'&i .- Tllli Sl'HANTOX THIHrX13-M0XDAV, MARCH 4, 1901. K ;pr ;-.r NEWS OF THE ' LABOR WORLD INVITATION TO THE MINERS' CONi'EKENCE ISSUED. Hommlttcc Will Wnlt Upon n Num ber of Oiieintots Totlny ricsciit Condition of the Hnvcl Conl Tinde. The 11.. L. nntl W. Bonnl for To tiny Oulcts Issued by Suneiinten tlcnt to Employes of the Lnckn wnnnn Hond Odds nnd Ends of In dutsilnl News. Th km mi r I'.irt nf tlie liiv llutliini nmiiimI li Ha- nilti-il .Mine Win lew ..I tlil illntilw tu tin1 fii.il uiovatoiv. i ... .I... . .in. ullliLr IllPIl' :UU'l llllllli' m "" i.iiiii i niifiMi ui'o - lilnli will for Mm ill !. nt llustli'tiin. vur nrttleil Sot ii'tuty iH'iiipM'.v fnni Nli'lmN xpi'ii' ninny limm tuiimr In nI wMii'Miiir; mi mi ami liivUiuloni f'niii l: i. !! i number mnlli-il uui i in fil. i'iiitiii.v Ucniii. put tlf lliil-lil'in ti'iii'lii'i on tlio w ml ycflfiil.iv nft"l lHMiii. iiinl Imlnv 'iy mine mpwln i nili'tit III Alilbiaill" UWIiht Xi. 1 Mill III- III PTI'lpt "I' mi IllVltlltllUl. I 'i .'.sklent T. I. Xlfliul". N'nlliMiiil iiiiinltli'iiiimi rioilcilik 1'IIilior anil i.iliiM' Infill li-iiilws vvlw fi'in; a s-"rlnl iiilllllllttt'i In iMUIll ll'l.tl I'l'l'lle-ltl Ml t Hell pi i flli t tin I'Ollfi'li'lH" in a nunibir oi tin- mipi-ilnlwnlwili ..i ilin imsii niiin.'iiili x. will vv.ilt iipmi tlii- I'llt'T tiiilav. held Vl'HtClll.O I'lrsliliir. Ill llll'H'll' tbc iil.inU ' wlilib th" br iiilljfi- About Steam Tlpes. Kl'lrllll llllllotlll In-UIP'I bV llxun SuporlnlwiiliMit T. Al. l!lni of th l.ai'Uawmiiia. rail" ilw .iiti'iitlmi i.uluivtiiiiia tiiiliiiwii m tln ran- ! tiiiiii plpix. .Mini' in h-y iioabl" Inn bi'i-ii oNpi'lkMlwil of lair- by Hi" mm- l.niy. mi an mint nf tin ."t'Min mn in lii'u bliiwn out oi the luiiii llm I'll'" I i lor to i.'arhliiK tlio sUiillntiH ut whli li ,i an to In' put on or tnk-n out nf -mil trulni. Kiirjlnenii'ii ni" i iiiinsi'i' d but if uam hft'it at a point tibout iwn miles llnm tin- itiitlnii at vililrli I'tl .iiii'f tin- to bi- fliaintnl un at" in lit- tnlau out or int. in ilnlr tialn. ln. all mlniis-slun Milvi" inmlit I" 1 lo-i-J whlih ailinlt lino tlio l.nll.'it iii pipe fioin tin- ti.illi HiH'. ! a i.i j;ot lh' uw of what ste.mi Is In lb- itullatlm? ryetwii. after whlrh th" n vnlvf on tlu ti.iln lliif ihoiil.l b- iiwnil. so asi lo blow i ill all lom.iln- lllK pifSHlllli 111 till' tlllltl I'll". I'oiupllaiH'i' with till- niili'i- will do .iut with tin- il.inoi ol i.ir lii-ptr-iinrt l-rlnsr nalilfil whlli- uuriiiipllui; lni-n and will lui'tluMiniio n'.liir" to .. iiiliilniinii t Ik lioiill- fimn fnwn li Ipe. The Anthtnclte Tinde. I'liul-biunlnu wonthi'i .--till pii-MilN aiul tin- tiiulnni'ltt- tiMilo oomiiui"-" "i'j- in 11 v. I'Vbiuiiv piniluotlim w-a-iiinloilbli'illy nit.v biay anil tht oul loolt lor .Mai eh is koiuI. HioukIi at this M-ason n fi-w win in. lulslit il.iy-" iiriitll ii'tnll buying dm lili'dly. TIip ili'inaiiil f 'o.il N w'b illKtilbiuri1. ihnimli lii'iivli'.st at Inlaiiil polnls and hi tin' wom. At lb" InaiU of th.'' l.al;rs suppllPs nil I be ilorKs aio now i.'iv low. mill twtiilu pU'.Op tin? piai' tlralh mil of ilic iiinilii'l II loobs as though thf do. l.s would In- w i II i It. i mil ii 1 befcii" Aplll. Ill PllliaKu tcillmiy i "lull biihiK i iiiiliuiU' uooil and th wi)olo.i.to tiailo IhnW no dlllli ultv In INpoiln'; of all th" rn.il lliat milvi'. Tno last heay stiuni tangled up tianspm tutloti badly iiIuiib th" low.-r .iki's and t-m s all- npoiti'd as bchiK a liioinh on tin mail lioin iho uiliu's in wi'stoin ili'stlnatloiis. At lower lal." points demand Is bil-k and irnmi of a poNlbk' shoiMB" l ln-nrd nub"-' tianspiii'lntloii lmpruvts i-ooii. At In land points i.ist i oiisiiinptkui Is xli-adv and dumnud t urii'ipoinllimly itood. .'.lies titjents tit Ni-w Voik i"poit liii-I-iiis as pcellt!it. be and bad weiilb- v liuve V"stlict"d coastwlsii xhlpiuelits, but supplies al I'dvpin ale S'-od. As to the pusvililllty ol labor tioubli'd :n the i olllfile.-. It now lool.