The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Tlicy Wcie Prepared Ycstcidny nnd
Will Be Delivered Today Train
men on the Lackawanna to Have
Their Eyes Examined Koadraaster
McKunc, of tho Lelilfjli Valley, to
Oo to the Baltimore and Ohio Ball
load Board for Today 0. & W.
Building a Storage riant.
It lit likely that thr imlLHUnit to
Ihi Joint conferuio of Jllno AVuiUpis'
OrtcRutca and ronl npcitttorH, wlilrli
i to lie lic-hl nt Hiizlulon, March 1",
will 1)0 mailed todny, tiiul In a number
ill inr.tnnccii may lit? ilfllvriril to lho!f
at the head ol tin Inrscr companies
iti person by itlli'lnl r thy illMrli'l
I'rcsl'iMU T. X). NlrlioN nnil ShI -my
.lulnt Jciiipiev. or .Aiitlir.irlt"
lptilct Nn. 1. wpiii builcd nt tin
Mine Vorkoi-f.' liL-udiiuattis nil yoc
tfirhiy iittrrnotm lllllnc; in ami nd-ilies-slntr
tho Invitation forme, and tins
nnnibcr 'if MipMltitondenls wlm will
ifcelvf" lliofo lit so Rient that tli" I il:
proved n Inntrunil nidtintm on".
Till luoiiilus? thi'y will bo nmllid
l'i evident Xlfhol", Nntloiuil Commit
icPnian Frodf rloh Dllfbev and i.tlicr
prominent uioinlipri or ibe fiivanl.-!.!-tlon,
vlll form a roinnilttcf to rail
upon Stippi'lnlcndPiii K. li. I ,'ttitnl -t. of
lbi Uolnwaif, l..iclmranni and 'W'l'Ki
pn nnnpany'it coal tlpjr' -writ.
Sttp"'rlnH'iul"nL ('. '. l!or, of
Hie Jjplaw.iic and nudum, ami otb-T
of the Mipprleiti'iirlMilK of i1ip bis
otiipinilcs, and extend to tliPtn Itnltsi
lions to bi piofont at the confereiiep.
It wiiki not derided yesleiilnv rtliPlliPi1
to mriko theflv visit." loda or Mon-
Trainmen's Eyesight.
A' bulb tin on th LacknwunntL
Ihiji-iI from tf upoi intomicnt Kotrli.un,
nf ItobokPii, yesterday aunuunced ar-
.'iiigcments whlrli ate lieluir made for
he iwaniliintlon or tialmucn's eye-
Doctor Lambert, .mi oitiilll, if Xo.
s AV ritth stieM. New Voik, will
lie nt bis olHc fioni - o'rloclc to' 4
'oloelc on Monday: ami Wednesdays,
nd from !' o'clock to 1 p. m. the fol
lowing Sundays, Mairh ft, in, 17 and
li. for tin accommodation of employe
who ran not f;o- ni the ofllri between
i o'clock and 10 o'clock on t'io oilier
' About Wnter Columns.
In .i l,aikawann.i biillelln. t-'upi'iin-ii-ndi-ni
Ketcham romplalns thai a
large number of water roluninit an"
lielnsr broken or badly damaged by
tialns fttnrtlns betoie the column is
swung buik to position after water
has been taken.
The siipcilntciidiMit dfclaivf. thai
ipoio car" mutt be exerflfccd and
uainmen must j-op i It that tho ol
umns are In proper position before
ilu tialns air started ficiu the water
Roadmabter McKune's Clutnge.
Thomas h MoKune. ro.uiinaster of
the Wyoming division of (ho Lehigh
Valley I'.ilho.ul. Is n pieenL taking
t well earned ifsl at Old J'olnt Com
!'ilt. inepjt.itory to accepting u inor
ipsponslble position with tin Jlaltl
nioio and Ohio niilio.ul.
Ilo has liei-n with the I.fhiyli Valby
lor the iiasl nlnelcen ye.u and la ae
knowiedged to br- onp of the bet and
most prat Ileal railroad men In the
iiimtiy, having been rloscly conneeted
Mth the mon hupoiiatit improve
meiitH of the I.ehlgh Valley, taking
personal hutgo of the laying of tracks
in tin lamoiiH Voihurjr tunnel, the
lPinodellliiK of the ts.iyie vard". iiulll
the AWst Vilisnu h. put the
Montioie raiboad to slandaid guiige,
and doiible-tinrkeil tin mountain eut
otf. AVIiIIp wllh the A alley be .tb-o lin
piovcd the alignment and niad many
tinpoitant changes in (he "W.omlng
division, ncknowledged by ciigliieetrt
nil over the count! y ti lie Mi' most
llllicult and at tho same lime tin best
maintained pleei or track In Xorth
eastein Pennsylvania.
Ilo was a natural-bom lallioad man,
hiving: bsen a foreman ut J", and hit
aelvanemeut In positions of 1 1 list and
esponslbillty has been steady. Many
of the best roadmasleis and foremen
employed by the Valley at the present
time started out under bis guidance
and instiurtlon.
While the management of the I.ehlgh
''alloy is sony to loe Mr. McKim It
w glad to know that his sterling inii
Us have met Willi the lerognillon of
n roiporatlon of the size and magni
tude of the llaltlinoi, and nhlo
Wllkcs-'Kaiie Jieroid.
