The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 06, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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f'm-WFJpjfWTWIir- j
iV W'fH
'T'"tW,,""H PTI.Ty'V wr
W 73st?-"r -
i I - -
Burke C&thondale Department. new, 286 ,
BUILDING . J OLD, 0423 '
I 1
A tOITI.UI I U.AtllMS HOl'M, fur On Unit.
v tit ot Ml Wli Hup llnye lv Had. Itial
I 'tqle c,r Oilier Propcily to rll er HulianM', r
Who Wint situation, ci Help -TI,co S-m.ill Ad
widen ents Cut Okp dm i i, M lnr
'icn fur I lie Cnl u UmJ i:,ee't fciltiilUni
WnMfil, Wlilili An Iii-pHpi! I rt-.
-w-- - -
AMI II AN I.M'l.lill'.M 1,0 AMI (,H"I CUOK
Hi I'iiv runny Im-nliitl
ookln; tml Kvtirral funis, umk In Ininlli it
r pp1i iMtnuti " mid cvrltiiiR a;
line liwl.
Mint i. -in Mii'imwd. iiii mi.
fit till rotitjinii.v tn (stic lis ftirtMmiiin lis-
vd-antiiw dt lb" ll utiiii nt tin IiimmI -i
i pin-p. wp tiki! pUvMii" In niiiivmili! lint
'i ami iflrr Mitrli lt, pm, wi v 111 liiinMi out
I mm Willi rltitrli' Huh I Lull,-, liti of
Win iil1iii foi ii- a Icilbj irtinn Hi
hi uw. rrw bulb-, villi emit Ik- start! In
Iwimtp lr ttte ulil.
Nm lllllN lu lip l(ll'tl,i Ullllu nlnriv ilm,
Iim liurind mil ci Hip I iilli liiToitu". ilirk.
W lli,p fl, Lull. III villi tlf
luil ',1 III! ltlii14. til llil -alll, Mini 111
i- til 1 111(11 III - nt tl" I '. lllllX i tun
1 . jwjiiiih illf.i I.ln I ikni .V I' - I o
P. II IVmhi i. Mit!i.igi r
Much Business of a Technical, Gna
ttouomical it nd Social Nntmc Dis
posed Of.
The i ejrulur inouthl.v inciting ol the
t'.ilholirlulc .Mi-dlcul society, composed
"' physicians In tlilH city and adjacent
I'UMi", was lir Id on Muudii oi citing at
i 'ip Hotel Aiiirik'iui. The host nl the
wiling was Dr. D.ivlcl L. iiailey. ami
tight veil did In- (III tho lilll with his
'iilal welcome to his guests as they
""tnibk'd one hy one hi the my
I ii on the n-eond floor of tin hut".-!
'I he lncutlng was to have been called
to order at S o'clock, but It was MO
when the last physician wimp Into this
iirlor mid Dr. U. Ottinan. the piesl
iliitt. of tho society, opined tho bttsi-
II .-s FCSSlOll.
Dr. Ottinan a smpilsc on ihe
members light away by tenilcilng Ills
icslgnutloh. lie i.-tld that the society
bad now tounded out two jtuis, dui
lnt, which time ho had been picildent,
and he did not think that one man
Mioiild abt-oib all the honors. In a
in let" addiess he huunued up the woik
tit it had been uocoinplMied. and said
tint lie thoimlit that all would airu-e
mid ackiiuw Il'iIku that all weii- belter
Im'tora tlmn they wen- two soar!- ago.
lb' adjured his brother phslelans to
mode! their 1lcs after the pattern set
in Hint of two thoutnncl eaiK ayo. the
liiwit Physician.
Dr. Otttnan was in sod to accept the
llco again hv n nuinlier of the physl-
mw, but the president emphatic
ally declined, nor could he lie induced
t'i rcconsldor his dcteiiulnatlou Hi.
rittther then took the th.ih. He put
J motion to accept Dr. Ottumn's lesU
n ttlon. and It was votnl down unatii
n ounly.
At" tills point supper was auuouiu ed.
It was postponed a shoit time utnll an
u sent summons was Kleu, and the
.M P.'s tiled Into the dining room, all
b Iiib seated at one Ioiie table placed
"blliiuely ueross the loom. Theie weie
Mfteeu doctors and one plain .Ml.sior"
' the board. The la Die was elabor
atly dfuurated with nialden-h.iir and
otiiar Corns, palms and potted plants
ititd'cut flowers. The menu served was:
lllitp I'onii (UMir
Uuiilllin m ti i
I'UlCd Onion. Miuuiu I'Uklm. I'll kli d Pi 1 1.
ttuJAt 'llllk'. I IIHiIh'11 Siiutl',
piinc linh in)1 l.iecn I'ii
( III TdDffW I'uUloii. (ililllllil.
Iltiiit. ( lukdi Sjluil lllill".
"'Pol'' jki. llHTOlatC (.ill.
'A)v Roll. I ruunul ( iiIp. .nlit fill
Ice drum (otki. ( ioik.
ftev supper the buslntss sehon
as continued In the parlor. Dr. Hat
1 or was mad" temporary seuetary.
The ilret huslnc to come up was to
i.ansiiler the vutn not to accept Dt.
'Mtman'a rei-lgiintloii, which was done,
unci then Dr. . V. Kliklur was
' Ice ted by ii unanimous vote, and Dr.
Dctiis, ot JerniMi, vbe pividrut, uiul
Dr. Ottiiian, chalrm in emerltu?.
Dr. 'tttnuu made a Utile speet h,
ui'SCstlnjc that tin' sofiety Ho away
with i nelly baiiipKis as a feature of
their mcctliis's, a.H these lattei were
intended for the boneili of the fr.i
t''inlt, and lie thotiKlit the expoiiM'
ot the dinners wis too preai. lie
thought that a cup of eoflev and n
1 lecu of mho would be Milllcieut for
it tifshnients.
The thanks of lit roulety were then
t'-inleuil Dr. David L. Uailey for his
tine and elaboiali- biippi'i.
