Vr'.".fa!IBlK,minSKBrsfrrr jMMJiwtanM :i&&f$,, i$ . rs ' IBj&WllWj WtWWr THE SCKANTOX T1UBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 1001. rSBllKm LACKAWANNA JEDA1YN AND A.AYFIELD. Nathaniel liepow, ii widely Known resident of Ninth Main stu-ot, In sell ously III, having been hhUviI with u paralytic strok-- Tuesday ctonlng. Mr. Oepew wus burn In u low hut In Muy H'.IJ clu-Uti -elN. yeuis ugo uiul almost his entire- life- Iiuh been spent In this tldiiltj. Qn account of his uri winced 1150 tlllll SCl'IollS llllleJH then If little hope of his tecovery. Tim mutdculc to bo given in the Methodist JCplsropnl chtltch by Pio fesfor Hi nest Hcivutil will take place thin etcnlnir. The-ie ate n few Hunts unsold, for which tickets inuy c till Its lutd. .lohii o'lloimh, 11 1 luncf.ii-luii miner, f siding at Muyileld, was twrloutily In jured In tlm Cihmttood shaft yestctday l" thu Jumping of a car tioin the track. Just at tint moment O'Uough wart passim; ho was ntt'tlck with meat folic unit hurled against a prop, hl.s scalp b"lni: badly cut and on- of Ids en is almost totn off. tie was taken to his home. William U'-nnett and Thomas War wick hate been chosen di legates to i' present Local No. 1 ftsr.. 1'nlted Mine Workara of America, at tho contention 10 bo held at Huzlclou next week Joe Tuik, mi Itnllau resident of IM. Kcrtou, ycsdoidny slipped on tho lie In doing so 11 1 (.'tub 1 1 whh h he can Ud In oii nf IiIh pockets wis dlscliingt d, ihu bullet passing through the fleshy p.nt or Ids hand. This was a lltor.il ease of "shooting daylight" through the hand. Thu Ladles' Ah! society of the Cult cregntlonul ehuich 1110 quite busy making prepaintlona for thu ic-open-'ngof their fair, which will talc plan, "li Tuesday evening. Theie ate a number of tisotul m tides to b ills posed of, among them a handsome 1 hum closet, which Is to be drawn lor. There was a pleasant family gntliL't 'iii? on Tuesday eviulng at the home of Mr. and Mis. John T. tlilllltii-. of Main stieot. The ali'.ilr was quietly planned and wa.s in the uatuie of a -uiprl'-e In honor of .Mrs. Oritllth's birthday. The exciting was most eii Jo.tably spent. fobn Sampson, of Arehbald, was a caller here last ctenlng, Motoimnu flint Ich lJitmorc leturned home- last ctenlng fiom ,1 tew days' (bit spent Willi Wayiio county friend-. Tho ineiubeis of tlu Hit or Mls looking club Journecd to Sciantoii oil Tuesday, where thev weie pleasantly utcrtalneil in tho horn of Mrs. Van Junior. Hs-Ccnintllinnn V-err-m, of Muylield, 's home on a islt f 1 0111 Huntingdon. w lieiv ho h.is lately 111 cepted the posl- It'll of mnn.iner of the Huntingdon V.'utu company. Ho expects to move his family there about Apiil 1, Tho local bai-beui of .leimyu and Met Held attended the meeting of the H.n'bers' union .it Cail-ondnlo Tuesda M-nlng -tnd w.'to atlmltted Into the nit stories, of the 01 xanlK.it Ion. Miss. Jmogcne lloji. of Seinntoii. who bis been the gi'pi (,t Misc Mary Nich ' Nun, Of Smith Main street, for the 1 .1st week, lias 1 ,'tiu ncd home. OLYPJiANT. Mlehuel Me Hale died at his immt , on Hut-'son street, Tuesday nlglit at lu.lin ' lock. His death wnM due to gjlicial 'elilllty Deecnsed wa.s one ol III-"Idr-st. resideiitH of ibS lilnie lie was 'torn In i'uunt .Mayo. Ii eland. elMy tiv years qrh, ami came to Aineikn. t hi 11 u oung man. He has ichlil d In iphnnt nearly foity jeai.s. PeceaKed -mis held ill the hlghcht legninl by all lis acquaintances, w j, Wj j,0 deeply t-i'i"Vtd at his demN' . He Is rurxhnl ' v tho foilnwlm,- sons ami daiiKhnis: Mr. Willl-uii llanbon, of Hlmlra Mrs llmry HlaeU. Ml- Maiy J. Mo ll. il. utltt lam lulmlpnl of Hie public " litiols. Jnhli Mi Hale, ot llliihamlon Tlit'inas ninl 'William Mcllale, oi this Itlacc. Tlif luneinl will take plaee to morrow inornins at 10 o'clock. A tol-, run liia$-s of tumicm will be u le 1'Kited In Si. I'atiiik's ihuicli. lluilal In ft. )itikk's nmftoiy t you want :i good laugh, go and o "Hoviin'H Alle" 'tt th.. Knlliei Matbow Dpei.t House tiiulglit. TI10 many fi limit ot John P.ii, s n "f I.lcwillyii P.nl.i, of I'iisi i-tivet Four EVSinisters Tell of Magical Rtsult3 Drought About in Burning, If.hing, Bleeding Skin Troubles by Dr. Chase's. Ointment. Pr. Cln-e's Oin'mcnt duws more pi.tiie 10m ministers. ph)s.ichns and lawjers than any other rnedlLir.c in the world, 'it Is en. dotted by every profession Extracts from their Letters. Uev. W. I. Kdwardi, ILtptiit minister, loo, Trinity I'lttcc, Uuffalo, N. V,, writes. "For over fifteen tears the itching piles have been a tourer of ior.it.int annojance to me, and fiequcmly. too, the siiffetlng ha become intense. At times there was bleed ing and the itching and burning was