The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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iJTOS v . '?rppv ; ,7.: ,
Water in Pipes Lending fiom Range
Tiozo nnd When n Fho Wns Sttut
cd They Durst with Tcnlflc Fence.
Meeting: of tho Republican. Club
Will Be Held This Evening Fu
nerals of Edwnid James, Sr., nnd
Mrs. Jnmcs Unit Talk About
Missions Other News Paingiaphs.
An uiiltlclil ciceiiiied last i-vc-nlni; at
1hc home of .Ml. and JIic. f. A Wil
liam, on Kock stioel, whlili lomplen
Jv demolish' d tho took novo and coti
tiitf of the kitchen and damaged the
doom and wuod-woik In the loom tou
rldeiably. Ml.-. WllllniiiK had tii'Mi HpeinllliK tin
ii ltd noon ullb hr lstei, .Mi.. J .1
KobjilH. .m Hoiitlt Muln iivniitu. nnd
laid pennltteil the the III tho Move to
j,o out. Ilei ii'dKlibor, Jin. v imam
CuiIi-sn had iRiiltul tin tin late In tin
ifteri.oou and lett It appaiuitly all
Suddenly th"ic was a tfilllle fpln
Moil In the himsi . wlili h i mild he d buiidirtl leet iiwiij. The
pipe contieetlurr the twitci -front In the
Mow with tho hot tt.U'i liollei had
liven tilled with watei, which was
fioen, and when the pine bei.inic heat,
cd (iitiM'd the cNploslon.
The t.tov was literally Mii.ish d to
lecee. iarts of It In Intr blnwii Into the
uond-vvoi k and one of the lhN was
found liubi'dld In tin- tflllm;. Tin
doors In the loom wen Inoken and
when th' OKiiinnts enteied the pla"f
looked like a Joint after a r.ildon It
bv Mis. Nation's Hatchet HiIkjiIo.
The duni.iKe will amount to wvcwil
hundred dollats. Mi. Wllllims had
been nwny fiom lioine fin1 d.ijs
In Wnshl'iBton and In coiLseumtue the
hoilt-e had liei it ( lot'l.
Republican Club Meeting.
A leKUlnr meetliiK' of the AVest Side
V.efiuhlli.iu dull will be held In the
looms omt Ib'lsT & Win tike's this
I'venliiK. and It Is opeoted thf
lull stieiiKth of he i lab will be In at
lenilaiiec. as liupoitnnt mat
trrs are to li ailed upon.
The print Iptil f"iiluie m' the nieutlns
will bo tin' ivpoii of the ttimmlttee,
Mes-is Thomas, 1'aine and I.oyMion
apjiolnt 'd at the liif-t meeting to diaft
n. ptotesl iiKlllnst the plc'ent ie..l)poi-
One ot the most interesting an i com lull sense display, ot
Spring and
Summer Dress Fabrics
ccr shown in Scranton. From the home-factories and then
.tuiosi the set, we have gathered in tho best our buyers could
lirnl. and the icsult is a collection of such magnitude and beauty
that we feel we may not be considered egotistical when we say
wc arc proud of it.
The New Waist Cloths
in soft wool weaves, silk and wool, etc., arc a delightful and ic
heshing novelty when contrasted with the-things that have gone
before, while
The Lovely
Albatross Weaves
will be dear to the heart ot cvcty woman who admiies exquisite
solid colorings and tints, in the most perlect of soft wool weaves
we ever seen.
Pedestrian Suitings
With Mercerized Backs
will alsn command much attention as there aie great possibilities
in them for strikingly eflective Tailor Made Suits.
But space would fail us to enumerate one-twentieth of the
textile beauty that awaits visitors to the annex this week.
Among the
Piles Upon Piles
of new Di ess fabrics that await our inspection will be found
Melrose, Prunella, Venetian and Whipcord Suitings, Wcstry
Lords, Epmgles, batin Cloths, Poplins, French Vigoreaux and
Granite Cloths. Ciepe Poplins, Kumo and Broadcloths, Ainuirc
Mixtures and French Serges, Plain and Pebble Cheviots, Home
spun, Camcls's Hair, Storm Serges, I.ansdownes, Flectiic Glorias
With Such an
Array to Look at
It is easy to understand why this annual spting show is well
worth making a special effort to see, and as all visitors arc wel
come, 'he thought ol buying need not trouble ou
Globe Warehouse
I tlonnicnt Mil now before tho leglxln-
tine, ji in tirtiuiime mill mo ic'iircm'n
lutlvcs fiom thin county will bs asked
to oppose tlic ie-apioi'tloiiinont as now
Tin: financial ecu clary of Hie club
will also nuikc uu Important iciiott,
which lius 11 particular beatltiK on tho
( IuIi'h hIiuhIIiip, anil definite actlou will
bu taken In refoionco to hlliitW.nt
On Mulch It. ono wnek hence, Tho.
II. Dale will nddrrPH the club on a vcty
Important mibjeot. Tho ( imiinlttf-e In
ihiiiKo of this ppeclal ineetlMB expect
ti in event other ftiitinoH foi tho con
deration of tho incinboix
Misslounty Woik in Chiun.