In-. Shields, of this ci, then ninved,
!u the absence of ihe monthly
lis per. that dlfeiisslnn nf m Ip I'lld lis
iiIoiim ilias.ii and nn il U-n t In ti lie
liuiile the subject fur the to!llUB'4
ili'elt.'sinii lb aj that he eomld
iiil clip as a son ut i.ilanlial fever,
lb' hud a ntiiulM r of ia.ns win n juun-
hi" followed Blip, unc tlut the dis-
.tse iKD'mcd tn nT vt the ubdumiUHl
I (stakes and In utlii'ts raus'il tntei
i ti'-i i Tin illlifrent ni"inb'?rH
fcuve thell Idi'HK (it tills dlSIIIKe. Olio
iiiyslelan suld thul Ills esreilene wai
Unit; griji w.ts followed b iuivuuh dis
1!iH A 'Willi r haid that the dliiiase
ip I'olliiwi-d by netii'tilKhi and nei
Mini prostiaiiuiiK and Inlammaiory
ijKuinatli'm. wlulu a third suld his
(pfttest trunbli se"ined I" he dm 111";
oiiVnieBii'iici-, wiakness and priutin
1 1on Tjdluwlnu the dl&wiii,e. Tin. orlsl
ritnf""pf tin. discussion palil that tin1
tiuitbliT about iQiiMiK'nnt p.itloius
wan th.;i tli moic not ionvuli'Hiunt.
A mnnliir of other oidnlons wen. s.
piofintd. mid each In luin was asked
what thiiy, presi'Tlbul and liow much
ot it, a f'llurih ttici't ph.-lelnn tuns
hill hlUtl'ltS by tayim; lie Ufod coin
jorin KiMtRo. and plenty of ii.
The liu.xl nictllliK ot Up soeletj will
in hold at DK.Kleti Iiui'b ioildoiiie. Dr.
T S. Shields lll iJivpati! a paper.
TliC"' fullowliiK ilili'liilii4 wliv pie5
.nt!' Urn. V. I'leiihei, ,M. D, Hal
lo'! J. fl. llarpoi. John H. Nlles, ,,
NIIoh. S. fi. Shields, . .1. linker, 11.
ottinan, M. II. Mdlaun, T.
M. h. llUlloy. of this elty; ., IM-
aulsi. C'llffoid: F.'D. (Jinndor. rnrost
D. Davis alid M. .1. rihlolds. of
Tho inM-iiiiK
adjouriiid in il.SO
Runaway Stopped by n Bioom.
A team nf horttes belonging lo Ir
iiitr Sndc'r. staiidlim In ft out of tho
ii"wlv-robullt Miin-o of J. NiMilon. on
soutlj Main ftivet, liecnme filghtmu'd
.,t, j,tj3.ijlry ''ui- yt-Kterday and siarlod
1'ijlU.i nt u Msl ''Ml'. They hittl hoiio
libniit a liluolj,, vhOll Uelllai'l Spilth,
'l .J. xl tin t lull "ii'ic ui'iiii. Mn ivi.i
sw piiiff tho t-iileuull: In fiont of die
place, niw them comllifr. lie dnsed
I m (i the load In ft out ol the anllitiiN.
and holding his bloom aloft unod
them to stop umidiiK as abruptly its
Ihev had homtii. With his iniiKle
brooin he docilbed several fancy ell
cle.s in ihn all abovo tin Ir heads, and
harlfil the .aibdurd .'inlmals hv this
mcuiis up I'Biilnit i ho ci nh. and then
thi dllvei i Kmilii'lrcl Into tin waon
and (bow them aw.ij
The Mltclicll Hose Company Choose
Olllccis for the Comlnc; Year.
Tin- I'eKiilar monthly busduoss meet
liiK of the Mill lii'll llu"c lotnpany had
an added attraction last nlKhl that
bioiiRht out a Inrfio nuinber of mem
bers. It was the annual election of of
fleos. The nlllivia wcte lceleeted
Willi the e.Ncopllon of leo-piesldent.
Mehlli 11. Tappen belliK fleeted to
UaTt position. The follow Ins; aio the
ollii'C'is of the (ompituy fur tin net
yetu .
I'lesldent. Thomas V. Campbell. he
pseslilent, Melvlu 11. Tappen: recr1
laiy, ,1 H'uiy liowlson: tieastuei, A.
Ii. Letts; loieman, T. P. Ileihert: as
sistant for-'inau, 1. (' l)ayi'. : dilver.
John Swaekliamuiei ; delegates to stalo
IIioiiilii's lotneiitlon at Philadelphia In
October, .1, V. llobeits. alloi n.ite. Ilen
ly T. riiii'llyn, trunteo fm one eai.
Heiuy T. Kltiellyn: tittstei
year, Andioiv .Mtlehell. jr.;
ltellef Association board, T.
bell, A. H. Letts and (Mil T,
for tin ot
l'lremen s
);. ('amp-
ihe (ommitto- In (Ii.iikp of the lat"
fair of the company repoited a net
pi oilt from It of $.J7i).
Heavily Insttied.
The inlilnlplU alarm which tailed the
Ihe companies to Michael llonett's
stoic, on South Main stiect, on Monday
was the cause of a huge outpouilin
of people who thought tlint the Hie In
Abe Sahm's stoic had biokeu out
hkuIii. The hhisse was dlscovoicd by
Michael Wal-li, who notlilcd Ollicer
The Intel lor of the stoic, which con
tained a stock ot confu'tlonei. nuts
and fruits, was wiecked by the the
and the subi-eiiuent dclime of water.
It Is said Unit Uonctt can led Sl.nnO in
surance on his stock.
Tho cause of the Ihe Is a imstety.
lloiielt sas that lie sold some rival h
to two iiunt; men shoitly betoie the
Ihe broke out. and he thinks that one
of them threw away a buriiltiR stump
of n clRtir he was sinoklin; and it may
linve lodged In the show window, when'
the blaze slatted. The bulldliu; W
n'wiied I iv Louis Kehkop and ("hailes
smith, mid Is Insuied tor $l,liu.
luilntr the flu- a nelKhboi of Honctt
Intiniatrd lather lnoadly that the lire
was suspii lolls, and the two became
eiwawed In a hot aisument. which
ended, it Is said, by the piopiletor ijot
tlnt; a blow in the
A Pleasant Occasion,
tin Monday ovPitlns Miss Alice l!oh
bins, ot Helmont atieet. entei tallied a
numhe ot her young: frlencH Games,
music and other uistomaiy ilherslons
wore enjoy d and a bountiful lepast
was H'l'ictl, Those present were:
Misses i:tna Sluddaul. M.M'tle Mlllaid,
I'va and Heltie AleMindei, .lenillo
Mejvis, Mareia Conn. Illrinche f'olvln.
