The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 06, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Flist Intermedins Session of the Six
teenth Year Opens Auspiciously In
Thst Ilnptlst Chuicii nt Fnctory-villc.
.pt .11 I ' strjntoii liil.ntif
Fm mo Mile. Mm cli R. rii- Him Hi-
trtltidll lit k'.cIoii of the- Hlxti'Ptith
ynr of ili" I.iifkuwnmm nml W.uinilns
M iif knl AllliitiH' iikiii'(I hero today In
the KliM llnptlxt rlniicli. Tin1 nlXi'iul
iiiicp for tin- tlit day wih all ilmt
could I if "Idled and a clan of about
llfty muk oiMinlxi'd at the hiiiiiiIiik and
attiiiioiiii si hmiiii. ('ondiii'lor N.
.M.iikIi -at i h.ivo tin- flnnK Minn- n"v
end illlllcult niiisl.1 thin afternoon, unit
tin) tiu'kli'd li with a lni and di'ti'r
inln.itiin that mi-ani a kiiiihI hiuvm,
Miin iiioip mo I'XpiTtcd to renin' Into
tin' ili toinonow and Thuri'ihi.v.
hl li v ill pel hups hwell tin- number lo
on' liunilre.l
I'll. .Mullein v i'M'hIiim: ii'IipiiihiiI iik
uIOi h Kin liv Condurtor Mani'hi-tf'f
in (j. mint hi the tciiipoialiri' inlly
, hi it in.. MothoillNt i:plroinl
Inn ii Tin- foilowInK In an mitllne
mi'l '"' iBninnif of t ho whhIoii:
in i V Miiui-hiintei, liavliiK re-i-i
i .1 it tin- minimi tnn'tlmr tlvs
i uaniiiiuiiiiF .i iiolntnirnt of tlio Alll
niui a; liiplmlm foi this fes-slnn. will
is urn. Hn lli''i tluii.
Tin iiihi i.llll d hik-m-m of hint SI'll
hoii c iiiti-riin dlnlo ini'liT his illii'c'llon
a (."in r.nit'u ol lln-Moik now under
I ikni
Ml s Ii.ii i Hull, hoprnno. of Setnii
tuli v ill In pi-sent ami nt-flst In lho
conn-its lln iinultiK has boon received
ttltll in ni' d limn.
mi ii. r. Niniliiip imi in'i'ii en
himiu . ii. oniiunilMl. Her funner ex-
n. i i miiI Ifl this fiii.ii'lty Ih'I'oiv tin
nni iiuini'tidiiiK li'1!" appointment.
Inli hHimiM will bo held as follows:
M. mo. .t, 'i ".a tu nll-iimon. - to
I t." i' iiiiiK- to !'.l"'.
iiB-d Uiilli'f oi
Just dli'ii at
1. 1' i :.!
In to
villi .
It Is- tepitilcil Towiillilii
lmw an oM-nlliK papir.
A new lornl telephone. I'uiiipiinyMuis
been ctnljllhtMl at W'avi'ily.
A new system of 1 1 iv uluinis has
Ik'ijii Insllliili'd at Suyre liy sjupeilii
tcndfiu Hioi'Ki'. of tin- I.cIiIkIi Valley.
Mis. II. T. Stevens and diiURhtei.
riif, ate mi a lsll to the luitlmiat
Of. ,1. M. I'aiiiocliau, of s-crantiin.
Is IHIiik his fonner hunie In To
wn r In.
Plf. 41 to tliC TfHIltoll TllDUtl'.
Tin tun Mile. Mntih ."..One of the
niol Piilovalilr Foelal eicnts of tlif
eaoii -i till whii li was parllelpati'd lit
hi ,i liin;e nuijoilti of Kaetoiyvllle'H
t"ii hliildii'd, took plai-e last nlttlit at
ii.ii 1M lows' hall, on Main htnel. In
in. hlmpi of a ina-iuaiaile, and was
'ul Hi it the unnie hnplli'S. . It was a
l.ilial ti II it li .mil only i few ot tlm
nil's elite weie invited, hut thoM
who w.rc lu attendani.e u-picM'nted
lmiiiv lunnuiuiif uharat-leis. The i-ow-ii
with liW deanly kiiii, fiom tit"
i i it the ehlnamau from the e-it
ul w,n with his imisiilcuous plK-tnll.
Hi .itlon Army Kill. with the "War
i 'rye and lii.uiy otheih. from the
blaekcu i mill of the D.irktown society.
io Hi, TwiiHith oentttiy Mn-jety fill I.
I'll'il-s the most ronspleuoilR and
t'iini .1 I' ttr ol til" evenliiR was
im ili. inak. -up of Mr. ni'lns: Middle
i".ui Hi iisxiiiiiluu: th i lmiaeter of
Mrs I'm li. Nation. In thW oliaia
t.i iiotlilm; was omUti'd. and even tho
haieht Mdtzer bottle pi lp. eti.. was
all Ini'ltldiil. As the liour for unmask
ins dri'w ucir. niiieh eutlo'lty wns d as to who eaeh one had
n for a naitnei. ami many was
i. . spi .mMoii ol MiintK-e when the
in .1 moncut aiihed. An Inleie.u
i i term piuHiinnme was enrtl'd
iiii-i whleh relivshniinti were
.. l Muie was lurnlshed bv Llll's
lir -ii j wl.leh was a le.itiire ot tu
. Mo,; f "liluvment and vis inu.'.i
nin-e. i, liv lluiho who Hipped the
iillt l.iiitasile Tlioi.'- pii'hptit at til"
i.n'im- lit i-tallunent, i.nd the
. ur tin v .ihsuiucd. eii :
I'll k n Al-li, Mli-s Delia I'olenuin:
nKi mis t'aril' (iiei'ii: fill sy Kill,
Mis-. lot. phlne lleeiiici: apple wo
rn, in Miss Helen Haul: f-ehool Rill.
.Miss" rnnl Carr; Salvation Aimy rIiI,
Mt S Pi llalluy. soelety gill. Miss
rim O" Smith; Colonial liuly. Mis
,li in. i. ii.iidini: inloied soi lely liltl.
Mih "lnt tli.t Taylor. Uodiless of
ihi M - l.eomi Warivn: eoloied rIiI.
M" 1 ' lililillcman. Kiandma, Mi.
I' Ipi-'ltei . smliiR glil. .Mis. Stan
i Uiiold folonlal Kill. MIt (Julie
i' mil f'ipsv Kill. Mrs. rh.ulcs I-;.
Muni domino Miss (leiliude Itlch:
Mis i.u.le Xatlon. V.. .). I'.lilillenian;
hailoi I'.ubelt HllllldaRe. (leois
Wii-liitiKlon. T. A Kyp : lilsh wo
rn hi I'liomas Powill. liuiliiese, lien-i.-iiniii
Thomas; Methodist lpl-eop'il iii-lniar Klndlev Rentleinau ilui
!. .1 1' Walter, loeul imaiher. A.
