The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 01, 1901, Image 9

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Pfrc il l.i t!.' Sl-ranton Tribune
Tiinklmiinock, I''cb. 2". A maiilnge
license Issued on Wednesday to
.Tii'iir Tli.iyer. of HltiKluuntoii, N. Y.,
nnd Mi. Jennie rrtindiisv, of Ttink
liunnocl. Miss I.oulsc l'uidon vni fulled to
rarbomlulu on Tuesday on aw mint "I
the serlousi IIIiivsk of IVIm. Clcoigc I'nr
dnn nt that place.
F. U t-Htl-t-.-r, iro3ll;iit of thu Vo
ndiiR" National bank, wui a business
tailor In iseruntoii on 'i'ueuliiy.
Mrs, K. F. Avoi-y Is on th" street
HBiihl after u week's Illness".
Mlorncy Ami S. Keclo'" and vvn'. -ii
Kit st ) ir llio, hitter's sister tit I'illla
di'lplilu tills vw'ek.
Tim rjhukei.pi.ntc clul was ciilerniln
cd Inst evening by Miss l.lUnbeth 'vltl
ildBC previous to her departure loi
Lake cimnipltiln,
A teleKi'am h.w rceulvod on Mon
day by Theodntp .Streetnr front Wuidi
IriBton, D C. slatlni,' Hi-it th.s llltl"
on of tlf. .mil .Mir-. rjtuplim Mtiteter
vun dead. The dilld imi lull foil r
iluvs old.
Hoit HtttndiiKt-' dunv the suit f
rlothcs il 8-Klnner & Peter's on Mon
il iv .uVli.. This 'vita ths third draw-
Mi mo Mi". X. W. ISeynolds drove
i.i WiHt Nlihubon Tuesday to iiltr-nd
tnr run nil of Iho late llli-im
Mis S.iolnu J.iyne was called to
M lmop.ii'v on Wednesday on account
of tni' "ffious lllnee of her fatln'i.
'.mi so U miiilnc.
P Killings of Klnnslnn. MiH
Msi ins lux motlie". Mis. Prances Kill-'n-i,
hi. Tloiru tropt. on WYdnesdcy.
Th. uulo ihlld o,.1 C O. Hon-blnier,
winch has. 'xoii seriously 111 with pium
i.iuiilu in vi ry much better.
iMi. il Pin don. who Is employed In
a sill; bobbin fueloiy at 'm bond'il i,
H vlsltlnc hl parents al this place.
K Adams und Aiiditv.v P. Urd- !
oul of Staunton, were doliiK Imslnem .
li mi . ii Tuesday.
Itn hard II. Moiiuj penny dlspi ed of
His luui.chold goodi. at public mil'.' on
'lui.-iiay. and will no to Urooklyr. X.
Y . 10 rciddu vv llh his datiRhti r.
John Vi n (jpidin. of Mesh ippen.
w - , visit.. r in town on W'cdn 'mIii.v.
HARFORD. i to mi! Miaiitou 'Iribm.i
Untold lb. -. Ml-s (.fiti'itde
r.eiid and Mi Glace Iluidiux. of llnll
st ml attended the Christian Pnde.ivor
iiniioii and vlslltd the Hitter's par
ing in this place. Feb. 2,t.
Miisia Minnie Bindley and Kdltb 1r--w
iii, i.f Nuw Milfonl, snunt inulny ut
i", "SI V.itsor.-..
l.M 1'al.teison. of M'fautoii. isltcd
his father Uifl woek.
Mi i: C. Pick Is ymYeilUR with a
.'C'M-ii iittack of silp.
Th.. luneral of Mis. Henry "Whitney
,i held from the home of her duiiKh
"r. M--S. Park ITnidinq. Feb 7. in-terni'-nt
lit guuth llari'oid cemetery.
An i-iitvrtalniiient will be clvcn in
tlii PonereKatloiial chinch Mnruli 3.
It will consist of homo talent, assisted
h Mi s .Inlle U. Cuiscr, mi eloeu-
ii i-t i f Monti oa'.
'IIMiid Kstribrooke. of MontlOse.
s-. nt Sunday with his parentF.
Lc i.- i;r.iln:.iil. of Harpeisvllle. X.
itliif; his aunt. Mrs. II. S.
! iiiiimkc
Hi' fin ral of its Uilnnell will h
1 1 in th- Methodist i:plupal chinch
-' iiipIi M i fell '.'. at 2 o'clock.
Miss N- lllo Picket, of Scranlon.
-con th- "-'d with her sister, Mr?,
i. Ihu.llkk.
Pi .i - ) F. . Holers, or F.lmhuist,
i s.i urd ij- and Sunday with his
in il.
11 M Fniar is quite slik til this
v in. , Mr. P.i'iuihise uttends him.
Ti nil Miller is moving1 to North
v 1! I-. o I mi the Holies farm.
M i.. oige Tiffany, of Peekvllle.
nti.ui. .1 Pic funeral of Mrs. Henry
v him v cdni'sdiiy.
i' V M i.vuard, of Slioudsbuis: State
N'lim.i si in n, tpent "ashlngton's
bit lb-lay with his parent.
M" Pcipiic. of Camilla y xhiWux
hi i iiiiiuliicr. Mm. A. K. ilrant.
'i nc "-cunlon Trlliiinr.
liiuoklMl. Feb. ST. 'Mis limtlfi
ulc-- mid childien, of Vllkes-U,irii',
ua. I -ii visiting her patems, Hon.
and Mis ,1. YV. Adams
M s Jessie iJoluwuy Is asaill in
v ilki-s I in iu. leccivluK treatment for
hei ihl'
Mi" I iln 15u.ell fpent ti few da.N.s
itii iekiue.s heri recently. .Sho Is
ancnuinp m Imol In rieranton.
A slnj,.iload of youns jicuple from
this place attended (i concert ut F.ast
HildKi-v iilc last Saturday evening.
M Doiawny ilted Flk lake oil'
i tilts week.
Mih, l.illlo Mr.uii mis recently
'iliel home to iaiv for her mother
dtnliiK her Illness and death.
Mrs F T. Austin unit daiiKhler,
t:.sthei spnt Hiinday with friends
hei-i .
The I ..nils' Aid of the Presbyterian
iliuifh meets with Mrs. Klmur Urced
this week
riu v inn hen of this place laid a
One of tlv most pievalout. annoying
uid InitutlnK tumbles Is IlchiiiK Piles,
Suifciiiip oim s do not bellcvo they can
br cured, beiause they have tiled so
many remedies that failed. It Is now
an admitted fart that Dr. A.
luue's ijiiitmeut never falls, and to
unprcMi upon grrauton peoplo the nb
s ilule suiety they have, Matthews
Dies aie uuthoiizeil to Kuaruntee uat
inraiUi.ti nr leiund tho jirlce tiald.
Mi 1 J. Mauley, of No. 610 Wrch
siieei Siranton, Pa,, says: "For eight
cms I had been n nufforer from itch
intr ji .i. Some nights I could not
sle p Hi all and In hot weather, I lost
its of time at woik with them, the
'n nation was to great. I tiled evcry
ililinr with no suci'css until I gut u
box of Dr. A. W. Cliufco'B Ointment at
lattluws Uros' drug stoie, temporary
lieadquartcis comer Washington nnd
-hem. I used puit of the box, and
have seen nothing: of the tmublo since.
This result 1 consider wondertul In tho
1'ght of ;iaat etforts mid failure to
Hire. H a greut olntinent."
Ur A. AV. Chase's Ointment Is sold
nt Mc. a box at dcaleis, or Dr. A.
W Chuktt Medicine i'o.. lluffaki, X. V.
Sre thul portrait and signature of A.
W c lwe,i M D.. lire on eery pnekugo.
union service al the .Methodist F.pls
copal chinch Hunday morning. Itev.
Van Woort preached to u large mid
nppieclatlve tilldlence.
Hphralm Pratt Is on lite sick list.
ltalph toiling visited Auburn last
Miss l.lil.i i1iUH'll Is visiting her
parents heie,
Miss I Itllali Chainliciiilln. of .Mont
rose, visited her patents and sisteis
last week.
About twelve of Mrs. A. S. Waldle's
fi lends spent Saturday uflrniouii and
'veiling al lnr home- In honor of her
Miss Iliiltlf McMillan whs ailed to
N'ldinlson Satuiduy by the illness of
.Mrs. Milton McMillan.
Harry MiKlnney. Ficd Miller. Willis
and Kd win (llles und deorge Kunuell
have joined Company (!, til Montrose.
They will wltm-SH the luiuiguratlon ut
Washington next week.
The warm sugar social and enter
tainment given by the Fnlversallst
Sunday si hool last Fi Iday evening was
a success In every way. Tho proceeds
were about M. The coon songs mid
"Fncle Sam'rt Iteunlon" weie well i
reived by a large audience
Fffujl lo 1 1. a Semiitou TilbuK.
Din yea, Feb. 2S. Our geneioiis
druBglst, Wnller Pier, while trying to
become a peacemaker Wednesday,
smashed the postohieo window, which
cost him .17. Two large dogs started
to light In fiont of the potolllre,
which Is dliectly opposite the drug
store, ond l)i. Pier, t.eelug Ihein and
wishing in .ilop the tight us soon us
posslbli b'. iImI i suilo wt Ighi at them.
Illsteai' ii lillllllg the dogs, (he
weight went lluouli the postollli u
The light to i hoc l the Increase m'
saloons has come into this place and
l.awiencevUle. It Is h.iiled by lailles,
who take a dllfeienl nn thod to du
their woik than Cunie Nation does.
The past week, two of our piominenl
young ladles have canvassed Law -lencevllle
to liv mid prevent Michael
Kelidoe fioni (iblaluiiig u license for
ii hotel. Fiotn the number of names
thny have obtuhiiV. lo , pelltlmi
against 11. some people Ihlulc their
ii'foils wil Inot be In alu. Mr. lieu
doe also has several ft lends, who ate
anxious for him to stall u hushics-a
In this locality. Thereroie, nil excit
ing light Is anticipated.
.Mi. 1 lei bell Mulhewsuii, who re
.litned Ids position us fotcman for
the Temple Jion and Coal company
al Ibis pine, will iemoo his luuilly
to Shenandoah, Schulykill lounty.
iiere he Intends to ut t ns outside
loionmu for a collleiy owned by the
Xoith Ameilcan Coal company.
Mrs1. Frank lame Is ill.
fleorge Timlin has removed his fam
ily Aotn the lower part of Ditryea.
to D.neupoi t'.-, dwelling house, in
Mis. John Whitman Is improving,
after a recent illness.
liaibuia and William, the two chil
dien of Mr. and Mis. William Tas.
ker, are recovering alter a lecent Ill
ness of mecbles.
James T.acnvn is improving after u
lew weeks' illness of Ciyphthetia.
The infant sou ot Mr. and Mis.
Lewis liendoe is tviluit-ly 111 with
Ing. Slip wns a faithful woiker In tho
l'i nimlnt inn rinilen nnil ir vta i-fin-
- -"'.-. - - ....-.- .... ,
soling lo her parents to see her pass i
awny us peaceiuu,v m ncr me was
strenc. IfesldeH her lir.ronts, f.ho Is
suivlvod by four lnothots, David, Wil
liam, John nnd George; nlfo two ids
tors, Mis. William Howell nnd MKs
Ague?, The funtial ntrangeinnls
weie not completed lust evening.
The Young Men's Institute will nioct
this evening.
William Iicckondorf, an engineer mi
tho File toad, lemoved his family
from Dunmoro lo tho Flynn block yes
terday. All nicniberit of the Taxpaycis' aso-
iatlou are icipiesied lo bo present
nt the meeting tomorrow evening.
eimciici' Until has leinoved his
family Into his business bled; on Main
strei t.
(leorgc liable, nf Inipimt, will in
move his family In the lloskhis hloik.
P.lchard Deeble has rclgneil his posl
tleii as mine foieman at Hie Ke -stone
Omnibus Banker Palmer Ancsted
After Fnlluies.
llv I lnie Wlir from Hie votn -il 1'n"
Chicago, III.. Feb. L'S -Liquid air
caused the falluie of his stilng of
tuiulct'. says IMwaid Palmer, who was
ui rested at Dosplulnes. 'i miles from
heie, today. Ills banks ut Desplalnes
und Anhloy. Illinois, and l'llelsvllle,
I ml., have gone down with liabilities ot
SsO.OOO. Xo foiinnl charge was pie
feried ngalusl Palmer, the an est hav
ing been inado on the leiptest of tho
uuthoiltles of Ashley.
''lulins against the Ashley bank are
said to uggiogute $10,000; that 'al I'.l
letsville, $, und the ono ut Des
plalnes, $i;,ooo.
Palmer graduated from the Fnlveis
Ity of .Mimieasola. In 1SSI, practiced law
In Minneapolis and became. high school
teacher In this cily. Alter oigaillzlng
the stilng of banks which have now
been i losed he became hllelesleil 111 thrs
development ot liquid ulr und tiaveled
rMenslvelv. lecturing on the subject,
fie said today that Inability to ieall.e
on his seem llles in liquid ulr pioiects
WHS Hie i aui.1. ui Ihe i leslllg iiT the
Mis. Snm T. Jack About to Many
Out of the Family.
By r.'flmli WIii fiom Hie V'umijlcil l'i .
Chicago. III., Fed. JS. Mis. Fnima
Waid .lack", widow of Sam T. .lick, the
Ihcattlcal manager and foinier ovviiui'
of Sam T. .lack's opeui1 lions", Is lo
be mariled Sundnv night, ut her home,
Mu Warren nvonii", In Unbelt W. Win
lev. When s,am T. .l.u k died, .wo years
ago, he Icit his wife .SIoo.nOO, and lnitdn
the stiange vquest III bin will that shu
many his brother, James .lack After
hr husband's, death Airs, .lack tlally
reliiscd to entry out the lequiM cm
bodied in his will that sin- many his
In ithi v. In -pit" of lepeiileil iiilieath'S
ui the latter.
SpicU) lo tlif Fcnnton 'Iriuun.
Siisfiuehaiiiia. Feb. 2i. Chaile.1
iloyl" was hi ought beloio Justice
Uleason on Wednesday, charged wllh
assault and battiry upon Fiedeiiek
Pratt, of Ulnghainton. aged 11 years,
liovle was held to bait in the stun of
JJeO for his appearance bofoio the
Si and lury ol the counl.v.
There Is a heavy coal tratlle on the
KiieV Jelfersoii division.
tieoiee Smllry. of this place, an
File lueiuan. on Wednefdny moinlng,
lu the West Siisquehnnna yard, sus
tained an Injuied foot by having it
caught between the pilot of an engine
and a i all.
Services v. Ill bo hld in Chilst Kpls chinch this evening.
At the icslilcnce of Asa llulslaudor,
(IT Mitchell avenue. Ulnghanitoii, on
Sntmclnv "Vi-iilnc l'rnnl: 1.. Howard
and Miss Minnie M. Horlon, both of
Susquehanna, wuc united in marriage.
Alnlor Georcre II. Whllnev. of Hones-
dale, was the guest of Siisquehnnna
rolatlves on v ednosda .
Mrs. II. T. tllldden, of Maple pvenile,
is entoi talnlng her bister. .Mis. W. A.
Southwell, of Uqulnuuk.
MIsf Nellie Clancx-y. a popular
Thompson teachrr, is tho guest of her
paienth, on the Oakland side.
The press und tin. public aic unani
mous in Iho opinion that tho present
cr mention in Susquehanna Is Iho
quletist strike on tecoul since XoahM
uric struck land.
It is thought that the Canawacta
W'uter Supply compan, which fur
nishes Susquehanna and l.ancsboio,
will. In the nenr fututc, leeclve Its
chief water supply from Comforfa
Pond, Thompson township.
There will bo a "rnbvcb social" on
Ft Iday evnlng at the homo of Miss
FIof-sleMnrtin, in Oakland, under the
auspices of the Young t.adles' Auxil
iai of the congiegatlons.
An tippropilate "Cleoigo Washing
ton" programme was randeied this af
ternoon by the pupils of tho Second
wind public tchool. itv. P. F. Puocl
nlck dellveied ,tn excellent uddicrs,
tun ot paiuousm and deeply interesting.
Some ol the fanners nre alieadv
piedletiug a light yield of maph: sugar
tuts scus'on.
fjeneial Supeiinleiidenl Van Keiii'it,
ot ihe Frle, Is In town today.
Fdltor Moore, of the Oieat Uend
Plain Dealer, a few days shun visited
Washington, and on Sunday attended
tho Metropolitan Methodist chinch,
in his paper he states that ho sat near
President McKlnlcy. The piesident
probably never sin-peetrd the great
peril lie was In ut Iho time. AVIlh the
president of the Fnltcd States and
tho mayor of Oieat Uend In Ihe pews,
it was a ltd letter day In the annul
of llio church.
Miss Mmgairt, aged 19, duush.
tor of Mr. and Mrs. F.benes'.c'r Fine, of
tho West Side, died yesterday nftei
noon, alter one week's illness of In
Humiliation of the bowels. Deceased
wan it beautiful ulil and her charaii.'r
and disposition wun for her inun
fl lends, who went deeply kiI"vci1 to
U-arn of iter death yesterday even-
t.U I'.l M-Ainlifw M..k in tin Kill 1."
VI APIIV. I no UmW.i, i , mi ,l ,imuiii.
Mlllllro ,ttl lliulll
'The Btugoinaster."
V M.u ol liirxli-itilMit wr-iim nt "ll'i;1 u.ii
I'IimiiImI at Ihe Lviuim li-l mslit. Il i'nl
"Hid r.iilKOin.inn." .am loi time liouli lei
night lapt tho lose .imllcnie riitoiuiniHl tu,il
in sooil liuiiiei'. 11 U ,i ii' lomnli In ,i
I'lolprfiia anil two .11 Ir, 1'i.inl. I'ilry Jiehig ie
siuiilliIo fci Ihe boot, -ml fhM.iv I.inkm icr
Urn mu-lf.
'I lie limi' Mil .iiIvim tin -tiiilirmi' "tiul lo
unity atinul hlaoti'.il dun m.irlo, uimi liimv
.ni ninl Iji.-p tiom niUi tite iilnl "lie
He'll Mllo' 111 tlll-i ll, (-." Ik HOI ilit,lMkl In
line a sciiiriuc nr hltloiiul nieurjf.v.
Ii nut ni'Jiit In i.iu-c tlm lu.-lng hour lo
iillilo hv iliMuinlity ninl il ilor ihi, lu pur-po-i-
U ,u liii-Viil.
I'min l.ut til tlliliill the iiloi-o H lniglit ''nli
celor nnil uowik'il wllh inttoie. poiie. iljm
.cut p.i-tly ulil'. U i-nou a the tu.i li'clnv
to Blow cold on limp a lot ol gill' In .iliy
Latimii) win ln? .iiul dance nnd nuKo w.n lor
llii- loninliii ., Mho in their lull! iiImmIoii tho
Ulio to .mother lii-t.illinint ot nil;, f.ili.v ir-i-line.
some of tho nm-ilirrrf ate ei lnluht
ami calihy. nouhly "llio T.ilp nt llin K-in-saiou,"
nlnfli v,n Mtiti-hrh' i liirllcd uml
hunipioil 34 the iiwliciuc hit III" I In. i Icr Ut
night. The luilikal limulxi;, lll.i' tile si'R
orOMil ono lur a place en tho state .mil
uoarly .ill wuc uoilh Uqcnln; (e.
Tln pilnclpd icinrdv vorl. va riitimled lu
Ciw (. Wi hilling-. i)o vm Q-f,tul l' than
11. stoi 1.1.1 hlgr, Cioigo lliooilcikk, ljin.1 ,Iiim'
hill, I. l.l II.imIc.' .mil Killlh VLlllugt"ii
The Holden Company.
'Ilu Ilulilni (omcily ompJiiy oontlniif- lo duw
lii(,c uowil. to die AtJilrtnv ot Mump, wlirte
liny an.' iiuv It., iir .i oi'U' tngagcmoni. Uai Ii
pcitoinunio shc-n o tar h.u ghiu uicat Mtlt
faction to llio pitioiu. The l'hv arc all new
and all aic iagnl in a limit i-lihoutp iniiinor,
Tho vjinli'villi! nets Inlroducul .no eiii'dlni.i.v
clrior, all tho speri.iltlr ale ntw ami tip.i
dJtc. 'Him .atciiioon "Oicr tho ia" will lm
the .ittraclinii; loiitslil llio girat i nulhnul
iniimli mu. "V Panel 01 Money," will lo tho
Andrew Mack Tonight.
'I line i4 no ni.riaiou ahout the Biicilni: An
ih on Mul; will lerciiA ut the luiah of oiu
thcilrr-eoc-is uhon he will ho mtii nt tho loroinn
Innight. II finiK kiic to .i-.,n( that it will lp
Iho uiratin audit lire which ha Ken seen foi a
It Cure the
Made from Iho pro
Bcriplion of nu old
Tested by yours of uso.
Plensant to take tlooa
not sottlo in tho liottlu.
Lust tloso is tho sumo
strength iik Iho t'ul. ,
Tho ono safe, novor
failing romctly for
conyhs and colds of
every description.
At all Drug Stores.
25 cJiit3 u Bottle.
Don't Accept
lenir while hut. "Tlic Itelirl," his new military
lilrlrwhmiut, In wliltli lie lilt Hired ut-i u phrn
nuiriial t'lcirti In Viw otl. ntul llroiou, will hi
ceil Iiitp Inlntl III new umiii me 1innirney
1 0ir1ar
"Uncle Tom's Cnblu.
M. W. MjiIIiiV "I nfle Tom' t'abltt" will
lie Mtn the l.itriim IviiKiit'iw attrtitooli and
Mr. MjiIIii Im taken inuili I'll"" In Ihe -i"
Its linn ot the i t (or lit- piodtulion mid li.n
niKKsl ittloM (or Itifir tfpedul flliit lor the
i .ii loin Mit. latlior Ihiin (or I heir nlillll) In
play whip linlniiniiil lu Ihe bind, uhlili 1i.h
Iiwii llie uile tif lite rait with mairati-rs tt llko
ituai'tloii". Viltktl I" till he tin fiiiiililinl a
mi nlf iiiliinrnV li'iK loer bnii ouulr.l
In llio atmaN ol ihl old 'li.uii.illr Uiiihuail.,
V hlir HPri (iiraili' will l-e flvt-ti hI iioon.
"Unlrnvened Bteatl."
Il would .ii'.n- that the r,w u( I ir u.itnu.v
wi'io (iiuv4il iikiii I In' dniiiatlatloii ol .liidge
llohi-rl liuiit'e iiuM'l, "I nli .w i mil llit'Jil," which
l In Ik- 1'ie-i'i'li'd at Iho I41111111 lict TurstUy
mulliK Willi Ihe rutin' Nt w Voll. ial. The
tiiiatlou .'i- 1I1U Inloitol 1-t Ihe, vlnu
Wlilto, violil lpfoiniir, a woiui'i with 11 IiiImIuIi,
.11 il 1 1'ult'i ol 1'ie "mill ert." whltll Iffu.Pil
In "lite her In." ilina wa "a tlli'pr." to
put 11 mtlilly. ! had Win tt'ainlnir to "Ihe
lit-i own lltr" and 'tlewlop" -jml vrlwt iifllher
ho nor auihotlv pUe touhl tlltotr
'diiii and I'hnaio MIII.11111' 1 1 m 1 ; i-1 1 1 n 1 1 .110
10 ho Ifniiiil in imiv lominunll,!. Miu wouiin
liip di'iilid lliln with inuili (olio und hpIIiii1.i-
t loll, aid lilt lilt Hi. a idll! W.H t "lCllJtl" ill
1 loli IKo u miipiI to I'liliE down Iho powrii
( wialli on poni .tudgp'fl lliliotrnt hi d.
I(p intt-mlpil, In' mv4, no tilth tldiuc lint W
had no Inlpnlitiii "I 1111111111.' 1 lull nu la'n l-t id
Iho teuiiniiiii pti. iit-lon. 'llio toiop 111 lo pit'vlit
"rnlpoenitl llipfld" at the l.itiiun U a upi'ili
ono, 1 iMiiuUllis mu Ii 'II l.ii'ittli pUyrM an
llllluhi th 'liirp, 1.. .1. Mimr 111. I'.lt inor Itnli-iiii,
llcrjigo 1'awtcll, Miip t'lthpr. Ile-UKO Wood
wild. M1I10I111 UilliaiiK. Vliigaitl I'nlh'l aid
ollii'U of like ilinini li'i'.
Mntks Biotheis' Compnny.
'the uuii.u;enifnt o( Iho Viadt'io tf Mudo
tlli-i tlirlr patroti. a nil attraction tipM wtil.
the Mnh. llmtlniV Diamatlo ioul.iu,i, a np-i-loho
01 it 111 !r tt leu new to trinton thiMtpr-icopt',
allhniMh not new to pillolit 01 thpatcin in tho
laigo rllio ol tho tummy. The Kilo lli-paltli
"I .1 in. ,'i hie Hip follnwliii to nay ot iho
Mi'l, Hi nihil-.' piuoi 111 nu on In that tll.v.
'Vlnl. IIioiiipm' Uianialio and V .nidi'iille
1 nip my. an mail'IcaUon now lo tins ill,
1 1 nu .I a wipk' 1 in; 1 Ji mint la-.! night at tho
opoia ItiuiM' to 'lanillii!; 100m only. Iho initial
pi iinimanti' wa- a nirlodiama In fio ails en
llihil "Iho liul,e'4 Panahitr The d.iy hai
Oim pioihiicil tuluip mt'litiiolltan indnnip at
high i.iln, Inn thU U iho nnl pouipany pla tn-r
111.' I'itii- al 1'iiri.t. A i-lrniiK ui-t Ii in iLiidi'liui; Iho play uilii pliatins
llt'ti, and da' 111.n1 icmoiil lu, tor
fills In tip, wa. "I In -lory of I'm' plot doaN
wllh I'll lull lite. Ma . Poll. a .VIiiKartt
Uiniihl. the wroiigul wlto. nu iowmul lu the
iiuiilt v Hips nnd I'loniiit and 1 1 mining1 in ihe
lulittr -t inr-. 'Dip lit'l n'i'lt was .ini'iilul
by W. V. Vloiiaill' nnd W. A. ( lail.f. Pn-
tpl' 111 applailse llttlillld to tl.P llelight nl Iho
uudlrnit'. All the t Ii nut tore wnp woll fuslaluod
and till' da Ian veil Miionlld. 'Iho lliiio l.r
Ini'Pli t,rl U llllrtl ill wllh a p.-il.ill uo
St inline, width is up.oi)itt "
The New Gaiety.
'I tie taliai tioit al the New Oalet (or V,.ndi,
Tut'-ilu and Wiilne-dat, wllli tla'l.i iiittinit'-,
will tie "lls Ntw, .Ii.." width is mnir
iitzpit its 0110 ol llu '(tail, !- woll us onp nl tin
liiosi purdar otgaiilalious of Its Kind. Ill'
how ill uui. Willi 1 .uicil.t anil tho (pet laities
h.tiiiuitd hi' tii't'ii 1.1'h'ctpd fioni .11110111; the
l-t lu tin 1 lolossloii. Thpy iMupilsr mkIi .nls
a, I' 1 mm mid NpIoii. Mill and Mills, the .-vi
in- II linn limit 1 1. ( llil'oid and llilll.o, lluiini
l in- 'Ihe piiliiiiiiin. n opens wilh a one at t
liiiih'tia ninth. 1 "llio Mih itlo (lull," wl.lih i
i'iii-iiiii leil Mtlrly lor liughlnu: puiposis. 'Ihe
.11 1 11.11 is iapld nnd hup tunii toll tullows
auollu'i In lluly nulor; lu i.itt. Iho uiidliuin Is
l.cpi l.itr.liltiK uliiio-t roniinuall. 'Iho autlts
and ailttutuips of two iiihps wln .110 vl'itln
Npw Veil, lor the lint Unit' when they 1110U
a t'.iupau i tho tlitiui' 011 whkh
Iho .tLtlou of Iho 'di'ie it'iohc.
'Iho vtiil- of the ts.uinjii aio pictty and -hipi-I;,
and tin 1 1 stiunt's gorgeous and thp ttnit
rllctls lnM' hull speflilly undo. Milt li
1 in 1) nd if iIip 1 ii'aiatiuui' width "VP.s .N-w-Voil.,
.li.," will (in. int in iho patrons 01 the
Npw tint Ih- he-.t w ly I- In no and m.
too .'inn, 'tut in,!i. at, 01-, i..iut lo .1 1. n-in.;
liu-iliti-H md luiii 1. no iii - odd li- h.iuiid
ns pail as iio.sii,!.
Wall Stteet Review.
N'tw lib. i1 - Vflt'i tin una..iliii. 1
toll lt thuU llu i'hlmg tt nth 111 01 mi.
thn luarkcl rv op M tin- itm.atuiu:. th 1 1 -iou
and Ihe tloslua wis ilciiitnlly weal, at 'i
lowt-M, will' Mtiuilliini. t .1 hkp a .illlli. ,1
nl ll.c ilotl.s icoluj 111 all Ihmtuh 111' hot. i
Heel -loiks wrlo 111 et icuttl allot ted. '"1
volt- i.p-il. Ihrtiiijiumi, lint- or two In Hip gi 'iji
Oih.llircil t-Ui'lit Iraillnis at imp time under Ihp
ir,M-i's nt ml, lit tjfii .-pi i.n lot.- width lui.di ,
pllichasit lit ttrtor e.lts in ollltl- -folks, lull the
jilcialllng' dl'io..ili n w-o iIp.uK lo m-II. Ileii
lugs toi.tliiuel on the t ut In Iho innti.ul ,
!illci I'niud ""lati'S Mul loiporallon .' . ' -v
lu 11 U'liCtl, tliniigli ni't n .ie nigo a val. is
yitt-iilay. 'll.tso eliakh whi.h ,tn ritio'i'd "s
Iho Irili'ic tt Iho taluit it all nl Ino tneii'li m
of tho Si t'i' ehnwisl an an lenslncly lnt'
llids ol :;7 lor Iho f.iui'inn .mil tsa'.L. t"i II
piifillid wcio put 11, Hi.' 'iptl.llC. lPi. w
who flnniiiss In 'ho connnon floek dm lug- .
ill, hut in tho eluslns do dims Hie hid im '
tiininou Mni'ls w.n inlutisl i .li, and lur t.
I'll ft end ttisl; to -a. Itn jokI niiidltl i.
pulled lu tho Iron and nipp ttutle h th h 1
Aso In llu I'sin I'lila wis tllsiiujittril lu Hi-trading-
In III' oliol slisl.s. Th' la-t ,iui-t-hovul
National 'lull l'i I im 1 111. 111 I tl 11 Ij. I
Vnviiian ll'sip, -ippI md Mop, 'lloplait nd
Pit rl mid Wil.' putt rr. it tmin '.' In "'j. and
nllii'it, vl the uiuop in 111 n ft. n linn lo m-alt-two
polutn. Iho nloika lot 11. (hilled In lit
lonnolidallon w 10 alio, 1 i'iim.iit t'ual ti'
iiiniui; neaily tin rt- pcinl-.
I'nlill.l'.til itpoiU 110111 Phteiutg- n( tllalsfai
(Ion oil the put nl llu Nalli nal 'luhe .li.i'a
hohltle wall Hi'- lulu- tl Im' i'Xt li.uiiro wptu
in Infliiinii' in I hi- .In,. ioi, 'I hi' ii'lan.e in
l-itk-ar, in mid l. P. id. niti'i 11 idmil ll'l
einiiliic. biilift . al-o In tllsioiuagt' lir
spit illattnn. Kfloltn wt o man. lo tth,.tllill 1
oilnr Ucxl.s tor tin1 ii'fcn nt oust iIiiiiik- the
mailtt't. Inn Hip wtn inciU'i Thpy wero
i'i'i-t itinpliutiiis In Hip -mtlllnu rttsks, ahltli
irssit ."B (or tho oniiuen 1 ml ,,ai I'-e Ihe pit
fened, Viaioitl.i. wllh 11 lis' 01 S'j and Autll
u.iiit.itul I oppt i' wllh .111 wl'antp of .1 pnlnls.
'the AllU'llclll l.lll-wil etoi'., tltp CnllisI Mate
llubbir sloiKf and Ii'leiua1inil.i1 Pnwtr wrlo up
font II.- In " .oIlit. isl. Louis und I'lJlnlsio
iti-e II, and Iho n-i-ond pipfmeil t'j. V bait o
nf sluing: railioad slainueuls. t-pot ully fiom
tho (oalus was nil.illy uiitleitlip in -list 1 III Ins
that Ion nl of Hip simK, it. 1'iltn
In 11 nuinher n( the ni"t pinnilntut slot Is in. a
poinl in iiicne lower oil the clai. Total ilt
toil.ii, s.Vj.lnil nhatts.
Ilinids wrio tclalhtU- bctiti- iiiaincd
Inks. t'. S. it (ii'iillni; '-s ipglstpictl, uthan ctl
t. and the , 'i nr com. cii Iho last tall.
Tie' fiillclAlns (lintllliiis
Tiibure b M. P. .Ionian lc
M'aif building, .Si'ianluii, P.i.
.. 10
.. Ml.
.. M
.. t-1'.tc
.. M'i
.. i;
.. tO'i
.. isi4
. IM
.. Ilj
.. istll
.. .11
.. li.".
.. I..'.
.. It's
Its there any relation bclvvt'i'ii tlic weight of
tho body and its health '! rnciiii'stioiiably there
in. Every dollar of the millions of dollars of
life insurance atteMs t lint, fuel: for if tin weight
falls below the normal ratio in lieigln not a
dollar of iiiMir.inco can be obtained, lu ordina
ry wc do not think of weight in lis relation to
health. Dm sickne.s forces (lie fact upon our
We leinombei' the attenuation vvhich eomos with
Vo recall how Iooely the clothes hang upon ill
lescent, and how day by day with growing stiv
M-ale tells of increasing weight.
When a man or woman is weak ami "run
losing flesh, with failing strength, ono of the o
of leturning health will be the ineioaee of weiirl
the normal. It is not enough simply in o
Tliciv are tiniiilating medicines which make ll
who takes them "feel good,"' for a time, yet th
real physical gain from the ue of inch inedicin
when the body is buili up with good healthy
reitorod Htrength is a real thing.
Tho reasons for the intimate relation beivtei
and health are easily lo be iinderMood. The
life is rm.Ht.ainod by food which is converted hit
tion. One of the results of ditiease in sencr:
reduce the nutrition of the body by reducing the
itv of the Momach (and its allied orgaux of
and nutrition) to prepare Ihe food e.ilen for its
service. Naturally the poorlv nourished bod
thm and weak. This i especially true when
discuso directly attacks the stomach and digest
and nutritive tracts. The food eaten cannot I
be properly digested and perfectly aMiuilati'd.
Owing to the dependence of all oilier oigaii
the body for their intuition and strength upon
stomach and its allied organs, it ofien hanpei
cause of so-called '''weak' heart, "weak" lungs, we.ik ' Kid
neys, sluggUh or "vieak" liver, etc.. i the weak " sioniaih
This is proven by the fact that when Dr. I'ieivr's Unuifii IIciIumI Di very cures
diMMses of the stoma 'h and oilier organ- of digettiou and nutrition it h generally
the ease thai other forms of doiise ale cured al-o. The "vcenk'' huait grows
hound, the weak" lungs mow strong, und the kiduevs and liver resume ihcir
normal activity
"I used tell bottles of Ur 1'ii'ii'r'., (lulilt-n Alfdicd Discoverv and sovoral ials of his
'Pleasant lvllcts'.i yci r aj;i) this 'prini;. and have had no troulilo wilh iudirt.tioii sini'c,"
writes Mr. T. Thoiiiisoii. of To'vusfnil, llro.1dvv.1ler Co., .Montana. "Wouls tail to tell
how thankful I am for the irliel. a;, I had MitTcrcil so ninth, and it sffiticcl that the ilortors
could do nic no good. ol ilo:t 11 in u-'ifitil lo .'., pounds, and r.v ;t'' nAc lo :ivt.- nt nil.
A'o;r rreifi nearly 160 ami i.m dt a da. s uork 011 the farm. 1 have U'coiunienilcil your
inrdicitic to M:er.i1, ami "hall always li.tvcugooil word toavfoi Di. l'leree.iud Ins iiii'tlii-ine.s."
" I sitlfered for twelve vt-ars with leniale trouble." writes Mis. Mil'on t 'mines, ot Aclnir, Adair
Co., Iowa, "which hrotiRlit nu othrr iIiiMse. lie.ut tiouble, KrightV disease, new outness,
and at tunes would be nearlv imralyecl. Had neiiral),Ma 01 I can trecly wiy jour
tuecliciues mine bottles in nil, four of 'Colden Medical Discoverv,1 live ot I'av'orite Pre
scription ' and two vials of Dr. Pierce1-. Pellets i have cuied me. I can work with comlort
now. but before 1 would be tired nil the time and have a di. headache, and uiv nerves
would be all unstrung mi 1 could not sleep. N'ow 1 can sleep ami do a big (lav's woik,
sonietliiuj; 1 had not done for over eleven vear.s before. You have uiv consent lo publish tins
testimonial, hoping it will be the means of helping .some other invalid."
"I had been Miifeiiug with kidtiev trouble twenty jejitV writes Miss Minnie Ryan, of 157
IamUiaua Avenue, 81. Louis, Mo , "and I doctored with a nuiubcr ol the best ph sicia'tis.
1 would j;et better, then worse again, until 1 read of Dt. Pierce's medicines. A little over
two years ago I commenced taking your ' Golden Medical Discoverv ' and ' 1'avorite Prescrip
tion,' and took also several vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I took eight bottles (four
of each), and I feel now perfectly cured."
Thousands of men and women have written in leiuis similar to the above in
testimony' to wonderful cures effected by the use of "(iolden .Medical Discovery."'
It always helps. It almost always cure-. Hy curing diseases of the stomach and
other J organs of digestion and nutrition, ''Golden
.uedn'al Discovery restores the normal intuition and
so builds up (he body with sound Ucli It. increases
the i.'tivity of ihe blood-making gland:-, o increasing
the .supply of pure, health-giving blood. It cures
nervous-net's, despondency and loss ol appetite as well
a eruptions, and skin diseases generally, which are
the result of an impure condition of Iho blood.
.- ''-!
bMfst-irjBMkl IlSvi...-a - W'V-' sHSB
noti.-e. SSJI WvSHKs?l
sickness. 3wM jmfnMmSm
e eonv.i- ijn wJlmmnmlPkS
ngth the BHiM lBflkl,'liv'AifV,WHm
m Wm mm
nre tets lmi lffl'Vft,lm flWH I
il toward Mt$ YmRwL'i H W M I
I better. Gm iMWtlf IrHirB I
ie nelson BUS LwlaKw M, JmflM
ere is no Hi VvnilaM W ulul
c. tut H IMw.vllnH
llesli tho mM ?MtBlalvm
11 vvciurlit, MM iKrlMVlRWiijW
phv sical Mnil limtillm V wJMil
o liitlii- EnuX IdiiltZJ awm
il is to w3lI& Mwm WmU
ral':ll" WtlSSi ImmSm WlEjmM
1 leestiou wjaii UtiHtSM 1UWV
fi'iM lliJCW wV im
nutritive ftt53! tvlfiia BtrM
y grows ffiltll fflfsm Sfm
the jV rwtwjv msSSmm f''Mm
M0 vNsV S" LkM
hen -,.ys. 3v Mmwmr
the ,w" :'-'I lmmmmmmmmmml
is ihe real . X mmmmmmmA
1 h
( hh
Vinerlcut s',j,tr ,
Vn.ti Tobttpo ...
Km. steel Wire
MiliUou. Pi
P I. 1'i.ictlon ...
Hall. .. Ohio
( out. T0b.1t co
p. Ohio . ...
i. (11. Wct.
II. .V (.'
Si. Paul
lj.j. I, I.J..111I
Iitl. k lliulton ....
IVili-i.ii spel . .,,
I tdiitit sni-l, pr. i. Tex.. Pr. ,
li.uU ,s Naslt. ..
VI in. I li'.ili'd ....
Met. I'l.itllnn ....
MI..C Pa, Hit ....
lVnpto'e (ja- .....
N .1 ( ....
S.nilhtiii Pailtln ..
NtllMlI. .V '!. ,.
NuiiU tn Paiilio S..' i
Noiili. Patllle. Pr Si-'U
V. V. (Vi.lial ll.l
oiu. ,V Wo.tiin UIU
IVim.i. II, l Ils'i
Pailllf Mall if
lloadliii; 11 II
ItiMilliti; Jt.. Pr iis
s.illhl.lU II. II VIW
smith. 11. II. Pi "i
'IVlill. C11.ll it lli'.l 0.SV1
I1 s Uilhor IJisj
ir. fninVliri The
Co , iooiu.1 TO-'i PM
'IpJci!ioui,. WU.
1 1 tcli - I.OW- t Inl'
1 It'll
101 Ij
1 UK
I rii-j
tid a
11 IV
s' t
1st .
l.l ,
:.i i
Annie iaiueu. Ilitson, l-'isher l'o., Texas, says: "I
'ike my '.Medical Adviser 'so nuich. It is worth its
weight in gold.''
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
containing over one thousand pages, is sent free on
icceipt of .stamps to pay expense of mailing o;t.
Send :ll one-cent stamps' for the cloth-bound volunio
or only -') slumps for the book in paper covers.
Address Dr. 17. V. Tit:r.( i:, liuffalo, N. Y.
I . s I, ,,,, p.. ,,
I . s. lti,l,i ..
I nioii 'a, in, . ,
I nloii Pa. illi-. IV. ,
Viuba.b. Pr
Wi.ifin l iilnii ....
( otl.s.
Jl a
.... :"i'a
. ... Ml
. 71 a
. 'Ul
. IU,
..! s.1
Jl -ss4
M. tj
. e)
I ..'a I '
. i: I .
hull ...
( 01I.V
7.117 it!
Illuh- Inot
est est,
71. 7s1",
-ii ;i,
.11 u
I to-'.
J'J) ...
. . H"i
115 ...
Bcrnnton Eonid ot Trade F.xchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
blOCKS. Uid. AiKt'l.
Piiit Sulloi-al Haul. .w
Siranlon sIiib I'liiK
Third National Hank
lllmo lieii.oll und Phroiuil lliul,.,
Kcouoiny l.lsht. U.l- l. Co. .'.....
lanka. 'Iru,t Salo Pciiwlt Co
Clark A. Snovrr Co, l'r
Siuiiton Iroit'l'mco c. Mlif. Co. ...
b'cranton Alo VVoiLs
UcUa'ianna Dairy Ko., Pr
County savlnpi nant. 4: Trust Co..
Piist National Bank (Carboiidalt'),,
htandaid , nrllllnK Co
Iiadrri' Isatlocal Manl.
tctaiiU.n Holt cinl Nut Co
Sainton Paswngcr Hallway, fliit
Moittae. due lU.'O in ...
I'liplo'ii Slitct llallni), Hot inoit-
nue, due luli 11J ,,,
1'it.pleV siieei HiiiIhJj, Urnvril
uinitKaKe. tloo t)Jl 113
D'lUnn Manuiailuiins In psl
Jjiha. Tonndilp School S per itnl. ... w
Citv ot .Vraidtn St. Inii. 0 r
mit P:
Sciantou 'luulun U pn cent J!3 ,,,
Scrnnton Wholesale Market.
(.(tiititid by II. fl. 1 1., It'. ?7 A.i
Unit r -t'u tiucr, 2l''t'. i ilili.i, Isa.'iH,
I hvsse Pull irratn. ItalSt'.
Kw 11 oiern fitsli, piiillii , u.-atliv .Isle,
Ili"i I'm I i, 'In e iniirm, s'tVniiii.
Pea Hours Per Im.. Jla'.'."o
vietll'in Pit b' . S-'.H'i1' I",
i.iei t Pi ts P. t- I ii . .'I. iflal.ll.
I Ml. u- Pel tin , "I in.. I 1 1
I it nt Htwl .,n. HI, l n't.
Phlladcljiliia Griilu nnd I'loduce,
I'M1 .lilnhi.i. I i'li ' i. lower, t..i,
ii. ii- Bi.HU. fill.. T7.i7,'t luni s(,a,j; s,.,
J i.ilfutl, I'tb.. lUcll'.i. Otis -rum; So. '
vlilto tlliptd. li. li nl' i film, uimhI dini.iu I;
latit.i w. .fiu , i Hjliiiis , '.It.; do. itn. prlnK,
21. . I do. lieiilby pilnl-, 'It. Wss fleiul,
Irish ni'ailiy, 1st i it... wt lent, s, ,i ,tn,
sn.itiiWftrni. lr. ; ilu, -inl hoi n. ViV, lutss -I'll
in; .New o,k lull tit'iims. fant -ni.tll, II ,
rji. .; V V, full mams. (.-I tmin-, loi,,,
ll't. Union) ll.,l- Dull, to lull l-IUi'. I'.'
fii iitiililllnt. upluitls, "'ji. Tallow -situ is ,
tiiy inline In hints., fit.; t...nit. piiiui', libK,
i .i I t . ; tiiLej, .'hi't1,'. JHiultiy-l'liiii.
I'i.mIs, n,i1i.; old, ,',.; t'tlUon-. in i
II : dinl's, I-J.iI'k.; !.i., lliK't.i tillki",
'i.i in,. 1 :. .. il p .till rs t'liiu. .iils, t hull i, nij
iilii.; dt. tall lo X' 'si. Is ; i.ld lonsiois, Tla.;
iii.iihj, I ')i IU.: uf.U'in tit., tttpit.:
turki'je. litail.y tluilic lu famj. Piillt.i nin
tm tl.i.. lu.ll:.'!.; ihi'kH, ni'a.'v, l-db.; ci
tin tin.. 1 la I. it.; itse, "als
Hit ii t IToiii, ."i.imil Unit Is, ami 1,'JIO.cnO
I'iiuiiiI. lu .tiks; . Itoal. I'.'l,l)l Im, hols; t.nn.
IJ7.ISK1; nam. -Jt.sHX. slilpiiii ills Mhtal, JJ.trf.
butlels; inn, a.l.iKOt oalt, l'i,iW
Hew Yolk Gram nnd 1'ioauce,
s,v loll,, I'tb, '. I'loiu tteueuily quel
inn! ,ilii i -Ie ."It, ut oh' pili.--. neat - .-pot
thill, bin k t, ; No. : letl, sU'41 f, o. b.
tllcnt, ai.d 7'1it. ilevu'oi' Xo. I iioilliein (nil-
nib. 7'...f. 1. o. b. nl'.i. opiions t ik ami
Inn . ll.l tallied riailiull and tinted strodi el
it (..iital t.K- of (t . Msitli tlosisl Tin.; Mat
iSk,: Inl), TO'V, 'oiu spiit, dull Inn mead .
"i.i. i, 171. tli'tloi. l-i. . 11, i, nitojt
llil Ollflllll f.; .111.1 -'.'li nil I,. I, l .IllM'
ip.ittlp l.iUhsl an 1 th.-, il si 1. III.! al all tultmii'i
nl tfcV - Uaiih tlnnl Is1,i.; MJ 1M41.;
Jil. 4 '.Ij.. IJaU e.l -I'Mih ; u, t, II, '
Xu. .i, uint.l No. - uldi., .l.s.: u. ,1 . lull'.
"V., t t.K U Ull-dtl untflti, .J)4i, , ; 11 it,
luti, .;.'i. ti'jo iiih.ii. I P.- and nmolnai.
Dultt'i -Dull and ueak: iitb tuani.-t.i. 17...', llal'i.; .'litis iititini'.t hViiil'f, ; 1111
llallitii 'It'atllt.i. il1aalHi - -uh- tlain, l.iail.
I In est' - I'llllll lain..' hue i.tliili.i v.hll',
lllji.; laiay sin ill, tnlornl. I'Jtjal-'igi . ; foot
nuill wlitls. UtlP.ii. Puns- llauli -I ad.. .
tl itt aid ptiiiia,, IT", Its., ur inn. I7ai;'..i ;
tuuilurn. In' al7t.
ChicaRo Grain nnd I'tcduc?,
I liliaiiti, lib. 'is. V iiitofcrah' 1111...I1 ml . 1. ,1
ll'li'tt tail' st.tit- i,tatt.vt nil' iv.o iiioiiHi tn itn
Hi. ill am I Iksj' proiknv inaikila tud-i, l'ie
kin nt llu lIww lio-ti'd tni itioitiy, Isrlut;
tit ill . In Ills)!, iiintfi )t,teida)' nnil tiami',
Isil the ki llu 'ilftktls lets, si 'te'lei i''t
on the nip 1 1. ill. 1 !..-ilia 't I113I111: "il". 1 w
rl.anutd. aeh inlotltlJll- "fie . fnllow-.
I lin'i Dull; Nu. .1 pi iil' ule.,i, ."".""-.'t . , s
2it.l,7"t.; .Nu. J inn. Il'l'i"'; N.i. Jjellot
:."i,t No. 'J oals, ""ilaii".!1),!'. ; Ko. 3 nliin,
'.'JaSit . ; N... .1 w'tltt, ST.l'!Si'. ; N'o. 1 i
.''. ; Itailtt, Ha., inalllnc, .dlst.; N"
lias. -il. til; N... I iii.rlhvtsl. St.lV!; linioth ,
ffi.V): pink.'MI.'i.' linl. f7.tHi7.l1; litis'stT.'.l; .liunhli 1 -, n'l.lti'ji ; .Itltit. '" u
', in. 1. Iil-k' , l 'i,1
Ohicngo Live Stock Market.
(hiiaiit. fdi. J.-I'tUlli -lloxlpn, ''.''''
tliiilr. elm, ettiiiij: tii'dlliui, ueal., !"'' it, r t.nuk md 'ioNarut, rle.idy jjovl H
I'llnie sitti-. st.K'ui.; 11 ii 1 In medium, .s' I'n
4 7.,''ls and tivtlirs, l"lth. s,;,1i(. ,11 aHVillV ne'e,, $siaH,l,.1il: c-j'in i
s-j I'J.iid; bull-, uh. "it klettt't, 1"J.7."i.iI.jO, tap."
-Intnl., MiM'.l'i; li'Mi foil slet'K, sal Hi; fesa.
l-li-a Meei... l.'IVll' IVmis bull.'. s.'.oDa.l. "al
Hot-- Keii'lpts, l'i,i"l; toinollOM', rai.DOO: lei
(it. i'. 10,100; up iti'tl elrodi'l ilosod .1 tt I
, 1 111, liiittr: ii 1 kV Vi; intsril and Imlrli. 1
$1 'k.i.l.'Oi I'i'il to . out he,ny, SVtS.1i" "Hi
mush lieai.i. ts't Jctij .), Ilgltl, irJ,.Jl.l1,IJj bid'
of -.tie-. S.1. i.i. l'i
rl.ttp 1,'ti.lp-, 1 1, ml; l.nnli.. ubout teul'
'it'tal If lll'.iti' ut'lliris, sl,2."j 1,7.1; Me-leil
eliMp. rjl.SS. I 75; Tetu hIitj. sJ.1Ha;i.7.l! n.
lite lamb-. l 10 .VII; "tern UinM. Saa'i.-'i
Now Vork Livo Stock.
N'iw Vial.. IMi. . Hecvcvi Xoililn; Ion;
11, 'i I1111II1 Mi 'd. I alien, demand modem" ,
VI..I-, i(u7..Vi: 110 l.aiiiyau' inlief.
isIim'P n id ; lambs, ua!. lt -.,, ''
4.KH li" pllme s,,sk heie, mill", Ml lam
tA'A'ia. .-".: one d.'k, $ii.lU; tiilli, si. 70.
II, v t-'iiHuy v 'itt; nominal iim.t!i m
Dutl'nlo Live. Stock.
I.i tliiRdlti. lib. e-.-ltffflpt.- lailte .1
' l, iti mill lauilo. '-1 i-'itl tm2', M or
fcl li'im-nts t'niile. .m u; unp ninl limbs. "
t-i.; boss. ' 1. 1. t .tilt'-M"ileiuto tlcnuii'l
,..M', lllt.ll-0 til tM.'l, lll..Vt7
I, nib. I hull e I 1 fktiti, TlsiAei): !- n
lit. he 11 tiu. 1..lal.7.1.
Tast Wbetty Stock Mnikit.
I.a-I Liboii... I'tli. J. I ulllf NM'b: . t,i
$ mIiiio, isVa",,'.'",; iniiinieti, .1aJ,7V
llos l.miel"i jtili.K mediums, "i.(11aj.7u; 1
inUis mul iiIki-. "..i'ia"i is,- ha hoj', $1 if
r..cHia; itniglie, StV,'!i).
stl- sta, , iholi, Mflliei. SI.Ki)al ' e'.'aa; ihulii lull... 1.7.1iill; "it
muu 10 sm-d, la.1U1; M'al t alviw, ;7a7,3il
Oil Mtuket.
Oil (11,1. felt, jc linlil Kil'iiteti. M 1
tirute. nt. bid. sini.uwnu, sK.VUIl it-iri.-
f7,(H. liuiw, III. -nl; nerj(ie. s,31.
Mi t v r.- v 1 (