statement that "Uulialo Hill" WUIIuiu Sullivan lecently encoiinteicd 11 ghost In the Smcikv Hollow set tlon, Will Hm atrenuuublv dmlci the allegation and delk'H the allcBatoi. The Deposit Jouiiml discovers that the tumor that the Kile would make Deposit the western tci minus of Us Peliwnic division. Is ahy nothingness a delusion und u snai'e. T.ieic are feveial candidates for ftreet conunlshloner. Mrs. Patilck Haitley. of lUnchum ton, Is In town, called heie by the Ill ness of her daughter, Miss Mar.v. Dr. M. L. Miller was professionally enertBcd In New York city on AVedncs day The Lanesboro Bteamor will not catrt" to the inllioad oxeurslon business next hiiniuicr. A neaiby newspaper states that "an end of the ISrle wtilko Is in bight;" but It neglects to btute which end In In HluNt. IMe Operator L. II. Tllfany. of Les tejulilie. who has been vlsltlne hl parents on the Oakland side, has r ttirrifd to his dutlo. A "eiuery social" will beheld In Plic- iikmi'r hull, l-uneaboio, on It'tliliiy cvi-n- 111),'. The Upwoith lc-Hguo of the victim-dlf-t chui eh liixt pvpiiIiik lif'lil ii HUpper In the H row it luillillng. Main stieet. luy nml night k.uirh iuv ntlll oni liluwil In the uuik of Improving the Nineveh brancli of the Dulnwaie nml lIiitlHon load between Windsor and Xlucvrh. A Mininici1 noinial hcIiooI will nR.ilii he held nt New Mllfoiil this year. MIkh Kutle Harry nnd li one and (.ii h til lllln aie visiting Oarhondnle rotative". Tho Dili' hiu in del I'd MO inoio frclnlil i.trK. The flllietal of Atldiew Napoleon C, who wan bom In Cailioiidnle, look pliuo from the (.itllf Summit church to day. The fuiiciiil of Ke. Ot-otRp llvum took place ut Sheiinan on Wednesday, Det-i'itHtd. who wan ,-lKhty-elslit years of nj,re. had been u UaplNt elerj;yiiian for Hfly-six yen it. Mrs. Thaddcus Odell. of the Oakland side. Ih HI. When the Susquehanna Hlmps aie ie moved to i;illstouii, a tew wIiikh will lie dropped off at llliiKlmiiiton, Just for old frlcndt'lilp sake. Timothy Mlnelnin, n eteran Kilo shopman, Is III at his home on .laekson stieet. Tlieie ut o uiuuiilHinoil uimom that the Krle hnilei makers' slilke will -noii b" "ottloil PITTSTON. SpfJal In tl,p Si inntrri 'I'llnine I'ltthton. Jlauh 7. The KiirI.' IIom' di III Mpind. of this plaee, has ieeeleft mi Invitation to enter the ill III con tet t Ihi' I'lUi-Ameiliiiii cpo:ttlon in ISutt'alo il'llliip the week riinieniiH'lllK Ail;llM L'rt. A piUe of M.nOD I offered and ll'e KiiK'Ies will IIUi-lv incept the invitation l'atiiek (Jlnley, a foiimi I'lllstoiiian, died last evcnlnK at the Danville asy lum. The lenillliw weie Inline-Ill t'i this plate this evening, and the litneinl will take plate front his Int. home on Johnson s-tieet. Deceased was a b'otlur of the lute ('aptaln lilnlev. The IVopleV Telephone company liar been sraiiletl the ilulit of '; llirotuli the boiouch of Wyoming and will ciiiniiienie woik on u line tlieio nt the openliiR of spilns. The Hamuli) and Old VViw loilleilev l the Pciinsj Ivanla i'ojI lompanv ni" lule. o' liiq; to a umlly of water. Mayor I'OHOuin has Imicil oideis that In intttte no pilze llejhtc or 1m--Iiik- tournaments will be permitted In ill" iit. After an uln-eme oi thine yenis, S-r-r, Miit .tos.pli Kmbletnn, of the Unltid States Signal coi-v. in rived heie tills inuinintr to spend u two months' fur louRh with his famllv and his. pal cuts, on William stteet. Mi. Knible ton lias been stationed at Koit Moci. Virginia, "hue last Deccnibei. after a teuton of service in I'orto lilm, Mrs. llnny Metzgar, of Seranton, Is lsltlnp her paientr, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas OliiRell, of Jlioad stieet. HeoiRe Moran. of Ilanitown, oni-lil.i'-eil In llie c.irnt'iilu' ?liiin nt tlt. Uutipi. mllleiv. fell nml li.ullv wieiuhed his ltt hand. Mr. and Mis William II. McMillan, of Wet l'lttston. aie visiting Ml.'. MaiK.ii"t Hall, of llonetdnle TUiNKHANNOCK. Sprnal ! llie Sfntitoii Trilninc T'ltlikhaiinoek. Mm oh 7. Rev, P. (!. Kuckmau. or Fiutoiyvllle, will occupv the pulpit at the Methodist ehiiich in this pliK'e nest Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodote Stieetcr, who have b'Tii visiting their son, Stephen, at Washington, D. C., letuineil home on Thursdn.v. Di. A. P, Woodw.iul, of this plate, has been n-appolntod a memlier of th" state boniel or medical eMiniliiers, icp ii'seiitlllB llie Flectilc Medical Society of Pennsylvania, foi the teini or thre yea is. II. J. .loiilen, CMi.. .ll as master In the eciilty case ot 'elesiin DeWItt vs Kttlle DeWltt et al.. on Thur.