Hir a ty&mih;?, Vy tttifo, v, Mm r vf r TJJE SCHAXTOy TKUJUSJTHURSDAY, 3IAHCU 7, "1901. 10 NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD TULLMAN SLKEPEIt HAS BEEN , TRANSronMED. It Will Ilcicnftcr He Used ns n Din lug Cm Shop for the rnlntlnp of Lackawanna Locomotives Has Been Completed Hnivcy Shoe maker the New Ocncinl roremnn of the D L. it W. Machine Shops. Annual Meeting- of tho Lnclta wanna Iron and Steel Company. The l.ncknwunii.i Pullman nlfoplnpr rnr "Syracuse" linn hern tr.uu.foi mod Into dlnlm? i-.ir No 155. and N now 10 i'plni? tin- ilulMilnu touolii-H of tin lulntcr's lutlwli ut tin shop, limit i' tin ppi'oual illti'ctlon of .M.inti'r rainier It. i:. Miller. When H li HnMird una iul for um tho car will undmibtcdlj i-M'ltc mtiih admliiitlon, from an in terior point of vlow. .'ii it will lio fin Jnhoil In white (nniui'l. r folunl.il mvU'. with tlio oellliu; ot lu.idlliio of a Unlit .xlindf of Kii'tn. with I'olotilu! .li-oin.- ttOHSl Ill RflM. Tlio laiulii oiiulim will In i iMIiato "hnilo of Ihnplie tnn Mloin ami inuhoKBU.v idiutis and taliiu will bo ned. Tho clnillM will 1h tinliolsti'ii'd In Rlf-n leather, nml nil nioiliiii, up Jlllnitccs will lie Ufd In the iiiokliiR tMiulpinent. sin h an ctatlnnni r.ms-. rUphoardc. 'Oppil-onsid Mli-lve". ttr The ftnlslilnj,- of a ilinliiK r in whit" 1 nn rnth I new di pantile .ititl will prove an Innovation In the M'rvl.e which l likt ly to he i opted olensivly by ollirr lo.tdc No. !'" will b" usim! to lelU-xe tin' olhi i illninK i.us in x.'i ter mi tho 1n Kawann.i when one one of tin-in U out of h nl'i f 'i re pair. New Taint Shop Ready. Tlif new Lackawanna lo. oiiuulve paint hop. lvmitly buili on Kiound liotwcoli tho ni.uhliio simp and lhi lound homo, In icady tm- oi upaiii v, nnd woi'k will he iloiie Mi.u.n on Mon day ue.t. TliC'ie Is ample loom mi ibe Horn Im' n number of loioinollv at m tunc mid tho building U pmpoilv In .it'd In older to entry on (h. puintlua and dryliiK ptocess piopeilv Wotltmctt aie now imnc d in 1 1. ms n eonesvtf' tloor In tho lmp. and as oon as thl- I (.oiiipli tid. . rwliimr Will bo toady for buln"-!- New Geneial Poiemnn. Jlanoy tjhosniukei, of IlKon-Ham h.i, been tippolntud kviipimI lojemiiu of the Del.iwuu'. l..u k.iw.inna and Western .Mac-blue fhopi. and untuned his new duties m Tuesday The posi tion war vaititfd by J. I-'. WhnU.ii on Teluuaiy 15. who leMKmd to .licipt Kiinothlnt; olso. Mr. Slioonntkoi hut. In en with tho l.thlfe'h Valley oonip.iu.v ill Wllkes Itutio for tho jiiiM rlKhtof'U oai.s. having lxKUU as an appieiitlio boy. tter n lle-yenr' out.e of woik h was i.ipldly adviun-id, and In Noxein br. Is'is. became loi email of tho Wllkes-I'.aiio shops, and In dune. WJ, av.w made roiioi.i1 foiviuan. wlikh po sition ho icsliiUC'd to conn- in S t un ion. Ho Is a i imipuiatii xoiiiik man. MlKiothed-fiuod and bo. Nli-louklllB', but lit' Is eiedlted Willi baSlllK a Ben- eial. pr.ictli'.il knowli'dKo oC mncliln ry width fltH him for tho iesponl bllitlcs of