The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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" TZT-i" ,
;,,r" "
. 'jfi) . ,.
J .
f '"- vl
S "Best Milk for Family Use."
" Babies' thrive on U." 5
With Phosphates
and Hypophoi-
phites Added.
.Sold li Orocers and DtitgRint.
The Dr. Hand Condensed Ailfc Co.
WrimfurboolUt. 5CRANT0N. PA,
Ice Cream,
IHephoneOrdtri Promptly DUvrl
;,.j7 Adams Avenue.
Scranlon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to 1 lotels
and Private Residences.
Offlco D.. I. . fc
Station. Phono r?5.
W, Passenger
I.ei-I.P Mii.MlW I
i IokiI .Mnmlty nn .m..u
isi.i.n u mi:i:iiv;
llnmii tur tlir Piliivlli
IITCt'll lll! II Ollllll III
j'HIli. lull Utlll.ll.lllt
Lllll ' III
vill lc
-'I III' ill UUSl 1 1 "t !.
- mil l'lil .1 1.5111.11
'i.:.o ,,i ti,. . w. i .
i ,l .m il.
MiUllltVriO.V .Jtr.liHl.. -iVitr.eiei- I'.
II. (ilblw, .liilm flimaler imil .Ium)1i .1. r.i. m.--trrdav
liratil (iHIiiiiiii.v in tlic i An? oi i;ntuo
II. lilnsluin. "li i jiiliii .lolin 11. i"oIimaii Kt
irtl". Jlii.MIPS I.IM1UNI.. -Hit iuii'iii
Imrln; llutw u'-olallon iriuiu llm
f l-grinsi tor tin' utontli of IVliriui til sl.i.T.Mir.
IT. ii wi'li !,:!;. I.v:.i foi ihf me
molitli Ut Jf.r.
in:.-i:i;nos .n soN-.-nn'ORi.-ndiwit
VMtll.uiu. ni raiUmilalc fumilicil lull Wmp
Milcrnian llll.r fltdaj on tln i-luic ni il.
rittnii imil nnn-Kiiiftit lin-tcrrctl ! lit wi(.
Ml WIIIianM, of Sib 1'iiin uwnni'.
1.Ki: 'li IUl,ll'.l..-.Miu Jf.'.v. a .iis
ci cr nl tli votinty jail, vlio H .iiilii i.-.l wuli
limp ami IhiT iroullc .n ywlmliy imin 1
tn llio J jcl..r.v, .nii.1 liopitjl on llio i.itlfii.u.'
cf Dr. .1. V. hillry, the jail plir.ii uii, tlul
nidi u tqi yM ncuvury.
M-nOliS 1 ItuM Wll.KO-l'.MIKi: On,. l,i..
flieU ami lilty uirtnlifu nl tin- Wlll.cllanr l".li'
nf lit Iiittriiatluiial AwiHiallnn hf JtailitiiU
mIJ otlrml ioiiulils uiccMiiu (.r tlu Kleclil.
' nv lodei1 of lliLs iliv. 'i'Iic nine limn djj
r.iitttli.n Mill lie ilU'i,n,
I). .V 11. l'.l Him Ii.Umio .iiij IIiiJ.m.i
(.iinimity juld ji-.irirtiy al II.. ttliitp n,il nt
Mclili.ilJ; .tciiun Xo. J. ni .lrtin.Mi; Powiln
h' and Kacl.ct lliool;, nl i'.iiboiiil;ili'. 'II:- II. I
iboic. ml NiVnlfiu mniruny lll
nit mal.o niiy inoio u& m tlil liliii imlll
the brslnnlu? of nt wul,.
UltrSK IV '4 III! I'AIIIII.M.l. Jui.i IJjik.f
"lid )IIKo (till. ij" in lo cut Imusy ililins rsily
ctcrday inoii.ln? 'ind lill.iiti.uslv dru.ik.
"Hiry uiro uiiettnl 1'iiioiin.ii p. im, jt..l
tainn Hart vhtto lyinif'ilr.iil JrunW nn tlie lloor.
tns o( Hip tmilaui'. 'I Ivy wmi- t!nt Si mi .mj
icicctlv.'li. 1'j .Miluiiiau Millar in jiiilin.
murt yi.tnil.y.
" Metropolitan Display
of Ladles' Sulis. .Tacketn and Skhts at
ui" htoro l'liday and Saturday. See
our nds'frtlrfmeiH on another p.-iRo uf
Otis paper. ' .Meats ,v- Ilnijen.
