The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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"rrjj7lyii .--.--.. , . ,
'"ft. '
; UV
fct u,aui,vkt
a roi'i i mi ( n miimi iioi ai: m ii HfiH-
lit rl All Vlio Hue Id mm to Itnil, Heal
Kioto or Oilier 1'umM In VII or I vtluiiti.. er
Wiii Ujnt Slltiiitlmii or llilp-Tlnt Mn ill Art
iril kiikhU lot One (ml Wuru, Mx tn-cr-urn
fw FUi- rnitii i Wnrtl-Kvnll Mtii'lidis
Vint .1, Whiili Vre In.Mtfil I re-.
at I rm ik-' IimuMjI
( V Vss II W iMI I). I 1) I'HI II lillll). ID
'ik In Cirbnmlali. (icil u) Jnd lkln
Mill !li (HIS, (iirboinlili
Although No Formal Obseivnnce oC
It Was Held Here. Welshmen Re
mombcicd It.
Thciu in re in formut obsoi v antes
ii St. David's lot Dev.l) Day held hen
pt nln. Wolshrne n HViiighoul Hip
I l tfeliei ill IPllllMUllPlPlI tlip d.i of
tin Ir patron saint and gave eneh nthci,
grit'tlny In. the tlniu-hnunitil mijhoC I
'In It native land. I
st Drvvl, the jiatioii sulni of WVttc. j
i c, 'Id Hiding to tiadltl'm. tile soil
r the Ptlnce of Ciipllin iCnidlgfm
ihuO and run bin n about tb" cml of
h llfth "I In ginning of tlic sixth
iituiv. limine, jiolpd mi a tetlg-
us llfp, bo spent, u m w is (iistomuty In
h is- davs. .1'' putlod In
i-olltude, uftet 'vlildi In- toinnieneed
11- idling to bin coimtltnen Up
built u thnpd it (!1 istonbuiv and
I'tiniUd twelve muiiusteile'. Hip i hli't
I vhli h was nt Allnevln. In tliP v.i"
ol Hos. At th" sjnoil of liiovy, I"
iidlgaiishlio. I" Id 11 M'. ht. lMld
'Imwi'd hlniFtf i utionK opiionpiu of
i IVJukI m hcijsy. Hul-pfnirntly lif
b i aim An hbishop of (.Yluueiil-iipon-
1 U, but ti.iinfi.iied his see to .Mpiip-
li noi.' uilbd St. I).ild"s. uliete lie
1 1 d ubotti fiOl. St IXild Mas ipIo-
ii itid lur his IrainltifC and sudd's Ir
niPislon Sietnl wotKs h.ip bfti
n m illicit to him. but ilwi arc no loti-
x i i laut. Ills llfp wiii willtPii bj
itinniaiili. IjIhIioh of St. D.ivid's
ho dlpd about tin ytai lu-Ji The
lllstoiln S. Dildb." by (.liuldus
( niibti'iihls, about Hi", nnd
published 111 Whuton'H "AiikIii Sacra."
Ilttlo nioro tliun an abiidRPiiKiit of
Kb i niun h's viiin,
That of the Honesdale Dlstiict to Be
lipid in Uniondale.
Tip Uoiusd.ilp Mlntstiulnl .isotia
ii'iri Mill inept In Hip Mi IhodKt iliuuli
at I'nlondile on Hip Ith and Rtli ot
Minh An (M-dlont iiioKinmuiP has
bi i u pioiiaiPil. ii. H 1, fl.iiKp Mill
ihjKi Hip nhioc latlon addic-s on Miti
iiiv ivrnln' It will bo on tin' "Croid
ot the Now. (Vntiin " Tucila morn
inir 'The Twmthth ruitmy Patoi'."
l!l lit. the mibj Pt ol nn addrtss bv
D. rullci. I'rot. H. J. lliicken
! iiv. "f CnlbondnlP, Mill talk nb'iut
t' ! "'I'wpntipth f'untinv"
ui'l Wllll'iin llions hi on the "hiindav
siluinl MipcrlntLiidiiit of This Ci'ii-
'ii ' in tlu uttPt nnon "Thp Itila
ii m ol the Kpwoitli l.i.iKiio to thi
( b ii eh" Mill b illviuusi'd I'. It.
'InuPi' will iMIup the '""tutus oT the
'l'i inppianip CJuestloii," A .1 VaiU'lcft
will np(. ik oil "Thp holval," and .1.
(' PstPS Mill talk ulmitl tlic 'Tin in-
ill Ubllgatlnn of the I'liilstiun. '
I in sday cxcliliiR. I!p. V. Ocndill Mill
P'iikIi tht iifsoelJtlnn spruion.
A Taicwell Taity.
nutiibi'i ot th' tilnnds ol .Miss An
nl' JUAndiow iihhi inbli'd at h i homo
on Mill utipet on Thuisdny p piling to
mil hi r ihi'lr I)' i v I silos before hIk
i I'.ii'ls fioni thin !t (James and
iiiusIp hpp IihIuUtkI lu and iptiesh
meiiiM neri fotvid. A nikp walk by
MiieH Jlniy Uni and Maniii Walker,
rl it iJiowti mid .loliu Si anion miih r
i' (Hire of til'' evening Those piet-Piit
Hit- .Mvph lion' .scntt. N'pIUi I.Mintt
II isi- Wno'lv. Jliiij iVi)od, .M.unli
iIKpi. Untie MiDunnld, liildset .Mi
ll ile Mui ("ni IMith .sniuil I.l'.le
Mi ndipw. Mum! Mou.ih.tii and Noui
'.Vein, and Mi ssrs. 'i'iioiiuib Uun
n.iii, John IVel, John M.inlon. Juiw.s
(lullaijliPi. riiink AU Donald, Uan I.of
t us and M. VIpIwi
All Next Wteh.
