The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    "in- ijt
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Startlliio Revelations Reoardlnu
Briberu Made bu W. V. Grntiths
and Simon Thomas.
Mr. Griffiths Said He Received Money
from S. E. Weylnnd, C. W. McKln
ney and James Drier Mr. Thomas
Received Nearly $1,000 In All and
Was on the Regular Pay Roll of
tho Old Telephone Company Said
That tho Ghost Walked nt the St.
Charles Hotel and That It Visited
Eleven or Twelve Councilmen.
Another Wat rant Issued for the
Arrest of McKlnney.
Some of the Indicate details or u few
of tlir bribery trnnt-urtlotiH which have
been rampant In tho city linll during
the past few ycurs ninl which have
given "crouton him li mi unenviable
reputation throughout the country weie
i oven led In Alderman Fuller's ollleo
eesterduy morning when two ox-coun-rllmcn.
Simon Thomas and V. V.
iritllth. told of nil the money which
they luil lecelvod while guarding tin
Inteiests of the citizens of Sciiinton
In the select and common branches
of council, respectively.
Mr. Ciillllths, former common conn
cllman from the Kouith ward and
chalrmun or the common branch up
l the time he resigned as per fin
ngicemcnt catered Into with the- Mu
nicipal league, was the first witness ex.
i mined. The bribery cases on tilal. It
must be understood, weie those against
Councilmen T. O. Melvin. J. J. AtcAn
lievv. Thomas O'JIoyle, 12. J. Coleman
and former Councilman but now P.ep
'cjfntatlve Kdwarel James.
Mr. Oriflltlis was examined by At
torney 12. C. Newcomb, prompted at
Mines by 12. H. tit urges, nnd gave his
testimony In n and open man
ner, a If he had paid to himself "Jlct
ter make an open bienst of all you
!now. The truth's tho best thing, nf
fi all."
Mi. New comb, without Indulging in
any piellmlnary sklimlshlng, asked
Mi. t;i!tllths tho plain question:
Did you ever, while a councilman,
delve any money or any piestnt.s
limn .injnne."
"Yes I (lid." replied Mr. Griffiths. "I
inched money on several occasion."
Asked to mention some of the spe
illc Instances ho loplled that an on-
elope had on one occasion been given
t j him bv AV. V. Davis. The envelope
ont.ilned JiuO and a note Mating that
It was to be used in assisting him to
l.i his election expenses. No slgnn
Mm was attached to the note. He
liml .spoken to Mi. Davis about It and
the hitter told lilm that 1 (D.ivis)
hail met Carl W. McKii.ncy on the
street ard that McKlnney had glvtn
h lm the envelope and had asked him
i Da vis) to leave It for Mr. Gllfllths.
In response to further questions, the
itness said that six nioutliK after he
had taken hi-, seat In councils, former
i opinion Councilman .lames ,1, Oiler,
of the Third waul, n foreman for the
limber Aphalt company, gave 1dm
"! Ill cuiiency In the conldor of the
. Ity hall, telling him that it wo? for
"flection expi'iiheh." A uiuiuli or so
"ftvwmds tho Rather asphalt ten
Mar impair contract ordinance was In
troduced and Oiler had asked him then
to suppoit the nieasuic.
lie Mid he had al-o iceotvcd $:0 In
i loom at tho Hotel Iludolph from
n, Jcetlvi- Mauls, the agent or the Mii
dclpnl league.
Now. Mr. lirlflitlis," quel lid Mr.
N.uconib, "didn't you receive any
Honey fiom an.vone else? Think huid
now "
Mi. liiitlltlid hesitated tor Jilht about
a inliiiit" nnd then said:
"v. es. I did. 'ipncinl Manager AVey
Innd. of the Lackawanna Telephone
company, gave me "0n as a present for
thy good wink 1 had done for tho new
ompan. I had always stood by the
new company."
lie said he had talked with C. G.
Boli.nd nboul the oidlnance, but that
money had not been mentioned. Mr.
a ej land was the only person who had
"Pproaehed him with any offer of
money In regaid to the new company's
ndinuiuc. He hud no positive know I-
dge of any of the other eouiiclhnen
having loeelved any money except that
In had talked with the indicted men
about the money iceeived at the i:u
dolpli fiom Detective Hanis. Asked
If In; had accepted any othet money,
Mr. lirllllths replied.
'No, sh; I have not. I have told
all the tiuth as far us my memoiy
vould pC'imlt "
Attorney Joseph O'l'ilen. appealing
fur the defendants, biioiiy cross-exam-Incd
the witness as to tho time he
had leeolveel the S.'uo from Geneial
Manager Wo land. The w linens stated
that he lunl leiclved It, he thought.