-day. Th" action was Inourht to lecovcr in rears of dower, which the plaintiff claims Is duo her troni the real estate of her lnifband, the l.ile Decker DeWltt. now In the possession of defendants. .Tames K. Frear. esq., ropiesents the plaintiff, and c. O. Deishimer, esci., the defend ants. Miss Kllzabelh KltlildBo will spend Hiiiidav us the guest or ri lends nt Waveily. N. A-. James a. Lelghton will open a store In the looms lormerly oniipletl iy the AVyomlng National bank, on Tioga stieet. about Am II I. Philip Marks, the oloihli 1, has closed his stoie at this plaee ami lomoved his goods in Montrose, wheie he will en gage In business. The .noieroom va cated hy Mi. Alaiks will be occupied by Skinner & T'eteis as a clothing stoic, after Apill 1. Attorii"v K. J. Haidlns, of AVIlkes Ilaue, vislkcl tilends In town Wednes day and Thin sdiiy. James F. Da j'. Junior editor of the Wyoming Deniociat, has puichased the Hannah M. Cornell propertj-, on Sec mid stieet, and will icslde theie niter Apill 1. The Lntayette College Olee club will Klvo a concert In this plate on Thuis chij evening, March 21. under the aus pices of the ladles of the Ptcsbyterlim 1 lunch. Mrs. Aldrkh. of Sprlngvllle, who has been visiting her daughter. Mis. Solon K. Lyman, at this place, has 1 etui nod home. Ks-Hheillf Alvlui 1 j. (Jiegory, ,of Mcslioiipcn. nnd Charles Uusuell, of Kiiso!l Hill, weie doing business In town on Thursdaj', Roth have been suffeilng from the gilp dining the winter. Oilaudo Ace, who has been employed for bonie time In a store at Faetory vllle, will dispose of his household goods nnd jeniove his family to Colo 1 ado the coming spilnp, whero they In tend to reside In futuio. Thcofloie Williams, of Hotel Oiaham, haH accepted a position as cleik In a hotel at Owego. N. A'. NICHOLSON. SptlJl to the gerinlon Irlbune. Nicholson, .Alarch ". Rev. .1. D. Til llnuhast, state supeiintendent of Unl. voisnllst churches in Pennsylvania, will preach at the Pniverfullst chinch lioie on Suudny, Maich 10, at 10 SO n. m. Sermon topic. "Cnlvcrhal Kalvn lion V'oreoi dalned " Mr. Tlllliighast Is .1 ihoimiBlily ijuulilleil lepiecentutlvo ot UnlvertalUni, and our citizens Imvn on this occasion tt laie opportunity to hear a Very Interesting and Instructive dlscoutse. All nie cordially Invited to attend. TACTS ABOUT CODriBIL Next to Hej-rlng-, tho Most Impoitnnt 01ft of the Sea to the Human Bace, I'reim the I'roviilriue .louitul Pethnps, next to lien lug, the cod Is the most Important llsh to mankind. This may be partially due to Its ex tensive dlHtilbutlon over the globe, for It Inhublts both of the northern divi sions of the Atlantic and Pnelllu oceans and even the polar sea to a distance bejond the Aiellc circle. Tho Dutch claim the honor of hav ing been the first race to discover Its food value, und tradition s.iyn they ate It In the fourteenth renltiry. How ever, we have niithentlo recouls thai the Hanks of Newfoundland weie vis ited by the Fiench as eaily as IGOl and b.v tho Spanish about a dozen yoniN later It Is said that Cape Cod wns ilist so called by Rartholomow liosuolil In 1U0.', who caught so many llh off the coast that "he pcstcied his clock with thom." Kvcn that gallant oxploier, Capt, John Smith, much exulted over his luck while llshlng at the isle of Sho.ils In Kill. In wilting of It he f,iys: "What sport dolh jleld a nioio pleas ing content and less hint of chaise than angling wit li 11 hook and cursing the sweet air from lle to lle over the silent streams of the quiet sea'." TIiiih It will be seen that the Hanks and Shoals were recognized as lm poitaul fishing stations an honor they retain to this dnj. Although our south county cannot boast of a catch sulllclently huge to equal even the smallest one taken on the Ranks, yet shu biags about Indi vidual llsh of by no menus contempt ible size, and the yams spun by her I'sheinien aie on a p.uallcl 'In regaid to veiaclty with any told In the win Id. The cod belongs lo the same older as the h.iddo.-k. halibut, llountlor. tur- bot and other similar tlsln". The ds. tluollve t liaiacteilsllcs of the species ate: Tlnee and two vential fins without spines and a unall app"inlaRe nailed haihttlcl hanging from the lower Jaw, which latter Indliales that the cod Is a deep I'M llsh. A mil lee able fealuie Is that the swim bladder bus no lonneillou with th" guilt t. whli h pioves Its iism foi hvilistatlc inn poses alone. When llie oigan Is epanded the specific giavlty of the llsh Is lessened, and It i an thus 1 ise 10 (he sturui o of the vv.ilel, but. If tontiacted, the animal sinks The (hulus Monhua (the mil's sden tlllc linmel is 01 llie gatldoe tainlly and. unlike olln r inenibiis. 1, not a mlgi.i toiy iltli. bill lives in 1 olonles 011 a limited lenltorj. AVIe-n ficsh limn the vv.itei the back nf the cod Is .1 gieenlsh blown cnloi, thickly spotted with t eddish yellow dots, lis belly is a sllvoiy opaque white and the fins aie a pale giecn. II nny be ill"tluguMied fiom th liaddock, with v.hlch It tommonly fe.ils bj- the lat line thnt runs Horn the end of lis sills to its tall. On the haddock thU lint Is .1 driik 1 olor, while on the cod It N pine white. The 1 od spawns in I'ebiuaij-. fioin 4 iniii,(iiiii to !MiOO.iuO eggs being the de posit nf a single female. Hy the end ol spiing- the joting llsh luve giown to about an Inch In length. However, thev nie not suitable tor niiilcet b foie their thlid jvar. when thej us ually measure tlnee feet and weigh auywheiu fiom twelve to twentj pounls apleci . It Is a late thing tin tne south county) for the codfish to attain a weight gie.iter