-ft as ihoiiKh tl'i) olllrlnls ol" the I nlli'd Mine WoiU- is aie aeiM' to uiiiUIiik ilemnnds lliat ibe powui.s III lor.lioi uf (be iiinl" would pioiaptly nun down, it it. piob ably safe to .ay that llieie will be no i"lleral hliHieiisun ol' woilt after Apill 1st. unless tin llol-be.iib d ". uieut In the union iaWs i.inli'ol. A eabn imild"iiitlnii of llie ti-xtl-inuny piPsemed at the inenl sessions oi the lnihihtil.il eonunlsslon eoiiilriu our opinion lb, it the i omiiilsloii did not oven oil; U-elf In sf-iuibis eil di'tue Still, it may iine mldrd I i Iho KUluly of nalli.ns I-"nt llislanee, tlui'-i' mill 111 the mat llilil" who le iiioiiiber past m.uilfe.stoes ii.aidln il.scilinlniitlii;r lutes and the np.-d of i new rallioad mav have inmmenti'd ol- the poor llleniolj slinwn liy nil 1)111- tnl of the Alitiiieelte iip"tatois" as soelatlim. I'eihups there Is stunny weather aheiid lor the ussiiilatloii and It Is well to l.ae a IlKhtllhlK lod up. l'tkes am W"!l iuiiliitiilii"d, eeepl on the Inrefl sl;e. Tlleie Is no tulh of u t-jiidnji sehediil" ei and piobabl.v tliuto will be no at that tahoii iej;aid li.K pH"es unlll atl"i Apill 1st. u Mlint" for flex btliiilin; while asi (. u. b. New oik: IlioUeii. $.!';:.- vjsk. St; stove nnd nut Sir.n -ihiKlueerlin," and MIiiIuk .louin.il. New Dodson Biunker. "Tin woiU ol lebullilllif! lh" in iv lmd-un breaker at I'lj nioiith Is about eonipk'led mid In the toillse nf a few days, oi b the inlddl ol the pusept uieiith, eveij thhi',' will In- In H'.ullni'hS in iPhiimo opeiatlolis," as Hie AVIIhes-llauo Hecoid. "The old hiejl.ur was destune.l bv 111 u nil the inoiilliiK of .Inly J.!, ls',0. 'J'Iiq lire mutied In ihe iKadhouse and hi ii lew minutes the oil-saturated llui beis wete In Haines lli.it wetn beyond the eontiul of the Hie department. Tlio IncaKoi belin; oer the sli.tit. binning timbers, foil down mid mi.hi the shall i rlbbliiK wan also on liiv and this, inui luuiitcatliiK with the i.'nl. hi l th whole mine In a blar" i.nd eploil"d llie hlio bodies oi sa whli h linUed 111 eitrv slope, KiUlWil and vein nf the mine. IJwiv mr wms smashed Into liiudlhiK w'ood, th" plops .mil stout sume walls whli'h had be. n .vi (oil to ketp up the loot' vi" lilmtn il'iv.n and dHslioyed, so uuat was the fine nf the ever-reeiirvhif." eNploslnn.s. "Thf llie had pilned nub headway thai after every uih' i effoit bad fnlled lo ihPth lis pinnies it was deomeil injiVssmy lo llond Ihe luieilor, and Willi t lut t oheel in view, power ful iminptf vvoin oieeted tit the ilvei'd edm mid thousands Jipnn lluinsnnils of kiiIIuiib of watu won houily pumped down the biunlm: shaft. Af toi suvellll weelis of sllell V0l U. llu initio was full mid the water was al lowed to lenuiln Ktverat weeks more, so llml It eoitld eliclllnle Into every lleek nnd eorner and tlllli eXtltiRitlili whutpver sinouldeiliig iiiibTi iiiIkIi . innln "After n silllleleilt Iwmlll of lllll had elapsfd the lark of puniplin,- the vvulei oif wad romnielieed nnd hrs nmn on for snveial months, v.llh th lesiill llml III a few mole di.vs th" iiillleiv will be as i'hv ftntn water as e i Meeting of Labor Union. Mntliet Mary .limes and National foinnillteeinali Kiedi'ilek IJIkiier, of the fulled Mill Wolkeis of Auieilea. weie kiiosIk at the liltetlnj,' of llie I Vil li nl Labor union jesteiday afteinoon. The session Was veiy Well iiUelul-'d.alld I w add) es.se.s by the mine wnikeis' leaders well' leeehed with Kteat "11 tliuslasm. A l.llffe amount of 1 online business was tiausiieteil. and the textile woik eis' stilke dlseiissi'il. A eommltt?e was appointed lo confer with the Swalllnn tan, IPKilldlllcr the ehniRes ninde by thai paper analnst inembers of llie mine wnikets.miil to sift those hat Res. Tll'le Is unmi in he a Joint uieelhiBr nf tlii- reiili.il Labor unions of this dlstili'i, at wiib It some aitlon will be taken icKimllnp the silk stilke. 