A r 10 THE SCEAXTOX TlUBliSJS-WEDiNESDAY, MARCH 0, 100T. ?; The Best TKings To Eat ARE MADE W I T H ROYAL Baking Powder The "Royal ISakcr :nnl iMsiry Cook" con luiuing over Soo most practical ami valuable t ookiug receipts free to rvory patron, bend postal mid villi your full address. RQVAL NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD EXTENDING INVITATIONS THE CONrERENCE. TO Supeiintendent E. E. Loonns Wns Waited Upon Yesterdny and Oth cis Will Be Seen Today Impiove ments That Have Been Made at the Delawaie and Hudson Station. The D.. L. & W. Boaid for Today. Officials of the Lackawanna Paid n Visit to Kingston Yesterday. (MlllK tO till' lllli'll(l fllllll till ( liy eMt.'itlay of a litiuilier of the leading coal operatois and depaiuncnt sii)n--IntendciitH of this dl-tilct. Hie plan of Hie I'ultcd Mine Worki i" otIWjs lu lu-psent to tlicni In ipci'siin Invliiitinn-. to the Joint cnufcicneo wliltli will he lield Mnri'li IS. ni 1 1ii:.let mi. iu jur tiHlly t'rusti'iitril. Sovornl of the iicroiiH wliuiu Cicsl dent N'ldiullii imtl I'lmiiiilttr-Tiii.tu 1)11 her wfie eagef to mi- wove out of the i lty, and as a ifMilt hut ik invitation iaa eMPuiled. This was to Siitjpiliitijnilpul K. i;. l.oomls. of the coiil ilep.ii (incut f the Duluwaie, l.ackiiwaniui and AW-toni Callroad enuipuny. 'die latter Alas walled uwon yesienlay oticinoun liy Meshi?. J)ilLlici' and .Vlflinll.v, w ho oio ushered into ids inlvuti- olllro and thero laid a, litlef iutorvluw. lie was then made acquainted nitli Hie i.ii-t that the mine uoiUi'i.s or the llitoe anllirai,ite diwttlels aie mirki tor n i (invention with the operators, to ii, held principally for die put post- of ad justing a mini' wurp soiiIp to j into "fleet at'ter A(n il J, and Ids presence as a teprefentnthc of the company contiolllntr so many of the ioIIIpiIi-h or this dislrlet was asked. Supeiintendent LoinuN tluinUil n... niliip woikeis' commltii'i. lor their lu vltntlou, but fj.io no lutlmatlou as to what his cnuiae will he icsardlnjr li. The commit lee will icKnine the lasl; f Riving1 these veihal Invitations to. day. About u dnsseu ptisous in tlili city and AVIIke--l:arie will . tiilled upon. Jl Is not llkeiv thai (he . om mlttee will leach l.uzeiue until Thins, day. however. When visiting Hie ,p,.t . alms in Wilkes-Unire, I'lfMilcm ,vii h oUn and (onimltteeinan nil. her win yory piobably he aci oinpanled liy Prelrtcnt Duffy, of Dlstrl. t No 7. anil Piesldent Pulaski or Secu-taiv Jlart lein. of DIM i let Xo. I). Superintendent (' c. ii,lhl., r n)(. ,.,,r) department of die Delawaie and Hud son ltallroad eonipauy. Is ainoiiR thoi-'o who will bo visited thin imu-nlim or Rf tot norm, I). & H. Stntlon Impiovements. The Improvements bPRtin about three ninnlhs urii on the thhil u,ir f t. Delawaie and IIikImiii station me puw completed, nnd larue spuclous. well llchted and ventllat'd apai tnienls have taken the place of the hate walls nnil iflfters and tlmbeis lilt li foimctly khvp the foiutli finoi Its Hide and un nnlMied appearanee. The niechankiii enalneer of tlie coal depai tmunt and clerks hue alieady tiansfericd tlndi ejuurtoiH fiom the thhd Hour and ate occupying a sniali side mum. The' mining eimMineiliij; depailmeni aie expectKl to tuke possession of lite biff apaitnieiit on tlie tourth iloor any (lay. ntul'thi'lr vacated tooms on the third iloor will piohably he utilized ior members vf the paMiiastn's mid other oveictowded depaitnienti-. The Wuik will soon be bCKiiu ot shlftlm; the depks and tables, ami thou