tr - v r THE SCBANTOX TiUBCNE- SATURDAY, MAKCII 2, 1901'. nf IVr. MODERN HARDWARE! BTORC. THE HOUSE KEEPER'S FRIEND The Ideal Stenm Cooker is certainly n friend of the housekeeper. Requires only tho samo nmount of space na tho ordinary kettle nnd you can cook half a dozen things at once no buincd foods cvciythlng cooked well nnd nothing lost by evaporation. See window display. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :xxxx: THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday eveuings from S to g o'clock. Wm. Cosncll, President. Henry Bi-.ijn', Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Plck, Cashier. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy I I ' 1 i . JfciLtiLVJI , 330 I'MfUj , C? ' Lacka. BfcvjMj Avenue. 330 i L"liVl , ' V i' k. &. i. ' Repairing Done Qratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. cStatlrn, Scrauton, Pa.; month, I'tliiuary, Jixil. Temperature. ( liar. " Pioc !pl utter Iijtft Mav. Jlla. Mean, tat Ion. of da. 1 '-''1 13 Ill T Cloudy t ! n 17 i ( leav I ....'; II L'l ,rl ( loudy I "i7 '.: :t .vi 1 loudy I '! 1 : 14 .IM Cloudy i i : iii it r. ciou.i 7 SI 31 III V !. Cloudy F ... 'I Jit 11 u Clear S .,"1 v i it ( hmdy 5) 'J) U IT .HI I bar it l! 1L 'JJ u ( .,ir J" '.'7 Jl "ii ,10 P. ( loud Is 11 .". m .ill J (iolldv II H il 12 .HI Cloudy t ..... Ii '17 i.n T t huidi II A L'J !al it ( l,jr 7' t -i is ' ( 1 ar " t M in ,vu ( (,u,j 31 i 'i 'J- r l rioiuiv 'u "'I 17 3 .in (iowly "l -M II IS ,(ij l, I loudy "' ........ .-J, jii -! ,i i loudv ' "I H .OJ I', llomlj "' -'J ' II (I 1. ( Inudy ""' ' 1" -I' II CbudV " S -1 !' ii 1'. Cloudy "7 ' II I'l .ill '. rimidy ", '-'' I- l ,r 1', ( Inndy Mean 27.0 1.. mi M'MAfUIY. Mean alniitanlicrlo nrwurr, 21-J7 bains, High. t picisun-, WlJ.d huhes iljic, uili' low eat piev.urc, 2)02 Inthes, ilitu J,j,, ,rm. l-eutuic, .'0 ihgici(,, lili-lii.t ttuipeiituii, ., degree dale IGthi lowest (f uiutuic, 2 d gTtff. elate 2U'i: gieatr-t tlillt jgl. d (,,. pcratuio 13 digins, dilo 2'thj III! dill, i.ingn o( trinpoiature, 0 diguis, d.ilr nth. Pic Milling direction rf wind, tini llixxrl. 2 ,! unts total niouinciit ut wind, fi,2( mltis; maximum eIotliy ,( d (lo l- i,u f10ni im fi minute monl), dim Urn and dad-, .! ii,ll,-i, noittmrst on tlm J.'ih, 'i(1 ut clltal fnn, l luetics: mimbcr t( dajn with n i,, u nuAc, 13 liuiiiUr of ilear dnj. dj juilh ilmidy ilai, Jli doiulv daw, 11. 'ul miowMII, 113 ,mhf V. V., UoimMioii WEATHER YESTERDAY. IihjI data for Mjk.i 1, I'iui llUlift tciiiixratiuo -;s ,Kum. Icwr.t tcmpcraluro in Ur 'roe' lliimlditj: i. in. .........,. 17 per tent. ! '" V jifr rrnt MiohMI, 21 hours cndlnjc S i in , m In. I, New Sofa Pillow tnpH ami ImckK. Now and excliiHlo Uo hIbiih. Just m lived. Ciamer-Wt'lls Co., 130 Wjomlnsr iucmuio. R1.50 Will Buy iilri' dicss shoo for ladles nt Million's removal mile, COS Lackawanna avenue. . 8weet Navels, 15c doz. Council. r i i BOARD OF REVISION. John Elanaghan Was Elected Presi dent Yesterday. Select Councilman John llPKniw Com mon Connollmnn Daniel Oiilvln, who wcio elected members of tho lioiiid ot ipvldlon and nppcnl on Tlmrsdny nlcht, nnd John Plannglmn, one of. tho to ninlnlnc nicmhem of the old bonid, mot yesterday nftctnoon In City CIcik Lit velle'B ofllce und aiRiinixcd, electing Mr. Flannelian an picsldent. Tho lty nosrsKorn lmmodlntoly turned over to tho boa id tho nisoMi ment books Tor livo waiile, nil that have been completed so far, and the following dates were Ilxcd upon ns the tlmo for lioiuliiK the nppenls upon them: Twelfth wnid, March It; Four teenth wnid March 12; Third waul, Miiich 11; SI.Nth ward, Match H: Nine teenth ward, March IB. The boaul on theso dny, under thu provisions ot tho resolution which Mr. Keller succeeded In having adopted, will hold two BOKsloim a day, one In the inoinlns from 0 to 12, nn dotio In the nftcrnoon from a to fi. It was .James Coleman and not Com mon