D L. & W. Boaid.
The following Is the make-up of lb
n h. and AV. boaid for today:
rinrnv, M.wuu i.
Wild i jt, Ka,t-S p. in . ItUliIng; 10 .0 n ,
.1 MoJir.
.TbHn.V. JIAItl II ..
MIM ( Jl, l'.at l.'.Jci j. in,, .1. Ili'Miic: I.J.1
. m., O'Connor, ntdi 'I. Do'iilitin'ii men; J j.
in., i.'oMrii, v.llli I'. M. Jljllil's nun: A .1.
in , T. aumau; ."l ,i. in., A. P. Mnllru: (1 .i.
in., .T. II. Ma.toii ' d, ,i , IJ T. MJplMi S..M
i in, I' Ilullit; 10 j m., t; II.::. I
.i in., ('. llirtliolnmru ; I.W p. in., (', Itirtliol...
mew; 1.11 p. in.. l.Jllau: '. p. in, l'. Van
Wvriiicn 0 p. ni., .1. I iii'llo
huiimiiu, i:tc fi t. in., fj;l, .lii-if f jrilpjr;
K p. ni.. cant. .1. Iltlinlgan; 7 J. in., writ, Croico
r.-onnfoller: l p. m cast, Mill,, wjlli N'idifl,'
nuiii 7 p. in.. u". foil V' AUR. 'I'.MUtfi: i" P.
in., icst (nun Capua, three riiRliir il().,i,c;
7 p. in.. wtt ficiu Cj.u;a, Clnlr.i.
I'ullci PI a. in , 1'. li. Steer.
l"ulirs S .i. in., Iloutoij 11.30 . m , Moiin;
7 p. in., Murpliy; U p. in., lamplni;.
Pa,iSriRir llneln 7 it. in., !. 'J'lieiiaii T a.
in... P. Mrccr: :".n p. m., Stanton; 7 p. in.,
Willi ,jN, Wjt-I 9 in., (j.tler; .". i. m,
lluxtfi! d n. in,. '.V. A. Ilaitlieilrvniew! 8 .,, m,,
I'. I.. IloRCr,.; P) a. ni., J). IIjkkciIi; 11 a. in.,
I'rl.socd, with II, HeilinhV nifir. -' p, in., .1. I.
Ma,tcis; 4 p. m. 1'. Malum; 1 p in, ,1, i.jlu.
tin; 6 p, ii , lcieluni
NOI'll I.1.
I OIi.IulIui II Oltl, nlll l mi ;...D p. in , M1,
C'lt, Wet, witli .Vt.ill" iiitn. I'iIJjj- uii'l .'ji.
nrdiy, Mjic-Ii 1 and 'J.
ConJueloi A. J. JliPomwIl anJ eitw lll ill
t tralnm.utrr's oirlre.
Ililnnan (i. W'llir.ot aril lllducll will eatl
t tralninatcr' ofiiec
lliukuraii Kccnan wll! to out with , .1.
'HicinpM'ii nrt trip.
e'onduetor W". II, Ilartlioloiiifw will inn plilc
up ca,t In lilaco ol W' Sic Mlliler, Satnulij,
Miteh 1, lor enf trip.
Tills and That.
(iouu-al Hoadmaster A, .T. Neaile, ot
lloboken, was a visitor In the rlty
yesterday, and spent most ot his tlnio
at the Lackawanna otllces.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
AVestorn company is making ample
provisions for the big IncieaKo In pas
fccnger trnlllc caused by tho Influx to
Washington. A itpcclnl train will be
run today from Syracuse.
.An unusual rlfrht was witticized
near the I,ackawanna depot this morn
inrr li) the shape ot a hueo locomo
tive on Pip. Home wasto caught fire
and the oll-soakcd woodwork ot tho
cab was soon n masi of dame?. "WatPr
had little effect In extliiKiilslilnr the
flro, which burned the cab woodwork
ami damaged the metal portions. The
engine was No. 40 nnd pulled the west
bound milk train, due heio at 7.". a.
m. Htroudsburpr Times.
The Ontario and Mr-fitcm I build
Ins a great roal ntornso plant nt Mid
dle town, X. V, it will be composed
of foui' ttuwcH each 217 ffet Ioiik ntul
" feet IiIrIi, with n rapacity for tor
liijy 3i,'M tons of coal earb. or a total
of ISO.npO tons. The roal It dumped
ftom tho cat-it Into hopper, fioni
which 11 In tun upon the trusses by
mcan.i of an endlest rlinln. and be
tween each of thf lilies of In
a reloader. Tin aturanc I." built tn ip
leose the eats and keep them In nellve
hCI vlrc.
Resident Physician nt Hillside Home
to Leave May 1 Applica
tions for Relief.
The ii'tlgnutUui of l)i A Sluing,
who has Ik en for many eais the
physician In charge at the Hillside
Home, was yesieiday iccelvi-d by the
poor board and accepted. The leHlgiiii
tlon is to take elfeet on Maj I, and
Dr. .Strang hi hi letter gh'S no leason
for hit wish to sever connections with
tho poor dltirlct.
A rommlllee Was appointed to iliaw
Up a suitable to the elllel
ency of the doctor mid i" MkIi ipg.ird
III which he l held by the membets of
the boa rd. The llr-'t nieil.r.g In April
was fixed as Iho Urn- for the eleotlon
of his successor. Tin amplication of
the following pli.V'tel.uit for the pritl
tlnii wcie received and r, t'erred to Hie
home committee: f)r. .1. M. Carnorban.
formerly or the Moset Taylor hospital;
Dr. W. M. Ciess. of Mill city. Dr. W.
11. Newman, of liuld Mount, and Dr.
If. C. Down, of South Canaan.
The leport or Supcrlnle"dcnl lifpiuer
showed that on February "S tbeie were
In the home 467 Inmate", i-inssltled at
lollows; Insane male!-. 1"0; sane mulct,
Ml; insane females. l"; sane females,
John Munay, tif M IKmoiigh avenue,
nn old man unable to wink and who
lives alone with his son. asked that a
nur.v be furnMied for the latter, who
It lying at the point of death with
pneumonia. The nienibeia weie ha
rnessed with the old man's hlnceilty
and ordered Director SlioUon to Im
mediately engage ,i nine" to take eare
of the sick young man.
Several women, whoso daughter
have been throau Idle by the big silk
mill stilke- and who reported thai their
families had been t educed almost to
the verge of starvation as a conse
quence, vera granted lelb-f. .Voluble
among these was Mis. Johanna Xonke,
of Dunmoie, who said Hiat hoi two
daughteis had quit woik and lefused
to go back, despite the fait Unit they
hod hardly enough tn eat in the houe.
Temporary icllef was granted In a
number of other cjsp.
r.tORl M-" I'm le lom'f Calm. "' n.d
CDr.M - Hie Hi.ld.'ii I unit il uniiiaii.t
Jlilin'c in.l -light.
Andie'w Mack as '-The Rebel.''
tt llirn w5 ulij lliijeiii..' m-liklfiii Hill S"
lire..- Viik. Hie JiMi hini.iiis iciiii-dini, i no'
n su-at linwini; mid, Ike andicnie- rdlcil Un
l.yii'-in idalit dhpolloil li. When ,ih Iik'i
"IllUittf ii.lllldl.lll l.ltl. in I'll! .ndr.ii Itic n "
luday 01 the iiioi.lli. ill i Hie I In.l nf n
: iidtrnt lo .1 pl.-j I1011-1 Hut Mark did ll,t
iiljht, tlieie it 10 im In liollicr .1I1011I lulwiu
I. ix tvotl; or tin- iii'iltd ft ills plj.
UN iclf ciliknt thai the publli like both aiM
want both, tn. tlm publli i-. allei jll the iml
Mr. ? K u Ai.ierlut ami in .n oml ifi'u"
a Tilicii li't -eni bfr.-. and lie ha new dj
ftlileh Khe Mm 111 opportunity to i-ine, 111 'lie
Live, I'ght, .is a w ll-liorn p itiiotU jeiulli rlinnM, vlial innio eculd tin- irn-t .Aaitlip .ir It."
if ronur.ti'' mlc I'ciie.
"I'll- llilit," lie play in e.l.ii'i l.e i jpvn.
IliC till) catn, dtMlf ultli the III Ijlrd ifl.,-ll,i
of '"s in livland, when a mull bd nt Irioh
nutli, mnied villi pike-, threw Ihnr-'brt en
Hie vcll-tr.-niicil oi.d jtn-cii soldlir-i '.f Miij
'Ibtie i plenty ol jelim I'nd ifilm In I ie
plav, and tlio ellinafot jP W,1I timid nrd re 'i.
Iinr. Mr. Mrl. timing tho i.lnlil tjni; tlie full. w.
In'?.- "I.lllle Tii.niiij Murphy W.n 1 -oldlor
lie-Id," "l'lecdeiii and belaud," "l'.j n IHik,"
Hi" Stu.v 01 tin. How," "VrnaiK" lie liu
tlu .isi,l ireo 11' .1 very rnoii rompaiiv. 'Hii
tliiatn wis etuwil-d to tlio do.ns nj i.ui, 1u I
to In- luiwd .inaj. 'II.' inuiifciiunl of the
thealT luii-t eltliir airanc ,wm. pl.n nt m
1 ngii.t Ih" lluater -tn-ii Mnl. mnin, 01 l
tilm inrie tban one til.'hl
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
'Ihrie U 110 belter piudintlon ol "I in It 1...-N
I'aliin" snins Hi' ruiind' 01 the Ihealer tod
llirn l. W. MiitlnV, Willi li ten.os lo Hie I,; -iciini
tlih altnnoo'i mid eiciiiis. Ml the eld
fe.itnu-j Hut hae in cle the phy popular in the
put .in' iitained, ami ne ime Intro,
iluerd. Ml I lie principal lwli'K are In lapab!"
ii.imK i. . .naiiiii" mriipany iu imi iiu-.i
l, ,1... . l I J ft! t.l.l.tlT l.t.ll.. fl.1l. ...A 111,,..'
ni' .1 limlllplHiM of Mill.', but U 1.1 1I1 nt vlth
m - hi 1 ten, aim nvv are guoii one in;
ktiect I'ai.ide will ktait iiom the Mealcr at noun.
The MniUs Brothers' Company.
jlai'm lltd.' DmiiijIIc i.nd Vaudeiillrt 1 iin
pour opiiiid a eeI.N 1 in,ju,rniftit in saiuin-IN
Opera liou-o M nda; nlsht beloi" .1 irmulid
l.ou. "Ibe DiiVe'i. Oa'JsMfl" va sben aa Hie
epenliiic bill and judging limii tlie ttinciuiii, ap-idiiiiM-
ni.Ucrul Hi" 'iiimtiirH ot tho Loniun,
enrjb(lj a well (lend. 'Ide ilay ion,Ulei
01 tivo ait, all of vbhh nen- in U i rl I nv,- .in.l
well put on, Miy A. Hell in Irading ladi- tilU
eviry pail aiignid brr lo pcilullon. . ,
Morarlly. Mater (ii'uiki-, the jiuenlle, ,1 1 cor
1 Mid .iilltt, Allen lump and nllieri uio d(i.eie.
ins ot mciitoiloivt iioliee. Ihe rHilaliie4. it
ulilili theii- Is 1111 abundincc. weie all tu.-t ila.
.luinctown i:uilns .louiiul, .!..ii. 1.
The nbmc company IkkIim a urckN peifotin.
aMe at the caileiny 0! Miule, Monday, Mar'h
4, with dally, coiiimrni Int. 'Iiii'-uby.
I.idle' IVeent tlcltttt Monday nlglil enlj
'Unleavened Dread."
.Tiid.'O Hubert (Irani dtnlra that lie intriidrd
"l.'nli.nnied llread" aa a Mllie un wonien'a
elubt or iltilfuoiiicn. The mete (act that Selnu
White found Iheso crffJiilralluwi a fertile field
for her niplrallor elocs not mean that nil women
who belonc to elubt are like ,ri. Heaieiii not
It would ho an (ul If tld wen- the tw. Ab
mo.t eery eonnn-jnlly hat Itn Selnu While, ai
well as IU FIonIo Wllllanm' and MM. Uailen'.
Stlma waa a dreadfullj ferlous penon, with
a mission, bho nu a iiiillkt; l'loesl" aa un rle.
phant It unlile a rrocodlle. Yet, In h'r ceeiet
heart, fielma waj cniloui of Pleaale, nd Flowle,
strange to relate! would be "1 little" like Belnu.
The New Chatter Provides for the
Creation of a Department of Char
ities, but Mr. Fuller Says That It
Won't Apply to Scranton District
Because the Latter Was Chartered
Before Scranton Was Yet a City
and Because It Includes the Bo
lough of Dunmoie.
It Is Veiy pieibable that there will bo
no change III the management of the
uffaliH of the Scranton poor dish let
when the city government of Scranton
Is reorganized under tho provisions ot
the ilppcr bill. At least that Is the
opinion of the meinbeis ot the poor
boaid nnd they're about the only pet
sons in tltH city who have given tho
matter any consideration whatever.
The ripper bill piovldes for the cre
ation of n department of public chari
ties and correction, the same to be In
chaige anil under the direct stipei vision
of a director who Is to bo appointed
by the leconlor. The exact reading of
Up' III st section of the arlleli cre
ating this ilepaitmeul lit as follows:
"The ilepaitrncul of chailtles and i-or-iretlon
shall be under the charge of one
person, who shall be the head tbeteof.
To this dopaitment shall be rnnllded
the construction, contiol and icpalr.
care, uuiuagomcul, administration and
supervision of the chailtles, alius,
hoiif, hospitals, houses of coriecllon
and giounds and all other similar In
stitutions the control or government
of which Is intrusted to the elty."
Director Kiedeilek Fuller, who is
about at well ersed In the law reg.ud
ing poor affairs as any man In the city,
stated to n Tribune man yesieiday ar
te tnonu that the last few winds of this
section relieved all doubt as to whether
pom alialis of the Scranton dlstilet
would pass under the control of sueh
a department as above mentioned.
"The contiol of the poor affairs of
the Scranton district." said he. "have
never been intrusted to the city of
Scranton. in Pittsburg and Allegheny
the poor afl'ahs at the present lime
may bo under the control of the mun
icipalities and the ilpper bill may apply
to them but it certainly will not apply
lo the Seinnlon poor dlstilel
"The Sdr.ltitnu poor district seemed
a eh.iller under a specliel net in ISO
while the rlty was jet a borough. It
was some yeais after when Scranton
became n city. The poor dlstilet has
always levied nnd collected Its own
taxes and transacted its business en
llielj tip.ul ft mil the city's.
"Theie Is still another coii'Ideralion.
The Scranton poor dlstilet comprises
not onlv the city of Scinntnn. but also
the entire borough of Dunmoie. It Is
manifestly plain that the poor affairs
n" Dunmoie could not be placed under
the contiol of the i Ity. In my opinion
theie is no possibility of this dlstilet
c omlng under the piovMous of lite rln
pci bill unless legislation Is
pasted and I don't think thete's any
News of the Theatres
Wl.en "t ii1earnei Ulead" ui ihimiiIiiI in
u Y01I, Ml l'll-ibrlli Tjiio iiuili- .111 tlnii.
ifkih mix est of Inr liiiiiirni'iialliH e.f Si-Inn
White, white Memor K)lionN Finale William,
prnveil 11 1 1 lo low than .1 Irliunpli. I.lebln- .v 1 o.
Iiaii- shin "I'lilivui'iicd llu-.n)" 11 wipeib pio
ilurlion. Hie ia-.t i an cxlranulili ir one and
will be pie-ieiitcd at Hie l.iie'iin net lucidly
"Sag Haiboi" Coming.
The ij.t niiniimUintr Mi. Heine, who i.t-e.
I., the l.i 1 cum nest Weiliicsil ij nisbt 111 "as
Haiboi, ' imluili-t many pla.iei" Well known and
p.'itilai In IliU ( 11 -r'.iiivl Kobuiton, Mauvi
Alibott. Wonstfi- peaii. Mi. ol Sniilli. IMIII.111
V. lloilj-e, Mollle Uriel, Franl, Munrnr, l..htho
Skrni'tt, .leTlin I ..tub L, l.olla ndihOU, and l-t,
but li no menu lea.t, the two pretty and le.v
inlenlrrt il.inelitcis if lli .lullir.r lar blin,-lf.
Hi" .Miwcs .Inlle and (i.i-til Heme, PI and IT
j ears obi 1 epee t ivc-l.i .
"Mlf Ilarboi" ba won its Miofv quilo
nuuli b.i leaton of IN tp'alntly original itiatai
Irrlallont. as by the iliaiiialn- feme and beauty
of Its d.!lli 1n.- Mfti-.. Addtd lo 11,1,. He
toniedy Is mI.I to b. Miniili- liin.Mildc 'Iho
new Heme pi iv iinliirilli deiljud lo be
"hetln Hian '.-"hori' cit," ind lal.ra IN nlle
finm 11 Utile nut lent m ijiorl to en at Hie elieni(.
e.isleily u.d of lame Nland.
lien the peneral (" niaua(;ei of cbe
Klaw llilinieei alliattlon. will klaijo Men
.N: XiniuieiiuaiiN pioiluction of Millard Spencer'
new opna, (In- nicictfui tn "Tlie Mill" Ty
coon" and 'The I'rliiu1- llnnnle," to bo J-re.
M-iiud at the I lif.-tnnl Mud Hualri-. in i'hlla
delplili, in April.
Illaucho W'.iUh lu.'ln liiml a iliamaln
of "Muilon laseeiiil," by lleryl Hope, whlili t-Ii"
ler.lriiiiilates produdnu. he biv made u uat
tncie.s in "Mote ijuefii," and will con
llnue in tlii' pnnliulion fur the rest of (he ea.
nt, which embra'Ca .1 loui o. all Ihe prii:upat
cities of the IMelllc eoa-l, and will nol end till
late In .May.
M!n lleiiiaid lut .In bled to Ieie v.uidellle
and leliuu tn comedy. Ilo ha "IriiciI a
loutrait Willi A. II. I liamberljii lo appear in
Iho latin's fortlirciinlnx production of "The
I'ri-iii lioniii," wldi li is in be put on al Uio
Ib'iald Sipine tlieatro on March 2". He hit
cniiicilleil Ins loritliiuoiis peiiorinanca dales and
will J.D Inlo aillie picpiraliou for Iho new play,
Mar Manrieilinr eloxd .1 ilin e inonllis' rim in
".I mice Meudltli" at Wall 11 !' Ihcalio Slim
dav cienin?, Feb 2.!. 'Hie Inllouins Mondiy
eveiilnje she opened al the Mentaiile. 111
bomuijh, lo a picked house and a irt.bOO advanie
nale. MNs Maimerliiir's 1 npMRi merit at Wal
laikN was one of the lealle lew substantial Kin
ee niado in New cnk this eaun, her aiei-am-
leeiipls rMredlnr $IO,nni .1 week. She will
play at tho llailem Open hrtiM- til" we-k of
Mi'li I, --jicluijIieM, New Man 11 and llarlfoid
wed. of llinli 11 and March IS will open foi a
inn ut tho Sheet. PlilladelplNj.
.Mm .1. MiNalb's new farce in which Klaw .1-
FrlniKer will plena tins nnd Mac Itoftcri and
the Klaw & Filan.ei- Coined)- company nest
M-a'on, will bo eallul Ihe lliuers llrotheis in
Ma.hllicton." 'Iho new pkco will lo staged by
lien leal, these runicllans, as ntJin. lave been
leadlly crowlns- in iularity, and, wllli veiy
few cxcepllon,, ,110 now the most i.ueieiul
di mini; cauls in ineiiea. ' hey will play tlnii
animal New Y01U cintJRCinent next n-amn at
the Knlekci bockcr. tlm leadliic llioadna) house,
betrlnnlnj llielr mn N-jit. ,
"I here It no callluir so Indirleieiit to the
considerations of oidinary buslneta life- in that
cf lb" aclnr," icmarke.1 Clmrlea It. Ilanford re
cently. "Homo time aj-.i met a manaser who
was ahojt t" rlom) Ills season. He luidtalcd
about notlfjinic the meinbeis of tho company.
'I haled e.peclally lo tell my leadlnjr man about
it, li" rounded to me, 'U-eaune Im cavo lip a
good diKaecinrnl In order to feiuio the part I
orU-rcd blin. Hut I fliull) broke the newt lo him
ai gently an could.' 'What did li say' 'll
merely lemarkcd thai ho felt like taking; a. rest
an) how. Ho had been wtshlne for aome tlnm
tint he could get back homo and fee How hit
lolkt wcro celtlnc ilonf, Imagine an employe
one desirous of passing nny such legis
lation. Kvery one seems satisfied with
the wnv In ulili-li hr lvoor board Is
conducting the affairs of tho district.
Directors of That Institution Ac
knowledge Donations.
The dlicctors of (he Florence Crit
tcnton Homo wish to make this
firateftil acknowledgment for the gifts
of the past two months:
In Juiuarj JlMt-from Mn. Plchl, MiitonM1,
AjUwottli, ArmhiuM, I'arr, South Hd! store!
mill, dally from Uckittinn Dairy company and
Scranton Dairy compan) ! ice cream once a
month from the fonncr; from Pcrnnlon Wood
working company, load iood; Seliank & hpeneer,
four pain thoe-s; Sin. T. I!. .lonej, two nifc-s;
Pierce's maikct, fruit, URcUUca: Mrs. Tlioi.
D!ekon and Jir. A. 11. .lonn, cacti lurrel of
four: li. T. Craven. ladlM iindenvcari Scran.
Ion ncitdlng eompany, packJue erctonncj llr,
ll. W. Filer, lurtc, IVaronii Mazarine lor loot;
Mm. W. S. Dlelil, fhtt, inllllnny llr". Ar)a
WIIHann, Uttiatiirc; Mn. 0, IMar Ilpnii, lo
tod fRulld): Mr. Ilatrls sereral liour.' work;
'av Auk I.uinlier eoinpanj, elglit nd one-IiaK
liuiro' ork, tlin-e llslilf, giasi! Ml", V. II.
McrUif, Chrimian Ileiald for 1001; Uvtt.on
tt Son., tic toilet cap; . V. Miller Co..
fine lit iIMim; Dr. Ainu Clark, wimble mrd.
Ital den Ice.
In IVl.ruarj Mr. DMil. MailiUBfr. Carr.
jlatnrtli, Aiinlini.l,; I.ail.ananni Hilry
leinpiiiy, milk daily, Itc drain enfC a montli;
f.cranleii Dairy ee.iii.any. milk dally; Mi. Mud.
t,er. bread and eake; Mm. V. S. Dlelil. i.oap.
jelly; I'ioiee's iniiket, fruil. 'meUMcH; Mik.
Ccmeirju. m-at. Jellri III. Ahiu laik, aluali1e.
mrdloat irTiUc.
1'rleiult to Hie Imnir .ibva ttrlecilni' S.i
peclal tcirplton daj
Both Man and Benst Sustained
Broken Legs. ,
O. S Heny, of SJO Orchaid slieet.
bad his left leg bioken yesteiilay b
being thiown from ,i wagon on Stone
avenue near Cheiry stteet.
Hony in company with ilciirge Wts
loii were dilvlng a team of horses at
tached to one of Pchiadei's delivery
wngoim when an ley poitlon of the
stieet was encountricd. The wagon
slid sideways and. sttiklng a stone,
overturned upon the horses, bearing
them to the ground. Moth lleiry and
Weston weie thiown to Hie cailh, but
the latter escaped unscathed.
Heny was taken to the Lackawanna
hospital whte It was round that his
leg was broken. One of I he horses, a
gray, had his leg bioken, nnd was shot
Michael Petrovleh Killed on the D.
& H. Railroad.
.Michael Fetrovlch. a Hungarian,
was struck and instantly killed by a
Delawaie and Hudson passenger train
near the (liassy island washery at
Olyphant shortly bet'oie noon yester
day. Peliovkb was coining toward
Olyphant and was accompanied by
another man whore mime could not be
The train was stopped and the body,
which scat rely bote a mink, was taken
aboard and lemoved to the Olyphant
station. Later the lemalns were tak
en In charge by Fmlertaker Ftokopo
vllz. TVtinvlrh was a married man.
and lesldcd in .Issup. Ills family
is In the old count! y.
111 .un mber line of biiMiici r.l.u.i; hi- 'li
iharae s. c oulli !' "
Flank MiKee lias intne.1 into 1 cunliar. Willi
ttiiiilsliis Tlunnis In write an nils-iiial inmecli 101
1'i-lei I', lljlle), to b.- produced lies! ,eaull
flir-Wlc Millon'ald will be Ml lltU.iV I.-adliitf
suppoil in Hi" rinv pbee. Allhouli Mr Dalit t
ha nude a bit in "lod','C. Podge .V (. " llus
e.ion ind alv.. pioed wu refill 111 niusi
tal fine, be h.u lonff dialled to appeal -n .1
i.M ilt'ht coined). Mr, MiKee hss fjllb in bis
ildtlllit and will therefme cialily Ibis anibi
Hon. Mr. Ilallej is ,1 nitnral tome dim oi un
11-nal .ibllity. atnl ,li.iiihl Mr. Ttmnns HI idiii
with a pair as well n ho ti.i- Willie (ulllei III
"tin Ihe Quiet." Ml. llalley will iinilniibtedly
piece .1 big MiiccfS ir. a new" liild of tai wik.
Matthews . ind Ilulieri, the ooniediaus, who hive
Iitelv been i-lairlnf; in the faice coined) "The
Mltllt Of tl.O Vouttll," llalrllla) slRiicd ton-
traits wllli the Mn- llios., nunatrers nf His NVv
Yoil. theatre, Xrw Yolk, by th terms of which
they become nu-inliers of the utoik toinpany
that will exploit the nt-w burlesipie iinri lo In
put on at Ihat l.oiue. In Ihe iww pl.iv they will juris peelallv wiltten In euit their ik-.u-Uir
stile of will,, and will alo the a,isl
anie of II in Mcl'.io), William (inild, I'
Hi. ne, Pat llooney, !. iil llaiilv-u an I iuella
Minmn-nllle, f.auia Hull. Mabel I'enlon, IMna
Auk and e lhrs.
I here is said t. be much originality riionn in
Ihe pla of ".liivtlie." which comes lo the f.i
euuii theatre 011 Manli II. Tho plot i huiii.ui
Ihuiuirh and tliroiiidi. Willi lite inteieit pie
ibinlnilliiir, and many of the attil
butt that make fur pupulaill) anions Ihealii-Ce-ei
Willi a tante i-n hlirhly colored kcntlnieiit
and epl'od". 'Ihe iavt Inilnd'S man) well known
artinN. including Hoiiie UwN, Fitdiriik ll-iug.
law, Dillon Iladfonl, Sicnuiii Howies, Fled
l'onen1, 0. II. runnliiflialii, M.lbur llobbs, Thom
as IVrltnn, II Turnu. William i-aiage, Henry
Maiion, Hairy F. Cccfge). Mattel .laik llyau, Iia
Merlin. Clau llaltiford, Teieia Maxwell, F.lla
belli Fniidi, llettha l.iiingston, .Villi" Matkell,
.bilie Ilo'ualne. Mella Ilildwin, ImUc Iljikins,
Maiie Mone and the Herald bunare ijiur
lette. .laioli 1,1(1 aiiiiouiuej as his spring- pre.eina
tion at the llrojilnay Ihealie, New ork, follow
ing the engamemilit of "Viintu Life," b) spe
cial airanieemint wllli Vrthur Colllm. nunislne
director ot the Theatre lloyal, Pruiy Line, I,oii
don, a Ktuirndoiis production ot Iho big
Ilsh suiccn., "The Puce of Peace," wtltlen by
Cecil lUlelgli, aulhci rf "lleails Vre Tliunps,"
"Sporting l.lio" and othci big l.nallsli melo
draniatle platf. Tho pleio his been ninnlna at
the Ihealie lliyal, Pmry lane, to clouded
lniues kliicr earl) autumn, nnd is pronounced
the most glginlli- and Imposing blage peclu1e
eier put on al lids famous homr u( big pmdue.
liuius U Ihe inJRiilllieiit etonei), co,luine,
pinpeitlcs ami e,1(i Is used in the Iliury Ijue
production will be broimbl. In this loiiutr) b)
.lacuh Mil Im tliu llroadva) thc-alio picHnta
lien, wliii li will be In cteiy nsvU
with Ihe laind'-n pioduclbm. Mr. I.ill will en
gage an Amcili-aii coinpany lo present the play
and the cast will bo coinlosed of lepiefnitatlto
metropolitan plaers.,'Tl.o cenes of "The Price
of Peaic" nn- laid in and mound London and
are iald to be laltbful and caet itpioduclloiis
of well known HritMi localities. From the point
of tcenli: magnitudo tho production will cuccd
an)lhinK eter ntlrinpted in Ameiica. There aie
eighteen inaaiie scenes in all, including lh
accident waid of ht, Tlionuk ho-pllal, tlm tcr
uec of the liouv of i-oinmons, a earulial in
Magna (hating rink, the ihildien'it plajtfiound,
Marley Ilouw tonicnt, Weilmlmlcr Abbey, the
libraiy of the prime minister of Fngland, the
lobby of tho homei of commons, th noue ot
common in keu-lon, teieral ealdi teemt, meh
at I-lttlo S-lddleei'iiib.'-bytlie-Sr. and the Villa,
Lorpont bay, on board the atrjin lac.lit "Mail,
gold," a realUtiu wu-ck icene. New and aur.
pilalng electrical erTccls an- med In ieeral ol
the tiencs, An idea of Ihe inagnltudo of the
production may lie formed when it Is rontltleml
tluit there am forty .peaking parti and tint over
2M people are reipilred for the play. Carpcntrii
aro busily at work reconstructing tho big llroad
way theatre itago in order to accomnioJile the
ma$sbo iceneiy now on It way from Iandon.
The tint presentation of the play in America
will bo gUen at tho llroadwty tlitalre about th
middle of March.
Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists.
Of considerably more tliau ordinary interest is this most comprehensive stock. It
is conveniently arranged and classified so a3 to permit of selection speedily and
satisfactorilv. and whateir U ritv nA V,ot- in Qliirh VViUfa ,'c I,--- T?: r ;
fabrics are fairly represented. The choicest of American goods in plenty. All
With detnphahlf Intinrle-rri nnllir -nA cnTf ,t(?e Akmtf- nlon
with detachable laundered collar and soft cuffs. About prices.
Of striped
Silk Petticoats at
I hese are attractively made garments in vauous pietty coloring and black. Some with deep flounce
and two small rullles, some with deep flounce and two gathered rufllcs, all with dust ruffle. Ex
cellent value at $6. so. Price $;. 50.
A Fine Offering of Silk Waists.
A large collection of crisp, new Silk Waists came from the manufacturer today. They are in colors,
red, old rose, cadet blue and black. They arc of an excellent quality of taffeta s.ilk. neatly and well
made 111 up-to-date styles, worth fully .$7.00. Choose Today (or $5 Unch.
Special in Plain Black Silk Waists.
News concerning particularly good offerings in black comes from the Silk Waist department today.
Carclully made garments, of excellent taffetas, in the latest approved fashion, and so priced that
many will surely have left us for new pleased owners before nightfall. $7.30 for an entirely new
style, all plaited, wherever a plait can be placed.
New Belts.
The broad covered leather belts, with di op fiont, to be Uced together, are fashion's latest fancy.
They give a trim curve to the waist, and make waist bands forgotten. They are shown in quite
variety of styles, price range from 50c to $1.50,
Among other styles of Belts are quite a variety of patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and gilt
harness buckles, some with nickle buckles, some plain patent leather, other shapes, also many other
popular leathers, varying in price from 25c up.
BUCKLESDurable and Pretty.
A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Your costume is not perfect unless its details are perfect.
A belt-buckle can make or mar an effective gown. We have some new buckles that will add an
attraction to perfection. Correct and stylish buckles in Etruscan gold or French grey finish, jewelled,
with adjustable catch that makes them easily removable and requires no sewing. The price of these
buckles range from 10c to 7SC each.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Tlice,
American rian, 13.U) per day and upward.
turopctn l'lan, $1.60 per day ind upmrd.
1. D. CltAWrOflD, Proprietor.
Hotel Victoria
Broadway, 5th Avenue
and 27th Street,
European Plan
In the centre ct the shop
ping and llicalte dlstilet.
Absolutely Flreprool
A Modern Tlrst-claw llolei
fnmntrte ill nil its nnnoinl
inenlsi. Furnishings and decorations new through
out. AcroninicMation for 500 guests 15 mites wtn
oaths. Hot and cold water and telephone In eery
room. Cuisine unexcelled.
For Business AIcu
In the heart ot Ihe. wholesali 4.
For Shoppers
l minutes' walk to Wnnamalters; -f
S minutes to Bleed Cooper s Big a
Store. i:anv of access to the
Cleat ;
Dry Coodn Stores.
For Sightseers
w. til Art I- frAm ft ' fr, mm nlu.
Ing easy transportation to all
poinU of Interest. -f
l-nr. Uth ST. It UNIVERSITY Pr
Only one Block from Broadway. -t
ROOIIlSi $1 Up. Price's Reasonablj
-' ---
Fast Time to
Jlli: "CIirCAiJO.l'ORTI.AND hl'1
CIAL" leaxes Chicago O.30 p. m.
daily, via Chicago' Union Pacific and North
Western Line, arme l'ottlaml, Oregon,
afternoon of tliiril day. No change of
cars; meals in Dining Cars, lluffct
Library Cars with barber. Tourist
Sleepers daily. Personally conducted
excursions every wecl. The be't of
everything. Tho Pacific l'.xprci!. leaves
10.30 p. m. dail). Call on any agent
for tickets or addrcu
4(1 Broadway, Httit Xeri
101 Chf't St..fhnailcMa
Ut Wathlngton SI., felto
43S Vlrn SI., Clttlnull
?34 SidVtrtof St., Cllitlnnd
SOI Main St., tulalt
nCamput martlvo, Dtlrilt
312 Cltrk St., ' CMcaoo
Tho Dickson MaiuifUctiirlng Go.
tcrmton and VllUvtlarr, l'-i
Manufaoturart o
Bollcn, HolitlnnilPuniplni Miclilnery
General Office, ticranton, Fa
IhJ t
Cheviot and Madras cloth, plaited
vviinc (.awn waisis.
Striped Percales and fine Ginghams, single or double plaited
back, full front.
Fine quality Zephyr Ginghams in pretty styles, full front with
plaited back. Also White Lawn Waists.
Fine Striped Madras, full front of fine plaits, with new
plaited back.
nrri IAD
Prudent people are taking advantage of our
It will pay you to come and see how we can make a T
dollar do the work of two
4" .
Axminstcr Carpets
j. $1.50 Values. $1.00 a Yard.
. .
Op 100,000 Rolls Op
1 5 High Grade Wall Paper 5
t Inlaid Linoleum
Made like a tile, colors through to tin- back Remnants. J
Regular $1.50 goods, now 65c, 75c, S1.00 yard
V ..
1J9 Wyoming Avenue
. ... .
Beams I andi.Com'llh B'l'd'fi
lining and Blasting
M.'diat Mooilcand Ilmtilili Woril.
Xlretrlo Battcrlei, Uliolrlo Bzplodir.
xplodlu: blait'. baftty Fust an I
Repaune Chemical Co.'s nxi'iTm;.
488 to 403
N. Ninth Straet
Telephone Call, 2.13.1,
129 Wyoming Avenue
back, lull front.
127 AND 129
c a in m ?
New models now
in. Spaldings,Cleve
lands, Iver Johnson
and Crescents. No
better selection ever
made. Call and see
them. They're beau
ties. if I IN!
211 Washington Ave.
General Asent for llu TVjomlas
Duttlct tor K
MIdId?, Olutlnr, fporllnj, FraoVelm aBj th
lltpiuno Clitmlcil Coin pan j'i
High Explosives.
Eilctr Fuif, Caps im Ciploden. noom 101 Con.
nell Oulldln;, bcranton.
tho?. ronn ritiitu
JOHN B. tUITII A tON Plymouth