E" ' P13 vt- H . Vl c THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE- SATUTIDAY, MARCH 2, 1901. EZKl rfDBir j -T 1m Excellent. Combination. The pleusnnt tnithod nml bcncllclul effects of the well luioun lcmody, hvm P or 1'Htfl, niunufiiL'turcil by the Camtokma Tio Svnuf Co., illustrate) the'valiiuot olitiilnlin; tlic liquid htMi livo principles of pluuts known to bo , medicinally lnxutlvo and pro.sciitltiK' theittln the form iiioitrrfu'sfiiiitfto tlio tastes nml acceptable to tho avntetn. It is tho one perfect t-treiifftlieiiititf Ihmi ttve, elean'ina' llio b.vhU'in ulTcctmilly, dlspelliiiK' colds, headaches nml fevers gently yit promptly nml enabling one) to overcome habitual eonstlp.ition per munrntlv. Its perfect freedom fiom every objeellonablo (piallty nml sub stance, nml U.s netlntrou tlic lddueys, liver nml bowels, liliont weaKeniii(f or irrilating them, make it the Ideal luatle. In the process of maiiufact'iring Hpa arc used, as they aro pleasant to tho ta.sU', but tliu medicinal pmlitlcsof tho icmedy aro obtained from bcnmiutid olhr 'aromatic plants, by ti method known to the Camfoiima I'm Putin Co. only. In 01 dt r to get its bcnehclal effects and to moid imitations please rrmenibertliefulliiamoof theComp.iny irlnled on tho front, of ecry package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN ritAKCXSCO, OAL x.ounvir.i.s. kv in:w yokk, n y. I'orbnlobytUl DruRKlxts I'rleoWo. ptrbottUx Ice Cream. ni:ST IN TOWN. Per c Quart ucuwrnnn dairy co "U.'ej liortOrrtfrnI'romcttr Uollvarej ??i337 Aclamt Avcnuj. Scranfon Transfer Co. Paggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Resiliences. Olllco D., L. & W. Fassengcv Motion. Phono ri5. tfffiS UNION Lfty)LABEU m& -t--t- ---t-1t : CITY NOTES - . KIR 1'IIIV.UI. ell ll( l. MkllKll .II ,11 r'.iittl in ifiiiMrimt.- in. li.illu o leading ti, Mikrinan Howe 'a odlu. mli prtnite othei (or tliu OIUUDIIII. iu "suf-cniui.it. ruuii.i.i.."'-wuri t nixrli,l(iiU. lit l tlia mmt in 1'liil.i.li Iplii i ir Information in lo iho lnliinslc vuluo of JW I'l'i r unuiui aiiil ut $ Stent nlel,lt. UONO'lIU MfllO.N.-riio l.u nuiiili. NlIh.ii i tlie (lircn ltlilifi WiniMn'n tluli will inut MuimIjj, Mjirh t, .it .'..) p. in,. In the (.run I:nln'i) llbr.. A luffo atliniliuid i i!c-linl. l'UISULSn.N 'It) WI.H llu in ml ii,, ill I'.i dolman 1jna JUy lu Mlw lluiio i:ail,, ,1 V i(oii annuo, Hill bo MiUinnlu! al ID n'.loik i ii uioniin; ut Ilie lioinc rt the Liiilo's lnunt. lUllNMII.lt llll,.-l.:ilian lliinl,. who v.u Inriteil IIiIII'mI.i iiIliiI, iIiiikciI l,y In i hmkiH,! v.itli ilmrltuii, wilil In tuii Aliliiiniii Himi rs t nljy uiul Mu "?,W lull ful In P .ippi .11 nice in lOUIi. Ni;V l!riLI)l(.'. In llu. in 11 fin 111. ilm I nt JtiuIial Ulllk will nut a hiiul-u m I I lldlns for lijiit.ln iiiirpOMK 011 Ilm kill it I In- fii til- luiil; lint rwctijilril for iar, at lomlns and l.iicl.n jiina imiiiici. I'VV U Ms -'I lie IManaro ami H111I..111 imn. 1 uiy rktrnla fialil 1 111111I ut 0 tliu. 1 n tiilliii), aiullliif. uiul tin' tallii(l at ibontlali. Hid eiipirliilciiiliiiL'rf ilukt in Niantun and (aibonUah well' nlw palil. NOriCi; 10 rim 1I-n - Ml iminlxu il tin. .rinlon file dipiitiiiuii arc rtiinstnl to mm 1 tliu t uluiubU liuw hmui' miihIij, ,uili 3, 1 'i at 1 fin ii'iloik, In uiilloiiii, to att. tul th I Mjjil iif Hull I ilu bmlli.i, II.iIkii Diilil W l1li5l Dllllll, U N.nl. Mi nil in t iifiii fi -'WiH.ii i(il,!ii ui,(ii, N. hi, i,. tjii 1,1 iimt 11 (ilimilli ,k., iiM , 11, 1 ij'rri, ttniiorii'W illutiwn ut .' m l,aip. : r- tfnuHtntt t BOND OFFERINGS. Siuinjj Biosk VatelFt Mtg.5a JJacJsr.. Valley Eke. Light, lot Mtp. n?. Ioith Jertey and Tocono Mouu Vtnin leo Co., 1st Mtg. Os slaudnid Gas Co., lot Mtir. 5s. f 4 4 4 4 4 ;ihlghton Water Supply Co., int. ,1'iiH' " 'cv IIexJco Hallway and Coal Co., 1st Iiltg. 5s. Inscription nnd pilce on appli- ;p eniiou. V 4. 4 4 4 fOOipaOway, N V. ' MlkM.lljrrt. 