Tlio Ktystone Uititnatlc lonip.iu,
oilipui tints .Mlhs lii'ittmlp Sblpnuin
and biiwiotuo T. Aledlll and iiiujln,,'
ii lull kiiIimiI ot tKttiPt', and elfeits,
will b- ut the tir.ind opcia house toi
me tiolld Mdk luiunioiiLliiK Monday
niKlit. Thu lltt liiudiiitlon will bi
Oiaiii'd tfoin the Law," and iIiiiIiik
Hi wek tin following pines will la
1 iidlldd. " "I'lidet Sealfil (lid ts '
In slRht ol ht I'" 'A MddlPi ol
He Unipl.p "iMuli " 'The Mjfctery
of WoodlQwn." "The pnatol's Daush
i i " WUIted I.unduu." and "Tht
l'l or the runilly ' A (huiiKe (it
'i'lilaltliH cntli nlsht bawpgii the
i is I.Kih lu io and Ji) lentH
Will Hn Mauled Wednesday.
Miiiountrnicnt Miia madi pstiduy
oi tlu- (uinlUK woddius "f Unit') I'reaB,
oflcimjn, and Miss UlUubeth Xpw
ton ilmighter of Alt and .Mis., jolm
i wton. of Williams aemif, this ilty.
Tin nuptial oleut will take plnee fm
u M Wednisilaj. The Hov. I3r II. .1.
W liulen, of the Huieun Haptlst ihurch,
elll prrfonn the eeiemuny. Air. Kit-nH
was formeily n. ichldont or Sir.utt-
Will Hold Banquet.
t-eeial of the itiPinbeis of the new
I'lukfl' i'lotPi'the Association nio
pluunliitf to nlo a banipiet hoou after
1. lit. Tlio niuttei will be Ijiouirht up
ut their next meeting. The banquet
will Up (jlvfti to Hip niPHhants of the
ill. It is (pLitcd that inoio tliuu
a hundted muin will be laid
A Plensant Qntheilng.
VSplenaiit uathPiltiB was lipid Wcd
neiduy onlng at tho homo of Mrs.
Willlum Hate, on CemetPiy Htieet. It
wan In the natuie ni u suipilsiu puity
fihpti In honoi ot .Mi Fannie jlato.
punt luesldent of the Uoiuan'H Hellef
cmiif The ufialr wiih u lumplet' Mir-
K Get tin ccuuluc. Ktlus-mliillliitcs.
2satlonOIUurea Klicuiiutbrn, ijj&ajtU.
Ctc nirriiiojluuitl-uiicAUcctiotn.
emmm syrur
afeonctale Department,
prlsp to tlic ipclplont of the lionnrB,
mid as xlii; mlrtpd thn house "to us
slut" Alts William llutp for a slant
tlllle, UStOnlshlllCIlt WIH WlltlOll l)VPI'
her l.iie. .Mih i:ii Louden, In behalf
of her rnnipnnlons, puspnlPd Alts.
Huto Willi a handsome gold phi nild
nn pI gunt rocktr and foot test. Mis.
Hate H'ioiHlcd, "xptf Khiff her heiut
felt thanks. A lnjiltitooiirt 1 tt tit Iteon
u'uh i pread Thine pipsent wpio
Atesdiuncs Oliver. .Miller. Munu, Hose,
Oluru. Curpcnlcr, Hitnbtnok, Mrs,
Dclevitn. Low din, llollnnd, Liiner
p.i'iv, Tnlhnun. Carlton, Scull, Hound)',
, III. union and Hute
t Diptlst.
Htleau Hnptlst ( hnreh, loiuer I.ln
doln itvenue'iind Noith riniri'li Kttpet
ite.y. Ii. .1. jhaltn. I) D.piiMtoi, ipkI
iliYii p,.?." Mni oln uM'iiue. .Sinnki Her
bi '. 10 "0 a. mi 'and 7 "0 p. in. mid-
H(.lk 8Pl((H. Tllllt SilUN . 7 10 p 111.,
Youni Pcoph't Society of ("InlHllan
I'tide.uor niiitH Sundn.v at I JO p in.
Sunduv hehortl at 1J ni In the nuiiniiiit
I5i'. Dr. Whulen will iiipkIi ii f i -Dion
.ipiitotirlati to the unnhtit-uit, of
his Urst lui as p.istoi. The attpnd
nnie of all the HKinbois Is pspn tally
(IpiIiimI In the cm nllu (In Hi . Thom
as do (iiiti'li), D. 1), puntor of the
Jaikhon Stlcet Il.itillnt ( hui'eh 111
Sd.intoti will iM'IriiiRO pulpits with
the p tKtoi
I'lii ("oiigimatlon il, tut in i i:iKbih
inenile and South Chinch Htieet llc.
AI. C Hllott, puvtoi S ibbutll Henkes,
lO.Ju a. m and 7. ill p m.; Siiniluy
"ihoiil, p in.. Young l'tople'H Soolut
of Clulstlin Unibavor, f II p in,
pr.itr senke, 'IliuiHday evening ut
730 o'doik. Subjict ot pienlng hei
nioti, "i:ciyAInn Is Hellglous Whetlip.
He Admit!) It or Xot."
I'llft I' Xnilh I'lmri'li
htupt. near S.iIpiii .ivmiio He.
Chniles l.Pt, instiii, ii shkuc", 06
.N'oitll Chill ( h sti eel Slludav seice",
io. 'lo a. in. and 7 "o p. in weekly
piajer uu etlng on Thuisday (eiilng
it 7 "0 o'lloek. Cuminiiuloii mivlie to-
IIIOIIOW 11101111111?