1 1 was also ileelileil Ip hold sessions elei two weeks. Instead "of oni e a liioilth. The) weie deleKiillons piosptil fiom the Wilkes-ll.n i mid I'lttston labor unions, and II was piailbally ileelileil lo hold the Joint lllpntltljt of Ihe lluee iissm lations nest Sunday af lellliinli. Etle Ynid at Elmdnle. The Hist ipstills of Ihe I'enus.v lv aula I'nal i oinp.iii.v -Kil and W.vomlliK Val Ii I .illin.nl loinp.ill.e-lhle ib-al lo be seen III Hies,, dlstibt.s will lie III tile hiillilliiB of a ymd at I'lindate Km oine tini" past IMe and V.voiuIiik sin ve.vois huvp been at work at til' lat tei plate, ami It Is now pielty Reuerally uudeistnnd that the ennsli uiilnn nf a inundhniise will be stalled soon, and tl in ks be laid. While tin Ki ! will, of iiilirsi. ie tain Its lenular y.niN at I'oil .l"ils. the lllmdal" aid will be tllMeil for ni.iMiu,' up iialns In this vlelnlty. WORK DONE BY THE LEAGUE SET rOKTII IN KEl'OUT AGENT WILSON. or A Yenv Ago tlio Municipal League Enteied Upon the Task of Clean ing Up the City and In That Petlod a Great and Substantial Work Urn Been Accomplished Large Num ber of Offendeis Against the Liquor Laws Attested and Punlslicti De tails of the Woik. SOUNDS FROM THE NEW WOULD. Today's D. The make-up V. bnaiil Is as L. & W. Boaid. f toila.v's !"., I., ami follows: I"M , Villi II il Wllil I ..- I i-l )i hi , M l iiin.il MilSIHV MVIII II I. Wild lal- I ,il I ..' .I hi. Villi.. UUIiIik'iI i. .1. ii ii. in. V. I. Il'mmllt; ) .1. m. I IIiiiMmiI, M .i in. Moli i : ll.tii ii. in. I' l.l'lltfiiii I. n 1 1. in .1 lli'ilm : 4 l"i i in, T. n.u.lli.ni' .i..o ) in. I. viil utltij; H i. in. !. IIik'i. sililll.. .ti 1 1. in. l... I I0II1 d'lkil . i. in. vi-i. vv. ii. viiimii; ; i in, i.ii in N .i An?. I. M Mll-loi. 7 p in.. vl limii iiivi. Iliii-e main.". I. iiliil.'Ji 7 ' to ni t'.nui;.), Vtt I.iih . I'niiii in ,i. in., r. i iii. I'u-liiii. s ii. in., llou-ci : ll. ii ii in. Vli.iin, 7 l in . Mi i.li . '.' p. in.. i.ilneiM:. I'.i-'ii nun Kitciiit'- 7 i. in,. Hi iiu. 7 a. in, -iiiSii: ''..''I p. I" . Mililuli: 7 p. hi.. Vliunmu Wllil (.IN r.il- I j. ii. I. I- M.i-tu; 7 a in. Illiisne I. II. P.Uit,! liirn; n ii, in., I. vi.li.iu; in a. in.. K tiliim; M in. !. 'jli.i-in : I n. in.. I. II. s.t "I; '' I' in.. Ilixti-r: .'I p. in . ( ii. In. i : I p in., . , lialliiil.niiin , ' p in, I . I. Ii. in is. i ii in , o llii.-iirli SOI If i:. 1 I inn will nil. iiii.!lti...ill iiiiilint iii-i p in.. Mimiln, Minh I. ii I!.h;..1iIi .mil u."i Mill mn I I' miil.i. . Mm Ii I. in iU' i.l .1. I. Mi'-I.m mil .1 .1. ii ll.ii j in I iit.v ull inn null. Iii'n i-l unlll tin tlirr n.if n -. Ii'.nlns i miiluii d u. li , i ni. inn in lis .Moml.li, Mjr.li I, tin Hull, in 1'inii- V.lliy. llllli. 11.41. .l.n stiii,!,. v ill tfii Pill wall IS, It, t Ml 1 1 lIUll I. .ll'lUllll.'-l Mill I'. Willi KM lll'. Ullll.i'u 'll-im. villi V. 1 ,..i ill It. .1. li .mi, wiii W 1 iluti 11 uiii.ni 1 I'.mlii lorn n I .1. Mini II Ill'M tilp IS.. '.. tn.it .. ll..'nMlt l.lll II .nli- n l 11 ip :. Iljlinnill. li.rN VI .11 III, li pel I tuf lll ,'.. "ill null W i. Ill "II "-' Willi This and That. l.neal lllllnii, Nn, 1 :'.:'.!. I'lltled .Mine Wm k( is nl Aineiiea, of Hellevue. will meet al Nowlskl's hall this eeuiii;c Ileiiti foitlt Ijiu kawauita pasenger oiidiK tors will icKlstep the iinivlin-; and .lipuillnir time of th-ii tialti-. in the ii'Klstei bi.nl; al llie t 'leKuiph olhie, at lh" ISIiiKhanilnii iiasseiijter siatlou. The National Ulass toiupaiiy have let loutiaits loi ::.i"i,iiini lnlek for their ( mubildci' fin plain, wlileh will piob.ibly lutvi lluee Inuiteen-pot fur liai es, tlmtmli ilnal plans me yet tm s.'ltlod. Th' plant Is lo be stvied tile I'lUtlal lillISs wolks nf the enm- p.lll. The I, o Amp li s li'.tl) (llavs inill iiiin.v. with S.'.'.e.iMMi inpltal, has been lilllieil. .1 S Atlelblll., of I'lltS hull,, will be n live In Its affatis. Two li.ulis will Ie- built. Hpal shades, lamps, novelties and some beer Imt Ik.s will be made. The factory will be le.nly by .Inn" I. The two day tanks at the .N'oilh IS.il iluinie bntlle plant, Alb.iuv, liid., will hiinii be put out loi upalis. i!as Is lepmied slum and tlnie Is a minor lh" lull) Is nefjoll'llllis fot the Hays plant at Tell" limit", lud., lo add io tin il ".ip.lllty l hele. TlleV IlllV" let ( nulla' is loi ,t tvn, i iiddllloii at T- no Haute Mipeilnt-nd l.aii.awaunn, l,.u Kiiv.umiii iiuliimi'ii ll at . nt inn must be ulveit all in ha M. Illne. oi Issued nt del s -ll It t i ayes tin to nt- of bi'ol,.ti mr Join mils. In all sueb lu wl ll.ii's, the Inoken i lids uf the juui eels niili'i be mi in d uvi i to the mr illsptilni, al llie Hist hi ees-llili pi.lnl, villi a ineiuiiiaudmii sluiwin' the lul llel and number of tlm i.ar under whieh the Joiiiu,il In oke and a Nn all 111.111111111; the dale nf at i Ideilt .Hid ill" lllliuliei ill ihe eulidlK tni. About ii ear iiko the Mlllllilp.il leiiKlle beumi the task of KlvlliK Seiall ton sum" business-like lefoinilniT. What has been done Is t onserva lively s't forth In (he repoi t to the snelel.v of ltobeit Wilson. Us UKCllt: Hii .n.ii nu'n tluMi' win about l.'im ui.lli m"il Mln.HH In 11,1s ..I'lllll. hi ilil- ill). "" 'U Uil of lljt l.imil.ir Ik.iiililnil (finilillii'.' Iir.i j wi-ii imiilnit i.irnli. In ni.e il.ue l Hi ll.Ul 111 'lie ill" Ml liMlll.l tlie limn lonrol Midi Hi kiln, ill nf lilill lipli-rlilfil Iiwm '' i It'll.- iiinl ntliir mills nun. 'Hie lnilli" J i.iiiii.l en n lielill.i 11. il Hull inlxot I l-wiuetn ..'l lllll II Rill 111) I'll III' lll'l pHiM.llllltlf'4 .Hill tlieii nun w.i mi lie liniit iloui. Ici.llni! Triri Hi- Alt. t to llmlr i.ii'iiilo. I.iulil linn vme ri'.iil.nl) riiiployul lu inn tlio pUie ln-Mi'. s,,ii. if luml) linws illil ii llmiliitf bti'l inn i.ml Hip xllfil. iir mImi!IuI iliuiiii In" i-l nii.it I" lnili'luil n( plo.llliilc ..illilli.i.' i p. nli. 'Ilii iiiiiiaIi mini Iip oxlfiiiliil IP tiMi 1 ill pill, el lln i ll). In mm) ItinldlKf. Hi 'i lii- "HO lint ol 1) p"ll iIUmI, lull tnf.1i lllll lo null Mlin.1 iuimii il.ll) it uji In mot Hum mil We Imo li.vl tlihti nne pinpildcis nl n.i Hi . ii-.nl .jlnoii. pl.'atl unlll) In plllns lliii' ' llillinllt III l Hup, st,,.M ,wi(. tiled i.tl.l fnllllil .iilll). VI Hip I'.t iiinlir sei.lnii.. i btlit in"N uui' . .iiitlliiii.l Ie Hip iivt t nil (.Mini; in tin' tiiMiliil 1 1 iiilltlim nf tic nl.il ll-l .uui tin' In', i.f I line In nl.ltlt In ll.v III. III. Hut nl .ill It.' pll III.'IK lip mill. Olll.l lllll'l' pillli. lllll" i.i i n .n iiniiti ii ii) joiii.. wnvr ii v nr.KN pom.. W. Ihiti- ,iiir.ttil llilrti (up lli'ltusl iIpjIi'Ik iml tin liifli.e. nl el'liu otlliv. ttuvp linn li'linvlil lei li.ini. iii of tin' liiirr liu . W luii' ni nl.' Ilni'.. iil.l-i nn n.ilnl.Ulii,' linliH's ami mIpi! .in I .1. -Mom it i-rii'lul tlio.iiiiiil liolljl. n..ttli ni lmiiiMIhu- p.iriiliciiiilij ftt'o pmi-tulilrs irrri foiml nut ol ntlin'. 'iff fin ns pit lug. Iiillics nlul in.r.lii fj' icHiiiih li mill i Hie oilier il.li iniiipillml lo rpUii. 1 1 pre Imp In li iipi.ttitl in tu In li'tltr, "'i'I il.i.fi "li ie Hip 1.1 Us Mm titii.( liebtiil I.l llie r.ili n' llfmir liillmul In in-,., mIIIii; nn vuii'l.i) , fin 1 1. .11 ilits, nlul to inln. ii. t untilii l, IhmiI liuew, il.mi'p tinii.p.. inn tKiiu inui I'm pe.ilii': lit lllilf.i'lll Mil Inulib. Wp Ulilliit ot llll.lt f 11.. Injill) Uui Hit jl. .'. iniiiliuiiiil iluLitmn. of Iim li.li.' iiu-ttsl.t In Hip polltli il nlul luui.i' IltP nt II.U lill, llilil ll It'jr Uin .'Mil Mlioli , tlni'i (itllH nl Mtilih ut'ip I'lilltriisi'il. litpl tlirir iloii- iililp i-iHti on in it i vj. .uui tlriiinii il)'. 'liu lln-pil .lln ill ll.n till' I l I pll. ill. Null ll I. i.ut un c i'i tii.k to liii) lliiini nn -innln in till- till. 'Hip ..iIuuim nli' i.n Hi tllv il.i-r.l 111 tli.il il.n .I111 vp .lie kIipd lo Uli'll l-l..inl Ie Hip pnllip llul siunln iilim. him In i n ti ilnieil In I1.4 Hi m ..lu' li.ilf lln'ir Iniii.ii niiiii- l.ri. 'I lie 'Vpi.ilpj)" I. Ii-t li.-i. n.hu- ,i llilnj of Hip pj.t tnr in, un.l i.i lir ii v hip .il.lt to luiiii, iIip iiiiinl'fr i. pn. ilil..- ultliiii mn ...; pirjtp liinltis nt Hip iiinil limp ilui-s nt i lllll tllllll, .lllll lllll 111' lll.ili.' liU-llli" lilll.l uitli ipnlil p.itnns mil mull I III.' unii.nl m i rt i ) . V II) Ills llllll l.ll-l.l III M.1HP lllll Illj'-P pl.ui - iirti' inn In mMoiis iiinl itlpplt'-. I.ut Dili i mill Irnp to u .li-'lit iIc'.ipp. VV i I'.. iiinl tin- "Maul p i. Ilili I. in," Hip mmililir uu.l Hi pl.Klllllll' iMlltltil 111 Mr III llUlulill. tlM i-l llllo OH' i llln r ulil. ma .r iilpilm un.) Hut Hip i.i lint I mil Iiinl.' I.l Hi....' lilio luip Iml liliililis nl mn, llii.illuli our .i.-riiii, tlie Ian Ills l.il.l I lii.ii) li.mil iipnii f.ir liriitinj no bulitli Un in.ili il.iti. nf till- inillltiolllli'illlh. Wo llllP plml i ciuplifi, u iiuniUr it tin lniilillnsi Hid ''if ll tllllll) lll fin llll'ii ulll. I (ill pillMi-i4 nlul lllll llll llllll nil lll.Ki li'.ll llill till,!' lilt lil-I liu.ititl nlul .iiii.ili," Hii' l..ii'1'..l in I heir mpp I lie iiuttli. I. Vtt Illil' Vhl.ll- l'lMIIi. Hill ill'.- till pll. I IIPPk ?.' look Is l. .ii i ln nl- iluni.nr' iniirl, mnlir 1 1 it- ill.i uiillii.ini p ill- II lllll tll.Mitl.it liillM lill. lll.l.ltlnlU, llllll' pi i- ii, ulm mr fuii-il Sim mil! co.ls i,tilt, n.i ulio ii u-'liiii'd s.Vj mnl t.iu eat li, nlul mil' ol. i ulm u.iM IhIiI tor i-niiii, fito itri.i. uui iiiiil.' in tit r llie ilursp of iliuiiii thill'- luml) hoiis. uml mn' nu Must spxl, llie ntliir -.VJ un.l u..li. nl.. r fpiitiin. iliul inUlit In ini'iil loin il mill mil itniti into ililjll j 1 1' Hi Inn, H'jjll. 'ii nf iiiiii'., In i'H i ill's Inui suppli' iiiilliuiml tli il r. uml llie mIp of lii'iior to mini i. Vimiliii, .in.l, n'ilup. tlie iii.i-l iinp..il.ini in suit nf tin )imi'. mirk lut. In I'll Hip ;n' it ilt.m ;i In piilille s. iilim 'hi .iml ,. .nlli'iiu p. ll tin. I -Kiiuilii',', il'i' sli..u. lu If iiju'tit), ti.ui'i nil'. iilUinnt llie kli-liti'st nil. if.rn.1.' fimn lh..-. nfl.l IllU IiIiiiem' pl.llll itllll it III. to Mlpplll. it Tip mints inri' pomil.-s in iiintp, Jitilis mi ip ofiPii iiutii)il. inui iln I.iIUm' i lfiiiitit srtiiii'il In l.iii loil i millili'iii .' pitti In i Iii-. pUi ' nf Imil li-nit III fjtl IlltlP U.I. u I.. in lal ItPlilu '( liflii'l. s-llisj nf nut In (i I .lull' nf tlilius, Vt (lu piisint limp, nliile Hip tiiiili i.iiiiini Ins Ml lit iiniiril, 1 lii-it li.ts Luii it in iiiipifiit cli.uui' Iln .jnilsP. li.iip jl nliioin ilii'iii-f Iii". lonly .iml iiitioii-i In iln Hit ir ilili. ulim Hip oj p.iriiinii nas ptpsfiitpil; imii. In,, giPtttli Jinpioicil. uti.l ollii. nl Hie ..HI. I. lis, 1. 1 nglllxlll j: till' luT. . nl piil.lie si iillint'iii. luie innli' nini iltiiil to tie tlipli ilui.v. It li( Ih'i'h 1I..11I1 .1. ui..ii.ii..iu llul Hi" Luis 1 ..li Ih iiif.iiii'il if inui iliMlnl mil iipnliiliit uill Mil) 1 I.i nlul iln) -I milil .1" V I Kslllt, tin fn'llll? nt llopPlnltii is tpllli ..1111.il, .niiiiii': nil luv oh-tii Ins il.i-.i'-, li.li allll fHM... 'Illitl .StlJIilllll IMIl lip H.lIi 4 plnp nl uliii li nil tun lie piond hi-tPuil 01 "Hu mo 0 llllll 1. 1 mi ill) in Hi.' I niiiii -nli.." ,i 11.11 1II1.'.' nun ii'it -urn Un(ii. nlly iiuUii'.i il In Ih , mi nil imil to Ii l(llitP JH... lll'l, A I.l. NUT Tin ainiv" n purl tines pot i.iv" any ol the details id llie .mil; the lenttuo has done lu the vva) of IiiIiikIiih: home to law breakeis lu ollhial pine's juiu- Ishniellt for llielt lapse'' This woik has been piospetiiod with the same eueijiy and visor lliat has nun ked th" woik uieiied to In Mi. Wilson hi hi- ! pint. Ask for Welly's union ii.ukeis, Hecltnl fiom tlio Wotks of Ametlcan Composers at Soutliworth Studio. Satutdny afteinoon at 1 o'lloek ths (ipcnlntr 1e1il.1l of the Composers' Af ternoons," tor the pieent fei-son, vvai Klvfii tit the Hnutlivvoitli Httullus of .Music, by pupils of Mr. Smtlliv 01th and of the Misses Cordelia p'recman and Julia C. Allen. The Brent sue eess of the Prat sei les, "felven last year. tHinUed it Ini ixc audience of innli 1 iveis on Saturday to hear ihe rendi tion of seleetlmiM fiom composers Ameikmi lioin, who have won their placpH iiiiionit the dstllisullied 111 the world of iiuiftlf. The prosi amine as lcudeied Ituiudcd tip lollowlu-j; uumhci.ss Mr. llrjili, II II V. (Ho-lnli), I'nliniilillir. np 51. n. '.' I'liiifi VII. i Vhrj (VMuIIp). Mini, ( S tlloslon). PolnnibP Violin Jim hiii.i VValln. .".pill. I'tlirlliMt Nw lliiftd. Opliflli. pp 11. So ' I'li'iu Vliif N'otini WilllJim Iln. k siini-t Vll-w blot' Pom II. IVilne, .1. k. (Ili,iknit) VIIIibp Ii-ip I'lun V. Vim Id Wpilfin. till.-. Vljtsjrit tlloilnlil IliMii.llliP. ..Violin Si'Uii, llllnllifrt Vlcb.l) VI In lljicjirt llorr. VIk. It. II. V lliadi tno'tPn1) l'c.l.ni, (links Diiiiile (ll.ntonl VsWp l.lltle llil'O." soprin) Ms .T. t: lit. la I. Mill..iirll. IMtunl if inM M.llP. finiii up, ,", PI1110 Vtl. neltr Mmuni. I.11I.11111I11I. ll. V. (pu- Vntkl 1 11II.1I11 ...Viollni Jib-pi fm.l. lloii.fr. Wilier .V lllll Mi. ttoililci't. ulriiilp (Niii iikV liiiiiiifi Colli l.lll.l Wlittiiii (Nfii ViiiliV I'onr I uf Mr. I.ilv .liisfpli KpII r (Si'ii Virkv Spriii't Dun I'liiio MI-1 Mijp siali I'fil Viinnipitn.l Mln nntlctli lilml.ni n lively number. hethi r fnr volee. violin or piano, vn rIvcii with irraee, d"lbaiv, a precision of execution nnd a elcainess of expiesslou that pi need n s.v lupithetli' eouipieheni-lon of the vi oiks tif the eompfieM ehoi-eti for II litstiatli'ii. Ml. IS. I!. Halt, who wafi to 'nv.' -uiiir s"b ( lions fimn rie-jliialil lie Ko veil and I'aul Ambioso, was failed uw.iy :it noon: Mb .leshle Polhamus iiinl .Mr. Thomns nippel. who weie nln In have taken patt In the proiamnie iillh selet lions rmm Ciiadwirk. Hart kit aui! Dudley lliiek. were detained bv sli mie". Mls Powill and Mn llei k'el took the i aianl places at a moment", noilie lo the kit.! plrnuie of llie audi. iu e. the InldCf'ttn;? pir s'l.iiniii" b'liiM thus l.-n nlmn-'t u,u In oken. (atsiiolil, Snll Cli'llllls. I', CloiPr. M imil, Wn SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. v Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists. Of considerably more than ordinary interest is this most comprehensive stock. It is conveniently arranged and classified so as to permit of selection speedily and satisfactorily, and whatever is new and bsst in Shirt Waists is here. Fine foreign fabrics are fairly represented. The choicest of American goods in plenty. AU with detachable laundered collar and soft cuffs. About prices. Of striped Cheviot and Madias cloth, plait wiiitc Lawn waists. Striped Percales and line Ginghams, single back, lull Iront. Fine quality Zephyr CiiiiRliams in pretty styles, platted Hack. Also White Lawn Waists. Fine Striped Madias, lull front of line plaits, plaited back. d back, lull front. Also or double plaited full fiont with with new Some with deep llounce all with dust nillle. 1.x- $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Silk Petticoats at $5.50. These arc attractively made garments in various pictty coloring and black, and two small ruflles, some with deep llounce and two gathered infllcs, cellent value at o. io. Price ?-,. -50. A Fine Offering of Silk Waists. A large collection of crisp, new Silk Waists came from the iiijiuiucturcr today. They aie in colors, red, old lose, cadet blue and black. They arc of an excellent quality oi taffeta silk, neatly and well made in up-to-date styles, worth fully $7.00. Choose Today for $5 Isacli. Special in Plain Black Silk Waists. News concerning particularly good offerings in black comes from the Silk Waist dcpaitincnt today, (i.irelully made garments, of excellent taltetas, in the latest .ippiovcd lashion, mid so priced that many will surely have left us for new pleased owners bcloie nighttall. ."?7. .0 for an cntnely new style, all plaited, wliercvei a plait can be placed. New Belts. fashion's latest fancy, are shown iti quite a HORSE THAT WOULD BALK. Cruised n Lot of Tiouble and Excite ment on Olive Street. "Uf nil I'linti'.it v lf.iati nn 1 hi fai'i ol tlili fin th, a linlUv lioio t.iUes th" lllPl'lllt." Tuni (Iim Kuril H111 1. 1. 11 null to.iiii Hter, Sattuilay. .is li.- took Hit lint fiom ill- li.Mil, piotsii'il li.icl; lih (luniii'iipil hair with his hand ami wiped tlie por Mpiiatlun from hi sooty faro Ilan.v looked H1c.1l and illKUtbil, and tlio pu'MMH'o of a laii-lioni'd animal stand ins liy lilti f-ldi'. vilth dll.iti'd nosttlls mil (iilvoi Iiik: foini kuvi- tho fuiul.i linn for his stall ini'iil Ut'slili'iits on Ollvii sticiit Hatiud.i.v aftoiiiouii mn. ainusL'd lo si'i' a Iioimi and uasoa utandliiK niollonlr,- in ih" stii'M. Till- uayon vias li.u ki-d siiiih ly up iiKiilii'st Iln null stoiii- and tho lioiso stood vilth fniir IVi't Hi inly pl.ml i'il In tlie lo.'iillx'd, vv hlli' thi' ililvi'i 1 o.iM'd. Iifspi'd and thri'iiti'ii 'd tin oli-tlnuli lif.'ist to "not up " Tho ainiiii'inonl ih.iuiod to IndUn.i tliin, vi lion tho now thoi'oiiKhb -.uikoioiI ill Ivor hot,. 111 to vlRoiou-ly apply th 111 ji. Mm with 0110 111.111 liisjilur; l In line foot of the ailllll.ll and aliotlioi' lllKlllK on Pi inn behind, tlio lull, ll lihll'.cil Inn i' stood as If loutid to 1I11' spot. The point of atl.uk was dinted tu viaids th head of the pooi la-t. lull with ileMoiUy that would have put tho All lean dodKOi' lo shame tho ani mal siii-fi'i'iliil In i'ViiiIIiii; thi whip. KliullniT thi"si tattle." vvoio of 110 avail. Ilin hoiho's h '.id was tin noil down tho hill, and iillh ho.vs and men puslilm; 011 tlio wheels tho mitllt wn started off .11 ai.iltllnis p.no I'm a hloek th nnlm.il 1 onilnueil, Imt when an attempt wa-. made tu io ns, end the hill tho- was ti'oulile. The hoi so was dilvoli out Monioo avenue lo I'hio stioot and tlieie tlio olfort to aseoud was losuniod. Th animal liaekod, and li.uked i.ipldly, until stillihifr tho null "tone and a feiu o oil the oilier side of the stieot, S.itNifii now thai tlio sluhhoin heast would not h' piovallod upon to move, tin ill Ivor summoned a fmie of th. I'vor-piesoiit Mii.ill lioy. and with these pushing 011 tho wheels and othoi teain stois ivhlpplnir. pot 1 l'ni,-and l'.nllnjj; the aiihual slow 111014111 was mad., up (lie stioei unlll tile level vviif, nHiIioil and then all was e.ihi The bioad covered leather belt-;, with drop front, to be laced together, arc They give a dim curve to the waist, and make waist bands forgotten. They variety of styles, price i.tnce from 50c lo ii.;o. Among other styles of Belts ate quite a vaiiety of patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and gilt harness buckles, some with nickle buckles, some plain patent leather, other shapes, also many other popular leathers, varying in price fiom 2sc up. BUCKLESDurabIe and Pretty. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Your costume is not perfect unless its details are perfect. A belt-buckle can make or mar an clfective gown. We have some new buckles that will add an attraction to perfection. Correct and stylish buckles in htruscan gold or French gicy finish, "-jewelled, with adjustable catch that makes them easily icmovable and lequircs no sewing. "The price of these buckles range from :oc to c each. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND WASHINGTON 129 AVENUE HISTORIC Places In Virginia ( .111 In? somlort.ililv auJ oamK riudii'il bv the OLD D1IG1 ii ! 5 ! . StcilnfM -3il tlnil 1. .till 1! u 1 "lit Si'li.l't I 1 h -1 . ill Per v V ik (.'lit Mil 1. J.11.I. .1 STATIIU. does not Klve PROCEEDINGS AT AN END. Dltleicnces Between O'Boyle's Slstevs nnd Wlfo Adjusted. Tl.. pioi eedlllj?s lit'suii h tin lour slsleis 01 .laines (1'lloylo, who shot and killed hliuifll ami 1 1 null' an uiisiict ess till iHtiinpt In kill Ills wife, scvelal mouths .'iko. vvoio livnuslu lo an end Satunlay lllKht. Attouioys Donahue and li. J. Unlll ke met In the latloi's ullKi anil 11111I1 ably mlJliHleil the 111,11 tei. vvhfl liy Mis. O'lluylc. ville of .laviis li'lto.vlo. loeclved Sllmi and m lliiiiilsh(il all il.ilms on Iki luiiii, mil's pnipri ti. Soon ul tor her hushaud's ileutli. Mis. O'JJii'ln .UU'iilpled to take nut leltoii it 'iilmlnlHli'itlou, I'liilinliiKr that i.lin was th'. lawful heir to her ileeuaisoil husli.ui'l's pioioiiy. In South Si-inn. ton, , ilued ut .tj.r.iiii. The four slslois Iniliiodlaiel," lii'itl nitcil piuioidliits's. ilnlnilni,' Hint .vim. o'l'o.vle vi as not the lawful wife of llielt hi other. Tho slloin tool; 1111 ap peal nnd llli'il 11 nolU'i. with itoRlRter Kuelilcr not to kiuiu ihe requhod iloeuineills. Km.lilor held a heiulnt, In tin? .iio, letuloied nn opinion favor alibi to -Mis. O'linylu. Tlion Urn lawi.' was taken to the or- '.''uiiiR' lourt lor an niipeiil. hut thls-i wim held up 011 Hm content of tho roti tendlm ooiuisols, pciulliiK an anilpablc adjustment. HOSPITAL TOn CONSUMPTIVES. lb to Be Elected on the Mountain Nenv White Haven, The pioj'it lo ei.-it a number of ullages and all aduillllslltitiou bin .. I111,. Iho foimer for the u-e m pin, pi,, sulleilnis with 1111iMUnptl1.il ami the Inttor lor the iim' of ph.isiiiaiis r li , near White Haven Is assuming 111010 il l!nlto -.hiipo. The f-lto s the south and nist m.I( s of (lie mi iiioiiiilalii and ii is mi I.l tin noik will lomnii'iiii in an. mi a month, iln In. uli. Hindu's' 1 1 -nit pi'lvale siiti si ilpilon Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connecting for All I'omu Soath .111 1 West lliroiii;li risl.ets return. tulriini W.isliuiBtuii bv Mil or wa'iT. I'm lull Il.foil. :.itiun . 1 1 i I ' to OLD UOiMlNION SrEAAlSHIPCO. 81-85 Beech St., New Yoik. II II V .Vl.lii:it,lraf Slur J J nituw N,0 P A. f 4 ,j, .j, ;. .j. .j.n. v,rr'4"'r',T,r'rT'TTTTT'T Tj, r l TTTITO bAMm DOLLAR Piudcnt people are taking advantage ol our CLEARANCE SAL It will pay you to come ami see how we can make a dollar do the work of two Axminstcr Carpsts $1.50 Values. Si.oii a Yard. 100,000 Rolls High Grade Wall Paper e Up 3c Up Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile. jIois tin on 'h to thi Kegulai 'Si.tO goods, now 65c, 75c, $1.00 hack-. yard Remnants. : WILLIAnS&ricANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue .j. 4. 4. 4. .j. .. .j- .j. 4. .;. 4. .j. .j. .j. -1- $ 4. .. -j. . ! .". v ' $ Mmm, Special Bargains in Hen's Spring Shoes. $3.00 Value, for S2.50 New Goods. See Lackawanna Ave. Window. Jf K r fsr&oi V -, -.kB. "L- V" m m M I Jm m I m m m J Xs tofly Weak Nerves Prople canuut help wcirr iiiR when their nen en arc weak That frclliisof languor, dullness fiml rxluuistlon is the tetirlul ruiidillon ivliich ofttn lire ceilfsiiis.iiilt The power ttiworl. or Btiuly uiiiiliil!u"iniiil ilespomlency de presses the mind nlKlit ami di If )ou are siilTctuiK the torture of Nerimn Dcliility thei N no l.noiiiiiK lion boon you mill decline to suinitliuii,' more honllile Jlut ou c.111 etviKU The joiiihfiil MieiiKth hiiojaney nitd liappuiesicm bercstoieil by tlicu.eol They have rureil thoiisamls, nml we liai eon much confiileiice in thein Hint we sliear. Irouclail Kiuraiitee ivilh a $"1 (XI order Sent anv where In plain paiVape $1 00 Address, PhAi, Ml.DlciMS Co, Cleve. Und, Ohio For kala l..i, Iol.11 II l'liclp, 1'luurui.ni, loincr VVvoniiiu I'Cimo uml -.une street. THE SIC POWDER CO. Bootiis 1 anil 2, Coni'llli BTd's. 8CRANT0N, PA. flining and Blasting POWDER Urd at Mooulo n 1 Iluib lal VVori, LAFLIN RAN0 i'OWDBK CO,'-. ORANGE QUN POWDER Kltelrlo llatlorlei, 1'lootrlri Kit'loJrv sploillns blaiti, bafcty Fuji .in 1 BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS .. MANUFACTUnED BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. gr-MTi:T!ii:..v.ii'. vililltilllliil lliillllllll4l...l...ll.llll,ll'IU. Proi.B.FiTHEEL.M.DiN.iJ,., ilili, r. imu.uliiri.r irn. i. n ni. m 1 m iim. i.ii. fmvATt: ISCHAROlS.ni'llNINOS.Aii'SU; imti.i.i Jllll. J l.tlf lllll 1 :C fjirfii4irfHm(iUi.s cicrssis.BLOOopoisoN: :10JT M AKHOOO. rU. I. A wrir iur. imi; JW; .viiprt(tti al A (J ).) tsi ulri r"r fldiOcrn a , 21 rvhrucut i.hi4 In lOiiJi A 1 'pl i4iiurntj jAiily pfltriiatartc)i. Huint 1 ur st fc-fi if r Hrii- 2lIm(inUI-l& Kok V im 1 "d - rVttr it (riu Iv a- ri'n nlmriit hi .H hH. liiMlnnl irllrl.t ".lift ?TTTTHITTITllflf?f ITtTflTTTIftTTtffTlfTrmT? TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS Repauno Ghsmlcal Go.'s exci! Kill Lo.iyt i 8 SB Lager Beer Brewery M.niiiri.i'tiU'oiMor OLD STOCK PSLSiNIER 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. Spalditi8fs,Cleve. lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beauties. m i us 21 1 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Gtncral Ajent for tin tVjoralntt Diitnit fcr 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, . SCRANTQN. PA Telcplion Call. I'M!. DUPOMTS a UlDlrif, nintln;, Fportlnr, Fmo.tlrii nd ttr Itc)ituiii Lli-mkal (.onipan'i High Explosives. Sjltty 1'uji', Capi anil raploderi Ilooru 401 Con. sell IluilJIni, b.ranlon. A(JESCli:St IHO'!. I011I1 PlltXot JOHN' n. SMITH k bON Plym'utl W, I. Ul-IXIOAN Wilk.iDtJTI