Annie White-lock. Allies lhandow,
Kl, UK-PS Kell Maude UiiIrIi, Helen
I.lllh'foltei, Hitael Sluuell, Hnlplji Sv.
rt ii and Masteis John Kelly. lte
Copeland. Aithur Tllfanj, IllPhard
lluntei. I.p lleeker. Willis lilocksldge.
.Maui lie Itoehe, D.te Ciott. Ilcibeil
Histc-d, William l'oiter nnd Hairv
(ileasoll. Aflei c-tendlns tln-h best
wishes lo their ehainihif uiiii: liost.
ess the RU-'sts di parted for their sev
eial homes.
A Watch Case.
Alderman J)pi-an on Monda.x eon
itn hoard n ea'o Involvlns the owner
ship of ,i watdi. iJeorue lityant ban
possession of the timepiece, and on.
t'hailis llatikii- appe.ued as plaintiff.
I'lalmhu; that the watch ileJitMilh' is
his ptoperl.x. Mr. lliyant maintiineil
that Haukir had sold the a i tide to
him soiin week.-i nfio. but Hanker de
nied the iii miliums, ol the defense in
tolo. K.ieh side pi minced wltnesi-is io
stippoit their M'ei-al stalemciils, hut
the alderman could not sr-e his way
clear to pass Judgment on the matter,
to he bound the defendant over lo ap.
pear at court. The case was witnessed
by a lame number ol Intel ested spec
tators. Affirmative Wins.
The niuiitlil.N literary and music n!
entertalniiietil ol 111 High School Lit
ciary mm let y took plan last evenhiR,
111 .iddlltoli to the usual frames a ib
bate' on Hie iUi-sttoll. ' Hi'solved, That
'npitul l'unlsliiueiit Phould Not lie
Abolished." was i-njo.ed. W. I.oftn.s
and II. Dulph spoke on tin- allltmatle
nidi- and li. IlutiiiPlI and I.. Hinted on
the ui-miilie. whlli P. framer and
John HinUe Hummed up for tho for
mer and latter. rpdiri-tlpy Th do.
Plslotl as to the uieiltH of the in Kit
meutH ot the debaters whb close, the
lote beliift :, to I ill fnvor of tho Rpeak-pi-h
In th it tl 1 1 uiatlw-.
Miss White Burled.
The liody of Miss Muih- AN'hltt-. lhi
s eiUcneat-oti ulm of Mrs. U. ,1.
Mi'lltllo. nrrlvi-d hi this elty up tnr
Saiat.iRa cnpipss ycsicrday nfteinoan.
A larire number uf fi lends loinicd a
procession nrnl esiorteel the leniains iu
hi. nosu conieteiy, whoie they were
luteired. The youtiK lady resided in
Davcnputt. X. Y.. but had foinicily
lived 111 this eltv. She dli d on SatUl
dii.v. A Good Otl'oi.
in on, advei'tisii(. loluuilis i vlll
la- untie-1 that the I,ae-awaiinu Val
ley llleetiie I.luht and Power Supply
loripany aiinoun - that they will fur.
tllsli their patrons wlili clecttlc lht
bulbs fr-e of i liaise As i 1, til, lKht
bulbs have In 1-inline b, i n a nonie.
what expensive li.iun of it t tilt
llghtliiK a ixulsal nl tin it nan, ni ty
he of v.ilai
MiPiniz$ iWiUiJ&si
Cur.s n Courjli or Ookl at once,
.on iur0oi p. I linnp'ii?-' "Rll Ifoclilll,
- IP '! t 1 1 HI t ' r ' I k -UK IP-lilt",
,ii-i','p(,lllciit'V"ontlpntliin. fdpllli 0c.
L5iiY Vn IK3M
tWlHii m WfiM
The Regulnr Repoit of Secretary of
Health Boaul O. W. Evnns.
'i In ro weie 10 dentine In the city dm
ItiK 'l'Vbruary, a decieas of 7 com
paied wllii .January and a decrease of
7 compared with IVbittary, inOO.
Tho unlabel of deaths by winds fol
lows: Vltht. 3. Second, .1: Third, 1:
'ninth, 5. I'llth I- total, til.
t'liiisi of death I'nctunonla, S. ev
il. tttstlou, I; old ane, 1: cancel, 1; ceie
I ral-hemorihape, 1- tesult of rnlhoad
liceldelit, I; Kdttltls, I: InlU'SU'icep
tlon ot bowel Ktructtuc. 1: bronchitis,
1' la Bilppe, 1: typhoid ft vet, 1: tie
tihiltK 1, ceichi al apoplexy, I- bin nod.
Intviineiilp 'Ihiio weie S Imdl2i
iiiiumht to the city and one body ic
moved fiotn the elty for InttHiutnt.
Intel ments In the city wno as follows-
M"ppwooil cemetery, .", St
Host, -emoteiy, I": old Cnthollt temo
t'ty. 1
Contaijlous (ls.-iies Dlphthorlu,
Thiid wind. 1: k-u lei level. 1'ourili
Will. I
The Epvvoith League Will Discuss
Phases of the Piesldcnt's Life.
The monthly meetlnp of the i:p
v (ii ill Ic.iRtic will be held nt the Plrst
Mi tnotlp't nplscop.,1 church this eveu
Intr 'I lie cabinet t.nd mislncs meeting
v 111 in pin nt 7 o'(lock, and it 710 lit
erary i rises ,cl be held. The fol
liwmx will be .'.-.' procrrnin,ii :
I'him ilmt
I lo i I' iiiln.'-trii ami l.illili V. IllUm-
l!r 'l.llinll Vi llilf-tui
'Till sputc" , , (In,, llinli.ou
" Ho ,il tlic Wlilt, ll.iuv-'.. .Virin -klnini
"V I'lPfiilim'i"
Mnle , ..sIn-tcil
tjiiisllvns Miuiil I'lt-iilinN tinjIiOil"
Follow Iiik the pi ori amine a social
will be held, lleftefchmenis will be
Set Vod. All vntinir nerinli nf Ihe
i Inn eh. the count t-Kntlon and nil stian-Ri-ls
will be welcomed.