than twent live or thlity pounds, I'pon llie Ranks low aio i aught vvhlill weigh gie.iter nver olghtj-, and those that weigh ft 0111 Iwcnty-llve to fifty pounds are 111010 nmrnon. Two nun 01111 laloh up wards of TiOO fish in a day oh the New loundland coast. South countv flsher 111011 nie more conseivatlve in theli crdlniate. Tho llsh Is 01 the gieatist loud value dining tho tlnee month pievinus to Clnlstmas. It Is then caught by iiieans id "long" or "hand" linen oast ofi' from tho shoie or fiom n boat. When the waim wcallitr or spilng imivH the cod lesoits to deepci' water usually fiom twenty. five to fifty tathoms as It Is stiletly a cold water fish, Heie It feeds upon wouns .sand eels, shell llsh, oiustaoea and other small fish of various kinds. Dining this season, which may last Rom April until fall, tho men live in lough dhantles along the coast In 01 dot to bo near their woik. as the vocation occuplis all theli time. Shue tho fish now dwell In too deep water for the seine or haudllncH to be used advan tageously, they ate enught by a pin ions known ns "n aw ling." which was Hist intioiiuced into thlsiountiy about Wo o.v the I'n nth. A tiavvl consists of a main line about '.i.ujO let In length, having shorter ones, which .11 e generally thltty-sl': Inches long, with a strong lion hook tied lo each, attached to the main line fiom thue to M feet apul, m that eeiy tiavvl has fiom DOO to 1,000 hooks upon II L'ach end of the main line li.n a small nnehor attached to It. and two buoys, which may be nothing niieo than empty kegs, nie nlo fas tened, one at clthr cud, by meanr, of long lopes. It is t ustomnij- to put a shoit pole hi the head nf each buoj' lo whli li It attached a Hag healing the Initials of the owner or other tradn mark by which he can tell his prop oi ty at a shoit distance. Claim., lobsteus, squid, lieu lug nnd other small llsh pie used to bait tho hooks with. Kneli fish will bait four or five hooks Squid Is prefoiablo to ell the othciH, but cannot always bo nbltlucil. As fast ns the hooks am halted the trawl Is colled up in a tub made out ol -a barrel that 1ijh been saivcd In halves. The main line Is wound against the Fides ol tho tub, and the halted hooks fall towaul the center. To ball a trawl usually takes fioin one to two, or two and one half houis. hut It Is bometlmes done din ing the fishermen's spaio moment. When the men aie toady to go out the trawl Is put Into the boat along with an extra keg of bait to bo used In case It Is necessary to j-ebalt any of tho hooks on the ttawl llnea already set. A jug of water Is ciistomailly can led under the seat In tho stent, nnd a few sceptical men Htiirepti'tlously conceal a half dollar In their tiouser's pocket as sat'egiiaul against shlpwieck upon u desert Island off the coast oC South county. The system of trawling Is somewhat as follows: The men row to a good fishing in omul, which may be four or live miles from the coast, and approach a liuuv whose Hag bearu their mark or Insignia. AVIicit It has been 1 cached the end of the trawl that Is attached lo It Is drawn up to the surtaco, and the hooks examined by one man while the other lows the boat the length of the main line. The fifth that 1110 caught 111 j takon from the hooks und tlijnvvn Into the bott, and the hooks rcbaltod with the material biought uloug. Not all are cod, however. Some will bo had dock, others hake, and even n dogfish will now and then turn up. At times mere slimy masses are hauled up by the hooks from the oozv bottom. The process of tilling the fish Is at least 200 yeais old. It conslsls In re moving nil the entrails nnd cutting oft the head. The fish nie then split fiom head to t n 11 and the bnekhone exti act ed. After this they are ilnsed In 11 hogshead of water and packed In bar rels vvllh an ample layer of salt covet ing each nil Alum of llsh. Two of threu men can do this quite easily; but u greater number facilitate the process. After n tcitnln length ot time, which depends upon how salt It Is desired to make the llsh, they nre removed anil spiead upon Hakes to dij "Flakes" aie wooden f rallies about seven feet wide and lalsod tlnee feet from the ground, UMially coveicd with triangu lar slats, it requires coilsldeiabli! abil ity lo di j- the llsh pi opei ly, and the perfection of this part alone la a lino int. If the sunlight Is too strong It softens them up, or, as Hie fishermen say, "washes" them. To pi event till", the Hakes 11 re sometimes covered with streeim from one to throe feet high. In case the men have no Hakes the llsh aie dried upon the inofs of theli Boun ties. When thoioimhly diy the fish are shipped to market, hiluglug limn two to live cents n pound at wholesale. The ilesh, howevei. is not the only part that has n value. During ho past fifteen yeais the piodiiotlon of oil from llie cod's liver ban Itiei eased immense I j" and now its medicinal qualities 1110 loiogulZfd thioiiBhotil the world. The swims or nlr-bl.iddoi.s nre oaieftilly dried and kept until enltl weather, when they can be conveited Into Isin glass, In- Norwav the cod's head was fonntilj used to feed cows upon. It helng thought to be a milk piolueer, while 111 Roland their 1 lbs nie used as fuel. Roth of these parts 1110 now nioio iidvnnttigooiiily cmpliiyed In the mniiu f.n ture oi glue OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEATRICAL. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATTRACTIONS TODAY. M vpi u M.iiliu'i uii'l ll.r Vint III,. tin lliwlij David Hftium. NiiiuiiiijII.i rin,l.iliK Ho I.1U1A nml .iNi, ono of Iho iini-1 f.i-hloiiilih umliiiiio Unl 0 ' ' In IiwMp Ih- l.jiiuiil U-l lilchl vvil 1.101I llio lniiiliiilion ! "llnlil llJinni" hv WIIIIjiii II. I 1.1 no mul hi- leuipmii-, vvliii li .i' t'i Iho I111I11 Iho rani. Mhhli neipoilnl I1I111 dm ilil.' Iho Imi 11111 m tho pl.n in Noli' Yolk, 'IIiwp ttlm ipnl Iho i-lort Cilit.inl Nojcs Wol toll uotp ihuiil D.011I ll.inmi hnl mio ,li. Ih ully in louni' 1 1 ms Iho t 11.0 ri-ioii In Iho oilisfiiil la-t niglit. U. ami M. W. Illtilnoit. who picp.ntil the fliuv foi llio ot-iGP. took Bii'Jt llhtitkii with Iho plot, l.ut tluj upioiluciil II 0 1 1 1. 1 1. 1 1 tifiirc In .ill his liikEi'il. honicl.l line plli llv nml Mipplkil l.lni Willi pldif.v or Iho innltit 11II1 utile wltli whitli Iho Ion l n ilililv UuMiil. Tho iIiiiiiutlrK 1 in ho ti.uil inril lm Iho itMiulini iiain the tf,i.. 11,1 pinlulilv tlipj sl'o n J Iiiflrr p!.i' llwi If tlu'.i' hnl iliiliK nioio ihntly to tho hook, .mil .110 In ho ioiii.ilubloil for (ho f illlifnlnovi Willi whhli Ihoj pro-riiled Iho ll.mim nf full, 11 'I in. N .1 pl.o In who I' u-u.illy Irriniil ''hi nt I11I111.-I" ill,, not lount lm oiiijtliliii;. 'Ili-ro is lm lack 01 Iumii liiii'ip-i, lint It i iml Iho kind lo whhh pl.ivnlli imnllj apply Hnl li'iin. 'llifli' nilvli-t ! alnaj' a piLlmh to Iho alliu. llie Jntcii-t of "Poll lljinni" fpiliiB'. (mm Iho I1.1I111 .1 uiCRiil noil of naliiio applti's lo thoM? tiho Ki.irow .mil hiittti at. in- In iiicil. II vnp Inlllo lo w.isto would in l:iiif, In iiljln whit m.'.kct "ILivlil II.11111.1 " Iho Imok, nttlrlllllow 114 ontPlllpmaliPK I'lin-,' who huo 1011I II t,i ow Iho m'i ul. Us mi. tincli .nil tho liuiiot lili? Iirli.m Iho Ineli, Iiaml. Wi'.ln.tC' poll, III11111I1111I lo hi- 3011I11 . lU.r'ilril I lie luiiuno'iplaio wllh .111 ili.illcl mull whli ii hid I i-i lli.lto.1 hi, uiiuii. Do hi II , rum found 1 -mi' .. thrill iuu ipn Ip, in Iho jimmi if Willi 1111 II. timi. II.' 1- i eutiod .if lor 1 ho ha hl rin 1 c , 1 .iml hii fiillini's 1111.I Ins l.-.u... .1 M.iin-lhlii; in.. n In Hi. II is Lutifihii: Ir, his mam til.wN iiiihii..- tl i.itn sen' Ihat In Ihi .1II111111011 ol In. li." ho Im had alhitttil in him 11 . h 11.11 lir l n 1 woilli 'thllo iml It i.i 11 iiulioi of inldiihinil ikaino In limn (hit David lliinni till In 'lie lot nf an .ulor who Li.'iwn hi- npiHiilnnitt in I how lio.l to divrlup it. I i.irio' lcpiioonl illi n nf tho pIiiiuiI, jnilal, mnnwhit; old Niw Vnll, trtto Innkol and hoio ili'llrr 1. iho liliiinpii of his uliti. Ilo ha. iml iillompl d 10 10I1110 it nl alio n i-epi-tliniK illlli'iint li 1111 tie nilL'inal. Ills ll.uil Iljiinn is tho loll v who lull, .1 hnl'i' 'it'll lot tin o.r itnili lit nf tin IhlliK 110,0 lhall th" I'm . , lino is 11 it, tin ii-llow who his had las mi i olh nil , ml will lit no nne lnt him in a dull. .111 1 iilw-e tiiti jli nml .ilmwl inn, mill pinlnr ',lt - m ill pioml-o nf Iho hpilllli', linMf ilnpuN's n ,1 lio.ut that nottr tliin u doji on I 1 ih 11,1 of leilleilt'iy. Ih lot d his 'o'. oil w . h ,1 li. t iiiliii4 ah, nil tin- niv Iho Jok,' epoitti'd, I nt nlloiiillin lie was tin iniunri nl 111. 11 Unl niakpn tho woild liilunli'i nml li"i'v Vlr. ( i.uio'h lonipuit w.n u inod on h. lo Mirk, 11 w.iiiii liunlto huo, wis Vunl I'nll.i Ills Inn (Inn lli.tri wa. Mil) II' do . and lirmci' s, I'inliill wis John la'linf llio I i.l two 1110 cijinparallirlj new In tin puis W llll 1111 ! .nip. on made .1 hit .1 Iho Jovial link J.diii'i'v. nml tho othir inilo th.iraclriA ul la nti'tillc vim ll.'ino in the 6tor.t, who ovnplloiialh ill u. Mllll.t. Iho plai i diviOid or. (i Ihi." nl.. 11 ii' I , la,, d In a ul appiopihti nian'i . The Maiks Company. Hu i.ev.iU cniitlnil'' at 1 lie Aiadiin ol Hu-i ..i i.tili lul lm 111.1111 P tluil hi Iho Maik llr. Ih ot' llimnitle loiipaii'. now tilling; u weik'd in curuipnt nl the ihoali'i. "I lit Ir upcitolre con xUik of tnul Ills 1111 iiuj 0H1.111 i.uriii.KP4, 111 tip ,f vi'iUh lift applaud In ihls 1 lit iinl. 1 11 willed ut lich p'liis. 'llio Milks lliulhtu niko 1 piciIaI fiatini) nl lln'li niagiilfittnl wn iiv, ulilili i .ilvMWH .111 aiisolntp nripfilv 101 tho piopri pifMiit lllon ol .111 llrtt-elu'ii plal. Vt Iho iiiailme yoslcnlav nflniionn "I'm Hi. sake" wan ulii, ami in-iitrd imitli applauic Let euiilnp lh lir.iullful tnllllaiy drama, Niilci'3 hwtclliMIt" V..H pindiiifil. 'Hip at. tiaitluns lilllnl for Ifh' aie, "In fiowl old Spw Yuri. Ton' ; tonlglil, "Iho llarrl of tin." Keystone Diamatic Company. 