The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
')" ' , ' 11114 SCBANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1001. Does it burn ? Sting scald'.' Jo there nu unbearable, seneo of lawuess nuil exposure? An Inability to stand, Bit or walk with comfort'.' All thin Is Piles Jlut tho heat tho hurt tho distress and discomfort can be relieved at once. Kvery feature of the de pressing annoyanco banished the icstlewncss ended, the nervousness quieted. From u jicovlsli, discouraged Invalid you can change- to a sound, cheorful man. Hero' all the magic you need: Mason's CREAri of Croup: Pimples: Neiirnlcla, No Citevtl. Moti orOatattt. Misoa't 1 ellew Tableta Cure DYSPfPSH Si aoil Car Slcltotia, lltavtacat -Brain an Nerre Toole, lie. Maioa'a Ilfown Tabid Care CONSTIPATION r.llloBl and Liter Troobltn 0. K. In lbs Dornlor, lie. Maioa'a Red TalU Cure COtldttS Droscbltti, Bid Brcith- Sorcol nljbt'drnl, lie. rajjj Ice Cream. REST IN TOWN. rtC Per JJC Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO I 'J cr tone OrdariPrompttr llvarl ,3t37 Adams Avenue. i Scranfon Transfer Co. Paggagc Checked Direct to I lotcls and Private Residences. Ofllcr D.. L. & W. Tasseugev fetation. Phono f VG. to ! CITY NOTES l 't- l lil.M I i: vssON 'llio Itiv. Ijiiic II.ii i li-j;. will rioil .it llkf Hcecuc iiiilon lini(jlit ai Vll are U'1'H i". 1'OVIlll or lll.U.'lll.-linn. "ill 1 a(m,'i jr niritme of the ImjuI of liullli al Hint . .01114 In die iil lull Wnlno-'l Jl S p in ( ,l V vs l)ini.1l(ii:i)-)Jmr Mmiav tt.T iiuiutKiil In Md'.nun lliiwe rl rla m the iiuruo ol n'-mlt ami liittriy iirpfnn-cl 1" IMor V VII'JiiRli, u Jlmintiiii avrmit' MF.I'TIMi ol' M VN Mil'.ll'.. ll.r managers of Horuuc Olllctiteii Minion will lnmt .it ilia nic mi lliiri-uti awiitn' tliU mottling: at 10 li'l V lull attdivliriti h UVmihI. II IHO loNK.Iir "Hie literature" itas tt i miiii: Ni'tiitVi. lulillau jmih lalioii mis n.iiL'lil Mi. tiiikr-ir life Pi I'liatlolle i. ii' 11k clavt U fire- anil Mtry slit H i t..i s IllM II.VUI.I I) VlllllOllJ ll.lll, win 'IM uml l I'.tlioliiMii t'lillfi ailtni: iu-cili at . up! ol I'raiiMiii ami Lickavvaiaii nwmici idui iti ri noon. ws iIImIuijpiI I' Hip nuior i stilil vM.I .N.ILIII.Ii.llirr) i.inaln 11 v.-a ol i Dininioip. uai tint nut l.v a mli.c on miIii In tin '1V Giovo mini' ami cut ami i I uliniit tlip .hi','.'. II w.if lal.ui to tin' I k v unit lin-pital Hn 'Hip nnuiin ct IIioiiij V nl i. wlm illcil ill 'H'liiplp, Tex., Iat vv.V, fi.-iinl In Ipaili tlii illy lhi inuinintr. I In.,1. a ilua to utnvc ;ttnljy but i for onip tea -on. lVi1 .V I NM.i'f.iMli - CoK'inr IIMipiii i4 iititiflpit .Mtuili of Hip suMtii ilpatli of a i .rHc unur ulil iliilil ol l'ltd Morr, of 11" M'Ipj mi i' Tlif (Otonri ilpwnl t lie kiiuIih .ir.l di- inl in inipict until ti'sari. nu. nu: inji'ki:i.-rrauv m k or Jsr. Ih hi'; at U.pli.,iil. Irul lln l.'ir ir m lil, lift f iot li.nll lnuukil .M-lcnl i li me i ni'.'lit ill .i 'lii'.n lit tlip Out irin mlnr as taken In I lie lncUawamu Ml I TIM! I'lMI'OM l. - Hip liiiiliiij ..I ill ' -il Ii.1l.t1ll. (HI FOflllJ wllllll J In Imv " hi itmlRlit Ins liodi nKpnriiri imlil m-vt I" nntlit wlirti It will lip In Id al tin licit , Mn ltiiiiainln i-amtrr, on .MailUmi uirnm- im i i.tim: lM'.inio.N-.-ivtuiim. cn i uUtPil ;r.iciiliy In Up i ut cr xl of (in n i'"i A i'l'iiu id lloiiif. i.poisp .u-..i wlio fp npiiuu lur Hip poltion of nlc in Hip pin i ot JiiiIrp I!. . iil.blil bi ns Ji'p.jiiHol io tin' t .tut IMI rsi liiSI.HIllort.