It liorsitoi Iilshuian. Stanley It 'v
i,, ,i.i- luwbo.x. I'hallis I). Hunt,
i iMin Samuel U. hill: I'liiup-y
i ' nibh i op. lioloieil) I! u. Haul:
i Inn, ltiti S C I'.eynol'ls; city Reu Ilin li.lldll.'l'. Iliimlllii. W.
ll lllltl)
. I - .' l..l.l II 'IllliUM'
Tuuuiul.i Man It .". A new pastmal
coined) -drama by llnl Held will be
'hi- attraction nt Hole's Opel a House
this week. Tliiifhday evcniim. This
pla Is b far the stimiKest story
eii". written o.. tho author and Is u
i.irupaidun to "lluiiinn Hearts," hut by
l'.x ix'oedliiK that favmlt'e hi Inteicst
and i.iiildlty of action. Theie is hald
u no, a dull moment, nnd pathos
.mil iou.'il ale happily bltndcd In this
jc'IKn if rut ul luxe and life. The
i nupaiiv whleh is unusually stioiiR.
i-onsisth of audi favoilles as Lillian
Hnrils, KluiPiiie Webstei. Ann Slu
Kleton, Krunk lltirtwcll. I'iibo Speneei
and 7,iieh. Kmuis. The speelul t-ceiu'iy
of this nttruitlon. "A lloiuespun
Heatt," Is ixtiemely rallstle unci was
hTtiiid i ruin Sohinun iV Landls" wall
known rtudlo. The i oiupany nlo have
the distinction of having thu Kieatt-st
bib uettess, in the wen Id, Towanda
tlii'iitei-Rui'iii will no doubt Kirel th1)
maiuRemeut with a full house.
l-'nui elilldieli weie binned lo death
In the de'stiueilou of a huus neat
Athens on Friday.
Kdwaid M. I'ltehi'i ulio was
Iiir lilt second ti'iin ,ix loiiuty
mlalsoii'M died at Ills lunne lu
township on S.ilunlu.i of 1111111111101111-1,
awed Wi wir. one uuiiK duuRhloi'
ttr'l 'S liliu. rnmial will lie held
The LellUli Vullev riimp.iny are eon
t.Mii I'luiliiw a boom In tho tielulit busi
ness this yeur. and it Is ovpuited nlout
flfleiin cxtiri tialnr uto to be added.
It ! bci-atme th MlehUun I'enlrM will
ti mister their trallle over this In finch
Instead of the New Yark I'entinl. a
h ii-lolni'i ,
Mi and Mrs. 11. W. dnyloid' vlslled
rkillM" it llliigliiimtun the lust of
tilt v ee'
Mrs Abel Mooie and Mis. Samuel
fipf. ul I" tl.e Sirjtilon Ttlbunr.
Thointison. .March ."..Ml. A. . .Mil
ler, who was quite seilmtsly 111 at the
home oi Ms dt.UKhter. Mis. !'. II. Ill
Riills. on the Ivast Side, last week. 1 1
better ut this wiltlllR.
Itu. ami Mrs. V. II. I'leneh and
I'Ycd Pease, of the (Inn of Hal lies l
l'ease, air tanillliu IstlliK thi'iusolve.c
with tlv itrlp thee past lew days.
Mr. and Mis. Hay oelait. of Seiau
ton, came un Saturday and spelll the
Sabbath with his naienls, Mr. ami
.Mrs. H. H. (5el. ill. on .lofferi-on sit ret.
They weie iiceoinnnuicil b Ml. and
Mrs. Will Loriiii. also of Seninton.
Mis. Louan did some line singing for
her hosts while licie.
Special lellKlous set vices ale hi'lllR
held In the T'ree Imptlsl chlireh this
week. Ill eliniRe of lte . I'leneh all J
Itev. Sklllctt.
Mis (1. 1. H.iines, who has been In
I'aliloinla for the nasi (He weeks, Is
expected home next week.
The superintendent of the Methodist Sunday mIiooI. t' t'. Wll
maflh. has appolnlcd a commlllee to
select a proRramiiie for lOastei'.
K. H, (it-liitt was In .lackhou cslel
clay on busliiess. He will commence
opetntloiis al his sawmill at an early
l M. Lewis, with 111" phonoRl.iph,
entertained an audience In Itoherts'
hall, .Taclcon. last Friday evenliiR.
If the rumors Hint are nfloat me half
true. Thomiison Is to hear moie wed
dliiR bells In the next few weeks than
It has heard slelRhbells in the past few
weeks Let them JliiRle over on .lack
son stieet.
Itc-v. Dav'd and ltcv. Iliewster are
holilliiR sfecliil sei vices at Staritteea
this work.
itev. A. D. luld ami lte. I". It.
Tower ate atteinllnR the llonesilak'
MI11lhte1i.1l association, at I'nluntlnle.
Ycstciday was Mis. 1'. M. Lewis'
hlithdii and she Rnve n tea to Mr. and
Mis. K. K. Oelatt, Mr. find Mis. I. 11.
Lntliuni, Mrs. .1. V. Miller, Mi. and
Mrs. A. II. Cioiler and Itev. and Mrs.
V. It. Tower. Her sistci. Mis. I'art
lldRe, who Is hpendlliK a few weeks
with her, will do business In Hones
dale and Seranton on Wednesday and
Thin Hlny of this week, and 1 etui 11 tu
this plaio later In the week.
The lecently elected town loiincllinen
weie Inducted Into ofllu- lasl evenliiR-.
L. F. Searls was dolhR busliv's In
Susfpieliannn yestc icl.iy
topic unc "The l'resent." Ill v hlcli n
i'i'IIrIiHuI prulse eivlcc wni con
ducted by l!e. .1. H. Sweet, I). I), illid
tho n.isloi. Ikv. 11. A. ilreetie
irnvc n htstntlcal nketcli of ill.
old Uriel; chinch and va aided bv
M'M'inl of the for.ner piieluis ulid
meiubuis, In. stave iinii'iluii's of th"
former davs at this church. After thli
ileilRhttul lilntnilcnl sketch, Itev. U. L.
Suuiee, n I'otmei luistor. pretiched 'i
vei.v InieieslliiK oi mon. uml it"V. .
II. IVntio 1 unilui Pil n Twn
I'l'tlt i.nttny Mii'vli.. 'I'hc pi.
sldlllR elder clon'il the ilfierinoll ser
vice with it few lelillirkH.
A mcctlm,' of tli.' lownthlp 1 'jininls
hluneih look pliic- Monday evenliiR In
Hie nlllco of the Ilkh school bufldlnjr
at which the lilies and bv-hiws lo
mucin Hi.' c'iininl.4sloneis went In for
lllllil leadlllK After the tueetlMK. one
of the i-ominlssloiicis was asked bv
The TilliUlli' coiiespondent to Rive III
views concllllllK wink for the fllluie
"Well, we conlemplate IiuvIiik a town
hall. Jail. Rood, lellable police foicc,
and a hose house. iiImi n Rood lion1
ciimpiinv." icplled the wot Ho loninils
slolier The loricspimilent asked about
the steps for 11 boiollRll. to whlih li
icplled: "HoioiirIi'.' What do we want
with a borouRh, whin we hne 11 llrst
class tj nctilpv"
Mis. li.lin DUN mil son. lima"
li'tllllicd hoine aftel a few das" l-lt
with fi lends In Setnnion.
Mrs. Frank Laiv and bribe .u
hill V-
1 lal I" ll.t s union 'lull ill.
liallstcad. Mai ell .".. FiliU niKlit .1
lamp exploded at the home of .Michael
Hays while !he family weie seated
nliottl the leadlllK table. Mr. llays
seized Hie biitniliR kerosene lamp .md
llnew it fiom the house. The fam
ily weie badlv sealed, bill aside front
their flight no damaRe was done, have
the deiiiollshment of the lamp.
II. ('. llullaid's ii.pttlar inineit baud
leudeied 11 Hue pioRinmme b.-toie t
laiK'' auilleni e at I'onklln last Thurs
day. The same mm oil Is lo be ie
pealed this week at I'psonvllle.