Jtew Dr. H.ley, n inlsHloiimy m
lotiuy, npokj at Wutdilmrii Sticet
l'lonbyteilan cliuicb last rvonlnir. Ho
ulmi lellPtK fiom Japan, Cuiv.i.
Hilim, and other lotintikH, phouliii
tho piosriss of tin woik and the ntif
fcili'gs of the inlcdonailtH, especially
In China. Ah lllintiuti-d by tho spmk
er, tho native Clnlstlans. tindei thlr
environments ot supcintltlon. canto itnt
lellKlon of tho fathers, aie iinue In
(imiest In their new Chili-tlanlty than
the many churchmen of Ameiliu.
Hi, llnlsey It n tlm speaker and
holds hlh audleiuo with tlice utti n-
tlon. ninl It wn. icRiettalilo that ho
fv pioplc weie pic'ieiu lo tient mm.
Mis. James Unit Dulled.
i'he of the Into Mis. i:il..i
li tli llait. wife ot .tames
llait. tuck place .M-steiday nioinln.
At St. IMtrlekV Catholic thuieli a
leiiultiii mass was celebi.ited. and In
t.'lineiil wav made lu tho Calhelial
i I'int'ter .
A niltubei of beaultlul dexluns
wen In ildenie. The pall bfirois !
weie John Valley. Ju'vph Tnjlor,
Mlthaol Hurke, .Mlihael Uolton, 11.
l'urll and Vatilik
Fuueial of Edwnid Jnmes, Si.
Tin- tuneial services oer the i nialus
of the lad IMwnul James, r , lilli
weio I'ondileleil at the Hellenic Wtlsh
C.iUinistli. M thodWt cliuiih yesdeida.
afternoon woio iittonded by an iisseni
blriKo that ciowdeil tho clinic h ainll
toiluni. many belns unnblo to sain ad
mission. Ot ceased was a well llktd
limn of sterling iiinllll', nn amiable
illHiosltlon, and made friends who con
t limed Kt all thrmmh life.
The mlnlsleis who spoke weie Rev.
William D.ivls. Ue. William Moian,
Iti-v. HiiKh Uals and Rev. .T. T. Mor
lis, all of whom weie devot-d fileads
of Mr. James, llaili paid u meilttd
tilhuto to his well-spent life and con
soled the bereaved ones with tin
thought that If had none to his re
v.. ml.
The pall-beau re weie- T.euls Hoh.
tits, loan Jones, John Harris, Ulnn
eer Grllllths, William Thoiuas and
Thomas Thomas, of WIIke.s-Hane The
lluwer-lieaieis weie, Moi
Kiiu, llv linnniliiK, Thomas O. Jones
and Harris. Iiiteiment was
made in the Washburn stiect cemetery.
Hi. Utoiso H. He uolds oC Ninth
Main ineiiuf, was tailed to Vanillins
yesterday lu consultation with Dr.
(lA. Williams and Oscnr Oswald
returned yesterday fiom ti few dajn'
Islt at Washington, D. C.
A woman named Mrs, Hugh McCar
ty bad her put so stolon while ut tend
ing a funoial seivlce In the Wtishburii
sticet ctinetery iccently.
Attorney Davltl J. Uavls, of South
llde Vaik avenue, relumed homo last
evening fiom Washington.
Sloan local, No. 12:,, Putted Mine
Woikeis of Ainullen, havo secuied 'u
chatler and will meet In D. V. Kvuns'
bull on Satin day c cuing.
Dr. 1 f. Hall, on bis leturn fiom
Vlorltbi, will deliver a serhs or lee
Hues on tho "Vioteclcd Homo Circle."
Mlus l.ucy Vosbuig, of Sixth stiect,
left for Now Ymk yesterday. On
Tuesday evening u paity was given
In her honor at the home of her biolh
r W. C. Vosburg.
The members of the KIctlilo City
Wheelmen's minstrel tioupo havo been
Invited to give a perfoimancu at th.
tlicen llldgo Wheelmen's fair nust
Tuesday e enlng.
Tin Hist icheaisal of tin Young
Men's Intitule mlnsticl coinp.iny was
held last owning under the illreetlon
of 1'iofessnr John T, Walkins. Some
excellent talent is InclitiU'd III the com
lan. Mis, rillnii, of JaikMUi sticet slipped
nn the ho recently and spialned hei
Benjamin Ki.tiikllu M.ucy, one ot
Wllkts-llaiie's leading iihariuaclsts,
nttompauled hj Kiniik KioUer, a re
tlied diugglst, also of Wllkes-H.ure,
tailed on fi lends lu town yestetduy.
The Ladles' Aid soeii ly of the Sllii
son Methodist Hplsropal chtltcli will
meet today.
A soilal sesjddii will bo held this
iviiing alter the business meeting of
Camp No ITS, V. O. S. of A.
The funeial of Mr. and Mis. Unbolt
J Williams' child, Itobeit.i, was ion
dinted .estenlay afternoon Horn the
lainlly icsldeiiio on South Main ave
nue. Itev. J. V. Mount, " ''. pastor
ol the Washlmiii Street Viesbyteilan
cliuiih. outdated. Intel meat was made
In tin l'oiesi Jllll icniLteiy.