Meetings Tonight.
'aiboudale lodKe. Xo. 2 lit. Pit-e and
Aceepiod Masons.
lit v. Father Caiew bianch, No. .".l',i.
Catholic KuicrhlM of Ameiliu.
I'loneei- castle. No. I'O'i, Ancient Order
Knights of the Mvstlo Chain.
Caibondalc Indue, No, 2.1ii, KnlRhts of
LadleH' .U.IIIui Ihislnreis
CliiToid Won.
'In the pool tournament at the Cycle
bill irtiilllv: lill r.i',iir illrt'
(lilllllll el,!-.'! won limn 1!nliilc Mlili.l
clissi iiy the sooir of .".0 to C.i, Itcbeitl
diopnlnj,- mil. Tilde an- now- hut tluee
pln;,ers lilt. The standing: Is:
l lins Win I n-l
... I I
M i. i ' i
l'lul sxvnulp
At the Opeia House.
Tills alternoon "The Senator
Tonight "In Slghl of St. Paul's."
Thiusday "A Soldier ol the Dm
pile." Friday "Sapho."
Saturday nuttlnet- -M.vstet.v of
Satm da. night "Dixie Land."
Hint at Wilson CiccU.
S.vlv ester Sears, a miner einplojed
at tlii' Wilson Creek mine, and living nt
!-S Aiehb.ild sticot, was stiuek hv a tail
ot loot fstorday nf lei noon while at
work. He was taken to tho Kmoigency
hospital, where il was tound thai ho
had sustained a i (impound lr.iftute of
tile left leg and his bad; was bad
ly liijuied. Ills (onditinn l not legatd.
ed as stiious, however
The Sahm File.
The III e at Sahiu'.s stole, on Main
st t eel on Monthly night did several
ihousaud dftllais vvoith of damage.
Mr. Sahm can led but 5.".,0u0 liiMiranie
cm a stock woith Mi'.OOij and Ilxtui s
valued at JV.'Uti. He had camelled
J,iina of In nil, line on Jan. I, so he Is a
heavy loner. The oilRin of tho Hie is
still a :n stery.
To Give a Pnity.
Donald 11asetl has itsued Im-ltatiuns
to an evening party to be given by
him op Kild.iy evening nt the honi"
of his patents, Mi. and Mis. Lewis
Albert Mascot!, comer Lincoltr uvenue
and Latiiel street. It Is said ho Is ai -langltiR
some unique plans for the en
tertainment of his young guests
Attended Paity in Jeunyn.
A taiewt-ll paitywus tendered Atthut-
ti. l-'nwlei. of .leiniyn.on Monday night.
who will leave Unit place In a tew das
and travel as guiual agent for a huge.
publishing coucein ot Philadelphia,
Among the guests piesciit wcte Misses
Dor.i and Phllllpine Ludwlg, Voiso
Knapp, Alary Davits and L'dwntd Lud
wlg, of this cltj.
The Price of Milk.
The milk ile.ili rs of the i it It -Id
a meeting last evening and eifictd
an oigauUatlon, Neatly every de.ilut
In tlit city was present and topic
bearing upon their business were din
cussed. It was unanimously derided
that on end a tier Apiil 1 the pi Ice of
mill. In this city would he six ('d rents
... ClUUIt.
Has Pneumonia.
Jann-r AlrLe-in, of Ilrookiyn meet. Is
I'oiioui-ly III wlili pneumonia His eon
dlilon slightly Impioved yestenhi. al
though It Is vet ciltlral.
Seiiously 111.
Mi aitu Mis Icoige Hilts weie
called in Pinmptou yestetday bv the
M-iIous Illness ot their liiotht-r-ln-huv.
Henry Orelner.
Soiosis Meets. '
Mi i'Iiiiii Sciiiry ent'-i inliii'il ihe
iiienilieis of tho Soiosl.e club at her
home on Wyoming stieet lasi evening.
To Lectme In Jeunyn.
Ilev. Dr. Whal' n. of the Herean Hap-ti.-t
iltuirh, will deliver a lectin e In
Jermyii on the evening of Mai eh II.
Both Legs Biolien.
James Sullivan, of Miiyileld. whllo
ildliig thi'imuh the Oiitailoand West-
tn ,aid fell fiinn a train and had
both of his lens broken. He wan
lirousht to the Kinemency hoipltal lust
evening, where It was found necessary
to amputate one of them above the
knee. It Is hopM that the other limb
niny ho saved. He In In a rry critical
condition nnd fetus oic cntet tallied for
his teeoveiy, '
Futher Accused Dauphteis.
HrldRet and Annie Munnlon, of Pike
sttect, wore before Aldpimati Atkinson
on Monday ovenhiR on warrants sworn
out by tin) father, Patrick Mnnnlon,
charRlnR them with steallnR a deed of
the value of $75 to u plot of laud on
Hatlle avenue, which Ihe latter had
bniisht s.n'eial yearn uro. He desired
to have the deed recorded a short time
oro, but could not find It. Ho accuses
his daughters of knowing Its where
abouts. At the hcnrlniT the defend
ants weie dlscliaiRed for lack of evi
dence, the parent havlliK chniiRed his
mind about piosccutliiR. Ho Is still
minus the deed.
Objects to Slcepinp; Outdoors,
Michael Walih was nnested yester
day by his brother-in-law-, John MrAl-llstei-,
for assault and bittery Mr.
McAllister claimed that his In other
In-luw (Walsh) locks him out of his
(McAllister's) house, and makes him
n-ek sleep outside these cilsp nlRhts,
and he decidedly objects to mull a
proceedings. The hearlnR' was held If
foie Alderman Atkinson Inst nlRlit. and
as n icsiilt Michael and John iiL,toed
lo compromise and a fi loudly snow
bank will no lotiRcr serve as a feathei
bed foi th latter.