Coiintllma;i 1 J. Coleman, who was elected a member ot the board on Thursday night. They nro btotheis. THE TEACHING OF MUSIC. A Dissertation on the Subject fiom the Teachers' Point of View. Sonic Obstacles. The following communication has been received from a prominent and highly lespected teacher In our city schools, whofco tdgntiturr Is withheld by tequcst: Editor of TIip Ttlliine tlr: So much inilllcll lia Ixtn glon li'rly to one fide of ucrj talc concrrnlnc tnclicii and tlitlr votk or lac!. f work tint It Mtwa M if the old fijliif, "Time ire nhs twn rlilcfl to a Morj," mut hae sunk into oMItloii. fo lar m tills )iarticidar class of much mallirntd IndltldiiiN i concrmed. Whether this is so lccatic o lae litioiun so acciKlomcd to bring the scapegoats for all the tlm of omission and ccmintalon in tho incnhl, disciplinary nnd ethical lire, tint we hic lct ttn the spunk of the promblat worm, whelhtr we nrc afraid of tl.o "powers tlut lc," or whether it is berime our opinions ire .a bcldom sought, I cinnot M, but one thlrin I. certain, we nrc arcnul, in tlartltnu heailllne, of man crimen fiom the nnlor,iaWe one of t'dnjt old maids x ho object to 1h itip: l mh firrcn, to that of slolinc aid no one Ill's a itotrtlni? xoico. Now", last but not least, the public l il formed that instead of turiuni: nit miukjl prodigies, the leathers arc again runin. ue bhiiking their dutiis, and mn not teaebmi; nv.iIo "as it oujht lo be tauRl 1." Theie .ik many people who have ilciolul the bent cais of their llxes to the study of thai partictihr art, who would, no doubt, confes tlut teaih ing miwio as it "ought to bo taught" is ntlvr a dlflicult thlnff eten for a profev'icnal. If an individual without miulril training m education, and with in oiee to speilc ol, ..( t r taking tlv lesons fiom an indifferent teicliei, bhould start out to acqulie name and fanu by teaching children to ung bv note, two, time and four put songs, he would, st leant, be ir liarded with dark cn Iclon. eerthclON, biich is tie unbounded lontu'ilirr rejosed In tho public hool teacher, that sue N (xpectcil my, oomniaiiled with no li iiu iiulpnirnt than that, In do surcclully what iiu would b laughed at for c.rn kttcinpting m where else. True, we am summoned to giilur from lie four points of the conia- to take lesons ( ) In l-iiilc, durlrg which we leiru to sing the -wale, blow a pitcli pipe, and to watch a ball win while wo repeat in time ihe ribilltlr stlhlil, "ta, ta, to, te." A fv nil-pildcd cues ki Sltscd with n mid deiie not In Ioe one ,irm of this valuable itifornntion, haie dared to din inNs tbclr pupils n ftw moments rnlhr to eu able them to arrive In uue t.ejt.nn, and fortliwltli, wp aie all opcid.v aroused rf steiling II while not rne wonl is rilil utioul the lmrs and hours of woik out of school for which t are licilhcr paid nor llnnkdl. 1 wL-li the gentlemen, wlio aie mi dbuutbCcil with tho prcgte.s i,i nmlo in nui si hook, would t..telull. cvimhe t le second lnnje lurl uicd in the granmiar grades, and rot par'Uu hrl thesjlhbles used n tcarhing lime nnh. 1 wish thej would then try lepL.tin; in uiiion those same slhble!, in time In the mlncni. rt a ball. When this tnngtie tnUtniK tut l mas teicsi. I respect fully niggesl the In tiaib Ing the fame to .1 i1k of farlv or liln dill dicn. My humble npinlin i, mat alter a t.iil or two tin will comluilo that, innsUlciing the dilflcnlties in the wai, the hhort lime nn(o inmlc was introdureil into the fcthonls, and the fact tint the entire fjtem i. lew to trail en as well as to pupil, irai.c and hearl urn mendation fur what hie nhetdi ben aconi plIOiiil should be our lintcid of ldiin- in. I Mveiping condennallon THE PROHIBITION BANQUET. It Will Be Served in Guernsey Hall Monday Evening. Uelow In given the pi oi amine nt ih Piohihltion baiuiuot, whiih will Ii freivfd in Ouenuey hall on Mnmliy pvenlng nl 7 o'clock. Tho fnnst o'r loasou will begin at s o'clock, and I) (!. Jlorgan will piculde, Tho pin. t'lnmmo' "ih tounlrj Mi. ol Ihei , udieme Pram itu. WIIIimii .1. 