The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    WU "L f ""'J!
r -V
Given by the Ladles In CommemorA
Hon of St. David's Day and Was a
Notable Event Those Who Par
ticipated In the. riogrninmc Sur
ptlse' Paity In Honor of George
Sncldmnn, of Academy Street,
runernl of Pntilck Oruif;linn from
His Late Residence.
fne ladle of tho Tabeu.m'le liurch,
rf South J lytic 1'aik avenue, condueled
their eleventh nnnunl dinner ntul con
cert last rvonlni, end as usual weie
unable to ncconimoiluti the ctiorniou
uowd. Over otic thousand weie
.tved between tho bourn of r, and S
o'clock, In the basement of the church,
nnd It Ik oMlnuted that over two bun
fhed weie tinned away. An elaborate
menu wni seived, tho widespread re
putation l'or suppeis seivcd by these
fiiei Beth' Indies always lend to dinw
111 I CO ClOWli".
The bneiv.ent of the chinch. In which
Hie Flipper w.i, held. was" profusely
flecm.itcil Willi the iintluniil color.",
which indlnted fiom I hi eelllnir, while
.Mueilcnn flnfts draped the walls. Five
tables w im-i at raiiKd In I hi loom, each
looked title t bv H Hiifllelenl corps of
Table .So. 1- AH A. M. Cbnk and
Mm. Redman. ulpleil by Mts. Hugh
Williams mid .Mlhs Ida Jones and
l.i7le Mavis.
Table No. 2 Mm Thoinu D. Thoiil
rs and Mrs. lis. I Ivans, assisted bv
Mr. S. It. Prlu and MUcs MaR-Rle
Thomas I.lsle .lenklns and Lizzie
How en.
Table No. r.-.Mls. ). i. Kv.w. a
Kluetl by Mi.-. Sarah T. Moiruii. All".
!. V. Davie. Airs. Kvnn tf. t'.vans.
Mi. lirlfi. .loin. All.-. Simon Thoniur,
Mrs. Sarah Thomas. AIi. William
tJ.ivl?, lalla Davis. Jennie Wil
liams, rtepslo Powtll. Httie Moiiriins,
lennlc Davis. Alaiy A. Avails and
Margaret Davl.
Table No. t Aim. O. Jones. Mis.
It. l. Ucc-. assisted by Mis. W. Mm
sans ami Alices Al. .1. U"e.e. Mai gar
t Thomas. Alls .Tame?, r.ertltu
111 and Alary Bdwarils.
Table No. 5 Airs, t'.nsle Moigans
and All". William Deeon. assisted by
Air-- Thoma" Lawrence, and Allien
Saiuh Ann llvaiis, Alay Pile. lta"het
Davis. Elizabeth I'ullen and Annie
M1.IU.JD, liUUA. -i a r.i -.
out for I and COLDS
A Day of
Wonderful Ribbon
Selling, Today
Fine quality 4 inch Silk Taiieta
Ribbons, all colors with charming 0n
Lace effects. A half value lot at "2V
Fancy Stripe Taffeta Silk Rib
bons, 4 inches wide, all colors. A
monster value for tomorrow buyers
and at, the yard
Black Moire Ribbons, all silk, 7
to io inches wide. In all the his
tory of ribbon selling there has
never been a value equal to this.
Price tomorrow only
Taffeta Ribbons, 7 inches wide,
no end to the color range. A beau
tiful, bright finish ribbon of ex
cellent quality, Saturday price .
Liberty Royal Corded Ribbons,
all silk, all the newest shades and
colors. A high grade quality at a
really moderate price, worth 40c (or
Globe Warehouse
The ent-rt'laliinionl wan held In the
autlltoilutii of the ehuich, which van
aho unable to hold all who desiicd
to train nrlmlsslon to listen to the ex
cellent inulenl nnd llleinry ream One
of the features of which war the sing
ing or the William Connell Cilce club,
under the dlicctlon of V. W. I'vans.
They made u decided hit and were ten
deted a musing teceptlon.
Attorney .'nine. 11. AVnlkhis of Tay
lor, v.nn chuliman of the evening, and
dellvcied an able and interesting nd
drcs on "St. David', the Day, nnd
What It Menus to the Wetsh People."
HIh speech was greatly appreciated.
The programme ns printed In this
department ycteiday wan tarried out
In lis entirely. Tho affair wan con
ducted under the auspices of the wast
nnd means committee of the chuicb,
nnd was a decided surees. "otlally
and financially.
Special Meetings.
A special meeting of the Columbia,
Chemical and Hose company was held
last cvenlnp In their headiuurietn to
take action on the death of their latij
member and sceietnry, Hobcit I.
Olehl. lively member was In attend
mr, President CoiIpib whs In the
chnlr and npoke of the fsemplaiy life
of the deceased. A. 11. Holmes nlmi
paid a glowhiR tilbule to tliuli' late
It wax decided to attend tin funeral
lu a. body and Invite tho vnilous com
panies of the tire department. All
members will nsemblp al lln hoce
house at l:!IO o'clock on Sunday Hflet
itoon In full unifoim, -wiixi Int; white
The Kleetilc City Wheelmen also
livid a special session to act upon
the death of the late Kobeit Dichl.
A set of icsolutlons on the demise
of the brother weio adopted and spiead
upon the minutes of the club. The
members will attend the services In
a body. They will meet at the club
house toniotvow afternoon at T.::!0
Puneml of Patrick Gaughan.