Knivi time In ISM, while tho telephone
oidlnunce was ponding. Nothing had
lion said by Mr. Weyland c.r binned'
as to any service be was 10 render
tn letuiu for the money. Theio had
been no piovious arrangement by
which he was to receive any money.
After tin) cross-cxaniinaltuii, Mr
Newcomb turned to the witness and
"Mr. Criillths. you aie much to be
commended for your willingness to tell
the truth fully. Your testimony has
been In striking contrast to some of
that heaid befoic. It Is icfrcshlng to
know that theio me sonio men who
consider perjury as odious. A"o hope,
that you will leeclvo tho commendation
you dcrervo."
AVIien Simon Thomas' nanio was call
ed thero was no response. Hveiybody
looked towurd the Inner office whero lie
was known to be, but there was no
sign of his coming out. Agent AVUsoti
could be seen leaning over lilm urd
pleading with lilm to conio out. It wis
thice or four minutes befoio ho could
ba Induced to take the stand and when
he took tho stand It could bo seen
that he was laboring under n gteat
nervous stialn.
Ills luce was drawn and haggaid and
bathed in an unhealthy sweat. lie
was troubling like nn atpen leaf. It
was evidently n fearful ordeal lor lilm
to stand before the crowd In the little.
unit room and out of Ids own moulh
blacl-mi hi uhuinctor and reputation,
but the prosecutors had eaid ho must
do so nnd he did,
Jle hid been elected to common coun
cil In ISOt, ho said, and after serving
four years In that branch had, In H98,
been elected to releet council. In which
branch lie had served until his recent
resignation. He stated in reply to n,
question that during his servlco in
council ho had received money on vnt
lous occasions. He had served thfsa
years In tho common council befoto ho
iceeived any money.
The first money he got war, from r.
AV. Gallagher, nt that time employed
by the Hcrnnton Hallway company.
Gallagher, he said, had given him
money in an envelope on two different
occasions. Ho wns not sure whether
the sums glvrin vtoro $23 or $50. Gnl
laghcr haJ lold lilm the money was a
present. Gallngher had given lilm one
sum of the money at his home nnd
one sum nt the St. Charles hotel.
'You understand what Mr. Gnlla
ghei's motive In giving you this money
was, of course?" asked Mr. Newcomb.
"Yes, 1 understood that I was cx
pecleil to work for tho interests of
the Scianlon Hallway company when
auv incasuie came up," loplled Mr.
Ho stated that tli mm money he
hud received was the $.'00 given him by
llarrv Hatton to woik for the new tel
ephone company, reference to which
was made nt the hearing In the per
jury case against the latter. Mr. New
comb next began a scilcs of questions
to bring out some Infoiniatlon regard
ing the alleged distribution of a sum
of money among the uiembcis of the
joint (ho department committee some
few vears ago, when the purchase of
u new combination wagon and chemi
cal engine were under consideration.
He paid that he wns the chairman
of the select council committee at the
time this puuhase was pending. Ho
receive'! no money then or at nnv other
time from an.vone connected with any
of the companies Felling appaiatus.
He lemeinbered that I'dvvnrd AVeni'.el,
now deceased, chairman of the com
mon council committer, had come to
him and offcied lilm S2.1. which was
understood to have come from the icp
rescntatlve of on" of the companies.
Wenzel bad claimed that he was short
that day nnd he (Thonuis) bad told
him to keep the money. Ho had never
received It afterwards.
Mr. Newcomb no;t made a futile ef
fotl to draw out some testimony to tho
effect that ON-Peleot Councilman V. F.
McCann had either dlieetly offered
money or Intimated to witness that
theio would be something In It If he
would agree to antagonize- the new
telephone company. Mt. McCann,
Thomas 'aid, had talked to him about
voting against the new comjnny, but
lie had never mentioned money
"Did von ever meet K. J. Malouey,
the foimer local manager or the Cen
tial Pennsylvania Telephone com
pany"" was asked.
"Yes, 1 dlcV' vas the reply. "Ho
enme over to mv place of business, and
after talking l'ui a little vlillo gave
me an envelope. I did not open It then,
but wlien he was gone I opened it and
found $50 in It."
After that, he ald, the new ordi
nance bnd come up and ho bad stood
by the old company. Ho lemoinbered
having got payments from time to
time fiom the old companv up to the
time the new- franchise was gianted.
Thieo oi four pi incuts had been made
at the St. Chailes hotel, he said, and
then he proceedfd to give a detailed
explanation of the clever svstem which
the bilbern had contrived for the pay
ing of the bribe money.
Some time alter he bad been paid
the $10 by Moloney he iceeived a let
ter telling hlni to come down to the
St. I'lnrles hotel, the pioprietor of
wide h, bv the wav. 1 T, C. Alelvln,
one of the defendants In the case.
