The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1901, Image 1

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rte&umes SdccgIi Beam, on Wednes-
(lau in Support of Resolution to
Abrogate nurcenient.
It Is to Declaio That the Tieaty It,
Not In tho Way of Our Legislating
lor the Nlcaiagtta Camtl Mr. Tiyo
of Maine Elected President Pro
Tempo: e of the Senate Tho Rceip
voclty Treaties Are Not Discussed.
C' .v lib-he Wlii" fun' Hi"" AstOiLilcl Pie.
Washington, Maieh 7. In the senate
todny, Mr. Moigan resumed his speech,
tii-Kiin estenbiy. In Mippoit of hln
n mlutlon declaring the abrogation of
th" Clayton-Btilwer treaty. Sir. Mor-g-in
trail that part of the Claylon
llulwer treaty .which relates to thi
N'curaugua canal ami also the proto
inls of an ugt cement for the construe
tiun of the cunnl. made between the
I nMoil State? government ami tho
government of Nicaragua and Costa
l!l. ,i. lie declared It was perfectly
otii that tin protocols entoied Into
lau tall by this government was n
distinct lolallon of the Clayton-Hul-wor
tieaty. It amis equally evident:
that the I'nlted Slates must abandon
t's plighted faith with Nicaragua and
Costa ISIcu. In order that the Clayton
lUtlwer tieaty might be fastened per
manently upon this government and
hang like pall over It, or talte sueh
a stand n will sustain tho president
in bis "patriotic anil noble action."
The protmols enteied Into expressed
'lie defiance bv the president of the
ciiivton-Hulwer treaty and his dls
i gairt of Its piovislons. They under
took to place the government on the
1'tgP ground that the Clayton-Hulwor
reaty Is abrogated by this 'govern
ment. "It Is otii dutj." Insisted Mr. Mor
gan, "to deelaie that that treaty Is
not in the way of our legislating for
i'ic Nli-aiugita canal. If we hesitate
todav. It will be the same a year
belli , and the iitovislonr. of that
tic.ity will be fastened upon us."
Mr. Morgan urged that bis icsoUi
ilou be adopted, In order thut the
president might undei stand ill" poid
'lon of th" senate so thoroughly that
he would feel Justified In proceeding
nlouij' Hues looking to the construc
tion of the Nicaragua canal while con
gress whs In Its long recess.
At the conclusion of Mr. Morgan's
Mieech, the senate, without taking any
action upon the pending resolution,
"'lit into executive ses-lon.
Mr. Frye Elected.
On resuming consideration of legisla
te u buMuer-s Mr. Allison offered a res
olution that the senate proceed to the
election of a picsent pro tempore and
It was adopted. Mr. Allison then of
f"red the following resolution:
That William I'. Trye, a senator
'com Maine, he, and hereby Is, elected
president of the senate pro tempore
t ) hold ofllce during th" pleasure of the
tcnatc and In accoulance with the res
olutlon of the senate adopted on the
twelfth day of March, 1S0O. on the sub.
A commute? of two senators, Mr.
Allison and Mr. Morgan (Ala.), was
appointed to conduct the president pio
tern to the chair,
A minute or two later the committee
escorted H-nator Krye to the president's
d?sk. Visibly affected by the honor
which again had been conferred upon
htm, he spoke ns follows:
"Senators my cup Is full and running
or. The expressions of your confi
dence that I have received In the last
few days make me supremely happy
and obliged to you. I am oxcrwhcliucil
by them and hae nothing more to
The senate then adjourned till In
morrow. The reciprocity treaties were not
ditcu?d and It now appears that they
will not be called up this session. Tho
committee on foreign ickttlous had not
acted upon thcin during the present
session and senators generally hold
that It Is necessary that thro should
be some action before the senate can
take them up again.
This Is the second time that Senator
Pi ye 'has been honored by his tol
leagues with unanimous election as
president pro tempore. Five years ago,
on Feb. 7. ISM. the Republicans then
being In the minority, he was elected
unanimously. Ills services as presi
dent pro tempore, especially since the
death of the late Vice-President Ilo
hart, have won for him the cordial
appreciation of his fellow senators. At
all times able, just and Impartial In
his direction of the business of the sen
ale, he has received the sincere ptalso
Riid aupport of senators on both sides
of the chamber, and his i-3-elecllon was
but n recognition of those slcillng
qualities which moke hhn an admira
ble presiding olllcer.
No Break to Addlcks.
By Lxdtulio Win- ftoiu lhe A'ocl.itdl Pip..
rtaei, Pel., March T. -Hiiro J u larjro
crowd pic'tnl lie joint n-winbly met today
to ballot foi two riiiten S(,,r, seiuloH, bit
tho rumored break In .!. I'dwarrt AiMiskx Old
not take phec. 'Mure a no nub-rial tlringo
hi the ballot troin llio.o of ji-ateida. TVnior
row will be (lis lest day if the preaent Mslin,
and unlets (here U an election there will be t,;o
i jf ancles from lhl ktate in the L'nittd Mdtrs
NominntioiiB Confirmed.
