! (?- 4viv ' - 4 '4;. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 11)01'. - vvy -.y1 ; PuM'shed Dally. Ksctpt Sunday, by The Tnb. una rublUhlnj Cornr-any, t Hlty Cent a Slontli. J.IVS 8. HICHAM). IMItor. 0. F. BYXDKB, Dullness llJiiirrr. Kew York Office: ISO Nassau St. s. h. vni:i:iiASi), bole Acent for rorcljn AelvertUlnj. Entered it the PostonVe at Scranton, l's., Second Class Mall Mailer. When space will permit, The Tilbunr Is always I clad to print short letters fiom lis friend bear- ' Ins on mrrciit topic, but Its till"" Is tbal these, i mint be IrmcI, tor publication, by the writer j real names and the condition precedent lu i ae- j cepttnee is mat all lontiiieitiotis ii.m oe !' to editorial revision tub flu nir ton ahvuiimini;. 'the follow lug table slum i the Mice per lufli eaili Insertion, space to In" ncil vvllliln one )can ' "riitiiinl lAidliuoiil Hill l)spI,s.V ( Paper I Itcpillni; I l'os.tiir- . Ktlisn KM Inches .23 I .271 I ,' .V0 inches JH I .11 " last pi .i;i I I ' .'0"0 " VI .IT I le' fcOOil " ,-, ,ii,? ; .! for cards of thanks, resolutions ol e.oiuloleii' . ami similar tontrihuttons In tli naluie of ml vctllslnp; The Tribune makes a eliarije ot 5 cents line. Rale for Classified Aclirrtistiij. furnished n application. TEN PAGES. SCRANTO.V. MAKCII 7, 1!01. Xewapap'T accounts of tlio InauRttral festivities have caused the .lefTer.son iuri simplicity people to R.i.ip for In path: but Jefferson would ha done likewise hud lie lived In our tlpie. "The Chaser." -W-JIKIIK IS much to be said In I favor of the election of ne- JL lect counellnien at large. On the basis of a member Milp of twelve, either with minority loprpsenlatlon or without nntl that could wisely be left to the people a select branch elective at lurse would represent a unifying force of undoubt ed value In city Kovernment. It would not only enable the stroiif? wards to juit a better Impress than at present upon the character of legislation, but It would also do nwuy with a lame part of the ward and sectionpl log-rolling now so ptomlueui In our councils lit no city Is this mote necessary than In Scranton, where the lines of former political divisions yet remain llxed in popular prejudice ullhough no longer existent in Ijw. If, theiefore, the supplement to the ' ripper" bill colloquially Known as the "chaser." renoited to be in course of pieparatlon In Pittsburg, shall go no further In Its main features than to recast the select council ftoin a senate of ward reptesentatlves to a senate of icii-etfiit.itlvr at huge, it will nielli filendly coiisideiallon. The charter act, as adopted, bus ceitiilii textual ei i oi s and Inconsistencies, due. lo hasty printing, which need levMon, end these supply the piotcst fur sttp plemeutaiy leslslalion. Hut If th.'ie "hull he an attempt to break faith with Si r.tnton by undoing the provisions In verted in the otlRln.it bill in response ti tills city's, demands, which we do not anticipate but for which our rep lesenlatlvcs sir c no doubt DiTpaied. then look mit ror trouble. It lias livon hinted that Mr. faiiei's oiiiso would have, been dlffeieni bud the ihor mid Iwulmr bill ont- itc-d plovlslons roi the lnipinviiniit , gulches .mil canons. Regarding Aline Inspection. Till: Itll.I. at riatilsbuitf t Incieuse the number of mine Inspeilois, cut their pay and make them elective by popu lar vote cannot be intended to pass without coiislileiable iiineiidlueiu It i. a ineaMiic which, if enacted as It now stunds, would piove a dettlmenl to every pet sou cmiceitiPd In tin. Penn .vlvanll mining industry. The law of lMi'.i appointing .six au tlitacite mine ln-pec tins was passed when'the annual pioduotioii of aiitlira- clto amounted in round numbers to I only lfi.flnu.oi'ii tons, lu Ins., win, ,, niiuual 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 i n i,i ;:i,oijii,oiki tons, one Inspectoi was added. Six y(.ui.s later, when the prodiullop had grown to -pi,. t'OO.noo tons, the eighth Inspector was piovldcd fm, ami this cntinueil until the .session of two ;(..;. 38c)i when the vailtuu InspecloiH of i,u bliumlu otis ami anthi.iclte dlMilcts were placed under the supei vle.cm of a .-hief of Ihe blllf.tll of mines and llllnlug. Today the piodlictlotl of ailllitaclle is mine than three times as ,n.,e us . U.'d . I. , ,i , . III 1M..I. When t. number . f InspettoiH ui two ires man at pterin, in tile nif.iullnie. ihe pioblc-.ns of inlnliiK ' have giown dltllcnlt, nuiln winkings 'have been (neatly eMendfil. vasi r'Uiiiiges have been niade In mining I'loc-esves and the duties of Inspection have multiplied many fold. " Tills shoit lecltal of facts einphu Vlzcs the nePcl of an Increased number of Inspectoi s. and the leglsUtuio Is in vited to consider ihls need carefullv. Hut to make Inspectors elective for a salary onlv a Utile' more than one ililul that now paid would Im to cop. veil the whole subject of mine Inspec Hon Into a farce. .Mine Inspector not wottli $3,000 u year aie not wot lit a cent to anybody. In UngJiind the wages of mine Inspectors have been lucieased from 11,000 to $:,,000 a year, laigely .upon tho direct request of the mine woikers. who leeognlze that the high est efficiency which money can com mand Is their Just due. The state of Pennsylvania derives four times as much levenue from Its anthracite mines today as It did thirty years ago, when mine Inspection was 'III st estab lished; yet the cost of Inspection has not Inci eased one-half. There Is, theie fore, no urgent economic reason lo ,. Justify (he attempt to put $l,'J0O a year lability In the place of 3,000 a year ability, Ir would be a' mistake so un necessary that It