This letti r Inl'oimed him that In a.
eel tain room In the hotel on a ceitaln
table he would find a piel-age. Ifo
went to the hotel and Into the back
room mentioned in the letter. Thcto
he found an envelope on the table men
tioned and upon opening it found It
to contain S'a In Mil-.
After that on vailous cuciisloiis he
would receive a postal card asking him
to come down to the St. Chailes. Ho
would go down nnd Into -ome back
loom and tlieie on Hie table would al
ways dud an envelope, riomotlmes
these envelopes contained t.V and
(ometimos $".'. Theie would be no
name on the onvolooe.
Tlii: tillOfcT WANKING.
Smii'Mlmc-, he would go Into the bar
room befme sohig back alter his en
velope and would there meet vailous
meinhciH of the sedoet council.
"Now. what would these gentlemen
say to you 7" quelled Mr. Newt omb,
"Wouldn't they lntlmale to you that
our money was awaiting you In the
little back loom.' Wouldn't they say th" ghost was walking" Wasn't
that the shlbbolrtlr.'"
"Yes," leplled Mr. Thomas 'That's
what they'd say. The ghost Is walk
ing." Mr Newcomb wanted to know who
some of the councilmen weie vho had
been piesent and had told witness that
the ghost was walking. The witness
mentioned the names of Councilmen
T. C Melvln. P. V. McCann. 11. 11. Wil
liams and John .1. McAndrew. Ho was
not piessed to give any fuither mimes.
"Who sy,t the ghost?"
' I uiu.?rstood that the ghoht was 12.
.1. Maloney."
Mi. Newcomb wanted to know If the
general understanding wns that
the councilmen Interested weie to re
ceive a regular monthly wago of $75
and whether there wns not complain
ing when only $50 was received. Wit
ness wouldn't ndmlt this altogether.
The payments were not always month
ly, ho said. Sometimes live or six
wee-ks would Intervene between each,
lie didn't know of complaints about
J50 being too little.
The payments from the old company
ceased, witness said, when the dan
chlse was gi anted to tho I.ackawunna
company. He had iceeived no money
from the other sldo except tho $500 re
ceived fiom Hatton, T. It. lltooks and
Chailes Itohinson had asked him to
favor the new company but had made
m offer of money nor had they even
Intimated such a thing, Witness had
promised them that If they could get
ten votes he would make the eleventh,
"Now, Mr, Thomas, you voted against
the new oidlnrincu for a long time,
didn't you, because you thought It to
bo your duty to suppoit the old com
pany on account of tlio 111mm al pay
ments they had been making you?"
"Yes, sir, Hmt'H it."
Mr. Thomas tostllled that ho had
never iceeived any money fiom tho
llaiber Asphalt company. Ho said
that lust April when the ordinance pro
viding for a tcu-yeor contract with
tho clectilo light company wns pending
lu councils, Cail McKlnney had given
hlni $150 in an envelope MoKlnuny
wus at that tliuo looking after the In
terests of the electric llRht company.
Mr. Newcomb nsked him several times
If the amount he received from McKln
ney had not been $500 instead of $150
but he persisted In saying that the lat
ter tlgurc was the correct one.
lie had never received nny money
from tho Scranton Vltrllled Hrluk com
pany, but had iceeived some from De
tective Hauls at tho Hotel Itudolph
last spring. Unrrls was supposed to
represent tho Sciiuiton Itnllwny com
pany, he said, nnd the money received
from hint waa undei stood to bo to en
list his support ngalust tho license
tnv measure then pending.
"Mr. Thomas," snld Mr. Newcomb,
"I want to ask you Just one more
question. How many select rouncllincn
comprised this organisation which met
at the St. Charles hotel and talked
ubout the ghost walking?"
"ICIeven or twelve, I think."
This concluded Mr. Thomas' testi
mony. Select Councilman .lohn
Schneider, of tho eleventh ward, was
present, and ho wanted to know how
his name came to be mixed up In the
proceedings of AVedncsday. M. It.
Dalo had testified, he said, that he
had contilbuted towards his election.
If this had been done. It was news
to lilm. He didn't know nnv thing
about it.
"1 thought you'd be alaimed, John."
said Mr Newcomb. "We expected yut
around." Mr. Dale, who vins present.
said that lie had put money Into the
inunlclpiil election lu favor of Mr.
Schnleder, but that he hadn't told the
hitter anything nboul rt. Mr. O'llileii
suggested that It might be wise to
call the JikIrcs over In order that they
might purge themselves. Mr. Dale hav
ing stated thut he had put up money
lo help elect some of the Juilsts now
on the bench.
Mr. Dale wns sworn and asked to
answer the questions which he had to
limed to answer nt, AVednesdny. re
garding his connections with Select
Councilman J. J. AIoAndiew. We re
Plied that he had no knowledge of
Mr. MeAndievv ever having received
any money and that he bud learned
that he (McAndrew) was not in coun
cils when he bud given the Si. 2ml to
Paul Dunn to defeat the Mulberry
stieet paving oidlnance.
