MV THIS St'BANTOX TlUHLNE-llUDAY, MAltt'tl. 1'. 300 r. to ftyWjppwg P8 CHANGES BY RIPPER BILL mb. vosBuna says they BE EASILY MADE. CAN The Recorder Will Assume Oftice Irn medlntcly Upon H1k Appointment ruul May nt Onco Removo the City Solicitor nd Board of Assessois nnd Appoint the Heads of the New Departments Who Can In Turn Re move All Suhoidlnate oniceis, In cluding Policemen and firemen. , Nmv ilmt tin- fiti-fiiiiieil iiinl Hindi ilpptT Mil 1ms vhlunlly lmcipinp ii luw. ScriintDii nuiHi iiepai'.' to ieui'Riinl;:o its i-lty povciiiinriit under lis iihivImIoiih. t'ltv s-Villi'liur Yurliiiiir Muled yen ti'iday tu ii 'I'lllmiu1 limn tliiit f thf nialliM wan i)ii' alioui In mi ' uedllloiiH iiiunnvr It mnld !" don lllioitl imy lili'llnii mill w Ilium! nv i -M-y kioiiI iiiuouul of trouble The lecoidiT In lie iippolnt'il )y the soveniiu' will iiHMinif Hip liill'" f Hi" "HUv liuiuodliilMy upon tin- ni-eliil or ills luiinnlccloii. Mr. VimhurK .i. Thin will lie lieiesurv. InuMUUeh li mo ll priivldPH ii" pit' lime upon Aililoli Ii" shall I'liiuuiciM o in ml. The leeoiiler 1il.iv Iliuin illnU'ly H" iiiou frurn oilier" tin illy mlleltor nnil i'ip jiiptnhfis of lllO llll.llll lit IIHVI1K. .intl nin v nl the ciiiite time uppolnt th" r-ilIowliiK ulIIHiiN: Oil rotor ot pillilh mff-ty. dlroi lor of pulilli- wiikx. inllPiloi' ol iltllniiiient tnxcj.. idly seilMtor mid lle iiieinlx'is of ilie liourd of ii'i'wms An noon ne uppoliiteil. llio-e ' various 1i",k1 if cleiiiutmeiits may In tuui inuuodl ulely leniove nil suliiiltllii.ilf ollli-lal" ju oath of llielr rcHpc'llvo di-iMil- iinMits-. J3UI'ut.mi::;t;i:s. Tlui?, for instance, the dlreitor "f Viibllo safety ran leinovf Hie oliipf of iiollre. the flilid of flip thf ilep.irtiiitiit find tlu building InnpiM'lor and iiinmim . iiliors In tin lr pl.irex, while Hip ilirn -Lie Of Jiulllle IVOilJS full IPlimve the iiy i'IikIih'pi- and the Mioc' i niiilnN Moner. The iliivrtor of publli safety is Klrn the power to it'hiovp al nine. If lip mi deslie.K. the iiipiuIhik of tin- tire nnil police ileum tuif'tilx by ii ulll"ii in dor. and to iipimltit their .ineshorj.. TIip latter, however. nuK yisi'K u 1 1 ruin (oliiprtltlvo PN.tiiiiliallou. midi .ih may Iip ilxeil hv the dlioi-tor "f imblle .-.ifely. hefiirc tiny i-nti l.'pelw iiie iippolnlinent. Till' Mil provldi? Hull the )iiillirtlH'li mid nipinen nppoltitei. under Us prn i l-ions Minll mil be innovod fioin Illie without their wiltteu itiilritMit. i Mi'iit by the dfriflon of a ( oili I of In- inliy (oiiipuMd of fellow-pollfi'iui'ii or I llnw-niellieii, this lotlit to be a)i i.iilnted liv tln dlrei lor. TbN inovis 1'in aopllPH In only tlm-'e oIHipii p I'ointcd under the ilpncr bill, and iia'" on upllcatlon -whatever to Ihe pieseni iiieinbcis of the jmllie ami lire depart- IllelllS. While ill- reeoidei, who Is tu lie up liolntcd by the uovernor. will ltniliiuht . illy (li-Mlino ollhe lit onee. 11 Is likely ilia! III uiiler to provrut i oiiiiillenlloiis be will not m.ilii' nny riniuvuls or up 1'nliiliiit'iits until Apill 1. or the IipkIu nlnn of the next lineal year. Till: VIRST STKI' The 111 St tlllllK Willi ll It Will be nei for I'filiiK'lla to do will be to puss .i KeiiPrut ri'Oisanlzalluii oidiumiee ful- 1"lllK Ihe provisions of the ripper lull; i-reiitiliK the Miiioiis ib pmlineiiK mid otilllnliiK in a s-oit of wa 1 lie duties nt the hcaiN of e.uh. Thlf. iii'litiatii'p will ulfo 1'if.ite the .ulolH bnipaus under onch depai tment, a uie liutcnu of flu- ami the of JilllliT. The bill ilolde Hull the illllli . ot 1'ie director of imblle works and the llici'toi of nubile tlimltlfs may be otuliliicd In one ofllelal, as may also Hi- nirires of rlty treasuicr and col lei tor of dellmiui'iil liiM'S. In fUder to save the additional expense of salaries fir these oillelals 11 Is probable that the Keneial leoiprauli-atlon oidlnaune win provide for tills lumbln.itliiu. This ordlnanee lias already been par i i.illy picpaif'd by Helect I'ouneiliiinn .lulin U. Iloihe. He and 'lly Solicitor Voshniir will kpI their heads logetht". iiluin it. llKht uwu. mi that it will piobably be rendy for prfsentatloii to ouuclls next Thursday nli;hl. The u- dinauee now Kiivuinlni; the polite, lire md other departiuculM will unuiii In toree until supplement- d by new meat uses. .moi:i: uuo.m n'i:ci;ssai:v. Another Important consideration whii'h will have to be liikui up Is tlie h.iiiRlnff of the ollli'ps In the niunli ' pal btiiUlliisT to aeeoniniodale the iiow "lllel.ils. It Is HioiiKht that a pot Hon if the fourth lloor will 1i.ii to ; finished to tnnlfo tooni lor the new ib--i-nttinentnl ofllies. This m.iltiT will 1'iobably be lonlied after by u John - oimcllinanle eommltteo wltleli will iiuiii be appointed. Mayor Mulr retuined .sesteulay fiom lltuilithuit;. happy as the pioerhlal -lam and uonlldeiit that he will be 1 1 1 oernor'8 nppolntoi' for reeordfr. or - otir?o. lie hasn't kuL inueh to ,. hii i his paiticular poiui. but from what I e dues say it can be i.illy Inl' thai ho Is sun- of teiiialiilnu in bis piescnl ofllee lor two more "I'm Rlad the ilppirlilll lias pm-H'-d," s.ild he. "This ilt needed a iliuit-i-ladleally different fioni the mnilji' some and lilotts ihaitii uudi r ublih I'ltthliuri; and AllOKhtn.i li.ixe be n ipcrntliiR as sei ond-i lass ill Us i.,i sM many yeais." TINY NAVIES OF THE WORLD. lo discover that the "whole" of tip Colombian navy consisted of Just ono r.lilp. nnd that slm did not have any superimposed turrets. both of these UoiIt. weio heartily immhed over when relutid nt the navy yard In Hrooklyn the other day, mid I he iiietlon or Infant imvM was ills cu.c). ft I" not lout? since an tin pntrlnlle beaih rotnlx-r p'U a lien on the nav of l'ariiBita. IMr.utuay Iup tin urea of S1.HT0 ffitiati- miles, n popu lnllon of nn'oiai millions. :iud its navy consists of ono Kiuil'ii-it. Severn I sleani liium lien liullt In unithern valets initio u piarllee of following IIiIh fsuiiboat mound to low her on' when she k-U auiotllid or to pi event Hie rebol fioni llfllui her ottl of the wntrr and tnirylnu her Imdlly to thu .'onil. As ln--Unlliciiiit as lb u.iv.i of I'ur ni'ti.iy is. dial of iviM'i is a snade in foilor. Instead of liacliu; s'iVeial Meaiu