M ul THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-SATUB DAY, MARCH 2. 1901. 0 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. P eilil to the Srnnldi Trltiune. Tuiiklmniiock. Mmcli I. Janie (J Th.i'ci hi HIiiBliuinton, N. Y mid Mie, Jennie UiuiKliiKr, of this plneu, wciu niHirlfd at the Initio's homo on Wertiieiuluy afternoon. Kcbriiiiiy 2'. by Itcv. II. II. Wilbur, pustitt f tlie .MctliudlHt IvplKiopal chliri'li, .Mia. t'.llziiuetli Herd ami Mix. A I'. ISuck. nf this place; Mis. P. T. Ktiupp. of Mill City, nnii Mlis Kvu Mos. of l'laln.iillle, weic nnniMK those who went to Molioopanv to the Women's t'hilHtlun Tttnpemiit'p union eon veil tlcti on Wednesday IH' I.. i:. Meade Iiiim moved fmni the Jiiiiich Doublet- limine to the kioiiih ocr Iteed'H iiuihIc stole, leccntly vaunted by Dr. Murray. U'ultci 11. Tew nbui, the fuimiun Mulnlei and IiukIIp ineei of the I'nl veiwlty of Pennsylvania, Is u son of Dr. . I 'IVwkshuiy, the specialist In eu and ear diseases, who lesldes on the loinei of TIoru and Putnam stieets In TiiiikliiiiiiiniW Walter It. Teukibuiy Is himself u dentist by piofesidou, and pie-tlnus to his Kolnp to 1'ails with the unit entity team, rondiii'ted a dental oillic on Warren stieet In this town. Kien one heie has seen his iikmIiiIh and prlos. won .ilnnad, and Is proud of his aehlevemeiits. This Is fo the benefit of The Ti ilium's Susuuehaniiu lonehpotaleiit. who tlalins him for SiiMiieh(iitnu eount.N. Piedeilek W. Pl.ttl. who has aeted as depot pinthoiiotai) under Prothono taiy John II. Donovan, slnre the latter enteifd mum the duties of that ottlee. lias iet.lKnod and accepted a position ns bookkeeper with the Winola Woisl- d Vain roinp.uiy of this place Mr. Pl.itt was a ei elllelelit eleik, and made himself popular with peisons Iiilnir liiisne!s about tlie eouit house. Piothonotaiy Donovan will heieafte. Kite Ills jieisonal attention to the busi ness of his ollke. and will make his home at Tunkhannock, Piesldrnt Judge i:. M Dunham and Wnclulo Judses Vaughn and Slekler held a short session of e'omt on Thins (li(. Tlie session was devoted to hear lin: of petition for the appointment of towiiMlilp offleeis, In eases uheie by H-ason of tie otes at the I'Ybruaiy (lection no eliolee had been made of otllieis to till these positions. It Is said that a petition for a fiee (mint) bridge aetoss the Susquehanna ilei at .Melinop.ui will be laid before the Riand Jui at April teim of court. Mis II. A. Maek. of Weatbeily. who Ims been lsltlntr her mother at this place, l etui tied home Wednesday. Attornev a.mi S. Keir and w'lfe me MsltliiR ielatles In Philadelphia this wcrk. Ml P. II. Jan Is and little son. Walter aie IsUIiik tlie founers nar- 'iits, Mr. and Mis. o. ji. I'aiks, at Mesiiin, Ml" Maltha Hunuell letuiued Wcd ncsilaj ft inn Stioudsbuisr, wheie she has been the riipm of hei bi other. At torney I'i.iiiI, .Smltli, at that place .Miss .Sooj, ,.f Mount llollc. N. J.. Is the auest of her aunt. Mis. James Piatt, on Tioga stieet ltev. U. c. bjmiiii, of Seianton. will '" up the pulpit at tin- Methodist rpl'topil ehuieb next Sunday. 'Ih'Midoie Stueter contemplates roIiik io Washington to the InatiRiitatlon. Mi and Mis. IIiiRene DePue have ''turned fiom their wedding tilp. Mis nanus Millings Is seilously ill " he i horn . mi Tioga stieet. Ceoige White, the mniblc dealer, wus In Mcbhoppen Wednesda) on business Mr and Mis. H p. I'rewist. who h.ue been visiting filends at Monttose, limned home Wednedu. Joseph Wj,., .seaman on the b.itttr-t-hlp Massachusetts, is eiijovluc u Mil- lougti visiting fi lends at his old home 'I Hrupp bin, TuiiUhuntioek toivn- HONESDALE. fimujl io i lie virlllttl rrlliune, lloneMlale Ma. eh l.i;ev William 'l hwlft, ihaplalu of the Thli teenth lOKinient. will ,e,p,in. the .egiment to Washington and paitlelpato in tho IiiHtigtiral iiaiade. h!'hS !'1'' .K- n,,l,,ei H ,nt Bet of friends he.unton. Wilkes-Haue and lute Haven, Pa, Tlie next attraetlon at the opeia ;oum. win i,o jHlms . Kllnil' , Hogjus Alley," on l-YUiay evening JIaich b. A CQblcgiam has been leeelved fiom the relatives of the late Hermit Otto fachemniann. stating that a letter was en loute. Tending tho aulval of thl-. all matters relative to his liutl.tl and estate will lost, as It Is expected there will be new developments, Mr. and Mis. John i: uuhmnnd lenvp today on a southein tour, visit ing tho piinelpal cities as far south ns Morldn. The will be absent about Fix weeks, dining which time Mr Ulchniond will be heaul fiom through the columns of The Tribune Prank Nash, formerly manager of the creamery at tho IZiIo depot. Is now manager of the T. D. OVonuell ics taurant, on lower Fiont street. Announcement Is made of the en gagement of Miss Sadie J. Ui, of llonesdnle. and Mr. Lewis Decker, of Bcranton. Among tho tine bills letuined by the i - - 123,000 people arc killed ercry year in this country by CONSUMPTION. The fault is theirs. No one need have consumption. It is not hereditary. It is brought on by neglect. You have a slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure a cough or cold in one flight. "Sklloh't U an nnfiilinf1 rure for couttii, ihrMt and lung troubles. It will cute