Sci'Viies over the lrmalns of the late
Patrick Oaughan were held yesterday
mornlnK at St. ratiiek's chinch and
were attended by a large number of
Mends nnd telatlves. Jtev. P. 11. 1t
velle celebrated a requiem mass and
preached a shoit sermon containing
words of consolation and comfoil to
tho Fonowlng friends.
The Horal offeilngs ueie many and
spoke silently of the high esteem In
which the deceased wa held. Tho
niill-bcnteif weie l-'rank AIcAndtew,
Pattlck Shevlln, John Olblln. James
Itush, Rlehiud l.onegan and James
AlcCunlgle. Interment was made In
Dtinniorc Catholic cemetery.
Enjoyable Suipilse Paity.
(Jeorge Sncldmnn, of Academy stnet.
wai tendeied a suipilse party at hl
home, Thuisday night. AIuMcal selec
tions were given, games played nnd
refreshments served.
Among those present wcie Air
Phillips. Hcnty Phillip. Airs. Thlel.
AIls-s Kthel Itlchnids, Air. and Airs.
Whitman, Air. nnd Airs. Snvder. Air.
and Airs. Wrlgley, Air. and Airs. Path,
Air. and Mrs. "Watrous, Air. nnd Airs.
Itlce, Air. nnd Atrs. Itlchards, Atr. and
Airs, llotdw. Air. and Alls. Cramer, Mr.
nnd AlisjPowens, Air. mid Alts. Cos
move. I'. and Airs. Lewis, Atr. nnd
Mis. Sifltt, Air. and Atrs. Decker, Atr.
nnd Airs. Quick, Air. and AIis AKClcI
land, Mr. nnd Alls. Pratt.
Woodmen to Meet.
The Ifydo Park Comp. Alodein
Wiroilnieii of America, will hold a
meeting on .Monday evening In Ivoilte
linll. Distitct Deputy Joseph Hughes
will bo present and deliver an uldi ess.
Alany matters of Importance will come
befoie the session for Its considera
tion, livery member Is urged to bo
present. Several members will be In
itialed nnd fcevcral applications bal
loted upon.
After the transaction of routlni
business a smoker and social session
will ensue.
Jackson Stieet Church.
The trustees will hold their tegular
monthly meeting Alonduy evening,
At inch I, at 7:S0.
The pastor will begin his series of
Illustrated sermons Sunday evening,
March 10. Topic, "flieat Hymns and
Their Authors." A silver offeilng will
be taken at this service. Children
must be attended to be admitted.
The famous Tom Thumb's wedding
will be icpcutcd In the clmrtb Tues
day evening, .March .".. Now features
will be added. Invited guesls will be
lecelvcd at f o'clock. Admission. liS
cents. No tickets held for the llrst
piifoiniiinrp will be redeemed.
Nevt Sunday evening tho pastor will
exchange, pulpits with Or. Vhalen, ot
The Jackson sheet ltapllst filee club
will sing at the evening service.
The I .a dli's' Aid society meets every
Wednesday morning and afternoon.
Wlllanl D. Howe, now tho president
of Hie Yale Dramatlr club, will give
an evening of lili delightful Imper
sonations Friday, AInrch l.. In the
Wnshbnin street Ptesbytorlan chinch,
for the bcnellt of the West Sctantou
btanch of 1 In Young Women's Chris
tian association.
Air. Howe is well known In Scranton,
wheie he always draws a crowded
house. He will be assisted by orehes
tial and vocal music.
The regular monthly meeting of the
lllectrle City Wheelmen wilt be held on
.Monday evening.
The Tom Thumb wedding will be re
peated on Tuesdnv evening at the
Jackson Stieet Haptlst church.
Camp No. ITS. lMtilotln Older of
Americans. Initiated live candidates on
Thursday veiling.
Local union. No 111. of the Amalga
mated Aleat Cutti'is and fiiilcher
Workmen of North Amcilca, will meet
next .Monday evening. Alaicli 4, In Co
opeiatlve hall. National Seeretary
Trcauier Homer D, Call, of Syraeute,
N. V., will deliver an nddress dining
the .session, nnd will also Instinct the
newly elected ofllceis and members In
the mysteries and wotklngs of the or
ganization. The women's class of the Simpson
Alelhndlsi llplstopal chinch met yes
terday afternoon.
Ml" Daisy AleCioiy. the elUcIeni In
structor In the commercial department
of our high school, was one of tlie few
-naduatcs of tho Hlooiusbuig Noimnl
school lo be lecommended by I'icstdent
"Welch, of that Institution, to the gov
ernment for educational woik in the
Philippines. Aliss AlcCrorj has under
consideration the offer which carries
with It fico transpoitallon and a .al
ary of WO per month foi thiee yeai-.
Thcie Is a gencial hope nmong hr
present pupils that she may lcldc to
lemaln with them and toiititui" the
pleasant lelatlous iliieh chaiaelei v
tncli dep.ntmcnt.
An Intoi esting Lectin e.
I!t. Ilfnry J. Whalen, of Calbo'i
dale, dellveied his famous lecture o'i
"The Wit and Humor ot the Iilsii feo
ple" al the .Methodist cliuuh last night
and thoioughly delighted the large r.u
dlence piesent. Ills portinynl of the
Inimitable wit and humor of t'ae Iiisli
people was exceedingly iatrcstlng-.
The next lectin i of this comae is to 1)
by Rev. V. 11. AVeeks on "Tho P.islon
Plo," on Thuisday nigh, Match 14.