'I ho altnnloii ai 'no .i aileni of Miule ilinuij llio wrik of Man li II. li Hie (anions Kctniio l)ii,mi.lii lompam This nlliatlnni It viry t illicit vhcttp thp lUraico In di.i'iiJtlo alilllty and 1 01110 tu Reunion with nmie than tho time Hied, wcll-woin, ktcicottpcd ifioniniondationi. Mai'dKHt nnd agent of nthri romp.inies fpeni, in prle ot tho Ktoro Pranatio ortaiiirallcni 'Iho maiuci of Hip loinpany "lo k-ip lull company t Iho hoaci ot all jiopular pruo jiiiim merit nlrrpil-ei", wo picirnt tho hut uiicoil Kiiiipaiit oigaiilicil to play at popular pihc'i plat d In it tofoic then at 31 ctnU to fl." In ordtr (o nuke the effort of thli rone piny dill iiimo plcasin; to Ihc publlo at Ui; wo have this )ear ainlsil inoie nonery and rut thaiileiil eflictt. tairjirtr a full i.iiload. Mond. evening, "In oltht of .St. PanlV will b pin diKci'. Iho Kpktonc4 inn tpeilaltlet bctwtun tin All u hit li ai' nf huh tlas ordti. pi iiiiinlni' ill niNt weik.ii Hie Aiadeni'. Pilics in, 'JU and ilO (cnts. Twentieth Contuiy Stars, niginiiin with iiijlineo Vloiiday nflnnuu.i, li'iin; Wct'a 'I'm nl k'.h I tiitinv stain will 01. cnpi Ih? popiil.n iiain Ihoaiir foi thtte d.i. I'lin oigiiir.iliiti I drttilhtd at an aesi'iCJ' Hon nf inrrlt nnd letiiiemrnt, ami coihiIm:i limnv toinodlaiii, will) ha Inn, prilty u' .nil ileirr (.petlaltleii, Iho iimijI dall) nutiniv will he 1,-lun. THE MARKETS. WfUl Strett ItavleTf. Nov enl JIjicIi 7, -Tim? itiailU made fiilto n vlemoiu imImmkp ihl iiiumlnr in mi nrly lie ii ileal, Ij menu cl the mitlainlng llirtnrma of Inillvliliiil ptixki, cutty liww vro Imitfly iiifil mil i.ii'l the leiel nf prliOK utiinnlly nn rlnl nur I tut tilulit, lull ihnlnsr tin) Lttir nrt of the iljy tho niuki't Mietnmliril in drptrwli 11 nml iruiul, lliuliliilieii miiin lulu fi'iio. Ihfl iciilt U a ludlomliiinti ol not !,vps 1,11 Iho il.iy. Muiirt tat-i lule woiKnl i,n nnd fiiin o( the Inlilcn nl torl( 011 ih.icrIii Iivp li"fn iieiulcil l'i lliiilibte, "llil rllliiff vj pii Hi li mit' iiimkcil loiliv In l'c!inh.inli, I nlen I H Ifll 1111(1 IllllllllCl'i'l, Ulillll WtlC ll.lllc till' Milijis t ot Joint Inn lor 11 lle ihirlnc Iho l.l't lew ilijn, All I'ffoil v n nuile tu on llnnp jionl opi'Mllon's for llie Allium p liv Ir'l- it til irpoiN u( tho SI. Paul ulnoiilloii l,v llie XnMlniii p u lilt in.l Minimi InlPTfiti, Hill hail I ha Hlirt nt llilliu "I. 1", Hih.imo in riiivjppikp jiii I Ohio of 1', on UIU nf bic i.iiiilntfii iinil 1111 intiii.'iil illihlrml w : 11 Hirnalln nhiir tutor nml thuo n 1111II0 .111 in Iho nn'Ciil.ilhni for ll.r tUo 'In 1''n l,t ami Sua ir. Willi iho ivipllon of Uic-ipMV' illnl Ohio, tthlili lutcil 11 ml g.iln of C. Iht'? Int pucliiall.t nil Ihrli ilnn uli'l llir "rlllnx moipinriiln imrlril lliv iiitlto 1.1II10.11I fletl.1 fiom one to two points nmlri jptfnliv Vmnni: Iho lo- linMl.nil po ks nhlih mpip piifheil lip .11 tlni" iliiilna the nflrinnoii wen' II100M.U1. I'liimi an.l I'oieolhliteil l,J. witli el unron of 11 .iml 1,1 1; I'lUnuli. ('j; lltmrl I'ln lid, !, nml 11 iiiunliri of ulliim liom 1 In '.. I lllte MilS II I III tl (Mllllrt Iho I.OIU III K,ilH" nt Iho ulrrl him not liulinlnl hi Iho I nltfil S.ltM S((. lOlpOl.llloll Ulillll ll-Ullfll ill Jll Minus of liom 2' n (, In the llepillilli s(r I lotk, I iiluraihi 1'ni'l .iml riiiinipp l'i"l mill bun. Vll of IhrM- .,(Ks foil luik Jlln Iho ili'lllilnl of Ihoholti I111I linn ljlUHril 'Iho )itr.iiip .tiruliet Aio.ilit.iiumii1 ( oppn imtlnl II oil nl mo llino 1',. nlft II 1I011I 11I j nil lo- 01 1 point. 'Iho lnl loik . ..til hnifil triy .lul J nml giiii'iiill huilrr 'I01.1l kaIih 10 lll'l, Mlt.-HHI hin-. Tho ft.lln.vitic itiotillti,4 iir Irihiire .v l. J011U1, ,C lo (inn -Iml Ihr moms ;n" T0.I Mi,im hiillJil s, -i 1 111I011. l'J 0ioii- lolcphoiii mil lllah- lam ( '01. In rt nl Hi "4 II Hj .V,'. "l't "'. Ill " iVi i. IP's IIS lit l.'l"i list 1iU l!T. 1a nl CUj lis', irj'. SHj llll 1.-.1 4li RIJ : m I.' no-; m .ti'i 71 2i'; 011; vi 1."; 71 'J Is". mi; v; ri SS IHL !(!" IM'j .w, 11H4 'ill's lll'i 'l'i 1''. lis IV I'f. k. llll ITa 'I 1 -., tl"i t'.. s'll . tit.'. I'll IV IM, s S, j til nit,' IM4 ti'i 7P, M'i 1 1 .-.II", ii'; 7I' ll'l, 111-, .sV, II', Vim ih 11, snijll Mtitli in I,. I 11, w. si,, . win. .. Vlfld.oii Mel lnn. l'i. . II 00k. riaillon .. II ill .V Ulii 1 rut fuhai , n .. .. fhpi. .V Ohio .... (lm. A lit. Wist. ' hi. . II. & II ... kt IM11I Id'ii. I.luli.l Pel. .V 11 . .. l..(ikiwaiiii,i . . Itileial sin) . . . I'ldfljl s,,l, p, Kin A 'l., l'i I i'i- .V N.i.h . .. Mnn. l.hi.ilod Viet. 'Iitilldi . .. . Vll ... failtl. . . I'ooplo's (las .... N .1, ('initial . sonllni. l'..iilio . . NnifnlU A Will. . . N. Mliiin Patiilo . V'iI'i. I'.ilHi, l'i S, . ( . lid. A Micii'in . 11.111 h. It. I! I'.nlli. Villi ... . ll'aiilic lit Ihad'ii) Hi.. I'r. . slllhi'lll II. II. . solllli. I!, I! , l'i 'l'i lm ( A lion I . s. ,,.ul pr I . -. JaiIIki. I'i. t . s. Ki.1,1.,1 . .. , I iiioii I'ai ifii l'i, hm Pallia. I'r. WllUsl. Pi. Wfliiti I iihm .. , (IIIl'Vl.O wunvr. V.ll'h . . ... Mil eons. Mil OV'ls, Mi' l'OIIK. Mav b.VIIP Mn nips. Mai HI , . i:i ' .'" . . ", . . 'M'i "! ''I's .... Ul'i ... tn. .. . m'i ....iiu'i ....IVl'i ,. .1, ....ii'.-; . 111 ... I! , ... VI . (".Hi . -I',. ....Mp't .. 