con lunptlon. It It a remarkable remedy." A. . SALTEH, M. I)., liuffalo, N. Y. Mloh'a Cooiumptlon Cure Is aol J by all '( at Sc, flOc, 81.00 n buttU. A riatatl Knarantfie Rnea with ererr brittle, lynu arenotaatliflrd go to your drusglat ma get your money buck. Write rorllluttrated l-oolc on eoniumnllop, Sent lllhout ccl to ou. S. C. Weill Co., I eRoy. N. . Kiunil Juiy was the following: W. U. Smith, latceny by bailee uu1 false pie li'ttsc, Murray & Itlekart, piosecutots, Smith tilled a team fiom Murray & Itlikart, which he did not return. He was picked up by the Seianton police and le'.urned to Uouesdnlc about two months ago, The entcitalnment to be given In the opeia house on Monday evening by the Lotus (Jlee club and Mis. Minnie Smith, dramatic leelter. promises to be highly entertaining. No such nrtls tle singing has bten beard for a long time fiom any male titiaitette In this city Huston Join nal. One of the most nnonipllshed leaders heard heie In a long while, and In all her selections falily captivated the large audience. Wheeling (W Va.) Intelllgenter. The net receipts of the Maltha. Washington dinner given by the Ladles' Aid society of the Piesby teilan church was $.-)!, This society mis u tcmaikable llnnnelal tecord. Ollllng the Dust nine vents lliev linve talr.ed and expended on the new chapel and furnishings $t.c,37.B3. Thev con tributed $',on to the church treasiuy Inst year, and nssumccl $1,300 of the eliuicli liidebtediie-s. which has been paid. They also make large donations to home and foreign missions. The umgiegutlon of this church have Just subscilbed JVJOO to liquidate all of tho Indebtedness of the thuiih piopcity. MONTROSE. Jpeihl to flip Scraiiton Trilmne. -Moniio-e. Mauh 1 -A lalload of Western hoises wete In ought In this week on the Lackawanna and 'lout lose tallioad A niimbet have already been disposed ol al a fair pi Ice Horn To Oeput Kecorder W X. Haines and wife, at theli home on South Muln stieet, a son Otis n. Cook has pun based of W D H. Ainey the Jaggei house, on South Clieiry stieet Klnborate plans aie being made by tlie committee having In ihaige tho llrcnieirs leieptlon nutt supper, to he held in Village Hall on Tuesday even ing. Apt II 0. under the nuspiees of Itescue Hook and Ladder company. No. I The enteitainment. It (is said, will lie stilctlj a Twentieth centuty ei cation, something delightfully mil que and pleasing. The p.utleulai.s will be dlvulgpd later. Mr Antbonj and tamll.v. of Wilkes Harie. who several jeais ago occil liled the icsldenie of J. S. C'ouitilght dining the summei, have icnted the A. Luthrop plate, on Lake avenue, and will occupy it tlie coming season .1. 1'. Hotchklss has this week moved bis restaurant from the Shauimnn building, on Public avenue, to the building on South Main stieet. foi metly onupkd by the late 1. X Ital ian!. Mis. At. 11 Wealbeifoid. or Wash ington. P. c. will give a lectuie on "Higher I'hyslial Culture," to the la dles of Monti ose, at the home of A. J Hiewster, on Maple stieet, totnor iow afternoon. The ladles of the Methodist t hure.li will seive one of their famous llfteen tent suppers at tlie home of Mis rj. C. Lake, c n Tlimsday evening next, Mm eh 5. l.airv W. Heach vectned oitleis for two gasoline engines this week. They aie toi the lestaiu.intK of Henty 11 Koidham and Atthiir W. Lyons, ie sk lively, and will be ustd in opeiat Ing the large lie cream Iieezers. tleoige 11. Sauter has established a slilngle mill In connection with the planing mill of Ayres k Stephens. 1'romotionn among the non-iommls-slonid otliteis and piivntcs of Com pany O, have lieen made public this week, as follows. Setge.int Hairy H. Dennis Is inaile (list scigeant: i or- poiMl IMward A. Mlllaid Is made ser geant, ind Privates Walter C Hone dlil. William 13. Sinltli. Joseph 17 .Mathews and Hany A. MeKlnuey mo made cotporals. to rank as sueh from IVbiuary 21, 2-', 2.1 and 2.1 lespectivcly. The Montiose Daily company com mented to leeelve milk at their new reamery today. Piesltlent r. A. Havles-, of the Sus iiiehanna County Sihool Dlicctois' boelatlon. has published a untl uiglug all the dlreetois In the county to at tend the association meeting, to be belli in this plate on Saturday, March '. A veiy interesting pi ogi amine hai been nramged and a veiy huge at tendance Is meilted. Postmaster S. S. Wilght lias been at Huirisburg on Huslness this week Miss Lillian Chamberlain has re turned from a visit with her parents, t)r unit Jus. Chamtieilaln, in Urook lyn. Pa. H. C. Shlpman, of this place, lias ac cepted a position wltn tlie Youngs town, O,. Plaster company lie will make Stianton his heatlquaiteis Kiedeilck II, Jewott. or Hiooklyn, was n piomluent visitor In town jes teiday. Mr. Jewetl leaves tomorrow for Washington, D. C, to nttend tho lunuguiatlnn of Piesldent McKlnley, SUSQUEHANNA. Ppulal in the hirantim Trlhunp Susiiiielu.nn.i. Mnicli 1 The funeint of Mis. ICllzabeth Tlnklepaugli, an aged resident of Thompson, took place today, with Interment In Thompson icmeteiy 11. It. W. Senile, esi., was jnofes slonally engaged In Montrose on Tlunsday. The funeial of Mts. Heniy AVhitnev, of Olbson, 'took place on vvednesda. Hdlth