W. AV. Davis had been sent for to
explain his connection with the envel
ope containing $J0ti, which he had
taken from Carl .McKlnney and had
given to AY. A. Grlllltlu. He said that
McKlnnev had met him on the stinet
and had handed lilm the envelope say
ing It was a not' for Mr. Gillllths. Me
bad taken It and had icjsed it to
one of the hoys lu the cifllce. who had
In turn given It to Mr. Gillllths. Ur- ;
knew nothing about Its contents until
he was told afterwards by Mi. Grif
fiths. Attorney Geoige S. limn was called.
Mr. Horn was treasurer of tho oilgt
ii, il Lackawanna Telephone company
and the pioseeutlon sought lo piovo
that lie had knowledge that the sum
of $7."n. which was paid to AV. I'. Hol
find was to be used In biiblng ceitaln
cotincllnien. He admitted paying tho
money to AM. Mohind, but said most
emphatically that he had no knowledge
or Intimation that it was to be Ille
gally u-e.
whim.' madi: iu2I'oi:k
Theio no question but that the
statements made yesterday by both
Mos'is Giifllths and Thomas were
made pilvately befoto to the Munici
pal League authorities. Tioth Messrs.
Stursios and Newcomb, during the en
tile examination had big folios of
transcribed tostimonv in theii hands
and In framing the questions c uitln.
ually consulted them. If the witness
became o little vague or evasive, he
would be brought back again at once
by ii question which plainly shownl
that th0 pio-eculois had previous
knowledge of what the wllne'Sies woio
going to rav
A'esterday moinlin; a win rant was
issued for the nirict of Cuil AV. Mc
Klnney, on the chirge of bilheiy The
Information tots faith that he paid
$100 to Simon Thomas and SIHU to Mi.
Grlintl's, to piocuio their votes. n
attempt was mad" to ,ivo the w.u
rant by Agent llobirt AVilson. but Mr.
AlcKlnnev was siuldeniy taken 111 and
vi as unable to leave his bed, It was
said. He is aheady under indlctm, nt
on the charge ot bribery.
It was iiimoied thioiighout the c In
clining the afternoon Unit ilenemi
Manager AVoylaud, of the Lackawanna
Telephone company, would b at rested
on tho ehaige of bilbciy. A Tiibune
man sought out K. I!. Stingos and
aske-d hlni If It vus ... Mi. St urges
"V'e aie not piopated to sav Just
yet as to w nether Mt. Weyland will
be artestod. 1 will say. however. th.U
ar soon as we get sulllcient evidence
against the men who iinvo given the
bilbcs, oi the 'big Ilsh' as they have
been called, they will be arrested
without fear or favor and proves: utod
to the bitter end. It would not be
light or pioper for us to pioseoute only
the men who have taken the bribes
and leave the other and worse of
fenders go unpunished,
"Ac aie through with tho couu li
men, now, who leslgncd their places,
but wo will piosecuto vigorously those
whoso cases aie now on tilal.
"I am pleased that Mr. Gilfliths
and Mr. Thomas bad the coiungei nnd
the manhood to go on the st mil todev
and tell all they know. There are
some men who didn't do this. 1'erJury
is tlnee times as gteat n crime ns
bilbery, and they'll find that out be
foio they're A'ou ask mo If
the men who have confessed will not
bo piosec titecl. As far ns I am con
octned. they will not. T woald rather
go to Jail myself than see Mr. GrillUhs
sent there, after the honoiahle way
In which he acted this morning."
It Is not definitely known as yet
when the next hearing will bo hold,
but It will piobably bo sometime dur.
Ing tho early part of next week
Constitutional Convention to Discuss
Piatt Amendment Today.
By t:luiie Wire from 'llic A,iMlnlil Pros
Havana, March 7. The Cuban ton
Htltutloniil reinvent lun will meet this
nlternonn unci foinuilly ilihcius the
1'latt nniciiilinent,
Political excitement Ih lecHPiiln; xonie
vvliat. ItH contlllliuneo depends on tho
altltuclo ejf tho Itiullenl cleleprates. If
an Impassioned upjietil to the people In
Ihnued, as It i itimnred will ho tho
case, 11 will caiifco eleuionHtriitloiiR of
pioteslH uRttliibt tho Vnltecl States, No
uprising Is rented,
1 1 1 1
Plasterers Bomnnd Advance.
Oy Hvcluthe Wire from Tlie A&oelttd Prci.