- Cuibiin lliil.eri. mil mind .n irqnpst Wclnoiltt illnnnoii .u I cr. IopK nt the .Iprmiii ntntp at llnulluiii m iln fo or .Inp f'O'.taiu, wlm w i, omul uniln iiioiniiic at tlip bottom ol tin- Nitkil Plate Juk a ip Irnn.Mi No. 1 niino ai liitiilluni Ml IMJI KM' M'(OiltY ( uioii i IMnU to .!Mip iftf nl , I i. iiiuii wiiti Minn Dofcftlip I'nilllp, .iinl imptiUitoil ilr BOND OFPERINGS. f 4 t T - - -f "f Spring" Biook Watev.lst Mtg.58 Lncka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. NovthJeisey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co., lht Mtg. 3s Standard Gas Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Lehlghton Water Supply Co., 1st Mtg. Os. New Mexico Railway and Coal Co., 1st Mtg. Os. Description and pi Ice on appli cation. tt BCCit), S, T. UilkPlB.tif, -f -t- t'aibowlil. I, 3 and C, Comiiionuc.iltli IlMj., -f -f Ktranton -f -f HtH-ftttHttt N'JjBEtfJ!' OLIVES cures CATARRH Burns, aud Piles Safe, Sure, Speedy Maioa'a HlaTalillCir SOKE THKOU Tonilllll. CaUl Rcluce loflammalLa, He. Maion'aCrtaoial Olivet Cirii CATARRH Croup, Pimple. Nioreljli. Rural tod Pllet, Ut. All DrutiUU or milled lor price br M. T. MASON CIIPMICALCO, 511 Arcb Slrcel, PhllidelpbU, Pa. death of r C'utlpf llnlilicelll, tilio nai irctnilpil In a fir' In .i dwelling liottv S itur iJjv. II waj dfcldcd no InqtiPiit Is neecsurj. on i iiAiu.r. oi i.m:ci:sv-ui.ow s-tutry wn lotVtd up in llic t'rnlcr Kltrct Matlon bouv lat nCpht on a witnnt Iiip1 by Mdprniin Kcll), (liaising Mm with liritny b ballrp Wl.f.Vs n.KMUN'IH -tlpatingt lor the li fndiiiK MjkIi '.', linil, for tlip Sranlon ('1p.ii Ini! lloup il"iiialliii kip tppoilpil a fullovN: .,m).h,l kii lui..ib. sJI.VW.DI, Wol li mJ j; . i.',"I7J.!!I: 'lliiiiwla, Jl.n7 iT; I ll iIjj. 2lii.3irit; itunliv. :,ir.i'(l: total, 1,lll,bll "'is ollPpotnlll.lf wpnk 'at, l,!.ll.0!0 .1 M'1:M, MI.I.IIMI. IIh- lullioln Snilcty nnil Nmniaii Miguliin ilitli ill liol.l IM rruulu wprkl nieclinc tonlglii 'lip lr limr will bp I'lnlcnui .Ionian, o lln- IiIrIi mIiou! pip-r In, b"cn pieparpil b Mi l.a llitti'lt uml will lip trul bj lur. 'flic iniili il conlp, prnniiso to bp an Inipoilanl IPJturp of tin- i"itiliis'i ripn ie, a llu liaip bprn ielpctpil by Ml (laik Till. I'OIIMM. 01 I.M.Nf. -MjimiiI I'h.I I l.r.a.ilil. u( (lip M-ti'lli I nil 1. 1 1 illMritt, loilli.dll i'pftl"d Hip apill.t, Silon n tliP ilinlt'ft luinl Iti tup ti'liiil buildup jftLidaj inoiiiltiB mid tlicn adjourned II nn'll pill !' Hip li'V iroiblrs II at til" ictitl Mull ioiimiip in Ihn li cwi par cu llir- in, I Mmiilai In Viuil iiiil on .Kintint ol Hie Mi'- "I bii'iiiev, li mi bprn frvnd iinpuiblp lot -imp iai, wfl Io do tl'l, and l") tlip Hijri'ul I'.mnilh op"n and .1 ' jourm tlip loml. Dl'.l llliors MN ON IliMlll -IJiinrl l.i ini, r.f llinuoi, Mi-., ,ipd -w, .n ncleil at Hip barkunaiuia dcKit cailr .irvlrrdaj inoinliiff l Llnilcr.iiil Dull mid lalroluuu It. l)il and Connen, TitImj bad Ihp drliiluin trp tnPis and wnnlpil to lump liom Hip miiUua- o tlip (rain. Word wis tplpurdpli"'! In IhU ill.1 tliat u didiilous mail wh i nil 111,' tappi' mi (lip villi ,i ipipit,! for ofllcir, to lakp lilm In inirifp upon In bets, lie i lou-ed up al polbe lii.i'l'ii irlriH M1'IIIII.I,1) Ills (IIAMii: lioimiiii I. UmiHU. a liipio. iIpuIpi it 111 l'enn .iwini'. wa .uic.-'.i'.l mi a w.itrant i.itil 1 Xlitprnun llowp ht Meiiini; ditiKliiu' III in "lib liuriii .mil n,iai'lt. last iicni'ii .1 polmiirr liiii.i; at I.'