Pride ol the Jouin.il. will leave on Sunday to visit lelatlvcs at Youugstow n, Ohio Mis Heitha Fordyoe, of this place, worthy Riand mution of the Older of tho Hastein Star, of Pennsylvania, visited the (ireat (lend chapter on Wednesday ovenlng, Clapper Crandall, foinicily of Hi eat Hend township, mid well-known here, abouts, was fatally shot 11 few d lyi ago, In a bar-ioom fight In Tunkhan nock. Several correspondents of the local newspapers nie settling tho local stilke on paper Hev. f'harles W. Hoot, of this plac. pienched In Trlnltv Hpiscopal chuich, Oarbondale, this afteinoon, Hev. Henry L. Jones, J). D.. lector of St. Stephen's chuich, In Wllkes-Harre, will preach In Christ liplscopal church on Wednesday evening next. Mis. A, It. S, Dana, sopinno, of New Voik city, will be soloist In fhrlst Hplscop'il church dining Holy "Weilf. The 1 uncial of the Into Amasu Nor rls, of New Mllfoid township, took place at Lake View on Thursday. Tho boiough Is maintaining a skat Ing imk nt tlm Juuetlon of Mnln street and Kile nvpnue,. 'When somc botly brenks a neck or leg, tho boiough III bo comiielled to scttlo with neat tioss iind dlflimtf.it. The tcmctery club hotel a hop this ovenlng In Hogau Opera House. Mnjtnn Handilek. of this place, will minnge u Ititgo futnlture and uiidei taking establishment at Ollsvllle, N. Krlo Hnglnccr Joseph Klston, a foi mer popular resident of Susquehanna, but now of Klnilru, ha.s i sinned his run on the Susqiiehnnnn division. IlN.imlnntlons In iittal publlu schools In this county will bo held on Satui day, Mnich IB, Thomas Hngleit and family, of Jack nin stieet. will remove to Lestoi shlie. A ftoc K (oinpany, to suppoit a. utiong base bfll club, has been formed, with M. J. Liinnon us manager. Ths Biounds will be fenced In and the gtand stand will bo onlatged. Lester Milie and other suburban clubs will please notltt. UNI0NDALE. errclal to the Scranton Trlbuna. I'lilontlale. Mnich 1 All the de p.utments of the guided school have lately enJoed lellnldes to Finest City and ictuin. Uoth teaeheis and pupils weie delighted with their out ings. Theie Is giaduul linpioveniont n the conditions of all the sleK. The oystei supper held at the 1'ies bjtulaii imisonnge was a vei enjoy able iiiTali. Tho funeral set vires over th. le ni'ilns of Miss Delia H. Williams took I late at her foimer homo on Lon stieet, last Wednesday. Hev II. J. Crane oU'clatid. Theie was a large atlcndauie. Iiiteimcut was made In the Hnloudalo lemeteiy. Dining the Ice huivest. Hionson & Company have shipped between eight and nine thousand tone of excellent lee. Miss i,s..ie Hi out, of S tanton. is visiting ber paients. Mr. and Mia. Peter Hioat Miss i:. I Carpenter enteil ilncil a nuniber of her lady filends at a Bel gian haie tlluner last Tuesda.v. Miss Mvrtle Dlnmilck K visiting tc lnllves at Oivon -Mis. H 11 Lewis has ieovciod. af ter a long and serious attack of the Blip. A number of br school associates gave Heitha Dlmimek a suipilse pat ty Thin s,;nj night. I'd. Coiey lost u val u.i I iow lab-ly, thiough tleath. Old icsldents pionoiiuicd tho pies"nt winter a veiy seveie one. Quaiteilv mee'tlngs will be held In the Free Methodist ehuieb this week. The opening seivlic will be held Friday night Mr. Mli.'itliew. of ilkes-Haire. Is doing some pro-pi ting lm toal In tills legli.n. IMItli Spnoi leaves ut't week to make her home for som- time In Cnr bondale FOREST CITY. eproU to tho Siaiilnn Trllmnc I'ot.st City. Mill eh 1 -.Mis Alfied Trev 111 than died last night aftei an ill ness of sevcial weeks. She was about ."(l e.ns of age and was highly s teemed She leaves besides her hus band a famil.v of small ehlldicn, The finieial will take plate Sunday afle'i 110011. Keivbes will be held In the Methodist chinch and iuteimeut will be made In Hillside cemeterj . A special meeting of lountll will be bebl Monday night ,V nh rttljouin nn'iit the new nuim lliiien will take the oath of olllte It Is piob.ible that Heter Ollesple will be made eliah man. Matt C'ogglns, who has been em Idoved In runtilnghuin's hotel for two yeais. has leslgncd his position and gone to his home In Wajne county. Mis. H T. Davey. of Touey. Wayne rountj, spent sevcial davs of this week heie. Mrs. W. S. Hrjant Is at.C'arley Hiook, Wayne count , cm lug foi Mr. Hryant's iitiuer. living Pentecost has letuined to the Stioudsbing Not mill school. Miss Maggie Hieiitiau, of Pleasant Mount, was the guest of Miss Helen Diinlnei the pally pait of Hie week. N. i:. fiai dner, of rilfford, was In town yesterday. P. 1'. Pheevei.s has opened a cigar factory In town HOPBOTTOM. IpctUI to thf Scrinton Trinune. llopbottom. Match 1 Mis. W H. Hrown has letuined fmni a visit at the home of her paients in New Ymk. She was. aicompanlcd home by her sister. Miss Dot a Ciuise. La gilppe seems to be growing nunc prevalent heie than It has been dm Ing the em Her seuson. Among tho late Ic tlms nie Mis. M. J. Hartley, Mis. H. V. Yeomans, John Hlbbee and Miles Crandall. Mis, Llndsey and daughter, of Hall stead, visited Mis. Llndsey's father, J. Y. Saundets. on Wednesday, Mr. Saunders, who has been suffering from hunt tmuble for sevcial months, is becoming ijulte feeble The sihool