. Men's mi'
Lewis .t Jii
is lui .'.'.i a pmr il
4-ft-f UH tt
Spring Brook Water.lst Mtg.5s
Lnckn. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
Mtg. 5s.
North Jeisey and Pocono Moun
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. Os
Standard Gas Co , 1st Mtg. Os.
Lehighton Water Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. Os.
New Mexico Railway and Conl
Co., 1st Mtg. Os.
Deseilptlon mid pi ice on appli
cation, f
C nroiiJiva)
N Y.
CaiLbliUalc. v
i; 6 mil 0, Cominomrcallli IIM;
Members Enjoy nn Excellent Enter
tnlnmeut. Anothi r or tho scries of social ses
sions with which tin niks nn- whirl
Iiik invny winter nights wore given
last night, th'i tub roomi being the
scene of n thoroughly Interesting en
tertainment. illg, Jovlnl dene Shong ofllclnted as
chairman inirl ninny were tins mirthful
quips sprung upon the uiioffpndlng
mrmbir.. A splendid programme had
been ptppared by the entertainment
committee and wiih excellently ren
dered ly Hip participants. About
midnight tho niPinber of the Hidden
Comedy company, now appearing (it
tho Academy, made tliplr nppparanco.
mid gavo n number of vi'iy entertain
ing Specialties.
Ditrkln lirolheis. inn locul acrobats,
gill'P II clever exhibition Hint Well' gen
erously applauded, while it solo by a
locul tenor was i-eeelved with favor,
an wori also ntvt'iul other voral mini
bcrs. A light linn h h"ivpiI lii'fmu tlip
entertainment started proved not the
least nrccptahlp part of the night's
J.ouls. W. rischwlndt. (leorge Jlufnu
gel inn .lohii J. Jleese vw tho i oin
mltti'P In charge. Svcml out of 'lty
l!lks wimp guests, among whom were
A. II. Tucket . oj' Koanoko, Va., mid
K. ,1. Mulligan, r Philadelphia.
Strike Is Causing a Lot of Woik Or
dinarily Due Heic to Go to
Faterson, New Jcisey.
Till- tlll(P' .sltu.ittoii ll.lll Uii IliMV
iJpvolnpniciitt) yt-stPiilay mid at tlip
lllri'tlllc: of lln SailMlliilt fnfl silk
woiljpix In Ciirjipnli'ih' hull, no luisl
no."H of any iiupoi tmn-o wa tr.ins
nrti'd Thursday nftPrnoon'M ilNtnih
mii'i' at IVlprslmru uroiis'd coii'-lili'r-ulili
comment. Kvery .ty nowds of
Sill.-" mid lmyn Riith'T otltsld" P.ivld,
llplllm .t SohoPii'n plnnt unit keep up
a ontlminl Hie of Jepid mid nlni'p upon
tin- few loiomcn who dully ippoti for
The latter pay Utile attention to the
verbul attentions, lull when stoiiet and
litlelc on .islmially lUTompmiy the sal
utatlniiK miilloiH lieeoino lively. The
strikers Imvo oiKmilv.ed a mouth orwmi
mul ncpoiiloon coip, for the
lineflt of tlinse now in w orlf.
Wudnesday iifteinoon rntiolmen
KmliiK and Thoinp'-on wor on the
si eno and pievetitpd any vlnleini'
aiouiid ill" mill although a number of
the men woto followed to their homes
by the mob mid baud, and f, number of
mNMIes wire tin own.
Yesterday witnessed a deiiease In
thp l'onc of besIoKlnit stokers and no
tionble of any nalinv win experieneed.
ilieiiuRs wpie held of tin Taylor and
Ulikson City phis, and thin afternoon
the H.iuo,uol hard silk workeifi will
iisMMitble nt Carpenter's Jiall and listen
to an addn"-.i by Mother .Imu.
Valentine Jills and KupPrliiteinleiit
lnls. ol tho S.itKiuult mill, yestorday
lift the city for a foulhern ttlp. .Mr.
HIIms has nniioimcpil tljjl alter .May 1,
h will abandon his ,Noith Scranton
mill and transfer thie imiihlnery to
tlleknon City. heielt will be stored
for awhile. He contiAupl.ttci'l mi addl
llull to the liltli-r mill, but will await
fin I her revelopmcnl.s liefore any omsn
of aetlnu Is puisucd.
line ol He- idilf'f fonttiiPti of tlii- S.m
quolt .Miiniif.irtui IlifT iViiipany has left
the elty and n-tui ivd in I'atirsim, X.