his postllou T.atoi- on. .Mr. Slioenuiki r oputln to moM his fainlly to Srr.iulon Stockholders Met. Tho annual moethif? of tin si n Uliold- ors of the Luokawanna lion and Stool I'ompiiny was held jtrtuid.iv at (len oi.'il Hupotlntendent Homy Wchrum's otl'.ie. This old bo.nd of illit'toi .v.tf ic-ulet'tcil and the meiitiiK adioiuiiod pooh uftei nunlf A lneotinK of tin bond is to ho bold In tin- near tutiuv. ulll. u. il 1m1 and other bu.slnoss tiansatlod. A nunibet of t lie stocklioldois (.nine up tioni Now Yoik idly ami loft Imnn lial ly aft r thu meeiliif:. It Is not likol.t that tile mills will Ik moved fioui this c My im- soveial luollllis ,et. it boiiicr doubtlul In f.n t if any thing tan bo done in liaiisfoi iltii, tilt ((ulpiunl bdoie the i ml of this ear. Tltowlntii woatlioi-luif provout od any bulldliiK opi rations at JSuttalo, a oompleto ll up lesiiltinK Ilowpver. one of tho local tuinaiis bab been blown mil. and lliiuss aie bo lus: put Into londlnesH for dlsmaiitllin; tint woiks as soon as pnsslldo prepai u lory to uiovlnir from this dtj. HORSES CAN'T SLIP WITH GOODYEAR-AKRON PADS. ir iplng- asphalt n horso with theso pads has a much hotter prlp than h calks. You wouldn't think It probable without seeing- it. Sharp elite- lasts but a few days. This shoeing lasts 0 to 10 weeks. You U To bo of any use to you a hot so must he sine of his footing-. siipr with utinnturv In of a y n fftttr flflVfl. be Intensely suipjlscd how it will Improvo your hotho If you try It nny winter footing you'll Hud he will strike out -at n feat less pate. And he'll never make n slip. They give your hoi so a nntutol gilp on the pavement. Doubles his work value nt once. Watch the calked hoise on asphalt con ttacts every muscle, uhl vors with fear, goes pay. besides mining your animal's dlsposl down, and you have tho breakage bills to tlon, his confidence In hi s footing. On ice or V rr - mr A. m. THE GOODYEAR-AKRON SHOE PAD Affords Durable and Practical Results That Are Astonishing. ANY SHOER WHO IS POSTED CAN TELL YOU THIS SHOE IS THE GREATEST IM PROVEMENT THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN EVOLVED i'OR THE BENEFIT OF THE HORSE. Any ilioer can lurnlshtliepids at a profit and cm Diak3 more himself out of Lis time, aucl yst largely save raoucy lor cvsry custo-mtr. 't. tm The dilfeience this Shoe makes in a horse's action is a tieat for a horse lover to see. WW ITLLY DOUllLKS A JlOKSirS W()KK-ArALUK AT ONCE Completely offsets the pounding ou hard toads. Provents wholly tho concussion which wears out horses. Slipping absolutely impossible. They improvo his action and looks. They m- cronoo a horse's selling' price. Thoy make lito and work more pleasant for him. You cannot afford to clrivo without them another day. a .ioiyi:ai;-.vkko siioi; is a combination of iron with n peculiar soit of rubber pad that wears better jBft. than steel. It is a new production of rubber which no other man ufacturer in tho world can pioduco CHEAIER UiN SI EEL HIGHER