Si LOIld Ptesb ti i i.ilt Pieinlilnir bv
tho Hi-v. William llolllnslied, of Ilobo
ken X. Ji, after Sutiduy K Ilool
I'iist (St Paul'H) l.utle' i lunch,
Chuti'h htieet Hp. II. niiilugei, pas
tor. Spi oml Sundiiy In hint. Sabbilh
si hool. ;i i a in., pi vices, io 'in a. in
Si nnon on St. .Matthew, li:S' "The
saw no man sine JeMis onl," lu
answer to the iiuestlon: "Who Is a
tllle Clulstlau'' ' I.eutell .' llns epij
Wtdiiosday evening at 7. '10
Til st Akthoillst Hplsiopal iliuiih,
X,oith Chin ih stnet. neat Salem iip
niit Hev A 1'. Chaffci, pnstot , ips
denii, 7b Tpiiiiie htieet. Sund.i f-ei-Iipi,
! JO a. ru , muiiilng; pi.iPi loy)
a in. and 7 30 p. ni , prenplilng b the
pnstoi , Sunduv i huol at 1J in , Junior
league at J p. ni . Sinloi league at 0 'JJ.
Tilull Piotestaiu Hiilsmpal htiicli.
fiS Hlvu' stieet. Hev H. A S.iwei,
leitot. usldelli'i, dj HIvpi htiPPt .Spp
ond Sunday In lant S n. in., holy
loinnitiulon in the i hapcl, 10;:o a. ni
niornliig ptu.vir and m'iiuoii, T.tln p. in ,
Piiliig puiPi and Ketinoii nil of these
lattir l lug In Id in th, mw iliuuli
Roman Catholic,
ciiiiuh oi st Itosp dp i.inui. Ninth
Clitiiili Stuet, opposite I'.llk liluie
Hi v Thomas 1" Code, nctui usl
diiKi.. fi Ninth Chuiih Httii-l. Assist
ants, Hov. John IjImiii and Hev Walter
Cliuiih of Our I, ul.v ol .Mount Cut-'
m I, r.illbiool; htutt Upv. () S. Cet
nitl. iiitoi. Seivhes ut S and 10. JO a
ni. Sunda.
Lectmed in Dunmoie.
Di 11 J Wh.ilen, pistnr of th" lit
nan Haptlst iliuiih. dellveitd his Ik
tuip, "Wit and lluinur ot the tush
Pioplc" l.ibl night lu the Jlptho list
ihurcli ut Dunninii This Aabjnt and
the Ipptiiipc an- etiPiiiely populai,
Di Whulen bavin,: ddluicd it up.
wnnl ot Ji'O limes lu nil jiait? ot tho
r.ustein stairs
Meetings Tonlg;ht.
Cainbiiiin Iodise, No 5s, Independent
Older ot Odd Pillowy.
Division No r: Am Hut Onloi of
Couit Hllj No 5o i'oicsteis of
A un. i If ti
Diamond bjilgi , No 'JO shrill 0f
A Many Pnity.
Vboiii a doen of the bo.vlsh fi lends
of M islet Saw- pi on of Hev. It. A
Saiwei. oi the 1'iliilt Piottktnnt
Hplsropal ilitneli, pas-ed a meriv
ovpnlng a t the lectin y mi Tliuusduy.
I lames and nil nut, of pkasutes weio
indulged In until nbout half past tin
A Change in Pay System,
Ueieifkr the employs ot the Dela
wute and Hudson coal dcpuitmont villi
ntelvo theii pay fiom a uu, which
will be located at the Seventh uvenuu
Matlon. The tmplocH of tho south
side and uoi th hIiU will be paid all
A Dance In Piospect.
fconip of the mi'iiibeis of tho dt
tuiut HetheiPhp Dancing i lam tun
planning lor a post-l.nnten dance. They
have gone so fat as to engage the' Mo.
ziut otcheHti.i nnd a loial deioialor,
mid PNiiect to have it uitPiPi
Viidny Night Social Club.
Invitations. Iiiup been Issued foi the
ill st ilaiipe ol the Kilday Night Social
plub which will take place net Pil.
day night lu Huiki's hull.
A New Soxton.
.lohpph Ilaiiseii l.s the new miMoii nt
Ht Hoht'H i hilii Ii. Ile suiiieds A. J.
Meehun of Jetmyn, who had to it. because of nines.
At tho Opcia House.
.Monday night "l(nppd fiotn thu
! 'Phone :
, NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Seveinl Pieces of Local Real Estate
to Bo Disposed Of.
On I'lldny morning, Mniih "2, nt in
o'(lo(k seleial plecpii of leal estnto
will be sold by Shetlft Schuilt. Among
them ate local piopcttles. nnd It Is
jiiob.iblp that Hjv'eral Investors fioni
this ilty will be on hand lu tho in In
flation loom of the lounty imirt
house, wheie th snip will takp pimp.
The pioppitles imp dcscilbi'd us fol
lows: All the tight of John J. Kenu"dy and
TlionuiH P. Kinntdy lu the lotiontaln
Ing IfsO feet on Hlvpr stieet, t-outh of
SIMh iivpnuo; subjeirto thu condlllons
and tescrvatlous contained In deed
fi out th DpIuwiiip and Hudson mm
pain. Impiovcd with Hupp double two.
ston duellings mid tw single two
stoi dw pilings All iiPiily new. Seled
and taken in execution at Hip suit
of the Co-opPtiitlVij Huildlng bank s
John J Kpiined ami Thomas P Km
in d. Debt tlJ,71tftf
All the light of Ann Kllgaiiuou and
Mleliuel Kllgaunoli III lot No 12 on
stieet No II, on map of outlets ot the
Delawaip and Hudson company Said
lot contains a fiont of sNl-thi(p
lict on iitteit No II and is bounded
at right angles .'0'5 fi"t bv lot No. II
Impiovcd with a two-stun dwelling,
1 1 ult tieis, outbuilding!!, etc Si led
and taken In ppi utlon at the suit of
Cringe S Klnib ill vs Aim Kllgunnon
und Alii'huel Kllgniiiion. 1) bt. $S.'
Ml the light of l.dia It lioidon and
.Mat tlu Pram is Hmdon In a put of
lot No. llo on D II mnp. Iminovpd
with one two-stoiv flume dwrllliig
tieailv new. outbuildings, etc. Sil.ed
and takin lu t'iiillou ut the suit of
tlic Co.opuutlvc Hullilliig ban I; vt
I.dla Ii lioidon mid Mai tlu Pi am is
Cloidon Debt J'lOUOI
Rev. Di. Whnlen Rounds Out His
Til st Yeai Tonionovv Specinl Ser
vices in the Bcrean Chinch.
N"t Sundav will nuuk the begin
ning of Hip snond .veal of Itev If I.
Wbalen's imstoi ite, and at the moin
Ing sptvlep he will preiu Ii a roiuiou ap
tnopiiate to the uci aslon The it
tend imp of all the mciubeis is i s
pcclullv dislicil. In the evening, the
Hev. Thomas Dp Uiiuh, l. D, the
poptilu pistoi of the Jackson Sti et
liuptlsi chuiih. in .Siianlon, wilt
pi tin h in pMhange with the pastor,
lb. Hi (i in hv Is n four fill and ilo
ouent pie.ulipr and should be gi op d
by a huge (ongiegatlon
John B.auctt.
John HutPtt of lu Scott stint, di'd
lutp on Thuisdny night at his ipsi
denie, ot nephiltis, aged ."(, vpii ilu
was boin in Iielnnd and when a bo
spent u muubi'i of .veus lu Sintluml.
Ih had livid In this i Itv eboiit twen
t iur All K.uiPtt Is mn vivid b
his widow and evin rhlldien Alls
lMw ml JCell.v. Mai, Thomas, Jam .
Heinaiil H.iiiett, of CnihoniUli . .Mis.
John Mi.Vudiew, Vanillins, und .Mrs,
Martin Pullen, Poipst Clt.
The fiineial will ink" plan tumor
i iw aftiinoon, the pinct'-sion leaving
the house ut 'I ii'i lot k ftei pi v le-s
In .-l Hose (liunli Intel mi ut will be
made ill St Hose ei ineti iv
Maicolla McAndievv.
.Manilla. Hie lnlunt I'uuglitei ol Mi
and Mi". P. c". AkAudnw. ot si. lov
dpilv load, died on Thuitdiy night at
HI o'lloek, aged IS months The ru
in ml will In held this aftoinooii ut
'. o'cloi k, iiitPtincul blug iiiadi lu si.
Hose leniPtci
A Seiious Wieck.
Wullp n suious wicik oiiuind lu
the Helawatc and Hudson iud ves
tetduv morning A lili of loaded eoa!
cms had just been pushed up Into the
poi kef At the bottom ot the long,
st'ip liu line stood n nip of empty, Tlic tilp at tlio h'iiul of the plane
in "onio manner got loose and inn
down the Incline I3y the time It
iiiiihtd the bottom It had g lined tet
ilhle momentum and li clashed into
the eniptv i. us tull lone Instantly
tutu mis weie but a mass of spllntet
cd. bt okon Hmbeis, and ioal was stut
leied aioiind'piomisiuiiusl The torce
ol the collision was ten Ilk nnd the
nolsi fould bo iieai d fm awn Poi
tunately ne one was hint
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Tin Aim tin "Pnile Tom's Cabin'
company planl in tills ilty jefteiilay
twite to ciow tied lioims mid f,ave a
nieiltoi ions pei foi main o ot the un
aliildged tet of the famous uute-bcl-In
id diainii Tile aits weie Intcisperspd
with spei laities of singing, dancing and
pake walking b the loloied lontln
gent. The Aim shall family did a clover
tin n tailed "lu Society," In which n
little piikanimi juggled a baton and
daiurd in a eouiliul way. Tht scliools
must have bei n depleted sadly, in spile
of Piof Hi den's winning, tor at the
afternoon petformatue It seemed as If
pvetv child of sdionl ago hi the eltv
was in the opeia house. A glint "coon"
mine than seven feet high vuis one of
the in tois
Mectlugb Toinonow Atteinoon.
Knights of rather Alathow.
P. H. Itendilel; lodge, Hiotheihool
of Hallwa Trulmuen
(Vntial Labor union.
Clgamiukeis' union, No. 4.U.
S II. Dolteier lodge, No. liiti, Htotli
eihood ol Locomotive Huginccin.
Abandoned Insurance.
Caibondalu louucll of the Young
Men's Institute met Thuinlay ivenlng
nnd dtildcd to abandon the Insui
fealuio, whli li had betn connected
with that Hielity tor man eais
Kiienian A Tiillnian, a deik In tho
Ihlo fi eight otilee. has ipslgned fiom
his position In oidu to take a courso
In the Scr.uiton Husiuess college. Ho
will loninii'iiee his hiuiIIps next vvtik
Piohlbition Innugmal.
Sctanton bus been booming her i
peeted Inaumital addtcKs. b tlio Hon,
John II. WoollP, Hie iccint Piohlbi
tion lundiiiuto fm piPhldont. but Cat
buniluli) does not piopose to bo behind
llPI liolghboi The udditss u be
lead In Tompuiatiie hall lu Hie Aim i In
building, on Sail m avenue, on .Monday
evening, March i. It will not cost Car
bondulo people sevcnty-llvo cents to
hear It, though, the prevailing rates In
Scronton, but will be given free by tho
John a. Woolley club and nil ladles
nnd gentlemen nrc going to be made
A Contrast.
