The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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PiiIiIMikI Jliilr, Kxti-pt MH'Oie-. I.v 'Hie" TV)
urns 1'nt lildfiK I uin'caii', hi I'lliy I run u Miiiitli.
. .-. lilt IIAtlll, UllleT.
0. 1'. IIY.lll;i:. IIihIiivm al-nnrr-..
Nnev "iciik Olk-tl I'D Wiii M.
S. J. VltKM.vNIl.
Siilf .nt for t orpt-ru vdnrtialnt.
L'nltred ul llic l'felill-t" at cratilon,
fa.viitlCI.rn Mull Milter.
Pa., .11
When iptv will -tinill lliw l"illim l- always
fllml (o tliit lnil letlm lium In ftlnieU Wf
in mi turn 1,1 topics', Iml l&i rule li tint tlic-ci
liiiwt lie itlgtwd, Jor niUlcallli, ly 11m wilier
rl inint'i anl tin ttiiiilltlflii preiiilt;iit li ae
eeptairtf ie Hut nil toiittlhutlemi hll U) mljs'et
in nvWem.
tuii ilvi nvii: run Aiivr.misiNti.
lire ftiltow liip tlnm llii- price- 1T imli
mil lt"iill(.i. ti.HC In U' inctl within niii! )tar.
" "' "" I Ilium! rti1iHKvll in
liJSI'i.VY Paper I Itnicllmr ' IWIIci"
I in I Inn jo iwl.m, . I .'.'TS ''
.Vilfiict-u -f I ! '"
ti " in ' .i::- .1"
'" " tWi I IT I"
uei j;, ,iur. !
I'or emrih nf lhinl, icvitiiiliini nf imicImImki
"ml similar imirllnitfori In Hi" iiiliin nf ml
i'tlliiif The Trilmii- irmkdi a dwrsc ol 3 ce-nl-i
llitca for I'la-lhYd .Vdci'rtlilni: liirnWi'il on
I Ml.
Yin iicxi1piii'." crcoiiil liiaiif;uinl
uildrpwi koi's tinKht to the hc.irt of
itn thomo anil Ih uii oxiucHvlnn of hope
in Aiui'ili'iiiiionrs limn. to whloli
iIiitp will lii orw lii'lmtiiK aw-i-nl. Us
ii'lfftliiis.t wonlliif- is In ii'?jiltiK with
itt ailuilt.iliK- imiiMiit.
Hie Uoycott.
uisi'osrrioN i
111H0117 home of
jL Jk. piniiilncut In the
of local liilior movements to
cinpliiijl;v thIr Inlluolico by clupplni:
iioycutiB tiinit thoso whom tlioy do not
lll.e or with whom tln-y h.ivc Pusl
inns ilK'tfiPviwul'. A liumli'jr of
thej-e liovcoits mv now In iipoi'illoii.
nil'l no doubt iiimo will follow uiilo3
x.Ibi fi lends of the winking people
chuck the tniidoury foithwlth.
The rotutsj lmvo held tliiU a boycott
is a I'Uiii". It cpi'tiiilily Ih it I'omplf
m V In teitrali't of trnde. Mow ciin
urgjiili'il labor foiislHt(ntly prnptlc
wlmt n fondpinnrf In "iriiFtB"".' 'flip
nUrts linvn hPld that no man i to
bo Injured In poison or business for
oxerclsliifT the fiopdom of contract
Kiiarantend by thu cotiMlf.tllnn of tlu
I'nltcU Slfltcs; a fiucilum which per.
mlts him to li Iro w'hoinocvcr Iip
plcnps nt whatsoever wiiklh hu
pleasesi to jiay anl the other paity to
tllv contiaet plca&ea to locolve. It Irf
a matter, the law says', between the
uo. It U not n matte-" for uuUldo
Tito boycott Is imralr. becausi' It U
n judgment takpu and entou'ed by tin
i!OMcutlii ottoincys. 'I'hc man who
Is rhniffpd with crlin In our courts
lms thi; rlRlit of counjiji, of subpoena,
of full defenf-e lu open conn u'ld of
the inohiimptlrm if mnoct'icp until
sullt Is proved. Tho Juiy that tiliM
lilm Is not maili' up of his woiimi.
U In spleotfd fioni anioiif; men al no
liltely dlslntereitp I; and It cannot
alvc an cii'pt-tlvi' pi diet iint'! tlu
whole twelve nive. A boycott, how
ever, can be declared by a majmlty
vote nf a snap caucus or by ou, two
or three men at thrli pleasure. l!nri
ly U the ncciisred given a public tiial
or the benoilt of the ileubl.
As u matter o expediency bojeiits
nie utiwU". They make trouble; they
sacrifice moi'cj , but raielv do tlt-y
accompllHli wlmt Ihelr makers desiH'.
The recent boycott or. the New York
Mtn Is nn liibtuncp in point. It mmi
the iwrsniiK conierncd In it upwaid
of (Mi,00- nnd ient u number of men
to J.4II bui lln Sun won out. l.'miiiall
tlecl vh'tury ciowiud lis plucky lelusul
to to bulldozed.
Thi; American people can s-afdv .bo
tiiuted lo do their own hoycottins In
tliel- own way when they nie hatlsfkd
thnt there li justinentlon fi r I. Tim
AmorlcHiirH'ople iitliuirt bellee in fair
play ii'Kl thnt is why they haCc never
aecepiell til" bo.cott us an Aineileun
wni on, The cause with 1 him lo use
it, which mnnoi siund 011 lis open
merits without It, Is Jeoiued to falling
ilia moiu.-m It nsoits to it; and this
truth nho .Id be einplmi'lzt-il by or
Kar.I.v.'d inborn k.iI fueiidn.
T'lujl'j who form iiplnionK from rend
Itm the yluw Juuiualti may now settle
cttlinl.i d.wn .md waich the countiy
S' t the tlofs.
'I hu rN'u;r(i Problem.
O .11N'K li ul lllclllilulnl a,
1 cuncentlon will meet to ie
' Ne the loiibtllutlun of Vu
uhiiu, and -while it Is a
tiled fuct thai this convuniiun will
ciuu I .11 ' giaiullathci s clauise'' dls-friincliU-iuu;
the lillti rate neio as has
been isJinc In our other Huiithciii
states 'Jtheu' Is Jill o u ptuollilllly that
ihe aiftlp.ith to uuro otlug win j-u
so r.iiih to pu! Into the oigaule law
a problem piaklng It practically lui-pos-slbCC
foi uOKl'op In consldeiablo
nuuihtV. to fiuullfy themselcis so as
to ho ibliJ lo exercise the suffrage1 at
some ftlluic time. The plan of the c
triimU'tft Is to amend Hit constitution
of VliKlnlit mi as to have ,ihe school
tax now ry:ild by lln white people ap
plied tp the while M'hools cscliioKely,
leaving for the suipuit of tho colmed
school only Ihe taxation eollcited
from iitJ,'i(it'S. The Jiegioes being iioor,
this uitblcl"iiie;ui that very few of U10
eoloicdjjehlliUvii could heeuic uu cdu
cation. Jr
It Is Boper lo add that this piopoal
lion totutn tho cold shoulder of thu
state upon the negio problem lias few
upportjqts.anioiij; the bobt iltlzens of
VliglniS ulthough the president ot
Hlchniojd college f lankly favois It, In
tho belly' that If the negio child Is sent
to school for ten yenis h "runs tin
mendotu ilsks of becoming an liller, 11
IMiiaslto,' and cveutuallv a cilmlnai."