be)onJ endurance. The results I hate derived from Hr, Chase's Ointment have been magical and the benefits lasting. I feel it .1 duty to fel low sufferers to recommend it." Iter. . N. Van Natter, Methodist minis er, Albion, Wis.,, writes "My wife was terribly afilicUd with pro truding piles and contemplated a surgical upcranoa wncn ncr noucu was urawn to ur. Chase's Ointment, and less than one boi effected n cure." "I then used it for an unsightly and troublesome skin affection, which had batfled medical skill for twenty-five jcars. Dr. Chaje's Ointment thoroughly Hired It. Tor piles rnd skm disease it is worth its weight in i;o!d." Kev. J. A. ISaldtvin, Baptist minister, Arkona, Ont., writes ' lor oter twenty jears I was a great suf ferer from itching and protruding piles, I used tu.iuy remedies and underwent three tery painful surgical operatious, ull without obt4ulng .my permanent benefit. When about to givo up in despair I was told to uss Dr. Cha.e Ointment and did so, finding relief at once, I used three boxes, and am entirely cured. The itching is all gone. 1 hate advised others to use it, believing it would cure them as it has me." Kev. Chas. Fish, Methodist minister, ins Dunn avenue, Toronto, Ont., writes. "Ten years ago eczema began on rny ears ind spread over my head ana hands. Uur ng that time I was a great sufferer. I tried naiiy remedies, aud some of the best phsl :Ians specialists on r,Wn diseases Heated ne The lirst box of Or. Chase's Ointment juve much relief and five boxes completely nircd rne I thlnW my cure u mnrvil, and ladly recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment." Just as good for every form of skin Irouble, no matter how long standing. 50 ents a box, all t)cal:r3 or Dr. A. V. Chase Medicine Co., liuflalo, N Y. COUNTY lllakely, WPio shocked to hear "C his death, which occiiriTd yctcrday morning ul llydo I'mk. wheie ho has lerlded for the past two yems. Mr. DaU- wan taken III on Sunday ntorn Ir.g, with an ntlm k of the grip. Ve cfasftl was bom In Olyphnnl and was 21 years of oka He was 11 youtis titan of ntniiv cstlinable iiualltles ami had 11 host of f 1 lends. His father and one sinter. Mies lUtn Ha vis, Mil vivo him. The funeiiil niiangrntpnlM have not yet been nia.de. Tho e( boot boaid will meet fc!nturdny night. i!r Ivor ' 1'miy and ilnughtcr. Mlsa I.ettle I'any, of llydu 1'aik, weio the guests of Mi . John M. Hvans, of I.m kawnitUH street, yesteiday. .Mlf-s Ituth Uurdner. of Moscow, Is the Htiivt of Miss tieoigla Thoinns, ot Helawaiu. Miss battle O'Mnlle.t Is s-pHidlug the week nt Scranlon. MKs Claie Muiih.. of Dumiioie, I Vlrltltlg lelntltes bete PECKVILLE. Special CMtngellstle iueitllig.s weie began at the 1'eckvllle Hnptlst chinch last Tuusday tvenlug. Kor tho ilit lligllt the ntt' ndance was good. Itev. 1 W. H William", the drummer evauge I list. Is a pieachet of ticmeiidous fori c I anil oaiiii'stness. Ills woik here will undoubtedly be a blessing to many. Mi"s Daisy Hell Hall, who assists In tlm singing. 1ki n olco of unusual sweetness, adapted to entry the gos pel titiths to the heait. Piofessor Wil son, who Is to be piesent n few een- ! Iiirs, has also 11 un gift for Hospel singing. He If a nephew of the belotcd 1'. I. Illl"s, Til lay alteiuonii at J o'clock will be held n meeting for aged people to which all aged people un cordially Invited. Next Sunday after-' noon at .1 o'cloi k wll bo held a mens meeting. Subject. "Social I'uilty." Subject this o cuing, "The Sin Against the Holy flhost " Come to the sen lee. 1'. N. Jones left Monilav for New Mexico. U.iylou Kellar has 1 etui ned Iroiu New Yolk. l.llther Cat pi liter Is on the sick list. Mis. Nancy J. Ilniimii is iccotciliig fiom a set 010 attack or 1 liLlimatlsm. Miss Jennie fjllgallon. of Archb.ild, Is the guest of Mlhs Katie (lallagliei. It. J Mulfoid cimtiuuts ciltlcally ill licit Oiidall Is on the "lek list ELA1 HURST. Muster liny niickliiKiinni f hiiiieiiiiR with an nttnik of fllnhtheila. Ui. Kilt'dler attends I1I111. Miss Helen Williams is tloltlng ri lends In New Voik dt.t. Idttle sl.-yeai-old Doiothy I'uny liad her Icr 11111 oter liy .1 ttugnti loaded with in ops lust week, but vciy l'oilunatelv escaped anything uinao than eviu- biulses, owlnijto Ihethlik-mi-s of her clothing. She )0 eon lined to the house tor some time, how ever. Mr. P.uk Hvans, who has been perl oilslj HI lop Mime time. Is iceovoilng undei Di. Knedlet's ticncmeni. The iliiuo social given at- tho home of Mr. ami Mis. Hymn Hm kliiKhani by the Ladles' Aid society, last Thuimliiy night, was a gieat success ''he lious", was eiowiU'il, and a nice sunt wan ie allzeil. H. Klisi r spi nt Sundiv with fi lends at Uunmoie. .Miss Ib'ith.l Clliines letiiincd es. teidav fiom 11 tlslt with Scianton ti lends Miss Mildred Shoemaker, of Kevstone amdetuy. spent Sunday with hoi mother heiv. Miss i.ouie 1 'i.iy ) visiting at the home of Mif. w. 11. IViego in SVi an ion. The new boioUKli coiiiicll oiKfinli'.ed on Moiulii) etciilim. and the following olllcera weio elected ami appointed to i-vito, tor the ensuing jcar. Picsident, A. H, Williams, clink. 