Divlsl m Knclneeis Sharer ami IVttlhiaie wlili theli corps oCehiks will Insiuii theni selves In the nmv otlic(S. Tlie loom In wiileh thev aie to be kualid takes up the Rieatci purt (r n,,. iuukIi h,,oi. f'ontractor Scluoeder hud (liaise of the flnlshliiK of Hie npauinent and made a most thoroimh Job of it. Tluee xlsylielils weio cut, liy menus of which, and a number of wlndown HiiIiik Its oldcs. the loom Is splendidly nulitHil. and In this lespeet, as lu fill othms, s a deelibd liupioveniuxit over tin, ah,ni. doned olllees, Officials at Kingston. Supeiintendent of tnr Service M. H, Risen with Uoysil Baking Powder, all these foods ate superlatively light, sweet, tender, delicious and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is l he greatest of time and labor .savers to the pasfy cook. Besides, it economizes, flour, butter and eggs, and, best of all, makes the food more digestible and healthful. Tlii-u nit- clie.ip baking ptmdcis, iii.ulcfiiiin alum, but they art- cwci'cdiiiRly harmful to health. Their sf-trinjient aiul caiitermn tii.ilitie; add a dangerous dement to food. BAKINb TOWDt-R CO.. 100 WILLIAM SiTRCtr. UVtl i'n"-. .MhMit I'.ir MullcliM- I. T i'iiii fli'lil unci UU thin SupPlltltfinltfUt K. Jl l!liii. iif tli r.iickawnuna, tunic i (bins trip to Kingston yoMtt'uluy nun - nu.ill. Willi.' tlltMi- llle.V llti'il 111''' ails ami math' n gi'iiriiil Insjiei linn tniii. Tlii.x lil'l the tlt iiil III tin' afti'l' ii'H'ii ami Ictuincil ut '"' ti'ilui'k. Today's D L. & W. Boaid The make-up of today's I)., I and W. board is as follows: 'it tnu. MAiit ii :,. wiM ( .ii. r.i,t i p. in., dim. nii i it. li.ii, wll' i .it 1 1 ; 11 i. in. M. ( irinmb WKPNKspN. MMil II (1. WiM lit". I'j-t U.Mt J. in., M, l'nmerl . .. i in.. ('. W. Par u: i, .1. in. 1 euclmt.! ; , i in.. T. !. 'riiMini'."u: s. io ii. in., ,1, (,'ciiin In .i. in. I'l.itil. W'.ill; u 'in ,i. in., LatluiM. villi f,mMtr miir. I"i p. in.. U. II, ll.n tin. I,.. in. villi 1). WhILki'i, nun: l.l'l l. 'II.. I Momm: ri p. in. 1, li.iiiiili.oi; i, p. in., i,'.iw Unit r 'u.iii'ill. IIii -i j. in., cut, .f. Iliiinlp.niii . in., nift, Vldiol-: i! 1 1, in.. (.11. .f. Cjiilns; S lu.. cit. (i Cinuiifrlk'i: T i. in.. vt li(,in C.ijii.i. tlitee riijliio., (linliji 7 p, m , (, t (i(.in Cjviii.i, iluin; T in, imI li.au N.O vr', IMmnl Mi HW,i. 1'iillti -lu ,i. in , l". I'. s,,,,. 'al.(is.-ii.,ii ii. in. iliitf,i , j in., Ilnuxr; 11, a . hi, Mnun; ti!ii p. in. (i ( iitimir: ; p. in , Miupln ; ') p, t u. . lainpiiis;. rjxcnuri l.iisliii-,-T j. in, 'Uumj.; ; j in , MnSii , ,, ,o p. in , Sfiiitnii: 7 p ni , Migo'riii WIM I hIn Wi.l I .1 m, p. Mjpkuiv; ;, ." 111.. W. ,. Ililllnlnliliu: 7 ... III., I. I.. '!:(. i.ii s ,i i, i. "il,-,.itil(l,; In u. in., 1. i:. .MjfUm: II j. in . I.lngonil, Willi II, lluliriti'l ini'ii; I )i in, Piank Mjhru; 2 p. m., Kitdiani: .. i in. Culir, whli .Mm i;jii.,iiiV in. i,: I III.. .1. II, S.iltii 1 p. in , .1. II. M( ji, ; 0 p. in., .fnlm IliMrr. .. II. Hi,wv (.III run 7...H p ni Wil.l i.it, Wp,t, in .Vail.' pine until , nil,,, notlip, ( lilllllli ti.V (Mli Mill 111)) j np.,1 (, ,,,!, Mum's iiieii, I'Miii.p iraiitoti ibi.h (,, m.,l lurlliT iii'Hn' Tills and That. Iliil" it .lattliow.