4 " Catbundjk. . ' 4 1,3 nd 0, romniomiealtli IIKIf., 4 .' t'ernnloii. fv 4 h &LS TO 4 4 - f iiHf s.JA .T- - lo allftiil 111' funeral of Ilie tnle Ilohcrt T. I Hi lil I'.OUUNd Mrtll l'0iroNII ll.c tni'i trlurtit Hip i:ik llottlnu liK'it ami t l.nl M11rl1iKi1 if Mlkllnn, wliltli .m t lui luen plmil lmt nU'it i'ii l' Inltn'" nil')', M i HHlnnnl, iittlnt li t'lf HIllCM of II llllllllior of tliu UIIU.1 lioiic tollii. miomi I'l tin: nvMjnn-- ibc foni nf tin liti'iirln b'ln ultui I'.v tlic InttliwtlonJl li,rrjiliii(i mIiooI. h iul of ttir rnlort tin unlit In llio fwtiliii'ii wliu ii'iii'" "ll lir1 M ,'1' 'Trip If, Si.iiiloti 1 milwl " lll bt I" M WW luivlij Hlv'lit ut III, llOtll .TlTlll.lll. "iiosoit no wiioji liosott is nn -rii- liati'iiKl In bi' held In (iiiTiwj'it lull, M1111I1 J. Ii iinlcr Hi" illrrrll'iii of llio rniinlv prnlillilllon i 'iimltlrc nml not ilie Wompn'n (lirllnn run. pirnnco tinlcti, m Ulrtl In tlto paprrii ut jo," trrdii. n rlibomlc- Itcmt and pn uraiiiine Is bilnif arrinucd, timl tin- occailoii pronihn In be one of urut Inttii'fl. (IIMxiiril.l) TO J.MU Iwpli I'atlnn i fiod $1 by Miur M.ilr In polltr n.utt r iiiiln muiiiliu for hi Ink' dniiiV, lie va (jmii ! tlo I'liintj' Jill on n bill pin, N iril in, Ml iso 1'ijl hi Mm .-moled for lilitl.lt t,lilin loiiinilltid I'l'im n Mhiiii; 111.111 niinod wrtiin IIiiim Milbilr iiiill(inl m bondiiuii In id nm ol )-l,iii. Init triinlli wlllidriw IllN bond 01 fit I lis 1 IIDI.N Ho inn bond ut dim I.iik of tin' Suiiilin lluriiu nd lirllllin; lout fnnv mil for nrctinizt tori at tlirlr olllir, No. if7 (uiilult InilMlnir, tfltnlij, nml cldtnl the fol Ionium olMicrKi 1're.lilitit, fliatlo llurrino. nlorv nml tiemn ., 1 KlrRpttrlil ; ccncial maiiiirir. (I I, Wrnrr 1 lie loinpini Is doliu 1111 liiriensiiiR bii,lni. nnd an well rrpilpptd loi all Kin I j of w lk '11 Us II ii" OBJECTED TO PUBLICITY Modesty ot Thico Membeia of High School EViculty Gftvo Annual Po Jcct a Stnggcilng Blow. neeatiho lluec lmly membeiH of tlic High School faculty eie ncui to mltlvatlns Mluttevcr notoilety mlBht nilso fiom the iiubllciltlrm ot their Hkew-wcs In the annual, the plans for the Kiuaneo of that Journal hae sud ilenly colliipted, and tttili'ss otheis ton tlnue the woik mo .ibtuptly bioken off, Scrnnton Is In no limncilliitu danger of KCttliif; meiKed In the excitement which stilted U.ittlmmc not eiy lotiB mro. In that city nil plans foi the pub lic, itlon of tho miniul hail been eom plpted even to the signing of the con ti act with the prlntcis for so many hundieds of ioile-. when the High School faculty came out with the edict that the "ilreen H.ig." u It was (tilled, should not appeal under any citcum "lances. AVlth eeiythlng so near (ompletlon, the students thought they weie justilkd to continue, nnd ns a. dliect violation ot the " lacultj's or dois, the "Orcin Bag" made 11 tiium phant appeaianie. The fiuulty niio lu mnis and the leMilt was tlic expulsion of evet il , of the editors. Client uis the excite ment caused among the citizens of I li.iltlmnie. The teaelieis, iuslllkd their conilc'iiinlng the publication of the an nual mi tlie mounds that thoy knew that thcio weto .soeial at tides "ro tst Ing" Hid staff of insttuctnrs to ai'.'ar. So when the "(lieen 13ag" was Ihslled. the taculty decided to puiilt.li the cut ptlts. S. l.Min AVexImin was to luivi- been the editor in chief of the local pub lication, which was lo line been con ducted on the t-anie lines as tliu otdl njiy college annual, containing Jokes liMoiy of dlifcicnt cl islcs, otgani. 1 llniis, etc. A laigi- stittf ol assistants had been selected, pb"lgi's of neaily 500 rulisciiliet.s wile sti tiled, and lib Miccc-s was nsMiH'd, until tlie Misses Mason, Kicks and Heath mode-lly 0I1-It-cteil to the publication ol their por traits. Uowexcr, luilets appialaiucs bcl'e tho annual will l appeal. Two enei getic young men of the junior Muss 11 o pioniollng the Idea of continuing the uluiiii', and if ptopei' suppoit can lie glen by othet nienibeis of the sihool it will be published. I'tinclpal tintnt lefiikcd to either apptove or illsap pi me of thi lneasute, lint lefettctl the oung' men lo Stipetluteudcut Howell, wlio has uol et lieen seen, as lie Is atteiidiiK