1 nnl JI.iiscilUs TcmKUnie lltmn, Wet Side rtiiinruiire t.lee I lul. lniugural Addir.s o( luhti (.. U..olli, lle. .1, V. It i tl.-v The Viohlbliloii l'rr".Mi iuuiMI llcihci "Points il Itlghliomnrni". . :. n, NUIioIk, Ki "fmod ll.ii, Old I'mly, (, I l,u," Wt.t Side Tiinpciaiirp l.lec I lull ' Mi. Sal ion and Ibr W'nik," Mi Muii W. auj,,i, "The Onlluek 111 the Mates" , (IuiIck , ,1mm. "Piiihiblllnii Preaihirs", lln, (,l llmi "Hie Antl I'anteen kton",l. s Wiinduilf, 'Mj 'OurCounh Woik"..., ,.. Hi I ( Uiii.t,, "llOttll In .1 l.liniMi Saloon," et Side Iriiipiiaino i . Ir I 1 1 ii "Willi the I lid Paitie. Am Doing for Ihe 'lemprumo ( ati.e" f 1, llawe,, l'.,, "I he Outlook In ihe Villon '..., Itu. ,.'l llinl l.ickin.iiuii iniiiily fpeaktis will I.. 1 1 m ( ... t to lle minutes eath. peikers fn in out of the (,.unH i i, , , lilts rur Ii. . WILL HAVE SATISFACTION. Petei A. Albrtugh Swoie Out n Wai innt foi Mm t ay's An est. Peter A. Albaugh. of Mouiitnln av. into. tnttuloy hwoio out a waiiant im the uiicst of .1 nines Muiijy, of Uio Mmnitaln l.ako Coil mini, foi an an sault, itllogi'd to linxc bppii iointiilttiii In tho .Mtuia uiino Wudnesd.iy even Ing. .Mtiiiny will bo given a hem lug hcfoif AMcimini Ilowo Momlay even Ing. This action 1h tho mviuel of tbo ihho befoie Aldeiniiin .Millar Tluusday even Ing when ton poisons weio ones ted lor stealing ioal fiom th Muriuy mini-. At that tlmo Albaugh mailn a countei vhaigongalnst Muuay for cai ilng conceiiled weaiKins but tho iaso was illsi lull soil. 111 Wanted to Rent. A luis single, luinlshed oi imiiu. nlshed residence, well located In tho cential city, by a veiy rellablo family without chlldieu; ivllllng to pay from $75 to $100 per month. Address W. T Hockett, Frlce building City. F. L. Crane's Big File Sale Will open Pnluul.iy morning at 9 n'clotk. US Wushlngrton avenue. Scranton, Pu, .. GAS CAUSED HIS DEATH GEO. M'NERNEY'S BODY FOUND IN HIS ROOM. He Was n Boaider at tho House of Mis. Elizabeth Hessllng at 220 Mulbeiry Stieet The Last Seen of Him Was Thmsdny Night at 10 O'clock When Ho Retiied to His Room Coroner Roborts Was Noti iled nnd Hnd the Body Removed to Morgue. (leoigf- McNerney. suppou'd to be either fiom llilc or Chicago, eoin mlttcd suicide at tho boaullng houso kept by Mis. Kllzabcth Hessllng. at 220 Mulberry street at about 1 o'clock s-esteidoy nftcrnoon, bv nphylatlnn, Tboic W n gtent deal or mystt-iy sur loundlng MrXetney's doaib, as no ritis.e tan b" fsslgned for his Inking his life. . Tho offensive odor o' gas attnicteil the attention of one of the in.ilo boarders, n man by tho name of Can non, shoitly befoio .1 o'clock yester day. He traced It to McNeinoy'n itiiin nn the second floor, nnd tiled the door. He found It locked nnd inpptd loudly. Then; was no icsponre nnd he lapped ngnln. Upcoming nlniuud, h huuledly summoned another bn.iidoi nnd by their united effoits the door was forced In. Lying paitly undicsvcd on the bod McNeiney was found. IIIk body i.-ns "till warm, but life was etlnct be foio the nnlval of n physician. McNeiney came to the boarding house about three weeks ago, when ho secured employment as n boiler maker nt the Dickson woiks. He was a Ulet, uniting fellow and did not mingle with tbo other bom dots. Thursday night be came home about 10 o'clock, nppaiently well and In the best of spirit". Ycsteirloy mowilng be did not come down htahs to btcukfiist, nor nt noon, nnd ns far os known re mained there -ill day. Wednesday he received hl pay, anil had plenty of money In his clothing when examined. No lcttern or any other mentis of Mentillcatlou weie found A note nd dresed to a man by the name of Smith, making nn appointment for n meeting, was the only snap of paper dlscoveicd. Coroner Robeils was notified of the death nnd caused the lemoval of his temaliid to CuIck's morgue, wheio ho conducted nn autopsy, nnd decided that his death had been caused by In haling tho deadly ga.s. The coionei Impanelled a. Juiy und nn Inquest will piobably be held Monday oienlng. It was thought tint McNeiney might have iolatles In Kile and Chief of Police Holding accordingly sent a tele gram to the chief of police or that i Ity lasi evening. REGIMENT LEAVES TONIGHT. Thlitetruh Boys to Stmt for Wash ington at 10 O'clock. 