OwlllK lo the absence of a ipionilll.
theie wnt no meetliiR of Ihe low 11
council Monti. i evenlus They will,
however, meet foi 1 em Ratilzatlnn later
In the week.
Thuiiin llutchlliRs spent Suiiiln
with New Mllfoid relatives.
Hrv. J II. Swe.'i. of Scinutoii, illi
cit csmmI n laiRe aililleme !n the Yoiimr
Men's c'litlstlan association Suudiiy nt
leinoou. Mrr. T II. Ilais last week iccelveil
a telegram inuveyliiK the sad Inlelll
penie ol the death of her sli-iei, Mrs.
IJ. T. Lewis, al Hiisbon, .V. V Friday.
Miss Mai loll I'llUlcll Is ihe Ritest or
.Mis. Joint Yoiiuk' at n.Uhiuiik.
Jessi? WP.ivei, ot Towandii, hits ,
1 tiled a situation as a mno M-aU'i
a I vtlie 1 hall factoiy here
Mr. and Mrs. isyinu Hum', ol Sci'in
ton. weie in town lo ipend Sunday
at the lioino of .Mr. and Mis. Al Waler
inau. Mi. uml Mis. f. M. .'ihsler hpatii
Mindiii sIIiir iclatlvrs in Iiianilt.
Mrs. Hlnier Decker was lu niiiKhani
li'ii shopping" on S.iiuulay.
A iniKf limb was in nkvii from 11
shade tie., in fiom of 1'. li. I'm pen
lei's icMilciiei Sunday evenliiR, and.
fnllln? aetosh the hldei.nlk. 11.11 lowly
escaped IlijuilllK passcisliy. Tll limb
was In iken by the R.lle whl blew
eaily in the t"-eliltlK.
Mis. C II. Imil. of lilUKhamliiu. was
the Riiest ul filuids lieu- i-n' Sun
da. Mis, John Austin Is Ihe Rtieni of
I'llathis In Deposit,
Mis. Huso Dayton attended the In
I'liRUiatliiii of I'resident MeKlnley.
"lill it Wahhlnslon shn was ontsr
tained by Mrs. Wood.
Miss Xlna Hiown, of F.Imlia, Is mfIi.
inn Ilallstead h lends.
Slii'lllf W. ,1 Muxe.i and Altorncy
I'lColRe Little, of .Montloi-e. weie In
town on business .Monday
II. li. I'.'iiy 011 Monday finm
ihe VmiXt'hH block Into the home he
i.iriitly puichaheil.
Th' WllllUK Wotkcis baud of the
l'iesbtellilll clUIITll will hold 11 fair
!ti the YoiniR Men's 'hiisilau ossoel.i
lion hall TIiuimI.ij uflcinociii.
.M. O. Itraillcv. of Xew Mllfoid, W.JH
Ie town mi Muiiilay.
CnU1 te ll.c . rittloii Tlllililic.
I Mil .'a. Match ."1.- The inmnliiR and
afternoon seniles of Hie Twentieth
iVntniy lloint- liatlmilnK, held at iho
old Hilck chuieli were vety Inteiesi
Inf. The inoiulm; mjixIi'ii was deoted
to the nasi. Letters were read at the
love least, mid Itevs. J. L. Itnei? and
.'. ,KlnK delivered seunoiifi. Then the
pc.-ddlns eltiur, I It v. Austin liilllln.'l).
ll iHimllleleil tile ki'I I'lee. lifter u lllell
jillni'ir 'vns served by 1 1 1 - ladles of ill"
' iliurch, Vi the aff'tunon S"ivlce llu'
Sttilll li, thp siaiitnn I'ttl.ui.
I'lltslou, Mulch .'..-At an eail.v bom
yesterday moiuliiR Mai tin Liinnkltl",
c Sn-ini-n1il Lithuanian resident of
Sluriuei vllle, was found IvIiir on a
puiclt at that place. He had been way
laid bv four hlRhwaymeii who used
cobblestones as theli wcapulis. The
man'sheailand face were badly cut and
biulscd and he was lu a weakened con
dition from Hi'.' loss of blood, ll" was
taken to the I'lltslou hospital. The
motive of the crime was doubtless loh
bery. as $S0 whleh Luaukltis Is staid lo
have hi bis possession weie iiiNsIiik
when he was found. This mm 11I11R war
t.'ints weie swoi 11 out fur the attcsl of
Joseph .loshlnsky. Louis Kulbasky, .lo-
seph Soehosky and .lohn .lashlusky.
lour Sturinervllle l'olatideis. 'I'hey
weie iiircsU'd and held tindei hall by
Siiulie IteiRcr.
The West I'ltthtiill liiiliiURh council
met at 110011 yesteiday and icoiRanlzed
by the election of Thomas W. Jenkins,
as chairman, and f Jennie llenlleld see
letnry for the sixth consecutive year.
Adjournment was then taken till this
evenliiR when a icRttlar session was
held, at which W. It. UU hauls was ic
electeil chief of police and (Jem Re
Wat iter le-elC'cled street 1 oniinlssloner.
Itev. J. J. Kllplu Fletcher yesterday
appealed beloie Sclllte MlllditlR at
Inkerinnn to answer the chaii;e of
lommittliiK lint and dlsotdeilj con
duit. One witness was examined In
the di.soidi ily condiicl cns lie swore
Unit on the iilKht ot Feliruary :'.. itev.
Mr. I'T'leliet stood In the ilootwny of
the Month hall with a revolycr In his
hand. Xo other witnesses weie piesent
al the heailiiR. the proseeutor belnir
icpoited as sh k. althotwlt his sic kness
was iptehlloned. The Ii.miIiir was final
ly loutliiiled until Fiid.iy at 4 p. 111.
Another at lest has been made here
tor llleRiil voIIiir at the Fein tuny elec
tion. The di'lendanl was Owen I'aiey
ailil he was imiuiillted to Jail lit de
limit of ball. The man admitted he
had oted In the Tenth ward of 1'ltts
ton illy and thai he was a nsldent of
I'lttston township.
M. L. I'ertln. Ihe well knuwn hoise
Uliill of West I'ittstmt. leielvedvtlllef
new additions to his sloi k. pieparalory
for the i oinliiR race season. They weie;
A ba stallion. T, yeais old. by Hleclile
Ii luce: a ' 'ar-old uiibioketi t hest
tuit eoli that Is veiv piuinlshiK. and 11
tine black T yeaih-nld. They ar
tlied lime 1'iuin .lanii stnwn. X. Y.
.loli 11 Vallter. an iu-d r sldenl of
1 '01k Laii". died ibis motnliiR, after
.1 Inlet' Illness of iiietunon!.i. The 111
u.'ial will ml.e place Thuisilay moin-
Wold was tecelveil li.-ie today an
nnuiielim the tle.ith In Xew Vork 1 liv
nt Mis. Miiiv A. Heap, wlft of Petee
live Iteap, fonner icsldeuts o" this
place. 'ii,. nuieral will inke place In
X. Vm', iiiurnlny.
Al .1 Uieellllfi ol Ihe litlslon I'on
tl,il Labi. 1 union lasl i Velillif a eulll
mlliee was ippoluted to itnanRe for
a lip; laboi parade and iuiim meetlu;;,
tu be held lleie oil 1.11b ir Diy. A pic
nic will be li.-ld lu mi", of the riuvm
h.-i" and then will b- speeciituakliiR
bv plomlueitt 1 it" r leadi'is. An ef
f. 1 1 will be made lo h..ce I'lespl'itt
'.iiltlpiis. ol the AlUi' l''eili'l'li'on
ot L.tb'il. alt. nil.
