BWirlSHPl-. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MAHCII S, 1901. V . . .. (uMLfiVfl MiijO'ictfi Suij.iv. "J'"";, :!' n ruulMvtri Com?tiT. t Htty Cent Month. AVV S. MCHARD, llel'lor. Q. F. DVXOEC, lluilntM Kev York Offlcet IM Niu St. S. 9. VIIEEI.ANR. Sole Agent lor I oreliiii AelvcitUin tnlertd l the I'ewtoihVe at s. union. Ucconil Class Mull Matter. I 'J , 14 I'hen apace will permit. The TiilnTfle. l i" Clad to lirllit hoit Irttrta Irom Ha fiic;i.U mat in on tutrrnt topics, liut It miff Is Hut - hunt t.p lor puljllnitlon, li Hie win" teal iiamci ami the condition piicoile'nt to i . irptancc li that all eontilli'illoiis elull li llll"1 t fdltoilal revision. i hi: ri.Ai' it mi: koii advehiii.m;. Ihf following table kliovv.. the pike1 per inch fill. Inmllon, i-pace to he tieil within n yeut! Itunol I .tilling im I lull DISI-I.W Li is than 600 Inches .VmimliM IJlfl " TUMI " ((l ' l'.irr Itcidlnu t Position I .'. I .u'l .Ill ,m .11 .175 .17 111". li .IS Tor eaiili ol thank. ieoti,tloni ot londolenn and rlinitjr e out rllnil ions in th" nattite of ml-vi-rllslnR Iho 'lribune ehame " ,rllU a line. Rales for (Uwlfli-il diertl.n fniiilslieel "n appliiatton. TEN PAGES. FC'IIANTO.V. M.UH'II 8. I'tOI. The ihiuncsa and cuw with which A'l.c Picsldent UoomcvcII holds the Srtv'i In the senate miirrchIk that he limy have been training with a pledge hammer. Recorder Alolr. ylli: AlM'niNTJIIiNT or Hon.. 9 .linns us recorder of JL .Sent tit on will be generally appt oved upon the Riouud that It Is a leiogulllon of the prefcr-i-iice In.llialcd by a majority of the otciK in this rlt j at tin- lust i-lectlou. XothiliK Iiun ocelli ted flute that election to indicate that the ma jority then eaM for Captain Moir would be reversed at a second pull. He has made friends in olllce, and also ene mies. Ills tileudu speal: for him. and hi enemies veiy ualuially against him. Itut the Kovetu.u. It seems to us. has pi-opetly taken the position that the absence of any concerted movement of lafRe proportions to unseat the eleeled eei'Utle It equivalent to Ills I'lltltH Moment for the appolnthe term pioviried In tlie new i baiter bill. Wbat eir may be true as to the conditions in the city of PlttsbuiK. thcte oet tallily has been no rouslderable clamor for the unseat Iuk of the mayor of Set an ion. If Mayor Moir has not made the best executive that the city has oyer bad. lie Is at least very generally cie-el-lled wltli a desire in do his best, and with a willingness In receive advice. Tlie opportunity l.efoie him. which he approaches, with tlie bciicill of consid erable I'-spetlenre in tlie handling of e.seellthe llialteis, Ls well calculated to hi Inn mil the .stiongest iiiialllles lu hhri. lie will now posscbH power in prnpottluu In the icspontlbllltle.s of his iflli e. The entire i haraeter of our gov ernment during the next two yeats will In delei mined almost wholly by the se l"i tlons which be shall make for the ln tlu"iiiial dlieetorships wltliln his con tiol. and a icsolute of this power to enfold1 older, economy, system and discipline In tl)e admlnibtiatHe depail ineiitM will commend his ndmlnlstratlon to public favor, and win the tcspect of those, who. In the past. hae been In clined lo oppose him. it Is not a time tor piomlses. but of performances, and by thy latter must tlie llrst rei order of Seranton stand or fall In the Judg ment of tlie people. The cNilusixe stories of a threatened Cuban upilslng emanate fioin a few inibltliuih pytilots who have not boon nt-li.'il m run the n ft a Ira of the Island. Hie Hoodie Disclosure. DISi'MiSl'llKS in legal pm ceediugH ol past debauchery in our i-ouiiells continue from day to day and are of un doubted educational value. Yet it Is notewoithy that they aie tecelved by llie mass of litlzens less with horror i han with cuilosity. The moial tense of the toinmuuity lia.-. apparently glow ii .iceiistomed to the Idea of pi. vale spreulatlou lu public olllce and It will need something moie effective i ban exposal o of or even lurihcclitlon of eioolcs to eiil'oict1 lip. inovemeui in city affaiis. in many cases guilt lias beep due nii.te to bad association and a general laxity of public sentiment than to vie lous Intent. We feet that tills is es peilally tine or foimer I'lesldent of I'oifunon founell V. V. ciiiniths. Dur ing all llieycais that Mr. OrKIlths has .In en employed by The Tribune as one oj' Its,, collcctois or siibsciiitloii uc loiinl., he has been faithful, obliging and .icctirjile. We have never had oc casion to doubt his entire honesty In his -piivnto business lelatlnns with us. That lie should have been less scrupu lous lu the nubile ielatlons formerly sustained by him Is a reflection as intiiii upon the evil lulluences have been prominent in city aifalis us upon him personally. We believe he has the sympathy of all who know him and that hu is entitled to n cliunee to Vdt'ein himself. lie and former t'oun Vlnn'an Thomas have acted w isely In telling frankly all they know about the neratlou.1. business which lias been going on Iti municipal politics. They ouoiMlmt much to themselves unci to the community which han trusted them. Jlitvlug Itdd all, they can now proceed to. build up u new and better character before the people, profiting by the se ct" re lesions of experience. The next step, which the confessions of these men facilitate, Is to go for the llien who supplied the boodle. War rants already Issued Indicate that a clean Job Is to be made Irrespective of pei HnnBwhei ever there Is evidence upon which to