-iiu, of Uui'M-u. will h uM (his wpek for Sheniindo.ili, wheie he has a copied a position as mine toteman. After a te days' ab-eiKc liom ihe i lty. Chief Special Aucnt .1. II. Admit snu, of the l.ackii wanna, was vesij-. day hack at his desk. .Mat tin III can in, of Cailinnilale. mi' omphie of the Delawaie mid tliid'on liMomoilV" shops, li,i lie-in promoted ti the position ni fiiitmau of the Delawaie mid lludfon lound lmu-t re. pair shop ai Wllkes-flane. A miry ii.nty of tweiuj -lU,, i tul laiis. Iiesb Irani the old countiy, passed thioiuth Hie (lty yestPiilit) en unite tor Vatesvllle. They ( nine Horn .ew Ymk, and while waiting at the Delau-aie and Hudson stutliui heie ulttaited coiisid eihhle attention. Tlie iiiiiti.Kt lei liiillilinir a Incik-er oil the sit" of Xo. II. il" the I'eniisyl vmilo Coal coinp.inv. iioMiroyi'd by 111 : at Port 1 Slant hi rd a wc I; nvto. has been awardeil ioxMr. I.emoi("in. of I'oily Tort. The m- to eunipleio it In tlnee monilis. The Jeansvllle, iron Wmks i-umpnuy. of .leausville, l'n Is now bulblliiR lor the Vluillc.itor Cioid jrinlnic ompnny. al Independence. Col,, a i (impound ( ou d' I'slllR pump of 1,'Jin feol illiect I If t. lllis lvtliR tlie lilKhest dllecl mi n Ine stale The .leunsvllle pump In tlie Ibi'V lain, is the iiom lilKhest lilt. l.liH; leet, Tlie (lower Syndic ite, of lllai'U JIuv Ic. Col,, has )iut In a deans- An older tioin Supeilnli ndent Ketch, am, ot IloboUeii, iidtlllis Lackawanna trainim-ii Hint, effective Sunday iiooii, .Man li la. the east-bound main truck; between U'ashlrston and the (uus oer 'Witihes (,ist of PhlllllKlilllK. ilesbiiiated liy the slKii.bo.nd leadiiiR "end of double liiicli," will be uliail- doiied, as lb" main had. and utter the tnoeul wesl-bonml had: wl'l be us"d as a slnule there muln h.u U between tlie iait named. About Apill Ihst Hie Sunui'lianiui oal 101111111111 will lomnunce nu.UliiK eNtCillHlVe ImplOVPIllelll!. Ilbiilll N'o, ." bieaki'i in Xanlli oke, Tlie-e bnpimo iiienls will ncccs-dtato the cliu-iiiR down of the Ineakei loi HiKO months, dinliu; wlili It lime all the ..oal will he niilsKd IhioiiGh bunker No. 7, i.uislm,' no suspension of win I,. A latRe iiddltion will bo niade to No, ,",, and wlien finished hieukir ,Vo. 7 vill lc oveiliiuleil. The hilploVellKMltH will cost mini) iliouralidH of dollais. Anti-Vice Cuifcnde. ' liy i: v- li ! Wlr (kiii I'lm WoeLiti'il Prfj". Slleuii-i. Milt li .V An laidiln i in. .nl, Iiji I in ll iHJllnl Inn' la' I Hi' Aial'Siliniii (.ikiii., I'liiiy-onc liiduiiulleii. lute U'iii in.elr na.ilii-1 lielrl inn. iliii"l,ii-i. umiiiMIiu' liiniMW .iii.l (.IiimLisi.'m I'.l' lll'l. IL . llllldlillMiil, tlirt llJKIIi'' lUI'dildll, Hid llllV JID nciw lullltf Iniiiiil mil' b'l' (Dint by k(.d iliUniiiii, f'oun. il li.i belli fiiauul Un (ho ilt-linilJiih, nlm i(iii In cwiips la proilii!; Un liidiiinolloiH llli'tlll) llUMI' rv ' Hot-breads, biscuit, cake, rolls, muffins, crusts, puddings, and the various pastries requiring a leaven in'r or raising agent. YORK. BUSINESS OF THREE SESSIONS Or LUTHERAN CONFERENCE HELD. At the Moining Session Theie Was ft Discussion of the AiiRsbeiK Confes sion Address by Dr. Heisler on "The Lutheran Doctrine of Bap tism" Legislature Petitioned to Pa&3 the Lenid Amendment to theBiooks High License Act Song Service Conducted Last Night. i'liiet sessions weie held yesieidtiy of tlie Ninth llrandi conference of the SUs(iieliuiiiia Synod of the liuiURelltal l.utlieiau chin di. whleh was opened .Monday al'teinnuii at the finite Lu theran chinch. X law amount of synod business was tr.insat ted and a number nl lulfiistius adiess.-'S he.ud. The eiinfetclice will l blollKht to a ( lose Ibis uioinliiR. Vcsleldliy llliilllllIK l:-. C. V. Itiuer, of Danville, opened the day by ton ducHliR a deiitloiial seiIie, and after the mil tall the leteptlon of deleRatcs took plate , In addition to the minis ters piesellt. theie Weie tile following lay deleyates: A. !'