PRICE OF THOUGH PERHAPS A FEW CENTS THAN STEEL t m. SHOES, IN MOST SHOPS THE DOUDLY PAYS FOR ITSELF BY ITS WEAR. .Mr. Wi!,e ilioer: Only the Ig norant man ts jealous of this shoe. It K a moneymaker for you every live shoer can add a Mk list of new customers with this shoe. Make a specialty of It an J see how on can increase our business they are riht from "A to " and any im provement that is right aids all men to handle it. TWICE OVER IN ONE SHOEING THIS SHOE PAYS FOR ITSELF BY ITS WEAR. IT IS A MIRACLE FOR HORSE SHOES. This special composition of rubber known only to us and the studied plan of tho shoe by horse experts -aie tho secrets which have made tho Goodyenr-Akron Pad tho flr3t and only durablo and practical rub ber shoe for hoises. evidence: i uik iiimi -IHApli:i! tl)Mi'N -i "Wo aie -in tliu CiwilLir AUion Uulibfi ... lid Tlu) arc ntvni, .ill jou i l.lim U'l tin II Wiu titilj, ;nod i.,ui.f it tinti .tons- sioiiw Tic-Went l'ui.U Pud TiaiLfcr Co., InUiaiupolW Tiaiitfu' Lo ilo llilN M'dlls 1 lltr lil'I'V J-: "Hi' l.uoilc.a-.liii!i I'aiN 1 am u-lnrf aio t,innf llio l.ct of ntfictioii. lino tiifil tlicm in m.m w.iV-im ii'-i. stiow'auil liaul iiiuo over ttio arpluU. M liiu I mmlilnnl 0110 ot the laulc.t ou hOL- in tlie dcpaitiiwit Ik vim' j ;nlr m Jour pm n'xn tii.-. ". ri'.i w i""""" (il.Uil.Ks K. OOIS, l'lrt A6l.lant Indianapol flu IKpt A piimtd moid ut pimii moill, wliiili shows pluulj niou;h liv tliU tluM injiijlil Baiin Iiu in n 'mis it.om ci.i.vj:i..m. cue II ml ri'li-V i.l tlm l!jil.-rl.V.iz.'- Lauinlrv Ci.liipuio. lorlund. I). IImuiiIiM' 11. llmO. 'II..' :oo.llf.ir Jin; nml KiiLKt (wnpii.J. kr..n. O 1 .inlrin.11-1 mu I iv tulliu's HceKly urn li.nu a mt-ltr IkiihMiw tlut i a il It uilclit lie .H riilit. I l,ao I1I0.I .piui' a iiunilirr ( hlwrn m. our 1..UM,. uml'lMnl tlut AI I. mc nut ilRln. 1'Imo bcml Iwu Mil-. .No t uli.l 0. or tho., tint i.,iriM.on. to H10.0 mp 111 lion l.o. . A.. l.iu- H111IV.K Uw. and If llic flu--, .ne il.'lit. lll ! slid to iw IL1111, .w I Jin a "Irjnlv' in nil.licr liy. and liri. li.nln,-ih- 11. on tliiiiv .j.uw .send bl.oi as soon a? jw-lbli', and ol.llRi. om, Hi . V. .11. .MII.OlU. Oil. (I. i.l It 111. ti iiin.' pin- .1 tin i.dilo.-i.-1'i.ti-r' Ijundiv Timpani-. I loviland. (' . liircinln'r 17. 1B. Semi-Annual Convention. Tho st'iiil-unmifil i-tali' .oiivontliin .if tho Intoi national Hi.i11ioi1io.mI of Sta tionary Flroiiion will b. In lil Stiudiiv at l'lyiunutli, and uiomboi!. will .iltoii.1 tf the nuiiibor nf rv tlu.o hutuli-oil ileU'K.ilos. Tho 11atl1111.il in. sl.loiit, .lu .siiph AV. Million, will 1 ouio on from I'lilcMfjo. and a luiK'' amount of ini lioitaut luislnos will lie (inm-ai'tnl I'l-oi-Itloiit r. V. U.i-ctor, ot this .iiv. and it number of tho Imal dolfKiiUs. w-lll loiuo this illy for 1'lMiioiith it L 1.1$ oYUu'k Sunday 11101 nliiK I.l tho Uclawaio and Iluilaon iallio.ul. About .sovonty-llvo mon of tho Olhtiiol, fiom I'orost City to ticmutun, will atlond. and dt'loitatcb will also bo piohont