Tim inv.-ldcnt nf Jtlchmoiiili college
does not say what ilsks men.ieo the
iifKio child If not sent to Miluml hut
jieinilttod to reuch mattuity with only
tho physical capabilities a'd jiasslonu
developed, nnd without thu loHtnilntH
upon thm which come villi education.
He evlds)iitf',yii;Cept''hH BUHlclent for
the ncm-n'o future the doctrine that
when- Ignorance Is blliw, 'tis fully to
be wise. Yet If this Is title u. to the
lieti It must (eltdlnlv also b line
n to tin llllierntp whlto limn, and a
Utile of thf lodu of the president of
lllcliniond eollcKi. If carried lo Us
prope ' eoiichi'lon, would throw that
wiMtliy out of his job.
The people of I'ouinlou hint Sunday
in four of their cltui'oliPK heard vpry
lnt(iviitln(; and timely cxjHiMlttouH of
the lieed' of the iipki "h-p and of thu
duty which conltonts the UhrKtl'in
chinches of Aiiierlca with tespPLt to
them. It Is lauiPiitably ti tic, ns I'.ov.
Dr. Sample n.sfHcd. that ncUlier lu
coloul.-.nltnii, dlspeialiiii, nmuIi;iimatlou
mil' neglect of tho S,Ui)0,U0U lleik'roes 111
this ooUlilrv, to wlikli they came not
lolllllluillv but bv iPiiMin of the white
man's kiduanpiUK'. has a Holullon to
the race problem been found. Neither
Is the sin ss of the plan of iicki'o In
ilustilnl education as pleached and
practiced so ably by Hooker 'I'. Wash
Inuton so well ttssiiipil as yet thai It
can be expected lo solc the pioblein
lliialilcd. Oivupatloii In Indiistiv Is a
jfoixl pivenlle of nilm'hlef for all
runs: but the southern ne;,'io. It must
be undei stood, has exlraordlnaiy need
of training in niorals and of education
In self-ieslinliH and patience. If tho
assertion Is tine ami It Is fair to .my
that Hooker Washington disputes It
thai I." per cent, of the social lelatlons
of the negroes Ihlng south of the Jlasou
and ni.von line are on an Illicit basis,
with chastliy continually declining,
then It Is plain that the Instances of
lolent outrage of white women fol
low cil by swift minder of the black
raMsher, of which we lead, .tie
iiieiely ebullitions of a rotten social
ferment which ought speedily to en
gage the uir.itlve energies of civiliza
tion. letting the negro slide dowiiwaid or
giving 111111 a downwind kick will not
mend inatteis. Kor self-nroteetlon. If
not for humanity, the white propli of
this country will have to take hold
of this iiiiestlou and straighten It out.
Fioni mi exhaustive study of the
world's trade made In the past gener
ation by a group of patient German
statisticians it appears that In the
thirty yp.u s from lcG7 to IStT this ti.ule
has Inereascil 7.1 per cent. In the same
peilod the trade of the fulled .States
has iucieascd several hundred per
ceiu. That explains why the Uuro
pc.'in liade cpetts iir wotrylng.
Ballot Reform Av;ain.
IMlOir.A.MATIOX has been
l-stied by the ITnlon t'oin
mitlee for the Protection of
Ballot lie foi 111 and the Jleilt
System lu Pennsylvania, calling atten
tion to the fact that during the lecent
campalan Senator Quay declared lil.s
willingness to endorse any bill which
might meet with the apptoval of those
actively ei-poushig the cause of ballot
rclouu. The I'lilou Committee pioceeds
to endoise the Hedtotd bill, doing away
with party circles, and II Invites Sen
ator Quay to redeem his pledge by
glxlng his aid to that bill.
What the senator said on this sub
ject Is contained in the speech deliv
ered by him at West Chester on the
evening of October 1, and Is embodied
In the following woids: "Without pre
tending to contiol lesults. I believe I
am nblo to siy that Mr. tlulfey, who
Incited the pmposltlou ot a new law,
may frame any fair statute which is
a manifest Improvement over the ptes
eut one. and the Itepubllcan oiganlza
tlon will aid in Its ' Here We
hac two distinct ciualllicatlolis'. one
that the new act niiisu be "inlr." and
the othei that it must be a "manifest
lmptoveinent" over the prceut ballot
law. Is the lied ford act fair and Is It
a niauifest Improvement over the pies
cnt law '.' These questions open up dlf
feunces of opinion. The Dedfoid act
is certainly an Improvement In doing
nay with the cunibptsome blanket
ballot, and lu proposing to gioup all
nainerf of candidates under the titles of
the olllces to be lilled. liut would tho
abolition ot the paity circles, lia con
templated by It, he lair either to the
dominant pait.v otganiiiatloa or to tin;
large nuijollty of otets who deslio ait
oppot Utility to vole a slialght paity
ticket with as lltttle illlllciilty as pes
slble',' Une of the ioieiuost teiiulsltes
of a ballot law is tlmplleil lu the pro
lhinus with refeience to the uiaikliig
of the ballot. The paity circle meets
this lecpiiicmcnt and is a decided con
venience. Its abolition would compel
oleiB to make a number of muiks
distributed thioiighout 11 long list of
mimes, and while a small minority of
the people would be likely to completo
this task without eimr, thete am
tlioitbaiids uf voters in evciy county
who would be Hkelv 10 become con
fused, to inuke mistakes in maiking,
and perhaps to nullify their bailuts In
eonseciueiicp. It is dlfllcult to see how
this illlllciilty can be Invited upon tho
icpieseiilallon that It would constitute
ballot rofoi in. We do mil know that
.Mr. ilufl'ey favois it: If he does he is
taking ilsks well calculated to cain-e
auiuoaiit'e to lingo uumbuis ot Demo
c 111 lie vote rs.
Tile pri'heut h'Kl.-liitiiic hhotild enact
ballot reform, but it sliould not accept
III the name ol lefoim what would
clearly deieat the purposes uf lefortu,
It Is kss aiihcverahlc to tho I'nlon Coin
nilttee for thu Protection of H.illot He
I'm in and the .Mcilt Sjsteiu lu Ponn
svlvaula Hutu It Is to tho stahvait
matses who const Ituto the backbone
and mainstay of ihu licpuhlleun paity.
C'jigt"s In on a venation ami in
niiguititioii excitement can no longer
uffeut tits public pulso, but theio Is
Mill a h mowing ilmibl us to which
base ball association will secure tlio
big plujurs for U10 coming Benson.
Coiihtiiiit peiusal of niwtpnper re
ports of tho doings of Mr. Morgan and
his syndlcutes Is beginning to make
n million dollars look llko thlity cients
lu thu eyes of tho iivemgo num.