I'itt.lnirir, l'i VUrrh 7 Tlin Journey 111111 l'la,.
trrnt o( the PilUlwiR dUtrltt line mule .1 do.
inand for 411 dumc in vjrm ot foily crut a
Oiy, to tal.c cltti-t cu Apill I, .vlmut W) men
urr Intorclcil. .Ml air ninnbci o( tlir 0nr.ilip
I'liitriciV Intermtloiul inclillon,
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptl.r nt
2 O'clock.
In the Basement
The otic hour offerings from our huuscfttr
nisliing department have been selected with
.special care. They help 111 t the every-day
wants of the thrifty housekeeper.
Water Buckets, 39c
It is always well to have one or two water
pails handy. Here is a chance to secure one
for little cost a good pail: the size is 1 1 and
Hi quarts: made of while enamel, peer
less enamel or agate. I'ritlny afternoon 3vC
Wash Boilers, 79c
If tin old wash boiler is trying vour pa
tience, with its countless number of -little
hole."., better Use this opportunity to save
nionev and get a good boiler at the same time.
Itr.i lleavv Tin Wash Moiler with copper
bottom. Regular $1.10 quality. l"ri- -.
dav afternoon 7SC
Dinner Pails, 17c
A our husband has reminded vou several
times about that dinner pail you promised to
bin. Ilete's a chance to redeem vour promise
and save nionev, too. Standard sied dinner
ii.'iil with si'miile.. cim ntifl ki-itk .1nct-i
I ' ""I' ""-' s...-...
Friday afternoon 1C
Stove Pans, 39c
White and White luiamcl Stove Fails;
sizes 11-J7 and IlMS. Regular
(!lc and 7!c Friday afternoon
Coal Hods, 14c
'I lie more coal vou Use the ofteiici um'll
have to use coal hods. Large sie J a- ,
panned ( oal Hods Fridav afternoon.. 1 4C
Jonas Long's
$ Romance of
V v r
0)T000M0lf0M.00M0 . 0.00Mf00.00X0000X
TWO Yorxtl ll.-titenaiitH in the
liav.v lilm weie 111 tile iseeiet Sir
vli . cluiiii, the uiir with Spain,
had told some Intrestliii; stoiles
of the vvniU upslKiied to them In
the da.vs nf piei.iintlon hefoie Hi-"
in ttuil on tin . ale of hostllltlru. Then the
civilian in the pump spoke up.
"I have no doubt," he wild, "that our
s'eiet sci V lie In Spain, lu tint In .ill
the Siianleh ( ountrle", was veiy ec
i'"ll'iil, and tluit our men illd some
veiy Innve tilings In the way of qet
tliiK Infoi niatlon that the Koveinnient
wanted: hut lu oil Unit I have read I
have never M'en anvtliliiK- nbotit the
Hpy hjHtem that was est.ihlNhed lu this
iiiiitiy by Spain at the time our men
weie vvoiklnir on tin other side"
"Don't Ix'lleve theio was nnv," ie.
in. liked nniilliei civilian, while the otli
c i'ii. nodded wisely.
"Whi'tliei joti hi'llt'Ve It in not. it Is
a fact," iepllil the' ehlllnn. "I happen
to know soiiK'thhiR' about It myself. 1
have a story tr tell of the SpanMi .xpy
sjsteni here eluilin,' the war. and as
theio Is ,1 littles lonianoe nilveil up with
It it may Interest you.
".v. fiiend of mine met abtond some
jenis apo u yoiinu Spanish woman of
Kient beauty. He Is a .New Vmlt boy
and his Intrcidurtlrm Into tho home of
the yountr woman In llareelonn vwis all
that convention demanded. He fell In
love with tier, but his stay In Spain
was too short to allow of a moperly
conducted courtship, lie didn't even
K't aiound to n decimation of love:
but befoie he wont away he knew that
he loved her and her eves told lilm
that she nndeistood nnd that his cwpc
vuih not quite hopeless, lie left Ills
Now Venk nddiess with her anil she
piomlsed that vhcn she caine to this
eountrv she would t-end her enrd to
hlni nnd he mlKht call.
"That Kill'" "n(,p haunteii thai yount;
man for two years. Her father watt a
meichnnt of grent wealth and vns nlo
an otllelul of the Sjianlsh Kovcrninent.
The Xow Vot Iter's own modest position
In the wot Id deterred hlni fiom ilnliif?
what he would have liked to clo, sail
for Spain nnd nsk tho phi to many
lilm. Two years after that meellnir the
youiiB woniaii enme to this country
with n Spanish family. She was to ic
tiiin with the same people thteo montliH
later. She nppilsed my friend of her
nnlviil and the icsult was whnt you
nil suspect by this time, Ho tiiarrleel
her. Nobody's consent was asked.
They just went out nnd not inuiried
and a lulef note to her friends and n
Inns letter lo her patents was nil the
notlfyliifr(thnl she did.