troiu Philadelphia, lh-lo. Wllkoh-Ilaiif. Dun more. Mt. Cnrmel and niuneious oilier placrc. The i-omontlon was orlKlnullv i-ilu-d-uled for thlH olty und on l'obru.tiy 10, hecsinn was held In thlK etty. but mi ai'ruunt of the absonto of 1110 nn tlontil piosldont, won poslpoiiod until Sunday ut Plymouth. Tho object of the session Is to take miiw action to ;;aidliipr tho soeuihih' of the art pio vldhiK for a license law for Htatlnnaiy tlrt'iiieu. Steel Plant lb Snte. Mr. J. J. Albright and Genual IM nnind Hayes urc quoted as ta lug- that they know nothlner of any plans look ing towatd tho contoliclutlon of tl. Lackuwunuii Iron and Stotl lomnany with any othet torporatlons, to oppo.o the Morsan steel trust. Uut It Is nut unlikely that sonw tiuli combination of the blp plunth outside the trust may be founed for mutual proi.-i Ion Whether the lookiU for oousolldtttlon la hrnuBht about 01 nut. however, tho tcbtilt In either case is not likely to In 'l!m I inm i.T 'li.A .nml Itllli... I'.n.l.ll... Akli.M. II III. I. .1110.-1.-1 l.iM 1.JUII.IIV lllip.UM. ..ti.lJl.u. i- . ........it. ... ",''" - "- - . . . 1..... ri..i 11... i.v.. n.ih, tiiI.Ikv I.o.. mii tent ns. ami jj tlii.v Mem to l.i 'id lisl.t, pkac 5ll'l lllltlll llll-, IZ I. Jild ,1a- .', uii.l sl pain, N.i. I Uilily pairs In all. Mini liy otir., wmi a piw-ilili. citi truly. II. liAUl.oi K 'J he (i -l1. 1.. Co ,,.. , ,, ,,, i..,,!,,,!,.!-,.,. Ij.mili. luinpaiiJ. Hi vi land. l.. HlhiiWi to. I!"" (.uudjiar 'Hie ami IliilUr I impanv. .Wfii. O : (..ntliliui I'lia,. cml tl.o lollovvln-.- ln,l )s ImIi. N. I: tm I'llw. N". 'Ji tvvi'bo pil". No. it: i-l it pa ly. No 4; li. .ili-s N tluitv-ilulil piio- in ill. tlilnl. i liav. found tic ilji! klioc. If .vcu will only Uer up tho lii.d if juliUr In tlu i-horK s,,i 1... lvpk and ol.llj. . iiVi-i r V 1II.AD 'I lll l'UOJI Clllv.'.M.fi. 111. S.rtinilur 1. l'"J fin (.uortimr Tlio aii.l IdiMicr I nupiii): ikihiumoii uio iinuor,iKi.(u uisiirs io i.rir ipmiiihuiv- ... 'ml v iluo i.f v.iur l..,p Wnw l'id. W'n Im utd tlidii tor Hani- time. Tlioy have t;ivui tlitlro ntlfutIoii. o rcj.ir.1 tlicm pads mi pii.tn.tlmi lu uiii lrm on n,phalt and other pnuni-nl. iil'a for bOio tci.doai and tcit. ifn.ital supciintinduit JlatulM Itiut.' Ptaldw, Armani ,r and r.vn.t.v mond s,, i.t.UUfiii hui co-shut r l.nufl how to pill tlicm on. l Id. . II . I11C 1 jl ,14 111 Old, l.V S. i .nluii, Pa, IVIiiunv 0. lull. "flni lnmitli aim I lint u pair of jour lioe on ni hoiv. I l.v ii-fl him iv.ry dav and the lm- 1....I. . HI ( 1 1 lilt ll-l 111. Il-lt 1 lll.l I ,,r t. . Ilnll I, lA.1,1 114 111 IVlAltl llMf I I.l (iilill ... ii iniv wo- -. tni .iiioilii' mulill iiu iimuir vn.Ai.n iii.iii.i. inv iu;, i jii. .-... i-.i-.. .,..i. ....... ..... .......... ... ii. in. il. r 1.1ml. "',r tm'i' iifli 1. Put 'Hi at l.a.i i pin on Inn. I .n.l 1 o.il '.'I .ii 1 ' I'"" ', I, n.l .linir .n.l IIIIVl, (U- WMI M l.ll ll III WIIIHU I' i i I i I ,1 . i el ak, I'. n'ii. aliU 1, load, lo CounoHjWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPW9 CENTER. Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists. Of considerably more ihau ordinary iutercst is this most coinprchcusivc stock. It is conveniently arranged and classified so as to permit of selection speedily and satisfactorily, and whatever is new and best in Shirt Waists is here. Fine foreign fabrics are fairly represented. The choicsst of American goods in plenty. AU with detachable laundered collar aud soft cuffs. About prices. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Of striped Cheviot and Madras cloth, plaited back, lull front. Also White Lawn Waists. Striped Percales and fine Ginghams, single or double plaited back, full front. Fine quality Zephyr Ginghams in prcttv styles, full front with plaited back. Also White Lawn Waists. Fine Striped Madras, full front of line plaits, with new plaited back. $2.00 Silk Petticoats at $5.50. These are attractively made garments in various pretty coloring and black, and two small ruffles, some with deep flounce and two gathered rulllcs, ccllcnt value at $6.50. Price $5. 50. A Fine Offering; of Silk Waists. Some with deep flounce all with dust ruffle. Ex- A large collection of crisp, new Silk Waists came from the maiuilacturer todav. They are in colors, red, old rose, cadet blue and black. They arc of an excellent quality of tattcta silk, neatly and well made in up-to-date styles, worth fully $7.00. Choose Today for $5 Each. Special in Plain Black Silk Waists. News concerning particularly good offerings in black comes Irom the Silk Waist department today. Carelully made garments, of excellent talfetas, in the latest approved tnshion, and so priced that many will surely have left us for new pleased owners before nightl.ill. $7.30 for an entirely new style, all piaiteu, wnerevcr a piait can ne piaceu. New Belts. The broad covered leather belts, with drop front, to be laced together, are fashion's latest fancy. They give a trim curve to the waist, and make waist bauds lorgotten. They are shown in quite a variety of styles, price range from 50c to 1.50. Among other styles of Belts aie quite a variety of patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and' gilt harness buckles, some with nickle buckles, some plain patent leather, other shapes, also many other popular leathers, varying in price from 25c up. BUCKLESDurable and Pretty. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Your costume is not perfect unless its details are perfect. A belt-buckle can make or mar an effective gown. We have some new buckles that will add an attraction to perlcction. Correct and stylish buckles in litruscun gold or French grey finish, jewelled, with adjustable catch that makes them easily removable and requires no sewing. The price of these buckles range from 20c to 75c each. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Sixteenth ft. tnd Irving TUce, NEW YORK. B oro. v. MiniiiNf: Hi. Veil.li.in n.l 1 II." v. il.l Hiiv ir.v mil (..iivi.1m.mI uniplv a Iwi.n In v.ill iifunil tu .vou in lull tlio iujI ui 111. h ( Mainly American rinn, $3 GO pec day tnd upwird. Lurcpvin i'lan, Jl.W per day tad upward. t D. CRAWT0RD. Proprietor. Hotel mtoslB Broadway, Sth Avenue and 27th Street, NEW YORK European Plan In thecentteof tlirBliop jilnsand ihealrcdlsttict, Absolutely Fireproot A Modem I;lrst-cl.i llotei 'Commits lu nil us Hiinoim menti l-uiiilliiiiKsanddccoiutioiisiievtliroucli out Accnnimoditions tor50oKiicstsT)sn.lt.svviih oathi. I lot and cold w liter and telephone in ev. ery room. Culsluc unvwcllul GEORGE W. SWEEHEr, Prop. Ml I fijilf -J 1 V1 ! ! ? ' I'l TTTffTTTTTfTTTTt r.j. DOLLAR SAVING 1'iudcnt people are taking advantage of our CLEARANCE. SALE It will pay you to come and see how we can make a dollar do the work of two 4 4- Axminster Carpets - ' X For Business Men In tho heart ot the wholesale 4- district. For Shoppers T S minutes' walk lo Wnnamakernj 51 minutes to Sloccl Coonci's lilt 14- Btorc. Uaoy ot access to the sreut -f Dry Goodn Sturcs. t For Sightseers , One) block from B'way Co.m. glv- 4. lne easy transportation to all I T points of Interest. !l HOTEL ALBERT I i NEW YOliK. $1.50 Values. $1.00 a Yard. Op 10Q.000 Rolls On 5 High Grade Wall Paper 5 Remnants. i WILLlAflS&ricANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue nuwuiji " vj" rnccn Kcuionani: 4 ---- - cor nth st k UNivnnsiTY n Only ono Iltock from Uroudway, Dftm5 l Tin MliMAUKAM. IIUWIUJ, up. Price Keot THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBERCO., Akron,0. Hoi-83 Shoors of Serauton and vicinity are supplied ftom Philadelphia Branch, 120 North 4th St. GEORGE W. NOOK. Manager. In any v.iy illwulvatitagotms to Hiili.ilo .mil tl).- jilunt wliU It Is uii.l. . iniihliUi .itl.in Inn. Tin r..ii-Uananiiii uniiii.inv is" IjiiIIiIIiik ll"iv liocnUM the loi-ullnii Is uiiu -wlti'iv tin- iii'ic'Niiy iiiitlfil.iln lui tho ih-iiiIik Mod ot Hti-il can ho a-.fin-hlt'il rlii..ii(.i than lit liliimxt i.n.v ulli. r put In the 1 'nit i'il States, and Ihhiuhu tlii- lai llltli-H foi i-hlppIiiK tlif in.iuu failuitil iiiniluct an not uin.illi'il any-wliei'i- on 1)10 contini-itt. Tho laiKi'i" and htioiiKi'i- tlio ( umbliiatllniH funned the fixo.iter will he the tondi'iu-y in de-vt-loji the let lot ateil atnl' cheapest IUihIiicIiik pluills. The llutfato Steel wml.s will have the most innileni up pllmiirH Iviiuwn tn ei'lemc and Hie most achant.ineuUH of lncatlonh, mi tlilf eity Imt. no t.ittso to fear Iluffalo News. 1 n 1.1 I milling C ",n i in , ' Cure ll Throat and I.uug AtfEClloos. COUGH SYRUP W Gttthreuulne. Ktfiii"iiinlltutc. Jt Vis sure 5tvatln Oil cure Kbcunatlim, ig & ag ct. p. 111 . Mm 1 !i Or .iinnr I'.iiiieii ric'ln'- T 11 in. TIi'liu: 7 .1 111, Sli .:ii, 5 Ml 111 . Mjiitmi, T p 111 . MiBovirn .U1 C.iU, ,l I 11 111 . It Cftiifi; " 1. ii' , Ii mil-: 7 .1. n , 0. Ila.-i:. il.v . 11 lu ., W. l.iilliuliiiniiv. pi j in, I. I. II. 