1'ied 1.. Hat Is; lieusuicr, James Y. Diiiininer. stiea 'omiulsslouei. liyron lliirkliigli.ini, boi ounli counsel. I. II luiins; hUli eon Miible. I'luilh- Whelei. A100SIC. Mis. Hill, of Siranton. spuit Wed- tiesdaj with friends in imm Miss DI1111 Shaip, of Wyalusliitf. Is tisitlliK at tho home of her sNtei. Mis. John Koolls, of liiiml; slicel. Mrs, Hlbsoii and Miss Mury nvN, ol Scrantou, suut Sunday with Mls Cirile hibtibliie .Mis. Junicd Iluml 11ml Mis. ji,n jtl.. t'liiidlo atleiided the mlsslonnty meet lng In 1'lttslon I'resbyteilaii church 011 Tuesday otenlng. The otHicn.cliet of the Cius,,,T lit M011. No. S'i, Sons of Tcmpeiance, of this pliue, Ue Installed Into their libpeitlto otllees 011 Tuesday I'venlimr. 1-lht of letteis iviiiitlnliig 11111 ailed tot al the Mooslu postotllce are us follows. HeoiKu Johnson, MNs Klmr. Wllllani Huniy Hill, j; 15. Hutler, J. J, Plckeis, Mooslo Hanking Co. Mr. .mil Mis. Cljde Uieter. ol tluilclhbiiig. Hie tlsitmu at jhe hoiu. of Ml and Mis. J. N 'Williams The Voting Ladles' Mission elide met hist ('Velllllir at the home of Mic 1 Lluabutb Cl few n. of South Main stict. Mis. John It.iljeiis xuiss a caller In Serauton yesleulnv l.lttle Otto Stanton Is ill at his hume I Willi piiuiinionla. 0LDF0RGE. Slei'hen .Miller, ot Wllkes-Haiie, tls Ited f 1 lends In town on Moiulaj. Tho tnllowlng niliilslers attended the "homo gathetlim-" ut tho Hrhk vhurih on T'lesday: Itet. J. L. liice, C Joseph Madison, llcjv. Joshua Haw Is, Hev. N. J. Hnwlej, Kev. I. N. Ship limn, Hev. K. A. King. Hev. J. H. WaR ner. Itet. Austin tjilfiln, 1). p., Hcsv. W. H. Heaice. D. p.. Uvv. V. h. Han lee. Hev. Judson Halley. Het. C. 11 Homy, Hut. Unbelt Iteldy nnd Hev. II. A. Gieeue. Tho lecent fair held by the Hosb company was 11 giund mice-cut. About 1700 was nultud. Tho Iioh wish to thank nil friends who so kindly assist-' ed them In dllfeient wuys. Tho home of Mis. Mmy Jk-yuon was I niu pe-v-iu- ui nuiiy KUlllC'llllg Oil I Mouduy. when iibout twqnty of I101 fi lends cuine to ct'lebuito her blithdny. Mis. He-ynon'H duughte'r, Mi-s. iluiy I Kteiioy. had to skilfully luraiiRed tho ' party tlmt It was a gicnt surpiiso to ncr. tho nay was pleasantly spent In vurlous tvnjs, and ut evening the frlruds departed for their homes, wish ing tholr hostess many nmro happy blithduys. NEWS TAYLOR. The rait nnd festival of thu Calv.uy Unptlsl church was opene-d last even ing In Weber's rink, and the pation ngo wns exceedingly gintlfylng to the piomoteis, The exhibition Is certainly cleveily miangcit. Tho booths aio nr ranged on cither side of the hall nnd nre decorated nrtlstlcally. The ex hibition will continue thioughout the week nnd Kcncrttl ptibllo Inspection In ItivlteiJ. Thu cntcitnlumeut provided Inst evening was of high order. Mrs. Inhn U. .tones Is piesldent of the fnncy booth cuuimlltco nnd thu fol low lng Indies pieslded over the var ious booths Inst evening, l-'uncy booth, Annie Wntklns, cnshler. Kusla Hur rls. .Mrv. Janet Owens, Annie Hose. Cnndv booth, Miss rierttiide Wntklns, Oashler, Maud DavU, Htta Harris, Ilunnali Howell. Ice cream Inblo, Mis. Itosklns In chaigc; waltiesscs, Lil lian Hclfcr, Lizzie Pavls, Leah HtuiiH, Small M,iiesoli. Ladles' Mil booth, Mis. James Powell, si',. Mis. John Steele, M'ts. John Ci. Owens, Mr. 11. H. Han 1 Kitchen, Mis. Kdwurd H. Pat Is, Mis. Murv rjrlilltlvs, Mrs. Mor gnus, Mis. Cilllltlis nnd Mis. Hnvaid. ttiocery booth. Mis. John G. Price and Alls. John Thomas. In cIumkc of pan tiy weie Mi. W. W. Watkllis, Mrs. Janus MortK sr , Mrs. Lizzie Joiips, -Mm. John lioese and Mm. Thoinaa Powell. Those chutcu for Hie fnncy booths lor the last two nights urn Mis. WIIIUuu r.ecre. Mrs. Ulehur 1 Thomas, Annie Watklnn, Mis. John H Johns, ('amlv booths last two nights. Miss Sule Harils, cashlor: lMlth Wat Kins, Annie Hose. Tho Hachrlor Knlgbt.i society, com posed of popular young men of this town, will conduct a foimal dance nt Weber's 1 Ink on Tiiesd-iy cveniim, Apiil l'J. Music will be furnished by Ml"s Kate Heaiclon, 1111 uccnnipllshed pianist. About K,i1 liititatlons hate lieen Issued The Tnvlor collleiy will ieriime opciations tills niornlm;, after an Idle ness of two il.ijs, owing to a bic.1; In tin machine! . At ISO o'cloik- this afternoon will occur the iminiace of Miss