Charged with Foigeiy.
Mis. Hllen Hrndley accused h'-t s
ter. Mrs. Katie I.tnn.ui. both of Onr
bond.ilo township, of forRiiiR a deed
and the piusocutrlx aniPthe defendant
apricarcd before Aldeiman Atkinson on
Monday evening. Mis. I.euuati was
chaiRcd with forRhiR a deed to plop
city leu to the sisters by their father
and mother, deceased At tho heat Ins
It aiipeaied to be mer-'ly a family
itiatrel, and, as no jnoof of forgery
could be shown, the aldermnn dis
missed the cni.
Acciibetl a Scrnnton Man.
I.a Vern lltissell, ol Forest cil. ap
peared before Aldeiman Atkinson, ot
this city, on Mondnv evening and swore
out wm rants for chntlos Dllinutth. ot
ricianton, on tluee dlffen-nl ( harges,
vl? , Sunday selling, selling on oloi Hon
day nnd allowing gambling on his
piemlses. Constahlo Mm-nn went to
Scranton and etved the watiaiits Al
derman Millar held Dllltuuth In f:uo
ball on encb tharge. his fathei b( rim
ing his suiely.
The Passing Thiong.
O. Couch is ill with the Blip.
Alls-. .1 n. P.owlson Is :Jile to he
aiound again.
Anson Uallev Is III at his home on
Salem avenue
a pleasant slay of a veck with Cti
bondale fi lends.
J. J. JerniMi. ot Srianinii. wis ,.
i allot-In town .vesterday.
Mis . li. Stephens Is ronllmd to
hei home by lheumatlsm.
John MtPouald Hpeiit e-teidtiy with
f i lends In the Klertiie C 1 1 -.
William lirllllth has icvoveicd ttoni
Ills tetent nttnrk ot the gilp. ,
.Mis. L H. Wells, ot Wajm.ut, ..p-nt
yesttiihiy with 1 1 lends Ir town.
i'rtd Woodw-oith taitcd for his
home In Cmno, Wash., last night.
Min Annie Dtlggan. ot lliooklyn
stiret, is visiting ti lends In
.Miss lhnma Hawkins, of Will.vs
Ilaiie, has letutned to Iki- home, atter
Thomas O'Connell. who Itis been In
a serious condition for soui" Urn -, is
aide to be annual again.
P. A. Dufly is much lm,irovcd at hU
home on I'ike street. Ii- baa been In
a veiy sprlotiH loudltlon.
I'iene Until r and daughter, .lennlo.
attended the funeral services of P.
Hittler Iteynolds nt Kingston.
Ailss Hstella Wfishbuin, of Voungs
tiwn, O.. Is the guest of fi lends in
town. She will leave on Fiidav lm
New Yotk tlly
A ri and conceit under the auspli es
of tho Women's Home Mlssinn.n.v so-
lety will be given by Piotofrsoi Ilrn
ist L, Ilovanl. of Scrnnton, In th
.Methodist Fpiscopal rhurch this oven
lug. The piogramine. which Is given
below. Is one of (onsldoi.ible infill
and ought to attiatt the music loving
people of tho boioufih. The object tor
which the umcrl IsMo be given should
also not be overlooked, as It Is one of
the most deserving of local oigaul.a
tlons, and In a quiet way does a gieat
amount of good. Tho progianune
ns follows:
Part 1. (a) Htude. D. Major, Pratt:
(b) Scherzo, (' major, IMorn: (a) Im
provisation, Boiard: (b) Tnrantello, I.
minor, Uovaid; reading, "Swan Song,"
Miss Van Cleft; two studies in) F Ma
Jor; four rhnrar letlstlr pieces, I. F inii
Jor: 2. D flat niajoi; I!, C m.ijoi ; t (I
lint major. Allegro-Andante-Allegiei-to
Part II (a) Walter Spiltos, Kun
kel. (b) Mlnuetto, Columbina, Delukjc .
ta) lu Santas Splnnatube. Pendel, lj
MaimrkH, No. .'. llorrowskl: leading.
Naughty Little Oil I." Miss Van I'Dft.
T.irantelle. A (lat. Hellei . mareli,
"Tt lumphante," Kunkel
Mrs. A. T. Matthews, a lespecled
icsldent ot South Main stieet, died
at her home yesterday morning iffr
a piolonged Illness of over a jeai's
duiatloii. For the past year she had
been a gieat sulterer from her all
ment. which was an internal ttouhl-.
batlllug the skill of the different ph
slclans who attended liei. Several
months ago she was compelled to take
to her bed and trom that time until
hei djath she giadually gicw woi st
and her dnith was therefore not un
expected, Deceased was in hei irlxtl
eth ycai and was a native of Cornwall,
Hngluud rho is survived by her hus
band and two sons, Usoige, ot London,
Ihigland, and Alfied, of this botough.
Her little gianddaughtei, Claia. who
lesldod with hei. and two nieces, Mi.-..
l-Mwaid Williams, of Olyphaiu, and
Mrs. Samuel Penny, of this boiough.
also survive her. Tho funeral will
take plate tomouow atternoon. Al .'
o'clock a brief sirviee will be held at
the house and at halt past :' o'clock
net vires, will be held In the Methodist
Hplscopal c hutch. Tito Daughteis of
St. (leorgo will attend in a body
Miss Mary 11. Timlin, w-ho litis late,
ly relumed from New- Yoil; city, whei?
sho has been making a study of the
spring millinery styles, luiR accepted a
position at llosenbloom's millinery es
tablishment, Wyoming avenue. Scran
ton. one of the city's leading thins,
wiieio she will be pleased to meet hei
numeious friends.
Martin McAndtew was elected strejt
commissioner of Jermyn on Monday
evening. Iu
A boy named Jam's Puekey, icsld.
lug on South Set nnd stieet. had a poi -lion
of oil of his tlugeis cut off while
at woik In tin- DetnwuiP and Hudson
lolller.v Monda.v lie was atenei by
is thz bcst rLAOt in
Don't fail to come, in sec as ureal lui;.tins
are waiting fur j on.
In New OucriHcy rjullJlng
(juoih cillcil lor mi'! ilcllcpnd ('irjmiiy.
iMciiif; J li-1 I'im Inn
Golden Gate
Dining Rooms.
lie.! y,ipit In tlin rlti
I in Mi i! Inkrl l tyi
smidij illnir-r a -priiai'
Ihnir iimlr t'otn
244 AD4MS "VST.
W. J. Barriscalc.
I'll f pUir- triliiiiillu
lillllit 101 Hu"i
i ircnn Wiring lid 1 IvIiiip
I Intili ll.'II rfittl r.liplion- W ii
Pcilcis In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Kingsbury & scranton.
Minuficturrit' Urnu
tlittilii .-ml for
tol n I fturlilltitr s,, ( , vv ii. K,.p, nnd
i;it -i 1 1. a i wo. i. in , Pm, ii a kui'iiii Mi;,
to - II limn I'.iikiiii;. Iln-p uiul Vltt'iaun i.
Iliililin I, oud lt li n Pi, tins ( diPi
oil I Inilniic lloiiin II" I'dtili t'.ld.
Kill Sh.iPilii- il,. I T.i.r.,1 111 .. I .,.,1. 1 9
Wafuli mid I ii i Litre 'lil'ildlliif
W II. Tennis, a member of the Fbst
Aid society, and later by Di M .1
The Mayileld coum 11 organized Mon
dnv evening as follows, t'liali man.
John Oiilnn; secietary. Francis S. Mi
C.iithy. tieitHurer. Thomas Itotitidv .
stit-'t commissioner. Hugh llr.ulv. John
11. Kd win ds. ei,, of Scranton, was
chosen botough attoilioy.
Jamea Kdnutuds, a miner in the Del
aware and Hudson shaft, had his foot
Itijuiod while at work Monday.
Mi. and Mrs. ili-orgc Harper and
Mts. Ft .ink St-cot and daughter, of
Set anion, spent Sutid.i.v heiP with
'I'll many tt lends of the late Airs.
I. Hen Olhbotis, of Lackawanna street,
who died on Mitunlay last, attended
tho fiiiioinl seivlcrs whhh wen- cen
dueled In St. I'atilck's eh'i-c'i , 10
o'i lock Msttiday moiiiing soli inn
lllell lllllss I if leillltelll i t lelil ill, il
bv Itev lohii Itiiddv, who also pivai-h-
ed tho seinion. Alter tin- ser
vices tho remains wen i oiiveyrnl to
St. P.lttlek's c-oinetei-j , ve here Intel -meni
was macb. The pall honeis
worn ji'"i!, It. W. Taylni, Hugh
O'liovie, John Mtiilnty. Miles Dufi'.
Michael Sin a and Joseph Kelly
Miss Jpjn WlllianiMiu, ol I'ittsl.ii,
Is visiting ltlatlves .11 this place.
Last evening another latge ctowd nt
i tided the bazaar, whit Ii Is lu to-gic-s
'lining this week hi the soi-'al
loom of the Ptesbj lei liti chtiich. Slti-
poi Is set veil overv cVtiilng between
Hit- hoius of " and 7.2a o'i lock, Tl is
evnilng a piogranime will be t endued
as lollows: Dili I. Misses Cilppeu at d
Pettlgiow, tableau; vending, Miss Jes
sie Stein us. Peckville- solo, Ml.i. Kioi.
enco itobtitson. Sciatiton. leading.
Miss Hughes, Peckville. leeltallon.
Miss Lucy Judge. Peckville; solo. Miss
Hobertson; u-adlng, .Miss Steanis. Ad
liilslson, pi cents
Dr. 11. L. Peel, ol Piov Idonere. wiis
a etllei In town .vehtenla.v.
Istilali June, ot Liiekiiwanna stieel,
aged !.", ve.ns, employed ns a dilver lu
llduv I'K'i'ls col,., was kicked iu
the lower Jaw by n mule hi his
on Mon lay attei nunii. lie wua pain
S ill Is- out and bruised, i-everal ntllchi'S
being itctilieit lo close r,np gasii. Mr.
. W. Ji iikius Is attending the in
Jllied bnv i
All nriangeiiient.s have be-ni coin
pleted for the (amy tali and festival
of the Calvary Haptlst elunch, which
will open this evening iu Weli-r's rink,
to continue throughout the week.
l.laborato preparations have been
made bv the vailous eominltteps to
make this fait stu pass any similar oc
casion, lu uddltlon, an excellent sup
per will be piepaied by the ladlei, of
the rongiegatlon. .Mngnltii cut booths
have been elected, where many fancy
arilelis-, such as btautltul iiullls, piling
(tishlons. uptons, stocking hugs and
vailous other useiul mid substantial
hi Helen, will be for sale hy the Ladles'
Aid society and the Young Ladles'
Sewing clnle. Tin- lollowlng niushal
progiamnie will be lcnduied tills even
ing: Piano selection. Miss Lvdla Hos
l;ms. duet, w. L. Jones and J i: Wat
kins, teeltatlon, Mabel Davis; sjlo,
lllchaid AVatklns, iiun telle, llartj
llvans and part , solo, W. L. Jones
The following aie the vvuluis. Finn
two nights, ticket sellet T. .1 Hughes:
Itielveis, Theophllus Hauls and John
Pugh: selleis of soft diluks. John (J.
Pllce, J. (i. Owens and , ('. Duke;
taiveis, .Messis llonpei and Jenkins,
talile No. 1. Mis. Joseph Davis, Mrs.
John U. Owens: ticket collt-ctois, John
(1. flvutiH uiul Isaac Davis; table No. i,
Mrs. James Powell. Mis. S. Tldd mid
Mrs. W. Powell; ticket collectois, John
Stelle and Alfred Jones; table No j,
Mis. niehnid Thomas and Mis. Win
lam Iteese; ticket colluctois. Mcmis.
Cut tls and Phillips; table No, , Mi;.,
Suillh ami .Mis Curtis: ticket c-ollee.
tots, Willi tut lIoakhiH nnd Ihigeue
Brotherhood Wine Co;s
I iik Olil l'otl, , nix I
intcriip I .inilli T id' Onlj
Erescheus '
Great Fire Sale
Sou (,i am On.