proceed. Theio nre varying dcku'CH of guilt among these men; also. Thcie Is n widespread Impres sion that tfie btreef railway company Is largely responsible for tho cultiva tion of the hoodie appetite lu councils. It tict a stnndatd which other aspirants fW 'OuncUmaulc fuvois weio compelled to rccogtilxc pr full In lliclr ends. Tliat tlic old tiMr-phono company followed null with a tliormiBlincsH In crime which fthowf'd little iPRitrd for moral rcstrnlnl li' lutll.ntcd In the testimony already on record. Nultiriilly with leslslutlon reduced in it stand itml deliver Imsds, tlio.'c nccdhiR It liutl to meet the pre valent conditions. They arc not jfullt k'RS but ute fitlrly entitled to plead cxieuUHtltitr c'lri'tiinMuiicca. The men In the background who have tnude wealth by these pioceMCR nit respeeted nnd applmided and tecelved Into the hlchent circled of church and home: nnd no effort Is nnide to dls Mlmlnute between wealth acquired hon estly nnd wealth kI Immorally. While thli Koclal condition remains true, piitNiilt of the hilliibler Instruments will ucconipllHli little In mibstanllnl icform. The ncht'iiie to Until debate In the Meimtc will doubtless be dlscotiruBltiB to auctioneer ntatpsinan"hlp. but sebuilltl be it relief to the country at lllfRP. No Seat, No Pure. I X I'MK COPIIHB of a damage .nll against the Uiooklyn Heights ilallioad company, In which the Juty had tendered an excessive venllet, Justice Oaynor, of ll: Supreme court or Tttooklyn took occasion to explain why jurors are liable io render such verdicts. lie mid: '"It Is pot easy fur lodges und July men wlio go homo to lunch In the mid dle ol the day and have to stund up In the cuts, as a rule, both going nnd coming, for lack of a scat, although theie Is plenty of loom on the streets for mine cais, to come back feeling nl toiretlier plcnanl toward the com pany. And If they go with their wives to the theater or some place of dlve.slon at night and get Into cars that become so packed that they are shoved about and trampled on In a way not only painful, but actually Im modest und Immoral, at hours when the stieets are clear nnd theie Is loom for cai" enough lo carry people deienlly. It Is no wonder If they come h'lo com t next morning feeling un pleasant lowatd the company." Jus tice linynur concluded by uylng that such llders would tnthr not try a case against the compeny; that If the company wanted them to do jus tice to It. It should do justice to them. There Is Utile complaint In Scranton on the tcore of street car accommo dation at the conclusion of evening entertainments. As it ltile. tlie provis ions made for transporting theater goers aie ample, especially after the performances. But the over-crowding of cars at noon and from 5 to C30 o'clock In the afternoon continues, and Is a public nuisance. It Is the rule at these hours that many women must either walk or stand In car aisles so ciowdcil as to subject them at lean to gioss annoyance. If not occasionally to Insult. It Is rarely that male pas sengers ate lacking In courtesy und respect but It frequently happens that ovcreiowded cars are so shaken and Jostled while going over switches or a i omul sharp curves that women standing In the aisles aie thrown Into embarrassment and made to exper ience humiliation. The street car company shows no disposition to remedy this condition. The complaint Is of long standing and It W becoming worse. There is a bill In one of the legislative committees at Iluni'sbuig providing that street car companies shall provide a seat for ever fate collected If cars lu first or second class cities ate not i mi oftener than one lu three minutes. AVe are not informed ns to the constitutional power of the legislature to regulate mallei s of this kind. It is a ques tion concerning which past decisions In other state Supreme courts are not noces.-arlly decisive. It seems to bo ju.t that the power which grants char ters and franchises should have au thority to set up teasonnble condi tions and restrictions In the public lnt?resf and we believe the time Is coining when this principle will be su- allied In iclatlon to chtonlc Imposi tions upon the public convenience In such vital nintteis ns rapid transit. At all events, nn early test Is desirable. i'he Hatch number of Storms nnd Signs Is mil, with, the announcement that tin publication made famous through the weather predictions of the lute Prol. t'oles will be continued by his daughter, Miss Uvinza l Coles, who bar been her father's assistant In the woik for several years past. Stoims and Signs has a laige ntirber of pations who place faith lu Its planting Instructions and othei feat in pp. nnd it Is hoped that tlie ptibll cation will continue to be popular und profitable under the new manage ment Cloture in the Senate. I r IS, of course, only a coincidence thai the luti eduction by Senator Plait, of Connecticut, of a reso- lutlon to limit debate in the sen ale was timed to correspond with Vlce-Piesldent Itoosevelt's llrst appear mice as the presiding olllcer of that body. The belief has been widespread that Colonel Itoosevelt would work a levolutlon In the senate. It has not had substantial foundation, but Is rather the reliction of n public de site. Those familiar with the woi kings of the senate leallze that the vlce piesldent has no more actual author ity over the woi kings of the senate than one of Its pages. Ills position In law Is pmely that of a piesidlng offi cer, with voting power only lu case of a tie. nnd with no other right of Inter feience