.1 , to tlieio an ept a pnyltlon In one "f
the hlf' silk mills. All oAoiatlims at the
SaiKiuoll ae at an end, hud not a piece
of machine) y 1 lielim iin.
Tlums.iuds of pounds of silk, whlili
would oidlnatlly unite ti this city arc
weekly Rolnir to I'ater.sim mills, the
I 'diss mills alnne IoMiir ri.Omi ponuds
each week.
llespolists In tin slilki'i'S" appials fur
a;d continue to cimu In veiy slowly
and yesterday iitteiuomi marked the
teeeipt of one of the Ihsl sulKlanlial
eiilllilbitlloiipi of the week, flout a
North Seranton mine nnlnii. Appeals
for aid Increases with the i old weather
and all yesterday mombeis ol the Milk
pis' iverutle lommiltee w'.ere kepi
busy lnveptlsatlm.' aiiotis cases gf
lii'-d lepoited.
M.inv Scrnntonianfa Attended
ding in Wllkes-Bnne.
Numerous Sciantouians yesleulay
itllc-nilPil the wvildlnsr of Miss ltetie
Ltiii KtimlPr, of IVllkes-llnrr , lo Ador
la. Iltown, of J'lttston. The ceremony
and reception which followed wcio held
al the liDine of tin; btldo's parents, Mr.
and Mip. Ilninum P.iirKtmder, on nana
iloi'.i bride and groom hae tel.illves
in tills city and aro well known and
popular hete. Tho servh es were con- I
dueled by P. V. of the Wilkes.
Hal IP tPinple, and were solemnized, at
fi o'clock. Tile home wan beautifully f
decorated, and Op.ponht'liu's unhp.sti.i
was In alti-ndaucp. The serviie was a
-ltiipl one. neither of the participants
bolus attended.
Tho leceptlon a held last niKhl
al the hotitp and was allotiib'd by a
voty larBe nuinber ol Kiiests. The hi 1
dal i ouple left 'WllkoH-Tiarre at mld
ulKht on a tour which will IiuUul"
visits lo li.illliiKire and AYashliiKtou.
(n their i 'turn they will begin house,
keeping hi West ritistott. Jits, lliowu
Is a young lady endowed with pxcep. ih.uins nf pnsoti and dNpu.-d.
tion. mid her husband Is the mih of
A. H. Ill own. and a well and
jiopulai young business man.
His Assailant Has Been Admitted to
lioltll-li J'.MIU, WHo n Uielc ago
slabbed and seriously wounded his
biother-ln-law, .lohii Xernihtirg. and
lias clueo boen confined in tho county
.lull, vu lele.iseil on f 1.000 hall ts
lerday. Ills bondsman Is Chris Cr
butite. Or. c'llilisload, who 'has licit attend
ing Xetntbeig. ceriilleil that tlte latter
Ik out of danger, anil thereupon Judge
.1 p. Kelly admitted him to ball
Conttacts Awarded by the County
The ontrai't for doing the plumbing
at the county Jail was yesterday
awarded by tho county comnilsslnneiu
to M. V. O'.Mulley and tho coiiliacl for
the tinning to .1. I'. Maloncy & i'n,
They worn the lowest Ulddets.
Lewis it Uellly are selling $1 and .13
shoes of staudnid makes, button and
lace, extension soles, for V-.'i1).
Tiled to Get an Amendment Adopted
Providing This ns rv Maximum
Price for Gas but Action on the
Ordinance Wns Postponed Water
Committees Report on Conference.
Term of Contract Flxccl at Five
Years Instead of Ten Business
Transacted by Common Council.
Select Coiiiic'Ilmun cltnrles 13. chit,
tpndeii tmsuciesslully iittentpted last
nlKht to jet the member of tho select
bianch to adopt, nn ameitdnicnl to the
fratiehhe of the Cottsmnui'H (l.m i om
pnny ilxltn? a nilnimum pileo of f,ovn-ty-lle
cents for the pits to be fur
nished. Action on the mnendmeni and
on the oidlitance as a whole was post
poned 1111(11 the iti'Vt meetlm,.
The ludlilary cotmultlce i arly In the
evrlmr lepoited f,iorabIy upon the
ordinance fumi a IpbiiI Hlandpolnt. The
l'piirl htaled that City Solicitor Vox
Iiiiib had mmoiincoil that the llde
I'.ul; this anil Water louipany does
not have ecludo iIkIiix to the stieeH
a" the i ry, mid fin tin r that Attoi
ne Uniiial lllltins hud ub'o :io iuld.