laiinehes to dame all' ndam mi tin I'-isepolls. tie- .'iiiadrou," I'ei nl i has bill one Inllllch. I'oii'ldeilnc her seabiiHiil tonltniy. I'oloinliln liai n tiny IIIH.J Indeed. Th" ivpublli repii'senlH eil.TS:'. siiuare miles, and a population of over l.fififl. n'lii. The -lnuoilles of Ihe i oast i;le nboiii fm miles on the Atlaiilie and iM oil Hie I'.ieilk oeea'i. Its navv for the most pint eoii'-lstM of a neetloiiai thai was built nl I'erth Am Ih'V, N. .1.. In lvii. ami sent down to lb" i oast In ivetloni Ceslu Pica, which has alwavs b en avelse to llalilllnT with hi" latter in iKhbors. Nlf-muKUii mid lloiulmas, lut-. Illie them, water fioni on bolh the I'.irlbbeail sea lllld the I'lellle coi'iin. Vel this country has but one inrppiln-l'diii as a nay, end sli. Is nit Mxly-two feei in b ppllt. A lol-pedo-liont In tills Inst:.ii"c Is as kiio I iiv the ariiifd ili"l ot llarope, fi r nellb"! Ilonduta.', (iu.iletnala. nor Nliar.itjii.i lias miv "irivy" at i.ll. The onre wealthy and poptiloa' A'lte stale i ailed rf.'in S.".l.'idor lias n "i.avy" of lis ovt . and this l.ay Ii elKlil.-sls feel lon i lid bi-HK Hie oocl old nann' of Cu-catl'in. ThN ves-iel wis built In San l-'imiclsco. and when tl e ilollflv lias ii illspl.iceim nt of icvi lily ile tons and tilple ovpanslon eiiKlne. AVIieti coinpiircd wllli her next -door in iKhhor, t'olombla, the n publli' of llc fnlor is ti. intuitu r to that portion of Hi- I'.iclfie. Not only has iCruudoi a luuisporl of lion ill the I'liaihuln. but the h.f also a sloop it war or slv mill'', with a eip'v of lit, ami two Kiinunal.. IV in loweis iiwa.v nboe Imth Ki na iler iitnl I'olombl.i in the mailer of a limy, hmliur sereial fairly kooiI iiuls ii . one. the Santa lima, bums pitio Ipiiiii. A" Pet u Mauds shoulder abovo lmth Kmador niirt t'olmnldn In tli liiuller of i u.ivv. so does rhlle oa:' nbov" T'etu In Die same w-pfit. I'ilher the I'.iplillll Hint, of l'lcliel' iiiuilrtle tlmi: the Ahuliaiito I'oihiam. or the Ksmeiald.i. Hip larl two n' IhtmlWh luillil, I" aide to wipe OMt Ihe be.-l poillor. of Ihe nillie mil es of South Amerii a, PNcppl. of cottr.-e. Ihe Ar Kcntlne llepuhlli and nrar.Il. I'blll, po-slbly, did not cotisirier it woith wlilli lo take the nils' j ltlniac bark when Pel ll inptUiLii In r. nir the tame veal In wldi h she lo-d that .".scl she took as pil7i"j from Pi ru Hie lluniinr. and Hie I'lkomuyo. both of which wvte built at i'llhinhead. Santo Pomlnjjo ha :p nta.v consist ing ol' vevetal Kiinbe.ils, one of the llestacrrai Ion. (jtiite new and from Olii-inw. with nine kiiii". and the iilltei'. the ludi'pendrlu in. with f-PVett lull Ic-'li iua Kiint tiiyl twin i-erowp. Hultl has a more foi Lildablt tleet, nil lw ln KUtioo.its. lioweAr. and two, the en to ii J'lerot .md I'aiVds ii Jlori, ah .ir.lulely net Mexlio has bill oie .j'dsi r the Zur .l.'OK.I. wlileli liiey sajj is fuildel' of 'ami ihaii sue is of vjatei. l.lbeiiu. with r.oo mile of water float, has but ti 'Miiboal'i, Ha i.oi'ionoinali and (hi l:ii(.llowii. but mi minis me bulldlns. I!uls;aila, tie "nuulilliiir IC i.i- the nottliMii i" Is of the iheuyliiK Tmldnh