I is- I u ami all klii-lt it NVlcir
Scrnton Laundry.
Cill l-y trlrpkoiis tpcflie piompt attrtitli-i
"niai' il1
Tor I nlirj nm! (!fiit
Ml Milnrs St
WV male1 1 'putjlic o' lim tin id -n $
Urilun ti r sil ul- i)i ii. (ejiiitt.- ,
prnnptl llllnl
mil tint ul ' It ( l llll IIMI llP-
Eu--'EK a Plating Works.
si .r. (i. lil Vnl. I i pprr uiul l!r,i-
1 1, anil Hi i I;, mi ii i
rjtim,, n (fill i
ivi i.i.n m' Ki. v i st i n;i;s
la. I'timit s
(,' U'llll III
1 ll sjl
- si l:u i miikk
Ibise Thlnl and loiutli nights. Ticket
M lift . W. II Owins, ((illeclols, 1 1(11 1 y
llvans. John Stelle and lluiiy Smith:
sirlt. dil.itks. Ililw.ird D. Davis and
Atliiui' Morgan: table No. 1, .Mis. U.
o. Jones nnd Alls, i;, .m. o'lloio: ileket
collectois. Messis llu kins and Con
nollj : table No. i. Mis. John Stelle
and Mis. Joseph Coiinollj . colleel'iis,
T .1. Hughes and Jjjhli Powll. table
No :i, Mrs. llvans and Mts. owciis;
eolleilois, Hvali Davis and ,Sidiuy
Owins- lablo No. I, .Mis. liashiim and
Mis. Iteynolds: (olliitors, lMwhi Da
vis and William Thomas. Fuiiith night
Iteielvpfs, Hdward Davis. Alfied Jones,
John Pugh and C. Cm tls
The reoif.-iinl::atiiiii of the hniough
coiiueil was lu Id on Miaul. iy evening
I'li'hideiu John It. Johns tailed the
meeting to older and huti-d the te
poi Is of Ihe vailous c oinmittees. Tile
minutes of Ihe pi eV Ions meeting weie
lead by S(-( relaiy John (! Owens lie
aNo i fid a iiumbi i of bills, which
weie oidried paid, afti-i which the
eouiKil adjourned sine die and the te
organiy.utlon of the new body then
look phee Mutg-ss W. P. Oillllths
administered the oath ol oilier to tho
in w and ic-ileitid ( oiinclltnen. David
11 llvans, IJotuer 11. Jones. William
Pi Ice, Samuel Ihulos and D. I. Oill
llths. William llvans was unaulmousl.v
eleetoil lrnipiuar.v ell, ill num. and '! II.
Jones, spcicitiry ciutliman l-lviins
then called for the election of a pel -niaiiont
piesldont. John ll. Johns, the
tetliltig was the unanimous
choice of Ihe inemheis of the i oiiucll.
The lollowlng were elee ted to Ihe vnil
oils olllees lloiough sicieluiy. .Iidm
Owens; tieasuter. Tliomas Moses, si.,
strt'et ( iiniinlsslonei. David.). Hauls.
chief ol police, John II. livillis chief
of Die ilcpnituicut, Christ unibacli.
boiough solicitor, John JI. Hauls, es..
Jell win dell. Mvan L. Davis: surveyor.
A. II. Dunning . Jatilticss, .Mrs. Wln
lerbuin. The salaries of tho olllcci's
wen- tlxe-d the same as Inst yeai.
Wotd was leeelvod lien- eslt-iiluy
froni Flttybitig. announcing the seri
ous Illness of William Hallux, w-ho 1h
a suulent at the Allisluny Medical
unlvei-slt Ills tuotliei, .Mis. Hallos,
und granduiothei. Mrs. .Ma -kenzle,
liave left for ills bedside
The loui-moiiths-olil i hild ot Mi.
and Mrs. James Tlbbs, of South Tay
lor, died yisterday. Tin- tuneral will
lie h' Id on Tliuisda.v Intel ment will
he made hi the Mnrc-! ceineteiv.
Coroner J. J. Unbolts will conduct an
Inquest this afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Jertuyn's stoic. Ilendhnm. lu the case
of Josonh Costanzo. who was found
dead on Sutlduy at the bottom of the
Niekle PliUc shaft at tin Jernun No.
1 mine.
Itev. C. li llt'lirj. piLslur ol lh
Methodist llpicopal church, aiu-nded
tlic Prolilbltlou Inauguration eeie
nionles In Scrautnti on Monday ovui
iug. All iiiembpis of the Hard Silk W'oik
eis' union, In ronneetlon with 11. Km
ard's mill, are ipquesteid to meet in
IfHshum's hall ut 10.SU it. in. Thuisd.o
Kveiy .gill ta requi sled to attend, a
blislue's of gieat vlliin lulu e is on
liana lo .mend lo I5y older m tho
Mr and Sits Fled Sn,vd(i .-iiipi
tallied a few lrl-udB last Satin d.ij
evening In bono) of Miss Mais Wills
of Scranton. The out-of-town gu m
pit-si-nl weie .Miss Ue-iiti W llllmii- ni
Duiimnie- MIsm I'ealf Wells, ol s, urn
ton: l' and Mis. F. II. H
in t'lui'i.'p On, u. and Ml.s lit a Pl.iiu;li
of Ihiiiikh u, N' .
.Mi ami Mis .1. W. l.eiuh nnd , lnl
dlell, Kog-rsalld Louise, of Cllllli hllla
attended the annlveiHiii-j scivice at tin
Haptlst chun h luHt Sunday luorultig
and spent the rt-wt of the tla with tin it
.nephew. Fiul Snvdei.
Owln, to the liu-lellient weatlu-i tin
mUslnual sei vice III th - ll.ipilst
rhuirll last Sunday veiling. uiuU-i the
aiikplicH of Die Women' Home and
Fotelgll Mlsslnnarv soelely was siimi
what Inn il' ml with Mis II, Palm t
ire ou fully liuuiHt
If tint, call upon,
F. L. Hitchcock
e6 Son.
' mill .W (.vtntnoirariltli lluitdlmf,
K'llAMOV, '
Onli tlit ilas (ninpaiilos trprcuntnl LUImi
ptuinptly pnlil.