whatsoever. Kven the patron age) of his olllce is Insignificant, being limited to the appointment of a private secretary, a messenger, and a chef of the senate restatnunt. Nevertheless it has been demon strated lu numerous administrations that tho vice-president by Influences opt'iatlug beneath the surface; Inilu enceci n' u social, diplomatic and per sonal nature, can frequently make nn Impiess upon the conduct of public business lu the senate. He has no coir-like power to shape legislation like tlw speaker of the house possesses; he docs not appoint tho committees, no r Is his assent necessary before a particular meaure can tecelve consider- atlon Vet n man of strong personal ity nnd perslstcrit moral courage may frequently effect icstilts by vlrtuu of his ability to bring senators around to an acceptance of his opinions. No doubt Vlec-I'iesldcnt UoohcvuU will bo n power lu this sense. He cannot ride rough-shod over the rules or the con ventions of the senate, nnd he Is fat too sensible to attempt to do so. Hut as u man regarded by a largo major ity of the people as likely to reach a still higher position in our government nt h not distant date, he will be In position to form Influential personal alliances and to exercise n consider able Intellectual nnd moral influence upon the public uffalrs of the next four yeats. AVhether he will endeavor In any way to further the adoption of clotuie remains to be seen. The theory behind the present rules of the senate Is that unlimited debate Insures the thorough und dispassion ate discussion of public questions. The senate for in.tny years has prided Itself upon being, mole distinctively than any other paillnmentaiy body lu the world, a deliberative ussemblage. To ask It to yield this character Is to ask much. We do not believe that the sen ale will do this; we doubt that clotute In an arbitrary sense will ever prevail In that body. Yet It Is evident that ficfedoin of debate Is ns liable to abuse ns nny other kind of freedom. The spectacle of one man holding up the Millie legislation of the most Import ant government In the world, simply because the rules of the body to which he belongs enable him to do this, Is one which does not win much sym pathy from the people. Tho doctrine of majoilty rule Is strongly entrenched In public favor, and tho rules of the senate appear to bo In conflict with this docttlnc Possibly some compro mise may be reached, which, while preserving the fullest freedom of legitimate discussion, will yet put It In the power of the majority to deter mine when this freedom Is degenerat ing Into disputable and Intolerable license. This is liable to be a discouraging season for the man behind the weather. Some Events of Inatigtiral Week .special Coinvpondence ol llic Tiibune. Washington, Maid. 7. Tills HAS I1l.i:.N .1 time of great plory and ruKcanti.v In our tutional cipiUl from S.t- JL imlij lth Ilk constant arrival", great il luminations and somenir nales, through sundaj with its ovcirtowhiB churches and special music"; Monday with the omp ot Its Krancl pirade, the linposinp exercises ol the da, and the niagniflccnt inaugural ball nt its close; Tuesday with the three grand Inaugural concerts 111 the' penlon building and the splendor of the firework dlsplaj from the monument grounds; Wednesday, with the tonn still lull ol sightseers, the Inaugural concfrt In the pension build ing Hut night bring a worthy rllmix to a series ol notable events. I'or a week the city has seemed to cit only to proilde boarding places (or the multitude and afloid room for stands from which lo see llie display, since they line the main stieets with such profusion that the houses seem secondary sfnicluies. ( The eleitrlc illumination by nliiht duiing that time has been u beautiful sight, tor electric gal lands of led, white and blue wreath the main buildings, elcitric archrs .pan the sidewalks in many places, while elcctllo stais, flags, sljelds and mottoes ore seen in profusion along Pennsylvania avenue. Your correspondent Irom her perch on a high disk in n tourth story win dow o( the l oreoran building (opposite the tieas my) had a very good view of tho Inaugural pirade, and wis much grallticj io hear from Southerners gieat praise (or Pcimsjlv.inia sol diers, who weie certainly the "backbone" of the common militU p.ut ot the display. The West Point cadet in their dainty uniforms of light blue-giav and whiff weie a beautiful sight and were cheeied constantly. Itut the greatest de monstrations, of course, weie those that foietold the prcsidem's airbal and glen deafening at his appioach. N'o patriotic Ameilcan could see that strong, placid face smiling on the multitude, that noble head bowing with dlgnlly In response tn their wild cheers, without a thrill of some thing that would be called loyally in England, nnd for which it is rather hard to rtml a republi can name. Itooseielt was a close second in popular de monstration iccelvcd. while Pewc.i had little or no individual notice. The rain a little after noon nude the people hi MO seats on the avenue wish themscbes In doors, and delated the return paiado till nearly n o'clock, when some uniforms looked decidedly damaged, "I onlv speak that I do know and testify that which I have seen" in this article, knowing Iheie is mud. atieady written and lead about the official eeieise. It would be Inn! to imagine anything more splendid than the appearance of the great Pension building on the night of the Inaugural ball. How the great cen tral hall open to the top of the third floor