Cniri" Wclbul and Mr. Michael tilne. nt tha home of the hi die's paients. Mr. and Mis. llentt Welbel, ol Main street. H"v. A. Weber will perfoim the nup tial knot. Tho J? lletue Stats defeoted the home .igiHOKtitlon In a name of lias Ui l ball on Mondnv evening nt Weber 3 link, by a score of in to n. The meinbtns of the Taylor silk mill union 'will paitlcipnti- 111 the factory Blili)' p trade In Scianton to l'ty. Lackawiinnc couuill. No. M. Junior ui dor 1'iiltid American .Mechnnlcs, will meet In regular session this ct cu ing John P lone-, ol Taydn street, noes today to Call Hat en. Yt., to attend th" ftineial of his father. William P. Jones, who die 1 Tin hdn morning, ,lg i TO t'eais. CLARK'S GREEN. Th- .lentil ot Mis Asa II. Deckel oeeunid at fi o'cloik p. ni. on Tues day last. She Icates one soil. Ml. dioiM' Pecker, of Hlughamton, and two il.uighteis, Mis. Kmnia 'I'eiwllll gei. of Seianton, uud Mi Judson Cope, to 111011111 hec loss She was an amiable woman, a lot hit; pruent and friend, and her loss will be moutned by a host of friends. She was pie 1 eded by hci husband but bv tour slant weeks. Puneral will take place on Fidliiy at 1.0 o'clock, at the Hip list cbiiuh. .Mis. HlUabolh Wells attended the funeial of hci nephew, Mr. nallaghci. on Friday l.iM. Mis. P. F. Spiapue, of Scianton, vis itcd lelatltes laic on Monday Inst. V. S PatK o-county superintend ent of eoiunion schools, ttaf a tisl'01 al 0111 natkmal caplinl, and t lowed the luaugiiial ceienionles on March i J. P. Ayleswoith has tented the propcity owned bf fJeoige W. Deckel, of Honesdale. and will take posses, slon in tli(- near fiituic. C P. Matthews was n vlslloi hnio on S.itinda.v last, l!et M. S. ClodMiall av Ills llivt seiinuii In a (oiiuc, on Sunday even lug last, on "Ktbenliul Hellglon," and was lUteiicd to eiv attentivelv. and the set 111011 was highly roniironded. Mis. Jesre .1. Jerinlng-', whose dentb occulted In Sd.inton, was lnteired In the c'l'iik's fliren cemeteiy on S.dui day afieinoon last. St mley Stevens t as .1 tlsltoi at the home of his slMcr, Mr?. A. X.evlsee mil' Suud.i. Mis. c. c. Cook If iontaleclng from the nu-aslcs. Tho annitnl inoeilng of the .iiidltois will be held on Mouduv, Mjrch 11, tor the fi-ttleiiic'lil of the towiHh'p billnts". All linen Hell should take due notice Chaids l.oomls will move to Si un ion 011 or about the 15th lust. J. c. Hlgglns returned from a Sev ern! dav vl-lt among iclutitcs In Sciant-ni on Wednesduy last. 1! S. Hal Inn ictuiueil home on Sat in day Horn an oMcinled visit with f 1 lends in Pauvild;. IM. WAVERLY. A l.iis' number of people intended tin teacheis' liifitltutc last Satuiday nt the High school building. A line pio- It's a Short Road from a cough to consumption. Don't neglect a cough take SSiISohfs Consumption Cure when your cold appears. The " ounce of prevention " is bqtter than years of illness. "I fullered for )t from a cough, bronchial tut lung trouble. Kiucd blood frequently, fepent. year in ihu pabotas and oilier paiti of et but Kot no relief. Keturned eatt and b'san taking biiliua. A few boltlea com I leielv cured me, I consider it the grcatett of emcdiei, HENRV T. UKTCIIKR, With 1 , 1.. Camp & Co,, Broken, Uufialo, N. Y. fllillnh'sCnnaumptlon Ours I sold I17 all druvslata nt 0o, OOr, SI. 00 a dottle, A iirlntod cimritntiin coca with cvrrr liottlo. 1( Toil art) not uttliitiml go to your ilruirKlat uud get your money Imo.U. Write fcr llluttratcd book on contumptioo. Sent without con to you S. C. Wtll-C ,I.eKoy,N.Y, gramme was arranged by Prof. Archi bald, County Hupcjrlntcndunt Taylor read a paper on "Order." l'rof. lltilly, of JCeyntonc academy, Rave an address on "Foundations;" Stcrlluu Hcdfoid rend nil Interesting- puper on "Mndl on Academy;" Slles Tlnkhnin, one ot the teachers, held a class drill. It. N. Davis, of Uunmoie, a.l Mr. Lloyd, of Ulckeon City, weio amonfi tho vlsltois. Hev. F. H. Parsons, of Mllford, N. V , a former pnstnr of the Methodist Kplseopul church lieio, vliltqd friends j 111 tlllM place last tve The Men's Aid society of the Metho- I dlst church met Inst Monday evening at the re'ldcnce of Htcillng Hodford. Theie was a lurRc nttendunce and a . very iiiJoyalle time. Hev. Mr. HoUoiiff, of the Hnptlst church, tendered his icsltjnntlon Inst b'attudny. SENSATIONAL ELOPEMENT. Miss KoJly, of HoJyoke, Leaves a Ro man Catholic Convent. Ui Ktflufhe Wire fieni The Aso.latC(l Vtt. I Ottawa, Out., Mnrplt C Miss Kelly. 