Thomas J. Davle.s of Klfteentb
stiet l, a former employe of the Colliery
Ihiglneer comp.inv, left yesteiday for
New pint News. Va . when ho lias no
c opted a position in the navy yank
Mr. Davles has the good wishes of n
huge nuinbei of fi lends.
runeinl of Gottlieb Lens Held fiom
the Family Residence Yester
dayOther News Notes.
Tin- inneial of OoitlUh l.eiu took
place ycsteiday afternoon liom the
family loldciico, on the coiner of
ilaple stint and I'unvn avenue. Sci
vltes Men- held lu rit. .Paul's chuiili,
Itcv. A. ISallhoiii helug the ollldutlnz
clugvman. Tlio Itlnggold bind played
the dead and loudened i-eveial
oiln i celeitlons.
The HKinbeis of the Cleimaii KilcRur, of which oi.inU.Ulou the de-ceu-ed
was u uicinlier. attended the
fuueial In a body and llicd the last
salute at tin srnve'-lde. The pall
biMiois wtu iiK'inbeis of ttie Krlcser
Vtuln. luteiiiunt was liunle In th
WaHhlnifton avenue I'linetoiy.
Told in n Tew Lines.
The tuneial of Willie, tin- tliioe-voai-old
ton of .Mi. and Ml. Max liosar,
took plan ostuday afternoon from
the family lesldeiice on Vrospect ave
nue. Seivlits weie held at tho house
b Itcv. W. A. Xoult. IntelllieiU vv.n
made In the I'lttston avenue iLUH'tur,.
A lior.c hitched to a buggy, owned
b FkiI .Mm veh, toinei of Vitlstou
avenue and liluli stuet, and dilvcn
by bin .ion, William, became fiiglitened
on Cedar avenue jovtt ulav atteinoon
mid bultt d. tin owing vouug Muisth
out sllSj-htly biulslng his aim. The
luaddi in d horve broke loose limn the
buggy and uiblivd alonsr Cedar aveiuii
foi some distance, llo was taptund
on Hluh Htice-t. Xelthei hoi to u.
huggy weio InJuiLil.
The game of uiclnc bitwun the
tiam of Colunibus uuiu 11, Young
Men's Institute, and the (ieueial I'hlllp
Sheildnu couikII ti am plajcd, at tin
lnttei n looms on Tutsdav, vas won
by the I'olunibus coiiiu II team, the
moio being 101 to I3.t. Iteln shments
weio seivnl after tho game
The uiembLis of St. Aloysius society
will meet lu Vhaiinacy hall this even
ing at s it'cliuk
Tho rmiitten Fllfiidn will incet lit
Hotel Most this evening.
JiKub iltljer, Ji , the (imminent
clgnrin.iker of this jiatt of thu city,
his been piosenlcd with twin sous by
his wlte.
A daughter has bilghtened the Iionu
of C'harle. lloar. on Alder stiect
Albeit 11. liorimau. ion of Voter
Hoffman, of Milldo stlett, lett estel
day for Colunibus. Ohio, to Join the
Fulled States cavali.v. and will shoitlv
Kave mr the l'lillliplue Islands
Ml.s .1. lKllol, of Downsvllle, X. V
Is vlslilng at the home of In i bi other,
Mi. Hdwaul Fullei, ot Dkkson ave
nuo. The (lu mi Itldge A uaien's Clulstlau
Tciii)Ciauci' union held an liUtiostlng
meeliiig lu the chuieli
"stdiday ran inooii. ilmmr 1'. Keeso
was piPhcut and g.i.o an adduss uiidii
"liefoun Woik," wlili li was thn .Mill
Jul uiidii i iiusldeiallon. An oi client
jiajier on '"JViiipcianco r.einun Woil;,"
was lead. A discussion followed. Mi.
Howell, Mis. Hatvey and nthui.s .spoke
on the iiiestlou.
The Amity Llteuuv society will hold
Its ugtilar lucetliig Tliuibdiiy evtnlng
at 7 oMock at tho home of Chailts
Ko.ii, .Mousey avenue nnd Sum-el ave
nue. The lollowlng (niuiaiiimo will be
inul'ii'il "Olvoiiuii ttm Inc." Hatold
Kuumil . ''.Mis. Xalloiih Anti-Saloon
I'lllendi." nussell Vowoi "Hnn
son." Lewis Willi, u, if 'Oiu Like
Ti.nK." Moiil'oo Whltn,, The nues
tlon tt'l dobato Is ' ItmolVfd, Thai the
Vim War Is Fulust and Should He
Stoji)cd," Vbltoia iwlmmr.
Caillli No, MisO. Modi in Woiidliuii of
Ameiliu, oi liieiii 1 : 1 1 1 (- c , uielved u
doss ol foiiiteeii uu minis lint night
'III le ' unlfon ih weie win ii for the
i,i st Man' and the 'odge made a line
llpp iiialu ' ,
I in t,(. u .a ut k nip H1I..1111 ! i
i I ii ml I. uu... ilu ni' six 0 ilenl
Ml l Mo 1 lull llllill Ilu 0 . J-till rtll
lu nrriii jnil .mi iliUnji.t I. until limit In lln
Hpiiil H l Ii i tiii I fill irlllpil I i i mil
n u'iil( l-'l hid li i imn f j n- ,u
111 HI llllill I ill.ll. Vl lllll,'jt'! Mil
Ii mil - Ih' an I'liit' ." ali'l 'J.