" lien the ordinance1 was tolled tip oi'
. oinl leadlllir, Mr. Chittenden olfei
ed his amendmeiil. wlili It piovliled thai
the louipany should -irre to fuinlslt
fras of nl least twpnly-oni caiidl'"
power for not less than M'Vonty-lUe
cuius pcf tliiiufullil feet. Mill further
tll'il any falluii on Its pail ti do ''o
would woik a. lorfidtuii) of Its. fiati
i hie and the ii.eisou of Us caitlie
syMtetn lo the city. Hie company to
b' lelniburs. i by (he payment of n
sum to lie tixeil by an appointed beard
ol' appraisers.
Air. Chlttniulcii rabi Hint tim ailop
lion of such mi unipudmpiit was abso
lutely necesai' to pruvenL the amal
gamation of the new coinpanv with
the pie.seiiL coinpanv. after the jate
war, which Is bound to i sins If the
franchise b granteil. had ruid'eil .such
limit as to inuke It ltiiuous for either
company to coiiIIluc In the. bitslncs".
ine eontpmiv would li bound to buy
lip Ihe other, he lorteiuied, and tho
ll lie uf IfUH would then be put wav
up. In outer that the 1 icw occasioned
by the cutting of in ices migltl ho re-
ttleeil, unless a miixluiiun flguro was
Pxeil In the oldltiance,
I .Mt. 'iiuglian moved lo postpone iu
I tion until the ne meeting. "What
' the geiitteuiau frcm the Ninth has
'said." he I'cinaikeil. "Is m thing but a of slush. The new company. If It
gi t Its il'.iin hlse, will not amalgatiiule
with iinv other company, ttnil Its pto-
looters nie wllllnc;' lo put up a lilv;
I bond to prio-e thrlr sliticilly in thl-i
'icspeit. Th'-v'vc gor .hist ns nil'i h
tootle;, as tin people eiiniioinim
tlte pLraiitou (3as and Wr-lcr coin-
panv. ,
Several of the menibeis remalkeil
that they w.iu not wulllclonlly In
formed Upon the question lo volt 1 1 1
telllgpntb' uion It ami ihe'niotlon was
lu'iordingly .ldopled almost ituaul
mottsl .
The special water committee lepoit
ed upon Ine coiifei'eni" held with
Piesiilent W. AV. Seranton. of the
Seratiton Cas and Water company,
on Tuesday night, iclnlivc tu a guar
antee b Ihe i omp.iny thai u higher
water pressure be rurnlslud on Lack
awanna iivt-utiu than that now hi fou-e.
Tlie H'liort was written by Chaliiiiau
Chittenden, of the committee, and set
foi I It thai Ihe demands had Ixvn met
with an uiuiiialltled refusal on the pait
of President Seranton. The commit
tee leconmiended that the eontr.'ct
whli h Is about to he entered Into with
th couipauy bo for live yeui.s Instead
i of leu. The report wound up as loi-
thi: city is iii:i.pu:ss.
' We are. ul ionise, enlllely helpless
lu the bonds of this company at pres
ent. Inn w teel that the Increased
te'ihlnu between it mid the clly Is cei
talu al least to uilse public .sentiment
to a point whole the peoplo will will
ingly Mit. the nciessaiy funds to
(instruct a pumping plant to pump
water Into the clly 1'imn the Stls
iiueh.intia. rher. Any ad
vuuee In tho rate now demanded for
water will make a sunt huge enough
lo pay the eittlie Interest on stun a
plant as this."
When ihe oidlu.iliie was called up
on thltd and Until reading council went
Into lotunilltee cm the whole and
ameiideil It to lead live instead of ten
years, it was then passed uiianliuous-
Collltollei Jlow.ll i til lu the estl
mates of 111' ai lolls leads ol ilepait-
Every Well-Dressed Woman
Will be interested to le.irn that
ot Philadelphia, will
Jackets and Skirts
at our store
Friday Saturday, March 1 2
They assure us that this will b; the largest aud most
complete exhibition of Stylish Garmeuts that they have
jevcr made. Ladies are all invited to call aud sec the new
j styles. They can also select goods, be measured and have
suits made to order.
Over a thousand samples to select from.
UtV117 Lnokawniiiui Avenue.
monts for tho comlntr year ond they
were referred without comment to the
estimates committee. A tesume of
theao PHtimatos was printed lu The
Tribune on hint Friday.