Short News Items,
.Mis. i:. W. Wlnlei, stein is 111 at her
home In Notth Hlakely stieet.
Alaster Chillies Conn, of Butler
stieet, Is sld; with a sevuic attack of
E. W. P.lshop and wife hae letuined
fiom a shoit visit at flouesdale.
.Miss Annie Ucnwood has ietuined
fiom a business tilp to New Toik.
Born To Air. and Airs. Atlhur W.
Close, of i'hlid stieet, a son.
AIis. A. E. P.10W11. of Cieen TUiIrp
stieet. Is 111.
Dr. E. P. Cart Is again able to be
at his ottleo jfior his lecenl attack ot
DuumoiP Piesbj teilan ihurih Itev,
William F. Gibbons, pastoi. Seivlces
at 10.30 and 7.30 o'clock. At the morn
ing service the sacrament of the Lord's
supper will bo administered and new
members will be iccelved Into the
church. Evening subject will be "The
.Master Alotle" Sunday school nt 12
o'clock. Other services as usual,
Dunmoic .Methodist Episcopal chinch
Itev. A. .1. Van Clelt. pastor. The
pastor will preach at both the nioinlng
nnd evening sen Ices tomonow. Sub
ject of moi ning sermon will be, "The
Klist Iovp." And of thp evening ser
mon will be, "Samson Losing His
Locks." Tho other seivlces will be
held as usual. Seats free, and all made
w-eli onie. The subject of the talk to
the chlldieii will be "Spoiling the
Vines "
Thf'cuii.uiiciit of tho Lonl's supper
will bo celebrated at the 11101 ulng ser
Ices of the Green nidge Piesbytcilan
1 lunch tomonow.
The funeral of .Mis. Edward S. Teal
will lake place fiom her late home.
1377 Afonsey avenue, ut 3 o'clock to
monow afternoon. Seniles will be
held In the iviui Avenue Baptist
cliunh at :!.3o o'clock luteinient In
Washburn stieet cemeieiy.
Airs. P. P. Klllam, of Capoiue ,ue
nue, Is lecoveilng fiom a long Illness.
Aiehdeacon Itadcllffp will conduct an
eight days' mission at the Church of
Would ue Kenip'a Uahani for tlie 'lltoat and
I,uri, It It cuilng more f'oujbf, (Vldf,
Althtna, Ilronchiti. Croup and nil Throat and
hurfr Troub1e, than any oilier medicine, Tho
proprietor baa authorised any diujcl.t to give
you a Sample Dottle rice to comlnce jon of the
merit of thi stoat rcmrdi Trice 2V. and Si,
La Gilppe Is Infectious but Not Con
tagious. Contagious disease cue communl-eatt-d
from one person to aiiotheri In
icctloiiH diseases arc conveyed through
the nlr.
Smallpox Is a contagious disease;
La Oilppo In lntcctlous. When nn epi
demic of thp grip Is prevailing It Is
In th air we breathe nd no out
Is safe,
The only Mifeguard H to keep the
system lu the highest podciblo condi
tion of health nnd on the first appear
ance of n cold In the head to uso some
-afo antiseptic like Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets freely, a tablet taken cory
hour or two for a couple of days will
bn sufllclcnt to break up the attack.
l,a drlppc attacks Ihe weakest part
of the system, It may bo tho lungs,
heait, liver, stomach or kidneys, but
wherever It flmlly loenres It almost
Invariably Htarts with cold In thp hend
nnd tin oat or In other words, th
dibcnro at Ihu beginning Is acute ca
This Is the reaon Stumt's Cnturrh
Tablets have beet; v urccssfui In
bicnklng up attacks nl grip. The
antiseptic properties of the icmcdy
destioy the germs berore tho whole
system Is thoroughly infected.
liv. Annlston sajs- Stuarts calarin
Tablets being free fiom cocaine and
lmimrut drugs should be fieely uied
nt this time of the year on the tlrst
appearance of gilp svinptoms.
They check the excessive catnirhal
s'.cretlons. slop the fever and pi event
They nie composed of antiseptics
and may be mert by llltlo children as
fic:ly as by adults and with great
Pr. I.owislon says' Aly usual pre
(eilptlon for the gilp Is Stuart's Ca
lm rh Tablets, which can bp found at
all drug stores. Keep to the house
for a day or two nnd uso the tablets
freely, nnd I have never heard any
complaint of failure to cure.
the Good Shepherd, comer Alonsey
avenue and Green Itldge street, from
Alonday, Araich 3, to Sunday, AInrch
10. The houis of service will be: Sun
days, 7.30, JQ.?.0 a. m., 2.30, 4. 7.30 p. in.
Week days: 7.S0 a. m.. 4."0 and 7.30 p.
in. A cordial Invitation to be present
Is pxtendpd lo all.
Alius LouK'e Wan en. or Alonsey ave
nue, has letuined fiom a visit with
Duryear fi lends.
The out-of-town ft lends who have
been ihu guests of All. and Airs. Hart,
of Penn avenue, hovp returned home.
Aliss Alabel li"cirdham ontortaliied the
members of the P. Al. Social club at
her home on Capouse avenue last evening-.
Lewis W. Lewis Is III at his home on
.Marlon street.
Impiesshv serviies pienaratory to
'the communion were held In the Cicon
Itldge Pieshytoiian f hutch last even
ing. A large audience enjoyed one of the
most delightful entertainments recently
given In Green PJdge last night, when
Aliss Ella Honey's class of the Asbuiy
.Methodist Episcopal Sunday school en
tertained with tho latest and most up-to-date
steieoptlcon views.