boa id held their monthly meeting at the school building Tluns day ovenlng Mis. Abulia Hi own Is spending a few days with her daughter. Mis. Frank Jackson. Mis. H M. Tiffany Is vihltlng hei sis ter In western New Yoik. The Mehodlst Ladles' Aid society met Tbuisday with Hev Mis. Ho", mans. NEW iHILFORD. Special to II11 "ci inlnn 'tribune. New Mllfoid, Mm eh 1. Dr. and Mrs. Snydei visited at Montrose tho fine part of this week Mrs. T. V. Austin and daughter spent last Sunday with Hiookn filends. Quaiterly eonfeieiao will be held nt the Methodist chinch Saturday at 2 o'clock. L, W. Hiuntlage was In .Monti ose Monday on business. Little .Maud Henson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O, D. Henson, lecently fell, breaking both bones of her tight arm between tho wilst and elbow. Fled W. Demi recently visited filends In New Voik. Hiooklvn nn 1 l'astou. Mr. and Mrs G. M. Carpenter, of Hnllsteud, spent one day Inst week with friends In this plae Miss Mabel Osborne, or Haifoid, spent a few days this week with her giandpaients, Mr. mid Mis J. M. Vnlls. Mrs. David Davenport Is spending some time with her son, P. JI. Daven pott, m Kingston, N. Y. Mrs. Jumes Prentice tiled at tho Hahnemann hospital In Seranton Wed ncsdny morning. Mih. Pientlce was 3." yeais of nge and leaves a husband nnd two step-children, H. L. Hiudley Is eonllned to bis homo by Illness. Mlts Minnie Huidlc) vlt-lted at tho home of 1J. M. WatBon In Harford the first of tho week. Mih. J. Hall, Who hun been spending several weeks with her daughter In Klnilni, returned honio last week, PITTSTON. Jrfeljl to llic rmlon rrllninc. Plttston, March 1. Mis. Clmrles Schoonover. of West Plttston, Is vis iting her daughter at Tunkhnnnotk. Miss Jean Law entertulned a com pany of friends nt her home on l.u. zerne avenue this evening. At the weekly meeting of the West Plttston high school literal y society this afternoon the following pio gramme was rendoied: Selections, by the orchestra, essay, Annie Horton; lecltatlon. Hot t Lewis: vosal solo, Mai Ian MacDougall. debate, llesolved, That Latin should be eliminated fiom the high school tout re. The Misses nvaijs enteitnlned a huge company or filends ut their home on the Coxton faini tills evening, It was In the nutiiie of a faiewell gather ing, the Hvans family picparing to move to Hellevue within a few weeks The Plttston iiiiittnqent of the N'lnth regiment Coinpanlrs (S, H and M leave tomoriov, tSatltiday) nioinlng at ti.l.'i for Wllkes-Hane via the Wo nilng Valle.v Tuition load At Wllkes Hane they will Join their leglnient for tlie Washington tilp. Four ni tests have been made 111 connection with th Hot which took plaee at the lellglotis meeting held In Pooth's ball Fenuunry II by tho Hev. Vincent It Dlllonls. Yestetday John Cavaleu.skls "and Mlchnel Henscnvage weie ari'stetl, chatged with being par tlclpatits, and this afternoon Joseph Piogalls and W illlam Hatlvllla weie ai tested on n similar ehaige They weie ntietl js for tllsoi doily conduit and weie held under $l,0t)0 foi their nppouinnce at eouit. The city toumlls will pliiihasn a new hoo wagon toi the NMagai.i Hn- gine eompanv William M.vb-s, of West Plttston. was in ip ted mid held uiidei $"inn ball, th.iiffed Willi desiitln,t his lamlly. Mis. Hlake.v, of Duryea lurnlslied ball Tliotuas Muipby. iignd i.i ,v ai.s tlicil tills moinlng at his home at Hiown - town, I be llveiyiuen and unileiiakeis of this place have oiganled peimauently by the election of the following otll eeifl. Piesldent, ('. II. Cutbr; seue tai. ('. 1: Howell, tieasurer, James Kltzpatilck. DURYEA. -iniil to tin Nrnton Irihutn Dui.veii, Maith 2 The "Old Hibk CIiiiiiIi," which bus been the mot her ot home of the gi oatest chuiebes of this vallej, Is in have a twentieth eentiiiy home g.itheilng on Tuesday, Maich .'1. All nie welcome to the scr vlics Hliinei ami supper will be s-ived lu the chuich parlois by the ladles. I'rogiiimme to be lendeied Is as follows: The past-moi nlng seivlce, !::so. love feast, led bv Hev. J. is. Wag ner. in.'JO, pieaihing servltc. tlevo tlons, ltev. J. L Hace, sermon, Hev. T. A. King, 11 ns, after sen lie, Hex. Austin (iillllii, U I). Afteinoon ser vlee The Pipsent: 2:30 . m, pialso seivlcc, led by Itev. J 15 Sweet, D. D . 2 10 p. 111., lil.Ktoilnl .sketib. pastoi; 3:00 p. m, pi at'hlng seivlce, devo tlons, Itev. Joseph Madison, sermon, Hev, li. L, Pantec. twentieth centlli seivke, ltev. Peine, t) D. livening mm vice The rutin e 7 00 p in., preach ing soivbe. devotions. Kev. N. J. Haw ley set nion, Hev. J .V Shlpmnn. con secration sen be. Hev. (Irldln, D D Thin shi.v. while winking In the Hallstead mine, Mi Kobit Hinln hildge sustiilncd a crushetl liaud. Mis Hiulolph fiodwaths Is 111 of gilp. -Mr. Martin Baker. Medaines Samuel Slzginan and M. Wilson were the guests of Mis Pied Dennis, of Oiove stieet M'huisil.i. Mr. Wind, of Avma. visited In town lecently. Mr. William I'loive, of Seianton, v is iletl Ids aunt, Mis. John P. Dills, Pil d.iy. Services at the HiU! Methodist l.pisiopal, rriinitivc Methodist, Pies, byterlan and Ulveisldo Haptlst chinches, same as usual lomonow, Tlie diawlng for the $10 gold piece and parlor suit