The i'oIIowIiir hale I ten nominated
is ollliei.s I'm the I lib-ton boatd of
trade lor the 1 nsulllR yc ni ! 1'iesldent.
ii. H. rhoinpi'on: vice presldept. F. II.
.Vtttiiui: tiiMxiitei. Theuias .MaiiRmi;
sc-rotaiy. M. .Maicilt.
Daniel HeRiiu, Inployed with tin
sinllh .1 S. Llewellyn, ul' West Pitts
toll, fell lliiin the iiinf of the resl
.lettee ol II. D. Hetlltett, mill lec.'hed
a hpralueil ankle and n dislocated
shotildi r.
Fuui'itil Dlieilm i'. II. I'uilor has
added t.. Ills cehleli; iV'pm lllient n
liandsonie new Hulln bridal cnu-h.
The U'ukc Itebln clllb v.lls dl-llRtlt-fully
enteitalned by Mis. IJ. A. I'm-tv
last eveiilnj;.
The I Injtlift-tuw it council leorgnnU'M
yisti-iday alteinooii and nt the ni"et
Iiir last eeiiliiR elected the fullowliiR
tlli 1 rs' Ticasuii r. John L'lmle.v, sr:
stieel coniinb.sloiu 1, IMtllck lllbllile'
1 III I'ol polli". Slopln 1: Ouel.
Cash HcRlstcr company, visited his
InotlH'i. t'clonel !.'. S. Hnndilek al this
place on Mondm.
The iilul list Tor Apt'! 1 oiirt of .0111
inon pleas was made lip at the law of
lice of W. I'!. .V: 1". A. Little 011 Monday
ufleilioon. Th' II"' 'l" '"' ' shott
next term.
Sattlldto, Maicli'.i, Is ihe lint da ,m
Illlnn appllintlon" for Ihiuor llienscs in
WyoinliiR eoi:nt. A Ri'eut number of
pclltlous are nlieudy on llle.
Kv-slu'tlff Flunk T. Knapp, of Mill
f'lt, was ilnlinr lnislnnss in toi.n on
ticliJamlu Simre. an old ivsldrm 1 C I
this place, died at his hum i'n V, o
mlna tivctiut, on Tucsdav mniuliii;
itbout L' n'lloik. of drops.x, from vhloli
illseitsr h hud hiilltred rm- a IciiiR tlmr.
Dnared vim the falli-v of Mer'-liaui
:'hi. s K. Sp.ic". Mis 'ieorRe iliay
and M'.i-. "nniiiel S. Dai
Joint W. Yniii'x who l. etnplu.ied as
ttniellllK Hiilesimitl lor It rli house. N
MhIIIi'k hi r.imll al this plan
Th" IliiMimkeu' IiiiIrc. ol the Im
ploled Order of lied Men. will Rlvo a
supper at their hall, on Tloaa street,
nest .Monda 1 venliiR. Supper, llfte-n
cents. Hveiyliody Is Invited.
Miss Sopliimiln Luekenblll was u vl-!-Itor
at Wilkes. Harre on Monday.
Jeimue II. Welch, who has spent the
winter In the employ of an lum euin
pany lu West VIirIiiIii. Id the eapai Ity
of a caipeiilei has reutined to his
home at this plm c.
Tilal list of 1 mil I of common pleas
of WyoinltiRi oinitv fm Apill term,
11X11, week 1 onmieuclllR April Pi. Xo,
rs, Xoi.mber term, IMi". Mary A
Hiindle s. McKlnney Stephens, is
sue: Xo Sm. Jiuuaiy term.,I!i'Hi. !
ter V. Hush x. L it. Stephens, np
peal; Xo. 2;il. AliRitst term 1MMI. Will
iam I'adeii s. l.ehlsh Valley Hallrund
cninpiii. trespass, Xo. "!, Janu-ii-y
lerin, Is'is. roinmonweaUh ex rel. .1. L
Illlllllell s. Itleliaid Ulid, Issue, N'o.
US, January ti-iin, lVHi, John W. Pust
aid vs. W.Miinluir cmint.i. appeal: Xu.
111. Apill tcim. rum. W S. Hubbard
vs. Plain It. Schoolc). scln- fm las, Xu.
1."i7. October teuo, IJiOO. Freil Sinllh vs.
Lelilsh Valley K, cmnpany. ties
pass, Xo. 111. Oi lobi'r tenn. 1W0. Lottie
Palmer vs. l-Mwanl Piilnini- eleettnent.
-uMi; ju.wistwtu. ufeti
1 lli.ll to til.' s Hit HI 'llJiul .
I')ili'st City, laieli r. Miss Porn
ntlllln, wliu appeaiid hie Snluiilny
cvMililh. under the ausphis uf the La
dies' Aid soeleti. 1 nltliilu' d one ..f
the laiuefl midli'tie.'s en r assemble 1
in the l'resbi leilnn 1 lull eh. Though
ll w.t Miss Ciilllin's Hi it lslt to Fm
est I'iiv )el 'he wns by no means a
stiaiiRci to us. Sin- possesses a tlmiiu-Iiir-
pei-sotiallty and Is .1 pad-r of the
lisl class, 1 Ifi lie.uitlfiil voire nnd
eoluiuandlUR piesencn rIm's sllill fmee
as Is lately seen In a leader. .Miss
r,il(iit has piomlpd to uiuin boforu n while. The anxiety of the peo
ple lu lii at moie of h -r, voices their
nnpi .in'lon.
Wail Sttest KovIpw.
, .. . i. ll.i' li ' 1 1 11111111I 1, ..,il 1
I'.. n-h nil 1 I!. ilie 'I 1. "h. iiilniinii
in.'inlhu, .i."i.l !. I '1 uiiiii-inii.u .'I
-to, K 111. 1 lei. Jiiil .1". i.ii ui -ii.'Wul 'i'
lu.l-s fit . in in. In 1 1.1. 11. 1 .'i l!it lnuli ;i 1
lit .1 Mil l.lilli.lil llllsilll I lull 11 III ,
Lilt;.1 ullil i. ,l.-t.l ill ll 1111,1 in U in
st.nU, l.iu In many oiliu t.i.-'i .1 1 1 i.--l
lil. It -in.'inli l .ill (li.' 'ti.i i' il 1
i... t.iliim in llu tiuiik llii" t-. ''ii. 11. '11
tjn . ...ilii. mil In Or in tin ,1 v - I .I
l-.i.1 ill till U.-.l'-ll. lutll.'l. I' III'
I lll llillil'.ll si .tic- ittl.t,.l II 111 I III'
n in Hie ('iii- ami I'u. in. 1.1. up-.
S.llll "I I ll Slj Hllll I'l'llll-lll.ltlU up u"j- IMintiii uml II11.1-..11. ' .
i.u.le .mil lli.ii. pi .ti-nvil, .'.'t 1,1. c N
I111M111I. ;'; liiitliii'jl'.n. .1. i'i'I N"i'l
Wttllll .H'fl'lll'cl,
I, it
M III til
ill I
fpiUl In tlic S-.,.iiilci. TiILune.
Tuiikhnniiock, Maiih S, Mis.S. Jud
son Stutk mid cliitiRhtcr. Hlixabeth,
who have lu-iti ylsltln? friends at To
wn tula the past six weeks, letunu'tl
home Satuulay.
Mrs. Stephen lloblnsou Is vIsIHur
ill -nils In Wilkes-Italic.