'V"i ...mi'', 1 M ... Is'j ... MU . .. ir; . ..Ili'i U'l ...IW'i- ... .ItT, . ... i.' .... Tl . .. 'i . .. ;nii . . Mi'i . .. hPi . . T.'i ... Ifi ... Ha' .... sn'i .. ..!', V filt.MV O.ii'll Irs. "M IU'j Ul 0 ."Jl :; 7i. up. i.u IV. uiij '10s. tvii i"'k mi u. ": III,. 'ill ll.l'i im'i int'j I.W tlM l7. s', lis Ui ii'a lii'i 71'; I'm. v-,tj r.'U m Miiiirr. Iliiili. low- nn4. In.' I'- est it, a T.t'.. ,.,'j II, lO'i Ill's i"l -Jl, I I..V, 1 l.'i". ;.jt r..-.i lll ., if. II. i .IS! m:v .pi:k miAi.v MRi;i:r. Open- lllah- Law- OIoi. in?. v.iii: r Mn . . .Illll ( OI'.N Mat tns. p,t. 7l ri'. T'li- Tn " Seranton Bonid of Tiatle Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS, tiitl Haul. suanton fcailn?' Hani Tliiul Natloral T,ank Ulinp and Piiiount Uank , Kconomy I,llit, tl 3- V. Co IjpI u 'limt sale Pepoall Co . . Clark k Snoier Co, I'r Seranton lion Kenco & life. Co. . Stuninn Axlo Violin f I n.ka'aiir. Ptlrt Co., I'r (onnli sjviuci Hani K. Tiuit I o . Flisl National Mink (Caitondale.. standard PrllUni: (.0 traders' Nal.onal Pank Seranton Holt and Nut Co HONPs. Scranlcn I'an.'njer llallirai, fiut MnrtRacr. duo 18-0 fcoplii'd Mieet Hallway, Dit mort- Bae, tine l'JIS I'tople's Stieet Itillwaj. General iiicrtrrus, due l'ri Dlekson Mviufaitnrins Ci l.atka. Tonntlilu stlmol 5 pei cent. City of Stian'.cn St. Imp. 0 per cpnt Seranton liaclloii t per tem Hnl Aiket l.'iHI -.31 (Ml - " 4$ til us Id) .'D yni "0 HIS US 115 113 inn 10: p: Sciniiton Wholesle Miket. iloliiiloil bv II. I. Pile. -7 l.irkjur.liiu p ) lliiltii-fiiiiiien. "t'jiJ'.i.: diin, Isayii. t I.ppsp- 1'nll rif.un, i-'iHo. I'ifl ti-toin lie.b. I7'.ulsi : iioaib.i si.ui., Pa 2' 10 lleim l'H lm. ibolir 1 11.. now, .'"nS 11. I'l'.t 1I.J1R l'H bn., ' I'l.'.f'). lliillnni lb .his-I'.-i bii fj. Ma '.It (,11'en I'eis-I'ei lni fl.l'Ul.l". Onlwi lr lm , l (01 1 .Vi. ri.un- 11,-at pili HI, pir lib), M ii'i lied Kiiltiii lleans IVr lul . "J CuJ '11 PhlladclpUln Grain nnd Pioducs. I'hllulilphla M Ii 7 Wheal, '.1. lowei; 1 in 11,11 1 audi', il uih. in a"1!' loin'Ji. Invv h; No i nilvil. Miieb, tlill';,. Oils spaih, Nn. i whin tlipiied, Wi lliitlti I'luil, fib iliinaml; film wi-.Ihii Hiaiinii, Jii..i ; do. do. pilnu, 'J.'i 1 i I'lriii, ijnod iliinaml; fu.h iiembi, lei ; do wi.tun, HU.i do. nii(h wisiiin, lis.',; do. (.outturn, 1,'n, (hi(se rum; . V. hill lie nn I nn t mull. l.'ilj',i.; d 1 do do tail tnihiilie, ln'4 ilfi . lb filml pu 111 I in Inn it d. ' - llmi I " lowfi. inlddllni; 11 1 I.1111I-, n'si. 'lalliv. stcdi: illi primp ni IiIhIs . li'ii : louulii pi lm.. in bbli . I'i-iI'i . 1 In- i ultr I'lini tali il. 111 mil; oa, J 0 1 1 1. , i.iiui- lots i-old tn 71i.: 1 'ih kens, Ilia Hi.; dmk. I.V., Bief, llil.'i.: Iinkei.-, Pain,, DiiumI pnlilli-- I'luil. ),'iil ileintnd, lali In Rooil. 0,1 '.I'll ; old looitHM. 1't ; lioaihv thltkens, lUablo ; weletn do , Pil.'i.; tiuke,, tholii- 10 faiuv nearb.t, Willi., wpstein ib , 10i ; iluiW nearby, l.'ilti . wotrin do., , (,'cooi. 7a0o. lteulpli.-1'loui', 2.1 V) luurls. t.nd ftV.OSH t In ick4; wheat, 11,000 bu.hrl.; mui, nj.OW, oats. '.'I.oiln. s.)l,n.rltb -Ulrat, if.imi; toin uJ.OOOj oats, IJ.ttM biuliels. New Yoik Grain and rioduc. New- oik, Mauli 7 - 1 Inui -Qulot and no .fa tm I of Irnpoilanee Ulnat spot dull and un elianced; No. 2 nil, SO'Jr. f n, b Htloat, and 7siio. eleialor; Vo. I iioillicrn Pnliitb, S7',e 1 n b. afloat. Oplloim opined Ion- ami tinlhti detlliKilt li'tmncil lu openliis nn lotnlne and attain Mild off under renewed icalizino;, export dull luinou not niaterlalieliii,'. Chuliif; weak, Mareli Wc.i Ma, 7U's -: lul. 7Pe (urn !pol dull and weak. No. '-. ISl-c. eleialor, and I7'r. I o. b. ailoat. llptioiw opem-d low er, lalllid 011 laigc Pipoil tales, but aifaln tinned e.uler ami cIod weak. Mai cloisd ljp , .lulj, I',", Uatv- S,ot iain; So ', Oil'., No, 1, ,10'ji.-, No 2 white. fU., So ". w lillc, .'li'si.i lull, ml xi ,1 w cM nn, .IJt.S.v , traik white, ,)2a30o. Options dull and nominal llutlei I'iim; fuli creamer, ttrile ; iae loi.i, llalli.i .limp eieamer.i. i'ninc j liulla tlou rreamer, H'jiH'-i. ; Hate dali, Ilali ( I eese Stionei funoy lart'p riKiied ami white Ibill'ic ; f.iney HTiall, niloied, Uljo. , fan unull, wjiltp. Uali'ni Cggk -l"n,rtcdl kUIk and l'i nni., riljaliV- i nrMein, Haiti , Mjiitbtiu, It'ialH'. Clilcapro Grnln nnd Fvoduce. flifcacn, Mauli 7. -I.enllntr peetilallie eiain 0itluni wire handled on a deilinlnir nmiket 10 da In toiispliiious rontldxt lo the ileJI-nnt utitimlli of I103 piodiut. The ciieol ilump wui pieclpltatiil bt weaknei in oali, whlih tlosisj jH'liM nirti, "i-.. and tnl, 'Jc. lowei. I'nrk rltwid :.0i'. 1 laid, "'jo.; and I lbs, HjaKK' higli. er, C.itli fpivlatleiu weie a followt; FINANCIAL. 