were better to abol ish mine Inspection entirely, An for the elective plan of iiumlns Inspectors, reason has yet to bo shown why the present merit system should be abandoned. The censure cast upon our inllllln. men by the Washington newspapers should be resented by the public In one voice Tit" Pennsylvania troop have tnsloil Inauguration ham f-nndwlelie liefoto atitl should not be aeeuod of KUfferltig- from any of the III efiecti that might dilvp a novice to deeds oi' violence. The oilleiul nnuounrement of the In tention! of the Oliver family seems to Indicate that Its nicmlwn oie not lu the newpap"f business for politi cal guln, hut I:uply to make the al-nmsi'h-ie M)iulc. Childishness. r UK ATTACK upon Chief Aline Inspector Roderick, bused on a distorted version of words uttered lu the comse of tin autmnted private con vetsatlon, Is a good Illustration of the mischief-making tendencies of small men In huge places. Any man men tally big enough to sit In the leglsla lute of Pennsylvania who should have been a patty to such u conversation a Is alleged In this Itmtauce, Instead of meditating noon II for several tlayn and then turning It Into an attempted sensation, would either hnw dismissed It ui once from his mind or, It eager to prefer charges, would first have asked .Ml. Itodtiilek to submit a. col lect eislou of what he hud said. The denial by Mr. Roderick that he said anything Intended to reflect upon the mine-workers of Pennsylvania, Is hardly nece.sjiy. although It will at once be accented In lien of the frothy ohatges of his uccusus He Is himself a miner, up-grown trom the ranks; and all his s.Miipathles arc naturally with t lie worthy elements among the tollers in anthracite production. It would be a sorry reflection upon the government of a gte.it stute If vindic tive light-weights like the Schuylkill accuser of Mr, Roderick could on trumpeiy charges be successful in dis possessing of oillce and reputation men of .sturdy character and attainments whose shoes they are not titled to lace, Fortunately no such contingency is In view. Ii Is a pleasure tu note that Otators Pettigtew and Lent, will hereafter ! obliged to pay their own hnll rent. About Kansas. w? ll.LIAM Al.I.nX W'JUTK. e country t'dltor.vvrlter Boyvllle stoiles, blog- lanher of celebrities like Hi van. Manna and Ctoker, and diag uostlcian of neutollc Kansas, laughs to hcorii the report that the proprietor of MeCluie's ni.mas'.liie are able to tempt him lo move ftom Kniporia lo New York. To a reporter for the Indianapolis Piess, by whom t'lU sub ject was broached, Mr. White recently said: Ihiie ii .! loirly l." i ill 1, in J n le.iiiil tb.t I uut oiiiu U l'de Krr.j t an.v irne or tor jii pc'tiblf Job. In the lnt plare, lc I line luce niver nnertd lm J Job. In Iho ercoim idare, nu j.,1) in Sew oik city ai an; puce wonld tunpt r.ie. The r.mporia Ojelto li .1 uond p.i.iui; piopcrti. U nul,et a liuuli tnone.c eei ,veji a ,m nutj:J2lrie ol paier . uiiM .irtoitl lo j.iv nie; jikI, cclut i more, I men it; I inn u own bo. Vnd I'd rutlici lice In .1 to n where on ucin ecfrjbody .ind eiticbody l.nouti con; xthoie con .let aa pall l..'jitr Jl the fill eiM1s and hustl Jiound at th. ccod iy.nicU3 jnd lend conr slberv.ire or the uiiMmi;. and ccheie rtei,body I l.l.own hy hit hiii iiuine, .ind uhtre everchoib Unou'A when .com' nolf com.- ilcc-. and ec'irchody tiirn out tu ,i Inc. I m, I'd l.i I ul bee in th.it hi lid ot i 1'i.Mi l)i in in .im bin i He I i Is Vi' Voi'k, wleie juu nc.er kiiow who jimr li'vl door iituhhor N until the jiitiol cciron show up .in I "pllithis'' the hotee. Whcjii aked for ,m opinion upon the Caiile Nation movement. .Mr. White said: lh.'le'is IhU tihuill Mlh. N.aiuli: ehr i 4 ood, i.imel, motlierlv woman echo lus sutbied a a Uir.it nnuy ukiihii ilo unVi fiom uhlihy. lire Mit Ii'IkImiiiI, ho N prolulily mi.'ii ilo-it In In r he.nl h the lour of lier cillnond, died of de- I I a licit titmen s)ie ly not m.-ane, bat some thin U iliicen funtii i Lor ejitMlne-. and h.ttied of Ihe saloen llicie i no doubt aboiil lur uiollce, not J- ihcie atii doubr aht.ut hrr couiaife. I'lolitliU, K('TiieliiMt!, iihe I rry urijci-t ; niid ceiiatnl.c. Hniicdm)" he ia looiivh. The r.iioon, oi, ,i e call tliem in Kanj, the joint, run In ciolitlnn of the liw and of the alalr 6iii!liili ii. The Ji'.' .1 Ijiflri n me, and, b the -.line ioen. she l a laccleih at tliej VVe all ibpicule ciolcli'e -I hellece tint l 11 line, indite void which, die imlnc.re .ilnjj. adept-bul j .i niitli of hid, Carrli- Vatu.ri li.iiil kliu.K j blow lh.it did iioi mil.p j lot of demit. iextibe pfcple clo I.J e sei n Iv.ucii juinil-l.s ej.H ji (lie Iju, ipdcer cclib no ii!ilii-id jo.c. Von pi,c emir i nee .ind laic' join i hoite out In Km.i As to the political situation In Kan sas, Mr. White said tluc the state was s.ifel Republii-an ami laiKely on ihe Issue of prospetlty. ti c Id .i. 'Hi- .!. or trials h pan m h.in-. i l.ene lies iti ,, v loil. and i, din ac, ai,. ,,, ., lu,1? 1fl Mlttlrtl .JJ' Up""'"' '" "' Klnlej last fall In Ii,d'.l Kansas ' l"''',"''"w ,r '"''' '" O,1'or politicians -nun I "" mIT .Tt!"'.'' !!'. ',"!'' tl ..:.,.