eonte-t, along with some other loutests, will take plate tblt (Satin day) evening nt (he Law lente Hose iompan's hall. WAYMART. Sprclnl to th Sirii.lonlrihune. Waym.nt, Manh 1. A faiiillj biith dii p.ut was given at tlie icsldenie of Mrs. Lafnyette Smith esteiday In honor of her ngetl mother. Mis. Olive Ouns-auls, who bus leached hei elghty M't ond mlb'stouc. Helatlves weie pies ent from e'.ii bond, tie, Potest city and Honestlale. v P. S. Hcndtlcks. of t'hllds, a binke man on the Ontario and Western lall load, Is visiting at Ills old home hero, Oeoige A. Cobb, of Stianton, a mall mirier of the city foice, bpent Satur day and Sunday as the guest of J. H. Stephenson. .Mrs Hliuni Inch left Tuesday foi a two weeks' visit with Carbondale and Peckvllle friends. John Hun pert was a business caller In Houesdalc nn Monday. Miss Ol ace Slntpilt Is cm Ing for .Mis. Slilnt.v Norton, who has been seilmisly III nt tho home of her son, In Paino. II P. Stanton has'been doing some pipei hanging lor W. N. I'lettou the past week. Waul Huckland has letuined home, after an extended visit with filends at Cuibondale. P. II. Inch, of Miiylluld yard, spent Sunday with bis paients in this place. H 11. Albilgbt and father and mother, uf Seianton, spent Sunday with filends in town. Mis. H. II Al bilgbt Is the guest of her mothei, Mis Julia Hennett. W. P. Douglas of C.nbondale, wus tliculatlng among his filends heie on Tuesday. James Cole nnd family will ooeupy, after Apt II 1, the house opposite the depot, ow ned by Wallace Case, The condition of Hdwmd Owens, who Is a patient nt HmerEeney hospital, Carbondale, lemalns unchanged. Moses Spangenburg will today com mence to work for V A, Woinmeott, and will move Into the house now oc cupied by Iia Colo as soon as vacated. KINGLSEY. Fprchl tn the Kimituii lilliuur Klngsley, Maich L MIhs Alia Plnn, of llopbottom, mid Miss Oiueo Hvaus, of Seranton, weie guests of Mrs. S. C, Plnn Wednesday. Miss Clura Tims was In Bciantou and Nicholson the Hist of tho week. Mrs, H. 1:, Hrundago is visiting her sou, W, L. Hiiuiduge, at New Mllford, Mis. W. N. Whitney spent Tbuisday with her slhtcr. Mis. A. H, Tiffany. MUs Han let Adams Is spending a few days ns the guest of Mrs. O. D. ltrtbertu, at llopbottom, Miss Maine Council was a guest of her nuttt, .Mrs. Lewis Tiffany, Satur day, alio has rulilitit'd to New York city. Lewis Hralnaid. of Windsor. N. Y la a. guest of H. S. Hstahrook. Miss Hello (loss, of Hlnghainton, Is a guest of her brother, J. H. doss. Last Saturday Will Jeffcrs and fam ily, of Lenox, and Charles Mack, of Nicholson, wcio entertained at A. J. Adams' NICHOLSON, Spnl.ll to tlir ScuMon Tribune Nicholson, March L -Mis. II. K. Wllklns spent Wednesday with friends In Seranton, Miss Oertiude Smith, of Fleetvllle, who has been attending school at this place. Is quite III with measles at the home or her cousin, Mis. H. S. Steph ens Mis, Stephens' little daughter, Helen, Is also III with the same ills ens?. Mis. H T Wllklns. who has been visiting In Seianton. returned to the home of her patents Thursday. Di. LoiiBstieet and Dr. Dicker, as sisted by Dr. Wllklns. ptrfoimetl nil opeintlon on Will Miiviurd for cleft palate. Mr. Mavnaid Is doing nicely. The operation was n success MIhs LUzle Matthews, of Seianton, Is the guest of Mis. fiarah Williams. PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs, James Hlioda, who have been making Nlag.ua Falls their home for the past three months, liava letuined foi a short visit with ft lends. Tlie Aie'libald Water eoinpnnj odl clals have held a meeting ami yester day they went to Scull pond alltl loJked I ou'1" ,,l( Mutation. It Is thought that , Hie Ice will have to be blasted at the ""Pl hefoie water can be obtained Theie was quite a watei foice jester, day. obtained bv opening (lie water ! K"li,- between heie ami Atchb.ild. j I'fekvllle Haptlst cbiiieh, Hev J. S 'Thomas, pnstor, Tomouow at ItKIOn '" " nilsslouutv meeting will be held i Topic, "Lessons fiom llm Lives of ' t,l,,nt MNsloiuuleN." In tlie cveliliu '"10 IMstor will picach. Sitlijeei 'The I Most Notable Uveal of tllstoij Hcinomber the sneclal evangelistic seivlirs will be commence 1 at til" Peckvllle HaptNt cluuili next Tuesday evenlns AVIth Hev. W. II. Williams the iliuninier evnngellst, and Pi of WIImiii and Miss Daisy Hell Hall to assist, the meetings cannot full to be Intei estlng and helpful. All are coi dlally Invited to attend. Sen Ices In the Presb tei Ian ihiucli Sundu.v at lo.sn a. m. and T p 111,, Hev S. . Moon, I). D, pislor. Subject In the 11101 nlng, "Knowing In Pint " evenlng."W1iolc-Hcntled Dlsclplct-lllp." All ate welcome. Cold Cure for Uusy People. Many people neglect a cold bccinis they say they have no lime to attend to It, Kinase's Cold Cine Is a leinely which can be taken without dangoi while pei foi tiling youi dally duties, and will iclleve the most aggravate! cases In 21 bouts., Pike 21c. Sold by Matthew a Hies. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Nrw Wk. M 111 li 1 - Pi 1. sin r iu, ni.v.,1 U'lln.