W " ' t' I , T if I ' s'.. THE SCRANTON TRIlfE- SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 100f 5 $0 GOODLV I'OnTIO.V of the d I residents of thin city will j" lmve nilRratcd isoutlivn.rd, nt qJ least tin fnr ns AVtiBhliiRtoii, before Monday. Many p.vppct to po further Into tho sunny Innd to tetnnln tor a few week.". The Fortnight "Whist olub held n whist jmrty lit the Kxrelslor Social flub "Monday nlfiht. Tlioso piosent were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.cy, Mr. nd Mrs. Jclt Freeman, Mr. and Mre, Louis Oettliifxer. Mr. and Mr. lien Samtr-r. Mr. and Mis. A. X. Kramer, Mr. and Mia. U. M. Uotelsniltli, Mr. and Mrs. I.ouIh Miiiko, Mr. and Mis. Joseph Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Ham Sum ter, Mr. and Mr. M. Simmons, Mr. mid Mrs. M. Tioutfclt. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Ooldmnlth, Mrs. K. Ilnslaelier, or Itoehester. The jii'Izch were won hy Joseph Levy, Mrs. Hen Hamter and Mr. and .Mis. I-otils Murks. The nf fiilixns In charge of Mrs. It. M. Oold snilth and Mrs. Jeff Freentun. Tin' first Monday In I .out was a rec-oi-tt-lireakor as reRards the ener etlo pfrfonnanees of a. number of fair devotees, who gathered at the IUekinvanna Hospital and sewed vlo lfiilly all the afternoon. It was the most satisfactory elay'ss work of tho s'ukoii. and the ladles are congratulat ing themselves on their early enthusi asm. SewltiB parties for charity will be a fad during Lent In this city as well as in Mrger towns. In that re pect we are not second-class. Thorn are probably few busy places where more work of this kind Is accom plished than In Scranton. Mis. Carolyn AVolfe-Woidcu will sivc a niuslcale. March 28, nt Ouemsey hall, assisted by excellent local talent, among the number helnir Messrs. J. T Watklns, Alfred AVooler, Charles Doeifcum and F. Vanderveken. The patronesses will be Mrs. "IV. U Connell. Mrs. O. P. Matthews. Mis. K. JJ. Jer inyii, Mrs. A. i:. Hunt, Mrs. II. jr. Hrndy, Jr., Mrs. O. II. lYnman, Mrs. T. von Storch, Madame Tlmbermnu Kandolph. .Mis. Theo. lrcmberRer, Mrs. II. r. Wallace, .Airs. K. II. Hippie, Mrs. (' "W. Kear. Mrs. S. T. Jones, Mrs. David Spruks. Miss Kate Xeher. of Vlttslon ave nue, was tendered a. .surprise Monday 'vcnlnpr In honor of her birthday. Those present were Misses Martha, I.ydla and Louise Norelt, 1'dna. Klau mlnzer, Lizzie and Yetta Klkls, Anna. Uresser. Anna Faint, Oarrlo Nape, ThercMi rsrlll. Louisa Hansellman, Mol lie Koch. Kale I.ewert. Mcta Jones, Lottie AVIrth, Mnry AVIrth, Carrie N'cher, A'einn Smith, Etta Nape, Mrs. dew fro Xeher. 'Lizzie Xnpe.nnd Messrs. 'i-orfte AVIrth, William Hetrlch, Jacob HeffailnBcr, Paul Xoidt, Pastor Xordt, n imam cnuiiK, ciinrlen Ntjlier. .Miss Linen s.ive a pretty lumheon on Tbtirsdriy, in honor of Miss Laver ty. The other fnies-ts were" Mrs. James Oatdner Sanderson. Mrs. Geotrje Sturses. Mrs. 73. V". AVatson. Mrs. ciaiencc Stuises. Mrs. A. C. Twltchcll. Mis. Charles Coursen, Mrs. Klotz. Miss liennell. Miss Holes, Miss Uellii. tho Mlfses Laveity, Miss Anne Hand, Miss Clarke. Miss McLeod. Miss Klutz, Miss Couisen. Mlxs Charlotte Hand. MI-s Hurit. The "Tom Thumb" wedding at Ex- flslor club, AVednesday nlsht, was a most enjoyable nffnlr. under the direc tion of Miss-. Minnie Drlesen. Little Kxelyii Samter and Karl Moses weio the brldo and Kroom. Miss Adole Levy ff.ive a fharmlnR solo dance. Mis. Hurdett O'Connor, or Hiooklyn. N. .A., foimerly Miss Marlon Hitch ock, was the nuest of Mis. O. A. Ifibiip this week. 7Ji. nnd Mrs. O'Con nor ajo about to lemove 1o Hutte, Montana, for tho bcnetlt of Mis! O'Connor's health. Many Scranton Riiests attended the WVddlne of Miss Hcne Burgunder. at Wllkes-Barre. on Thursday, to Ador H. Hi own, of I'ittHtoii. A reception .was held at the Jiome of the bride's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hur K ufl(!er. Mr. 'Jeoige J', ."liflith will imnnvc his family to California In tho course, of a few months. Mr. firlflUh has re rently been placed In charge of the I'ailflo Coast branch of the great "pliaU company which he represents. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Truesdale haw 'iiinounccd the engagement of their daughter. Marie, to Mr. ltlrhanl 111. sll. of Chicago. Mlbs Truesdale Is a great favorite in this city, where shn Is nn occasional visitor. Among the Hitters r,outhwaia nen week will be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sprague. of Qulncy avenue, who e. peel to travel for several weeks. The Hleetile city Wheelmen m,i ., tag paity Tuesday night, which was laigely attended and when a unique programme was piesented. .Messrs. T. Jf. Dale, H. C. Wallace, j. W. Dusenberry and S. A. LaHar have retllt'llnrl frnm th.i Atln..Hn ...i.i... : ' ....num. m nisi I tournament at Haltlmore. It is rumored that a nuinhor of en caBementH will be announced at Mast er time which will bo mow or less of a surprise. Mr. nnd .Airs. AVIlllnm II. Itichmond nd the Misses Ulehmond will leave next week for u stay of some time in the south. Mr. Q. V, Smith and fr.inlly. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hlacklnton nnd Mls Cial Pln, wil spenil the net few weeks in Floildn. Mis. A. W. Dickson will onfcualn at n thimble tea tills afternoon In honor of Mhs Mitchell, of Hhlladel plila. Mre. C. S. Wehton has letuinad, alter a visit at the home of Mis. i over Cleveland nl Pilnccton. Mrs. A. O. Parke and Mls Helen lMtko will pall for F.urope In tho courso of a few days. Mis. Klotz entertained inrmnuilly at tea on Thursday, In lienor of Ms.i Klota, of Xew A'ork. Miss Frances Hunt cnlcrUlned the wmmm vm SMF Friday Afternoon Cmd club yester day. Col. ami Mrs. Holes and Miss Holes will leave for I'alm J tench on AVednes day. They expect to remain In the south until Kaster. visiting Xnsqau and Cuba during their stay. Movements of People Mr. !. i: T.ijlur l In New Yuik. Attonif.v ('. W, D.iUFon I In lloton. Mr. .. P. Ilidionl 1 In WadiliiRlcm, P. i . All. J. Alt Inn IlolHiticn It in Xrw Vorl,. -Mr. anil Mrs Joscpli O'llilcn are In IMillMel phi i. AlK-inrj 1). I,, 1'Ip'am N at I'hlljd.lplila en l)llllUf. Mr. II. II. Iluilj-, Jr.. lilt drcn in New York Hip 1JI wit,, Mr. il.ui.v ll;ti(liiuii lu gone ti W'.iMiliDflon tor it low d, Th )mi Altiii jk In WaM.lnstcii, priul ItiK a fortnight, Mr. I, r. MfR.itgrl rcl-untrl fioni u I'jiuilUn tllp on Wnlncsdjy. Henr. Jamr.t lllalr, jr . and M. II. I'iiIIit ale Jt I'dni Heidi. Mm, it. ,t, l'.Kiir Ian li'tuiiicd fioni a vi-il in l'lii!adclihl.i and lljrrll.iu-. Mr. I'ratik Mlllnuii. Jr., lll uptinl the nrxl low daj in (Jrand l!.ipld, Mltli. Mr. and Mrn. A, II. Wauiun lie Kom" to r.lm lloath, l'la., for a few wwk,i, JIIh Wildor, .f l!ofhclrr, X. V.. will lw tlie Kurat of Mi Ilidln next ttrcl.. MiH KllrabPlli .Sinlrr4ii lll fprnd (he m-t te IiionllH at Suntlxrii I'mri, . ( . Mr. and Met. T. 1'. Penman will to to .lack unllln and I'.ilm llcaih npxl wrel.. Mijor jnd Mw W. S. Millar left vmIitw for W'ashlnilon to attrml ln liur.suul uri )nonic. Mr. Manvlllr, of Wliitoliall, .. Y.. U idtlti!.' IiN slttr, Mr. W'altrr Urkon, on .Icfteon a(cnuo. Mr. C. I). .loncit and family, areninpinteil by Mm. ('. .1. I'oncll and MIm llracc Xortlmp, arc In Waidilngton. Jlr. .1. 1,. Cuwfmd tin rotutned ti 1'lorldA ttfr a brief May In lliii ellj. where f.hf at c.iUnl l,y the death ot a relative. Itev. I). ). Ilojiklns, damn . j;Nai -Uid Moi. t!.in TliomaH will leac on Saturday to attend President JlcKlnlej's inauxurallon. Ir. ,1, Cromle, of .!en"irrn Jcimc. wlut Ii.h been ipendlrir the winter in Kcjcr, West Virnlnla, iitumcd In the tilv on Mondsy. ltrv. Prank .1. Mllman li.i conn fnr a oiutlirin tiii and hN pulpit at tin- Sunuier avenue I'tcf bjterian clmrrli will be filled by A. II. Pun ulna; net Sunday eenlns. Mii. I,, .t. Xoithnp nnd dnihter left for WaihliiKton yilerjjy, U,e they will be th" BUil of their (oii-ln, Mr Clarence Vorllmp, who I tenctary for Senator Toller. ! HER POINT OF VIEW S Till: DOCTOltS bay that instead of considering fads as something in the way of freaks, fearsome, or frivolous, or idiotic, as the case may he, they should not ho frmmmi n,,i. with so much violence by people who have taken the contract or setting the wot Id tight. Instead, they should be encouraged and even cherished. In these strenu ous times they aie a saving grace, and the oftener we chnnge them the better. People who lmve fnds aie apt to change them with more or loss fie lueney. for a fad is .something that Imh to be changed or It isn't a fad hut a habit, and most habits, from the fact of the natuial depiavlty of Inanimate things, seem more likely to ho bad than good. We ate not nearly so prone to speak of the good habits of a person as of his had ones. AVe say of the child that he has the bad habit of sucking his thumb, or not coming when he Is called, or of being disobedient. We do not make such prominent men tion that he has the habit of always replying politely when dlrectlv ad dressed, or of eating Ills dinner 'daint ily. Hence when a fad grows to he a habit it i no longer nice nnd deserves to be discountenanced. The fad lady Is lea.sonably certain to be up-to-date and Is unndslakably sure to be an enthusiast. Xow. enthusiasts, are nice people to know, unless they gush. Hut a gusher isn't apt to have