I'lmtlici Hauls and family, of
Avoca, spent Sunday , Riteits'ot
Lamlloid Jabe, Lee. ot the Kiteler
John JrltlllllRS, of Ihe JeltnlllKh .Mill-
Inj,' and Lumber company of Meelmop
un). was duliiK buslues-c lii town Mon
day Jiiinei, L' Ft ear has lenioved Ills law
otllco to looms one door east of Ills
fuiiuer locailon 111 the Bunnell build
in;;, eiiinee TioRu and Wainjii slicels,
Mis. Louis Lin Keiiii'dl Is vlhltltur
nleiiils In lie WyoniliiR valley.
i:. Slum l Slmli, deik' lu tlln otllco of
the DclaiMiie, LaeUanaiiiiu and West
ern 1 oiupany at Scrautoii, hpeui Sun
day with his family ut this plain.
Wilbur KlhhpaiiRh, of Sayie, was tin
Iiik bunliiesH In town Snturdu)
l.lci'iise couit (.iinveni'H Monday.
Apill 1.
Mis. . II Siillor and Miss Ariios
Staik visited Wllkes-Hane on Monday.
Altuinvy Felix Alintlt, of Wllki s
llarre, vii,i a caller lu town on .Moinlu)-.
Iloscoe T. llaildilik. of Willi. 's.
I li.irie, K"in'ial itRi'iit of the Xatlunal
lllll III! 11 -II I,. 'I .1- 11 lllll.ll in. 1 n 1
iiilili 1.. tin nii.ii'iiiiiit in -ih i.ii i
Win intalli. el hlla tMll' ...ill.l''! ill (li
tin li-l Ik-Mi 4 Hum .lll.i'ill I l"l"' i
Iv .tlimlik till' lilsll I'llinl lli.lii.lli il-. Ill
molt 111. Ili ll.l- iilite tli v ll. 11 1 'il' 111 -i' .11
..i wis -iliuitljll.l lit. II' lit i-1 ! 1. -. ' In v
I..lli"ll- 'l -iHllllllitV .ll.lli"ll- ll' hi.
II. Il ll-l llll Ill,t Inn w.i- ImmiI im
llu- lnai' cauliis-. 'Hun ' .in "in.
p. 1 ill.llli-n in iiiii. .1- 1- im ni lib i" .'
en .1 ilb ml !.!. 'llu- -1., I. ;.'' .1I..1. i' 1
1 1 J Li ll t till , lllll't I llll. llll. I III. 'Ill I.II .tl"li ''
tin i ti-tl.i iliiiiini.l. Ini fill i'. in
tin- I,iii- 1I1 .llll.'.'., 1 1. .-Ina mil' .1 ti, 1 I . 1
IV Yi'stiuli'- iii'.iPiiiini in n iIk iin""i
1 . iici ii.tnimiiil In mi... uiiiiiii 11
.t...k tip .111 .Alirttii' I1... 1 Itnu 'ii. 11. ill. 1
llu' tn.. 'llu lilluiiiiiiiiiw "il .ml. 1- -In v I
iini "I -nrli'.lli. 'llu- -I"! -l.iik't .u .'
li in ul.'i li'il. II iiiiiiiuli -1... I- .1- 1 ml. i. .1..1
Mill. 1 I11.1v . uliile ilii'i.' .i-' Mini. 1 1
.III.I'IU ll"' pilll'IIMt t..i i- I s ,t,,. n,,
i.illi.'t 1I11II ,111.1 ilx.ul mj.Iv mi il" ..Ul-l'
iiiiiki't. I. .Ini ili". I,r, Iici .1 n. a
'III.. Imllll lll.llkll sll.ll I'll -"111 II 'l.l-lli.
tlvit.v .mil slirnulli, lull .i.iitln iiiIih nu - ' siumltiil ,u' .1, en,)..' s , , ni 1 1 ,!
wit-, pi.i v.ilii.', sl,sa,im I s m ui,.) it
'-.iti.l 111 11 I-111i1iM.11 1I11 linen 'i, .mil tl" .'M 1
Iiiii an Indiaii wislied tu licip iii-ull upon a ciiptiircil I'm,
lu i-nllc'il linn 11 siiii:i, a woiiiuii, inn' liuviliu; mi viiluiii fur
llii- I'otiiii'il anil in' ('(iiiiiiyi' for tlio lisliL It ' '"d "" It'iit?
nyn thai tin1 wo nl tVDiii.'iii slemtl in our iiwn !niii.'itiiui' 11 .1
sviinnyni of ini'iital ami pliysicjil vt';ikiii;s. It was In-Ul i.tai
Wl.1l;lIu. w.i a womanly attrilititi'. Tu Im "ti'(iiitriniinli'.l ''
wai uiiwiiuiiiiily. tn lie athletic was "uiaiiiiMi"; ami
"ytieiiiu-iiiiiiileil ami iii.iiini.sli woman " was not llu- if
proM'il li liurriiiuiMlik' uieii. To-ilny wniuaii in yeii. ,.n
iroeil liei'spli' llm I'ljiiitl ot' man in iiilclliMinal
stii'iiiltli. In tests of (iliyslcnl I'luliiraiicc ami 111111
iMilar skill as in vwoi'ilniaiisliip, liieyi'le r.U'ini.', i-ii-.,
iinlivitliial wimien liavp iroviil tli('niclvcs ciiial to
the sivoiiuji'si iiicii. Uitl il must lie ailiuhti'tl tlutt
the ;tvir.ti;e' of Hlrcmlli aniimi.' wouti'it is far In-low
tin- iniiau-i- of stivpo-ili aimup' tnon. Thai women
can ciili.1 villi the xittiu" physical Mreiioili as ineu is 111 P
ju'ovi'il liy thiisc who have eloni- o. Thai tin- mass -fJS,-!
of wiitiien arc phsii,'allv weak is (.i(lciici-(l hii-w-rv 'L'a
I'oiuiniiuily liy thoi who liml the cnuiuioii ilulies of
the luiu('liol(l it strain upmi their sn-onuth.
Tlii-n- must In-a lpiison for thi ircni'r.'il piiysical
weakness of women, ami that iomiui in foiiml in the
very fuiu-tinii which iliffc'i'iitiiiU tin- di's or in
whiil may In- called the womanly oreaiiisHi. While
then- is inonlhly n-pularity I In- woman lo-ps nothing
liy fullillinu; tliis fiincliou of her si'. Ilui tin
numii'iit the ti-p-iiliii'ity is ilistiirlieil or licconu-s ah.
ipu'inal either Ly suppn-ssion or evci'Ss, al once then
U :i loss of physical stti-iitli. So. iilso, when lliere
sire iitiln'iillhy ilraiiis, or the womanly organism is
iitt.u-keel hy the lire ot' iiillaiitmaiioti or ihe ernawiujf
ulcer, nt oiiec ni'i'vons ami muscular stieiiu;th arc
iiliki- liileli'(l.
This condition of womanly wciikncss is neither
natural nor neeessaiy. This is proveil liy the stroi'
wotiien who iith'r from uoue of the-i weakeniti-.;
ailinenls, ami liy the weak women who have hci 11
made strong when their diseases were clued liy llu
tisc. of Dr. Pierce's l-'aMiiitc IVi'seii'dion. lu the
wuiucii tell their own sinrv of their suU'i-iiiig ami their cure.