Wyoming Semiutuy Basket Ball
Team Defeated the Stavs by
a Score of 11 to 7.
One of the most Intel esting games
at basket ball ever played In this
section was witnessed last nlghl at
the Auditorium bv a laige crowd.
when tho stionc AVyomlng Semlnaiy
I' am battled against and defeated the
North End Stai.
The Seminary team 11I1.0 downed ihe
Stars two wcks aso at Kingston. The
local playeis weie much lighter than
tho visitor h, who have held the cham
pionship of Luzeine county for some
time. La&l night's match was for the
championship of Lackawanna and Lu
zeine, and lesulted In a score of U-7.
The Semlnaiy men played magnificent
The Slals' team was iiiniln up of
Samuel and Will Davis, Sklffend tit.
Oilando Jones and Prank Evans.
Wedding Anniversary.
Air. nnd Airs. Perton Slsco celebrated
their llrst wedding anniversary Wed
nesday evening at their homo, on
Hieaker street. Altisic and vocal solos
wete lendeicd, which made the even
ing a pleasant one. At a late hour re
ficshinenl.T weie served. Those pips
ent wcie: All. and Airs. Weston, Air.
and AIis. Oakley, Air. and Mrs, Cojc.
Alts. Ptoughton and Airs. Stout, AIlssci
Wilson. Sllvc ra. Wan on Patterson,
Aletealf, Sllnipr. Robert, Smith. Wes
ton; A!csf,r.i. Hat l, Andeivon, Pavls
and Conk,
Magazine Social.
A eiy interesting and unl-iue en
tertainment, known as a magazine so
( ial, will be conducted In the Piovl
dence Alethndlst Episcopal church par
lors next Thuisday evening, .March 7,
beginning at 7.10 o'clock
II Is deslied to have a toom full
of subset Iherr to this magazine. The
way to become n subscriber Is by be
ing piesent next Thursday evening.
No ndnilsslon will be charged nt tho
door. Choice 1 onfectloneiv nnd Ice
cream will be on sale ntter'tlip unlet
talnment Police Docket for Month.
The docket of the thlld pieelnci po
IIlo hcadcmarleis had moie anests
leglstercd on It In tho past month
than It his had In many yeais. The
following I. the leporl;
1'iunk, Si dlsoideily conduct, 17,
lighting, 8: weary and drunk, 2; com
mitting nuisances nnd not obeying otll
ceis. 3; committed to Jail, ',; discharged
1; f.nes amounting t'o Mil: oillceis on
duly lu this section and Gieen llldge,
funernl of Mabel Atheiton.
The funeral of Mabel Atlieiton. Hie
T year old daughter of Mr. and Mrc.
very Atherton, of PnrKer stieet, will
tnlte placrj tomonow nftemoon at s
o'clock, ft 0111 the home of the pnrcnU,
W I'atUer Ftieet.
Intonncnt aIU he made In Torest
Mill cemetery.
.Mi 5 K S. ,Tackon,
Terrace. 1 vtiltlnc her
Of Bt'lllltDlll
on at l,afny-
etto collefie, ICaston.
Ilurton niioddn, of New
ttiken up Ills :elilenf en
,liise.v, hug
Illicit ave-
Mr. Stephen Hulile and funilly of
Thompson stieet nto vifltlng Ills pai
enta In Cnntidn.
Mr. and Mrs. i.iwW, of Petlcvllle,
vinlted nt (he home of their diiucnter,
Mis. 0. A. Cute, yestordny.
Rites Were Conducted at Hartmnn's
Hnll by the Knights of Malta,
Deputy Grand Commander John E.
Evans Being: In Charge South
. Scranton Y. W. C. A. Notes Meet
ing of the Jungcr Maennerchor.
Athletic Club Will Soon Begin
Tialuing School Exeiclses.
Geuetul (iranl cominundeiy No, 230,
Knights of Alalta, stationed at Hart
man's hall, had the following olllters
Installed for thp ensuing term last
night by Deputy Grand Commander
Sir John E. Evans, asslMcd by several
past commanders: Sir knight com
mander. Sir 11. V. Stock: genctnllsslino,
Sir I'tcd C, llclb; captain general. Sir
Harry Alannlck: pi elate, Sir Charles
DeWlght; recorder, Sir Adam II.
Kilchteli assistant tecorder, Sir
George l'enne; tiensurer, Sir Audiew
Kraiiti;; senior warden, Sir II, V. Iw
ert; Junior warden. Sir AVIIIIam lies
singer; stniitlaid-bcaier, Sir (leoige
lloffeckcr; sword-beaier. Sir Andrew
Klblcr; warder. Sir Ileimnu E, (loco
lln: sentinel, Sir William Weblcy; Hist
guard, Sir Edwin llattman; second
guard, Sir Eied Kellermnn: ttustees.
Sir William l'enne, Sir A Klblcr, Sir
J, Tltleburg: icpresenlatlve to t ho
(li.ind commnndery, Sir Abram Cock
till. TJie financial standing of this com
mnudeiy Is In Ilrst-class condition, of
which the members, can be well proud.
The recoidci's semi-annual lepoit
shows a total of available cash on
band of $1,031.05. with puaphernalhi
v. oi th, which makes the total
assets $1,63S.-13, which places them
with nnv conimnndeiy In the state
Tho conitnandeiy was Instituted Juno
12, 1897.