fads, for she is too busy gushing. To be enthusiastic Is to enjoy tho blight places ot life and he able to see .sun shine It; the daik places. It Is to follow the gleam, as did Merlin even before he built the fairy towns of Camelot. Tho ono who looks on the sunny in stead of the daik side adds to the world's joyousness, So the fad lady Is a benciu to her race. She Isn't nlwajs collecting blue pitchers. Sometimes It Is old lace, or fans. To he sine, sometimes It may 1m cats, which is a little unfortunate for her nelghbots. Sometimes she col leets old furnitute. This Is. of course, a dangeious stage, for It may sever llfe-lnng friendship and drive hankers to ruin. An old furniture fad, while ostensibly the most Interesting In the ealegoty. Is nlways extremely wearing on somebody, usually Hie Man Who Foots the Hills. He Is apt to dtead a business ttlp, and to dually break the newn of his depnrtnio to his household through tho medium of a imssengei hoy ami a note requesting a hand-hag and appurtenances thereto, r )K. gavo more ndvanced warning of his Inten tions his wife would be piep.ued to start off with him on a two-hundred inllo trip In scinch of two r,iinii candlesticks, nluo M.lu; or perhaps nue woiim iniiiK mm real mean If he lefused to divert; a matter of a day's travel in order to follow up a Wlll-o'. the-Wlspy cathedral chair of the date, of 1691. The moj.1 ratal uttacks of the old furniture tad tun In the way of foui-ponei-buls or rather bed; for to tho enthusiastic bed hunter there Is never but ono object of tho itimi unpre empted in the woild. It always hap pens that Just before she at rived on the spot a moro enterprising juuy with a piodellctlon for four-poster, had found the only ono In the ,,.. Kion poked away in u dusky al cove of soino old Pennsylvania Herman home, had beguiled It away ftom tho white capped Innocent owner for a more song and after hear ing this stoiy, hep disconsolate Hval would he" triumphantly jdloted to a nearby dealer In old furniture, (did you over notice the strango coinci dence thut a find of an old four-poster Is almost Invariably located In tho vicinity of a dealer In old furnlturo7j to havo pointed, out tho Identical bed with Its blessed four posts actually carved In eighteenth century style. After entovllle- her nllllntlnn fn,. .. minutes tho dealer reluctantly admits that ho known of nn old lady 'way off from Lepanon down (with a rising In flection) who has a fine old four-poster, to be sure not tilto as heavily carved as this which he believes he can per suade hor to relinquish. Of courso it would cost consldcrtbly more. In fact ho could not confidentially state that It could be bought for less than $12.". to which his commission would bo added, but ns sho wanted a four-poster so very hard nnd as he did not believe nn other, with the exception of tho ono mentioned, could he found in tlie state of Pennsylvania, perhaps she would like to havo him pecute It for her. Tho renovnllng need not bo so very expen sive. Xnturully It would need somo tubbing up. old mnhogany being so bad about clouding. Ko my lady, as excited as If sho had been at nn auction salo bidding vocif erously ngalnst herself, and tout be tween reluctance to pay such nn ex travagant price and the longing to go proudly home with a four-poster and drive her deal est Mend mad with ency, finally commissions him to seek the wily old lady and teiu from her the priceless hcliloom. Xexl In rank to the four poster bed comes the claw-foot sofa, for he It known that tho furnllure-fad lad. of the piesent would rather go down to her grave unwept, unhouoied and un sung as ever having been the president of n Wotnnn's club or owned a seal skin coat or conducted n rummage sale or Given an Interview on the subject or .Mrs. Nation thnu not he able to moke her will and leave a claw foot sofa of the ccnluiy ago kin 1 among Its provision. Xow a claw-foot sofa of that piiol Is a staid and dlgnltlcd piece of furni ture. If It is authentic It Is covered with hair cloth mid Is so hard hearted that by no possibility could It be Imagined as ever having contt United to the loumnces of toAr.s- by bcln'r a prominent fealuio In love making and courtship. It has wcltd carving along the mahogany frame nnd huge feet which wete not accustomed to high loiters In the shape of trie easteis on which my lady has it mounted. Xow the hnlr-cloth is removed at tlie fur nisher's and nil velours or dlm-llneJ topestiy substituted over nice new sofl spiings. and when my lady Introduces It as "Hreat gieat grandmother's you know," we all know that It Is no mom tho sofa of nnybody's great gieat grandmother than It Is n set of her big hoops." Sho would disclaim tho soft, luxurious, rich lined nrtlele In stanter and would class It as Inloult ous as tho modern rocker. One lady In this vicinity wanted her husband to run for something or other so that he could go to Harrisbuig nnd she could incidentally accompany hint to hunt a certain vintage of carved hall table said to be produced In Hint legion. "Ilm!" ejaculated Mr. Hus band, "they raise something that be gins with H down at Hairlsburg, but I never heard It called a hall table." Saucy IVss, MUSICAL GOSSIP. 