scintillated wilh electric sparks spirally wound with vines about the huge glided plllam, glowed with American Iteauty loses on the universal backgiound of yellow drapery and resounded with bewitching strains of music, now stirring and martial, now airy and gay as the feet that moved al its summons! Kxqulslle toilettes were llie rule on the liall-ioom floor, but climbing to llie Ihlrd-story baleonv, where the best view of the president's pally could he obtained, many sucet diesscs and buslne--s suits were seen. Pievulrnl and Mis. Mclvinley in their box at the western end, were, of couice, (he center of interest. Her delicate beauty and his strong manliness pirsenled the sinie pleasing contrast as ever. The hindsonie Mrs. Ilooseicll, hitherto unknown in Washington society, iccrivrd much attention, hl.e and Mrs. McKlnley both vvoro while satin Rowns, but looked very different, for her's was decollelte. while Mrs. McKlnley 's, as always, was rut high, hei's was trimmed with violeis, while of the "first lady of the land" was blaring with diamonds. To llie disappointment of many the grand maul) at (he beginning of the slant e programme, to lie led by President and Mrs. McKlnley, was oinillcd, because, as was not strange, she was fatigued with tho tienls of the cliy. 'I he tliewoika of luesday night were a inagnl tlient sight from all over the city. 'I hey hail the gieat white column of the monument as n. back ground, and seemed to blossom dt its apex In llowers and ilnciml In stars and glory, while the lyddite bombs nude one think of a naval engagement. i-bowcrs of roikcu went up constantly In such a manner as to form a many colored canopy. V new flicwoik called a "Message from Mars" made most unique hieroglyphics. Dually, our president stood out on the sky, bis massive features filling an area of a thous and square leet, while the vice-president beamed with equal sire and brilliancy. May their futiiic be as bright, and their fams still icmaln so at long as they desene HI Orlona M, Williams. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE, The fiit curiency itued by the white inauwlih In the limits of the United States was wampum, which was adopted by (he Maviarhuselts colonists in ll In their intercourse Willi tho Indians, The "arsenical walk" Is clue lo the use ot Impure beverages, 'I lie arsenic accumulates in the system, harden the musiles und causes a stride as If both leg, weie of wood. The vic tim falls if hn tiles to nm. No less than UO.noo homes are held flee ol debt by Southern negin's. lliey have been es. tlu.aleil lit un average value of ,(i,0OO,n, 'llic holdings of peiaoimlll) by the race aie piobahli vvoith moie than the icalily, Itudlum I ho new metal, is an ill unit i.a nt o great power, Half a pound of it will m.vVc an ooooooooooooooooo The S I People's ' g Exchangee I A POrilLAIt CLKAMNQ HOURK lor the V rt tlenent r.t All Who llava llnucea lo A tter.t. Ileal Ealate nr Other Property to Sell Y or I'.tchaniie, or Who Want Kltnatlona or V i Help These !-mall Advert demerit Coit A , One Cent a Word, filx Inaertions lor Fho X Cenla a Word Except Situation Wanted, V Which Are In.ertcd Free. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Male. I.OXO i:sTAIII,lIIM) III1M WISIIKs TO KV- gam" a inmiitrr lor hianrh In Semtllon, who rjn intr.t mi in n mi , jiirt utve ex- optional reference j niihrv for flint tar $10) per month. Address Manager, ltox 7S, Philadel phia Salesmen Wanted. Y.MKi-ni:t,m:KvrTiYi:x. hotii &i:xi:s. to sell our einiln and Moth 1'owclera. Wiltc or call at 410 P.iull trilldhiir. Sciantoii, I'u Situations Wanted. -. MIlATIOX WAXII.ll-ltY llOOKKF.Kl'IBI. employed at pirsest. hut who Wiev to clunue. AddreM K. V. II., care cI Tribune. fill ', AT 10.X WAX 1 T.0-.HV A HOY or 17, ix Addicss O. nn olhie nr Mole; leterences. II, It., this office. .sill All O.N WA.Nir.P-ltY V WIDOW.AS (illLl) muse or houiekecpor. o. Sl'i lUtrUun ave. SITUATION WAXTr.P-nY A UOV BHTW tt,X 13 and 1C jr.irs uld, ai driver; can take ejre o( a horse. Address Stanley Price, liber elrct alley. blTI'.V TIO.N VATKI)-AT WAS1IIX0. CiX.W ing or any kind of day woik. 1210 Cedar J)C i.uj. Mis. Hiwcll. SITUATION W'AXTi:i)-IIY MAX, 00011 PI.AIV and fancy cook and baker. K-, 21 1 West Maikct street. SITUATION WANTKD-llY A VHIini.lI-AtlKn woman as homckecpo In small family. Ad dies 2.'1 Irving avenue. MIlATIOX Yl'ANTnn-BY A MII'DMl-Ad'.) man as gaidoncr; can give relerciiccn. Ad di ess Gus. Musner, 1211 Illekoiy street, city. WANTi:n-i'osn io.v at r.ENT.itAb omcrj worl: by thoroughly competent young wo man; excellent lef.rence. State character of work and sality. K. I'. A., care Tribune otHee. AN BXrr.ltlUXCEU STl'NOClltAlili:it. WHXIXO to aclst with books, desires position with reliable firm; highest references. Addiess P. A. O., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTKD-nY . 