By Pxcluahr Wlie from The AiOclated Pif.
Wii.lilnjtton, March 7,- llm senate, In ciicutbe
inlon, toil;'' ronhnneil Hie nonilnatlon of ll'L.
Fit H. Mif.iunlik, of llllm', la I" lulnl.icr to
AivtrldlunKai; I'l'Ji'U U. .IjiUon, of 1'inn
ylurjj, euiunl at I'ltras, lireecej Clurlcn f,
VMUim, nf lalne, rurelary of Urn liBUllori to
Rtme, lluiiimnla ami SeirUi ( aptuln A, H.
1'rowiiliu.lilcl.t, I'uileU Statu iiay, to be ilit.f
of durraii nf naxicatlon Mtli rant nf rwr
Men Named for the Civil anil Mili
tary Service.
Mr llxihiiltp Wiiu troin The Avoflaiecl Pre
Washington, Mnreh ", The president
today sent the following nominations
to the senate:
,T. Otis Humphrey, of Illinois, district
Judge for the Southern dlsttlct of Illi
nois: Thomas Worthlngton, of Illi
nois, attorney for the Southern dlstilct
of Illinois; Charles S. Wilson, of
Maine, secretary of tho legation to
iirece, Uoumanlu and Set via.
Volunteer ni my Sergeant Major"
Wnltcr i:. llnrrctt. Thirty-ninth in
fnntry, to be second lieutenant; Chief
Musician AVnlter If. Loving. Fotty
elghth Infantiy, lo be second lieuten
ant. ltegulais Acting assistant surgeons,
United Slates nrmy, to be assistant
Hiirgeons, with rank of Hrnt lieutenant:
.Iniues rrnuklln lldwnrds, of l'ennsyl
vanla; .lay llalpli Shook, of I'ennsyl
vanla; AVllllani Ihigene Vose. of Mary
land: 1'rank Thomas Woodbury, of
Inmt"! Ij, .Mcintosh, ji., In be ie
eelir of public moneys at Sidney,
A Pobne of 200 Men and Pack of
Bloodhounds Will Avenge Mts.
Conway Youngei's Death.
11' I.Yituilic Wne fiuiii rin 1'iesi.
Coislcana, Texas, March 7. Mis.
Conway Younger, a farmer's wife, was
brutally assaulted and finally miir
deied hut night by a negro. A poss
of "00 men, headed by Younger, are,
by the aid of bloodhounds, following
the tiall of the murderer, who doubt
less will meet a tertlbie death at tin
hands of the pursuero.
Younger teturned fioni the lleldri last
evening, to lltid his wife missing. Ills
H-year-old child wa playing about the
house, and utter searching the house,
Younrjer asked the child whom Us
mother had gone.
"A big negto knocked mamma down
and dragged her away," lisped the lit
tle one.
Younger sounded the nlaiin and af
ter n short search Mrs. Youngor's body
was found In n brush path not far
from the houre. Theie -weie signs of
a tenlble struggle between the wo
man and her assailant. A gash ex
tending from ear to ear had ended her
life. Aroused fro an extraordinary
pitch of fury over the crime, men
gatlicied from the surrounding coun
try, bloodhounds were procured, and
the party mounted for the chase of
the murderer. Jle has thus far suc
ceeded In eluding his pursuers.
Indemnity Claims Will he Adjusted
and Paid Waldei see's Men
Aie Still Fighting-.
n.e 1'xilUMie Wire from The Auocutnl Vieu.
Pekln. March 7. The ministers' com
mittee has completed Its report, ana
the geiifial principle to be adopted In
the case of primate Indemnities Is
I ased upon laws In harmony with the
Itoman and Kngllsh systems. This de
cision was not reached without consid
erable discussion, some believing that
the claims of nidi of good reputation
fhould be paid In full without further
consideration. On the other hand, a
case was mentioned where a man of
high lepute claims $lo,CiOo each for his
own, his wife's and his daughter's
nerves nnd 420,000 for property de
sijoycd, when the latter estimate is
i.'cro than thri'e the alue of all. The
negotiations. Mr. Koekwell says, are
Milng on v.vll and ho s?es no reason
why they should not be completed In
twe months, with the exception of the
crmnicrclal treaties, which will prob
ably lake a long time.
1'erlln, .March 7. Tho war olllie has
iteclved the following fiom Count Von
Waldertee, dated Pekln, March ti;
"A company of the Third Asiatics,
i nder Captain Noerlzer, eanie In con
tact yostoulay. soulh wed ot Man
Sheng, with 100 rh!m4. rogulats, who
had apparently Ijtii sepaiat"d from
their man body. Th" Chinese were
naltered and fifty of them weie killed.
Two ot their banners weie taken."
Tempotarlly Insane When She Killed
Child nnd Attempted Suicide.
llv i:iliiklie Wile fioni 'tin- U tl.-teO Pre..
Norristowil, l'a., Maieh 7. The
grand jury today Ignored the bill
charging Mrs. H"rtha Fox, of lim-Ic
l.edge, near here, with Infanticide.