'of Holyoke, Muss., an lnnintc ot thu Human Catholic convent nt Ayluier, a town on Lake Peseheuea, eight miles from Ottawa, has dlsappeaied. Yestei day a sleigh, containing two youiiff men, was observed to dilve inplelly up to the content. That the occupants of the sleigh bad a tfeslKii of cairylng: out a pre-urranired jilan was apparent fiom their actions. In a house opposite the convent was a woman nursing u sick ci'ld Hear- ' Inr a slight nole without nnd on golnff to a window to Investigate, this wo- plan saw a sleigh In front of the con tent villi one of the men In It, ttiills I his compiinlou had posted himself ut the foot of the convent's flic ce'npo. The woman at Hist Imagined that the men contemplated burglaiy and wns about to raise nn alarm, when to her astonishment she .aw n gill eniergj 'Mom oiio of the upper windows of the 'nnvpnt nnd climb slowly down the tire escape. 1'pon leaching the hot-, torn she was recelted Into the a' mi i of th" iiiun In waiting am! cnirled by him to the sleigh and drlten rapidly away. The discovery of the girls dis appearance tvap a great shock to the ; sNters. The police ate tt cutting on the case. FERDINAND YZNAOA DEAD. The Well Known Cuban Banker a Victim of Diphtheria. ll 1"( ln-lte Wins liom The -oc latiel l'ir. New Yoik. March fi. Feidlnnnd Ymagd, widely known In coinmeielnl and club circles, died this ntternoon In Mlnturn hospital of diphtheria, al ter being 111 but a few days. He was u member of the bnnklng rlrpi ot II- H. Holllng-c & Compuny and his res, denee tvts at Tuxedo, X. Y Mr Yznngn wns a mcmbci of the ldli Cuban family, one of whom mnr iled thu late Duke of Manehe.Uer an 1 Is th-- inoiber of the pierent duke. He mauled foi bis tlrst wife Minx M.it Virginia Smith, bister of Mrs. O. H. P. Helinoil'. .-'he obtnined a dltorce fiom Mr. Y.nagj. in C'ullfoiula and mar lled fieorge H. Tiffany. A few years ago Mr. Vvtnnga mairdd .MNs .Mabel Wright. In l9."i .-he obtnined a ill. torn- fiom Mi Yznnga nnd innuleil Count Mela Zidilcj, of Huugarv. Mr. Yznaga was IS .teais of age. He was a member of the stock exchange some lime ago, but not timing lecent jents. He spent considerable time abioad and only lecentlv k turned from Cuba NEW MINISTER TO AUSTRIA. R. S. IrTcCormick Appointed Piomo- tions in the Navy, liy htcludia Wire fri-in 'Ilio AoilUd 'rtr Washington, March fi The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: lloln rt . Mi( riiiwk. ol lllninU, lo In iiitu, ltd iiikIIiiii; .iiiI iiilnNtT liiiipol.-nilji, .( ilr lnliril mhIih to Ail-till lluti.-.M.v. I'nnlc tt. .1 lokM'n, of rniiMih.il. 1. 1, cur.-tul ,it I'nii-. I-K KV C.iituln . s l"iutM,lii-.hiM In Ik- i hlf( nt tlir liiiu-jj it iiaii'.-nlun, wIlli I Ik lank nt i..'. olioir.il. ('1111111111(1(111 In bf (.jii.ilns tliipniuii (. Tuild .aid lli'liiil M lldi.i I Irmriiaiil 1'oimiiiinloH to be I nmiiuwlin. fimlrl 1. t snurt ji'd I lurk -i A Adjnii. diuitrmnls to w I.lc ilciuiit I'mnnuiidora tllllini I! Ilii-li. flnrrj -. Kti.ii-j and William I.. Ue'lct'i-' l.iuilc nil.l tjiiinor irnlf) In lie l.lnimuMj W. t. ,. l'uH(loi and Willhm s. Momitin ty. ' HiiliMOUh NididN ii. 'I t.ilitornli. lu Ic j Mant i ij uu-tcr in the i.oj. INSURGENTS CAPTURED. Lieut. West Secmes Thirty-One on the Island of Talim. !!; i:mlulte Hue fio-n The Ai-ochtel t'rfu. MuiiIIh, Match fi Llstitenant West. with tile gunboat I.agitmi He Hay. stir pllsed nn lusuiRent camp on the Island of Tallin on Lake Hay, east of Manila, capturing thlity-one Insurgents. Many small dr tachmeiita lu vaiious localities are niiricnderlng dally. It Is l cported that negotiation aio pio- gr.slng for ihe bin render cu nil In surgents o". (he- Island of C"bu. BOTHA WILL SURRENDER. 1) UmIu'Iic Wire finin'llic AeoiiituI Vto. Ixiiidon, Miuli 7. I'rltato Infoiin ttlun irui', in Uuilvii tliiai morning confirms the riiinoi f nrirutLtlin betneen I.oril nitdimcr, Mr Allied Mlliici aud Ccimrandaiit Reucral t.oult iljilu I ! the latter'e mirctidrr. Siunll-Pox in Yoik. lb hxiliisito tn fiom Ilit A.yjci.'UtJ I'icj.- oi Mutili m Tnu rj'et of nnll po- Imp licili dbeutiriel in Onrdl lawnalilp, till' counb I he tietiuis i.rr (g Lrotiiu.', Jolin and A(Ijiu Hifll, Mlio liatq Urn cmrlojed in llw elcol Moil al Million. 'I he ot.itu autliurhldi h.oc i. iiwd Hie Iioiijo In wlilch tin oic rontlncd to K iinuiilliiul. Slieiwood Burned Out. Ii. l.xelutltc Win from Tie Awnclatid 1'rc Kubolv, Pa., Maicli ej. Tho major portion of 'hcinucd, a unull inintni; tewn, abuiit eluht mlli-.c Iron) tlits jiUic, uj de;linyed t die ul tldf morninir. 