an eduiatloiml con ciitiou lu c'liieago. Lively times are anticipated. MANY MACHINISTS MEET. Ono Hunched and Fifty Delegates fiom Wilkes-Banc Hold Session with the Local Hcmbcis. One bundled and llfty Wilkcs-liairu niaeliliilblH Nlhlted in this eltv Inst night and weiu intrilalucd by the luembeis ot Luittl No 1'30, Interna tional Association of Machinists, with 11 banquet and smoker at iltilbct t's hall, on Wyoming avenue. A joint melting of the two lodges was luld, piccidillg the social Ictitlllc of tlie night, and the nine-hour day mbject moved tliu tin me of a lively disc lib slnn. Tho 'U'llkcs-Buiicatis united lieie at S o'clock, having i ome up on a special tldln over the C'enttal ltallioad ol New Joisev. They foiiued In Hue nl tho Htatlun and headed by l'tisldent Uanlcl Hailcv maiehed lo tho ball. About two bundled membeis of tho local lodge weie pi cheat I'.csldenl II. II. r.imiiht'li dellveted a speech ot wel come, In which he wnimly giected the Iai.iinltcs, and I'tesldcnt Hailiv tc sponded lulill foi the vlsitou. The lemnlndir ot the setsion was of ft sunt mtttiu. Tlu piupo'.e of the liicellng was lo ii-uot tuln Hie feeling of the ilUes-I Inn cms on the lilue-houi finest Ion, and their .sentiment iuovkI tiiilciMull In its favor, instead of Um pteseiit un-huur schedule. Among the local Imltlstiial eenti'is lcpii'M'ilted at the imeMug weie woik. 11s fiom the Didiiwaie, Uai kawaiiuu and Wisleiu shops, tin Dickt-ou Manu tdctutlng company, tin. i.ac kawtinnn lion and Steel company's shops, tho laic and Wvomlng Valley lalltoad aim numuoic lion und Slid companv, and Kliuh's lion winks. Tlio vlsltois left Si i.iuton at 1 o'eioi k on a special ttaln Aiiaugeiueiits will piolmbly ho made lor a 1 etui 11 meeting In Wilkes-J3ai to. ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Can Be Bought for S15.000, Should Biinp; S20.000. This lesldunce Is beautltullvt situated on one of tlie handsomest paved uv mics on the hill Contains 1G looms. Klist door Is finished in iiututeied ouk tind other haul wchjiIb. Indliect htettm heat thioiiKhout. cleetiiclty and gas. I'lnest plumbing, ceinenttd coll ir. I.utge lot. uti. l''or tuinis, etc, beo W, T. llaelani. Ileal llslate, 1'ihu luill'l" Hit?. " Como to Mahon's shoo stuie Saturrlay If you want bur. gains. - . t 1 . 11 Auk for Kelly's union craokeis. ST. DAVID'S DAY BANQUET MEMORY OF PATRON SAINT Or WALES HONORED. Event Wns Held in Fnhchild'o Hotel in West Sctnnton Under tho Aus pices of the Robert Morris Lodge of Ivoiites John R. Edwards was the Tonstmnster Memory of St. David Eloquently Rcfcned to by Rev. H. H. Harris The Othor Spcakcis. Tlie annual banquet ot the Robert Mollis lodge of lvorltcs, In honor of Ilie iinulvcisaiy of the ulitn 01 St. David, tho patron saint of Wulcs, was held .last night In Falrchlld's hotel. At'fl.IJO o'clock the guests assembled In the parlors of tho hotel, nnd as Prof. Silas Kossar played "Men of llntlcch" they maiehed to tlic bamiuel hall. Rev. 11. H. Hut lis, of Taylor, und Piesldmt David Owens led tho way. All icmatucd standing until President Ownns said, "nentlcmeli. be seated," and Mine Host Olldotf, assisted by a bevj' of waltt esses, served the follow ing delicious menu: Itluj Point on Halt Mill. SOUP. CoiiMjiinie. Pliie rish. With Tomato sjuicf. l'olalo (lilpj. I'OI b. Jltii.l I'uiUe). Willi hblet Mil,,. t'ranUn.v Jellj. Wlille I'otatce" llrown s,.r Pol iloo Mill U-in- (ilcry. riiUlin 'ilad. Oln.. 1'iil.lcs Cli eo and Cnclars tale. lie fleam. ' oil. e Aftet all had pat taken of the feast, c Ignis weto passed mound and the guests sang, "Down Dewey's 'Way." The post pi. 'indl.i I eetclses weto opened by President Owens, who spoke as follows: Till: PllUSIDUNT'P ADDUKSS. , lliotlicr Mcinlieis of IIoIkiI Morris IhhIbi and l'ilcnd. We' are gitliutd bv'lier tonluiit, .h t our milj i mli in, lo piy lilluitc to mil loinnieri 1 11.10 I lo hiilli. iif. and dialli ot our li'lond falrt, PaiiJ. It Is vie t'nt vo do tills lor we not mill lionm Mm, Imt we Mitiiu Ilie rep 1 1 if n ol riiiliuc MonU loilc vie promote tli- f-plilt ot Iritiniil.i, 'dil, 1 s n t'nn? in em nrdri, and Me peipdui 1 111 (utomJ if all lival WcWiurn l am thorough!) rIj,1 vio Into itieh n iIjj. to' in tld loimtrj' licre tluu ire no ilisiint lioii'idiiy luim to noliill'v and "ule. win re iiirilldii.r la undo riilpnleiit t 1 ' . 