The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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frppilnl I" iin -iiattmi Trlliunp.
I'ltlxtuli .Mm ill :!. The ittllfi- which
Vtn., tiilicii pliu'i- In tills city ulncc lust
July l iwi'cii Vincent It. Dilllonl. the
t X'l'atliulli' liH'tuicr, anil .Mayor Thntn
us ('iiiinnin, rotitliiiicM to attract imblli'
iituntlnii DnrliiR the im.t vvol n
iiiuiilii i' uf nrit'Ktu have been made mill
ruuntii' hiiIIh liiHlllillciI. At lilt' In
Ht.tmv nf .Mi-. DIUIoiiIm four Lithium
Ihiim M'i niri'stcil. i'Iiiu'rciI with iik
KtuvaMI assault ami iMttcry, (llxtui'li
Int? a icIIkIiiuk niPcthiK ami illsnrdorl.N
londuct nil tlio Mtrcrt. Til" ilefrnililtlti'
vwrc RlM-ii licailnRH licforo Alderman
Kvaux "( the Kl'ventli wind, mid held
undi'f $,iiim on the two chin'm's
nnd iliu-d for ilu hit in. I.itst ovciiIiir
the oiniiltltiii had Km tiiiu, and HpruiiR
n stu ni-r In tlio lexiic of wnitnntx foi
Ilic iitrc-l of DllllnnlM and Ills ii'llH'ipiil
iiiioili'i Kci. .1. .1. Kllpln Fli'tfhiM-,
ji.iHtni of tin lli'oad HtitPt J'lcsliyti'ilnii
iIuimIi Tin1 wnrrantH vvcio lx.sued hy
S(iiii' Miildi'ilR. of InUf'iniaii. JctiklnH
town iiii the prosecutor InliiR .lohn uhIiIm. the II rm one of the four
1 llliiiniilati who wcic aiicHtcd a few
(lav- pn-NloiiM by IiIIIIoiiIh The war
i.inis wi-ie nerved on Dlllloul." at his
tni.i'illli ll'ill-l' In Went l'lttston lllHt
i'MIIIIik ii limit T o-i lock by Constable
Mulv ii WllkcN-llntif. Dllllmils
was iikii lo'it to the 'squire's ntllce.
wbu li i" Imalcd two miles from thin
do Hi- chiiiRcfl with InrltliiR the
i lot wlinli took pliue hi Hooth's hall,
Sunlit Main .-tr."t. I-'oh. :!. and with dls
onli rj . omlui't He waived a hearlliR
in Hi' Hist i h.irse, and on the second
was ;li-n .i Ihmi'Iiir and lined JM and
II .1
K .11 a total of JI'i.Kfi. Attorney
Mulion appeal i'il for the defend
Vlintil in.Ci o'clock Attoiney Hlbb
l!i liiesetitatlve 12. A. ("only up
l on the scene Mr. Illbbs paid
i in tin- mid Mr. t'or.iy went on the
l f mlaiii s bail piece in the sum of
.:;nu ! Ins appeaiaiue at court. Ml.
I'ld In-i Ihe other nefendant. will be
Kiw'o .i tiiariiiR Monday afternoon at J
o n( u
The I'Yrmwmd eojllery of the Mile
' which was Idle Kilday li
,me the employes tefused to woik.
i (alinlliR they had not received the
amount ol pav o. pec tot I. lesuined woik
e-i i'da.
Mi and Mrs. AuiVew LulRlltou, of
Ulilo who have been 1sIi1iir the for
iii. i s mother hcic for the past few
v i Us, aie spcndliiR a few days at
i I pliant prior to leturnltiR to tli-lr
h am
Kdw.iid I. lteynolds. of I'itt.-liin. and
Mrs Muiv of West i'lltston.
( united in niiiri'i.iKf last evellltlR
m ti. paisoiniRe of the Welsh IVniRre
R.iiiniiiil ihuiili, by th" pastor. Itev.
J) ,M (Icoige. The weildlllR lollple
win unattended. Their hiwieynioon
will iiu hide. i trip to Washington, alter
winch they will he at home cm Dcla
van n -11110, West Pittston.