'aptuln D. H. Atheiton, adjutant of the Thlitceuth leglment, stated es terdny to n Tilbune man that ninety five per cut. of the mcmhcis of the leglment would be on hand to-night when the stmt Is made for Washing ton to .uttiid the liniugiii.itlon of Piesldeut McKinlP. lie says that the oiy liveliest intei-Ht Is being taken In the hip and that every man who tan possibly get away will go. The local companies - 111 at the armory tonight no latei than k:40 o'clock, and shoiily alter ! o'cloi k will rmiit on Adams avenue and match to the Delaware and Hudson depot, fiom whete a stait will be made promptly nt 10 oVlock on a special ti.iln of thhtcen cats. The lilp will occupy about ten bonis, the regiment being due in the capital c Ity butvvon 0 and 8 o'elock Sunday moinlug. Tho Honesdale and Monti oso rom punles will leach this city about S o'elock. nnd will match to the armory. CompaiU I, of Kaston the ciatk eoni piiny of the .slate, together ivlth .Ma jor H. HuhIi Field, will be iii 1,1 nn ai 'niitli Jlethlelieni. ELECTION IN COMPANY C. Fhst Lieutenant Hehiegel Succeeds Captain Burkhouse. I.lputenanl Colonel F. w. Stlllvvell. ot the Thliteenth leglment, conducted an election nt the ainiory last night to fill Ihe vacancy eatised in Company ' by tho teslgiiatlon of Captain i:. H. Km It-house. First Lieutenant Joseph L, ilelilegel was tIioen captain, and Sec ond Lieutenant It.iy "!. Smith mado Hist lieutenant. biist .Seigeant c j; L.tlluopo bo eaine setoml lieutenant, and John Malta advances to ihe seigt-anl's Hinke. 1'ilv.ite John Le.,i ii,t-s .tniimg Hie iiupoinls. None ol tin nominees weit- opposed im- their olllci Following (he election n banquet was lendeieil the new offleois nt a tential ( lt. llllll-l For Piotectlou. lb lll )ill (. InsillMlllf pnlltliH eplle, telephone Flllton cV Minilbiii'v lor lencwKlH Tiny lopieheut the N'oilheii! Asumunif company of Lun ilmi. ItiHUi-imie iiiniiiiiiy ot the state of I'eiinsvlvanlii A.teben .t .Munli h liiHiuaiic .-imipaiiv of f!eimiin. Lum-beimi-n's Insuiaiii. eoiniian of I'hilu- ii'ipniu imiie t.Ofl foiinell building. Coffee Special No. 3. We oiler this week Courser's best Coffee at 35c per lb; 3 lbs for 75c. Or Coursen's Java and Mocha at iqc per lb, one limit. pound Slbs Golden Rio 55 cents. E. G. Coiirsen Who Can Write the 0 Best Short Story f Tin iiiim m: oi ruts i si iiiii,i ii.i IO( M. Will rCHS DP,l litilHs. $25.00 for the Best Stoiy. S 10.00 for the Second Best. ?5.00 for the Third Best. i.iii.iiii roMPi.nnoN w 111:1:1, i.. li:iIlt.Mi:.H NOT i(Ksuy is oiipkii rn wis. In vl of thi fact that rentldeubte llmi hw rhipsid time thtio his 1 ir, 11 an. publh eoiiiptlltlun thmiigli the 1 Hal pic for tne puipoM n llmulatlng the lllirsr alilllt.v latent Hinutig the people til Northeastern I'ciiI!1jiiIj, Ihe liibune has ihiinrd to offer u perils uf prles as u itluiulus In thU dliectlon It Is dfitius of i.irmliig Im uo ill its loluuilis ii niuubei of .hurt ntiulos Inviting of toial tliiint- In older to fiituUh n fiiuntPe il proposes tu pi ii for the list nr ol iiu, to cueed W woid in Ioiif.l1.