16,000 ACRES UIMnilIMUllllM Um Ml.hll4l. IfblWHHIhllHaoU'll MB ITIIMT7 THE UiMON CONSOIilDATKl) OIL COMPANY vlikli will lip Inmipilliilrh iltiilopul. ninl 11 tame pioihiciiiu Willi lino I, unlit I.e. 11 Uruck on inljnlnllit; lamp, Iho pioluhtllllri no thai this taint nloi o will noon ho WllllTII Minn; TIIW 'IMC I VTllli; H.imo.nnil I VI' ITU, H)( K i me lOMI'VW Hi,- whnti will l.p ni-eplpil, ami added In tho ( oinpini hup iln hi tlipil two laiKi' pin asms m Iho ('oiitpmit Hip price of th iliuliiit pipposlllnnt v Itli nn jkhipciIi o' loi k l no 1 17'i CI3NTS IM1R SIIARI2 (PAR VALUli $i.uo), finl put ami 1011 iivipstalilo, nt nl nidi iki,rr 1 iiimip , t. is ili.pnsnl of for Ihe pnrehaip of lnro hip oifpird nt lids Hkhip. Ii-ii 'hi' ! iiilillilonal piMpriliis .mil doieloninent. pilop will p nihat.ipil lo '.''h per chiio 11 , TI1K STAMIAUII SMKliTINd AMI ltKriMMJ COMPANY halo .-...1.1 oin ral.oiil .fiirps nl Ihr J'al.inl I ns us II ,,il mini- ml mil of l!il flmt snp hne of Iho In incur, 1 1 U.iip ol lirisnn 1101 lakpiiJn nnr inalnnirri. within 1(1 d,ya Mink nilpieil al rt lenli pel shaio ilnniinl ,HI . mTii,ii t.r pnlilli iibsiripllon at in CIJNI'S I'I'R SHARB (PAR VALUI; Si.oo), alr (iill p.ii nnd 11011 ii ...ilil ami villi bi 1e.11 Kiiiiaiiimi inniiiiid lm 1,1 neail' 'ho (nil 1 ip.i, lit nf 1 lie plani, llii. Iml. Iiniild pit liom Jil I'I II I 1 VI HI hi ll'Ar M VI. PIVIIII.Mis Hi,. Plaiil U now iimler 11 n-triKiinn in V.n.ipii I'onnl, 1lr0111. nml mrr 7,niHi nonl. nl 10 to 13 1-296 AND WIL llil P4i. dltiililiR Iho Inimlinriil 11ml Instil fng tho tiiavlmnin ol pmtit mul the minimum of ti-s Mr lu'iidlp mi iiitiitim piipirH. evitpi nn iho .nil I. e nl mil own 1 poii. II o nf whom wi koni lontlmtilti In nnr rtniiln Hill ll'Sllf otllio 1H'II. lap! I II I'hilllia-, who illliird in ,it!iul liiillilt. Vrlonn, 'I ii'.ila . lo mil,,- ,i pi, I . 1. nil. I, in nl 1, pml lo Up Hi 111 nn ihr Vnrnha nilnimr prop erlln vims ll.lio ill-pfilod lipbri' (P11. 1, 1,1 Vitnni Inppii lei ami in. n 1 Vm .1 i.i.l.l and I oppei ii Ihrj no men niinlnj DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO., Hankers and Brokers' Member Consolidated St-c' and Petroleum Exchange, 00 BROADWAY AND 17 NEW STREET - - - - NEW YORK Reprosruted in Scrnnton by CHAS. E. DANIELS, Mem-a Bltlg-. I bhVI.I Wll, III) I I V VllniiV lldslllS. I.VII.UN VI'N'I nn s 111 inn iiii. i. run. in 1 in ilium. ( UK Vil. i Mint III II, PINO III 1)1 llnill 11 tl! So ' ted .1'. 1 1 now ,-i iDTl- llll ',U'J whit. i IIP " . l .1, VJ tn i.i uii.. -; ihi. ll . (II llll l llll 'jl s,,i I No I lla I .1 t ll"ll i lit III l.lXl s, ,, lt(l( . I, V n's V Clilc.igo LIvb Stock Mftlket. I Imago. VI n,h ( illlr l!,i, ipls. 'Hi-Hi ii hidllnr .'nn bm-.i'1'. nii-ih-i ill Iv lndt -i leis, lomr! Rioil In 11111111 lin, ' n,,a - pon lo inodi-iale. tsiur, n",; si.akii. and 1 er. slroiiu, I.T'i.h.i 11. ion,. i.i.",il. ' . hinci . '.Tin ".in; hull', nlot . .' i)il.-''. ml-s struil.t, tlil'i. I'it toil Mi p, lil"i ! bull",' ij..'iili.l .Vl llnss Illll l,l, Is.bln. I'JI oiei. . .!' I si ado IiiiiIipi, i hull u wi.ik: muni and lm' . ns, s't.-lla", njlgi annd ' ihnlip. s-, in.u, bull, -,, .: Hold. iU'u'iMI Iml nl '.lilH. " IT' j" n1.- sriMp -IJi-iiipts, I i.lMI, s-,p. (.tloiu. Iinil- slpadv In -' iw s-Kil In 1 Inili i- Wfllm-. sl a t N'l, l..ll I" ill dli' lllllPll. S ll, , stippli, s".-,, ni; -l.o.ia rlil I p. SJ.'dlll 7', ti'p I lot". s,;ani ;",; wr.lnn lamb. "' '" m Bliltnlo Live Stock. I a-t llinli 1". II mil T lleeiipts fars: sbrep and l.iinbs, ii iais; li"A shlpu.ei.t. I attic, t nil: pimp and 1 iiil . ., in . 1 I null.. , alio.. iaiM ln.Ls. 11 ims t uuir 'low fill 1rm mil 1 n ha-is III. Il s7,'C,, l,.1lli'.i.- CllnUf ti ilmiie In i-itia. sl I I bye- I lei 11, s'i .'(''I .1 7 irm, 1111 bun h ' pi-a-. s.-, (On ,n E?at Libel ty Stock Mniket. I ,i! Uluth. Mi lib ; -I aide st. aili - ' ' .. r.!.V.V.: l'i lino. "Vi'SX: Hdimioii. via . ( II, ri IIiieIi' , pun" neiliniiis and In. loiktis, V.siii'is'i. Imnl .mrkiip. ' 7 .a 1 si In atf. HI 7iMi.7"i; I is". ' VM'i.'': heal li ' '..70a"i7.',, pit... s-,,i,r,,Ki' iiuishs. lii ( simp- si,ii!v 1I1D111-, Sl i'MI sO; mini . .,-. 1I1 no' limb- :, ,'ii",Hl; minnnm 1. .od sill :',; 1 al i .ilu. s,,,-aiii. 7n Oil Maiket. ml 1 lit. iliuli 7. 1 1, dli IjUhi-. 1 " IKi.alis I,., bid siipiurnls. s.i.-.Tii, ni,. 'V, s-,i Hm-, nl 101. mi up, 1 ' i 7 1 BRINGING CONL1N BACK. New Yoik Postal Suspect Makes No P.eilRtnnce to Extiadition. Hy I.itimlio Vilte Irnni Iho soi ialpd fr" .,1, 7 Kisinh 1 iiiibn Hie N'i'V Vorh po 11 iIitK. .uro'ii-n ii'io on in poi. il ihirKP i-f kloalinir a ifgldirm man nn i m laiiilrnf lump lhal Mi'.'""", will !' '' n (1. Nnv Yoik lodii. liRilhrr tilth tho ttoiiiin ho him in Idi Hmlil. "iilm "ill olio i-clradition. IV11II11 ilulaml lull' fid ll '"Il '' nar tlo liom m Ih' siib dalif n .itialiliu n-in' 1itilii,n l llio main 'Ihi Iml, on Hi" i t-,.,,1 was In, (kin and Unl uiicil a ilol-n of llnnpiillns of 111 liom in laillii- llniiin llul llino Hi I114 ii.ii i-bihn, (uiillii m son ,1 iho ttt liii nictiit .ts illiiuaid put in hi" oiUI uIiIIp I.. J- it'll, -ind fni in, aunt, hi Hid MAUD GONNE PLEASED. Thinks Ejection of Irish fiom Eng lish Commons Will Help Cause. lit r,t limit- NIip Hum 'Iho ..oi mini l'n' Cliii.ii.ii. Mai. I) 7 lisfad of lioiiif: dl.uiibrd b thp fail Ilim lm i-ointtiiniHi ni'io foiilbli ijn l.'il lii-l.i Hip llillli-li li"iio of . illiniums un IhimIii. M iml l-'oini. Ihi- irlil' at'itaior. rrad I Ik ifpnili. of ll" lionblo ninl icnur.iu. il. li I. ir.u.,1 II Is what I llko lo mp told I In 111 link -mil Ihat Un' '" "' l lo in.iko thitiiilt'i hfiird In pirliainint Tlie IjeIIpIi. aflor oppiH-ciiii: llio lilli for inilurlp.. ori nnl to bo liom llii-lr oour.i- I. mrr. (U.t.i-liOP " Opeiatois Aie Notlfieil. . in-Iti Who fi 'in 'Ilo si lul I'h , II.1111. Mini " ' I' Null"'' I'" ' .1 lii-irid No I. I nil. (I Mm' Wil , ili, t iiu t din 1. 