- 4. .. I., . i ... . . . " '"iviuii si'it'in ma Ills'. I nry ll.HP ' rillII,i, Hu ,i I niied Stale, .enaior n.iu.d Mill lull- J null who ll-es almost as mal'.T d,i Hot it.i won!. ,iu Iik.iIU and cluiur.s hU lotl.es l tlintT- i die. It that i-n't a ko.uI kIs'i ttui K.tii-wi h'c tcmi b.ti k lo iho le-etvatton and is eolri; M he u uo..d Indliii, cl,al (iiiilt-i si;,n do con cant ' Tlic fact that a wiltet of Mr. AVhlte's force, ability and pungent humor is peimltieil to live and thilvo in Kansas l a pretty good sign that Kansas Isn't half as bad as she looks. lmrinvt the absence of Maud (Inline things appear to be going to pieces by default In the house of commons. Luck V.4. Merit. r AVKNTV years ago Chailes M. S.Mnvab was earning $t a day as a stake man In a sutveylng party; today ho is the executive head ot an Industrial coiporatiou capitalized at more than $1,000,000,000 and, In addition to being a man of considerable wealth, home vvheie in the millions ot dollars, Is In lecelpt of n ealaty eqiml to tliat of tho president of the I'nlted States. Mr. Schwab never had the benefit of a college education. Ills parents were poor and he had to woik lu eaily boy hood to help earn the family living. Vol today he Is nn educated man. not only fnmlllar with tho numerous de tails of his special Industry, but also well Infoimod on general subjects and versed In the liberal nils. He edu cated hliiiself, Tlio doctilue of luck Is frequently I put forth to explain Instances like this, I but In Mr. Schwab's catc It Is Inade quate. Mr. Schwab was not n lucky man lu his eaily day, On the con- trary, he was forced to go through many prlvntlon, which to the young man of today would rpepar like de cidedly hard luck. The secret of his success Is said by those who know to have been In the fuel that he mus tered every detail of each position nnd duty an he went along; worked hurder nnd longer than any colleague, nnd kept hi" wits on the alert for new Ideas, which he piomptly carried to hpndqtiartets and turned to the best possible account. It Is probable that he vns not a modest, Mn Inking man whose light was hidden under a bushel. No doubt he belonged In the category of fresh young men; thnt is to r?ny, young men not deficient In sclf-confl-deme and willing to aid others In set ting a liberal valuation upon their own north. Rut vvheie he differed fiom the riveuge young man was In having something back of his ftesh ness. Ho knew his business thorough ly and proved equal to each succes sive test The consequence was that It did not take long for those above Iiliu to n-cognlze thai he was u trust worthy recipient of luci-cnred respon sibilities. It does not neueesuilly follow that every man who fulfills these require ments will be elevated nH rcpIdlyasMr. Schwab was. Special chances some times roine to men thtougli fortunate association with other men who are so situated as lo be abU to throw ex ceptional opportunities in fiont ot de serving friends. If this I" luck, Mr. Schwab was lucky, but It Is Impoitant to note that his luckiness came to view after his ability had been thor oughly established and his fidelity proved. The lesson of his eaieiv Is that youn,T men ate not being robbed of futures, but that the opportunities b"foie young men who amount to jcomethlng are both moie numerous and mote dazzling than at any pi lor time In the history ot the coun try. The eiy fact that money today Is' plentiful adds greatly to the naed of men who can be misled in hand ling It. Almost any experienced busi ness man will tell you that It Is easier, to get hold of capital than 11 is to get hold of the kind of manager. into whose hands you feel like putting your capital. Sybil Sanderson, the operatic lumi nary, seems to be suffering from an attack ot over-zealous ptess agent. Two Inatigtiral Scenes Compared V I. ( ititis. In the ( htcago liecord. I N r,N(;L.Nl) there has recently been a change of rulers attended by ceremonies vehlcli wcie essentially dllfeient from those veltnessed In Washington On the 14th of February last, when Albeit l.devard Wettln passed the plattonn wheie he took the oath of office, he was pre ceded by J moeip of pursuivant, or men-at-arms, dicved in Ihe coturiie of the Flvteenlli century, and a group of heralds bearing the banner of the dlflcrenr, duchies and eaildonis, and sounding sllur tiunipets. Following Jlliem eeere the'equer-rlos-in-walting, the gentlemen ii-hers, the grooms-in-waiting, the (Ontioller of Ids majesty's house hold, the keeper of the prley purse, the piinci pal king-at-anns, the lord chainbeilahi, the earl mirslul and the gentleman tL-her of theblack rod. Ilrliiud them came the lord piiey seal, the M.niils of Salisbtiij, the Inn) high chancellor, II e earl of Hal-bury and Ihe seven! of state boine he the Manpiis ot Londondcriy. Then appeared the king's most excellent majesty, accompanied ! her giaeious niaje-ty the ipiecn, her Itoyal HiKlmes Pilnce-s Vis toria, attendid by the nils tiess oi lobes and Ihe ladies of the bed-chamber. Following them were twelve pages of honor, the master of the horse, the captain of the yeomen of Ihe uanul, the captain of the loips of gentle-tnpii.ll-.uine, the gold stick, the silver stick, the held iiiar-hal of Ihe lirltUh anny and a detainment of knight", gentlemen-al-arms and vcoinen o( the guanl. William McKlnley was es "c oi tul by Pin Hiinsdill, the one-atmed sergeant-at-amis of Ihe I nlred States seriate; Mark llanna, evho lluiped along by the aid of a cane beside him; .Linus K. dimes, of Aikauvis, and .vour I nde doe Cannon. it -When Mhcit l.dnaid Wcliin lecently eeent to tin' lliiti-H bou-e o( paillainrnt to take the oitli ot oillce be rode In n magnificent chariot which was nude In the eighteenth centmy for ItU great-uncle and ea u-cd by his mother t her ccioualtou. It U thlile-foui feci Ion;, thirteen feet high and the wheels aie si fret lu diameter. The exterior is a rno.t elaborate combination ot caieed wood and runnel. The rarelng Is covered uiih gold and the panels aie pooled n 1 Hi beautiful designs in brilliant colots Upon the doors arc the royal coat of aims The In terior is lined ceith