South Side Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Working- classes will bo organized nt
the South Side Young- Women's Chris
tian association next week. Theic will
bp two afternoon ami two evening
These dassps are organized especial
ly for the young women who are out
of employment because of the strike.
This Is n fine opportunity for any
young woman, whether she belongs to
the union or not, to leant how to do
some of the practical things of life.
There w HI be a competent cooking
teacher, and the gills In these classes
will do the real work of the class.
Come to the rooms and find out about
the rates from the secretary.
Will Begin Exercises.
The Scranton Athletic, club will com
mence their 1 1. lining school exercises
Alonday evening for the chlldien at
their hall.
Theywlll be held Alonday and Thuis
day nights. Pi of. Victor Notli will
teach, with lln assistance of Captain
Chi 1st Hose. ,
Initiated New Meinbeis.
The .lunger Alnennerchor met In teg
ular session last night. Theie was a
laige attendance of the members and
much business wns transacted
The following new membeis wcip
initiated: Chailes S. Posar, Edwaid
Coleman, George Peiwarth, William
Klrst. Peter Hosar. Jr.. Peter r.obllng.
Jr., IVter Alarker, Charles Slink, Fred
Iteidenbach, Prank Slocuni. George
Hosar, Harvey Hentle, Gooige Sclicucr,
P. F.fl Cuslck, Louis I'.elchard. Jacob
Hemuth, Aithur Smith and Chutles
Ileum of Uiooklyn.
Card of Thanks.
We lh to expicss our thank.- to all
who sympathized and aided us In our
teeent bereavement, and evidenced
their tender feelings by attendance a I
the funeral of our dear one, Charles
Clanb. The Mildnesses of the Scranlon
Saengerrnnde and Huteher's club were
especially appi eclated.
Airs. Clnules (iaab,
Air. and Airs. Pontius.
The Scranton Saengeriunde will hold
their tegular monthly meeting tomoi
low afternoon In Athletic hall.
The member of the Knights of SI.
George, branch No. t,",, w 111 meet to
moirow af lot noon al 2 o'clock In St.
Alnry's hall.
Alls. Cl11I1.1l.111 Erk, of Seeleyvlllc,
Pa.. Is the guest of Air and .Mis AVUI
luiii Holder on Ced.11 avenue.
t'nrlrr thl bcadlne; thott lettera el Inter'lt
fill be published when aicompanlrd, for publica
tion, by th wrlter'1 name. The Tribune noea not
aumot refponsibllity for oplulcni here expitised.)
Stone Cutteis Give Their Side of the
Tdlioi of l III I limine
Sr Tie iliances mile Hit iiioiiiiuk n. nr
luper and tluneil l three niomber of lb
Iluildiri? Tiade iouihiI, Iiik bieu a pun infull
t bin otganliallon, and vr lanuot .land tlil.
low i ,iy nl dl'euvlia, ..pnlall.i when all of the
futi M.itid ill ull IitKr ate faUlioodf Him
oiKauiailon ha awildul an) publleutlnti wliieli
would In lure tlie ml nl nt ,iu lalior jvm.i m
Hen Out pilndplK jre tit prolirl 0111 tiade
and lln' lud"3hic of lids tin, where eici.voue
of u, inoii' or lo,', tot lln li-l flllieu c,in.
hue nude nm liom. . It I" tiur, we ue fuiuud
I new union, but illo in to i-UI.- Hut no
I'rank t'ailiuil or im otliit liiau lias toiined
it. V liae fciineil 1I1U unnui oiuvrlvi,, mil
lie ate gLul (11 kay Iliat we are (t.ilnti.j; iruum
ami riicmcHi eien div. When it u.ik foi 111 d
we lud only elidilrcn menibeia. .Now we lute
thill) eteu, (tiryntie if tlitni at Rund a me
ilunii at tan be found in (he louutt.i, 01 be
ionclnp; In Ihe "Md union, I'liet Joined 0111 iiuinn
as a li;ii of piolcl to tie unfair meant n-d
by tlie oftlilalt uf tin ir,inlon liranili of Hi'
Intel national euloii.
Wit could not ktav in Hut unluii and ilieit
cur national mustd'ation of money un lio.nd uritd; by plaiintr Hie same of atilke, ihui
leallv theie wa no Kroimd for ttrike. I,cl the
public undcrttaild this tluublc f 1 .Mil (he riltlit
point of liew. Ileloie tlie mike wat crdtteil
both of Catliucl't tbi.pti were !uil du.n, co'i
nquentl.i the tloiw alltni from Hie ffreeu nidi,.!
tliop who iliifhurt,ed, and line W i.lietc the
tiouble i.iinn in. Tho-e di.ih.HKed men were
iiffliijla of the siatiton biatuli. "Ihey made
up llieli- luliul tn take tin ir 'etaiatao tor
belnn ilitfliatired, aid for thi tejwjn they or
iliTCil a ttrike ami plaied a line on the rom
'Jhla aitlou tool, pljie at 1 uuelliiK when luid
ly an ot the meuibett, awate of tills tiouble,
were pirrent, unil of cotitw llni utilke wa ap
ploved by the tueinbeit lucent. At eery ut.
ceedlnr; mcetltiR we line, in aln, prnteatnl
agalntt that ir.Miillon, but 110 allrutlon wat
ner paid tu Uf, Nnothrr Important fan Hut
dt'CUtlod tlm nulorilj of tlin In mull la Hint
the rttike rjininlllie arpclnteil wat not icpie
tintltiK Hie Miicial tenlinieut of thr bod.i, and
were cideicd by members to .ii altiiitlm
l) tho will of the majcilly. They tifiuul it
do o, and the remit ct till. Inipotitioti of .1
few compelled ill to withdraw fiom the bu.vli
end mi a local. Now- let m Jiutlfy curcl'H,
Oftinc to the sudden closlnc of the Savoy Theatre, New York, we have secured
the Sensational Society Success,
l.eo Dltrlclisteln and Judge Grant's delicious social stre
taken from the hitter's much discussed hook, and . . .