'lit Minn. I1 1 lit I tti .1, nl id in .0 11 Un mini "pn l' "l Hip k-hii ioiiii-Mm'P "I on 1 itoi, nil minis it Hi. I.l, on Mm h I' Mi 1. , ol ..i . 1 p t a . illa'.h mount ttlri t i - vnil DR. DEKSTEN Fbysiciaa and Surja 311 Sprus3 St. lunp.c Court BuilillQl SCRI.NT0N PA. ill iluU- Hint ihlJIUC lil.lUOil of inn, 10. mm and ihlldwi CIIKOMl Ni.Kol.i. IIHA1N M WAariSU UUKASK!) A SI't.C 1AIT. All diteaiOJ of the Lilrr, Klduc , llladder. kln, Ulood. frlM, Uonib. Uip, Kcir. Throat. nl1 utfi'. Cancels, tuioori, l'ltef Uupline, tJolirp, Ithpuuullfin, Aithmi, ('Lurrli Vtrlioule. Ut Mnihood, Mghtly I'uii'tlbM, Jll tVi'Ml' lispr, l.cucoirlio,-a Pt , (ionnonli, Vl','l1, "1,od 1'oi"1"' ",1,(r' tlou nd jonlnlul habii oblllrritpil, sm.crj-, 1'itr I'pllfP'i- 'lil'i ""' '"loiiuih Worms ( . 1 I1I1I1070NK. iiflo f"r Catairh 1i.n inonlhj' liPJlmrnl onl V-00 Irlal frcp m cfiba I onmillatlon and ptaniinallon fioo of fico hour dall ind Miiilnv. S a in ig 9 p in . DR. DEIMSTfETN Prof,O.FJHEEL.fi278?hrath. fiMMlbU, I'll. IHlj Ctrvia AprrUlWl Uf 4nrlfa. CiutrivtfMts rtr- (tUahj will 1'rhait I .- ... DHrkkt, fiteftn, Abttitt, HIimhI Uhp, r(H)t , fBHIiti. riilttlnniiil A Shrunk flrcti.t ptMe rj r1iiil A Ur(rltl frtud. HIll tbl ptir.J J jB Jfr w iaA aaWkV i WVi "P FiNANCtALV gj( X OF OIL LANDS m.i.tMl .rMltA.l. U.l,.l..l, ii.. WiaillUd Ul WIIIUflll IHI! YTOfftV MJT L J .l.iion bid per M.mth, IniiriiiR laritp illH ileims mi Iho .nl I' Mil 11, and MiJ, lloiaip M lln. oil, Iho Miprrlnlemleiit of Hip ( iiiiiiHtii. Is lm if liitrtli:.itlmr prteial other nil itr,ii,.lllf,iis. Ilin Mural nrotnUImp nl m-v nnd ini.iloi 11 inaihlnei Is in Arlrnm and nt li 1 paid mi Wo iiiikn illi lilt nil put Inir .nlninii, , it and smrltn tookn u ppe 1I1K1 mid hat iniiibitiatloiiis of illti ih ml pun. ami tln-t Issues nl thp lira-nry Nlotk 1.1 pi unit. 1114 initu-!, lhal are notv pi rPAY FROM 20 to 40 pioltt Him diul itt liUf mult rrllniAtrd tluin; mil mil iu ...mulvi in rxlollltiH tin ir i.iliu Itio lihuU i (in -I coinpmtr .110 unw "Hllnu .! '" fn1- ni thtic (p.if nhf n't) hm ,no Hilijr.f id .ithjiuc ir am Urn? with IM1 lilttlll I'ltiiiH-hut H ill (lie mimmIuI ptr)pf(1if 1.1 win h vw hi j4 IU il .ai;ait. lii'lrm1 tni'ri mul tltxt trxtini. MiU'i riiiUon IiUmK.". iilvrtt. tu , ihiMm) to nm fno intrrrtrtl in tiji'iiiuUi mliiliiu, nil jm! uirttln Invent MirttU "ti applli.Hi n llKANCltl-s-: III II. DIM tsl loi Is, sJi I ISIIV IIIIIIMI K.Nsls (ll'l T HIS MUST I1LII PIM1 r .iiiii,s. ii iiiii.iv ni.ur.3. iiniiiin;! in ii.pisi.s'. INVESTHflENT BONDS. Slat; of Massachusetts Gold 3i? City of Providencj Gold 5 City of Worc3Slar 4s Perns ylvania Rd, Cons. Mtge 6s Pitts. C. C. & St. L. Gold 4s & 4U Pliila. & Milwi Imp. Mtge. Gold 4s Illinois Central Gold 3i&4s Eeesii Cresk Rd, 1st Mtge-Gold 4s Canada Souths 1st Mtg) 5s Cliic Milwauk33 & St. Paul 5s & 7s Aibiny & S1.5q1i3l.anna 1st Mtge 6s Ashtabula & Pittsburg 1st Mtge. 6s St. P. Minn & Man. Cons, ! 6s Norfolk & Western 1st Mtge. Gold 6s Seattle Elec. Ry. 1st Mlge. Gold 5s I. 'st mailed on application to lGi!pt,Menitt&Co !." Wall SI., New York. Hi Congress .SI., Iloitou. HISTORIC Places in Virginia fan be comfortably and easily rcacliej by tho Si'auifii rail dally pxcppt Sundij from rir I", Norlh llltpi, foot of flputli Ktrfnt, N'w Tork, tof Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. CnnikviniR lot All Point-s South and Wc.(. Iluoiigli 1 joU-jts returning from Washin;iori 1 y tail oi ivjter. I'or full Inforn-.ation appljr to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New York, n d .i..ia'n,'iiaf Mjr.'.A. STRONG AGAJN; Yoit u bo once povieil nturdy phys. Iqiic-i anil utcaily nervesi, but now have insufficlrnt physical force to proprly nttend to oulfnary ilutle, you who haven Hrnse of "all-Roncncn'fiiftertlir ulltflitpst exertion; yon who are dull, languid nml old in spirits nt an age, when on hhoiild he full olvhy ileal Ore; loiliihoiiiay fcfl that your life it not north UiehtiiiKRte-thereUai,cienUfic means) of redeeming nil the precioiH power. n hlUi seem to be entirely lost. I Have cured thoui4uda such ns you. Don't epriimeutotltU your health 4r tunttpt.-. We will lake the ril:. If sir jtoxes do not cure joii, jour money i reiUHieci. rnr trur. tve nair nccn curing men on these i.itlsfBClor)terun, M 00 iter hoi. fl for S-'iOO mailed in plain piikagr Hook fire Addrens i'l.Ai. Mi:hii-i.m: Mo ,Clei eland, Ohio. Kor nie l-.i Jolm II I'lielui, rharmicUt, eonier VjLinins jieiuio and fcprucc ttreet. " 0 BWYiTME GENUINE YfiyPOFFiGS , .j. WAUUFACTUnED JJT. CALIFORNIA FlU 6YRUP CO. . tirrwri'. thi:,vme. )