'flic l.ie kUrtcd In a liloik of tenrinent hou.es, uMili tunned o rapidly elut ilia inmates baicly coeJped with their litc. Hie town wji comprltccl of jbout tlitit liowi Strike Threatened. llv btrliuita Win) 1 1 oiii Die Avoclainl 1'on.i NirlinniM, 111, MjicIi 0,-'llio lulled Muia WoikiK tin 0(1 iiollcu en llw co.il (ipnaiuH f llllnoli tld nllcrnoon tint inili.s I lie epriatro X'utit tint dimindi nf the tWIIiiiinsnii i-nimi) mlniM fcr hi Inerse of .1 rcntK r ton in l mining w,-.lc Hk mlncM nf tin. entire mule Mill l called out rn rtllkr. m.. i Love Lends to n Trngedy. Ie I.mHiiIic Wire fiom The Atiodutid 'cr Nc oik. March . Ureiuw James Cami'bill had lii'di ictustd iiuiiUjf I'' MU4 Poioili; lunlili he rhot her ami then hlnuelf at Mount Vrinnii tonljlil. unnipliiirii teound U iilmitt tntaln fn U fitnl, while Ihe- Klrl has a bin dnni'e of iccuny. Ihe trapce'y oriurrcd in liont of I he Immt of Hi" Blrl'n urcnts. I amp. lull l 27 .tins oil nml Miti 'licullh i . IMPORTANT PHASE AT MINERS CONVENTION Tho Body in Session at Altoonn De clares for nn Eight-Hour Day. ly Kirliiiho Who from Ihe A"out d I'ir-i Altoonn, March f!. The entile morn Imr ncssloii of the inlnets convention twis taken up tilth (he consideration or resolutions. A new nnd Inipoituut phuse developed tvhoil ttil.-i icsolutlon was uiiatilincii.sly ailoptcd: "Thut tve tequest ull mine ttnikeii; toussoclnte thuinselvcH with their or gnulzatloii nnd cease ttorlt on Apil' 1, unless paid scale lutes." The resolution tas understood by the ilelesntcs to tlitually be a de niutid for ull operators In th" dlsttut to pay the scale. Apiil 1, 11MI wa do elured n holiday to celebrat? the adop tion of tho clisht-hour inottinant. 'IhtiH the convention koch nn ircnil oh opposed to nny other day, uH'.ukik'i the iiperatois prefer nine bouts. Ainong the oilier icsolutlolis a lopled ttete. AVheie theie Is an iiRiecinent li ttteen the opemtois uuel miners, no inun be cniploed unless ho can ptesent u worklmr caul, abolition of company stoies nnd ornanlzatlon of eo-op-ri-tlve sioref, all five ellinies bo abol lhod; asking the le;;lslatiirc to lepeal nil ucts contiary to the ninety duv lease: declnilni; any inun n "scab" ttho loads coal by the car oi day: condemning the conipulsoiy educallnn Ittt, fixliiK the Initiation fee at 3- TiO. Th ) scale committee icportiil thin afteinooii nnd u rrciet session ttus held to conider the icport. National SecietiiryTieasuier Wilson ttns pies ent nnd pnitlclpated in tho discussion. The sonic ttlll be iJiesented to the oper ators tomorrow for thcli nceeptuneu or rejection. It n-ka M eeiils n ton for pick mlnliiL, last ycni's i.ite, two Ibliels .lirfcieiillnl and pa foi -ill elend ttntk. The operntnis" proposition ttlll 1 r5 cmts. ttblch Is the Miiiylaud tate. They claim Hint this dlstilct has mi advalitajte oter (be l'llt-biuc llld. Anolhei aiumcnl Is thai tiade inn illtloriH do not Justlf' th payment ot fiO eellt. The opemtois do not antici pate a Mrlko. THE NEW SPANISH CABINET. Sngast.i nt the Head Veyler Minis ter of War. By I'm lniu Win lulu ihe V-o, uiid t'o-' Madiid, .Miinli ti. The new Spanish cabinet is constituted as follott.s: Pound- Nniir "mj mlti MlnUtir 1 1 Irululi ituli- HnWe Mnifnlu .ir de die tiinltr ol I iiia'iie-S-iiC I l.ila Milinlcp cl t.u (..enei.il ttcjld. MIiiiMpi ol I lie tut nor-Vnor Mupt Mliilriii il ttjiln- ll.iki) of er.mii tlinl.Ki nf Piihlii Hoik- -Tnnr, till lie n.i ttlnNlii ot t'uhli lit-t nn t t'lii "-t not I'nniin. i m " Mliilhi ul liislln - M ii.,al- r.iiuui Senor Satrasta nropotos (lie dissolu tion of the chnmbets, that elections shall take place in .May nud that par liament shall meet In .tune. I.'l 1'eialdo s.is the Caillsts hnto aims nnd ammunition loneealed In the 1'iotlnee of Oe'ona, ttlth the object of n eating a fr-sh ontbieak nei sum mer ANOTHER ENGLISH FORTUNE. The Bentty Children Snid to Be Kelts of Loid Douglas. II' l.tdiiiliK V-lu fioia Ih l-soclrnd I'nu. Tionton, X .1 , Mutch !..'. inie-s I. Hentty. a Tirnton kiocci, lodav ie ceed ttrml fiom n slstm-. .lennle I!. Ko. ol l'oitland. I'a . Unit tiny uud other brotbeis am1 slsli is im- Hells to moie tluin n mlllloi: ilollais letl Ii l.oid Monchi-. of i otlmiil, ttto bun dled te.ns ami to bis doe iidants of the llfth ireueiallon. I'.eatty blni'f! I" ratlier skeptical about the matter and vlll iittalt a iiitlur invcstlffi t Ion. The claim Is made that the Hentty cblhlien. live In ull, are (lesceiiilnnt.s of a iluuKhter of l.onl D-niKhiH that tun klduappi d :ind hi.ntKlu to this conn tit. 'I'be other Mippm-ed heiis ait: Hm nil K. Hall, Cripimblu, I'.i.; fie-o-t; A. Iteatt. Hiicltelttot n, M. .1., nml H. c. Hentty f-'nuMi I'cnd, lnd. TREASURY NEARLY EIJPTY. Believed, However, That Sultnn Will Pay Cramps tor Ciulser. 11 I tthirlw Mne In in lh lh Mien l'ri'- Constantinotile, Mnich ti It Is be lieved that tho delay lu the pa.tineut of the fit st Instalment on the cuilser ordeied by the Turkish Koverument from the ('ramus, of Philadelphia, Is caused solely by the piesent povcity of the tte.iMiiy. It Is iwpectcd, hottever. thut the Hist p-iyine-nt ttlll sbortlv be made, thus keeping the mint art lu foice. To Ptevent the Gun tu.itic llroinn-QiiinliK- rcmoes tlu tauii " Steamship Anivnls. 