1 1 .' , 1 1 1 pro. Kiev, (ilicrc 1 1111 vioftlilpplns Is tin lo rcoiii'.irjr lo eierjtlilni,' tle, vilicie lllierly U 111 lij Hole to all lnppltiess, II glies us opportnrlti' lo pimo 111 tliiv criat ttrldrs nml ,J(e into f"'' lil-lorc, luce iimlml tiaditiois and a, I' lire Hi' llilrioin iliirulers ot Ion? id. ?me it thi"e' rliaractrrj wldili e as Williincn pntlui lulc alnilre an: M. Pivld, tlic pitron aim ol Walo,; lioirir lllijiti,-, llio foiuidir 01 HIioJc lland and the oiRininr ol tli Iliptl.t ili'ir h In Amerka; lloliirt loin, .llur lioiu 0111 Irdn'e is iiiimil and Iio i tlie Kirit luiirfje tor in tlio disliiilhil iiind ol loiitinrntal IiIn tot.i lu lids rounlrv. I lnlslit ditl at suat liiutli 011 din m ocuipjlii pioiniiieit pines 011 liNnij's piRe, Imt I am mtilciit to illun tlie f iker folliminn lo tnal lln.e in t licit own M.IIS. Vs piisldnit of IIiia loiUi, I hid 0111 frieiids viilcini", and cnlrejt all WiMunni lo biiii.iiu Hie lcpiilaliun of all (.ond Ciurl let m In hit as 1111 iiriMiiiiitlon. Let 11., rnli one, lri(e lo le Inn; .Slut rli.iii-. n mil as gml WiUh. I'lin. It ijiies nie gieit pliamie In introilu ln the lnisliiiiMer ol Ilie pmiiIhj, llrollur Jolm I' KihianN, (s, Toastmaster Hdwanla made a .speech tilled Willi hunioious sallies, which i.insed much hiugliter. He Intiodmed Itev. H. II. Hauls to lc'ipom! lo the to.iht "St. David." Mr. llatilss aid in pai t: "WAS A (fltHAT MAN. "St David was n gieat man, und bad he lived today he would have been just as noted and would have tlgtued as (onspli uoiibly In the hlsloiy of "Wales as he did In his time. Il he was a leading man then lie would be now. He was a man of Inheicut talent and iiblllt.v. St David was lutciis dy te llKluii". nnd was a power, being a gieat leather. His iullucm o will sway ovei Wales foiever. He was adapted to the people of Ills time and lived In his sph'ie, teaching the magnirt 1 em e of the gospel. " am pi oud to be a Welshman. The Welsh people have uluuvs been foremost in the light for liberty and lellglotis frcdoin. Wales has made good progress lu education. I.lttlo Wales, wheto 1 was born, the home of m ancestors, let us honor her and be good Welshmen and tine Amei leans." In conclusion, Mr. Hauls recited, In his native tongue, a Welsh poem uppiopilate for the occasion. Toustmasler l.'dwards then read let teis fiom muahlo men throughout the country who bad been Invited but weie unable to attend. Piomlnent among these were Russell Sage, who bald he was opposed to baunuots, and had put 1 based 11 paper book for at) cents fiom which he gleaned a feast of icasoii. Thomas U. James, lormer postmaster geneiul, sent bis legiets. A duet, "Two Hards," by David Stephens and Philip Wan en, was ten doted In an esc client manner. They lesponded lo an incoie. Paliuei i Wllllunu,, who was as.slmi. cd the (oust, "The Welsh In Jiw." was Inliodueed by Ihc timstmiihter as one ot the billllant otiug Welsh mem bers of Ilie In kituuiiiia lini. Jiu liaiidli'd his sulijeii in an able man ner and spoke m ihf prominent Welsh JiiiIhIs thioughotit th- cotiutiy and the position attained by many Wtlsli law us of tills 1 Ity. some ot whom weto luiiulieis of tho lv 01 lies l'hll'P Win ei 11 sang a bass i-olo that was gioutly iippicclatcd. AVi:i.SII IN JOURNALISM .1 I'ouiler Monls lesponded to tho tiiitbt "Welsh lu Journalism," Hu pie fated his remaiks with a hunioious bloiy and told of tho power the pi ess wielded and of the ilse of the Welsh In this profession. He spoke ot sev fiil will known Welsh journalists who had secuicd eminent posltloiut In tlic newspaper woild. He lefened to numbers of tho lodge who had be iciiiie able Jouiualirits nnd weio a cred it to the oigiiulzntlon. Pi of. Silas Rosser pluyed a beatitl. till selection on tho plane.. Toastmaster 