'Kiln, II u. If, T -ii.niiil. I p. in. I I. MjIii: 3 p. in. Ivnl.v, Willi II. IV.1nt.vV nun. a p I". '. Milmlii I p. 111, lvi nil nil "i p in. II. liwlu, MitliJi.lu Liluiu'i. in. 11, 11 p m . J. II. vwn. V'HI( P. rtii.lsrm 111 l'u. I lllie 1 p"il (or "lutj rrjnU Jljliuii n.xt tup. ult 1 Today's B., L. & V. Boatd. The tnnlve-iip of today's P , f. V. buaid Is an follows: and i.i)M.n.v. M.Mini c. Vil.l 1 Jl-, l.l.t-S p. 111, 1 Co,tillo, II p. in , I' t av.'ii.uili. 'IllfltsllW, Mllfll 7. WIM ('-!, KBi.t-12.il) u. in. ( lliii.lnlrht ,1 t. 111., M. .1. llciiiiU.ni, 1 a, 111., II. lillllin; 7 . in., t. W. l'ltti'Uldi F..,W a. i.l , r, Mill., Willi lllrlilii:'n iiiciii 'i .1. in., A. (1 IIjiiiiiIII; II ill a in.. !. ll'iiMuil, l.l'it p in , p (illllii.ui, 4.11 p. in. 1 W U. V irlM; l p. 111., .1. llu.li MmnilK, llli'.-O a, 111, rati, .1. il.i.iilaaiis 3 t, in,, wirt, N(1icj1; 0 p. in, rait, .1, t'jiilt;, 7 p. 111., ivt horn Ouifi, lliiui niuluu, (ihilv) ; ' p. 111,, v(t hum Cauisa, Mil.jne; 7 p. in , (avt tio'ii Nay Ati, MoAIII.Iir. I'ullir 10 a m., 1", 1'. e'or, Pu.lulJ 0.U) a, m , Cll.lr.v, A 11 in llou.rr. 11 CO i 111, Muuu, 0.JM i. 111, O'tumui, ' This nnd That. MiiKlur Car llullder 1-. T. t'anlleKl Is LunlliU'd to Ills home liy llliiebf. 1 . 11. Smith, niipeilnluulent of the f.uckin'. anna dlnliiir car ftrvlci". lit the elty jesteidny. Tho usual number of mi uio tm deigoliiK rcfi.ilr wuik and painting "t the iar hhops, .mil will Iju plaucd In icrlio when lluUhed. Mlh Alum 4. Coyne. htmo?fiiiiUor lu tlio l.ackuwnuuii motive power dn pnttiufiit, N HpeMillnB- a few day lu jlultluioi'i and Wiishlneton. Mulhei .Muiy ,lone?. of Hie I'nlted Mine AVoikeio, will lU'iher an udilioi8 at l.ivls' hall. Taylor, Sattirday nlsht. A jinlille meetlm? of inliiern will oo eiiHlon tile hpeeeh. (iroiKo Hai'Koni. of .lei.ey city en gineer of malniuu.iiiee (,f Wuy nn the j:ilo i.itlumd, nnd Kdwnrd How on. riiudmuHlni 011 the Allefihciiy division of the llrle. with heudntinrloiK in UornellKxIlle. .V. Y eullfd on Hltporln teiident 12. K. I.ooihIk, of tlu I.aekn. wanna, yolenlay. A mass meellns of c.upcnterfc In tho rliy of Ser.inton will lie laid Satur day, "Mutch !i. nt 7,;10 p. in. In C'.ir penteis' hall, L'27 VyoinliiK avenue. All 1 in pouters not nfllllaled with tho unions aio cordially lutlted lo lie pres ent. A HpcJker of national reputa tion will uddie.s.s the aFsemhl.tKe. The announeeinent In home of the papers that A. M.'llliih'liam has been appointed lo hUcteed S. II. Thorno aa 1 ouiptroller of the Pennsylvaniii Coal lonipany. was an eiror. lr. Illiif; liainV olllce lin that of auditor, whleli luiB lieen vacant Mmo A. S. llaker khIkiiciI, wnw time npi, Jtetently the woik of the .itidltoi' liarf lieen looked aiur In tho conipuoller'b olllte LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (I'ntltr tliU litidlns lioit If tiers nl Inttitit 111 to iiublltlit.l vvlirn airoinpxilril. (or rul4lt lion, ly tli wrltrr't mine. Thr Tribune Joei not 111 bo publitlie.l vvlirn airoinpxileil, (or puMIc. lion, by tlie wrltrr't mine. Thr Tribune Joei not tfaume re.oiulbillt lor cplnloiu here eiurcued.) Quickest Route across Continent Not b Company K Man. I.dilur . 