-t ill. st Mc.iU lu Inilii.i s liuikit .111.1 thry ,m i.ud iiiii.ii'll iiinirriK l'mlnlil,! thU hnl a tiniili lu .I., um, tl. honor turn nf Ih lnk milk. I ih iii.vlliln.. tli tt 1 mil. I hi- ill.'il .Nalimal lnln wis llic m.i.t iiiriilnl nlih .1 rally of ..tj, ami s(. ,,,,,1 v li . 11 1 pnliiU liii.li, 1 nthd in, ml, u , il,, .,inii Ellltl.il liPtllitti I hi,. 1 ,.t, 1, Wl , niarknl il.illn.- In sp, nilnhi Inlnrt in llm ilipailimnt of tho s, niiiUit. 'I In lullrliu hi M I liil 011 tho Html piliih.c, nirrliil II il ran a point, hut il ih well ii.i..it,l nt Hut ,.u ami laler Mnrril a full inonr.i. Mlir llu linn In I lip maikrl hnl Hl In thou' wm l.usr Inn bur mmiimnts iloulopnl in 11 uumln'i ol jmltihl uit sloiU or nlhi'il croups of ,t,Kks this w t liin-l iintiilil,. iiiii.nvt tho (.until SiHithvifsteriu, Iniluiliii.' Mlsvoiul Paillli, the s ,,,u, s..ntti MPflciiis. tho Missouri Kuiims, Kan. is nml hi mks 11111I tho Wahishia Ihp olriiuo uiliimrs ran fnin (n nt, h,. utrr vis.mri I'.i. ill. . ami 'J'- In t I mils s,inliw,,iirn inrfruiil lliini w is miiithii prom um ul muniuiut In the roiils whlih 1 1111 l.llllllilli'HH ( ,ll to III.' Pill nato, rnmstliaula ami II1I1I 1 .in. I fiiiio thiMpriko nml Ohio ami Sorlolk uul Mr. tun "no all hiiKili l.r.iii-lit nml um shitplr llllnl In this iluunml It , supp. snl In tin I .n. I room In ho for iiuoiuil of P, 1 iisilunli iillrmiil Interests In tnislr n of tl... in.lnii. of ihn ((inpiiil lu those limb, lliiilliisiin, link Plant olitks rnjoiiil a pnloil of rtti ngf li. .mil tin u'ls urnup, iiuliiiliii Pi, tile's I innllil,ile, nml lliookbn t iiinn um. iKui,,, iM u. ni.it rhiti wis nitlio ihiiuiml lor sitztr all 1I11 n an e, trtrnc aibai.tp if I',. lu spite of 'the hi up mini iiioieinent In sjiuthuti Itdbii) t.toi ki on i lari-o ilpiiiaml, tlie loslnir u.is lurch Klr.id Total mI I01l.1t. TOI.'iK) l,,u, 1 Ihe I, ..11. 1 11 n I. el wa tuoileriiteli ntlve ami ineunlar lotul mlrs. pit 1 tine, Mllinon I Suf milling twos irmpfii iiibalueil ij pet t.nt on Hit I i-t tall 'the follinhiK miotnlloiH ire futn.li.il Tie Tribute hi M s .lonl.ir, V. Co, rooms TU.7IXI Miara building, suautrn, Pi, lilep'nnt :.iui. Open Iliih. bow ( lm UU it r-l. In.' hi3i ill's no ii:i ...l.'ll Ul I1'4 IJll, ... is', tni, ,-is pit, .... y 3iT, -,a4 ,v,i, .... fcT'i. M'j s;is hs' . -li r-.'i -is t'.i, ... Si's (--.I" h7i -', .... Kl'l IT 4V4 IT ... ..'i4 42 ( 111, , ..Is5, '20 lsi 1 1 ll.'J Ih'i HP, HI', .. r.2i II i V2's 15", L'2'i I2IU I22"n I2U, .. tin tt-v, inv i.r,i, . .!'- I'! 1 i 1-2 . .. II II'; II III .. n S7i; m, h7i, .. . l 111. ',2' .H, 't'4 '12', UP. 'I2i, . UTi; Us IITi.1 II7, . Hllij i., 1(11 i .. . S7 Ml, st j,, ....llll'j I02S Hill, U2 .. I2' II", 12', I i, . . s'i'S I7IH l'iis lii". ''JS M, hJS, Sl4 . . !7 S7 kt s; . .1121, till, 2, ims ' H'j .', .'1 Hi's IH'j Hi'i H'lJ. . . ""I S'l .,S is ... .in1, mi .. .,fa . .ni . .. . 7l 701, (,f,T; 7niX .. . 2ia J'i Ji, 2'. . 7i.v, 7' 7n4 7eJ. .. . it VI .'il V .. li'. : I2S ii, . 7 to, 71 7,.b. ,!, M't ,'oe, suij jot .... MPs ST W,, 8 IT, . .. Mi M Nil', s A, ... 2'IV, llll, 2,7, .,;, . Sll'J Ml', HlV kl)T, (iltAIS MVHM.T. Djien. I iih. low. Ch. ins. it. nt i,e 74'n 71), 7.1'i 7.1, :' 7(1 71U 7',, :.!' :-o, i'.ji4 ,t. W'A lij iot, i4 "''d 2-5, 2V'j 2. . ltd' 1(07 i. n; 07 7.10 7.11 7..I7 1(1 7 U 7.0H : CHAIN MMIKI'l Optll. llUh. ,mi I lm liu. Put, ot u;, TU3 'si 7H'j ;m. Vmetuan snl;lr . , Vnitrii in Toh 11 10 Vin -strcl k Whe- M1I1I-..U t lil-mi. i'r Brink. I'm t Inn ... Ilillo J. Ohio t'nnt. Tub 11 in .... I he. .1. tlhhi . . (hie. K (.t WeM . ('lib II . 1 St I'llll Itoik Pliml Pilaware i lliuNon baikiwanui It It Pcihnl 'teel . . Veihrii Mini, I'r. hun, K lix . I'l. . 1 1 11U A Nash ... VIjii l.lii.itiil Mil Trail Inn Mi-so I'.iillti Ciopli'ii (lis . , ., Siuthern I'.iiilk ., Not folk K Wisl . Nortihin I'.hIIk , . North Paiirli. I'r. N C.ntr.il . ., Dnt ,, Wistttn P. mi II It Pacini Mill lit mlliiir Hi . Iteaillui; Hi., I'l . southt rn It It. . sunt hun It It , Pr Tfini ( oil .V. Iron . V. S Ipjtlitr .... f 1 1 itln r. Pi. . P s lluhbir . . . Pnlnn i'ai IH Piihn I'aillle, Pr Wahash, Pr. . . rntirn I'nlon . , , (.IIIC.M.O wiii:.r Marrh Vtai ( OnN". Manh )lai OATS. Jlaj initK. May I. Mill. Mar HI lis. May UIIIIAI Ma I OILS'. M) i,i di',.. 1 1, 2, ,,iH Seranton Boaid nf Trade F.xchanfre Quotations All Quotatlono Dnsed on Par of 100. Kbit Jiitlonl Hank ,,,, n SMNnlvn batltigs Hank jjq ,,, Special Diseases of Men S MY SPECIALTY. D p " ffl N0t rW " Scatter HW faculties Pl l7 If oti aie ftiitTri tier bum any illeae t tomlltloti ponillii to urn. nr l( yon line Vpn iIi"J''(inl,i In I,, ,( t'iji,k- a iKnnamiit u re, I v.ant .von to tutu ami liivo a sunlit lit Willi me. I n cvphlii l m MV .ss1IM ni f'H MMI'.ST. wlnl t liave nrliilnitnl ilptilnpml ntur no liol? Wr'l rxp'rime in lintiiiit pei lit ilNmsps of men. I liavn tj" WUn, (tt.,iiin, (rro mmpln, lilil ti Himnt or i-IivIki innllinl imiilitiiatloM or alinilJr ! Ic o ivb'rli iln hot ami iimi.it nur JI nes puiilhr I" lm 11 My iilw atlon, my vxprtb rme rnj iinHlrnie, tm ittiUtlnii niininiii nil null itiukir II urn wilt pay iiu a W'ft I H ttin ,,... I'liii' in. lttlTMt i fliiirmtirli it.i.ntiil i v.iinlmiiliiii nnii m Ihhi .e H H oijnini f ,onr rJ,p f ,nn ,w llllrii,r "Mi tini ii Inniliiixgnl lit m si rtipiitotK ) riitltloiirrrt wiui i I1J111 to inie HI II Ulrr noil. 8 i'i, I nml jnn cnr.ililo, I villi ItiMtri- leu ul a .rnnmiit uic IiiimiiiiiIi a I will too ou a uilitrn Kinranlvf tu ntunJ son mT tit )m lime nil me in iac I (ill tn PfTirt a n,ri. ;, Ml) ,,i;L, (ur inrilltiiiM, h 'tin iiu nlwv hiilml il In lln nnmltul 100. nIvril, nmt Mill Vnm in I lie mil, 1' f re ml nrl lnt year whole tirittimiit It K"liii; " "t. nii'l I nill moke lm iW pnsiili-s as l llie llni1 loi Hi wke iif KilllliK Juil s Iratlciii, 111 I im.nil r only wlut I an il". nml ilo ns J piviiilw. t NN TI II . IIM Mi(i S in i J In S ti in sluts nilrIOS nml Di.iln. htnppnl in 1 in llilnt I It I Its I ..up not tlf Low Ihir dim in.', t will ilt.v lliin up ' """ ntl ( I Hi; I,,,,, 1 without nittlnc or 1 Ibtlnr. IIMllilK'l I I' ir on.! suillltiKs rr nlncrn nils lclnocil .11 unic IMI'ori.M hy in; jtiin ul ir.alm tit li t nraWe lirapittiie .f II lime lntHij or jour ni;n. III.MlDI'i: M MDMA ilrriiigiinrnU I) my i.ieliin of IiriuiirM a'mw lj;ns ot lm lirniriniiit (run tho uri brnlnnli g HUM M1ISM. Iicliu nuinl In Ine.i re cunltlmi f I1I..01I. 11 1 111 oil ptiiiuiuntty by me MM I'll If III (Hill I'OISOMMI, Iir llll illctltO ""l Vltlli'lll II" M .f Irtliilo ot PotJnll or Mriuiri Wltlll If um iimmt 1 ill Ml . orr tn pliiu rnielois Inelose M Lent htiitni OURi: IIOI Its (1 a ni In .1 p m ii'fliiiyfffi i'orinanrntl)' I.ocaUd at Roimi 208-209-210 PaJli BuiHini, jriD mo oa pi onnAHfTAM n m iwLtii0 opiUUu Ot., TAKE ELEVATOR Ililnl National Pink I'll Dime llrpnslt anil Illstotint ll.llil. , Z.J) 1'ioiioin Mulit. II i. 1". Co l-nka Trnt idfe Pcpnslt Co .... 1V1 Claik rv snoier Co. I'r 1.'; Scrantcn Iron Pence k Mfg Co I'tranton Alio Works Lit ka rant -i II ill i ('o , I'r Count iMiliin llinV A. Iru-t (o . Soil I'irst Nstlnnil Hank (CirlonJilc) Manikinl PtilllnK '( Trailers' Natlenit Pink Hi bcranton Holt ar.J Nut Co Hij noNPS. iianlon Pa-nacr Hillwaj, flirt 10.1 Uj 20 iiVi JO .Mortse, ilup t'JM 1'iople's strrrt Hailwa), llr't murt- ..lav. due Vli IVoplc'n "-licet It ill -i.ii . (Icnerat morttrase, ilue 1HJI IVik-on M nnf 11 turliu- Ci laika, 'lonii-hln School ,', per cent. City of Sian'on St Imp 0 per ernt Seranton liactlon rt per icnt. . .. ti j Hi 113 100 IdJ 102 Sctnnton Wholesole Maiket. (Ci treiteil hi II. (! Pile. '7 I it kau il n i Vie) tlultir (itiui'M, 2ltji22i , ilalu, ls,i2n. ( In ese I nil i nan , 12il i . IVus- Vri,ttin fu li. HullK.i , n.Jiln rtiti. Hi Uw I'll hi ihoiie miiruw, 2 IVm2 W). Pi a lleans l'i r bu , 2 C.i2 .Ml Mi ilium HrniM P. r hit . ,-2 Pi- 13 l.rocn Pel, Pt lm . M liil. 45 dm. lis Pu lm . s Hhl I , I luut Hint patina, s ihi Philadelphia Grain nnd Pioduce. I'l,ll..l"l.liu, Vhtih 1 -Wheit-()uic! l.u' li I. l.i ; ini.lrut Mi.nlc, Vl.iuh, Ma77'ti ( otu I'nin, ' ji luu'hii, So -2 inivril, Manh. 1 1 ' i lllii (III M .ul . No whlli illipul, -" Mm ti l si nb , I him .ii tun i , jnnri, '21 I..H.1 ui-tiin prinK 21 inn in alii pri in.', "fit. I irk" Sleaib i In-li in itln, s, fi -.li wiHtiu, l-i do M.uthwerti in. I7i ilo south ein, 17i (liii-i- liiiinrt N V pill mill (llll J sill ill, l.'r , ill. ill ilo flir Io I I t0iall)i Hrlinnl mii.ii- I ikIuiikkI ( . I ii I lis lowei: iniillli'it; i.pliml. ! 7 1m I il low strailj, ill) pilinc II hlnb., IV , mini In tli, I lib . I'lalV i i il es, ." , l.u. poiilm (.inlet hut fl.i.li. (owls, initio oil r.nslirs 7i . ihiikins, piilli ilutkr., I2il Kii.i, Ihlii ; linkiis 'liliio. I1iin.hI poulln 'Julit, mill une I, t. u Is. i hoi, i, II' iiliii , ili lair In rikiI, Pi , ohl rn-til'. T'i , nmrto i llll ki Is, tliille , wi-teiu ili. I'll.'i ; turk.K, tn in I i.i iholu to l.ini.i, l'ii wislirn ilo, PI a l'i . iluls, neail,,i, Uill, , west rn ilo, II ill i . sie.e, 7a'ii. Itmlpti -I lour, !.-() l.anrb ami CKlfHI) poiitiils In -nl.s wliil, jtl.iino hii-lnls corn, IPi.iXHl, cats, ts.nnn Milpiiiri.tii Who I none, cm II, '.'J.ron hushrli, o.it.. 11,110 New Yoik Oiatn nnd Trortuce. New V-inK. Manh 1 Hsu Hull but MeaJy ni ohl pilus Ulii.it Pull ami la.ur, Nn 2 i,. I, si i i. h nlo.it, .in. I 7s1 i elevator. No t I 1 1 1, to lliilulli -7, , alloat lip In lis opiiiiil ia-,i and mini hinrralb dull with a ii iL umliiton., iiuhr htm tlihiuui on Mini, iil.ll ut.; hit the tiiukil pninlH r. ii. . lid on the fttltui f the l! in li .1. In. i wuikcii Iho inaikit ami ilosui a, nil ivii jo u.i In li lu Vhnh ihsul "I i , Mil , ''i .lull ?il, i (nn -pot dull. No 2, Is ili lot. and 17rki f o h nt' ul Opti t), p in I llitn. I ill I hecatie lui i'iiII, Inn h hi a tuui.i niid.itoni' iIiii.iil'Ii. in and ilosnl ',i ml In-li i M,j ilosui i.5,c , lull. I V (Ml- sp. sliaill. Nn. 2, 'n : Nn 2. IP , No ), ..0V Ni 2 white. .'!i No .1 while .I2'..i . Iruik InKid wi-luii, .11'.. i 2i , Iiuk wltiti. 12j"!'i.i I 'pilule, buiilii. till rn nb ( birso Plrui Inici 1 n-- uli. ml iml white, U'-.e . laiuy mull, ioIikiI, 12',al2'.i i l,in' ninall white, I2il2',i'. I .' Mitk, utile and IVnni , 17'i.c j Wi.'tiin, K':a17i ; Foulhiru, lUalC'.i. Chicn;o Grain and Produce. I Iiuj.'o. M ii i ii 1 -Itii'Siil trill in. i kill thf (i.iilso nf tin- ciaili laiikiU toilii, tin. lu.nin.Ki in ulii'jl . .iinlli.- a i ot.ll jit witli Hip i om Hiini'di and tin' mm itlictli tlnim.