"in a small Hat In Sixth avenue they
started houcekeeplnj; and evciythliiK
went nlonjr splendidly until loiatlons
begun to bo Bit allied between this
country and Spuln, The yriuntr woman
was loyal to her own country, but not
11 bit moie so tlmu her husband was to
his. Yot so Kieat wus the oo ho had
for her that for a few days he sneii
(Iced everythliiB that lio held dear,
honor mid country, to her whims.
"It enmo about like thin: Tho war
talk greatly, excited his wife. She
maintained that her coutnry whs be
Infr wionged In the pupeis here nnd
day lifter day sho made her husband
Begins Prompt) nt
3 O'clock.
On the Main Floor
Foulard Sateens, 10c
C 1 00 1 patterns'). It seems a pity to see new
goods at a sacrifice. Foulard Sateens, special
ly selected, light and dark backgrounds, with
little pin dots. 1'ersian stripe effects and ex
quisite floral designs; T-Ue the price at
any other time. Friday afternoon 1 UC
Toweling, 434c
Kxecllcnt style of lirown Crash Toweling,
with red border, full 18 inches wide. .;
Friday afternoon t4C
Table Linen, 25c
dermaii Table Linen with red border; also
J00 vards of full bleached Damask. It is
:.i i ..i. ... M- t..'.i.. ..;.....
ClIllMllvIUll UIICilJI ill
Ladies' Shoes, S1.33
Ladies' genuine Dongola Shoes, made of
the choicest stock: all solid leather through
out: they are down to date in every par
ticular, v auie i.i.i.
Boys' Shoes, $1.33
Hoys' Satin Calf Shoes, made for service, fit
peifectly and are fully guaranteed. The boy
will expect you to take a pair of these home
with you on Friday; regular value
Sl!t. Friday afternoon, Second
Floor p I ,Oo
Boys' Vestee Suits, $i.4o
I lere's .mother Hem for the hoy, .in J It don't .-ol iiiucli.
either. Bovs All Wool Suits in pretty dark colors, .ill new
Spilng n.ittenis. open (rent. doublc-hrcisteJ vest, sics 3 the lot also includes sonic Mouse suit pants,
the sc.nrs ,irc all taped and have evcelslor waist hands,
liverv garment is well tal.ored. materials are all wool flan
nel cheviot and worsted effects, every K.irment ci a(
.veil worth Fndav afternoon . . .'!'
Flannelette Wrappers, 72c
Tliisc are all cut in the latest and het style, tnll hack
andtiont vuth tunnel. 1egul.11 pries 08 cents. 1 ri
iluy afternoon
Jonas Long's Sons.
. 4 J
Spanish Wat M
write letteis to the newspapeis deny
ing the tiuth of statements she s.iw lu
pi Int. Of course, she could never get
them published, nnd tlnolly bei hus
band icfued t vvillo them any moie,
maintaining' that It was not n digni
fied thing for an American to clo
"(iiadually the young man noticed
that his modest little home was be
fouling the headcpiarteis for 11 num
ber of swarthy men. who cnnie lu at
all times of the dav and nl'jht and
held long confeicnees with his wife, to
which lie wan not Invited lie met
these men under vailous mimes, unci
although ho smoked and talked with
them, they never admitted anything
moie than 11 purely social object in
their piesenee.
"Hut us the confeicnees became mote
fnvjuent and my fiiend noticed that
his wife became mme Insistent in her
effoits lo make hlni see the Spanish
Mde of the He had done
some newspaper wilting In bin time
and clay and night he hail to vvrlle 111
tlcles Hint bis wife suggested. These
articles were taken by her and he
never knew Just what became of them,
although he suspected Hint they wero
taken by her Spanish fi lends and used
as they thought best.
"It gradually dawned upon my fiiend
Mint he was belnjj used by men who
weie pi.ictlenlly the enemies of his
eountiy. and he felt a deep humilia
tion: but already his home life was
changing and In his gteat love for the
woman he had man led he was miser
able over the thought that any defi
ance of her and her wishes nt that
time might bring to a sudden end the
shun petlod of happiness he had en
joyed with her.
"It vvusn't until the Spaulfh cruiser
Vlseuya come to this port, shortly
after the destiuctlon ot the .Maine, that
direct nvoitures weie mado to my
fiiend by bis wife, she spoke to lilm
at great length on the injustice that
her eountiy was sulfeilng over tho
Cuban matter, and finally wound up
b.v saying that her country wns going
to need fi lends lu this country before
long, and asking lilm It he would be
one of them. It was ns plain as day
to the husband that Ills wife was the
tool of tho swarthy fi lends who camo
so often to see her, but she was a will
ing tool, for her love of ber country
was gnnt, mentor than her love for
her husband, nnd the ideu that that
country was menuced by another conn
try was agony to her.