YMPTOriS. If you have a dry, harsh, and yellow skin, a dull pain In the right side, extending to titc shoulder-blade and pit
i of the stomach, a tenderness over the region of the liver, and sometimes an enlargement of that organ; a hack
ing or dry cough, irregular appetite, shortness of breathlnt,'. feet and hands generally cold, a disagreeable taste jn the mouth,
palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, heartburn, disincllnalion to exertion if you have any of these symptoms
You arc Suffering from Liver Complaint, and Warner's Safe Cure will Cure you.
If you have weakness in the loins, with frequent pains; an insatiable appetite, an unquenchable thirst, harsh and dry skin, darkly
furred tongue, swollen and inflamed gums; dropsical swelling of the limbs, frequent hiccoughs; difficulty of passing water, deposit, or
frequent pains in the back, you are muttering from some form of Kidney Complaint, and Warner's Safe Cure is the Only Remedy that
will cure VOU. ttf Write fr Froo Sample- to Srtr
will cure you. V)2 Warner'8 Saf Cure Co., Rochester, N Y., today.37
Blaze Caused by a Hanging Lump
Staited In the Early Morning Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Hcnlei, of 1420
Short Avenue, Entcitaln In Honor
of Their Son Suipilse Tnity Ten
deictl Bet tram Evans New Divis
ion of Sons of Temperance Insti
tuted Notes and Fcrsonnls.
The le.sldcnce of John Ollbilde, of
Hock Blieet, was batlly damaBcd by
the eail.v yesteulay moinlng'. The flro
Ftnited tit about LM3 o'clock nnd was
Piobably caused bv a lianjjlnj: lamp,
which had been left lighted on the
lower door.
Mi. Ctllbildc Muclled the smoke and
MUlekly moused tho family, who had
Just baiely time to escape fiom the
house. An in wan turned In from
bo S7, uud the North Scranlon coni
tuiiicd icsiiondeil. Thev soon had the
bla70 under control. The damage dono
amounts to about $300, paitly covered
by Insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Heplcr Entertain.
Mr and Mrs. Samuel Heplcr, of 14Jfi
Shoit avenue, entertained ti number of
fi lends In honor of tho tvventy-llist
blithday ot their s,on, Viank. A cry
pleasant lime was enJoed by those
piesent. flames and Instiumental
music was Indulged in until n .season
able hour, when u dainty icpast was
seived. Those present weie: Mr. and
Mm, A. II. Kelslliijf. Mr. nnd Mm. H. F.
llepler. Mi. nnd Mrs. Voter Hill, Mr.
and Mis. T.. W. Kclsllng. Mr. ulid Mis.
William llepler, Mr. and Mrs. John JI.
KeKlhiff. Misses Lulu Kheiman. A.
Meatic, C. Mcatie, Dot a Davis, Anna
Kelslliitf, Carrie KcIsIIiik, U. Detilck,
Jr. Post, L. Vaulliu,-, 1. Lewis, X. Tut
tle, A. Sum Iz, M, Sheiman, Mossm.
Prank IJvnns, J, Heighuuscr, Arthur
Kehslinp, Fiank Iteddoe, George Tut
tle, V. Cutler, George I-otz, J. F. Xoll,
r. Gregoiy, A. Kelfer, S. Ulsblng,
Fiank llepler, John lloltram nnd Les
ter Hill.
Suiinlso Party.
A vei.v pleasant suriulse paity was
given In honor of Mastet liertiam
Hvans Tuesday evening at his homo
on lMiu avenue. Games ami music
weie the thief amusements of the even
ing. Mls Itesslc Williams gave a lecl
tatlon while master David James ten
dered a piano solo In a veiy pleasing
manner, Miss Maiy lilt hauls leudcied
a vocal solo. At a seasonable hour re
freshments were solved.
Thoe pievent weie: Misses lttssle
Williams, Maigaiet Morgans. Maiy
Itlcliauls, Annie Set vis, Louise Mor
gans. Maud Havls, Maigaiet Thoiuas,
.It mil" Leonaitl and Alma Ulcliaul",
Messrs Geoige Meckey, John SI m ins,
John lticluiul", David James, Thomas
Watklns, Herton i:vans. Veicy Thomas,
Hvan Itcise and John Moigons.
Sons of Temiieiance.
A new division of the Sons ot Tem
pciaiin' wan instituted In Oxlei limit
hall last evening by Illslilct Oiganlor
Leyshon Hums, with the assistance
of leprcsputatives of the West Scran
ton Hippie division. A laigc number
weie piesent uud gave their names
and a huge number have pionilsed to
sign theli'u at an caily date
Mr. lv.ili.s ban been several weeks
wot king lu this section foi the new
lodge and It Is epeeted that a huge
number of names will be added to thu
new omanlatlou.
Aiiaiigeineiit.s have been made to
hold the annual ball of the H. A. Mace
lodgp, Xo. 157. Hrolheihood of Hallway
Trainmen, at tho Audltoilum Apill 10.
H. L. Oilmen has piucbasod the
piopeit of (!. L. Hetwellci, on Chinch
avenue, and will In the ne.u tutuio
make his home theie.
11. H. Xatliiuout, of Xi w Voik city,
Is visiting Mis. is. Atlas, of Chinch
Miss Mm:. Davis, of Xurth Main ave
nue, has gone to Xow Yoik tlt.
