r "'" '" ",fv"f' ' (J ' ! I 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBTJJNrE-imrDAY, MARCH 1, 1901. " ".v e' " WEST SCRANTON B-jy ' WILL HONOR PATRON SAINT THE OBSERVANCE OF ST. DA VID'S DAY. The Robort Morris Lodge of Ivorltes Will Hold a Banquet and tho La dles of the Tabernacle Church Will " Conduct Their Annual Banquet and Concert Dr. Houser Won the Shooting Match at Taylor Will iam Trostel Has Purchased the Watklns Property. Today Is the anniversary of the birth of St. T)nvld, the patron saint of Wnles, and the Welsh people of West Scranton will commemorate the event In a fitting manner. The Ilobert Morris lodge of True Ivorltw will conduct a staff banquet at Falrchlld's hotel. Attorney John II. Edwards, a former president of the society, wilt be toastmnster. Tho pro e rani mo Is as follows: ' President's Adi1res David Ovvern Tosstmaater's Address John It. Kdvvatd Music Orchestra St. David Iter. It. It. Harris JIoiIp , Oich'stra Wrldh at Law Palmer L. Williams Miiils OrcIiftr.i Welsh In Journalism John Courier Morris Mulso Orchestra Welsh In Politics II. II. IJobitmn Song, "Hen Wlad l'nhadu"..l)y the awmblaRe Ladies Banquet. Tho ladles of tho Tabernacle church of South Hyde Park avenue will hold their eleventh annual banquet and concert In the church parlors. Over nine hundred tickets have been dis posed of. An elaborate menu has been prepared. A feature of the programme Is the singing of tlir "William Connell nice club. They will ting several of the selections which they will render In Washington, I". C. Attorney James 12. Watklns, of Taylor, will bo chair man of tho evening. An excellent pro gramme hns been arranged, each par ticipant being an artist In his or her ipspeetlve line. The programme Is as follows: Vlrctlon William Cornell dec club Addict Clubman UatMns Ms Mrs. Frank lliundigo Mn i'lillllp Varrcn Mediation uui Annie V.iy Duel Mrs. niniid.i;e and .limes solr Mm. .In-dina John , Hunt Messrs. W.irrrn ami Stephens Hecitatlon Mks S.id!e Jones P"lo bavld Stephens Soln John .lames ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK f COUGHS out for ana tuLUb TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Day of Wonderful Ribbon Selling, Fine quality 4 inch Silk Tatfeta Ribbons, all colors with charming Lace effects. A half value lot at Fancy Stripe Taffeta Silk Rib bons, 4 inches wide, all colors. A monster value, for tomorrow buyers and at, the yard Black Moire Ribbons, all silk, 7 to 10 inches wide. In all the his tory of ribbon selling there has never been a value equal to this. Price tomorrow only Taffeta Ribbons, 7 inches wide, no end to the color range, A beau tiful, bright finish ribbon of ex ' cellent quality, Saturday price . Liberty Royal Corded Ribbons, all silk, all the newest shades and 'colors. A high grade quality at a really moderate price, worth 40c ior Globe Warehouse Selection William Connell Glee club Accompanist, Miss Norma Williams. William Connell Glee Club. The William Connell Oleo club, who have for tho past several months been rehearsing music which they will sing nt Washington, D. C, while the guests of Congressman William Cou ncil during the Inauguration of Presi dent William McKlnley, are now fully equipped w Ith some of the finest selec tions for the occasion. The glee club Is composed of some of the best material In the anthracite region, many of whom nre noted solo ists In tho vnrlous churches of the city. Many of the selections which will be sung ore the works of some of the' greatest mastets. Their glees and sere nades nre patriotic and full of melody. The glee club will leave the city on Saturday morning at 8 o'clock via the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, nnd while In Washington they will register at the Wlllard hotel, on Pennsylvania avenue. Tho mem bers of the organization will wear blue caps and ties alike, also a unique badge. On Sunday morning nt the Metropolitan Methodist church they will render "Mnrtyis of the Arena" and other sacred selections. The following Is it list of the olllcers nnd singers: President, James Mc Anulty; vice-president, John II, Phil