Mr. Hoche offered a resolution px
pmptlng the properly of the Colliery
Knglneer ooinpuny on Wyoming hp
nue, between Poplar and Ash strepts,
from nil taxation except $100 a. year
for a period of tun years. -Mr. Vuugh
nn offcied an mnrndinpiit, which was
adopted, ptovldlng that the property
should not be exempted until the con
templated improvements which tho
company Intends makhiR on the prop,
crty have been completed.
llefoio the amended resolution wai
adopted, W. Scott Collins, representing
the company, was given the privilege
of tin; tloor nud told about the biff
printing plmtt which the company pro
posed building on Wyoming avenue.
Since tin oilglual plans had been
dt aw n, he wild, changes had been
made, mid It Is now cettnln that tho
building will cost .t.lOH.OOO. It will give
employment to l.OOo men, ho smld. and
the monthly wage list will amount to
about J'o.iiOO. The resolution was
adopted after he had concluded.
The following oilier iPKoIlltlons were
Introduced and adopted:
ly Mr. MpIvIu Directing the city
engineer to prepare a plan of the sewer
on Itreek court, showing Its Intersec
tion with the Linden sttcet main sower.
H.v Mr. Chittenden Directing thu
city controller to liunlsh councils with
an Itemized list of all .ludginenls out
standing against the illy.
iiy Mr. Vnughan Directing the city
controller to rurulsh It. L. Day & Co.
with mi up-lo'dale .slatement of the
city's Indebtedness.
Mr. O'lloyle olfeted a i csolutlou de
clining that the intention of councils
when theyp.issed the ordinance uwnnl-
Inga ten-year otitract for street light
ing to the Scranlon Klectrlo Llghl and
fkat company was that dockage should
be charged only when lights were out
on account of curulesnps.s or u bicak
asi In the machinery, and not for the
ordinary brief stoppage of lights. This
I lesolutlon was lclerd to coinmlttea
for consideration.
Ordinances prodding for electric
lights on Linden sheet, on Mulberry
street, on Poplar street mid hi the Slx
leentli and Seventeenth winds weie
passed on thltd and llnal leading, as
was also the oiiliii.ince piovldlng for n
sewer svsteni hi lite Nineteenth M'wt'r
Then- w is rnllirr a llvelv pa-saso
:l aims in the (.million council lust
night hclwoi'ii C. is, and.'ouu
cllmau it. i:. J'.iiup, of the Ninth ward.
The oidlnauce piovldlng for Up clos
ing of Clin sheet, on which .Mr. Has
laut'K. plm e of liusiiicM and tin lesl
(leucp ci libs mollier are lo-atcd. was
up for consideration.
Mr. Jliislr.m was glvn the Hour and
tuatle a piolosl against tile passage
of the mp.isine, contending' Unit titer
was no ns-un-unce that proper il:im
:igcs would be paid. He al"o laid that
he Would not have suitable IngieMs
mid him to his piopcrl.
Mr. IMlne asked hllil If he hadn't
reinsert la put a certain price on 111-
properly, and he leplled that Ve had
not. "Yes, you dl I, to'i." veiled Mr.
Paine. .Mr. Ilnshim got very migry.
b'it lie didn't talk bai k. The ordl
nance was iijfcrreel to e oiumillo.'! for
further c-in-lderalloti.
Mr Paine lnlroducel ordln nn e.s pro
viding for an elcchlo llgitt .it Myr
tle sheet mill Adams avenue and for
slde-'-alks on ilvrtle "licet, ."id uii
Washington and adams nventt"-'.
The following ordinances veie p.'i.-s-d
on third and liinl reading: Proxld
Int; for the widening of Seventh street,
at the coinei of Scianton street: pro
idlug for a lire alat in bo In th'J
Second warn.
To Avoid Engines Matthew Boylan
Sptang fiom a Bridge.
Mnitliew L'ovlan, of Aoca. had a.
mll'.irtllous escape liom death AVed
nesdiiy morning, when to save himself
troni being flushed under the wheels
of an engine he sptang Into the hiiik
awannit liver fiom a railroad bridge.
I'oylau is hut fourteeti ycais of age,
and Is one of the night workets at the
Mooslc glass works.
While on hi" way home he had to
i lo.-s a inn row bildge spanning the
liver, below the Del.iwjie and Hud
son station at Mooslc. On leaching
the center of the lirldgi the lad was
given ti teiiible liighl by seelus an
engine ihundeiiiiR down on him from
each direction. It was "tin. devil or
tin deep sea," and glancing at the en
glues, he paused a moment and then
sprang fiotn the bildge.
lie was given almost' as
histnnc) by the tialli hands, iilm m.
moved liiui Into a ueaiby home, Flight
and i old, combined, prodttfed a siM'ie
shoi k, but tlnie weie' no either serious
1 ('.suits.
make a grand dislay of
Average Temperature for Deccmbev,
January and February Is Twenty
Six Degrees Above Last Named
Month Has Been Marked by Genu
ine Winter Weather, Lowest Mark
ing Being Two Abovo and Average
Twenty Dogtees Over Fourteen
Inches of Snow Fell.
Olnpner W. 13. Donaldson, of the
local station, has found many things
nf peculiar Interest about tho illtnatlc
conditions of Scianton during this win
ter and after ptpp.ulng several sets
of ntutlstlcs for Tin Tribune, yestet
elity announced thai this winter up to
date Is the second coldest Hint Siiun
tonlatts have had to fmtlfy tlninsehes
ugalusl In six yea is.
The winter of '!s. 90 fur the same
three months upon whlih Obsei vei
Doniildson bases Jils statistics won
elgllt-tenths of 11 degree udder than
the nvraite this winter. Tin ae'
ages have been compiled by Hie total
menu temperatuii' for Dei mbcr. J. ili
um y and February being added and
tile lota'l Mien divided bj thiee. In De
cember, Observer Donaldson decl.11 "e
the alinospherlc conditions to ltae
been exhemely mild, there being a
mean or aveiUKP I'Klstelltlg tjf ;',l de
giees above.
.Tatittary, blusteilng. .stotmi .lanuaiy.
also loiidttcted Itself In a surprisingly
mild, good-hmnoied fashion and ie
Hitlted In an aveiage t.-iiipoi nt 111 e of
i balmy l" points. Jlowevei, ('"bin
ary m.iile up for both of these' months.
'Pile lowest l'eglstetlllg of the peilod
of great men's birthdays was two de
grees above zero, but on 110 oecnston
did the povr.s that control the in
ternal weather bureau relax their vig
or and allow the men ury lo get out
of bounds, wllh the result thai .1
steady, sharp fi ostiums was main
tained, with II proved .1 liod-s. ml 10
the meny e oa l ni'n
Tin: moil map.k
Uii eine iicmt tei be foigoUeu o'-.i-slon
tin iiilck-sllcr rati all the way
up to "S above, but as .1 utile it -,wirt
lieaier the zero mail, miel the general
t "-iiipi't at in for the mouth sluti'l-. .11 JO
above. This shows the month lo haw
been the coldest Kcbiuuiy 1 pt" n'lie il
lu sl .car.s. The 111M maikiug of 1 1 -winter
season was In dale, ny, when
the mptcuiy tell on om-lileasjiit luoin
Illg lo oil" degree lietncc zero I'll t -three
elegiees nlnn c Is the high, st. and
was leached In Dee tub 1. to whieli
month live above- was the low. teni
peiattlie lecotded.
In coinpail.-on with these luuies .up
the icconls of pi t eelilig euis. W hi. Il
follow: 1S'.i.'-'.ii1. average' tenipet aline,
.'T..S; 'iii;-!i7, rjs.i: 'iit-o.. ,'ti.s; 'fis-fin. i;, .,
':i!l-l!Mi. jti.e;. The only aer.igc or
these which Is low.-r tliuli this season's
was lent hod by tin- t".i t that 011 a
number of occasions the m-rotu. till
below zero, but nothing like this same
steady (old wvather was cpei l.-iu ed.
For lustuuci. tin winter ot 'u:,.:iij had a
high tiempcr.itute of n; (.gi ,.,., whuh
Is absolutely stiltrj. 'Ph., s.nne sensoti
had lis eMieiiieh- ( old das. also,
which Is shown by the I.11 t Hi U t
below was the legisle-i lug ol lite ((UiX
otlc lluld em a day which inuke s th..
hair of the weather seei.s st.iliel up
even yet when they icllevi u it
ill t'S-Xi. the mean li mpciaiiirc of
which Is s-ll) of a degiee lower than
this season's', llftecn ib glees bel(j was
the pxheitie cold llnill, and lltty-seceti
aboe was hlgh-walei mail;. Obsejer
Donald.ion says that this Feluiiui'i
was a splendid wluier mouth Hi sides
the uiilt'oiin, 1 hilly ion weather
maintained, the snowfall was just
about light, tlieip being .1 tall of 11.:,
Inches, eel to a total of !i.S
Inches lu l)(-cciiibi and, 1 otn.