The i:ielsIor Draniatlo club Is hold
lug nightly icheaisals for their plav,
"Hecause She Loved lllm So," whlcli
will be pi Diluted lu the Auditoiium
net mouth,
Miss Jennie, of Ltiiowille
is vlsltlnu lib nd In this set tlmi.
The loan exhibition at the .Methodist
t lunch opened veiy auspklously last,
night, Jingo Clouds being piestiu
thiniighout tho entlio evening. The
loom has bten pieltlly ileioiab'd for
the octnslou with thu national mloi-t
and l'Ottid plants, vvlibh, toiublncd
with the handsome di.inuy about tho
booths, makes a veiy atlinttlve np
peaiaiicc. ileal iiuantltleH ot old
speelmuis tif clilnavv.iU', Jain y wink,
jiletllics, . ti weio on exhibition. Tho
toilet tlon ol lelUii tioiu tho Spanl-di-Amerlciu
war wtrc the most sought
nt 101 aillilts mi exhibition. .Mist
JIIsIo I'owoll dlsi mil sed s.vcct imdodles
iiliun hei violin and .Miss iluby Yum
delighted those piesent velth uiuiieiuus
pi. mo selections. UUicshmcutt. of all
kinds weie seiveil thioughuut the
1 venlng, width vvfio under tho dhec
tlon of Miss Myitlo J'.jrnos. Th ex
hibition will continue tonight and to
mm tow night.
.Mis. S. N. llmKe and daughter,
l.oule. ol New Yoil; city, ate visit
ins fi lends in town.
Mis '. Ilvans and Mrs. lieoige IJaa?,
of I'lttston aie vMtlng Mis It. X
.Inliii Win 140 and Joseph Hollm' weie
Inst night committed to tho count,
.1 ill b.v s,,(iiri) Cuoii'iy In default of
$."1111 ball each, on ihe taaige ol hr
o.iult and batleiy
Attoinoy Anthony Dnuninnn.
Attotnoy aiitlmiiy Uauinann illnl ji-ttnliy,
liter tin lllhct of jciii at UU Iionu, 101S I'll u
atfnuc. Mr. lliuiruini wns .1 tncmlicr ot Hie
I Kkiiwmii lur, but because ot lilt 111111114 lnt
not l.'.ktu un iictlvs (Uit in CMi)-djy allalu ot
!ip toi romc tlm?.
Mr. Pjumimi uja bom nor Ko-tatlt, Criniiii),
In 1841, ulicre lie iji cilucattil nml ailmltUil to
tin tur. In 11 I iv ciing tu AnarU 1 11ml
Mrtit lo Cit.tiiinill, when lie atUliuil euiitlikr.
nblo KUCiitH 111 a picial loriiponJcul (or
l(.nllii' iitMpjH.ri ti (Irriiianj uml Ills Unit J
M.itis ) rliinr tu tsliibli-li liiiiHcll in a more
ntllril nceupulinii, li Icinul more livuiablc e(i
(011111111114 in I'niiihi 1 jnia tliau in the Wi.t
kinl cama to .MIuitjMii, uluru h- Mmlinl liu tu
tlio ufliio tf Jocpli Mil lure, intnlii ct Coluinl
Mi'V.imlrr K. (lie I'lilla.klplili 'llnii'i.
I'uihiK lilt two ,cn' risiilini 0 lu MlriituMi,
Mr. lliuiiuun mu ti'itinl st iiistnutor tit f r
clsn latii.-u.isr. IIU criltci viru wiusht by tire
I'litlio l'ulillililiK cunipiiiy nf Wllkit lliru,
uml lit 11 in llv aitiitci lie prplllon n( imii.isor
cf tliit tonicni umI .Ulili. 11I , oti-nli rablo piuiu
inriKc at editor tit tin VvlUtfuuul Hi iNo
toiitliiiicil lu lilt liwtiuilim in the otllir ii( A I
tuinr Alltnl Pud, imsiiit Oiplian-. loiul
JiMku el l.iiziiin! tiiiintt, ami vat .uliiiitttil to
tho liar u( llul luunly in IS"), l'cioililn tin
trtuil tif bu"Iiit'vi totianl Niinton, anil Ihn
tapii! aihariirmtiiL ami (iruiniutiite tit tliit -il
in the Unaiicial world, Mr, ll.uiuuim c 1111c h.iu
In IsSl. ilcvotlii lihn.iU to tho plod,
tlon tioin thu bttiinulns ot lilt lcitikntc it
5s-i anion.
Mr. lluuiunn mauled MNi 111 llo'Ker, ot an
ell ami uelll noun lli.iclloi'l county amtb,
who, with fcCMial chlMitu, Miiihc Mm.
Mr Iliiiunnn 13 .1 bjlctir in luiuillon ami
hit n mains Mill bo Iimii tu l'hilulilpliia far
it in it Ion. Thu (inn for the funeral Miikii
lias not J 1 t bun flvul.
John Davis.
Ono . the Micsl Mullen ninl uiuxiiclnl ilnilit lnt occurred in the illy in a lout; tui.u
ait tint, jifteulij, nf .'ohu tiuK tif V.tot
Smnttiii, viho for ki'iiul Jiaix tnniliietnl a
bilbir t.hop in tlio b.tuiitlil tif the (iilibt build
Ilu' 1.11 sbUtii MjIu avtiiie.