"This once ciulet home became a mn
dezvous for all the seciet ugents of
Spain In New Yotk. Oltlcem fiom tho
Vlsciiyn attended conferences theio
and the jilottlng and scheming went
on until one lino evening my fiiend,
who bad been drowning his sorrows in
Ilciuor, came homo and oideicd eveiy
0110 of tho vlsltots out
"Thero was quite 11 scene then. The
w Ifo piotested and the visltois looked
thteatenlng, but out they all went Just
tho same, and that wns the beginning
of the end. Tho next duy my friend
was filled with remoise over what ho
Intel clone nnd his penitent attitude re
sulted In a renewal of consideration of
him ns a possible spy lu the service of
Spain, aeainst his own eountiy.
No. 2
. JllllllJ iHltl- "If
rrui.iy f
P 1 ,5J
"Two days later he got a letter ask
ing hlni to call at 11 certain oince In a
little stieet not far fiom Wall .sheet
fen.v The signature was n sttnnge
one, but It was evidently Spanish, and
after thinking the matter over for .1
time be ileiddeil to go und see what
the Wilter wanted, lie found bis man
in 11 small ofllcc on the second tlooi of
a tumble down building and introduced
himself. There weie a number of
Spanish-looking men aiound, but his
Interview with the man who was evi
dently tho leader of the outfit was be
hind the closed door of 11 little 100m
off the main olllce. The ilisl question
put to lilm was;
" 'You love youi wife'"'
" '1 do,' was the icnly.
" 'Then listen to me attentively.' and
the man proceeded to unfold bis plans. ,
"Spain needed agents lu tills coun
try. War would be declared very soon
It wns declared the next day and
much must be done. Would he enter
the Spanish secret seivice'.' The things
ho would be asked to do would not
endanger bis life or bis good name.
He was simply to engage on some
newspape'r 11s .1 lepoilet, and with thm
backing to seek ceitaln facts that the
Spanish wcte deslius of obtaining.
"All of this was put with exquisite
tact, but when my friend Indignantly
spumed the offer 'a c untige came over
the othei.
"'You do lids thing 01 you lose jour
wife. This Is no lime foi pailey. Will
you accept?'
"Theio was .1 faint itistle behind my
fiiend. Tinning he saw his wife stand
ing In the rear of the room. !r face
wns pale, but lesolule. She stajed
theie Just long enough to say: 'IIo
has the ilglit lo say what he does,'
and then left the place.
"f am ash imed to sav that my
fiiend, after halt nn hour more witn
the smooth Hpmilmd, became a spy
against his own country in the seivleo
of Spain. Theie is no ue going over
the siiltetlug that lie eneluteel and the
ngony that weakened his ordlnaiily
stiong nature nnd brought hlni to such
a disgraceful employment. Sutllce It to
say that he became a spv, and that ho
was let Into secrrts that amazed lilm.
"Tho amount of Information that tho
boss Spnnlniel had In his possession
nmar.ed htm. lie hnd charts of the
haibor of New Yoil;. maps of the
Sandy Hook fortifications and of the
forts in the Nations, and sitbmmlue
maps, pin porting to mow the exact
locality of all the mines that had over
been planted Inside of the llorso Shoe.
lie had correspondence fiom Washing
ton giving a tiemendous amount of In
formation ns to the government's plans
and tho slgnatuies to these letters
showed that men of every nationality
weie doing secret seivleo work for
"Now, I don't ptetend to say how ac
curate this Infotmntlon wav, because,
of collie, I do not know, but certainly
a spy system had been oigaub.od hete
by Spain nnd weak was going on stead
ily. The agents weie numbered In the
hundreds and they were sjueud all over
the eountiy. Theie wn at least one
man In eveiy navy yard In the I'nlted
State", and the boss Spauhiul told my
fiiend thut some of them woio In tho
employ of the government ns mechan
ics, He didn't show anything to ptovo
this, so you can take It or leave It as
you plense,
"Tho dlsRiaceful position lu which he
found himself so pieyed cm the mind
of my fiiend that ho lode up mid down
on an elevated train for ueaily tlvo
bonis after bis Interview with the
Hpanluids. Tho more ho thought over
tho matter tho more convinced ho be
came that he could not do what ho had
promised to. It was a long struggle,
but honor won out, and the. next morn
Sale No. :i
Begins Fromntl nt
4 O'clock.
Sri s-W'1!!
On the Main Floor
White Goods, 12Jc
The White Goods Season is not far off.
1 lere's a chance at some good values at little
cost. More than two thousand yards New
White "Jappette." Lace Stripe, also checker
sheer white goods, and about .1(111 yards of
small and medium heavy corded white V. K,
Many pieces in the loL valued at 1
the yard. Friday afternoon 1 22C
Feather Pillows, 39c
:.U() hi all. Sizes l8-"Ji; weight 2t pounds.