- HI br the second lnt stori and Tj for Ihe (Mill l,.t (on- iiai.uicilij not suilesstiil In secuiliif on of ih.H. prircs will be published and did uulllril I he uutlinis so deslie Stories teiidbg to tilng out the vouuiice and h send in loie of' tlm enthrullr mining lmliKlrr will hive pitfueii'e. In mnneitlun with cveiy mill" i the valle there is a nias of tiadlti II, tiitludlng hlirbreatlh " iiipn. lunitlvcs of spookv hupprnlng mid other details buideilng in lie welid or supei IHtiiral width bis lievei been galhcrrd 10 gelliei in lite in" foiiu This opeiw .1 field which is practically inexhaustible and which should mpplv (he niitciial .ir i.eine ruecd ingli liiterrsilng ftllon. The lis!, of pissing upon the meills o( the manuscripts subtnlllcd will lie us,li.ned to .1 disinterested Judge, whose name will soon be iiiuiouncid, ind who v ill read the u aim wrlpts but hue no knowledge of the tdeli til of the authors. The mvclupes contain Ing tin- i iv. I names of the autbots will he 1 reserved unop ned until after the awaids have been nnd" Should this Itdtla' tompetlllcn roe en romaglug. It nn be followed bv other pilre ofleis of slnillai tenoi osninoNs or tiii (osii.-r. Ml lininwiluli must tie Kubmltted nt lain thin Mitch SO All miniHcrlpts mil. I le i-igicd In a tic tltloiiH Haute and aUo the vvrltet's inl nam', and poslolflee iddnsf The feci e ct each not must be laid In Vutheastciii Peniwlvanla. but the nines of leal piisons imit not be med. One lurlliei londltloit iiiiim be undeii.t"iiii Contributions intended loi this lonltM will be acieptcd onlv bout pieseut sntisetibeis tu 'Hu- Trilmtie ot fiom those who niaj, ihulig he contest, beioinc MibsTilljptj ,y p.iumnl of at least one mouth's subscription In id van e vdehess, VIOIIV ONri.Nl, Smjw m liibune, Scraiilnu, P, ANOTHER COAL DEAL. William A Collleiy of Connell Coal Company to Pass Into the Hands of the Lehigh Valley Co. Aimlbei huge nui deal between In dividual opeiatois and one or the huge companies has been piactlcnlly closed, und It Is e-iy likely that the eaily p.ut of next week will wltnen the tiausfer to the Lehigh Valley Coal tompan ot Ihe William A. collleiy at Durjea, w diked for ome veat.s by the Will iam Connell Coal Negotiations have been on for some lime, but mnttet.s have now leathed the ciucial point, and the deal Is to nil pin pose as good as consummated. No olllchil announcement has been jet made as to the pi Id. p.iid fm. the col liery, but the fail that It Is one of the latsest and ilchesl In the nnthiaclle Held gives abundant giouuds lor tin statement that the i onsldeiatlon will be over a million and a half dollais. J'lesldent 'William Connell and Sec retin v-Treasmei- J. S McAnultv were eaih empoweied to act for the local iomp.ui In the mallei, nnd (Jenenil Sunei Intention! , Lathi ope, or Wllkes-H.uie. has looked nttet Hi" Leblgii end of the deal. The William A. collleij employes about one thouand men and bos, and is considered good for u steady output of at least twenty-five cars' iliu-atlon. it mines almtit eighteen bundled tonn a day, or an annual total of nix hun dred and fifty-seven thousand tons, nnd will piovcnii Inipoitant acquisition lo the Lehigh's coal pioperty. The boaitl ofdltiitoiH of the Connell lompanv aie- Hon. Wllllniu Connell, James!. Connell, Colonel Lia H Hippie. 'limits 1!. Connell and J. S. MiAnultv. llmi Wlllinm Connell Is piexldent. and .1 S Mi Auitltv Is gee lct.u v ami tieasuiei TROUBLE AHEAD FOR O'MALLEY Exceptions to His Petition and Also a Remonstinnce. KMcpliom vvcle esteiclay it It si bj I S. He.Miolds and Allied Hundle lo Ihe pelllltm ot John O'Mnlley, who a"ks foi a hotel lb Jtise lui a bundling mi Sotttli Main avenue In Laikawauua towiiHlilp. 