"When I first wrote to Dr. I'ieice eoniTrnino; my health," wtitcs Mrs. Mollie 15 Catpcntcr,
of I.iu.iii.i, Ciuuberl.iuil Co., Tenn., "I w.i-s so weal. I could li.trdlv wall: could only
write a few words until I would h.ue lo tost. Words cannot cprc, my .su(Tcriui: elinincs's
of sit;llt. palnitattoil, slio-tncss of bic.tlh, black pols, or elsi slutiir- llj;lits before an ceS,
tertible licad.ielic. nmnlmei. in mv arms, li.uil;, tottime and j,iw; coiistipatiou, falliiitj of
lltp uterus, iliw;;rreable drains, so; 'iio.-s tlttoi);li tn bimc1s;'iu i.iet, I was diseased from
head to foot. Xow I can do niv o'Mi wasluuf; anil eookine;. I cm like- a ten-epiait p.til in
one hand and a sk-inurl p.iil in llu- other dull of water 1. .mil 1 n both one-fourth of n
mile, and never btop lo rest I .1111 as hi-aw ns I was at 10 t ij pounifs). used thitty bol
lies ot 'Favorite Prescription.' and 'ttoldou .Medical Hiscoicii,' and vials of
' Pleasant Pellet:!.' If ,in l.nh suiWiti),' as I h-ivc been will utile lo Dr. Pieice and "et his
aiUiee and nse his tneJiciucs aceordinj.' lo direetiotis, a cure will surtly result."
"1 wai.i ureat biti erer two yejrs .1x0 with iciualc tioi-ble, and I wrote to ou for aehicc,"
s.iya Mis. Mattle Ui,. of Tribulation. McDonald Co.. atisi-oiiri. "Von outliunl a course of
trcalinent for me 1 lollowed 011r dircvtioiw, ami now led liUeadiiiercnt person. In three
days nllei 1 bf"an taking your nin'iiiui s I bci-uu lo feel bcttci. 1 took twenty dollurs'
wo'rth of llle 'l'.iionte Ptescriptioii ' .Hid M'loldcu Medieil l)ieiii'i,' and .d-o lour ialsof
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I would not Like one thousand dolhiis lor the j-ood lite iitcdi
cine hasdoii" me. I can't praise il eiiot-idi. I wi-lt all v.ho -ufici tiom Muii'tioubles would
jlie Dr. Pierce 1 medicines a lair t'l.n. ,tt ;iw nil tla- iu"
1 Km3C, and feel good. Main thanks to you for jour Liml aelviec.
i. 'S
a 1. wifl
M If
1 a m
m 1 iwM
te.stiinonials wliich follow,
timonials will miticc ili
i)liiii, walk where
iefcicin-c in ilirrn to
Thos't- who lead the llliove te
coriespomleiici' with Ur. licrcc.
biek woiiii'ii. i-sjH'i'iiillv ihusf siili'i-iiiig fiiitn chronic i'oi-iii.s-'oi disease, aic iniited
in consult Dr. Ph-ici- hy lettci, ficc. All (-niii'siioiiili-nei- is held in sacred sucil-uv
and the written contid-'iiei's ol women :iri- j;iianlcil hy the same triet, iirofcssional
ill;ll' oli-cl eil in III',
woiiu 11, at the lin.ilids'
atiotis with
people's A
1 ii'ii'c ami ins stall in iipir pcr-opai coiimi
Hotel and Suroical Inslituie. :it liiillalo, N. V
Dr. . V. Pierce. Iiiili'nl... . V.
Dr. I "hive's Kavotito l'1't-.frijuiiiii is cs.ciniallv a
W11111. ill's medicine, ll t-i.ihlishis reuulaiitj , diics
wcaixcuiiiu ni.iin.s, ncais iiiiiainmatiiiii ami uU'cra
tioii and mires female weakness. It cures aUo
nervousness ami scti,k.hui"', eneour;iu;i s the appc
tile, and is especialh aliialile as a piepaialioii lor
maicriiiiy by incrcasiiiu niie-ciilnr .sirciij'tli ami
cl.tsi ii-ii ami niakiiiu; tin
Accept no Mihstituti- for "F.mnite
ti.-u." Nn other pin-up inediciiic lor
Use has so yu'iit a lecoid of I'euiaik.ihle
ricotiiHieliil it.
hiihi's iiihciii piiiiiicidly
cures to
rms book inEz a n a- Plc'
I., ..i GHifSion oexnsfi
IWodlcaf Advisor is sent FRE on rncolil of ztnm'ix
to pny oxpense of matting ONLY. Srnd 31 cino-ccnf
stamps for tlio ctoili - boimsl volunto, or only 21
stamps for tlio book In pppsr -covers. Atlilross
Dr. R. V. PICRCC, Buffalo, H. Y.
i. llu- a- i.-tti-iti"! nb.ui...1 ' i"i "Hi .1
llu' I j. 1 1 ill.
'llii' f.'lln.' IllK illt't.llli 1 ''HI -lull 1'.'
I'iltiiii:i tn M. f. .. l ei
M.MiJt ImlMliis. s,,miiti, ij, -iii'm in ii..
0HII- llidl I..IU ( I "I .-I. ..I. IIIU
.H. II. -II Sia-' Ill I I -I I .'l, I'''.
Si ' HI I "4 I'll". I-I'i
m stl ft wlri' .. -i. !'' .'i' j "'
Al.l.U.ti " "'' ' 1 -;
Milil-fii. I'l '' v ' "'
He ml. Tuii bit t'. 7.' T.'i ;. a
Ikill. . oiilu "I ' "j " "-'
CM Tcilmiii ...". ?' l-i 'i
( 1,1 .. A (Mil.. V lit ' ''' '
I lile. & HI. Wh,I. ... I i'ii ""'i l'"j
t hi, . II. - n MM,, l'4 Hi H'.
-I. I' . IM'. IV.', IVS'j 1.1,'v
llotk MhihI 1"l l'-'"' I-"1! It'
0.1. , llu.l-i '"'- "',.' I"i l"'l4
U.kUMUIlIU II. It l"--!'i I" HK'n '"I
I Ml ' ' M'4 !'.
Inl.'iul s,-il, ih "i ""j s; vl4 .V IVit.. I'r ". "'" 'ill "1
.iii., , Nu.l I't'j '.11'.. IH ".I'. 1
I,iii. KlMJtnl Ms'j ll H li'i
Mil. Timlliin I'-l'i l''l' l'l' U-I'i
Ui-mi l'.ii;iti i "i " 'i''
l-ii.t.Ii'4 H111 IHJli 1-Ui toi lUI'.
M.UI1-I1111 Pail It'll H'u l U'l
Vuilull. .V Wi'l W'l s li'n r
NuilliLin I'Ji.ill ' '' ' n'l
Nuilll. Puiltle. IT f'i s I' T'j
. . (01ll.ll tU' H H. ?, IIHV
out. ..- w'pim "Wit !'- ;-"! .,;
1'itiii.i. It. It I'd"! fkl'j 1.11 'i l'J14
IM.iile Mali i:7 JiT .n in
llhiilliu Hi '''"i ":' "IL IJ'.
liej.lliik' III . IT 'I'l "'a "Hi I'i'i
sittitni II. 11 JS. 'i'i. UK i.
sui.tli. li. II.. I'l '" 7 7"--
I'ti'ii. I ul A boil .... ".I .Vt Vi VJ
I . s jjIUi UL IJ', ISi. I.i,
t . s U'dtliri. I'r y 74U 71 71
r. ,s. iiui.u 1 I'i'i imj im, in',
1 iiUm I'jilm '; wis mH in
I iilnii l-ji-ll!.'. I'r .... 1 Ml' t si. 1
ni.iuii. it "' '' an; .iui4
Wi-lfili I'ltiun N k4 I'i s',
f hhaoo' numrrr.
t)."n lllgli- litu- ri.ii.
win: M. ,'i. -it. mi. niv
Man ti "i'l. .. 7 t
Mu.i 7A. .. ., rv
lul 71 .. .. '.I
MjiiIi. ' t'4
Mjv Wt .. ,. 4.1,
.I11I.1 ' .. .. 4--'k
Mj.v 1 .1 .. t'-'i '
I'D III!. ,.