Filled with clean feathers. Treated by the new
cold air process, giving them a sanitary anil
sweet wholesome odor fancy Amoskcg
ticking. At -i o'clock Friday after- - .
Seersuckers, 6Jc
About 2,(100 yards of striped, checked and
plain Seersucker. .Regular 30c values A
Friday afternoon 02C
Laces, 8c
If vou are here lor the other specials vou'll surely watt
for this item. The lot includes Point de Paris. Valenciennes.
Imitation Duchess and Oriental in cream and
white. Widths ranging from 3 to y Inches. Friday o
afternoon . . C
Rag Carpet, 27c
this i o'clock special comes from our carpet depart
ment. 700 yards of extra heavy Ran Carpet, tightly woven
in pretty designs. This is considered good value o7
at all times for i. l-'riday altcrnoon aC
Rockers, $1,79
After "ou have gone the rounds, purchased ll vou want'
including the rag carpet, take the elevator to the fourth
lloor and look at those Stolid Oak Rockers: golden finish.
closely spindled and thoroughly constructed. Shaped front
seits in cobbler design and bronze effects. Reg- jn
ular value $2.3;. I'ndav afternoon I.y
Jonas Long's Sons.
ing when he went down to the otllce of
Spain's agents II wns with vlituous
Indignation wiltten all over his face.
"In a few choice worels he told the
boss .Spanimd whnt he thought of hlni
and bis gang, and befote leaving ho
announced that he wns going straight
to the Federal building to leave Infor
mation there with the i'nlted State
marshal, lie did so, but an hour later
when six deputy marshals reached the.
place theie was not a Spaniard lit
sight, find all of their effects Jind been
lemoved. There Is a piece of new
that never leaked out. yet I know what
I have Hinted lo be an absolute; fact.
"Well, lny friend didn't go home un
til very late that night. "When ho
did go he took a Uoston friend, who
had just arrived here find was going
to stay over night with hlni. Tlvv
got home to find an empty flat. Th
wife had made good her threat. Shi
had taken with her only whnt be
longed to her, and she left no wop
behind. He has never seen or htarel
f 1 0111 her sine e, although Indirectly hn
knows that at the piesent time sh !
with her people In Barcelona.
"l'r months he wns a broken man,
but giaduully he bgan to realize that
such a woman was not worth the life's
happiness of n good man, mid ulti
mately I think he will be n. better man
for the experience. In the meantime;
llle routes haul lo lilm. and I think
ho sulfeis a gnat deal."
It wasn't until after the civilian bae(
left the rsitly and the naval men vver
laughing over the story that nnother
man In the crowd Who had puffed bis
cigar lazily nil through the nanative
and had imielo no comments nt all, re
marked: "You fools, couldn't you see ilinr
Hint man was telling you the tragedy
of his own life."
The Fact Revealed by His Death In
Pittsburg Hospital,
fly Viiliuiif. Wire from TV Associated 1'reii
I'll (shut p. Jlaich 7. The Leader In
Us night edition sajs'Ceclt ,Stierbioolj
Heuuinont Ilowiand, Km I of Wiugiavf
and a knight of the garter of Hrltuln'i
coiiit, lies dend today In tho Alle
gheny gi'iieial hospital, known as plmi
('. 11. Ilowiand. Tin dead noblenmn
VMS C'lnployed as 11 supei Inteiident o'
one or the departments of the Pressed
Steel Cnv company, at Melyee's Itoek",
Ho bomdeil al the Suurs Hotel. Fed
eral stieet, Alleghenj. for the pnsi, but had not lold nny one or
his position In J'liRl.iud. Ho wns
taken nle I; two weeks ago with typhoid
lever and was til.eii to the Allegheny
geueial hopIlal. lie inpldly giew
uii so and ye.'ieiday his friends In
New bn!t ""to advised of bis criti
cal 1 ondltlou lie began to sink rapid
ly and died at ! a. in. today.
Aflei Howland's death. .Mr. Snur
examined his eifeets to llnd nddiesses
of fiirndf. Ill this way the man's
Identity vns icvealed
1 m ...
Democints Have Necessary Number
to Straighten Tilings Out.
By Uxcliiiro Wiie fiom flic Awoeutsl Pr,,
Annapolis, Aid.. Alanh 7. Senator
Alooie. whoso absence cniiseil so muiii
uneasiness to th Detune rath leadeis
yesterday. 1 em heel bote this inotulug
giving the Democrats the lieeessarj
number to nmko a quorum In the sen
ate. After 11 spltlfd debate on tech
nical points, tho reniganlzations of tlin
somite as adopted yesterday wetc rall
lled mid the tangle straightened out.
Tlin Itepuhllcnns now concede that
tho piocfcdlngs have been tendered
regulating the new election bill, which
Is tuliiy on Its way to final passage or