11 Is alleged In detail that the l.'iets set luith In O'Mallej's pell lion aie inn hup. Then was also a lemoiiMiaute liom Ihe Keyslon Land tompanv against granting the IIcchm-, unit a pajier filed by Sieve .Miilliu by. Il.inlcl Long, O JI Keistelter, D. P. Demiei- and F J Hooe asked pel mission to vvllhdiaw lb -It- names O'M.illey's polltlon. They tiny they signed It under n mls nppiehension DISCUSSED THE RIPPER. Inteiesting Meeting of the Holy Cioss Llteimy Society. The Holy Cioss Llteiaiy socletv ot Dellt-vue met lust night In tho n.iilo, of tho Holy Cioss thuith and held a luillculatly lllliiestliig mertlng. H Select Count llnuin M. i;. (iaike save a thought fill and elnitieut talk on the ilpptr bill and Its efl'ecls, nnd a gen eiul iIIm-ussIou on Hie famous net then i nsued. Miss Lucy I'ogglns uad a paper on "Thu Indian." whlth gave an exhaust ive study of tin history of pom Lo. It was conceived In a scholaily iiinnnei and splendidly, dfllvcipil. Why Not Attend Mnlion's lemoval sale? Good, clean sloik. No damaged goods. ."08 Lackawamia ave nue. Open luto tonight, Moser & Coleman's Removal. On Match 20 M otter & Coleman, iho leading tallois, will move to 13ti Wash. liiBlou avenue, Aek for Kelly's union ciutkeis. STRIKERS NOW TAKE HEART RUMORS OF SETTLEMENT ARE IN THE AIR. At Yestoiday's Meeting of the Sau quoit Soft Silk Workeis a Pioposi tlon Made by Supeilntendcnt W. H. Davis to National Committee man Dllcher, of the Mlno Woikcis, Was Submitted to the GUIs Com nilttee Was Appointed to Confer with Him Change in Officials. Thcie was gieat excllemeut among the milking silk mill ghlis esteidny over the amiouiiconient made at the meeting of Hie Haiitiunlt soft silk work ers that Supeilutetiilent V. 11. Davis, befoie leaving fop nn Soutli, liad e ptessed himself ns willing lo meet a nmmlttee of the hands nnd confei with them ipganlliu; some means or settling the picsent illlllcultles. Ho wns lepoited as having said that as soon ns the eoniinlltco were ictvl.v to meet him they should ucqunliit hltii of the fact and bo would ictutii for a tonfcieiice. A committee was appoint ed to meet the Sattquoll superintend ent, and at this morning's meeting ot the eet lithe committee the mutter will tome up for discussion. About four bundled gill's weie pies, ent In CnipcnteiH hall when the meet ing was called In older. I'lesldenl 1 label!, of Hie Cential Labor union, was pjescnt, und shoitly nfler the scs slon began tho announcement was made Hint National Committeeman Ftedeilck Dllcher, or the T'nlted .Mine Woikers, had had n confoience with Mr. Davis, and ut this tho latter made the nffet staled above In addition to this the stippt intend ent was quoted as having made the nsseitlon Hint bo would giant the te turning hands nn S-12 per cent. In ctease on their oilglnnl wages. When this pioposltlon was announced thetc w-cie manifest signs of disapproval from the gills, nnd the committee ap pointed have Institutions lo eompio mlse on nothing less than the teiins stipulated in the wage scale, aluady presented to the oivncis. thi:y ahi: nopni-TL This Is the III st occasion on which Suneilntendenl Davis has shown any foimal lecognltion ol" tho union, nnd Ttoni this many or the leadcis among the stlikeis diew losy piospects ot amicable nieasuies being In view. Mother Maiy Jones mid I'oniinltteciunn Dllcher weie both expected lo iiltond the meeting nnd deliver adthoscs, but neither or them appealed at the ltll. The silk woikcis' ollltlals aie much chagilned over misleading statements that appemed in one or yestei day's dallies, legardlng changes In the olll ceis or the union. Mis. Mai .Matthews has nut been "ousted" rtoin the posi tion or ptesltlent or Ihe haul silk woikers, but icsigutd this post, ns vhe Is nt the head or the gcneial tetile woikeis' union, and was unwilling to i eta In both position". At Hist the haul silk gills lcftist-d to accept the popular oilleei's icslgnailoii, but dltl so n row days ngo nnd the elec tion or .Miss Nellie Malonev follow eel lo the presidency. Nor has Miss Jinn .Manning been compelled lo icslg'ii fiom the gcneial executive committee, a ciiomously lepoited During the nasi week Mls's Manning has been doing yeomnnl woika.s a membei of the lellef commlt lee nnd has not been able to devote as much time ns dm Ing the eaily pnit of the sUIke to the exec nth e committee Pioper. Hence Hie Illinois (ir a gcn eial