1M wauls next lutio. duceil 1'. H. Robitthan, who told ot tho "Welih In Politics." Owing to tho lateness of the hotii, the speaker-Mas unite lnlcf Mi. Rolmthau spoko in hU cliuiutlc'ilstlc manner, his ie minks being witty and Intel eating Tlio assemblage, aiiito nnd sung, "Hen Wind fy Nheduu," biluslng to tin end one of the most enjoyable of tho pleasant uveitis lu the lilstoiy of tho Robert Monls lodgo of Tiuo Ivor Itfi, Tho ioinmlttco to whom tho bucc"ss of tho bumiuet was due, comprises .lohn It. I'duaid. Daniel J. Reese, Hly llntrls, David J. Davles nnd Dr. W. II. Davles. Those present were: Rev, If, II. Harris, David Owens, Jolm R. IM wards, 1:. K. Uobalhan, Palmer Wil liams, Oaylnul Thomas, John Courier Monls, Ilouaid Davis, John McAs kle. lloger Hvins. Ivor Pany, Philip Williams, Thomas Daniels, James Powell, Steve Dyer, Watklu Williams, Dr. J. J. Robot ts, John H. Phillips, David Stephens, Maurice Miller, John Davis, John Howell, lien Robatlmn, P.. Joseph, Daniel Reese, D. M. Jones, Divld Davis, Louis Howells, Dr. Jen kins, Dr. Davis, Ell Harris, John D. Hughes, Philip Wan en, David Ste phens, Prof. Rosser, Owilym A. WIN Hums, C. M. Storm. THEY HELD A BANQUET. Hook and Ladder Company Also Elected Officers. The members of the Hcranton Hook and Ladder company nnd Invited guests had a banquet In their looms on West Iarkavnnna avenue last evening in honor ot Oustav Wenzel. Tho affair was Incidentally the occa sion of tho annual election of olll cers. The otriceis elected were: Ptesldent, Kiod Durr; vice-president. W.W. Rois; financial secretary, Albeit Hemic: te cordlng secretary, J. J. Martin; tiens uerer, i II. Miller: foreman, F. S Ujiioic; flist assistant foremnn, tius tav Wenzel; second assistant, Rob eit Airmailing-: property clerk, Adam .Stclnhauscr; tiustees, Philip Schncll and Frank Cobb. l.awience oichestta was In attend ance nml a most enjojablo time was enjoyed by all. Spccihes weie made by e-fhlef II F. Feiber, Fred Dun. Frank Pecker, Robert Armstrong and othcts. WAS A BIG SUCCESS. Mnnngeis of the Homo for the Tricndless Realized a Handsome Sum on the Fete. Tlie manageis of the Home for the Filendless held a tegular meeting yes today at the Home. Many Important mat tuts came up for discussion, chief of which wits the tepoit of the chair man of the llnance committee, Mrs. J3. F. Chambetlin, who tend the piocceds of the Matie Antoinette Fete, as te portcd by J. II. Uiooks, tteasurer ot the executive committee. The total wns $3.067.fi3, whli h elicited applause and mutual congratulations. A vote of thanks was tendcted the gentlemen of the executive coinmlttte for their un tiring clfoits In behalf of tho Home. The managemcnUs deeply gtateful for the earnest support furnished on every side. As an indication of the .spon taneous character of this, it is noted that tho bo olllco ticket sales alone weie $1,500. The kindness of diaper ones, puiticipanls, business houses, and In fact everybody was marked. The heavy bills for light und wuter weie discussed at length. The lust month's charge ot J3U for vvntei, de spite the expensive appliance!, for hav ing tlie same, caused consternation Among the pleasant featutes ot tho past month was the tea given in hnnoi of Mis. Ceuigc's eighty-sKlli bitthday by Mis. John Monls. Other conttlbu tois to this bnpp.v occasion tor the deaily loved oldest member of tho family were Mis. W. D. Kennedy, Mts. W. 1'. Kennedy. MlhS Josephine Lees, .Mrs. Pettlgtew, Miss Ruth Gould. Ml.ss Susan Dickinson, Mis. V, 11. Ripple and Mis. H. S. Moffat, while the mat ion, Mis. A. K. AValkcr, assisted in making it a delightful a I fair. The following- donation list was lead, the glveis of which aro vv at inly thanked: MUs Miirsle eiillci, lirrail. Mil" II C Hiook. M1HM. Miss l.uip nlin, Mrs ' " Mcnult, Mm M s KnlRlit, MIc Lillian II. Motil, dotliintr. Mt Vnule ti 0I111, time dis dies iiiiMnir ncrdfis; Jhs W. p. keniinb. oranee', ct 1 ; Mr Jolm (irnter, Inut, nullum miller, il , Mi .lolm II. Jiiifi-, Olipliiiil. quantity torn, Rjiiics. glove., ele. ; 1'iolijtirlan eliunli, liiiiiiiioic, n idiiu milter. Min l.enlei, vp.s llarrlit I.. ( uoper, Ml), I! CI llmol,,, two ad. JustaMc tallies; s,(on, I'u-Ojj ti ijti ihurili, ovhtern, Ijiiii-,, iro.,in,; Mrs Willi. mi llorMr. iicM(V, Jill.', etc ; Mm nilen Miaugei , Mr. and Mri-. W. II. Seek, Willie and ltoheit S-luuser, taipit nmepera; MIm sUsiu ;, pukinson, ir amjes for old lulks; Mrs Hernlnl Hall, iliild'a crib; I'. A. .SkKlir, urlatfi; MI1 l.lizalietli Wuliiirn. Mis Mirgaiet Woodruir, Aoulli's Com panion, l)i. U. II. Hand, four iloztn uns ion dniMil milk; Mis. (.'