I fn' ,"." 1'fr "; "V v- '..n-n-h M, " 7 yv v" -at TlLlC SUUNTOX 'rUTBt'XIC-WIODNKSDAY, MAKCH (I, 1001. jxxxxxxxxxxx; nu modern iiAnmvAiti: sroni:. THE HOUSE KEEPER'S FRIEND The Idcnl Steam Cooker Is ccrtnlnly n filcnd of the housekeeper. neciitlteu only the stxme Amount of spnce ns the ordlnnty kettle nnd you etui cook half n dozen things nt once no binned foods e voi y thing cooked well nnd nothing lost by evnpomtion. See window display. Foote & Shear Cof 119 N. Washington Ave :xxxoooooooc OF SCRANTOIV. Capital SZ00.000. Surplus $500,000. I'nitcd States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Vi Losnki. President. Ilim Hli.in.Ju.. ice Pre.. W'm. H. Pkk, Cashier. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WUATHER YESTERDAY. 1 .' On i t. Mauli '.. imui lll'vl l I nil ittnt 1.0 v I 1. hii i ituu . . .." il;uc . 11 ikcin-i lli.inldii " .- prr rrnt in 77 iicr t rul " l I liu'iik ci.lliv v p. Hi. '-"- Im'i. PERSONAL, Mi- ton. i 1 l.i lui iiiniii'il n 'in i I' J 'ait tup. whlili Inih.clcl u v i-1 1 In ) .III!!, T 4 ill U,li IiuIdii, I), (. VI 4iidn VKMiuin .Hid CrorRi' II. Moll, mr R nmiilici "i i. ji In (lie tniplay ot P. II, I'inlrj, se Rom i. Ni'iv pik, '!(ui..lor to im. i iilnt M i i Iho toic ntiliti llic .ju io open. rtlr r .,ui l iii tr wliiili lioilliil Ii. II. iii(Ki i . i iir IVnii.hihli Co.il coiiipaii) .iii.l ilir i ue uml Wiuniiid jc Itilluuil conipjn. ij n uui ' iMi't to tills Flltllf) lilnlti. ,'p,.. iih ,s iMt tilow .i ImiiI une lo thot who .m o in nit oiiiil". nt the mo i m put ji inns .mil ii iicfii dtiiutninid to meet hint djllv In ,i UKiriiM oi nml hj. Mini lujhuuil he ut lurn i ihnf fjitoi in the illirrlloii ni the .injlin ol tiictc (oinpinicn .mil in the licnit unk ul the liutltifM nun ot the il,i. iiuililnx rnrrjiy mid l.illl)lulnH', ciniplul illi rimi luintlio .Wllh iii.hIo hiiu ju olticlil ulilih it nl he MlflllPlj iMIll lo llliplldlC III. piOHKO Im 'i((Ii m IjimIImi diomiil Iho .irlou- wuiKIiiki mi u Mtiiiln ol it iciitnij lint his aljMMKP lion- tr Will If lll.tillttlj Ifll. Hit KNiglMtlOII Mill worli .1 pini lo lo thivo i .iiiuul,)iik. C'8il...ii ilile I.m'lor, Icx. Melilium and tieo II. Siott have boik to New York to puichiisc ihelr stock tor their nuw htoie, which they GNpeet to open about Maich sa, at J:'o Wyomlnpr .ivenuo, under the fit m name ol Meldiuni, Seott ii Co. The? 1.. lilies' Aid Miret of the Hi fen JtldRO Haptlst chin ch will hold a liiin muKO sale tluee das beKlnnliiB Mnich f. ut 120 WashltiRton avenue. Any one bavins: anything to kIo can send to ttoro Ma fell S, Automobile Sofa Pillows. Another lot of this new nnd novel Sofa I'lllotv JiiHt ui ilcd Cuimer Vellp Company. 10 Voinhii; ave Rummngo Sale ThuiMluy und l-'rlduy, .Maich H and 15. In Pi Ice bulhlliiK'. I'.'fi Washlnston mi'iiiie Noser ct Coleman's Removal. On March ;u Moser & Coleman, iho 'ending tfillotfr, will inrne to liW Wach liiKton .irnup. Ask foi Utlly'H unlm ciackots. 330 I'MjUj ,; , (' nil ' '' It ' I 'I lj&fofek l SALARY OF THE BECORDEB. Stoiy About It Being $10,000 Is En- tlicly Unfounded. In Hi.. Ilivi edition nf nil nfti'l lliliili ' ! j f r jcKlcidny there imp -in oil ii scute I t-loiy to tin- elTect thai there was an .iwful possibility Umt ihi 'iy leenrder lo b f Mit appoint! I Covi'irV'i' Htoiiu would have to lip pnld u snlaiy of ?l"."0ii 11 year. No less u pel con th.in City Hollcllm- VohIiuir;, who eer tnlnly knows ii UiIiik or two aliout tlTis piovlcloiw or tin "rlppfi" bill. Ik ii it thorlty for the stiitenuul tlmt then In not tin- ii'inoti'it elianee of sue It u thlim. Tin ilppfi" lilll pinvldes t hut (In sulin. v of thf UTotilei' shall ,1)1 Jld.duo, bill tlmt count lis may w-dltfi It ir they so deslio to tl.fliin. Ths amuim-nt advanced by tin vvilter of the stoiy In iiiedlnn vvhs tlmt to ll t ho salary nt S3.000 nftei tin uipnlntinciU of the iccoider would lie uu net In dlietl vlo lutlon of tli.u MM-tloji of the contltu lion piovldliiR Unit "now law shall ex tend tin' tPini of miy pulillr otllipr. uv Ine'ie.isc- oi diminish his sularv or MllOllllllPlltS