iV r-vni" .K'WS 4KrVt(,iO ,wfM- i(' Sv i" ' V j'rii sfc , , v" i " ' I r 'ttj THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1901. WSa ., rl 'F?l K is I (Se cttmfon ri6tme Published Dally, Except Sunday, by Tlic ITiJ" line rubltohliift Company, at Hlly L'cnt.u Month. UVV H. RICHARD. Editor. 0i'.. BY.UIIX, lliislncss Manajcr. New York Office! 1fO Nassau St. . b. VIIEH.xND, Sole Agent tor I urclsn Advertising, Entered l Ihe FostoflWo at Nratitun, Pa., ax Second Class Mall Matter. When space IH permit. The Tribune Is alwal Md to rrlnt hort IctlMs Imm Its friends lrar Ins eti current topics, but Its mlo Utiiat thc.o tnut I sinned, '"' publication, liy Hie writer rftl nimej and the condition precedent t ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall he suljest In editorial revision, rin; fiat imp. i on advertisinc. The following table show Hie price per Inch rai ) Insertion, spam In he used vvllhlh one years Full IIM'I.W lift than .V Indies. am Indent 12m) " Mm ' OlOll ' Position .o0 .21 I'l .l5 .IK Per raid of thanks, resolutions ct londolciiie' ml similar contributions In the natuie of ail vet Using The Tribune nukes a charge of 5 tents a line. , , , Hairs for Classified Advertising furnished en application. TWELVE PAGES. scuantox. maik'H L'. inni. Tltcie Is no iir.stlnu that Hie now lamps of the flecti'Ir light compiiny arr the finest In existence. All they need to give Hcrnnton tho best FCtvlcc In the country Is gi cater dcvntlon. The Ripper In Operation. IF TI1H .xplilt Miowii by tins Inl tlnloty mliiilnlstrutloii of the new charier In I'ltlwliurg f luill be the t-piilt IndlcMted In the eill tnrinl comment tipon tin- measure of the t'nmmcrclul-tiiizetto, of that clt, xho.o pioprletor, Mr. George T. Oli ver, xxns one of the most ttctlve and influential supporters of the "tipper" bill, the political revolution contem plated In the act will receive Justifica tion and command wldespiead popular a Pin oval. Tins Cominetciul-tiazetto xxlM'ly piis: A propn slew nl the duties of the lien admin istration will exclude .mi idea nl puisuliiK im rely factloiul ailtdtilacra nr nl udnplint; J mlle nl rrojcrlption. 'I here n nn neiell. Inr whole Mle nmilih fmm ctlhe. 'Ihe tlt bit in Us employ niiny mlh. and tapible mill h" honld I" letalPiil In llielr pines but ielieed from the farlionil lnlerfrr"ine mid mntilnt In wlnih thty h.ie been ub(lrd. Mill ho do not ren der" fair lelurn loi Ihe innipematlon thee re el he. but "ho b.ne been placed upon the po loll rr a Idle for erlie to the rim: and in t to Ihe piihllc, fhonld he removed, but that oik i. in bfl be IntriMeil In nfflcl.ili ulieaili fiivllhr villi Ihe ell mk ami, ho. with pm er Mifcnifion, undei Ihe riew pulitb.il condition rli.it will ! est iMMimI, are bekl able to wi , eul I lie wuilhle .mil Ihe Kiiiirilliiou In the pel fm uisiK e nf lt duties the ailiiiliiiiti.ilnn i-hould not le billed b pervmil i nuAlderUlou., but It idinuld be fall and impiith! In all. In ntder In uiake our mi inlnsr In thl point nr f(ll thai we nIiiM uie a vimiIk iuilamc. 'I be iillaik iii.-ii 'iilnr riinu'i polltli.ll pol Hon, uldi li Ihe ilppT inikei ilbiliul, ,oe rnl i leiul li his Im-ihii s oitioii in IhU urn. niunlli. At .1 innli.iclor for illy work be li enlltlril In the fiiiic i rniler.i(bn and .11 fai tnalmeiil it .1111 eihir t, nliaclnr. In leu, the rl per hill thnuld ie us lean, lntillli;i ill. aelbc. rffielcnt cmei'iuifnt. and the mlh of tin iduilnliti.iln 11 ohnulil be nulilcil :ill('i llu r by peblie uullvc. Tn nn'e II an Inlrunient ni hpile er hilicnil .c l.ili'lli 111, nl would bo lUh'inni.ihle and iiltimn. n iidniliiMiallon fbiiiMled and londu led upon !n-l prim iples ill till lo It piddie mppot, am1 will bemnie the unler nf 11 Miomscr political er.iuir.ithiu Ihm It It weie lo belrai pulille inteiets for fietlonil adrantii.e. While there K not the same factional bias In Set anion that obtains in Plltsbuip, these words In main tenor apply hcie as well as (heie. In the ii.itiue of tliiiiRH so diasllc a measute must seek Justification In lesults. It is a mistake to suppose that political 1 eiilrallzatioii of power can perpetuate. Itself by Iolatlon or public duty. Where abuses exist, rlppItlK Ih neces siry. Hut the tippers expose them s"lvc.i to the liability of becoming the tipped If their actions In olllco show that they have obtained office on false tepiesentalions. If there Is any wat innt in Justice for a ripper cluusc. It Is th.it the people may benefit In con sequence of it, Unless this benefit shall appear In due orler. the nichl tecti of the new regime will be dls ueditcd and Booner or later must suf fer in political penalty. It now proper to bIvc the tipper a fair show. It must abide or fall on merit or demctlt worked out. The liiiPHtigntion of employment lolls nl Washington may have the ef fect of Inducing some of the oftlcHls to at least call around at iheir of'lce.s on pay day. An Unsafe Motto. AHPKCIAk dispatch fiom Xew Yoik, appearing lu the At lanta Journal of Feb. 