. II. IIiiiNjII, elolliiiiK, Mrs J, IlauiiB, ci idinK maltir, Mi, OcorKO Mltrliill, l'tltslon Mine Co, repihi, on lame .lie atou (.rccn Rlilgo 1'ieMiilirian iliuuli, lneid, Mr. ( p. Jones, (.'rao and Untie .NoIjii and Untie l.ouir, 11 ailing nultir; J. b. C'ounell A. Co, llt.uioldc llios , 1 ilt mills; Mis Thomas Puk m,ii, inn luiicls Hours p. Kilirll, I11111; Pr P. W I.iuio, , dflirn 1 .ins lomlniMd milk, Mrs. I'ctei Hunk, unit, clothing, leadlne matter, cti , Mls Jennie Ki.MioliN, nisar. Ic.i, cle j Mis. J P. lliikvin, slit for tuition; Mr.'. J. K, ( handler, blanket, (alko, etc ; Mrs. ( laienea sturKC fmlt and pin. lis; Mis William 1'oteecl, toip. v iluo 41 ), CJ. . Millai k Co, limp, n,u ml Ity irockrry .ind glassnaie; Scnnton (,as and Wilier Co, len luriels apples; Mrs W. 1' Kiniied, upoiiRo lakts; rf. Ddward .Vilin, pair ihlikfiii. I J. William., Jlrs T. 1! llrool.s, potaton; C Lirenz, leading matter; Mrt. H (i. Ilukir, millens, Mi. 1' 11 Wall, It 11 lulls ,imKu'i; I.iekjuamu Pjirv (o, milk; J. P.. lliv, ,1 (o. In rati ; I.idit-,1 Aid foi lily. Pilu le, ie I'li.lnterlau iliuirli, SJ urch row lag tar )it, II O. Pile, victables, Miricl's inirkii, mli, fruit, i gctalili. I)e-eils vine hunWied ,y Mr. 1' 11. Plall, Mrn C. II. Kott, Vhfc. .1. . I'rlei, Mis W. II hciinub, Mli.. W. W. Pcrinton. Pr. I.iuiin C. koniiiile as in atliiidaiiie, a-l.lni hj Pr. toi sen sjiurdai nlulit ilmioi,, llulirwartfi's lukcn, In rad and cal.ts, Iluduei, larrrtt Pro., C 1' Hone. T. i: Carr .V. sn, y Allni, .1 I. Ilojir, A M Mori. II I'lene, P. i: Mir licrKir, W. II I'lene, l.tmliicr'n InUry, lluglioh' market, spencer maikit. ToUl value ot tlie,e donations, ?IJ OT, ns estimated NO INCREASE ON ArRIL 1. Denial Made of an Afternoon Paper's Story. It was authoritatively announced last evening that tho statement made In an evening paper that Ilie Insurance rates In this city would be Increased 23 per cent, on Apt II 1 la untitle Exception was also tuken to the statement that Instiianco tates vvera raised 23 per cent, a few ears -ago. There has been only one change in In suianco iates heia for a long time, and that was six years ago. It Is stated that It was an adjusting and equalizing ot iates which took place then and In no way could bo consld oicde an luctcaso of an thing like 23 per tent Hen's Good Solid working shoes, $1 and J1.25, at Million s removal sale, COS Lackawanna avenue Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. P. & M. T. Howley,23l Wyoming ave. Kaiiey Ploilda Oiuuses, 35e do. Com CONCLAVE AT LOUISVILLE SCRANTON WILL HAVE A DIG REPRESENTATION. Committee of tho Local Knights Templar Have Been in Metropolis of the Blue Grass Stato At ranging for the Scrantonians Who Will Bo Present at tho Gieat Templar Event for Which Such Extended Arrangements Aic Being Made, Big Entertainment Fund Raised. The Knights Templar of Melita com inniidory, No. 6S, of this city, will piobably occupy their sleeping en. 6 as quarters during their stay In Louisville at the Tilonnlnl 1'onelavp, August LIT 30, next. A eoiumltUt-' of Tomplnt.s from Scrnnton. composed of fchr Knights J Seidell Hwlsher, J. II. Woolsey and Thomas I'ahucr, was In Louisville this week to niruiiRe fjr the pllgt Image of the white plumed 111cm lieis of Melltu. These gentlemen weto ncconipanled by II. A. V"lls, New York passenger ngenbof the ILilthuoro fV- Ohio, t'pon their uitlvnl here iney were met by Col. It. S. Hi own and Col. .1. T tluthrlglit. ohuliman of Con claves committees, the luttet on