TxTJr ' mi jrn-r "rfi-1 i ' .'i, i vrf. - ,. Till- SC'BANTOX TIUBO'E-IMONDAV, MAHCII -I, li)0Jf. 9 rcxxxxxxxxxxx; ii'i! uooLns iiARimAnu sroitr. THE HOUSE KEEPER'S FRIEND The Ideal Stonm Cooker Is ccitninly n filend of the housekeeper. Requites only the snme amount of space (s the otdinaty kettle and you enn cook half n dozen tilings nt onic no lmineil foods evei y thing cooked well nnd nothing lost by evapoiatlou. See window display. Footc & Shear Co. J19N. Washington Ave :xxxxxxxxxxx I OF SCRANTON. Capital 5M000. Surplus $500,000. Lniteil States Depositary. , Dusiucss, pcrsoual and sav ings accounts invited. ;, per cent, interest paid on savings accounts.' ( )pcu Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. m l.oNMil, President. Ill sin Bi i.is, Ji;.. Vice he. W'm. II. Pkk Lashiei. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. UlRlltM trllipri inn. 1 ii-t tt nipt re no llllllll.lilv i in . . p in . , T ilcsii rs 11 lIl'KICH ini j.ci it til, ti i . I (lilt PERSONAL. Miilitml. tit Mi ntHi Kptnt initio ( ml. ii I In tll.i. I'k.i mil h lolili t upiKinil I- In Wji-liiiaO'ii v inline ilif Inuuiu illon in n.i jtiat lit l .oinoiintcil ut Mi- It iu 1 uUi .1 I'nw Mini. lf l-iiliirc lluo.. M . ll liirillll, of I.CIrCll'K Mllllllfll lnt t ,,i.,i i .. -It ion Willi (iliilinii .V ticjn .u '" WMiIIIIIU IMIIlIt I Iii Mi-'im M.hb.iiiIIi' I'llte jii'l l.li tin ill lilil.ni- tit tin' til in nt I'llti ',ltnlill -. nc in Nm utl IhoIiik fpnii Bomb. Mjiiiizi II.MI.I llrimn, nl tin Vtntliiio nf M i-ii mih t.illnl I i I'lrl nli U'lil.i c-lnil.i mi ,i .mint tf Hit- illnti" nl Ids liiullifl, ( lillli- 1' II mil (iniiiiil) nl Nrunliili l.,... ...illlc l,,l,l. W, ll,,P 11,. i n i in.. I Inn lilt iilrnlti fir lluiUliui.' nuil lmU wilt t'n tu W j.lilin,lnti with tlto nlliti inctulici tr tin' I .irUtuit' in .itltii'l llif liiineiuitltiii liiloun illon liii jll-l 1 1 ai licit lliU till uf 'ln tll.11111,1 111 Ntl Vlk 111 t'lllOIMl.l II, till 'I lllltl Vi-.h iinMiii' siiinian, j nlctp ol tin lito -It i Inn -nlllwi;. Mi. iiwcii w,u tor.nril.t a indnlKi til I hi' tltt i-l J It nl 'II r liilintii, lull 'u tnr i.itii d mjis littti DiRauecl in iictt)iiiei imik in NiW i- i mil ill' t It linn- ilnliltr llilui, Ml? (.Luc Suilun .mil Mi. jlnl Mio. ( lullfi I Puttrli ,iir .nuoiic tin' inntuu Niloin ,ii (ntlliii; tin' in infill il ifiiiimnlK jt Wiulilli'- II 'IcilllOlltlA III. I1H leitt. ul nil l mlril miuIIii'iii nii uliiih will imiliilili intlini I'ntlo lilt n mill ( tilt . TRIED TO UNLOCK THE DOOR. Fntiolinan Mniker Axiested tv Sus picious Clminctci, r.illoliiKin .MiuUei's attention was atti acted emly Satin day inmiiliif;' by tli? suspicious actions of an luioMutted num. Tor souut time the man had been w ullilng up and down I'eiiu incline, lool.liiR aiiNloiiNly about him. When he thoiiKlit no one was obscnhiR him lie dotlged Into a dmiinio '.Maikei slltjitlj tollowid and foimd him tiyhiR lo unlock the dooi with a k. lie iiittsuil uiid took him to the Centei Mi eel station house. Ho was lined H by the iiiajtir lu police court tor bclntr dumb. Ho mtve ils name as Joseph Kennedy It Hints Hei. ' ill Ullll l till" U I'l'lltK' n( Hi" M1IIH4II i.ltli ii piincfl rpicsloii uti In t liCPr" Oh, tlial'n my niotliri-in li. slic Ji 'n U l look ikatanl."-l'iillj'lcl'liia llullctlii, Lewis, if'H 330 lMl' ,, , :' DEPARTURE Or THIRTEENTH. Local Quntdamen Leave for the National Capital. , Tin Tlilrieouth H'rIiiumU ninu'ded Ii till to liu llu sunniest mid best flrllloil eomtiininl In Hm National i Uunid, lft this i'lt.v uii Satin day nlffht to attend tin- ItiiniRUiatlon "f I'ioI cknt M. Kinky and tu puitlclputo In the- 1)Ir inllltaty paiade which is to b . Blvcn today In his lmnm ruiin fi o'clod until tdioitly after 9( on Hntmday nlnht tin- soldier boys li.ul , boon nssinbllnR nnd theio was fullv nliinl) per n't" "f 1'P leitlment on bind when llii' Ktail was made foi tin Mutton 'ompin H f Montnisc, anil ( oiulninv 11. of Honesdulo, at lived In tin- iltv sluutlv nfiei S o'clock and piooeoded to tin hi nmt y. 'Tin ivRlment was foimed Into two Initiations In cuiiiiuand of Mputonant Colonel T V Stlllwi'll and Mujni Trunk HohlliiR. Jr., and the si ai t fin I In? Htiitlou wax ni.idi1 at y.tn n'eloi k Colonel I. A. Watt ex with his Malf mm died ahead and follow Intr tlu'in i anu linnet's Thlitecnth Iteulmeiit band in theii inllitaiy titilfnims. Fol low Iiir i a me Hit? ten uiinpanles of the leulment. N The Miet'lx wen- lined with lniRe ttowils ol people and the soldleis le ielved a Rteiit ovation on all ld?n A "peeiul lialn ol thlttoeli mis was III wiilllng at the Delawn'ie and Hudson station and Into llieso the soldiers idled, a t'ompuitv to a mi', Colonel Walton and the Held and Maff ntllcvt.s had a rut of theli own In ne.ulv I lit? lentil of the tliilll The eiowd at tin di pot wuiveiv lui Bf and a Rieal eheer went up when the ttaln pallid out at Just 10 in o look I'ltoi lo the den, u line flout the al lium an election was touiliuttil bv Lieutenant Colonel Stlllwell to 1111 the ainnev In Compiim I mused by the leslBnatliill of I'liplaln I'umolit KtoKe. Dr. UeoiRe c Meiilman, who has lieen lll-t lieutenant foi nnie months past and who was loimeil Inspictor of lllle puutlee. wan unanimously elei ted rnptaln. Second Lieutenant Kt.iukllu Hcushau was i leeted llist lieutenant ami Albeit llulLf was i liosen second lieutenant The liit two weie also elei ie unanlmoub. LOCAL BOWLERS DOWNED Scianton Knights of the Pin De feated in Return Match with Rosevllle Rolleis Satuidny. A team of bow lei". touNisiliiR of foui loial men and one Wllkes-Haiiean. s-'.itutilu.v nlRlit dii.eil a letuin mateh with the Ro-cvlllo. N .1 . Athletle us sotiutlon's team, on th lattei's alleys. In the pifhonic ol a lurRo nuinbei of spec latins Ini'ludliiR many loe.il enthu slasts who accompanied them. As will be iimembeied the uaek .leis'.vmcn leiently bowled iiRillnst the lollei s i liosen fiuui the te.inis tonipilMiiR the Xnithe.ibtern I'eimsylx.inla leiiKllc. and weie defeated b. a plight in. u gill, on the i;iU allevs. The team which lolled Satiuihi. was made ui of tin en of the Commeulals, Caiitnln Wat dell, of th Uleycle t lull, and lit eon. cr the Wllkex-H.uie West lhid Wheelmen. Uitehie and Win dell weie the only membets of the TS.O -llle club'H oiIrIiiiiI nnturi'onlM.s. Sal uiilay nlcjht wltnesueil a decisive le toiy foi the .leiseyiuen, the Kuantoii- lans koIhk down to defeat by a total of .' Ill pins to .'.S.T, (It pen was high man foi the lot at iiKBteRatlon. with an aveiiiKe of HIS .'-!. I'aptain Van Xis-s letl the KosiI'h with the iiinsnlllcent .ixeiape of M7 Tin tletalled Moies follow. i:ni mu.i: mi . . . Ilri II- Iv! . . . IVi U -IIIWION. lit Mil ... . m ii l'i i- n W ..1 th . link 1 in i. M .i . I. !..!- -ill I'M i;i lb. .In. lilu l.iri n W ,,1, 11 j"ii in i;i iii I IT IH Ii 'I I ) l in Wrtiint i i,i lii.U . -i, J ;i. Tile lot al bow lei s and 111 -It ll lends letuinetl Horn l!oellle last eVenill?; and leported haliiR had an eeellent time. The Ho.-eHo how lets and th'h filenils weie most hospitable .nut tieatliiR the Hii.inton contliiRent with all the cotutesv possible A bauitiet was Rlxeil at lei lh R.une lo whit h the membeis hi ought iluli wives and sh teis. K, V .lolmsoii and II. W Ketchain. with W. II T.iloi.. piesl tli'llt of the i bib, ami t Ii. ill in. in nf the eiitei t.iiium nl tonmiltlce. laid th.iiRe of Hi ici option and i.ne ol the Mi ni s BROUGHT FROM TEXAS. Remains of T. W. Scnnlou to Anlve Heie This Afternoon. The lenialns of the lni. Tlimuas W Scullion, who died In Temple, Te.. lu-t week, will atile In this t ti at a.50 ieil otloiK tills al tei ntioii. ami be iemo to the home of dii mmhI'm fatliei, An thon 11 Sc.njlon at 10S Aiuhim. stieet. The I initial will be held Wednesday moiuliiR A hlRll mass of ieiUein will be sun,; at St I'etei's cathedi.il at !.!( o't lot U and liilt'ini 'ill will be made In the Cutlledial cemeteiy. 