lips; secretary, W. M. Fowler; assist ant secretary, Hugh A. Jones; treas uier and manager, Joseph P. Phillips; conductor, Prof. W. W. Evans. First Tenor Joshua John, Thomas Abraham, Rowland D. Thomas, Ed ward Powell, Ebenezcr Evans. Jenkln Jenkins, John Sheildnn. Second Tenor Hugh A. Jones, Will iam R. Williams, Thomas M. Watklns. John Evans, William Davis First Pass William W. Evans, David W. Davis. Thomns Thurburn, Joseph P. Phillips. Second Pass Tallle M. Evans, E. 13. Lord, Thomas O. Evans, Thomas Rich ards. Edmund Moses, Moses 15. Mor gans. Following Is a list of the selections which will be sung: "Peace lo the Souls of the Heroes". ,I)r. Calhott "MarljH of the Arena" Do llllle Match Becker "I'tjiM" of the Soldiers" ....Iloleldlcii "Seriiutlc" '! Marshiirr 'Soldiers' Farewell Johanna Klnkd Toast Zollncr "Champagne Hone" ' "My Country 'Tis of Thee" J". M. Watklns "March of the Men of Harlech" (Wclh) Arr. T. M. Watklns "Myfanw-.v" (WiMi and English) Parry Sailors' Choius" .V l'airy "Comrades In Amu" Adams "Kathlmi Mavcuirnccn" ' Crouch ohnny Smoker." J "Crjg-y-1'.ir" SiX'pheiu and Jonej "Abir.vtvvtti" . Parry "label" Hephcna and Jones Private Masquerade. A number of prominent residents of this city conducted a private masquer ade dance last evening in Jones' hall, on Jackson street. it was an enjoy able event. Tho guists were r.ttlred In many grotesque costumes and when they unmasked at midnight there was much amusement. A sumptuous feast was partaken of by ail, after which the Z2C 9c 5c 25c Brafyra Tomorrow lovers of tho light fantastic glided over tho waxed floor until early morn. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banker, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Pruning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Illtzo, Mr., and Mrs. Fred lecher, Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Edward Tewksbury, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oclss, Mr. and iMrs. Nich olas Gauts, Mr. and Mrs. George Dcck lenlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Astrlng"r, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthony, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. cannwer, Mr. and Mrs. W, Vetter nnd the Misses Carrie Dleklenlek and Nelllp (lout, and Messrs. Howard Unthermol, Elian An thony, George Kent nnd George Goth-ler. Purchased the Watklns Property. William Trostel, tho meat dealer, of Jackson stteet, hits put chased the Watklns properly, adjoining- his mar kpt, and will remodel the building ami enlarge his present business place to meet the demands of his ttade. The building Is 26x12 feet, nnd has a pri vate alleyway of 6 feet. The prop erty belonged to William Wntkln. of Factory vllle, who formerly teslded here and conducted a printing olTlce. The consideration Is not mentioned. The present tenants are Keone, 'th Jeweler, nnd Simon Kchoen, the hnr nessmaker. They wll lvncate today, and the work of remodelling will com mence nt once. Dh. Houser Won. About three hundred sports fiom this side Journeyed to Taylor yester day to witness a shooting match for it pure of $30 between Dr. Houser and W. Keogh. Each participant shot at ten birds. Tho doctor succeeded In killing every one that left the trap, while his opponent missed one. It was one of the best mutches seen In this vicinity for some time. Clem. Mnrsh, the well known wing shot nnd all-around sportsman. Is anxious to secure a match with any man In tho county for $200 a side. Reese Child Died from Injuries. ' Tho little 4-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. O. Itoese, of 1.14 South Garfield avenue, who was so badly scalded by falling Into a tub of hot water on Tues day, riled shortly afterwards. The pa tents are grief-stricken as n result of the distressing occurrence. Tho funeral services will be con ducted at the house tomorrow after noon nt 3 o'clock. Interment will be made In tho Washburn street ceme tery. Metropolitan Display of Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Skirts at our store Friday and Saturday. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hngen. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Tho Silurian lodge of Odd Fellows will hold an important meeting this evening In D. D. Evan's hall on South Main avenue. The presence of every member Is desired. Workmen employed by H. Robinson's Sons are engaged In macadamizing the street In front of the brewery prop erty on Seventh street. A meeting of the board of directors of the Electric City AVheolmen was held In the club house last evening. Lackawanna council, Royal Arca num, will hold aregular meeting this evening in Ivorlte hall. South Main avenue. The board of directors of the Elec tric City Wheelmen met last evening and dealt with many matters concern ing the welfare of the club. The choir of tho Jacuson Street Hap tlst chuich will meet tonight for re hearsal. Tho women's class of tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will meet this afternoon. The presence of every member is desired. Every member of tho Columbia Chemical and Engine company will at tend a special session to be held to night at the respective meeting place to act upon the death of the lalo Rob ert P. Diehl. The AVest Side Social club held their monthly social last evening In Klm mlck's hotel, on Swetland street. It was an enjoyable event. A special meeting of the Electtic City Wheelmen will be held this even ing at S o'clock to take action on the death of the late Robert P. Dlehl! The Daughters of Erin are prepar ing for an entertainment to be held In Mears' hnll on St. Patrick's day, March 17. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis James nnd Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Leo Enter tainedOther News Notes. Mr, and Mrs. Louis James, of Thtoop stteet, entertained a large number of friends Wednesday evening, In honor of their niece, Miss Mamie Gtlfll.hs. At a late hour, lefreihments were served. Thosu piesent were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas GrlDUhs. Misses Ethel Simpson, Mamlo Griffiths. Gertrude Pell. .Mary French. Martha Williams, Mary Howells, Mabel Maize, Hannah Simpson, Magglo James and Margatot Thomas; Messrs Renjainln Grlflitlis, Harry James, George Elliott, Alfred Pell, David Owens, William Mltchson, Ned Twltsf, Joseph Twltsf, William Davis, John Simpson and David Par ker. A very pleasant surprise party was given In honor of Master Simpson Lee at his home, on Gardner avenue, last night. Games and muslo were In dulged In until n seasonable hour, when refieshments were served. Thcset present were; Mr. and Mrs. W. Puck lev, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. W. Dow, Misses Eflle Lee, Grace Lee, Annlo McLane, Annie Reilly, Drusilla Phillips, Leone Fainham, Emellne Lnnyon, Nellie Puckley, Pello Crosby, Giace Merrlain, Grace Oliver. Bessie Slsco, Sarah Har vey: Messrs William Shoemaker, Stnnley Mllley, Rexfnrd Treverton, Roy Miller, Simpson Lee, Floyd Oliver, Clayton narrowcllffe, Robert Lee, Stu art Lee, itay Lee, William Buckley and James Lanyon. Metropolitan Display or Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Skirts at our store Fiiday and Saturday. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. .Meats & Hngen. News lu Brlof. Tho ladles of tho Chtlstlau church A SENSIBLE MAN Would no Ktnip' ftjlsain for the Throat and Lung.. It In curiiis more Cuujlw, Colds, .luthina, !limi(liltl, C,oip ami .ill Throat and lame Ttouliln, tluii an other medlilne. The proprietor hm authorised any drucel.t to rIvc jou a Sjinple llottlo 1'rec to (onWiice )ou ot the merit of thU great remedy, 1'tkc 25c, and 60. tendered Mrs. William Carson, of Par ker street, n farewell reception last Wednesday evening. At a sensonablo hour dainty refreshments were served, John Dovlne, of Williams street, left yesterday for Canada, whore he will resume his studies at St. Michael's college. Mrs. E. D. Owens, of Norm Main avenue, wiis the guest of Unlondalo friends yesterday. Tho Keystone Literary nnd Drnmltlc club will produce "Pepnuse She Loved Him So," at the Auditorium Easter Monday night. Mr. It. Williams, of Oak stteet, Is serlnuslv III. All news matter will receive prompt attention If left nt Davis' drug store, corner of