1 Tln Tiibunf- Mr: lu v. Ui-.la ' 'iribiiu. 11 vvj eiii.iiiuu.lf laliil tint .1 i.0liuul ul t fllip.nu K lni Im rluviuna a.i a remit of an IiI'IIm rellon. I nn phalli ally il'ny tlii" npurl. an tlio iiiin uiiil.r i.iy iniiiiiiiii'l coii.liicli'U tlicnuclvi's Willi pi,rd. 1 milil.i) bearing vvlillo in W'j.I.IiikI.'H. Milton O'Coniiell, (.aptalii Co. K, Tlilrlcciith iiKliiirnt, .S. ('.. P. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Minim Covtit . ...fmcUllle, I.Uionie Coniity 1,1tln llmlil CiirKunUlH lltnjaiiilli II MnbioiiiiUlU S'cm' oik iiiik Atli. , ...Kcunton CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Till. Uterlanil Limited o.jo p. m. cor) day in the )eur, from Clilcigo U CUcagO'Union Pacific and NarHi-Westem Line, .ivrMnu San 1'rani.isco afternoon of third day, l.os Angeles early nevt morn ing and 1'ortlaud aflcrnuun of third day. No change of cars; all meals in Dining Cars; lluffct Library Cars (with barber). The I'aeific K.-vprejh leaves at 10.30 p. m. dally. The best of everything. Call on any agent for tickets, or address 4o'l Croiiiiiy, Aw fori 43S Vht SI., eintmnttl tm Chn't SI , FM'arf.'p-i'a 307 SmlthfldSt., Plttlbur) SCIWatlilwtiiit8t.,0ftc21 iupirhrSt., CltularJ 3I llaln SI , OiJf4lr!l7Cii"rii.)offiii, Clmll 311 Claik it , r(cajo!jnj6l..tail,r.'0to.Ol THE SIC POWDER CO. Uooms 1 au(12, Com'ltb BTd'g. BOnANTON, PA. lining and Blasting POWDER iirdol Mooiloaad UuihJU Worii, Inlaid Linoleum 4. Made like a tile, colors throah to the lucK Regular $1.30 goods, now 65c, 75c Si.ou yard i ? "H' ! ! 4 ! "I r LAPLIN & RAND POWUQK CO.'S ORANQE GUN POWDER Sieetrlo IUtterlri. Elenlrlo KxploJeri, xplodln; blavh, safety Fun an 1 111(111 LO IVE Repauno Chemical Co.'s uxv ills S ProhG.F.THEEL.M.D.N..., Kl. l'1'IUdtlj hit, II, Urn ilutf hr kTt. i 4 PiUAHS.OISCHAROtS.RUNNlNOJ.imtl; LQSSfS if Hi t Ut v'tiii tMic mi nn .? rr.iiiiitru rir.rtr.RiOQDniQN . -... -T'.-.T---T ."- T" . ."""-" '' -viift.rcticl 0 I"J ltleptTi tltiOrminy . 21 iflticitfcuir1iii4 t'llOitm, AtriiiltaMtr(iTii(ntf 1 nil e1rd titcli. Rutn I hoiTnti. Jnif rHwirN 2WiHmihU1i A tltfvbnp Mpyineili yr'H'tt alfruUt ri'irniinrnl hr .IhII, fiiklHiil reirf,1 rwn.t iiTTntnfnifuiifrmffiiTiHfi?viiMfTififT4 n 4 1 IXi Tj7u Lager Beer Brewery Jliwiurftcturcw jf OLD STOCK PILSNER 1 HENRY BEL1N, JR.. Ctucitl Agmt tor tho Wjomlng UutrUt lor I mmn 48B to 455 N. Ninth Stroet . SCRANTQN, PA lelophono Cull, 2333. 1901 BICYCLES New models now iu. Spaldings(Cleve lands, Tver Johnsoa and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beauties. hoot i 211 Washington Ave. UlDlo;, llliitlnf, Sporting, frnoVrltu isj tb lUptunv Cbcnilnl Comptsi High Explosives. gtcly I'un-. Opi nl F.jplortcrn. Room 01 Co. uell llullilioj, smut tn. AUU.NCU.St Tlim lor.ll IMtUtnit JOHN II. r-Miril k tON Pljmoutli W. K UULL1UA.S M)kiDrr J ' 1 lU. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers