The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    iiiu scBAiVio.N tjuj3Uu TrusDAY. maikti .-, nwr.
The Ideal Steam Cooker is
ceitalnly a friend of the
housekeeper. Requires only
the samo amount of space
ns the 01 dinar y kettle and
you can cook half a
things at once no buined
foods everything cook'ed
well and nothing loxt by
See window display.
Footc & Shear Co.
IJ9N. Washington Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,000.
United States Depositary.
Busiucss, personal aud sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
m Lonnhll, President.
Hi suv, Jr., Vice I'res.
V,i, H. Pick, Cashier.
(v nrr mmMm , i
'. . 71 . .
.Ifc-J i I l j J
w .
Repairing Done Gratis.
I.on.1 data loi M ui.i i. J'Jl
llisslu-.t tiinpci.itiui
Lunrti temperature
tl JpffllOH
.'ij dit,'uci
s a in. ,. I., 71 pcrin.t.
s n in .Id per rent.
If null, Jt hours end mi; s p. til 'Irate
M. M I! of sjiulerMin jHimr, h horn,.
.am aim a visit in Philadelphia,
vldeiinan .liilm 1'. Kelly was out lor the fir-t
lone tcstrulay after an illrux lattini; ten wuki
Mil I.nla Weaicr. ol .Iclfrtsnn avenue, lilt
S. luiil ij lor ,v luonlliV iti .Willi Itltndt at
V jtMiutioii, D ('
tlliu Clox', ol Di.muore. Un nielli on
plojed l the ruinil..uii.i ( oal eompain. hi-,
nun appointed .mil i.tetiec:i.ipliii ai
tnc pucdoffiie and u- i.iunl I lie dutle ui the
I'cslilcn jritciilj
Biitlsh Patrol Missing Near Somer
set Line of Supplies Menaced.
P !.iluilii) Vile fiom '1 tie Asuoi-atrd rrcii.
Vntieisct. Cap l.ulom, Maiclt I. A llilli.ii
luirol ol mm mm, -"it out fain heie. It uiivi
1iu ant bat piolubly Ikhi lptuml by ll'irr
i allien K tehencr, Ii.nllj fhatnriil 111. lum ot
.uppllea to l'ort Miziihilli, arcniiling tu leu lit
di.palche., luciu-o ot tin 'iievali-ntc ol (he
phgtio at Cape Town, Il.e Indication of i,h'
pid-nite of II cur suiidll.ii In (his vicinity 14
inportant. It iniant Hut Hie I knit 1110 tiling
in Interfile Willi the lino of nipplhi be
tween 1'oit I'.IIz.ibelli aim tin. imitli.
Cape Town, Mauli I Kvei.liui Hell platjn me reported Int.
Fat Asserts His Innocence.
By Etclu.Ivo Wire rem Hip Wocltlcd PrciJ.
Omaha, Vcb,, Mauli I.- I'.tl irowe, one of the
alleged ab.luilorH of lMnaid Ciiilali.i, jr.. hat
written a letter to Hie Woihblleuld, toudiliu
1 11 t'ic MilnoppinB ami luwrtlnj: liU Inuocenti
(hid of Police Dn.ihue iyH ihtie U no doubt
In lilt mind nil to the stniilnenfn ol the letter
ml ot ili coining fioin ( iii.
Miudeter Hangs Himself.
R Inclusive Wire f 10111 'the Ak.1-1.latc J I'rem.
(Jreeitthurjt, p .Mauli I Joliu r.ipoUlili,
one of the four Monti xi Ins kinlnueil lu ilealh
for the imiriler ami alleiiiplrilvioliWi of I'jy
mailer lloslir, of Mt. I'leatanl, li.. Inni'il
lilnuclf in hU till only tliU inuinlna'. Ho
n.eil the ihaln that l.oliU up hit hunU ami vat
ilead win 11 ili.coifiel I iy Hie jailer.
Steamship Arilvals.
By tiilu.hs Wire (torn The, Auocialeil Vittt.
New York, Man 11 I-C'liaruli Wil
vim Her HiriM', Ilrenan U Kmlliauiptoii ami
heiLounr. Aiitncrp AliiiVilt .S'ooiJIniul, .w
wk (llhialtar I'oweih I ur.t IIUniauL-,
Nafiln for llamburf.
f MIylr
R.1 1 1 tin h tt
iriininiu a&w
330 jLJl ii, "l'
,( uiid.ulcil from I-ki- 1
nislit In llio vut iiiulltmltim nf tlio
pension ofllcc, with tlio I'ichIiIpiiI unit
Mtw. Mc-Kltttf.v lontlhiR lit tin- rjiniiil
unirrli, and wltli nieti nml women illfl
I'pruIhIiciI In ovory wnllc of life touch
Int. tiliou. iliiinini,' unit ihIiikIIhk with
the plain .11Pik-Hi1 oltl.en. Am a Kpee
tacular event It wiih uupnt'lilleloil In
tlic 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 j- of ImiUKural Imll", In the
miniiitttoiiMK'yx of iiiriinKtniunlf. In
the liiMvlldnlliK Hpli'iuliir of ilMcot'rttloiiH
and ot marveluiiH olpottlcal effects and
In llit KiunttoMS people taking patt.
When the doorn of the Rrral Htitu'
tiiin were thrown open at 8 o'clock 1111
ciiKur trowd hcnloRcd tvery cntiiinco
and llnoit or oarrhiRcH utrclchcil Into
tlu stnruunilliiB HtirelH and avcuucH.
Plalooiw of police oillcpfK. mounted nntl
tiniuounl 'd, mmrdpil the outer en
trance, keeping hack thi uihIi of riui
ous KiKfCtatotd anil biiiiKlim older out
of the taiiKlu of rnrrhiRcH. Throtish
the loiifc ntchud eiitinnceH. Iiuiir with
hunting and vIiich, pniHPtl the meiiy
pluiintne-.KL'ekliiR thtoiiK:, thu women In
ItixtnloiiK gownc with the Hash ot
JpwuIh In their hair and tit their
tin on to,
Soon the MiHt Intel lor of the build
ing began to take on lliV and nnliii.t
Hon. The presidential party was not
to nrrlve utiill U.30 o'clock, and tlio
earlv eonwrs buslfd themtfclveM In
viewing the extjulslte beauties of the
Ball Room Decoiations.
The dei'oratlons of the ball 100m
yellow for their predominant tone. No
cumbersome effects of light, or color
were In evidence, but above and on all
sides Hit etched a av. ilppllng can
opy of yellow bunting thaivcoveied the
walls and skylight and was broken
only where the lining of the ptesldent's
b.ilcony at the west end stood out
white lu Iwld relief. Mytlads of ellow
electric bulbs glowed and blinked like
flic-tiles In the gai lands of gieen that
entwined the t.coies of pillars support
ing the gullorles nnd shone out ftnin
the stars and bais of the big American
shields, which In the midst of clusters
of Aineilcan Hags, hung high up In the
ct litre of each side of the immense
ciowded hall.
This scheme of decoiatlon with yel
low as the iill-picdomlnatlng color was
a radical deparlute from the decor
ative plan at the last Inaugural ball.
Then thiee great lloial bells, studded
with colored lights, wcie the most
piomlncnt featute of the woik. This
year the soft light effect given by thu
broad expanse of golden color every
where was in sharp and fax urn lilt1 con
trast. The subdued yellow glow fiom
the thousands of frosted electric bulbs
made the great hall as bright as at
The big fountain lu the center of the
hall held a billowy mass of the purple
Hougusvillca, the flower of the Philip,
pines. In the midst rose tall palms
and fetns. bearing scores of yellow
light blossoms, and around the bolder,
fringed with the white sphe.i, were
placed glided urns of growing plants
and (lowers.
In the extreme west of the hall stood
the president's balcony, decked with
groups of Roman wreaths and clusters
of American Ueauty roses, bound with
bilght-coloied ilbbons. Above the ex
ecutlve's .stand Hashed a big shield of
liand-embtoldery, Mlk-topped. with a
fine stult'ed specimen of the gieat
American eagle.
Down at the eastern end was the big
stand erected for the musicians. It
compiled an upper nnd lower stoiy,
the foimer for the sttinged orchestta
aud the latter for the accommodation
of the big inaugural chorus and the
brass band. Hack of the tlngeis nnd
musicians was a great gilded sounding
board, which threw the strains of
sound to all pints of the big hall. In
ftont stood a beautiful design sym
bolic of the Muse of Melody, In the
fchnpe ot 11 giant green lyre, with
sttings 01' purple ilbbons nntl on either
side cro-sed musical instruments, on
the lett a lute aud trumpet and on thu
light u guitar anil pipe .ill fashioned
of gieen lencothe. with sitings of
put pie,
A Btilliant Scene.
The balustindet. and aichwus pie
sented a lii'llllunt scene. No less than
sexenty-slx stais, each founeil of elev
en fiosted electiic glober, were pet be
tween the arches on the gioitud Horn
anil shono ladlaut through n net
wot k ot gieen against th- buck
ground, glinting with powdeied glass.
Suspended beneath each star nnd ho
lov draped festoons of yinllax were
shlmnieilng tialleis 01 gieen and eloc
tr'c bulbs tipped with a yellow globe.
The gilt pillars woe onhi outlet! In
lneg and green ami above the bright
clielets of llellt that nnuiii'il Ihem
wete placed Invisible bosf-s of gi owing
tulips, dnltodlts. azaleas ami joimuiN.
In the second balcony the ,tnie scheme
ot ilociuntion was cnuied out, eveept
lug that In lieu of the stais wero
hung electric lights In clusteis 01 three,
covered with soft yello.i ti.iuspuieui
paper anil luoduclng a beautiful eifecl.
Hack under the balconies on th
giotiinl and second floois, wieaths or
green ovine hung nt regular Intervals,
linked by loops of vines and smllax.
Heventy-slx additional posts had
bei n plaied on the (op balcony, eaih
one Mitmnuntcd bv u glowing bulb of
ll'jl.t, Uetwien them and boulpilug
the 1. tilings of the balconv all the
way round, weio boxes of cut and
giowlim I'.oweis In gioat piofusion of
Off to the side, on the second Iml
conles. were the piesld.uil's and vice
piesldt tit's loom, the dlphAnats' room
and foily other iooiub appioprlately
cmhelishcd for publlu teceptlon and
proinenade. The pieshlent's room was
diaped entliely lu white and made
beautlul with pink ilbbons, white or
1 bids and gieens. The other rooms
held to the all-pervading yellow, decor
ated with flags, floweis and smllav.
In the diplomatic lcceptlon room the of all nations weio clustered und
Inlet twined and lent a btilliant back
gioun'l lor the gorgeous uulfuims and
regalia of the diplomatic ofllcluls.
Alongside the muln building had been
built a laig9 dining hall decorated in
red and white and hung with greens,
The expense, ot the decoiations en
tile Is sei down iu about $15,000. Th
tlotnl anil electile decorations nlono
came to ueaily ii.fifio. thoie being nn
less than l.ri,000 lectrle lights Involved
lu the Illumination.
The United States .Muiluo band und
an oichestia ot over u hundred pieces
weio stationed at one end of thu hall,
anil for an hour befoie the arrival of
the presidential puily played putrlotlu
For The Insurance,
telephone or call on Fulton & Iliad
bury, Hoom 60(i Connell building.
Infoiinatlon Was Lodged Against
Him by Agent Robert Wilson Tes
timony Given Against Him by
Wade M. Finn, Simon Thomas and
W. P. Bolnnd After the Healing
Hatton Tcndeicd His Resignation
ns Mayor Moll's Private Sectetniy.
Asks Suspension of Judgment.
Tin .Mllllliipal league .esleiihi
caused the nriest of Hairy C. Halloii,
private secretary to .Mayor .lanies
Mulr. for pjrjur.s. Agent Itobeit Wil
son Is prosecutor.
Ilatlon Is alleged to have peijuteil
himself at the last hearing. 011 IVb.
I, lfi'il. when he stated that he hud
never iccehed any nion.'y with which
to secure the vote of Simon Thomas
Hulton was given n healing before
Alderman Puller yestetday afternoon,
and as n lesult was hMd under $2,!M
ball for appearance In court. Thiee
witnesses, stUot ('oiiiiellman Watle AI.
Finn, former Select Souni'lhnnu Simon
Tliomus and W. P. llolnud. weio put
011 the staiiil. Finn tcstllled to haling
given Hatton $300 nnd Thomas
aektiow lodged having tecelved either
four or five hundred dollais fioin nat
ion. Attorney (leorge AI Wiitson ap
pealed for the defendant and Attor
ney J. H. Tori.y repiesented the iuos
et'iitor. John Tujior, a steiiosiapher, was
llrst called to tuke the stand. Taylor
was the stenogiapher picsent at Si
mon Thonuis' hearing on Feb. 1 last.
Taylor had not transcilbcd his note,
but lead them as he had taken them,
showing wheie Hatton hud positively
denied having tonvetstition with 0" O.
Holiind regarding the securing of votes
nntl also to making an agreement to
gl e Simon Thomas $,"00 for his good
will towaid the Lnekawanna tel -phone
Wade Al. Finn was called anil said he
had been a member ot select council
for sU or seven years and that h
was acquainted with Hatton and
Thomas He reinembied the I.acka
wanna Telephone compaiiv's oidlnanee
ami also to talking with Huiry Hatton
about II. He was not quite sure
when the otdiunnce was first before
councils, but thought It was In .Tune
of the year 1SHS Il had several con
versations with Hatton The Hist took
place ill City Tic-usurer Holiind's olllce,
when Hatton told Finn anil llolnud
that he could get Thomas' vote for
$300 to reimburse the Litter's license
tax. There were several talks between
them and It was tin. illy arranged that
Hatton should be given the money for
lu the afternoon pievloiw to the
council meeting, between the bonis of
I and ", the money was given to nat
ion. On e". (!. Hola nd's desk a stud:
of twenty dollar gold pieces stood. Finn
testified to brenklng the wrapper and
counting out $r,no, which he gave in
Hatton, who had Just 1 ome Into the
onice. lu handing it to Hatton. he
said: 'ThPio Is tli " money for Thom
as." That night Thomas voted for the
oidlnanee. At the same meeting Coyne
created the suipiise by voting agalnit
it, and it was killed bv a vote of 11
lo 10.
At this point Finn was turned over
to Attorney Watson for miss-amln-atlon.
Finn said he was poor tax col
lector at that time and had access
to the tieasiitei's ollli e. He did not
know that Hatton was luteiestetl lu
the new telephone lotnp.iny, but Ho
liind was. Attorney Watson askeel If
the wltne had not iwoin in the case
of .lames (!. llalley that he had
handled $t.0(i0. The question was oh
jeeted to and sustained 011 the ground
that it had nothing to do with the case
at l-sue
W P. llolnud was next plai -d mi
the .stand inland had a talk with
Hatton the next morning legardlug
Thomas' vote and Hatton told him
that he had landed Thomas and that
he ought to have "iJ.", lor his services.
He said he . did not know whether
Hatton ever got It or not. Ctoss-ex-aniln
m1. he said that time or four
othfi people t lalmed to be lOsponslble
lor biiuglng Thomas lu line.
After some delay Simon Thomas was
put on the stand. Thomas testllled
to being a member of council In IviS
and leinenib-ued peifettly well the
night of the see one! reudlng ot the tele,
phone oidlnanie. He had spoken to
Hatton ipgnullng his nttltudp towaids
the new company Nothing was men
tioned about money, although Hatton
said "something was passing." Thei?
wasn't anything said about the lliense
lee Not vety long after the passage
of the nrdluauie Hatton gave lilin an
envelope, saying that ft lends of his
(Thomas) hail Tisked him to give tills
messaa to him. Thomas opened It
and louud that It contained eltliei tour
or Hve hunched dollai, he did not re
member which. Nothing now was
bi ought out on ctn-is-exanilnallon.
Kx-Clty Tieastiier C. tl. llolnud was
to be called us a witness, but did not
appeal. The aid thought the
evldeuie sulllileiil und held Hatton
under $.',.".110 ball. Hatton was leleasod
In ptitiol of his nttoine. in enter ball
this morning
InimedlalPh aftei tin healing Hut-
Go to COURSEN'S for
In-er Seal Specials
Uneeda Biscuit, package 5c
Uueeda Grahams, package,.., 2c
Uneeda Jlnjeis, package lOo
Kennedy's Oysterettes, package. Dc
Tid-Blt Sodas, package 8c
Ideal Sodas, package l'c
Excelsior Butters, packnge.... 12c
Butter Gems, package 10c
London Cienms, package, . .i. . . 10c
Graham Wafeis, package 12c
Salted Banquet Wafers, package. 15c
Coconnut Macaroons, package.. 25c
Sugar Wafeis, (all fiavois) pack
age 25c
Athenia, package 25c
Ramonia, package 25c
Butter Thins, package 18c
Water Thins, package 18c
In-er Seal package contains the
finest goods ever baked in the cake
and cracker line. Alvvnys fresh.
E. Q. Coursen
Who Can Write the 0
Best Short Story f
Jill IKIM l IHHII- I'll ritlM I"
UK l Ulillllll- 111 l.llt M. 1 It IH).
Su.UO toi the Best Stoiy,
$10.00 for the Second Best.
S5.00 for the Thlid Best.
A wn loMi'l.nrio. win i:i i
I'l.ltll.M I Is MM M( l.-.; IN
OlIP'.ll 'in WIN.
In a ul h .mt dial luiKiiliialile I'm
him e'.ipiil .In ) Iheie h.u lunli an piiMU
eon IKlllhiii lluniuli tin Ih.iI luew t"r In
uirH,.c i kHmiiiI itlnir tin- alillUi
lalenl miic-ui; the peopli- ol Noilhra-ti III
I'rm-nltatili. Ilii liltiune ha iliiiiied l
oiler ,i aiiliH nf pii-ii ai t -llniiil'i' In " U
illii-illnii ll ih ili-muM of MNtiiliii; t"i "'
In il i-iliimiiH a niiinlHi nf lioit liriet
IliMtiiiB of Imal llicini- ll. kiJ'- tu f"l''l'
an linenil"- it i. pc-c-i tu pay
ij fin lie- li' ilurj of l.o tj cv 'I
n,iioii vniib in length
slo 1 1. dm xioiul l'0l loiv, mil
s ici. On Huiil I it Mori.
Jl.niwilipla tint .llccwful 111 ennuis "!'
ot time pin,, c ill h pihlldiiil and -ml
ilpilitnl ir il.e diilhom u ileelie,
Slirlrn 'emlli-tf n hrni out Hi" W)i n. '- e
a"il lesemlari Inie f I'm .inthr.ieil, ini'inu
ImliHtrt will Ini,- piifiieii'f. hi inlinci tl"n
with cur, nilii- In tin v illcj thu it i
iiij-w of Irnli'.on. iin InillDR hair hreailtti rr
lapet, iiaiiillii- of noo'.i h ippentliB "'"i
other ilctaiN l-oinriliu'im the wclii' or cup'i
naturil whnli has nei t hem K'lhcrecl tu
Kithtr In Iliifaiv ten in Thi. opera i fu-lil
Whkli N fujctlrilly li.oxlnu'.lllil' anil which
tliouhl mppjv Hie inalcilai I 'I "Onie eurcd
fusil Inlile.'llic In Hen
The (a-k of pulii, ui'ou the- i.ifnl f "
nuniMrirtf nuliiullltO wi'l he a-Ulieil lo
ilMiileiolin i,Iki whoe nail.e will rOli
be miiintiiiifil. mil eihn v ill le.ul the n anu
mlpt but hau- no iinleilae of Hie Mill
till of tiir aul -, The emclopn i-nnialn
IliK the i.mI ii.ii ie ot tue auihoM will he
iie'erieil unop neil until utlei Ihe awault
hale lw-eti nnd-
shnnhl llil tin,, iianppliiinn pr'iw- '-n
rouranliis;. 'I in i In- follOA-eJ hi oihei
piie otleiN ol tenor
1 OMMIIOV. ill till e)MI s'
Ml nuniitiriiii. laisl ' i"ihuiilleil .101
latti than Minh '0
All inuiiiMiipto iimt be pu-hiI I' .1 !'
tltlmn mine nml nln the wrltir'-i oal name
and pnitofih i iiMiik--
The Men of iaih loi niu-i hi- lad in
Noithra'ieiu IVinie.1 lt.iiil.i. but the mice. o pel .on., uiii-ii not be necl.
line luilhei cuiiiiilloii limit be in ih-r.lnoil
ContilbulloiH inteiidicl for till, cmili-,. will
Im aicepled oul.i liutn picenl siilcrilifi. lo
The 'Iribune ni lloln ll(o- who 111.!, ihllllg
Hie cotile.l. beioinr mb-itibiia In pieiium
of at tea1 one nionth't iiilitriptioii in "b
ance Vililii...
s. iai i i Iribune serinloti, l'i
ton pl.u Jil his ii-signation In the huiids
of Alaor Alolt- and It was accepted.
With lefeieitce to hl lesignatlon, Hat
ton said last night
"111 View of the evidence given nt
the heailug this afternoon befoie Al
dermuii Fullai. notw lllislandlng the
furl that theie s not a woid of Until
In It, I deemed it in, duly to leslgu
my position with Alnvoi- Aloii. not
wishing lo cause him an enibariiis
ment All I ask of the public Is Hint it
withhold Its Judgment on this matter
pending a ttial before a pioper til
bunul." Walluce Aloii. Ill- 111.001 s son. will
act as secretary pending the appoint
ment of H.itlon's stucessoi.
Couucilmen Agiee Upon the Main
Feattues of a Geneinl Oidlnanee
to Be Iuttoduced Thuisday.
Sele. t fount Ihllell John II I to, lie D.
W. Vniighnu. '. i: Chittenden and
Flank demons, together with Com
mon Councilman Luther Keller, met
lust night In city hall with City Solic
itor Vosburg und ugieed upon the
main fealmes of the leoigiiulitatlnn or
dinance whlc ll must he passed before
Scranton can icoiganlze her inunlcipil
government us- a city of the sec mid
The oidlnniii-e H to be diuwn up by
City Solicitor Wishing lu time lor
presentation ul Thuisday nlghl's meet
lug of the select lolllli-ll. It will follow
the piovlslons of the lipper bill Hist
passed by the leglslutute und' will cie
ntf the vui lous deputineuts and their
heads, tlx the s.ilaiits of .In- latter
nnd outline theli duties mine tull.v
than does the act. If theie Is time It
Is planned to have this oidlnanee In
clude nl"o the lilies und -"iTiilations
for ihe mu lous buie.ius under each de
Daitment, us lor instauie, the biiie.iu
of police and the huieau of Hie.
It was agiccd at lust night's me t
lug to fix the satiny of the lecouler at
V..O0O, nnd the sahules of the etlrcclfir
of public- Kifely and the din ctor of
publlu woiks at V'.'iwo each. 'I'liesc are
the minimum ilgiuos allowed bv tlio
net. The duties of the dhedoi of pub
Ik works nml tins din dor if public
harltlos me m he conib'iied lu one
It was decided '. i also the
duties of city tiea.Hiixr and -'llnquunl
lax collector lu m' ollli lal. and lo
allow him n salary of S.'.f.on and u iom
nilsslon of tin o-o tin iin'. on delln
(llient luxes collec'cl. '1 he illv In-as-tin
i now lecelvcs Sl.000 a .-at and
collects no delinquent taxes.
Tin bond of the iccoidor Is in l,e
(Ixcd nl $30,000, aud the bonds m tlu
heads of other depailiuents at $10,000
iadi. They must be tins! eoinpan,
bonds, and n new Idea will be that the
ct shall pav the pieniliiiiis upon
The compensation of lb-- live assi-sn-ois
N to lie M.liua eai'll, and the, ur
lo be boudt-d', 111 the suiiie sum The.
sinking tund enniuilssloneis an- n. re
iclvo a salniy of S.'iO each. The Natalies
of the other ollli Itils are to lenmln the
same as ut picsent
It Is pl'iuilt'd lo luioipcnate in ibe
leoigunlziitloll oidiuame a c opv of i lie
oidliuince governing Hie police lone of
the city of nufllllo. X. Y Cine of thy
unique feattues of Oils oidlnanee is
thll It does away with legilhll tleie. -
thes and piovldes fot the detailing ot
d'tiVtenl oltlcets lo do detective wink
All. Itcnhe has given this onllniino
linn h study, nnd belle-vis It to be .-s-pe'lull,
well adapted for this iliv.
The Assoilatd Piess sinds the olc
lowing rcgaidlng the leiletal court
"Have nothing spccHlc about thu
president signing Federal court bill,
but It Is understood he signed nil bills
Mia iuis'.e I '
At Session of Silk Mill Sttlkeis
Executive Committee Yesterday
Moinlng- Supoilntendcnt Davis'
Telegtnm Olieilng Wage Scale Pio
posed Betoie Stilke. Came Up for
Consideration nnd Action Was In
definitely Postponed Pi cpm atlons
for Paiado and Mass Meetlnp
The "Ilk mill slllkeis' eeculie ecnil
inlttpe held a .-cession yesteiday morn
lug und lousldeieil the telegriini'spiit
fiom Atlanta by Supeilntendent ol thu
Saurjuolt Silk .Mill W. II. Davis, tlio
complete text of which was veste rday
cNc-lushely printed lu The Tilbune.
The sMclal ommlltee appointed lo
confer with ihe supeilntendent who
scut him the teleginm pioposlug n
confeienee. which lesulteel lu hl veiy
decided leply yesterda moi'lilng, ap
peaied at the esecuthe i onunlllee's
meeting nnd piesented Ihe teleginm.
Tin terms advnnied by Supei Intend
ent Davis pioved most uiu'iitlsfactoiy
to the committee, nnd the motion was
unanimously passed to Indelluitely de
fer all tie t Inn upon II. Thi girls decline
that they will not resume woik nl the
wages offered them befoie they stittek.
nnd fiom present Indications settle
ment of the tumble seems even fai thcr
away than It was live weeks ago.
Aiiaugements ale now being made
bv the slilkers for u monster demon
stiutlon Thuisday afternoon aud night,
when a street paiatle will be given and
a mass meeting held Hrforts will be
made to have every sulking silk mill
girl fiom Wllke.s-Haire to Fou-sl City
lu line. u least four thousand peisons
being expected to take part In the pin
cession Al the close of the day's manning
rpfieshinenls will be seived at Car
ppnleis' hall, ufter which the girls will
J'oim Into line and march to the ar
nioiy. National Committeeman Fred
eilck Dili her und .Mother Alary .Toms,
of the Fnlti'd Alloc Wnrkeis. will tin-re
deliver uddteses, nnd hi lef sppsehes
may also be given bv local luhoi lead-
TliP Heiitimi'iit legatdlng Ihe parade
Is by m means universally lu Its favor,
ns a Lu ge number of glils me sliongly
opposed to It and deflate they will not
Ycvterda.v i a-sed vvlihtiut distill b
nuce of anv kind. At Helling. David oi
Si hoen's Petersburg mill a number of
the foremen nie still winking, and no
attempt Is being inude by the sttlkeis
to lust week's disturbances ut
the fuc tory.
Quiet also lelgntd supieino at IJhss'
Dickson cit v plain. A nuiubei of men
employed In the jiuit of mill utilized
bv All. llllss woiked all day, and In
the other ilepaitmeut. letited by the
Tiylor Aliiuufai titling lompau.v, about
ilfteeit girls vve-ie ptesent, and tolled
without any attempt being made by
the sttlkeis to forcibly dissuade them,
Supetintendenl Spittle, who shut
down his weaving department Filday
and Satuidav, ic-unied work yester
tlav. as It was ili unanlnioiis ipii
of the llfte u w envois.
Spade Committed to County Jail in
Default of Ball.
Toti.v Spade, alias Tonv Hell., who
halls fiom Hnzleion, was committed
to the county Jail by Aldeimau Howe
ypsl"idny. In default of Sl.sOO. for ob
tnlnlug goods undei inli pielenses
Spaclv, oi llelti:. Is an Italian about
IT veils of use. Within ihe past lliiee
or four days he has uu cecdeel in set in -ing
an extensive vvannobc vvlthotli
the rxpendlluie of a solitaiv c lit
His modus oppunidi Is siniplp. Alined
with en del s put pen ting to be signed
b 1". II. Duikln, of the el rami Centtul
liofl. and AI. P. Flynn, nf the Lacka
wanna V.lllev house, bit would walk
Into a shoe store or gent's liii-tilshlug
house, -elei t n iil.iutlt of ..itlfles,
cooly piolfer the bogus orders In pny
ineiK nntl take his depaiiuie.
Kramer liios., eloihleis, veie ve
tlmU.d lo the extent of a suit of
clothes, valued ut flO- Lrwls - K-illv
and Hundley, for palls of shoes, und
Alcycis ,i Alanslleld foi a hat, neck
ties, coll, ns and nthei i-entlenien's
Ill some Instuin es Tonv would c Ml
up the ptopilelor by teliphone, t-n -sept
himself as either .Mr. Duikln or
Flvim. und ck If as. personal favoi
lie would liol give the voung mill who
he was about to send whatever lie ie
quhed 'I Ills woiked all light I'lltll
the li lliulwd dealeis tilc-d to i isb
llielr nidei's. r.nd Hun rpi.siue lol
lowed. Pollc h -uiioliai l"is win nuiiiiunl
e.ili'd wltli mid Driiittv Moll und
.Mounted illllcil- lllocl. sllc i i eded in
I'ipt'liliig tin thiel and bis plunder.
Two Pnssengeis Fall fiom Plntfoun
of Oveiciowded Stieet Cai.
A lather p-i uliai uiclib-ut but mi"
whli h HuMlv did n t have nnv seiloiis
lesults. look pirn e about 0 n'i loi k last
eveidng on an H non-Dilnkei un-el
mi Two Italian mlm-is going to their
homes In Duunioie buanled the n i mi
L.u k.iwai'iia avenue .
Lion Brand Paiamas fot
Spi ing made in sn lUing
ly handsome patterns of
unubiial variety.
Priced tiom ,51.50 to
I hue vuu seen the
Springs Knox llatr to
see it is to buv.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
1 he'll the steps of lb" tear plutfoilll
ttcl" 1 1 nw ded und Ihe Iwn Hied men
weie only able in gain a slight fnut
holil. The.v lemnllied III tills position
until the nn- louudeil the Lui-kiiwunn i
avenue curv und llliued Into .leffer.
son, llxtin speed was put on theie,
and both men weie thrown violently
fiom the car. The car was slopped
nnd they wen pli ked up and biought
onto the rem plntfoun, weie Dr. A. ,1.
Council who happened lo be it passen
get es-atnlneil ihem. Doth men vir
badlv liiulseil, und one of them sus
tained u seven- cut about the mouth
while the olliei's kllOe Wlls pulllfllllv
How to Cuie n Cold.
Iinli'l go to bid. Doll'l slop wink.
Don't take a TuikNli bnih and lender
.VeUllselt liable In till illlmk of plli'tl
nionla. Kinti"s Cnhl Cine, In mi
venleiil capsule loi m, villi cuie you In
21 bonis Tiny an pleasant to laki
and cause no i hieing in vour head 01
oilier dls.igieeable sensations Pile-
::, Sold bv .Mutthe-tvs llro- "
Mascpueiade Ball.
ImiiiiUi annual masqueiade ball given
bv the S. aud S. Ileluew Ladles' Alii
-cicletv ul Music hull on Wednesday
evening. Alaich ll Don't foiget to
conn, as theie will be a lot of enloy
ment I-'olir be.iullflil pilzei will be
given to hatidsoniesi mid inosl eoinie-il
lOstUlUi-s. "
Mosei & Coleman's Removnl.
On Aim ill I'O .Mosei iV Coleman, ilu
leading lailois, will move lo l"!fi "N ii
higloii avenue "
Ask foi Kelly's union cuukeis
The Scinntou Gas and Water Com
pany nnd the Hyde Paik Gas Com
pany. hi atcoiilauei wall tit- pulu v o- the'e , uiu
panie-i to n-ehice lales fcn.n Inn- lo time .11
iiijv be v. ji null il b nrreasetl ioniiuiplioi,
not ii e It In relic given Hut. on unci allri pill
1 nc-vt, Il.e pilce of nut will be one ihill u p-i
one llioiicaml uibh fert i oieuineil,' iubjei I 'o
Hie following ih-iount" I'ive per tent on ill
I UN il, eie the couiiiiiiplioit (oi the m u.e'i
amount lo te-i thin (wfiiti hve dollar, ler per
rent, on all I Ilia wheie the loii.iiiuplloii fo ihi
monll an niinit lo lie Hull us ami tin
I'lOVlded the lull U pild on or In Idle ll
Until i li.c of the mouth In which Ilu bill i
renel'inl III onlei of Ihe boaul.
I! II ItVMI, i en I it.
Hide; I'aik Hat imp nil In nnln In i in out
aite Ihe i,-o if pit foi luil p'upn.e., mithi- i-hi-iiln
then Hilt on iml .if Irr piil I luvi lee
pi ue ot sn 11-11I wilt be one doll u pei one
Ihoit-.ind tee t loii-attnnl. tulijnt to Hie uillouln
cpMhl eh-ioltlili: 'ten p. cenl oil nil liilhwhei
Hie lOiMiiiiptihiitM, 1e.Ul.l
livcnlc five i! ll.nt. Iccc nlv pel cent, mi ill b'llt
wheie the tiiu.uiupUon loi Ihe month amount
le Hunt (lie doling .mil upuatiN.
I'lolldiel the bill It 1111,1 oil 01 In Ion lie 'oil
da of Hie month in whhh Hie bill i- o nil"! d
V epai.ili 1111 1, 1, iiutniliiel b the- mpaiic it
lit 1 1 -.s 11 . Ill Oldei of 111'- build
(i 11 iiwn i.uii
The greatest commercial
economist in Ihe world today.
Compared lo any necessary
investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rale; at a moderate cost.
llaiugn'ii oll.i e, 1(7 Vhim avenue
Y i II n i i 'i el Hi- I eh w ii.,
a, i ui il d Mih ' I" i i i in i 1 1 i p,
n Ui mi- I I vt 'Ii I ' i ii V
i i c l. II K ' ' i II i H us.' - t ul
i t tie -,i i c i ita i i i
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
nil: I Mill s vMi I.I s
135 Spiuce St., Scianton. Pa,
To the
riusical Public
e beg to state that the most
leccnt Pianolaitfs bv the Mason
iS. Ilnmlin Co. contain points of biipu'riot ity (lioin a
scientilk- ami acoustic point ol
view) which icndei them second
to none
I hese in-ttiniiieiits ate on exam
ination ami sale al the w.iiciooms
Pierce's Marke:, Pemi Avenue
We liul.1 a 1 1 ' i - of (jiu I iiii ii lb,
tcr mid .liiitly ire-h c-aut -Jinl the p.' c i- a
low ai Ant iliu goocla tan be .old at
We ilj not hair any tpcdal sale -n I au"
but al all turn, call ui icuuplclc a ine of
HaiUt (,oi)'U. Kane (lioceilei and 'table llelica
net at lan be found In tlio Uu-ett S"w ork
or Philadelphia MaiUts whkli we till al ci-,li
W. H. Pierce,
It Lacltntnm Ave. 119, 11!, Ill rtnn Aft,
Prompt delivery.
What judicious buying can
save you. You will be sur
prised, and the best thing
a"bout buying here is that
you can't buy poor goods at
any price. But you cau buy
at a very low price.
4'' a.
The wotld a nip l the bov's favoiUw
head e-oveiinir. a ,ve Just opened
.1 new- lot of bojs' cups and Invite you
lo cull nnd ree ih'-m. "Whatever your
fniu.v in slvle op color, we can suit
305 Lackawanna flue.
"IS 17 Rogers Bros,'' (Jooih.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War.
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense btock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cabcd
Go-'ds lor Wedding Presents.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oi! Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
nlru? Heaters.
A Lively
in GoCarts
is noticeable about the
btoie since this fine
weather began. But there
nie othei lensons be
sides the vveothei think
of the handsome line we
cany of the little-at-a-time
payments we ask,
and the low pilces at
which eveiy cait is
Tor an inexhaustible
vnilety of all that's com
toitnble and stylish one
must see the Economy's
line. To enjoy the lowest
juices for the best quali
ties one must buy of The
. Economy.
!eai.223-2SD.237Wyomlng Ave