shake-up In the unions' ofllceis .mi:dtin(5 at 1'iiicnnrnn A meeting of the Pilcebiut; stilkem will be held In l-'oleys ball at J o'e loi k this afteinooii, and an amount of bind ness of Inipoitaute transueted Hcso lutlons or swup.ithy adopted b Lot at No. lr,I, rnittd .Mine Woikeis o' Ameilca, at a iccent meeting weie es teidav scut the stlikeis. The Kloty. mill stilkeiH have adopted l (-solution thinking Locals Mj ldp, and the I'lc and AVhlstle nssut Inlloii foi llbeial donations. A cessation ol- hostilities has now 't 111 at all but the Piltebiiig mill whoie irovvtls still dally surround Hie mill, i:oij aftoinoon the lew utii still woiklnij ,U). follow ed as the leave the factotv, and In ndtlltlon to Jeers and boots, nil ink at and stoned Tho mill mithoiltles (omplntu that they ni not afl'otded piopei polite protettlon, and say that ir their emploes were in anyway gunidod fiom lolente ibeiv would not be the least dllllcull In seeming tb necessaty nuuibei orgbl-j to attend to the weak. The slrlkets toutltiuo lo dull post pickets nt tlm vailous mills, and the accoiiicon-mouih-oigau banil Is dailv seen mid beaid aboul Hie Poteishiiig plant's piomlseii Ansueis to the ap-P-als lor aid aie is I 111 lagging, and the stilkus mn eageily awaiting some action of the lotul labor unions to loplenMi ibelr almost exhausted tieas uiv. Cases of need aie dally ieioiud mid Hi" assistance committee has moio woik to tin than anv single depntlment oi Ihe unions. P.ut or the iuihn mm at libelling Is ottltpled bv the e-niplnsiH of the Taylor mill, ami Ihey aie Hie iinikms who have- bt-Pii the sptlal object of Hie stilktiM' wiath II is llkelj that It will et be found iieti-seni toi this dep.iilinent to be t losed down Tnke good mateilals, "mix them with binins, sli," and you can be pietty bine of the lesult. Yenis of expeuence and seaich for the best have gone into the make-up of Knox Hats. Spiing styles now leady. I "on 12w!ir I I Br Wsihlsiua Ai! I r?AssDi ur) CAS BY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.' GRIGGS TO LEAVE CABINET. All Other Membeis Will Piobably Remain. 11 l.uluslie Uhe fiom 'Hit .mulel Pie.. Washington. .Match I. A! ihe cabi net meeting lodn.v, the last under this pivHdciitlal tetm, all the membei.s presented lo the ptcslelout their tcslg uatlons to take etlect upon the eiiall llcntion of their successois. Attorney leneinl Ctlggs, who Is tlui only meiii ber who has decided not to lcmaln Uv anolhei teini, was among the number and his lenomlnation will go to til senate with Iho otheis on Tuesday. lie will not seive longer, however. Hum about Apill I. when. It Is now believe I, .Mr. liillantle, C. Kiion of I'ltlsbuu, will iccelve, the appoliitliiPUl The cabinet todnv talked ovei tb Cuban situation and Seciet.ii,- Un, t tend tolegiams riom Cltneial Wood to the pfiect that in his opinion the Cu bans would soon beeom convince I that the nctloti of congi In lis In? the lelallous which should w'st li tween Cuba and the I'nlled St Cos wi s for their Intel esl as well ns our own and would accept Iheni without setlous objection Th" cnbliit t dlitifsetl the . ilon n' the senate with le.ipecl to tm tietilics now endliig In that lmdv a.-e c-t ivi tl ligtel was oMiirsfsd at then imperil ne fnlltiie Mohon's Removal sale Is attllliHng hmidieds nf people .VS Lailiavvauna avenue Cum sen's Iilut llultei-bofl " The Scianton Gas nnd Water Com pany and the Hyde Palk Gns Com pany. in attoidiuie with the poluv ' these tuiu p uites tu leduce lates tio.n time to tune a inav lie wanauted by Increased eonsuiupttii, notice is heieliv given tlist on and nliei prll 1 next, the pilce nf gis will le cue tlnllai pei one tboii.anil cultic feet eon-uined, biitijert to tlie follow Ing dbeounts- I'ive pel cent on all bill- nleie- th t ouiu,i tteii In the 111 ml'i auiciints to ie-s than iwtntv live dollar. Im per cud on all tills wheie tin- 1 0119111111 