"Ptwiitcil by tlin tronncl ea.t ot Nfwr Ycir". favotlti tetorc the pubki." S V. Trfiw.
This Exceptional Company' Embraces:
Elizabeth Tyree,
Alice Fischer, '
Virginia Buchanan,
Florida Pier,
Vivian. Townsend,
John Do Gez,
E. J. Morgan,
Morton Scldon,
Georgo Fawcett,
George Woodwind,
Malcolm Williams,
Harry Haulon,
lmr dd ft word tRlnt that union,
vlille tlicy. en tli otl'r liaml, ue been tall.
ini clay Jftrr day, lliroiwh tlie pre agaliKt
u. We have not llic few ritoriuin Iciilcri Hut
urn n foml of slrlkri anl iny Utile etk.
We wnulil like lo call tin attention of tti
public ut Uirp Hut e are imt wmllng tor
.my nidi Mj'.'ot ns lliry line ttatcil la jonr
paper, Imt nrc working ilrlitly nmlor union
rules, ecltliij? our ManHard ijk nd e ''1J'
iriy light tint any other Imdy of union men
tiaf, In tact luve ilnht hutiM (ur a ila a
soit, anil lu tjoinr c.ii an lncriae ot 20 icr
cent over lait pat' wirm.
s nr all bi'loncwl lo the unn union llierr
tv siiplK-r(l In exlt a Ircllns ot truthrily lo'o
livlnptn in. Iiiit liHtoail wc learn bom Rood
uiitdorlty that thi irclilMit ami other olrlcluli
of tint hramli, wlill tliej prrtpnclnl to An n
In wir prrwiwe, tine lnitilkly Untied that thi'.v
would ilrlie all of m out ot the city That
Is rr Hire Imleiit, for a hrolhcr lo tmk.1
melt n rnnirt,, rieclally tiom people who rune
(rotn the Wrt 11 jrjr am. (Vnilil not llw s ra i
ton peopli do no It It was ncoessary? We feci
far suporlor to thorn aij'l ate belter cltlienH than
tl.ey are, and lu just a inuiti right, In fart
moie. If we eo'.itliito to make our home hew
aiid earn an tione.t llihic
We hope tint Ilia HulMIng trades Council vtill
Imr.tlgate this matter Ixfoie they taVo further
action, and Fee tint the interest of tho flone
cutters llilng In thit ilty will lu the future
lie prnteeted and not keep oatfido woik away
front tlilf iltj.
.1. Callatlone, riesulent,
lo'iii h. Carluccl, taecutaty
biianton Stene CutteiV Avoclallou.
Joseph TJ. Lloyd.
Scratitou'd mot repritcntitlie uicr,
l,lojJ, tlicil itrnlj in.iruitijr at C
One of
,1o.epli )).
o'clock, at the family residence, Wtf Xorlli Main
nuniie. lie hail hecn Jllliifr for marly a jrui,
but It b only a week ago that he hail to
lake to hit ld. Tli dejtli wilt be mourned sin
ceiely bv all who knew I1I111, for Willi li'ru
eaili rew acquaintance meant .111 aildltionil .id
miriiiR frieiJ,
Mr. I.liid was bun 1'eli. 2:. 1811, lu llriroi.
flilre, Wales. Ho earae In Sctatiton at the nc
of I'.i, and after workin,"; lor j iIiort time a 1
laborer at the llcllevue colllci.i, enlisted in
Company I), Se nl.'Mrnlli ujlniciit, and
tcncil with iliittiicttfii thioiighout hU term of
At tin doe of the l.e look .1 come tn
(.aiclnci'd business collcso and lieu il
in bmlr.PM lu Vew tori, but after a, fiv.
JC5M cave IliU ii' lo tiutne ininliiE heie and
In rv.lorailo. In I,m be becmie fotenun of the
llcllivuc eiilllerv .mil continued In Ibis pcidll'-n
for ten .iarf, when be uj trausfeiicd to the
fotetuanvil ot the rrhUM rollirn He filleil
lltl pcsltiou until lait fill, when he wa made
Inside foiiinm of the ( ajiiirj, which podtton
1 e held ul the time of lilt death
He wan piomincrl 111 pdiliis and Fened two
(cinii oh silcct iiiunellMian from the rifteentli
ward, lie wa 11 rralmu meinber of tlie WeUli
I'aptitl nnd piomlncnt in tho Iioritei
ainl Ma.'1'iiio oiibrf.
The (lulilreu him aie Mi
).oi, wife of Distrlil Atlniiii I ewi
John, I'rcd and fierlimli- MomI
I'lalll ,
Miss Clnra Glllignn.
Mi. (laru (.'illlcan, iced 2. iu--, ot 111,1.
nut, V. , fikd cail.i otcnliy moniiui,' .11
the home of 1!. .1. liillisan, of I'itlli street,
hiiiui.' eonie let on 'I'ueid.iy Ij--i. l mir
liei siter, MM Cairie, who wan liouwkecper
for Vr. (.illlciti.