M.i- '" 11 1. 1I.1M3
uiii) . . ;
M.i) t.ll ,. ., 7 10 1
'Ij; 7.UJ I'l 71)1
m:h f-iiK niiAls M.)iKirr. '
oinif nisli- mw rim.
will'.ST. I'. t. Mt. Inif.
Mm 7WU "1H4 TdX TiiV,
.I11I.W ta 7ll't 7"H llll,
I oll.v.
Mjv Ill', ll,'; 111 lu'i
Seranton Buarct of Trade 1'jcchanso
Quotations All quotations Based
on Par of 100.
1 1
I ,
I .
ml.. 1
1 in.
. . in
1 il..
. , ,11,
iill .
sIK l.s- I) 1
I'ii.t llll I.. 1.)
Sljlloll sjui ,, lljllU ill)
Tlilltl N'atlilul II .t tls. Ii
tllm l)t.tii .ni'l IM-. "lint ll.ii'n . .11
Cmnom bulit. H ' !' '
Ijil.a liu-l s.ik !).po.,lt Co ... 11
1'ljrL .1 MinuM- o, J': -'J
htulitui Irem limo& Ml,;, l.'o.
Si-Uliliili AMI' wi'ih"
Ijikj'ijw 1 HaliJ ' ., I'r
tciiliti tjilni.-. Haul. .V 'IYut l'o.. Ml
I'iril ntii.iul !!.itil iCailoii'Ial)
siutiilai.l ll' llm; o
Tuil.'ii' .NjIioi tl luilk 113
S-uaiiii.n 11.1 i'i- .Mil v.o no
Siraiiltli l'" "K" IIjIIwj' "ft
Mrt;j(t-. Uiif I'-'-O 1 13
l-rcplc'j Mini lUll'i.iJ. tint inurt-
jljr, ilui! l'Hs JtJ
l-ecplc'i sued llatluu;, Ufni'Ul
liioill,-Jrfi', ilui l-l 113
D'cktuii Maiiul.iitnriic Lo
l.ail.u. i'oielili Silii'ot 3 pur cent. ...
City ot bc-Hitim st. Imp. t) per
Sinnluii 1 1 jc nun it per mil 113
1 i'I.ii.i-,
i'u. I 11
- P
IV .1
I .ill n
... Ill'1-.
') ll, I.
I '.I.",. .1.. li. . ll
liihlii.l -'I J 11 Om.'l
i,, ,.v I.l.llnii:
I IV I .l ilui. III llll I. ,
l'. I'l' ; 1 lie -. '1.1 1
I ill -I. .III. . l., I. "II
. 1 ., u.ii.. in..: 1. .iii.l,-. iJ.l..' . . 1-.. 11
I'i ' lillk'V.. 'I.1M1 4 i , .-. 1 ..ilit KI'lli
ill. I inf-iii , ''.:.: II..H...V .liii k.n-. Hki I
i'.p III ill. . 'Ml!.'. ! llllkM-, .I1HI11 I.I I lilt V
ii.'.ii Ie. I Jul I. ; wi'.e.ii 1 1... mil V , ilui k
iii.nlt.v. r.'uH. ., ut'-li'in .1.'., II.1I.1.; U" -.-7uii,'.
liiii'lpl. -li'.ur, 'I.HJ.I lull I. .mil 1,11...-
iHiiiink. in -u.k: "In .11. Ii..uii liimliflM .mil.
, mm;
.. it-,
I7,iu. M1I111111I1I-
i,,tlll linvlii-t.; ..J I.,
III.. -It,
It, il.
Scinnton Wholosnle Mniket.
it iiicctcil liy II. H. 1 tie. .'7 l.ntl.ju.iiiiiu e.j
Ituilil--('1011111 1), 2ll ?&., iljlrj, tsa.ik-.
I IlltW I I'll .'fill.. Jttl.'c.
Iluii, l l,"'l IH-ll, l 1-' 1 . lit ill In' lj.
Il.'.!.-i- I'ii 1.1 .'C 111 in . sj. I'u'.i),
l'J llflill I'll I'l., .'. ITaS.SlJ.
Mnlliiiii llo.-tii-.-l'ti- In;., silivj:' IJ.
lilffll Vl -I'll- III., .'t.l'lll IS.
Htilcn' I'.-r Ini , s,iiij,i ,,
limn lli'ii iwi.'iil, s.i,3,
Seranton Wholeslf Miket.
it ...1.1 1 1 II. i lUI'. .'7 1.,11-kJW
Ulltll I llJIlll'l'., ,,,,.'.lJ-Jl- t lllltll.
I hir-. 1 nil 1 1 . 1111, lul !i
-.iu. ii..ttii. tii'.li. liialii'j. : i.'-il-.i
ti m
lli'.ti. I'.i I', .lieli. nun...1, s ,"i.i ,
.,i IImi.- I1 Mi., !.r,i'..-,ii.
Slulliiii Hun- i''i In... wl iii.1-.'. IV
(III 11 I'M- 'I'i'I '"I.. l,.'ill I'l,
ntil.iti. P.i- Ifi.. l. 111.1.11.
I'l. ttr 11. .1 iwliiil,'.
I'lillmlcliililn Grnln riiul Produce.
'llll3ll.i.llU, Jl4l.ll .1. -Whut-Plouli, I.Ul
nuli'l- lui.lmi'l uuilci MjiiIi. i7n77'Se. I tnn-!,i-.
luHfl-l No. t inlM'il, hmll, IlliilHii.
OJM-Miailyi Ni. 'J whlli illppul, iHc. lint
in iv a lii full ilt'iiuiul, Inn piliitu n in- P.
jnMi'il rmiti in . H-.IIIICI.V, i.'.; t., 1I.1
iiilil. ;.: ili. ii..iili,t I'llnl.. 'fit, I'uu- ;,,.
Livit'l, llr-l, IliMll.,!, I'm . .1... tlfllrill, I'n ;
Nw Vgrk a win niul I'roatfbs.
iiv -it.ik, '.
I,. I .in.ilulilv llislll'l.
mm, No,
1 li me 1 ; N".
HtllM tlllflilll
1 1DI1. 1 Liwl I
il'. .
I 11.11
mJ Bit' III
H..IH lllll. .Iimll.'i. I.n
Villi .11 lull, lint
1 ... P.'Mi 7-V
lliilnlii, i'l',. 0-
.1 . llm 1.1 i.nt
ui urn 1111111x111
lulu 1. MjiiIi ,'H.i.' lUv iB. ,
.tub. 7!'i 1 ".'ill .l .iii I .mil "li.nlv; 1.
". 1'.'. t'lt'iiil-'i. uml l.'"ii. t. n. I., i.l. ll.
optl.'iM 1 inifJ tlull un! J-lir. j ml mlitl tpill
uml ,il ir. It'.t, pnlliillv H-. t.viiili; mil 1 l.iii'tl
,.'. Iilflu ii U1.1 iI-.m'.I I"...; Jiib. I.'..
Oil-. H.t iiiii'l; Nn. '. .'Ii.i Nn. I, .ui'iji ;
Vi. V llllllt. iiljl'' ' Nit. .1 Vtlllll'. .IJ'j. .
link inh".l wt'lti-n. .'Pja..'..'. j Ivjil. hIiii...