'I'hoimisStanlon was ei well Known In this cits and was unlicisiilly will liked and populai He was bom In Siiaiiton, and while 1 1 a .mhiiir man was emplo.ed In the mill nail senile of th- Delawaie. Lackawanna and Wesletu tompiiu, lie acted as anl innstei and baRR.iRenuister between liiiiRliamtoii and Hohokpu, rilling the luttei lapatltvfoi seventeen jeais His d Mill lesulted fiom iiit'iiiiiiin'-.i i un united In liuUeston, on the dn ot the Hood, while eiiKiiRed In aldiiiL, ili It tints of that leillble disastei . Is sin l ed b hlH lathei. Aiithon) II Si anion, tu lolleitot of the SKteenlh wind: two slst'is, Jirs .lames lt nolds ami .Mis (jeoiRe I. MoiiaRlinn ot Si i ammi. and live biotheis Ui i:. 1'. f-ianlun and .Inlin J ol this i li James A of lllnuliaiiitiin . w , m New liib'iiliH. and Joseph, who Is tia fllllR niaiiiiRei of ,i diamatli ioiupan Innuguintlon Ceiemonies Wnbhing ton, D. C, Mmch dtli. Oil an uillit of tile il.me, vvamia lalhoad will eiui ti keis lo Washington. D way tate Im lie 1 omul, unite, ulthei via Mununka the 1..U l,,l luliliil ttlp Ut uw- ;.;.. Tho Chunk nu 1 Millaikdphla. to and HfiiilHlmiL,' via Not tlmmbpi liuul Tlikets will bo on mlo ruoii iroiiiR Muiih 1st, i'mi ami old, mid vUll be limited tor ictuin leuvliiR WashiiiRton not kttei than MKith ni!i, pioi, KickIi I'm to Jtlcu i I'.US, S.'.Oa bnv Coutson'f. IN MEMORY OP EMMET HIS BIRTHDAY OBSERVED BY LOYAL IRISHMEN. Splendid Eutcttnlnment Given in the Academy of Music Lnst Night Un der t the Auspices of the John Mitchel Club A Most Eloquent Addiess Upon the Life of the Reveled Iilsh Pnttlot nnd Upon the Cause of Iiish Llbeity De llveied by Attorney W. F. Shenn. Thai the abMiue of loin; eairi ft .mi th" little Riven Isle in loss the si a does not dull the splill of lovalty ami I -otlon to the inline of IiIhIi ft e( clout In the hnits of her sons who hae ihii'mi to lle under the Htnis and Stilpes Is yeaih maulfestcil upon th blitlnl.v ol Koheit Ihiuuet. the In 11 I lit n t ouiiK" IiIhIiihiiii. who Rave up his life for his iiitthe hind ami whose inline Htiinds fni Hi In a bln.e of Rlorv auioiiR the tinmen of the Rieal linn ol old Ciln. I.aM ululit the membei.s of the .lolin Mlltllel ilub tilebiated the octasloii at the Academy of MlHle, as s theli annual t iiMnm ami while the attentl ante was pot. peihnps. as Imp' an It has been In past ai. iievetthelesv Rieit enthusiasm was displayed. Ilittit; oet the state In the telltel of the pitiMcullim was ii htiRe It Ml lias ami limped on em ll side of tills weie Ameileiiu Hiirs. A splendid poltuilt of Hairnet, tevealed hint In all the Iroi of his muuir manhood, net npled n ton- spielloits position. C. T. Itolantl piesldeti us i lialim.in and In a bilef oienlUR atldless hud a fi w wotds to s i.v about the Iillt t.iusp. lirliintl. he said, would one dnv be able to lake her plat c? iiiiioiir the unions of the wen Id as a fiee anil In dependent lepubllt lie had a Rood wind lo snv for the l'oets and ex picscil thi. hupp, though he fe.ned II would never be lealbed. that tin y mli;hi sehes In the dis to tome itee them fioin th" "voke of lliltlsh t- l.inny. ' oim:nmn! .nm.mi:i:i:s The etelltnt pi ori amine wa up' ned with a medle of Iilsh mt Iodic- i lex -eilv lenileied on the piano bv Miss Susie limns. She was followed by Sid ney HllRhes, who KHe us a trtloi miIo Tlioinns Mooie's Immoital "Ilaip That Onto ThmiiKli Tin as Halls," and was obllRed to lepond to a mini enthusi ast It i ni oi i Mis. Joseph (Milieu's beautiful ii mnno was uet lu .ml In 'Kathleen MaMiiiinien." and the audleni" was so pleased that she was loiccd to iir.iIii sins IMof. John T. WatKlns. whose powerful and le-onani bailtoiie Is known lliroiiRhollt the east, shir ' M Colli en r.iuin" and "The ol i'IU after whlih the addiess of the cititli'R was tlillM'itd byAttoinej V. I'. She.in, iitii. .if tile volllieee llltMllliel s ol tile Lackawanna bar. who is fast winning fame as an oiatoi of molt than mill- I uaiy ability Tile lite of Ihnniet was the tuple upon whii ll l.e sul;e. but he ill If ted fiom It Into a illation ol lteland's wioiiRs and an eloquent plea lor jip tlee to her people lint found a lt sponshe echo 111 the heal t of every 1 1 no son of Ihln pit sent lie tiuced the eillv life of the .oliir,' Iilsh pa tilot who Ihsl became fannius nl the eail .irp of flMeen as i ili-bater In Tllllll (olk'Re, Dunlin. So llelce weie hs atiail.s upon the HiirIIsIi Rovein nieiil that ll" was expelled tiolli i ol Icro nnd It was tin n that he was Hied with the anient ilesiie to flee his nntlx e kind fioin KnplNh idle. Mi. Sho.lll spok" n Milne length upon l.mmuts in til t in genius, whlih. he sold, had been lecoRiil.etl lij many lamoiis soltllcis lie ild ihit Ihu lllet was Hot a hot-h uuled Impetuous bov, but a man of htilRineiU 'mil dis ci ellon, who hellew'd lliinh when lie bng.iu th- attiuk upon Uiiolin e.iFtle thai ll would be sue ctfi)l As n plool ol this, he lefenetl to the fact tint t ll was r.nuuet hlmstii. who when tin plan tailed. Mippiested the peasant i. , who had btRtin to i se. and did mine than iittv nuil' to piticiu bloodslieil In a useless ,ir i:m.u:ts nvi.vi: simii'.cii lb- lefeiied to Cintnet's il.lnpr "Plfll, 111 Whlih til" p'llllot spoke tho-e oft- iiioted wind-' "Lit pot niv i pltaph Ii- wiiitpii unlll my eountrv litis lal en hei plate amoiiR the nn tloiis oi the win Id," as one of the meattsl cfioiis eti made by any oiator lu en time ot in any nRe "lhmnet's esnmple and the stli t.llR epllome of lielnud''- wioiirs v lib ll he R.iie to the emilt eflei .sen letite of d ctli had In en pnsted noon him " said he "Imw eei lieen ami alwas will be InccntUes im slionRir and nioie em in 't elfcuts foi the ennui i Ipatlon ol deal old lielnud " Th" soioiid pail of the pioRiuniine consisted of h lei Hops iij those who upepaied pi lor to Mi. She.in, Im Unlink' a tiupl by Hip MtCoin.lilc lmtli"is. two Remit men possessed of "IliRlllailv sWt"l Milcef, T'ie veie loieetl to sillR time seli.eilons. Mosei & Coleman's 1)11 .Mill ill JO Mosel & iPiidlliR tailois, will mole IliRloii avenue. Removal. Colulllitn. the to l.iii Wash- New Sofa Plllowb. I'liiiiU'i-Wt lis Co, 1 .a WvomlliR live. Go to COURSEN'S foi In-er Seal Specials Uneeda Biscuit, package 5c i Uneedu Ginhnms, pocknge.... 12c Uneeda Jinjeis, package 10c Kennedy's Oysteiettes, package. 5c Tld-Blt Sodas, pnekoge 8c Ideal Sodns, package 12c Excelsior Butteis, package.... 12c Butter Gems, package 10c Loudon Cicams, package 10c Graham Wafeis, package 12c Salted Banquet Wofeife, package. 15c Coroonut Mocnioons, package. . 25c Sugar Wafeis, (all fiavois) pack- ngo 25u Atheiiin, package 20c, Ramohia, package 25c Butter Thins, package 18c Water Tbilisi, package 18c lu-er Seal jiachage contains tho finest goodb evei biked in the cake nnd cracker lino. Always fiesli. E. G. Coursen WHOLESALE AGENCY. Who Can Write the fl Best Short Story ( IIP I III 11 M m 1 1 its MI I IK . Wltin lis ill UK M. I'lllI III IK llil. $35.00 foi the Best Stoiy. $10.00 foi the Second Beat. $5.00 for the Thhd Best. a mi itw cuMfi.rifios win i:i i I'l till M I. is SOt Ml l.s is Ullll' I! I" WIN hi tlitt ul 'Ii' 'ml Hut tt'liililn.il'li "1" li.if ilnp.til "Im". llitiii Imt 1st ii .iii.t iiitil'' ton pilill.iii llirtntali llii" I snl fit'' '"' u" Uii il MhnnlilllK tin liliin 'I'1" liltiit iitimiii; tin1 niilo ol V'tlliM-li'ii l'tlii-iltjiili, ! "IiIIiiiiii ln ilnlii'il i' uPti ti - tiit nf pi in h .n ii tlinnln. In 1 tllitillmi It N ili.lin.H et wiiiiliiK 1 'i ii' in ll' . . l in in it ii titiinurr if 'ii'-i -ili" lit ilmir if lis ill tUini". ll. si !" '" lntnli UII ItlirlitlM' ll il.iHi-' 10 pit ' fill lllf In -loij el i."l ' t" (l l.r.it ttnitl. In liill ln M i!ip .piuiiil lift ltn. ml ?j Im tin- llilnt I t-t kluri Mmniv iipln not -tiiii-wful In hiiiiiiik "ii" if i'im piin- will 1.. pnlileli"! ocl ill inlitril II iln null 'i. hi ik-ln" -union Itiiilii!.- I' tirins i'iit Uw roiiiinip nl liiciiiliM l?ir "I I'ip ntiUiMiilP ineiliiR liiilixlit will lutf iiiifiiriin' In ' niiPi.i'Mi "llii noil nilii' in' xjllt tin'"' " a ii.iM nt ItntlPnti. IniliiiliiK luirlirf tltli " iipi.. iMiittitr ut piUi I iipKiiiiiR- iii'l illlfl .It tills iHiltlPtltm im Hip flnl ol ""I' ' iiiiiiiiI ulm Ii lit- in1 r IipiP fcillniftl i" hpiIi-i in lutrnir fmin 'Hi"- ul"'" ' r 'd vlii. Ii ! .iiit llrallv In xliiiixililp ''il IihIi 'Iliilllll llili. Hi.- in ilf ml ' t '"in0 PUPfll ingli Intri 'Uti"; 1 1 lion Hie i!. of pivnu tipw H" tn'ni" "' "" iinniwiip: mliiiiiltPtl Mill l'i" Jltml II lli-lllltllKltll Jnlfci lnw niiiii' "HI " i lip illiliniliiipil, oil Mint mH ip-hI Hi' ni.ml MllpN lull Iran lin lainnlfilil" ol l'i' "ci nit nf tu untlnii" Hip nmlnpri. ttnum ins tin' i Jl limn- ii im' .inilunt will l lllliPlllll IlllOp IIPlI lllllll IHH I'll .l.Hll Imp Iippii tiiiil -liinilil tlu itlin' i onpi'l liliin imp '" tniii.iiliiiK', ll nut In- fnilowiil Iii ml'ti iiip tiflri nl iinlljl irttPi (o.MHiioN. ni im tosri si' Ml nniiii.irlnlH itntl Ip ininitni'il ' l.iln thin M.uili M' Ml iniiiniilpt tiiii-l If u iril In i ll' litltitH nu nml tlo tin? ilfi's fJl ii-iii- tniil piMnftitp idilli Iln- hpiip nf tJ.li -Inll imi'l I"- I ml "I Ntittlipitcrn l'iimilMOil i. Iml Iln liainn p ip.il itiMttM nni.t till lie n-p i Hup (uillipr iniiillliiin in ii t'P uiiilPi-l mil runtrlliiitltiii inti'iitli'il f'H H't" lOiii.si till lip liirptnl onh fioin pipwnt Mlliv l iln it lo Hi, IMIniliP "r fiom Hioip wlm u. iln in do tontpt, littonip sulj-t lilipi - tn pitin nt of it Ipvi onp mnnt i j.plni npiion in nl- mi p lilni-. .OII I (IMI l. i mi i I linn, "i union I'j PARK IMPROVEMENTS. Commlssioueifa Want $11,077.50 in Addition to the $10,000 Install ment ft oni Issue ot Bonds. I'lte biianl of piik ioininl-soneis coiitemplatf ni.iUlii'-r many and vailed i haiiR s al both Nay Aur and I'on uell paiks duiliiR the (OiiilnR' mhi' ami have accoitlliiRlv m-ked eoiuiellM tor a total nppnipiliitloit ot l l.lt77.r,i), or ss.'iiij.ru mine than the total up piopt I illon foi tin llsial .veiir thus endlm;. Tills uinoimt Is ashed for elllliel.V t M lll'lvt of the VUMIijil whli ll will tin 111 the ininliiir .vein's inslallment ot the t.'n.Ciio weitli ol pail; linpioveinent bonds Issued last ye.u and taken up bv the slnklllR lllllll tonilllNslollPls Of the Ml.'iTr.'.o naked fm. S..77s.r.t) Is for XllV AllR pillk, ""..'.TIM fill Cllllllell pink mil .'"O foi WotiillavMi paik. The appiopi lalloii lot the pie-enl fstaleai lor Nav mc patk anioiiuteil in tmlv M.'ti", but t on-ildetably nioie than llii" amotliit and Ihe Mii.iii'U in -'liillinenl ol ihe bond lnie was e pen led In pel nialientlj ImptoviliR that poitlon ol the pail; al Hit head of Mlll'i'iiv slleet. Willi b has been Riad ed ami liaiisloimed into a beiiutllill i urn out -.-i'. Willi a miisii pavilion nun two stinilUi'l' houses A ( otisbleiallle piu'iluli ol this tieai's installment of Mll.DII) Will RO tllW III lis p.l.VlllR' oil" ilt- lli It'll' es tiealed In iiiakliiR- these pei Itiiiiieut llllilovemellts, 111 the Icllei wh.th ni.oiiipaiiles the i tiniinlssloni is' tsUuiate It Is pointed mil that inilcsi- tln.v me allowed the full amount asked foi. the linptove nieiits in conteniplntion will hnv to he illopped. The IniRiSt lit in liski d tor Is the Mini of p"i.'j"ii for the -on-siiuitlon of a n lunula;' pool. Tin pluiiH im this have been folly nun. pleli'il bj Ai'hlteit IMeitoil, who Is supei vNlllR the vvoik done at the pnik, iml this amount Iv the lowest I wlihh 11 h fslliit.itetl the pool run hi ri.uHtiiu teil 'file i onmiUf-loneis ale also tleslioiH ol i mi tittii iliif.' a swlimuliiR' pool lu Cuiinell paik. and usU the sum of $vtl loi ihls iiiipo.i n Inn ease fiom '5') tu t'.n Ik tikeil I'm t'i lldllti ll ti.it if i.ltuli luiv lieen lit .If I Ii fille nentnrtr.il ' fnl SOIite Vtnis . MASTER EARLE GULJCK. Boy Sopiauo Will Be Heie to Assist in Studio Club's Conceit. A notable elltei tulumeiil Is Unit to It- rIviii on Apill l'i. In Si Luke's I'.lllsh hoifc b. the membeis ol llle Studio club of thill) voltes, .ss I'm I dellu I'leeniaii dliettoi, assisted bv"- Master Unle (iullik. the most lumoiis bov Miptauo lu Ameiba ami by Missi s I Julia C Allen, violinist and .Mlns Chat - lolle Hlui klllllll. nu oinp.llilst. Must I (illllik Is the soloist ol I he lulllluni bo.v ilmlt of tile Hplsiopil tatliidial ol SI John ihe Dh Im lu .New Yolk til), and Ills seixhett aie in ileinand foi tin hlRhest i lasMif mtisl. al t liteitallliut'llts. Tile Studio t lull litis been i v ptlouull.v foitiiuate In sciiu Iiir his aid lu the appioachliiR com 1 1 1 Miss lit email and the Studio iluo huve Reneioiisly olteied to RiV'e the plo. i ceils of I Ills elll llllllllllt'lll, Willi II will i loe their piesent season, to su Luke's KIllilt'lRill lens. All seats In Iln I'.uisli house atldltolllim will, foi this uiiuslon, be iPsPlved on -ri at on. tint Im, sen ut) -live cents ami llfty cents, itvtonlliu to Im atloii, ami the lliktis mi ludii) in iln- liuiuls of the Simlio lull mt'iiiln i liuiii whom thev tun b. olituln-d. I'lohibltlou Banquet l'lolilbliloiibamiuiu nt ilucinsey Ji.tii VilllllR Ol MllU'll I. IK'hOIS, ni cc'lltd I 'or sulci at fliiPiiisev m musk' sioie tiii'insp) hull ImlldliiK. I'M eh ItupmtPil New Via It pi lies. t'lilllKt'll. flRtllS, ll'SH Piesh oveiy DAVIS WILL NOT CONFER DECISIVE ANSWER FROM SAU QUOIT SUPERINTENDENT. He Telcgtnphed riedeilck Dllcher, Who Acted for Silk Mill Stiikeis' Coninilttce. That No Confeieuce with the Latter Was Possible, and That the Only Ofter Held Out to tho Hands Was the Eight Per Cent. Iucicase Voluntailly Oinnted Be foic the SUlke. All luipes i.f a si.tk-inent ol the tt -tlle woiket.' stllki ut the S.llUillolt, and llieipfmit all the local mills, on any leinis save the oiIrIuiiI olfel iiiitde bj Suie'iliiteudenl Uavls weie sh.it teied bv a telemuni fiom the l.itt i lecelved Satlllduv lllRltl bv Nallollill Colllllilltet'tuilll l'tetleilik Dili hei of the rilltetl .Mine Wolkeix Thy luttei has actid as mi Intel niedl ai between the stiikeis and Sauiiiolt 'iiiiinuReineiit, nnd it wu In unswii to a lelt'Riam sent b.v the mlnei.s oiriiii I.pp that Slipetlntemlelll Davis i. Iter ated Ills iiltlniatuni. Dllehei's teloRiam was sent Satuidav afleinoou foi the tllkcl' eseclltlve eoiilllllllfe and in ad as follows: W ll lloK Ulml.i. l.i lliil mull ii nic Willi i iii.1.hi. Hi iitiipnl In. U tritlt In unit Willi mil Wniilil nil -i ll. t a tun tuiifii I nilfiliK Hililiti Suiieilnlentleut Divli" nuwei was u piompt in.", anil bole the following liiloi ntalliiu: linltilik Dili In i I unit' llm-i. 'u.iiiliii. l'i I mill n in p Willi .iliinilllfi In iK-il.li Mu.i irmititp wnik miller -t tli of wjkii ,i iin-lnl In lull till' lllkl Will II Ilii'i up nub ll If Mtnip vnik unlit .mil ti'ltlii. wlm will win; in, W II Pol WHY THI.IMI! .M WAS Sl'NT. These two i ommiinlt alions weie 11k tesult of the action of the sttiUeis at Pildnv's meetliiR. as told III Satur day's Ttllnme. Iiifui in. illon was then Alien the Rills that Slip-ulutoiident Davis at a nieetliiR with Coinmlltee inuil Dili her had slRiillled his wllliltR ncs to Riant an lnt lease latiRliiR fioin S lo 1J per cent , and had doc luted l hut If on nn.v uet.isloii the stiikeis tleslt nl to confer with him the.v had but to telc'Rl.lph him. and one ol lllf uol ti. litis would tint y him In in the sttnnv South, hoinewuiil A t onfeieuee ( oniiulllee was uppolul ed ut til' uuetiiiR ami the tlNtoui.iR illR telcRiaill tliilll (icoirIu Is now ill theli hands. The eei lltlve lOimnlttee will hold a m'-Ihii this moiuiiiR. and Slipelilltellileilt Davis' i ollllllllllleatioll will lie hi ought beftiie th oil fill aellon I'teslileiit Daniel Teiv.tll. of the I'.iter son Ih oni Silk VVoikeis. who Is in the ilt.v, will also attend this meetliiR Supeilntendellt Davis' mlsslv lll.tv In t ousltleied to i oiitaln the Renei.ll seutiini'iit of tile mill owncis. Vnleii line llliss, ptoptletoi of tin fi' mills and emplovei of about .even bundled hand". Is with Davis at Atlanta, ami It Is not likely that the latter sent his illsp.ili It betoie both Reiltlemeil had dl-t ussed Commltlcem.in Dili bet's tele Ri.im and the Rciiti.il sltmttloii. II is u fin 'Rune tact tluit all of Hie smallei opei.itots ale awaiting the m -Hon of the blR mills, and have Indeed aliead.v eu "ct tl themselves as av -i.se to i.tkhiR tin initiative lu tin- miller Supei liiteinlent li'vls' oflei i onsWis of the elRllt per i lit. Ineiea-e posted on the vety il.i.v that the Siiinilloll Riile went out i oni'i:i:i:.ci: this mou.vinc. The uitloii of the loninilttoe tills iiitnnliiR will ileteiinlne what the stiik eis will do The two opeiutois, now on th'lr sottthi'iu lilp, will be Rolie ut least two mine weeks Mi. Itllss Is spilmisij tonsldelitiR inovliiR a; least one nl his iilutils and veveial lavn aide sites ai e under t onsideintlnii The Xoi til Sit anion mill Is almo.-i ititulu to lie mnv -il 'I'l'" live ear lease foi this piopcii urns out In Uii, ami Mi HII'-s intcudctl to leinove the ina (hlnei.v to Dickiou, nnd Imieuse the 1 .11 1 f of hands lltld facilities tlieie The sit Ike developments have mused u i h. uiue lu his plans, howevei and It was iteid.iv anuoutieed to a Tilb- line nun lh.it lu almost unv event this mill will lie tiausteiied It cm plo.vs one Uiuulii'd ami ihlitv liaiul" Tlieie VMts no disturb tnt e Snitiidaj at the Dickson rit.v mill Mi. Hllss stopped wiul. lltcit- at tlo In RliinliiK ol th- sttlUe but ihe T.i) lor .-Ilk Munului tuiliiRr iiunpany of I'ulti "oii. X .1.. wlihh in c upled pottlou ol the bllllillllRs, hud llfleen weaveis elll ploved lilt te sttMillh. The Rillh liav. ieiie.it (llv ulllioilliteil the unwilllnfT nt'ss l i -iiile and polled Mttlsfat Hon with vmiri.s and iiiatmeut. The tints ot last week, how.vei tatisetl Supelllltelldellt C II. Spittle to dfi hie to hut down th-- mill aiul lit Uotllled llle Rills net in illllRlv No uiiil. wus done ejtliei l'i Ida) ot Satin tilt), inn is it lll.el) that unv ullimpt Ut llipiltllR the mill will lie muile tod. i SATISFIED HIS HUNGER. And Incidentally His Deslie to See Things Smashed. A Iln 1 1 t 't i iml suddmtv i mil ilvt.il Ihe lilt a llml lie wus hllliRi.v jestel dav ni"! nine, 11m it wus tlitiuk and Mi I,, il in the lent dooi nf t!i nail's ovsitt lioosi at l.'l I'' tin uvenil' IliiviiiR appt.istil hs iiiitiRt i h staitnl in to ii Miltllioiilc.t tin- liitiiioi of iln i iiinn lioin-e mid w hep hi sin- Just Arrived Lion Hi and Pajamas foi Spring made in sti iking ly handsome pattcinb of uiuiMtial vanety. Piifcd liom ,1.50 Id JMoO. lau1 vmi seen the Spnng see it b Kuo to buv itr to I H - H mini I w 'mBk I VlTTlIX'QVWi CAS ELY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. ve.vcd the plat e ii few mlntiti s Intel he thotiRlit he hid Just jm-t il IIuoiirIi a i.v ilmu' lie was elicited ub mt a half limit after leivlllR Ihe wieektil establish ment bv I'atiiilmei. r, V lloss and Conneiy. He paid to the inuvoi' i"teii!av. OFFICERS OF O'REILLY COUNCIL. t - - - - Elected hihI Installed at n Meetlup, Yestetday. The .lolin l!o.vle O'ltelllv i nlllli It YtitlllB" Men's Institute hilil il lit KU nnd eutlmslustlc iiii't'tliiR ui theli looms yestetday itud the follow Iiir oltl iets weie elei tt d mill Installed I'lesl tleilt. .lolin J. Collins, vlte-piesiileut. .lames . I. Ila.vii sdoiul vlit piesldent, Thomas P. Mullen, leionlliiR setie- laiv, Thomas I. Coutieiv. Iliiam lal seeietarv. .lamps .1 Mai Ion: lip.isuiei. Thomas S Connois, maishal. Tlumias 1''. llartei. Inside FPiitlnel. Ciank Kluiner. outside "entlnel. Joseph Mo- Doniiell t ei utlve i iiimuliii e, .lolin Walsh. Thomas Moittti. John I'.o he Janus ,pt, CtittiK Kiauiei Aflei the i It i Hon of ollli pis u intiiU'i Wits elljoved. Tile ollltels win Hi stalled hi Si i olid (iriintl Vb e-l'iesl-dent .liiines Hot lie, assisted b I'asi (iiiiid J'lesident i. . C.lliuan CREWS TRANSFERRED. Chnnge in Stieet Car Employes' Schedules Takes Plnce Today. OlVlllR lo the t hailRe In si liedllle of the St 1 11 ii tun Itallwav i onipnnj. i. suit ItlR fiom the il-iniiinls of the stills is beliiR Rt.itlKd ullil a IH-llolll duv pill into etlei t, liiativ tlunsfeis have been lletesslt.tleil 111 llle ileus on vulioU" lines. Th new si liedllle Roes into ellei I today und will witness uiaiiv new fines ut the motor or lear platfoim. In place of llRUies Riown ftltlllll.lt bv lollR set v It e. Vn ll" ".t -l foi .'"iP elsewhere let 'l'i j them i 'nut st u ,fk loi Kell's union UlliUeis. ".ti lllipilt"d I'lRllls. ". 00 Cotlisell The Scinnton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com pany. In 111 11 uUli' o Willi Iln. 1 "In i n' tin'-,' mill pitiiM Iii 1 film 0 tj'rt tiiim linn, lu nun' 111.11 llP W 111 IlltPlI lit IIHIIU-itll t OIIMllllpIl 11. ntitlit ih ticulit itru (till, uti anil ittri Vpn 1 lnl. tin' pi It p nf v i will It inn ilulUi pn ntip tlirn-itiil tiiliii tut 1 iinniintil. -ulitrt 1 'n tl.p fullimil),,' ili-tutllil lite pn tint tn jll lilll. witu tin 1 un-iiin Iluli Im lilt in nl uiiiniiiil. tn Ip.i thin iwiini flip ilnllir. tu icr Hit. on .ill I ill win it1 tin' inii-uiiipt.iiti nu iln tnuiitli 011 Liuits tu iwtiit) tltt I 1 1 a 1 s .mi m . jiiU I'ibviilPil Hip IiIII U paiil mi m IipJuh Hi 'JOtli iln nt Hip iiunlli III wlmli iln till i nnilcitil. Ill niiiii nl Hip lif nil ci 11 IIVM1, s nrtiry SPECIAL. l IIVNHIS i.s M) W VII It l tiVII'VW VV'i Utile I '.ilk (1.1s niiipitit In milt 1 in in 1 ni Hip ine ot t;u lot tut 1 pinpe-i- iiiIhc 1 Itrrlit itin Hut mi iml nlln Vpiil I ni'M n plii 1 nl (tit n ll-nl will lip 1 up ilnllai tin m tliMi-iinl Irpt iriii-iiniril. Miliini In Hit liilliwm irsi il all iniitit Ip.i p t 1 phi 1111 . II I iINt I ' 1 tin iiiii.ii'uplionfni H t tiinntiiiitiiiiiiiitsin li ilun Iwinit lap 1I1 ILm, (wtiitt itr iml mi all Ii II tiluie tin. tiiiiMiiupliiiii Im Iln inuiiili inn ui In twputt lltn 1I11II11- .iml tiiu,itil- I'l n Id. il I lie Mil It pilil 1 11 1 1 l.if.ii' t 11 Jin 1 tilt of Hit luiinlli In wliti Ii tin lull it 1. ml, 1 I V M'l.n.iti uiilrl. I11111U Iml lit Hi 1 mi' ini litti .ut, lit mill 1 tn llii ttiuipiut C II II VMI - in it Bargains Pierce's Marked Pemi Avenue Vi IiijK a I if (ai tir ami klrn.ll dPsli .. ami iliu p, lutv oi Hut 1I111 gjoil. tan In' sold at Vt iln 1 ut hate au ipc lal .a!' o Ii till al all 11111 4 tail) an tuiupKi a n .1' Mai Ut 1 (lOttH I'.in t (iioiiint iml l.i I' Hi-1 a lien as tan bu ftmiiil In Urn Uracil Sfw Von. tr I'liiladci ua Mai Leu wliuli ni. nil at . i.nt ,r,lC" W. ti. Pierce, It Ltcliirimu Ave. rrcrapt tlcllurjr ltd, li:, 111 Ptno Ait Monday in Al Departments Way Clarke Bros Everything comes to those who wait; but hcte you don't have to wait low:. You will .ilways lind the best Whiskies at pi ices that make a new tecord for littleness: Our Nelson, Pepper and Hollywood may inteiest you; if so, wiite o telephone us foi quotations. J3II- Qvounb 'Ihe vim Id u - up Is Hie b0'n favorll Iliad iiivenuL, We have Jus opened a new lot of Iks' tups and Invite you to i all and tee the ni. Whatever ottr lam j In ive ni mlor, we inn soil Villi. CONRAD'S i 305 Lackawanna flue. "lb 17 Itoutci's Bros," (iootM. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; we have all the lowest piucs. newest patterns at Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons nnd Forks. War muted to wear twenty-five years. Immense stock ofStcrhn", Spoons, Hoi Us, Knives and Goods for Wedding Presents. Silver Cased Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. eating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oi! Stoves, Gas Stoves, Steam and Ho! Watar Heaters. S i:s.3:7 PENN AVENUE. how we sell furniture on easy payments Often the vvony of waiting; un til one is able to puichnse some needed pieces of fuinituie lobs the plensuie of possession of half its hvveetness. Maybe the demands of tho lioui aie impel otlve and the new things must be gotten whether KING CASH i& nt hand 01 not Thobe as well as you with a home to tuinlsh will find our "Easy Payments" wondei fully convenient. Little pi Ices divided Into tiactlous, payable In the futuie as money can he spmed, CHEDIT YOU? CERTAINLY! jTT v VlJt i&NOMY 22l-ai;a.y5"aa7Wyonlnp At il ll Co W-c J.
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