'Jl, 1 until ins the lufoimatlon which has been cm rent here that sonio of the sill; jnanufactuilug Inteiests at piesciit located In Scranlon or In Pa vicinity ate considering the lemosnl it their plants 10 the South. ThU iillspulch' reads: Tin Sailcjuoll Mil. Muuu'.iilui.ii), i 'inpjn.1 op riale targe lnilli In I'tilladilphla, snantoii ami I'llhiibiiu, Pa. Iheir New Virk itnrci mid r.ti1it9 aic tlictc of ihe Ijie nllk iniMirtin him nf William It V . ( n.. at At Howard alien, whftli tiljil ov.na the Suiijunii louipjro. Tor tufnty.flvc im lahoi liouhlo have bun un known to. tlirni, Iteteiilli the aper.itliet tit tbe Scrauton mills went niit 011 ktrlke without any particular gilemncf, and lalder than -uli-tiili to. what liny titan Ihe unreasonable eo 'ifnii' ( the labor uiKuuUatlon .they hae ilnied ilielr'anlDi at Bcranlon, Jlr. IVailk It, Allin, of t)3Jt5a.kC'preldiiit uf the Triut tompany of iniHiiJhM J-ccji in New York In coiifeieuo "vjlli 4lr.fTt)le. t'lia bead of the lk (oinpan.i, anil liTi Induced him In loiuldcr the adtaiita.'cj of 'Atlanta aa the Ucatlou for one of their 111IIU It I"'pifum((I that the SVraiiton plant would bo WJnove.d In Atlanta II faorjli rraiiciinrnt ''ni(ji(lui.cnii ni we're oftrred. .Mr. Allen will rrlnm to Atlanta within a few Un and confir Villa the chamber of rommertc and piouiinent t itlri rn and Me If Mime InduciuieuN laimoi he nftered. And if to Jlr, Arthur lljlo, who Is a wami peitoral fliend of Mr. Allen', will follow ""a little later, and It ft hoped w decide to t locale In or near Atlanta, It docs not constitute a dismissal of this subject to say that this Is all a blulf. Whether It Is that or not wo do not know nnd wo doubt that any body knows, not oven the Smi(iiolt pooplo themselves. It Is leasonable to assume 1 Jhat they will not, euro to umie suvo under sluing necessity. It Is eitmly icasotiuble to assume that If they can 1(11111)1 laieiilUOII Paper I Heading .Si I .273 ..'11 .22 .Hi .17' .155 .1 .15 .!" secure more favotablo Inbor romlltlonrt clscvhcro than they now have here, they will move, A removal would bo expensive. Hut strikes, also, uro ex pensive. To avoid the latter many of our sltk Industries moved from other titles to Sciitnton, If their business here Is tied up Intermittently, with or without pi avocation, nml If It Is to be come Impossible for them to enter Into lnnK-term contracts, owing to their Inability to calculate upon the steadi ness of their labor, removal or sus pension will result Inevitably. There hns been an easy-Kolnir dis position on the part of public senti ment hereabouts since the miners' strike to assent icadlly to every propo sition presented In the name of organ ized labor, Irtespectlve of Its merits or Rcncial effect upon the community. "Anything to follow the bund wagon" constitutes nn unsafe motto In all rela tions In life and It Is especially hazard ous In relation to the Industrial future, of our city, which Is Hearing n ciltlcal Junctute. It Is necessary for the com mon safety to understand that labor can be wiong, as well as capital; that the manhood which dares to stand up for fair play on all sides Is the man hood that lasts. We do not believe that a innjoilty of the wage-earners of our vnlloy want to see the silk Indus tty ililvcn nwtiy. Hut If they ate to escape this calamity they must sec to It that no claim Is made on labor's side which labor cannot honorably stand for, even to the point of self sacrifice. The United States commissioner of patents gtew piophetlc the other day and piedlcted that within fifteen years hoiseless chicles, steamless engines anil electric airships will be common property, elect! lety being generated by harnessing the sun's rays and Un wind. Within five years the presi dent at Washington will be able, ho thinks, to call up the American nmbns s.idois at St. Petersburg on the long distance 'phone, and converse with It 1 111 as freely as If he were In the same room: while ordinary local tele phone service w ill cost ten cents a month. It Is to be hoped that his reputation ns a forecaster will be sus tained. Unfair Criticism. C1IAIK5RS of "perfidy" and "hy pocrisy" are now being direct ed In some quarters against the administration for Its re fusal to give to Cuba unconditional fieodnm foithwith. The Chicago Times-Heinld, for example, after re citing the language of the Teller reso lution, assei ts It is impossible for am JiiKulin; of lomtruc t irn to make any thing out of that declaration cinidstrnt with the exaction b.i Ihe t'niteil Mates nf a single tondition upon the absolute and unfettered iiidqiendoiue of the. p-ople nf the Isl.ind of Cuba. ftcfore the Mlqni.i of bioken faith and national peirldv the moral sense of Ihe people Mauds aghast and humiliated. Let us review the facts and sec If these harsh conclusions nre warranted. The Teller resolution, passed April 20, 1808, after denouncing In Its preantblo us Intolerable the abhorrent conditions then prevalent In Cubu and assorting that "the people of the Island of Cuba are, and of light ought to be, ftco and Independent," deflated: That the I nllrd states hi 11 hi dWIum.' ,'hi deposition 01 intention to eeioi.o sowrclsnty. Jurisdiction or innliol curr mill l-land, eirpt for the pacllication theieof, ,ind assoits Its .le teiuiiuation whin that Is loinplctcd to leave Ihe government and contiol nf the island 10 its piople. The Timcs-IIeiald admits nnd says It has always "deplored the unlimited tonus and unmitigated folly" of the Teller tesolulloii, but It asseits thai the conditions now to be imposed on t 'ub, in Independence constitute n vio lation of that pledge. Those conditions Include: (I) A stlpiihtion lint Ihe p.nmnincnl of ( uh.i shall "neier enter Into anv treati or nthir lompact with any foreign power or poweis which will Impair or lend to Impair the independfii e of Cuba, nor In any manner authorize or permit ai foreign power or powers to obtain by colonl rillnn or for tnilllarj nr naval purpose or nth nwise. lodgment In or control over anv portion of Mid Island." (J) A stipulation that It rhall not bankrupt it'clf by excessive Indebtrdnesi (:i) A stipulation that "the Culled Slate.- mav exciiUe the rigid lo intervene for the preser vation of Cuban Indepeiidince, Hie nulnteniuce of a government adeqinle for the protection of life, property and Individuil liberty, and for ill-charting the obligations v.llh iepeit to C11I11 in posed by tie Tieaty of Paris on the tnlted Stole", now- to be assumed and undertaken by the government of Cuba." (I) A stipulation tha' the lawful acts 01 tie inlirviiiing power (shall be utiticl and validated lo ihe Ciihiu government. i'i) A stipulation Hut the government of f uh.i shall cn-npeiale wiih ihe Government of the t ni hil Stale lo wipe out .vellow fever dange.s. Ifil ftlinil ition that the ovvncishlp of tie Me ef Pines nhall In Ml to i.egotlatlou j tieatv T V stipulation tint uh.i will tell or lease to ihe i'nlted Males coaling or naval nation .is nit.v be ihcldtd hi future negollatlon. The first thiee of those stipulations, Instead of challenging Cuba's Inde pendence, safeguard and secure It; the fourth Is a mutual and necessary sup plement to the treaty of Pailsj the llfth Is a lequlrement tending to inu tunl and world-wide benefit: the sixth is an Incident and the seventh Is a log ical outgiowth of the Mouioe eloctrlne, under which the icsponslblllty Is on the United States for Tuba's ptotectlon as against a European power. Move 'over. It Is wot thy of note, as the Xew Yoik Tilbune points out, thut this plan of settlement Is In exact accord with the long established and unlvoi sally recognized policy of the United States toward Cuba. Says the Tribune: U hug ago as the Monroe administration. In ISiJ, the then aecretar.v 01 state, John Qiillny .iIjiii-, inundated the docliliie Hut the InlTesti of the I'nihd Stat In Cuba were paramount to those of any other povvu, and thit United sialea control of that Maud was In be maintained at all liaanN, Mr. A bins o far committed the I'lilteel States at tli.it time to tli? coi.tiol of ( uha'a foiilgu irlatlous that he declared that oiii attfinpt.on tha pari of Spain to transfer It to another power or of any other power to acquire- It should be prevented by this counliy, "If nei esary, b) folic" that is to say, ho was ready to go to war with Dngland or France fur the maintenance of the very pilnelple set foith In the piesent plan. The same policy was em phatically pioclalined by Jefferon, by Cla), by Jackson, by Van Iluien, hi V lister -who opllc Itly thicaUncil war with (iieat llrltain ratlur than let C'ulu pass under Ihltbh centrnl- liy (,'allatin, by Maiey, ly Kdvvsrd Fvrrett, by lij ihanan, and, Indeed, hj a piaetkally 11nl.1nl.rn line nf presidents and secielaries fiom Mom 01 s time to the picsent. This basis of settling the Cuban pioblem fulfils the lunguago of Piesl stent McKlnlcy's request In ISOS to con gress for power "to secure In tho Island the establishment of a stable government capable of maintaining order and observing Its International obligations, Insuring peace and tran quility, and the security of Its citizens as well us our own,"" It alms to make future interventions unnecessary. Those who denounce It ate unteasonable and unfair. An appalling cnumeratlou.of alleged vicious bills pending before the legis lature Is made by the' Philadelphia Public Ledger. Our contemporary Is Inclined to exaggerate In these mat ters: but It should not lorgot that a legislature Is not to bo 'Judged by tho bad bills put before It, but by tho bad ones It passes. Mr. t'onger's withdrawal does not seem to be understood In foreign lands. Tho nverage diplomat ticrofs the water cannot icallzo that It In posslbte for one to leave the service of a govern ment unless kicked out. Tho disposition of the "ripper" question leaves Mr. Flinn as full of light ns a Kilkenny feline. The newspapeis tup having consid erable dlfllculty In Inducing Genotal Ilotha to sut render. Xext time Admiral Sampson will probably have some one edit his copy. Weekly Letter on Municipal Affairs XXIX. MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS AND LIGHTING IN GREAT BRITAIN. Till: IIM'lll ntlOWTII of municipal Hading, nr inuniripal ownership, as It is called on this side nf the Atlintli, In (treat llrltain during Ihe .vear ltK.ni, made It neceiry to inaugurate Ihe most searching paillamentary in qulry Inlo the question ol miuili Ipalintion The enlargement eif 1n11nicip.il powers has often liought local aiithorilie Into lolllslon with pri vate undertakings; moreover, many cities, grati fied with their success in earning 011 ceitaln public utllltlcfi, hive become ambitious to un dertake what may be trimed puiely trading veil hues. This ambition has it eluded many kinds of busli esses. During the past iear authority from parliament bis liein asked lo conduct, as a 1t1uni1ip.il interprise upon a profit basis, and not altogether for the public weal, the following businesses: Hanking, pawnbroklng, coal suppl.v, saddlery, telephciies, tailoring, manufacture nf electrical fillings anil the residual products of gas, supple of apparitus for games, Turkish laths, cold air stores, refrigerilots, teal estite agency, printing nnd constructing lilts or ele valora, 'Ihe innservalh-1 llilllsher confines the field of municipal undertakings to the supply if gas, water, electilcity and power, (he working of traniwa-s, the ennlrol of markets and the hous ing of the wotklng i-Iomcs. Kven the heads nf the great l'ligllsh pilvale orrporatlons whlili Bene London nnd other ulles with certain public utilities a'c in favor of inimlcIpaliraHnu, but opposed, us they sav, lo municipal trading that Is, handling 11 public utility for the sake of making a profit. Oreat progress ha been made during the past year in the miinicipaliallon of the tram wai. At the present iiicment Iheic are open, or neaily loady for eperallon. filti-slx eleetlie Iramvvaii', tvveuti-nlne nf which aie owned by local authoiitles and twenlv-seven hv companies. During the twelie months endid Pec 31, lOou, the munlclpilitien of (treat lliitaln had ineuiiril an indebtedness of more than l,0),(mil on elrc, irlc tiainvvais while a:.f,.'ino,tio repicsont the amount expended bj lompinies. Including lines under actual innstriulion at Ihe present writing, the mileage nf intinii ipillv -owned tiimvv.i,v.s is ;mJ, and nf private inncirus, tlss" Sonic of the elites utilire the power house of the tr.imvxavs to run the eleetlie lUhtlii;' for the town, among width arc: Aberdeen, Harking, lllackhiirn, Iliad. pool, llolton, llrad'orl, Carlisle, Darwin, Dun dee, Halifax, Hull, Liverpool, Manchester, Not tlngham, Oldliim, I'lilii'iuth, ttt. Helens, sillmd, Soiithamptr.n, Suithport and Mintlerlaiiri; those using seniate vvoiks foi the generation of elee. Ilicily are: Canlitf, Dovei. lai-t Hani, (ilasgow, Leeds, Poitsmotilli and Mie'fielcl, t present the cost for npeiallng clertrlc tlonmajs, per car mile, is Mid In berdeen, li.sjil. In lllackhiirn, h.n',d. in llolton, (i.H,. In llrtdfnrd, .'..",1.1. in Hovci, d'.'fid. in lilasgnw. to l.id. In Halifax, 4.t7d. In Hull and ;.U7d. In laeds. Tbe follow, ing table givis Ihe mileage find number of eats on the municipal Hues or Creat llrltain: Mile nf s,o. of City. single track, eleetlie e.ns Abeideen IT.', I.' Harking 'J.j n Rlackbuni s s Hlackponl It II llolton :.l TH Hradford 22 ,VI (ardltr 11. Ti lil Darvven t , HI Dover II ID Dundee 7,7., 'J') List ll.lllt T.'.'.', HI (ilnsgnvv li i' Il.ilK.u Hi 10 Hull I'l u; I-cnls :,':, inn Liverpool M -J7i Newcastle 11.." , l.lj Nottingham ,".'.S nidhan 'Ji 1'ift I'll mouth ei -JO I'nit-uinuth I7..'i HI M. Ilelen.s li M Silfnrd :r, lj'l Sheffield -Jil 'i;!) Southampton 7 - Southend li II Soiithport .", 15 Sunderland I.h.i .Ml The progieM In eleitiic liu'htlng lias been some what nveishadowed b.v the remarkable growth of municipal trai.iw.iie. iet notable advance iws been made, not so much In the direction nl' new plants, ns In the extension of old s.vstepis. In the I'll I led Slates it is the small city which Is ea.'er to embark upon .1 public supplv of elcelrb liy, while the laige 1 1 1 fights shy of the iiuili 1 taking. In Creat llrltain Ihe opposite Is Ihe case: the Luge citv is first to adopt the iiiiinlilp.il svstem, and the jmallir clt.i Is loth In nuclei takp tho work, notwithstanding Ihe succesa whlili a few of the comparative)) small tovviu have had In handling lids branch of Hie piihlL sen ice. l'lobahl.v the ino.t con-plcuous (own. as ie gilds u public supplv nf elee trie lighting, is Manchester, whlili Is carr.vlng out a lance, almost n eohal, scheme ef tumw,i)s and lighting. During ts'iO the number nl units sold anmunlcl to 4,77,5IT. but ill IlKiD this gnjw to (1.155.ts72, while the lamp 1 collection arew from 247,1)10 to 31(1,7.10, Ldlnburgli sliovvs an equallj good rec oil). Last ieai .1..'.M,725 units were sold, as acalnst 4,174,341 In the picvlous .vear, xvhlle the lamp connection grrw from '22C737 In IS'O to 2!Ml,5o In toon. The icniarkahle Ineie.ise efleeled in Glasgow is no doubt due to the fait that the completion of some portion of the new plant peimlthd a largo number of new conemneis to be connectee) to the mains, In IS'IJ J,g:),.1.V units were sold, but In '. i this figure hid Increased to 4,21,0', The following table will give an Idea of the piojricM made In six dMiicU In dltleicnt parts uf (ireat llrltain t Capital expended I'nlU sold at end of .vear. Town. 1VA luni), wn. lOO). Ilainpstead ,1,001,010 1,418,442 l'Ja,410 I02,'.M2 Sboredltch . .1,ail,:ilS 1,H.IO,42il 100,123 l70,:is.l IMInburgll ..1,171,341 3,551 ,728 305,300 ,i0i,3J Olasgow ..,2,82l,tSO l.'ilO.IWO ,'1.10,762 BOMS', Manehcler ..4,77.1,247 fl.553,872 4'il,7HI II,S'21 Leeds 1,607,I3S 2,O0.i,8l0 232,615 307,o22 Ihet most imporljiit event of the year In new work was the opening of the woiks of the (ilax. row Coiporatlon, vvldeh have been designed to accommodate u plant ol a rapacity of .V),u) horse-power, thrie being ulieacly Imtallcil U,000 horie-jiowfr. Steady Growth In American Exports Washington, March I, TIIK NTHADV growlli In llu oportatlon of manufactures and ibc extent of this pros perity to all branches of manufacturing lines Is Illustrated by a table just com, piled by the trrasury buie.111 of statistic, whlili Miovvs the exports, article t,j article, of all Hie leading manufacture whleli have been sent abroad during the cilendar yesr l'W, and com, paring the figure! of that )er with two pre ceding iars. In a list of farly articles, thirty two shows an Increase In ll), as compared with 180(1, and In nearly all of the eight esses where a decrease Is shown the conditions are excep tional, In manufactures of cotton, for Instance, there Is a drop In e'poits'of about $1,000,000; but this Is due chiefly to the war conditions In China, which Is now our laigest purchaser of eotton goods, In bicycles there Is 11 fall of Jl.fioo.oiX), but this Is due to Ihe general sub sldenie In bicycle popularity the world over. In the exportation of malt llcpiors there Is .1 slight decrease, also In starch, marble, soaps, and fertilizers. In all llu other eases In the forty principal cIsmhh uf epotttlons nl manu factures an increase Is shown, and In many casoj a large Increase. 0 Iron and steel, for Instance, show an Incieaie of over -2.i,uO,000 as eomparul with the pre ceding iear. ivio, and over 4t.000,ono as com piricl with istisj mineral nils show sn lncrcve of about J7.0un.niX) over 1900: eorper. an In crease of -font I ecu millions; njjleultiiril Imple ments two une one-holf millions! lottou seed oil, which Is officially calflecl under agricul tural product and not among manufactures, shows an Increase of two and one-half millions; clicmleal, two millions, and wood manufactures, paufflne, scientific Instiunients, paper and man-ufaitin-eis of, and cars tor steam rallwais show an Increase of over a million dollirs each. 'Ihe following table shows the exports of piln clpal mnnifaeturrd articles from tbe 1'nltnl States In the calcnelir .vear loon, compared with' lieis and lS'ifi Manufactures exported (rum the I'niteil States isol 1oji pmo Iron and steel and mfrs. . .A!,77l,.iVi MHS,0I,07 I2o,6SJ,I5) Hrnnod miner al oils 47,3W,2W 50. 123.011 fir,,snl,71 Copper Si mtrj. ot 3I,7S'.S04 n,0,7tiri 57,5s,7ik1 leather k mfis. 21.0f).s;2 5ii.sno.Ml 27.11,0.101 Cotton mfrs. 10,301, 4s0 2l,8i,02O 20,722., .,'1 April ulti.ral Im plement .... Cotton seed oil. Oienileals .... Wood nifr. ... 0,073,3s i 11,4f.i,Xi7 0,712,7 It n,20i,::v, lt,.Vi,i2l 12,170,1.13 1I,"0,MI in,;is.i,4l2 7.0.-.0,lO fl,C2,IM S'Li.in 7 sni.tist 5.20i),ii23 1,'21C,7sl I.IKLIOT .:tl,lss I,s20,2l 3,030,073 2.lsS.I! 13,070,001 11.TC3.VI2 13,T0.i,.V) 11.rdt.lil S.ISi.ilS T,027,01l i1,7?,'04 r,.7i5,40.s 3,73s, I ',? 4,:ii(i,T' Paraffine 6,3(12,1)71 Paper k mfrs. of 3,578,01 i Kcicntmc in struments ... Fertilizer .... ,117,0O n.lli.lio Tobacco mfrs . 3,133,101 cgrtable filler mlrs Curs for sti'ain villw-a.Vi .... PooLs, inais k engravings .. Cieles S'ugir k mo- las 2,C02,."02 1,512,700 2. 127,20-, 7,O02,l'i7 ,i,.:ii,t2f n.2i1l.7i2 M.Ofit.lli'l 2.07S.7II 2.mi,0ett l.TW.aii spirits distlllril 2,327,4 Imlla rubber mfrs 1,u'hi.'2il '.'.iiSl.iss 2,f0s,Mfl Carriage 1,soi,iv, ",4i4,SI2 2,772.(a:2 Zinc mfrs. , .. 1,172,121 3,7U 2.310,Os Oils segctable. 2.0'is.VS 1.MI1.5IO 2.311.115 SHrcli 1.W2.575 2.i7el.(fll S.SlO.ilSi Milt liquors .. 1,00.1,301 2,115,117 2,1.!2,rOI Cloiks, watches l.S'iS.PT'.l l,V),illt 2,101,31) Musical instru ments 1,501,1,10 1.000,-jTi 2.1l2.ri1il Ilrass k mfrs. of 1.217''7 I,fi07,n7. 2,OiW,t)72 Glass k glas- ware 1.2sO,'H'i 1,TH',,sll 2.0I2.0.V. Paints k colors 1.15i1.ftl7 1.fi'r2,'!07 2.0Pi,fi'r2 t.uupowder and exploslvea ... 1.3'r2,"ll 1,rt70,n;'i 1.7f.H,7.!.l Soaps l.TCi.l.ai 1.T72.0..I, l,),79,07t Maible k stone mfr VI2.220 1in,7u! l,5V,,ns Wool mfrs. .. i,02ii,io l.-:H,(io I.I20.7.M Coke fimi.'a.tl sjs.sal l.r.'is-.'s.s t-trcct cars . .. 52J.SA, I77,ImS l,207,C51 Oiiflin? Studies of fftiman Nature A Talc of Base Ingratitude. HMtllY I'. HOHINsON. clerk of criminal i url, has a neighbor in Helleviic who saved Ihe Hie of 1 l.iw.ver and who believes he was bnlh tieatcd in return for It, savs the Pillsliuig Nov Ills wife gave him a lot of trouble. She li.nl him airestid for one thing or another, and no mattrr which wav tho dei islnn went he had In piy the; iiv-ts. He made up his mind that he would go and sec her law.vor about It und ask him if there svan't a les.s cxpcnsivi way foi her lo make trouble for Idiu. "Id so an nudragenusl' he ileil.ire(c to !r Itobinsnn after the ill. "Dot lanjer did nnd consideration me at all. und I safrd his lib, too." "Mved his life!" asked Mr. Ilolmi-nii. "Well, he icrtainly Is under obligations to joii." "Sun. but he don'd ohligilion me veil I ak him," replied the nioii with Irnuhle. "lie vns lldc under dose shadowing nf ele gallows und I got him oud nf dot sM.iho," "I never heard thai about him hefuio," said Ttobin-sou. "No, I vos secretin' Id fiom efervpod.i," said Hie life saver, "pi d now I led Id nml. inn know I asged dot hai u Vatnn In advice me und he sivs, 'Pcel.-r, ion ged a blstol und vcur mean old head plow off ma.vpe. ot out I pe gray old Dutch fool und took his ad.i-ln'? He o a lawicr und he vos' paid lo jdvlie beohle, ilonM he? Veil, oof I my bead plow off dot Slunk Vatnon hang hlmelve for glim' me clot n'lw-.ln' Pud I safe him. I nod m.v head plo.v off,' "He was an ungratefulness man," said Mr. Robinson, solemnly. "Sure," said his friend. He Violated All Known Rules. E.VSKN Tim K.V.HI'S iclcbiated bis eightv seennd hlrthdai itcciitlv, and i.illed his laige brood of children and grandchlldiiii .mil gnat-grandchildren around him in Ids old fash ioned icsldenre In Second avenue. AHIiough his e.ves aic almost sightless and it is difficult tor him to recnenire people except b.v their voices nowaila.vs his gcneial health Is good, and he has not lost Ids humor, sa.vs the Chicago Vew. 'Ihe other da.v when an old friend called upon him he talked at length about the past and Hie men they had been associated with at the bar, In politics and In soeletj, and Mr. Kvarts quoted a few appioprlate lines fiom Oliver Wendell Holmes' pathetic poem, "The hist Leaf." "How do ,vou account ror -lour longeviti " said the friend. "You have alwai been a hard worker, ion have eaten and drunk whenever nu were buiigiy and thirsty, and have been whit we all .1 free liver. You have never tuken care of jourselt and were not born with n strong ph.vslque. Why Is It that .von have out lived nearly all of our eotcmporarles?" "I suppose It's because I have never taken any exeicUc," said Mr. Lvarts, grlmli. A Matter of Discretion. fix WAS in New Orliins a week ago," said a 1 man xvho travels, to a writer lu the Wash ington Post, "and v.rnt lo a neighboring clly on business, I met Hie Judge of a circuit court and the chief of jmllce of Ihe town, and wc talked after dinner. Wc had a diink or two, and then tho talk tinned nn guns. Ihe Juduc reached around to Ins hip pocket and took out a big six-shooter. He showed us how quickly he could draw- It, and rxpatlated for fully five minutes on (he vlituis of the weapon. When be went away I asked the chief of police If there was no law against ranging concealed weapons, " 'There is, seh.' said he. " 'Why do ion let the Judge carry one, Ihen?' I asked, " 'I elo not use tho full powali of the law, sch,' h answered, 'Not with southern gentlemen, seh. I use something moah powahful. I 110 discretion; discretion, tch,' " DEMOCRACY'S "ETERNAL PRIN CIPLES." From the New York Sun. Ihn Democratic part) has been a gold parly, a greenback party, a silver puty. It has been for free trade, lor a tailfl for revenue only, for Ire e trade with Incidental protection, and is now become In piailhe, If not in plalfium, a protection party. It has In en expaiislunl-l and autl-cxpaiuilutiUl, lor i-uuquot and impul ll-in nd against them. Parties elo not live by ranting alioul eletnal and fiimlainfhtal principles, b.ut by adapting themselves to events, by offering new policies or a satisfactory solution of lllng questions. They abide in the domain of the con crete, not Hie abstract, II Is easy to fill a political platform with chatter about Ihe eternal principle of Jefferson and Jackson, but what do the voters care about Itt They make no fcllhes of Jefferson and Jack son. They see eveiy day that men of opposite opinions ppe with eqiisl confidence lo Jefferson and Jackson and the eternal principles and the fundamental principles, In reality a parti has no eternal principles. It change Its skin from time lo time, It must transform Itself, adapt Itself to new situations nr die. It cannot live among the dead, although It can and usually does talk a lit ap of nonsense about them. "Let 11 all come back to the ctctti.it prinel, pies." That Is what the apostle nf lleinoracy will be sailnjr more and more. What those prin ciples arc nohoby knows, and nobody cares. The point Is to lure the truants luck, to find A shibboleth of reeoncllatlon. The eternal princi ples cannot be found. Fate lorfend Ihat they should be found, for then there would be riot Instead of a grand tableau nf forglve-and forget, and all aboard the Democratic ark once again, The- talk about "eternal principles" Is bosh. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Linden owns, at the piosinl time, completed dwelling--, containing ever 1,500 tenements, erect ed solely for the hem fit of the working classes. One housing scheme, the largest ever attempted in Irfindon or elsewhere, involved Ihe cxpendltuie of 2e2.2n,1. Tliej horses ridden b.v lord Kllelienet' rtjlng cavalry to chase the elusive fiemral DeWct acuisa the South African eldl are shod with hos made in IVnnilisnl.i, the contract for their construction having been made through the In-striiin--iil.illty of the coinnieulal mu'eums lu riilladelphia. Hi ports from all ovei Nnrtbtrn Wisconsin in dicate that this will be s phenomenal iear In the white pine lumber Industry. The present high prlees of all grades of pine lumber and the favorable togging conditions that have pre vailed have resulted in irovldlns everi sawmill with much larger stoiks uf legs than they had a iear ago. Aluminum Is cheaper than tbe equivalent cop per, and considerably lighter, but about bO per eenl. hulkier. It Ins found much use alread.v for lines where bare wire can be used, as poive.--transmission clirults, for example. Many indi cations point to the Increasing use of this metal as an electrical conductor, though much has still to be learned anient It and the question of Its w-eather-iclsling qualities Is still unsettled, ENGLISH HISTORY IN RHYME. Here Is a bit of histor.v in ihyme. written shortly after the accession of Queen Victoria, that will need to be levlsed: "First William the Norman, then William hit son; Henri, Stephen nnd llrm.i, then Richird and John. Next llmri the Ihtiil, l'dwaids One, Two and Three. Agiln alter ltlchard, thiee Henries we see; Two IMw.trds, third ltlchard, If nghtl.v I guss. Two Henries, sixth h'dward, (iiesn Mar.v and lte. Then Jamie the Sect, and Charles whom Ihey slew. Again followed Cioinwell another ( hailes, ton. Then James called the Si nnd ascended the throne. Then William mil Marj together eanie on. Till Anne, (ieorges four, and fourth William all past find sent ns Victoria, the .vonngest and last." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s The People's Exchaes:e, X A POrtllsAU CXUAKIMJ IIOIISK for the 9 r Bfrnfit nf All Who Ue Houses to A TeWt lNnl ((.to In, nf fllivAP Drnixisrlv Is. Qasil r j p vi iwihsv ss -ssis 4 ivffn 1 v tie sjvvai or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or y neip anesc smalt AUverllsemer.'s Coit J. Onr Crlif n W'nr1 Civ In.nrllnii, Cnr I'l . n Y Cents a Word Hx'cent Situations Wanted. iv men Arc lacrled Free. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wanted. W.VMT.II TO lli; MODI'.KN ItFMIllINCi: ON Nnilh Main ave-iic, almve 18S) block. . T. II.11 kilt, Price Itiilldiuc. WANTI.D III lir-- JIODKltN HKSIDHNCK ON Niutli M1I11 stieet, cr ndjacint. W. T U.K. kett, Price buildins. WANTT.D Ti:N Oil TWr.l.VF, nbhecl house for few months, 'iiihiine office. ROOM in: Addiess Age, Help Wanted Male. WANTi:i- WAirilll AT SI (I.OII) HOTIX, W) online avenue, HOYS WvSTF.D FOlt WOHK IN STOHB NH distilliute bills 1 i I at store of Lewis, lltlddy, Dalits k Murplii Salesmen Wanted, lnlhcltk; suxmiav. school mtplh. Countr.v work, slon salar.v and commissions. It. O, Lvaiis k Co., I hicago. III. i:ni:ikii:iic salksman-sciiooi, si ppi,ii; country work; lf) salary und cominlulon II. O, Lvans .t Co., Chicago. Situations Wanted. AN FAIM'.HIKM LI) STKNDiill M'llHII. WILLINi! to jjit witli books, desires podlion Willi reliable film; highest icfeienccs. Addiess S. A I!.. Tribune of (lie. SITI'VTION WAN'IKD -Hi YOl'.Mi LADY. s housekeeper In a smill family vvilh 11 gen llriuan that has got a nice home. Address Ml si P., 1101 Prospect avenue, lit) WANTLD Or.fl WOMAN WITH tillOD biisluesji capabilities wants position as sten ographer or bookkeepei. ddrcss l". W. A., care Tribune olfice. siii'ation 'AMi:i)-in co 01 r nv Tin: cl.iv, at vvashiua; or any kind of wink. Mrs. Itussell. 1210 Cedar aveniii-. S1TFATION WANTi:i)-IlY A YOI'NC, MV, 2.) xcais of ae, at anvthlng, good references. Add'iess .. Y. .. Tilhune. SITl'ATION WANTI'D- HY A YOI'.NO M, 10 ieais of age. In bottling woiks; thire ye.ns' experience; best references. Address A. 11. ('., Tribunu olfice. WOHK W'ANTKD-WASIIIMi AND IHONINO I'O take home, tiood icfeienies, Addiess Ml. M. It., Tilhune cltlee. WANTLD-Slll ATION AS SLI'.SMN, .Si;V eral icars' cx,ericnce; can furnUli best of reffience. Address "T.," Ilendham, Pa. SITUATION WANTLD-Hi A HOY 10 YKAIIs old lo work In stoic or woik uf any kind; send postal, 1D53 DleUon avenue. WANT MI-POSH ION OF Tltl'sT HY A YOl'N'H man of business ability; would do collectliu, alsn keep accounts; experienced; references. Ad dress I. W, Tribune olfice. Wanted To Buy. WANTLD-Sr.CONDIIAND SLOr MAC'llNTS; must be in tiood order, itato particulars ai to make and price Address L. M., fcnural de livery, Scranton, Pa. Money to Loan. MO.NI1Y TO LOAN ON IMI'ltOVF.D CITY HKAL estate. IIKMtY III'.l.lV. JR. ('HAS. II, WKI.I.KS. THOMAS SPII.U.I'K. MONEY TO LOAN ON I10ND AND MOHTaAOi:, sny amount. M. II. Holgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OF HONEY TO I.OAV-JUI(.Tv straight loans or Iluildlng and 1.01,1. At from 4 to 6 per rent. Call on N. Y, Walker, Sit 313 Conncll building. For Rent. it 1011 hi;nt--iioiisi: no ,vw jkithuson avk. mie,'$.1i; clly steam. Cha. II. Neuffer. FOlt miNT-LTNTItsblA LO'.'ATKD. KM'.VKN room house; strum heal, large lawn,, frvilt, two baths; modern; furnished nr unfurnished, Owner going abroad, Addic-a 100 Tribune office. Mltft. P.. F. HOiLI'.'M HLHIPL'MT, 1734 NORTH Washington avenue, fur rent, furnished or urturnlshed. Appl.v ".'is .Sorth Washington ave. FOlt 11KNT-Al'ltll, I. RTOIIF.. Nf). 225 LAt'KV- wanni avenue; bile I; building lu rear, suit able in- plumbing or other buslneri. Offices for lent In I'jull building. Apply 1MI Sanc'ersoii avenue. FAI1M TO ItK.ST-l.iil ACHKS; FOIl FIMtTlir.lt Information call at 517 I'rescotl avenue. FOIl ItF.Yr-IIALI' DOUHLi: I10USH iTM IIAlt rlson avenue, nine rooms, $18. Apply Thomas Nuvell, (WD Harrlwm avenue. 022 (HIKKN IIIIKIi; STllKCT, TUN HOOMS. modern Improvenienls; steam heat, furnished; desirable; $23 1. For Sale. V t xaa PRIVATi: SAI.F. OF IIOt'.sCIIOLI) HOODS FOIl one week, at ills Washington avenue. Wanted To Rent. VANTi:i TO HKNT-A HOIJsH OF TLN ROOMS In good location lu tlicen ltldge or icntral elty; must be a single house; steam heat pre. ferred. Address J. Allred Pennington, Conser vatory of Music.,. Telephone 1212. Real Estate. sinoli: nouses, stkam ih:ti:d; i:cf.p- iinnai narealn. Houses for lent; tire In surance. Hamilton, 1.11 Wyoming avenue. FOlt SAI.K-A VLRV DKSIHAHLi: SUMMKH place Large 10 room house, barn, wagon house, Ice bouse (filled), four acres ot lind, sit uited on high giound, midway helween (ilrnb'iru and Dillon, tin minutes' walk or live minutes' drive from station. Never falling water supply. On" of Hie best ami ino-t convenient locations fur summer purposes north ef Scranton. Henry Watts, 31 Lackanannt avenue. Recruits Wanted. iAArVVVAlVVyVV WANTM) FOR V. H. ARMY: AHI.E nODIFO, unmarried men between age ol 21 and ."5; citizens of United States, of good eharact-r and temperate habit, who can speak, read and wiltc English. Recruits specially desired (or service In Philippines. Fot Information applv to Recruiting Office, 121 Wiomlng avc,, Scran ton, Pa. Miscellaneous. S-SKlSSt.LJSUSK DRKSS TLAITKIH FOlt SALE, 75 CENTS; FOR mer price, $1.50. Mrs MacDonald, SiO Wash ington avei.uc. LEGAL. NOTICE IS IIEREHY (I I E.N TIIVT JOHN JEN kins, of the Twenti -first ward of the city of Scratitnu, lounty of Ijtkawanna and tate of Pennsilvanla has Hiss ill the office of the clerk of the court of Quarter Session of Laikawanni lounty, an application for a license for the sale of v Imious, spirituous, malt and brewed liquors, at retail, at a hotel to be established at No. 2030 Jnckson street, city of Sranton, and tint the said application will be heard by the court aforesaid on Mniulai, March I. 1111. THOMAS P. DXNIEI.S, Clerk nf Quarter Sessions. THE ANNUM, ML'ETINO OF THE STOCKIIOLT) ers of Ihe Lackawanna Iron and Steel Com pany, for the election of directors and transac tion of siuh other business as may properly ccme before the meeting, will he held at the office of the- Company lu the Cll.v of Scranton, Pennsilvanla, nn W'ednesdai, Marih Cth, l'KJI, at 2 o'clock p. 111. The polls will remain nen for one- hour. The Tiaicsfer Hooks will be closed en Febiuary 21th, 1001, and reopened cm March 7th, 1001. J. P. IIIOOI.N'sOV. Secretary. Scranton. Pa. Fcbriiiti 22. 1001. ADMINIsTHVIOIt'M MM NT: ESTATE OF (Jentge I., Piestoil, deeiased Notice Is hen by given that letteis of adminis tration upon the estate of Ceorge !,. Preston, lite of the ilti of Scranton, renin tv of I.lcV.l wanu, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, All persons having claim or Judgment against Ihe estate of said dee eased are requested to make known i.inie to me wlthcut delav nd all per son Indebted thereto are requiicd to make im mediate payment to. sMl l.l, II. Mi;u;s. Aciinu,itrator, Connell Hulldlns. WELLES k TOIHIEY, Attornei for Estate. TO THE IIOMHMO OF HONDS NFMIIKR1 seven (7). ciglit (), folly one (II) and forty-six (40) of the Colliery Engineer Company, being Hie bonds bearing ilile Octnlier 1st, LsOi, and setuiid b) tiu-t mnrlg.ige of Ihat dale. Please Take Notiie Hut In piirsuinie of the provisions of the said bonds and the Dust mort gage giien to i.eeuie the same, the bonds as miinbtred above have betn drawn by lot for payment nil the Hist dav of prll, IISH, and yet are hereby notirled that Ihe same will lie paid nn Hie first 1l.1v of April, 1lall, at the lauka wanna Tnist and safe Dcp..t tympany. Trustee nanieil in Ihe Iru-t mortgage abov, icterrecl I", together wllh Inltiest eoupcins iittaihccl therein and remaining unpaid, and Ihat interest will cease after Ihe said elite. Tilt: IOLI.IFIIY LNf.lNIT.R COMPANY. Suantun, Pa. Ftbtuaiy 25th, 1001. NOIICE IS llERI.HY CIVEN THAT V Ap plication will be made 10 Ihe Oovcrnor of Prnnsyrvanla, 011 Hers 2th clay nf Mirch, . D. InOl, 11 v ( vrus D. Jones, (!. F. Itivnolds. Charles Shlagir, E. II. Sturgcs. John T. Illchards, T. C. Von Morch, Samuel Siniter, Richard O'Hrien, M. .1. Ileatey, W. ('., Fullon. C. S. Wonlnorth. M. P. Cartel, Thoniis Sprague, and othirs. under the Act of Ihe Otnrial As.sc nihly of Pennsyl vania entitle,! "n et for the Ininrpnratlon and ngulalloii ol banks of ill-count and des)slt," approve! Ihe 13th div of Miy, 1S7H, and the sev eral supplement thereto, for .1 ehirler for an Intended hinklug eoipniatlnn to be located In Sranton, Pa , to lie nlled "The People's Ilmk," with a capital stoik of One Hundred rhoiisaul Dollars ($100,000) Ihe chancier and ebject ol which arc tn do a gcneial huiklng busucss, and shall hive the power unci may lionnvv or lend money for siuh period as tiny may deem proper, njy discount bills of exchange, foielgn or ilon.es tle promissory nod a or idler negotiable papers, and the Interest may bo niched In sdiancc, and shall have the light to hold In Hunt as 10ll.it ei.il security for ioans advances or discounts, es tates, real, personal and mixed, including t Is notes, bonds, obligations or accounts nf tie" United Suiis. individuals or imputation, and to pure lias-, collect and adjust the same and lo ill-po-c thereof for Ihe binellt of llm corporation, or for the pavmrnts of the debts us security for whlili Ihe same mav be held, unci for these pur-po-es, to have, po-wss and i njoy all Ihe rights, benefits and privileges nf said c t ol Assembly arte supplements then to Mlllll'lt DUNN", Sdlcitor. PROFESSIONAL Cei tilled Public Accountant. E. C. SPAI.'LDIMJ, 221 IIIIOMlVt Y, Yoik. NEW Aichltccts. Iiil K"li( UHW I ON NELL LDWAHD II. bidhllug FHIDEHKK L. IIIIUW N. Mid 1 1 TEC I'. PRICE building, 120 U.ishlngton iiniuu, S.inlon. Cnbs nnd Cnningos. lirilIIF.ll TIHED ('Alls ND ( xllHIAC.Esj HIM' of service. I'lompt attention given 01 das by 'phono. 'Phones 2072 und 5.112. .lu-eph Kelley, 121 Linden. Dentists. 1). C. E. EII.ENHEINH.II. I'M l.l I1UILDI.NO, spiuie si 11 el s, ranlnli. Di:. c. a i,.rnLii, lis wuimim; a ente. Seeds. C. It. ( LARKE ill), s:i:iSMi;N nd .nuh. ir)mi'ii, stnie '.'id W nhlngtou avenue; is 1 is 11 huiisis, 10'si Noith Main avenue, stole tele phone, 782. Hotels nnd' Restaurnnts. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AM) 127 FRANKLIN A E mic. Rates rt'J'oi.ahlc, P. .EK1LEI1, Pioprlrlor. SCII N ION HOI'.sE. M'MI ) L. A W. P.S enser elepol. Condiieted on Ihe Eiuopeaii plan, N "Kill KCCII, Pioptlemr. Wive Screens. JllsEPH KUETILL. IILMI 511 I.MKNWANNA avenue, hcrantcn, Pa , iiiaiiulaituicr id Wlie Screens. FIILEY?S The Waist For BoySo The best waist in the market. They are too well known to need any recommendat'ioD from us. We have the sole agency for Scranton and our spring stock is now complete. We also carry a line of the Mothers' Friend waists and other makes. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE ttffl.1STO Wise is Sufficient." The pait or wisdom Is to get the best going-. Wc have the largest lino of station pry, ofllco auppllcs and blank books In Northeastern I'eniisylvanla. Rey molds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. lawyers. FRANK II HOYLE. VfTORNEV-AT-LW. Itooins, 12, It, 1 and 18 HiliT building. J. W. HI10WN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIh loi-alhw. Itooms :il'2-313 Mears building. I). 11. REPLOIJLE. ATTORNF.Y-LOANS NEOO. Hated on real estate secutity. Mear bulldlnj, comer Washington avenue and Spruce street. WII.I.AHD. WMtltEV ,t KVAPP. ATTOHNEYq and lounsellors-at-Iavv Republican building-, Washington avenue. JEWP k JI'.SsI'P, AHORNEYS AND COHN-aears-at-lavr. Commonwealtli building, Ronmj III, 20 and 21. EDW MID W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOM3 mt'jiH, Dili tloor, .Mears building. L. A. WATRES. ATrOIIVEY-AT-LAW, nOAUD of Trade building, su anion, I'a PTTEH-ON' k WILCOX, TIIADERS' NATTONAU Hank building ('. (OMI.(l.s, 0 1.1 REPl lll.It N HFILDINO. A. W. IlLItrilOLF, MTORNEY, MEARS HLDO. Physicians and Surgeons. Hit W. E. ALLEN, OIJ NOHTII VMIINnrO avenue. Hit. S. W. L'MOIIHU'. OI'I'Ki: 3J'I W V.SII. iugtou uviniie. Ilesldence, l.lg Mulberry. t lironlc diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and giidto.iiiliiary oig.ina a specially, Iluurs, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools. sniooi. of 1 in: i.u'K.w nna. scraniov. Pa. ( ourse piepiratory In college-, law-, mcdL cine nr business. 0ens Srpt, lath hend fof ciitalot.ue. Rev. Thomas M. ('inn, Lis 1)., prin cipal und propiktoi; W. E, Plumley, A M., Iieadmistcr. Miscellaneous. DIIFMMvlMJ FOR (IIILDIIEN TO ORDER; also ladles' waists. Louis Shoeiuaker, 212 Adams all mil'. A H. IIIIHiHS (I.E.N PRIY VAl LTS NI iocs pociis; no ndoi Impiovcd pumps ueel, A. II llrlggs, piupiirtor Leave outers llm) Nculli Main avenue, ur Elike's ilrug store, me ncr dams and Mulbcuy Telephone WI Mil's. L T KEI.LEH, -CALP TREU.ME.NT, MoTj shimpoolig, 50-.; lac lal matsage; mauliuilni;, 25i.; ehlupody. ',1)1 IJulncv H l F.lt'S (lll('lllTliT Ml Sl( FOlt ITAI.1.0, picnics, panics, receptions wedding and con. icrt vvnik furiibhid. I'm' tirms address It, .1. Ilauir, 1 1 mini lor, 117 Wyoming aviniie, over lllllbllt's IIIUsh ktnll. MFHAmiEE HlmHHNTITiy M'PFUKsTkVs Vilnius, papei ba,-s. twine W alehouse, 131 W'aslilnglnn uvenue, Strr-nlnii, I'a, THE WILULMIMIRF RE(OIII) CAN HE II Ml in Siianlnn at the news stands nf Relsmart Hius,, PHI Suiice and Mi Linden: XI, Norton, :i'2i laisauauua aviuue; I, H. hMiuttcr, 211 Spruce street, King Prt"H"Gt .rfcHsPr "A Wort to tftic V ' 'J