Itcceiit deaths hole weie as follows:
Thoniiis Muriay, ascd ill yeais, for
niany nciis n resident of llrowntown;
timeial Moncl.o nioruliiR. Mis. Ann
Walf-h. of fpp"i- Pittston, died at the
liullie of hi dauRhter. Mrs. IVler l"iul
den, of Thistle street; the funeial took
place this afternoon. Patrick Kellly,
aRcil iiU jears, died yesterday at the
Hansom home: the ivinalnx weie tak
en to ih' Valley house. I'pper Pitts
ion bis former lioardhiR place, fioin
whni'i the funeral will take place on
Monda.v mmutiiR
Tin Si i ftintlet " choir will furnish the
liti mi v eiuei t.iiuineut at tlio monthly
inci iiiir of the ("hrlrftlan Kndeavnr so-
lety of the West Side I'oiiRioKatloiial
chinch Monday evcnhiK.
rsi laj attoiuoon all that was
nioiial of Mlhs MaiRaiel Krilc was laid
to l-si in L.tiiRrllffe cenietery. The
seiiiis w-io attended hy people of
all OVnoniin.itions who had assembled
to i,i the last tiibute of icspeet to
i lit who h.ul been loved for her liuinll
lii and fieutknes. Alter pia.vur by
This Is No Fake ire Sale of Shoddy Goods, but GENUINE BARGAINS
Department. OUR REPUTATION for Good, Honest Shoes, Is Too Well
("the World's Best"), so Vou Can Rely Upon This to Be ann
lluv. It. M. 1'ascoe. Miss .Mury Mo
Cilndlo beautifully siiiir "Kalthful
Seivant. Well Done," "lleineinboi'
Thy Orator In the Day of Thy
Youth." was the theme of llcv. t). T.
Sniytlie'.i sbiiiioii. I'nder thf cliu'im
Fiances, when the outh C the town
was repieseuted, no bitter subject
could be utilized to such nil iidvautiiRo
and his ntiloas yesterduy vas iiuiRtotly
ttlven and iippniciuly left an Indelible
Impression on nil who laid the pleas
uie of heat iiiR him. The lumuliiH re
posed In a handsome utoel caUot. The
feattlieM weto beautiful and composed,
and bore little traces ol the suffei
Iiirs she endured As the people tiled
past the casket, the choir satiR. "Itock
of Ayes." The tlotnl offeilnRS ocrtl
. led a (onsldeiable space nn tho riRht
of the piil)lt. There weie inemeiitoe
fiiini: "Hales Alar." b,'oth"ii' I'lid sis
ters bioken limp, rinndiiy school
class- (ittniitlnns, Lena and Mursaioi
Kenulman. pink loses. Miuhol Pitvls, P.oithwhU, Sarah Ixnilif. rrau
res Millet: broken wheel. MniR.iret
Hllckley, Xcllh' DoiiRheity. Maiy
I'etei, 1M ward Mi ijitcon. Martin
Ihnklev, Michael I'arrol. Owen r'alla
liiiu; ied roses. Mr. and Mis. .Iiiuics
Allen. Sci.inton plnh loses, A . ,1.
tteniitmau: pink i intuitions, MaiRinei
Alkman. Mabel Xeboiie. MarRiirei
Warren. A'eloie Sandcts. MiirRinvl
Moitou: ium nations. Marq-iret and
Atary McQueen, call.i lilies. Thomas
Havls: calla lill"s. Jits. i-Mwaid Ualld
and Mrs. Wllll'iin I.tard; plnl: toses
Mis. .lames P.iowtr cainatlonw. Mis
Oooiro Kilk. The pall beaier'i were
(JeorRO Newllti. IIiirIi Oiah.'iin, Peter
pud IMwaid McQueen. Uobeit Camp
bell. John Connor. The Mowers vore
rattled by Thomas Xebonr. Thomas
liavN, Michael Ciuiol. Michael Puck
lev, .Tames Donaldson John HlRRar,
lltich Conke. Walter Wollrver.
The hoioiiKh coumll will meet this
evenhiR to leot-Ratiize.
The si liiiol ho.itd will niei'i this en
Iiit. The Indies Mlsslonalj nudity of til"
l.anRcllfi'e ihuti!. will incel ut th"
homo of Mis. Thorna? Xelson, on
Thursda. iilternoon.
Wlconlsio lilbe. Xo. 2J!'. challeiiRO
any team In Iaisieine or Lackuwauni
eouut woiklUR In the adoption de-f-'reos.
Addl'CKS, William .leltiev.
Anna, the S-yenr-old daURhter of
Samuel Atwell, died on Fildav niorn
Iiir, after sevetal mouths Illness. The
Mineral will take place this clieiuoon.
Inlumeiit will be In Lunpt llfff (etue
t"f. Th" dlrtctois ol Saisdild Opera
House will meet this evening,. Mc
UlociiRor 'will be pi cm lit and dis
cuss matters telallvo to (he lemiiinl
of the olton mill.
i it hi in i in- -iMiiton i.ii'U".