1 ton t.i iiu 11011II1 cmci nti to twei.l five tiolhrs and up v aids "luvldcil the lull I. paid in ui before .lie O1I1 div 1.1 Ihe n, omli in i, huh the bill Is itndeuil Hi eiiln nt ,P lioirii tl It, II MI iielov. SPECIAL. "(HVMOV (,s Mi WVlii; HIVIPVNV VMl llvdi- itis i-i inp.tnv In uidii in uitnur ijo Ihe 1 se of gir toi lurl pui poses, notlii Is heitb (,iven tint nu mil silts 1 piil I net tin pibc- il tie mi u-itl will 1 1,. nu ilnllii pu nn, IhoiHinil fiet iniismiiril. -ut, 11 it lo Hie fnllovvin,; -pestll dieiunt. (ni p. ,enl on II liillswl I tin- 1 mi n-npin.iii ., ,h, inh iiimiiiiiNtu i.iluu twtnli live d, llns, luenii 1 . 1 mil ,.1, ill Mil whin- Hie iiiii.uinplb 11 Im tin uioulh niiiniiils lo Iwenlv tin. ilollns mid upn ml. I'lOVlled the bill I, pil.l in in IiiIimi the 'nili div or the- liiniitli 111 1 hbb ll-i bill is i.u.h-i J sipinte nn In liiiulsVipil In Hie nunpini is lu-irs.ari In enhi 1.1 1 i,, Um (. II II VMl 1.1 1 1 f I A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, llipprofitfrom aTELEPHONE Is Incalculable. Residence and Commercial rales at a moderate cost. CtNTKAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Hiiiaser' orbce, 117 Adams a enue. Notice 'l"huso uhoaio inlt-iestrd. even m .1 kcik'i.iI in.innei, in niaUfis musical aie coulially muted to ex amine the latest fHeisrjni-lmliit I'laiioluites In he seen at the warcrooiiib of I. B. POWELL fi 0. 131-133 Washington Ave. DIFFERENT LADIES HAVE DIFFERENT TASTES V, II II Ik 'I . I al I n I I'll, Willi 1 I U.I ,.illl,l .Mlh lilt I I Ij te 111 1 1 , -pu Ill till Hill III! I 111 Ml 'IIIM I '. Ill , ta.l. lie fl K ,1 1 nu V, II .1 ,1., 1, , M k) nn itu u I eon el. In o 1 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, I HI! I Mill s vMI I.I Sl 435 Spuice St., Scinnton, Pa. Pierce's Market, Pe-nn Avenue Vi't male a'i of fare Clean - y llu ter and strictly e.-s -and the; pnvt 1. a low si fli tt elau gcuda can he told at Wr do not have any special cale.s or leadens lut it all times tatrj as tomplelt a line of Market Coods, 1'ain.y Uroteiles and 'table llelka ties si tan bo found In tho laige.t New orK or I'hlUdclphla Maiketi which we cll at right prliet. W. H. Pierce, 11 LaeVinanna Arc, 110, 1U, UI Ttna Art Everything conies to tlioso who w.iit; bu Iiero you don't have lo wait long You will always find the best Whiskies at pikes that make a new recortf for littleness: Our Nelson, Pepper and Hollywood may interest you; if so. wiitc or telephone us for quotations. .si - . 3IUr 1 3Vi -L . Qtpund The wen Id a cap Is the boy's favoilt hind coveting. We have Just opened u new lot of boys' caps and invite you to cnll and reo Hum. Whatcvci join? fuiicy in stvle or color, wo tan sull Jou, ,t CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna flue. "IS 17 ItoRcrs Bros.'' Goort. Knives, Fork Spoons, etc. No question about the quality We) li.ive all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling I in laid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wen r ve years Immense slock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Goods for Wedding Presents. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, i Heaters. f IK.JH PENN AVENJUE. -s H how we sell furniture on easy payments Ofieu the wony of -waitinc; un til one is able to pui chase somn needed pieces of furniture robs tho pleasme of possession of half its sweetness. Maybe the demands of the horn mo impeintive nnd the new things must be gotten whether KING CASH is at hnnd 01 not. Those as well ns you with a home to furnish will find our "Easy Payments" wondei fully convenient. Little pilces divided into fiactlons, pnynble in the futuie ns money can be spnietl, CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! (nCONOMY S21.!2aa-!225.227Wyomln(r Are V FORSYTH Prompt ddlvrry, 4 fjv4MX 11" mmt i,miir, jJg tTM! y-j- .juitWi ll jM 'I'M AW v -a, Jkidk t &$'Pty&TP&lJI0$tto&&