ll.ildiy (1 elay passed hut home of ihe
In antltul was in tlie air. almost ceiy
twenty-four homs helng stu-e to hi' ac
companied by at least .1 leu Hakes r
Hie- poet's delight. On twenty out er
I'ehi tiary's twcnij-elghi el,t.s Here
was a snowfall, there being altogether
an aveiagp fall cf half an Jtn I r
The other months' fall us ,,s Mel
lows: December, ".."e liu-ln s: .lautl.iij,
!.::. wide h wilh IVhrtiarv's n.r, luehe s
ghe'.s a of Jl.;l. 'I'he snow has
been tiequent lu lis visits, but on no
oi cjslou has tin re been a fall of tie
same hi'iivlness or power which eh,n
acteil.ed the kind which Ihe old ttl.-r
loies to dwell upon.
The peculiar cloudy condition ot the
local litino.cpheie Is n tentuic which
has much Itupiessiil th, olivet v. r. n,.
.states tlmt thin sccilon is siluaicei In
all uliilospheilc belt of gie-ater ( loiid'
less thmi can be found lu any other
p.m of the Culled Slates, with ilni-
leptloil of the i'aclil,' slope, lu ,f
of this he shows that In tin tlnve
wll.ier mouths there have lice u but
eigbteiu clear days, twenly-e-lght ,n.
ly e loudce ones and fori.-ioui' in bi, h
the sun bately showed hlui.self,so ,. use
were' the ntlnuous banks of i loud".
i'ait of lltcsii thiee moillllh weie ,..i
futed by erv high storm wlndr, . ml
the comparmlio mildness of tin d,..
c ember weiithfi was made tar mote
rleorous by Hit stormy children of
Hoteus who rag"d thi.iughout th
TIlo Winter Is not over et by many
moons, mid Obsetier DonaliUoti ye.--tonlay
rwnmrked v.lth a smile thul tho
pulsions who haul: mi spring being
closo at hand are making a hune mis
take. ".March," said lie, "is the must mi.
certain month lit the calendar, th
country oer, and here lit S.'t anion
it proves no exception to lite gem nil
Pile, hi March, 1MJS, the lowest gmd
Iny in tills lity was, l!i degtceo above,
and In March, llH. II degtves below
was tho coldest clay r voided. Th"ie'n
a dlfl'PH'iico ol Just thlrly-tlilce points,
Hie variation between u pleasant
spring month and an exi 'cdlngly vig
orous winter one.
'In 'J'S the in pi age ti'inpcitiuiiv for
Meiiili was II ilcgtees above, nud In
llsi, the iivetiiRc tempoiaiiirp was -D
degippf. Kourlec n (Ipgids dlu'cience
In the nie-rtige ijradltig mentis a :;ood
deal, I cm toll you. Fiom present li,
(lle.ltlons thetc's .1 good ileal murej
winter In sight tin- tseraulonlans."
Tho Big Dancing Pavilion Dootioyod
by tho Flames.
Tho largo dancing pavilion al Laurel
Hill Park elected a number ot years
ago nt a cost of some $3,0u0 was en
tirely destroyed .by lire yesterday
The Art of Living ' gj
"5 and living won Is in Judicious buying, Where you buy is of
3j as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for It.
Wo havo sovcml Dinner Sots that wo want to closo out, tho
"5 quality is tho best, our only reason for cutting the prlco on
3" these as wo do, is because tltey have Vbeeti hero too long,
rj! One a Havlland only, rtench Clilnn. HIT nieces, former prlco
S.15.00, now 835.00. Ono Roast set, Jones English China, was
930.00, now $30.00. Several other sets of equally as good
1 Geo. V. Millar &
il We Carry the Only
BIron and Steele
25 in this section of
make any mistake
kct for same.
Bittenbender & Co., 8
126 and 128 Franklin Avenue.
Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming; Ave.
We ate the largest buyers of Honest Shoes, and
we pay for them promptly, saving all discounts,
which is a great benefit to you who buy ot us.
Local notoriety is not the chief reliance of our
business success, but Self Reliauce, Holiest Busi
ness Methods and National Popularity arc some of
the vital features of our well-earned and acknowl
edged prosperity.
We are not defenceless because we arc the de
fenders of Honest Shoes aud Honest advertising.
We appeal not to your sympathies nor your
prejudices nor any questiouablc influences for your
patronage. If our shoes are not just what Ave ad
vertise theiu and the values not as we represent,
your money cheerfully refunded. Relying only on
this Honest Business Rock for our existence.
Why We Grow Prices
We Place on Sale This Morning:
500 pairs Youths' aiul
Boys' Shoes, all sues ....
joo pairs of Men s line
House Slippers, all sues.
joo pairs of MerTs Rub
bcis toes a litte iianow.
tion in
a attrac-
pan s and
girls .!. 2s Mioes, which
WO Sell fOI e)f)0 shoes aic well .null
- toes siui.tic. common sense
-oood quality. Never a bet
ter bat gain m shoe leathei.
soo pairs ofladies'coiu
foit shoes not a pair
worth les than 7s cents.
'lake tfiptn at
)C l
Nos. 114& 116 Wyoming Ave
Telephone 2-182. Frea Ce'.ivsry to an Pari of the City
femBamBBZ3B32EEl ZZZZSLttfEX&&KZZ3niZ5l I
shorn -ii ' oi"
(I. iiiii - are theii.iilii
e el li a 11 1 1 nl i" 1 i'i
heiii on to all kinds
houi 'I'll
ll.iv liei'll slat I -
ll s, who ll.lV"
f mlsi hle-f about
Ihe pi i. ' toi 1 muni 1 wi-eus pasi.
Tin lil. ! was dlse overed by a puss
prh, who tinned tn mi alaim which
brought end Hi- entile Diiunioro lln
department. When the llrPtuen iv.u he. I
tin siejiui of tlr lire Urn whole dancing
pavilion was a mass of llauies and,
icalivlng it would be useless to
attempt hi save It, they turned their
intention te Hie saving of the sur
rounding buildings.
Tito pailllon was about WO long by
SO fi'i'l wlii. nnd on lie-el by tho
Dolph estate, wiih li also owns tho
Lost Hold on Top of Culm Dump nud
Broke His Leg.
A hundred and I went) -tlie t.-ei abovo
the level of the htiei't. Tony lb I I'I'. an
Italian, Hi Iiik hi Smith Scianton. was
coinplaccnilv at noil: shoveling culm
Into tin culm lonvojiii'M m the Neirth
American entupmiy's coal wushery, on
I'uiboti sheet, ycsteid.ij.
Ilellf paused II mnillchl to lest lilt.
w.11y limbs, ami an lustmii later ho
was rolling liead ovci heels diiuh the
sloop hit lino at tho late of tlvo feet a
second. Dm lug ills mad course ltullf
J clutched frantically for support, but
Co. VZlTlT $
" ik in ana Look Around WC
Complete Stock or
the state. Don't
when in the
20D pans oi Men's
Burt Shoes, plain globe
toe, mostly narrow
widths; $., oo and $5.00
kinds; why we grow
pi ice S2.t)0
have ;oo cases
rubbers the
and soc kind take 'cm at 23c
joo paiis of-ladics' standard
makes, button and lace shoes,
extension soles,' the $3, $4
$s kinds; "why we grow"
piici. 2. ,10 per pan.
200 pairs of ladies
heel and spring heel
shoes button and lace.
.?i,so kind; ''why we
p,iow" puce $1,10
1 mil.: iiiil nothing in si 0 his progress,
Willi .1 icMiiiii'liug thump he HtlUik
teii.i I11111.1, .n.d c he 11 eiipei c orktnejn
re .11 Ik d 111 side 1' u.i-e i uiiid till
leg was liioki u
lie was lake u i,, tn La k icvunn,
Coiner Stone Canvass Is Being; Vig
orously Prosecuted
The e oiner stou nieuibeisiiip c all
lass or ihe Young Men's riirisimu as
sociation -Is being lgoiuiisly pushed
by tin tlfly men who eoinposc tlie flvi
committees lltlilel llle e 1 ill lll.lltsltip ol
)., P. llowor, W. T. Il.e. kett A. H.
W.iiinau. ,1. ! Miplieil an 1 C AV,
1 eo io,
The leports ol Hie llisi eecKss woiu
on tin part of tlie coniiniucpH show
that I.. I", llower's conumttpp lead
wilii seicnty-llie new m tubers, and
that the other commute !"' not fai
behind In tin ic (tilts ot then work
,1. il. Khyplicid's comailtte-e Is k-eplns
still, but expects to head the list when
the cuiitcst Is over.
line of the Interesting fe.itin -s of tin
ciiim". Is the- fait thai Hi. inembc
ship loll, us loiuploted, will be put Ir
ihe inriier stone on Muy 1. with otlioi
Impoitiini doctimtiuls, for th porusa,
of future goner.U Inns.
t'al. pi tines, ti lbi. Mo, Coui son's,
vu. ,