. MautK, of Iter vcl; II. V". Ueise, oi Noilhumln'ihind; William, . I, UelilleiiHin. of nloomsbuiR; I'hailPs W. Zaliner. oi Danville; James Matttr. of Si-raiilon. and John X,lin iiieiinun of Stinbuiy. DurlliK tins session lucre was u oi ell''' (III il (lie iiiiuii ill ic c' , , t..,i. .,i. t. of tile AllRSbetS 'olltesslou I mi iny this dls.ussiiiii. liapll-in I lev. c. W. Ileislei. D. D.. oi Sulills- ...... . II. .tf,.-t. I.,,,! Ill' tl,.. '-i1 1 (iieliaiuio unliMlty. k.ivc an addiess ,.,, 'epi,,, I ulli, ,1 . i ii llikililnr, nl It. ill. tls'iu," which was one o the leatuies of tlie day. In the course of It he said: Dit. iiKisi. nirs adui:i:ss. Il.i' l.llllli lull i li'lte'l lui lull, Bliisil.l llll.l'I'H -ill, cil ti)uii Mii iiiii'.H'Ui el li.ipll.ni. .1. II lu. Iiffii upon llii deititiK til Il.i l'iil i. -'.ipiii. I "ei r'iinipli, oui ilmiili I ilun.'il itli I' IImIiu Hie a.xlilin' ! ii'iKiil'oljlilljileiii Hun I-, tll.ll ItlC-lli ii 111 III' .lllllilliill,lllull "t I'.uf i.ii'i.iini'l I. ( ("iii'iilrii.llii'l el tlif liol.i el t.lni.. ullli the Ihi. nl J ml el On 14, mil ,, I In 1. 1 nllli Un' wine. 'I lilt U Jli .li.oluli iillndi-Ii'li. ill I. ill. hi .mil liilnvpn lil illuli ( (lie (.ullu'iJii iliiiuh die te a u i II i'i mil miilinrilli'K, tvil'i Un l"iil'illel. ulmillllt It I'llUllljll .lllll j o, Irim j ilul. Mi- il' inn lifllfii II. W" di) Let ll'Jlll il. '''Il llin. 'illC 1-1 Willi! dilii',: (.ir intiu x-iipiiiiul uii'l 1 ii ntil it.il iliMi Unit 'Ihi liaiMnv tir His iliimli l pljlnlt In i I n r-tliii lltui. in lupll.iii III,' OJii' nf Hull li ut 1. 1 i'il: mill, if Dili luuiw iiiittliliiii, it iikvii-i tdil Hi" ;;iei' ni I'nil in ...lUallnn U ntlirtil Nut., ttc iiur i. ill l ill j ('ii' Iniiil.uiliiij; nl tlie piitii i)i if ,i intr (.i-iiiiii.il lit", tlii! IiiuImiIiiv t( i-plilliut lli. nr ii'iiiniiJiiiini I ml Hit. It i"ie iIiIIoiimI npen Ullli In Hiil' wiml In l..i.-lli ll U iiiiili'iiljlili' tti.it iiiHiiy ililliliin il.i kP'o mill. ii. c it Mm; ( lui.li.ir... riu- iiillid point ot Un (lirbtliu UK' U j il .i niulcnl.ililv ii' vii 'ijllnii. Tin' I iilliM.ui ilninli, In li.iruinny villi (In- icnliliik en ,i' wr.nl, linldt Hull Wicli I ,i' ihllil U l o.i i.le.l In HmI in linl, l.ipli.m villi (ulli hi l 'oil. .,,i, tlur (lull llii 1'liiMl.in lid In uii... Ilili m to I'S felpiwi'il, liuuctn, ,li,i i.iii.i'-i puti'i. tiiliiutnii in t:il' onl, iiml rjniil thoiik In luln. up Hm dillil 111 tlie nullum Kliil .iiIiiiuiiIIIoii el tlie Lou!, Sh ImliN IIi'ji tl I- luntiun (o llu ijililt and Idtii di Hie iililiiii'i i1m( Die ilillilii'ii hlimilil li iIIhmiiI to si i' up in .In In loir un rnmt I. ii'uili- lu Inlui; tlirm Into tin l.li.Iuiii ,inl Hill, tl liil.llau pJiinii ine tilllilul tn dm milifi n( 1uiIImii iiiiil i liiiiil.in i.uituiL', mctr Ij do lentil lu tlie t oi Id wlit Itii-li' (lilldrrii slinuM liol npvjvi. (iiovi ap i 'hri'ihtif. Ilicj .ut' in- luiloil In llu oiMiiJiil, Jii'l me mlijpil. ol ill' llu' ti.itr. Hip KjihlhJ ei tin tliuiili i, llu I Hie .ami llicilt ot I till. I ui.illi tin nil ililMuii; t ti.. t ilill'lifii, il''lii In Int'.iiii.t. iui' inn) i, Hue ot ihai. If liny dli' without InptUiu, tiny jid .j (nl lliion.li tin cMijuiilliuiy epi i.lt(i,ii c( Hie .Holy -plill. ' Mo' ilmiili ln.I-i lli.ii li.iill.lii neioaj to njlutloii, li.t ii'.i.ii nl tl.c i oinlii.iinliiH nl. It is i.ul i, i',,., .in In i ni.