0UX0 I.AUY. S housekeeper in a tniill family with a gen tlcmaii that has got .1 nice home. Address Mhs l1., 1101 riospect avenue, city: WANTED-YOUNG WOMAN Willi GOOD business capabilities wants position as sten ographer or bookkeeper. Address C. W. A., care Tribune office. ordinary slied room light as day for a million years. At piesent the price of the metal is too high for general ii'o. One ounce is worth $l,noo. In consequence of Hie Increasing number of esses of chronic mahila in the neighborhood nt Moscow. Professor made investigations of a most searching haraeter, mi 1 he conllrms the opinion of the English scientist that lip dlsess. is communicated by a certain kind ot mosquito. On the canal between Ttimscls snd (hailcroi small electric road cauiages haie nkeu the places of horses in towing bnrge, und the sperd has been Increased from one and one-fointh miles an hour to seven miles. n oveihead who is ued, and it furnishes light and power lo villages alonef the route. LITERARY NOTES. llie latest pinduetlon Iiom Hie intrusting pi n ol C. C. llotchklss, white "V Colonial l'rce 1-anoe" Is now appearing as .1 serial In the Truth, it entitled "Itetsy Iloss." It l, of couie. a Btmlv of the levolutlonary period. In which Hie picturesque figures of the time sca-rangcia and Quakers, red coats and t onllnetital soldiers, and even Washington himself have to do with the development of J trange aim llirilling story wherein Itetsy tloss tikes thi leading part. The ancient tavern, tho home of tlie Philadelphia merchant, the flag.tniker's little shop and the quaint and ehimiing lite ot tlfe time, sie (.hown as tho background of a series of dramatic ine 1 denis, This tine romance will be Issued shoitly by I). Appl-ton k Company. 1). Appletnn k ( ompmy haie ready a manual entitled "Some Ill-Used Wolds." In- Mr. Mhwl Ay res. It is leveled especially nt some hilf ilojen errors that arc mule by well-nigh every writer and Hjieaker. A friend of Mr. Ay res ie cently perpetialed the fMlowlng epigram, whhli has been ntHii-d on a hook-nuik by Mr Ay res" publishers: "lie vou poor or be you ileh, .on may iniu! TIIT lor Willi II. Vlany, wllh no thought of 111, When they should siy SIIM.L, say WILL All tllee common blunders grow In the field of speech, like tales; ou can loot lliem out, you know. If you follow ALI'llLD AilU:" Ihe basis of Grneial .lames llaiii-on WiUuiis valuable woik on China, In be published next month l.v D, Appleton k (eunp.inv. Is personil observation gathered in two long soourns there, first fifteen venra In a private capacity, and lately as general In cominind of the American forces, lie had unusual facilities for learning the eact truth, and while the first edition was chosen by the United Slatis government as the official soune for compiling Ihe recent hand book for the aunv, the new edition has been largely re-written nnd brought up lo date, with valuable data about the later llo.ver uprising, The leading nature in Mi Chile's this month is a character study of Edward VII., written by George W. S-inalley. Accompanying the aitlele are pictures which foim a series.of pottriiii. of tlie new suveielgii fiom eailiest youth to the present. All atticle of hislorhal value, as will as of vivid Intrrest, is contributed by Ida M. Tarbell, Ibis is entitled "The Disbanding of the Union Army," and In It is adequately tnhl for the firt time the story of an event unique lu history, how the Kedeial government returned lis army ot a million men from the camps of war to the fields of praee. The March number of Succiv, lia a elen-rlplion ot tlie origin of Hie life-saving senile, fiom the pen of former Goveinor Newell, of New- .Icney, whose career has been full of romance. Miss Helen Gould writes her firt signed magaiine article lor this Issue, devoted lo the work of the ladles among Ihe enlUled men of the army and navy. Tlie other contributor inchulo Edwin Markham, Helen N'icoljy, Senator Hoar, Ell Wheeler WIIcon, ( y Wurman, Midline Melha, Mrs. ltnssell Sage nnd lliomas Wcnlworlh Ills ginon. The entire Issue is characterized by vir ility and grace. A biography of (Vilnnel Dan line, the woild famous clown and showman, prepared and pub by Maria Ward Hrnwii, West End, lng branch, X, ', la announced. Those who have read the manuscript pronounce it a remarkable record of a half century of a sensational rareer, in the development of whhli the subject essayed loles on tho stago of life de, lined to bo enacted by hut few moie of Ids general Ion, and noci paialleled by the follower of his profession. The blogruphy will contain iipuaul of six hundied pages, and will he handsomely bound and pro fucly Illustrated. The Woi Id's Woik for March Is ol eiprelal interest in till section by reason of i paper on Galusha A, Glow and llie homci-trad act, which Kites Ihe history of one of the most Important episodes nf Vuirrlian statesmanship. "llie ablest und most far-seeing statesman In Eiiinc today" Is what Xeury Norman calls VI, de Witle In tho March bcrlbner. The hI-iUk-i. und llmclinod shown by these ai Holes on "llu a ot For Kent. MumMj . S l"0ll IIKNT -h-UOOM IIOIM: OS OltlXV Itldire elicfl. Modern Improvement. An drew M. Klne, I0J.1 Hinder)!! aVcnue. Hilt ItKNT STOUT. ON hl'lll'LT. SliHlKT. 1)1. poidlo Hotel Jrrnuiil alo More on I'enii ami 1'r.inkllii incnt'irn; olllcei In l!thni.'e and Mbcity Hill, and rlata suitable for mull (amlllei on Wiuhli.itton and KrunUlln avrnuci. Apply to John Jeimjn, 115 Wyoming avenue. tort iik.nt io notiM not:si:, mopkpa vv provcinctit". All Wjoinlim avenue. roit iii:.xT-iir.MttAiii.i; "oirtn: iv Tin: lltar hiilltliii?. Apply I,. II. Mother, 412 Spnicp street. run rtKNT-sroiir: ami iiasi:ii:st nn heat, Impilre :i2 l.lndcn street. nxi: iiorfrp. ion rtr.xT. on mvpimw vvi:- Hue! modern linprnveinent" Apply to A. Itose, 22.1 t.aekauanna avenue. VZi OIIKKN IHDOi: STPEIX H'.N ttOOMS. modern improvcnients; steam heat, lurnlshed; desirable; J3.00. For Sale. s4,xstsv'st'H, sxXjAjirxvVstV'NiAhs',t'N KOI! Al.i: MAIli:. 1 M'.AIIS OI.I), WIMOIIV 1.IM; ioitn.1, ,'WI West Market street. mit SAM.