The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 06, 1901, Image 1

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' H.
rrwo CENTS.
TWO CUNTS.'.. -.i," .
cmittmt. BBtmtBS
sv w--w- ' -z& sme25r&smw&&x3& tsJsmmsMm
2igaiaM(j ai?9i,2)fjXMa2H
froficedlnus ol the ExtraorUlnaru
Session Galled to Order
Piinclpal Pniticipnnts Ate Senntoia
Mason, Teller and Jones A Con
tention That Under the Fiesent
Rules tho Minority May Pi event
andNegatlvely Contiol Legislation.
Ily I , It Mil fl Ul 1hc 0. luted l'i-i.
ViiFlilliBl"M. .Mm til &. Annul 12.1"
oiluih. Scmttni.s Alllsnu ami Cock
iu Hi ouipdiilcil I'.v SciKiMiit-al-Ainis
tl.uiMli II, of the senn'te. Mailed mi lhi
jnfnii lit nt th( whit house. li Inftiiin
1 n (Inn tlii- senate was In (tmorili
Mitv session anil was lcndy In lecclvo
nn p i-s-ap,c rinni It I til. AVhon the
i m miiii'i. slatted bui 1 In the st n.itc.
esmt mt Scctelmy l'liirtcn left for tin1
i.ii'ltui villi ihi nominations of the
lOilltt ntlki'is.
I 'ii di bate on the senate t tiles, which
. li'Hin In tho ij)t u session, was
t mill il ill thu t'XCl UllVe ScSSloll
In n follow i'l.
lilt pllUllp.ll .ll tllll.lllts Well Si'll-
4i'i Mason, on nip Hi'iMililiian side,
and Senators Teller and Junes, or Ar
k msas of thi' opposition. .Mr. Mason
'iitiMidi d th it under thf i tiles as thi y
.I line nl It was In tin- power
' ill. inlnoiitv to n i nt and thcic-
hi to nt least nettntliely toitlrol Ug-
i iiumi .Missis Jones mnl Teller ooii-
nl'il i Hit to hud llcler been .1
ii'iiir to pass ii hill which had tin
a mill pIiu eip Minimi t of ii imiiiiliv i
Ml' m nale. Iiecailsf of the absence
i .iiiiiii- i iil Hum tho ficn.iti' ioi;u
ii s but Mr. .Mason fii-soilod that
" v as not the t use.
. , , , -
di the
eon.ilor fiom Illinois naiiii' i
I. .11 .1... i i . .. i .. i . ..
it' iii.u wii oi'i'ii iicieaieii n inc
in i ii '
aslo d .Ml. ,loi,e)i.
Will the M'nittor fiom AiUiinsas tell i
-" lespnndcd Mr. .Mason, I
- 11'U.' ih
lUfHlIoll, "how lll.ltlV ,
"in I i was eoiisiiliod aboiK (he sbb
. . i
ot lilll and Imw many roniesslons
i i ashed to itiiiUi- III in del to pui -
nt th i ousidMiiiiInn of tho measure
to nioii'ed? thinic n ie)ij- to this
insttoii adtlL'd the Illinois t-enntiir.
d illitsltate ihr point of my con-
iHl'in better than anythltifr I
fin '
Mi T lb r ,ild he aw in th
t with h had lief n sei irj.
toot a
mined clioK lo em olf ih bat. In
niih national trlbunf in wlihh
w is absohltol.t fieodom of de-
'I Ins he ponslijoied a step In tho
isinn of llliett. He ileel.lli'd
t i ntljiht be in i nniihiit at u
m -slotl, the lilies I'oultl not be
4i ! fH the piesldonl's speilal 50s-
England's Couisc with Sugai Re
garded with Inteie-it.
Hi lv Will" ft I in I hi -.nilatiJ Plf.
1 ..iHion Miinll ii The haiu'ellnr of
tbo v h-iiuei. Sir .Mlihaol lllil.s
limit u said n piomlnont nieniber of the
1ioiim of onimotK to a i(iii-M,ul:itli
or th' Assoilated 1'iess tonlKht. will
pribabl intioduie a duty on mirth r In
the fortirriiiiln btitlKi t anil will, pet
haps, alf-o add a eounlei valllue; tllliy.
A inomlior of tho ministry said:
I 'i i nl(i git lint tlii. .t'llotu tit p-unrr
(ion liuliiiil liblnrii iiini ipln nl dii' litis
l- n 'lir iIIm io-Iiii .-! 11 0 ilnll.olw nl Hip bill
. i " n-lilnii-U Kil t-cni-t mull nmiauiii "'l
' III IIM l'( '01111111111.. Iloviiu it HIIKIP U
t-li.ii utl tlit (no lll tliiro will bo ii lir,"
'iin.litr of ilUiipnn lod Kii.tMalivi-; mi lai
' h.niil tho ii.ticilui lli'li ai null ti iiiiitlmi
' a in. t willi tho inn.t Iitio oppii.lllini iim
Ph ! (ho llUriul. ami oil old Ilium iluin-
n too Irido. tho iiKitruiinl In Utni of
.ii-p U due lir-tly to lliu ulmo.t utn'i
u i. ' I nel.ui.1V o-rlmni. tmlii.ttj i uriomll1,
ir rjrrtnl Ulltb il tilt UU'CTM o( Alllirllutl
uri- unit, i the iiifpnl snltlii. mil tlmiUy, (u
it mi. iico.ntj i,f lid, U' ii'ltiiiltlil It Ul.o
ti a miri iiitjii-i tlun (ntiiMiln Ih' iiliiail;
.iitnirii u. lint 1 1 tavjiii it
coity-Slx Celestials fiom Canada
Are Captuied at Ogdensburg.
Hi ImIu.iv- Win it'ini llio .i,i uliNl pit ..
iit?il nsbiu', N. Y. Maich 3. 1'oity
m I'ldiiameu nitlved heie at mid
nlKht In chaiffe of the I'tilted States
olllcei's unit .'II Indued ill Jail await
Ihk a hem hif," lomoirow. Tin ninety
d.n limit for them to leiu.iin In rauudn
Npiroil today nuil tltey w ie shoved
noi the Hue yoHtciilay from Atherton,
(,iurijt. into the hands of AniciiCiin
(ifll i.i U
Th odlt'orn letuiiK'd to the border
toiim to lufiiepl another party ot
( hlnaiiien who aie expi'ctetl to oiitt'r
this oiintty f nnn
Italian Baiber Mmdeied.
To 1 luic Wire (ii,in 'Hit W Ulnl l'ro.
) II. iii-ii. .1. 1. II ii'.ilph lliiiiiti, an
l' all ai ll.ltlliif In- ImiIni lip , lit, ,11
' 'I- i ' i .hi I ..nil iii.l.nill.v ItUliil. Iho mil
in ii i -liiituuu iiiIiiIpi. bis I ..ii ly Inltiw (lu
I ShIiuIh l.jpl. .i i ,iml ;.i in in wllli wlmin,
It, llintinl ImiI umikIiiI ittfiitl.t. ',i,1i
II i-t1 01, llil(l"ll i,t hull;,- ioliiillti-il 'In
noil rin
Young Child Binned to Death.
By I'ulutltr Wile fitflii I'll Awvrlattil I'lult.
I nl II ui 'j , 4iih ', t t jl.Jii.oll. thi
0 '.11111 Hit litm.r 1 1 .Inhli I 111 UIK lllllllOil (11
I1 vioniiti fWi .tt'ini'i i hilii wa liitrnnl in
I'.ilh Mi. ( .in h.itl uniii. in ,i .M.Un.'( utid
("'IH.' Ill Ii 111 111 ill. Hill .III Ii,IMI lf'lll"ll.
I vi hi imi cut 1 1 Iln Iinii-L In iin no Iho
Played with a Revolver.
ft MiliMlt Wire (ruin Tin Awrlatwl I'imi
Hot' lolirni, Mairh .1 - llllllli(i. Iho '.'
jt-artild iljiiiihlir ( l.tbunl llltllni.-, iioiilt(ir
Of th. Illo.llicod hoii't, w.l. plu.ilnc with i
utli il itMilior'l.l, win ii II w.t 1II.1 Imiyntl
i I tl Imlli t plfl i.-il Iht ihlhl'i. Iiouil. slit' illfil
i in ant ,i
Flushing Conimeiclnl Gazette Mnkes
By lixiliutlve Wire from llie Atiwlilnl l're.
Flushing. Mtiith i. 'I'lic Commercial
Onaelte tnino'.'iiiw, In it h leading cdl
toilnl, will s.iy:
u mllile ptibll.lied hi tin leader Ir.dU Jtr dpi t-ssllv i ll tur i por.oiial (xpliiuilli'ii.
i i.lnii fi r uMeli !im bom firiitiiitlr pin'iitei
lit lias been aioldul trum tiir.llie-s nf iMIij')
wnith nui nation will .irj.trnatr
1': tin mill 1c li In ml In 1.(11 lit nitlen in if
v i 1 t. tho Iimtili ipil tiiK.ililrillMi ol Mlejiliem
ml I'itl-hiili: U ti liclnit Bin i mid In
' .;ii.l' ulloiis ,n la lion vailm. i.ilitiiil ainlii-
tlnh will In alfpiti). 'I or ai-uned Uilie if
llflllV V, Ulllcl til MlUeeil '"itlJlul l,uav l
iniilli lull ,i ,iu linpoilart Im tur In till puliti' il
slinllat! I. ,iu Inn ..) . j 1 1 1 j In In
,ate pits. jiul It tiriii. tlii llir lilci Ii i4 ti.
Ulhiil uiup jiipiM ll.i i lliJt ttir ItlniT intiie.l
liiwt lir i,i K. Hud wlln ,i a ) isoiiit Ijitoi Ii,
1'i.IIIUjI link-. II ,ii,,i-ai Hut IIimc ilti- M'li.i
kIhi Ihimi Inl In li'lliM' that tin' Oil i
llflLplpIT illUlu' Willi lllllll Villi ,1 lll'tt to
t'HKuiiil .iih.nilJBi' In ImiIIIIk, itnl nlii n I! o i
J'. Olltir iln llmil In .c a il tnlliljtP In! mil
mii.ui.iti ,il tarir lil in I itii luiiititl'il .u t
ti'iiiimliiliuii nt llii Ilitri c-l nt lit I.Hlli"l'
illiljit fui iliii p i iti,
Mi' no llitl .iuU,i lioijll.r In lift'ilili ti
tin- mbji'il ut nil no ilmliv to In Itmuiisli in
'unlii.ii.i 1 1 il. Wo nil nlilo In etoto Hut
Hum W tlllipi w t f.t ,i i miliiliti. .mil' in
I ito (m inn .111,, V'lili.i I- (ipciji I
Ultri, umI l,i. il, ll.ui i, ,ii ., Hi.. mil i i
ll!l M.K I'.IM l !l!l II 1 1 ! 11 lllllllfl 1.
II I I II II 111' .1111 l Ill I ,.1 ,1 II f, , ,
Hay-Pnuncefote Convention Lapsed
Yesteulity New Negotiations
May Be Opened Sugges
tions by England.
It) rtiitlAlli Ulir flulil tin V.ut lull I I'ltl'
WasliliiKloti. .Mm ih .". fii'iiatot Mm'
t?.in. of A I ib.iin.i. toilaj liitt niliio il a
it'Miiltitlim In the sciiatii doi'lailim' tin-flaytou-lliilwiii
treaty ahtomitod. It
wint ocr mull loiinuiow.
'rhc lla.v-l'auiii I'fott linaty hit.'tidi'il
in icplaco Ih" Cl.iytnn-liiilwiir ticit.N
ll.t.jlltl.r t.i tl...,l, ,.l lit
. .......
iiiiiniiiij., iiiiiii in noon ji'sii'iii,i,v.
riu death wan imuki-iI tii hnlcally b
ill facvt that llu laM rlatisc nf ihi
treaty allowed onlj the p'rlod up to
.Miiich I for Its i.nliW.itliiii X'cltliiii.
ii, n ,,.,., ,,i, ,..,,, .- n, r,,u.,i ui..t..
n . i ... . "" ' ' .. .
hoi of (ileal IJtltaln appears to have
ill nlit Mltv fnlTiinl riflmt In ..vlt.inl 111 it
m!,!.,,,,., ,i,, ,,,,. ,, .-, ,,..
t it r. iin ui in l if" 'ii tin ii Hill in
nnlnt of Inu. It mm- mi 111
siia put pone. It Is tindeiMood hue
thai tho ltiltish soveininelit either has,
ot Is piep.t! Iiir:, a i ointuiiuli atlon to tin
I'nlteil States kovci niiiont on lh
senate aiiieiidun ills anal. zhiL' theiii
iMli'ttilb; jiointlnw; out their ptobable
rffoet on the oiicinal proposition, as
nn from the lltlll?! Iile, and ptMh.ips
UKKt'sliiiK some niodllk ntlom.
While II Is Impossible to pioditt In
advance of the ncolpt ot that eoiuiiiii
nlcatlon Hie atlltude Hie slate ilop.iit-
llli'llt Will .issuilie tim.uil it. there Is
lenson lo bolleve lluiL It will be lalieii
In kooiI p.nt. .nit! that negotiations will
be loiitlnitetl for tin i onoluslon of a
new ueaty with it lew in in I'llinr, If
po-slble. the obji't ilons i.ilsid ihe
soniile to the iirli; mtiv ntlon
Spanish Liboial Leader Will Attempt
to Fonn Mmittiy.
Ill I M lll-IM Hill lllllll I'l V-' 1 Oil I'll -.
.Math III. .Maiih ." St n n S.t.istn. tho
liberal lo olor. has .iKeptetl the ti.slt
of ItiimliiK a new i tililiiet Me icpm ts
to l resent In ihe illiin U'Keiii loiuoi
luw a ll"t of the inoinbeii.
.Much ei Iteiniiiit has br-en i an -oil
hfi't b tin news oi a dositiieiht oiit on tin elii'ine nottht'in Homier.
The iitsiom hiiusi nt irun, u lew tnllos
ft inn San Sebastian, has bi'cn lilnwn
up with ilvunmllo Setjiul peisoiii'
weio ltllletl and iiI.iiii lujiniMl. The
Hoernnienl does not Kn i win t her lo
ntttlltuti th tiutuiKi to 'ii list, nr
nuaichlsu. althniiKh tin sicttou is
stioitKly t'ailisl.
Nnihlne; s Unowu hut nl the lepnl.
tliflilated 111 Ihe I'nllod Stales yos
leitlay. of liRlitiim nit ilu'oituKuese linrtt i.
Fiiewoikh Postponed.
Ill tMliKlto Who (nun 'tin .iki.iIiiI I'm
Mihlni,'tim. Man It ft nii.nciii ii'.m ilia
plj ol llrnwiirk. uwlp. mil (ntii Ij.t in. hi ,,n
hi nut of thu bit tcii.i nt iifulh'r, tunl pi u r
nnUht. 'Iln vj. in.iilt In, in th
i.iiiiin'illii'; ilif Wiithtii'.l'Hi iiinnmiiiia, incl
n.i tiiio rf tho iin,ln liiih fmlui,. mi
.alimptril in tho ujittjl tilt
Killed on the Tiacks.
tly l.vlmlte H'ht fiom I ho oi'iat.d iirj
.n' . P.i., Mili'i .'. liliz-ilirtli Mlisi.n. n;td
..i i'.ii. ilu I it.ill.1 irn-hril Intuitu nil oiit.i
uiul ii (iti'.'lil n.iln mi tho .Ntiitliirn (entrtl tn
tit I'lic uiuu.iii lti;i;il fiom tho nuni ii.nU
In 4ni. tlio ipio4 nni tlhl not i-limm Hit
1 1 r..,u bin.- fr hi. I SM. .u ,.,,, (1, I,, ,,, in
.i lull, and dlril i fi mil iiU. latir
Monunient to Queen Victoim.
lit lliilusltr Win dflil 'lh Ass-irhloi Pint.
buiulm. Mirth " 'Iho tiiiiii'jiiil In t(in. ti Ur.
(mil miiiut .iitl lt iho n uiul t of m!riil-i
iiml (niinii iiilul.iii.. .Hid uptirmitl h) Klnif IM.
ti.inl, I. In lt j iiK.tniiiif nl. Iht' must pinmltiuil
leilino nl uhlrh will ho u tUIUi n( Ih" jiion WiiltnliKlir lUhi.i hi 1 1 in V,
inultini I ' i'.
lv . ., , .r
ror Woman': Sit!rnae.
Ily Who Irint the .nt l-tnl i,
llillaupnll., Vlait'i ". lit .1 vein if 'ij (r J.i
Iht luwir h iiu-o in Ilu Iibltlm
tmll titl'ipiod
ll.t- .Neil Joint n .11111111111 I i .1 1 oll.llliillnil
laiirtiiliniiil, piviln- u" vvi.inaii Mill 111,-1 in tin
Noithein Pnctfic Dividend.
Ily r.'ililvu Win (imii Ihe Viul.i,td Pi, v.
i-' mli. Jliilili 1 -Iho imi 11. 1 nl nl in, icC. iiiinliih ilivhkiiil ol nun pi 1 mil mi the
piiloiirtl -l"il. il Hit Niiithiui Pal Itli ullwjy
U 1'tIii; lii.ut tmla.
Reciuitiug Stopped,
fly r.vvliiiltc Mile fioin Mi Irf.ilalrd irri,
buhiUip, M.111I1 1 - Iho war i.lllio li.n i..ih,
unlti t-Uipi'liii.- Ho rtsriiltln; ( .n'onuinv. on
Iht uioilltd I1.1l (ho i.iivoiiimf'nl iln nil l.j. 3.
iiiiiii linn .1. loi'iilitd.
Gift to Vassav.
II) r.xflnii Who froni Iho Au-litri I'nai.
l'iiihlMili', N. Y Jm.uIi .'1. .Iihn 1), link.
ofilloi li.n u'lun iI1ii,ii to Vwji nllfi,i' ui a
lieu tluimlloi;.
flu Assent 10 the Rnssidii Deiihinds
AMalit Mean the Partition
of the Klnudom.
Repoit of a Joint Note lioni Eng
land, Gei ninny and Japan The
Punishment of the Guilty Man
dril ins Statement by Piance's
Minlstei for Foielgu Affaits.
lb Ktiliiabo Win lioni 'II o vnltli'l I'n"
I'oklit. .Match o. In an eiliot Ihe Hni
pi'ior of China annuls all decieis and
lipnlts tcndiiieil fioin .Itllii ii" 1n Aug
usl 14. Iiiiiii, in older that no tt.uo of
llieni be pieserved lit hlsiuiy.
Vienna, Mnreh 5 - The Abeinlblnti
ays th.'it It has lent noil rrniti an olll-
lal Miince Iiml Kntiland, (ieiniany .ni.l
.l.tpaii lime lufiiruifd 1.1 Iluin; t'liani;
that If China submits In Ihe demands
nf Ititssln for csi'lilslve n-itiol In Alnn
t Inula Ihe i nun it Ifx named will ilt
iiiiiliil tit it they shall be peiiulttcd to
ii.-iliilie eitinl lei i Hot lal nilvantancs ut
tin expense of China.
The situation at IVkln bclwu'ii the
thai pnt-is Is b.-t unilliR mine stialimd,
uiul tin lelailons of their ieines(.ita
llt's mule loi mal.
I'.tiK .Mnreh .V At a onliluet ouin it
Intln.N, the foielcn minister. AI. 1 . 1
iiisue. aiiuouiiiPil that all ui.iudailus
Kllllty nf et lines In T'eklll wntlltl be
punished. Two dociccs piovbli'tl for by
the ninth arlltle of ihe pnwei.' ol
lit t Ivo nole hnd bien ptoinulKateil.
eiiiitni'ratlni; tin iiuiilshnients pto
iioinii imI and t'lili'tln the suppiesslnn
of e..aniinntIons in Hie piovlnis whore
the mnl-foiliTii oiitias had tucuui'il.
IVkln. .Man h Ti. -Tin in 'l ".eni-i.ilj
inei'tlne of tin mlnlhteis of the poweis
will lonslder the piolost ol the Chinese Its reuanlliiir the inn
iu:iitiis now ostahllshcd in I'liluese
public bulltlliii's. Tho liittish and Kiwi-Inns
luiM' taK'en the board nl work,
linaiil ol t 'venue nnil biiaiil of .'un
nionliils The Italians lnit taken tin
einpeioi's Icmple of worship,
Fin lias ileMlo.M'd the Kioater p.ut ot
Ihe lunple of A ThoiiMind Yciii-s III the
summer jialaee. Kortiinatelv. the ollliiy
of Mitddah. weiRlilns: 'on tons, was not
The Japani se tumps ,ni pit pat k to
len In nanspnils now on Unit was
11 Taku
Th Biitinh War Secietnty Declines
to Veilfv 01 Contiadict Rumois
Upon the Subject.
11 I.M'iiit Hiii (ii in Ihr l.iti ml. tl Pioij
I.oiiiliiii, .Match .". In the Iioum of
(omntmiH ti)da thi war seert'tary. All.
I'lodcrlck was nslted If he had an
Inl'oi matlnn in tin effect that ;iiimm1
liothii hail Intimated to (ieuoial Kite li.
etiei his I' io Hun under on cer
tain terms mid that thtu't worn pros
ptuts of ihe sin fiss of the neKotia
tinils. The set ieiar deillucil lo make any
Ktmciiii tits on the subject antl his si
liinee was taken tn bo a. paitlal t or
loboiallnu of Ihe lepmts In eirctilii
I inn.
Appointments of Sevoial Pennsyl
vania Postmasteis Still in Doubt.
By Tistliwto H'lro (nun "Ih" is-i t lated lirot.
WashliiKtnli. Manh 5. The unmina
Hon if'f I'l. ink V. .TaeUson, of 1'ennsyl
vnnl.i. to be consul at Pjirlns. lirceeu,
fallt'd of t'outlrmatlon In tile last sen
ate, as did also the uomlll.itlnll.s nl the
lollnwliie; Puiins) Ivauln pnstmasters:
It a 11. Minis, Mellw'Oti.l. Cliniles ,1.
"MiCilll. Dawson, Thoiuas W. Scott,
."ew Ilafii. Dald W. I'msst-.', )titl
ford: .luhn W. tli'Ior, .lersey Shoiv:
IMwin V.. l.tH'lieiibnidi, Alauch t'huult:
Albtit .Mann I ii. U.uby: rhailes l.ulti
niiiip, Mllfoid: Samuel S. WrlRht,
.Monlrost . Cieonsr W. OoriU'l;, Mvetett;
lleoiui i', Muriows, .Montoiusvllle.
Ei nest Hecht Acquitted.
Ily I'Mlntlte Hlro from 'Ihr Is-'ji'lstetl Prut,
stuniMi, N , i. 'I'lin' Hoc 1,1. ai
nufil ot mniilibii; tlr. Txiuli lttii, was n
niibi aciiultlod I i.i Hut nil. llio t.i-' h.i.. hit ii
on trial tur rlijIiT tlai Iho ni'len.' wm (hat
Ml. 1'o.toi (onmillloil sail Id... lift hi tva-t (nnrid
In lilt l win with ll.ii In. ill .mil nlln.i.1 In
luio klDid Iho in iillei ln- Imd Itltnl tt,
lomliiK ul (hie unit failnl.
Post-Inauguial Conreits.
it. i ..i.... lit.. ;..,.., t ..,i.i.,i it....
,.. lllurnr l.'l. .,- ' .,...,1., ......
,. ,, .. , , M .. . .
II ...lilt.rfnii M..I1I1 f, .ll.i 111. I ..I .1 .1 1... .,1
,,, .,,. 1,, !, m,,i, i,.,,,i ... i 1,1 1,,
dm lull el (ho hialillt,).' (nnl.-hl. 'I htm
tuiitciW won' ariaiiaid In tho mm.
tulllei' In .Ai tippniliinln tn tlin-r whd
imilil Imi .ihr ml Iho lnituuul hall tn view Iho
Ucuulliiiii whiili half hull 1 tt In plan.
Gold in the Ttenstuy.
U) Ixvluhr Hlie tnvin 'Iho Viiwalrtl Ttf"
H'a.lilnsti tl. inli J ll.o .unoutit u( sti.
sold in tin tioa-mr.v tmliit .,- ilMi. Iti.l".. tin
liljjl.e.t. point tin 11 uhfd in iho hUtui) nt iho
.lAi'lliliiilil. 'I hi. amuunt ilnlii'h. tho -tl.Vi.nnn,.
I'll liild .1. 11 inn'.. v;ii."l!'.l-'i bold t;,ilu.i
Uold tiilllUati. .mil Mil .I'f-Mii'i In Mm 1101111.-1)
Women Stenogiapliers Out.
!y i:iliih Hliv doi'i The o(laiod l'ri.
"I Paul. Manh 5. 'Iho VntltPiu I'lclho liu
ilicltlod In ilUponM Willi Iho withe of all wo
men -.tuiuKiaiiliFU ami pinhlhll tin ti Indue tin
ittitinnt In lhal niparliy. Th" H'lfni clren is
I lull Ihiy 1111 tip pdsllloiw whkli iwihl ho lllli.l
by ,iiniim men wh.i vrmihl ho In line (ir fill in 0
pn ni.'llfli. lu brlter .tlllnn.,
Seutimcut of Stnto Boaid of Health
on Comjiul'ioiy Vaccination Law.
ll liltlVi Who 11' III Iho fin lalrtl l'l'
I'hilailelphla, Mai eh .'..-The stalo tl ol health has twin In tut'iiibers
nf the state leftislatlllii lllltl otllt'lH is
pi'lallv lllli'iested, a letliM' pintostltli
iiK.ilnsi Ih" pismiKit nf n bill ii'iii'iiHni
the ninpnlsniy vai filial Inn law. This
net letlllits pOfOHM III chill if
(c'lnnls In lellise utlttlUi loll In any
cb'ld. ei i pi iipnu u lillfllelalis-i'rll
finite of MP (cestui vaccinal Inn or nf
linvlnur piet lniil.v had smnllpiiN,
Th. lottei i lni.s with this appeal
Vo icnpei tfll'ly bofr ynu (n Klvo litis
Important itioilnn the tnteful consld
riatloii w lib h It d( spues mid to iim
your Inlltient to del at a inovpmcii'
which may. If suceossfnl. lie ntteudeit
with illn1i nil and doutllj ouse-
nliop.l t e "
T'lf names .. Di Saiuiiol 'I' Dal Is
pi evident nf the linnttl: ."ohn Fulton,
1 .1 S. 15k haul Y. Cook
and Pi T.oe av atlnilied to
the Iftti I.
Sixteen Recalcitrants Aie Thrown
Bodily fiotn the House of Com
monsMany Shouted "God
Save lielaml."
nv I -11 Ill-nil Wii (mill The tlo, iltnl I'ten
London, March S In anticipation of
further Inlet estlng rtlsolosines the
house of lot ds wii erowrtod today when
the debate vti tin war odloe admin
Itti.ttlnn wns tesumetl. The Duke of
Cntiiwall mid Y01H and many pecres-es
wen piesent.
The Kail of N'oithbrook (l.lhetall,
took up tilt dctonse of l.otd Wols-eley.
lit depieiAtod I.ottl I.misdow lie's per
sonal iittm k on the fnnuei inniandei-In-ehlef
.vestcnl.iv and Ilu dlst lnsitro
nf a 1 nulldetltial 1 Icill In
l.oid Sallsbui). Mntli I.nnl Unsebeuy
and Salisbury paitiripaled in the de
bate which wns wound up by Lord
Wnlselcy iisklne; tip. hous. to iosrrt
ludKinont legaiillns; thu iclioi tlons i.tst
on hlni, as piob.ihly later, he would
.iKiiln lofer to the a1iR,itItin-.
The Duke of IJevou.ihhe (piesldenl if
lite counelM. tli'fptnlrsl the war oftlce
v st 111.
land I5ni'bi tlcsfilbeil l.oid Wolse
lov's sjicodi as .1 public spit Hod effoi t
to call intention to some of the ilefei ts
he had found In Up practical wotklni'
of the admlrulty. He said l.oid I..ins
dovv ne's reply was a oenstue to Lord
Wolsp.iy whli h had n let"- ronct to the
subject, lie siiKsestcd a sei ret p.itlla
mentat) liHiulr) Into the tlellcioncies of
Ihe war oIHcp.
In the house of 1 ninmons nller nild
niKht .Mr Milfnur applied th closui.
mi ihe film atlon estimates. The Xit
tlnnallstH shouted, "fiaf;." "fian," and
tetuscd to leave the house when the
dhihlou was taken. Tin cli.ilimau
twite ordeied them to rctln to the
division lolib.v, hut they shouted, "Cer
Ininlv not '
Mi rinv in tiled1 I protest tiKalnst
the w.ii all filsh votes are elusuivd "
Tin t'ii.ilimnii then Intimated that he
must leport the matter to the .speaker.
In the meantime tin othei mombfi
had teluined fiom the lobbies amid
some uptonr. thlii tn foi ty lilsluneu
icmaininiT In their seats.
The speaker liniin- 1 tinned to the
house, tin 1 ltnli ninn tepoitpil the mat
ter to him and the spi alter asked If
tile lil-di inmber.s still lefused to obey
tin- 01 der. and theie vveie cries of
"Yes." "Yes," The speaker then named
slMi en ifcah ItianU mid .Mr. Malfour
moved tlvli suspinslnn, This was
ngiccd to without a division.
Tip speaker mdeied thoni to wlth
diaw. but they reinsert amid meat up
10.11. Tilt speaker then 1 ailed upon
the s-iieant-al-aims to remove them.
They shouted dellanci. The deputy
scr-jeanl-at-aim advanced ami
Hum tn It aw. but still they reinsert.
A' Hits ,1 iiumber of olllceis ami polle-"-men
enteieil tn enforie
Mi. Ihigeue Clean, memb. r fiir
Southeast Coilv. sti uuslfnl di'spetatt l
tifiiilnst leinnval. and rheie wii" i-tiltn
a fien llpht nn the Hour, lasting for
live minutes, other Irishmen nf-sistln,,
him. nventuall, he was em 1 led nut
bortll) h) sl.v pollceiiif-n, amid yells
and cheois,
The piillee then leliirued mid ai-rlel
out each of the leiutilliillg reeiileltliinl-i
In tlie same manner. nltliouKli tliete
was no fliltlier actual leslstHiiie.
Six pnllcenieii sutlleed loi each niem
her. with Iho cm eplloii of .Mr. Flavin,
who Is .1 blK man mid rcnuhod flulil .
Many, as they won helni; t.uileil nut.
waved their hands and bhuulud, "(iod
hiv lielmid "
Those who were lemovert liulinled
Mi-ssiH. .luhn I'ullii.'in. I'.itiltl: White.
I'niilck Mflluitli. William l.uinlnii.
William AI11.1111, it k Du;aii, An-
thniiy Dnlan. .Imiie filllionley, Thomas
MtC.'ovnn and .leivmlnh .liml.iu. The
tioiible muse thiouuli Mi, Malloiir
(losuilni; the whole education estl
niatts without Khinrr mi nppoituuliy
Hi discuss thti Ii vntts,
Al 1 o'llotk the speakei said "The
house will now lesiimo pi 01 ceilings In
inuuullte. and 1 ttiist that hnunniblo
muinbitrs will nuw leave th house"
Tin Irish ineinbeis snouted that they
w tiulil not ltiivt. 'I'lic ihaliiii.111 itKaln
put Ihe viiti mi minimi. .'iddlliK that,
thiTH brdiiR no tellers m noes, Unit the
n.eshii(l II. Amltl liiUKliter ami 1 hrern
tile hnllsH then ililjiilll'llt'il
.N'eltln.1' Mr Dlllnn. .Mr. .luhn Med
inonil 1101 .Mr. T. I. u'Connor wine
pivjteiit. iMVtin. iiliendy left thu house.
One or two constables vveiv badly
liamlli d In tin si utile The suspensions
will Inm lor one week.
Tin D.ill) Chronicle, iniiniftit Intr on
the si cue In ihe Imus . says.
"The lilshnii'li sui passed even their
nun vwiim in mils. The seem- caiiit-s
us haik In the vvoist tlays of IMrilt'M'tt
lioniti idle MruiiKl't and must still lur.
titer It'sKi'ii for the lilsli paity the
sympath) thai 1ms lonif been wiiiiIiik."
Tivo Bodies Recoveied,
Ily l.xrlmltp Hire from 'Iho "latetl 'i
.Icplln, n, Mali II ." Iho 1iritps t.i Iln 11 1
illt'l l.lllt'1 ill III'' r.livlowind lull!', niiiltll nl
Ci liter Crrt, .vi.ii nln.i. vtiro rnvtn-.l Imla ,
Il l hi'lliMil tin Inn men Injuiril will lomiii
The Medsnrc Is Now in Prepara
tion at. Pittsbiiru and
Aucoidini; lo Theories of Mr. Fliun
Scrnnton May Hold the Balance of
Powei 011 the New Issue The Rip
per Bill Still Lacks Goveinoi's Slg-n.-ituic
Mi. Vaughnn Intioduces a
License Bill Mr. Scheuei's Effoiti
for the Hospital A Boom foi Jo
seph Olivet.
ltl.ll (lOIll SUI I . HI. pi,t ,t,
tlaiiisbiim. Maich . (iovetioi
Siniie letuiued today fiom Washlm,
inn, but dltl not s?ii ihe "ilppor."
Neltlier would he say when It would
be sinned. It Is expected, however,
thai ho w'll attach the es-eiutlve o. K.
The "hacr" in lite "rlppei," width
Is now ciiokltur In l'lttbuiir mid Alle.
Kheii) will be alniif; In a lew days. It
it pioposed lo mui'inl the .Muolilliinniii'i
bill by providing tor lin elet tlnn of
twelve select iouiicilnien.iil-luiRt In
stead of one fiom each waul, and to
liialin the olllres of ttenstiiei ami inn
troller iipjiuintlv". Senntop r'Uun toltl
me lonlghl that he will oppnsc the
piopnsltlijii (o elect select COIIIK Ihltetl
at larRfi Just as vlifoioii'ly ns hu op
posed the "tipper." Seiatiton tun
lirobably vvleltl tilt balallci nf power
ill tills Issue
The house eleeloi-. toiniulttii mot
thi-t afternoon and decided to ii'int
adveisely on the Ueilfoul b.illol re.
foi 111 bill, the lefotm ineiisute me- '
sptiiiil at the instant e or Ihe
Melorni association. A loinpinmlse.
however, was effected, by which this'
and all other election meiisuies an 1
to be icported to lh house, netl TiP'F- '
day. anil 11 blir sensation was spoiled, j
The vote In conuultti.e 10 kill the
lietlfnlil bill wis elrrhl to one.
Clialinian Oir slated toulht tha
his delay In leporlinpr ()i the Ui'fli'otd
lilll iMit duo 10 icinPtlentlal utlvlie
that Senator Quay and coloiii l tluf
fey would iiKteeon a ballot bill wlllilu
a week. Senator Fochl says that tat
Quay.flufiey bill Is the 1'oohl bill, ami
thai the lespectlve leadeis of the two
dominant panics 1,1 now iinifoiilni
over the bin which he Intiinlutcil
Mr. Vaughan's License Bill.
Ill the senate tonight Ml Yinmhmi
i 11 f induced a bill piovltilns that wlieu
a city of tin- till) 0 class lias passed, or
will pass. Into tin- second class, .)(.
Ihltior llceiini fee shall leiuahi the
same as when II was a cltv of the
thlid il.iss. until thiee ,ears ntter It
has enteit'rt the second ikirs.
A bill spei tally appioprlMlliig Jsu.hni.1
tn the stale hospital of the uoithciii
coal heldr, intri which Ilu l.iickawatinii
hospital Is lo be timisfnimed bj: a bill
now In inmmiltee, was lulioduced lo
nlBltl liy ltiiiie(iitiitlv'c SchciU'i'. lie
will present mi alternative bill apptn.
piliithiK Ji.Mrt to tin. k'awanna
hriepltal. to pioilde airalnst lip uossj.
blltli of the dereal or tin. b M mul-liip-the
liisllllttlon a state hospital.
Mev. 11. S. Phillips. D. .1. Mi Cm Hu
mid Attorney iSooirc 11. Trotilinan are
hen Iobblnjr for the llnwoilh new
1 utility hill.
The four bills liilrotlilfed Inst we I;,
at Ilu instance of the Mine Wnttern:
union, paused llrsi i-udlug In thu
A petition has hi en pit s.Milcrt to liov
ei nor Stgtm ashlui? him lo appoint ,lo.
seph Oliver i" Sermiltui's Hist lccortlci'.
T .1. Unify.
Chief of the Biueau of Mines Will
Piesent His Side of the Case.
S'dul Invin a st.if, ( miirpai dint
llaillHbm K. l'a . Manh ".- Tip iiiIucm
mid uilulUK loiuinltlee of tin hnusn
will mret tomniiow nflunnou at it
n't lot It to 1 ousliler the (Iiiiuei' tnlu
llnil leilllfrtlllS' the governor In ilim-e
Chief Mndeih k, of the buivail of nilltes.
Mt. 1'ciilerick has piepaied 11 ilet'iise
to the climjci' that h used ludlsei t
Linguae,! lolled iiIiik thu luhn rs Tain
will be pii'souted In Ihe fonn ol a
sworn siat'inuiil. T. .1. Uufi),
Mr. Vaughan's LlceiiEt Bill Other
Matteis of Intel est Discussed.
V) I xtliwlw Who (evil llie ..i!i'od l'ii.
Hat I Ubutv.. Maich .1. -Th s iiutit
nii'i at 0 u'i'liii'lt tunlnht. Aiming ilu
bills IntindllePd Wtle lhnt:
111 III, l I III. 1 111. Idll .iil.UU ll'vl.lili'. I' .
Win II l lllllll ill. tit' hu- i.l t nr will I -Ms.
iiiln tin .1.1.11. 1 ih( (In llviit. tv l"i lie .all'
llp'on III nai.l tl lu'l 11 main tin "jhhi
t 1 lull il ok i 1 'ilnl 'In., at in I'l Iln 1
,1041. a((ii th ' il.t h . ill H.I lulu Iln n nl
Ilv Vli. i1llli, imiuUiIj u '11 Kiollii-r 111 11
Ii la lu (( Iioalll , 'ihli tinji-iwr. ihe
,1 ,11 l'g;e at. J
Wealhtr liiJlc.ttiii InJiv,
1 lirtiflal lllrpor lilll lilt .1 Chun.
I I1I11.1 Hniiiod Nut In I nl- Irttlmi) In!
Illi.vl 1
IMl.niltlllill s, (,,, ( (I,, ,,,,,
I I.1I111 Olio I. 11 Srcenuli).
'.' Iii'iki it -i itlmiiiHilo III pnlmeiil
.. 1,'i-noiul Hlilliu)'! Hftkly St HmlHOt
ntii .11 d I on. 1, lent
,'i laital -Mthtlnti .f s, nn. vim ol tin Iluur.
"1 1 ravlilotn,
'1 I Of ill hi-nniliri liitm Hate linn Uaned
stfimd lU'iijint il ( t tlc.pi Inlrtiio
I. M ,ll It41ii- in I i.lltlt illlialilf lllihfll
Ihnlrriiili Ih. tur 11 nn Ha'Iiliniliiii
o hot ill We.1 -1.1 itiluu mil -nhiirinn
'J ih nn 1! Villi eieiii I'n 11 I 1111 1
I'ltuli. ml mid I t niinoi I4I
I 1 In tl I iti . t. 1 r IW bidn mil Wmhl
I li. ut fh. I lid. 1 111 sei nil
Will Lead His Foices in One of the
Most Iinpoilant Se!,ioub of the
Matylaiul Legisltitute.
I in I . it
Wii Ii.iiii I'n I. cut
'll i'i
Anil.lpnlls. .Match n. -The eve nf
hut pintllbcs tn be nil of thti most
impnitmit serslnns of the Keneial as
sembly iv rr held In ll-ls l t llmls the
nut lent capital of Maivl.itnl itow-iled
with piiimlncnt pnlitltal 1' lmni
all soctinns of Maiylatitl. Chief amotitf
th'iu nf eotiise. Is fiuiuer Fulled
Stales Siiintor Ailhur I'ip Cm num.
who arrived this lift, iiinnti and tnnk
limit ti In a fuirSli d ininn Iiuufh
oppnsile the state hull With him fin
hnlf a ilo.inn of his must misled Hi n
tenmit'. vvlin together with Mr. (toi
lll.ln Will lellllllll lilll Ihk Ihe spet lat Si s.
ilmi ami tlliecl the llulit whiili Is k' n-
Lilly bolleved will lesull elllni 111 .Mr.
loi nun's ultimate letuin to Ihe I'tilted
Slates senate or his 1. litem 'nl
ft nut state unit national polities. The
liupltbllt'itus are ptep.11. -1 for a blttir
1 imi si under the lead, isblp of s malnr
.MrCntlir -i. nit-tslPil by I'ltlllps I, oc Cold
botoiiKh. 1 huh ill in nf the Mcpubllt an
intiitl stale eonuiiltt-i ainl a Ftrnni
1 iintlld.itc for Si iialot WillIiuton'H
The I ill to ami ml the elm tlnn livvs
so nt to piev-nl leitlsl.itois finm cast
birr theil ballnlH Is, nf ciiitise. Ihe ptlll
clptl rthjocl fur will, li the ses
sion Wits failed, II hits bt utl pit lulled
.tlirl will be Intiiidiic'n! tnninmiw as
soon is the 1 n llmlnary foiin.illilt
It ive been Kone tlimuf'li in Hi" liuis-
ami senate, lis eonti nts huxe not been
Hindi) public, but it Is alums-'... If not
enrll, similar lo th ballot laws of
.Massachii'-eits, and tint the nun.- id
the viiimtih pumlldites are so mraiigi-il nn one who eaniitv. road and write
will be abb to ens his ballot Intclll
cenlly. This .f t of the ni'iisllte If p issed
will In to v a tit all) ilisltaip hlse
about !" pel 1 tnt. of the r,.'.iiMi ..loietl
vnlci'S nt Ihr state, .itnl make a Demo,
.untie leslsli'tuii' tie.M ye it ulnnr-i a
ii'ltiilnty. Th' Dtinn nils. hnwiVii,
have but a bare 1 nnstltulliin il majni
lty hi the sinite, and an visibly un
easy lest tli tt plans 11 wicijik and Up
bill Uil of pas-aue.
A Well Known Newspaper Coiie
spondent Hangs Himself.
II) I.mIu-im Hi" li" ' I' '.-"., ii'.l I'io.j
Wllll.iuisiiiiil. .Minh .1.- I't'tei M.
lb UP r. si,, one of in most ildc
kimwii newspaptir .o! ionMiudi nts In
t '..'turn I lnns l 1111I11, hmiped himself
at Montgomery ibis niiirnln. lie lett
a noli siiylns- "I 1 ntiiuililfd sid
ihl. ."
Inst-ad of v.i'liltiK tin pniiiiiini ' 1, '
IfuRcr li"W the pletine of mi ) up m
thepapir, I'm inary euis lit rsei had
rcpiesenteil itliTcit nt iP'-lmptilltuii Jmir
nnls, At tine time he was repotted to
be the wealthiest man In MontKonieiy.
YVitWidii i 1 'instable ! vied upon Ills
housthcild goods I"i ! Id Tilts appar
ently pinmpled hlni ! take Ills lift'.
11,1 l.'.lil.lvo VVIl'e llDlll 'I'll' I liUtfil I'.f"
iik. Manh 't I ' t, (iiigni.i-, e.111,.1
nl .linhio -il"' II- i.ialli.litiirnl. lli il Indat ul
ItllRtlft. ttle.i, as.'O i'n in " vim. II,.
llugoit via. one til ih c,M .i'iihiI n( htniioiUU
ul ivlihli llniili'lti'. n( tin lliiiliii.lnt) ll.nik.i'i',
anil llio lunliiii) Nttvtmian vino priinlitonl ivjwu.
lie via. bnin al .liiliii'tili, N. , and ItL.ul
hi li'vv.papil' i.ll'rl uii Hit I'ulloli I ounl) llnun
. ut. .ml lalei pnlili.litd Hi l)emrit.ra( ai I'tmilt,
. . II tvtt iiimioit"l at on (line wllli 111
limit. In )t)iiiiai and ( luniilih', the Irny
Uhl and lain the 'r Vml. Inapln.
II.)lllilifliiiri. l'a.. Manh .V llr Julm 1)
liuii. tiiio ff Hi itliletl moltiiu-r l tho i no
Medical .ti"l' ly ainl Ilu .n nhh'lii 11 lhal ..lcni
Ualhili In I'll, tllitl a hl lioni'' at Wllllann
biiiir. tliU itiittitt, tixlay, mitl n.1 ,ve.n-i.
I'ltlUiklplila. Man It ft. (.'em 1,0 V) 1'uiiltn 111.
Imiiiei pinl'Inl ( th I eulral N illnnal tnnl..
,hd ,1 (1. 1 'i in mail ut tun 1 ii.t. loaning
Gluts Ul liiitlliiiltili. iltnl Imlai "(
lie via. a lull it ut initial Vnii.,i!iania and
iv. mit of thu Itn . i'ial..i 01 iln I utiaJ Nn
ll1.11.1l haiiU In Mil t U) I" Jll.
1l1Mj11.1, llnili ,V -In 1 inn II. tin 'lilt I. 1,1
nt Iln I b.t ViIImii.iI Itiub of tin illy,
died nUfitnl) "I pfiHi'lill!-! linla), ai;til J--t
ifji. It wn. u iiiuiiiltniii liiinuiui and u
iiiuiilfl ul Iln Ul"
l'iiil.i Iplnn. Iliii It 1 Hi. t.i. hm.l .la.t".
Iliitttltioi.ii. ..11 rinUiMil ulllfi u l nilhi'i 11 ma.n
i.iltialile lilt ill. al nut.. I. t'latl ill III ln'M"
Into .if dinpn- ant) ll.-all t.ilinil'. .iipilltldili tl
In pm mil till. III'. I'liiiBthmi vv.i u miu hi I'm
(' 1 llilill) llllllsliaiKt "I Jllffeoiill UisUt tl,
inll.-Kt. al 'I .itull.d uinili ini iiiuk-i ItU taihu''
iliiet l.'i.. II sa. si.'hi.,loil i.ittii Jpii.iuu .l
In in UVi lb we. .in nl Iln KiiiiiiiiiitN nf
i'n I'liiliitvllilil Mt.llnil 'Iim. ami uu ih
.miu nf lliumllnt Itnl il Hi. lintiait uiul iiiiiii
vml... Ih. 11 iinill. , 1 t.4 'n 'hi ('ili'iil !
vie 11..111 I!,:! I" IM. ..- .1 ma a-I' -u'
P . it
Dapiuy Factory Inspcotor.
Ill l.t.ltl'lv IV II, .l 'III' n,hlt'd I'li'l
ilallUlmn. lUan'i !. MU. Aaiui Willie, ul
Willi mwxtit. wa- ' it.i.iltiUi) a tl. il)'
tmtaai '. Mai HuttNi. u.
Oleo manu.aGUircrs Bring Wit
nesses to Show That theStuil
Is a Necessitu.
Piesideut of the Amalgniuated Asso
ciationof lion. Steel and Tin Woik
eis States That the Snyder Sill
Would Woik Incalctilablo Injury
on Thousands of RollinB" Mill Em
ployes Mino Workers' Represon
tati'C3 Make Simllnr Assertions.
Ilv li I11.11 Hu (rotn Fh tioiatd I'rrj'.
Ilmiishtng, Mutch fi. Tin semttf,
(Oliiinlltee on public health nnil sanN
latlon and the house committee on
ngrliilltuiv held u Joint session tonllil
for the pin pose of hourlug ai'Bumonti
Ini and against the Snydei bill, whlrll
1 Rill ill's Ihe sale of olenuiai'K.irllie.
Setiutni' ijtiall, of Schuylkill, acted 111
chairman nf Ihe Joint ni-etinsr. On
hour and a half was allowed each dde.