The sorvlues of tho youthful civil
lans who boaided the Thliteenllt tegl
ment train Just to give thu oxcuislon
lone do not seni to havo been nppie
clutsd. Thu man
In due
who heai s Ihe ilrst lobln
What Do Yoii
s Think of This?
tin -lioulil r i,lail to Imvr il,c opinio.' mi'
riailin iipin Die followlne rditorliil tike 11 trcnn
last ivrninic'ii brr.iiitou llmoi'
rilK ( OHO.S M ION 01' M'KINI.K.
mlil miihi ami trri-inon'mt iiiiiieiwlintril In
die liMor.v nf tlil lounlry. Illi ImperHI Majesty,
M1Iiii MiKliik). fiirtlilMit of Hip t'lillril
Mlc. I'liiimur of ike I'lillliiplruii nml Dlctaloi
ol fiilu, uji InaiiRtiratcil In the chief I'xecuthe
nlllif nf I lie nation toila) it 12 o'i'IikK, for tlic
weoti'l time A moving i3Kranl of army. nn.
inillMi, iblc ami pitriotle Hodi'tlK ami etc rim
ttviiiliitluiM of the lat two warn, with Inniinicr
aliln liaiiib, li.iiitiirK, llattr. ainiil t lie liutuH of
Imlf .1 iiillllvti Hvplf. iiuilc a !io Intr iitmpialcj
i many Mnpi nml imprivrs al tln'lr coronation,
lliur mm u ccmit of lioimr, linllilinst ilrapnl
nllh colors ami Illumination for tonight, that
nniknl Hie Kllltrr, the iigpiiitry nnl Hie liov
ol implies ami kiimil'iiii. rilhrr llian the rlec.i
tlmi uf a plilli mull by the imilc to tilled tho
nliis of Kiitmiininl for four jiurn. Not Mirnliam
l.liicnlii In IvlS. at Ihe hrail of an ditlrn nation
lu arms ami with the mopt ticmrmlom w ir of
inoilrrii llninc ilinlm; tn .1 rime, could lioact
ol him 11ml nltno'l iiiillmllcil an
Ihiiilli ns Wllllsin VcKlnli. will ccui-e hfiiie
f ui tli ner Iii.ihiiI.ikvi of pi'oplc In nur Philippine,
pivrssliiiis, lie Is the llrit Atneiieaii pirlilent
to ulihl ilc-polio Minrr vrlllmut lilmliaiue or
cliillenc from liKUlalbe or Judicial authority.
Tiiilay the Imrilrns of mHllarimi and Iniperlallnii
timid the hoilrmi, ami there Is the incline of, n billion and uiiupHratiuii eclth foielKH
pocccrii. National piuhliins of .uiiJJlmj pirplixlly
nml cllal puhllt sluiillli.ime are picMins upon
Ihe Kotcriiinint for mliitiun, cchlle plutocracy
and tiinopul. hold Ihe iniintr) y the throat
and Ihtealiu .111 ltuhitrlil lecolutloii that pnitn-i-es
lo bring Ihe itiealit panle ami lln.incial
tioiihlo Ihe ccorld has ncr hnunn.
'lodij the Money I'uwci mala and celthr.iles
Itn triumph In (lie diction, ami mllilarlMii and
linpcllull'in lor the Inst time ale coiiphuous at
the inauguration of an meileaii president. I'or
Ihe limt lime ee liace .111 arniv of imi.KM nirn,
tun-llitiih of Ihem nnde voldh'rs at the illire.
lion of the 1 hie! magistrate, lor Ihe first time
.1 prehlent has nil mllilarc. cicil and jinlkial
Ikicmis nei evary lo pitrin, without theii con
miiI, lil.txxt.noo alien people. I'or tho thsl time
a piipldriit has been liuunm.iled nciompanlid
with .1 illslinel ciolatlou nf the uallun'K faith
ami hunoi. Iiuleul of .1 tire timl ludepciident
Tuha. the blands are u mcie depcmlrncc. What
cclll tin not four years brlns forth' If cce may
Jud'e In the past, the growth of Impel i.ili-m,
milll.irlMii. inonnpoly ami pluturruy "111 he mi
laphl lint the people will lie .irou-nl nml
al limed mid lour 1.1M from todj) .1 Diinociatio
ln i,I( ut cull ln InauRiu.ilid il Washington,
cdih Mime of tin' old lime almplii ItJ, mil Irturn
lo the methods and 111-totns of a Kpuhlie, a
(.'mi 1 nun nl nr the people and by the people.
Oiitlin? Sfiidies
of Hdman Nature
A Holaud for nn Oliver.'lA . SVIIlli. of Southeii. lllino.'.
who atlcndctl the Nice icai's tcception in
II, c white house, lells Ihe best tjtorj on Miiu-ttr
u that his hun told this ne-vloii: "ou
laiiin the tnlnbliv stood in the cut loom .ntir
(.ruling Ihe pic-Minr, and liehl a regular icccp
liuii of hU own. lbirlmil kuocri thu lninU
I r' Inclin iilmi in ask ipitMlons, and cclicu I
sw 11". May Walker in hu mile uiiluine coco
adcatielng louaid Vu, I kuccc tin re would be
ronii thing iliilnj. Mie wa preentnl to Wit.
Uu looked at lu r in surpiirs-, it not aflonUl.
tii' nt, and then Iduitcd out:
" 'mi ,111. .1 lidie.' and when -he nald with
ehjiilt., tint she w u, W11 a-lcel. I her. wh..
do j 0.1 we.n men's elotlus
' III. .Mjic lookul at the mliiMcr tor onl.t a
tt Ml. .mil then letoiteil.
" "Vciu ate .1 iiimt' ai.el cchcu the uiinisier
had ilrtlaicd that he was dw irtoitcd. Then
cchc do jou wear vvrinen' clothe"
Vn cvas taken L.nk tor a :ii)in:nt onlj, and
then iiplled:
" 'llcriu-c 1 l.o iii'lcm of 111 tommy allows
11, e to do i-o.
"Pi. Man heaiil, and then, as rho sullilieil
Itei head and ccilked away, she said, piouillj:
" 'Well, Ihe hbcitt of my country allows mo
I j we.11 miii'ii elntliis' 'Hut iliiied the lueidcut.
Tool: .the Wrong Sign.
Ql III' humorous mitak,, due lo tie h.l-lc
ol a uioloniMU tn get his r ir nut 011
"thcilule tinie, oteuneil the other day oil an up
town tuilley tar. 'Ihe luotonium jiut
enough time to get mil of the dipol. Once out
lie lemunlicicd tint he had filled to put ih.i
uu "II iso Hall 'lodav" on the front uf his ,ir
As it was against ordeia to go out without the
Man l.o 1.111 liac', to the ilaie where they mo
n-u.illi- pihil up. giihlied one and put u en
his eai. Ml the way along his route he uotleid people looked at him lu a petuliir manner
and lulled lepeatedly.
It w.n one of Ihn-e I'miiiiigs when It wis
,iy 1011I, and the diy hi lore hid been le-al hot.
'Ihe Joke w.i linalb explained when a nun
cillid to the
"ifulle .1 lomrast," and at 1 lie satin tunc
poinlcil lo 11 can thai hid "see in mini,' at "
piloted em Its side nnd thru en the trout ct
tho tar. 'Ihe inolormin leiued over aid found
tint hie "Iiim.1 lull" nlgn lioie; the word ".skat
lug on I'tnttniiiil I.ike-." Plilladelplil.1 Call.
Used Her Teeth.
I Is sI.Vt.l'," riM.rl.cil Mis Malilialcali,
.1 lelU'cd looklrg ouuu, vchoe tone ce-ars
ul imiilnl hie Iml been i-miI in one Itotiie,
"Ihit pit pie .111 n iarle. i,oadtC6 ill giviur
1. oinini ml ilimii h -crvanU Ihlmjs hive
ihaugiil in lint ii'Fpect, us well a.- ill many other
.e.ij, iieP 1 began hO'aekeip!ni'."
"Vol! abcic Kept jmir eivants so lone."