-IttilHKIl TlltlH) HVltY CAIItllAGi:. In good condition. Mrs. 1 inner, 1J1R Mul berry stretl. l'HIVATK SAI.K 01' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1011 one week, at OS Washington avenue, For Sale or Rent. ron jam: nit m:T-nr.MitAin.i: n,cr. .r ractorjville; large house, li acres land, fruit, elc, (. A. Nlcliol-un. 1W Cupoiue ac tine, sjcrantc.n I'OR SAM! Oil HENT-TIIE DIIIMNG I'AI'.K Hotel; elegantly furnished; possession given on the first day of sprit. Apply to William Craig, care I!, Tioblnson's sons' brewery. Wanted To Buy. WANTI'D SECONDHAND BLOT MACHINTS; must be in good order; slate particulars as to make and price. Address L. M., general de livery, fcranlon, Pa, Furnished Rooms. I I'ltXlMtli!') IIOOM i.ulncy avenue. Toil GENTLEMAN 518 FUIlNlsIICI) ROOMS KOII GENTLEMEN, IN best locality central city; all modern im pinvement.s; refeiences. Q Tribune. Money to Loan. M0.NU. TO LOAN OX IVIPIIOVEI) CI1V ItEAL estate. HENllY HELIX, .111. (TIAS. II, WELLES. THOMAS SlitAGUE. MONEY TO LOAN ON UOND AND MOUTaAGE, lny amount. M, II. Holgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN-QUICK, straight loans or Duilding and t.oi.i. At from 4. to 6 per cent. Call en N. V. Walker, S11-J1S Connell building. Recruits Wanted. WSAAiVN WANTED UOrt V. S. AIt.M i ALLE DOOILD, unmarried men between ages of .'1 and rj; cilircns ol United States, of good character und temperate habits, who can speak, lead and write English, Recruits specially .dneiied for service In Philippines. l"oi Information apply to Ilccrultlng Office, 123 Wyoming ave., Scran ton, Pa. Miscellaneous. V VhS r r yx-.XXS .SX I OLD ri'n.MTt HE HEMOilELED. ItEITNMIED. r.nd made like new; old mahogany r spei lai ty. Write tt. W. lltssler. "2R Green llldge st. PP-ESS PL M TEH'S ion SLE, ". CENTS; FOK mer price. ILjO. Mis MacDonald, S30 Wah Inglon avenue. LEGAL. EST VIE OF AMOS SV.V, LATE OK THE CUT nt N'l.nton, fount v ct Lackawanna and Slate ot Pennsylvania, deceased. I.etteis testamentary having been graiiled lo the undersigned, all pi i mns having claims or demands against the said estate will preeenr them for payment 'ind all persons liu'eMiM theicto ate requeiled to tiiaki1 immidlale pay ment to IllVIN T. VW, Executor, Vlibvaukee, Lni'leawannd countv. Pa. ELIZVIIETH S., Executrix, Hit Wuslihurn street, ftcranton, I'a. CIHRI.E5 1 HVWLr.Y, Atlnrney for Estate. IIG-117 Connell building, Scranton, I'a. ADJIISISTltATOR'S NO! ICE ESTATE 01 Geoige L. I'n-ston, deceased Notice is heiehy given that letters ol adminis tration upon the estate nt George L. Preston, lato ol the city of Scrautop, county ol Laekj wann, deceased, have been granted to the under signed. Ml persons having claims or Judgments against the estate of said deceased are requested to make known i-ame to me without elelay. And all per sons Indebted thereto are required to make im mediate payment to. SAML'ELH. STEVENS, Administrator, Ponuell building. WELLES A TORREV. Attorneys for Estate. TO THE' holders or rosds NUMBERS seven (7), eight (S), forty-one (41) and forty-six (16) of tho Cullirry Engineer Companv, being tlie hondt hearing dile Oetoher 1st, 11., and secured hy mist mortgage of that dale. Please Take Notice that In piiimumr ol the provisions ot tlie said bonds and the trust more sage given lo sccuie Hi" same, the bonds .is numheied nhove have been drawn hy lot for payment on the first dvy of vpril. 1001. and yi'i are heiehy notified that the same will he pud on (he first dry of Aptll, 1001. at the Lacka wanna Trust and Safe bepcit Company, Tnrtee named In the ttu.,1 mortgage ahove referred to, together wllh inlerest coupoiu attachid thereto and remaining unpaid, and that interest will cease after the e.tfel date. TIIE COLLIERY ENGINEER C0MPAW Scranton, Pa., I'ebiuary SJtli, l'Wl. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. L c. York SPAl'LTlING, ill nrtOADW.W. MAV Architects. LinV.RD II. DNMS. ARCIIITLI.T. CONNELL hulldlng. KRUDERICK I.. HROWN. ARCHITECT. PRK I! hulldlng, 126 Washington avenue. Sianton, Cnba and Carriages. Tll'Blir.R TIRED CADS AND ( ARIHAf.KM RES? of servlie. Prompt attention given orders by 'phone. 'Phones 2'72 and W32. Joseph Kelley, 121 Linden. Dentists. 1). C. E EILENIU'EGEIt, I'lLLI Spruce street, Sirantou. IlllI.DINO, DR. 0. C. LAUIIACII, 115 WYOMING AVENL'i:. Seeds. G. II. CLlllKE k (.0, SEED3MEN ND MRS cry-mem, utore1 '.ill 'xshlntoii ucnue: ureem liousfn, 1(150 N'oith Main avenue; store tele phone, ,6. Hotels and Restaurants. illi: ELK CAKE. Il21 AND 1J7 FRANKLIN AVE nue. lutes nvisonible. P. ZCIOI.ER, I'ropilttor. feoilTNTOX iioHsLrM'Alt .. I- W. PAS eniter Ocpot. Comluetrtl on tin1 Europejii pun. VltrrOtt KIM ii, Pfopilcto.- Toiliy" i atrileliisly e hlliitfil In tlii eUburalc paper on M. ile W'ltle, wlio, vvhlli1 the arllilo d in llie prrni, ni'lik'iily beejino knuwii In Aiiierlimne by IiU pulley ol ri'lalljtlim in rjUlntt tlie Import elutlei nn Annikuii inaclilncry. P. ilupi Ihe mo.t ilRiiifliatit paper in llic Kmiiiii for Maieh Ik that ol Mr .loliii (I. Iliniriiint, tlilel e-lfik cil the Canaillan home ol eonininiis, enllll'il "llrillvli Rule In the Dominion of Can aiU," He prcsentH In ilelnil the pnbtkal liltlnry of the Dominion ol CanaiU nmlrr ItrltUli lule, ami ilreUrei that Hie akplulimi ol tlic Tienc'i CaiuJIaim. ns well j those ol Engllsli exlrjcllnii, li to IiiiIIi) up powerful CiiU'lUii nation, lu the elciest pn-llilc coninrtlon with I''l. II of. fcri nu hope to amicxatloiiUti. Lawyers. tnXK , i:. liovi.i:. ATroiiNi.v..TbAW. tloonK, 1.', It, IS and Is Iturr InilUH.n. J. W. IIIIOWX. ArmtlNKY AND rofNSKt.., Itimnn ill2-:il.1 Mean tmlldlnjr. t. n. itKii.otii.i:. .vnoiiM'.v- i,oxs nfcio. Haled on