hotels, and weto dilvcn over the eltv u look for a location. They isit'-il tic sites of the piopiisid I'llllmuu Village whcio will be "parked" clghtv sleep ers, and the Tented City, a camp to be erected at Fountain Fen.v 1'atk for the accommodation of 4, ihmi Knights The hotels available and the icsldcnce portion of the city 'veic also taken In The .Seiauton knights, howcvei. ie tin ned without closing a emit tact and Will probably use their I'ulhnans, be ing much Impressed with the advant ages such 11 eouise ofteis, ulthough tho city Is abundantly able to cate for 1a0, oou vlsltots, und that ety comfoilubly. Mr. Swlshi'f said theto would be two bundled In the patty fiom Scianton and that a latge proportion of 11 would be ladles. Iudu-d it now seems that the Louisville conclave will noi oulj exceed in point of attendance all for mer uienutdls, so far- ns visiting knights Is com 01 ned, but that thete will bo inoie wives, daughleis and sls- teis of Teinplais in tin- t It dining Oinud encampment week than at m meeting of the past. UK! FUND UAIriUD. Louisville Is w 01 king In earnest on conclave plans. Abeady llfty commit tees .tie winking- on the pteliminaili"'. An entertainment lund of JtOD.uoo has been raised to bo pcnt on a mo gramme of attraethma never befote attempted at a conclave. Tlie week will open with divine service Sunday morning, conducted by Veiy Imminent, Sir and Itev. J. C. "VV. Coxc. ot "Wiish Ingtou, Iowa, gland pt elate of tho (iiand encampment. Monday will be devoted to receiving and escoiling to their riuattets the hundreds of com miinderles anlvlng The ldg patade. with H0.000 knights and 1J" bands of music in line, will be Tuesdav's rou tine, while Iho competitive (Will, the tlist since the San FiancHco conclave In ISM, will bo the atttactlon for Wed iiesdav. Theto will be live handsome sterling tioiihlea awinded the success ful lonteslants. This drill will btlng together the eiack Templar teams of the count!. One pretty fc.ttuie In connection with it Is a company of Kentucky Hcautles to be loiincd. Kucli eoniinundeiv in the state has named a sponsot In tho pel son of the piettlest young women to bo found in the several Jutisdlctions. Tin-so fab voung ladles will also grace the enles talnnit nt at the hot so show building on 'ednes.da.v night, when the wlnnets aie to be announced and the pi tee glen to the sunessful ioijis. IIOIISi: DISPLAY. On Thutsdiiy thi-ie will be a lunse display at Chuichlll Down", whole tlio funious Kentuekv Dei by Is 11111 evety sptlng. Heie will be seen the Ken tucky horso thai (Highbred, tiottei or pacei in ils best foim, as only tho equine ailstocuuy of the state will be on exhibition. A monster cuke vvultc and band conceit, In connection with a great watei melon feast, aie among the tilings proposed for Friday. Kacli night will see entettnlnments galoie. Thete will be the giand ball at Con fcdeiate hall, which will aceonunodate 13,000 dancers and spectatots, a leccp Hon at the Masonic "Widows' nnd Or plums' Home, the pioneer institution of tlie kind lu tho United Stntfs, boat exclusions up the Ohio river, exclus ively for knights and the ladles they accompany; several public and private leceptlons to tho distinguished guests, among whom will piobably be Piesl dent McKlnloy, Speakoi Hendeison, Hear Admlial Schley and lion, .1. D ltlchntdson, soveielgn si and com mander of the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Ulte Masomy. There Is ceitalnly a gieat time ahead tor those who como to Louisville lu August Resolutions of Condolence of Electric City Wheelmen. hcieai, It ban been the will of Almighty Ood to temove fiom our presenco our beloved und istcemed member, ltoheit 1 DIebl: and AVheieay, In the los ot our biothet uienibc'16, we have sustained an It pat able loss, not only as a ineinbei, but ns a tilend whose Integrity, hon esty of pin pose and uprightness ot character was bejond tepieach, theu' foro be il lletolvcd, That wu e.teud to the be uaved family our heuitlelt .lymiuithj in this, their hour of ti iu 1. and lom inend them