'I he rerond lerital nl the v(,oinl m ...on nf "Ciniirxwrs Afternoons" will be (,'Keii m 1,,. SmlliHoith tudlo thU afii'iTioon, hoj;liiiiiiiir pioniplly at I oMok. All nlend id the studio nio coidl.illy imltu! to be pie.-ent. The jiri'jtramine, width wa oiiclnally pljnued fur WaihlniftonN blrlhdiy, will be ai follow: Peach, tin. H. II. V "Columbine" 1'l.inn .MIm M. O'MiIIm. JVKoven, Ilenlnald "My Cavalier Ambro-e, I'aiil "dud's (,1ft" !j,h Allen, C. N."I'u1uiii1sm" I iuliti MIsh Irma W.iIIch. Xeiu, i;ihelbrt "Opholli" l'lawi MIm I'. William.-. f'liadwkk, (imre "Tic Curl" Nipiauo IlartUt, J. ('. "VIikIii'h Lullaby" ouini lilts .1. I'olluimi. Paine, .1. K, "Villain! I).nnc" I'uriu 311-4 M. Weston. Latiif, M.iU'iul "Ilonnmc" .Neviu, Kthclbeit "MrluV lolln Mins M. IKiii. Ilutk. limllej "( nolo Loin's ig" 'Imor .Mi. dlppil. JiacDowcll, l.dttard "Mjlle" I'jaiiu Miss 11. Moi row. T.u Imuil.d, I. V. "Lullaby" lolln Mi.ses Cut I Ilousrr, Waltu. and Hill and Mr. ltodrlfsuezz, firlswold. .Vitiude ( hiintiei Souk" Coondn. Whit ni. i 'Tourd.e.if Clour".. Conlialto M.ison. Wllllaiu "Spilng lnwn" ''"'Him Piano i' ti i: l.dvurd Mrfn's labor? on hi new llbiello ore diawirjc to .i clow nnd be rApetW lo hue (he book leady for insp'ctlou about Apiil 1. 'Iln prodiittlon Is coink pfia: not a uui'iial cmiwdy noi an cxtHlitalir.i, .llthoiiKli tin f... tiiinie (fleets are ns gorgrnus and prodlcil as am ot tho latter. Aia:ririn mthi ot .in fiupuwiu r.atutf imbues each nuinljcr and it i ut a 'dud thai out lit to alili the populat limit rslanilli t; The book will be placed in tho hand of ,i jioiii lar in in liter, who has a.kid lor II and who, u be aaepts It, will dnx.se the rompo-ir and wlh probibly tToduco the hmc early nel ia.ii. 'Jh-e who are familiar with Mr. MienV Inut woik. "Hie Sinllli rjinllv," are of Ihe opinion tint tho author xhould hate ionllniK.1 llliu-tlo wrilins long aeo and have little doubt that nl lilt prodiittlon will be a miok.i. II i! II The following pioftiauiiiie of lan.u will he oUdved in the Second I'lO-bilrilan (huuli In morrow inoinlng: Mnrntr.tr. Onran rieiu.le lluhou Anthem, () ,liu I'ntn the Lord" tiuel Orlertory, llJillon S.lo, "llier Sale nitli fi"J" Canter Mr. Ilalph Willi mi. Orjin I'o.tliule, 1'ielude and 1'uniie In I! r.iciiinir, Oig.in Pieliide, (horal in K .Major ...,lK'ha.w Mlimi Iladi ( holi ilMpou?, "Cranl, We llondi 'Ihee" lMe Tiio (I'hiii MriiieolinM:llJali). "Llti Ihiiu' 1.JM." Jll-e llhrk, liaratrin nnd salmon. (Siiiik ly leqiKht.) tPlleilory, liuet, "Licnllde" t-m MoiiiJ. Clppel and Wllliinx Diuan I'ostlude, I'reludo in C tl.ti U M, .1. M. Chance, oiiranM and dlieiior. ; " 'i The aulhoritns at W.IiiukIoii me In I.- a I, .Villon."! Marine band go out on a bilif t.mr to play koine (onnt. which will not nidi alloid Ilm irltliH an i'pi t nt.lt- to judce of the mollis of the le-oiirauled Innd as an eui.nr iiiitanlratloii of tho gnu riiliienl, nude leail.t aw I hue an much n us Imiinily by u k'ulji .irl of eunmrsy, but In inspire the .cnt burnt ri pi IliotUni In JouilK Aiiieiiia citi.iwlKie. ( ollijie toniu wilt bo lerj larjilv Uslted, and public schools lit many places halted to pirtulpate n slnshiK Die iiatluhal ails akiiniiinided bi the National band. Hie band inp.nl. or i fccivnl.i r..:r iiKniliim undir the dluilioii nf Lieuteiiaiit William II. suiitelmaim, a talentfd inuslelaii and liUiluale of the Corifcuatuiy ai bi'ij.r.if. " l i Mr. .1. Mfied I'ciiiiIiikIoii will ulve i. If m, IMll.ll befoio tlie nrislo sec lion of the Uu u 1'iiige Wi'inenV lub at tho liaibUin h-shIoim .-, IBIrt Koith W'aihlm.loii aienue, on 'rinird iy tKliiiie next. The subbsl nf the Uittu. will In tho "Llfo and Woil.s i Mozart." Mi. IMi niiiRtoii will play seieial r.l the pUnofnite .'oint.s cf Mozait. and 3IUs ricm.li and Mr. Ilufliiia.ioi, nt tho Con.ervatoiy family, will tdji a (nil hand airat'Cimcnt ot a Moz.nt outline ! M II. .1 Halm' 'Ililrtfintli llfitlment band will rndr their fourth annual roncfrt at tho L.tceiua tlicjtie on Thinsday, March 21. 'J ho inttm. nuntallon of tho baud will ronUl of forly.fli piece, and a pioajraiiiniii of uneMellcil moilt will be plw)cd. The people nf Vranton and ilclnlly will be glim an opportunity of enjoj. Intf band concert cpul In any ulun In this city. The nunaglni: committee appointed con. ibt.s of William V. C'rlltllhs, diaiunau; Tlicoikio llauuliiiiann, rorrepondlntr ecielaty; John W. H. CAMPBELL Well-Known Advertising Man Will Resign to Go to a Big Store in the East. W. H. CAMPBHLL. much to i.ilse the staildnrd of advertising In this city. Tho adveitlsements he writes are always bright, snappy, catchy and lnteicstlng. They have been largely iiuoted and copied from, nnd several of them which have appeared In The Tilliuno at different times have been awarded prizes In contests for their excellence of composition and neatness of display. Since his usldence In Scranton ho has made many friends who will legrct his departure, even though It means better possibilities for him. lluil hoiisir, muiielal secietary. Iho proiiranim; will be piiMldiid in our next Saturday' Isme, Infertile 1 Willi Ihe nanus of tho soloist. The band to the number of foity men will accom pany Ihe leumietil to Washington to take put in Ihe fli.ilmnr.it ion, Iraxing Scranton at 10 (Mod, this cuulng. '; ii ii Vt .1 teiriil lilK'tin.' of the on luMr.i i niiiiiilttce Ihe "Kit ion of conductor of the I'ltUburu or d.itr.i was liiidi'iril .Mr. ltor Itribeit, th" tt I m of toiitrait t" coxit tin lime jears indium March 1j, l')l. Mr. Ilrrbert ins notified' the 1 1 intuit I c of bis I'Kiptumc and a thue jear' loiitrut h.ts bun cxeuitcd In both path-. i: Ii i' Tlie ollov. In,' tuuli.il nlis tli r. will Ii" t ti diiid ut the Ilm I '.ilk (huuli tomniMW'. under II jo diiectioii of Mr. .1. Allied 1. niilnstou: MOUSINC. Orpan Aiidanle In I' llullinaiit Cholr-"Wo Would Sec .U'tis" Mlluj liiiran-Olleitoci In f! Slejg, II Tenor m.1h--"( Mi ted Head .New WVuiidcd." Itotoll. holr and loiuiiiialiuu -"filntl.t in llxceWn,'' ( Ii int. Oil. in -1'n.lbide in C Iliad i.vc.mm;. Oikiii-1'iil'ide In I! I'lat tluilnunt llinlr "1'rum Liript h lletidage Centre".... IMg-n Orsan-Oflniiiry in A ITat S(cia;iii Cot.ti.iliu -nlo "Lotd MTintti 31 Heel Holds Deitl" Ulllcr ( holi -"Abide Willi Me" Wood Ortrui I'ostlude m V, ITni (ilad-lonj I ' 'Iho iii.inoloib iit'ital, lo be stieii b Iho (debiateil iil.it, bt Mi. (ml Tadlm, of lliulon. nl s"t. LnkeN 1'aiisli !io.is(, on the olenitis of piil !'. ititikr the aitspkcs of the Consenatoty of Music is oi.o tint cicry mtwicdater .uu! student of music ill be ilellvlitul lo hear. 31r. 1 .ii'lteii will jilay n hplcndid piukiamnie, ini lud 1'ig the crt.il llflhuteri .onat.t. uprn .VI, on a eoneerl t-in.d "u Imx iy piano, Kilt iioni nv 'mik tM'Kis-l' ir thbt iccltal. 'Ihe lulirs ef Iho Music ncllo'i of Hie (iieen rjiiUe Wouun's dub will tender n lecepllon to Mr. I'.U'llcii on tin ncnlii', prneditis the recital. '. II I! I'loarainiiie of imitlo al the l'itst I're.sby tciiin iliimli tnuioirow will iu tilde tin; fol low hi; selections; 1e Ddiin, 11 l'lal Dniley Hick luiir. lluel, Nipiiinu and llc links Contralto solo, "lli.nenly Home" iVdiaiiia MU Mary Uuls. Aiilluiii. "Ihe Pj.i is tontlj" Ilawlej holr. :: i dclliclitiiil "iiraii and poiik ioi il.il was guen beioie a laricc ntidlrnce in Ttlnlty l'pistopal liiuiili, Catliondile, la si Tnewlj iiiiiIiik by Ml. ('Italics II. poiiiuni, (he MU-(s lllacl; and fiara can and r. II.ilpli Williams, ol tho SlcoikI 1'rislijliri.in cliiiuli. Ml. W.itl.ins sins? "My Colben lliwu," a solo fioni Ihe opeia "Lily of Killamey," bj Jules lleiiidiil, and a mw v.iu bj '. Vlllietn Han lord, intllled "Ihe llos,. of Killime," at con cm in iionur of Hubert Kiiuiut. : ', ii Miss Mini and Mls I'lKiiiau were in Xn utU last wed. In older to bear .Madam Trinl-ci in Puccini's opn.i 1. 1 To.i.1, .ami .is(l yt Kielsler, the liollni.t, Willi the iloston Sim. phony iiicheitia . I 'Hie Uurguiiiislii, aciciidin,' to 'vptei.i r Ihe peoide." was oim of the mist ponil.n it lr.i( lions Hill Manager I lull r has btcusht to tin Lvceii.n t Ids toon. A icluiii date is aluad' talked oL II II II A few -citk ma II ury II M.nili, tl. Jlhiiai.t. tus l leu. twtlite' cod Ihlrlv oniii kt.in.. I ,.. ry, talent and good luck bale mole liliu ...nii.. ....I , ..i.i,. .... . . . . liiuiili, iinu o.iiiv,u- v.ii.iu yet .1 Ollr llljn. I ' li U Ilm slate coincntloii of the miliar Mm I liil.tl.m nssodHlloii, whldi nut In Lancaster last week. Oritanlst .1. M. chance, of tli Second l'erliieiian diiirdi. was tho orfranlti. r ii i Miss lldllh lldison was in fme xnlce and sans with tftr.it Minos at the (.pedal siriiee In the itoiiiiTfKJllonaJ diurdi of Catbcitulalo last miii d.t night. i ' Mr .1. I'. Walkiic, diieitot oi ib i. Lrne cnal Midi li, b lehe.irslni; the ladies' tliuiiii fui a lomert, lo be kIm n Manh 17th "Ai))ci,(liGitis,5tlicGrii) Localized." "Appemllcltis is but localization of the Grip nffectlnp; the intestines, nnd often the appendix itself; the symp toms of Gilp nnd Appendicitis nro coincident." This statenn nt was in.nie .y r., I.ucns I'hamplounleiv, In u paper lend yestenlay before the Clinic of the Academy of Medicine in I'arls. There Is a seasonable Henieu warn ing In his asf-ertlou that while the (liip often attacks tin thtoat or ear, yot In tho ease of a patient who has been an excessive eater of freMi meat, the dis ease almost liiMirlnbly localizes In tln Intestines, near Ihe appendix, op In the organ Itself, producing acute appendi citis". The stlxant onills to say that the greatest danger lies In the unsklllfully Heated and Imperfectly cured cases. 1'itivent the (Slip and escnpo Appen dlellls by using Dr. Humphreys' "Sov-enty-Seven," Iho only known prevent ive and cine for the drip, while Its tonicity sustains the system during and after the attack, "77" bieaks up Colds Hint hung on, At all Drug Stores, 23c or mailed. CTI'ocket Manual mailed free. lliniiiliic' lloiiieopithlc Medldne Co.. cr. William A John M , .New lotk, TO LEAVE "LONG'S. William II. Camp hell, who has been with the Scranton store ot Jonas Hong's Sons since Its opening more thnu three years ngo. has resigned his position nnd will leave the firm with in n few weeks. Mr. Campbell goes to one of the big gest firms In tho Hast about to open n department store on a very huge scale. lie will pre pare the ad vet Us ing and net In a general capacity, for which his long experience In the business amply Ilts him. His new venture Is the third suc cessive one In which lie has participated In the opening of new stores, having come from Wnnn ma Iter's In Xew York, where ho was iMigaged at the lime of the opening of their Ilroadway and Tenth store. He has been very successful In his w ork 'and has done -J "J & 4 iJ i 4 4 4 i SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inarrtirxle knowledge Is a duijcerous tlilnff, fa In nil thniRs let in lie .ueutate." Yellow Fever Again. NOW "1 1 1 A P we hue liefore m the full and aiitliintlc if port of the proceedings of the I'an-Aiiieiican Medlc.il consrcM held in Havana, foiitlli to Mreiitli of I'cbriut). tlie most im pott.itit Miliject of which xv.is the prescntatieii and eliscnvsluu o( the reiK.rt of the Fpecial .xellow Icier rinnmlsslun, wc ate able to form an tire bhsl opinion and lo estimate lo some degree! lb- far-rcarlitiiK Influence which the findings ot Ihls loiniiilssion will haw upon the theories ot tho raits illun of disease and of conlaglon and lufecticiii, as well as in lcir.ud to xaceliiatlon and pruventiie inoculHtloii, ivhldi at tlie pres ent day prctall in the medical mind. Hivci-tcd of all technical terms and ob'iure language Hie.se Undines nuy be suuiiiuil7cd in plain Kngllsli ai, follows: Yellow feier eaniiot be commiiliiialnl be ccn lid with Iho patient nor with tho dothes or other a i lilies worn I ty a patient before and (lin ing Iho course of the disease, although they may be Impregnated with the excretion of the body and l.s. then fore, not lontastous. II can, lioiv ecr, be eoniiiuiiilcalcd by inoculation If a small ruMtitily ot Idood from a yellow filer patient, taken during Ihe first two elays ot the disease, is Itijeitcil into a healthy individual. If. howeici, the blood is taken later in the disease, or before tho attack has set in, no mult is obtained. This dbcase is (oiiitiiuiilcated, however, onlin. ii ll bv. and on) by, the bite of a paiticular kind of tnosipiito tlhe Culcx lssinalus) it thi insei I has previously bitten a yellow feier p.itlitit (luring the Hist two days of thu attack: it was also d. nionslr.iUil tint it takes Iwclic di.in for the speelfle polon to (hulop in tho liiosqullii, and that healthy individuals bitten by (.ucb iuoetulatcd mos.iiiiloes before the twelfth day niter the contamination of the In sect showed no tjinniniiit of the) ilbease, while those little it after the twelfth dav, without ixeiption, weie stricken with .xellow four .liter a lapse of lime (period of intubation) of from forty-six bonis to six dais. Disinfection of houses and belongings of ellow fever patients (fumigation of Kltirs fiom .xellow feier districts;) and epriranlliiiiiir of pacngeiii fiom infected localities would therelore be iinnccssjrj, pro lidid the mosquito is destroyed. 