eLito eciall.!. MeaiA hillldln, corner Washington .ivrmic and Spruce street. wn.bAiin.'wAiiiu'.v hvapp. AnnitxrA.s and roiinwllnrs at luv. ltrpuhllran hulldlns, Washlnston nvriiue. JKsstip .iijssitiC AnrmsKvs and tot's'. aellors at-hw. t'oininoiiwejlth litdldlnR, Itooun II), '20 and 21, t:nVAiiD w. TiiAviin. .vrmtiNEY. IIOOM4 iwi-wi, flti! fl0,)r, m,4, i,i,ing. I A, WATni'..". ATToitM:Y-ATl.AV, 110AI1H of Trade biilldlng, Scranton, Pa, PATTEltSON A WILCOX. TnADKtiY KAT10XAL Hank building. c coMEfivs, fi-in tir.prni.iovN nrn.nixo. a. w. nr.imioi.i', atioiini:y, simaiis iiliki Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. M. I avenu'1. ALLEX, 01.1 Mitt III WASHING fOX Dlt. S. I.AMOIU'. VtlX, OKI'K K !U Well ington aienue. Ilesldenie. HIS Mullierry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genllo-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to p. nt. Schools. school or mi: Lackawanna, scu.niov, l. Course prrparalory to college, law, niedl. cine or business. Opens Sept. P'th. Stncl for ratalogue. llev, Thomas M. t'mn, LU 1)., prin cipal and proprietor; W. II. liumley, A. II,, headmaster. Wlro Screens. JOSEPH KI'ETTKL, ItEuffdl LVCKAWASY. avrnue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens, Miscellaneous. l)UES!MAhiNT, .Oil CIIILDItl'.N TO ORDI.H; also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, SIS Adams avenue. A. II. nillGilS CLEANS I'lIIVV VAULTS AND com pools; no oelor. lmpiuvcd pumps uecd, A. II. Ilrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders tl.M North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, cor ner Adanw and Mulbeiry. Telephone U34. WIS. L. T. KELLEtt, MWM' TIlEVr.MENT, SO,1.; shampooli'g, M; facial massage; tnanlcurin, 25c; chiropody. :oi tjulney. BAHEIt'S OntllE'-THA-MfMC lOR HALL", picnics, parties, rei-cptlous, wedding and ion lert work furnished. I'or teims address II. .1. Ilaiier, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulhcrt'a inuslo stoic. MEOAHOEi: IIIIOS.. PUINTEIl.V SUPPLIES, ES velopi's, paper hags, twine, Warehouse, I'M Wasldnglon ateime, Screntou, I'a. Till! MII.KKvllAlllir ltl'.(OIII) TAN HE HAD in Scranlon at the news stands of ltrUnun llros.. 40el Spruce nnd SAJ Linden: M. Norton, Ki Lackawanna avenue; I. S. .chutzer, 'ill Spruce street, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Effect Dee. 2. 1!HS. South Leave .Vinntoii tor .New "mrfe at 1. 10, 3,W, 5.&0, 8.00 and 10 W a. in.: 12.53. .1.31 n. in. I'or Philadelphia at 8.ijci and 10.04 a m.; 12.55 anil p. m. lor strouilsnurg al p. in. Milk accommodation al ".10 p. us. Arrive ac Holioken at ti.RO, ".In, 1U.2S, 12 OS, 3.15, 4. Is, 7.1ft p. in. Arrive at Philadelphia .it a.2l. 0 00 and 8.2J p. m Arrive from Vew ork ut 1.10, 4.W and 10.2:1 a in.; 1.00, 152, 5.11, 8.13 and 11.30 p. m. I'rom Mroudslnirg at 8 05 a in. N'oith Leave Scranton for Itutfalo and Inlrr nicdlatc stations at 1.1',, 1. 10 nnd fi.m a. in.; 1.53, 3.h and ll.o p. m. I'or Oswego and yra. ruse at 4.10 a. m. nnd 1..J p. lu. I'or I'lle.i at 1.10 ... in and 1.5.3 p. in. Kor Monlime nt P.On a. in.; 1,0.5 and 5.4S p. in. I'or Nicholson .it I rn and (1.15 p. in. I'or lllnahamloii ut 10.20 a m. Vr. rive In Sainton from lluft.ilo at 1.!.5, 2.55. 3 4.3 ind 10O a. in.1 3,"a) and 8.00 p. m. fiom Os. wigo and Syracuse at 2.33 a. in.; 12.SS and S.IV1 p. m. From Utha hI 2..'i a in ; li.rt;! and T.30 p. m. I'rom Nicholson at "..'.0 a in and fi.00 p. ni. From Montrose at 10.00 a. hi.; S 20 and 'M p. m. nioomshurg Division Leavo Nrarlon for N'orthumheiland, at 11.45. 10.0., n in.; 15.5 and 5.50 p. in. Tor Plymouth at 1.05, .1.40, h V p. in. I'or Kingston M 8 10 n m. Vrrive at Nortn nmherland at !..!5 a. in ; 1.10, ,5.00 and 8 15 p m. Arrive nt Kingslon at 152 .1 m. Airive at Plymouth at 2.0u, .S2, 0.43 p. sit. Airive in Scranton from Nnrthtimhcilaiid al 0 42 a. m , 12.115, 4.50 and 8 45 p. m. 1 mm Kingston at 11.00 a. tn. Hum Plymouth at 7 .V, ii. in.; .VM and 6.35 p. in SI'XDU TRAINS South Leave Scranlon at 1 10, .1.00. j SO, 10 Oj p, m.; ;!.:M and M.40 p. in. North Leave Scranton at I 1.3, 1,10 a in.; 1.53, 5.4S and 11. 35 p. lu Illoomshurg Division Leaie Mranlon at 10 Oj a. in. and 5.50 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In EITrti Maieh 'I pi. Tialns leave 'sirantoii. I'c.r pluladelphii and New Yoik via H A II R It., at 0 15 anil 11.55 .1. m , and 2.1", I. 7 (lllack Diamond Impiess), nd ll.'l p. m. Vin dav, 1). k II R. It., 1.5s, s.27 p. m. I'or While Haven, llaztctou nod principal points in tlie coal regions, via D ,. II It It, n.15, 2.1R ni.d I 27 p. m I'or Pollsvllh1, I 27 p. m I'or Bethlehem. Easlon, Reading, ll.iriihliiii n tul principal inlciiucilliti.1 sintions via II ,. R. It., fi.45, 11.55 a. in.; 2.1S. 4.27 tllliek Dm ninnil Express), 11..0 p. m. -iind.iy. It. k II. It.. 1.58. 8.27 p. Ill for Tunkhannoek. Tovatida. Elmlra. Iihau. Geneva and principal inleimcdiale stations, mi I). U .- W. II. R.. Hi. in., 1.0.3 and 3.10 p. in. Tor Geneva. Rochester, Htiftalo, Niagara Calls, Chicago and all points wesl. via D k II. It I! , 11.55 a. in., H.S.I (Ilhik Diamond EvpieM). 7 4", 10.11, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I), k If. II. It, 11.55. 8.27 p. in Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vdlley pallors cais cm oil trains helween Wllkes-lliiie and New Yoik. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pcrslon Itiidge. ROLI.1N II. WlI.lll'R, Grn. Supt., Cil ( ort mil trert, New York. C II MILE'S S. LI'.E. Grn Pass. As.!., 20 Corlland street. New York. A W N'OSN'EMUIIER, Div. Pa., Agt., Souili llpthleheui, IV. Kor tickets and Pullman ieervatioiw apply lo ."Ol i.aekawanua avenue, Sciantnn, P.i. iDelawaie and Hudson. lu Elicit Nov. 25, 1'sm. 