.:j Sandrion aientii' wmt inlo Demttl' plai and khp, so lie laitm, n iMinli-ilollai loll in pa;menl i a Hie Kill drink Tim jplu-od in ulu- bbv Hip liuliKi- due lull, Iip .lllrji-. lull li'.l i. (imitict-il upon jtid Leal linn Tin piop.ulor in l-o iliuiik Io ii-ll an intellii.Mii ktuii. m Mil. im in Howp Hint lilm Io tlic nuiil jn! i.. -n't'c up ml llir liPtiint lodi OBITUARY. Thomas Donahue. ll.uiii.i- llnaliop ilipil iipii1j at i lip Iiuiiip of bU LIpi, Mi-s MuiK.urt lioiuliop, ot ,i3t Oreliinl duel. Up wa i'l jiur ol .131 .ml Will known In i-oulli .scranlou. Tiip fillnwlni; brolluis ,inj hittPM Mtrli blin Mr Inlm snion. Mi'. HjiiIiI lVn.iliiu-. Mi MIiIijpI i)boriiP and lMu ill lljnaliop. llio lii-aiiild 1 lull, or r and Jin. Wdl.ani of Nairen jliert. dlul undat nUlil .it. In .1 bilef illnc" I'iuictsI will Ik in Id dm aiirinoiin at 2 nVtork InUiiiirnt 111 'alluilr.t ciniclet. Ilcberli, infant diuslilei of llobut .1. and ,l leu I'otlir Wlllkmn, died Monda, Mmh I, ajiul II motilli,. I'unpral Vcilncdj. al J p ut at in Muni M1I11 atrnup, C!icii.p llaiiniPi, -.on o( M. and Jin .i0lm lliiuuiir, dud iepili) nl i.c.iilpt leiei, agp Ivo ji.ti and ipii inotillis I'uncral pihitp Mo mm im nil., old 1 luld 01 Mi uiid Mi. !li-llii.-. ot l.,ri.jii HiKt. dlMl vc-liiil.i mum imr hiipi 1 In Iff lll'i'--. runernls. Imp fiiiieul of tlio lalo Mi Han i, ill ,1, plnp ktuouow nioiiiliiB. '(rilec will l,p ten ducted at s(, patilil,'ii ilumli. Inlinnent in ( atlicdral 1 rniPlcij. TliP luiiPial hi Hip IiIp 1'irdemk l'lllui-Pr. of ,-if Piiip Itert. will b l,pld Ibis ailPinoon. .iricp Mill bo conduilcd at ' 0VI01L al Hie Iioiiip. flip mlpinif ut villi bp pili.iip AGAINST SUNDAY SESSIONS. Ministeis Adopt Resolutions Con demning Congiess. riy lcU-ip Mlio fi.'iii Hip Auoiii'nl pr., l'mvillp. P.T.. Manh l.-Al a nit'ot Ins: of inliilxtei ni' iOiIcm ol Xoitli uiiibci'land i'U'flijtciy, licit! lifio to flny, the IoIIoxUiik iP.-olutlon a atliil"il by ,1 iiriniilniniit otp: Hip 1'ip-bitPii ot Noiiliunibeil.iiii lui Irjinid wttli ilii.tri"n mid 11 1 jim if ihp Dc.-loii of iln liillonal lonsin, (01 tho irinjitinii of nidliury lin-Itii'.'. held en Hip Viblutii d.M, Malili .1, 11,1, iicnllip dl-iPKard of tlip IniiP, dai N at mn,. u ilol.uloii ot Hip iiiil lav, an aifroul Io llio ( liluliau lou.ilt'liip of Hie iiuutiv, du ci caniplp 10 law-luealer, in jjcni'ial, a wiiki-il ilepiituip iinni Hip rpinint uulonu ot the iitlifiii of 1I10 ippnblli' .ui'l .111 ofteiup tn . mlirlili (.oil. Hip gijiiuu, Klifr of Hip Jaj ( 11M. Il I auMln-l (he weliaip, decnik iniivpiMl 1 ppi Dilation, and wo c ampul hope may not prmo a prec ulriit foi liiliirp linillni;- nl .,'111 naliuiul li'Ki-laliili NiU'ilxlown, l,t .luuh !. 'I'lio in lVmisyhaiiia i:-aiiBclli ,11 lontoi omo In i-ofhIoii I1010 adoiitcil it losolu lion (lojui't uliifi; tli nellon of Ukj na tional house of ictiietpiit.Tlipy In liolillnr,' t-epslons on r-iunlny. Tho pre amble Uates tbut llio ('linMlait feel inM of Hi" )v?nilt h.ti been hIiucKci). The iPrfiiltilloii followH- JlpNolvid, lint wp. Hip i:.i.Ipiii l'rniu.laiiu .oiifrnnip. d Iip l.mbv lu okpirut our rmpliatlo il'iippioval ot IliU open ilrscrrjllon ot tlip l.oul', tl.iv, llimhv lulallnu Hie lawi. ot Cod and 'A 0111 cgunlii Pioposed Mine Woikeis'-Convention. 11 r:rlliilp Uic ficu Tup Ao(ioUd Tiei,. pliiiuiikiu. I'j . MjuIi 4 - M 1 iiiipilnc of lip rv.iiillii. board it tin Mi th I'lillpd JUn' Win. 11- 'mn -cifld. (.Vcirfp llailtpln e parlid jliai two li'induil ililesalrn 'mil lio.pii In ifprrn-nt 4.',0t mini', wdkei. al Hip ouiliir llulttuii roiiti'ulloii and : bat I,, lud cnt i.iiiiiy Invitolloii, lat I'llda Io oeal op. cmlon and s'mial nia.iacn of ronipanlcK ro at. Und thn iiiiifercinn and to dilc lud i.ul ip irlvrd u l.nur ijiucplaiue illlntiiili lip 1- c:: icitiru some 11 1 ir.y line 1... Alleu'a Pool Room Raided. if llTilmbe Wire funi The KoeIattd l'ica. New Voik, Jltuli l-ie dllt(.id pool mum 01 tho Allen on Ml!i utttiiio wa, laldid id uftenioon by tlip polke on wariauU olilalnrd b Siipcilnlendciit ol lllectloin John MtCiillougli, acliny for IIia cuimnltlre ol fKlecn, Seienlj-rlip men wrre In tlip plate when thp polke cntcml bill all (Miiptd llirouuli Hip window to an) II110U1.