'iho repoit winds up with sating: "While the mode of piopjgatloii ef jcllow feier has now bien di finitely determined, the ispedfie cause of this disean Hituliis to be ellscoicied," In the luiiiierous repoits ot yellow feier epidemics in tlil.s country nnd abroad, and In the lengthy and eiitdlto dissipations cm the nature! of this dread disease In medical literatim-, we find tint the thcoij of (onlagion was by no means mil vcrsally acuplcd l-y inedic.il jtulioiltle.4. and was ill-puled as eatly a 1SIJ by pr. II. Colomir in his npoil on the elnw leier ephlcmio In 3511 iii Spain, to tliat wc can readily aiccpt the ileiuoiistralloii cf the commission of tho lion contagiousness of .lellow tc-vcr. 'lliero arc, how ncv, limiiy peculiarities in the transmission of tho disease rematked In medical llteratuie which eaniiot ns jet be fully explained by accepting tin.- statement that Ihe inwqulto Is the only carrier of the dlseise ilius. It is true, we can explain why licncial llutbr succeeded in stimp. lug out jellow feier in Xew Oilcaiw by estab lishing proper iewcragc in the- city, nnd thut make it beallhy for lite human Inhabitants, but unhealthy for the I ulex- 1'ass-Iiiatib mcoijuitn, and that tho epidemic iiuariably tease, to exist xi hen Iho aierage temperature of the air falls below Til ilcurieg 1',, because tho iiv.ee t cannot liie in stub a tool atmophcre, and that other iujlari.il dUeasts liaie been stamped out liitertain Intalltli liy planting cuc.ilptiis frees, which bv thilr rapid gimvth and greed for moisture lr in swampy idaics, 0 by tht aitilieial draining ot riuiiips, Hun by making ii Imjiosslblc (or eertaln spubs of iucv-i'iltoes which are Iho lairlers of the feier to fuilher exist in thes.i localities, and liiuiy other appatenlly contradlc lory facts minted by many nb,erierf. We cannot, huweicr, as jet cxidaln in what manner the xlnn is transported out great dittanies of land or ( I. distance too gieat for the culex to tr.nciiie, aid we musf look for nn explanation in the re culls ot cxpciiincut to determine these ejuis tions: 1. Wlut Is the spedllc xirus and what is lu orlglnf for it is icry pliln, alnio.t self eililenl. Hut it Is not a bacillus m- coccus i!. Do tho eggs and huae of the- infer led mm. qultii (for II is the female Insect only whbh clicks the blood ot animals) carry wllliln Hiciu the specific poison In a litent form to become putcut In the fully deieloped infeet? .1. And, If ii). Mini are the must favorable londltlons of cllni.ilc, tiiiipeiatiiie and iiriouuiliigs fur" Hie I (Kicii't'ii e-iis au-i iiiu oi llie lllcics, 4, .il llually, what Is the mcxt practical and cflcttlio method of destroying the inieds and Us egg and lariarf When these iiuiMIom liave been anwtied, and they will bo slurtly, no doubt, wc will be able to tamp out yellow feier and a number of other epidemic and endemic diseases and male the ro-iallril "foci" of well elbeases n jcllmv feur In llaian.i and the West Indies, and cholera in India, Kilubilotis fiif ad of iltsx-ininatliig dipoti of Muuiki-s for Iho whole world. Eucalyptua ns a Drain Pump. Di. John (linord, the iounder of the I'oie.ler, xiiUm In thi January number of that paper (Lit. Dig.) of the Illicit value of the eucalyptus treo ,-t a Mtiltarx aid. It chief ertlcaey, ho thlnka. Is elite lo the lad that it plumule- drainage, adliv upon tho mil like a powerful pump. Dr. lilfftucl iloses Willi lelereueo to the bcneflelal etfistl nf the eiiral.iplu on the health of Ji tiialca, Atutiallt and tho lloinin Campagna, In Australia, rp-c tally, the Immunity ot Ihe renin tty (llilrids ftoin unlaiia is atlrlbuted to Its action. Medical Timci, Electric Furnnces, 'Ihe dectlla lurnare Iia-s beconio an inipoilarit iuiluiti)il appliance xdlhlit the let few- xrars, and has altcmly been tprriallns Into a consider- JONAS LONG'S SONS. Great Sale of PiivBBSKjB s3'f'flRLlHHHiSSlL BHKjHJHUpQSIfr'rVJ tfsdsE3HiHrofw'' PfMMflrffqc4Vr -;wiaR'5:iks.-s. At 10c. biy lot of paper novels, published at LTic: printed from large type on good paper: line of more than two hundred titles. Sold even-where for l!)c. An Lngllslnveman's Love Letters, With The nnd Swcr.l. I'm Midi id. ruder ( muni". IV III irk llalah. I tu Itlirts. At The complete writings of Mrs. E. D. Ii. N. Southworth, all copyrighted novels of the highest type; worth TiOc. l-l.tnael: or In t!ho I)rpth. 'Hie 'lo bister, lane' Labor Won. And 1(H) others also Inez; Ii Augu.ta Hnmj. l'jhloii and ramine; Jit. Sleiens. I'al.ue and 1'iisons; Mrs. Sle-vuis At All the newest copyrighted works of fiction, including every book of renown: published at l.t'O and sold nowhere in Scranton at anv lime under 1.1!.". nentlemin from Indians Tarklngtcn. Illi haul Vra and Nay Hewlett. Jtflgn of Lnw Allen. lied I'ottagc Mary Cholmondelev li(itu Kingdon to Colonv Dcicrruv, David Haniin Wtittolt. King of Honey Island TliompsoD The Sky rdot-llalph (oimoi. ISIthard Can'cl-Chitrchlll. In the I'alarp of the King. cardinal' j s'nuft Ibx llarla'i'l Boys' Good Clothing;. Splendid values for Saturday of which hardly more than a pas-sing notice is necessary to bring you here. The best values in town, of course. for Hows' corduroy dUC Knee Pants, extra well made with taped seams and ex celsior wai"st bands: full cut, all si7es -f to If. for P.oys' fme lauu OUC dcred Percale J House Waists with attached collars and cuft's: all new spring styles. Si7c l! to I!! vears. Men's Collars for 10c. The "Peyser." Strictly all linen and the best collar we know of. .Sold at a popular price 10c. Hut that's not saying they arc not worth a good deal more. New styles this vear: not m uJ high (-' inch) which you'll like because of the comfort they give. Jitit if you prefer high ones, we have them, along with every other stvlc known to collardom. Cuft's. too. "Corrcllo" is the new shape. 20c the pair. ' ICvcrything else in men's furnishings, but of most interest. just now arc the new spring effects in colored shirts. Percale, madras, linen. ."Oc for very ood one.. l.."0 for the best ones. Many kinds between. cloDas Long's Sods &ym$Ms Special Bargains in Hen's Spring Shoes. $.3.00 Value, for $2 New Goods. See Lackawanna Ave. Window? CWOMOmty able iiuiuliir cf otm In r.itlei lo bitter (uodure Hie various tesulis required, Truce tine aie pionilnenl tuoo lirjtcd by llie an- directly, tliosd ill which hut In deieloped by tile eleetil c.il icsUt3iue of Uu- wattrlil lo be jcltd up.in, j net llioje of the lipe u-cd by (mr ill aluniln tun reduction in ithhli Die fnrnaicn ,ire eonneeted In niulliile-lil.e lnentidesicnl ljinp Asalnst Bell Telcphoue. .luilge llrcnin, of the rnlled sulci t ir it luiiit, ba decided Jk.i1i.s1 tl(. AniMii.nl 11(11 Tetcjiliono witipany In th Ilnlliici patent case Ihe ilceUlcn Is in f.nor ol the iude ueiiileni tele, phomi toniMiilei. 'Ihe llelt coiiipjny In it. rum plilut ulliKid inliingemetit ot pjtetil 'ilil suit lus been in the lourte (or J iniuiber of )euu. nnd In its utious jpjieU to higher eourts lui eatised Ihe expendituu ol niurli I hue and money, and II is p.iilliulaili reiu.it kuble lor the fact thai It Is the rt Inipeiimil -nit nhiih tin liecu el-elded Jifalnsi the Hell 'Ie plioiio luliipati' , Avchneologlcal Survey of Mlchlynn. Tl.o Hftioll brjtiih of th Arclueoloubjl lnt. tutoof Amcilea, uhleli now ranU next to thoe ol .Veil- YorK (or mcniber.hlp mid oetliltj, mi appointed committee of Hie members to tale atepa for the julucolcglcal mrifj of Mlclilffan. Ttie roninilttee has been Instructed lo wt,, (ur the passage at the piewnt station of the le8ls. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Saturday Books A publisher's .dcan-up linn, with sonic very special lots to jjo exceptionally cheap. The one and only hook store in Scranton where your needs arc supplied at popular prices: where books arc sold as arc dry floods, at bifx reductions from their actual values. Do not miss this sale. The niack ItotV. ejuo Vadls. Ill the Heart nf the Morm, Tempest and Sunshine, s-naie of the Kowler. Homestead on the Hill Side. t 15c. Self Raised; or. Out of the DepthA, The Phantom Wedding. i The Lady of Iho Iale. ...'e I. these by other authors: Alone: by Marion Marland. Was He Hitllty; Miss DuPur. -"t n b'Hlilccn; Mr?. Iluruett. $1.10. stringioiTii on thet Tike Llo el. hen Knighthood r.t In I lovrerv 'Iho K.xpatriate-I.lll.m Hell. . t" Tho Salt House- llox Miction. t ' The (llrl of Hxlfwny House Hoiigh. I'orlmie'd Iloats Vechton. To Have and To Hold .fohniton. Alice of Old Vinccnnes Thomp), T" 'Iho Dirllngtort'H I'eake. -l The Master Christian-Core-lll, j no jJiiue uiounon. V. s for Hoys' Laundered )UC Waists, plaited front and back; detached laundered collars and cuff's. Fine percale, 1 to Jit years. 1 for J'iOvs' Vcstec U Suits in all pretty dark colors, newesi styles, 8 distinct patterns. Sizes .' to 0 years. . . . .- 1 HO CELEBRATED O.ORDON PIANO Befoie buying, send for catalogue, U.S. GORDON, tiVvcYty: Inure nt j bill appropiljiliiLr S.,.V)0 annually (or IniCitliratliic; tin- iinilquliies cl tlie state. Deflnltfons. (..iiittuage at apukeu bv nun n the eoimant hut .irhllury teiiiriiie ot aiticulale souiuU fciini liitt uh.it are teimcd xeordi, and exprraiitur as tnh ilmplo ideas; and the atbltur.i but constant ieiucncc of iionls termed seiilentes, expiesslna; at aueh lompouml ldci, V. .. SO fr'M.ir....-.i i. .. ,i in. .mi j - - ivjap ' "