llflC"! llN fl'-llloH 1)1 II pollltllli'llt " Mr. Voslitu-ff says Unit this station of the constitution would only apply If couikIIm icdiKed Hip sulni.v of the lecotded after Hip same IiiiiI lie.Ni iinee Ixed by ordinance. Tin- ait of iKIiik tin- subtly at J.i.wH). which will be ilmp In the Keneinl if-iiiRiinlznllon oiilln- urne now In coutse of piep.itatlou. onn. not bo for u mom ul eonslileied as iPtludiiK thp ir-coiilet's snlaiy, hi" says. At ptesent there In no snlaiy to ie. duce until councils lain? nt aiitnct' or th piovlslon oi tin- bill in ihls itm.i t signedTy president. Connell BUI Cieating a New Fedeial Couit Distilct Is a Law Appio- pilatlon foi It Mnde. The Colllli'll 1)111, iHMtliiK III- new lVilctal tout t. was slKned li. tin incident on Saturday, but on account ot tin., itHi of l Klxlatlon and Hip many bills sinned by the president dining t ho hiFt days of ioni,-iess. tlu- tede-tnl bill was ovet looked by thi moil who send out news fioin WitHhliiRton until tiueiies limn this Ity emied tlipin lo look the matter up. Const esmnnn Oliuslcinl. or Dauphin loiinty, last nlKht teleKinphed Senator MtCanell al Iliiiilxliuif,- tlmt thp bill wni hlKHPil, and that It laulo. with It Its own .ippionilntlon In the thlid hPt tlou. The Coinnii'itlnl (brottp, of I'lttHbtitK. f.tltl HttPrilii' . rit-HlilPiit .AIi-Klnlov bus approM'd the ConiiPll bill ciPtitlns tin- middle Judicial ilisttlu or IVnnlv.inl.i. lion. K. W Aichb.ild. ul Sniintoii. will lit IIip Judftp ot the new tllxtilt-t nt $."..0t'i Jl V...1 r Inl Hte mill av.lnln S4..mitn. i .MiCiinell. if IlmilhhuiR, the dl-tilot imoruey ni .i,..yii n ye.ir. infliiai.sil.il. lit SI.WO a. year, has not yet bven mp In ted MniHlml l.eiinnul. of till' W'PKt trn distiirt, could hap It and It was PNDectPil th.it In1 would bc rIivii IIip place, owlim to Hip fact that his for mei rpfklciice was in I'otli'i county, which is In the new dlsTilot: but Mr. I.eoiuid claims a ictldpiuo now 111 Allegheny county and piefeis to io mnln as m.n.slial of the Western dls ttlit. A Wllllanifpoi t man will pioli iiblv lie splc-cteil as niaishal of Iho middle district." HORSES' WILD PRANKS. Runaway Team Owned by M. P. Rhodes Caused a Big Commotion. Smashed Stote Window. ppctillnr iiinawav inuk plan at I oi lock ypsteiday afternoon, when a team of horses owned by M. P. miotic, of North Main avenue, dushnl wlldlv up WashliiKton .im'ihip. Inoko loos-o ttoin the IIrIh w.iRon they wcie ili.iw IHR, and while one of them continued lilt the avenue, the other liantleallv lushed aR-alns.t and thioiiRli the IiIr lnp window of the auint stoie at S.':: WiiHhliifiton avenue. TJip window was totally mined, of couisp, the !ioi..e was badly cut about the head and almost hud both its fore Icri. amputated by the i.izur-llke ciIrps of the broken Rlass, una the wall oC the stoie sulteicd a blfi- dent and mm It loosened plaster by the impact of the maddened animal. The ninaway stinted at Wyoming and Lackawanna n venue, wlu-ie Ml. IUiodeh lelt the team, as he ihoucht secuiely hljched, while- he enteied a store. . At 1 oVIock, however, another urn away occuiruj, and as a biff may hoi so diawlng-n bUKRy w hlzzed by ihtni, tho North Scranton hois-es took frlRht. The first ninaway was stopped after Kohiff a short distance, but the Uhoiles team went seveial blocks. The homes, aruvf a stioiiff iuk. which ear. lied away the hltcliliiff stone, and the animals si m ted up l.aika wannii avenue. The re.-tralnltiR- Mi.ip bioke. and fiec fioin hindrance the hoises dashed up to Yv'ai-hlnetoii ave n ue. wheie they turned and puiMied Hie uneven tenor of thelt wa.vs up the latter avenue. Nm the Pain ut house tin , i cilllded with ., teleRiaph pole. The vehicle was ovei tin lied und the hoise stopped lor the moment. Almost Instantly, liuw ever, they hioke away tioni the whkou and the one hotse conllniied up lh avenue to Mulbeuv stieet, wheie he wus faiiRht, litthei badly bruised by the pole. Tin- olliei hoise inn onto tlw sidewalk. un,t theie knocked owi a lominenliil tiavelir who, attempting to doilRe the