Some weeks ago the woman, driven
to desperation, as she said, by tho no
Rlect and eiu'diy of her husband, ad
ministered carbolic acid to her two
children and attempted suicide. One
of the clilhlien died.
The grand jury found that Mrs. Fox
was temporarily Insane when she com
mitted the act. She will bo dlscliatged
from custody.
Pi r.iUudvi Mt. fiom 'J he taoiMtni l're.
(iilsi'iikiiii wi, PiiimU, Mai 1 1 1 7. -Ten 'rurn
vvie kllliij r.nil nui,y Injure'! tniliy liy an e
ploilon ui die damp in the Lmi-ollilalloii mine.
It ii fund itheii ale entmiilied. Ihu .nil
Joining fhaft nOlaiifed nnd nt )eent It U ,ni
oiIMi to iimiIi Iheiii.
Priest Commits Suicide,
fly Kschiiho Wire fiom The Auoclaltd Pun.
Jllmictpolij, Manh 7. I)epondent over his
remit OImIhiisc from the pulutli illoo(e, llv.
1'rancU lludz.vocld, .i Itoman ('atholle piiet,
todjy rhot nnd killed lilm.elf in z local hotel.
To letleu nem found, one addieKed to 4
brother In Plmlra, N. Y., snd the other to a
walttitJ in a local rcbtaurant.
The Southwark Steams Away.
Dy Excliuhe Whe from His Associated Pren.
New Yorl., Marth 7, The work of unlvaillne
tli teanuhlp Siutl,wark for Antwerp, Uilcli
went ngrouml In iho loner bay lat nlaht, pro.
cresed all afternoon. At c'rlnek till, eien.
ini; kho nioieil off, apparently nllliuiit any it.
kllatue, and ateaincil out (0 tea. Mie will ulcp
oiitlile and reload the cariTO from the UcMer.
First Territorial Boda Beaan Its
Sessions at Honolulu on
February 20.
J. Akiua, a Hawaiian-Chinese Mem
ber from tho Island of Maual,
Speaker of the House nnd Dr.
Nicholas Russell, of Hawaii, a
White Man, Is President of the
Senate Secretary Cooper Is Put
Out of the House on the Third Day.
By W'lie run The Avncl.ted Press
Honolulu, via San l'ranehco, Mnich
7. The first tenltorlal legislature or
Hawaii began Us sessions In Honolulu
February L'o. and has been In session
.1. Aklnn, Independent, a. Hawaiian
Chinese member from the Island of
Maual, was elected speaker ot the
house, and Dr. Nicholas HusHell, of
Hawaii, a white man, was rhoen
president of the senate.
"n the third dav, Secretary of the
Teirltory Cooper was uncenuonlou'ly
ordered out of the house and csiorted
out by the setgeant at arms. Acting
under the section of the territorial net
vhlch piovldes that he shall "iccord
and preserve the laws and piocecdlugs
of the legislature," sSccrotnry Cooper
took a place on the floor of the house,
with a stenographer, to secure n rcc
oi d of the pi ot ceilings.
Itepiesentatlve Hcckley, Independ
ent, otfered a lesolutlon requiting lilni
to leave. The tesolutlon set forth tint
his piespncc on the Hour was u viola
tion of the rule that the three depart
ments of the government executive,
Judicial and legislative must be kept
sepaiale, and It was urged In debate
that Governor Dal" had put Cooper
wheie he was with a view to Intimi
dating niombeis by letting them see
thnt the executive officer was taking
u stenographic report of I he pioeeeil
Ings. Cooper was declared by llepubllcans
to be present as n. representative of
President MoKlnloy, as he had been
ordered lo transmit n report to Wash
ington, but even this plea, did not do
er the Independents, fter a long de
bate they parsed the Iteekley lesolu
tlon by a vote of 20 to !, the nine be
ing all the Uepubllcaus In the hoii.o.
It Is understood Cooper has asked
Washington lor a ruling as to the
meaning of the lust ructions given hlni
to send a record.
New Jetsey Senate Asks Questions
Regarding' Riparian Rights.
By Kxeluslte Ulie frtin Th" woelated l'r-x.
Trenton. X. .1.. March 7. The senate
this morning passed a resolution ic
fiuestlng the State lllparlau commis
sion to Inform the senate as to the
riparian rights for commercial uses,
that would be lost if the legislature
should pass the senate bill giving the
Palisade's commission power to ae
nulre tho wuter front nlong the Hud
son river for the preservation of the
Palisades and the establishment of a
state patk.
Estate Dwindles in Fifteen Years'
Ry i:duiie Wire from The Aw.,lilrd Pri-w.
Manila. March 7. The f lilted States
Philippine eommlsslon Is Investigating
the case of Senor .Mameje, the native
judge of the Couit ot Klrst Instance,
in Manila, who Is accused of fraudu
lently aiding the administration of the
Enrique!! estate, Tho case is well
known, and litigation concerning it
has lasted fifteen yen is.