(, ,,( hpht, i-cMiiliil, io I li.i l K l In' mi v,-ii niulHiil. tin ililhl Mimlii bo toil It la mil (In, oinl. ,oi c( lupli.iii, l.ui (In toiiliinpl oi ii ,iilni. ,i,ii,.iiio, Hi ii i,,i. iluiilii, Vlnl no llu l.llllii'i.ii ilninli iii-l.u lioiul.t on penult piiiiiiliiis: II, ii ihllOeSi .il tin1 lrl.1 (Jllivit p'MOlilc Hill,', In Hiul In lull li.l'H in koi'ti.vi: ih'si.j:ss. Other addiesscs were nlven lu Hie uioinlnu and an amount of eonfurenee business tiansiictod. hi tlie iifteinoon. also, loullne business wiih the older of the day. An 'uportnnt ivsnluiinii was passed, ptitltloiln(; the leglBlatuie to pass the heard bill, ameudluK lilt' Itronki law, RianlhiK- loenl option privi lege. The petition follows: 'Siutitnn, Pa.. Mjrtli ,, 111. 'li) the IIoiiomMi', the House of Itopii'icntiilho et ths St.ilc of Pcnii)lJtilj. The North llrjiith conlcrriirp n( tlie SiKinr liinti.i si no.l of ili KtiitiRrlle.il l.utlifun ilmrtli, umipovd of tHiMitj.nip nicinl'cri, wlili u tun rtitumry of from IJ.tiOO in Sil.neO, iidiililcl In tviantoii, P.i,, Aliicli I (o, rppcel(nlly p'-llllon nnd m ire J'mr Imtioublr lode to pi itllhonl allrntloii or jnKinlmdil (lie Iin1 Mil. mniml In? Hip HrooKi, l.iw, Rrjittlnp lnt.il option pt It 1 IcEPt bt iriiiomtrmiip nj tolp o( (onlpidiip. An InlPiestlllK dlst'llsslon was held m the subject of "Tlie Sunday School." Hew Walter Miller, of Wilkes-tint re, snenklnir on "Its Tine Aim." Itev. A. N Wainer, of Selnsi;tove, on "How to Develop Itn Spltliual Unci By." and I'.ev. c. il. Itrosius. of Sunliuiv, on "How to Improve Out' Methods of Work." Itev. i'. It. Hotsfotd. of Noilhtlinber. Imtd, spoke veiy elitcitalnhmly on the subject of unifying the chuieh'fl YoiniK People's societies. The speaker urged the absolute necessity of unity If any thing was to be act oinpllsli'Jil by these oiK'iulznllonx. The way to unify the locnl urislolt- lint tii,n,,U,.i. ii lit tens In --..-. .,, .--....v. have the pastor lu, and maintaining an "icisikih oxer, t no joting people; to assign them some detlnltp shate In the wotk of the otitic li. and to give them a tegular rnllise in lilble studj. The speaker also touched upon Hie value of sj nodical and tenltoilal unity aliiong tlie societies, and said that It could be obtained lluougli a central olgaulxatiiiu. Wise leadcl.sillp. and tile adoption or tuples uulfoilll It ll the ChilsiUn IJiidt-iivtir, 1'ipwniih league, and similar oiganlzntlons l!ev. M. .M. Allbeik, of llnlik. made a thoughltul addiess alniig tli" same line, and ll-. John Wagner. D. H, of Haxletou, was another of Hie tietgynicli who sp(ik-e on the subj"i t of Young People's so- letles. SOXC SMItVICK. A song senile Was condlli ted last night, alter whlih iirti en-minute nd die.ssfs weie gheti by P,e. C. H, llloslus, nf Suiiliinj. Itev. C. W. Itaver. of Danville; Itev. Paul lieige man, of Wllkis-llaiie. and I'.ev. John Wagner. D. D., of HiiKleton. "Chi 1st in the Individual llemt. Inist In tip- Home and Patnily," "Christ In lieasuie and Amu-enleiits," "Chilst lu Musiness and Citizenship," weie the subjects discussed. A splendid song mivIh- was reiideicd dining the night, a finely sung solo by Miss rioient'p Koheitson, of Diinniore, being one nf Us ffaluies. Members of the (iiaec l.utheiau clnih. notably Miss Jennie Kaul'inaim. also tonu Hinted to the enterlalniiKiit. At this morning's d.i-lng session the i onfi rem n buslnes? w 111 be eoiicluded, and a dl-t usslon of the "Lutheran Viiw of Ihe Wltne.-'. of the Holy Spitlt" be held by lJ.