The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 04, 1901, Image 1

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    A J
'K. rf
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7rfJ ff g 0Qi 1 Hi" SMu 4 'twffifv ' "?K'7tr7rMWWSfxr - "?
The Galleries o) Both. Senate and Are Packed with In
Mioiiratlon Visitors
Wnini Debate in Doth Blanches of
the Leglslntiuc Inteistnte Com
nicico Dill Causes Bitter Talk in
the Senate Mr. Hepbuin Is
Aiotiscd to Eloquence by the River
niul Hnibor Dill.
1 i ' p W ii fmn llif oorhtul I'd".
i -'-lemon. March ."!. Despite tlio
111 ll .11 Wt lllll'T illlll llUUsitu! Ilttlllt-
n I'.u Hi ul. uly at UiN tliiu'. ill tli1
i '! i.ipltul, tlm tjulloile.' of 111"
n. t' "ii' tlliiuiKi with tinin?ei
In w In ii thi' sennit lcsiuned lis
,,Tl ul VCstcJllilV. Till' H'llllt" I nu
ll 1 .ii : p. in. and ikk'imIi'i1 illii'i tlv
tin business ol' tin llllatlllK the ''ll
iin. ul nl llii' I'TiialnliiH uppiopila-
i hills A ionlVi'oiH'1 was ii(;i'' d
n ilu' Kt'iicral Ji'tli-li'ili-y Mil. Mi
. in
1 iiiu
nn tin pan n' iln
Mali' Mi- lllsmi iiml Mr.
Vli .MIImiII pM'Miitnl a p.ullnl ic-
, il on the miudiy civil hill. The lilll
v i" nl back to i oufoioni e with Mr.
'liini. Mi Hull- and .Mr. Cocktail us
" ii. ii" niiii'tt'i s.
i'"nlil latlmi ul 111" 1)111 ii-lntlm; I"
. I' 1 iippll.iin mi i.illr-Mil li.ihn
nl ii. nil lay rull, i iiuiuiiKeis under
nli in in I." monthly icpnits tu th"
"(1st. ii iiipuni'ir" t oiniiils-lon of all
Infills that nuiv im'i'iii to ji,isi'ii--t"
.rnl cinploM nivl tli" nttcndlm;
" lllllMiUU "S, w'.is 1 ("-llliP'il.
-"iiii' aiiii't'ilnii'iitt hail lii'i'ii olfeied.
Mi l' ttlgii'tt, who hid p.u ticul.nlv
".."1( ll(. IllOlt-lll'. (Iccllllfl
'i.u ilii iiilnptlon ir Hi" iiiiier.iliuenl.s
(mill Mil the hill anil In b'llcvod that Hi" iniipn-ii n iluh .i.itlmi'.
l Willi nit tli" measure was
i'iIIi ul un anil miiiii'i-'.-i.irj. 'I'lic in
i nth, hi thn bin. h, n.v,.(ori, i inn .
fttilll till lllll'l M,t l illllllli'K'l I'DUIiul"-
M"in v Iiii h .Ii flii. i tu iiKKialiill7.n It
'll ai.l obtain mmii" nihil linn tlons
. I" i fui in.
I'linllnt; fui tln-i !!- nf-hiii. Si-untnn
l-"ii M Mill in mi 1 lieiiv vv -ii-
in 'il as nn Hi" ilver ami
l ai l.ui hill. Tli" Unal i nnfpii ui'i' r'
1 'ii npiui (ho i',eueiiil itellcloucy hill
'S lll'lied In wltllnlll l-Ollllilclll.
Mr llu.ii scuticd tin. ittlopiluu of a
nliltlnu (llii'ithiK the " rottiiy of
at tu -Mill to tlu senate all lllfniimi
ti'iii Hi his :niki't.Miiii ui in llu' an
il ntli'u up th" aliened Dil"r I'm th"
m.i-.iit.. uT Im Imit'l.'t In .Manlli "II
tl Hi- lit nf 1VI. I., 1:i;i, anil tn stito
I'll'n Hi" iilslnnl or Hi,. uiit-Ki'il nl'.
i v.i In possession of tnt win ile
I-' 'in. nt ami wlii'ie It iiii s
Regnullng- Toipedo Doats.
M II il- suhiiilitnl a partial lepoit
i ' 'li liiiMtl apptDpilatluii hill, 'i'lii
' ll'.ll Hl'1114 III' tlillVl.'lll't- UllU "X-
' alii Mr. Hal". mih lint icla
' Hi' plIlill.lM' nl' lliri'i- nilillilnmil
III I l.lC(lll llD'Us Till' M'lllll..
11 i' l"lt that liny i-uiilil imt iv
' iipmi that .iiiiiMiihni'iil wlthniit
" -i.liiiiltilnu tin- iiutliui in tin-
' '" II" "Milulncil Hint Hi" tu,i-
" III '"! 111" IMIUl'cl'I'OM 111' til" tMl
ii null v hail lat'omi. mi a uti that
' v 'I lh lUllls" IMIlllVlVI M hail I i-fllj-'-il
iil.-ului -l to Join In ii nx iiKifi'ini'itt.
AMI' n ii pulnli-tl out to tluin (hit
th'ii in Hun niU'lit i""iilt In th,. falliu.'
"' in- lull niul i uirt'iiirii( iii.tU" ni'i
-"'U .ill "Villi "i-l.ou. tiliv i...
' H'iI that tin- H'liat" iniii'iMi'tv wuiilil
hi to ml;., th" it.hioiihit I'm lit"
ii inn nl' tin iii".iui". Tin. m.ia
' H ll hill Wllh MISpOlHli-il. hi. unl, , ,,,.
.'ntly wlii'ie It uiiiM not he iimcIii-iI.
I'll- h" .tilili il, pioiliiri'ii a i ouilitimi
ii inn. ivin i that was without paral-
I 111 lllS I Sll'l loin i .
Mi I'latt it'outii'itti'ttli tliutulit It
. imt mi liiiportuiil that Hint' nunc
ll-l I. Ill, I IiiIIiimIo Im.ltS lie I'lillluii t"ll
i"t is i'i.h Hi" hill as n whol" kIuuiIiI
It" mi ll,. us lui'lliii'il to I'nvor
t"itKlou hv tin- M'lintc upon that Iti'in
" ilu illmilty ami liniior of tli"
' .it. ill u Involvt'il.