uiinsou ratln. This coach eeas drawn bj klMeeu cream-cnloied liorses, wliicli eerie bred at Windsor and hale neecr hauled anybodv bill le.ealty. William McKinlee rede to the A mc ik. in house of parliannul to take (lie OJtll of ufhec lu an oieu landau, foi eshlih he paid -1,mi of his ov.u iuoiie In Phlcago. It is Ihe -ante in which he and Mis. McKlnley ilde about alino.t dallv, only it sea diawu b four horis Instead ol two. Iho Icadns seeie a tin" pilr ol blacks which were purchased by the pie-idmt four ,'eau ago, and nhlcli have been in dall.v use eeer since h became president. Die wheelers are the new pair recently bought fur him In Ohio and sent lo Washington during the holidJ.es. The pit-idclit's loaitiuian, "spenn-r Coleman, l up, 'ii the box. and L'-siile him waa ( liarlea lle.der, the looliuMi. who iialled upon the pics! dent's lalde evlii-n he was a member ot coiigiess and Heed at the l.bbltt llouv. Ilotli of them ecoie light cue- llcc-iy and silk hat without eoci.adcs and couiplctul the equipage of a gen tle'itmi in peifei.t tact, wlthuiit oslcntation. Willi.iin .Vbkiidev sal In a big library clulr of daik crliiKou tutted Itussii lealhei, which looked xiuj coinfoitahle, evhlle tle prelitulnai.e prooed ings wcie going on in the i-.-nate c lumber. Two vecl.t -M' under -Indlai Liuiuiiitanees Albert IMnsrd Wi tills eat uin a gorgeous throne. The fume is inal.ogju.v, elaborately carved, hut the wood Is novvheie visible, being cntlrel.e covered with a lieu gliding of Fngllidi leaf gold. Its lrive list upon four lions couchant. The bad; Is of gables of lolly pitch, with molded columns on each side, unmounted by a lion and a unicorn holding saolls, eehile In the center, higher still, ! .1 n'piesfiitatlon of the linpeilil crown, In ihe middle of the back are the quartering of the mjal otroM of Fngland embroidered with gold rolotrd silk en crimson velvet, with a surround Inn bonier studded with pieces of rock crystal. The cushion to the seal Is aUo ol nlmson velvet ilchlj embroldend with Ihe while Tudor rose and leafier. V glided foot slool to match is oblong In shape. The top is coceicd Willi veleet cm bioldered lu gold, the pattein being spiajs ot roses wiih a border ol rleur de lis, William McKlnley woie a oiill of tino black dlagonil with an overcoat of similar material faced in silk, Ills glow were d.nk tan and lie held a new silk hat in his hand. When VllnU L'dnard Wet tin took the oath of olHce lie appeared In the utdfoim of the high admiial of the llrltlsh navy In testimony of the supicmacy of his subjects upon the sea Ills breast was covered with Jeweled decorations and from his shoulder hung the Impeilal lobe ot crimson velvet emblazoned vvllli wldf gold lace and lined with rojal er mine, Seicral thousand skins were used for this lining and nothing lijil the Hncst specimens. In order lo give the cloak the combination known in heratdy is 'miniver, the ermine was sjmrnet. rlully spotted with 10,000 pieces ot black fur. o When his malestj King IMward VII of Fngland and emperor ol India had taken the oath of otflce, the Duke of Devonshire, lord president of tin) pihy loiindl, placed the crown upon Ids h-ad, and the tap of maintenance and the sword of state veeic placed upon Ida right hand and upon his left. The lord chancellor, the loicl president snd the earl marshal stood upon Hie light, the lord priiy seal upon tho led and the oooooooooooooooco 6 A The I People's i Exdnaege., A POI'DLAIt CUIAniSU HOWSK for the ' " llenrflt of All Wlin ttive lloujrs to. rirnt, neat lUtate or Other Property lo Sell or Fichanire, er Who Want fcltiiattons or ' Help These !-mall Advertisement Port , One Cent a Word, Fix Insertions tor Flvn Y c-enei a cvotci I.-.eept situations oamcu, 0 Wlilch Are Inserted Krei 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo Wanted. TWO 1I0OMS. ITItXISIIKII (til PA1ITI.V ft II nhlied. In cential city, bv man and wife, cslthout children, (leorge U, liei. 'I Adams nee title. Help Wanted Male. I.OXII l'.M'Alll.NIIKtl 1I1IM WIStlDS TCI CN (,-ave a nuruircr for branch in Mranlnn, who can howl oo to il,tiO capital, and ube ex ceplhuial icfeienccn; salary for first ear HJ1 per month. Atldira, Mamner, Hot T, I'lilladel. hb, Help Wanted Femnle. h .NTi'ii-i-p:itii'NCi:n oitti, roit ch:m:hm. Iioiuivvoiki small family; sood place for right party; mint furnish flrt-cla nlerences. Call at 41S Wheeler avenue. Situations Wanted. MriAlIoTVVNTi:i-lY A WIDOW.AS t Illt.lt. nui'se or hoiuekeeper. No, ."11 llatlison avi. SITUATION v"AN1TI-!IY A P0Y UETWI-EV 13 and ir, vears old, as drber; can lake rare of a hoise. Address M.uiiey Price, liber streit ullcy. Snt'MIOS H IMIIB-AI VVASlllN'tJ. CLIIVN ln oi anv kind of day woik. li'P t'edai -ive-nue. Mrs. Kuvccll. SITUATION WANTLO-UV MN, 000D PL UN and fancy cook and baker. I'., 21 Vet Matkct sticct. SITt'VnON WAMflU-llY A Mtniil.r.-.MiP.li ncimari a homekeepei In -mall famllj. Ad 1 1 1 c -c-s 2J1 living avenue. SUTAT10N WANTLT1-I1Y Mmiil.l'-AflP.li man as aardonor: can Rive references. Ad dress Ou. Jlusner, 121 lllckorj street, city. W'lNTKD-l'OMTION AT OHNKItAL OFt'lCT. orl; by thoroughly competent joUiir Vo man; excellent reference. State character of work and salary. I). I A., rare Tiibune ottlee. AX F.XPF.I1IF.XCF.I) SlT.NOtHtAPIIKlt. WILI.IM1 tn aselst with books, d.