-. .1 II. her. 1. D. of Sunbnit. and otheis. BODY HAS ARRIVED. Prepaiations Have Been Made for Ryan's Puneial Tomoirow. The lernaliis of Thomas F Ity.tn reiiehod this i It v nt Irt.l.'i ycsleidav morning and weie lemnved to Wynib's inidertalilng et ibllshmPlit. l.MUl at tlie time of Ills death vns a sailor on boaid the dittc'd States -hip Dixie Up died March J" last ot P.tisht's clit,easr, while on boaid the vessel, and was bailed at (.ii lira! tar. About a month aco the i cumins were dislnteried by the goverimient nr. 1 luoughl to Kin nelson. this ( lty. bv way of San Ityau had been a sailor months previous to his was 2! yeais of age ant nlout six death. Tie "ell known nnd lilted in this city A sMer and three luotheis sur vive bliii. Xellle A ltvan, of Olvphant, vncl ,f. J. liy.m. of this elly. and :. AV. ilynn. of Plilsbuig. The funeinl will b" held Tliiii-dny moining at St. J'r er' Catliedial. hltcimetil will be made In O.ilhetlial eemotei.v. The t-puilsh-Anifili an wai wt-iau will a' tend th seivlee. LIST Or ADVERTISED LETTERS. 1 i-i ..1 IHm-t minimus nniullril I ir at th" s.imtiiii nnt vile 1. f.-ii k.iw.11111 1 miiiilj . I'.i . Man li 11, tutu, IViwm ,.illlnj fer the-'' IctiiM will p,-ivi. -if it'll. ittsi il ami (il 1 ilitf or ll-t. U1.1 II. Illplih. ru.lina.ur Mtm ll .Mli'ii. -iiimt'l lllwli't. Mi" M.11 ItJi-ilr. Mi- Imio Itjiiiiiin, Mm iluili Hhjwii. IIjii.v lll.ilit.li.itil, I. Ilnnlh.illi.'ll. Jlntiu V,. Iii-IiI,. M. i. Li'. IVtfi -I. I'oini.t. 1'iiitl.iinl t'riiil umt iyttr ctnniiij", Jllst l.tlll.l I "o l.nmii Hill. Mi Iiml. Jjihm lii-Itiir, uiii VI. litmiell. Mr. . V Diinntne, Mi. II ,s. IIimi II. I', lit tn Mulli- l.lilml. Mi . I'l.uil, I'ui.l. r.iiini'M' l'inlili.iM ujiie ,jnt. Mist Kt li. I l'll?.tlium,ia.. li. Iliilurt I el liiw. 1'r.tiiU I". I'mlnnE. MUt mmIi I', liiu. 1Ip. ilii-Lite IUiiwi, luilt- f I! Hi n. k rotti, K. II. IIIbsIh-. Hi. " ' IIjhI-'Ii, Mi .li'iitili- II illiiiil, 5II Mji lli'lliini, ' in' Vli, uliiMi'M, lleiijainlu Ilnslus. Mic. Ititilmt linn. Win. Mi., rum l. I". Il'ifll', I'lislnlik 11 1.I-k II1I111.111 llili.l. .Mllmr 1. Iiln,ii, 1,'tilwii: lii-ulT ,1.iiiii. Itiu.tilt. 'Mi. Mllii. 1 "lmi-l II 1. In r Mi. K.ilr l.iti-iif. Mi. MIIKjiii l.iii, M11 l.ori. 1 .111 I Ml. In'!, J . .1 M. MJlinlit, .1.1111. s Mi tr.ru. ML' Mtnnle .Multni. Ml. Mil. In 11. Mi I,. lmi.iy, M. Ij11oj. II. II. MiilVIe. M I.. ICdii, Mi. Ili'li' MuimliJii. I'lml I, Mi'iiiit, K MltUii'll. .1. XI. i'. .Iii-ip'n I'allii'.nii. M. I I'jIIii.iii. Mm,' Wi lir-liiiiii.t I'.i.iv.ilu. IUi Mllii I Itobliifoii. Dr. II . 1!j1ipii. Mi-s UmiPiiMi lliililii-un. Il'tcnl Krfpi'r NLinton llln, Xo. 1s, I. (i. T. Jl.. Mile lieu, I'. 1. liar. Pimitl. 1". I'. inltii, Ml. l oi.i 'Hi. Dr. . II. -ii'. pliflH, .Mi'. A, II, ilitioiit, Mi ll.iltli Mjiitmi, Ml .Iciml" -liinini ..limn It. t. .1n ti-. Ii . IJjIl' Mlflp, A. I'. MffklC Ml- ltJli'" siillitaii. William sinin,, Nillle Smllli, I' ll. "ti.it l..i.. riatiitftl lliiiut. I hilt: ii. II. n limit. Il.nn.t shlpni Mi. lli Ii.iiIhi'II. Nlilili litti ,V. Siliniiitii. .Iann Miaimlilfi, llu. Viftj. sJn. Imtli. WoH ,tlii'iiilaii. Ml ,l(iiliii l'lentli, I. li llioiiipwMi M.n 11,'illu Uliilrlimlt, Dl. Ill.nl,'4 I. I'ttii.lull, Jll i:ila M. IIioiiu. I'. W. Ilionia- Ml, l.nl .ill Wiuint'i. I. I'.. Mliltf. 