Mi II il". alt. r cmnt iIIsiiimmIihi. Mai.l
I lilt lilll" III till' M'SSillll U1H tflOM-
t i.lnit In would offi'r a ro-nluilijii
i.- liaiKllIK lilt- pll-t'lll hi'll.tlt inn-
li-is and li'iiuohllii;; Hun Hi linuxi.
i ml a tiiiiht'i' "iinroi "in t mi th" naval
't ' It was ndopti'tl, Th" suft ap-
jlntiiii hill Hltfll i llhuill rut tilt-1
.IIP' UhHilll'
t ". hi p. in. a (initial lopori of thi
.n r id on Hit' ilvt'i and h.irhor hill pii'M-utuil h Mr. Nt'lf-aii and It
wttB .ii;i i "t in.
iu'ih"i I'onfuviii'" wn onlfii'd.
i t.l p. ni, Mi. Woliott liiad" n
ippmi up in thn pi.sinlllt p uppioptla
ttiin lull, s.iylns thi1!" wi'. no lurthi'r
'iis.iEi "iiii'iit, iiipt iipuii thn tun
ini'Minni' uts ut thn ito'.inli' i oiui'ilillifc
'h 'stiiulon oi Ha filial fi"t dfllv
t svm.-iii to miiiUI towns, ami illii'i
ins ih" iMitttninsti i Ktint'i'iil to U'poit
Ul't li 'In f" ixi'hlllt.v oi thn tin1 of tlt
ti ii Hi i('ti and tt lophoii" whti. as pal t
nt tin' postal )ystt'i)i. Th" ii-prnt wn
lpi"od to. and it luitliiT i nnfi'ii'lli"
.' niileiid mi th" It' iiih hi ill pill".
Mi" iii.tdc a -."101111 lepori of
th" oiiier'.'iii'" iipoii the naval appro
pi lot Inn hill, H.i.xliii; Ilia! a I'uiiiplett
ii' lciiicni hatl lii'i'ii auUiil at on all
jiulniH of dlli(i"ii('" on lliai hill, "N
t pt upon Hid H'" .iiiit'iidint'iit 11.11
thi i:iif, ilia toiiHtiU'tlmi of thi""
inldiiluiuil 101 piiln hoatx
.Mi Wnlroit nuiveti tint lh" M'lialo
r t'f iium Iih illwiiKii'fiiieiil upon tliut
1 tin1
Mi Si -. ait .mil Mr. Tillman all;
taconl il tin motion. Mr. Tillman
Kt'n thi'io should ha fifty of snt'li
lin.i I tt
Hi Ihe I'tiiitK tnoie "ffi'etlvo
tlutn haitl shlpf. Tin ohjiiilonment of
Hi" uliii laliiiciit waH wdvnt'Btt'd by
Mi'ftsii?. 1 lutt and Unwlcy, of t'ounei'-
Hi'iif Ilniina, Ohio, ami I'crUli'it, Call,
foinla. Thf ci'iuit" 1'i't'i'iloil fiom Ilu
anionillili'lU pioxidlmj loi thi"" Mol
land ho.ils. P.'J to is. ',
I nth r Hie uiiatiliuoits "opi'iii nr
i imji'iiii'iH n nuinh"i' of lion" bills noi
of Kfiii'i il Inleii'st "ii' piys.'il, In
addition, llfly-fniir pilvale pi'iiploii
I'INI wt'in pMeil.
At S.l" p. in. a n'ifM was tulieii
until in .in p 111.
W'h'ii I ho Heiiato t Ci-ouv t'lintl at P' R0
p. in. the koi'Ii" lit th" ihiiinber, pnr
llitilaily In tin- kuIIi'iIch. HUBKi'sti'd a
notahlo Horlnl ftllit'tlon. The Kiilleilct
en Mirkfil to ;t,. iiiioi, mid linn
dit'ils of p"t.nns wire nhliK"d to k'.i",
tlliahle (o gnln iithnlx-lriii.
Mr..MuiKiu (Ala.) atlilifcccil tin- m n
aic upon his f"KiIntliiii iMithmlzlim- th"
pietIdrnt to iniit'tudo ainiliRt'lili'lils
with the uopriiini'iits of NliMi'.muii
and ("oftu lilt a for th" i oiistiui'tlon of
Hi" iMthiiilan taiial. IIIk nildicss, whl"h
h" had tcdiieetl lo uiltliiR. In oiih'r. as
h" caltl. In- inlKhl not ropsiiiii" any
nioi" of Hi" altlabli llmo nl Hi" "ii
ai" t linn iti-sii', was an appeal to tln
h'i'Uiitt' toi ik Hon upon the Mi .11 ami i
rlilllll (HieKtloli at tile pueni costloli.
II" nnliiWil out that Hi" llav-l'.uini'e-fnto
lltaty would fplie h lhultlltiou
ui Man h I, It was pvldeut. ihi'iefm",
thai th,- luaty imisl rail. II" lltui'il.
In -v of thai fU"t, thai t'tiliu'it's.s
shuulil taU" liuint'dltil" 111 linn Up m the
taiial hill, i-howlnp thi'K'hy Hint It w.ih
1101 i li.i'iicil to Cunt Itiltai'i.
Th" p.ivsaite of 111" taiial "III. h" de
1 hit nl, would In' a lit ni'tlt 11 on this
hlstnil" Sabbath t'-iy and would I"iid
an atlilt'd Klorv tn the urea''' t'loinnliy
that was lo ocelli' toillortow.
At the coni'Iusloii of his .spi'Cfh, Mi.
MnrKaii askul tinanlinous consent that
til" .senate adopt his 1 ."-oltlt loll Willi ll
would pi 'seivo tin- protocol of tri'iillcs
between the 1'nltcil Stales and
fiKtia and Oisin Cle.i Mr. Aldrlch ob
jected. Mi. .MriMiii it'piiitcil a furtht'r tlha
Kreemt'iit upon the iImt and haibor
bills. The lt-MUN still 111 conti'iitlon
arc the payiii"iil of SlOil.fiOil to the H1.1
y.ns 1inpio"iu"iit company of Tevas.
niul appinpi Ititloiii foi the two lesci
nlr In WmiiiiIiik and mi" icseivolr 111
.sotltli Ii.iKota
Mi. Ma "in ahl that lit" did imt he
1I"V. an iiKit'emeiit cniild be reached
upon the Items In continvcrsy. and both
In- and Mi. Ileiiy. niiothei of th" con
f"i""s, iiiKctl th" senate to tllst uss the
plopnt-lllolis involved and ll'cld" t li "11 1
b an a,e .mil lia.N ole. Mr. .Moigan
nan nl that Hi" si'iiat" ictcd" fiom Hi"
coiitt'sled ameiidmi'iits.
In toiiiM' of the tlhi iis.slon this 111,1
t liii pr-ilpltiiti'd. Mr. farlcr (Mont.)
mad" a Ij;oiouk attin k upon rlwrmnl
iimhor bills In I', and Hie pi'inl
hii uifiiHiirc In p.ntli tilar. II" tl"
ilaietl that HK'H" bills weie le Ions ami
"fiiHrcl.N I' to th prlui'lples of
sound It uislatloii '
Dill IllK the illsi Ujtslon tin- complete
ajtieement on the poslolllic approprla
llotl bill was aRlPt'il lo. The bill now
Hoes to the pi 'Mldent.
At 1 4" a. ill. .Ml. Allison plt'si'iiled
auotliei paitlal af'ieemi'iit on th" stiu-
li, illl appioprhulon bill and .slated
what Items weie mill In dispute. 1'pou
his nintlii:i a further mntei -m-p was
Otdl'l'Hll. '
.Ml. Cartel 1 oiltlllili-d his pi fell upon
Hie il"r and haih'ii hills, s"-"ioy
el ItlclsliiK ma 111 lit ins in tin- nit-axiuc
He Decomes. Eloquent Upon the River
and Hnibm Dill.