ninaway. was tllmbhiR u Knee The iK-elestllali wa.s builseel h. Ills lull, hut escapeil se lolls llljui.v. The houe then put on speed an I. With Kle.lt btll-iCh. spiailf, tlllollKh tile glass window of the stole foimeily oituplftl by Donnelly & Co, It who pa i tlall.v stunned by tliu shoik ami lost ninth blood befoie behiR taken In eharce. with its mate, by 'einn. iiry Hutgcon V. S. Deekei. FOR EMBEZZLEMENT. Oeoige McAllister Attested Ycstet day on That Charge. lieoi'Re McAllister was coimultted to the county Jail by Alderman llowu .vcsteiday. In dernull or J'iMii ball, foi embezzleuii nt. Since labium. v 1 last MiAIIImi-i Iuk been in the 1'iiiplov oi ,r. pi Cum. mlnKs. uiocoi, ilpi Vnt l-aikawaiina avenue, ilh dllvci and eolleetol Dili. Iiiff the pabt tivo weeks McAlllutei col lected ovci $io t'toin Ciimmliics' pa. Irons, but iieulected to ttun ovei the samu to his employer. convt'ithiR it to his own use Instead. Attention, Thlttcenth Regiment. On i f tin n Mom Washington, bend unltonus to he cl6nad to DawK attuni l'.vrlni; company, 319 Penn uvenuv 'I'hone :i:-J5 GOT MONEY MANY TIMES TESTIMONY Or MORRIS V. MORRIS. At Yesteulay's Healing of the Conn cllmen the Foimcr Common Conn cllmnu ft out tho Second Waul Ad mltted That He Got Cash fiom V. W. Gallagher, James J. Gtler and nt the Hotel. Rudolph rot met Councilman Whth nnd Scluoedei, McAndiew, 0'Boyle on the Stnud. The healliius in the liilhiij cases InoiiRlil liv tlu- Municipal KiiKUe llffliltist Select Couudllllell T. C Ml 1 vlu. .toliii .1. .MeAudiew and Thomas ii'llo.vle anil I'oiiiinon Couucllmnti K. .1. Coleiiian weie inntlniled Indole Alilel Ulan Puller vesteidav alteiuoini and some inthi'r sensational fe.ituies de V eloped, espee hilly dllllllR the i niii iuatlou or e.Comuiou Councilman M V. .Mollis, 0f tile Second waul Mr. Moiils.who was one of the I'uun 'llineii luilli ti'd by the Riand Jui foi lulheiy and who ttttci winds icslKlied rioni i nunc IN after enteilui? Into an afficeiucnt with the leacue. was Uu Plonll witness eMiniiiied, Mr. New conib, who conducted the eviiiilnatloii, se'enied i specially iiunIoiis to iIImovci soiiiclhliiR about the doltiRs ol the Joint lite dejiai tnieut eonimlltee of i nunc lis hack In lve.. when the pur chase of a chemical ellijllie u ml lom lilliitloli hose and ihemlenl wiiroii was undei consldeiatlon. fi Mm i lu c i til Hini 1 1 . a n.i iiwmi- '! .' "I t I OH 111 l lit, i III- M lit III! Ill ber of the coiiinilltee at that lime, lie bad nut e'hatles T. Hallnway. the lep-lese-ntntlve of the ninipany wlilih si - Pilled the conliact. at a meeting of til" committee As far as he knew, .Mi. Hallow a, had made no elfoit to settie the couti.ict except upon the merits nt the appal atus Willi h he was selling Me had no kuowlcdse of any ol tin ineinbeis ol the committee having a cepied iniincv, nor had iiti.mne talked to him about le.eivlug nioiip.v. in: i:i:ci:i i:u moni:v "Uo you deny having levlved anj iiionej fiom any souice while a mem ber of the committee'.'" "No. I don't." leplled Ml. Mollis "I iccelved money fiom P. W. (lallagher He gave me f' In the spilng ol ls'ni townids my election epeiles and $1'." sonietlme attei wnuls " Mr. Cnllaglu i. he said, was i niployi d at that time by the Sti anion Ibillvvaj lompan.v. The ..'.". which he lenMved (he lust time might have in en for some lunches which he had furnished some of the stieet t.tilway men one night. lie hud asked Mr. ibillimhei, when lie iccelved il, If that was what It was foi. and Mi. (lallagher had leplled, wltli a laugh, that It was. "Have vou tolet us or all the money J. ou leeched while in council, asked Mr. New tomb. "No. I have not. I iccelved lnu I nun Common Councilman James Uiiei In the spilng of lSWi." Mi. Oilei had given him tlu- niuii-. he said. In cltv hall on llle lilsbt llpan which the appiopilation oiellnanoe cmi talnlllg the Item of SIT.r.uu lot the ).- mlr of the slictlH, undei the llailier Asphalt (ontiait. was Dually p'isspiI. !iler had met him In the cnriidor and upon hlng told that he Alyi i Ii was going to vote for the oidlnuii'. '.'ilei had handed him $lw In bills .i.ving, "llriv, Monls. Is a Utile tomi'thlng foi ,V nil " UIVI' NO M(Ni:v AT lU'IiUhl'll. This was the Hist and only money h had ever lecelvvd Hum (liler. Asked ir he had iccelved any othei money while In councils, he said that he had not, cm cm :. which had been given lil ni In tip Hotel liudnlph. "lint I gfess you people know as mm h about that as I do." he said. lie tepcated seveial times that the Mini- he had mentioned weie the only sums he had evu i evolved while In councils III l espouse lo (tuulus by Mt. New eomb, he tald that as tar as he knew theiu had been no olfer of J.'iUO en V.0 for each membei of the conmilttee, mnde bv Ml. tlnllowa.v. He knew nothliiB about auv sin h suni having been given and divided up among the tilemlmiw II.. i1i.iiI.m1 inn.l .1.11. .1. 1 1. - ally having iccelved $10 iilm-cll. The witness e.ainliied biloie Mr Mouls was i x-Coiiimou Councllinan Philip YVIith, ot the Kleventh wad. He snld that he was a member ot the Hie dep.ii tnieut loinmltlee when the puichase of the appaiatus In uuestlnu was under cousldeiatlon. Mr. New i limb wanted to know if hu hadn't been olieiod J.'.l and had deiminded ."0 to fn or the puirlut.se of Mi. Hallo way's appaiatus. Mr. Wltth denied mis. ue unit never seen an.v inonev divided up among the membei ,s of the committee, nor did lie know nnv thing dellnlte about any in.inv having been lccehid by them. He had heaid iiuiiois. hut uotliiug mine. WIIIT1T SAID No Mi Newiomb asked him It In ha I ever iceelved any money or valuable. ionldPiullim lor his vote dining his teim hi coii'i. ii. Mi. Wlilh hesltatid lor ne.nly tvv i niluutes, looked III si in one clliei lion and then In the olliei and llnall dellli i.iuh said. ,u ' Ml. NevM'omb Mini to git hllll to led uh he had ln-sit.il. t Joi so long but Go to COURSEN'S foi In-er Seal Specials Uueeda Biscuit, package 0c Uneeda Giahams. pacUnge..,. lSc Uneeda Jlnjeis, packnge 10c Kennedy's Oyatetettes, package. 5e Tld-Blt Sodas, package 8c Ideal Sodas, package 12c Excelsior Buttets, package.... 12c Buttei Gems, package lOo London Creams, package 10c Graham Wafers, package 12c Salted Banquet Wafeie, packnge. 15c Cocoamtt Macatoons, package.. 25c Sugar Wafeis, (all fiavots) pack age 25c Athenia, package 25c Rnmonla, packago 25c Butter Thins, packnRe 18c Wnter Thins, package 18c In-er Seal packago contains the finest goods ever baked in the cako nnd cincker line. Alwnys fiesh. E. G. Coursen WHOLESALE AGENCY Who Can Write the 0 Best Short Story f i Till I lillil M ill I I ll VII l'lll.l III UK M Mlllll It" ul ln VI I'll 11". - $25.00 foi the Best Stoiy. S10.00 for the Second Best. $0.00 for the Thlid Best. a i 'ii. inn. ui!i'i iiio win in i. i'i.iiii.m i i Mi mi i vn is mill'. it in ui in iii ni -in. (mt nm ii'iiiiiiii'i' I'm liw il.iiil "In i- thor.' hat hull .It'i 'iiM. cji.pi.(.ii tliioiijli the 1k.iI h t"i 1 1. 1'iirp. i - I ilinuhllliH tin- lit' I n J .ihlPi' IllMit Ulll'ill. Ill" l"llC "I NullllPIMl'lll t'ci.i il iiihi, In- liltmiH h.i ilul'i"-'! I' r r a vik, ul p;i c .1) i sttiiinl'i- Ii. t' ilhotlliiii II N itiMroiu "t s inline lei n In It- iiiIuiiiiis a ininihn "t i-herl -il'"' in-illnir ul lw.il H cues In uiilr iu iimn-i. n iinri.te It piuri t I" -' I'M 111 l.l -t"l I'l l.'i I' '? ' "' " euo eiiinl- In lt1inl si" t i die n.,'ifl l"-i rli.it. ml ? (oi Iih- 1 1. : ul Ul trri Mjllll-lllpt. nnl .illll III "IlllliH '" "I I '.I'l. .ll. V ill Ii- lllll'llll"l .ii" ''-''J iioillii-il Ir iho (iMl'M mi il'ilir- iloilpj trinliii: I liliu "it "ic '11.1.1" u'd licunlir l"ir ul the .itilhriitii mmliu Imliisli. will hm puni.-iii-. In i -linn n-'ii Willi mcm 'li.ii-. i" in v.ilh- ili'i' ' -1 Ml lv. of luillt; llllllllillK lllll iTi-l.llll '.ipi- ii it l .il ii . .' pool., happiinn; 'i"l "llii-i ii. lull, lioiiliilnu en tin "fin' "r -iiii iiiitml nlili'i nt tii-c.r l"-ni ithe!cil lo Kctlni Ii il,. ju- linn. 'Ilil iipiiJ1 ' fl-l'l hh li i puilr.ill- In xh.ni'lil'l" -'ml hi. Ii limilil npp;i Hi,- imtciul l'i "Jino ove-fil-niali lulu villi- Ii linn. The i.e!. of pixln. upon tin- iiii-fii- -' U' In.lllllv rip! i uhllllltl'il "i'l 1- .wlBliesl ' .1 'll-illtliistdl Juil.l-. Will ll.llllO ''III -"'i. Ik- iiiiiu i'.-k c.l mil w'm v ill u .nl l'i" a mill .nipln h.i' li.n no Imotlcilscf'i II"" "i"1 lliv i-f In. .iiiUiui. f!io rin.-h'l'fs k-iiUih Inic ino ud ii ii ip I'tP'-fltnl lilirp-uiil haw. hpen iiliiIo. sheillrl I his ll.'H.r ( Hip jiiiIiois villi no imt'l ilior lln J.inlv oi'lppllii'iti I'"'" " i,e mllm.pil 'a "''"'i ("lll.ifllll.-, II 'tiro iiBeii of in.it.n loiior I UMIIIIOS'. DC 'till HIMI si VII in ii v... i Int. Mini In Mlillllilt.il oi l.ili'r Hun Vlinli '. Ml In 'Mist i Ipti mill lie lji'J Ii .' fl' Iannis li inio .mil ulin II o w ilii". ii J I ii.on iiml postotlko ntilnsf lh(- Mill" ul u.li .ton iiiii.i Ii lii-l in "IIm.1.Ii 111 IVlil'.Mp.illl.i, l-'ll Iho iiiiiip. "I nil polM-lis llin.l 11(1 ho U-i-il. Hm- lllllliPl iHlnillli.il lilllsl ho illl'h-i "l liiiilliliuli.il-. iniinihil '' i tin- "in -I -ill hi- iiiiplnil null li a .in pio-onl -nlist iih, r- d l(ii. Iiiluiiii- oi titii'i ikioM' wiin uu-. ihiiiii, 'ho t.iiito-i. hrinn.o .iilisi-ilhi-is hi pom in 01 ii h i-l i In lni'lill . fuli-iliplt Mi lli lit. ill i V'lilii-. -nun invni s I Hit 1 1 lllllll n I IIIIOII I . Mi Whth bee nine loiifun-d and Slid In had not tindeisto nl his ouistlon ptopcil. Si led Ciiuiii ilninii .lohn .1. McAn iliow, of the Tweniv -llrst wind, was cMiinitii'l at length, lie had been u memlnr of the 111 ( ill li.ii tin. Mil . nin uillti'i at ihe time In question u.ut lmd lint .Mi. Ilallownv lie had iiielvcd no r.ion v nt lh.it tn.ie. he i'd. He ' ' nnv knowledge ol the iiin of " Itig ljeen divided ntiiong t lie ii ol til" nnnmlttc-e. Mr. New- e mli asked him f lie bail ever re ceived mi, money for his vole while In COIll'tll. "I'll give ou a stialghi answer.' he U piled. "I have nevei leeehc-d a cent dm lug my teim In eouinll." He denied eici having icce-lv-'l $10') or any oilier sum fm voting lor vlttl lled bilek fur the Ninth Main avenue pavement. Mi- New comb brought out. by a selles of questions, tll.lt 111 lS'K he (Me Alldlew ) had illli hnseil il lot al tin cm net of Sunnier avenue and Dm. olll v stieet for $SU0 and had executed a moitgage shoill.v atteiwauls foi M,- Wlil for a house vvlibh he lousti tided upon the piopeity. This moitgage he paid olf In .Man h. lvf'O. lb- mouth aft"r th' l.atkawalina Teleplinn" compan.v's fiiilichlse had Ilnally pase.l thild leaellng In select couni-ll. He had lecc-iveel no money for his oto In favor or the onllnnnce, he said PAID PltOM HIS SAVIN'llS. The inoitgiige bad been satlslle.l with eitiiency taken Horn an accuniu- latlou ot M. wliiili he had saved 'lining tin- past twenty -the years, and which he kept In the house becatisy he didn't b'lleve In banks. Mi. New comb ixmessed sui in 1st that he had not paid for his house when li iwts built. Inasmuch as In- had the ii-ady money. Instead ol eei tiling a moiiguge and then pa.vlug it olf tile uc-Nt ear. IP asked foi an e.splauatlou of this Mr. MeAudiew iiipllid that his wile, who had charge of the moil.-., objected to his bu:lng any piopeity wheie he did, and he had nceoiillngiy taken mallei s in his own hands. Select Couutllmau Adam .Seliiot'der, of tin- Sixteenth waul, was eximillieil. He has been a member of the select council since 1VU. he said, mid wus a member oi' the tin- depart mniit com. miller when the ch-inUal engine and combination wagon weie purclinsi'd. lb had lie.u J oi uo inonev being ill vided among tile uieilibeis ot the) nm niitti'o. nor Iiml lie- ii'ci-lvcil nnv, lie slated thai he had ll Vet leicived a -.ingle i olll of inolic-V llli";lthuateh' nm lug his tc-nuie of oltln as s In t - mini llmaii, Selei 1 I 'iilllli lllll. Ill Thomas O'ltoyle, nf llle Hlgllleenlll waul, was i ailed to tin- siaud. o'lbi.vle said he hud hi en a uic-mbi i of i-oiiin II loi tin in, veins and that In IMW In was mi ip,. j,,, i 'illlllllttee. ' Don't .vou know Unit a sum m ',u0 was dh ided among llle nil lm n on Hie tin- cuinnililees of bulb i mm lis" i. linue.v Newiomb asked him !'