'IliCiiu- M'lllltii,,. s m.i,,,,,. Mi'. .Tuine Wilms, Wjllcr W. M'li ti.. Iriumr WUiliUk. Mm. .Inlni lViiollui'sli. s tt,. - n,j wcih i, r i;. WiM.. Mist Katli Vtiiiiig. iiAi.nt liilic.if lainlxlltttl. tJian.iu. N, i i N l'jlilljP. t'llkMI. Ian Xlliihlu-il-U, .)u;iil Iviimkii. llzau .lu, til vi, .K.z.l 'lauiictti.?, Mlkul.ii l tiliyvi.i... NuUa.u fifURlacu if.i, .luliui j.,li.it i, ki 1 i.n, i l.i'k Ku.lilikl, l'i lq' lultu.liiwli. Hi rn. in I'lllpottlti, .liutf llmU, 1.11, ill l.'llll'l.i I ig HaikimtM, .Upli Ut.ilct,I.Vv IH'MiAllMN .l.ii-i Ikliuliutv, Ml. Ii.illllnli. ii , ,,.ii li.il;, .laiun K',an U), f.uilmk l.iunlu llu (,'1 li.i llulitrpulika. Illti llu. iH i, s,.Ur n. h ., , Kazllii.'il l,l..ljl.u, Walt lit 'Iui.'.. II hm. it, Kii l.t t l.lpi.iuu llilillis, Vmli.i l,a li.ilnl,. , Ian I'.iullli, , uil.it MIIpii. I'ilin l.iiiki,. I'ltilmu stt.iitn, Mai.i llu. 1. 1-. U.i. M.ill.i' Ka.aki jtiu,, I'lulicl-i"!, uliit, I.ihiI, piinl. KiIhiIj Mlkui.il. .Illllll s4jgjlt, lIJll Sjl, West Scvnnton Stntlon, .luliii I'jiij, Mir. Ilctiiiii' IVi.jlli, ii Aijiliniy lirl; llieif lliipUu., .1. Ilimlf-r, Ml .Macu'le .Irnl.ln., .Mi. .1, hoiumerer. Mr. Muili'j, IMuanl 'llimiiK, M l ,lait Wllni.iii'. Mm IC Cotiol2dfallac SORANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists. Of considerably more thau ordiuary interest is this most comprehensive stock. It is conveniently arranged and classified so as to permit of selection speedily and satisfactorily. and whatever is new and bst in Shirt Waists is here. Fine foreign fabrics are fairly represented. Tlie choicest of American goods in plenty. Al' with detachable laundered collar and soft enfik. About prices. $1.00 $1.25 $ 1 .50 $2.00 Silk Petticoats at $5.50. These ate attractively made garments in various pietty coloring and black. Some with deep flounce and two small tul'lles, some with deep lloi:ncc ami two gatheted rul'llcs.', all with dust uifllc. bx c client value at ;5(.,o. Price Ss. so. A Fine Offering of Silk Waists. A huge collection of crisp, new Silk Vais"t3 came from the maimljcturcr today. They are in colors, red. old rose, cadet blue and black. They are ot an excellent qualitv of taffeta silk, neatly and well made in up-to-date styles, worth fully $7.00. Choose Today for $5 Hitch. Special in Plain Black Silk Waists. News concerning p.ttticulatly good offerings in black comes liom the Silk Waist depaitment today. C.irelully made garments, of excellent tall'etas, in the latest appioved fashion, nnd so priced that many win sureiy nave icit us ior new pieascti owners u-jiore nigiuiall. tfy.io ior an .entirely new Myie, all plaited, wherever a plait can be placed. New Belts. " The broad covered leather belts, with dtop front, to be laced together, arc fashion's latest fancy. 'I hey give a dim curve to the waist, and make waist bauds forgotten. They are shown in quite a variety of styles, price range fiom 50c to $r.5o. Among other styles of Belts aie quite a variety ol patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and gilt harness buckles, some with nickle buckles, soma plain patent Icnthei, other shapes, also many other popular leathers, varying in price from Jic up. BUCKLE5Durable and Pretty. A chain is as stiong as its we.ikc&t link. Your costume is not pctfect unless its details are perfect A belt-buckle can make or mar an ellectivc gown. We have some new buckles that will add an attraction to peilection. Correct and stylish buckles in Itiitscan gold or Prenrh grey finish, jewelled, with adiistab!e catch that makes them easily temovahle and requites 110 sewing. "The price of thes? buckles range from :.oc to 7.c each. CONNOLLY HISTORIC Places in Virginia l .111 ln .t)ililorul'l iiul e.is I) reuJieil hv the Slranirn ill ilailt ,M.it Siiinl.it fi.ni 1' i-r '.', N,.nli it,i i i II i, i ., V ii ik . i Old Point Comfort Norfolk' Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Coniie.'tni'r', fur Ml Points smtli ,inJ West. 