to the all-wlxe itulcr if tho I'nlveise, whoso chastisements aio meant lu mercy; hi It tiiitiici ltesohed, That our ihartei ! draped lu moutnlng lor a period of thlily da8i that these icsolutlons be spread upon the minutes of the club: that a copy bo piccnted to tho fam ily, and that they be published In the dally papeis. A T Stovei. Itistavo Wi'lns. II. D Moie, Committee. Foi Shatteied Neives. A icmedy that will soothe, build up tho wasted tissues and enrich tho blood Is Indispensable. Llehty's Ccleiy Netve Compoimd has been woiidetfiil ly successful iu cases of nervousness, as thousands of gtateful people will testlf. Sold by Matthews Bios. Tho Bavgains Will interest you at Mahon's lumoval sale, BOS Lackuwanuu avenue. ROu Navels for 3Dc doz. I'oui ten's. Cal. piunes, lbs. .Tic, Com sen's. wvwywwwywwuvwwvwvwwvvww'Ww. The Art of Living. and living woll is In Judicious buying. Where you buy is of aB much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it. Wo have soveral Dinner Sets that wo want to close out, th quality is tho best, our only icason for cutting the price is because they havo been hero too long. One a Haviland & Co. Ficnch China, 113 pieces, former prlco $50.00, now $35.00. Ono Roast set, Jones English China, was $30.00, now $20.00. Soveral other sets of equally as good quality at greatly re duced prices. Geo V Millar & VJtU. V . 1T1II1CII A b We fiarrv the flnlv UK 0 llron and Steel i in this section of the state, Dou't make any mistake when iu tlic mar ket for same, U0 II Bitten bender & Co., li 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. v r0M000X00000000Q0000M0000000M LEWIS & REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming Ave. WHY WE GROW? BECAUSE We are the largest buyers of Iloucst Shoes, aud we pay for them promptly, saving all discounts, which is a great benefit to you who buy ot us. Local notoriety is not the chief reliance of our business success, but Self Reliance, Honest Busi ness Methods aud National Popularity arc some of the vital features of our well-earned aud acknowl edged prosperity. We are not defenceless because we are the de fenders of Honest Shoes aud Iloucst advertising. We appeal not to your sympathies nor your prejudices nor any questionable influences for your patronage. If our shoes are not just what we ad vertise them aud the values not as we represent, your money cheerfully refunded. Relying only on this Honest Business Rock for our existence. I Why We Wc Place on Sale This Morning: 500 pairs Youths' ami Boys' Shoes, all sizes.... 30c 200 pairs of Men's line House Slippers, .ill sues. 'J3o 200 pairs of Men's Rub beib, toes a litto narrow. 25c FOR WOMEN We have .1 special attrac tion in : 5:0 paiis misses and "iris' Si. 25 Shoes, which we sell for 50c These shoes aic well built toes squaic, common sense good quality. Never a bet ter baigain in shoe leather. 300 pairs of ladies'com fort shoes not a pair worth less than 73 cents. Take them at 2.1c B s. 114& 116 Tele p'-ione 2482. WZZSSZKSSKJK'JZZZ 2S2rS2KiK3SSai r'lmiMHMi'nii'rrKgr, Williams' Goods Damaged by Water On Sale for One---Half Such ol our Household l' teii-.il. a, were iu the Base ment 01 our store on the side nearest the lire got their full share of smoke and water. The are being sold out to make loum for entire now goods, and you buy them for one-half their actual worth -if you eonie quick. 'Ilu'v'ro worth coming after. if! U J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. 'Vxi&feW, I Co. m wjomim atcmio VU. WMUri .nil Look Around S fiomnlp.tfi Slnnk of b M X Grow Prices 200 paiis of Men's Burt Shoes, plain globe toe, mostly narrow widths; .joo and 65.00 kinds; why wc giow price $2.50 We have ;oo cases ol ladies' rubbers the 40 and 50c kind take 'cm at 23c 200 pairs of ladies' standard makes, button and lace shoes, extension soles, the $3, $4 $ kinds; "why we grow" price, $2. 30 per pair. 200 pairs of ladies' heel and spring heel shoes button and lace, 1, no kind; "why we grow" price $1,10 EILLY Wyoming Ave Frea Deliv3.y to ai Pari of ts City nwfffli v