Yistcrdny afternoon n pair of stran
gers attiupfcd consldeiablo attention
on .Main street, owing to the dlsptulty
In their uttlre. One of Iheni wan a
tinnier from over I'lyMnl Inko wav,
and ho hud on a huge bentsklu ovir
toat and fur hut and gloves. The othpf
was ,i prominent business man of Pur
est City and lip had on a new spring
Milt, with u light derby hat, and was
minus ov ei coat and gloves, but had on
a pair of lleht tan shoes. Hitch ot
lliem second to be comfortnble In his
outfit nnd did not look envious of Hip
other fellow as they met and passed.
(ieolge H .Mcld nlld AIlss Cluls
tlne Wlnflpld, both of Jcrni)n, were
inui i led on Thursday artetnoon by the
Hev. M. II. Otoiv, ut the lesldenie of
Hon. 12 12. llendilck, of Lincoln live
inc. The In hip Is a young woman of
utttaetlvp peisonalit, and was be
comingly uttlred for the oci'lHoii. Tho
mlnlsttr Is one of thp oldest Haptlst
pleig.vmeu In this section of the stato.
Pleached nt Trinity.
Hrv. Chailes 12 Pestnden, teitor of
St James Hpl&copul church, Jeimyn.
pi phi hid ut the afternoon ic'iike In
Trinity ihunh yesUnlov Ills seimon
was on the inoial nectssit for a stilct
obspivniHV of the Lenten obllg itlonst.
All's Allnu Pruuk itnderid a beautiful
solo dining the set vlecr
Players Appeal Shy.
The plnycis Ih tlu pool tournev at
Hip Cyile dub appeal to bi a little
shy of playing, now tint but seven of
them tcinaln Potn of tliefp "even huve
lo-t two games mill and auothei de
feat will put them out. Thete weie no
gaiius plicd last night, allhough two
weie siheduled
A Busy Weelt.
Tlie agent of one of the Industrial
instnancp pompanlps of this ilty told
a lepoiter last ov piling that bis coin
pan bad disbursed over M.'OO to dif
ferent families beie this weolc lu death
The Passing- Thiong.
Chailes Lewi", of Seranton, is visit
lug In town
Alls.s Annie Wilson is visiting ft lends
In Honesdnle.
Deput sliuiri "Jake l'pb"i was In
town, jpstenl.iv
Allihacl ONeill Is veiy ill with ton
sllltls at his honip on Cottage stropt
AIWs Alar Woodwaid Is tho guest
of hei biothei at slko, W,ilie coun
t.v 12. P Hurkp was out esttrda,v for
the th st time since Ids lecent Ill
ness. The condition of P. A Duff, of the
firm ot Liu klu fc Dtiftv is much liu
piovcd AIlss Altity Devine, of Pott -second
stteet. Is confined to her home with u
sevpte attack ot the grip
John Caiey returned ystcn!ay to his
woik ut Schenectady. X Y, aftei a
pleasant visit with relatives in town,
William AleHi'le will ljavo.foi New
Yoik i Itv on Alond-J1' t'o cpiumeiKe
his studies at th -College of 12m
balmlng The .Misses Llsle and Alan Pltpit
rlik. of Siiautou, aie visiting tlieli
(ousln Mai AleQuiin" ol Poitv-sep-Olid
The Jenuvn boiough lounill met last
evinlngnnd pushed favoiablv upon th"
tollowing bills, wiilch weie oidend
paid .1 C. Avii,$fi50 A J Colbmn,
esq tor legal spiv I-ps, V'2'i Hbetilc
Light enmpuu.v. $IJ.' .J A II Dun
ning .' 71 salaiv of burgess. $ji ",n,
saliuy ol spfietui, $31. bo.ud ot
luulth siluiies, $iw ciialiman AIoou
it polled having paid into the boiough
titasiit $J"i a donation fiom the Cr.vs
tal Pile eomp.inv tow aids ( ost of lui
n ii e in tlie biuour.'h building, a long
list of widows' names was pnscnt'd
bv T.i CoIIpi toi Avei foi ootieru
Hein The list was laipfullv looked
ove't and a lew dpsetvlng eases e
onei.tted. Stcietaiy Jones icpoited the
number of poles within tlie boiough
limits liable to taxation was !i7 He
was oideted to send the owiieis bills
tor Hie amount of unpaid taxes. Coun
cil atterwntds adjourned to meet again
Monday evening, when the will u
oiganUe, Alls Adam Siider. deoige H.itteu
bPig. lleniy Soby and Alts, shadihk
Lewis ate uflllcted with the giip
The Ladles' JIagazlne club was cn
tet tallied last evening ut the home of
Alls. W. S. Hadger, of Cemetery stipot.
The tiustec bo.ud meeting of tho
Piimltlvp Methodist chinch will meet
on Tuesday evening. All membeis are
lecjiiested to be picsent
Announcement Is made of Hie coming
maiildue of Jlany Pieus, u popular
oung man ol this boiough, and AIlss
HllsMbcth Newton, one of Catbondalt'H
most estimable young ladles. Thu core
moil will take place next Wednesday.
All. und .Mis. Aithur T.olot, ot
Lancsboro, me the guests of Prof and
AIi. Hanett, of Second stieet.
Arthur Kowler, who will leave lu u
few dus to tinvel as geneial agent for
u huge publishing house of Philadel
phla. was given u pleasant farewell
paity at the home of his paieuts on
Thuisdny evening
At a meeting of the Hureka com
mandery, No. Hi, Knights of Alalta,
held In their looms In tho Sweeney
building Thuisdny evening, thp foi
lowing omeeis weie elected: S. K. C
William Tlnsley; S K , John T Jones;
cuptalu gcneiol, John .Moitls, prelate,
James II. Jnmcs, senior wtuden,
Cwilyin Jenkins; treosuicr, D 12.
James; iPcorder, John W James; as
sistant i en aider. Sylvester Williams,
tmstees. J. J AVIIlIums and Samuel
A V Dower, of SYi.mtun. will begin
n him leu of seimonH on thn "Life of
Chi 1st." Illustrated with steieoptlcnn
views, In the Congiegational church
next Sunday evening. All me welcome.
Hi'gulai seivliPH will bo held In tho
SiiHiiiehauna Stieot Haptlst church to
nioi ion iiioiiilnir nnd evtulng
Allehael AIcHule, of Hudson stieet. Is
vel III.
Tho tuneinl of the late Alls Wilil
Hcd Alutphv. of (Srassy stieet, will
tuke plaio thin moinlug at 10 o'cloi k.
Inteiiiieiil will be made In tho Cathollo
Airs W. J. Sehubinehl I etui lied home
phteiday aftii h tin eo weiks' st,i
ut Luioy, N, Y
Couinll met Inst night lu an ml
jouiued sciiilon lu oidei fo tiansuct
all unllnbhed busiiess previous to Hip
Three Public Men Tell How. Pe-ru-na Has Promptly
Eradicated Catarrh.
YOP 1IAVH clnonle calaiih, have
ou'.' You huve had It some
lime' And ou could nol Hud a
uueV Well, there are thousands
moie like ou In this lounti If the
slightest vestige of the intlltill le
iiiulns ovei fiom the w turner season
It will mike Itself felt now. If ou
want to ten 11 get tiled do as the foi
lowing pooplo did
Clnonle Catanh.
S. 1 Nance, of Hobcon Pmk Tenn ,
writes ,ib follows
"I will state that I unt uitltel well
of that dipudiul dlstnse iiituiih I
was allllelid vvltb It foi fifteen,
and It was a very aggravated i.ise for
the last live eurs No one inn pos
sibl lc.illze the value of Peiiina until
lip tries It foi hlinselt It will cei
1 fin o the Moist (Use of ihiouie i i
tunh I hud as bad u (use as 1 -ver
saw I have taken seven bottles ol"
Pel unu and even one was win Hi $100
to me I haven't the language to e
piess ni giatefulue'ss to oil foi our
kindness to me and the Intel est oii
have taken In in (Use' S I Name
Some discs take longei than othets
Pet hips the uv ei ago length of time it
takes to cute a genulli' disc of tatuirli
is three month" Stunt get ( tired mui li
sooner Hum this, Stubborn cuses iniiv
ipqulie longet treatment Time in
tiouble ought to be no ban in to on."
uflllcted with this dicudtul disease
Head the following woids of thioe
piomlucut rhlcagu geiitlenieli
A Letter fiom Hon. John Stieit.
Hon John sttelt, a nienibei of the
Tw out -eight (icneiul Assemblv ol the
State of Illinois, wiites fiom SJt Ninth
clink stieet, Chlcuho III, tlio tollow
ing lettei
"As uu ankle oi leal met it I gladly
Clllluisu Pel una I huve used It M'V -Pial
times lu the past 111 .veins, and
found it a fiist class tonic, a medli Ine
to stop toughing, and cquihulv valu
able in i uses of w Intel' latanh ttoiit
whli h almost everv man In ( hliugo
siiffen nioi e or lcs
"If evei one kilt w 111- value of
Peiuna us I do b initial expeiluuo
no home would Ik without It, espeelil
1 dmlng the liu lenient vveathn."
John Stieit
Alileiman Mueller Endoiseb Peiuna.
Pi ank Ai Mo 'lb i uldiiuiuu ol the
Plftv-sKth wanl wiites fnun 1J1S
Snnlnaiv Pine, Clili.igo. III. to Tin
Pet una Alidlilne i'o as lollow -
ii'oigaiilntlou on Moiidu' uighi A
numbei ot impoitunt matteis wpip
tonsldeipd An opinion was lend from
the boiough Hollt Itoi ii Raiding the
I'ghts "I the boiough In lixlng the
vvutii' nit's H" sti.tttl Hint the iiies
tioti vwis now pending in Snaiitnu,
and as tlie boiough bus the sain, lights
us the tit, the df-i'lslon .should be
awaited. An oidlnunee le-oklng toe
tiaiiPhlse ol the "OI pliant Subuiban
Tinctlon Company' on all rttpets of
the boiough, exiept Dunmoip stnet.
was passed This ni tlou was taken
because the iallwa coiiipaii has ne
lei ted to live up to the n'liulieinelits
ot the liantllisp bv leniovlng Its
troni all of the sticets In Hie tintnil
poition ol thu town and ionising
opeiatt the same Stiielury O'.M il
lev was dli ei ted to uotlfv the tax col
leitor and e-ticasurei lo have a ie
poit in at Monday nights meeting.
Unity Lathi op, of Seiajiton, wus a
caller In town esteidii
I'atilck Hannkk, of Delavviuo stieet,
Is able to be out ugulii iillei un lllni is
ot I wo wot ks
Hoiourfli loiuull will meet nest Alon
tlay evening wlien icorganlzatlou will
take place The le-elei Hon of C'ouupII
nian Hvans, of the I'iist wind, Ilailos,
of tho Second and Gil tilths, of the
Fifth, matuilnllv icduces Hip nuinbt i
of (lunge In that bodv Thete will be
two new membeis, Homei 12 Jones und
William Pi Ite, tioin the Setoud nnd
Thltd wanls, icspei tlvel The sin -ceeded
John D 1'iunels and If D
James. There aie a lair" list of can
didates tot the different ntllies to be
appointed b the council Piesident
John H Johns, who bus seived the
duties of the above oirkc faithfully und
to the best of his nbllit, will again
seek ip-elettltm Up has no opponent
ns yet mentioned Theio nie tluee iun
tlldales for the ollli o ot chief of polite,
namely, John 11 Hvuns, the piesmt
Incumbent: Hdinunil W Cm lei. und
William Price Pot stieet loiuinlss
loner there an tluee candidates men
tioned, David J. Hauls, Allihacl Cuni
mlngs nnd Wllllim (loodwln Chief of
the flic depiulment. Ivvo cuudldatts,
CInlBt fiumbaik and Thomas .1. Powell.
Theie ate a number of tantlldates for
boioiieh clerk,
Thu net man Aledldne who
luivo been perfotnilug at Webbn's
link for the past row evening, will
glvo their lust peiforniancp tonight
with a nuitlnee In the afternoon or
the rhllilicn. Ton Nights In u Hu
loom" will be given this evening, with
little litno m. May .Moig.uis
Tu Ion llle lodge. No (Cs. llidepell
dent Older of Odd Fellows, will hold an
Impoitunt mi cling this evening to
take action on tin death ol their dt
r eased bi other, John II. Williams, of
South Seiunton Tho Utneial will mull'
KiuugellHt Hud has again been ie
quiHtid tu continue his good woik at
tho .Methodist HplMopal dull ill for uu
utliei wtek mid has lomajitid to du
' J Tll B S ftk III. vk
"I believe Peiuna stunds todnv
at the head of all mullclnes piescilbed
for (utuiih 1 have used it niS'lf
and huvp known of Htt use doens of
times loi colds and eatiuili and I
have to hem auv tiling but piaise fiom
Its use I hem til endoise It, espeiial
lv as pnv tilling the nunieious alllle
tlons which follow In the wake of told
und dump wpiitlipi It is un lilcul win
ter meilli Ine Piank AI. Aluiller.
Ncltei's Letter.
Hon. J. Neltei a iiiPiiibpr of the 1111
nols state Lpglslatutp, wiites tioin
1 !21 Wrlgbtwood uveiiup. Chicago, 111,
as follows
"Conspicuous among Hie gnat icm
i dies of the'dn stunds Pel unu I be
lieve It lias will em tied the lepututlon
It bus iiul.i us Hie best lemeily foi
tatuiih known to tlie mcdiiut piofes
Hlon Hoii'st dot tin m will admit this,
as docs ivny om else who has tiled
it I know of nothing bet toi to keep
tin- sv item in u healthy condition."
I Neltei
As Desctibcd by Dr. Haitmnu in a
Recent Lectin e.
The sjinplonis van atioiillni to the
plui e wIicip till- i.itnnh Is loi ited
Ca tan li lu tli liPiid nose stoi d up.
palu In loi elii ad s(.ibs In nose, bid
biealh snoung sneelng wateiy
eis Catanh of the tin oat voice
lui'k oi ho.iMe llikllng in the
tin. nit, hawking, spitting, sme tluoiit
and piilmed tonsil!. C.ituiib of Hi
bioutliial tubis tough, p iln In t best.
Tills loi in of latinih will soon end lu
(onsiiiiiiitloii it not i un il
Di Ilaitmaii used Pel una In ovi
lliitt thousand i.ihis befme It was
Intiodllied.lo the geneial litlblli as u
i aim ill i pun d Pi i una as a lunidv
loi i oiighs ( olds in ute oi In ouli 111
tnnli bus beiome known all ovei tin
(IvIlUed poitioiiH of Noith Ameilca.
The leasons loi w lilt h Pi i una hu
so with Hie eit ptioii ol Alonda even
ing Pnifissor Hmk Is being ubl as
sisted in his woik b the p.iatoi, Hev.
C H Hem) All ate Invited
Simon Selloeii. loimeil of West
Si i uiitou. has opened a harness iniik
n's tole In the Timlin building on
Aluln stieet
Theie will be special -en Ices at the
Piesbyteiian (hut eh tomoiiow when
un eldci will be oi dallied and commun
ion administered b Hev. J. P. Aloflut,
D D, of scuiuton. Tlie ineinbiishlp
Is on the lilt lease
Seniles ut tin Cohan Haptlst
dumb tomoiiow at 10 !0 a m and o p
in Pasten Hev Di llmils ollli luting
Sunduv si houl at ' p in
Di J W HoiiMii, ot ilib pint ile
feuttd W. Kiogh of AVest Siiantoll.
lu un Intel esting shooting niatcli fm
a pin so ol $u0 Hiuli iariUlpiut shot
nt ten blnls. The loiniei killed ten
und the luttei nine
AIlss Susie .Mollis ol SiinntoU, Vis
ited hei mother. Alls .lumis Aim lis. m ,
on Thiiisdu .
Hon Hdwuid Juiiks ot Siiuutou,
vus u Tusloi vlslloi vistenla
Doted for HtntliHiulie of Alls T I
Jones, Aluln sinet, Ta.vloi.
AIlss Hindu In Joins, of 11 do I'atk,
miii the guest of ti lends heio on Thurs-
Don't tin get the fall of thu Calviny
Haptlst duiicli ut Weliei s t Ink on
Alurdi C, 7 S and !
Halle Tingle, of Klngsloii Is spend
lng a liw da.vs at the home of his sis
tPi. Afts. J N Hille '
All and Airs Hay Twlnlnj; and
daughter aio visiting at the home ot
the lattei'K paients, Alt und AIis Heo
Mis O It Hogeis ictuinetl aflet
spending a vvetk with her paients at
tSi een HldllP
Alls Thomas fillloit Is tonflned to
In i home with Illness
The Infiint ihlld of Alt', und Alts. t:d
wanl Oiosait of Ciieenwood, dlt'tl es
tPida about noon altpi a In let' Illness
Isiad Depevv of Alosiuw, vlsltid at
the home ol S J Hinds Pi Ida.
Hi in si Hllss of South Alain stieet,
Is on the sick list
The debating society will meet In the
.Methodist Hplhtopnl diuicb on Alon
day evening at 7 JO. The .subject foi
debate will be: "Hi solved, that No ill s
lovo of salvation wiih gip.itei' than
Abiuham's call fiom heathenism"
Thu seivhes lu the dun dies tomoi
iow will be (Oiidllited as UStlll.
Ijtoige Pili u Is seilously III at his
home on Hiook stn 1 1
Headache Causes,
llcududie Is usmtll i.uued h living
In pooil veiitllutcd looms, oveil'i
ilillgeniu in loud ot diluk, iiikjittliclcut
imhIu'i iiintltul Htinln, I'selleme'iit oi
mulutlii. KuiUKp'h llimlui lio Ciipsiil.n
(ulekl.v (iltiH Hi" most spviiie tnscr,
and leaves Iln liead dim mid (mil
Pike '.'V. Sold by Alutthews lltoi..
taken the lead of nil other catairh
tenitdU's aie. Plist, It never falls to
Piup when ptoiieily used, second. It
pienianently cuies Inslend of giving
temporal' icllef: third, it cuies m
tanh Mhcievor located, and fouith,
it Is compossd entltely of cgetablc
pioducts and Is perfectly haimlcs.
The pe'isonal advke of Dr. Harttnan
lu any ease of chionic catairh can
be hud fiee of chiuge by letter by any
one taking Peruiia.
Thotisinds of peoplp who know of
Peiuna as a fatal ill line, g't It and
begin tieatment. Snmo ot these peo
ple iv i Ito to Dr. Hnitmuu. lluii(tcdH
of these am lei el veil by the doctor
eveiv tluv These lutturs urn nil
piomptly auRWeied fiee. The cules
me numerous These testimonials uro
not solicited, unit never published px
ccpt by the wish of the ones writing;
If vou do not deilve piompt and
sutistactoiy lc&ults ftom the use of
Peiuna, wiite at once to Dr. Hart
liuin, giving a full statement of your
case and he will be pleased to glvo
you his valuable advice giatib.
Addiess Dr. Haitman, Piesident of
the Haitman Sanltaiium, Columbus,
One Fnie to Washington D, C, and
Return via the Lehigh Valley Rall
load. On mount ol the inauguration icie
monlesut Waliliii,ton, the Lehigh Val
le will sell tickets to Unu
point and lttiiin, Alanh 1, J and 3, at
the low tute of one fate for tho loiind
till) These tkketn will be good to'rt
tain to .Mai i h s Inclusive and vtill
be houoied on any tialn except the
Hlatk Diamond 12pioss. Stop-ovoi al
low d at Philadelphia and ltaltlmoie,
by d -posit oi tlcktt piovlded ticket
Is used within oiiglnal limit Por fui
thei humiliation lutiMili Lehigh Valley
tlikei .igenls
Inauguiatlon Ceiemonles Washing
ton, D. C , Maich 4th.
On minimi of the ibove, the Lacka
wanna mill oad will send lound tilp
tlcki ts to Washington. 1). C nt on' -wav
lun loi Hi" lound, $7.75 The
i onto elthi'i vli Al.inuiika Chunk an 1
I'hllldelphin. or via Not thumbei land
und llutilsbuig Tickets will bt on
Mile good i.olng Alanh 1st, Jnd nnd
.ltd mid will be limited to; ictutn
having Washington not lai'i than
Match tb 1"ol
To Pi event tho Gup
holm lliunm Qiiimiii nun iri the iuc '
Physician and Sutfeoa
311 S?rilB) St,
jgis 1,u,,'v "u" """-'"j
kj 1 1 n ii f i run kiiii.ii n i
iinftNiun n.
Ml mute H'i tUroini illct oi mn im
mni nnd tluklim. CI1I10NU MIHois,
lilt VIS AM) W.VTIMi Ills Asia A Hl'l.i '
:.:. .,. .ii. i .j. .-.t iim i....
IM.l i' "'""'" v "' ..nt liiuiir..
Ml Uliciirn hi nit' l.ivcr ItliKlfl.
llUi'uii. Ski", iiiuw, '"ii'i iieini i-,jr ir,
. . I I...MI .Hid l.llllLA. fini',11 In.. .
ii.!,. (tiiiiluri. UJltlr.
tl', ,H,V-., -'". "7 -..v.., .unu,-,
iiiiciinidiuiii Vltlim
....i. t . Irr.r . li,. I . ,ct.
cuim. ' :' fl .-....-- ,iki,
liiiMul' all I cnulo DitfiM'n, Icutoirhora it
(.ohliorilua. inuiu, unci I'ouon, Incllscr
tiLii onJ jiiilhfnl luLli uhlltiutfJ Siiitrrj-.
I 1 ltr Ii'lltl'". TjI'C "ii'i Moiiurh VVoiini ( V
' J MtllliOOSI Sicrltk fof la'.inli lhr i
Ilionllla "' llinuu mn -. w iridl 'ICC ill
cfflic I oimillJtion nnil i iimlmlion free ot
tin tioun (lall; nJ S-unJaj, S m trPj
I' '
Aracnto Bontity Tahlots and Pills. A pt
'octlj sufeinnd (.iiiiriintcrdtrpiitiiirnl for.ill (km
llnordor. Rejlorr; the bloom ol jonth to faud faeca.
10 di ve.' fro ttiipiit 'lOct M days' $1.00, by will
ts-nn forplrnili-. Address,
PVIT MLDICAL CO , uintoa k Jutkiwi Sli , Chic
8ol1 by II r (2 a r rah ft TIiouihi, Drus
glslB,, W Lttekicnanna avs, bcraiitou, fa.