'llirutih Tk'l"is tetuiiiitigfrtiiii W,ishintnii liy i.iil nr w.iter. I'ur lull infuiii.atiuii aipl) to OLI) DOMINION STUAiMSMIPCO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. 11 rs w.i.M:ii,Trat m.-i j j nuoww'.r. r'. SsiSS3tgJSttrSS " - . - '-nffiii i.r-i-. , 7- i&rrv 1 bff-i2.M,-"KD. it- i,ivwirt; ,itim w , ., ,-rn rait lHjH.(Hlllk,.ll GORDON --. ., rita.'iii' .Mir jsc-?a-i--- iW' ' cse- Befoic buying, scml for catalogue H.S.GORDON, !.&;. Weak Nerves People c.uiiiot help wotrjmi; when their netrnnre weak TI1.1l fflUiijof latiRiior. ilnlliirS't ami ethau-llon ii tlie fearful romlltlon which oflen pre cedes lii.iiiit The power to work or study tllinlnt-rn-Mind ilc-iionileiicytle. iirt's'-i the r.ilnd iilijht mul tl iy It you nte siiflcrluK tlie toitiircs of Nenoin Dcllllt),theit in iioknowlui; how roou 011 mavtleUinc to unrthiui; more horrlMc lint yuu 1,111 ceiutll The youthful 'irriif'li liimyaiicy and liiiipiuencail bculoicil bj the Ueeol They have 'iiretl thou -antK mul we have ni inucli tonfirteiicf In them tint i?t! ttlfc nil Iron clad guarantee with a S-IOOordei. Rent aiiywhrre lu plain ick.n,' SI 00 per mix, 11 ihixc.. mrj-liri himjk ivrv, Aildiers 1'i.ai. MnmuiKR Co, Cleve land, Ohio. I'or talo li.i .I0I111 II. I'litlp, I'lnruutl.t, coriuT W) tilling uu-uiic and cpruie Hired. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK KETUIWS I 1 IIG CULOURATHU GORDON PIANO ette!Bw iff "J Of striped Cheviot and Madras cloth, plaited back, (till Iront. Also White Lawn Waists. Striped Percales and line (imglums, single or double plaited bad;, full front. Tine qualitv Zephyr Ginghams in pretty styles, full front with plaited back. Also White Lawn Waists. Fine Striped Madras, full front ot line plaits, with new plaited tuck. & WALLACE, it DOLLAR I'ltideut people are taking advantage (A our I CLEARANCE SALE It will uav vott to come and see how we can in.ilcc .i T " dollar do tlie Ax minster Carpets $1.50 Values. ; 100,000 Rolls High Grade .;. L'p v t Inlaid Linoleum V Made like a tile, c ;lors tluon;'i to tin- luck. Remnants. Kcgnl.ii ?i.io goods, now 63c, 75c, S1.00 yard .,, . i WILLSAHS&ncANULTY i 129 Wyoming Avenue . 4. .j. 4. 4. -.;. .j, .j. .;. .;. . . .;4 . .; THE IB02SIC POWDER Eooms I aml2, Cora'ltb Ii'l'd's. 9CRANT0KT, PA. ninlnjj; and Blasting U.-it t Mooilc rtil rtiuti lain Wat'ti, LAP1.IN 4 RAMI POW00K CO.'.I ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl'etrla llatterles. lllootrln Kipln.Urt. zplodlus oU.t, Safety Kins a I Renauno Chemical Go.'s nxi-ilol limn IVC" L. i Brewery siiHiiiraciiu'en ,r OLD STOCK ;LSM 43B to 4S5 N. Ninth Street, .PS Telcphun; Cull, '.M.ll, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE SAVING ; woik of two $.im a Y.trtl, . 3Cj Wall Paper Up $ . ,;. a .;. .. ,;. . .j. . -5. .;. . .j. . , .j,,., , .j, ., New models now in. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Iver ohnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and sec them. They're beau ties. Iff I BROOKS 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Gftiera! Ap-nt for His Wyominj Untiat for Hinlnff, lllistlnif, Fporllns, FmokflfM ind (h J!riauna L'lit'mital Lunipanjr'ii High Explosives. fulcty Fuv, Cari and foploileM. Itoom 101 Con. nell IluiMin.-, btiani ,11 aui;ncii;si iiio". loim juiiv 11. Miirit k wi v. 1:. uuixiuan PltUton . ri.imoun, Wilkei Hurt 1901 ti' u a ta L? icgi IS , I-