The estate was originally worth $1,
000,000, but through fraud this value
has dwindled to JSOO.Oni).
Importation of American Stevedores
Adds to the Trouble.
By llvlnlie Wire from Hie Ateoel.iteJ Prm.
Havana, March 7. Havana Is threat
ened with a general Htrlkc, caused by
the Importation ot Americans to take
the places of stevedoies employed by
the Ward Line.
The lightermen have struck, and the
bakers and cart drlveis have been
called out In sympathy.
Duck Season Opened.
l!y l.iluiie Wire fiom The Asoi l.iti d Trim
Pilnecton, Man h '. I'.vPieslileut t.roier
t leieljiiil nnd Piof. Paul Van Pjlic lue kit
Prineeton (or the kouth, where Ihev Mill kjicnd
a few iUid shooting ilin. alon lhe n(
NoithC'aiollia. 'Hull lirkt stop Mill be ,it Xoi.
folk, fiom uhltti plaie tluy will an by Ihmi
aMg the iojst in learili nf the llnl. lloili
were will fqiitpptil wltli liunlliiK ui.iiliem.dh
Dewey Gets Pilze Money.
Dy Ktilmlve Wire fiom Th Aiuclatril l're.
Wiihltelon, Slarcli 7.--T11? tri'jjury iluii.
liidit toihy Uueil a vurunt In (awr ni Ail'
irdril Giorso Ueiy for W,ri7il nn -111011111 nf
u'ue money found to be due him by Hie unit
ot claims (or tho destruction ot the Sp..r,Tili iieLt
in Manila liirhor. Slay 1. W3.
Cut Her Husband's Throat.
Hy lclmive Wire from The Asioilalnl l're..
lopika. Ifansas, Mirth 7. Mi. M-ille Wih
lcr Iim been mrejtid, ihazed with Ulllnj nr
livtb'nd at their home In this ill', e.-.ily to'l.ij.
U'ebtter'8 throat nai cut from ear to err whilu
lio lept. Mm, Welutcr I' thought to Ik liiunc.
Women May Vote In Indiana.
Dy Kiriutbe Wiie (rem Tin Aiioelated Prtit.
Iniianitpoll, March 7, Tho bulluiu ornate
today adopted the resolution to eitend the ilclit
et iuffraee to nonien. 'lhe l.eii'e had p.iod
the resolution-
Agreement with Japan to Expedite
Its Transmission.
By Huluihe Wire from The Awoclat'd l'ri.
Washington, March 7. The superin
tendent of the fulled States military
post'nl service In China udvlscB the
postmaster gonerul of an agreement
mode with the Japanese postal author
ities which will expedite the disputed!
of malls to the troops In North China.
Tlu postmaster of the Imperial Japa
nose postoillce bus agreed to transmit
our cloed malt to and from our fotces
In china by the Japanese ttnusports
between Sliang-thai-ICwan nnd Mojl.
and by train between Mojl nnd Xagas
1.1. In consideration ot this Mm f tilled
St. it"s service will transmit Japanese
mall under pioper mllllaiy eseott be
tween Shang-hnl-Kwan and Tlen-Tslu,
wllh frequency ot trips to conform to
tile dales of arrival and departure nf
the Japanese transports, at Sliaug-hal-Kwan.
This reciprocal co-operation
was begun In January and will last
through the winter months.
An nriatigement aUo has been made
by which the fulled Slates ship New
Oi leans will make two trips per month
between N'agaskl nnd Chlng-Waug-Tao
for the purpose of carrying malls lo
our troops in China.
Emperor. William's Cheek Cut to the
Tione-'Hls Majesty Will Be Dls-
abled for Seveial Days.
Hi l.-.ltiMie Wire from The ...utnl 1V
lleilln. March 7. --l'mporor William
! in lived heie at R o'clock this morn
ing. Tho enipiess nnd Count von Buo
low met him at the station. When
Ihev reached the castle, Prof. Berg
man visited the emperor. His majCHly
Iihs abindoiied his Intention of visit
ing the riding class of the olllcors of
the rotfdani Calvary regiment.
After the surgeons' visit to his tna
Jit" a bulletin was Issued, as fol
lows: lhe mouimI is in till nshi ilicd, ami iho'il
an lii'h iitrl ,i hilf loti(r. It pi,ie mil t'u.
jiconia and pc.nrli.itej. tn the Imnr. hm tho
cn.ii.nter of a (oiidi-ril wound. 'Ihpre has Ih en
nil eh U.tclillK'. hut the Muuilit Ij-s Iniu do-.. I
ttilli lianilizlnir. without mwIiik mi. The mpi
or piiMil j tilrly seed nlaht. U free troin
lirailiclii. and hin ueneial ioinlilii.ii U lioeil.
(Sljj'ieil) I,"iilliol,l, llermnanu, llliei.