-slrri position with reliable firm; highest refeiences. Addles P. A. 0., Tribune office. SITUATION VASTEI-nY A YOt.VO LVPY, VS hoasckecper in a smalt family Hli a C'ti tleman that has got a nice borne. Address Miss P., 1101 Piopctt ucernie, clt.e WANTFI'-YOUNO WOM N WITH tiOOIl business capabilities wants position as sten ographer or bookkeeper. Addre-s C. ". A., caie Tribune oftlee. lord great chamberlain at the steps of tlie throne to leceiee the rojal commands. The lord steevard and the other ofliceis of his maesl)'s lionscholil ananged theinsebes upon each side of the great onTrers of state, ami the peeis of the realm gath ered around them. After Ids most excellent maj esty bad delivered his speech lie ictired tu the robint! loom, the clown being can led before him by th Pule of Devonshire, the president. of the council; the sword of state by the Maquis of Winchester, and the cap of tniinlrnancc by I lie ear! marshal upon either side. When William McKinlry, picsldent cf the Fnlted States, ap proached the dais, Mail. Hanna held an umbrella our Ii' )i est to protect him from the ruin, rnd Jones, of Arkansas, with the eollar of his overcoat, tiaiei' up to Ids, eais, and Joseph (i. Cannon, wealing the tame old slouch hat that has sheltered Ids powciful brain for many a w hi rer, came loaung along behind them. The lain bad demoralized the uilieis, and careless people who wcie burr.eing back to the capital building bumped Into the itnpcrl il patty as lliey came doivn tlit- Ions aliile. Others who eeere more watchful of their surroundings slipped hack be tween the rows of empty chalis and took off their hats as the pieeidcnt veent be. but the imprrial crown, the .sword of Mate slid the cap of main teranie were oinltfed. FOOLISHNESS VS. SENSE. From the Wilkes Ilarre Times The difference between sills, mi and diimfltd comment vsas shoevu in the ilirTeirnic bclwccn th "specials' sent from Washington to the Scraiitou morning papers. One roin-pondint, who writes as if he had necer been out of sight of the Diamond Flats culm bank of scranton, thinks that the Thiiteentli leglmtnt was aboui. three-fourths of the inaugural parade. He si.es that paitlcular ngiiin-nt was oiatlomred all along Ihe route, and Hut the president, vice president, (icueial Miles and the disliriuulshed vieweis showed an adtee niam of plea-iuc vehen the Thiiteentli went be. The chances ale two lo one that nobody bul Sc union riillhns kneev the Thlrtccnlh from the Pol to Ilico Lai tallon. The comment of the other corieioiident, tiowi-vrr, limits Ids piaise 1t tlic observation that the Thiitcttiili couiiaicd eci.e faeorabl.e with t lie otlii'H of the .National (iuard of Pemi selvania Altogethu- them 1s little reason in wippo-e ihcic l any truth In the slur) that the pKsldeut uslad about -' oVIoek: "Is Hie Tliu iecnth of vranlnti in plan1:" es." "ITien let the pioicstion proieh." AN OPINION ON CONGRESS. . I (unit, in llielhh.igo llftciil. 1 do not think that anv pailianii'iil in 'lie wculd could make a betn-i- appearance thin the longiebs ot the Fnlted Slates, oi l .mk higher in intellect, morals or patrbllim. fills has been an cienplaiy congies. The IriciAilaritiesi in iho disposition of pattonage bae shown that the bump of teltl-hlrss ii well decelopcd and tnat the inciubcis tiy lo uh-irec the injunitioii il u "he who I'Jictli Lot br bis oeni household is nnre than un IntlJel," uut oiler than that tluii has not been ;i sc ind.cl ot am kind in the I. Will congress, and Its semlons have been tree fiom those scenes ot dlscrilei which nlten occur echeu the paeslons of men me mound bj dibate SONG FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Wo tread a beller earth today TTnn that the fathers knew, A broader sky-line rounds away To realms of deeper blue. Mile ample is the human unlit, More true the human ken; The law of Cod his been i llsht To tread Ihe lives of men. Hi led our generation on II, mist or smouldeili.g liir; To mora than ill the centuries gout The niardiing ecus usplie. Aciosd the onward sweep of lime V strain our vision dim. And all the age roll snd climb 'I o 'lose theirnehea in llln. We gaze upou the aeons pat A blind and tuniblina; surge, And slowly, from the welleilng tact. Uphold a law r-iiergc. Tho water leeined to Leave and sway In chaos undenlni; Vet not a foanvflake diovc attrae, For lie was wind and isle (1 Purpose cf the stumbling veats, O wistful Need and Hope, Mheitby, In all the woven spheirn Tho atoms -earn ruic'.iiicpe, Flow through tho wandering will of man title ot slow decire, And merge our ttilvlntx in the plan That draws the worlds lo Thee. - Fredrilrk Langhrld-e, In the Leisure Ibe r For Rent. vvi roit HiiNT-s-itooM iioi'fi. on nitr.nv II Idne" street. Modem ImproMiueiits. An drew M. I'irie, lf.il sandeison ictu-. Poll IIMNT-SIOItK ON spni'( i; HTUIII'r. Op posite Hotel .tontijn: also store on I'niii nd I'ranklin i.cnnio.: oifiers in Coal Dscluiife and Mheily Hull, mid rt.ils suitable for small finillleis on W'.ulilliKtou iiml I'luliUIn avenues. Apply to John .lermyii, II I VVjorulns; acrnuc. I0 IIIAT-10 HOOM IIOIMI, .Monr.ltS- PI inocenietits. ,"ll VVjomlnaT avenue. I'on hunt tn:MiiAiiiitl irMTiT'i:s iv riit; lUirr building. AppW I,. II. Mosl.cr, 112 SprinV stieet, l'Olt lin.NT-STOIIK Al U v-q'.MKM Willi IimI- Impilre ;il Linden street, mi: nousi: ion iii;nt. ov "maoimis avi:- tnirl modern Improvement" Apply toi, Tfose, K.1 Idtkaccanna avenue. ti! niiKK.v niofir. stkkT.t. ti:x ihioms, modern Improvemenls! ftratii lir.it, fiirntshed; desirables tJVliO. For Sale. , " ( ,, v , i S4 jsvy ji x vaV rfj SiS SXW, roil sm.i: riitsr ilas svloon in town of ttce tliousirid liili.ilill.niU, hlty nilli'H from N raiiton; ilolnp if1"1 buslnems per inontli; In nel of money ni would not ell for Icsc than s.l.uc); pilce iius,. 