11 I.vlU'Oi t 11 llilll llli tvMMllli'l Tlix l I .'lk, tl II- Il 0 lltJI.ll Ii, 111. I 1,11'. UaMC Sdlfd IikIiiIjihI soutn inipttm. lid -Villi- l MpsHaniiH Miau lsTMifTifirtefroi' ;pwiiiaa Says I WtmSlB I cj sp m uveas' n" 'ten u (Vvti.a JmfM 1 Biscuit ; " fVJ3 '" I And so s.is everbodv ttho etcr S? tC W Wri -n. IX m enjoyed the- nutriment of this fe aTO) i1 dlit$ OWMW H tsivfctaisi famous biscuit. j 3 JJ L ? dxifffil&H Mmf(mm M y ,- ...,.. ( JMJmBBm tunic, LltrrpeKili Soiitliuai1., Antwerp. Sonili aniilon-tirhcib New toik, ,civ orki Ijlni, .Sew oik for llreiiien. f!ln)ow Andcd Kiiinnnl.i, from Xew oik. Id'ttiidain- Vnhid, MkhIjiih, from .Srir mk. I'biiionlli -itiu I I'kIihIj, .iw- mk fr ( lirrtiniirt; nnd llanihniif (and ptncecdcil ) PLOT TO OVERTHROW DIAZ. Mexican Coiicspoiident Says Ptcsl dent's Illneon Wns Due to Poison. Uy liidndtc ttlic fre'n tlrf- Aoclatcd I'rrai. HI IM so, 'iV.w, .March (!. HI Progi es Istn, n .spiiulNli nettspaper hcic, con tains coircHpoiidenco this ttcck fiom tho city of Mexico, dlscloslnir an ul-le'Ri-d conspliacy to overthrow the Diaz Kotoiiiim-tit. Ii Huys a poiterful patri otic s'-eict society composed of many men holdliijr hlt-li public positions, lias been oi-nnnliseil to brlnr ubout a levo lutlon, nnd that the base of the nilll liny operatloiiM and supplies ttlll be the Hlo Grande bonier. The t titer allcKcs that Pt-Qsident Ula?!' Illness Is due to poison udinlnlstercd by memberst of the socletv. PATERS0N POLICE GUARD THE MILLS. StilltltiR Weavcis Will Not Bo Al lowed to Interfoie with Wotkmcn. Il I x. luio Wne imm Tin .., uti.l pu,. N'ew Voik, March (i-The Pateison police weie hi lit on Kiiaid today nt the silk mill of Hiauk & luiian to pie- tent tne stilklim; winters fiom lnter , feiltiff wild tlniM- wiio s(.tk to lake tdelr places. The Milkers hate he-en hnndliif,- stilke IHeratnro to the men uolnir in and coiiiIiik out of the mill, and, as II Is aiKntiitit Ihe law to ill- tillilito hand-bills on the street. Ihe poldo tteic- called upon to interfere. At Hie mills of Pelijiain ft Myers and the .Mleseli .Maniifacttii linr eompany stllk's hate been iltcrted by the 111 ins Kiantlui; an Incicasc ot wanes to their men. At Pclinnm Myers' the tvi-.iv- ; crs maid- a kiiIii Tin- Md-sch .Mnnu t taiturini; mini any limits an Inn case l ot in p-i rent, nott and later on the ttc-itci-s' pi lee list ttlll be adopted. The Milkt- at the mills of O'Connor Hiolheis h,i- been settled, the winters loieltllttf the L'"i p.-r cent. Increase clc mandeil. All letuiiied to work today. i LABORERS BLOWN TO ATOMS. Two Men Killed by nn Explosion of Dynnmltc. lie Ivdiii-be Win Iiein 1 1 twniitcd Pot Philadelphia. March fi (Inlstppa Con I n and AurcIo Ab.ttto. Jlallau biboieis, 'weie bdiwn to utoiiis today by nn i.Nploslon of (iMiamlte in a finally nt Mo-it Miinnyunk, a subuib. Tin- two 1U. ati'l a companion, An tonio Toiauo. wen- piepuiiuiT to blast the rock and pioceeded to thaw out the fi osted slicks of d.tiianilte. Instantly theie- was a ten lid explos ion and Coiiln and Abatto wen- lifted inanv feet abo t- the top of Ibe pit. Petitions of their bodies tteic scattered lu all iMin tiiui'. Toinno was stunned, dill cscnpeil Injiny STOPPED THE BURGLARS' GAME. Binvo Langliotuo Jilan Saves His House from Lootinp. IIts'.mIii'iii- Win fi. iii Ihe Anoi i-trcl pire. LuiiKlimue. pa. Mjuh fi "Voii'io the man I'm looklni; foi," wen- the ttords which meeled J. Ilowaid Mar shall, of this plaee, as he entered his miiiumr dwelling neut tin- boioush. wlille he looked Into tin- hand of a lot otter lu the- bands ol a iiibber. Mr. Muishall butiled fiom tho house for help, and while be- was f;onu two men dm tod fnnn a side door. Mm shall irave chase and followed them to Woodboiline. wliclc be lost tiack of tin in. Tho Inti illicit) were piepailliff to Mic k the bouse-. DEATHS OF A DAY. Ill I -I III IK Mill- Ill'lll 111! Oll4llJ I'O'- U.ininliT, Man.., Mjrili o. I (. llinishloli, fei ii.iin a iiinmiurni hllc mamilai tuur in lliin nn, died al hii- hull"' lodit of licitit tioutilo. Muni joiner. Ala. March U.Sn-,ikrr 1'iaiidj I. IMIei" ol the Atahumii home ot rri'ir-rnla-lltia. and -on of t niliil -lute N-natir I!. W. 1'illliy, died IihI.h (iimii ihllllllllUllI Judges Appointed, II.. I.mIu-o. tin liom I ho Avidatcd I'im llaiil-lmr, Jlirdi 11.-The- pildliur toda edit 1 i I In- mnli- (hi- .ipiiolr.ini'-nl ol tin following iiimiil pi'-oiLi to lie iKiiE4 of IIk rouit of torn. mnii idea .No. .I oi 1'lill.nlrlplilj, lo atrtt until tin tin.t Moiidir lu .l.mii ire, Mi: J. UIIIU Miiilln. T.