The empeior has been obliged to
foiego bis projected visit to Koenlgs
beig. Welland's stoij coullims the fact
that he was not sane. He stated that
while he was waiting for the arrival
of the emperor, (he sound of a foun
tain playing In a uoiut yaul caused Mm
to imagine that fee wns salllnr a ship,
his former vocation having been that
of a ship's captain, f nder this delus
ion his excitement Increased and he
attempted to heave n lead and tliteo
pieces of lion. Then he lost conscious-lie-.s.
The missile was ,i fish plate weigh
ing "0 grammes.
Sagasta to Have a Fiee Hand In His
Ily I'.iiliisiie Wirt fioni The Wociatri Pre,
Madrid, March 7. Senor Sagasta, the
head of the new cabinet, said todav
that this wns pi nimbly his lust pre
miership, and he Intends to do some
thing for Spain Hint will go down to
posterity. Ho will follow a purely Lib
eral policy, and will strenuously check
the power of the Clericals. The queen
legcnt lias empowered hhn to net on
his own Initiative, and his first efforts
will be to re-establish the constitution
on a Hi m and liberal basis. Captain
Oeneial AVeyler has issued a decree
raising the state of , siege. The new
ministry has taken the outh of office.'
Washington, Maieh 7. A telegram
from Mr. Storer at Madrid to the slate
department says that lhe new Idberal
ministry took the oalh of olllee last
Why the Manila Editor Was Ordered
from tho Philippines.
Ili I.Mlushi Wire 110111 The .Um l.ilo I'rrvi
Washington. March 7. The latest
Philippine mail has bioughl a opy of
the olllital order for the depot tutlou of
nice, the editor ot the Manila Dally
Itiilletiu. to the fnlled States, for the
publication of "cerlnln 1 barges against
the 'honesty and Integrity of an ollieer
of th" Insular government. In stating
the Immediate cause for lliee's depor
tation, lite older says:
"Investigation having been made and
Hie complete falsity of the chnrges
made apparent, and the result com
municated to Hlce, he replied In ,1 de
ilant manner that he would leiterate
these charges whenever v saw fit. He
Is. therefore, legaided as a dangerous
Incendiary and 11 menace to the niill situation, and will therefore ua
deportid as above ordered."
Leaders Said to Be Willing' to Sur
render If Granted Amnesty.
P. r.xiludio Wlic from The .Wioelalcd I'leta.
Pretoria. March 7. It Is said here In
Hoer elides that the leaders of Iho
burghers In the Held will suriender
with a majority of their followois If
fiHSiu-id 'of amnesty and assistance In
starting llfo afiesh. and If a. ftee par
don Is granted lo the lebels.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily I'.xiliwhe Wire lieiu Tho Vitiated Pie
Ner orl. Match 7. Urlivd: Vimteidju,
ItoltiiJani. Sailed! T-i llietamie, llaie. Cher-linns-
uiied: I'retofla, I10111 New Vorl.. Hie.
men- Vnliril balm, New ork li Souttunipton.
('meiii-toiin sailed! M.ijektle, Nnv York, liile
Mltar-.'-alUil! KalKilu Maria Therena (from
Ccnoa uml Xapleai. N'ew Yorl.. llotterilam
Salli'il: PottJ.nn, llnuiovne and Sew Yell.
1 m 1
Small-Pox in Kansas.
Ily l'.M.luhe Who from Tin Associated Tre'.
TopeVa, Harva, March 7. Pr. W". 11. Swan,
aeeietary of tho dtale board of health, lued a
bulletin today, klatlnc that them are orr l,o
rueH of frinall pox tn Ihr ktate. The woih'
Ihlnlul dl.irliU am truviforil ami (litrore
ooi.ntli. In thee two nountles there aie net
l than .'Al cne nf the iIImmh.
The Governor Places Hl8 Seal ot
Approval Upon the Mtiehl-
bronner Measure.
The Mayor of Sciantou Is Appointed
Recorder Under the New City
Chaitcr Governor Stone Says That
the Selection Is Made in Accord
ance with the General Wish of
Scrantonlans Will Enter Upon the
Duties of His Office at Once but
Will Make No Appointments Until
Reorganization of City Govern
mentThe Pen with Which the
Ripper Was Signed Is Piesented
to Senator Muehlbronner.
Sperlal fiom a lnfT ( uticspondriit
Harilsbiirg, March 7. At high noon
today Ciovernor Stono signed the
Muehlbronner hill, commonly called the
"ripper," providing a new form of
government for the Recond-closs cities
or Scranton, Pittsburg and Allegheny,
and immediately thereafter he Issued a
commission to James Molr, as recorder
of Scranton. A message conveying the
announcement that the "ripper" has
lecelved oxecutlve appro-al will be
sent to the senate Monday night. The
appointment of lecorders will not bo
submitted for con Urination, the gover
nor having been advised that this Is
not iieces' The governor has thirty
davs in which to appoint the record
ers. He would not Indicate, today,
who the recorders of Pltlslmig nnd
Allegheny would bo, or when they
would be appointed. It is evpected,
though, that their names will bo an
nounced bofoie Monday.
To The Tribune correspondent, fiov
ortior Stone said, this afternoon, that
the choice of Mayor Molr as recorder
was Hie result of a general wish of
Scrantonlans I hat he should be con
tinued as tho cltyls .chief oxecutlve.
The appointment Is In line with the
promises of the organization that there
would bo no ripping In Scranton.
Mayor Molr was at the executive
building when the appointment was
made, and half an hour after the "rip
per" was signed ho had his commis
sion. He presented the required bond
In the sum of $2.'.,00n, with Charles Rob
inson and C. II. Von Stoioh as sur
eties. The bond was approved, and
forthwith Mavor Molr took the oath
of olllee as i-ecorder befo-e Norman D.
dray, notary public,
Uecorder Molr left for Pe-anton at i
o'clock to assume (he duties of his
new ofllce. Under the terms of the
Muehlbronner act. the teeorder be
comes the chief executive immediately
upon his appointment. To The Trib
une eonespondent, Recorder Molr
staled that he would not make any
move to exercise the powers of ap
point conferred iiiwn hhn by the new
act until the reorganization takes
place. An ordinance conforming to the
new act is now being drafted, he said,
nnd by the time that Is adopted, ho
will be xeady to cany out his part In
the reorganization. Ills flr-l net upon
arriving home, he said, would be to
notify tho runt roller of his appoint
ment ns lecorder and that the olllee of
mayor of Scranton no longer existed.
The otllees which he wl'l be called
upon to (111 aie. Dlirdor of public
safety, director of public works, dlt co
lor of public charities, ellv solicitor,
delinquent tax collector, five city as
sessmM, and five sinking fund commis
sioners. Those are not subject to cou
th matlon by council, nnd are to hold
ofllce during the reeorder's temi.
The Muehlbronner act provides (hat
the delinquent lax collector'. duties
may be exercised by lhe city treas
urer. Uecorder Molr Intimates that he
will appoint n delinquent lax collector
and not take advantage of this
doubllug-up proviso. He was advised
today by the attorney general's ofllce
that Inasmuch as the treasurer's of
fice was elective nnd that of delinquent
tax. collet tor appointive, the couudln
cannot merge the two ofllces without
the sanction of the recorder, as that
would be nn attempt to deprive the
recorder of a portion of lhe power of
appointment conferred upon him by
the leglslatute.
May Serve Seven Yeais.
Captain Molr's appointment as ie
corder makes It possible for hlni to bo
the chief executive of Scranton for a.
term of seen years, as the Mtiehl
bronner bill exempts tho goveinoi'a
appointed iccorder from tho opeia
lions of tho rlauso forbidding a re
coider to succeed himself.
peputs Attorney General Finite u
authority for the statement that no
amendments to tho esenthtl features
of the .Muehlbronner bill are to be
made :it this session. It Is tine, ho
says, that certain lutriests In Pitts
burg and Allegheny want that the
treasurer and controller, or at all
events tho treasurer, should be ap
pointed by tho recorder, but those hav
ing: the measure In ehatge will not ac
cede to tills wish, It may bo possible
that an amendment will bo allowed
whereby select councllmen will bo
elected by dlstrletH Instead of by wnrds
ro as to tedtico their number to twelve
and do away In n measure with the
double- body of ' local" legislators. It
In doubtful, ' though, that even this
amendment will be permitted, Mr.
Fleltu say.
The pen with which the "ripper" was
fdgned was presented to Senator
Muehlbronner, father of the measure,
T. J. Duffy.
Wctther Indication Today,
1 llnieral-'tllrper Hill Slcned ami N.ratilon's
lteeonler Appointed,
Senator Mormn on the Tanal Tieaty.
I'ormeivatht (lain a Vlelory In t'nha.
Hawaiian LetiMature llohl ltt Vint Sevdon.
Cenrrat Caibotnlale Department.
Oenernl ltouj DUporJ of lhe Itodciiik
Itrprirrnf Jtlvc Wller,'n Opinion of tlip'l.lp-
.Vote and Comment:
In the O'lW ilnul.lo
1 Irai iritf.
MMftliarj Cult lew r
Chun lira.
Of the rieli(crlau
Local Coimuiiert' (fat C'oinp.111.1 Oi ill in no
Iteorsanlratlon Oi.llu.nice liitrodiueil.
tmral West ."franton and SuIiuiImii.
tlenjial-.Wnlheutcin Penny lvanij
financial and Commercial
10 Parade of Milking Sill. Wmlem
Mie Sen of the Iniluftrlat W'oilJ.
Miss Lola Wilson, of Sayie. Heatd
Strange Sounds and Swallowed
Carbolic Acid.
B.r Wire fiom The Auinliled IVes.
Ilhighamton, JC. V., Muioh 7. News
hai boon received In thl city from
Sayie, l'a., of the ti.iglc suicide Tues
day of Miss Iolo Wilson, a beautiful
girl. IS years of age. The gill'; mind
had been affected since the death of
her lovnr seveial months ago, but her
death It is old was the result of a
practical Joke perpetrated by girl
The giils iy means of a speaking
lube pretended that the dead man's
voice wiih calling and the listening vic
tim heard the winds: "Come with me."
That evening she swallowed an ounce
of carbolic acid and expired In agonv
shortly after.
She foimcrly lived In Cheslei, N. II.
Innocent Negroes Imprisoned tn Con
vict Stockades In Anderson
County, South Carolina.
Ilj t.vehislve Wile from file oilatei Pre-w.
Columbia, S. C, March 7. The grand
Jmy of Anderson county today mado
It report to Judge ". C. Hennett. and
declined that practical enslavement of
nocioes has been conducted In that
county. The presentment was pre
pared by a special committee which
visited -the convict stockade camps in
Anderson county and found confined
therein negroes guiltless of any felony,
but undergoing- a term r servitude
under voluntary eontiacts which they
hud signed In partial Ignorance.
The charge of false Imprisonment
wns made against J. P. Fowler. G. W.
Power and V. f!, Hammond, three of
the larest planters and most lnllueutlal
men In Anderson county. The grand
jury declared that these men, who cm
ploy convicts from the state, were also
keeping confined In their stockades
negroes who for some petty cause had
been aient theie for breach of contract,
although convicted bforr no ofllccr of
the law.
No prosecutions ha, e yet boen made,
but the solicitor, Mr. .7. 13. Boggs. will
hand out Indictments for the .Mine
lenn of eourl.
The Boer Genial Said to Be Without
Ili l,Nlirie Wire tioni The A.n uled 1'ien.
nioemfoiitclu, Orange Itlver Colony,
March (!. It Is leporled that General
Do AWl Is now without guns and haul
Ilj iMlnsive Wil tiom The solite,l pi
Louden, Jlanli S. Aeionllnif to a ile.pabti (o
the Dad) I'.tpiew I'rna Oilir.i, a pll-i1iu stini
t wis 1 aught In .t torm in the lllatk tea ami
som nty-lwo pIlKilnn reie Mualied merboiid anil
Engineers' Strike Ended.
Ily LVImIip Wlie (rem Tie s,oclated Pren.
fhleann, Maub 7. - kfcoriiln;.' to Preddilt
Petit. n( the local Inandi id the Jlailno Knr I
neen,' Ion, the lri!e of lake engine is,
lilih lis tliiealeii'-d to rr!uiily cripple the like
uiaiine It.iffli ilinli.K the teuill'tr e.u.on. h prir
tleally ended Alieidv (.enral iinnpanifji have
M-ithiiianii fiom the aoilatlmi and made (cun
Willi (he euiclnceia. It H ilaimeil, .mil moie men
aie rjx'ilij Ie til,. action within the
next d.i or live
- - -
Accused of Attoinptinfj' Bribery.
By rtolmlv Wii fron the Admitted Prei.
ee Yolk, March 7.- II. ('. ii'hren, propri
etor of the .leltciMin lira... woik, wan
auoted today on an indictment luuded down
by the fedctal iand jury, charging lilni, on
Ino count'. mI.1i nttmiptlng tn hi Iho otfluaU
at the Ilionicbn naiy )aul to pi bllli rendered
In him for cuod not delivered, lie m liehl
In i'JM honrta. Audciiiii holiN a cnntr.iet with
the goveinnetit for the nipply of ceitdn liu
lariliiRi fei ii-e In th nair.
Our Rusaiau Tiade.
II) Kuluaixft Win from the AuMiiUnd l'ren
Waililnctou. 5lrih 7- A taluient piepaird at
the bureau Of ttatUtlu lioi that durlnt; the
litt )eai the export nine of American (foodi ev.
peiltd to lt'ixill, not ftcted b.r the tecent de.
eiee of the IlUtoimi (,-oemraiit in retaliation
for the countcnallliiff duty impoaej ,y thl
Koiernnienl 011 Iliusilati hiijar. i-s 7,.'ih),i:A,
while tliat affected amounted tn IW-.t?1-
Woman and Child Burned.
B i:ilualve Wire from The Awodated Piew.
Hot Sprlnjr, Ailc, March 7.- Mrs. Sanders and
tier niece, Viola Wilcox, Mere humed to ilealli
In a flie nhlch today dottpriyed their home, in
the foutlieni portion of the tit), Mr. Sandfra
eideaicre.1 tn ave Hie ihltd and fell when a.
incut out of (he home.
At tlir, Cuban Convention the Con'
servatlve Element Scores
a VlGtory.
Result of Discussion of the Platb
Amendment Many of the Dele
gates Hope That It May Bo
Changed, but Show No Resent
mentIf Any Crisis Ever Existed
It Has Passed Nothing in the Na
ture of an Upilsing Is Now reared.
IW KxcliKltA Wiie from 'Hie .jocialcd Pre..
Havana, March 7. Tho Cuban con
stitutional convention mot In secret:
session this afternoon for a formal dls
uisslon of the I'latt amendment. The
conservative element scored a victory.
It was decided to continue .tho session
of the eunx'entlon and refer the
amendment to a special committee on
iclatlons, with Instructions to bring in
a report.
Twenty-nine delegates Avete present,
Kenor I-lorente and Gcnsral TMvora be
ing the only absentees. General Pan
gully favored dissolving the conven
tion and returning the amendment
without discussion. Tho other dole
gates were unanimously in favor oC
continuing the sessions and of send
ing some answer to the executive de
partment In 'Washington. Tho argu
ment turned on the question whether
the convention had power to adopt a.
scheme of relations that would be bind
ing upon the future republic.
Last week a. majority ot the dele
gales opposed this view. Today 4enor
Nunez, representing the ronserx'atlve.s,
argued that the delegates were empow
ered In tho call for the convention t
establish permanent relations with the
I'nlted Stales and ought not to at
tempt to shirk this duty. Senor San
gully argued that the Intention of th
original convention was annulled by
Governor Wood's Instructions at the
opening of the convention, when dele
gates weie asked to give only an opin
ion. No Bitter reeling.
The radical element led the flock to
Senor Hangulty, as was expected, and
(he convention'" action In referring tile
matter to a committee on special re
lations Indicated Its willingness to re
turn to Its former attitude. It Is oi
dent that many delegates still hope
that the amendment will b- changed,
but there Is no bitter feeling now ap
parent. It Is doubtful whether the
conx'ontlon w'd ever ngrce to accept
the aiivndnioni, but tho conservll.'
malnlaiu that the willingness of the
radlcnls to discuss and, If neoessarx
to send a eonirritter to Washington,
gives a more hopeful aspect to condi
tions, which weie growing strained.
It is generally believed that the
rrlRis. If any existed, has passed, and
that by the time the committee reports
the piesent excitement will liave dld
Much depends upon the attitude 11C
the radical delegates. If an Impas
rloned appeal to the people Is Issued,
as It is rumored will be the case. Ibis
may cause demonstrations ot protest;
against the United States, but nothing
ll the naluto of an uprising is any
longer feared.
Fleice Assault 011 Llchtenburg Two
British Ofiiceis Reported Killed.
B.r l'selutlve Wire fiom The Asoelattd Preii.
Loudon, March 7. The war oftlce hai
received the following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener:
'I'reloiia, Mat-ill !.'lltenbuig,
being attacked by Tielaiey's forces,
lighting continued all day Ioiir.
Tho g.urisou consists of Oi) yco
maniy and I'M Northumberland Ku
slleoM. Willi two gnus. Major Fletch
er and Lieutenant Hull are leporled
killed. I am .sending reinforcements.1'
Cape Town. .March 7. The Hoers who
captured PiMfhton. on the Great Ttiet
river, Sunday morning, numbered 70ft
and had txvo guns. They are still in
possession of tho town. The garrison
consisted of Iwenly-Ilve colonials and
lifty-two guards.
Allwal North, Cap- Colony, March S.
Tho linen aie occupying positions at
lloiixxllle (twcnty-llvo miles north of
hen In tin Orange Fiee State), Hush
manskop and elsewheie in parties of
from 00 to 400, President Steyn Is re
ported to bo at Smithtleld, twenty-five
miles northwest of here in tho Orang-
Pteo State. General Uruce Hamilton's
column Is hete preparing to advance.
Lehigh University Students.
P) l'xilulv Wire from The .oeiated Piet
llethliUni, Manli 7.- Tin I'cu- rcglder of I,e.
lillfli uniierally, ju.d. .uid, Miown an atteml
ante of tl.'i r indent troin twerit.i-Mien Mate
cud tu-epe foieliiii toiintrlen. Tho ntudenU am
ilhtded )y chioM's as follow.' Oi.nlujle ktudeuu
ttlj nrnloiA ."; IuiiIok, mil u)lmiiiiirei, M
(lexlnncii, 1VI; piual utinliiit-, nine, Him
A.rvt an Inciraia of thlit) nxcr the irgliilrallon
of ) 'Iho lotal number of unliei.lly
Siailuatei l J .1 10. of vlioni l.n-l aie lblns
Boeis Captuie Peaiston,
ll.t l'.vihulie Wlie from lhe Auociattd Pieu
t'j'je lowii, March 7. It i ofrleially am
nounetd that Col-mel (imrlnr leocciipled Peaiit n
on the meat Diet live- Monday inornlnc He
hii)i the town khould bate been liopregnable l
the lloei', but Ih- touii Kiiuid olittul inadrqua
robtancc. lloeis t.ipluied the plaee, tojiellicr
r.itli alxdy ilrlo, flteen nun and twenty thou.
mid iouikIj n( mninuiililnu.
ft--t"f--'---'- -'--t -f-f-rt
Wadilnarton. Manli 7. -1'niecnar Inr
Prbfay and Saturday Eaitriu Pern.i
lanUl-'ali 1'rld.iy iiilti iI.Ihk leiiiiera
1 111 r. Satutila), Inrrea.liiw cloudlnewi.
probabl) rain; fresh wuthweiterly -lndi.