Main nnd Market street. '"dwaitl Murphy and Charles ltlg plns were arraigned before Alderman Mvcrs, In police court yesterday morn ing, for disorderly conduct. They Were tilled $1 each. John Kaddon, of Ferdinand street, wan arrnlgned befoie Alderman My ers on a charge of disorderly con duct, pteferred by lilj wife, Annie Kadden. Ho was fined Jill, In default of which he was committed to the county all for thirty days. The Foreign Missionary society of the Providence Presbyterian church will meet this afternoon with Mrs. II. F. Atherton, 2101 North Main ave nue. The case of Patrick 5'cNellly and William Costello. the two men accused of highway robbery, wns continued until Saturday afternoon. The strong Wyoming seminary team will be the Stais' opponents this even ing at the Auditorium. A good game Is promised to those who attend. Mary O'Nell. Ihe 4-year-old daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. John O'Nell, of Stan ton street, who was badly scalded last Tuesday by tho upsetting of a pan of boiling water, died on Wednesday after having suffered great agony. The fu neral will be held this afternoon from the family residence. DUNM0RE DOINGS. Destructive Fire In a House ou Throop Street Yesterday Morn ing Other News Notes. Fire In a two-stoiy fiaine house on Throop street owned by Jndwln, ISteck & Lynett, wns the cause of the alarm from box 21 yesterday moi nlng about 2.30 o'clock. The house was unoccu pied nt the time and It Is claimed that It was of Incendiary origin. The Unities had gained considerable head way before the arrival ot the Hie companies, who were promptly on the scene, and turned their attention to saving adjoining property. The Nepumes, Independents, John H. Smith und A. D. Spencer companies were ptvsent In huge numbers. The damage done amounts to several hun dred dollars. Metropolitan Display of Ladles' Stilts, Jackets and Skirts at our store Fiiday and Saturday. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hngen. Mentioned in Brief. The funeral of tho late Robert Be wick occurred from St. Mark's Epis copal church yesterday afternoon. The Sons of St. George attended In a body and the pall-bearers were selected from that society. Interment was made In Dunmore cemetery. Tho funeral of Mrs. Thomas Mullen, of Sport Hill, will occur on Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from her late home. The council will meet for reorganiz ation on Monday night next, when the Democrats assume full control of bor ough affairs. Ernest Iinvard has dedicated a march of recent composition, which has been published by Hotch & Company, to tho mine workers of Northeastern Penn sylvania. Cards announcing the marriage ot Miss Kate Tlgue to Martin Loughney are out. The Green Hldge Coal company pays Its employes tomorrow. Frank Sanders, who tecently moved to Plttston, has decided to return here ngaln. Pea Coal 81.50 a Ton Delivered. to South Side, central city and central Hvdo Park. Address orders to J. T. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar avenue. "Phone CCSS. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. John, the 10-yenr-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Flnnlgan, of (118 Alder street, wns painfully bitten by a do,r , last evening, while on his route, ped- tiling newspapers. The animal sprang nt him and catching him by tho right arm, bit him sayngely, Indicting a deep wound. The boy was taken Into Dr. AVebb's otllce, where the wound was cauterized. The dog was shot. Luke AVelsh yesterday swore out a warrant for the arrest of Mathew Malla before Alderman Ruddy, on the charges of threatening to kill his wife nnd set lire to his house. The case was settled amicably between the par ties. St. Irene's society met last evening for rehearsal of their entertnlnment. which will be held In St. John's church hall March 17. Tho regular Sunday afternoon Gos pel meeting of the Young AVomen's Christian association will be held at their rooms at 3.43 o'clock. Miss Lena Clark, nsslstunt secretary of the cen tral clly branch, will lead. General Grant commandery. No, 2u0, Knights of Malta, will meet In tegu lar session this evening nt Hartmun's hnll, to Install the nawiy-eleeted offi cers. A smoker will be held nfter the Installation. Lenten services will bo held at St. John's and St. Mary's churches this evening. Metropolitan Display of Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Skltts at our store Friday and Saturday, See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with I.IICM. AI'Ji.U'.VriDKS, i llifj ijim I ' lejdi the v.it ot tho i1ne.iv. CaUrih w a Hum I . or loi.stiliitlonal cll.e, and in oid.r to rur It nn miut l.il.o intertill renicdie. lUll'a tu I .mli L'nrn la taktn Internally, arid art directly on the lilood and mucuiu Mirlacn. Hall's Ci tuirh Cure U not n uack medicine. It rai iccrlbed by one ol the bt phjalriuna In Ihii i (ountry lor ear, and I a reciilar prescription. It I composed of thu bent tonlca known, rom l bined with the hett blued pnilliera, acting ill leilly on tho mumiu 6urfj(c. The perfect rm bltutlon of tho ui liiaudientt it what pri iluira uili wondnfiil romllJ in Hiring Catarrh, Hind fur teatlnwnljU Ireo T. J. rilUNIiV & CO., Piopa., Toledo, O. Sold by ilnuiilsli, pi Ice fie, Hall'i I'umlly I'llli uic tho best. . in- i 1 "A full stomach J M )l I II II maes a light heart." ill J I In Said Wisdom wm fel 1 1 I InAArl-f h At wll M Biscuit :C I ay Always good nnd ever growing better. WwM JTOm H? ' Bold In airtight mol.turo proof packBRCi. T-JZ! 3t-jJjjy yinfH HP I NATIONAL OIOOUIT COMPANY --i, , "rfip-dfjcl'M ' RETURN BOWLING MATCH. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Local Rollers Meet Rosevllle Athletic Team Tomorrow Night. A number of Scranton'a crack bow lers leave tho city today und tomortow for Newark, N. J., where tomorrow night a return game will be bowled with the sttong Rosevlllo Athletic as sociation's team, which recently bit the dust of the Elk alleys, nt the hands of a team picked from the Northeastern Pennsylvania. Bowling League. Among the strong rollers who will be on the scene, either ns participants or spectatois, will probably be Captain Fowler, Ritchie nnd Van Wormer, of the Comemrclnls; Captain Warden, of the Blcyclo club; "Doc" Green, of the AVest End Wheelmen, and other stars of the local bowling firmament. Tonight's league game will be played at AVllkes-Parre, between the West End AVheelmen nnd the Elks. Great Interest centers In this match, ns tho Elk bowlers will make desperate ef forts to overhaul the Backus team, which has lost by lt- weak bowling In the last two matches. The hand some silver trophy cup, which goes to the winning team, Is proving a splendid incentive to good team work, and the Individual prizes for high average, high score and best spare rolling are causing each man to roll tho games of his life. BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT. Woman Now Residing Here Is the Plaintiff. Attorneys Fish and Lyon, represent ing Mary J. Humphrey, of AVlndsor, now residing temporarily In Scranton. have commenced an action against Al bert D. Hoadley, a well-to-do man of the village of AVlndsor, to recover $10, 000 damages for breach of promise. The plaintiff nlleges in her complaint that sho resided with tho defendant us housekeeper for n period of twenty years, nnd that shortly after taking up her residence at the defendant's house he promised to marry her. It Is alleged that this promise was reiterated ftom time to time during the period she re sided with the defendant. In '07 the palntlff nlleges she was practically told to leave the defend ant's house and that another house keeper took her place. The plaintiff holds that she worked for the plaintiff thinking that ho would many her and that she would have a home. The le fusal of Mr, Hoadley to marry her, she alleges, Justifies her In demnndlng $10, 000. Tho case will come to trial at tho next term of Supremo court. Blng hamton Herald. SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. Celebrated by Magdalena Assembly, K. of M. C. The ladles of tho Magdalena assem bly, No. L'3, Degree of Naomi, Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain, celebrated their seventh anniversary last evening at their rooms, at Ash street nnd AA'ebster avenue. The affair proved a most delightful success. At the conclusion of an excellently pre pared chicken supper, a social was held. Tho ladles In chargo were as follows: Mis. Eva Acker, chairman; Sophia Fiu her, Martha Mcchler, Tllllo Locher, Caroline Stern, Louise Long, Bausch ine, Kate Bray, V. Kegelmon, Minnie AVenzel, Kate A'nn Houten, and Misses McCawley, I. Jones and Amend t. OBITUARY. Robert Diehl. At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after an ill. iicm of five week' duration, Hobeit Diehl, one of Ihe best known and most popular cun? nwn ill tho city passed an ay as the icsult of u pro. traded attatk of typhoid fever, i:cry ponible tare and attention wai dun him by Ida devoted parent, but tho end waa IncWtahlf. Decciacd w.ik piomlnentli lilmtirlid with tho Scranton .'.Ipikrhurvs, tho l'.hclili ( liy i. men, the Columbia lhvo and Chemical rum piny, llm Straiilnn 'typnmuplilril union, nnd Ihe rnechaiileal oioik nf tho Intimation il Coi ret.pondcner MlmoU, where he had been ruilnn for a number f jiau. The funeral will take place Sunday nftenioi.u at 2.311 o'clock, fiom the house, urmr of South Iljde Park atcnuo anil IHrlaluii Mreet. Sir lciw will bo conducted In the Uathburii Slicct l'rrujicrlin (.hurcli by Iht pastor, llev. John Moffat, n. p., and Intirnirnt will bo mide in tho Wanhbnni meet ccmctnj. John H. William. John II, William, of 1S07 (Mar auiiue, ajed M jiiirii, died joterday morning at hit rekl deuce, of a paraljlic tlruVc. llcieawd was born In Wales, Mauli, 1SH, and camo Ui tliieountiy in 18SS. Ho cnrd one jear In tho KJfth New York Engineer corps during the Civil war, after s OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LYGEUM THEATRE, TUESDAY, MARCH 5. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK ONE TIME ONLY Owing to the sudden closing of the Savoy Theatre. New York, we have secured the Sensational Society Success. UNLEAVENED Leo Ditrichstein and Juice taken from the tatter's much discussed book, and . . . "Presented by the lrongift cat of New York favorite! before the public." X. Y. Ptm. This Exceptional Company Embraces: Elizabeth Tyree, E. J. Morgan, Eleanor Hobson, Alice rischer, Morton Seldou, Margarets Fuller, Virginia Buchanan, George Fawcott, Geneva Ingersoll, Florida Pier, George Woodward, Alice Rogers, Vivian Townsend, Malcolm Williams, Ella Wilson, John De Gez, Harry Hanlon, Wm. Fumlce. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO which lie eamc to thin city. He was formerly master mechanic of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company. He la survived by a we and one son, JaniM William. The funeral will take place at I o'clock Sun day afternoon, with service at the hoiue, and interment in the Porest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Ann Whltall. Mrs. Ann Whltall, an old and repecled resi dent of Pricebuiff, died Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, ut the residence of her fon, Ilenr.v. The funeral will lie held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with services at the Methodist church. Interment at Prlceburc cemetery. Mary L, Qlnty. Maty J- (ilnly, acted 1" jears, who went to Philadelphia rwcntly for the purpose of reeupei ntinc her health, died li. hr. AkucV hospital in that city on WciIucmUv. The Hlr.ulu.-l reached (Ids ilv l.t night and were taken to the residence of Anduvv Huulcavv, CH PIkIih street. Thomas Thomas. Thomas Thomas, of South Main avenue, dkciI 2.1 jcais, died yesterday afternoon nt his home afler n hoit illne-is. He Is survived by a wife and sit children. Pcieral arrangements have not been complivd Mabel, the T-iai-old child of Mr. and 'P Aviry Atherton, of Parker street, died al ih homo Wednesday afternoon after a bilof lllt Tho funeral arrangements will be almoin,,. I later. Plojd ., the lli-iuoulhs- old son ol Mr. nnd Mis. Watkln Price, of 010 Deacon sticct, (licit Wednesday morning at fi o'clock after an illness of two weeks duration. Puneial will be held Priday afternoon at '2 o'dock. Inteinient will be made In l'orest Hill cemetery. Joseph, the 19-nionths-old son of .Mr. and Mrs, (ieorge Chestnut, of Morris court, died last evening. Funeral announcement later. Funerals. Tho funeral nf the late Tatrick (iaughau, ot Chestnut street, will be held this morning from tho hmhy residence. Services will be conduct ed at Ft. Patrick's church at 0 o'clock, In terment In Cathedral cemetery. CANNEHS FEEL BLUE. Convention at Dover Will Discour age Overproduction. fly Inclusive Win from The Associated Pic- Dover, Del., Feb. 2S. A number of the fruit packers and canners of the Peninsula assembled hero toduy )ir paratory to their annttnl convention nt the Hotel Richardson tomorrow. Tho orpanlzntlon known ns the Peninsula Packers' association consists of can ners nnd manufacturers from three eastern states. One nf their chief objects tomorrow will be to further discourage the growth by tho wholesnlo of tomato , corn and other goods to bo canned, on the ground that the crops, being tiiii" forced, are Inferior In quality and t'i'it there Is too much output for tho n paclty of factories. FORTUNE LAY IN DUMP TILE. Package of Letters Found by Little Boy at Play. I)y Excluslvo Vtiro f rem The Associated li Charles, S, C. Feb. 28. Today Carl Sanborg, while playing on a city dump pile at West Point mill, on the bank of Cooper river, this city, found 13.000 in money and certified checks. Tho little boy found n package of letters from RockhJIl, In this stale, and opened them through curiosity. Ah toon as ho came across money ho went to his grandfather, Charles Colson. who reported tho facts ana delivered the letters to the postal authorities. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXf7 BREAD LIEBLER ct CO, MAIVAaEKS Grant's delicious social satire oooooooooooooooo 1 YCEUn THEATRE -"' HEIS 4. DUnctlNDElt, Leesees. .v. j. Aiuii'i, aianager. JUST ONI! NIGHT. Friday, March lt, America's most popular singing comedian, ANDHEW MA O.K. In his new military inelodrams, THE REBEL." V uiiy of the Irish i evolution of 1738. MACK'S "Little Tommy Murphy," OWN "Pycs of Blue," SWEET ''For Freedom and Ireland." SONGS '"Till: SERENADE." I)y request. "The Story of the Hose." Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Sle of seats, Wedne-.d.ij, I'eb. 27th. - '- ( Saturday "Zm Harch 2 MATINKi: PIIIIl'OnJlAXCK AT 2.59. i:'i:.NIN(l PP.IIFOUMANCK AT S.15. A!. W. Martin's MIMMOIH PUOriL'CTIO.S' OF Uncle Tom's Cabin tlciutlfnl Stase Setting Taken Fiom Actual Scenes in the Far South. Matinee Prices 2.'c. ; children to any part o the house, l.'ic. livening Prices ?Jc 35c, and 50c. Sale of seat opens Thursday at 9 a. in. f . , j ACADEHY OF HUSIC, KfilS h UUKUUNDHR HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lessees. Local Manager, AM, THIS WEEK. THE HOLDEN COMEDY COMPAKT In licpertolre. Thursday Matinee- "The Diamond Breaker," Thursday Night "Captain Heme." Friday Matinee "Over the Sea." Friday Night "Barrel of Monty." AM, NEXT WEEK. MARKS' BROS. COMEDY CO. Matinee Prices 10 and 20 cents. Evening Prices 10, SO, SO cents. .--I 5'ewGaietyThoatre AI.F. (i. HEltltlXCTON, Manager, lluce days, beginning Monday matinee, March I, Aliss New York, Jr. TROUBLES IN CALABRIA. Thousands of Peasants Out of Work and Desperate. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Rome. Fob. 28. Trouble! hiri i broken out in Calabria, the southern i imrt of Italy, owlnir to tho mlnerv which the peasants are undergoing:. They demand tho parcelling out of, feudal lands, In order that they may cultivate them. The prefect has been compelled to close the gates of the town of Ra. venna, which Is protected bjv troop, in order to prevent Its invasion by thousands of peasants out of work. Tho prefect has promised to inaugu rate relief works, Major Lardner's Death. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Feb. W. Major Lnford Lardnsn, sou of Admiral Laidncr, a veteran of the Civil war, fell down t,. inarhlo steps nf hit horns tills morning and died later In the day with a fiactutcd skull, lie was about A year ot age. Major I.ardner was acting assistant psymutfi In the United States army during the Civil i from Dec. ', ISO'.', until Dec 2i, ISOs. A"