-.-i-l- nt Jitilgi, 1'hll.uli lililj- liohui lt'Mnn, l'lillidrl'hlii; M.itwill sietenvin, I'hil adilihl.i Ice Goi'0,0 nt Loci; Haven. 11 l.clll-lti- II- fl'HII 'I'l tvVJIIIltld l'u. Lock llitrn, Maud il.--1 (in tic- In th( Mivyk Ii lima lieu- from Clearfu bl luoii'd lu (11 u t uion e.ni-ii- Il goltrcd bi'U tUltru Imh'.l ill.il H pilul l Ictt lilk'h in miie i!.ius. 'tint wialhrr has (.illrn to rile, Willi 11 will Ie k mil- inolii.i; uf the In (nr the jiiem-iil. Erie Stock to Bo Inciensed. II lixilumtc ttiu- lixnn Ihe A -i'ii.itii hu Alhaiii. Man h II- the liii- II. nil. ml uli'.Mliv loi',i 111' d Willi lh mii. ui ol el.iii a mill Lilt i nn ii in- ul nipil. I siuik ii mi 1TJ ct I ) (i In 'i;r(iio" Hu ir lli i i.i i .mihoiiiil h th. -t id I ml i i tile . I i mini ii mii i i i al da- e Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskej Amerlca'a hrentest MceJIcIn btlVt?Et P?,""11"1?.110 General D. piniy, LaGrlppo, Colds, Bronchitis. wpXlBProp"p'!aDPfolon:r iri?ihno.8.sr.om wbatever causes. mi 1 'clue "" ZXTXifXl1 h' !!'" "rnmens M BANK CASHIER ABSCONDS. Books of C. D. Ludwick nt Tieopovt, Tn., Show Shoitnge of SSJ.500. 11 llvi Incite Win- irtm 'Ihe V-0( iatcd l'ici l-'K-epoit. Pa. Match 0. Charles 1. I.udw(;k. assl-tant i ashler nnd book keper of the l-'ieeport bank, ban been tulsslUrT slm-o .Momdi, nnd an i am lliutlon of the books shows an aliened shoitnK" ot about $',fi')0. His ellsnp IH'iirame caused it mil on the bank, but the piompt iinital of Isaac (Juck-oiibelmc-r. who Is closely allied ttltli the bank's Interests, tilth uniple fnnds lo meet nil obi;aioin, uudkly n sloied confidence. ji, tltiekeiili'i-lmcn savs Ihe phot luge ttlll not cwee'il $J,."0P. TUNISHING THE EMIRS. Blda and Koncngora Burned by tho Btitlsh. 11)- Ktrli-fc Mil- from His AiacflalcJ fret'. London, Mined fi. Intelligence Just recelted fiom -N'oi lliecn Xlserla, brliiK Iiik etellts theie up to Jan. ill, deserlbert Ihe operations of a Hrltlsh expedition of ::00 airalnst the maraudliiK' Hmlrs of Hlela and KonciiKora. Until e-apltal towns tvelo limned by the liiltlsh. Two bundled slave tto. men belniiBlni- to the klmr of Uddi ttcio r -leased by thirty-six men under tho (oinmand of two olllrcrs, ttho success tully ensngeil 1,00') armed natives. FIREBUGS ESCAPE ON HORSES. Stole the Animnls nnd Fled from. Posse of Citizens. llv r-cdiilee tthe from Hie As-oeladd Tre" Altoon.i, Pa., Mnrch , Three men Lioke Into the public school nt Morrcll vllle last night and built u five under a teacher's desk, citizens who saw Hie llami'.s extliiKiilslieil them, tvhllo others puisueel the llrebugs, ttho had stolen three hoiscs. So hot was the pursuit that aftee rlilhiK until Hie animals tteic exliaust eel Hie lliceneliaiies .ibandoned the lie nud escapeel Into the mrmiitulns In tho darkness. ICrnuse's Cold Cute, l-'or colds in the bead, chest thioaf nt' llllV liortloll of tlie linrK. hlinlw in n cold In 21 limns ttlthnut Interniptloni to ttoiic. ttiu pietcni cokih it l.lKen when tlrst syniploms eppcar. Prlco '.'"e. Hold bv Matthews Hros. AUTOMATIC SCULPTURE. Machinery Thientens to Displace the Aitist3' Chisel in Italy. lu his lepiut on Hie tr.ido of South em Italy. Mr Net llle-Holtc-, tho Hrlt lsh consul, has an e-tieme-ly Intercat Injc article on automatd seulptuie. Slgnor Huonteinpl, he says, Iiiih de vlceel and pateutivl a machine by which a nun hie lepioduetlon can bn made uutoniatlc.illy by oioalon, Tho machine can be driven by any kind of motive power, and consists of u horizontal tod having ut ao end n blunt wooden liaveler, and at th other u sled souge, both ttolkilig cr tlcally. The wooden traveler Is maeb to follow closely Hie lines of tho model, tthilo the goiiget at the other end niuke-s te-itliHl giootoa down the nun b!e In th" case of copying :i marbla bend, tor eMimple, tho outline of tho fare hcsIiiH to show Itself tho vet-" Hist timet the Kouge coos over tho tiuiible. It cuts the mndlo as If It tuio cheese, the litst tilllQ ttltli 11 liuge, stiong tool, nnd subsequently ttltli Unci lustiuiueiits until tho de tail Is llnlshed with n oui;o no bltfger Ibnii a bodklu. Mr, Neville-Hnlfe speaks of Hie enor mous speed with ttlileh tho ttork H aceoinpllslieil. The object Is tinlsheil ttllh the machine to within one-slx-teenth of an Inch of the size of tha model nnd then the- nitlst uildu ex Piettlon and Inditldualltv to thu woik. The niiichlne can do as inucli lu tin ect boms as tan bo elono by one man In fbiee clnjs, and any ln telllejciil woikioaii mil vorlt tho nia ebnn' Km' seioll ttoik op aichlttnves and eornbes it acts like n charm; and u will can- i.i oim moic c ebHv than maibd .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers