rllE SOIUXTOX Tltl IH"M3-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 0, 100T. 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC; l Fashions 0 for Spring 0 oooooooooooooooo New Yuils, March 1, Few t-liiiiifft-it tii fashloni for Hpi-ln, uio Hi-eii lit this aiiy ilutc, but iu doubt lulor on theie. will In' viiilatlon ciioukIi t Uop wo ninnldiid buty icvnlutionliinK their wiiiilrulion. ' lu only channel In dhts with Vllirll l' llll' tlllo0.t('tled Ml fill, are til" pl.lltH IlllUUt till' 111 f IH. unci II fllll'T Mrl of pome f-oit. ahethoi- It Is K'ltli e--d or plnlti'd. 'I'hi' vi'iy latest mod i"i show conclusively thai thlii Is to ll' OIIP of till' experimental fltlttlllM of tin' Mirln7 fashions. How universally ii Will he ncccptcd i cumins to lie H'Vll. 'llu much pi oilier oii'cci of more plain 1 titt'-il hips will not b" dlNcnnled without in.iny vIromiim pi-ntcits. Sllll'l Ills. Ill Weill profll-iiitl. ts ptoin Hoil us mil' of thn eotiilnR fenluiis "f ii -"is and skhts of thin labile will In filihii'it around the hips to fin in i' volte. Thf entile boillri' ami -1i'-vch may !. Hhhii'il. If It suits your faii.'.v. mill pnn-liloil thijajiintoiial Is thlu ami soi't It will bo km1 Htyh'. polilt In thi- minim; Mr-libm huh Mi'iin to viand out ralhei pioni- ir nt I v as all already at-Mii"d fait. Is il OiH'i'tol iforl. It Is llir most c".. . iiledly until cable In thi' WW ho ' i"s with their dri'p tiint"d levels. '.lp. lolhll'S. DlK" IKW I'.llllll'l Is ' 'holt In thf bark, sloping down l"i c-1 diifitly in liout. Tho collar ti run nf tin- "tialKhl bomb' woin so iiiui'h this wlnti'i'. and i-Mends down ii Ii' i side of llu' fiotlt Hhi; stoli' clld. ilminoiileieil bands ol elvet are i. a in I'diti1 tin' cloth boloios. and . i tlVi'llvi'ly, ton. fm thi' low cut Oil' whole tin'' cross 111 front and c'- t.n.l iiomid tin- lower imIjji' uf the I." K' i AH tln leporis about tin- ilu- " "I tin' I" Inn seem to havo been ni-nit Inundation, fur It has tlwiiud inlv In our wlnti'r fashions, and i It Is nuiiln In new and n vised 1 Ill'lllS. I..i Iiii;h ust'd In .ulntls wns docor- -miie of the now boli'ins, and While n black velvet ilhlion Is still oni- miI, poinothlliK laiuer Is considered .ir Satin and velvet, and chiffon s Hi-il. nn' twisted Into soft mpes or .Ids. which I'l'Mllll" lalKC eyelet holes ill an onibioldi'ieil i-iIki. Upon flout- il tioleioji an laced iniiiss Uio vest In in"! way. and aura In they are whnlu iptilv in fiinil and slashed at inch il whole the litohnrs ! Introduced ml the ends lllllshod Willi jewelled , 'II tips. m-.irs a i'i:atu:i:. I!i lis ale a Kle.it leatllie nf dn-s m-M and ulve tnonilso of still Rival or .nlot when tho thin gowns material . I'.. Its wide in the bad! and n.u- ins down to almost nothing in limit have been and an- still worn, but anions the latest Ideas Is a bolt on 111" !i'i'.-ril older, bolus1 wide In front and cndhiK nartuivly at the bach above a pnsil'ion. or perhaps nairowltiK l" a i 'Inl when- the coat tails IickIii. i wide Kilillos In stialpl'it aiound iicl pointed effects, cither la Kniplro fii.ipe or Peasant form, iin'imw n , loniiuciit pnslllou nuionpf the bolts. '"he HnMicd Klnlle. as well as the m nnd fianie on whlih to inaUe it, can b. pui chased all ready for use. Very ui.i. fill lines aiv Rhen to the llnuro those clastic frames, which fuinlsft muni f6undatlon foi a variety of of- s iiiit!ide. Two IlltprtllN of wide Mift llbbon are 'innt whore It tlec In n bow;. Or a in ma be draped ainunil the fiaino i and can led down to Hie waist M m a little below, In the ImcK, ii'-H- It fastens willi a liuoKI and IN ill Ioiih: ends. Narrow tlbbon and .'s mliN of silk or elvct are aNo 1 'loved. 'en veiy little mntiaM Is roiiilivd Irdlo may be mad' of the uniteiial tlie sown, laid lu plaits if it Is mil thin, nnd tiiuuneil on either t with nu enibioldoied band of ii. or hue. The foundation fi.inii' up the mint, so it Im a ciy i asy ! to adjust any ihm-iIiik whlih I o ilosireil i ill illi s nf i imli in i tie' taller un ; i , li' mtr made We Not for some of tho tifw spiini? suits, and ate n very desirable addition to Hi" Blunt coats, which hardly reach tho waist Hue, KoielRii fashion budgets tells Us Hint the cMlenie iollR-Wnlsted effect lit fiunt Is Rultiff out of styl', nnd further than tho I'ailslans never have vxur tfnuted this Hue. conseitently there In In be no real cluinKe for thrill, and the louiid bodies with sIIkIUI.v tounded li'dlH are set fortli as oiui of the new est features In kowiis. One mode of tilmnilnK Is tarried out on one of tho new satin foulards, vhi'o th no Is a inched baud of white mrius iM'llne do sole eiossed by Utile, bands of Velvet, tallied Up tlu elbow sleeve at the bach and oer the should"!' seam to the enllat band. Any wny or lilm MiiiiK which can Klve the Ioiir effect to the shoiilileis Is under consideration as an Important Hem of diess, sllire it Is ahva.s tho oulllue wlittii slumps a row n as now or old. t'OAT aioui:i,. A pr.'liy coat model for panne m doth in a HkIh tan color shows a broad lace collar, the front sloplm; away at the side Inlo the fashionable cn.it I lil. A pretty Jacket Imdlie shown Is made of Irish Iticc and white Mlfctn, with a In ii.nl eollar of spotted cliet vy lianno in bunds set toR'lher with an open-wink, stltdi. Kinbroldoied riiI loon between natiow Irnndi of stlteheil cloth Ii Im .i novel shaped bolero, which has for Its lompaiilou one of the now silk shirt waists linked all around ami surmounted by a douh collar lilmmc.d. with lace liiMfttlon. lu Jackets theie Is almost as Riont a vailoty as theie Is lu waists, and the cutaway effect with the basque at the had: Is tsp-t hilly stilted to the cloiely litted waisi' oil, wllllo with the round short J.u Kei in.' .n mil bkmse or thin silk or Mm 1 1 'i n N worn. A ih.ii'i i loin suit for a youns Kill N In I' i . .id hl.tck. Illtie Is the. linlh, in i oiii- . "month In texture and quite IjiIkIiI in hiule. The black ap p'ais in the natrow lamb's wool bor der and I he row folds of studied panne beaillnt; the fur. The skirt Is plain, but for a Ri, ii etui drapery at one side, rIIiir the effect from one point of !ow, or nu iiv 'rdrapoiy. Tim Jacket bodli o Is drapid. too. tile ft out 1i"lliR lailRht at one side with a coup!" of panne i ostites. The spie.ullnR collar consists of the cloth slashed and eilRCd wltli tli- fur and with an iin-r cape In the stitched panne. Deep pun" under sleev.M of spotted blue silk match the est and stock displayed by the open collar or the i oat. V-lllliR N an admirable liiateiial for youiiR rIiI". partli ulnily when Illumi nated, as the drts-makliiR phrase is, by a R.iy llulni;. Thore N a nindol of a ihiltity frocl, hi daik blue liiniintoil up. Hi mil 1 1 hi IiiIrIiI yellow that ourIU id win much iiuor. Theie Is a sklit with mil low fnlds liinnlliR down the front that i in vo round tin- sides to form a h'tulliiR to a shaped tlniinoe. The skirt's liillliess is all coiillned at the b.n l. where a seilos of liny, tlRhtly slltclieil li'iiRih-wNe tucks appears for a brief since about the hips. At the w.ilst Is a wtlnUied band of roM braid. Y 'Hon chllfiin kiiotlid forins the un ie blouse, over whlih tlie daiK blue vellliiR Is di apod iinder the aims to simulate ,i liolorn. A knot of narrow Rold braid fastens the bolero upon the bust In fiont. while tlie inllar N of whit- lace eniliinldei'i d In roI.1. HOPBOTTOM. spl'iUl I". tltt I .i,t'IJ 'llill'UU llopbotlom, .Maidi .".. I!e. .1 H. "11 1 IlllRhast, state sup Mllltellili'llt, pleached in the I'nixeisallst diunii Sunday cM'tihiR. Seniles will eontlnve dui; Iiir the reinainiler of ihe wlie'l;. l'ej. TIllliiRh.ist will pleach i.'.ich eVenl'tiR' at T."n and In th afternoon Tmtl een Iur of the toniliiR Sunday. The Fanners' Dairy asj.ni iatlnn have eiiRtiRed .Mr. (iiant. ot llarfoul, to op. el ate the i loallleiy Itev. and .Mrs. .lames I lei rick, of (ilbson, are NitliiR .Mis. Ilcnick's par ents. .Mi. and .Mrs. A. .1 (iiven. .Mr 1.. I'. Itdl was in town S,uuitla, loll-'illnK taxes. The couiull mot .Monday ovonhiRruud leoiR.inlyed for th" present yeai. (i. V. Stl'Uiplei was appointed to act as iieet i ntnmlsslnnei. .Mr. I'm ley WilRlit. who has been NillUR ti lends hole oi sov r.il weeks. It-turned In tilii.IRn tills we-'k. sl.ll't- iiir Sunday nioinin. self. ooooooooooooooooo Men of the Hour $ $ ooooooooooooooooo lollli ililibous, fdinul contl oiler fiom the Twentieth ward, who was oh.nen ptesldent of the board of control last Tueinlay nlslil, Is n niaii of determln atlnn, possossed In a fimiiknbln de gree of that riunllty which someone lata aptly called "stlek-io-lt-Iveness" or thu nhllltv (o petsivele to the hitter end 111 seekhiR to aecomtillitli wliat one ret.i out to lit'CompllKh, This iiu.illty stood hliu In Roud stead lu his liRhl for tho pre'ldi-nt' . When he ellt'M-e 1 Mie lltflit It looked as If he a uld noor siiimo'iut (ho obrtades which pi "sent e( th'jinselves. Jli. .Jajne, lili oppo noni, had secined tlie wilttcn iihilRos of fointeoii ot the tWelili-nu" inrmber.s and even Mr. (Jlbbons' best fiionds SOURllt to dlssutide hliu fioill Ki'i'kllllf the ilnr'-. i'hey .said ll was useless, but he told them he V'Olllil v hi out i ml win out lie did, the lesillt eoniliiR .is t thorough and eoinplete sin prise to .Mr. Jivne and his followers. "Th" old war hots"," tu- he Is popu larly called, wasn t lu the leii.it bit surprised, lie told iiH filonda-tlmt he knew from the Mint he'd bo "lei ted and when they lemeiiiioieil his su pienie s"li'-eoiilldeiKP thiy had to ion foss tli.it hi- war ilitht. Air. (iihbnin Iiiik served the lieople nf Scr.in'.on In many i.ipaiilli'S and has seivcd tl'ei.i well, lie w:.s for so many yeais a member of th- jiooi board that peopl couldn't think of that body without thlnitbiR or him in iss'i r.ud ls!i h si rveil a- cltv IroaMiier and intnle one of Ihe best i iistodlaus or the city's funds Ui.it the illlyons of Sn-aiiloii hae ov"i" elected to oilien, i(- hh sol veil on tho school biuid for the past four yinir. but cway lad. lu tin- elclltl'S ho Was a lliombel of tll.lt body for several tonus. Ii. it- .'siientely popuhir with the school ii.,iiltcis and U one of their m nl tirlent ch"i.ip!oliH on Ihe lnnr or tl" bc.ird. If the tone hem have a I. ilo r woe tc unfold they Ronorallv took ml Mi. ttlhbniis, for they know that th -y will lind in liliu a smpa thliilti;; fiiot.il, and if tlulr eomplnlnt i Just, a il-'ftndei to tli.. hist ditch. IJ. T .layno, s iionl inntiuller from lie- Thlii 'I'lilli ward, vitlinl from Hie pi"sliloui v or the honed nf ci'titiol last 'I'm 'il.iv- nlRht nliler liavhiR "iveil Ihe ' honl dNtilel and the i ltlzens of Soiantnn hi a capable : in" buslncFM- lil - nun ni- for the ).ifi i'IrIiIcpii uiolllhs. lllii liseliilnesn as a public servant H noi yet over fin lie has s-tlll it of In iitrvi on 11, e boinl .Mill there aie many of his fi lends who lii hove 'hat two Jeais hence w Hen tie- citizens ol thl. i lt Ret their Hint eh. line under llu- "rlppi-i" bill to elect a tlll-'f I'Xecllllve. !l" will '' one of the IP'publli an aspliains for tin- noinina thin lor lecordei. Mr. .I'lVilo made a haul an I ii-jrips-sii. lUlit-tir tin- pro-lib ncy ai"l lo-u It 'uilv b-'iausi ho was too loiilident of siioi ess. Any man would hae been ci'lltlilellt If lie had iwo mort votes j limn a niajniiiy pIoori d ii him mi j the vei". ultiil iiefnie the t'lei lion. Ho , im k liN defeat ri.ici fuilv and his veiv llrst i-'t was i" shuUe hands with anil comjiallllate his leloi lius niponont. Mr. (ilbbons. He made a ;,"ni.l tlRht aiNl'IP ?ii!in-'i'if'the tin iiilicrs went Iru-I-ilUil'b.;li', 1'JoRi-s hi; was not to hlunio. Mu'lloyui; It p'ovre nmoiiR the Itepttb'llialil ,'i4r Ihe I'hlitecntli wald ahd is a a. ant winoi .iiul atiRiesslvo li.itiy woikii. I'lillllis net upy, liw I'ver, but a small p.n of 111'- lime -iiiil imelHI'in. as lie b' nili of the hllsiiHt ineii it. Scr.iiitoii, I flnrf rVnnsvIvnnlii niaii'iRer Im- the Anicritnn Wrlni r ( oiiipauy. He his a larp- force o :iRclil- ll nib r Ids dlmt cteitrol and is iccoRilized In the Inislness world as possessing line lulnilpNtratlve mid 'executive ability, lie is tip- kli'd of i man who i.m be i vii n i to be heard from In tcnl affairs at a not far dis tant dale. N. A Sliiilbi'i'J, who I11.-1 uiek I--.siRlled the position of assistnlll ne I1IUI1 Ot llu mnchllie Mlops nt Hi, lli I;. For this space to "roast" our neigh competitors); we are about the Greatest Ever Slightly damaged by smoke and water, at a tremendous sacrifice, so that we can enter into the Spring Trade with a complete, new and fresh line which will fully sustain our reputation for the Finest Footwear ever shown in the City of Scranton. For' prices come and see for your AN HONEST .-on MnniifiuluiitiK cotiipnny, was one of the most pnpiltar ollUials tounerted w;th tli- works. AtTahle and Ronlal, h wan popular with everyon-- alike, and hisdepai ttiro Is mil vei sally reRiet ted. Mi Hholhet'R at ted m lliutcmint to Koivnuiii llitrns for some years, dur-iin- whlcli time he ably demouslrate'l lils fatnlllailty with the most Intrlrnt- details of machinery hiiltdltiR. and pi oved his ROIieiul knowlodse ot the busliifpf. lie Is a western man, his home behiR In Milwaukee. Wis, and lii! receipt or Iwo veiy lllieral oft'eta from bis nuinufut turliiK coneeibi lu hit nutlvi diy Is what nccaMiiuod his 1 esl?riiai Ion fiom the Dickson win k. lie left Hie i-H Sntiiiday, and wnen last soon had not y-l doi Idcd which of thn iial companies' offer to nee-pt, I-'iiday nlRht the dcparUtiR assistant foi em. m was tendeied a farewell re reptlon. Tho men under ill 111 at th sllo)s elllbbed toRther. 11 ltd presouled Mr. SholheiR with a handsome nicer si'hattm pipe, as a lenieinbninee. His place at the simps will he tilled by William Wnison. The latter, like th" i-X-asslstaiil foleinail. Is fiom Milwau kee, and mine on espetially to uciept tills plai e. At .Milwaukee lie occupied a responsible place hi tlie shops or the N'orilb'm Miiuufat tm ItiR 1 oiiipauy. Mr. Watson ai lived lu this 1 ty last 111 "k ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY mini -im iiiiIhh uiit U'Ii:MY Mii- M.iik', lti-utl.t ij i-mituin. Molliix- tiii'l 1111.it. tWI.T ."Mh Nrw it , .li " Mailnii- n.t nljtlii " "Uiilettveiied Bic.ul." Orjtiiatiaiuidii 'f Jn.lie Itnlicii lii.-H'i nimli-illxiK-ril i."il. "I nli-aMimt llnml." pii-.ntn) it tli, I -icinii Imt nlslit. ! ol"' ri lit,- tie. ioiniei'i llul lius nppi.iri"t ll' i1 II, , wH-um, 01 lor nMiiy -i n- n 1 Hint nuMi". Tin- i'nnniil'.iilnti iw ilrnii- l'. 1" iilili'lil''i uml si. 1 nn imi.ijii 0I11 nsivi III". nt Imisi l.'jtil' tirlllUiil jtrc mi ihk(I. 'tli il.en iili,.itlnti fe't-i i iy Inwlj llu lii.ilogii.- .eiil 111 "Inpiiioiil el llu loii a ll iipiHin In 'li l.iHit,. uml is Im 111..10 i.i.ilii2 In 111 llu- iiimhii mi-uipt to Unlet' 1 1 nmi-l lo tin tiisi. ll It It- ll" fl'i.l-ll llitl ' Ilili-.iV' 11 il IllCil'l" Altt Inl nml I lill..'l. i.'l Mil I -s. Hill ll.'t 't- lrluUl f il.n- iil ii'-l ii'.'wl Uwl oniiA.il lii 111.1 1 111 flu- ilrmiulin.il iium m I'"!'iiiir n, ..'! in ili- l.i-1 few irjr. In lii-,l. U 11 i-linil ill ih '.ll lit, 1 ml ralslliimis ..l,it ,1-iownil.ir Hb- ij;i- ' nun I- l.il'.i i.ii'ki P1.111 tlmniilli'. la. 11 Hi Hill l.lllll 1 Hll' M v lit' b l-li-Mn I". " i'1' Uf il I" u .nil IV 1 !.'.' mliln't iiii(hn li I" an cvli-nl nlll' lint In .il'i'tKi' un aeilli'tirc UriH niiii' l.i-l "i'.'l'l ili'l llii' i.itlii'i' inn II .nnii il.ii' I'Vlni. n,' 1I11 nl, il ii.llil'.-ljiill. .iiul llul , . . nl tin- nl "I ill II. in! ml. wlili li 1 l-rf-vltli u nil-. I iln-l l-ioviiii lr. ilnu Mnl.-i -n .nut Mc. Il.ii- Miltuti- llu' I tiiilllinu .mi ilrniiiiii. li ".' ili"nii'llv ilrnii' tiy IIUil-i'i 1 1 in' .111,) CI. 111 ! Itwtis li, wli" lis'i-lml tlii' mill till, .iu!ilu!n "'i i''-uli- if ilpplLtlr ,-f llu MI11I.K. Hi,' f.ltlll .lltll "I III' .IM I'll Ull'.lll," ii'uv. H.-s 11 .1 ti !.tM, ill.liiliittiiili in Inl, i'-iI. ninl litlilit dram 'Ho mii.iIIiIi It. iopillnjl .in-! . I 1 1 1 1 I,, ill aw mlii in ' 1 I tl Jlllnl !" ! 1 Hi)' tin' Klll.ll I.iiiiii of Li -'). -rilll.il Willie ILi'iiiH-,. I llll ii hi -I.J on. ) n ini.Jlilutti'-lli iliii.ul'i uli.i uiul- llu- llinitulitlitl mi-l Ui.'ii.i t ?li,l,i rlillinl .ii. I 11 th iivl'il'. .-.' lijni" 11. 1 mtk of llul. hi -ilmj wan (lull. oil n'll ll .111-1 111 ll'O -UtLlllHHi .till nu 14 Willi Klllill ii.- .1, .Uiiiiii-ii ii .iii'ijtu la.nii. It i ititi'iii ill;. 1 1 III ml l.l-i lll.llll , III foil. .11 till I'M'tlltl HI ol 1 ilinl uml ("iiiil ! ill ii. on lo Uml ol k'oii, "i ttif (K'tiun lull IkhiI ip.iiIh'i iii slu iipiu- il.. I iiimmit In Hi" null I ol tier mnw. Ui.,11 li.'i IiiuIuikI liiiamc .1 I iill.il -lunv wi"i ..ml ho toll -I"- 1 "illil 1. nun 1 ii' I tin .itloilioii 'li.' 1-1- tl'lUillllll -ll, ll.-tlllll III lltl'llt. tlll'M'- !Mi u f i to liiin-i'l 'in .iliillilni; lnil, .1 Mtl. 1 Hnp'ilil fit pi. -l-n nf Hil- (liariuloiviit li -UUC it Hdlltll M'lltl I, t lllHl nIk Ih-1 I11111 ..II. 11 U lit l-111 1I11 nllliln IhkiI. 1 i.v, l". 1 111I.1 Itw I..II 1 Hint lilllllUlll -li II tllllllj. Jlll'lt In I 1411 III- I'MMlil.il in I lie li -ini toil lllii- nlildi iiiainm ti . ulli'tliil to 1 pln,i vi ui-l liuiilh a Mtuk. - lii II if llii- ill. Hue l HH'llUl MHItlitii ii hihI I'l' il.tlilclli I of l-llllo llilllllt,n .llll JSMH i.ltiollt I It t MonM tlillP r 'Hill llnUII llio piltlll-' .lltll llimll- III,- Nlii'.l Ml.no "f It- lion ui.'io tmniiii ituni I101 -110 mi-il i..iinii',i..ii -n Hi -tii., M.'v- i.llrili'ili Til-1 '. I'li'lioiil wis .1- s,.in 1.1 nnro nuelo Ili'l ti lnuitli wllh ll nili in -. iititu lilisijnili.iu Hi 'iLsintputliilii ii.ilnii ot li' 10I0, tt mis Im in-i upi . hi inn 111 S.,uiti n .llul (I'l-"! "I"' I-1' ''' I'-1 nUl.t "ill f, -ill Ml l lis llul ll M is Hot in, I..- she L.110 HI'!' !',. I'Vlliltli-. llll t llii. llll 1 lilillll.l llllll 1 1 1.4 1 llll. Ill M ll 'III lll'ljl 1.1.1,1 lllltll t N I'M . ,111 11 I I ill', ill I lulu 1 , I 1 'I Hi 1 Ii ,1 I'.ur lii 1 .irnl I'Vli.u iii ,tit ii,, 11 too busy. But known of HighQrade SALE OF HONEST SHOES tin liUr, liolliiw nil tin- mr rlriii, utiolllBit ln-r own Hie ami Hie Ihr-i cl Hie InwtMiidi Mir widdi'l lier.ni'e tlin ilullnnl i;lr nf smMy vinulil not iipin uf hit nptro.uli. In nlic, t" lure unil 111.11111(1- Mim Tirce niKKCldl Hie "1 I'IIImn lint iinlrulntil oiii.ui .-)io ki.rw lint Inr on I'liilliitloiH, ,nil nu In- ii.itnte li-nl-( ti'i Mlit ei irr,luinliK wlmt Hi')' wef' V lUlicloiM (.li.imi.li'titJlluti lu llmt 'I I.I lur lliiwnn. wlii w,m iit (it ll.o mlc ef tlif tolalllf o,li-tj biilttltt.i", Slrr, Klixilr William. Slip vm clutiiiliiT ami tunUiirhut jmt tier wmi: lnft wllh (treat fjlop fretn Hie auillcii"-. Ttii-ntli'i- tirnmltifiii .ffwile Itilcj wfte i-nlfiilfil I" Maiitaict I'nltcr nnd .Mice Pin her Jli'l N'tli rrp In ini-t lapahlp lutiil". 'I hr- iiule k1i MMfr ill nvmlly ilurr lialub I .1. ti.tmni .i Will'iir Mtllctcti; lml-ii Sfln, (IriRuii WHILiimi Mtlcnlm WIUIhiik, l.rli llitiiucL, aivl Hut (i-oiil after Hfntsi I'jwnlt W.H HniMiier laoni tu llir bit. Hie pl.i l In frtni Ji l slut l -tjr iffwlhrlj l.iyiil. "Alone In London." 'I In- Mjt'oi lliolln'u' Pieiuiilli nliil-.l'J. wlil'Il I, 1 oh lilllti!- .1 (cl,''i rmuj.'diti'iil nl III Vi'i'l enn of Miwli, il jlllitr rii-ll-nt ntl'lfcitlnii to tie i.illi'HA l.iit tvrnliij " lnne In Ifliiinn" m pirM-iitnl In 11 Umr mnlli-iicr, liltli .ip-pi-jldl In in-.v ll.i- lii.w Iniiiirimlj. 'Ilil allriiiimn tin limntlfiit plj "Hit l.uiiu" i.ll . iiiiirntnl, id lonlilit "K llinl In .i (inll.liil l ipi" will 1.0 flic Jltijilttii "Snp Haiboi" Tonight, Ml if "ill iltlmi 11111-1 In- ii.tiienti'il Iii In lorlliiiiiiilnt prornutivli In-ro l-i llul ion xiut liaiiiHu nitiil, intlioi .iiul jrloi, .Ijtnrn , llirnc 01 1,1 l.ilisl 'l iv. '.in II.11I111I." lint I-nun iniiilu'lin.' .a Ho- l.vutiiii tonllil. Ni' itijlly, I'irr.v llircti-i-gi'ir i Inlrir'ti-il tn kivw nlin l In hi ionitm.,1, -nnl MiiiKtlilik jlM'iit Un pi 1 -.in illl lr of 1 .nli. Wei', III H'lililli'll lo 1 Hi nu- liliiKi-lf, tin- null- itimilio: ot llu iotiiiin dii in outer ot tl-' Ir liiipoitjin J f -I Im.. i'onivt llolilli'uli. .1. Y. limn. Wllliuni I' lloiUi-. I'l.nik Mil 1100, .fi-lni llllll. I 'I'. ll-i.M ii'iii.i' anil liniiiii lauu- 'i i.i- 1.1'H'- 01 iii i-intunj i(-: Mi Mjtfon AMwil, Ml .lulu I lei no. Mr. nl ,-mali. Ml I'l.vi-t.il il-i! ", Mi- l.il.lllif -l.ilii'tt nil) ll.nrii-l M. ll-n.iUl. ie 1 lire, tn inlillllon In llno llnte U tin- l-"li'l.i (ill ImIiv if Hie ioinKiiii, Mn-lFI .l.iini'ii 1 llinl" PoirC'l Itol'lllMllI N Hilt lit till' tliKllelt Mil 11 I 1,-mlinst '"in In tin intuitu aint tils iipiiou I ulti'int nil II, n siml Aoioili .111 vi, 11 4 m llii ui mlly. Ill iinlnlile ttml, Willi Mr. IVui- ml'li-il liii'jll.i In tin 1lbl1i11tl1.il. In lolie .11 nl upp'ii nt.ee Mi. MmiitII I. the iili-nt I icr. .1. V Pi .111, Mini 'l. i,l l.lut llllelil lie ulll'l ll" ItiMvy" p.n I, I-, 11 iiin.i'l.jl'li liiinNi'iiii- jo'in. in.iti ui.'l .1 u 1 xi "IN nl jiioi. Milium M. II" Ui. Illn ptiils Ilin ll'lv (Mliloil-. ti.nl In -'-.is ll.il 101." llimll- on- of tie lutpt iii-iirlJiul nii i'i ilii',- Un' inn m tin- I'-rK lli"ul-r, uml e il lllnsl it, in.iVo n ui, nl imtiii' (01 li.lil,'H In li . miI Mi. Ilinljo 1-w llio inilli-liiv In stirlil if liitlglitii i'ii nullum! lie ! npi-n llu tj." I'l.niU Minaoi- pU) tin lull nl I'lulf IVi 'liiiiiei. I1,! u.-iiil of "llu- fj-i -jllina lMiiiu iil-li"jif," larnl iilij.t' Un- olnn.iilr ,i f lil til mil mj lipuln In Hi life. Mr. .l-'li'i (tmiift. is m iutciil ilo -hIhiii of llu c . L)..s :il loniliL, hihI 11 ep!ljl uii,-i't in. 'Hi- Ml-- .lulu- uml I ijolrfl Item, uiv il' two Ih-iiiiiIiiiI mil wi ooUiplMieil iln'tsliti-rrt uf .li. ilMitn.-til-11'il 1111II101-1,, l"i-lni : awl IhI,i "i Hun. nil- iltelr lirru. i uml Uml .'tl. In, if "in loUtlmliil lltlli llu- CMIi-l el.lolililut uotnsir- mill tin tun-l tn nil lull i.o ni' ti Uml tie niil ijii -I lift- lm t-l. tli liw Hit ill 11I0, Mii- I Ji-lli iteri' i..ijo (li" oiui lioiul i--l -l "Mmlln" I in iitti lliil Kni lu m oiii;i.ii 1011 wit'i I1 e Ciril lUlluli .iitii- Im.'. 'II M.irt'Mi M.l.ilt ' 111 nlll of the iM-lt khitl II l-illl. iv lllllfl 111 I'll- 1 11 until. Shi- 4i,l a xivjt Im .1- Mm. t.niu I li.n in "llu- Molll mil llir rleiii. ati.l Im I' (llul . tin- lun'lii. I.i I villi Win. II. I i.ino im -lien) vii..iii.. Mi. s,, mill I, nni- -if j lla iitiini, of tin iii-ii. un il.it,e .niil iteoil ni ! till I lit l' mnila ol iiittr.'lm l(,ti. Mio li.- 1'imlil- . .11, ,.,. .tt.t...!' ,l.,l,,l,l,. V.ll...,, It.,, I,.. ;,,';, M.irii tjilf,. i,,! MjiIiiw'. anil dillnl olTiy --III, 1 11.1IIM -t.t Jilii ill Ho ti( llnii jour-. David Htiinni." -:,-! t!,' ulni I Ul'V.n-t " ,111 Mi .1 i, It'. "i,. 11I j IIuii. in" ini I'liiuil I 'toi,' ll't it.nlllu w-iilil i uln liltmlii,r nf p-n,1, li"'nil up in tin iitlsllml- of tlte iliai.iuleis ilts-ilniil in Un- In '-li. ,IIii'i- ll.tl- sllllul "lUlill llm-'ll's," I'll II I. ll 1,11 .t niitiilji 1 r ilnnlttt .tin', -ii iinl llni'i HIjKo ,Hnl Viint I'otli. II 11 .1 iii-1-nil uilli Ke.it '"in- l.illll llul tilt- -1I1I-HI pule ,'lixllil'l ol I'll III Ituimii nils P.iitil ll.innn. 1. v'1.1 mi. xtoli'ltiioiMi ill -f II-HM-, V. . llll WcliMll, Intnle III. I, .tli, il,.. ilitl iliiii II. 111111 i.J lopieii .inn mil mi mull, Intt nu. ,' 'oiin.i.11- itutti!i. Ili'rc am- jKsipW- Mini, ili-piie llii, fspnti'il lint Uillluin II. (nun' in pi-Hitliic llu- ilunuiiK linll ol llll' Uml, (M'lll'l llljl.e up 1 Innk Ilk, p.. i lil llulilitlttl. 'Ill iiilol, linwrler. il" Inllillit; nf llu kilul. Itr f.iltoi - iiiiniilili Hie ilex ript ion of llu klui'iMl olil di,ii ,i4 -.-crn Wi-.li. ill, IK !.' lluiimi ii ii null "f iiutiinin -ir- iiihI ii ilfiiid t-i stniuni-.-.. Hi- lu- a fliiiw,!. -luiji. ,iri llu illi tie .mil .1 ni'iiitli llul I- Itileiii I;. ini flio. HI- clnlli nip wnioioil uml lie I rru ii li b.il'l with .1 lil'.M" of KslllWl lull' llllllli'l. MKiinii III lo'i-o. i-lilf islilmipit llin.itxmt otill.i . Ilieit- 1.1 tli- i.ut ,-n lil vUiV anil lir li.i-s tin i "'l!in , "ll "I ill' Ml" i- out . .le.i O' il ni I In i pi li Ml. 'I In in I il i--inl i.. l! "loliull'i nl' I lln-i ll imili'l l, l,i I., ii, ,li'l in ''- lino, mil lu I- !,,l ,nil.li II nnl ,t -ipii . llu pi i l- to I-i iiiii ,, ill, I.i. , i i III III Hi I "111' ii " 1 1 1. I. , i nil it I i I I I.i n I" bors (like one we want to I ELKES, MICHAEL, MILLER Each at Height of His Career Uses Paine's Celery Compound. r- V I'.lh" Mn had and Miller, null at ! ilie hel';ni of lili caii-cr. -i I l'.ilin'" ('e!l! Ciiiiipiiiiiid and ai-Kn iwlvili'i- .1 ili-lil of p uiiiml Hiitltiide to tin- m-n ii'iin dy. I'll Ni u YinU W01 M say.s of 1 h.iti ploll Kill". ullDM- HUlier. Is .',!, 'ill nlioio: "'rii'ie Is 110 '.wnii why I'.Hk. mIh uld mil claim ill WoiIdV c!