11, sis). Addieis, M. .., T'rihuiin office. Ullt rlM.K-IIOL'MlllOl.tl f.OODS AT V.iT PINT, klrret. roil hai.i; iirmtKit 'iiitiiu iiuiv cahuivoi:. in sood condition, .VI r, Turner, llln Slid bei ry sued. l'Olt SU.L-T.W STVIMI IISIMIORSK 1A dies' earihue -,ilmet tew. llould' mike, ot 1T..., will sell for S123. Apple- Wl Monroe uvenue. pitiVATi: salf, or iiopsliioi.o noons Kill one eeeck, at CV1S Washington aecnue. For Sale or Kent. roit si.i: on iti:xT-i)i'iitiiLi: flck vt Faetoi.vvllle: large luicc-e. 17 acren land, fiult, etc. t . A Vidiobuii. 1'iOO Capoua avo nue, Scrsntc.n roit salf, on itiiNT Tin: ixtivi.vn pap.k Hotel; el'g.intlv liunlslifd; possession glceu en the (list day of prll. Apply to Wlillem I'raii,', caie 1.. Ilotdnson's Sons' brewery Wanted To Buy. WANTKD-SECONDIIAND BLOT MAGMIXIB: must be In good order, state partlcujan ae to make and prlee. Address I II., general de lltcry, Scranton, Pa. Furnished Rooms. ll'ltsIKI ItOOVIS I'OK OLMI.l'MF.N, IN liest locality central cltv ; all modern Im provements; rcfeiencei. tj Tribune. Money to Loan. MONi:V TO LOAN ON IVIPHOVF.D FIT V HEAL estate IILNIIY BLLIX. .111. ciias. ii. vi:lli;s. THOMAS &P11ACIJE. MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOltTaAOL'. any amount. M. II. ilolgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-!-UICK, straight loans or Building and Lov.i. At ftom to 0 per cent Call on N. V. Walker, 3H-315 Connell building-. Recruits Wanted. WANTliD FOn U. S. ARMY: AF.LH IiODir.0, unmarried men between ages ol 21 and ''; citizens of United States, ot good chaiactcr and temperate habits, who can speak, lead and write English. llerruiti specially desired for service in Philippines. Foi information apply to Itecrultlng Ottke, Vli Weoinlng ac., be ran ton. Pa. Miscellaneous. oTdM'TuLsrFrtiTltuMOiriH and made like new; oh mahogany is speclvl iy. Wiite (1. W. Ilcskler. 7JS tlieen Itldgc st. DllESS PLA1TF.I15! FOIl SALE, 73 CENTS; FOII iner price, tl.50 Mrs MacDonald, ."30 Wash ington avenue. LEGAL. in nt:- i:tti: of cathauini: williavw, late of the city of Scranton, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the aboe estate having been granted to the undersigned, all ersons indebted to tho said estate ate requested to make imme diate ps.vmcut, and tho.,c having claims to pre sent them without delay to L. X. IIOIIF.UTS. Executor. No. 170.1 summit avc-., scranton, Pa II. S. ALWOIt'iTI, Attotnee. VfDlTOIts XOTTf!:-lN IIU: ESTATE OF Wil liam .Meyers, deceased. No. 21", Series C, in the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, rent.--'.baula. 'Iho undersigned an auditor, appointed lie- tie Oiplmtia' Coutt of Lickuwauna county, to Htate the account of Elizabeth Kiaft, e.seculrlx of said estate, and also to malic distribution of. the fuudu In her band', omoug the paitles rnli lld theieto, hereby giees notice that lie will attend to the duties of his appointment at Ids oillce. No. 103 Connell building, Seranton, IM , on Monday, the eleventh Uy of March, A. I 1001. at 10 o'clock a. in , at which time and place all persons interested are required to pre sent their rlilms or b elebsired from coming in on ald find. 11. S. ALU 011111, Auditor. ADMINISIItATOIFS NOTICE - EbTATE OF Oeorgo L. Preston, deceased. Notice Is lierehy gleen that lelleis of adinlnis tiation ujion tho estate of Ocoige L. Tiestoii, late of the city of Scranton, county ot l.aeka wann, deceased, have been granted to the uiidrr-bigtu-d. All persons hiving claims or judgment agaln't the estate of eilil dcceaseil aie icquestrd to msk.i kriovTO rame to me vvitlicit delay. And all per sons indebted Ihtrelo aie required to make Im iuedlate piement to. .s.VMI'EI. II. sTEVENS, Administrator, IVnnell Hullding. WELl.Es, i TOIIUEY. Altotnejs for Estate. TO THU IIOLDKlll OF 110NDS M'MIIKHs sen ii (7), eight (i. foltv-oue (tl) and foit--t!x (1C) of the I'olllery 1 ngtiiee r Cuiupati , hew,- Ihe bonds beating dale October 1st, l-"'. and keiiirvcl bv Imit moitgage of dial dat Please Take oths' Hut in puisiiance of the pioiblons ot the said bomls and Ihe oust more gage gben tu scuiie Ih- same, the bonds as numbered nlovo luce been diawn by lot lor payment on lint flint day of April, 1901, and ! am heicbv notified that the same will be pihl on the Hist dav of Apul, 11-01. at tho Lacka wanna Ti list and Safe Deposit Ouniparcy. Tnite named ill the tnut moitgage above rifeneU lo. togctlier Willi intciest coupe lu. ottadied theieto and remaining unpaid, and that Inteici will cease after the said elate. THE (OLLIEUY I.N(;liEII COMPANY Scranton, IM., February 2Jth, WOI. JROES&JAL Certlfied Public Accountant. K, C. SPAUI.DINO, 2.'C IIIIOUIWW, M'.W York. Architects. EPWArtD 11. DAMS AIMTIITECT. CONNF.LI, hiilicllug, rni.nF.iucK l iihown, aucihtect. fiuce building, 16 Washington aw nue, Scanten, Cabs and Cnrrlapes. HuhnKR TH1EI) CAUS AND CAIIIllAOKsTflksr ol service. Pionipt attention glicn orders b 'phone. 'Phones 2072 and 5Ji2. Joseph Kdley, 1J1 Linden. Dentists, ii. c. i:.i:iLEsnEiioi:it, pmli nuiMUMi. Spruce stieet, saanlon. DltTc. C LAL'UACH, 110 VOMIN't. WUSt'l" Seeds, O. It. riiAIIKU A- (-0. SEEDSMEN AM) NI US-er-men, stole 201 Washington avenue; giivn housed, ItijO North Main aecnue, store tele phone, 7fJ, Hotels and Restaurants. L- THE ELK CAFE, lil AND 1"7 ITIANKLIN AVE- nue, liaivs rL-asunai'is-, P. ZEIOI.F.II, Picpiletor, SOII.U.TON HOUSE, M'AI! I) L. A- IV. PA'S rngrr driiot Conducted on the European pl-n, VimOIl KOCH, IToprletor. Lawyers. FIUNK II. IIOM.i:, ATTOItSr.V.AT.LAW. looms, l;, 11, M and IS llurr bulldlne;, .1. VvTllltOW.V. ATTOItNKY ANI) COt'NSKU lor-at-lacv. Hooiim .'ikMI.'i Mean biilldlnir. U. II. IlCPl.Ollt.l'. A'tTOItMn - LOANS MOO. tinted on real estate secuilty, Vlenrs liulhlln, corner Woslilngton avenue and hpiucc street, WILLAItlLWAItlll'.N Js