empire." as a lilstorlan once 1 til t 11. has a vuy small nnv.. ions.' C'llns her po-tessions on Hi" Dmiuh liver and alone Hie UIicI. sea. Km en has finlv llupe ships as a i navy, and they .up pui lleally unmiWd. lvnainlte ".lohnn' o'P.iku la i "made" n.ote n ivies th m mv inodi-ru fieelume of the s -a H- on iliieiu eilPd to subline VencUel.i ivltb an old thai h. ''cIlii k i--l" fiom t: sound 1'iiiU yatd NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD NEW POSITION OCCUPIED BY S. BRINK THORNE. Has Become Oeneinl Mnnngcr of the Temple Iron Company's Piopeittes in This Pnit of the State Situation in the Ralhoad Woild as It Exists Today The D L. &. W. Boaid for Today Alabama Coal Lands Belnp Developed nnd Cheat Quantities of Coal Mined. S. Ililnl. Thome. Ill" ellli lent oolllp liollir of die Kilo and Wyoming Val ley lallroad and the J'eiiuvylvaiiln. t'oal I'-iinpany, will today (emler IiIh reilniiatio.n and lieeoiiie t;ilieial malia fier of-lhe Temple Tiou lompaiiy. opeiiitors of .'vial colllitlps In this vicinity. Al'tel urailuatlni; fmui Yale. Mr. Tliiiini' look n piwl-nradualo collide In i-.ltilnp: i-uclnrerliiK ill I.afayetto i-nl-l"Re. slllie Willi ll lime In- has been tnpliiyil us mine sutveor. assistant Inside roieinaii it lln- School.-y eol llerv. nnd for the past four was iiiiniected with the Pennsylvania Coal lonipanv ami lr!i- and W'yonilnt; Val ley Ihtilioad lonipanv In at lops in. p.-li-ltlpx. lie leslmied (In- post. Ion of .-npprln-tondent ot' Ijh-iiki-is for (In- Penusyi vmila. company miiiw inoiit'is iiko, to berome lomplfoller of Hip I'rle mid U'.Miliilntr ulli-v intliond nnd th. 1'i-iuiH Ivmilii i 'on I iiiiupmiy. Tlu- ap pointment liei nines ftetho toil iy. Ralhoad SUuatiun. "In He- i.illioad world a sall-lattoiy condition prevails." says the Xe. Voil; News lliifi an. IV mid-: "N'oiwItllstnililllliT Hie lotisoi'vatisiii with which n-neial busliiess is helm; muled on. iiuiiliiK-i of the transpor tation lines loiitluue to liolii up well ul, ove Hie basis of lail year, l-'ull ! tllliis nnve not be.-u lOceivid for tile si nil week id IVInuaiy. but In mo-t llllailies Hie lelllllVP naln over t'itu has been laiifet- than was I hi caln In the nit week ol' I'ebruai.i. it Is a l-i pliliou. but tut advisable one, lo remind our readeis that (he miln hi tillro.i-l eurnliiKs tor the InM lino ;.(-.U'S have been i iiniulutlve. The lm piovenieut in revenues has ex'ieoded the most Mitittulno iiieetulloit. Ii should be leinenibeiPil aim that these Kiiliis have be' n accomplished with the i.ite Mtuatlon not nlniKellif-r p-r-fi-i '. "Tie nuiiiueiu(iiis of the louuti'" leads, however, are eoiistunllv v.'orl hm tow aid ilel"Iiijj a lystem thu' will, --ii far as pnsrlhl", runove pv-ii the fi a eslnllUsT olHtaeles to a llinr oiikIi luiilnteuuucr of publlslu'd tailffa. OperalhiK expenses eotilliiite to be bur dened wllli many burses Hint i oul.l propiiiy in piaceii .iK.imst i ipnui uc coiinl. or chilli lepie-sent e:pi ndlluri-H above the liorinul In Hi- malnteiuinee or way and slim lines and of eipilp infill, in n word, the railroads, since lln leorKanlzatlou "la was left be hind, have In-ill pvep.uliiK thcnn-elvo lonstnnlly lor u 'rainy day.' Ilap idiy. too, this ralnv day fpin-irs to li ra r distant. U -Jiilv mods another yinr of uood averiip' imps to plai- ihe timisportmion Imlusliy of the country upon Hie most prosperous In is i'Vi r Known In our history. OATARUII i)V TIIK ST03UGII. A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe nnd Ef fectual Cuie for It. Catarrh of the utomnch has lone been considered tho next thhiR t" In curable. The usual symptoms nro u f til 1 or bloatlnp enatlon aftei' cat-ItiK-. uutompiiiilud nonu'tliiics with soul or wtitorj' ililnRs. n formation o Kiise? minlmr pre-ssui on the heart uud hums and dlillull hre.ithltiB hiadaehi'S. llekl" iippellte. nrrvoil" np. and a Keiajral played out. Ian (,'Uld feelli'B. Theie Is nfle'il u foul tafile In the nimith, coaled tonmin and if the ln teilnr ol Hie sloni.-ich could he seen It would ,iiow a slimy. Inllamed con dition. The cure for Hits ommoii and ob stinate, double is found in u trim mem, which lall'is the load to he lendllv. thoroiiKhly dlRPstol liefore It lia.i time to lerniMit and hrlt.ile tho dellcaie imiiotts surfaces of the stom al It. To secure a prompt and healthy illKcstlon Is Hid one neiu-iiiy Ihlncr to do and when i.tumal dlinsllon N spf-uitd ihe catarihal condition will have dlinppc.ired. AcioidhiK o in. llallailsoll, the nitesl unit bel lieatnient Is to use, niter each meal, u tiblet. i omposud or i'la-dase. Aeplle Pepsin, a little Nil v. ilnlden Sal and trull in Ids'. Theiw tablels inn now be found f.t nil dnu? ti 1'M tiiidf r the uauie ot Stuarl's Dys 1 psl.i Tablets mid not beltij; a patent medicine nut be ti.ed Willi perfect al'ely and nsMiianre thai hea'ilty np-p-tlte mid tliotouuh fllKi'ltloil Will fol low tlieli- lemihir tt.- after meals. .Mr. X. .1. liooli- r, I'lilciiK". HI-, wilten: -I'at.iiih li a loml i ondllbui resttltlii-; Horn a ii, tclci led i old In th" head, wllftebv the llnlnp llieiubi.ine of Ihe iiiim beionus ititlamid and the lolsoiiium dlsi-ltmue theicfioni p.isslnu l.iekwntd Inifi lln- Hiroit reaches the stomai It, thus pioditclni,' calami ir tin stouuirh. Medlial (lUlhollties pre- si rllied for me Huoe yai-s for ia. tarrh of itomaeh without cure, but to day t ,-ini the happiest of men after iislntv oiilv one box of Slttait's Dyp pepsla Tablet". I i .uu.ot hud appro pi Inl- words to exprexs my ifood feel-In:;-. I have Ininid lli-di, appellte mid sound rest from their use." StuaiCs Dyspepsia Tablets Is the "afest preparation as welt as the sim plest and inosl convenient lemedy for any lorm of Indlseitlon. ealarth of Moiiuuh. biliousness, sour stomach, li-filt litiMi and blo.ilini,' nfter meal"' Send for little book, mailed" free on sloiu.lfh tiouble". liv iiddiessllli; !'