Il,i l.ln.i"' Win' fi. in ll.c -cm 1 ,t, IV n.
Washiimtnli. .Mmch ".The hoii'i it
siininl Its s"suloit ai J n't Im k this af
11 rnnnii. with III" Killli'lli s p.ulcd to
tin it, mips wllh liiaiiKiiintioi) lsiiois,
A iiiajntlt ol theiii wcu soldi, is In
Alihntiiil' s. ,.,l haul lights oer
iu-iiis In the v in Ions nppioprliUlon hills
loomed upon the linrimi, the l-adeis
wen- inctlileiit Unit all the disputt s
would In st-tlli d b'fin.- mum tolHiirow,
ulltii cmiKii'i-s iihes by llmllatliill.
Th" house was still In th" h'slslatlxo
tluy of l-'iltla) ami tin- mi'inbers lauiu
pit'p.ucl for a sl"Ki thioiiKh the nlaht
ll tli" toinpllcitloiiH mail" mi nil niKhl
sts.siiin ii"ttsMir.. Mr. Ciosvenor
ttihlo). ii'oui 1 he lonuiiltte" on lulcs.
piest'litt'tl a special oiiler pioidlmr
Hint ut Iff leu lillimtes debate It rhould
in- in oiiler to move iion-i 111 rence in
tli s, nil If aiiii'inliiieiils in tlie 1 hu
mid harbor bill mid In asite to llm
1 onf"rPUi eiirfkcil b the M-nale. Twenty
mliiUti'S on 11 sld" wei'" allowed 011 ihe
ml". Nn Democrat d".sin-il m spiak.
and Mr. Illi'hai'tlsou (T"iinc-ss, v,.i,i.
I'd ills time to Ml; llepblliii (Iowa),
it Im aiousi'd the hint"., whh a pussinn-
I ate spet'fh deliniillcliiK Hie iiicasuie.
lie taunted the Di-nioi-iais p,i ma itl,.
povlii,; It. ni.vliiK that ill" Ji; 1,0110,11110
1 11 1 1 led b ill" bill Hi 1 illlllti'il for tl),.
Ink of oppo-dlioii. ll 1 In Demounts
had stood ueallist Hits bill h" said,
1 iiniiuh metuhirs 011 liU sld" of tin.
lnniiif wuiilil limit juliutl with Hi. .in to
tie ri at It
"Uues the i;"imeiiiaii think this legls.
latlon Is virions'." asked .Mr. Whipir
iKeiitiii'k) ).
'I lime no woul lo piopeily iImiiio.
leil.e ll," answeled .Ml. Ilcphuin.
"W'ln-n Uieie is pnik In the Imnvl llm
voice of Uh opposition Is stltletl. It Is pi'iiiliiK ubuiit vlilue, 1 now'
appeal lo tt,
"Docs the KMltlt'lUtlll think Hiei" Is
a iiIkki'I' In the ioodpli'.'" asKt'd .Mr.
I-'ltpati Ick ( Kentucky).'
"I do not know." replied Mr, llcp.
but n, win Ins him aside. Tin'1 Renilc
1111111 Knows moil' about 'uIkkci's' mil
'woodpiles' than 1 do,"
Millions Filtteted Awny.
Mr. Ilt'philiu loutlliuud hlsi'Moila
tlon. sayliiK h" hoped he would he able
to attriift the alteiillou of the 1 onntry
to tin measure. While u few of tin.
iipliiopilatlous In th" bill mlttlit hu
inerlltn lulls, lie saiil, minimis weie
filltei-'d uwn.v ,
Mr. Hepburn ic minted wwiol In
Hlnucei'. iiotalily inutile 1 ie 01 Hie
l'"oice hill, wheie liupoitunt k'Klxlalloii
hud been iihiimlonfil In order Hint
coiiKiPis mli4ht In able to get al lint
ih'i'i and hat bur bill.
Whuii a bill was sueli n factor It be
("line a leal dainior and menaie lo
the totinii). lie deelaied Hint not
over twenty of the 40il Items In the bill
could pass If they stood nhni", r.ii'l
.-lid he hoped Hie constituent!) of mem-
beis would not liutlte thai foi the CO.
0i) or y,n.ot) th"y si'cmttl. millions of
Ihe people's monev weie aril(li"tl. In
conclusion, Mr. Hepburn lah'td a laufih
it his own expeiisn by stalling ihnt
P"ilmps his own vlituc In iukiiiiI to
this bin was proterlcd by tin- melemo
li!lcal toiiillt Iiiuh in ills distill I
Mr. Cm mack, of J'piiiik,IvuiiIii, tail
ed iitleiitlon to the fact Hint Mr. Ilcp
huin had been foiccd lo appeal to
the Deinocri'lli side to piotecl the
tif.isuiy. l-'or hliiielf. It" paid he
tlimiuht the kovci mucin mul'l ,i'.pentl
money on the lhiif haibois of
the countiy with mole piollt tn the
pfiipl" ili-iii In spending It T.iiDH mll-s
beyond the seas In imIiJiiriiIIiik u l),,,
pl" who wanlt'il to be Itet. ( D"ino
1 l title llppl.lU't ).
Mr. IJeeves, of Illinois, a number of
lh" 1 lv i' ami haibor 1 oinmlttee. ie
tented .Mr. llepbtnri's ihaiRc Ibat tb
Individual Items In the bill could tint
Maud alone upon Ihelr meilts. lie
S'lld the bill as It pisstil the bouse
t mil. ilm d 'Vi Hems. The senate, alter
lnt stlsiit Itiii. had t elected hut fmn ol'
The spprial older was ndonlt d.
Air. I'.in ion. of Ohio, chairman nf the
ihei and Ivirbor loiiiniltlt"', then m
tired Hie inolloii to niui-poneiir In th"
siiiaii' iiiiicndinouts and aflcr a biief
stati-nieilt, the motion w is lulopftl
and the bill was sent lo H.e cenfei
ence Messis, llurtoii. lie ii', of Illinois,
mil CntchluKP. Mississippi, wen np
pnlllleil eoiifciecs,
Mr. D.'ilccll. I'euilsh,iul.i, limn the
1 nininltlce nil nibs pi.-selll'd 11 r"sr)
llitlou foi the appointment of a. piclal
loniiultic" of s""ii liiFmbiis of th
1 oiumlltei' on Insular'nlrs not tnoie
l liu 1 1 four of whom shall be or one pn.
IIHcjI pait.v. to visit Cuba. I'm to I tun
ind the I'lnllpphii s. and U'poit upon
tin- tondllloiis iheie.
.Mr. I!h liniilson. Hit miuoilly leader,
"lidoiseil the resolution, lie UioiikIiI if
tonsil's was lo l"Klsatr IntelllcutK
ii shoiil'l li.t" the iiiloiinallou which
this 1 omiulltee could K"l
Hints of n Junket.
' llMslulli ll as we ate about tn itive
up Cuba ami have a committee In the
Philippines, Is this anything mot" than
a piopiisltliin lor a Junket'.'" asked Mi.
Steele (Indiana I.
"ll Is not .1 Junket." it-plied Mr.