He lnt rtmii until ol lecbne 111 nn Miimln
CKliinv. Imt I.ot II list-iliditnc lint (ait, atttiitU'il
the (liehl en Siimlji. t pou hit iiliun
to Id' boardlnc; plaie at Hit Wutliliuui kticet,
ill Uu fnnlly of Wiillam Drlo.-lni li. he wn
treated fer tie grip, and wai apiiarentty iccov-
el Ins: illicit.
Uu Momliy be tiiiiliiiueil to impruii, aid
thou?lit nrouly of retuinlui; Ht liu-lmt on
Tuchii, but Mat 1 1 nl. d lo itiualn in doirt
!y bit lanillnJy i.slinlay ii.nriilui; a chausu
(or the mi In, ulikli r.lkildl hit brni,
uml dtatli unilli'il In. 010 his Iiiu.Js or nlillut
1.1 1 it ff his illniii)
Word Mat cut to lnt fulur In Oljphant,
vtlieio oun' Unit HM'lui before ItialliiK' licit.,
nnd later in thu day Ihc icuialat Mire riiuuii'd
to lilt home by I'liikitiker June". 'Ilio time
tf Uu liu rial will lie umioiirml laltr.
Mr Davit Mas. an tuinpliry joim,- nun, affa.
Me, tourleout ami nblicli:;.', uml mile many
Iriintli. Ifo Mas a iiiunlir tf the llectiii c'itj
WIhiIiiiui Ml Ilailj w.i.t about 21 eart ol
ai'. nnd mid cn'iid to In in in ir I to a pioin
Incut joiiiiif uoinui nt West Sir.inton .
Tlio W lift Inn u nill liold a tpeont ineetipR
this eteiiln,' to take aetloii in the tl.alli of
Mr. Unit, and aiianseiucntt villi bo luiile lu
allelic! tin fuuinl, ulmli Mill p.Mlnlili bi. lithl
Minda afmiioi n
Mis. Jnmes Keegan.
Mi lames Iio'iu dun at Iho home ui her
daslili.ii Mrf. (.ilon, ot I'lii-put aunt, Mt
tilddt alter .111 illu.t tf some unU' iliua
tlon s. H mnliid 1, ulna ihlldicn. Ihj
aie: Mit. Wjiin, ot C noon strttt Mi. (.1U011,
ol I'lOKpiet uteiiut; .lihii, Mklitil nnd IVtti,
of lll.tihant. Mrt Diiamy, tl llulfilo, N
Mie. Mi.tiison. n .sunt Sin,-, N. i , l'atikk
Clid ll0t, of lV , liv.
Jin tiinnal Mill lio lield tomonow nf in in 01
ttllli niliimtiit 111 Iho 01jilunt tiimtnj
Patrick Fv Mori Is.
laiuik I Monit ij(il li years, ilmi
tla at the lioine cf bis (inertt, Mi. and Mrt
.!o!m Moult, of Sis !road atti.ue. 'Ilu
funeial Mnkct Mill to l.thl at Holy Cms
Liimcli tonioiioiv' aileimou at 2A) nVloeL he
t rmriit Mill In nude ii the Catlicdial icnc.
Charles M. Coons.
I linlto M. I oom 1I111I at hl lioiiif 111 Nnilb
Alilm,tnn jistndiy aitnrition at ."..".0 n'llml,.
lie will tak" ilan Cridiy iidniioon
at -J o'll. tl,. sniini Mill bn 1 1 1.1 at tl
Mtilmtlfl 1'pUopil (linn h. Iiitiiincnl will 11K0
(lnt in tlio IliiUuy ItuM' 1 iiitUij
Ni.n.t tie reniaim of ilu- lau limn 1,
Hi 111 Mill I hi lu Id tliit illumine and iiiteiment
atll lie nude in the C Hindu! r, meter..
Some Peitlnent Tlguies Showing the
Fiightful Destiuctlon of renth
eied Life in Past Yeais.
liom tin Stiiiiink .1111 11, .111
Itemaikable as it niav stem." it an
neals to be nioic or less pttivalout bt
llef ainoiig icrtaln ptoplc that sai
bluls iiossesb absolutely nn value as
iiiiioinlc faetoirt In tie n.ilni of nn
tun. tVittilii linllv Mill's eonsbb'i H
spoil to shoot gullr an J similar bluls
as piactlce, otheis 'is-iul. t((ll j.UM
.ilea nulsaiKc and should bu hilled on
without inert y. An lutun stlug lllus
tuition of this va.t leeenllv tlevi'loned
In southein C'alliiunl.i. wheio a joiv
tlllins Ji.ul the temeiltv to tuK a
mand lor the bluls.