. A. Slu.iit Co.. Mfiishull. Alleh. The tab lels i an be louml al all driuj sloros. SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists. Of considerably more Ihau ordinary interest is this most comprehensive stock. It 13 conveniently arranged and classified so as to permit of selection speedily and satisfactorily, aud whatever is new and best in Shirt Waists is here. Fine foreign fabrics arc fairly represented. The choicest of Amcricau goods in plenty. All with detachable laundered collar and soft cuffs. About prices. Of stiipeil Cheviot ami Madras clotli, plaited back, lull front. Also White Lawn Waists. Sttipctl Percales and line iiiiip.lums, single or double plaited bade, full front. 1-ine quality Zephyr (jiiifihams in pieltv styles, full front with plaited back. Also White Lawn Waists. I-'inc Striped Madras, full front of tine plaits, with iew plaited back. Some with deep llounce all with dust rullk', Lx- $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Silk Petticoats at $5.50. I hese are attractively made garments in vat ions pietty coloiiug and blade, and two small rulflcs, some with deep llounce and two g.itlicicd uil'Ucs, eciient .uuc at W-'iO. I'rice frvso. A Fine Offering of Silk Waists. A i.ti( (.ollctiun ol i-risp, new bilk Waists came from the niaiuiuctiiier today. They aic in colors, red. old lose, cadet blue and black. They arc ol an excellent quality of talfcta silk, neatlv and well made in up-to-date styles, worth fully $7.00. Choose Today for 55 Flach. Special in Plain Black Silk Waists. News concerning particularly j'ood offerings in black conies from the Silk Waist department today. Carefully made Raiments, ol excellent talfetas, in the latest approved fashion, ami so priced that many will surely have lelt us for new pleased owners befoie nightfall, fojo for an entirely new style, an pinned, wiicrcvei a piau can ue pnicca. New Belts. l'nii.T- tii j. in . r r. suvf. I'iwIi-m -i .1. in. Ilmvr; It. ..a i in. Morjii; T t. in.. Muiili; a c 1.1 . lu'ni'luc. r.e'1'Hvn lliislii' 7 .1 in.. II 'lliiiu: 7 .i 1 I'. -ii ,cr; ...:. . in, Mimon; 7 p in. .Mili'niiiiu Wll.l I ,il-. W,-l I W. . Ilutlmii'iiii . r u in., r. i.. itfci'.. i ;i. in., ii. tURSfiti , s .1, in,. King. oil, !!', II. Ii.iIuiI.i'a dii i : M .1. in., .1. .1. ii'IIuim; It o. in.. .1. 1.. M.i-ln ; i i. in., l'l-i.I. Milimi: I . in., .lulin (..ili.iirei: 0 p. in, .K, Kill .in, I. ir., W. I! I i -1 1 1 & W. lloaul. Is the malto-un of tho and W. hoant for today: TliriisD.VV. IKitKTM'Y. -. nt-. lni-S p. in., II. l-i 1'. lil'iutritk. i iiinw, i . I air. rt--t,.,.!)ii n. nl.. II. l.illium: i,. ILiiinnlll: I l in , .1. II Jlii Jin.; , M. .1. Ili' ii 1. in.. . I. Mi- . 7 .i. "i . l'4iiil'illi: N.tKi .i. in. .1, 11, V., I. Tin fnllunliis I).. I.. Wil.l p. 111., I ' Norirt:. 1 1. mini lur II, i.iIIIu'jii and urn ill mi j. in.. WIM rat, Cut. 1'iiJw, Mai.'li I. Unit lluimr v, 111 go wil villi M. .' Ilrnnlsiii lu'tt In. rinsiiimi .Imii'i. on Willi Mil ml v will ull at iiii'iiiDlfinKnl'i. nil ii i'. I. lulin : il.;'.i a. in , .1. A I' Willi; l.l'i (i. in., .1. , I', lillllsaii; I. !. 1" . " Wil.t . ... nt . r. j i. ll Ml II. 7 SV,ill. ill .1. ill , lln i : 1 ..ii 1' in I. hi I l..u: .. I', ii IttffitJl'l viinmil-. ll.. -r. :i in . 