Site rumplaltieil on W-dnesdi) of not feeling
a.t well a iitul, but iiothlns vuiom '111
thought ot in losaid to it until late that night
when hhe Kutti'ied ,t sudden uljpsi' nnd died be
fote mcillcal nid could leaeTi her.
Thi1 romatin were tak'n lu ler lne Imine lit
nlfntit, white lntiruinl will be nnd.-
Raymond MongAU,
Ml. ami Ml. .Tohu Mdhicjii, ot Collin, .ui.
.-en- railed upui to ri'miti the loc of their in
fjnt son, ltaniond, 1 I1I1 deatli e,ttldJ
morninj:. Ihe little Mlu bad been iei.1 Mil.
for K-wiat di.iH with iineunionla. but dcidle all medical okill could ib, lusiod .niaj.
The funeral will be lrMly tulvate, caIii,
lo flikne-d of other uieir.b m of the fjimli.
Thomas W. Scaulou.
A tiliratii van reoiived by Hi. 1' 1' vaiilo'i
yontddiy, anuouiiiiiitf tlm death ! hK vn,
llmtnat W". . anion, in Tiiiiiile, Ta,. lilt
le.ilii w.11 raiinnl bv pin 1.
Ilie tenulnt will be lunitelil i ll.i- n lor
burial, I'uiiiral annonu'eiiinil IjM
Iho funrul of He late UuUrt I' llield mil
be hold tonminiv aftttnoon al s.u iclock limn
tlio fitnllv iiiiiienit on South Hide Park .He
mic. ,Vmrci ill bo held 111 the Wcahbiiu
sttcel i'leibitciiiii iliiirui nt :. o'clock. lln
Mitfat will officiate. Th i Imliert imarttile
will lnir The niembei. of Hi,- 1'nliiiubia I hem
liul anil IIom rompaiit, I'.lrilile I Ih Mliceluien
nnd S. ranton T. Kiaplma! 1 nlon will adeul
in a body lliirial will be nude In
met I ccincieij
The funeral of th bie Mm l.dnai.1 It el
will be attended fiom Ihe funlly home, ot I
o'lloik tomorrow altunoon. Srilcis at Hie
I'lini Until. lljplNL iliiinli it l.".u u'tlo'k, flnd
Inlerment tu Uashbuui ftieet cniclei.
Ilin iemaln.i of Mitt Vitiei (lint), who .lud
at St. riks' hd-pital. I'lilladeliihla. Wiituet
ikiv nlRlit, anlied heie lal lilslil al S 0" o'i oi I,
find wire 1 01110,11 d to l.i.i liomo of Ml and Mm,
iidrew HnnleiM. ..!l I'lielpt tlreet, wlieuie Hie
fu1111.1l will taki plao. 101 101 row iillein.nn al
ij't loi k
Some Facts About Them and Doubt
less Also -some notion. I
Mien 111 Vilitee'-i
Tlie impels til' lireuter N'crt Yoik
cliculute evei.v iiiiirnlns: l,Oi)0,OuO rop
iest, of whli'li the World and Join mil
each mipplles aoo.OCO, rmil the lleinld
ir.o.l'OO. Tli eoinhiiied 1 Ik illation of
tho cithei paiieii inrt" li eonipllted
fioni Hint. The ciioiilatlon of th-
enlim p.ipei.s Is about luu sitine In
loto, but (luctimtof. ilki. a theimonie
ler. A fninout tr.itifilj cir Ulal will
nuilce 11 1 hnnce of lOti.tiiio, Tho Spnu-
Uli war .i tin ffretltest ei.v for tho
oeiilm, ji.ipei. Just piovloitH to IU
herrlnnlmr Mr lli'drtst t-t'cuied one of
.Mr. I'lilltsier's bent nmn nt a s.tliiiy
of 1,000 per year, nnd .1 iieirent.tKO
on lli balH of c'liculation. Ills iv
telpU foi Iho firiu nioiilli of the wit
amoitnU'il to $sr,noo, fo km-iiI wan lh
Inereuke lu clrrulntloii. J'adi of llifno
yellow JourimlH ppemln nbout tl.DOO,
OvO a .M'iu Tor papi't. the iuruitlty eon
mimed beliiB .'il.STe. tons. To ftuultdi
UiIh. n vlll.it3 of 2,000 mulu . employed
year in and year out, uml every day
leu neies of (.pmc tiecH nre swept oft
to make pnper. In tho WoUii build,
lne-, li'it'O men are etnplpyed at milar-
Eleanor Pobson,
Margarets Fuller,
Geneva IiiRersoll,
Alice Rogers,
Ella Wilson.
Wm. Pumice.
--" IILIS A-, te$eej.
A. .1. DL'ITV,
Saturday ""Nn,lZ Harch
and Mzht
AT 2.r,e.
Al. W. Martin's
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dcaiitlhil Slave Sctllni: Tilteu I'rnn Actlul
kene In the far .South.
Matinee I'rlics 2,e i childien lo any patt l
Iho Iiciiiv. IV.
KnciiIiik 1i Ices -2.V., IV. and .
eale of aeatfj opens Tliitmlay at 0 a. m.
om: moi it oni,v.
Amftica'a VotcniMt Aclor-Autlior,
James A. Heme,
In Ilia T.-itct and Orcatcit flay,
Sag Harbor.
great N'e.v York cit. The auperb New
iotk production,
rrlces 2.", tent to $l.uO.