The Ilrsl speaker bemd Mas Prosl-
dt nt s liaeiTer, of tin AinnlKatnatetl
Assnchillnn of Iron, Steel and Tin
Wnrkeis or Anierli .1. He said the en
in tmctit of the pendiUMT bill would woik ulable h.inlshlp on the thousand
of rolling mill men who have ramllles, iiie mitt htitteilue. hi s.tltli
are a Cod-s-Mid to tin poor men be
. niisi of lis low ptjee. The workmer
nl" tin slate, he added, weie altno
unanimous that there be no chatiKe In
the piesent law.
I'rtlttir Tiniicher. of th New Ika. n
hiboi Juuriiiil, mnl I. 1!. Cruncher, s
Philadelphia labor lepiesentntlve. iilt
in Kited iiiiiii!, the same Hues n Mr.
Si haellVi .
A iciess was taken at !i o'i lock Ulitl
after tin nlnht sessions of th-i sehai'
and house,
1. M. Month, of IMttsbtirg. a whol".
Mite tlenlor of butterlne. said his but.
nes would be ruined If the Snydei
bill becoines 11 law. Me admitted that
h sold four million pounds of olen
iiiariii inti eat il ear ami claimed hi!
p..lil innii thrill double the tax for th
prlv llego than do the pure butter men
Popular in Pittsbtttg.
Filth Mll!lnh.ini. vlu ptesldein ol
th Fultftl AIIip Worki'iH-iissoclallon
of I'lllsbuiir. spoke for the miners ol
III it vni Hon of llin Stale. He. Ilk"
the oilier labor lepresentatlves sab
the iilfiuu ng.iilni was tho poor man
but.r and lie hnped the pteent hit
will lint be pill iipnu the statute books
II. C. Pill 111114. of Columbus. O n turer of butterlne. read un
met ous rtP( Isinns ol the 1 mil ts nf ntlter
statin', .itnl mid what iik'tiiunrsnirlii)
Is niaile of. In toneliislon, In said
"Fui all Ihe Hindu you -want on oleo.
inm giii'ln. bin lor humanity's sake dn
lint ptohlbll Iln mint lug- of that pm
.Itnl "
Janus .1. Madibii and Otis I'nul
nkninaiK.iiIne doalets. of I'liihulolphlu,
lollnwed iilniig tin smut lines. Tliov
wiinteil In sell nlcnniargnilni us ol'n.
m iis,'.irIno and wanted nn laws which
would fuithci ri'Sttld the salt of thu
liiotUn 1.
Si'. ol AgllillllUlf H.lllllltnrj
spoke for Ihe bill With ceitnlll nltcni
tlniM. lie mid that thlilv-two statnsi
lu vniB a pnpulatlniis nf more Hum n.s have iiat'sed ltiw' ptnhlhltlni,'
Ihe point In", nf iilooniatgrirln. H
Mltilietl the nplnlon that llfl.v pe
cent ol th" nlenmiltKillllie pill chased
l.idny is bought under tlte Impres-ilotl
Hint It Is bulter. If this state of af
fairs should continue, the creamery In
dustii. .MYeellnrj J.i'ii'V'"') r-isonsi
would he mined.
F. rireiliieii and XL A. Cleaver, nf
Philadelphia, aim n.ok" In favor "I
die pending bill. They oprosud oleo
ni'tiKiirliP' b.suurn It dMioiiPstlv on
tuvil Inln ftimpelltloii Avllh butter, r .
Cteuver, who fpren'iits slvty-llvo grn
eery stoics In I'hilailelphla, said th"i
Is 110 lull for oleomargarine, -whlK
showfil that the v.oikni"li do not waul
that prnilin t.
Veteiinai'lans In Session,
ily rwltt'li Wii lit"" 'lllf A' I'r
Vlllililplila, Vlauh Tin iMliul tnootiii"
(he talo etoilual) Vltdlial u.m laiion In jrai
ul 1I10 I niveltllv ..f I', lin bam l toil" "t
moio iIuk ivn hutidiiitl 1111 inlvi In aiten'Iin.e, evniv tnuntv la (lie elate. Tin
. ... .!.., ...... ,-,.... .li. In. nil. ..
wen alvt pie-toin tieieujn-. n.,... i..-
i 1 -ill ay nt latlon. and Inc New York i"
.-... 1-..'.,.. ,.-.. in imw. Attee loutlne In .ir.e
,ltV uriiri --.....--....
lu. hieii 11 m.aeled setei tl t lentllii pipen . 1
. . .. . .i..ii ti, .
I. ill Iho Inlluvvtri; oiinei, tvri-- .-i. n-i .
find. - I -I. liars, 1. I'lillJilelplila: tnal
Mibduif. V. I'. .!..mi.'. 1. M'lowiif :
v'.n pie-dtliin. N. Mfl'mllv, rtt-.liint "
v'.( prllilenl, I'. '. I!tl. Ubsl'!'1 ' " '
urer. I'r.uicU lliiduo. I'liiladilpl la; reoor.ln
sisietai-), -I Mai l ilk I'lii'.wlflphla: o..rr..4
ivndlfj .isinaii. I.. V :. k. I'liiladelplilt.
Steamship Anivals.
(l.t I'v,. In.lio Win Il .1.1 11"' Wi-latctl I'i em
Now loik. JU11I1 ''-' loareil: soutliwiik '1
t.i.1 Willi: "-r.tllh.iinlit'ilil lini'i
i.lieil. Stlltrl: Ualrfr H'ilkrlm Iter tlro-'i
lllfiniii via soittluhiptrtii anl 1 ItrilMiiiu tl
illle- Vuitiil: I innfl.t. ti" Vml tot fi''
Kovv ijiiviiiiliiw!.- Villti'li Ditanlo. Nov
r Ilv,iml lulid pro 1 ! 1. 1 i.Uanl l'a- a
Litln. Sivv "U dn s.inilijmiiloii mnl I'ron u
Slaawiain. N Vt.k m ItoileiiUm. I.ieip"i
111 1 veil: seivi.i. nam Nt " I'irk (ila-;i.v
lull.! sanllnlaii. New mk. IIpiii'i
liied nlili'tl.tns. lmni New nrk.
Cmtei' Hnitlson Renoinlunted.
tly Ixilimvi '.Mie'fio.n the A.o. iatetl I'rr"
ihhaa". MjiiIi '- t iiioi II. IIiiiiii
miiiilnated t.i iiiin.n it I Id. uii 1 1) 1 11111I I
In tin Ih in 1 1 di' iln 1. in en 1 lull loilt.i
- -
9 W... a .nn. ihiin '. Ini.i.ul i'i
I t
1 4
.ilit.t.i lid I. in. I 1 l.u-l. i It I i
vl.illl.l I'ni 1 ii 't V tint -al i) , Inn H 1
v,..ib 1 'nl I" . I" I I'll on 1
1 ,i.-i. Tl on. 1. ie" i