-lliuiiilsl,lp, lllivllll be-ili-i i v-f.V ci-uiU iliier In Aipi-ilcsi nnd I-Jui"i;e." I.lhe l'l 1-al pi-eileesjiifs, Miii'ful ' n.'d Miller. KlUcs ln-ll.'.-t I'a'il"',! Ci'l- I erv Cuinpoiiiiil In b tb" ni Ml 'iiiinb'i- fill pit ! unllon In tip- iv lil for I ili'(i:,;lliilt'iK' llu nerviiiiH i.i s.i'tn He b.iM iiiiisi-eteil n tie- pnblli iiltull of lb' following l"ll t: X-w V.ih. I i.-c.'inl i-v '.. Kim. !:-lm-i I Ii-tiiii to trill) foi' the l dtiv n.ie ll Mil'llsnii Sillilie (iiil'ili ll, Ni.v Voiii 'My. I wan In jmwh- i-diiiII-tion. I tools '.'.line'. i iVleiy I'linipniinil, ai-1 :i't"i- the llr.it butth I felt en inb dllfi'i'i nl I continued to tnl.e ll lip lo tin- tllili- the vaee st.tlicil and niiiiiii-' tin vt.cl; ni the oonre-n. .My i-ii-1IiiiI (ni.ilitliin l dil1 to I'alil ' CVleiv roniponnd. I rcconini -nd it to ull who in -d i perfi'i t ieslni"i- oi e- i lvnisted iii-nim-i in-is. t-l'icn lv uii ll. ll. I'.ii.i-. Uoiii'eiliil .liininy Mlcha-I In i"'" In- llln..lil llj ill o llu- PI-HP''' it'll III" I lie ili'l Hi, I" 11. Tlie i-iiipiln -iiiiotiiiiiiini: Mi. l r.r.o i ol, I iti m iiiuulx-i '' "I'll l,i'n pisiple, nil'J UK pi ihIiu lion i- an cm ( e.lh.sh i.l(.(ni'f one STAGE NOTES. Il.n, i, I ILni's pio.linli-'li of -'Milli"iii'i' " " I., -jIm niiii.ai-1- 'ii op-Miii mltv to iliiuiniiit It. v.il'ii. 'll.il Un I'l.i' I I' fllll-Hll 'I mull' in In le iln li.ol-i- in Un" ll iriml iiniUi if , mlii" n .in iliii llc "''' -ll.i'"!' Hi - . ,,i i,' . in . -. iiintl -liilm. " tl ' Ihrilil ,,- in ili.ni.i. --i Nils. I'" -""inl Hie l"'0 u,.l uil! n- ll in I.i' pioilin lion ln- of our tell you iiiiiiiii'iiilln r I iite-'s Col'-ry I'oinpoiniit s llll - lin urn M is.-., F-ii. .'I. W. AMi-i llio cellion of my lecord ililei. I "-in 'iilMfi'il to itic Value's (-leiy I'oiiipoiind. 1 am pleased l H.iy that ll ave ulicli sati.sfnctlon Hint I was liiipelloil to use It .iitnin. I believe that wheelnieli ntld ahieleH will llml r.ilni-'s Celery romponnd of a--i.slnrte In UcephiB up their physical tone." .Ilinuiy Mleliael. f'h'.iinplon ' W- Miller, winner of the .'Ix-days' bh yd" race at Mndli-on ssitiuu' tia'id'li. New Ynik t'ity, nay.. "I owe to I'alne's Celeiy f'onuiounil a debt ol poiMiiml Ki-allttnle. For Fin -ci nl veiiiH I have occasionally lined i'alne's C'-lery i'oiiipoiind when I felt out ol suits and urn down, ltefore tho lili; i ,u e In New York, tollliif,' tlmlT oiutht to be In the best possilile con dition, beian-i a uenoiin brenUdown on iii. tind. Is one thlni? all well- lialned mill an afraid of-l her i, i nni- Paine's t'elciy Coinpniind. ran U II.K llll f.SSI'llll.ll lllll I- ' '. ...I ., 1 ., ti,, Ulll-t I-4D. .s- t..i ,, Tiniii-r. I mtMiro von that It did or. so much mind. I wish that othei may lime Hie benefit of my expet- y-iui'i Hlnm-ly. '- W -Miller, (iiaiiiplon IntiK-ill-tiince llder of thf win Id. , .,ii. Ill , iiiiii i,,ii iii c die pl.iv lis licni Willi- (ll.no I'l III Mi" lo.nl. lllll.M-lljltl llnoril r.mi of tin- iiumiiiis ol Hie loinpitiy wiiii "i ii(iii-Ritit "I nlijniiril llii-.i.l" nr llir I..wi-ihii lj,t nm-ht will M.ir iiel -i-iiii. They Jtnt 11. .1. Miii2.ni. I'llilirlli Hrro. Clcinir Itilwj jtnl MjijioI I'iiIIi Build Lmge Masonic Temple. Hi I.m lii-ne Mile fmiii Hi Moclatnl Prn. I .iliiinliii-, I.i , Mcili -Tin' ilirwiori of (' luinli is Mj-iimi- T. tuple i-sm i nnm Inn- liejun ll i lilnliilns' "l i l"in -I '" li-oilern ollirc Inlllrlnn; I,, In- i,-tl i Ihe , "lie of tlie I'nllimVilUI .Mj.'rtm. 330 ? Lackawanna P Avenue s V