KNAI'I'. ATTOUXI'.VS and counsellors al-lacr. Itepublirati butldlni;, Washlnctori incline. .IIXUI' f. .IKSSUP, .VnoTINKYH ANI) fOUN. sellors at-lacv. Commonwealth billldlriif, llootm IP, 20 and 21, KIlWAtUl W, TIIAVLIt. ATTOnNI'.V. HOOVtS Wl-QQI, Qtli floor, JlcarJ liulldlni;. I.. A. WVrilKt, ArrmtNI,V-ATIAVV, IIOAltU of Trade Imltdlng, Seranttn, Pa. PAITKRSON A,!nLCaJ'ri!AIi:itS" NATIONAL Hank building. C. COMKOVS, fii;i llUMJni.lCAN IllltLDISO. a. v. ni:iiTiiotF. ATionsr.v, mkahs iii.no. Physicians and Surgeons. Pit. vl'. I. ALM'.N. 3t.t .N0imi"YASIINnroN avenue. Dlt. S. W. tAMOIlF.At'.V. OFFICF. MO W'l. Inglon avenue. Iteddence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic disease", lungs, heatt, kldne.ca and gfiilto-urlnary oigans a ipedolt). Hours, 1 lo p. tu. Schools. bCTiooi, or Tin: laukawanxa, sciuniov, Pa. Course preparatory to college, law, medi cine or business. 0 ens Sept. pith. Semi for catalogue, ltev. Thomas M, Cinn, LI,. 1).. priie elpal and propih-lor; , II. Plumle, A. M headmaster. Wire Screens. JOsF.PII KIIKTfl'.L, UIIAII T.ll I.Al KAWAWA avenue, Sainton. Pa., manufacturer ol Wlra Screens. Miscellaneous. DItESsMKlN(; FOIt ClllLllltllN TO OltDKU; also ladies' walsti. Louis .Shoemaker, 2IJ Adams avenue. A. n. niSIOIlS ILKVSs llll V VAFI.TS VM) ce.s pools; rio c,lor Impioced ptitups cwd. A. II. Ilriggs, proprietor Lc-aee orders ll.M North Main avenue, or Llcke's dru stote, tor ner Adams ami Mulbeirj Telephone O.M. Mn9. 1.. T. KKI.I.FIt, SCM.P THEVTMENT. X'.; thimpooil g, oU- ; faehl masage; iiuuieurini,', 25c; chlic.pnd.c. "01 (iiIih. BAUEit'S OIUIIESIIIA -MflC Foil II Vl.t.s" picnics, paitle, letcptionc, wedding and con cert woik furnished. For terms address It. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming aecnue, oeer Ilulbcrt's rntnlo -.teiie. MEOAUOEi: linos.. PltlXTi:i!S' Stl'PLIES, UN velcipei, paper bags, twine, Waiehouse, 1J0 W'asiilngton avcirie. Scrrnton. Pa. TIIF, WILKF.SIIAnilF lllXOIlll TAN HE II Ml in Stranton at the news stands of . Iteistnan Ilros.. IX) Spiuce and ,'AI Linden; Vt. Norton. :i2J Lackawanna aecnue; I s Scimtrer, 'ill Spnice ttrcct. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Effect Dee. 2. 1'sK). South Leave Seranton lea New York at 1.10, 3.00, B.S0, SCO and 1(1 o.i a, in,; l.'.Sj. :i.S.I p. m. For Philadelphia at !.) anil ino.". a. in.; 12..V and a.W p. ni. For Mioudsbuig at (Un p. ni. Milk accommodation at .1.10 p. in Arrico at Hohokrn at (1.10, 7.1s, in.as, .m, ;!.L, 4.1', 7.19 p. ni. Arrleo at Philadelphia at l.tsl, Il.'.'i, 0.00 and S.22 p. in. Arrive trom New- ork at 1.10, 4 Ort and 10.2:1 a in.; 1.0), 1..V!. .".41, s. and ll.Rtl p. m. From Stioudslmrg at s (ti a ni. North Leave Scranton tor Ilutlalo and Inter mediate stations at l.li, 1. 10 and P.uo a. m , 1.63, fi.'s and ll.3.i p. in. For Oswego and Sen case at 4.10 a. m. and L.ii p. 111. For t'lic.i at 1.10 a. m. and l.fl.1 n. m. lor Montrose at fi'X) a. in.; 1.0, and fi.4s p. in, For Mi liolson nt I 00 ami U.13 p. m. For lllnahamtoii at 10.20 a ni. Ar liie lu Scnnton from llulTalo at I.!j, j'.", " 1 and 10.00 a. in.: S.:al and 8 00 p. in. Fiom Os wigo and Sjraeuse at 2 i"i a. m.; 12.HS aril S.IH p. in. From Utlei at 2.W n. m.; I2.:w and 1.!al p. m. From Nicholson ot 7."0 a. in. and tl.oo p. in. From Montroe at 10.00 a in. ; S.20 and -.im p. in. Illoomiburs Division Leave siranton tut Northumberland, at 0.1", 10.0.. a. m.; l.M and 5.M p. m. For Plj mouth at J.0.", :;.I0, S.:a) p. in. For Kingston r.t S 10 a. in. .Virile at North umbeiland at !..1i .1. in ; t 10, ,"..is) and s p rn. Arrlee at Kingston at s.", a. m. Arriie at Pljmoutli at 2.0ii, 4.SJ, o.l'i p. 111. Arrive in Scranton from Nnrthunibeiland al ! 12 .1. 111.. 12.:i.'. 4.M anil s. r, p. m. I remi Kingston at 11.00 a. m. From PI.i nouth at 7 ."" a. in. , 3. '11 and .r.3J p, ni. scxinv tiimss. South Leave Scranton at 1.4(1, ::.r). 3.M. lft.flj p. 111.; .(.:.! and J. 10 p. 111. North Leave Scranton at 1 13, 1.10 .1. m. ; 1 .',",, 3.18 and 11.31 p. m Illoom-sbuig Division Leave sfunK,,, at pjoj s. m. and ft 30 p. rn. Lehigh Valley Railroad. lu Effect Mirch !, pull. Trains baee Scranton. Foi Plaliilelphla and New York eia D. II 11 It., at li 15 and 11.1" a. in., and 2.1s, l.T (black Diamond Espn-s). anil H.Mi p. ni. su;i davs. I), b II. It. I!.. L.'.s-. s.-7 p. 111. For WTdle Haven, Hiletou .mil pilmip.il polnls In the coal regions, via I) A II. It. II., n.ti, "IS ir.d 4 27 p m. For Poti.eillr. I 27 p. 111. For llrlhlchem. l'.aston, lieading. If irnsbiira; and principal intermedlite slatlons via D. ".- II P. n., (i.13, 11.3" a m.; 2.1S, 4 27 (Bhck Dia mond Express). . aj p. 111. NtiicMv', I) J, II It. It., 1.5S. S.27 p. 111. For Tunkliannoek. To-vanda. I.hnlra. liluea. (leneva and pilncipal inteimnliate siations, ii I), I,. A- W It. IL. s.s ,1. in., 1.0-1 and :i l'i p. 111. For (ieneva. Ilodiester. HuHalo. Magira I'all, Chicago and .ell point- west, eia I), k II. It It . 11.6 j a. 111., 2..J.1 (Black Diamond Evpiess), 7. Is, 10.11, 11 HO p. 111. -ui.da.es. li. i- 11, . j, 11.33, 8.27 p. in. Piilluiin pallor and sleiplic or Lehigh V'.illcv parloia cars on an liains nctvvcrn wilscsllarn and New- Yoik, Philulelphlj, llulfalo and mis perslon Biidge. ItOLLIN II. Wll.lll'K, lien. Supt . 2iJ ( ..rtanel ' street, Nov York. ' I'll MILES s. LEE. t.'