-I1 mi jdjolnlni; house ecupl Hun PROHIBITION INAG1MTI0N BIG CELEBRATION IN GUERN SEY HALL LAST NIGHT. A Speech by Hon. John G. Woolley, Such as He Would Have Made Yes terday, Had He Been Elected, Was Read and AddiesseH Were Made by E. D. Nichols. Mis. Maria W. Vaughan, Rev. C. B. Henry, C. S. Woodruff and Dr. J. C. Bnteson A Banquet Solved. Tl'ouuli the Vi'ohlbilloii uiiiillilulo for the ptOHidency, John (1. 'Woolley. will! dufuiili'il 1'mt Novembei by 1111 overwIiphntiiR ninjoilty, his levoteil follow ei h In Lackawanna county R.itlictcd In toice ut t.ueitiM'y hull hint iiIrIu to participate in exeiclses ronducted In connection with the teud lnrr of at' InittKiliflt nddrcsa written by Mr. Woolley uml lead Inst nlnht at temperance meetings In all partis of the United Htalev The iifialf was eondut ted under the auspices of the Lackawanna counts' Temperance union, atnl the uttendance watt moKt t'lntlfylMK to the committee in iliaigp, llpRinnhi!; at 7 o'cloel a ti.inmie'. was seived In t'" cltnliu? hall, ('overs Me laid for -rvcntj--llvp pet unia and a most nppptlzliig huppcr as honed by f'ntcivr Mlluliell. Afltr the feasting, llinse preent ippalied lo tlie ball, on the main lloor. wlm- ihp wpip relnfoiced by a tonf lliriniK w-lio had not cat al the fetlo maid. 15. O. Moigau. llf vete-an temp"r unce worlcer fiom West uniit"ii. ict ed a. liahinau, and Hie pionraumie wus ooetipd Willi lb" elllKlliK of "America." by the itiidlPtiie. l'iaer was on'eied bv He A illlaiu .1. rud. paHlor of the (iieoti CIiIrp llapllHt church, and then the Vest Hide Tem pptance (ilee club, ciiiipo-'ed of fifty ymiliR W'clhliniPli possessed of voltes ol wonitcitul puilty and powei, miiiut a lenip-'innce hymn sot to the sllrtlntr mush of the ".Marpes" nu; i.s'AiTinai, Mi. n'oollev's address, wnicli was rathei Ions- uml whldi Hummed neaily lialf an hour tn the leading, wus road by Rev. J. X. Halley, of Mooslc. Mr. Woolley In his Intiodf.c lion to the address, set foitu Uiat It was pre cbelv what he would have 'aid had h been Inauguialcd of iinId"iit yes teiday. It was an able efloit and Its keynote vas tint the lctoi or the 1'iolilbltlon P-nty was the victory or 1 iKllleollMK'h.--. lie 101 Hi, among other things that not a slngl" lemoval fiom olllce would be made by him lor political tPiikous. and thai In making appoint ment paitlsun lines would not be for a moment considered Anility ami nioial woitb were nil tint would In taken Inlo cousidiMatlon. lie mined a cabinet which cunluin"d the n.'.mes of President McKlnle, e-lieldPiitM Ciocr Cleveland mid I'.enjamln llai iImjii and William .1. Hian, and pledged himself not to penult !ntol (fitlng Illinois lo b served upon Hie (able ut the while hou, al slate dlti uei.s or otherwise, (lining the lour yens of his term. The lb st mldi-oFs of the evening was deliveied by Attoimn V.. V. N'leludls. of Wilkes. Marie, a genlleman who is always capable of making a stilling tompeiance speech He took for his theme, "l'olllk'al lUghleousness," and lie Healed it cninpiehenslely and ably in the bilef space of time allotted to lilm. Tho 11(1110! Halite i the gleat national t-ln. vlihli will bear this country to destiucllon. I10 said, as the slave Unfile would lime borne il to destiucllon had It not been tor tho Civil war. "Wo may ry out against lmppilal imi and trusts and monopolies," said Iip. "but as long as tlip liquor tiaill" has Its being lb" only .".poii v we w 111 get will be the reverberation of our own voices train the deadened walls of the nation.. I i-oiiMience " Con tinuing, la sail?: "The American chuieli Ks todn the of this national sin. Theie lit some cleigjmen who dine to taNe up theli olces against the Uquni tiaf tlc, but how few of them lime aio. They ate like poor Utile lights In peasants' windows along a count! y load, They only show how gieat and how deep the diukness 1 cully Is." Mr. NIchollK, Just befoie closing his lemaiks, had a little to say about Mis. Cm lie Nation, th Kansas saloon smasher, "lie who laltes his voice against the battle which Mrs. Nation Is waging,' said lie, "inleriupls the olce of (lui." MUS. NATION'S WORK Mis. Murla W. Vaughn, of Moscow, piesldeill ol the Lackawanna county union ot the V. C T. I', followed Mis. Nation and her woik from a woman's standpoint. She leaned to the gre.'i' (ilscouiagenient, and almost ile.-pair, .!il''i had fallen upon the I'. Miibl ' n tbiougliout the land afier Ini-t No ember's election, when it v, t found 11. at the prohibition patty nil not made 'lie 1 nlns Willi li !' t-liouM li,ie in.ulo. Mrs. Nation had Midd-iib appealed Ihiougli this iloud of gloom, sin siild, like a star lu the west. Khe had milled the broken fragments of the party and hud (lied a shot whbh had been he.nd atound the woild. "That Mis. Nation's methods ,11 e strenuous and not ieilu"d no one wilt deny," said she. "but wo must lenieiu her that she h not dealing with n. lined and gentle things. She lniks the polish mi the cllltllie of a Veie-de-Vpip. bii' she Is noble and slnceie if she has done anything wrong .she usks to bo In ought 10 Hip b.u of Justlie tor trial." "Rev. C. U. Hour gave a luvf talk on "Piolilblliou I'lauehers" and said that he was uvioedlngly son that nil picnchnis wcic not Piohlliltlontsis Still, he was glad lo say a larger proportion of the cieigy than the laity wpip total ahstalueix and expoiiudeis ot the doctiim of piohlbitlon II" Ulged all to be preaeheis of us ;vel as bell.iiPi'H lu piohlbitlon. Atloiicy C. S. Wood ruff, of t I1I1-. (ity, lad a fo.' wiiiiIh to nay upon the null, ranteen vlitoiy. He cllsciissed the antl-eantcju niniiulmnui !. the auny lp-oir.iiiii.'allon bill at length and said that the only fault which could be found with it was that It contains no penalty Kimim" and that Its proppi en. forcpinei" might bo vailed tor that icasoii, Thn Fellli.g ot lntoIiittliig p. quors b llio government tj its sol dleis Iip londemiiPd lu stidiij? lerins as a vicious and HPiul-baibaili pmctko nit. HATMHON'S TALK". The last speaker was Dr. J. C. Hate. sou, who was on the progranimo to speak upon "County Woik," but who cNploinc'i thai as Iip had noi been hK JoWav MvS An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial cft'ciis ot the well known remedy, Svni'i' of I'ioh, manufactured by tho t'.w.iroKNi.v Kio Sviiut' Co.. lllustrato tho valuoof obtaining tlio llciuld laxa tive principles of planla known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tho tosto and acceptable to the system. It is the 0110 perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing 'ho system cltcetunlly, dispelling colds, headaches nud fevers gently yet pioinntly and enabling ono to overcome habitual conbtlpation per manently. Us perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and biili stance, and its acting on the kidneys, llvor and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the Ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs arc used, as tlioy arc plenxant to tho taste, hiittlieniedlchial(ualitlchof tho remedy are obtained from hcuiui and oilier 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Caufuiinia I'm Svitur Co. onlj . In older to get its. beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please, remember the full naino of tlio Company printed oil thn front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ba:j vnANCisco, cai. I.0UI6VILLK. KIT NEW YORK, N T. rorsolobynll DruKsists PrlceBOc. ppf bottlo. dig iieil 111 in tie tempi'rance woik lor se 'nil years he was unobte lo lull? Intelligently upon It. He did, however, plead hi a most eloquent manner the need of a mighty stlrrlag up of the national conscience lo a sense of the nnli' duty. No or po litical r foi 111 could be accomplished until this was done Inteispersed between I he nihil esses the (ilpp club lendeied several selec tions, and a ( lever recltatlnu wus given bv JIIm flora ll ce. THE FEAST OF PUR1M. restlval of Lots Was Obseived Last Night by Services at Temple. Nntiue of the Teast. Thf. I'Vust of J 'mini, m of I.otK. was observed Inst night at the Linden Sheet tempt", bv the leading of the legttlai holiday spiee. Rev. A S. Anspni lier. i.ibbl of the emigre gallon, was In chaigp of the sfrvlres, the giejitoi pail of which always con sists in lip- tecltal of the Monk of IMhei hi this is naiialod one of the mm! loinantle inl-s In Sciiptme, or for that matter lu nil history. II Is the etoi'v of mingled love and hatred, oT hie malignant nun liuiallon of a lilg oti d lyiant and the thwaitlug power or a good woman. The festival com niPinoiates the meniornble escape fiom total distinction of the Jewish people In Pet slit, uiidei the rtlgn of King Ahasitoras sitppood by many lilslotians to have been 1lae1eH iiie cuiinliigly laid scl'.eiues of th" piinp' minister Hainan to peipetrate a wholesale nia-'sacic of the IVislau Jews woie th" outcome of the frel Ings of badled jn ide and Insolence, and would have been su eessful had It not been for the Inteiccssion of Queen Rlll"l, I lie Jewi-it "potlse of the mmi anil. Till' tesllMll del VS lis name 1 1 0111 the I'm t that Hainan diew lots lo de cide the dav upon w hk-li the rlnylug ot an Innoitnt people houM take phue. Il Is one of tlie men lest and must mlithlul seasons of the Jewish nlendnt, and is obseived the woild over ns a day upon which to lay nalile cam ami sonow and le.lolce over the great vklorv of long ago. Notice. S. i:. Dei bv Is no longer la the em ploy of the Kinphe Ctedli Clothing company. All peisous liaving accounts with the above (inn will please pay same to the People Credit Clothing Co., " .117 Lackawanna avenue. Mobhei & Coleman, Tailois, will occitp.v their new store In p.uir building about Match "o Ask' foi Kellv s union .taiKeis. MARCH 1 aaVSar Hit IE Wc never aimouuce special reductions twice for the same rugs, and very seldom we announce Special Reductions for large sues. T.hat, hap pens occasiona'ly, when we are forced to do it. Consider tlie followiug seriously and make the best out of this occasioti : $150.00 Fine Persian for $350.00, size 11 ft 2x14 1'tS 325.00 Fine Persian for 2:55.00, size 11 II, 4x15 ft.? 150.00 Fine Persian for 115.00. size S ft 0x10 ft (, 1 1 5.00 Fine Persian for 85.00, size 10 ft ttxH ft 10 S5.00 Kino Persian for 00.00, size 0x11 250.00 Turkish for 1S5.00, size 10 ft 7x14 ft 10 200.00 Turkish for 100.00, size 0 ft 1x15 ft 10 105.00 Turkish for 125.00, size 10x13 ft 0 1 50.00 Afghan for 1 15.00, size S ft 2x10 ft 10 125.00 Afghan for 100.00, size 7x10 fu this sale we don't exchauge Rugs b'ought previously SPOKE OF THE BEST THINGS REV. McLINN'S ADDRESS AT THE NORTH BRANCH CONFERENCE. The Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheian Ohuich Yes teidny Afternoon and Night Held the Opening Sessions of the Noith Branch Confcience in Grace Lu theian Cluuch Over Twenty Min isteis and a Like Number of Lay Delegates Aie In the C iy. The Hist i'rlon of the Not III Ilium li conlerence of the Susquehanna Synod of the Kvangcllcal Lutheran chinch were held ycsteiday nftcrnoou nud night at the Grace Lutliernu chuicb, Mulberry sheet and Madison iivomie, ot which Rev. Luther Hess Willing Is pastor iiiui iwciuy clergymen nun it nivu 1 nunibei of lay dulegatcs were in at tendance and will remain In the city until the closing session takes place Wednesday morning. The minlste1l.1l delegates present me Hpi. VI. MUwck. 01 llerwlik lln I'aid 11,'ik'iiii'iti, "I Wllket llaiic: Kit. (. It Ibilidord, ol Vorlluutiherlaiidi Hf. (' II. Ilrn.ltn, of iin bum licv. W, II I'Nrlier, 1. II. ol Miiiimkui, Itei. .1. II. I'oclil.P. 11. of MltiMnoip; 'bv (' VV TViOei. P. I)., 01 vHiugrmi.; !p. Will. I.r.i II IlilhUli, nl Umktnrn: IIpv. .1. II (' Minlfnlcl, of l.p. IIpv. M. K. Mcl.iim, ol llloonifbuiir: l!"i. Waller Mlllci. of W Ilk' llatrp: IIpv. I Mir. of ( i"iii: lln ( VV llnrr. ol ll.nti ill,.: IIpv V I. lludmlll. of Vlr (ariiiel; llci. .1. . shinnon, of ITcliurn, He .Tohii Waciei, l. I), ol llwlrtou: IIpv l.utlrv IIpii Watlnic nl Sei niloiii llei. V. N'. Wmn.'r, of Silinitrotp. Iliv. I. II UMiri, l I) of Sun bu... Ycsteiday afternoon's s'sslon was for the mlnlsteiH and consisted of a conference on 11 number of subjects of vital impottancp to the clergy and public at huge. Picsldcnt M. L Mc LI1111, of Hloumsburg, called the m?et lug to older at 2.S0 o'clock, and In the discussion which shnttlv afterwards ensued the following vvie among Hie subjects discussed. I. Up oar pemlp vrinnilli ill, wotklng' How effect If '2. Whal kind of pi Pacini, p; doe, im 11 diuuiid' !. Whal iilanj flisll we take Willi rpjard lo .iiiiunt'ineiits? I How- shall we inereaup soi iibllil.v . Can ratechiratipii and th lovlval v llrm go together.' li. Alp vve not makll.B a niHakp with reR-rd to leported incmber.-liip and appoitlnnmenl ' 7 U b it shall wp dfl Willi our dpllnrjuont. incnibciar i1. How tan vp pI foi Hi Afin a llip a'l mlfuiinl sulour 01 men, nnd do our pail foi tltl countrv'fl .idv.mci alona: all Hops'' How idiall Hip chuuli (Hand out befoip Hip world in KiPilcr purlt, deepei loip for ,ffm. expifraitl in loip ('ir nun, tlo-ei brolhiihood and Incroispil ini-.ionari intpreit and ilpvolloii IP Uiw lo "Citrp a liei'ddl 1' and Tlcfoim ition todav : II How can the rhurvli reaih more iupii (a ) Thcwe litouahl up utider Iipi Iriltiir rice ibl llio-c oiiUIiIp her inlluencp. Z How fun 1I1H 1 onferiMii p fuillifi devebp Hip work ot the niaclir In Ihp tendon nil Inn it, tcaili.' Last nlglu a song seivke was held and a c ont'eience communion, conduct ed. Rev, M. R. .MuLtnn pleached a splendid sermon, taking his text from Coilnthlnns, I'U. Up spoke of "Tho Rest Things In Life." what they ate. how we can obtain them, and what to do with them. "Rverv title hiiui." he said, 'must have an ambition for the best, and the best miwt be u proper lovelatlon of 1 Sod It Is always beyond us. Theie nie evei heights unsealed, wealth un measured fop the shiver. "The nineteenth ceatuiy was better than the preceding one, and tlie twenti eth century will lie the best of till. The fiittne holds the key to the best, and men gaze Into It, to giasp Its Holier trensuie." Dining the nlcht's set vices u num. her of very pleasing selections weie sung by membeis of the church choir, .Miss Jennie Kaul man's line voice vvas henid to advantage lu "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," and also In a duet with Miss Nellie Drake. "The Penil of Tiutli" was the song sung by the two .voting ladles. The olllceis of the synod ait Pi est deal. Rev. M. 13. McLlnn: Sicretaiv, Rev. A. J. RudisllI; tieasuier, Rev. M. M. Allbeck. The conference will be icuuiPd at S.I3 o'clock this morning Neives Like a Flat-lion. A woman who siilfcied fop iluee v'.us from nervous pioslration ways two bottles of Llchly'h Celeiy Nervo Compound effected a complete cuio She baldly knows toda.v wliftliei- she ht.H nerves op not, ns she necr feels them II IsfPitalnlya wonileiful iphi- ilv. s.old by Matthews Rios Ask foi Ktllys union .ratuuis Michaelian Bros. & Co. 124 Washington Ave. SPECIAL, 1 I A FINE EFFECT Is obtained where candles with bcatuiful tinted shades nre held by one ol our Patent Candle Holders. It's an orna ment ot itself, besides it is well niade, of nickel and cellu loid, having a very stroiiR spring that will not break. Be ing simple in construction there is nothing to get out ot or der. A short time ago you would pay $2.00 for them, 'I he price is but 50C Vtvaa?VfeA . S.. W ..,....-. S we carry tne uniy complete stock or g llron and Steel! in this section of make auy mistake ket for same. g Bittenbender & Co.,f h 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. g LEWIS & REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming Ave. WHY WEGROW? BECAUSE Wc are the largest buyers of Honest Shoes, and we pay for them promptly, saving all discounts, which is a great benefit to you who buy ot ns. Local notoriety is not the chief reliance of our business success, but Self Reliauce, Honest Busi ness Methods and National Popularity are some of the vital features of our well-earned and acknowl edged prosperity. We are not defenceless because we are the de fenders of Honest Shoes and Honest advertising. We appeal not to your sympathies nor your prejudices nor any questionable influences for your patronage. If our shoes are not just what wc ad vertise them and the values not as we represent, your money cheerfully refunded. Relying only on. this Honest Business Rock for our existence. Why We Grow Prices We Place on Sale This Morning: 500 pans Youths' ami Boys' Shoes, all sizes .... .)() 200 pairs of Men s fine House Slippers, all sizes. 'J3c 200 pairs of Men's Rub bers, toes a litte narrow. ' FOR WOMEN We have .1 special atlr.ic tion in : 5C0 paiis misses and gills' $1.25 Shoes, which we sell for 5flt: These shoes rue well built toes square, common sense good quality. Never a bet ter b.u gain in shoe leather. oo pairs of Udics'com foit shoes not a pair worth less than 7. cents. Take them at i'w LEWIS lb REILLY Nos. 114& 1 16 Wyoming Ave Telephone 2482. Frej Delivery to any Part of the City Williams' Goods Damaged by Water On Sale for One-Half iiu-li uf uur Household I teiisils as were in the Tmse niciit oi our store on the side nearest the tire -jot their mil share oi smoke and water. Thej are being sold out 10 make room ior entire new good, and you bin them lor one-half their actual worthif ou come quick. Thcv'rc worth coming after. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. Sfc . -.- Walk In and Look Around. tj the state. Don't when in the mar- v jJC T I 200 paiis of Men's Burt Shoes, plain globe toe-, mostly narrow widths; $4.00 and $5.00 kinds; why we grow price IM We have 500 cases of ladies' rubbers the 40 and 50c kind take 'cm at '25 200 pairs of ladies' standard makes, button and lace shoes, extension soles, the $5, $4 $5 kinds; "why we grow" price, S'2. 50 per pair. 200 pairs of ladies' heel and spring heel shoes button and lace, "Si, 50 kind; "why we gtow" price St.10 I li --, . esi Mj