Kcat 011 tal itomlay at 0 a. m.
IXaniEtra and IiCtiee. Local Jltntttr.
JIatlnee "Xobod.i'n Claim."
Mcht "Ueiner Ktprcss."
au. m:.t "kkk.
Muiidaj i:cninj; "Duke's DuiKliler.''
Mjtlnee l'ricea-10 ami 20 ient.
Kicnlnjj I'tlces 10, 20, :,0 cetd.
Ai.r r.;iv(.ro.v, JUnascr.
Ihree, bcRlnnlns; Sfondaj niatinte, March 4,
Miss New York, Jr.
ITnei0 liny Cnrninliuj ar-
Irrpt. id 411 Bonn Wlionut,
InconTenlenee, flrcllon
In.wWeti . otinlbn. Vm-.
DeDn nml Inlertlonu Ian.
les laiiKlnp; fiom fl a -week to $13,000
a year. In twelw months $7,000,000 of
money tluoiiRli the hnnds ot
the cashl"!
Yellow journalism Is stieressfitl from
a llnunt'iiil Htandpolnt. The prollts of
th Hi'iitld lift year nniouiitcd to
netirly hewn Imndrcd nnd fifty thous
and dollars, or about two thousand
ilullais per day. Mr. rtilitzer'K net
piollts for the same thin were live
bundled tliousniul dolluis, his Inconi"
liavliiff fallen off clnco the World
dropped ftntii two cfnt.t to one. The
.louinal, It l.s Keneialty understood,
eame out ptn, nlthoiiRh Mr. Hearst
inltrlit have inndc money had ho nor
lontinitod to Invent iv.oro In pushing
his eiiiMilalion. Mi Ilunnctt and Mi,
I'ulltzer aie e.uMi wcuth twenty-OVn
million diillnrs, nil of which has bcn
made In the new .paper btiblneps. Th estute. on which Mr' Hearst;
can iliaw Indefinitely, It seems, Is
woitb in on tbiin thlit.v million h.
luis, and six million dollars', It Is !'
tlnniti-il, b.ivi .iliriuU rji-i-n invested
In tlm Koiv York .lutiiuulinnd Clilcaijii
Ami'ile.iii. wltbout an pAdtttr as yet.
All hands on .1 yi'llov Journal ai
diiven at it desfperatu ptyi c, nnd llttlf
wotnler that ndstakes are mude. Tli
marvel Is that thfio anl no more. 1
know of 0110 iviortrr onl the JSvpnlrtf'
Journal, Air. Ueonse H. (Hfe, who re
fimtly woiltPil thlrly-nlie hours con
tinuously without sleep. On arriving
at tin otiUo at 4 a. 111. he -ran set to re
wiUIiik finin tin mm nlr k- paper and
taldnp; down stcnles a hiy came In
over the telephone. At I o'clock he
was ordered to l'hiladelp ila, where be
wrote two columns and Tired It back
for tlie next mot nine's vapor, 4lui1 at
tho sanio time ieceled a mesisage to
have two lolunins moie toady for tho
I'Venim paper. Tlie latter hn wrote In
a bas'aso car c omliiir 'home by thi
dim llKht of .1 slimle lantern and slt
UtiK on a milk can. An artist with
111 tu Hindi jib litres at the same tlnp.
Tlie moment he 1 eat bed his olllee a.
l'lillfd States man-of-war run foul lu
the bay. and .Mr. rife, being- export In
nautical affalis, was straightway as
slKiied to cover the story In a fleam
laiiiuli, lemnlnlnK mil In a dilvlngraln
all clay, and called upon 10 write up'a
Miiletv event on his leturn. In tl..t
time lie wiote In all 17,00) words
The Real Ruleis.
lit luim- of kincb poiier leiiuin in I'.iik
laid, mil 'bat It about all 'lliv aSord tlm
ecuv for tn splendid 1 dlpliy at maiketl the
piCRrcn of the n.yaltlia fr in H.e p.laee to tin
filii ot InnW. but the teal nileu of the finpiie
tit III Iho lioil-t' id roiorion- - lliunklin Kajle
Catanh Cannot Be Cured
u.lli I'lCVr, AlTl.K IKA, at thej Canillt
mull Ihe leal ot the dlsr-c I aUllh it looil
or lOiMluitlmul diaeiv, and in old. 1 to cure
ton liiiil take inleuul tei.ied e? Hull's C'a
l.ui I, 1 ure It takiu liiteuull), and .utt clircrtry
00 the blood and iniicaiw vjrfieia llall't Oa
Ijltli Cure it not 1 fjiiatl. lu-dlclne. It wmi
pHMlibed 1'J one 01 Hie b t plij.liltns In this
iounti foi .Main, and it a tegular piescriptlou,
II it ionipoed ot the ben lotle.t knoitii, font,
blued wltli the I d.t Idaod puilnem, atllne dl
nctly on tin tnitiout utf,iic, Tlie perfect ioiu
blnifloti 01 tlie two ingirdlciiia l what pr'
du. i n.U wonduiiil I'.ultt in uuini; Calinli
Smd foi irMlmonlaU fiee
V. ,1. rilll.NKV A: I (l., I'lopa , Toledo, O.
Suld li, diusplt. prlie ,e.
Ilall't I'amlli I'HU aie the belt.
,? -. -: .'V,.1
r v.
i , - n