The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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j - '3771
, - .,T,
BKt.lNNl.Nt.1 Momlay nfturnoon tho
North litanih Cniifmciicc of tho
Hitbdiirliitiiua Synod of tlio
j:viiurc1Icii1 Ultliuiiiu church
will 1m- held In tho Uincc J.ulh
ctuii chmvli ut MmllHon uvimiuc and
Mulbeirv nitre', of which tlic Ucv.
Iailhn J Ion WiirhiR l pastor.
Tin oIIIccm of tho confurenco are
llcv. M. 13. Mrl.lnn, jircrtldctit, llcv. A
J. Uiiili-rilll. nerrrtiny and llcv. M. M.
Allhcck, tit-iimiter. Tho pruRniinmo
follows: ,
2 fit) lotifililiii for minister nnl,.
T.l'l Mlllf fUlT.
UV-fetinoi lto. M. I.
I nnfirtm.u Cuintuimii.ii.
1lr.ll call.
t 1'isn.w iihmm.. maik ii ;..
C I lViolir.nnf i-mii HfV. (.'. V. IU T
Olj II..II ..ill ulul Krcrlicii of iUUkjIc.
i otifirciiie luiiitrv.
liMi HimiivIkii of llu ulnlli nitkle .f 111'"
' liijil.un.- ' niiti-slnn: Hiptbm. Ucv.
"Ml. I'l-nhir. I. 1.. 11'. '. " I'otht.
Ji It.. llcv. V. II. IIIIW-li.
'II ll)V ai'1-i:h.noo.v.
1 .tt- lititirime buim.
' The tMiiulav
t "ll'ii Trtie-Vln"....llfv. W.lnr MilUr
; "lliiw- to Dculnp ll Splrltud lat
ere" I!1-. A. N. Warner
. "Hun to hnpiovc Our Method" rf
Wert." l!ov. V. M.icr
Hr,iV"(liir v,muip People' Vniuioi:
t "llowr In I'nlf.v lliem,"
iiiv. . it. iot.i.i;i
' "How In Mike 'I heir Veinlm IVi -fOinl
Wi.tKcis for ( liibt,"
lli'V. M. 51. AIIIimU
3 "How to M.iki Th. in Jloie nf u
Power In Church Woik,"
llcv. John Wanner, I) II.
" 'ii i:iv ri:xi..s.
T,?ft "otic wilier.
7 IK 1 "Chlht in tho Imliv Mtul,"
l!ci. ( . II. llroiiu
: "(hrbt in Iho Home uul liiii.lf."
llcv. .1. W. Mi.-u.iion
J "l'lirit In 1'lo.istirn and .musi..nitil."
Itev. r.iul Hum man
4 "IhrM'ln limine -d ami Cltbimililp,"
Ucv. '. W. Ilei.lrr. 1. I).
' I l'uotional wnkr ..Hot. J. II. ( .M,iril..hl
1 1 Confirmee tiu-lnrf.
10 P DNcimlon. "The Mnr ol ilio
Wltnc of the Holy Splilt."
Id v. J. Yiiby, T). II.. Ill M. I..
"Iibidol, 1). I).. It.'i. J. II. Wli.r,
1). 1)
t ir All iiuclina ftiopt the lonftreiioe -.n
V inlj jftrrnoou V.J11 ho open to the scneial
ft f 9
Tomuiiou men nhiR. ltt. Dr. lulld
amii prcs-cnt to tlu' Providence Pro.
liylerliin voiiri petition the General As
fcinbly'H Twentieth Century Movement
ami Fund of the Presbyterian Denom
ination. The project originated In the
Ocneral AHfiembly In Mlnneaiiollh, In
1WJ. and was formulated ul the Ap
xenibly'H meetlne In St. I.onls, last
May. Dr. Oulld will kIvo a In lor liis
toi of the movement Its nature,
scope and leeommpnd.itloiis, and also
flic plans of the lucul churih In refer
ence to It, The Kivnt urojvol conies
doun to local and individual churche.
' iipmi the iWninmpUdntloii of the Oen
fial Assembly, SyuoiH and Presby
teries. Tommiow evenlns the mitijoct
lll be further considetcil In the Provi
dence chinch by llcv. John H. Itundall
of Lincoln rnlvei-slty of this state, rnlversllv N one of our host
Institutions lor the education or olor
ed Miunpr men. and c.-peelally for men
KrekniK entrance In!., the mlulstiy of
th. .lunch. The nubile will he hittr
"i l In both sci lees of tin dav.
The Twentieth 'enlur Movcmcni of
the Assembly ol the Piesby
terlan i hiireh will be stroiiRlv leniv
penti'd tiunoriow In four of our lor-al
pulpits. Tomonow uioruiiiR. Ihv. Dr.
Ilobett Sample will spenk lit the Pirst
Piesbvteilan chuiih on (hat subject,
nnd on the same subject in the oven
hiR In the liven HiKf church. In the
mornlns. K.v. and Pi of. John R. ltuii
dall mil speak on the Twentieth eeu
tui oik in the Washburn sheet
ehui-ib. and In the evenlnc In tho
PioMilenee Presbyteilan chinch. Doth
the;.,-, speakers are luim Lincoln 1'nl
vnsity. and will Bve some Inlet estliif,'
fads tespeitlni; the work i.r that In
atJtutlon. f
Thf dep.utliieiit of the
vuinpr Men's Chrlsllan asstelatlon n
P iinuiiii; tor a forward movement
alotiK u-iigiuurt iieH iiminK the mouth
of Miwh. The (losnel me. tlnu, ilur.
In-,' this month will be i,ir men onlv
nnd will bo evanKellstle in citatactet.
The opening one on Suiniay will bo
niUIrcss. by Kvausellst II. A. Diy.
dm with speilal uuisli bv y, ,i
I.ons. b.uitone. The plan j" to inau-'
Riirate wivk of Ulble study IiobIii.
nlnp Sunday. Manh m. and (ho asso
ciHtlou inn ii,K.s out rol. tl troiiR
I jlhU teacher ironi .Now Voik to sp. ml
that v k mnoiiif the i.iitioa.l hut.
This win lu follou,.! w, a ten ,1,1.,'
xncetlnr, of an ..;;. iiHtu 1 ituie tin.
The Prayer of a Nervo for
More Blood.
Ktutalgia may attack any part of the body
cut most frequently occurs where the nerves
Ve most abundant.
In the head,
In the face.
Sometimes the heart nerves seem totniit
Twinging rheumatic pains of the extremi
tits Sharp and intense at times
In, thf inter alsdull and heavy.
Neuralgia is the result of impoverished
blood caused by impairment of the nerves
lack of nerve force.
It is a disease of the nerve centers, and
the pains accompanying it are prayer for
r.etter nourishment. They are the danger
signals which warn you against a 'total col
lapse of the nervous system.
Liniments and all external applications
can only give temporary relief. Permanent
cure cannot possibly come until the nerve
centers are thorougly revitalized and reinvlj
orated by Dr. A. V. Chaie's Nerve Pills.
The beneficial effects of this great nerve re
slorative are felt thrilling through the nerve
fibres as week by week and month by month
the nerve fotrc of the body is restored.
Women afflicted with diseases peculiar to
their sex arc frequently great sufferers from
neuralgia. Dr. Chase's Nerve Fills positively
cures both these disorders by filling the
nervous sjstem with new vigor and life. o
cents a box nt all dealers, or Dr. A. VY. Chase
Medicine Co., HufFalo. N. Y, The genuine
has portrait and signature cf Dr. A. W
CHrsc ot( each package.
dcr tho lculetMilp of one of the best
pvntiKt'llstn In the state. The plan
provides for meeting In tho rooms, In
the railroad !hop, personal work, ca
boose meetings nnd iiouic to house vis
itation. The committee of manage
ment has authorized tho religious
work committee to spend such a sum
us they think necessary to enny out
the eanipalsn. The music during the
month will be furnished by the Schu
bert Male Quartette on the 10th and
t'Uli, and by the Hlniion iunrtette on
the 17th and 31st.
The people or Simpson chinch will
bo pilvllcKed to hear nRaln one of their
rormer pastors In that chinch both
morning and evening of tomorrow.
Ucv. Dr. I.. P. Floyd, ptesldlug elder
of Hie Hlnghamton district, the picde
cessor of the present pastor, will ie
reive a cordial greeting from his many
friends and fotmer pailshlouers. Ilov.
Dr. Swept will take tho Sunday woik
or Presiding Klder Floyd at llallslead
and Oieut llend, wheie he nlio will
greet foitner pailshloneis
The ludies'or the Ponn Avenue Hup
list ehuich will sctve a Colonial tea In
the pailois of the church, Thuisday
evening, March T .Ml-". Pierce, Mrs
Jones, Misses Hire, Suyd-ini and iiiem
beis or the choir will lilt ihe plaeM of
the Colonial dames, who will seive the
supper and anaiiue ii.. muslput pro
gramme. The supim i' 111 lie served
from 0 to S o'clock, at th" popular
price, lifteen cents.
An uuusu.illv .itirnitl.' piaker will
make tin at th" Young MenV
Chrlsilnn assoiiatlon meet lug next
Sunday, viz. Kev. C. W. Ilelslet, D.
1'.. president of Susquehanna, Culver
s'.ty, of Sellnsgiovc. lb comes highly
comniinded as a man of iMrnestii"ss
and power, ami im 'man hotild mls-
the iipportuiilty to iiur him. Th"
.-etvlce will be held in !uetn"y's hall
at n.4:'.
Ai-chilencoii Itadcllffe will coninieiie.
an elgltt day mission cci-vlce al tho
Chinch of the flood Shepherd, of
("teen Itlilgo, Sun.lay. Cm that day,
rervlces will be held at 7.:'.0 and Hl.;!
it. in., nnd 1 and 7.:!H p. .11. Week days
fit '..uO mid ft 11. in., and 4. 30 and 7.".0
p. m.
The legtllai uieelhiR of tlu Methodist
ministers of Scranton and vicinity, will
be held In the pailois of Dim P.11U
church. Monday at tn.8fl a. m, Speak
ci: Kev. D. S. lientley. D. D. Subject:
"The Functions of the Mlnlsliv."
P.ev. W. .1 Foul will lend 11 p.ipei
.it the Uaptlst l'ustot's conference at
10.30 Monday on "The I'elative Authoi
Ity of Ihe Teaching or liirlsl and the
s?f rvFfr.
Vitt t i.'
.Methodist episcopal.
1,1m I'jrL ilmiili I'uiii ..ii'l -niii-r nl
9..JI. I'h IahI'i -u.ii-r .uul uc.tiiu of lnrm
hers jl ln.HO .1. in. V -li'.it' nt inly In Ntn
itjy mIioi.1 u.oin 1,1 VI in. iui. In m1io.iI at 2
.uul Cpii.ulli lijsui. a i. -10 l Hi. The p.iHtor,
C M. (illhn. 11. P. will im-jili .it 7..S0. r...lo,
riii- Sii.ikh.1 "I W mni ii Wlnl liiw-i II l''-i-lin.I"
Vi i In Vi.Ii.ii, UP) I'm.' .In if. ihi.
.1.1-. mlini.l jl tl .1 III., i;-.,'itlh llj'lll! .L II..-I)
p. III.
5iitip-Mi 5l.'ilniil (liiitih. .lolm II. -vifcl, U
II. pikt.ii-. Iln. Pi. I,. C. I'lojil Mill ii nip.
tin- .ii!li In th iiimiitn-- .mil evening. Mum
im ,ii Hi. "ii, eit-nliiu .it 7:. ii. III. ui.uiy iilin-li
will In s' el t'i mul iiti'l aicct (lull- fortmr -iiihIii mIim.1 .it r.':ii: .Innh.r K
mnlli I asiu .u --.Vi: Yi.iin-j .Mm' inn ling .it
l:ii.i. Tin V.ttii hiunl nill tiu-rl In ut-tibr
inntillily n..n Vlnniliy riinliig .u 7:.l".
1 1 tirt .iiril M.'llio.ll.t l..i.( i liiiiih (!.
I'. 1..MIIHI, i.i-t.n. I ln.s IM" .i. in., n. I.
Ili-Wltl, l.-iihr: picjihlnc 1 1 . "30 ,i. in.: SniuUv, ii.!., ,i, in., t: it, i I. nl,. -.iipiiiiitinili-iit:
.lnnli.r Iciiaii-. .!..: p. in.. Mi-. M. WillLinn,
-.iiniiiiitdiilriit; Kpttoilli li.itsiit'. . .10 : pnafli
ins. T.n. I'n.iitilr,- nmininu; .mil cieiilii-,' I.
lit, i. I.Ui-,-11-1 S'ltf fief. Ml .in- I'll" uiii'.
(Itlnill Inkiiil im I'll. Meinln, 7...H. Hn-lnCN. nf
liit-x.i lam I', .it I I'll. I I..; .ill inrnil.riH slimiM l..
IbiiiptKii -II. 1 1 Mi ihoili.t
Itn. .Iiiik lliniilnui-i', p.i.t.ii. I'li'Jililns; jI
Jii.inii ml. let, Thifi. IliaiiCH 1. 1 ".in In Hi
Vviitdi'il;" i la. -i nirclinv; ut 11. .".'I; Mnnlj- fh,ll,
i p. m., li'-i-ini', :: p. in.: .nlm li.iu.-,
i..i, lf.ul.-r, Mj. .1. T. Wliltlnir. Kunlnir preaih-
llli, kill III' .it 7..:n; Mlt.Hl. "I'tHllKP W'jullillR.
tun er iikiIi ji.i-iii," a .el moil t.. tho t'.il i iot t-Onlc-t-
Vni of Viiiiilui ivihinc ti
Atliui M. 11. Clinu h, iuiiiit Monn-y .iiniiii
ml lirl.iu.ut- htnet, Itii. . :, siinpion, II.
I)., putor. -ll-.iullf.iul niii-tiiix t.f the lli.-lhir-Ihh..
nf si. I'.inl .it i':.-0 j. in.; pii..iil.liu -it
n:8ft .i. in.: .nl.jcit. "ilii i-.ilie. riiil.iijn:"
iiinlj.i mIiw.I .it ".':mi p. In , l'puiirtli I e-.iKiir
ut i.:.i) p. in; pica IiIiik .it 7:.)0 p. m. ; miIi.
jni, "IIiUkIi'II " I'leffiim i." I'ijj.i in. el m;
Wi.IikmUi .it 7:.'.l p. in. riiiJiiC"i ini-ftln-.' nf
tut llii.tliiilun-il nl SI I'.inl Hi llu' -,,'inn'l
jml , fnintli Tiifi-1.- -i fi( each motilli at 7::;o
p in. .'i'jt tin aiul .ill ate Mckoine.
"i.iii.i.i.. i- Mot'.ietii.t i;pi.itji iini'iii- i:.v.
Cii'iire A. ('inc. iijiI'-i, llroihithnoil of St. IM-il
H n'H nl 10 a. in. Mt-mli.B i-uiiji-rt ul lti.:io, 'I-'
Hi. li nf iho Itoipci Helping tin- .-rtli"
i K.i , lv:ll). Miiitli- Mlionl at -.' p. in.; 1'p.
i' nil li'iRiu- al il,V, leple "llt'licinus llintti
i...," Ulan lit -1m. Ir.ulei. Im, W. II. M.
I mi., "lie liriii.nnn i:unav)l-i," -f '"- In
Hi- i-V-iilli-t Tiipli. "llu- l.a.t U.nup villi Ilii!
C.'lar Aiuiue Mf llmill.t l.pNtopal i-lmuli '.
P Hot, sultrn sumlj, Mauli :.:
Mirlhii, ol tin biotln?ilioot at !. I'i n in.;
lirculilii-i hi pa.toi- al 1(1 HO o. in, anil 7 SO p.
ii.: Minilaj .tliool al iii.ii.ii; .Innlui- Kpnorlli
lc-a(uo, .i.i p. in.; Cpnortli Ic-i-jiio, W'llllani
"lar.iiui. Iiadir. i..r,0 p. in.: il.i-.-i liioctlni; Mon.
ilai nnilnp. Piajcr nircllii-r Wiln?nla.v ciiii
Irs All Mi'lit'iiu at all servicer.
Ah Mica .Vleilioill.t i:pl-,(0ul Cliuiili, ei.
J. II. An. tin, p.utiii. Muinlii-f pii-jililnir -,or.
lic at 10,.',ii;,,, nici-tln-r at lliM a. in.,
J. K. JlJtir, Icailci; .yiniUy mIiooI at 'Juji) p,
i.i., i:. W hloiif. uitpriintcnilcnti Junlot beisue
at :', p. in . i. Katii llaitmjn, nipeilnliinl.
nil, llpnoilli bid-ini- al 0:13 p. in., (,
lli-ilil-, leailirs cienliin piraililn; m-hIu at 7:"0,
A inrihal vwhtniip to all.
Nay Auk Vienuo 'lithoilUt Ilpl.topal Churih,
ItfV. .1. II. Viutln, paitor. Sunday tln.ol at
2:30 p. in.. W. M. NUnn, nupcrlntcniliiitj pirach-Ins-
at ill 10; clan meftlnz at 4:0n. All web
i oini-.
Vfilran MothoiJI.t I'pUcopal churih, IIoiuhI
Plato-llr P. S. llt-nllcy, pavtor. Pic-aching nt
lU.oO u. in, ami holy lonmiunlon: Sumlay mIiuoI,
S.WI . in : pu-aihliiB-, 7.IJ p, m, hy llcv. II G.
1 la i lit-. I. rnrilUI wck nine to all.
I'll.t fililiiaii Mi'lhuillkl i:pl.copal f.huuh,
Ailaim airiiuo ami Vlnu ttrect, fi. Ilobllln, pa.
tnr. Prcuihlns n-nlioi at 10 a. in, un. 7.0
p, in. in tho cn-ninir llcv. l.'harlci Itcusj, pre.
tiilhiK r of Ihe Philadelphia dlttrlet, will
pnaih and altrinarili the- leniinunlun service
Mill he held. In tho cunlnir there will bo a
loir- feai-t. Humliy mhool at noon and at 5
ii'doik at the Taor aiemio ehaiel. At 3
o'lloili p. in. ftev. Mr. Williams will deliver
hl fainoni letline, "Iho l,at ltomp with the
TiKfr," al the Tor aicnue ihapcl,
I'nin Atenue llarll.l ilmnh, Petm sveiiiie he.
' Irtft-n hpinir ami Linden itmrU-l'inchlnir
inotnlng nt 10.00 and tienlne nt 7.S0, by the
IKilor, llcv. Iluliert I'. . l'iertr, I). I). Motif
by pracni In the lower temple nt tMJ. Topi!
of inornlnc n-iiiion, "The (htUtlm'i (lelhuni.
anc," Sennou fullowed hy the reception of Hew
iiicinUii and the ruinnuitiloti ol the laird'n "up
per. Sunday srhool ut l'inn ainmc cliiinh at
2 o'cloeV, and nt the Amerinin inljloti on
l'recott aiepiie, at .1.J0 p. 111, Young l'cnpl. 11
Society of Christian I'.mleavor ineellnu nt
Topic of eienltijf si-imon, "!elf lleroiMii," Hip
limn ilurlni; the eienlnir service, llviiticclMic
aftrr-ineclbiK In tin- toner temple. I''a
lesltlence, So. 312 Jllfdlii aienue.
Tint lliptlst churih, .Main aicniie-S. V. iti
then, paitor. The iimal sen Ice In the mom.
Ins at 11.30 . tn, There will he 1 union w
vlie wllhalic Ve!h Haplbt ehiinli In the cute
ItiR at 0 p, ni.i to l.e ftillonetl hy the Ird'n
"iipptr. Sunday chnol, i.tfl p. in., PI-nioutli
ihurch, Dr. lletldoi, nipetlntetideiit, l'rer
meeting- Weilnentlay cienltiR-, 7,30, lo l.e followed
hy the monthly biilnci meeting; nt s.:W p. in.
flieen llldee 1' ihurih-ltcv. I. ,1.
ijtuliiff, pastor; llcv. I.. II, I'mier, nuUtanl,, feriko of worhlp, rominiinlon of bonl'i
upper, reeeplinn of ini-iuliem and mlihru In- the
pastor: 12. Illblt nhool: O.W, ChrMlan lite
ileainr: 7.30, Itei. It. T. Sample, II. ,, rerenlly
inntleritor of the (reneral ctnhly, will itpeaU on
".Mllnti W'orl, Aiiionu the rreedmeu." All arc
Jackson Sheet llaptlit iliurcli-ltc. Thomaii
tie (Iniihy, II. I),, pittor. Mmiilni; naier meet
Inc nt 11.30. llrolher Hen Smith, leailct. Pieade
tlifC ot 10.30 hy the p.ilor; tople ".Imlife Not."
Sumla iichool Ht 2. ('hailn llnlley, mpctliiletid
nil. Kienlnic (-ortho al 7 ulinp. Prnlc ami
mn ferilc", Pioleior lwli Dnl, r. In.
Wh.ili-ii, of Catlmliilalc, will preaih. ller meet,
ine In cliarite of Deacon I). II William.. The
public Ii cordially Imltctl lt nil the prlillc'H
of our cliuuli,
lltini lllilje lliptlit clmnli Moinlns pi.iier
liieillnjr nl lOii'ilnik. Pie.iihlmr hi Ihe pi.'lor
at in.31) and T.Ii). Mihjrrt In Ihe inornlmr rticy
I hut Jlniaii:" In Hie i-inilnir. rite WelililnR
nf Hum in :.,iil." The Lottie mippi-r will fnl
low the tnornliiR- Minion. Niml.i.i ihiil at 11.11;
liinlliiir of the Jiiiiloi- NKli-t.i at ,'!Cll; loll tall
of the .-'enlni i-.ulitv ut 11,30.
North Main ieniie l,ip. ( luin Ii. Itei. .1.
'. Tliiniii., of IVtlnitli., will pieith toiiinii.iw
nl 10:.7) .1. in., .mil Jjiinm O. Ilallty, 1,1 lit.
Stone i-.iilnni , will pie-nh nt 7:30 p. 111. ( mil.
niunloii will l.r siupiI altn the iiniiulna miiIic:
lllhl" mlinol ul 2; Jr. II. Y. P. I. at .!. nnd 1
II. .it fi:."i). All wrltuinc to all smlriK
.illnh IliptUt rliiiuh, fnilii .ired eriln'
it 10.1 .1. in. nnd 7.30 p. m. The pi-toi. Itev.
Jiinir . iinitii. whl pieaih .it hlh Mritira
nnd ..Tie the iviTiinunloii nfler Ihe ricnlne- vr
in.m. lranKii ,110 m..t imdlalli Inilli.l.
III.1I.1I.1 (I11111I1. Hal. I 'pt-mi'i, I). I)., p.i.1.11
linn.' iiiiilliij, lu.mi .1. m : n:.-u, ini..n,
"I he flu lll m' li.niKUial," bv wtl 1,1 nen 1. and Ihe lainl' Mtpppir;
11:1. llihle Mlitinl. I p. 111,, iiiimrl 1 nit 111 c
1 la': il:l.1, II V, . 7:-A imlnoilil .ri.
lin- ioiiiiiiiii'nr.itli nf the Lit- ltev. II. .1. .
lard. 1 funnel .i...i i:injl.,li wihome.
ITit 1' ( Inmli. Tho ll.-i. II.1I1..11
"inipli-. II. P. late tiniilei iter ot tho eneial
jwinhli, will plinth in the m,,i iiintr,
tiy Ih-oiiie li. Mile; will cpei!. In tlr even
tin,' "ii ihe leplt "it reli Im; 1 1 tin tr lltlinr ll.,rn
The Vn.ii.l l'iil.tiriau I hiiuh.- niln. at
10::i a. in, nnd 7:.:n p. in. llr. Il..l.lti..n will
pie ith in the i-unliiir. The tuple In the iienlni;
will l' "The r.iii and llntmi of the lie.
In innl ll.i.l.i.-' Ml aie ionllall.1 imili.l In at.
I'roiiil.nii- Ph-.I.i Ini in lliiuih- VI I11..1 ,1.
in. Itei. In. Lull I will pu-miiI Hip Twmilili
I etitiuy Miitmviit ol the 1'rih.ilenaii 1 hun Ii -lt
iH'i'j.loii, ratine, lil.twj .and Mimi-ctiuii.,
M'l,day mIiuoI al 11.1011. Ciiileaini niit-lliitf ,u
0:t.1. iiti-icialliiii tiitrllnr. M tin en-nliu
Mill, e, 7..H1 ii';. Id V. .Inlm II. Kiii.l.ill, nt
l.linolti liiiiiri.lli. mil .peik nn llu Iwiiilf. .'i
iVutiny W1.1l,."
W.ulil.uin Mien Pieiliyleiiin 1 1 mill - lltv.
lolm P. Mot) it. II. I)., pl.ti..-. si-iIi'n .it IH'.n
,1. III. .Itld 7...H i. 111. Illhle .. limit, 111.; I ,i,.
tint Knilearnt, tt,20 .. in.; Mihnt, 'IlrllRliiii.," II 11 I.I Pliilllp-i, lead, 1. Pi.nir niei-t.
Ins w'liliit.ilii. ;..:o p. 11, ,vi. ii, "V. Hal
'. oi .Nnv, lily, will (.jieil, 1.11 ti.u-ljn
iul-inn at this .i-.ier ineetlnif wrihe. At Ihe m. minx -eiilef lltv. John II. Iliii'lall, f
I linnlii iiulirr-ll.i.'Vlll pri-iiil Ihe ieie .. tint
imtllutlrn. An nfliiini; will Ii. 1 iken. The
pi. tin-will pie.nh in Hie imiiii'.. VII .mdiilli
im Uul.
. Iain. Vnnite t liipil. Sin- U .... .
llu- Itev. .I1111.H lliiaho-i w-lll p h at iu:.:ii
.nut 7:3u. Mihji'il rf imilmr eiini.n, "v Pnm
Wl ml a I'tniml I'ikiIMi." iIuhiI at :t o'iu, li,
Mr. Clntidler. siiprliilcinlnil. Mr. Iluahr will
11. ldllll Hie lillli'u I til ilr- 1 l.l.i. (' I). ul ii;(1
Ml wih 'Hue in lhee -1 ivi. i.
-l l.ill,i.'i. )nin.h llev. Itiiftl. l-lael, ll II.
iiitnr: Itei. "II. .1. HiiikIiIkii, .mini nirali. Itev.
M. II. Villi, Iniitur tiii.ile. -i -.iiinlaj in
t. l.iil.e'a ilnuili -7...H .1 tu.. holi i.iuituuu
imi; I11.311 .1. 111., iiimnlns plain, num. 11 ami
In. It louiiniiiilou; 7..iU p, in., iitiiini; and
-1 11, inn: 'ill a. m., Min.l.1.1 .ilmnl and llit.le
i lai-c-i. .
-t NlaiK'., liiuuiinie a. in, Imlt i.iiniiuui
fTyTffy.TTyyTIHITffTTfTtrfttrl"rVTyTWVirtl'V,VTlFVTyTyyffiW) yfTTiTfyrfu
Sunday School
March 3.
I nMIA'l. -I In1 . . , e ii i i iii toi.i! nf mir liituri
1 ill' .illllltl.ill I., tin ll'll 11 .lllltt' lllsi nii.i- nf
.li-.m not in.i.l.-il in tint -.itii'iitli kii.h )., ilt-liv
in. I'h .iiln tin- lii-tltiilinii nf tli"
iipiil, 'iiiim tie .unlit il I'cli. 17, II I- Li
Hi ml .In. 1 1- i (hi "Hi tvluii tlilliriiil
I., libit tlie mii al Hit' (M.ill. vwl: '.Ml, nml
tlint lie tuk lint iui-riit .it tlic ltiil" fm-t. Tin'
ill. i nui.c ti.i. tlitittiiie iililrf.-r'l ti tin t-li-nn
..flit' lit ll.ilti.i' ili i.ii l.'il. V tuo.t .ittitlite
unit emn ttlini.lie iittor.nin- II itji, it-ionlptl In
tl.p i.iiirlicntli, llftrinili, .Ittocntli .uul -I'li-ii-li-t-lit'i
ilupti-u of .lulin, jii.t until .1 Hie iiiIrIii
,irt .it -noli .i llnir lirnn tlie Sitlor l tin
little li.itnl lint I. .i.i K-dln-it'l .iIkiiiI liini. It io.
ci li.jl.y in.itlii. In vir.ilti 11111111'-) I In. li
lit'tii pti-il.iu.l- pict-uUtl, .mil ililliiiluit'n .imrjl
titM- .iiliji'tt. Im mill'; ,i Mini t.f t.iloilli UHf.
TluuiiIi It .ill tiny I"' "ftu ii nl lUlit .ui'l
Impp .h lofemiie vv.t iimlo tn tlic fiitnii'.
'I III! IHlMirtr (V I .m.l i). .lulin lint if-
lonl. Miino luit. net nlfiitlmicil by Ilio ntlitr
itjliBtll-t. . fH'i tilling !i'thcinnic uf tthlili ti l.m i.tck. IN liit.itli.n Ih 1 oil. Juit tin- ll.twl. Cctlli.ti, tint i Ml Hi" i nl iil
if .uul mar Hit u.ilL ul Jcuinloin. 'Ilio .j.-ji!p
i.iy to Hit pl.ii c tv.i ,i pttli tiniltliu
ti'. on cntrilng innl li'.nlnu' Ilio tliy
fUll.v. Wlut ll l.inlJlly tn In- nnlitl in tills
1011110(1 Ion at ell Ins: tt'liili-llii... tn Ilio
lina.lcii, the place tvn. m.o ullrti tblloil l..v our Ho if-palto.l llioro tieiiuetitly (l.ulto wll:
tin) tn tMjpt- 11k titilo atnl tttiwtl of the city,
llion (llloil wllh people liom nil pail. A utli
lo-iii I It h nl liotonip tii all, ulinrilltie li,vl iclit.liiiifiit ami npiiouunll' fur thai inn.
t(l.o wlilcli conltl mil otlu-ivilx. l.o Imtl. Till,
ttpl.tlm In pjtl Iho ill.lHiMtlcn nf tho ilU. Iple
In rlimilxr, iiiintli'iuil in iJ.t It'Miui,
n Iho' toll nt lioino. The plan tvjs well
l-iinuii to -Iniln, wlm liooit thoio tiilli the
1111: PI Itnl'ir tVciis- :l).-ln Hut hoi iclirc
iikiit, that one placr 'oloctotl for rcfiCblinicnt.
Jutla- tJlno, follminl b a bainl of timplo
p.illio. Soiiiu coii.ltloitiblo time liad elap.oil, ini
liom nr iho, poihai mote, after lie nltlidtow
from the lipi'tr loom, tho aicu.atlon of tho
Ma.lor ictlna; upon liini (Maik : 21). Ilur-Il-iC
III. absetuo limn the mmpaii tho I'jssotrr
v.mi complctoil, thn (ucrainciit inttitutrd, the.
tll.coui.o Kiton, the jdiiriii.v out of the (Ity
inaile, the kiittrrlnc in tlic ganlon cmlurctl, from
all of wlilcli ixalletl prltiloge- the lictrajer bail
i .ti luildl hlinself, prrferrlnt; the tnnnlci to the
tilcnilj of .letai, nml domlnateil by tho love of
litem- ( Mjlt. ilt IS), To incirac the Infamy
of IhU falte apulle ami cover liU Mine tilth
rlriiial oblofjii, he atlianicil on rnlnlns (he
Kinlcii a few atrp before tlie oflloers to bn.
plant a Mm of hetrajul upon tho ilirck of hli
iloMitnl Ma.ter (Malt, xtvl: IS), a flRnal pro.
iloutly appointed. John mule nt nieiitloti ol
till ait or of Ihe rtliuKe whkh follontil (tcree
'I 111; MIlllll.NC; (Viuei I and v).-1be cieit-
Ion; 10.30 a. tn., motnlnc piaier ami -ermon)
7.30 p. 111,, evcnltitc prayer nud nennon; 3 p. tn.,
Sunday "chonl nnd llllile rlaMin,
Kat Ihid ,Mi"lnn, I'l-rauntl meiiue 2.30 p, nt.,
Sunday mhonl ami Illhle ilmvii, ,!..'irt p, m,,
OM-11I111 pin.irr nml ni'ininii,
South Slili Mlwlmii ITk ilriet 2.30 p 111 ,
Sunday silicml nml Illhle cli.(,
St. Coorge's 01 pit ml 2.30 p, m., sumliy
chool and Illhle ila.c! 3.311 p 111, rlcnlnsr
priiei-.and Million,
St. Dailil'd l'.illh--lloi. I'.liiiiul .laniM Mi
llet rj'. Celebration of Holy I'uihailM, 7.30 nnd
10.311 a. 111, i riming '"Hit nml nil.lrrim, ".M
o'linckj Milid.i -ih Mil, ?,.''U p, in, All cniiei
nil! he held In the rhiirih, whlih l heated,
Reformed Eplscopnl.,
(iiaie Itefotiiicd Kplscopat ( lmri.1i, H0inltiK
aienue l.elow Mulberry iitieet, Inentlclh aiittl
lernry of tho orpanlzallon of the church.
l'rajer ami pralte icrilia at 0:30 a, m,; til Ine
worhlp at pm.'IO a, in., pn-.uhliiir h the panlor,
Itei. II. Albeit liidlo, Clenliitf wurrhlp atil
ti'iuiniilildli al ":'M, nthlrc-icd hy llev, .Mr.
Krdleii ami the paalor S'al.hith iihonl at 12
ni.; . I'. S. c. II. t t:30: Illhle tudy on
.Mniida) allctmioti nl 3:30; sutijcc t, 'Tlie He
lleiet'n l'ower." Ail 1 S, l-.-nii on
iilin-diy nt 7:30 p, 111., followed hy Ihe ii-gultr
prajiv lueetlnK al H o'lloik. .vats ate free,
tr.iiiirir i-nnllally weltonietl.
EvanRclIrn' Lutlnian.
I!innjcllial I.'iltiTan-Seion.l Sumliy in l.i-tit.
Clopel. Malt, 21 2-: llplillcf I The., tv:7.
SI. MaiLV, Wa-hhiitii nud t'luiiteenlli fire"'
Hi i. A. I.. Ititiier, I'll, D.. panlor. .Villi n:
lii.iO .1. 111, nnd 7. ID p. 111 : l.uther l,enifi'i',
o,:xi p. 111.; undai nlnvil, 12 in ; 1 .itn ln-t it-Mi
lliillltctlnll, Vlnlld.l. 7 p. 111.: Wi-iluridl i-fl-
vlie, 7.SO p. in: viilnti ! imi. "iiiiiilai, -2,'ai
p. in Muriilnir ubjiil, "lltnirmher, II I.1111I,
Th Tctnhr Merilt--": en nlm; nubb-il. "Kiln Pi.i)ei."
Ilnly Tilnili, Vil.iiin .ii-iiii'- nml Mtillieir
iri t- He. I. ' -pltliei. pi. tnr. vnl,t-:
In. Ml ,1. 111. nud 7.3U p. til ; l.tithrt- I.imuii.-.
(I. top. m: ".'indn clinol, I' tn.:
lli-lltiilinu, M1.i11l.1t. 7 p. ill.! I.t'iili-ii i-eiili.a,
I'rliliy, I p. 111.; i unlu-, 7,11 p, ni.,
Ml. .Inn h.iml, situnl.iy, 10 ,1, 111.
M. Paul's, slmrt metiiie -llei. C. I U111 r,
pittn.. Sfrllnt: MM) .1 in. nml ,'.M) p. -u.
miii. lay shnul, 2.30 p. 111.: 1.1 lot hetlial lliilliit-
1 imi, 3.11 p. in,; l.iitliei le.iKtte, Weiliicdiy,
11 '.0 p. III.
XI. m', MII1I111 im nit" I!. . P. I'. X.ldiiuim,
p..ti.i. Snilceii: pi'M 11. in. nnd 7.3n p. mi.:
Suitlay nhool, 2 p. 1 1.
St. IVtii', I' metric Hit, John Itan
il.ilph. pi.lnt. srileii': 10 ."11 .1. in. mid 7 :o
p III.; xillil.l.V Mlliml. 2 p. in.
I I rl-t 1 Ian 1 h. t' aiemie and llllih .tufl
- -lie, .(amis Wllke. patlm, N'lihen: lu.'.n
II. 111. .llnl 7.30 p. in. : t-'lll -ihnnl, 2 p. Ill,
lluiuuipiil 11,'nin.ili Pill'h). Ih'iv lieei lt.v.
I'liiliiuiiil -.llli Im. in, 1 i.i. lit. 1'ie.nhiiiit lu th
I'i 1 11. laiujumt- ai lo a 111., -uti lay n',
2 , lit.
(liaoo llrtU.h lul' t hunl ifltiMi.i yiol
corner .Mnll-mi aiemie ami Mullmr Uteet It...
l.ulher llei Mailmr, pi. tnr. '.1..M1 .1. in.. umlay
h.n.l 10:11 a, tn. Hitltii- wotihlp; f,. 11 p. 111 ,
Yimii.c l'..pli' -iinit) nf t Inl.tltu llmliinr;
7."' p. 111.. Iliili.i nt.r.l.lp. Itei. I huh , U,
Hil.lii', l. II, .n li.-nl 1.1 -.u-.iii'ii.iiiiia inn
let.lty, vlliivsiiiii. I'-i.. will piratli Inntnhi-,
ami t-Muiti).'. I'he pnhlli i i.itillillt Itiiititl
MI i ruliri.tlUI limit li, Pine .lint. he.
Until All Hill .111.1 .li til l-iill .IMIilll l!to. 11 It.
HealiMii, pa-lol. I.i.liltl.n. 1.2:1 VdiiiK nu'iiue.
Vloinlnit niiii... Hi. 11, t.lif. i, "Ihe Mail, l
l'p..i uiii." Dm nil. viili-t-, 7.30; .tihiet I,
"-iltililie ll.tfplllitll. nl l,l(e," Nimla m-Iiiu(
al ll.iai, Mi. x. Ilrni iiiiin, ii.'ilutt ndi ul. Ml.
I'nilii.i Ill.irliUe will lt.ul tin . P. r. I'. mul 1....11 p. in.: -uhjen. "v tltllcioit, I Apdi
ctic." Lot 11. Ir.t (.. iii.,l,e i.irtl- b'.t --i r
hi, 11 it In. inn -.liaumtv ulll llnd a imillal
wth-t.ii'i In all mil .itilt-..
I'l.iiimiilli 1,1111:1 iiillmial ihtiitli. l.e I,
.liii-l Hi 1. I.. . H...1-I, pa. tin. n..r.n a. ni..
pi. .1. Iiln." I.i it..i; 12 111 . "ililulli nhui.l:
p. 111.. MK.ioti xlnn ( li,,.,, v;,fliull attnn,.;
11 p. in.. Viiiunt Petipir -oin-li t.f I hrl.lUn
hiult-aini ; 7 p. 111.. I'leailiiiu h.i pi.lor. t-or-1lf.1l
eel'tute In nil Ihi-v- eniiii,
t ali-nr lit i.iimeil. 1 iititt h, M. aieiiue ami
till 1 .lu-'t-'-ltiV;" Mail.iti l I ar, pj.tor.
vn he 10,. 11 a. nt. jit .1 7.. ti p. in.; -.limit 11,11 a. in ; I In I -1 I.i 11 lai.l.atnr. 1.. I', p.
in.; tiil.l-m-i-l. I null 1 nifllii-, s p. in,; , .ii,..
il.l.i.t. I p. 111. Mttiitlai. Mnmlns mlijeet, "Tito
Hiatluu Wi.ui.niV p.tifi;" 1 .enin, "n tn.i7.
Ins MMiili-."
I'll -I Prliiilllie Melliiall.i, ilrnti Itldn. Itev
li. lat.. i.l.lni - Mmulliv atllij'tl, "Ttlalu
Thilr !;" eitnli.a: .uliji.l, " Tmiler" Ilnly iiiuiimininu Inilmiliatily allri- the
in.illiilix -eiiitmi. V. I... Mnuday rtriilnc ill
7:3'l o't Ini U. Ul n-eli .line,
I .i.u-i ihapil, li ml, ta'tl mad I'umi 1iIii
In ..11 and 7,-ti hj- tin ut. i l. 1. Pe-i 1.
; -mid 1 nhnnl. il p. Ill.i VI Im I. lid. at.. I.' II. til
St 1 il.n tienliu: .liini..! I lull-11 01, 7 t.'il.Ht, M,ti
ilai pti-iiliia: puyr im-t tlntj. 7...0 llmrutii
, i-niilUK. Ib.idltu i.iniii .ih-ii I'tiila i-n-uiiiji
I All "ih-nllie.
'inn t'tiltnl Kiaiu leal tt'.'u (.ii.iim
.titliut. Pi .iiIiIiik Io.'I I. I!n. Vmuix. P, I'.
nl I..-im1iuii.. .imi 1..HI I., the in. im. Itei. Mi.
Mliiitl. IliN 1 ill I., ll.. 1. 1-1 Minimi In t e
Jesus Betrayed.
John, xviii: 1-14.
im- l..fitt-i-n .linli. in. I .It .in oiiihtl, iho l.iit.r
prmnpllt .'1...1I f-.1 tli in tin pi. .nut- nt llu
i.lluri-. II I- i;lnli .1. .1 ii.i-i 11 ..r tills tut tint
lit l.i.ttt vi.i- .iIm.u! t.i li.tii.pli,.. He Until
Im tt It it l-i ji ..- tln-i inini. lint Iln ti.ii
jli.tllt 1.1 Ik .lile-tttl. Tli.' iHit.Int--.. ,.1 Hi. .ii.
pl.i.itll VI, IS tin- llt..l,t t t lift enll'i lull Inn.,
ii-iit-o ll'n. i. Mill: II. "VV'titini ei-K 111" II.
Iiiiiiiiit, .lull hi'.' Uul Hi. 'i .I1.111M itii.K. .1
troll .1. iii.lltjt' Huh piir 1 ....-. in.iMits ,1 .till
lintlii-i 1 vliililll.iti ,,( 111. 1.1I111 ili'.-iilii. Tholr
ll 1 , ".b .its .it Vafjiotli," via iit.pH.pilati.,
ip.-l;l;.illii,- Hint ' t IH 1 .1 lull ami pi'ii-iniat
ilui.iitii. I.ut .niiiltln till i.r. it nt.. In His
n'tlm- .uul ii.itiin, Hy that title niil,i utiiiM
tho .louMi nttulils itlnlly liato ubni 1.I111 11 plan
In hl.tni'. 'Ilio Mii-lil tlhl tint tlt-iHii'. Hie lllle,
.illtii.iislt nlliiM I1.1.I In.itloil hlin Inilini's (Mall.
I: li), 'I 11111 Ho." tvas Ills if.jit-.u-e. Ihe mioilann- nl litis ili'-liiijlloii
in.iiUil llitn as lull' imlilo
'IIH', M llllKMUMI lln-.s i, m,. ;i.- . ,l,.n,
iitli'toil Hit-.' ivn tils llu- iilllit-ri. wnii liiikvvui.l.
utnl foil t.i tlio s,inunil. II mil he Hut thn
ir luniiiiilttu itc-ciin iiiliinitlattil an.l t-hotl.ttl
llilin us tin linlhi in 10 atliili'tl m In 11 Hioi lonUil
iipnli tl.o .cnili'. .' It liny In, us 111.1m
have liolloictl, that llitio was hiiho silt'i 11 ttui.i I
p.iuei' cMtitil uitr tin in. VVIialitii- tin iai.,
tlio 1 liiiuii.luiiio i-liowt tl thai tin- mm t-tio
puwnli'.s ami that Imi lit- Ice 11 tll.pii.-til In iln n
-lean iiiIkIiI have inailo his 1-1 ipc. While tlio
cllltt-i VM'to lliit; on Iho Kimiiiil .Iihh iipcalttl
Iho a.knl l.ifoio nnd icrelnit tin- ..imo
lopl. Ml Ilii plum 1I1.1I In 11. ilit.v lie mii
lilnltieil llllii.tll Into tlioli hatuU, tvlthnnl tlio
.HKhti.t t to te.Lt lh(ni-r tholr
piiipn.1-, 'l''li viis lu lull harnnnit tiilli all Ills
pints to 111 iloun Ills life tnllllilallly (.Inlm
j: I.), t liooi.ino tin fife and wllliii;; .atriflte
tot the ioi l.l's hln (ba.allli: T).
Till: 1ti:C'Li:M' (Vcn.o. H mul III. VMiile ihus
Jtlt ptlli!.- Ills oviii fate villhoitt ltol.taiito, ,1ou
mujlit In .lilthl tlio little loiiipany of nirii,
Hln tlli lple, vthti wore H1011 luthtred ahnut
1 1 ini. It Ile wa the peinu oit;ht Ho pleaded
that the inljlit ho allowed In go their way
uiiniole.tcil. II U inohalilo In (lil. irfpiok't
tlioie vva f-oniilhini; 01 ullirtlmi, hut tnoii: of
tou.litht. Tho would ho Ills ripiri-ciitalhia
idler III. lUpailuie, and thilr live wen- Ihtio.
lore pinions. HokIiIo, they tine not (lien pic.
paud lo face the frnible trial, if ainvteil; Hiey
vvete weak imi would have luoktii ilovvti. I'.ii
tllily they tvonlil have coinpromlfed Him ami
III lau.o, ruilhruntiie, lie would be alone In
Imlcinmt and to death. It was eniliienlly lllliin;
that il ihouhl le to, and it win predicted, more
otrr, tlijt In the dual MiukkIc ami aemiy He
ihotdtl he i!.a, hill: :i). Su alio It tia
fotctnld that ol the true apnstlu of .101115 (Juda
not irckoiied unimif: thtm) not one nf them
titiouhl he In.t. and wKd'jni itcio ihown
in Hie iet)iiet.
Till: (OXII.Itvr Ven-ei 10 and 1l),-Thc Im
peliinin Peter now came to the front. lie who
utor thl conference )er. Subject, "( hri
tlmi Labor and llenard," ConAntinion alter each
ertlrrt on Pumlsy, Siniday eltoo1, P.30 n. tn.
Ktilur llnileauir, 0.30 Sunday rteiilniti Junior
Kndeavor, I p. 111. fjiinda.i I pmyer meetliiK, 7"0
Vethietlay ctculnj. All wehoiue
Something- About the Coming Can
adian Financial Monarch.
from the Pltt'burc blip. I'll,
Till! fUci't'PH of Air. I. II. riot-Rllo'
plans for the aciiulsltion of itnpoitnnt
ilocktiRi anil elevator fnellltlcn In
Montreal will kIvo tlio no-cnlleil
"TrniispnrtnHon Trust" rontiol of tb1
Inst Rt'cat ocean outlet for Atnoi-lotui
products. The "Transportation Trust,"
ns populaily ileslfinntoil, nilpbt br ile
llneil a tho noii-liiroipoi-ftleil nssnrln
t Ion ot lnllway nml nllleil vvntor In
terests nt present held loiiother and
opetntetl In conreit on Ihe community
ownership principle". it embraces
about Iwii-thii-ils of tin lallroatl mile
ttiro In the Llilteil States unil 7. por
rent, of tin live rnplttills'atloii, The
"Tranipoitatlon Titisl" litis it conlrol
lliicr silp on tho Incomlntr and out
jTolnr; traille of Seallle, Taeonia, Tort
land mul San Kimielsco or. the IMrllle:
flnlvcston, Now Otlenni; nml .Mobil"
011 the nulf, unil all tho south Atlrtutl"
pints, Xowport Xi'wn, lloflmi nnd
t'mtlauil. Montreal was tho onlyljut
let or eonri'iittenre iini-orrnlled.
Air. t'leiKin Im :i new man mi the
Mlage of lni-Ro affalri), jvl hi 'th"
shot t time he ha" been lu luh: he
.see'ii" to have rrealoil sotnelhinn; of ,1
stir Ile is 11 vorv live iltanllt.v, Uep-l-ietitlnt,'
poweiful I'ltlylmi-i; PI'lla
ilelphla and New Yotk t-ap'iiiltsH, who
ate heavy stoi'khnl'leis In tin- ivnn
lylviiiilu r.i 111 nml secuiltleM, hli His'
tnove was to sei-in-ti coulrol nf Ihe
S-iull Sti, Marie wa'er power, at llu
foot or I .alt'- Snptiior. lie is now
plavtiiF a f-Inut Itn ml for 11 monopoly
ot 'he Inthtsltlal slltiiitnin of (be vnst
area lyliijr inirtli niMihwei ami not th
en! nf l.llli Sltpeiliir .iiti'l iho dell
I'loser nl lianil on tl-'- Aineili- in title.
I'vetjll liter eotid lliuinry io or In any
way ilepeniient Upon the Son" water
p.iwir ootiies wltl'ln hli J.libci'e of III
I'Mopeo anil Is kimIiIh'iI for. T'te
snip" of lil in tlvllles l-ii luiles the
I'leellotl attil npeiitlloil nf pulp mllN.
n.i'.a nxh wnrks, bl.iel 1T1111.1t .-. llu
u 1 nine; in' lion iiilivs, ot--tip.illon ami
iilttlliK of v.isl vltftln fi'-'MU nf pine,
the tiaiisp-ii-tntlou of lb" lumber In
inaikel mul Ihe 1 onyti'ieilo'l of a inll fior.t I. ike Superior lo Hudson
May (a project eiinini"iir-vil but not .
yet flnhh tl). In lonoiTtlnn with hN
"tllil piilorpilses he is piiipin-lllK to
open new IWItei It -i In the rar .N'oith
.It'll uipply the ellllle .Mlils-iliipl Ml'
li y villi IMi.
Ile l-t It'll nlllv plopiMliif; to iln thi'M
ll.lliK". but he U uetutilly lolllB Mlfiti
atnl iititlliiK iienieiiilou "iternv Into
everv etitel plWe otaiilf il. lie Is ile
Hetlbeil as a niaivel nl ailiiilnlstiatlve
ati'l es-eetlthe ablllly I'lie nf those
ini i-liauti-leiw who r.m Ki-ip a w Imi
1'iit-hty ut tut niovlim with tin evt-n-ntss
ami ri-aulnrlty nf liinkwnik ati'l
v'lll appiitr In have plenty nf (line oil
bis liautle u liutiKiii f'oilUs eitnine,
.-tippl.tlm; Ki.iMio inn so potter, yet nvik-ini- itioii- uuHo t'l.nt 11 m .vi.iB in." -i-lilne.
'I'll' I't.ll.lllelplllll lillM-nllT elellll tli
luite illtnTA-eie'l this uiatvel. mul their
llillllolls, illiiPK Willi other .illleil iill'
llons. ale b.likliU' llll.l. Tills W llu
woit'leititl peiMiiialllv who Ins np-
I lii'invil 1111 Ibe Moult ill l.tiiKi ein
1 . . . . .
poweirtl In Willi piHeSl-'loll IH tll.lll
t vi'f fai'llllles theie ni'iy be lyini
nmimil liue tor the liMnllln;,' nf
ftvIrJlt. Iln I" ultppns'il lo lie tlolliK
this as .1 nii of tllveillxeiiH'tit
inn thliiR- to keep tilt. mint, limn Kei
Mui" lll-l IT 0111 "I'eer It'lelie.-s.
She Misunderstood Him.
Mr. Knnii-llt I ill imi e' why .1..11 Mill. I. -h
11,.1'el man I- ' r li. tcli.-a 'tt I -a leu
I an iiul'i is-i. I- .,ith "IIUIM.
! It.rf. n .?-' .17.11 I li t l,tt -tl'.
w .ai h.e ton ltu tltlnlin Itillt . e -u. n
' Use for One Day.
I "Hi. I 1. i..ll.tli In ..1...M.I la 'I - ' ' I ill
1 lull ua. in 1 ! dim 11.
I ""ii.."
' - i .; I' iliiilnp. . Iiui 'Inn 1- im l. .111 1
I I.I win il. e-, llt-i, ill 1... lilt "I I.i 1 in l li"l
I in. hi t Ift hit I.I I'i " H ' .. t Into 1 I
J. K. Gilbert, D.D
!e;rct.iry nf Amen,: in
siciety ol leiuju
1 hid viituiid 11pt.11 iho w.ittt in tin stniiii tn
.Hint hi. I. mil it,iU. i : !. who .11 tin h.ul,eil his li.t-rloi In.tall
lllltt. vli: liU, was filllll Willi llllllKLallnli
ill 1 tho SMnttls wl.nii had l.t-tu 'it. nit
t'li-d l.y llu V eti-i- piih.i,s tt.r this nt imi iio-o
tl.uUo wtl: ;:m. wu. wlihlnl by hlin ttlili x
I' till 1 1, 1 nl linu nil .111 1,11 nl till' hl'lll
pili.t. n-v,ml. 'I hla inluhl hate litn tho signal
.. stiltitu ii.niliil not .It .its 011I1101I tho
itn. tl 1.1 l.o -l.o.itliitl. hi,ahil tho .ettiint and
floiLrnl ah apped In fnu-o was uiiwlsf and ("I Uf lull, uln,tls tiniihl
tun ll.llllt It, HI lltflliso, 'llnis .it, ill! iv.ts ill
lila.vitl tho pnlki 1.1 iii.i-iitluiioi, -..
pilate In Iho Kin of I'.-aio f.lnlm will i'i). ll
was lintn.illalrl.t uili-r (Iiln tpl.n.le, i.s wo Icaiu
in jiii.ilitr pUt', tint Jo.ii- tepioaihoit Hia utll-
01a Ini miitli.s tn lake Illni as .1 tlilof (M.llll
xli : I), Inlt lulin; pml'ilil.t 1.1 iit.lli,it.i Hut
Hun uuniKT tilnili ltd lor Pi til's ail,
llli: MHtl.VI (Vol.,, 1J, ll j,i.l in .linla
anil Pt'lci, lopie.tiillm; tio.1. Iiei.t- ami ln.l.llli.
had ilniie llnlr woik. and tho t Inl-t i-lnnd In uii
ariiinl atid iiiire.l.liuii: inii'icoiito. Tlio i.iptuic
li tlio oltiiirn liilltiwnl, lie was lr.1 ui.iv hol'iul tin-tilt. Was thoie (vir .iii.iilui .111 h pm.
lllittlnli el iiillllat pnwrt.' ll was oilihnt tint
tho oltuits did not iharso .letis wltli any .nil
..Hum. llnl tin f.i tuiti-oil 1 1 Im tint w.,ul.
have ii. mini tnl Illni (n ..line nil, tin. il jppiiiultil
In htat mull i-s,, tin n lm ,iwa,t
In Ami is, the latin 1 -In-law of thn then ailing
IukIi i'll'-t. 'I lil'lo mm li.ul liliu-.'l.
ittiil'i-d tlu (.Hue mid ho vv.n Michly tiioiintil
I. tlio .Ici.l.h 11.1 1 lull, mi that it w,,. .It.n,i,.,
in t t' to -t. nn III. He him In this ml . Uim.
Ills mii-lil I ivv, I alaph.n, who had alr.atj.i o
1. 11 -nl the tlit.uitht thai .1 life inasi l.o .mil
tlinl tnr tho pioplu f.lohu I: ri), wimltl he
ihi'i'ehy riiioiiiaiidl In any tin I. Ion vvhhli l,e
iuIbIiI lvo. si .Imn, luianie an
ptlsonor to ati.vifi ihaigo vlitili Jidou.t and
lute nilRht nn innl ji. .
INsTHI'l T10N-. -I. lu loo Kaiilon ul l.tlni
tho tiii-t man foil und'-i saun' l.'iiiptntl'.ii. It)
Iho c'lilon 01 lictlis(iu.iiio li'.iii wa liHa.icJ
and uriOKiod. 'J. Iloiv .n.llii vui .Im) it and
Iiiim vvatihltll his blond tlcw, tvhHo tho till
tlpli.. flepl. '). f In Ut i mi tci'tloi- nl III l"l
1 -writ! that Iln will not pul tlioui 11(11111 dial
tn tvlilih ho iilliiltli lllniiolf I, The hoat 01
Piter via rliiteii-, thoui;li hli hand w.u,
scod Intent lon.s .tie nn wnii-iut mr IiioruLii ut
lion. .1. the ian.-o nf .lo.u. hat niton .ulli'itil
al the I1J111U of ll ptofesed lilcmU, a. in Ih"
iae of -lutlai'. (1. Ihousli -leu knew- whne
Juda tvouhl c(k Illni Iln did not change Ills
plan, ho vtu le.idy for Hi 1103 vlidt Hie ttim
niine. 7. One void Mruih, diuvc b.tik arid
I'totiatcil a uowd fleue wllh liilud, ttrilhli
with liaiinei. What .hall He tin tvhcu lie mni'i
lo Jmlgr. if llu diil thin tvhen Ile tia pnlii,;
to be JuilanlJ 8, Lord, how cicat aie our urn
lliritlnns that llion didst H"t .htllno Ih- .ttr
iiim Of thai hnui
- - -
Destroyed Fourteen Hundred Lives
Daily During the Past Month.
Four-Fifths of These Deaths Due to Carelessness in
Selecting Treatment for Coughs, Catarrh
and Bronchitis.
It ttnulil scoin that any neiislble person, after reailliiR the reports ot tha
llnieaii of Vital Stalhtles piibllsh.-il by Ihe Kovornnient, would think twice
befoio experlinentlnir with remedies ami tieatinents whleh theso reports
plow liav.- been praetleally woitblesx In iui-Iiik or preventlni- I'ncutnonla
and Consiimptlou,
DurliiK lNMi these ri'poi is show that elBhty-ltto tliousunil persons died
from Iheso diseases, ami that the death ial liiet-eascd every year until 1838,
when II reached the liorrlfylnK- total of Wl.ti.M: Hilt from l'neiitnonln and Con
siiiitptlon alone.
Now, duilnir this whole pet Intl. ten yenri. every 111111? known which eould
be taken lu (be sloniaeh. eveiy Kermlelile whleh 1 mild b etnptoyeil In
sprays, vapors or atouik'.ei-s, were tmeil, and yet Ihe medical records do not
sbow one hIiikIo ease of Consumption etiied.
To be mho. iliousaiiils or pet sons aillicteil lurronseil th-.r sti-eimth ami
Mesh by stontni-hli- mules, dcadeueil llieh roiiftu with sttoiiK driiRS In form of
vapoi-H and sprays, and even Kttve their leHttninnials, as etiieil, to tin mnuu
f.ietureis of Kinb treatinenls; but iih statistics ptove. the Keriiis of L-onsump-lion
i-einalned In tlie Iiiuks and death elalmctl Its victim In the end.
Now let us tetltrn to the llepoits or the Kuteail of Vital .Statistics. They
fhow that Tor the Hist tluie lu history the lucreas In death fioin I'nounionttv
and t'on-minptlou stiopped in ifnl: they kIiow a mIIkIiI deerease In 1S97. In
IMei mul lMi a Mill fiiitlier deciease, and In ll'i'O the deaths from these dls
ease.i tvete -;.1..:ii, I 'nn than In li'i!i. n fuel width Iii-oiikIH hope and Joy to
tliouaii(s nr phsli latti ulitt fur yeiiv hml been liattllui lu vain acalnat
these terrible scout KC.
The illleMtliill tlien iniirt.i "W'linl Iiiim lilnliiilil nltillll t 111 A t nlltlnt fill
icliiitiKe-." Ill most cases, where mi tltal
a dlv-eislty of oplnloii. Hut lu this. none. I'li.tslclatis and the ("tilted Stntes
Health lepnils all iiKteed. nml lleitltli slatlslleii proved that (his ledilctliiti
was due to the mm- or the in-tv tli.v .ih- fernili hie llVOMb;! ami sanltntloa.
They n .still further, anil wiv mint emphatically thill tn other tieatment or
l-ellteilt' hail nu'lhimr to iln with bllllKlmr ubnill tills letltlctliin.
Tn ..i.t tlntt IIVO.MI'I i-ureil -.M.t'.O.'i persons nl I'lieumimla and Consttmp
(luii iloti.v not jritc H ihe i-iedll due. fur nhu'-ienthH in the victims of these
diseases are ieei ulleii rtoui persons nitili teii wlllt eoiiKlis, caiarth and bron-ehilb-.
and in onler to ledttee the ilenth rale fiom (Ninsumptloti and I'neu
it'otila '.'.l.l'.o;,, H must ul-m bate i-uied at leas Iwn hundred thousand weak
li.imcil people of ioiikIis, 1 aim rh and liinneliltls
HYti.MI-'l fltst caine Into ueneral use lu IS'.M!. nml aiconllliK to statistics
furiilshetl lit the sot eminent, tin InereiiRe lu deaths from Consumption
sloppeil then. Wb.tV l!eeaue MYOMKI Is the only Kermlelile known which
eini b" Inhaleil In the air we bte.tthe, anil It N tliiouxli tills air alone that
the fret ins 1 inislntr Cniisumpllon. ami located enlirelv In the luncs, can be
I IV. telle (I.
Herein lies the mm n-t of 1 1 Vi ).1 III - success In i-iulii-r lespirnloiy dlR
euttes. No sluimteli ineillclite III the w oi 111 eiin le.itlt tlie.te f-etnis, no sprays
or vapors can th" eplnluttls al the eulr.ince nf the windpipe. HYOMI3I,
ami alone, i-au be muled to llv diseased p.irl. Inhaletl In the air
te bieatlie. It penelrate.s lu the uituiilesl air iclls, anil (bete destroys the
Kcinis fiitihlnc the illsease. i'iiiikIis, Catarrh. Hrnucliltls and Consumption
'annul evlst tihete It is llsetl. '
Hiivltur Hlten the true fuels abuiil illlTeient n .-.itiiitiil.", we leave the rest
In you.
On the one hand you have .stuiuaeh medicines, spiays. vnporn. and an ile.ith rate; mi tin other, iU'OAlKI. the only seniilciile permit
ted by undue (o enter the Minus, Hi idorsemeiit nf physicians, the United
.States Health l.pnrts, a :io percent,
Ixuai-.iutee tu refund your money In 1
!sii.i.i. nn' (.:.'
IIVOM-:i h-. suld by all ill uckIsim
'Tiinl iMltllls :'.i
Tile tints 1 1 enl in-HI v.-nt ' et tu
THli R. T
HAS MAl'.K 111 KN HQlAl.Lhl) BV ANY OT1I1JR .
Tlic most
woman in
the world
V1V 1 -sas
Ti 1 1 t 1 1
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish.
" ' rsfi'
It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders nuith a Bid One.
clbiolutelv Harmless and cAliuavs Successful.
1 .-! v mm 4
Drop In ind tnk to have Mme. Ruprert Face ElflcU -liown to you, ' "
ind hue It merit, manner of u-lrgard wonderful rei'iltn explained,
.0 ou -ill be satisfied it ii lit ou need far jour complexion. .1 nil! line of Mine. . Ruppcri'-. Oray Hair Rcstoratlva,
IjR-.vptlan Halm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic.
('.ill nml linre tbelr merit expliliiinl to jou.
Atk n-t Mm..Ktii,.ut bunk, "HOW TO "R BUAUTIPUL." FRE.
Lone s
a ilio-'lloii Im lo be derided, there Is
letlnctlon in the ileatli rate, ana a
t cry inse of failure to cuie. WHICH
i.i- sent 1 mall Cumplete Utltflls $1.0Q,
all .lildl.'ss
1 -
For thirty!
years a
v successful
is n. --i-Ji
r ni r 1 Bt 1 a 11
You cannot afford
to create a poor impression of your
business standing and ability.
You will if you send out cheap,
trashy printed matter.
Wc do the kind of printing that
makes a hit, inasmuch as we have
Till: mateiial and employ people
w ho know their business.
'I in- Tribtni: Pur. Co.
'&&1L,&2l v .ahfcir. r '
. . 3 -.-.. . mi m.iirj-u 1-ijtr"(LT4W Z. -