Kild a I i ill I ill', ,1 cntui'- miiried W"inli, "tint
I lhou,-nt juii iievci had .my trotihlo wltn tci
vauu." "Will,-' niuniliil Mr-,!, "the mill
11,'il .ibcjcs an-vcirj'l tuj door hill cuii know
I picfer irijiili In luaii-ercunts in the lioiw--lift
Hi' hist c 111,, anil I ktbeitbid lor anolhet house
maid. Anion,' tin- mine I applied fur Ihe
pilll. 11 w 1. a lining c.ouian who hid a very
nie hill, of in oirtnt citation from coung Mrs.
Newl.wn h. I iiia.'id lnl. I In ltd
me nice maid s.i) in uut ol mv trimds who
had ejlhil: 'lu-t ptil jour 1 lid lietween my
tilth mi'.iiu; 111 lunds aie v. it"
Glnd They Becamo Acquainted.
Dll. 1 ON .V HOV l.i: tells thi, htoiv ot .1 Ihvr
ami uu l.ligllsh ml'liiT who lav V', 1
nil lit idc on the Held ut lutth: "ilu.v hail .1
ptlMilnl inn, linen, 111 which the sohiicr If
I'lvtd .c liulltl w'uuiiil nnd Ihe 1 u lia.contt
ihint hi tun II if i biih nil csli nisli . lu the
In" Id. 'I lie lliltlsher (.ace I lie llucf ,1 iliiul. mil
ol l,ls ll.t.-l. , mill the liuigh, 1, mil In he) nulil'inc
in cnurlcM, h 11 tied ,1 pine of biltong in ("c
I'l.uigi, lu llie iciidiu. when their iiipccllvc
aiuliulaii' c lime 10 line Until oil to tho hos
pital, line 1 ih.ilinl ,'liiinll) gieilings.
" 'llttiilliv, iii.tte,' ald (lie miIiIIi i ; what a
lik'sniug il i we mil iaiti uthei!' "
somi: Mckinley iiesults.
I'l'i, in lie Pliilailelphii 1'iesi
lu lour veart. the exnts of inanuuelurrs have
ben elie half. One-lliiul ot our Impoiti aio
now tho taw material or iinniilaclnie. Ilarrly.
one third ol all wt hue ahinttl is today icni
pill nj iiijiiufJUuiti. Not long tlutc one-half
I'.vci) guceriunciit bond lu Kuiopc I. lourr to
da,c than tour vear ago. Outb ulone aio higher.
A thlli It tai' other iialloual e.tlieinem. Ours
hi 11 ktirplus, I lie past twelve month Ins um
taveic iuiiiasid hi tvn.v one of the gieat (lowcn.
Ours have been icihiieil. war has been fought. The foe was
v.euk, but tif as wiak have in.t other lantls
it-treng long wars. This was fought without a
tliliNtt, a piUontr or the hs of 11 mm.
Potto Itko is at peace ami prospering, In full
mowr.l lieiui the hlocvs of war, famine and
huilliaiie, ul, 1 hi In proluiiuil peace with tin)
h vet 1I1 11I1 late and th laiwst rropc of lis
iieoid. In the I'lilllpplins the guirrilla wuifaro
width cue c erilcd oigauUrd opposition stiadily
ihh mil civil goveiiiiueiit draws near.
'ihe line has been diavvii, uliarp and clear, be.
twitn new- tirrlloi.v. to plaietl ami peopled that
It wus not leJily to be nt 011 tho high load
tn klatchooil, and past uciiuUllious which were.
Wais pas, Vletorlcs am forgotlm. Tho he.
roea nf the hour with drum mid trumpet are but
pjtt, of .1 lengthening nnd fading line. Hut the
piluclples on which the policy of a great govern
8 People's
5 Exchaegec
Q rt Uencnt of All Who Have Houses to ,
Oiicr.t, ileal liitato or utli'r rropcroy co ocu
or UTdianitr, or Wio Want bituatlonj or '
iiein Hi. small A1i11.r11scmer.r1 scmi
Oni Cent a Word, SK Insertions tor Klvo
rrnls a Word Cxeipt Bituatlon wanica,
Hlilrli Are Inserted free.
TWli IIOOMS, I'l ItMMII.I) lilt PMtll.Y II It
nlshcd. Ill 1cntr.1t clt. t'.v nun and eclfe,
rltliuiil children. Oioiko II, 1)JI. "M Adams
ncei tie.
Help Wanted Male.
!- ! "-j LfXrc-ro'i.ri-i-i. si-TV-u'" '"" ""
WAVrr.ll - i.M.K'-MA.N. 'OTCll
Mills I'ompany.
wwrmi-uoy. scmt'ii wooi.i'.N mim.s ro
Help Wanted Female.
Avri:ti- i:pi:iiiknl'ki) iimb ion (ir.MUiAi,
hoiecverllj snull fanillc 1 KoikI lucre for
rluht party, must furnish iirt-c.lass rcfcrtnti.
I'all nt IP Wheeler ncinuo.
vnrk. Apply St Pine Mrert.
Situations Wanted.
inji or aiij kind of day wcuk. 1SI! Cedar ice
line. Mrs. lillcll.
Mll.VllON WAVfUn-UY MAN, 00011 l'bl
and fancy took and baker I.., 214 West
Market direct. ,
vcoman as liouscUeepei In small famll A'J
ilres 2il being auntie.
1111111 at gndi'iiei; tan give rrtticnew. Ad.
dicss (.'ii. Mustier, 1211 llickoiy street, cily.
WAN"!i:il-l'0IIIl) AT liK'KkHMi Ori'lCU
vvwl. lie thoieiuzhly touiieleiit Jocmg wo
man; excellent iHf.'niue. hi itr tharatter ot
work ancsalirj. K '. A., tan- I'rlliune olfiec.
AV i:.IM:illl'..rKI) M'L0i!ISl'ii3lt. WH.MNO
lo ns.lst ceitli hewks. iltsires pe-lllou Willi
leliahle linn ; lilghot leferenci's. VddiCKC S. A.
fl.. Trlhune nftlcr.
blllATION VANTi:i)-IIV V Mlt U b.VPY. S
liou-ckerpn in a unall family witli a gen
tleman that has got u nit 1 home. Addrm Mlsc
I'.. 1101 Prospect .nciiuc, cite.
)A1bl VOI'N'O WOMAN' WITH 00011
business rapilillltles wants position as tin
pgriplier or boohkcrpci. Additss ( . W. A., care
Tribune, otttec.
s.iilt.tiov wnti:d-to 1.0 our nv thu
day, at washing or any kind of work. Jin.
Ituvscll, 1219 Cedar avenue.
j cam ot age, al an.vlhing, good references.
Address A Y. 'I., Tribune.
jrars ot age. In beittling works; three join'
evperitnee; licst retticnees. Atldrcvc A. II. l,
Tribune olflee.
WOIIK WAN'li:t) W.VsllIS'f! AM) 11I0NINC. ID
take heme. Cood icleie'iicc." Vddress Mrs.
M. It.. Iiihune tltlet
eral jears' esperlente, can ftirnich beat of
refeience. .Venires "T ," llcnclliam. Pa.
Wanted To Buy.
' must Lo in good order, atatc particulars as
to make and price. Address I.. !., ginural dc
llccry, Scranton. Pa.
Money to Loan.
estate 1IKNUY UkblN. .11!.
'lllOMAs fePIIAlll K.
iny amount, il. II. llolgate, Commonwealth
jlralght loans or Building and bm.i. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call en N, Y. IValkcr,
311-313 Council bulldln:.
ment are established suiclve pioldeitts anl ad
muiictratioiij and ttaml the true motiumciits of
clatciuatihii. Our iiollev In China, our mil
echini Intcrfciente there and t withdrawal not
ji-s successful, the line drawn between posses
sions and populations readv tor Incorporation or
as jet unprepared, the strict Interpretation ot
constitutional restrictions, the expansion ami
enunciation of the Monioe doctrine toward Cuba
and the new-as-ertioii Ihe world over of Amiilein
iiilcicsls us part of the world's work of civiliza
tionthese all establish land niaiks and decide
eouifcs by which the advancing niauh of the
republic will he guided.
I'ii 111 ihe I.anc.eler bxamiiiei.
I lilt, Is the season el the ejr, with alternat
ing waim and cold davs, when mankind is must
llkel) lo catch told. Time is .1 certain amount
ct mjsteiy about t'ontiaetiiig a cold. At one
time with the greatest amount uf rpoiuc, no
cold icniills, and at another, with all tare, the
mccei and gtlp duly aulve. It U the popular
notion that il one he .imply provided with wann
clothliu, wiaps, a lnieklntosh, ruhl'Cis and an
unihiclla little risk Is run ot taking eohl jet il l
,1 mitler of ficipiciit exierieiite that ill idle ot
all leiwiiialilu pieiatitlons a catirrhal alliction
inav bo developed or pneumonia set ill. The f.n t
that weariness, ilepiessioii of spirits fright, anx
iety or something which has alfeelnl the nervous
sxstem unfavorable has picieded the attack is
trriuKiillv ovcilooketl. Winn fieo. from evciy
form of ntivons thlilllly a person miv expose
himself to draughts, ilampucss anil otliei livtiil
causes of colds and rsnipe erillli'ly, vvhlle at
another lime, when wcaiy 01 diiiresed fioin .mv
eau-e, he mav lirtmiip the vlrtlni of .1 fatal at
taik 01 piieumnnla limit a inuili illglilrr tx
posttie. 'Ihe nervous oiigm 01 colds stems lo be reeog
Hired b all ph.vshialis who have made a tpe
clal slud.v of acute di-ea-ts of the lungs ami It Is explained that the tempcratuie of
tho body Is maintained hy the iicivous s.em
and that the least lallurc or relax ilhm of nerv
ous meig.v cau-n a thmge of tin- bodily heat
nml luipilnt the puwer of the hodv lo ie
Ut the approach of ilUran. It U a wonderful
fact llut under any change ol outside triiipera
tuie, even I! one go fioni the Arctic regions tn
tho rotator, the heat of the body remains at
about K) degree, llut for Its irguUtlon b.v Hie
ncrvoui fjfteni the heat of tho bode would not
icuulii constant, as every iiiusiirlar exertion
would lalse tho temperature. Weariness, nnxlety.
depression nnd the like lower the amount of
nervous energj and lender tho body eiisceptlh'c
to ttlds from the least cxposiilv by distuibiug
tho process of icgulatlng tho tempeiature. While
warm clothing and all the louuuori ineins of
ptolrUiiig tho body 1110 Important, It is eim
ntoie Important lo avoid nocdless expisiire II
the netvous scttein be not tu its be.t coiitlliioii.
l.diior of riie Irlhune-
Mi; Plej.e advbe when Miv lnignj, known
as the Jeisey l.llj, was Isnn. What was the
elate ot her tlrsl visit lo this countiy, how old
when tlrst nun ltd, anil what was her flist bus
baud'a business, and was the dlvoiccd fimti her
Urst hushandf John .Tollmen.
bcranlon, Manh 2.
Mis I.jtilrj was born al M. Ibliei . Island of
Jersey, in 1S3.1; her father was a clergvnian ami
her tnaldtii name was Kmellr Charlotte is Ilietou,
We don't find tho dvto of her first nuirlage,
but her flrst luishand, Kdward Iungtry, ot ihl
fast, was a landed proprietor. Mrs. Ldtigtrj'a
llut appearance in America was in Ibi.', thojear
following her first appcaranee on any staue, Sim
was dlvortrd from Mr, Laugtry about Hires
jiais ago.
For Rent.
momi: roit nr.NT siti ati.h in dk kmiv
I'lty. Taicknwanni cont'ty, I'a., within Jsl
cards o! Ihe Pelawatc and latekaccanna llailro.ul
comtanj'a htotr' coal hreaker, and less dlMaiico
to the Hill Coal and lion ccmpaics lllch.
tnond No. .'i l.reiker. 'Iheie tno collieries em
ploy COO to MX) luiiib. Itallioad laillllle 'or
ilcllceiy nml sending fiilght first claw, and .1
(jowl place lor .1 grain and feed mill. The itoi.
Is Kt hy 21 feel, two Modes, cellar wider all,
nnd has been occupied for f)itj jeirs by the lll't
Hill Coal nnd lion company until late; Is In
good condition for general tnre business. M'P'V
to Ulllliim II. ltkhmend, lllehuioiid lltlt, :ilo.l
North Main (icciiue, Siranton, I'a,
llurr building. Apply J. H Mn.hcr, Ul
Spiuca Mrr t.
ion hi:nt-.stoiih and itr.Mi;.sr with
hc.if. Imiulro 31 J l.ltulen ntncl.
nuei modem lm rcivrinrnts. Apply lo A.
Hone, Hi Lackawanna accnue.
chllilini, pirl nf a Mojm healed hou.i 1
line locatloiii pcvcesslon March ti If desltiJ.
Apply nt S31) .Monroe uu'ime.
1101 i:r. ton mint-isoi tin: op mik t. i.
.tones, .Main slrrcl, 'in.cloi.
roit kknt-hoitm: no ws jhkkkipsin am-:-
mie, W, city leaui. Cliac. 1. NiuHer,
Miis 1:. r. iiom:'h niMDr.Nn:, itih noiii'ii
Washington acciiur, for rent, turiilshcd or
Lrturnlshed. Apply 7J1 North Washington ace.
1 oit iinNT-APitib 1, smut:, no. sb b.cK.
wanna actinic; brick liulldlng in rear, Milt,
able for plumbing ur other liuslne'i".
Offices for lent In Paull building. Apply t'1
Sanc'erfcon accnue.
ti! (UtKK.V 11IIKJP. STIII'.r.r. 1KN ItOOMs.
modem Improctmenl.s; steam heat, furnbhed:
desirable; 6J1.U0.
For Sale.
koii sai,i;-uii: r.NiiiiK houm:iiom i:r-
fcrts ot the Speedway Itcute. tuiislstlng ot
furniture, bedding, 1 arrets, linen clliie,
itlisscvare, ete., etc., ceill l. nld to the hi alien
bidder at public sale on Wcdnwday, March n,
at lu .1. m. sale at . Stuie street, opposite!
Courr Ili'li.-c. Iietwteii VVathlnt;toii and Adami
avenue. Ttnus cash.
ion svm:-nt.w styiish onk-iiousi; i,v-
dies' carl ise almost lew-, Oouhl's make,
cost I7G., will sell for 12J. Appl.v MJ Monroa
rou sai.i: tuo lot'Mi.iis nh
II. Ilcvans, 211 V .coining avenue.
roit su:aniiqui: simnnino wuitx. 1.10
eam old; tirbt-tlasj condition. Inoulre sot
Quimy avenue.
mi: lioitw: ion palv-m-lkmiiii liovn-
lei. and kind, tolor ba.v. weight In
Iwein 1,(m and 1,100 pounds; age right Hon"
can be mcii at T. II. VVutts' place, lilenhiun.
Address Owner, 311 VIonroc iicenue.
PiiiYAiK s.m.i: or 1101 sp.iioi.ii uhiih ion
one wi'ik, nt (H Washington acrnue.
Heal Estate.
101! s",; -nn; u;C'vn: NI I'l.l!
onil prontrly of tin frpttdvvav band Com
paiiv. Will he sold to the highesl bidder 'ot
nli Wednesil.i.c, 10 a. in, ut ,"ii! spruce Hitei,
oppcesite Court House.
FOP. SM.I.-V VIlllV HlkMltAIIbi: MMMI.I!
plate bilge ID100111 house, barn, wagon
liou-e, ice house Ifilled). four r,eies ot land, sit
nitcil on high ground, initl'vav bttweeu lilrnh'irn
ond D.ilton, ten uiiuulcs' wall, or five minutes'
chive from tatlon. Never fsiling water supplv
Onu of the best ami 1110 t tonveniriit locations fir
ftininitr purposes north ct Stianlon. Ilcni)
Wattji, 31 I.aiktu.lnn.l avenue.
Recruits Wanted.
WANiU) I'Olt IT. S. AinU: Alit.n lKWIKrC
unmarried men between ages of II mid W;
citiztus ot United Slates, of good character and
temper ito habits, who ran prak, lead ami
write Digll.-h. Ilrrruits fpcilallc desired for
tcrvice in Philippine. I'm Information apply
to Itctrultlng Oilier, 123 Wjomlng ace., N.rJie
ton, l'a.
iner pi he, ifl.50. Mrs MatPunald, .150 W'a.h.
inglon avenue.
im'vu; op Mit('.iii:i s.,d. i.mi:
of the cilv of Scranton, couiitv of litka
wanna, and state ol Pennsylvania, dei i.tfctl.
betliis of aihi.iiilstiatiou having been granted
to the mideisigncd. all persons having 1 1 time
or demands against the said cl.tle will ptrcini
them for pajment. and all pel-sons Indibtnl
thereto arc requested to inaku immediate pay
ment lo
.10IIN" T. KKVNKPY. Aihnlnictialor
311 Ninth Washington, Ave., !h ran ton, l'a,
rilAIttJ.s. b. HAWIdli, Attorncc for Estate.
CIS of the La.kawanna Iron and Mccl Coin
piny, for the election of dlrrtlors ami transit
tion of sncli otlicr busintss rts tna.v properi
come befoie the meeting, will bp hi 1,1 al the.
oflicc of tho Compile, In the Cite of sirjnioii,
Prnnsvlcanla, on Wednesday, Mcieh nth, I'.iCI,
at 2 o'clock p. ru. The polls will remain open
for 0110 hour. The Tiaiisfir Hooks will be elo-ed
on I'rluuary 21th, 1001, and reopeied on Maith
7th, 1001. .1. P. JIIGiilNsOV,
bcraittnn. Pa . rchriury 22, !)!.
ADMINIsTUA'lOR'S NOlin: - Lsl'A'li: 01'
Otoige b. Preston, dteeasctl
N'oliie Is hrich.v given thu letleis of admiiiis
fiatlon upon llio estate of Ocorge L, Pteston,
late of the tlly of S, union, toiint) nt ,at k.i
wann, deceased, have been giantcd to the nudci
signed. All persons hiving rlllnis or JudgmonU agalut
the estate of said deceased are iutnsltil to mil.o
known rame to me vvlthojt drl.ic, iul all pet
sons indehled thru to .tie Itijiilud to nuke 1111
ltudia,le pajment lo.
sAML'Lbll. hUIVLNS. ilinli,lstian.i.
I Vuiiiell lltiihbng
WI.l.LKs et. lOIIIHA'. Attoine.cs loi K.late.
to Tin: iioli)i:i!s or homk m'mukii-
si veil (,). eight (M, ft'il.v-ouc (II) and
fort) -six (Hi) of the Cnlliiry l.nginttr lompatic,
being the buiiils bearing dale Oilober 1st, 1 j,
and seiunii be ti 11st nioilgat,e of that ilatr.
Please lake Notice that lu pitistiante nt the
provisions of the raid bonds ami the tnM mort
gige given to in une the Mtne, tht hontls us
utunhercd ulocc have hun ihawn ! h't ftr
pujinnil en Ihe filst day 01 April, I'mi. and ecu
are licrthy notifletl tint the same will he pild
on the It ret ihv of pril, llUI. at the Lacka
wanna Trust mid .salo llcposlt Cempaiv,', Tnisteo
lumeil lu the trn.,t moitgage ahoce teleiied lo,
together with Interest coupons attached thereto
and itinaiiilng unpaid, and thai interest will
tease .if I tf the said dad.
.tranton, Pa , 1'ibni.uv 2Vh. tuOI.
Certified Public Accouutnnt.
K. ('.
rnKi)i:ni(K l. uiiown, AiiriinKiT. piiicu
building, 12t! Washington avenue, l-caiituii.
Cab3 and Cnrriages.
HI lllli:il CAIls ND l UtltlxlibM IIIM'
of wrvlre. Piumpt attention glvin nitli-rs b,v
'phone. 'Phone's 2072 ond 53J2. Joseph Kellc.c,
121 Linden
n. c. 1:. r.iLLNiiKnor.ii, pmi.i iilii.hi.mi.
s-piuco street, N ranton.
ricnieu, stoic 201 Wj.ldiiRlou aiinnc; gieni
houses, 1110 Ninth Main uviiiue, stole tele
phone, TbJ.
Hotol3 nnd Hestnurnnts.
Till, libit tJAFC. 123 AND 127 l'llNKI.I
nue. Hate reasonahle,
P. YXHUXU, Piupiiiloi
scitwroN m:ii d.. l. i- : ph.
emter depot, Conducted on the I'urnpfdii plan,
VIOTOlt IcOCII, 1'iuprleto..
inN'K i;. UOM.b. ATlX)ltMA.T-lAVV.
Rooms, I.1, t, p) nnd IK llurr building,
J, IIIIOttN. A'noilMA AM) COl'SMll.
lor-at-law. Kooins 312 .11.1 Meara liulldlng.
i). u, nRi'i.uiji.i:. ArroiiNi:v-i.oNs rno.
tlatccl nn rral estate Keiiull), Mors Inillilln,
corner Wnaliligton accnue nnj Spruce alrect.
nml counsellors atdwe. Ilrpuhlicm Imlhllng,
, WmhlriRtmi accnue.
JKsMM' K Jr.sMTrA"nonNi:v8 Nt) riHIN".
nMlora-at-lacv. I oiniiioiiwraltn building, IIooi.1v
13, 20 ond 21.
KUTOl, Pth lloor. .Mean building.
1., . VTlti;S, AnOH.NKYsVT.b.WV, 1I0AIIU
r Trails building, hcrantcii, 1M
lriiikvwirciox, i iiaokic? "natiOnIvT,
Hank liulldlng.
COVIKQVS, Q-13 UHl'lllll.lCAN Ill'II.PlM!.
w. iiimriioi.r, attounia, miiaip- in.ttn.
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
dii. h. w. i.'woki.ux. in run k.o wash
Inuton avcmir. Kesldonie, 1.11s Mulbcrre.
I hronlc ilisrasc, lungs, heait, kldnecu and
genltn-urlnary organs a peclallc. Hours, 1 lo
4 p. tu.
scuooi, oFtiii: iZv-ii-AWANVv", snaNm
Pa. Coiirt.0 prcparaleir lo college, law, ninth
cine or lmsinc. Opuu Sept. l'.'lli. s,.tll ,.r
catalosiie. Hie. Themis M. Cuin. 1 1 1).. prln
rlpal aril propri-tor; . Ik Plumlei, A. Jl
Wire Screens.
nvenue, Scranton, l'a, manufatliiiu ot Wire
UllFssMAKINl! I'Olt tllll.DkbN TO 0111)1.1';
nisi ladies' waists. Louis Miocmakcr, il
.Vhtiij acemie.
A. 11. IlliliiilS (l.i:NS PI1IVY YMI.'ln ND
ceve pools; no odor. Improved pumps iiertt,
A. 11. Hriggti, pioprielor. Iaave eiders llt1
North Main avenue, or llltkc's drug More, civ
ner Adams and Mullciry Telephone 1)51.
MIIS. L. T. KI'.l.bKll. st M' m:TMKNT. T-k ;
slunipooirg. .V),.'. ; facial inu.-t.iKt'; uiaiiieurlni.,
2ie.; thliopodt. ',01 IJiiinry.
IIAI'KK'h nilCIIKsilM-MCsK I'Olt PM.t.s?
picnics, parties, lecipllons wedding and cote
cert work furnished. I'or leims .nlilrrs R. .1.
Iliucr. rtiiuliirtor, 117 Wvonilng acenue, occr
lliilben'n inusle stou.
MD.AI!tii:i: IlllOn . PMVn-.ll.' M'PPl.IKS
vilopes, paper bags, twine, Warehou-e',
Vaslilnglon iicenue, ."-cr.-nlou. Pa.
it) TUII' KK(Oltl) CAN UK II D
111 tiaiitou at the necs stands of ltci-min
llios., 401 t-prutv and 0,1.1 Linden; M Ncirton,
122 bitkawanua accnue, I. s, -ehiitzer, 211
i-pruce tree!.
Delawore, Lackawanna and Western.
In Lflcil Dei. '. louO.
Ninth -Leave (-eiantoii tin New Yoik al I 10,
".lui, ,', s.iio ami iimc a. m. : 12. V), 3 3.1 p ru
I'or Philadelphia at Mv and lt)(V a. m ; 12.ri
.-md J.:u p. ui. I'm stuiiuMnirg at p. m.
.siilk aeiommoilition ut .'..Pi p. m. 11ico a'
llohoken at (1.311, 7.1s, 1U.2S 12.C3, !.". 4.1.
7. Ill p. )n Arrive at Philadelphia ut l.OI, 3.21.
lltM and K22 p m. Arrlce fioni New nrk at, Llsi ami 10.2.1 a 111.;, 1.52, . 11, Mi
and ll.cX) p. m. 1'ioui !tioud-liurg at f.K a m.
North Li.uo Scranlon for lltilTalo and Intel' stations at l.l'n lit) mid t 00 .1. m ;
1.55, j.'s nnd lt,3,i p. 111 I'or Oswego anil -via-ttise
at l.lti a. 111. and l..i) p m. lor I ih.i ai
1.1') 1. 111 and 1 5" p 111. I'm Monln-e at 0 Oil
a 111.: I. a", ami ". IS p. in. I'or Nicholson nt 4 00
nnd (1.15 p. 111. I'or llinglumtou at 10 20 a 111, r
live lu seiinlon from lliillalo al 1 !5, J.j'i, 0 "i
and 10.00 .1. m.: 3.30 ami 8 00 p. m. from (),
wigu nnd Sjrariiso ut 2 "si a. in.; 12.3S and S ill
p. ill. 1'inni llllt.l al 2..V. a. 111.; 12.3) nml s.-'al
l. 111. I'rnm Nlihobon at 7..V) n. m und ( p
111. I'ruin Montrose) at 10.(0 n. m. ; 3.20 and ".HO
p. m.
Illoomshurg Division Leave N ranton foi
N'lirthumbeihnd, al 0.11, 10 a. n. in.: 1.55 ami
5.W P. in. I'or Pie mouth at I.U3, 3.10, S V) p
111. I'or Kingston (.1 SJO a 111. Arrive .it Ninth,
uiiiberland at P.31 .1. m ; 1.1". 5.(0 and Mi I
111 Arrive at Kingston at S.52 a. m. xirivc at
I'hmoiilh ut 4.32, I'.l") p. m. Airlce in
ler.intop fioni Northumbeiland nt 0 12 a. 111 ;
12.35, 4.50 and S II p. in. I lout Kingston .it
11.00 i. in. I'ioiii Pl.ciioulh at 7.55 a, m ; 3 VO
ami 5.35 p. 111.
MNDW 1 i:INs
Soutli Leive Seianton at 1.10, .1.00, 5 5o. 10 03
p. tn.; 3..C: and 3.10 p. in.
North Leive Peranum al 1.15, 4.10 a. 111.; 1.51,
5.41 and 11.31 p. 111
Illoomshurg Division Scranleu at 10 Oj
a. 111. and 5 50 p. m.
Lehigh Vnlley Baihoad,
in l.ftert Xlareh I. l'l.
Trains leave -riaiitoii
lor I'liilitlelphla ami Nov.- lotk via II ,x II
Tc I! . at 1,11 and II. M n. m. and 21. 1 :
(lilac's DiJinond Knpiiss), and II. '0 p. m. Sfe
dacs-. I). t II. I! II.. I 5S. 6 27 p. 111.
I'm White llacin, llizhton ami prlmipil poinM
111 the coal legions, via D IL I!. II., H.41,
2. IS end 127 p. in. I'm Potlsville, 4.27 p. m
I'or llethlehini, i:.iton, Iteatling. Hiirislung
nml prlmlpal liili'imcdiate slatloiis via D, ,C II.
1!. II., ll.D". a in.; 2.1s, 1.27 (llbrk Db
niond Lxpicss), ll.lal p. in. s,c,jh 1). tC II.
I!. It., 1..W. Ki7 p. ni.
Pen '1 imkhannoi k, Tovanela. l.lmlra. Iiliau.
fieiieca and pilutipiil intermtibatc stain n-, u
D, li. .x, . I!. II., S.s a. m.; 1 Ul und .10
I', tn.
I'or Geneva, Ituchestei, UufT.iln, Niag.11,1 Kill-.
Chiiaiio ami all points wist, vii I). A II It I!
11.11 a. 111, " ( Diamond Lxprissi, 7. 1-,
10.11, U.iU p. in. hur.tkiis, II. A II. II. It.
II 51, S.27 p. tn
Pullman pallor and slicplng or Lcliiuh Valln
pailon eais on all trains Ik twin 11 Wilkes-Uiiie
and Neve York, Philadelphia, lltilTalo and (us
perclou lliidge.
ItOI.LIV II. Wll.lll 1!. f.rn. :upt . 2tl f.citard
slleel. New- i erk.
til MILKS . Llii: cm. Pass. Act., Oi Cortland
street, civ oik.
A v. N'ONNKMACIILII, lllv. Pass., Agl . soul,
Itrlhlchem, Pa,
I'or Ih kits ami Ptillmin tesori.ttionc appl to
Bin l.aikawanna .iveniii. Sciaulon. Pa.
Belawnie nnd Hudson.
In I.lfirl Nov 21, 1W0.
Iiaiii- loi I aiboi.iljle leave -eijninn i t,. in
7.5J, s.J.5. a. in,; l.Mm. l.'-"i. 2 II. 3.52, 3.2 1.
0 5J. 7.57, U.15, 11.13 p. in.: I. lit .1 111.
I'or lloncsd lie 11.20, 10 1." a m.i 2.11 and '.)
'lor'lIarir-tU.l. ..4. .4J. O., 10 1,
11.5.1 a. in.; J.Ss. 2.1S, J.JJ. 1.2:, ".lo. Ms, lo.ll
11.30 p, in.
I'or li, Y. It II. poluik--d.l.', 11.15 11 in.: J lo
4.27 and 11.30 p 111.
I'or IVnifvb.mla II I!, pulnu-aia. u.Gj a.
in.; 2.1'! nml 1.27 p. m.
I'or Albany and ill point north 0.20 u. m
und .1.52 p. 111.
st'MIVY lllMNs
lor f aibondalt J.oo. 11. ! a. 111., 2.41, I. c,
,1 17 10.52 p. III.
I'or Wilkri-llaiie 0.3s, 11.5.1 a. 111.; 1.5s, j,",
0.27, K.27 p. 111,
lor Alhinj mid polnls noiih- .1.52 , m.
I'or Hiiticsdsle O.o) a. 111. ulttl 3.52 p. 111.
lowest rales to ill points In L'uitctl States and
.1 II. nilllDKK. li. P. A., lhanv-. N. .
II. W. IK)"-. D. !' ' .""ciaiitoii, l'a
Centml Knihoad of New Jersey.
stations in New- Wk-loot of Libeily .tro.-t,
N. II., und N nth Irrn.
iiMi: T.Mit.i; in i:ru:cT nov. "i, ii.
'lialns have Kionton lm Ntiv York. Newark,
Hirihcth. Phlladc'lphla, Luton, Ihl hie ht 111, .
Itntovvii, Chunk nnd While llivtii at .20
.1. m ; express, I 10: expiess, :i.5(l p. m. Suuilis,
I 15 p. 111.
I'or Pltitton and WU'cra-llairr, f.:iO a. in,, 1.11
and B..K) p. in. Mtnila, s, 'Ml p. in.
Pen' ll.Ulninte and M i-lilugton. anil p.nnl,
soiitli nuel Wist vli Jlt-ilili hem. Ruil a. m.j ,
.lid J.50 p. in. nindu-. 2.1.1 p. 111.
I'or Long llrauch, Ocean Crove, etc , at .M
II to. iml Liu p. tu.
I'or Heading, I.ebuicii and ll.iiil.liutg. i M
leniocvn, S.m u. in. und 1. 10 p. m. Sunda.e-,
2.11 p. in.
I'or Pottsvillf. ) a. in. anl 1.10 p. in.
Through tlrkitc In all points cast, south and
wisl at lowest tales .it tin tlutlou.
II, 1', I1M.DVWV. Ceu. Pom. gi,
J II. ni.MAl -i:V. Ceu. Supt
Erie nnd Wyoming Vnlley,
"lime Table in Kffeel I. 17. Wrt.
Trains loi Ihwbv and local polnls. iounet
Ing at llawley with Kile lallmad for New oil:,
N'cwbttrg ami lultriiiullalv hiliil, leave Scian
ton at 7.05 n. in. and 2.21 p. 111.
Traliu aulve al s union at I" "0 a 111 nnd
U.IO p in.
When we tell you that we
now have on exhibition our
complete spring assortment of
'Mack lifes Goods
further comment is unneces
sary as the name of "Priest
ley" embodies everything de
sirable iu Black Dress
Superior Fjnjshi
UnmatchabJe Designs!
Durability In Wearl
Tie fziEd Black Goocfo
Our line embraces the fol
lowing neat aud serviceable
1 not -l'isol
pi.i M-riii'rr. di: ciiini:.
Df'.AP 1)1. l'siMi:ili;, MI.K WA1IP LI DOHA,
llAltl.Oi: POPLIN,
sli.K A TxMISK,
New lines of colored Dress
Goods, French Challies,loul
ard Silks and satius at
"A Word to itlte
Wise Ss Sufficient9
The pait ol wisdom It. tu set Ihe beat
AVe hae the IniRcst line of Million
cry, olllco (supplies, nnd blank books in
N'oithcustet n reniisylviiiiln.
Rey molds Bros
sStatiotieii and LiiRravers,
Hotel Jerinyn Building.
Schedule iu Eflect Mny kJ7, 1000.
Trains leave Scianton, V. & H.
0.'15 n. 111., week days, lor Sunbuty,
Hattisbuip, Philndclphiti, Bnlti
moie, WnshiiiBton nnd for Pitts
burg nnd the West.
0.38 n. in., week dnys, tor Hazleton,
Pottsville, Heading, Norristown,
nnd Philndelphln; and foi Sun
buty, Hnrilsburg, Philadelphia,
Bildmore, Washington nnd Pitts
burg nnd tho West.
2.18 p. in., week dhys (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.) for Sunbuty, Hnrrls
bing, Philadelphia, Bnltimote,
Washington nud Pittsburg and
the West. For Hazleton, Potts
ville, Rending, &c, week days.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuty,
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsbuig,
Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg.
.1 II, MOOD, Ocn Pass, gt
J II. HITUIIN'-ON', Gen. Mar
Time Card fit rfftet Dec. .lOtli, 1000.
1337 206,201
ca aii tti
I L. St
b E s F c
'td rJi'fd
3 oeino
1 Dili
710Ar N.YWiMBt Lt.
IV lU.i
1031 ia ts
. SlarllKliI
.Prertoii Park.
1'loiessnl Mt.
Ponst Cltr,.
.IV hltti Urldiro.
MaytliJcl Vet
Jn 111111
ton a "
I0(i013 1Q "
, 95011 Ss
aioitia "
1. il
,. loos
itiiv "
ansa "
111121 '
0 111120
im assiM
7 cxiamci
ilao: . "
7 01
Bsiloam 11
2;V is 1 1 lit)
el m a iu 1 1 o -
.8 83,11 Mil 01
tlsmiioit '
911 MilOM "
ell ncoiotn "
.8(3 urn 11) s
B Oil re S-1 1 0 ex
Bill KIN 10 13.
IIX H.'IIOl'il.y
CM I kit lit
7 U'.l 111 18
7 o;s ue 01
7 (3HIJ8ta
17 in tit r
7 U8M8I!
7 SIS US li
Vre lilac Ul
Pri, i-IiIiil;
I'ailc I'lsee
7 mi rsetl
" ( 1 4 or 6 at
" 7mJ lie-;,
" 7 tot MfiS '
" i x lie n
Ir 7 io i&tU
vajitlonil trr.In Irno rirbordili. fur MivncM Yuri
lll.iliHil ard 7 0) 1 111 ctnJ aOU i-ui.
Viiilltloual tralni ImTPFrrtoton at? (Vrri Sit Qilltv only,
tt'iitnnsatall'tatl nr In rarlrfinilalr. atrtiltitf at 7(6 put
anil train Ifavra kthi,lit-M Yanl far ( arbouclala aldiJaa'
Kales i crnti per mile, -'
I.oneit Kates tu all I'nlnti Vet,
Irar, Ant,
s sse?
JU K. j OT C , j2 K.
1 1 pi
.tk. .AJtiki'i &jh P4Jk , .
J-v V.