.'ii. Pass. gi.. St, fVrfl.iti.l stieet, 'if York. A V. NONNI.VIVf IIE1!. Die Pass, Vgr.. '-oiuh llrthleheiii. Pa. Feu 1I1 lata and Pullman iiseivatlnrai apple in FIT) laikavvanna avriiue, -crantoii. IM. Delawaie and Hudson, In Elicit Nov. .'i, 1W") liains leii I'arbondale leave Sinntoii at 0 '11, 7.6.:, s.M. 10 1 ; a. in ; lion, .v: 2.11, :i..',.', ' , C.'i-', 7 37. ts. li. II 13 p. 111 ; 1 II. 11. ni For Hur.ed.ile-)-'0, 10 1 ; a m.. 2 11 and "- !' in. t ., I Foi Wiltc-llllie- o 1.1, , i" i. is, n.as, 111,4-, U.3.. a in ; l.'' -i-IS :ti'. I.2T, 0 lo. T.I-, lu l, II, ..0 p. m. For L. V. It. I! points (1.1", II. ii a, 111 ; 2 l 1.27 and II. n p lu. For Pmisvlvaiila It. II points 0.13, o.:;n ., 111.; 2.1S and 4 J7 p 111- lor Mbany and ill points north (1.20 a, 111 and .1.3' p. m. ' si'Nti' Y TI1A1NS. For IMiuondjIe tf.isi, ll.'i a. m.; 2.41. 3 "'. 5 17 I0.3- p. m For W-ilkii.-Harre--'.. 11. 61 a. 111.; 1.3. 12 e..'T, S.27 p. 111. For Albmv and points iimtli 3..U p. ni For lloneHlale O-Csl a. in. nnd 3.52 p. 111, luvve.t Mill to "U points in I'nited States and C-' J.'Jil. IIFIIDIfK. O. P A. Mbniy, V Y. II. W. ( IIO-S D- I'- -. -cianlon. Pa. Central Rnllvond of Now Jersey. Stations in New 01l.F001 of Llheriy sii-ct, N. It , and Si utli Fetrj. TIME 'IAIILE IN ITTFI I' NOV. 31, no, Tialiu leavo scianton for New York, New.nk, f-.tlMbcth, PldljildpliiJ, I .lslon, lletlilelic-ni, l Ifitown, Maiuli C liui.1: and While Ilavcu at i..;n a. m : expicss, 1 Id; iI'i''. U-oO p. in. .-utida)s, "T'or Pitlslon and Wllkes-n.nre s M a m . 1.1 1 and y.30 p. in. su'ida:-', 'MS p. w. for r.-.lllmoie nnd Wa..ilngton, and p..lnts South and Wist vli llelhlchiin. S.M a. 10. ; .10 and 3.30 p. in. Sundijn, 2 13 p. m. For Long llr.ins.li. Oiem (itove, etc, at '.iifl 3. m. and 1.10 p. 111 For Heading, Vcbancii and llariislung, via Al leiitown, 8.M a 111. and 1.11 p. 111. sundajs, "roi'VcitUvillc. 3.. O a. ni. ind 1.10 p. m. Through tickets tu all points east, south and wrst at lowest rules at the station. II, P. I1M.DWIN. (Jen. Pass. Agt. J 11. OLH.M'SKN, (icn. -upt. Etie nnd Wyoming Volloy. 1 ino Table 1" CTed sept. 17, 1IW. Tialiu for ll.iwlev and loial points, iniaieil lug at Hawley wllli Eile rallioad for New Noik, Novvburg and intcrm-dlalo points, leave Seran ton at 7.03 a, 111. nnd 2.25 p. in Tiaira aulve al Siaiilin at l) m a in. and 0.10 u. tu FIUIEY'S BMclk Dre Goods When we tell you that we now li.ivc on exhibition our complete spring; assortment of rs S Mack itas Goods further comment is unncces sary as the name of Priest ley" embodies everything de sirable in Black Dress Goods. Superior Finish! Unmatchable Des3grnl Durability in Wcari Tm tafcel Black Good Our line e uibraccs the fol- lowing neat weaves: MAlIOM.. I'Hor-ritot pi t m F.IIS and serviceable VOII.l (illENAUINK, " Hi:ii: DE ( IIINE, I IIINE SIMPLE, , MLK W ni l',l DOHA. PEIlfll.K ( IIEVIOr, ( itWENEin:. -lf.lv W TAMI-E. V F.Nl.TIANs, VI1MFIII.S. ( IIEVIOO. . lll.Mtll.TrvS. SEltOLS, L1C. ni:p pi: casiime in IIAIII.lii: POPLIN SILK MOIIAIl!, CIIEI'OLINE. C WILL'S IIAIIt, linOADn.OTlls, ALII VI ltd , POPLIN-, ETWIIM.-, PUUt.l.LA, New lines of colored Dresa Goods, Frcuch Challies,Koul ard Silks and satins at 510-512 LACKAWAMA AVEWDE "A Word to tfii. Wise is Siifjficicnl' The p.11 1 iiT wisiloill 3 to gel I lie bolt solnpr. We have tin- lawst Upp of iiitic'i cry, olllco .siippllp.s anil blank boons In Northcatetein Pennsylvania. ReyeoWsBros Stationers and ItiiRravers, Hotel Jeiinyn Butldinc RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect Moy 27, 1000. I Tiains leave Scianton, D. & H. Station: I 0.4D a. ni.. week days, foi Sunbury, 1 Hairisburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Waahington and for Pitts burg and the West. 1 D.38 a, iu,, week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Rending", Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun buiy, Uari'isbttrg, Philadelphia, Ualtlmore, Washington and Pitts burg fend the West. ' 2.18 p. 111., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. 111.) tor Sunbury, Hanis burg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Rending. &a, week days. 1.27 p, in., week days, for Sunbuiy, I Hasleton, Pottsville, Hnrrisburg, 1 Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1 U. WOOD. On Pss Ast ,1 II. IinnilN-ON, Gen. Mgr. 7.'me Ceirel il rffret lier. ,'IOIh, tltOO. SCRANTON DIVISION. i3R && 11 h ii h KB a SUI STVTIOSS 3 i Ce e.J C e 3 a s 1 7 10 A r tv l.V .VVlCelKt I.v, S (i PM " III .13 li 1-H'l Id 11 10S Vr II " J " 2 si " Ciidos s Ihnie-rt-lc I.v. t 08 3C t I lice: nui-hrhi I'lfstitll Penk. Wlnevein.l. ..l'ojnlelle... .th sou. ... I'ltasiut ftt I'nioriclale Forest flti, ('aihoilL'slevd .C'tutiotitI.ils .Uhlle liulere. VlavfleM Yil Mnvtli'ld Jerinen MihUld IViutnn I i-cl, vine oliphsnl Pilis-l.urir rin nop I'lovnleiii-e ain adits'. 2 4UC1 H)S 14 li (b 23 SOHsleD 1(131 IM. tars " I0ISI Vl!s . OH 4 1U lis II is II c ll. lie-l II M " II li II II ' II oa 1101 1101 , 1" " . JIH5M " . JUS 13 ". W SWSfl coimet " 7o;s sura J .. PM Oil dffl mi ;' ooi .HIS I . 6 Sell dlaivt I) w. 'J oi . 3 w1 h st 7 u. 11c 111 " ,7 MS IIOIS. " 17 r.s tie a. " 7 ii Md la " 7 W8 US U " 7ST4 Bit J l) LI !'.'.l . GI'J Sfa) G IS sis U 14, SIS ..oil sea HI 1.7 ' 10 CO leilsi lues -DO IH 43 llM'ILV " 7 ! I " 7 Jl 4 T Ml " 7 :J Ar 7 Mi inn hew toe si .cr-il .001 rnru riai Ssl ttlitou a a:l i IM IM PM PSJ AilJI'lesnal IrslniUare C'srbomUls for atssneld Tsril Ml i' 11 rxrspt Muiulsy, snd 7 Ml pin iiunrisy only, srrlf las stalsvlWl Vsra7H)HusiiUorjpiii. .vaditiovsttrslnslrivi Sersnti'nst7rppiiSLndsTinly, stepvsiiainnllslstl'.Tis to C'srls,nilsls. serlvli st 7 IS pn siol irslre Irsves ltsvfielil r.t for t srbooJsls ais,3ar Uslly, srrlvliJC at t sruactlsls a I s. w sip. Itatns il rents per mile, I.oneit ltutes to nil Points Watt, , c. rnotntou, C3'rs'rAsnt, Ntsi York c it;, r.wtliH, Tra. Ascot. ScrsAteu, Pi 1 PElSilVi.il RA1LRQA J 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers