The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Condensed Milk
i Phosphates and Hypophosphitcs
) Added without change of taste.
" Best Milk for Tntnily Uso " Babies thrive on it"
hoi by DruxRUti mil C.roceti, Wilte lot beoLlet
Ice Cream.
ftC Per
J)C Quart.
3c!frLctieOr1rrrompMr rxilveral
,Ji-J; Adinu Avenue.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Ofllco D.. L. & W. Fasseiigti
Station. Fhonc !"i5.
4 4- '
l , II Ph. Tlio lliliviii mil llml-oii iihI
s li .il tin Ib.nni, I'lvmoiiHi, Mount tin.
I j luutti u. I init r
in i:v.mi xix Million i) I'liiuiimii i't
trusted km ili'dlii lltituilhti ll tlie e oinr i
I i ittMiii .in) I ick iu.11111 1 inline vrMiulit
llll I HUM lll II l .liter KitMiir T ten"
t iui if (iilu .illle1. trll fiutll l !ul il
ii il l Iii. In nit sum, (at mul su-ailttril i
i hii' tlikili. Ilr n t id the Mo-i
'I i tinrl ilill
I ill DM M, II Ikinntii iic-nlns: lulu in
( Ii ni uf 11 mil s t i lullc-vi'f It" I'lim Xu
I u lllptlft ellllllll "III M-Ctl- U Culolllll Id III
1 jlltiOt(f tin timuli. I'lnRl Illlllli
v 11 i utittci'il.
1 MI 111 I II XI DIM! l.OMIII llll I. Ijiiik
- df Huiinioio wji aricstol li ( i nt iM
' Ii -iltniln nlfilit mi j latum ili.u.lni; linn
I lull lii k ii liotnl liill ut I, null,. I 'J Hi
iimilllnl tn tin ciniiiti juil
"i iii ii-.i:ni:'ti.i iiu .ir ,n,i i
V - n litiiliitoln ikimit, imp i iiimit sl
i mint jail "itutilit In iktunlt ut m
tin In In ih.- illmiilrilt utnl titiiit njll.liu
I hup ineesteil rjili -iiimiIjv inuiiilii; In
1 i liiun II )ivl in nmituti.i milt mint nun
allev iiui nIm It mill
s I III llll Will (OMIIll.Ml .lii N,.it i
I I I liiufUVIll" II till' 'IKquI hit IU -miikI it
I I IIIZllluil l.lltlll'UII lllUtlll Mill III 111,.! (I
ilutionii til tin? I ian;i Ik il J.iuliri in
Ii Tolotu v III ill -in be lull)
titoiljt tiitirrln?, uftunnun .uitl it n
' til H n titoinltu
MIM XMIMTMI'I) Mikp I!kI..Ii ij u ii. . I
i nlnl to jump ii I lutein ti jin in tl
i ni inn) llul-un ncii I'. i'lim.' torn In
11.(11 IlllI Till llMllltll till' tl.illl, till uliil
".' otri ill- il.lit inn He j tal en to tl .
k uimii lin. It il. wltur It via. lumitl tin
t it ro .hi put Ut llir cum .iImu Hip elb
Kl 1 I'IM. III'IM IM! Iiui -I -Untie v i
Mi' it 1-J'j Mll'tui tlttit, v. i slvni a lici
ii . Iilotfi Mi.ot Moll In iiullii mutt Sitm
i j iiui IiiiciI -i fin liiliu i tlilliu 1iii-i'.
Slllivull M .UMSUil III l.ltl.ltj j, lilll ii
ii. ii tlu .ili-ilio if tlin itluH'iil wliinx,
nt .rloii i In iili,' until -jtimlii lit
111 N lllil
IK. I II ( II III II (.IN - l,r,l -llmi,, ,f
" lliiniitun ttii(, i-. tjlui in Up M .iv
i i i iiopit.ii iit iiuiiin, unim wiiii i
i mill fg -liruinn luil lil Ii; n
li il tin iiIIk ttfu lit i lull nt iimt in il,
l i mllP an I j ili.i Int. id tiniu tin In.
I i I iliirn il, i'ii I ut iwtiius; In II i .1
II 111 III ullll HU- IlljUli'il 111 llll Mllll In,
MHi Ko- 1,'Dlll.ltl IIWII.KA '.,iin
i lllii lu 1. 1 flu. i a liltpi (luili.
ii j of 1 ijnil, 1 1 law am i. utnl , ) in
in tk' loi tin- mIi lulxmU of III lull llutllll III
m knmwi tu I. up llt.n m 11,1. , in ,,x.
' uai ujo Hi U Mkl In Iuhp Inn, n,
I iiiiuotr. t utl 1m ij.. ( uiiiin Uii-up heljii I,
I tin' leltir ktiitri Iiui icnir nljlui. hi i ..
I iniintr) Imo illcil, Ipjtlu, lilm u ninlil t
il I Ainu i f immi
I Mijl I. HMDS I'. l ,i, IM,,,, ,.
I il i in J t Iih In tl i. i i lli i ,, nvin.i,! ,
. I r unit nt n i i II i ih., nun k Ih
Tl iii ililtninu liii ii ti ,ii,l ll i. ul ilii ii
in I'ut n i in Ii t lijl tu ,ik ,n ,
Spiing Iliook Wntei.lst Mtg.Os
Lnckn. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
Mtg. Ds
Noith Jejsey and Focono Moun
tain Ice Co , 1st Mtg. 5s
Standaid Gas Co , l&t Mtg. 5s.
Lehighton Watei Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. Ds.
New Mexico Railway and Coal
Co., 1st Mtg-. Ds.
Description and pi ice on appli
cation, - l nioiOnay, N llkfi.lljrrp.
4 L'ailiondiilr
4 i, & mi C, Coiiiinuiiuojlllt Uu'a" , -f
4 binnton -t-
4 4
4 4
- ''.'''', - '' - ''' - ''' - ''
nit it inif on it. Mm, nil Miic it mtip r pjiir
li uiit lilltli; i nil ,1 tn 4 ur tin ".lolitctnjll ill
i(i(itl ilutll it llll Hint fir Htlki 11m lilton
l tin IntillvMiik nf .Inn, ,t,i J, nf l lie ml
II, n I ti.liinr n mi in, nti't Is ul tliililtil dcpr
MOlktl) llllli
Beautiful Club House Just Elected
at Oieen Bulge.
The iJipiii ItltlKc Wltnpltni'n'i nuiR-lillhr-tit
now rlttb Itoiiii-, ultttati'il mi
W'miiiiIhk iiM'iiiii' (iiii'ii ItUliTf, 1m now
(Utll til IlllV I tlltlllclO(l It Is ti tin oo-
tiii ami'iik tit liutlilliiK'. "w 1 1 1 1 it
wlili twii-flot oinntlii m ioii tin" on
lllc firint ,unl iiliiit"; tin ninth Mhlf
Tlu li.ivrini nt Ii llhl ami tilt v. lu'hw
IniiilPin foi't ftntii ilnnr to lolllnp. nnd
loittitlns it piii- oi liuu IhtK nlli
-hiiui'i linth- nini fin mioi tiintii Tlii-
liou llntc nllivs nil' ttinltiulitc'tll.s tlii
Iliii'vt in Xntlliravtoiii IN nniliinln
'I'l'p liulliliiiK i- I'liU'Kil mi tlm main
Moot In two cut t inn cm. into fot nifiii
Iiom mid tin- iitlu r n ptililli one (Jn
llili Hoot is n id iit Ion hall. iwiIoik,
ItitK h mom. ti'-MMnlil- loom, et(
Tin' fi'iniHl Hoot (iiiualns (( ii'tni.v's
i Hum ii'.iilliifT l umit lilllinut ami (.ml
looms On the lliltil Uom. li-vips the
jaiillm's llvlnn- apirliiii'iil, is u most
liinilf-iii l.ujjo K'llihin iififi'itly
tinilppril. r (Aim ttcd vl'li eit llnor
In ti iltitiili wnlti l
Tlii" new dill) lniii-.( will lie fot in illy
i, in Hid with it i lull Tali i I mil Man It
l.'llt t) 1t.Ui in, lttl,-. . nuinliii oC
-Itci'ltil ill 1 1 in lions in' I'ncli mrnliiij
ur the lili linxi- liPi'ti at inn'i'il foi
Inimi'illatih aftu the fair the lnntM
iill lie II illiN(inic' fllllll-'lKMl ftoin
lop lo bottom and U (oiuiuic f
Mit.'bh wild tin i tub In the i Id
Went Back Into Binning Building
to Get a Sum of Money
Which She Had.
Mit- Mi, ti I,-: Hut, Ik ii lli was Inn iumI
to (katli tit .lissttp Sntui(l.t nlKlit. b
n llio Willi h ik'stinvod two l)till(llm.i-Til-"
llio was ills(OMnd about 11 "0
o'lloik In thi' strito bullillnp- (Kdipldl
bv r.iitinnnio .-; Uutclinn-lll The
Haines whli h oilkliiittcil In the Kltili
en hill suppl tlnmtKll the low pi pot
llon of thf ImlldiiiK bcfoic dl-i ovptcd
nml tin ,,( tup tuts ol the IntiiaiiiK',
miiiiiU. .Mi and .Mi', lliitinaino Mi
ami .Mis t'ltailcs lliinhpiclll and tbtfo
iliildicli also two liii.ii iIpis, nil of wliom
slept upmaiis, wen. awal.i'tiod In tln
u.tiklltiK of the llanips ami dens,,
-.nini-.-- Tlu iiuUkly lumlf tbcli cs.
inpc bs tmj ol i link staliwitN. and
haidh hail Uo n-ndipd a plitK of
sati'ti bi'lotp Mis lluNlu'itlll huulid
1 ictiaipil hci stops .mil iiKalu I'llti'iPit
ih IiuIIiIIiIfT with It was tin n it muss ot
"A lew ikts pic ions ii bo mid ii mil il
t-i'tituni had pl.ui'il in In i- (.no muiii'
$-0 In lnomy It Ih thoiiRlit she ic
.ttitncd to t-ai this lntint' whldi wits
hidden uiidei tin' mnlu-ss of tin IumI.
Mis. Uuti ln-ii 111 ii. ulii tl tin bpdioom
but at the H-ntne instant the uppet pot
tlon oi the bitlldliis: lui lildlnp: the Horn
(ell in and the woman mux suuoiintled
bj the s-i thttm' nittss oi il hup in tlio
e( Itdneiu she was not missed
About this time tlie .Ii sstii Jlop nun.
pain icsponded to nu iil.nm and it
lit'.tw stienm oi watet was tinned up
oti the liuinlnK .stun tine Th tlnnu-s
menutiinc li id sinead to an iidfolnhiK
tt'iiemi'lil in i up), il in lint la llhie and
lamll This iiulldliiK was tlso d, .
AftPl tin lite was ( stlllKUlshed H tllll
.out h -mi ill was made fot ,Iis lititih
eiPlll. who li was-, thoiiKli' had Rone to
sta with ft lends niitib-,. At about 1
o'i loi k It was iliildul that she hml
polished in the bulhlln;,' nml search was
lllildc lot lie leilltilns in the tnlus- At
nboiil ti ij i link lite beidi uns found In
it uilll'l ol tin (ell it, diieith umlei
the lii'dtooiii. .N'othin--; bill th tuuik
K mallKd
Tlie lemaliis wei, tiikui In t li.n ,- In
I'llileltakei Mb hail Iliuni llolh
l)llllillll(,s weic i ntllPll (I'stiojid Thp
wi'teowiud In Widow tliultun nml bit
son, "Willi. tin iiiiilinv Tin bulldltiss
wi iii Insun d lliiananii) Butt lieu HI
(lulled it small lustit, im,. on th u
Stm I, it Is thnllnhl tint the Ikllllt s
inl-jlnati d 1 1 1 mi a nui' in the Kid In n
Candidates foi Depaitniental Posi
tions to Be Examined Apiil 10.
Th le will be it illl -h i I, . r imi.
tuition loudmlid nt tin Im U postof.
Hip in Aplll In. foi 111" follow Iiir d -pat
Inn nt positions Khwitoi i omlui -loi.
plena fiidet. pioiiiotloii to iliik
iiillwu.N mall link and skilkd Inborn
111 till !,ili-lllllli'lll l IlltlllfT (Jllll ,
pplli atluits lot It 14 (Mtinlnatlnn
must In lot wauled to tint (Ml sen In,
iniu'iili-sl'iii in lMhltiRton
Mik M I! Kas, nf Sarnlei sn vo.
nue bus i -111111(11 ft om a Mull ultb
I Itiunds in I'hll.iddplilii
Xntinan il I'aike, ut im iC) ,,,i.
I'-Kc Mpuit tin Sabbath with IiIk par
tiiln. Mi and Mi-, w. (. J'ailte
Miss Mnigaiet llllei. ul IIitHton h
the kiu -t ,mi,.s .ii,ii I'lMiiimin, ol
I'apuithu in i nu, ,
A I'altuson. of I'hlliulUphlu.
iill d liieiii Itldge lilendH .isteida,
SdPit riitiuiiiiuim i: I, Miiiluuni Is
abb tn lie out again, utlii u set Ions 111
llecn. Tht linn j,vtli loi tho i output be.
twptn the iiiunbuH ot tho young .Meu.s
dub or the I'huull ot tho (loud Shep
hu I to luiieaso tin li lutinbeishlp e.
piinl hatutdfiy feiiing, m whldi tluu
the lupitlt iliowed u tie. lft meiiiheiM
ItaxlliR bein aildeiUto ein It Hide. Tilt
liiembiis ur tho dub aie to bu top.
Riatiilati'd upon th i)k'iidid mioits-t
of their iffuitH, tint Mrc. (omuiunlt
upon htuliirf HUih a widiawaki) oiriui.
Ask fm Kelly's union umU.imd.
He the Actions of the
Female Hatchet Swingcis of Kan
sas as Unwomanly and Fiays God
to Be Spaicd the Humiliation ol
Seeing- the Home Defendeis Become
a Unlveisal Oiganization De
claies Against Inuptlon of Woman
Itefoimeis Into Politics.
'If the xieptie of jiowet Is to pass
Into woimnrn hand. Hod help iih If that
liniid linn In It a hut IipI " Thui spoUii
Ilex. Ur. C. M. niniii, at the i:iiu Paik
Methodist KpiHiiipiil I'liuich, last nlRlit.
In mi otitspokPii nml able illpciitiisc on
the "StiMtKeiy of Woman" In his
itddiips in. liltUn il-nouiiLid as tiuwo
lImlll the nrtloiw or the KatiHits Itnti h
(I InlKiidc iind pinxeil that In the
ftiltite woman will i cumin the temlei.
lnwtble paitnei oi mini that she has
been dtuliiK tin' pint.
Ur (lltlln said, in pint "Woman will
alwnvs do evai th what she vntn to
do She bus eer been tin i lilef In
ii'llRlon and dun ih. bill of late Mil
lies suipihed iiei iiitltn in- a demon,
sliatlon nr bet nblllt iiIoiib other
lilies She Is innst.inm the I'tlder 111
1 1 fm in these dnss, and leielitlv bits
Iippii putthiff hctseif forth In Holds, so
illlleipiii fioin hoi oidlnun faith ns m
(tlttse nic to ii)) II lti eves wide 111
' The Inst (toatluti Is n t.(Hid wotuiin
and a man Is ulwujs the bcttet lot
honotliiK bet. s,be is undoubtedly the
llowei oi humnully. Inn still when pet
llslii"; tile ilnllv ptpejs ePt dm
lmet aitldps which pimp a tmle slim U
to mu (ouvli tloit in loading the
papet. reicilth. 1I1J ie was staitled
In the ullnt of the hIk of u hntdiet
In the hands ot a female bine I lead
fuitlipi and I deilaie m henil almost
stopped Im one lad of the wild west
oi one wlltl ladv of the sL would
btltif,' tnjjt Iher In r line to ptermlnile
us ineii fioin the fne ol the at til
."speak ibont It lists, mik of the rum I
sto'l (Htopiis whldi will tlistto.i all
toinpptltion wliv. hen's n woman who
would iiotiouh pul us to the wall but
off the eaith
' This exhibition, this eMltonient bus
haunted me its it has ItH liable as Well
as imnli side. Tt means ultlmiUeb
that a sant;p will supnisede the pus.
(lit fall (ipatutp known as woman It
Indli Ups u iossblllt that we will be
split up into two lolent ill(tles and
.1 (lilll lb stl 111 Hon tit r.ltnlH nn.t
tlutMli will follow I deihii" to Cod
that If tlipio is to be am tomibawk
Inpr done, that we be allowed to do It,
foi I av that ineii look Iipitu on all
bloodv ok islons than do woman
"And tftpi- leudliiK this ai count ot
the tumble In Kansas I (.nue upon
the dlssi.K eftil news ol a shnneful
"(Piu In oni own stab lions, nnd tbi u
ol a lint in the AilMiliu telihstas, ami
I -aid to tnisiif that ninhi the t-.i-iiRuy
of the wonnii inn bae been
until n fi om the men Now, what has
btotmllt ubutit this ottlbutst ritst. It
moans the ptotoi ot woman .tRiiliist
the negk'i l ol ttifii u Balding; it line In
thai stnte. The 1 iw of Kansas I
sltl(tl piohlbltoi.N and a man has no
mnii' tlulit to upon a i-alotiu thou than
he has to steal Tin- Munition in Kan
sas Is an Indli tun ut of two i la-si s,
the Illegal M-lltis and Hit lndlffiuui
i ltlnip
"It Is a (,'nnt tituiln mi woniaii, nat
uinllv a lefotnipi, to nee the uegli 1 1
of law. HowiiPi tliriii' it'foitulsts
zeal sonietlinis leads, tltPin too fin
lleeentlj at a niei'tliiR- in that state,
Susan I J Antlmio otieiid a lesolutloii
that It was woman duty to lold In r
aims, and standing In Impassive, Mi
di aw hi r tlsslslniKe ftolu all leloim
niopuiuils oi nn nu tun', uiilohs u
1 1 1 tu In phase of the iiiiiHiltutluu was
nuieiidi'tl in woman h lawn D,i on
Know w 1ml sin, u nn in I ion would
mean' rinsed iisjiums, line ihuulns.
des, ted , hill liable Institutions o n
suits That's what out- of these ie
foi niisls wanted to do
' No om will sn tlitte Is no punn
(allon loi tlnse assaults Think of tlie
stiffulim iiidutrd b this woman It
was it, i boj i iiim il In-Tjeer. bei oiu
Pioleitor tut nod into u Hem! In itiiii
lint i-hi- nilhht hae used ChilsfM , uu
sil, sic hnd the tlulit ot iuapi, the
lUlit ol Inslstliiii on leioim I ro.u If
these ibods u on, womanliness will
i nd lir-iou- whki ,
inhii'ti: ( ui!isi.
Woiii'ii iii mill, ii linj, Ihit t In ai,
no limn to In ii lied tn on ut uitstiil
Ih in nu 11 In lln :- (iiilii), o sot ki
Strawiiiwe & Clothiers
Jackets and Skirts
35 5t;
Goods may be belectetl, youi nitMsuie t.iKon and i;
r gaiments maJs to ouk-i.
US-417 Lackawanna Avenue.
tPlioMitloti. If t thoiiRlit the Hoino
Hi fendptfi as they call their Hoclctv,
wax lo her omn a unlvpnal niKatilratlon
I think I would pmy to (lod to tako
me out of the win Id bofoip I lotttd .see
such a hIrIiI Who will diiip to Jtistlf I
the rtlmin of White ulld blink Illl'll
that hale led up to the many
Iiirs or th- piHt year. Tliev ate liull
iiitloiiii of the Ions (oiuptileil hut bur
Imiu In hitman naluie.,
"If woinan cot Into lontiol II would
bo niPioh n ippptltlou of ollloes jfoliiR
lo pri solid pooilv qualified for thelil,
and 1 hr-ititllj,' wish that If we ato to
nlwaH liaxe' mlsKovonuiiPiit It wilt
not bo liy iimtious nml nnilds but 1
piny that nieti mn do It,
"The erv ( lanos that lne fnrnPd
In the f i out of late, ate the kind whldi
will went to Rot Inlo ollk ' and whldi
will Rit tin re You meek rood. puio.
bom si w onii n will do the runic a we
weak, Indirfcii nt men luue done, and
In Mini- ni'Rli ( t let tile mote k lolls
element Ret Into ountiol I admit that
In Kansas ihcj, niu dbplavliiR oour
jirp, bill lite same i ail In Mild ol the
bloodj-nilndid Ivnchern jtlx Iiir a pull
lo the lope mound tliP lllnln's nerlt.
"Theie has alwnxs In en an Itnpips
sion tint wheicMi woniriti nitnn, nil"
B'orllbs-. Hut Mill who I It tint per
mits the oi tiles of tl'" model n div
iilttsli ball Tltetp are home Rood nun
In the woi Id, as thel" ale Mime bad
wonicii, nnd I I'piii that the women
like I he men will allow- the wots"
dement lo ri t Into (ontiol On 1 a,
'I inndp thetn (mnii and woiiiaiO. ns
muiii, ides' ('oniunlos, not i oiitostiittlH
ami i ben I lme help tonlRlit I atti ro
Iiir to ti iiid ( lose nn pes to the
tetilble "iKhts of which I hnp ipok(Mi
tonight t" ulnil out the iilpture of
woman lib In I halehel and olih mp
worn in with hot In art."
I)i lilllln biotiRbt his din (llll sc to
an end with i beautiful tilhttte lo the
Inf tjuirn Vletoiln nn Ideal worn in.
Labotei Diops 100 Teet to His Death
Was Employed at Jeimyn
Mine No. 1.
'lite do id bodv of Jos, pb ('ostanz a
lottiiR Italian liboi or nt .Iiinin mine
Xo. I Hi ndh im, was found vestetdav
riroinliiR In the p feet of water In the
p-iimp at the bottom of the Xh kel IMute
shut. '1 be unfiiiliin ite man had evi
dently attetnptid to illnib the iuif( on
jsiituitlin iienliiR, (.mil, missing Ids
footliiR win n ItiliwiiN up liud fallen to
the bottom
lie had wniktd In the mine js a
I ihiuer lor oiilx two das and was not
ii'iv familiar with Its woiUIiirs. s
death nun' be attributed In a I.urp
nieasutp lo this fact, lie boaulul at
Mttdliiwn and when he did not aiihe
In ii 1 1 1 on s..i tin tl.i nlRht some of his
lib lids beiatne alntuiid iind hiiiiiR lo
tin mine 'stpuia inoiiiiii nrR.iiiioil
a si iiililiiR pii t.
While RoliiR down the sbalt In tlio
i itiitti,!' a illiuiPi pill was notlioil
about hulfwin down rfstimr on the
top ot one of tin- buntltiRs, ns the tlm
bem on the sldis of a Hhaft ale inlled
'lite laiiliiRe was stoppid and an e
tnnliintloii oi the pall linealttl the fact
that It was- iinptj This led'the "eau li
tis tu b llee that Costaii, had stattid
tu i limb up the vhui t, nnd, Hi doing so,
iuistd bis tooting
In u ft w minutes his bulls was luuiul
In the pool of w.ittt at the foot, lie
w ih In his studilng leei nnd lipsido
lilm la. bis ln-aj lioutH. whli h 'he It t 1
piubablj taktii off in older that he
might tin mote easll asieiid tlie shatt.
The tlieoii ot the woikmpii aiotiml
the mine Is that I'li-ilaii did not know
how lo lln., tor tin i at I Inge piopcilv.
mid that bisontlng liupitl'iu nt Its pot
i liming down, stnittd to lluili up hlm
mlf This nitiHt htm been an ii(ellng
illlIUull task and Unit It was u danger
uns tine Is at tested bj the man s diath.
Then- Is nn laddei i tinning up the shaft
and It would be ncipsi.m tu ditiubei
1 Kill t'lllbii- to tluihi i until the top
wan i en lad The shatt Is abntt .00
fi l dicp and Custutu waslibottt lnir
wa up win n he fell, Il the position of
the illnmi pall Is tal, i u into auoimt.
Il Is belleiiil that he had teadied
up and put the bin ket whole found,
ami that while he was dlmbliiR up to
It he It'll. Cololiei Uolntts luilde a
i an Inl esinnln nlon of the bodv and
illstineud U" III lui t si, il a Itadiite
oi one oi the h gs .ft,t benilnj the
la ts In tin i asp he ilnldid th il an
ill(U' M w i t ol 111 I t s.. n
Cost in' wis iw nn-iuin ,.us old
in I unman i d II, hnd lion In this
i mm i Put i i ti i tul o inir
lor Suits
Descilbcd in the Pulpit of Foui of
the Piesbyteilnn Chuiches of the
City Yestei dayIn the Gicen
Bldge Ftcshytoilan Chuich Last
Night Fev. Dr. Sample Spoke on
"Mission Woik Among the Tieed
inon." Negio Fioblcm Is One of
the Setlous Questions of the Day.
Two sltonR speaklls ri om niltxlth if
the dt. ptcHontt'd In foui biial ptil
pltn .vesiteidav the new Rpiifinl assem
Id. 'm Twentieth ('pntui Minptuptit ami
Fund of Hip l'lenbvti'ilaii ili'iiotiilua
llon The speaki'M woio Itp .lolin
I! Uuudall, of I. Im oln iinivci sltv, mid
Ilex Ul Itobiit staniple iiImo of Lin
coln uulxei.sitx, nml tbev nildipssrtl
bilge loliRllgiitlotix ul the Pun ItlotK P
Vlt ul. (iit'pn ISIdgp nnd Washbuin
SlM'Pl l'tesb.xicilnn cliurclips
The piojocl of tin. Twentieth ('ellluiv
imneiueut orlRluut-'d In the rciipiiiI as
Hcinblx In Mlntioapolls In ISii nnd last
Mix at the nssi mbl'H meeting In Ht
l.ouls, the llnal iniauRi'iiientH wete
made ("poll the leponunenilatloil nf
the R'inial iissetnblx smioiIh and
1'ipsbx ti lies i be idea has been handed
down to the Im al utnl linlhlilttal
ihlliihes These ill tutu selei led mill
IstoiH and H(,idiniK of the deuoiiiln i
Hon to tiaiel tiboitt the touutt.x i s
pliilulliR the olijeit ul' the inoxenient
The mull til or Mnuh was set aside lot
the pieat lilng ol the project
Tlie s( h"llll' pi fixities ffrt lite i olli
tlon of Immense sums of inone whldi
will be nppiopil tied loi the fiiithei
aiue of chilstlanlti In Ameilia's new
posses-ilons iii Cub i. Putin Mi o ami
the Philippine XiMily all the Pint
I'stnnl ileliouiliutllons 11(11" iidupted the
pew iiuneiueiit and thelt pio"( tins me
Plitllilslastb In tin lr ptnteiiKiits tluu
a bettu lutidltlnu of hiinmult will pie
xall nt the dose of the tw Mltlelh (ttl
tuix thin that or tin I'etituix inenilx
Millie of lite dun i lies, sttdi as the
Methodists, have de-dRliati d a i er
tuitt Hiim, xx iih h thin pp'i t to nttalii
lot UiIh will illtceted wuiU tu this
Install! o the woikeis luievettlid down
tt) an umiilnte twciitv iiillllons of dot
lain belnie bdng- vatlslled with thell
Inbots. Tlf Pk nb lei lint genet al as
sembly his not as et natiiid anx
amoiinl to be talsod
T)i lulled NplanatlotiH of the woik
tn be ucronipllslipil wen- iniile lij th"
spmkiis ,estt'ulii At the fluett
Itldgo I'reslnlei in ihuidi list oen
IllR, Ilex 1! T Sample l U. loielll-lx-
modi i itoi ol th' gi net il ussembh
mid one of tb mlglnttois ul tin
mniPineiil proadntl on ' Allssloti Wot k
Among iite 1'u ulniau "
l'.( X Ul. I, .1 Lllislng uHtol ot the
( Inn li. Intuidiitiil Ut Snniple In I'e
llt ltriu ti'tuiH The motitli ul Maiih
the sin ikei ( villained, bad bi "ti h t
aside lut lppcils o sjnipatln nnd
luniul Htipiiott 111 111 iklllR ap the Hinds
"I belli i that the gioatist ptobbin
or the 1 md nnd the apt Is what to
do with the MKio.iKiii uf niloi nl people
hi the south Theie tue main I'liiH
II ins among the uprio"- ami the spltll
should b" stimuiniMi f'tlmlnals n
il,( U'.iilng. .iMoidlllR tn lellnble sta
tistics with the ImitiiM or popul i
tloti anioilg lilt iiiluiid l.Ke 111 this
MIIIIIU V. s!,, (In. ,itpstIon uf bow tu
inexent the tuoial ileim nt this tnulti
tllde Is open tn tlie whiles iitl uuli ss
the xxhlti pi "iile nils- it will be piln
'ul tu witdi the downwind ( u.-i
ul Ih" lilac kx '
i ileal n fimllii nee is glxin to In
iltislilal I'duiutluii. l)t Itiindnll tat(ti
nml hi thinks th I. mil uppioMs nt
II. The ( (implement of oiliu alien Is
the (iospol of the l.oul lesuv ("Inlsi
i Tin: t oi.oxi'.A 1'iox M'ini.Mi:
M'M'tiil plans lot the Milk incut m
the iiiestlon of what lo do with lln
ingto liaxe nu ion liitlli The s( hum
ol ( olonl'atlon in l.lbitiu was tiotPd
us an liisl.titie. win n lux Itatlnns i nue
tu tulle itli lesIileiKe uituss the si, i
li, tun wiiu. It'll that was the i ti in
of lln i pei linenl.
'Todi.x. it xxiiM ilPdiml. 'the nil
(ilid people will n,,t etileiliilu thought)
ot lOlonl.'Utloti, lot ihev llkt the i otiu
tr.x lo whldi ihev wete routd tu ionic,
lhiv Imi the plantations nnd I'oin
IioMh whldi theli heiw winked
and inopovi to stnx h md die nml
be bulled .'longsltl' ol thelt illa
tions '
'lit" blinding m Up. wblt. s nnd
ItlackH Is mi linposslb!- nu n, ,
v,ii(iioii Is the i ins pi l o Jems Cliilst
' Il Was Chilstl.inlt.i tint bus wtought
stiih wundois in ihe v.ntitli Sea and
lib" v',,,iu(h islands im tin- pi'opl
j wlio who ouie heathens uie now ul-
in ml altbotigb mil iiille, on i. , m 1
1 with us
In ! t and mote Im al Illiistialluii
ul lln possibilities ol I'llllHllllllltX is
I loiinel 111 lillluillH 1'he 1'olutn o Xt
nik Win n Hi .vnuiple was it bu
I b suit! i that II w ts iltuiRoiuits ,,i a
j man tu go on the Mipets nlnne to In
I iln ie N no p, rll. nnd thou Is no m,i i
l p.aieiui pin tlon ol tin rhmI null ipu
ll Hum l'he I'olntH
riie loloiPd lnan is oiir bmih, i
itnl mine and It Is tun obvious dut
tu lit tit I the loluioil laid," the Hpi-ak I
del kilt tl with some emol'oii
I Ul Sample stunts the pituilent Id i
I that the pegiu Is not a lutolloi ittul as
hN nlilu hiothei 'Tins nic iiigei tot
f dlliullni.. ' lie s.ild "umi ke Kiml-
itgi ot the si hools In th south. I inn
sa liiun epetinee that thej me us
stiKllmis ami iih clllUiiit an tin- whites
j 1)1 ( outst . lilt ie ate sonic i iileles( slll-
Ideits but In piupuitlnn totlidi white
I InotheiH Ihele Itlc 111) mole I luue
. hi'iid idillesses ilelhi'ictl m i0il
im nc nu III I'.VldHCs ut Llni nln urn.
, xrisltv thai would luue ilniic iiciitt to
I Pilllietoll oi mix other (ollege"
Tin: whisk op pituvincxi'i:
I Ui Sitmpli' dlvi ttssed ii siimo nini
tin pun. Id ntliil side o' the iiubjci t
' hx did (iiui penult tin Utitdi ttiid
oiln i PiotcMiint nationnlltli's to in
g.IRi- III the skiu. business Jv biJiiB
biinight in Aiuerli.i tiny haie ie elii.j
biiiPiltn whjdi ulli'iwlsp thex winilil
novel have known. 'Ihev wciu spnt
h ie bv Pi ox liieiii i so that the , mi.
psoti urn multitude might fop imnli
posslbb Jimp than that, the p'ople
who Iihxp kone lu Altliu liaxe
aitieil ihi gospel with tin tu uill an
mission jiIps hae doiie iiutdi good nml
betlP) Hum othciH iiiulil do"
Tin i uloi ml man tlit'doiim bellixm,
and not the white, will pieail diilxtl
anlt among lite bl icks and bv giving
suppcntH lo Mich liiMluit'ons us l.ln
rolu iinlxoiHlty the. iua be preputial
to take up tlllH woik.
The dm tin i onduded bin mldio-is by
telllnsr to what uood un? a low liuu
I A niNb bhhbCl
Is obl.iined where candles with bc.uuidil tinted sliadcs are 5
lield by one of our Patent Candle Holders. It's an orn.i-
ment ot itself, brsides it is well made, ol nickel and ccllti- Jh
loidi h.iving a vciy strong spring that will not break. Me- 5.
inn simple tn constitution there is nothing to get out ot or-- 3r
dci. A short time ago you would pay S2.00 for SF
them. 'I he price is but OUC
41 fipn V Millar & C.n I3i Wjomlnic Aicnne 5
vjto. . mmai ao. w.ikian.ii...okAtm,n 3;
0j'X000 0 00n00M00 00000X0M000000rfk01k
O We fiarrv tlio Onlv
m ... j .... ,,
Uron and Steely
in this section, of the state. Don't
make auy mistake when in the mar
ket for same.
Bittenbender & Co.,l
126 and 128 Franklin Avenue.
Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming Ave.
We arc the largest buyers of Honest Shoe1?, aud
wc pay for them promptly, saving all discounts,
which is a great benefit to yon who bny ot ns.
Local notoriety is not the chief reliance of onr
business success, but Self Reliance, Honest Busi
ness Methods aud National Popularity are some of
the vital ieatures of our well-earned and acknowl
edged prosperity.
We ate not defenceless because we are the de
fenders of Honest Shoes aud Honest advertising.
We appeal not to your sympathies nor your
prejudices nor any questionable influences for your
patronage. If our shoes are not just what we ad
vertise them aud the values not as we represent,
your money cheerftillv refunded. Relying only on
this Honest Business Rock for our existence.
Why We Grow Ps'ices
Wc Place on Sale This Morning:
son pails. Youth's .md
Boxs Shoes, all sues.... ."illc
200 pairs of Men s lirw
House Slipper, all sizes. '.'Si'
;oo pairs ot Men sKub
beis, tues a litte. u.urow. '1'w
We have 1 special attrac
tion 111 :
; o pairs misses and
girls' $t.2S Shoes, wludi
we sell foi SOo
I hesc shoes .ue well built
toes square, common sense
- good quality Ncvcrabet
tei in shoe le.ithei.
;oo pans ot ladies com
foit shoes not .1 pair
uotth less than 7-. tents.
I ake them at '2Sc
Nos. 1 14 & 1 16 Wyoming Ave
Telephone 2482. Res Delivjry to an Pari of tha Cily
llll ll dull nn u-li mil I ' nix si I in
I. Ill "IM lilll 1 H
II I M I il 1I1
1 -1 I Ins Ui tll I" "
II 1.(1,
il ml
I , 1, p. 1 ,11 I. i.i nn 1 ul
in 1 Imi vi. md." 11 1I1 Villi Mjiii Vuiiii
llnp!lt 1 li"i ill
Viiliiknii (li. u lilli liU l H in 'in
ilulilikl' 111U.I.111 Millie ul III (liiiili it! ui
C 1 il sli(,l ,iil. (li ill ItlilS'
It. 11 ll ha llln "i Ucli'i. limn Vnuai," uu
lln luiii nf iiiiliit ItiiKHi li. Male mi
luili it lli" I lid I'li.leidljn 1 tunli ltitt nig'il
Hit lliuili"! itiu-. Hii'WIir el In "f ,l"
I'll U1I1 lil It ilMlut, t(.l, Ind nml kid i"i'i
1, 1 1 11 inlii . ui ll I li-l On nun Uitliwiloi
,s(tll lllllllll tlutllul.
Kit. Ill I. I. I-'Iii.ii!, piiflillliH il'l ' "' lr
llll jluitilni ill-lclil, ujlAinl In Hi i'ilili "i
tin vni.,.in I'limU ifitrnkii. Hi 1 ulil '
4 titllllil lu.ui ul lliul 1I1UI1I1
lln lui'iitl lli jiiiibci,jn uf t 1 iinf.iiliuii 'ii
1, Ihi' linm lictoiuif.l t pliiicuul ilmrili a.
i'cIiijIpiI ifiloiibi 111 I, lMl llflll'S
i fiiiiiiti l'jtni, ji' tvtu iimtiir uMiiM
I! v li V X llilwi. ii! hn Xi'ik ' a
imki on imilicii liil!ui 1 1I11 puer uteri
inif ul tlie Wj.liliinu vliiil I'ti'soirrUti iltuiili
VI lie iiioitilnir miiIiii Hit lulm 11 llmiilall.
Cl I lllllllll llllllll.ltl ,illl.l Oil tllll tllrtllllliill
llll. Pi. liiilll lulil it! Ike uuu'lotl, tiotini'.
Iiktrii .iiitl .ii,'.'0tloli cif tin turntlrlli irii
inn niiiiiliieiil ll tlif I'niiltlilin l'.illrilit
llllllll M'.lllllll lie. .1 l llll II II11111I4II. 11
l.luulil iiiiltiiiil', .pitP ill ' Imnllilli 1 on
Inn Wnil."
Hot ( w Mil. 1, 1, ), 1 ii. I kin uf tin
llomnlfiffi Stnnk of
r ..
200 pans of Men's
Burt Shoes, plain globe
toe. mostly narrow
widths, .sjoo nnd $3.00
kinds, why we mow
pi ice
We have ;oo cases of
ladies' rubbers the .to
and -.oc kind take 'cm at CSc
200 paiis of ladies' standard
makes, button and lace shoes,
extension soles, the $3, $4
$s kinds; "why we grow'
pi ice, o)2. SO per pan.
200 pans of ladies'
heel and spiing heel
shoes button and lace,
ii,-,o kind, "why we
glow' pike .$1,10
11 .
XI 11 . II
11 1 1 1
1 1 1
(I'll lirt'
1. 1 1 I 1 11
I I (Ik 1 II ll I I I (lilll, II t'll
I lln II J li V 1 I I II - I'. II I, ., II 1 111 III
xbiii mim c (i Hi 1 111 ' j ud 7 in e
III ill Vll I, until d I'lllUllclptlllt, I'.l , III,.
lu. twin I (ililinu tin i litis for U'i Umi
link., villi lu lliric ll 111 fMMiieil If l
lli) Pf gllltK gllvlK-l 1 1 ink..
fid IX II V. Hi 1I1-, tlie ilriililnut ryinc
11,1. Is 111 lliti'i nti sal ,1,11 .ji,uf iniflltiK
.iviinliiv di I.-' 11.. Ilk lln I'rf iln fri 1 '"
I11111I, 11 ilits 11 i in, n 1k1111.11 Mr 1 1ml
11 Im rt It. I iv Im it. 1 in, Scunl'li. T 10 p in,
Pit ildntit' llrthulkt ilniiili i lU l'ic in
1 1i.u1 ilntr li In I'lttln- 1 im lar;i lunjiiirn n
iiul(l lit, annum. r picKlus VI tint l'i,u
ill llll' XlflllWllat lllllllll in. nn hu, 11111111I 41 1
t liu mill I Kit lie n ilisl VI ill llux' tliretli .1
Mi Ullll an. iln hi,Ii' u;ulii.i tit
uluun nidi I eel. nlitlii. 1 1 I tli him In Iii vim I
Hr .ilm Inuk ul 111.1 llti' liimtliiil luititt en 1
IimjI ciiliuii lau, Mlikli tin Vnll vjlcion l.a 1
I.JI Id, in lli liKl.lalui' uf 1'i'lllii.lltJliU III
,i-aki tonlcl I In llio Xlii'nillM ilniuli, lu
vt'lc, iilt'lri tlie duiii k of ilu IjujI Umpfui 1
1 it ill Mi tl X In II, pt ml ii'tiul tnrfllr.c.
Iliptiai iliunlt. I'n I villc si,r.,. Muni, it
li.n u 111, lliitti.l ilniuli Icrinttii linvl
Miiuli I.' 7 10 p 11 , it'll 1 Inn Hi ,11 H,-,ii3iu
sniiilii, Xlmili 1;, 111 ji u in. Den llrrmvi 1
Miilill-I ik ink. UillMllinr, 7 SO p, v,
llltll llltlfill, (iiwii lllilu". ("uiuli-, XI II 1
.'I, 11 p in, lWl.1i llJtitl.t ihurcli, I'ir.oiK.
I.a IUI11 ICny WPSt r-lRnrs, 60 fn
U .'5 thPs week, I'oiiifeirH,