'Iialns for I 'ailiuml lie leave Scranlon at fl.;o, 7.51, 8.M. IO.MJ. m.i !'. L'-"'. 2-4 3.52, i.'."i. 0.52. 7.57, (1.15. II 15 p m I I. In a. in. l'eir jloiiesdale-n.20, 10 U! .1 m.; 2.11 :ml ,.i p. m. I'm Wilkisllaue -O.Ij. ..I 11.5.5 a. ii... 1.2 'M. -I-". .!.!. 'I..1, lu n, ', ".lo, t,i. ni li, 1I..IC p. PL I'or L. - II. II points- fl.13, 11.5,3 a. in.; 2 Ie t.27 and 1I...0 p m I'or I'cniisyb.iui.i II. II. points -fl.13, jj.cs a . ma ,iil I 17 ti. m Cor' Albany and ill points north 0,S a, and 3,52 p. m. 1 M'MIVY IRVINS l',.r ( .liliondab-'i.Ki, II, ..I a. in.; 2.11, 6.47 b'f.2 p. in. I'or Wilkcsdliiie-O. lb." a in.; L,3, 0.27, S.27 p. in. m, I nr VlUiny .inn I ll iinii'i ..u i'. in. l'nr Honi'Mlalil'.i" i- m i1"" yi ' m. Low e'Sl lalei tn 'HI inline ill eiiiiuu i,ien HIT I 1, wlj ,i. ii. iti Rim k. ' i". II. w. in)'. " ' v A M! V , s., I.llllnll, I '.I. Central Rnllrond of New Jersey. Station In Ni'' I"'1 l""t i'f Liherly tire,. N. 11 . uinl smilli In'1 .... IIME TMII.E IN LIT II I Mil. HI, Pi. I'iair leave s.iiunt"H t r New 1ml,. NevvaiV., I llnbclli. Phil.i'l. Iplili. I'isl Ili'lliliheni. . Iciilovti). Main li limil. iml While lliven at ,.ii, ii. in i exprco. 1 I"! epuS 3.W p. m. Suiiilays, " ruf'Vltitlnn ami Will.e.. lire S..-.I1 .1. m,. LI) ami 3..VI p. in. un.lJ..s, ' li p. III. I'or Uulllmoie uinl nuiliiimlou, ainl pvlni, Sonlh ami Wot ii llellililiem. S..VI .1. in. j t in ami .''.'' P- in Nineliyn, 2.H p. in. I'm- lms Hiniieli. On,in (liuvr, etc., ai .a) ... in. nml 1.10 p. in. 'r HuiliiiL-. lahamii mil H.inbliiiiir. nn M lonliivvii, s:;u a. in uml I I1' p. m Siiinl.iyi, J. 1.1 p. in. Kor Peittnille. ""."J) J in- aii'l 1. 10 p. in. Tliroiith llil-il' I" j1 P"lhl e-.i.t, wjiilli uinl uii.t at lovvi.1 latisjs .H llu lutlon. H. 1' HM.DWIN. Cen. l'l. A.'l. ,1. II. 01 II M SLN'. Hen. Supt Erie and Wyoming; Vnllcy. Tul'lo in Elicit Sipl 17, VJ. Iialns fni ll.ivvlrv .imi hu J I ikiIiiU, eoiiiieil ln at llavvli1) wllh I'llo lalbpail Ir.i NVvv "iK, Newlmic uml Ii' etiui ulali' pi.iuU, liive iun toi. at 7.(u ,i, m. ami - p. m. 1 !. wulie at Seianluii at 10: i'l aits' FINLEY5 Black Dress Goods When we tell you that we now have on exhibition our complete spring assortment ot "Priestley's" Elacfc Dress GDds further comment is unneces sary as the name of '-Priestley" embodies everything de sirable in Black Dress Goods. Superior Finish I Unma tellable Design- Durability in "VVeari Tiie Perfect Black Gnosis Our line embraces the fol lowing neat and serviceable weaves: SIAMOISE, KROIM'ROU Pl.t VI El IS VOII.l (illLNAUINi:, ckei'i: hi: chine, i him: SIMPLE, DRAP 1)1. CAMIMEIIE, SILK WARP El DOHA, BAREGE POPLIN, SILK MOHAIR, CREPOLINE, CAMEL'S HAIR, BROADCLOTH'S, Al.HATItO-, POPLINS, ETAMINES, PEllllLE CHEVIOT, ciiAVENErri:. ILK W TAMI-C, VENLIIAN.'. ARvirin, f IIEVIOI.N, iiLMiiirrrA, SERGES, 1.TC. I'RUELLA, New lines of colored Dress Goods, French Challies, Foul ard Silks and satins at 510-512 UCMWAMA AVENUE to t Sufficient." ise Tlic pell t of wisdom Is to get the beat roIiik. Wo huvo the lin-RCit II no of staUon cry, oflleo supplies ami blank books In Northeastern Pennsylvania. Rey molds Bros Sutioncis and hngravuis, Hotel Jermyn Buildim. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. Trnlns leave Scranton, D. tS. H. Station: 0.45 a. in., week days, for Sunbury, Htmisbuig. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. ni., week days, for Hasleton, Pottsville, Reading, NorriBtown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. in.) for Sunhuty, Harris httig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsbuig and the West. For Hazlcton, Potts ville, Beading, &c., week days. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Sunbury, Has'.lctnn, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. j n. wood, (nr ran at J n. Ht'Tt IIINOV. Mer. Time Card in fffrrt Her. SOIh, IDOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. SXI7 80S WI h h IsTATICiS . I I PW IM " 710Ar.N.V .Wliilat.t.T. a oo r P B IUF0 t inn 1EIICS t 81 ' M 3415 CS 2601 II 8M13 SoaskO S 1116 si tli I PV i 104V1 1 0 sr I'Ailnhla l,v id tot: w lliuii'oelt 1011 UK 1031 hit mttuu Mot llulit .1 letton I'Alk VMnM.."l .I'oynlflle, . Olon. . I'lrusant Mt I'liloiulnle Koiem City. t HllinlldvloVll rnilinmlele .vslillii UiMse ilevlUM Vel s',i nrl.l .Ui tn n In hlnlil VVIilen Inktillr ilv haul Plil.Ml.llltf llnn.,i ul..,,. Iml. I'lii'-e io en wig 9 Ml 11 I" 8IIIII I OMII li f id 1 1 -v, 1111113 9 ion to It Mtll IV SCUM i mis unit . rt .' .r. un; " 7 Id " l 0.18 HIM 7 o; i tie oi " 7 CHS 466(3 " 7 lH 6I6C8 " 1 MS MRU i HIS W8 Hi " TT ftfCII 11 T inj 07f H i -ui To 6 srt ' MJimi ir i 401 JS5 h ill 'join ii ' . . O.l'uOMI II " .. .siiassiiiu ... dSK'HUII HI . b i) w 1 1 oi " 0 IS SI Ilk) nil smiiM - ....r,6), im i ' ....bOl1 niiioi ... B mi iJi'in ' . hoc ol" m l.v M ci Silllllt.'ll 114 PAI PM AiliMlonal iratnslrnve l arbendsle fer MivftrM Tirrf P1 P'ursiM e 14 inrts mi.) 7 fClrio blindly only, llllvlni l MlvUflt MlCil70Uln ililPDpiii .V.iaitinnfiUiiliislrAte . rsnlnie AI7 Wl'Mi PUi-flse only, iti.i-eiiiarl itllieli..ii - in e nrlsiilBle, tiriiriiic al 7iVem( nml i rain luv. Msvii il '.aril (m I irliaU'lalc ata.l,aiB elaily, iilvinoleir ' illulei.Mim, ItaloH '-i eeiita per mile, l.atreot llntm to all Colndi ITvst. I C. NOCBIJON. ( 4'l I'ais'r Ac nl hev Vuiklii) 4. C. WCL1H, Tl. Anol, ieiaaloa. fa. eA Wori '