.i;i KIVI'ID No MONI.Y o'llovlc ausweitd that h had n. i.-i leielvcd IIII.V nioile.v. nm did lie know that McAudiow had. He did not in"i i Chin lis T. llallowav. who tipiismu I the llostou Kile l.'ligliii .M inula, i in -lug i ulili. illi, although In Ki. of Hs ptesenie hoi i b tin talk ol the other i iilllli-IIlin.il. He lb llled i . i ihing a pic-sent ot money In an.v niln i imm Villlams Aitestcd. i:-Silid ('nui)i Hlimu It II Will iams, oi the l''llth waul was uii.i-nd ''li idiiv on a win Hint Issued In .l.inu aii. thiugliig him with p. ijin.i H swoie upon the stand att.ii bis ie.au nation lioni i itiiui II that h liad invei iccelved nnv mouc fin his vol mi any measiiH. and the league aiulim Itles loutelid that ill so salug he eoai mltted n,ljill.. lie will be given a In ailug tthls uiiiinlug at la u'i loi I. Steam Heating and Plumbing. T T. & M. T. IIowloy.231 Wyoming ave Afk roi Kelly'a union cinckei. " HOME FROM WASHINGTON I THIRTEENTH HAS RETURNED j TO THE CITY. Aftci n Twelvc-Hotu Ride the Guaithiiien Reached the City at 12.15 This Meiining Had to Go Hungiy for a Time Because of In ability to Get rood nt Ralhond RestntunntH Dlscointltuicu tlie Men Enduied Billing the Tilp Without Complaint. The fhllleeiith legluiellt a liie.l Inline al U'.l.'i this moiulug limn Wash ington, wlieis- they paitlclimted in tin liiiiugtliatlon or Picslilinl McKlnlev The leglltlent Wlls In I'llitipe of l.l.'ll Unatlt Cnloml Stllwell, Colonel Waties hnv Illi,' gone fl'ilil Witslllllgloil to I'li'l Ida foi a two weeks' vacation. Ppon llllhlliv llele llle K. il.ll. T Ini.VS Weie liuiivlipil lii the ainiory and illsmbs"il. The hip was liiade lioni Washltmloii In iKlei-u minutes less than twelve lloins. The leglinent mulched flnm th" State, War and Navv bullilltiK lit AVnshlngtoii about In o'clock yeelei- It innmlng and at liuin o'e lock tveie siieedlng honiewaiil on the ll.i tlliimi and Ohio tallinad. At llnlllllliiie 'he ll.tlll slnmied tell niluutes to allow i detail finni each of the companies to liv and toiiud up slllllclellt In. i.l to (initially, at least, up pease the hunger id the soldier b i.vs. The ii'glnieiit. however, whleli had Pleiedid the Thll tee nth nil the ".line load had Imaged n ll.oloughlv as lo almost i-shaust (he lesutirees of the depot linn h iixmi, iiihi in eonst-niience Ihe numbi'r of "intli'iiiil sandwtili.-s' that we-ie iliinllv seiuied weie will fully Itistlllli lent to ii"ie:ise the Itnvaid gnawing of Ihe oT7 hungiyvinen that constituted Ihe stiength of the icgl-nic-iit As It was. four ol Ihe foi age detail not only failed to get food, but weie elelaved so long as to miss the tialu and weie loft behind In ll.iltl lii.n HAD ITs DltAW HACKS 'Ihe luaiigiual nip was I'm fiom being all beer and skittles foi tile snl- ellt r bills, and tin- fact thai not ii com plaint was heard pi lives ihelr martini spiiii and disposition to lo il. on ihe sunny sdi. of things. In the Hi st phut tin- tilp down to Washington was made lu Intolerably eolil cms, eoiiipilsiug an Intolerably slow 1 1 ii in. Coiupanles (' and IC weie i ollipcllcil lo si -ep Wltlllillt lunttiesrisn on the stone limns of ihe stale, war and navv building, while the ineuibei.s of ill' entile icglnienl usuall.v dined I'ihcd upon ths i,K otools of "hm sausage" rontuiliMiil" ' .Mnn.hl.v. the led letter da.v. was nil" nf slieuuous lull and elldeavnr loi th- Thll tieuih. The men weie on tile- stieels at ill :!i a ill. Tll stood tluee holllK lu tin- lain, mail lied twelve milts to and along the unite ol th- lunrc-i-slnn, and at .".I."' lu the evening touml th niselves bai k lu their iHt.nteis. hungr., wet and lilistei hceleel. Vet wllh.il the-boys found stil lli lent lime to see many ol" the sights and meditate upon tin uiuliod ol in iiiiguiatlng a pieslilem. Tin tilp cvi one nl the coipni.il. id Coinpatl K Ills chevious as the te sult of uu Indlsi letlou (ommttted by hlni dm lug the prade While the ii'g lm Mil was stationed ne-ar the i.ipltnl walling to iiiUt- ilit'h place In the lliii the coipoinl put n cnitiidge in