Uuryca. Mnich '' Anolher one of
our fair maidens, .Miss Lizzie. iIiiurIi
ler of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, on
Friday cvenlnR, was tendered a party
In the form of a suipilse. The usual
pleasiues were iululRjd in and several
solos and duels weie lendeied. alter
vhlch refieshtuents were .erved. Tli-
Ktiests preseiu who: .Misses Knillia
Hi own, MiirrIo Wllliatns, Josephine
Stull. .Nettle Wmts, Maitha llllsh '1
pei k. llalinah Hen Inn. ll.uilel I'.ou
naid. Jennie Hatrisoii. I : n i H Ciay,
Annie Rowlands. Leah Jones, Cassle
Mines Me-sis. l'"red HeriliiR, (icorRo
llerilUK. Frank llush"s. lieorRe
Hughes, William lieyuon. Ilobert Kerr,
l.oicti. Hail Isou, Herbeil Harrison.
fJi'iiiRf Harilson. Frank Worts, Wil
liam Worts, William Pi Ice. Om.iv llnl
slead, W. WUklzer, II.ui.v UicRory nest Hellas, (1. Hushclpcck. i2dwanl
The inf.uu (lilld of Mr and Mis.
Kin nk Catey, of lliovo stieet. is seil
ously 111 with piieuiuoiiia.
The drawltiR for the Shi Rold plei e
came off at tile Luwrellee Hose hall
HattlldiO cvellillR. Xuiuhet ."It was the
lucky number, held h Uaiiss Duptoik.
The put lor suit contest enme olT In
faviir of Mrs. Joseph Mm Ciimpbetl,
and Miss Lottie Caie.V wart the winner
o( .tlio Rold watch contest.
Mrs. Alexander Itowiund lost a Rold
liiiR at the recent Luwrencp fair. The
finder will be rewarded ir thy leturn
the same to owner.
Mr. Wlllliini Tlnklopniiuh Is still con
fined to his house with Illness.
Mis, Thomas: Cox and son, Liih'ti,
Mis, James Hollos and son, Charles,
attended the pel foi'lllilllco, entitled
"Knclc Tom's Cabin," at the Lyceum
In Scraiilon Saturday.
W. i!. Kvnus, of Serunlon. visited
at Hie home or Mis. John Dills. Sunday
1 lei man Hazel, of Scrnuton. visited
at the home of MKs Lottie Carey, re
cently. Ite. 11. A. Ureene s coullucd Hi" Ills
limn Willi n sooiv attack of thou
Jl'iiiul to Ihr s, ru,,in lilliuiic.
I'actoryvltle. March r,.-Mr. 1!.
I'nnp. of Moutiose. was calling on
I fiends heie lust Monday.
The donation and lecepllon at the
Ititptlst i lunch yesteida afternoon
and eenliiR was a Riaild success, so
'ally mid llnniulally. about $12n b'iiiR
realized, and wns all evidence of h"
IiIrIi e:leeni llo. ii. It. Smith and fam
ily ate held 111 by their many friends
In this plate.
The iuleruiedlat" sesdoii uf the
1. ickaw-aiiiiii nnd Wyoming Musical
Alliance will commence at the First
liapllst chinch, of this place nevt
T'tisday iiioinliiR, Maich r., and will
(oullnuo tluiuiRli Titesdn', WedneMlay,
Thiit'sdnv ' and Ftldav, IosIiir, as
ltMiul. on Filda evculiiR, with a
Ri'iiiul loueeit. i in dial invitation l.
extended lo all who ale Inlciestoil u
musical progress lo be piesent.
Mrs. Samuel P.alley lift 'I'lmrsday
for l!l Iill')OI l, Conn., where he will
join her liusbnnil, who has accepted
n position then, nnd where they will
naiie their lututo home.
Attoiney W. II. Little, of Tuiikhiin
i.nilt, letmned Horn llnrrhiiiiiR last
Tuesday, with the cash to pay the bills
Incuired by the Tlfiiiny-Siiuli r election
i oiliest, the Iralsliillll - IliivlliK made
the necessary appiopi lallon to meet
till' MUIIP.
Mm. F H. Chase Mis. l C Hoe,
Mis. C. II .Malliewson and Mls Ar
nes Pr'ttiin went over to .Mehoopany
Weiliifsilav to attend the 'nld-vear
enciilliiii of ihe Women's Christian
i'oinpei.ince union of Wyoinins nuin
ty. The otllclil board of the Metliodlit
HpiM'opal chuuii will meet at the pai
'oiuiRe Monday evenltiR ill T o'clock.
Miss tieitiude N'orthui" Is speiidlliR
he veck wllh fileuiK n tiatk's
Thel" will hi n tempi I' lllee
it the Methodist Hplscupal
Monday ''VetiliiR at n o'clock.
clllll ell
i :!-
iiiii ale welcome
Miss Annette li. Hush, who has been
speuilliiR the winter at St. ARiithu.
Can. idn, for ihe benellt of her health,
did not Had that climate as benelielal
as was expected, and teturned home
List Wednesday. She will remain heie
n few days, when she will, accoin
panlid bv her niother. leiuiit to ijrau
eiihuist. Canada.
Mr. llallock lieynolds. who has b'tn
sp'-ndlliR some time hoie with his pin
cuts, will rotuin to Xew Ymk today.
.Mr and Mrs. C A. I.lck, Mr. and
Mis. John S. Need and Myion Cobb
louipilso a deleviitliiu Ileal this plae-'
Unit aie In Washington atieuillliR Ihe
iua us in at ion ipicmuulo.
'i' t In llti -i l,int"ll "I 1 1 l.h.
Ilnwbv .liuili 2. Miss .Mamie
liashclmu spent lasi Sunday with
li lends III llouesilalc.
Th" Women'- ciulstlan Tenipeiance
union held a uu'etltiK at the home of
Alts. F. L. Tllltle Woilnesduy after
noon Nathaniel Tanner, an employe of
Wall A Muiphy, had his I pit biokeu
while ImuJiiiR Iors last week.
.Mrs. Kluier I'eardslee went to lirnd
toul louiity last Tuesday on account
ol ihe Illness of hot biolliet at that
III. n ..'.
A laiRe house Rtietfii in. Ainiit"itr
Ulainatb maipaliy ot the Hpwoltll
Lf.iuiic mi v iim day evening, when
Ihev piesellled "The Wnndeicrs !!.
tuin. ot Lnoih Ardcn." All the inem
hots defcive much ci edit on the limn
er In lilch they took their pniK
The local lii'tututi', held last Satur
day was well attended al all the ses
sions, and Y::.y was netted ftnui the
evellltlR lectin e.
VI VIH MV lin MhiI - llr ' '' I'.mi.
llMITV 'Mi- V il. li " VI a me M1
"Uncle Tom'u Cabin" at Lyceum.
'the lirllT ihll'L' 'Hll.lll!l el 1 1,11 lift llwlirr
-tdnr's in.itriilnp m .ilti-iiil I'tim limn'
.ltlllil,lj wlirn Imii mi'.ll .linllfmns HiloliKril lllv
fjtnmi, ulli'iimoii iiimI nlclil. t" tlin VI. ,
Vlailhi's liteililillili "I "I,imIi' 'I'imu's I .itiln."
Mlliv lean Wi'lr -Iml our 111 t Jt lltrt, mill) 1
Unit iii.iliillillen nii'iliiiiHil lin Hie I'l'iullt "t
Ilic iriirl I.PUHI. .mil 1114m i lal'jili illi It I'd I')
tin iiilillilul milii "I Ti'. .mil VMikB. 'II.
I'Uli'iln.lliie wii urll sl.ui'.l iilnl iihni all In-
iilliiruit lni"iiirl.itli'ii 1 1) tin' '.!!.
VI tin. lairiiin imimiiow nlclil t.cltilir A ( n '
glint iiiiHliutlim of "I iiImvui'iJ llirtd' lll he
lnivinlrit li) Ihr Inllmvinir alinn-l .ill ji tal
Will, in l.lltl. leu
.1'. .1. Vlnti. in
l.i.Hciy WIIIIhiik .
l.'Kdiinr I. lull
-II i I'jt-oiu
t.ti- IUKih k
Hi. I'.isi'
l:l j illiliinnfr
ll. Vlllln
-illiu Wliiii'
Vlmloli -rllrn
liiulsr I'liuiilt
I.lill ti' Uii'.lullil
Il'llll II" !.
II Hi) ll.iiili'ii
I tulllr- Ituill
Illb.ibi'lli I'll',
PI, ; V illi lino Kli'.inui llnli
11k. Il.irl.' Vllie I'ImIi.'I
r.inlliii' Mllli Inn vl im.uel I ullii
Mi'. -Il,i I'.ll-nli- VIikIiiI.i liiiiliiiini
Ml. I'.ii.i'U- rtoi li! i I'm
l.nrll.i llillr) I ami i l linji'i i II
l.ljii'. ii iimIiI Vitl.iu l.inn-. ml
Vlhit Vllie Kuan.
'I Inn 'I 111" llc"llt. -I-CIKK -In Now Voik ''
mill ll.'lili.llil. -(Tilery bv l.atw . Mnuinti'.
-Mll-t- 01" -I I. M.S.
Vi i 1 Tli"" ink liuim In II, I'liimiiig
tin HUlit.
V 1'irlii't of i Uhl nnmtlii rbi'-K 1
lit II 'Ilic l.lllli'tiin liniili' in Nov VutK. I'll
tin lu.
I iiiriml nf I'ijlit liii.lille).
i l III 'the -Mini'. mlli2 llir itnliin.
i V itiIinI ni ten tin. tali.),
n l Iim P.H-..1- in tit-tot) in Hi ilium -
'till' Ol II,H'
"Sag Hnibor."
" Iliiil.i'i.' oil" of the IiIckiM, if tint III,'
liluful, lln.ltiiial Miii". of the I'tmi'iil N',v
Vnt'k ms.i I, ht In n iHMikci! Im Ilic l,)(i'iuii
iii'M UVilrnil.ii nii;lii Ik .M.iiut'ir llillli, unit
ilii'ii'fmo floillnr, mi uml iliwiii'it!)
niiuIp mill in, Jmiiio V. Urine, will tip mcii
iiric iil'iiIii fur Ilic In. i I Imp In ilclil vi'.ir-.
ti N vvnitli) of i in i .iiiitoti iniiKiaitil,tti(in Hi t
litis illiinuilli luie Im- lirrn hhuipiI ler (ii,
ill), .mil Ini.'l- i if tin I'll) 111. I) In J.-Ulril
tin (.i-t .nn! ii(n!iii llni ulinli l.iitili't ,1: In,
Mr llriiii''- inaiuS' I-, vi'il iiii-ciit Iipip, .nl1
l In iiri) rcin'i I lili' it lull villi lliovp olTi. it
in Npi 'Sink limine t'.p ipiptu tons inn of llip
i ii ni ll.ininp't-li'iii'- i'pi Tlicilii I'lpiililii.
"Dc.'id Hniuni."
Vlilllum II. 1' iiinilp litis M.i-nti uml
i mil i In kI.iihI to I 1 in fur )i4i. U
Hip .it "HimiI ll.irulll." wliiili
vj- in. nli' In IS. anil M. IV. tlln lu-ock. I'l"
I'.iiipiI) lllnl l.i 1 1 lu.l mj.'.ii ami tnailp n Im
nt nun-tut nniHiiliiii -. ti Spw Voik inn I'
Kllll Ilic lllt Ml-Pk ill llilnllll Jllll ljtPll -I'.'
Ii'pii uivk. Iliirln? i'ip ll'iti- i. iiu in Unlit nn
it lui'iiii-. un itnil.iriiiU' Ijiii II1.111 tliai in
in) ntt'ct pin) oior sivn a tin (laiitik ili
I iir. ( luitlpK I'mlniui' nun- I In ilrjnullr iikht.
i in ili iioict, or. luiliii'. i tularin' kKpI' i ni
"liivlil lUiiim," aipl up li.i- Ktiriimiiilctl Vli
i t Putin viitti mi pi i piliiil) iliipi ioniiaii) ,it il
j in. illirlluli llial liipillip- it ili" atinii-ilii ii
I n lliioli'l i until n Iiimi. Mi. ( i iiiii'm lull
inlii.d till U" t It - ilircml ol,l 1 1 t,ii utio In .1.
Iniliilii ilelislil In liall'i Iiokp- uml who itiuM
ipimiUti ii "nrlt" on I'lni-plf n- inmli an 'li"
f"l, t lli. ntlnit li fur it. I- Ull'iltir In lui
tin -ii iitkiti nil MI'i i' .ml.
, Acndeiny of Mitblc.
t 'I In Muik IIihiIipih' tilu UI , W II I. It lllllll'-
tn iii Vi.iili'iiK nt Mn-li llii- ui'ik, ii'iiii- mill
' l'ilii-i im "iiiiin-iiil.ill'.ii fumi I'lin ill) ilu)
1 I., l" Ilu- I'll illl" i'l nn'.lllll in, tmlli
j )i iiimI tmlilli in .ill lie Intri'i i llip- -iPak
I iii; in Mir IiiuIip-i tiini- iijiiiint; tin in.iiini i
j ill Will II ill" illtlllilll il'ii1lli tlulH .11, -l.ui'1
lllll III, -tlllUl'l It ill lltlMU I llllll , Mlilill
I'.iiii tn. .nnpi.ii ..I Mi- Mm V Hill M.nk
i p -' i t in' i.i. nn in.. i. Ilu lui'. .win. i- a
!l.i l h iii llii 111 lent Im I'l. -.
Il 1 ,1 li.l-ll 1 1 ti. nn i . u III, tl". i tu
by Smoke and Water
lu iidi 1 1 own ci I lninr,' "nM IomI tlitJtrr
K"lnt mail !' cvriilnit i' lit the l.irat iiwmI
flllns; Ini'i i1ii (Iriiml llnr.i liwiv in wltnc
III" I'l.o. Tmiiiil (mill),' in I'lr.iiilr.l l) tliH
"iniliit iiiliinni. Whin MaiMRPr II. . Mill."
mu nlonl iln thrlr wai m nituljti . lip
llil: 'r iliw ltu lii-nl ahil iln-jift -linn
himIIi1i' fur t In- inoiif), llur hiiiIhIIIp till .it
!) urn ami the iMiit it" n I) dlllll,
'I III. I. In II M' I1I1HI' IIUIllll, III' "llilli klliiM
ttli.ii tn i'rt.' "
"Miss Nov Yolk .II'."
"Ml Vm Vnk Ir." nil! I.iI.ik ,i full line of
t'i' iiir-i limlHiii tilinhtlM li Hit' (l.ililj H'
ilo 'llii l Mil nf tlM' (hill lpl liuili-iiir li'
fTi' i!i. .iil'lli 'Hie lliiiilli) nt thi' tun laim
Ml, nil Hip) I'l.'xtil li.n ti"i vvrlllni i'.ilalli
lor till- irntliK(bn. ntnl fnHiilvrly wlntllli.i.
uali Mil. 'Hie Hut el lln-e IIm U iiiilivl llii
"iilfMe (lull," or "'llir ( otmtrf l"i li.n, "s
Mll In limn " Tlic ilnilf Will te n I..III. kl rt
Imrli .iiiii' piiiillul 'I'ln'iMlm .n t him-i 1-1 m .
Hull limp Ium urll Ion , lili llir -limli' .!(- ,'
mntJinr urn luinili. mill, Il lin' irnrls lilli i 'im
fumi oilier ilinn iii.o l' npiiltril, Ilic) (in II
thf-lr ml-nlni hunt itniilolpl).
t'olluultiR lli- tint .irl llicic ivlll li" an olio
of hlli il" iiriiullv i t. 1'iirmvn ntnl Nil'iip.
two l)f llll' IiMI HH'lllll III tll 1 1 U . 1 1 1 r " . IlillP
in iiilinly Iimv i,ii. ulilili ln tirrn ili -iilln'il
h 'Sltiiil) hi.iMi Inn " Mi.i WNnn l on' ii'
I l,e four "iIbI'iiI NiIm.ii lli'i, the vri'itn.1 tl
1 1 lit iniiile .nn, lij. SiIUp Hill .mmI HitMi'
Vllllr. In bilitlil nci -.nii.'-. Il.iriv mil .I'U'.i
i')nii, In . lilp-v.llltltiif -k. lili. "Mi linn n
nrinln'A lli'ipitlnn": Mh- 1 1 1 Hon llinilipi-. m
tli It ii'ldnatnl luimlliij ml; I lltlm,! mil Hull
In lui .ml il iiiii, .ail I. ium i On
ln i Llll l,iulllillj,3l' l III ,1111; m llil "111
Imil.iMi. w,i)
TIip fi'lln.un.- iiinlallnm irp film .IipiI 1 lie
TiilMiio In l. s .Imii, i, ,v
Mi i i Innlilini.', Ntuiilnii, l'i
O , l'niltn
'Il lll'll'll'.
llilth- I."
11.11. 11'
I'.'ia, I in
.. III'.
Alii-- -1 u ir . . ..
.Mi.tlli in Ti.l.imi ...
.Vlii'T. -till 'mil W'Iip
.li lii'.'li. iftl
Ilreukl.lli I'l.i tli'li ,
It. X O
(Vtit. Ti'lillie
Cl.l. .V I I.I
J li. Hi -inn
('.. II. ,V l,i
Si. I'
Hmk I-I.1111I
II. , II
Foil, -trol
I'ul. -Iiri. .M
K.111. ): 'li . iM. . .
I.i.ul. .1. S11.I1
Man. I'.Ipv.iIpiI
Mi'i :.'
.'in ""i
. II"
. "a
Mit. Tim tlmi
Mn. I'ailil
VI... I'n Ilu
"mitliitii l'nin
Nnilnll. uml WV-tpin
VnrlliPiii IMflPu . .,
Vnilliriii I'.nlli. . .fi.
V. V. ( 11lr.1t
O. ,V Wcti 111
l'.ii'ilip Mall
I'p.nlliifr. t'fil
mhiiIkiii It. t:
SutttliPlll It, It,. iM.
"l'i tin. '. .V Ium ....
t.i at Iter. 11M
Iliililipr '
1 iiimi I'ai'lln
t "llli.1l l'jillli, ifil. ., nli
Vlotpin I iilun
I'l'dpll ' ilj
M'.tt M'liK
Scranton Boniil of Tiatle Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Iii, I V1tim.1l Hani.
Srautoii -aiH4 l-n I-
Thlul Nation it Hinl.
IliniP l'io-tt ami lli-iount Haul.
Kcoiioiiiv l.lflii, II. A I', lo ....
!.aila. TiiM -ati' Dci'oilt Cn. ...
flat In & hnoipr Co, I'r
Scranton Iron l'i mo A Mfff. I'o. ..
Srintnii Atlp Vcrl.i
I.aika'iiitii.i Dun ''" . I'r
Count! '.nlWM ll.uik .V I'rn-t to.
t'lril a mllli It.tnV. (CaiLotidale).
1.1 imii, a lin'illinr in
I Jiii
ui mn.-ii 11.1111-
lint miJ .Nut ( n
S rant on l'a-nur lialliia)
Muitea.p. an.' I'OO
IVoi'lc'i -lir't Italluay, hut inort-
;.ijp. Jup l'Ui
I'.cI'Ip's Micl llallna), Ofiitial
liioilRasp, illi? 10JI
H'"K-i'ii .Maniilai tinltij: i
l.ail.4. Tunlil -1I100I "1 pel flit,
lily ot -jtiaiittn M. Imp il pir
Niantoii 'liailimi il per iftn .. .
Scranton Wholesale Maiket.
il , milpil In II
II illi 1 ( n urn
I' 1
7 l..ti Kaiiaiiii.t Vi"
idn 1 l-.i n, t
C OAL-r,
Monday Bargains
.lust si of them lo turn things topsy-turvy here
and to seive as a reminder to you that the greatest of
all Domestic Bargains for Monday will be found here.
Six are printed: stole is full of others,
" the van! for choice of
38C live thousand vtiuis (d
blue liguieil c.tllcoes in .t j;
vaiictv of patterns: same as you
pay o: for in othei stores.
theaul for choic? ol
Ovt live hundied yards of
IS ' v ...w ,,...,.., v. .,.-., .
line hlcachetl and unbleached
table linen of excellent designs
and stipciior linish. tlood big j in lengths of from j to 12 yards,
75c vaiui". ("toodbig value at 12'c and isc
,i the yard for another big , .j the yard for vcrv whit:
0'iC lot ol bleached muslin, , 0C percales. ;() inches wide,
our nameless brand (cipial lo the : stripes, scroll and liguied de
fruit of the' loom) and sold at signs. Sold usually .it 10 cents
iS'j cents. j the yntd.
Se8 0ur Exhil)i,ion of New
Monday Bargains
Dress Goods
Doing a great business ;n Dress Goods nowadays.
The great values have precipitated 1 rush. Today's, list
is full ol attraction and interest I01 thoe who choose to
save and want the best to be had for the money,
A the vatd for lull ;2 inch ,-jl , thf vard lor 52 inch
02C double fold dress plaids I l&zC colored worsted set ges
in a splendid vaiiety ol patterns 1 ut lnowu, navy, garnet, giecn
,uu coloiings; good alue at I and every desirable shade. Big
12'.- cents. ! value at 15c vaid.
. the yard for 40 inch1 the yard fdi black lig-
XOC black liouted granite ' o'C tued bulbous, salin (in
suitings in sevcial designs; guar- islv, i.incy jacquaids, seveial de
anteed lo we.u ; suitable fot signs, and black brilli.intiiie,
dicsses and shut waists. (Iheap beautilul elfecls. Sold icgularly
at ;oc the y.ttd. j at ;yc yai I.
the artl for 44 inch ,. the yaul for choice of
35C cuiorcd cashuieiesf ex-, 1 ,(JU out 'beautiful line of
tia luavy and blight fustic; , loloivd peau de soics and louis-
. ,Miie: in all tli.' now uli.iilf"; 111- i icllei!- in all tllp llrvveiit :mrl fV.
'? eluding black, the price
, ol which is -oc yaid.
See Our ExhibiliOii of New
Jooas Long's Sods
I Inf.' 1'nll 1 11.111 . I '.I 1
I u- V -11 11 IIin.I. I' I ''.' II n'n -I ili
It, , I'n Iii id"'" li'lirni --' m'2 mi.
I 'pa II "in- IVi li ' , J.I '.I ' .'m
M11II1111 Ill-all- I'n lit. -.' an 1' li.
i.ipi'Ii l'i 1- I'm' Im . l
(liniili- l'i 1 Im.. -I Uhl 1 '.
I lixii lt-i, -I
Phihuteliihifl Live Stock.
I.J-I lllllluln. lillil . I:ppIiI (alllp. I'.J
i.iin; Iipi'i iiiii! t.iinli-, '1 1,111; llnl;-, 'tl l.ll-.
-Iiliniiiil I .illi". :.J .ii-: -ln'ii ami lanili-,
li i.iri; Imu. " (in- i atitp Wpil; lalvc,
iluilip tn ivlia. -n.TaaT. I ainti- (ImiIic tn p
tra. -i.'Jili.iO: ullu i. tin lie In plla, -t .ell
IT. lli.L'" H.i-li fni !. ii ..1.1.- klnil, -'.,,
life-, i.Mt,
Buttfilo Live Stock.
I'liil,nlil.liii, M.'H'i 1 1. in -i.I,n ll"Hlt.
1, 11 tli, ui,i 1. aili. ".'.ii. .inii, i!.i.:. iin':.
.".I" l.,i'li liiVih, .11 I I mn -tiiilii'N hslii .
in. 1. u'i ,. limn., i ;.,.i.i: m mi, -iti'iiTi;
nn ail 111. -I (j I I', "ni iii'ini. -I ' 'ai -ii, ii
.lili .mil - nil : Iiiii) n lili 'I iniilivi' inn
-I .'il'i . 1 l 1 I, '1 ' 'Hi ' 1 I, .111 I . 4 !
' I In. l. n I. I', tl'.i ii' .11 '.'!' 1
rni 1, ili . I 11 ' - "imi -tmtit. tiinli- -I ni
1 the Miil for rcallv driisy
yC cloth, looks ami feels
like French Flannel, salid colors
of piuU, icil, light blue and
cream. Soul generally for a
I the yard for line white
j -i . ... J
, V2C goods In checks and
stiipes, also plain lawns, mostly
Wasl1 Fabrics Arriving Ever Day
' quisite shades for evening weai.
j Woith $1. 25.
Wash Fabrics Arriving Every Day
kv - -
1 n iin 1 II ;,- IMitinaA i-tl-fait' ril) li"
I'iinuI .1' ntnl in.iikil 1 Iniii'ii tiiiu iiinl slrniikT. ln'-r
.1 11, 1 .'-' . "Ian In'R". mil nlTpiPd, Ut
1 -. .Iii' ,1 ali4i : M1I11 mm, light Innutrv
a, ".1 '..i. ical 1.1I1PN. ruip t pa.lfr, .iaT'.ai ,
1 ni. li iiiwn, iiiii ,,r Hip 1ii1 (Iinx ipalirpd !''(
. .11 1 -iiir-. -li nli iloiiaiiil al "in; llrt".-'l
Catnnh Cannot )e Cuied
wltii I'H'vi. vri'i icviiiis-, as tiip.i tiini. r
null tin nt t In- ill-ia-p. t alanli li a !ilinl
i.r mi .lilnlii' iIi-pim. .Hi'l in nnlrr tn :iip "
,1011 11111M lal.n Inliitul iPiiirdlpN. IUII'b (.
1. 111I1 (mo l laUm iiiruiall) , .ml ad ilir'.l'y
nn llip lilnml uml iiiiuiiu- Niirfiim. Ilall'i I i
tiittti Ctiti' i- iiui a iiiai 1. iiii-nii Iiip. Il ..'
ini'-i 1II111I In mn nt tin- hot ihtrli lar-i in Urn
iin'iiH) fur ji'i. ami ( a rreulir prifPilptli'ii
ll li ItllllllU-PlI lif IIIP hPNl tPllilA ktl'ilMI, mm
t'ltipil with il'i- l.-t hi .ml iiir'fpr, aitlng li
11 1 1 v nn 1 Iii- tiiiu 1 ii- iitrfjiiN. "I lit- prifrcl pom
Inn. nun! ni Hip 1 n 1'iciP'liri'li l uliat pi"
Im r- nn It in nilrrinl ipniiIi in utrniff l"atarrh
-1 nil fni ipliii'iHii.ilN I.pp
I' .1 I lll'AI.V Aid. I'mpi , lolnln, O,
, ! I I 1 il 1 Ll-l- pin P .ii
It ill -. I al n'i I'lIU hip In. tn'nl
in ELv&ry