The defense tool; the gioiuid that Hit
gulls Weio sclive-llgcis ,.iil ui' (iilnie
value to the state; if ,uau-i value,
lu lat t. to tho cliU'in along slioin
than tu the ileab'rs tu t ubeis lu Chi
tuf,o and othei centei. vvlicti leutheiH
aie lu rlf man I The vwittr pupaiod as
tlahmalo a statement as iulble' beat
ing on this point, ptesentlui, fn is
wlili h weio Initialed tu t'hoiv that tile
gulls on the Atlanta toast, oil the fiuir
of Mexico and 011 tlio l'aillb. In fait,
w hei everobsei veil, wcri of gicat Iiciih.
lit An npptal was lnudt' lor the birds
(is a uattua! oinauiciit tu tho loeulltles
In which they weie found. Many peo
ple, oiiilthologlsls and It.) men, testi
fied along these Hues llcslileiits ot tho
towns of lledo'idi), Santo, Monica, San
I'etlio and Avalou lo the tint
that tin bluls ant tho uatuial luaili
scavengers, and ih it ncne of these
places would bo iiiilieu'lby If birds
were lonioved.
Huudieds ot gulls aie setill llilllm the
waves on tho bcuch after a stoim feed
ing on tlead llsl) (hat have washed tu,
The niujiiilt. nio on llio water, 'iNIni,'
Williams' Fire Sale of
Mostly Kitchen Utensils
Just the goods that were actually dam
aged are all that ws have got to sell
you. But there are quite a lot of them
enough to keep us busy selling for a
number of days. Most every article in
Household Utensils ia represented in
the collection and the '
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
over the heavy bieakcis In semes as
they come In, to nllght again and feed
upon the fishes that aie rolled over and
over by the waves. Others arc patroll
ing tho beach, picking up the objects
cast iishoie, and so pcifcctly Is this
work dono thut in u short time no
lemalns of tho dead llsh, that might
be'coino a nuisance, aie found there.
The bluls at this tlmu present a most
atti active spectacle and many people
collect lo watch their movements.
In Avalou bay u number of profes
sional llsheimen follow their calling
and when the llsh aie cleaned eveiy
11101 nine' It Is an Intel estlng sight to
obscivc these sen vengeis perforin their
duties. With them hi whiter arc many
blown pelicans, and all an so tunic
that they gather about the head llsh
I'liii.'in, a Venetian, and take tho re
jectamenta fiom his hand, some of tho
old gulls even allowing him to take
them ui. It Is not necessary to carry
tlio lefusc out Into the 1 haime. thesa
bluls lcniovo It all: In fact light for
It. This is true of tho gulls all along
the shoie, and (his place Is mentioned
especially us the bluls nie peihaps
tamer heio than clsowheie; but overy
whete they aie the natural health
gujidlaus of the coast, performing;
their duty so well from San Francis
co to San I'cdio, In the observation of
tho writer, theie Is not u spot that
becomes offensive by the accumulation
of fetid matter.
It would seem that the standing of
.the gulls In this lespect was beyond
dispute, but tho attempts of dealois
and their ivpiesent.itlves In their ef-i
foits to prevent any blid-piotoctlng
law fiom passing at San I'edio ilenion
stiated that there nie many who af
fect to believe that the gulls aie not
seavengei.s and should not be ptoteet
ed. The most lcm.ukublc testimony Introduced. One man stated that
the killing of gulls was to
enable I1I111 to obtain u living, and evl
I'cucf showed the evtiaoidiuaiy fact
that he hat! been killing the bluls tu
lire, not the plumage, but the bodies
as baits to his lobster and llsh tiaps,
and as bait for certain fish Some of
the testimony even at this time is past
belief ami well illusliates that a deep
and soggy Ignorance still holds lu the
civilized p.uta of the count ty.
The sea birds of the l'.icitle coast an
not alono seawngeis, but they consti
tute one of the charms of the country.
All appieclatloii of this Is sen
tlment by some. The long Hip s of
slags lljlng by the miter Islan is. the
(locks ot biown pelliaus wbl It swl.n
Into the little ba.s. the stoics of
gtebes and dlvets which link about
the wharves, the long-winged, alba
ttOhS and filgato blul which oieaslon
ally leach theoe shotes. anj many
lroie, have been the delight of many 11
v.yjger and liaveler. who have niadu
tin tilps to the tillloinla Islands to
lew thclll. At pu-si lit the ben bluls.
uilui'lng the biown pelican, aie pio
Uctcd, though doubtless theie aie
pna-beis. and In n tew years the In-
cicuso of bluls will be icailliy limit en
us the killing has b-en going on lot
tin or 111010 vcais on the I'atllli,
Some deitleis lu featlu-is and their
fiienda claim that bluls ale not tb -1
leasing, but the wilier knows local!
ties In Klolldrt, Wheio III IM'.'l bluls
weio seen 111 thousands, that are now
desoiteil. The niaish bv the sea,
ill Southein t'lilllinnla, whlih ivvilvo
veais ago was the w Intel home of In
niliueiable white lieions knows them
110 11101 e. i'ngl.iiid alone uses sn.Onn.Oim
hirds for deionitlvu purposes, and lu
provide all i:uiope aie an
nually di'itio.vid. and when we add
Aineilia It In lugs the sum total up to
!luO,fiOO,iiun l.iiiiduii also takis liiii.nno
hiimmliig bltds cveij vnir tunii this
conlliii'iil, uud .lUiluuO would, lu all pio
hahll!l, inn meet the ileiniinds for
Amerlta. KiiBliiiid ImpoitH i 00 bluls
of patadlsi uiily. and these bluls
aie doomed, while Wu.OOi) mlscellanciiiis
bluls ai useJ Sonic blul lover had
the uitiosit. tu watch the a lit linn
moms ol a Loudon house four mouths,
and 11 was luiiiid that dm lug that
time SiiO.iiiio r.ast and West Indian blul
skins wei sold lieu. One Chicago
dealer l- eived ll.'.OUtl lUlllllulllg lilt lis
In one lonslgnnietit: the sanii numbei
of uriu.itlti bluls (gulls) and IlilO.Onil
wings. These llgliU'S 111 e- slgnllleant.