O. S. BLOSS tt&o'c
L. SOMMAR, Hiilldlu? Coiilraitoi
InipInK union incii. I.nllmilci tl.orrlulli
Kuril ItcMiiodrlliig and irpiirintc 'pctlally
Will roll jII llicir inipli- ol (Itic liupoited
Madr.n smrts foi men at tii , VMiitliMloO'.Mi.
( Id Mr.lil
( lutilii n t
ItiURip in I v a, 'i
..I all kind. Hon.
ami tiulMlliB lulu ji
"1 i illlill Vie
f ekaMalinc
( ariUS1' Wi Ik-
"t tut I' imtiii din itic ladiPs win up ?rncr
alb nurnliud - nil tin- L".-t taste- in cc
ii ir-pni .id Itii- inn- for whom up iniki
iluilii- .nt I it It ll I of eoinp
W -II j.iii sli.ji) fur tin -nil "il
emlil tn liair
I or 1 idli" and Kent',
V Inii M-toiiniP ii of tinr I iiibielUs and
I'ii id t I ll Ml.K t p to ditc patlPinv
I'm i'- 1..-III.U I (iM 11 llian ant liouv- in
mi in VII ii'i'N kept in llKI'MIl Iicp ot
,1ms, I i our p.n III.I'VIIIIM, and UL
I o I. HIM. i -, iii
Smith lead a well wtltton and Infoi til
ing paper on "Mission Woik In Chlnn "
Solos wcte tendered (lining the sci
vlco by Miss Marjoilo Stoni and Mis,
F J. Palmer.
.Miss Pp.i 1 1 Wells, of Scranton, spent
Sunda at the home of hei uncle. J C.
A sod.U will bo hold on Filday cvpii
Iiir next at Ihe lionie of Mrs, Villlaui
Hiikci- lor tho benont of the AVotnen's
Christian Tempoianie union.
Mis. David liiown Is quite ill at hi i"
home with measles, llei sistei Mis.
Si ott. of Montioso, Is :itt tiding in" i
Mis A. W. Cooper has bo n quite 111
with the gllp
Miss Delhi Williams, of Diinmnio,
spent Simd.i.v with In t friend Miss
.May Wells
Ill-ace Stone Is lontlned lo ills liotlln
with measles and Italph Shot man luc
lierii veiy si It with the disease
Mis Sidney Johnson Is sullelllig with
an attack of infhiuimatois lhottmntlsni
The last qtllll lot ly meeting ol this
eoltfi leiue yen will ho laid In tho
Melhodlst (lunch on Krld.ij, af tot noon.
Pi (-siding llldei Flo.vd will be picsent.
on Sunday nioinlng the usual tom
lliuilloll seivlie will bo hi Id
Hint) W. Noithup spent last week In
Cat bnn countv atti'iidlng tanners' In
stitute' llov. Hi ni v .1 Wh..l ii the popular
pistol- and lee tin pi. of tho Cm bondale
Haptlst ilmieh. will lectuto lu tin- Hap
tlst ihiirih hen- on Moneho and Tues
day pvuilnus. Man-li, 11 and 1'.' The
Ipcttue on Moudav evening will ho on
"Tlic Life of Chi 1st." and no admission
will he ihaiged 1ml a ftce will oliet -lug
will he taki n at the close On
Tuesdio evening Mr. Whalen will lee
lute on "Life In New Yoik rii.' at
which time an admission will be
eh.nged of I.", and 10 nts llnih of
these iKtmes will be llliitui"il with
limn sterooptleon views I
Tl-e oiiouah (ouiiiil t nigcnlzel
.Moudav i- Piling, i hug' i umbei of
iltUeii li'-lns ltesiilt All Cos (Html
as t"mpoiaiy i hull man The nomlna
iliuis lor i lull wm James Mel-
In nnd Joh-i H. .Mm gali- Mi Moi
uniu rtctlvtd the largct intuitu off
votes und wis elected lo the i hair
It. .1 Judge was lecteu unanimously
boiough setietat lot tin cnsulnr
term. Seveial application'- w n pr -yputed
for iioasmer. W i'Ik in II.
Koehler was elected by a iimmous vote
atter which the mee-Ung o.lloiiiiieil
until net .Monda evening
MWs Sadie Jours, of St union Is
vhltliig Mis. T. J. Klliovm jii Mnlu
Tin- luneial of tl.e liif Me had Mnl
deilg took place yestenla iltouioon
liueinieiil w,i nii'di It' the MuiocjKa
tt in -tei v
The Giip Cine That Does Cuie
I ,,jin Hi ,ni, ( 1 inn. n ni"' hk au p
mih mum
Restore Vitality, Lort Vigor and Manhood
Cure liiipoteiic. Night llmf loni Lots of Morn.
in mi winnnv oi-eiitpi.
idlclleci.of lf-HliiiPni
i-xci-s ii ml inilt'cictlon.
A nnfUA I nn Ip rf
iblood builder, iirliiKi
tlio tdiik elon- to pnle
cliet'li mid li'atnrcs tin-
Wflip of out li. Hy ninil
, NOOo pur Iiiix. O lioxe-i foi
efiOc nor box.
2,50. with our bankable eaurantee to curpJ
or irtuud tho money paid. Send for circularl
linn t-npy ol our,' uuiniiieo uniiu.
voLollu.rL. Immediate ReauitJ
I'ojIiItpIj Riinrnntced euro for Losj of Powel
Niirleocein. I'ndevelopwl or hluunkrn Orvanl
I'art- t, Loioiiiiuin- .vi.isin, rrvii rro-tri
tlmi lly.'prl.i. I'll-. Inn mil Patnl) i - nncl til
t(o Hit el I, i "iu joti.Ki'o, liplnm el
l.timiir. Hr mnil In lilnln nupkitpp. ftl.nn ,1
bo, tl for ftb.00 with our bankable neirJ
tnteo oonu to cure in uu anya or retuuc
money ruin, .innie-.
Clinton &,Jr.cUson i3ts CHICAr.O. iulJ
w !.
It Tv V
s, Id lv via, t .lit A riionia. Ifii-'iH,
l.a, l,a.iui,i a u - an n I'a