-ijan.. . llilinii tulimlK, uml llnl
l.r l-lt'Uil.v ; li'i'-li .11 JIM i. I'jiWi- : inleiv,
tUl.V.i .Inn'- ilv'tiu'iti'. tliilf. : liulUllmi
, nmiii-i.v, ll'jalS'w. ' -in" 'tally. PliSI..
limit I'lllll. f.'ll.v 1411(1' ."I' I I'll .lllll llll.,
i"j..; r in 1 Miull. ."Ii'it, l!!il-;i,ii . . uiui
-null "I1I1.'. IliU'e' Kvu- Kutint -mil. ,ii.l
p. imJ. . tiu tiiVp . '. ivi-1.111. r1.jnl.V41.; -"mil
nn, IjIV,!.
1 , 1. 1, 1 k' 1 I -1 is !i I i. 11. il linn)
, In.l.iu .1 . ' . i .' 1 ,.11'n. -litM. stlic
1 1 inn, s,. i4)il , 1, t,i. .tli-l Irrilfi..
11, 11. 1.. In hulii 1. ' .'nl.ey.: nun, .'.7ni
I -1I. Ii.ll.i-. 'T, I tl .Ulllli'l. s .taiJ.'i..
Iiill- .1..,. - 'I 1 ''. . .ilvi'-. jIm,iii .C'JlP.
,.. ., r. I'll -Inn. ll.lll: l'l'.U 'l I 1
.,..!-, ..''.il Tim- lill'l.. I..'lll.'l.51l.
H"4- w,..iii. 1, -In. i-.ii.!..' tuntuiro.i. .'1.
14 1. .'.timii .1 nil .nil, it, .'Hi. h. I1UI11M
. e iii'il -ii'.in: i.i-i'il im-Ii-i : ii'iw. M.0'.'
III, Mil lllll I, llllll .-, ' ll.'i.l"'j, K'll lot hull
li'av,i, .'..'4i.i''..."1 j; 11. null iii'u 1, -jVJAu). I.,
Hsil.i', '.nli.'..'..'i. mil. i. 'ki, iV'iiiJ.i'.i'i.
si,,,, j,., , l,i. 111,14111; .Iiihk, iiitli-.-t lamli-.
1 .1 It i.; 4...11I tn li..'i- urtlicro. el.'.'",
.il."'.; i.n 10 . Ii,i't' mi vttl. flit.V.i ivfltrrn
li,... l Will .i'c l. J- -1i.hi, ' !.'4li.;. .I; lall.f
I11111I.., Tuiyv wi-li'iti 4ii.w, -.". .'"..
Kast Iilheity Stoel: Mnvkijt
I ,i-t IIIhii.i. M.ih Ii . I attli suuS j i.n,
ami lnt J-ifc-
, rri.i'i.i, in 'tut1. H..I.11-' ; n.uiiiiuti.
lliui. mluir llirillnllp
ii., iftiiniili.'.1 Iii.ivv Ii.iji. lu'mdiit'ii; Httin
v.nku- -. ii.i . ..'.. eiif- '.. I.'i' 'J); lausln. ."I
ui "ll.
klnrii Mi'il.' 1 iv.ilii'is. l.,lU.Ml:
1 . ililn.'li. w.'jli tliui'.1 1.. 11I1-, Ci.Uli.Viil: is'iii'
11 1,1 ! I, l.i... ;".; 114I 14IV1.. HU11I.VV
Yotlc I-lve Stock.
Nn Until, nmn.
llinilMi (otji.
87.3H; turo.i-ii't
ili t'li.
t N ml.. M..1.I1 1
liiulb .iimli: ulifs
.l.'Ull.t ; H ll". Ji i'ii
IHlll'4, lllllllllltll.
ln-,.i sij,l,; limit., .1.. vv anil ut 4k; li' p.; mil-. ".'.'DM: luiiiln. s.Vi;,!,;,
Il.ttj. Neiif l'"i .Jl.' ulivr; imjitnallj1 tf el.v.
OIiIciko Gmlit nntl l'toctuce.
..(.e. llltti ' Itfitlillrf -l-t.1. r.i 1 . 'ill
ii in 1 1 1, u.ii:.
tut i.ilmiti
11 1 i'i-i 11 '11 'i,' .
urn lui.gitl. 11. 1
I u.ii iiii.lail.iii
rl 1. ..,... U ii, I '' l
ktt t.b Hi'1 b- nil "'
1' ilintii.' nl y. 1-4..' i.n 1
a llu iMn in iji uliti ..11 lii.'tinl
llii liHum.' .i- lilnk" 1 Wl 1 11
lilttli.i; ."in. 'p. Inu.i, . ui
in .11 Wmi- U l .111.1 ll. ll" ..I'l.
wilt, tin Itilliili.1
I'll 111 lliill: N... .1 .iltia ulii'ui, i.;i,i'j,
't,., i iiiii. t.'jiu.: N.i . ntiii, ttiiiikiii . ; ...
trilmi, Jlkni-Jlii . ; N... J J't .JS'ii;.'. t N
i iiiille. ail.ilM4'' i Ni. il it lilti', 27l4.';i. .
lurli-j. I."x'. I nullln.', 4'jV.t No. 1 Has. 41.'.
.N11. t i.nillnvisl, M.iiiii tlinotli. $l.l'i; I". I
UU.ill; I.11.I. s7.; i il.-. Kt'.:H,
Iii.uUmh. b',4i.lai , .lit.'.. sT.itT.'.l. vtlil.l.. ,
-I.-J7 -iii.ii. lui Inj'. s,i,.ti, m jinl in..)
Clilqnufj'l.lvo StorksMaiket,
(il,4", M.111I1 1 Lilll. lii-i.ii'K 'IVil,
Oil I liv, M.1I1 li
lllli .111.. lie I'l.l.
Ill, 1.1.1 lllll-. I'D.
OH Market.
1 l Ifllll liltldlllll, 11s, 'i'l I'l
'i WW
. 7U..I7K.
Ontnnh Ci.iiliot"Bc Ciued
Hilll l,U VI ltl U VllllNlS. 4. tin, CJD'I. t Hit 11 II. tl'.i.itti I p. mil t a Ul '.i
or ..11 .Ie ''! ni ..iiiii to t'lli
;, .-ii inii't 1...11' HI..H..I H iiitili. . tUll' I
I nil I1110 I- ul.111 .iiit'iliilli, .nil .nil lllll- 1'
in. llu1 liloml mil iiiii'iiu Willi' i. IUIl'c U
lanli t'uri1 I- U"i J.'.iiui.'l 111 'liUliKi. It irii 111.. II 1 .'In el Hi,1 l.t-1 ill..Himil ill 1111
1 ..i'lllll. fm vf.i'. ' I
h ii iet)iMeil el 1 1
.1 ii'vitlat int nl nt Inn
U 1 tmilfi Uii.inn, inei
I'llnsJ, Willi lli lyir, W hiiI puillvn, iirtll'I ill
iftitt.ii Hi.- Kmi-vi vttiiUim. Til iififrcl 1 .nn
Mtcvtmil ul lli W (UKlnlliiiU U vilut pie-itili-r"
Shi. Ii ivt.ntlfiitit r (Villi. In tin In.' I'ji.rili
KilHl (.r lifllli'iillials I.ii-
I". .1. I IIKWv H IV. ,l'j"i . T0W.1. 0.
iuM ?' ilruaallliv l"r ivV.., ." . '
il.ill1. 1'miill.i I'lll. ,iit- Hit' I-ii