but the set K'laiv ut (lie Audubon so
olotVif Massaehiisetts, to whom tin
writer Is indebted loi the Hemes given,
could doubtless give a duiker page,
and If an an mate statement ot the
bluls destioed lu a single year tu
pi oxide tlii- women of the wm Id with
fealllUH could be inude, it would as
tonish those who aftcet that the tines
tlon Is ope of nieli sentiment. Ulllcsn
somethliis,f'Js done many bluls, valua
ble as scaveiigeis, as Insect eaters uml
iiH objei Is of beauty, will be wiped out
of existence.
- I1LIS .V. nt'lKiltMICIt, lesucs.
A J. llLin. Minafcer.
Cll.ItM.b HtOUMA, l'ISI.sKMS
William H. Crane
Origin ii Xch olk last uml Produetion.
Druinitlttl liom th. ntvcl by ltll'ley and M. W,
l'rlei l.ntirc lovnr ln. ! 'ip. ImtfP tm-rt
find lom it, .' lUhonj Ursl two lows, l: lie.;
four iuuk. 7Jt , last two low. We , boxen jnd
losis, si.iD. Calloi "it
SjIo of fcals IiiimUj iMiiiini,-,
Juiu;crs and Lciscc. Loeal M'mscr.
ALL Tills WKLh
Marks Bros.' Dramatic Co.
I'luri.tlus icncrtolrc of standard plajs at
(lojiutir prici's
llmrula Matinic- "I'm 111-, Sake
liiurnln J.tcnlin,' ". SolUiprn heetlicirt "
M:.f Wl.l.k.
Keystone Dramatic Co
hi Itentiliiii'
AMinieo ihlli. In ginning TuetJjy 1U ami -'Ot.
lttnnitt l'ilccd-lu, JO and .'0 cents.
The Dickson Miuitir.ictUTini; Co.
tcraatun rtnil Wllkevllirr ft.
Muaufaciureri of
Rollers, llolstlngandPumphic Machinery.
General Office, ticranton. Fa.
I Dyspepsia,
jSick-Koaii -lacho
and Liver
Sold by nil ilrncclotu
or Kim. oy man.
Nen Ui Medical Co., Chlci
Fold b Mtbarnli i. 'fliomai. l)iu;;iits, 203
ljil.awaiua attune, bcranton, l'j
Flijs'.clan and Surgeon
311 Sprue) St,
Imp.e Lcuri Bulldtag
vu acme and iluaule tlieaei ol mm, iiv.
men aJ -hll'l- CIIKOSK MJKVOlTi..
AM) W flSl. I)ltb.!)hi. A SPLIT,
AH di aii-a ot thu l-ltci, iadnev,
Ill-iid.!. Mini, flood Nu, Womb. Ut, Car,
Nose. Throat, and Luna's., Tumor.,
rib Uuiiuif, (ioitu. Itbcuiuatltm, Athnu
(alariti ulioetn. i"'i aiaiuiuou, .Mchllj
I n uloii, all I'einalo UKi-Ki'ii, I.cucorrlioca, t tr-.
(iuiiiivrrl.t.. nir'nlH' H'eol I'oljon. Inilmcr
lion and tuUitnl lnt it. obliterated !iirery
lit Vl'llen. Tare and Mmiucli Wormj CA
'1 iiIllniaoNl tfimliic for Catarrh Thru
non.u' uvaiiiiini oiil.1 V 00 'ri ,'rco (
nfllie t on.oltilton and 1 iniipition free. Of
Ilu houi. li'lj " I fnnlJ), S a in lo t
I "i
Tojicka Penalizes Hospitality wltl
Fine nnd Iininlsonineiit.
II I hne Vine lu m I ii VvtiateU l'n.
ToticK.i, K.ui , .M1111I1 ii An ordl
1111111 1 Iuik bi'fii ndoiat'd by tilt city
million wlllcll. It Ih bcdb'vcil. vl niukn
It Illlllu.St llllilllhhlblo lor tlio Joliitlsln"
to do bu-llic.-h In tills t'llv.
Tlio iiidlliuiu 11 Hi.iKos It unlawful (n
tient 11 I'lli'iiil tu u iliinli ut Hanoi In n,
pilvuti liuiidi' A iiiuii Is di'i'lund lo
bo KUlll.v of loin t Inec tin tndlniiiiro IC
liu l found 111 u lilui'f wlioio liquor 1 1
(told. 'I'lU' mdlllulK'i) duoH not rccitilm
that 1111 iiitunl illc' hIiiiII lu moved.
He. ivy llui'i iintl liiiiilKoiiiutiit of thirty
tu one lutmlnd ilaH lu Jail arc tin
liuiiiilitc'H fm violation nf the otdl
100 PILLt.
25 CTS.