ills illle and tiled into the air. He was Immediately -tirilliioned b"fore Colonel Wuties. who i buked him .and later Issued uu older I educing him lo the ranks pii: wauon wrtncKKD. A lew minutes after tile iibon- In e blent a pie wagon slopped between the Thll !c -nth and I'lftli leglnienls to illspo.ied of Its wines. The latlel leg. luienl took upon itself to do the ills posing, and not only stole all the pies, but wrecked the wagon. The nll'alr was lepoited to bilgade lieaelijiiai teis. and thioiigh some mis take 'the blame was laid upon the ThlitePiith. Colonel Wnlii'h sit vig oii'iisl at w oik to icmovi! the stigma, and not oiilv-accomplished his pin post but succeeded in dilvlng the blain. lionie to llle peipettatois of the died. Not a case of sickness was l.-'ioited lo tin- sin gi mis dining tin- tilp. tip men evidencing no III effects fiom their epnsuie to Monday's stoini. On tin lilp linme Captain lllglow. of Company K. was milter of the ihi. and Lieutenant Mills, ot conipau.v c; i nmui.'iinlci n' the guaiil. John Mii'iiui - REPORTS EXAGGERATED. Pennsylvania Soldleis Did Not Shock Washington. I oil lel i:.li. II. Ul.iple , U,l I - 1 home 1 1 oui Waslilngton lest night and l'i Ithpoiivi In ii qllestlnn fiom .1 Tilbune man said that lln rernn.s of tin siandaloiis coudiitt of the IVnn sshatila soldleis al Ihe 11ullui1.1l 1 api Inl Wile lllglll "agRC lilted. "Theii weie illldnilbledlj " said In. insis ot I111llvld11.il disoideilv ion iJui'i. but In gen ral th- PeutiKylvania boys' mii'iii I Wilkin no wuv as n id as his b en lepoited. Oui own legl nient's iih nib is iiihav-il with the ut-llio-t plnpll'lv, 11 id mil .1 Wold - in be -..U'I I", ill'-1 tin ill The Higllli i th I . gllll. 111 li ell ' I". .1 111- lllil-l i 1, i 11 1 mibl' th l' i is ciPEiaKZT3nnarK!9S2iaaHCHHtBsata II Will Cost Any Man a Half Dollar lit ho wjnb one 1 jut to drop in und ee our newly opened line ol spiiny neckwear. N.iriow four-in-lunJb .iic the pu'doiuinaiinij; stvle. "ON T'llquAltr' fflPWH mmdmsA mwm , ,.i,t-Ari!MGg CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 216 Lackawanna Ave. HAS LEASED THEATERS Geucnil Mnnagai Ken. of Rels Cir cuit Secuies Long Teim Lease of the Lyceum and xcademy. I'.-tn-ial Muling' i .luilli I.. Well- of 111" llels 'I health ill Cllet'.ll. VisteldilV nii'tullig closed a ileal with Cum y III olll -is for tin- leasing ol' llle hvceiim Ih'-iitci and the Aciiileinv ot Mmlc, the lia.i-s o hi i onn- flfecthe at llle close nl ihe pieseni amusement si-a-niu. t Ihe- end of this set son the pail U"ishlp belweeii lb-Is and the I'.iiigun-d'-r I'slat' will be ilN'olved innl Missis. Hi Is nnd I .el r W HI cnllllnl Uu tlie-ateis ni this clt.v Dining h" .slililiiifi exienslu- changi'H will b made al both lheat"ls. The Acinic m.v will be inlliely i.-uovaled, new s-nts will be Inslalleel, new detoiatlons made, and genet.! inipiovemeiits take plai '. The euliance tei the hveeiliu thtniigli th- Viiiiib- may be abandoned and a new entrance 1 1 nm Penn uv--1 1 VI ' e olisttili ted. A. .1. Dllll.v. Ill'- mati.ig' i ol the l.-i "lliii llieatel. will be ml, lined as lu.in.iLi'r. and I lurn P.iown. th Aiudeni.v's niunager. will loiiihni' in th" helm of that lions.-. Hot h theaiem wltl be In the Hets ihiiitlle.il elre uH and splendid nlirae tlonn an- pioniNul tin pntiolis of luilli lm- I.Vei'im and Academy foi lien senoil. Cnsi y P.io.. (In eiwiiei el tin wo tlleilteis, intend to soon 1 -r. in wmU on th" I'cllll avenue side ol Ihe t.v -i cum. and a ling", cip.tii-dali' bullouig will bectecl'-d mi llle x'ainlit lot A imiiI gMiihii on the top nl the new stiuituie Is oil" 'r the Innowitlniis spok' u ol 111 coiiuetoii Illi the bu'ld. In,'. Attention. ii. nenii ilobln eoinnuuid. No. II. Spanish Win- Vetouins will meet 'I'huisilav. March T, tit S. I.", o'e loi k, nt tn-i Wyoming nve iiii", to ntteiul tin- fu tii inl nl Thomas P. Ityiui. Kit'- salbn on I' S 'llllsei DKIe P..V older of Captain Watkins II VI Colli-, n. adilllailt "" The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Path Gas Com pany. In aciKiil.mii nli lln- roll, v ' il.