Illclinidson. "This iuvestmatlnii should
b" made "
Mr. Williams (Mis-mml), a uiembei
of the Insular 1 onunltlee, said he be
lli ed this would be sluiplv a tunmes
slnnal lllliket.
Ml. I'owiis iVciiiinnl) ilcclaied that
this lesiilutlou was the boldest mid
most Inexcusable JiuiketliiK tilp he
eier saw pii'sente.l.
.Mr. Cooper (Wist opsin), 1 haliiiian of
the 1 ouimltlee V11 Ins11l.11 uffalis, sild
If coimicss wasto UkIsIiiIc It should
halt' In lot 111:1 1 foil at (list hand. If he
was appointed 011 the coninilttc . Mr.
Cooper said, he I'm one would nfteiupt
to fit t at all the tin tt- In I'm to lib .,
Cuba mid the Philippines. ,iv. rnder
w niul (Alabama) and .Mr. .1. I: Will
lams (Illinois) stippmieil the ii-snlu-tlmi.
Debate upon the 1. mlutlmi was In
ten iipled by .Mr. Cannon, who pn
senti'd a partial lepoit upon the sundry
1 Ivll appioprlatlon bill.
The items usiectl in fmnpiN,. nil H)
minor issues. leavliiKT slill In dispute
the Items foi Ihe pun hase of ilu- old
t' art pallet j In Hils city, 'MJ,.
iiou; the appiopilatloii lor the memorial
hilds'j aei'usn Hu- I'oiomnc sit AV.isli
lliKlmi: tip- piiNineius in MeKo of
SIll'.OiM); the appiiipiliiiinn: ii-.r the
lluftnlo. Clmi leston and St. I.ouls ..
posliious, and amendment tnuchlm; Hie
IrilKiitlon of aild lands. The mpnit
was atlopteil.
Sep.ll-.lte votes m-lf dellliillileil upnn
Mil Ions ameiiilments, Th house it-.
fused to toiii'ur In the li filiation
iinientlments. The iiineiiilineni for a
$",U'Ki,iiii0 meiuoilal bittlKP was defeated,
ii"! to I IT. Mr. Alexaniler (New Vork)
mo tl to in file mid lonitir In tin sen
ale aiiit'iuliueiit cnrrln .S"i.ii"n."iio lor
the St. I.ouls pvposltlou, i'lOO.Onn foi tin
Itulfulii c (position and ,'.,.",ii,0nn (y the
chin Ifstou i'postlnn. The minimi pro.
volled 11 lively debate. Mr. I'.i.Mie. the
ni.ijoilty iloor lead' r. wns p.irlleul.ulj
linrmis In opposition, dcolmimj; that
he would l.ith"! this Kl'eal appinpit.i
Hon bill fall mid 1111 evtra session piv
tipltated Uiiin be "held up" by thee
tliut' appiopt latlmis. lie denounced
tile plea Hint the Chui lesion appiopil
111I011 would 1 emeiit the Kod fetllns
li-lwei-n 1101th and soitth, sajliiK that
If lov.ilt.v had to he pin 1 based at su h
a. pi Ice il was not worth haxlns;.
RcspoiiBe fiom South Ciiiollun.
Mi. I.niliuer. of Smith Cninlin.i.
mad" a laoioiw nspou.i", coiitfiiduiK
Hint i'luiil"ston mini" 110 pleas for
spt-iial favor, bill only foi Ha -.mi"
treatment Hull was accoitled to St
I.ouls and llulfnlo Mi. ('amioii closed
the tlehate, "eeiely el ItlcIs'lllK the
s'Miatf ovp isltloii ainendliiellts until he
was culled to older by one of the
South I'ainlliia numbeis and cautlon-t-d
b) ihe speaker nKiilust conuiii'iitliif;
011 the 111 llou of the other biiiueh of
( olit;icss.
Ac .Mr. Cannon pruceuk-d, he ills
pla veil Intense I'Uincstliess. The 'llmo
Iiml com", he as-wited, to u-slst the
leKlnlnMiP Invasions 01 th" other
binndi of coiiKies. Theic weie woi.'"
ihlnns, be snld siiRKeslhi'ly. than ev
il a sessions of it.HKivss. Fov lllin
sell, he tli'clarid h" A is v In see
this meat hill lull, for he would ueei
pint hase lieeiloiii fnuii esti.i session
hv sin li nn nbiiue i.r leKlsl.iUvc lU'ht.
Mr. t'amion's speceh iieatid soinc
HiliiR' of u sensation, ami ho was .
teniisl) apnlmuleil.
on a lb'im? vote, the motion u ion
em wtw detcateil Til to 1S!.
'I'll" hoiiso was In an upnmr on th
miiiouiit fiiieni of ijils lenilt and many
inciiihuiri sousht to' uulu lecnitnlt'Jii.
Ml'. Sheiinan, nf Xew Voik, moved
to iiineur. with th" St lioulc and lluf
I'nlo Itcni't. omlttlnic Hit clim lesion
Itt'in. Mi. Ilallt-v. of ToMis, soiiKht to
11 111 1 !'. 1 1 by "M'ludlm; lluflalo lusiend.
but Hie speaker would not i-iiterialn
Hie umeiidmeni
The Slieiiuun um ndnieiit was de.
fcated mid lb" siindiy ilvll bill was
Iheioupon seiii back lo lotiletenro.
The lonfeltilico tepoil oil Ihn defl
eli'iicy iippiopilntlon bill was con.
cuiietl In, thus dlsposhiR of that mens,
Al fi.t" a tces was taken unMI N
When the house tecoliM-lied at 8
o elm k Hie dlst'ltssloii of the ii'sollltlon
luestlitctl b. Mi. ll.llell In the aftel
noon, for the appointment of 11 special
oinmlltee to lslt Cuba, Potto KI11)
ami Hie Philippines, was lesimicd. Mi
ll.illey (TeMis) made all eaiiiesl sp '"i h
on tin- suhjtcl or the sluiatliiii in file
Philippines, He uiKi'il the adoptlnu of
Ihe icsollitlon as the ln-sl mi'iiiis of
s'l'iuliiK lufoi luallon 1 urn 11 iiIiilt the
situation Uieie. Mi. Williams (Miss.)
IkoioiisI. mitaKoiiDeil the icsoltitloii.
atxiilm; that it was t ei lain lu adiaiic
Unit Wllllleler Icpoll the (DUimltle"
would be a political one of no utlue In
fiamlliK leKlsiatlmi. The debate was
Intel itlpti'il b. .Mi, lluilou, ll :i il 11111 n
of lh" rlvr mil haibor ommlttee.
who pies'llletl .1 colifcieni i icpntl oil
the liver and haibor bill tigicclm; lo
all Its lit 111s ecept I'mul Tile rv po. t
was atlopltd till to J. ami unolher
cniift'ivni" was oidi'iv'.
Mr. I.miil. chali mini of the pnstoillcc
coinnilttee, piescntcd another dlsusiee
nit'iit on the postolllce apinomlnlbni
hill, and t bill, loo. was scut b.nk
in the 1 tillftn nee.
The SMial" allieildllli'llts lo the 1)ls
11 Id of I'oliimblii 1 ode bill was cnli
1 lined In Th" bill now urns In 111"
pii'sldcnt for his nppniMil.
Tile lonfeieil 'e icpoll oil Ul" naval
bill was adopted, ami the bill now oes
In 111" pli'shleill for Ills applnld.
Sail"; Rng-Tlnie Melodies.
At la."," p tn. the houn took a ie
o" lilll 1 1 mlduishl. PlIllllK Ihe li
ft su. ipilnb-is Kalheleil In Kioups and
unit; ioIIkIous hvniiis. pitiiloilc all'''
and tiiR-llnit- melodlt's. Their cfl'oils
were hcmtllv applauded by th" " n
panis ol the (jnllfiliw.
ht 11 Hie 1 1 ess was oer, Mr. I.mul
pii'senled the Unal eonreieli"" on til"
postoUlte 1)111 mid It was iiRl'efd to.
The "ontt-it nee repoit on the bill to
lesioi" 1,1 tain widows to the pension
toll was iiBU'cti to.
The boiiM' then tool; up the PaUell
ii'soluilou. piovldlmr for the appoint
ment "I . tommlltct to vl.-lt Cuba,
polio lliio ml th" PI1II11 pluos
He Attends the Geiman Ret'oimeil
Chinch nnil in the Afternoon
Pays Respects to Piesldent.
Ill l.i lii-ne Wile tn, 111 'I lie -.t lilt I I'nt
WnsliliiKloP. Maiih ". Vhe Plesl-tli'iil-t'Iei't
Itoosfvi'li jitit III a bii-y Sab
bath picediUK his illiiUKtil.itiou. lit
is slayhur al Hu- Inline of Ills sister,
Mis, ''owles, wife of Commander
I'mvli'", ol the n.ty. After 1111 1-11 ly
biiakfust wllh (,'lic fiimlly Mi. and
Mis. Koosi'veli aitended imnului; ser
vlie ut the tb'iiiian UeloiinetL cluiieh,
ol' which lte. Dr. Shlei k Is Hie pas.
toi. Mr. Iloosevell alwiivs has been
.1 uiembei of the Duf h lleforined
1 hurcll. lnllowllIK the piactiie of Ills
fainllv fin many generations past, but
as there Is 110 Dutch Itefoiined con
ffi I'siitlou In Wnshliifiton, he has se
ll 1 ted lh.' (iPiman IP formed us Ihe
neti'-esi nppiimth lo It and will be
.111 attendant nl that Hunch durliiK his
lesldeiicc In Washington.
After the set a e. .Mi. mid Mis.
l!ooL'"lt tailed at tin- exefiitlvc
mansinn mid paid theii tcyjiects to
Piesidpiit ami Mis MfKlnIe.. I!"
1 11 it In tr to ihe ("owles bom", linn h"ou
was scr"d. nt which, ln-sldes the tniii
lly. then wen- pieseiit Senator and
Mis 1 odjj" and Sen nor K'emi". of Xew
Jersey. The 0.11 1 nlternoiiu avii.s de
bited to lecehlinr call"is. Anions
these woe Senator Ilawliv. flinlr
rian ol th" inllltaiv cniiiinltlt'e of the
senate, Si 1 rotary 01' the Interior
llluheock, Jtistlte AVI. lit- or the Su
pieine iinirl. ami a urniber of th"
meinliers of Colonel Itnoeic-lt's old
I'lihiU'it who happened to be In tlio
1 iiv.
I.atii' In the nfleinoou, Mr. lloosp-
'lt mad" a few peisomii calls and
i"iinneil In time to iillend ! dlnn r
pixel! In his honor by Senator 11
p'-v. The uiiests al the dinner weie:
Vice PresIilelll-eliTl and Mis. It
".It. Sei-it tun of Wni and Mis', liooi.
Semitor tind M's '.odKC Sfimlor mid
Mis. Manna "Sfiiator ami Mrs. Ill
kins. Mnlor t.eiicnl mid the linn Mis.
Kalon, ol London .Mrs. Slu 1 Plan, (len
"lal anil Mis. K . (licine, Mr K",.
not ban. Coniimmdt'r and .Mis. Cowle.
laulv Cuniiid. Mi. I'.iKtl. Miss .rohn
sion, rieili-ilik llarilsnii. Mi. and Mr.t.
A .1. Cnntt. All. A'nii .Men. S"ii nor
ll.ii nn an I Senator Dank K
Ameucaii Ainiy Will Soon Leave for
Manila Other Nntioms
Will rollow.
I,r I. m lump Win" Inlli Ilu Atwi lAiril X'lft,
P'kin, Martb a. The Amerlcmi prep,
aratloiis lor departuic aie soIiik oil ac
tively. All supplies, except eiioiiKll for
two tomp.inles have benn packed and
111,11 ked for Manila.
The ltilllsh plans tuiileniplate 11 sum.
Ill -r lllonu the Pel lit) und II Keneial
wiiiuliawal of fmn'S to India. Ic.uIiik
behind b.v U".l liili'r, half a bilttulluu
of Welsh l''uslleis as a leKallmi kii.iiiI
111 Peklu, UiKetliPi' wltli mi Indian ivkI
llieui to Ktiartl Hi" lalllo.ld
The (leimaiis show few hIkiis of lu
tenUuii to dep.ltt, but the aie,eu
deiivniliiK t" ell .".nun Aineilcnn mid
Auslliillan horses, as well as a ipmu
tltv nl camels.
It Is 1 'potted that ill" Kiench In
tui I lo withdraw most of their toices.
The mliilsteis of the poweis now
PiCfl thrice a week, hut no business
of Kieiii Importune ( Is tiaiisatled. At
pn seni they are rfuhur 01 ei local
tlnliiis. Many .of tliese aie ImIuk
tliiowu out hi cause of their known ex
eesilv liess.
Stilke at Wllkes-Dnue.
Il.v V.x lrlp Wlr- tieiii Hi AM-oehtril I'list.
WimII M it. li :i, Till- I1I3 stlikr uf till.
ui.nim In Hilt rilj i'iai tin siillul la jvbl
lull. in ilil. tvppk, MmujM lioliKinlili, n in
small Wllki.-Hiiiit mill, i;ifp lotiip lU, tint
lip uoiili) unit .1 Ki'iii'illlrp ol Ilu .lilkrn tn
talk tli uluutleii uitr I he alrl stillru fil
1 t.l llili Ml J Pllliiiiinl villi mviii ).i iohImhI,
The National Gn-Dltdl l.s Swdiininu
with Visitors Irom M Pnrt.s
ol tlio Gountru.
The Sticets Ciowtled with Unlfoimed
Men ami Hnndsoinely Gowned
Women Vlsltliiff Solilieis Invade
the House of Repiesentntlves nnil
Seek for Souvenhs The Saloons
Closed niul Theie Is No Dlsoider
and No Ancbts.
Il l.xi!iiivp Whe f, 111 Hie Vm.iiUIhI I'rris
WiisIiliiKlou, Mm ch r.. Win 11 th"
sun se' on th" 11all011.1l capital today
""tyliiK that htimaii effort tolild tl')
In 111.1k" th" set oml M"MnIcy lunii
mlililloii u sum's, had b"eii done. A
in.ijoill.v nl the troops mid civic 01
Kiiiil&'illnns weie I'lre.uly In Hie city
and sifpjv nuai'leioii. Sonv llious
a'lds mole weie oil 111'- vallolls mil
wiis Inn 1 inu' towaid Washiimtnli,
anil the we.ilh"i bureau 1 icdlele.l ' fair
vi'.ithir fui Match 1" lu a uppi lal bul
letin Issunl bv Us 1 hit f. I'ml, Moore.
lliaiuiiiallmi eve was a quiet hut
tmwdeit Siliidiix. The weather ope'ietl
liiieat"lihii;. will) a soiithtiist wltul
mul a clouded sk , but lowmd unnii ll
1 liar, d aiitl Hie sun sel fulr, with evciy
lllilitlllllill 01 a Kt'od day lo Inllnw.
h'tnui i.Mlv mtinlllK IIII lov.-aiil 111I1I
I'lisht. every slice! In Hie ilow 11 town
section was 1 towilcil. The local
chilli lies kept open ilt,c both (ley
ami ' vi Hint; ami weie tinvMled with
woisli)i,-'is at eveiy seivict, liiiiny of
Hi" i.sltois h'MiiK In unifoini ami i.
mlndlliK' oltl lesidellts of v .11 times.
In th- evi'iihn,' lh" theiiliu vied with
llle thlllches 111 l.eepliii,' opi tl ho'lse.
and Ihev .ele i ill.illv Will patlolll.ed.
I'm such as sum-lit soiiitous lather
Hi. in splillual i niitolallnii. theie iw a
lather di" and impiollinble time. Th Antl-S iloon I.e.ijiUt hail ap
polnieil a lillK'' lKllailie lommlltep to
si e that the Sitlidav closliiKT law was
eutoii'-il, and their eifoits met with
i OIlslileKl'iIf s'llcei ss. Theie was but
llttr -Isii ol illltukelllie-is oil tilt
slieets The inllltlanieii. who ustin,
I'lunbh n Koud-iinliin'd but intliei tin -hlllcilt
eleilli ut at llimiuilllltioil time,
weie penemlly itict mid deeoiolis,
irtnl up to a bit" hour theie had not
bfi'ii ihe name ol a .single H'KUlar "li
leietl on the blotter al any station
Th" einwd had a illhtlnt tly holiday
air on the stieel. The weather was
ndld eiioiiKll to pi unit a laiKe illsplay
nf It'inlnhi" lliiet v mid this, wllh Ihe
mistuie oi uiiltoims, sae the streets
in the litslilouable section of ihe iiorlh
west niiicli the appeiuaiic" of 1111 lkis
t r Suniluy pat nil".
AH&oitment of Uiiltoims.
Seliloni has an k.iUiciIiik
hloUKhl out sin ll nil .issoitlllelit of nut-
forms as weie met on every street car
and at every mi eel cornel. The dark
blue of the .spivln- unifoiins weie le
lrved bv the ted tapes mid ladings of
the arlllleiy and the jellow of the
i avail . The I'm to Uleau ioiulnnenl
in .-'Uiii)i ei os and toie.idor .l.itkels
niKeil with (he J.ickles of tin- li.ival
I'outluKi'iil and tint llshlei bill- of the
-Vatlonal iluiinl was eer. wheic In the
i kiiKO lliajoi'lty. Iheie weie not IneltliiK
.stimiKo comliluiitliins of iiultoim that
tllstliiKltlslleil ol 111- ciaik nl
untet'i c.u.iliy uoops, while Ihe .itlety
aliiuliK the mi,mh"is of (lie v.illoiis
ehlc liinieliliigf clubs was almost end
less. The soldiers ami lsllot swarmed
about th- tapllol building wheie the
tcKlhkitoi. weie stlUKKllllK with thn
li'Uinaiits of i ouKressional woik.
ThioiiKliiiut the el,i mid well into (he
uliilil they naccd the tapltol tmildois.
Tonioirnw all tin doois will b" i lined
eM ept in iluw holding tickets of ad
mission, llui lodaj everythliiR was
open to the publii , It is not often thai
Ihe S.ibbalh mini nl the bulldlm,' U
distill bed by sin h a popular Invasion.
K.uly in the day peveial hundred blue
mated solilieis Mom oil' of the lieiuhv
stales look possession of the house end
of the tapitol. The house was lu ie
cess until 2 p. in., hut Hie emblem of
leclslatlve aiillimlt.v. Hi- mate stood In
position as a waiiiliiK that the dig
nity of the house must not bo In-
aded Hut the soldier hoys weie ob
livious o Hilt h loiifite.s.slonnl llclloiis.
Hefoie the weaiy duork("pers iverft
a wai" of It th" chamber was In posses,
slon of several bundled blueoats. Homo
of them nsceuded to the speaker's i ou
tturn mid hainineieil for oider. Otheis
oicupled tlio seats of nieinb-'r.s ami for
the time heln;r the Iloor of llle house
of lepiesent.itlves, for the Hist lime
III Its history, pies'llletl ii loinpletoly
mm Hal aspect Tim solilieis wcii- uf.
ler miiii cull ami some of them Kiit
i Iii-ui to the dlscomntuie of lucmbeis.
The iiltli el h of th' house dually lame
on the scene and expelled llle luiiuilcrs.
When the two houses met limine the
jiUteinoriu theie was an added attrae.
tlon to the thrniiR. Mauv of the visit
'ois weie liidh'S, the bilsht smliiK day
1 bilny.liiir Uiem out In all Uielr taill-
mice of lolor and instume Willi them
mlliKled Jink tins Menu th" hit; moni
tor I'm linn and the mam other war
shins unchoicd lu ihe Potomac and
i noons ol solilieis lepicM'iitlhu llle
suite oiKaiilKHthm of all paiis oi the
loutuiv. Seliloni since tin. civil, war
have so ninny uniforms In en seen at
the capital. The capital lollce wont
Insti acted to exeiclsit eieiv consider,
atlon for tin- sIiiik thtom.'s. mid
theie was no illsoulci.s and no ariests.
Estimate of the raiacle.
The flnnl e-Htlmate of the size of the
Inaugural pnuide. as Riven mil at mili
tary hfuclquiii'triH tnnlitht wns: Mill
liiry, Miltm'teer apd leeniar, -.'.ten;
Wtatlier liiJIcilluni ToJiy,
' l.'u.iril Ml In Iti ulliiivt (nl Ilu Iii.iiiitiiull"ii
( li'.lli't Si'slni. it (mijlrw
'llilititntli lliDlini'it ll W.'-lilnil' n.
' (.1iKi.1l -I .iiti.i-iilil,' l)inrilii. til
.. Pr I M. HK.lii iiIiiIpiiiii ill- lljl'li't
sivtnijihi: Wi 111,111.
Ilu- Tnrntlilli ( nun t ii' VMiii-nt,
I r.llinl.,1.
Null' .Hill Cell. ft,.
"1 -si .fiinli ml. ill lMiln Will Sni ('i'r
Willi sK sblwis
l.v..l hl-liiiKii (llwrtp l.uiintl'. lliitKiliv.
. I1.1.1I -Wi.l Sunt in S11I1111I1111.
Ul r I '.ill. I'll I'irt in Dull,
7 ii11m.1l iiitiu.)iit!i I'.iiinbunu,
I'Iii.iiii 11ml i'oiiiiiiihIjI.
S lo.ul I.1V1 itv. ( lin hul ct11.1l Wm Id
0101,1 11 v u( tin- Wml i.f tlio Muiililiil 1,'j-ii'.
veiei.nis' oiuimlntloiis. I,"(i0-. civic
sock lies, ;,mii). oui of ibis Hiiiuht-r u
lolal of nboui lT.."eil .lie ollh lalh ie
poiled lo the retnptlon ctiinmlllec cmly
lu the ewnhii;.
(iciipin! Kniucls (Iieetie. the miiml
mat slink eslhuutes lluiL th paiatle will
lake four ami a hilf limns In pjss tli..
levlew hiij slam) no utiroit "pen con
tlnueuelcH iiils-c. Assumlm. that the
InatiRiiral parade iicluilly Kelt under
w ly mi Its letiirn from Ihe mnllo! by
- n. in. this will make ll T."'i by the
lime Hie lasi sei tlnu puss s the white
The diij at the white house was un
iM'lltful The bulldlUK was ilos-d tn
tlit nubile ami but for the visits of
Vlt e-Piesldeiit-Pleel lioosfvlt th" day
Illinois was not noticeably illffcietit
1 1 mil many olli-is. Tli.' pnsldenl, ac
t ompnnleil b.v Ills biolhi'i. Aimer Me
IClnlev, und Mi. Hawks, a v hlim-. at
It lulcil . lint i li lu the moi nlnu and on
his lptuiii lound thai Mi. and Mis.
Iloosi-Velt, their iwo chlldicii ami Mr.
Covvles' had ai lived ami wile wllh
Mis. McKlnley tu the blue p.nloi.
Theii Kltellnus wvic veiy loidlal.
ami alter half an hum's couvcisatlou
Ihej wlthilicw. Mr. Itoosi.veli to make
a tall on the sr-pictni.v of the navy. Al
1.H0 Hie '.iii'slileut and Mis. McKlnley
and their quests, who number about
111 teen, sal down to luncheon. Later
mi (!t net, il .Ine Wheeler ami John
.liiteib Astnr tailed to piv their ie
spelts. A niimh. i of other oiil-of-tnwu
rileuds i.illul at lulcil lis, but
leinaliied only a slant lime. Steietur
.ill I Mis. (i.'iRe, Seciet.ll t'ont mitt
Piislinastur Ceiicinl Siiillh in rived
about I o't lo, k to look im-r any bills
that lmo hive inme tinni the ciiidtol,
hut they found little to u'niilie their
iiitcnilon mul soon left. The mounds
oil 111" mil Ul Mont of the white house
weie toiistniltlv llll'olii'.e I with stiau
Reis. who came for a look at the hls
ttnlc iu.iiis1.iti. Manv of them were
mllllhiiiien Mom Pemis.v Ivunla. .Iis.i
thiisetts, ami othei enstein stati s.
The only show of ci-lii'iiicnt dm Ins
the day occuned when the Weil Point
t adets, headed hv their line band,
swung- out of Fifteenth stif-t and
liuirched In Mlpetb stjlc up the avenue
In fiolit of Hi- executive mansion.
Then the einwd luoke for the stieet
ami wllh cheeis showed Its anpreeln
tlou of tlie r.iulUcs'. allRiuueiii and
mllitaiy bemlmi oi the youiiR Milill"ts.
Roobcvelt's tscoit.
It Is aiilioiinied that Siitadioii A of
New York, lorinei'lv Tioop A of the
mltltla. will tut as .Mr. lioosevelt's pnr-
snual escort fiom his residence In the
The vice piesldent will i cumin In
Washington from his Iii.iukiii atlon till
111" e lo-e of lh" PNCPUllV" session of
the senate, .iftei which he will return
to New York fui a lime on private
The West Point cadets leaihctl the
cltj lids afternoon and el a tine
Impiessliiu by their uiaRlillkeni bear
bur The.v man bed past Hie residence
of Seiietiiiy Hool. bv whom they wcio
i 'viewed. A uimibi'i' ul other orjjiinl
ra lions , nine In toila.v.
The SI. Paul l'.oos"vell .Miiiehhu club
arnvpil IhlH alleinooii. It Is lh" oils'.
Iiinl ItntiKh Kliler club The dub wears
roiiBh rider hats, khaki uniforms and
Ii'IikIiikh with bhio ii'hnniliiKs. The
i luh will have a piomlii"iit plait lu
th pioiesslon mid will be escorted by
the famous ilklahonia Hough Itldeis'
Thus fin mi even dozen of Rovcrmirs
of stales and lerilloiics, with their
staffs In full uniform, have reached
the iltv and tin all will be In llii"
wh'ii the pioiesslon niovi's tomorrow
Alllom; them ai" tlovernoi Odell mul
slalf, of New Yin k. and (loveincr Stone
mid stall', of Pi uusylvaiila.
Th" Pol In ltlcin battalion of unlive
1 1 oops, which arilved here lasi nlKht.
has altractetl eoiisldeiabl" intention.
Tiny Kuve a parade tills nfteiuoou.
Their pvolutloiis evoked mm li ciiiliuwl
iiHin from the Inis;. ciowd of Hpec tutors.
It.) i:xilitiio Wlie dom TIip iihIiipiI Prf.
Aa.hliir.toii, Vuli '' 'll.p ttinilior In iwm o
iiiKla Ifuve "in UiP ItiHowiii
W.i.liinslun, siimIjv lai'inui;, Munli..
To Mi. .Iiilm .(".nt UlUoli. lanim'i
I "liiiiilllip
llfui SIi 'I'lif vviillii' luiiioimw . Vliiiuliiv,
Min'ii I, v I II In' dip 'liuvi tin i k i uii-rc1 un
die lii.iil';iiull'iii nl ii t-Hf-lil'lil. 'Hip I.v turrly
villl Ui Irui utltl llii' IfllUM Mlmr ivuirn unit
lalmh, u- til niPUiioluiiliul iliniuv In ll nui
nlll, i nl vviuk tluik' lit io.ti.Hi uii, vuiir uliln
lit. tlul.l. Sllll,'ll't .m.iii..
Willi. I. M ,.
I till I I lilll. I Uti- Wl'Jlll.T illlll .HI
Retention at White House.
C) l.mlti.lir Who (nun 'flip .Wo Ijlnl I'nfu.
W i.liiutli ii. Vbieli , V Ij'p iiuHilx-i "I ulil
nil in l if ll" in, itl, nl iiillmil ul UP" I uiijlil ulil .I'llil nii'.l 1 1 lli, ii niim
will. Vli. , .ml Mi. VtiKlnl.". . IIipi Im luili'il
l.ioiiiiui (hli-ll unl illillalit (iiiii-tiivr WuhI
Hi 11, i. Si vt oii. : Vl.ijin Iiml, iniliuii .nn
im t.t Ilu vnvit mi unl s.inuiii. I..,ns mil
W il.mi.