-i of oats, ( om iIiimiI 'i nnd mti t hull" lilflnr, whlla wluat lmiud n nt ilidliit nf 1.a'i I'lmlilonj aUu win. Iiniriil.il. iln-liM 2'.i'i. . Inw i io '" . Iitulu i Cili ijnotalii m wiin tn folium I luur- if uli I, Ni .I '.iiHK win it, 72j73c . , Nn 2 lid. 7V : N" I ii in, Cl'ji i Ni. " (llnn, "''ji . Nn i nit', SWl-iv.i No J ildti, .'7aa2i'Si , Nn .1 whlli, .'7a2o ; No. 2 rtr, r2f i tiaili'.i, l'i , liiu'tilic. .'iIjVii ; No I His. ULI; No I inulliH K. f-ltl. tiuiiitlM, tl in. mik. itlllaiilitiA, hnl, "7 Iia7.i7'..j rili, (l1i7ni klinulitria, fl'iaili.i j sldca, C7.nOj7.VI, wld.kij, 127 Chicago r.ive Stock Market. (ldiao, hrili 1 -Cattle Iti'celnK 2.000; atiiK, Kadi In alow, liutilierV itoik, weak; aninK, bulla, uhm, aload) j '!can, ntcad) , Hi M.d lu prime utiria, I-jKi.i; poor to medium, VHiti1.il. Hoikni o'i fpedem. prlmo atranx; otlnrn. kloadj, 2.78il50, cowa, ?20al; h tfr. 2.(Jal.l0i lanncra, f2a2.W, ,ull, ?'2.75al.IO, ulna, flan.'23i Texa fed Mcera, Hal 80 Texas 1,-raM Mrrra, 3 3 )a i Texas liulU, J2 Ma3 51). nogs iieccipia louay, xs.ooui lomonow, ai,. onn, lelt liter, S.BdO; ateraee, .teadyi top, fi 13; inlieii ond Initeherf, 8i23a32iS; Kood tn (lioke, heavy, (3 37Ha3l3; rouiili lieaty, W23 .ii uKui. To.-aao.iivs; iiuik oi gaies, "foaM 5 10. Minn Itflfhiln. .1.(1 HI: -hreD. ileaili : ewes. ktiiiit'ir, l.iniin, Nlrjilt ' tooij o ihojec weth ire, l.2VU.7'i, full In diode, mixed, iM'Oi wiKiirn aiirep, l 2.114,711; IWiA sheep. 2 .Villi,?"'! Mills liniti-, Hl,iOjV25 tteitrrn IjiiiIh j.i)'-' I Center Them on My Specialty 1 uiii nit joii m. nml nlvl juu to Hut joh diiltnio snnili millilriiu I nml iill Irpliri tent tn lnme replv ml C to s p in , suihI.i.k, 10 a m to I p in, uumuuvH, m, a zmmJ jMmnwHz&piaMm'umrMvrTr'iHmTzam: - FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS TAYINO 3 1G TO 4.05 Per Cent. Cential It. K,. of N. J. Gen. 0s. Flu.. Cent. cS- Ton. Con. 5s. Gnl., Hnr. tc Sail Ant. lbt 53. Iowa Ccntinl I5y. Co. 1st 5s. Lake Shoie Kcftmdinn; 3 1-2b. Minn. Ccn'l Dlcct. 1st Con. 03, Minn. & St. X. Con. 5s. Hoif. & West. Imp & Ext. Gs. Nor. Fac, St. P. & Duluth da. Pcoila & Pckln Union 2d 1 1-S3. Rio Gtantlo & West. 1st 4s. Complete- Ciicular List on Application 1001 (Pocket Edition) now leariy. Spencer Trask Si Co. 2T-29 Pine Street, G5 State St., Albany. NeW York. "A Giimpse a. Wall Strcoi and It In fortieth. iir radically tlifrrent from othr ' publication Very thIuuMa .u 1 intt n ttii; tn I thntriilrrs AUo insrkft report p)C6IT Z7E4CE? ' unJ monthly Uuctuulon Ulois OimuO rHCU , mu MiMBtrj coFot in if, i 'To. v fenM.r 41 and 1(1 1I1KM31XV M U MHIH. KhT IU,.li r".l xs.t;. Stocks, Sohos, GkuH, Oottoh. A inir th inn'uti6tt''r nHt i nu f licrt it lit; alt ftli ip i ' I r .ni iiMri, n TIM if .It kr wltii iKin trn Mun i t k' rv iniUii e (tismUloa 116. 'i meruit- JUrhln. (orrfr"nt1fnfi IntliPtf. WINHMaaUHHHMiMNMM MB K.Vi ummik pilli R feA ; Restore Vilallly, Lost Vigor and Aienuoori Curn Impotency. Nlht l"miion I.oh of Mem. nTT?, ors , nu wiiKiinK tii .ic rS&lO l nil ollectmif olf ul)ii-n or r, Jdicofs nnd ilull-riLtlim JCi3CJ k A i .. j Pi Wlblood bullilor. lirli.L-i tho pink clo, to pnlu ciiccK4 ana rcoioros mo . dm fif mltti Hi mntl .fSOc nor not 0 lining fur . $2.50, with our Imnleabln guurantoo to cura or rulund the money nattl. Send fm rlnuiif nnd tup uf nur twnlc.iiilo i,-jiirautco liond. taifslal)!e!ss (iBnowLiwa,! Inimcdlsle Results Poltivoly Kinr.intpcil euro for Ln's of Poivor, Vnricocelo, Uuilcielupi-ii or Shrunken Ornn, I'uro'ls, I.ocomotm iarln. NVrmus 1'iostrr. tion, lljtterlii. Fits In-,iult. I'.irnljM- .mil tha Kciiilticif l-zrelsn Utn (if Tollmen Opium or Uiiuor, Bv mail in plain pneknei. 131.00 u box, O for SS.00 with our baultabla. fruir antes bond to curs In iiO elayu or rcluuil money paid. Addicw NERV1TA EV1EDBCAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Kts., CHICAGO, 1 1,1.. Sold hy JttCarrali 4; Tliomas, Drujjistr, 203 Laikanamu amiiic, bcranton, i'a. OffUIal receipts and shipments for month if l'chiliar)! Iturlptfi, eittli1 and elites, '211 TI--Imus, 7sl,142i klntp, 2W.W0J. Milpiuinti, (aid , 71,773; liosa, 1111,127, .hup, 61,001, New York Live Stock. ' New York, Mare'n 1 llense, maiket dull, nifl f iiii and (omnion tem, 10e. Inwirj top jirn Hiadj; l.ulli, row, iiiKlunsnl; ktiu.i, ! . , 6.13; oil n and iUz. fl7i)il,! Iml), -, i , fOi cows, $1 (Oalj at helfiw, H 10; MAil , 1 1 Ciltio i il, btiady at "jli3,"i0; I .in. joid r.ihi', noinln.il Hieep Sleadf In mrnni hnihs, nloiv and 2 off. hlieep, l Glial 73; laiuhs, tfjji).12'i, u car. 1, lloffi btculj, nt S.j7.-m(j Enst Llherty Stock Jlnkat.. ' riikt Liberty. Mirih 1 Cjilte stmilj , enlrn, $j :iJ.i3..M. prime, V'u5.'2t, lliini. n, S.(.il7,1. IloK Artltei prlum n-orti'd imill'iiiii nml tirkt ii.rkir. llA7n! lulit i..il.r mil In t tili fi (Ma5 TP, liiity hottf, j?.3 57(sai Ul, louali,, la3.fe. A- f-heef-t:inw and lowir. rhons- welliem, U flO ana; "roiniuon, (fSa'L iholip iiiiiuiion to kooU, lilS'l; tt it laltto, $0,7ur. Oil -Murk6t. 3 Vw Oil rily, Msrcli 1 Credit Lalanee, 111; r-, tllliate, no Mil Ptilpiiiiiili, K7,l'll, jtiri, UT,W. lluiw, W..W7; utuae, t2,v;i, 8j Bemr & Oo.' GO PILLS l- I Q -i-r-