-.i- mm innii's in o-ilnii tales from llim lo tune "i 11.1,1 Ik- w.ii i lilted li intrci-oil "II tiipn -' nol'ln Is hcidiy (.ben tli.ll. en .mil all' i in, 1 tiol. lli" nilir nt sas will In i in doll ii pi i i no ll.iii..iliii iiiMi Icrt nuiniipil, -ulii"i the (u1IiiIiik illx emits, l'lio I'd i nil mi .ill lull. '.It'll' III I, ill-III. i. I lull 1(1 lilt in i,l '. jliii.iints tn Ion Hun tittim-flu iliillir., tu r mil on nil bills mIic-io I lie t ..li.'uini I n I u il. n-nntlt em.' nuts In tci.i tin ilull.il- .in. n. vuitls 1'iuilileJ llip bill I- pilil nn nr In fun i dull i1j ni lln- nifiiuii In wliiili in. I. I i irnilritf1 I'.j niilii ul lln l.o.ilil II II I1VMI -...in SPECIAL. -CI!VMlJ,S l!V- VMI W VTI I! invil'WV ivn llitio Park I. us iiiniiin.i In miln i " ai;i it io i.m nt nas lm IiipI iiiihi -. i . in -lii'iflu -iiion ilul mi .mil illpr V"ll I iipm ' tube nl tas o n-t il will lip nno tlnll.ii in t tlnti-.itifl foil i eii-imiPii. siilijpit lo IIip n-ll'tvni ppi I 1 til-' niini . 'Ion nn lent, on ..II Pill-wl ' lln- iiiiisii'ripuoiilni I'li'iiiuiitliuiniiiiiii-i.i Ir- i li imiiiii tier tli llns; luc-iitt .tr inn on II I I win it- Hit- i.iii-iini,li,,i lot Hi in, .ml. on. .nn lo litt nit fne ilillu. .mil tiiuitls I'iomiIiiI llir bill I. nil. I on in liiti.ii H. i In of l lie i. to nlli in t.lilih llir lull i- it nil. V u in in. i i. linn. -I. . I l.t il. i,ni,,'- li, . I -.11 lit olilt I nl Iih In. ill! li II IIVNP. n.i i '. 5S inch wide Hlcachcd Table J).imask, rcgulav c goods. Special, per yard, 5tS inch wide Unbleached Table Liucn, worth 30c. Spe cial, per yard, t3C. 5. iuch wide Turkey Red Table Damask, regular 25c goods. Special, per yard, S8c. Pierce's Marke: Penn Avenue W mat 1 ' i taint I 1 11 ttl al.tt .11 -.111 11, Il 1 -p dlil nip lu-v 31 111 I 'lavs g.-eil lull lii mill We- ilt nut luxe uia tpcual -jl ' i I .1 1,111 al .ill till. is ian. a icniiilili .1 ' 1, I Maill'l l.uJ.. I.iih) (Jluttllv. Hllll lal-l ll.l.ij. citb id cm I't li-uiij ill tliti laitft-.t Nt -1 Vie nr J'lillaiVi'lii 1 Mailttt 11I1I1I1 it. pII nl 1.1 1 (till! W. H. Pierce, It I.nVimnni Atp, I'irmpt drllvrr. 319, Ii:, III inn At. A Few Specials 10 leole Linens GOONT UP What judicious buying can s.ivc vou. You will be sur prised, and the best thing about buying here is that you can't buy poor goods at any price. Rut you cau buy THE BEST GOODS at a very low price. Vk.4 J ! -- -- Clroiinb 'lln- win id n i dp I the boy's favorite) head t.ii.iiug. e li(m. Jlst opened a new lot or inivs' caps nnd Invito you to mil mil e, Uu m. Whatever out t.'iiiy m sivp- or tnlor, we can sul6 Villi. ONRADS 305 Lackawanna Rue. "I1? 17 Rogers Hi'o.s." Ciood. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; wo luvc .ill the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also tlte celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Porks. War ranted to wear twenty.five years. Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Foi Iih, Knives -and Cased thirds tor Wedding Presents. Mercereaii 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. e at.ii Stoves, 88, M Heaters, GVISTEI i FORSYTH, K5-327 PENN AVKNUE. sxxmBBxmamnamBm, 1 Select a QoCart Cve-y one of these line days is. pie-'ous. Keep yoin bnhy fnt nnd plump w th pl:ity of fiesh nit they enjoy it 11 you haven't a Go-Cat t we have one toi yitt. Cms nie niodemtely piiced thia t.ea&on 11101 0 nitlstic nnd vat led in styles better in auto matic walking devices nnd tun ning Reai fltiet In hody mak ing nnd llnihh eveiy way su petioi to those we linve heieto toie cauled. Reclining Go-Carl A niitut design, ltibbei tired wheels, gieen ennntoled gem, Uidfowl cotd upholateied cush ions, skilfully mnde body. Pn nsol nicely lined, petcnliue cov eiing, genlloped edge. Good quality -sticks out nil ovei this cnit. Your nelghboi will think you paal double this price. J CltKDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! .-rts. we 21 .J,i.,''i-!i!.,'ri.!J'7Wyomln(!: A 'il'Ji'jMiW'LTWrTJIWW'ii'jIHWHIt rages, Oil Storas, Oas Stoves, 898