. Desciteis to De Tiled,
Hi- llnlii.h'c Win ( Hip Vmilj'pJ I'l'ti.
I'l I'co. To. , tn,li .1 li lull) Ix-ailns ' h
IIMV 1lt1ll'l4 III 1,1'ltl' lit ttl, i'llllilllllu. Vll.ll
milt In), .1 ul I'.iib, Tii., I'li'Iii, i ,'u tin I Into
Iniiiv j ml ,ifp ,i lull! .tup, Ml (ni Mil I'i.iii-
ll.lCl. 'I llP Illl.lllKM Will' ni.llll ll'l-l' l,IMIll,
'Im iUiiipi pip liilil In lions In inn' ul I I.r
ii'ii. 'IIipj will li irku jI sin .'uiiil".
li nnliPl nt Hie ln'i -ie uil In lull- ilowll-.l ,ii
v .a lull. iuliil. 4I1.01; I In- llm.
Tlio GiMGk Rfiijlmcnt ot Nortlinnst
cm Pcniisijlvaiiiu Evokes Ad
miration mul AddIhiisg.
With Battel's Rand nt the Head, tlio
Regiment Attmct3 Much Attention
on reiinsyivnma Avenue Tlio
Roys Comfoitnbly Housed In tlio
Navy BullclliiR' Olllccrs Do Not:
Tnie So Well The Willlnm Con
nell Glee Club Ssicundcs the Ccn
i;tePMunn and Slnjjs at the Mctio
politnu Chinch Will Sciennile tlio
Piesldent Today The Uninvited
Quests on the Tialn Aie Biuidelled
Oif Etuly on the Tilp.
inut (nun n ci IT e iitri .iunil nt.
Wiishliifclon. U. C, alaich 3. At ! "".
this mornlnir the Moop Main bom In -th"
Thlrtconth regiment strained into
the Palilalia" and Ohio depot In tics
tlty. the tun ha viui; been made nt
elev-'ti In tirs mul lorty mlmit' s.
which Is neaily tvvo lioiirs1 mine than
the paspcllKvr sePietlule.
Tlio loutuey. while liresomo In ilm
i .Heme, was completed without lilt, li
or at i lilciit.
It wns leiiiuikable the number of ai'
leiptlshuc .vollths not ineiub"is nt thn
li'sluienl, who Invlleil theniselvcs in
in i oliipanv the soldier boys oil 111 lr
trip mul look the t hole est seats In the
i 'lis Willi the haughty kiiuc of brlK.i
tller general". They fated bully, to a
mini, howevtr. b"lni; bundled off tint
train liefme it i cached Wilkes-lian .
Tin train eonslsieil of thirteen cai-,
lu i hail!" of Captain .1. W. I;,
of Co. 1!, who wan nflleer of llle tla .
I.leuli nanl ImvIiI AY. liavls, of Com
pany I., was I'Diiimnudcr of the kii.ih.
Colonel I.. A. "Wnlies and staff had t,
separate car. When day bioke It
fiilllid Ihe icKlmctlltil 1 1 .tin .staiidin
snine milts oiitskl" of Pliilnib'lphi .,
alongside of a mile or so of lion slulei h
which me used for the puipos.- of
cnabllui; tlie llalllmoic and Ohio tiaint
lo ' lake water oil the llv." AVllen 111"
hovs saw ihe nuriovv lane of vva'"
iniiiilni; In I ween the Hacks, fully on -thlld
of the icKlment leaped from il."
stntiouary lialn ami uotwitlist.uidiui;
the moi nliiK was very i old and i.u .
thev weie soon i spi ilenelnjr th" t -IlKhts
ol an "Ice water wash." It w n
n ititlnue slabl, ami the few cam i i
liends who were on the train did imt
full to take advantage of 11.
When 111" regiment nrilved hei ir
was lined up nlomr the side nf ih.
depot ami n few moments Intel, li- ni
ce! bv Panel's Itulmental hand of
foity-nlic pieces, il started Im lid
.slate, war mid navy liulldim.'. via I),
stieet. N. W.. niul 1'enilsylvanl i iv -D.le.
The regiment Ionised llisplilm; ,u
il lliai filed IiloilK Peuusylv.illla av -ii'ie
lo the Miuial of maitial inu-i'-,
and r Itt aet"d piofouml alit'iillou mil
loiislih rubl" ai'plaiH",
After Coloiii I Wntifs Iiml icpoit't
at llllsiide lit aihiiiui lers, tlio teuliiu'or.
was Ktveu iitailer In tin fourth il
i on Idoi. s nf the Mute, war ami mi v
biillillui;. The men have been fur
nished ciiiiifoi'tnble bcddlur,. In tl
shape of latjie' s loo'ely till ii
v Ith Sll.ll,,
i No Beds for Ollicei's.
1 Tin olIKh some mistake tile ollh eis 1 1'
III" n'Klnient did lint line so well s
the nun. In ihe Hist place they vv.-ie
Klvui uuartcrs Iji a still-cellar of thi
bulldlm; ami th" heddinc; vvhhh li nl
liH"ii I "Served for tin m was. bv ,i
blunder, slven lo the ('"otirth ivghmni.
The Tlllrtei-lilh olllccis wne i .
IhhI.v compelled to spend cmislileiaiii.,
i of tti.-li snare time vpsterchiy looking;
for siiuu'thhi!; when ttpon ihe.v mm i
lay Hiclr heads
The Tllhlcenth It'KllUent has ITT a ti
ines-ent. and will be the second .
tlutml (Ittuid oruunlzatlmi tn pass if.
prcpldDiit. I'eniisylvanla htm been i;iv . n
the 111 Hi plai aillnm; tile 8111114. 'II
Thltit briende will ltiad the guaid (
the ICevstonn stale, and tlie Nn ih
rt'Klment, or Wlllies-Uarie. will k id
the Inlpr.tde, with the Thlrteentli n si.
The men were so fatU;ucd 1 tin n'
long ride iitul lh" work of Ketllus tic tr
(tiiiiteiH in hupt lliai Colonsl W.n -t
(lecllletl not to linve dress piuad" ivi h
The William Comi-tl Aniluuiite ti ,
i tub. soon ul'ler their tu rival lasi nlpbi
tepalreil to Ilie Slimeliain and sei
iiudtil cniiKicNtemmi Council. A v.iv
illstliiglilslied alldieme assembli d m
tin bailor tu luiii llieiu slmt mi i
win inly auplmulcd Uielr wink.
Tmllty the club enjn.ved Ihe dlsiine
llou of slllKlllsT ill lb" .Mi'liopolltiui
church, wlieie lfi slejt ut McKlnle.v a -tended.
Tomoirow Uiej will g'lciia e
the iiH'sldful ul ihe while house.
T .1. Dulfv.
UIMt t t1 tU
-f- - 'Ian I. . In" iii ( -
iri.lllll I'tllli-vlv thu ( I. ,ll, tin, .. villi -f
ihij.IdiuI .luniii. piulnlil" Moiiili.), IiikIi
p'UllllVVIwU'lly Wlllil. .IlitltlU III llilllli
f vvi-teilv Willi t.ili- mi loui, I'l l isnl iv
t HHHtHHtHttf