'J'l. .Ijiiii1" IViiIci; fl III . i-j-1, .1 Hi IIIHS HI. 7 .1 111 , Wtl. IiPoIKA I luimfi ILn . i.i in. wfi I. II. Nnl l; 7 p. ni . pj-i Imiii So iiu, l.'li nil M. MU'It; 7 i. hi. vnti (mill I inu.1. Hinr fiismcv M Iriii' j 7 p in ui t imiii (jiii.i. (.Iiili.v Alabama Coal. Mini' than l..".rti).0an totni "l ii" down tho .MIm-1siii1 rlrr nniiuallv ili'MtliiL'il to Xi'W nrli'iuiK and LouKuinu iiliiutatlons. Mthotti'li the oiicr.itiiis of Ala haiua mailf mivoimI att'inpts to Hti-uii tr.idi' In this inaikit, tlit-y nn-t wllli no xin whs until, wlti'ii WnlUi r i onnty initios f-hljipod lii.Ono tons, thus h in lm; it finitlim and slvini; tin in an oipur I unity uf ili'imiiistr.itlliiT t lit- finality "I lliflr in.ll. Sliif thi'ii tin1 liu.-iiii .s had stt'.iillly lm ri'.inil. and iluiliiK tin-ji-ar 1S'i:i tln-y hlilpiicil tiO.OOi) tons. In linn). 20O.00O tons, and for the your Uini. rutin, ii'ts luivi' alioad) Ivon m.uli' for Sua.nriii tuns. At tiioi'iivillc, .Misf., Hie ioiiI Is ti.ins l"irrd irom tho rais to b.ii'Kd by a vi-ty conitilptp and crunouilcal plant, owned and operated by thu Southern Hallway lonipany. and this place has il-en to tin.' lank of a IiirKO roalltiR sta tion, tu Its KeoKr.iyihleal hituatlon is ery nitu'li in its r.ivor for lio.itp solus lither up or down theIvet. fashions latest fancy, are shown in quite a The btoad covered leather belts, with diop tiont. to be laced together, arc They give a turn curve to the waist, and make waist bands forgotten. They variety of styles, price iane from 50c to $1,50. Among other styles of Belts ate quite a variety of patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and gilt li.unqss buckles, some with nickle buckles, some plain patent leather, other shapes, also many other popular leatheis, varying 111 price from JiC up. BUCKLESDurable and Pretty. A chain is as sttong. is its weakest lml.. Your costume is not pcifcct unless its details arc perfect A belt-buckle can make 01 mar an ellective gown. Wc have some new buckles that will add an attraction to pcrlection. Conect and stylish buckles in litruscaii gold or French grey finish, jewelled, with adiustable catch that makes them easily removable and icquires no sewing. "The price of these each. Im. L'fnc i itiffn frrtm r. ti .-..VI-..VJ innw iiwiii .vv iv ; CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND WASHINGTON 120 AVENUE HISTOSC Places in Virginia 1 .mho ,'jinlort ilil in J i'i Is OLD Doillii LINE Special Uai'salii. Toihij and Tomorrow. Myer Davidow, The Cheapest Shoe .Store, .107 Lackawnnnn Ave. bnccltu llarsalns Today ami Tomorrow. 1 aiiii'i'i .,1 I! .1 U.11IV 1 Tl ' ,.l II , iJl In I'i I' U. . 1 . . .j, ,j, .j, .j, . . , a .;. .j. .j. 4, 4. .j. . 4. .i rvri"r,,,r,ri,"r,r"rr,rTT-rT' 1- DOLLAR SAVING Pi udent people arc taking advantage of our GLEARANCE SALE It will pay you to come and see how we can make a dollar do the work ol two Axminster Carpets Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. CoiuifciiiiR for All Points South ami West. 12th Semiannual Sale of Shoes and Rubbers At Less Than Cost of Making. Every Shoe in our store is up-to-date, fresh goods, and notj damaged. Ao Dofy Competition. 1 Friday and Saturday Special Bargains : Tliimiali ru-Uets retiirnniR lrom Walimniiiii In rail ur wjti-i. 1 o: (ull lntor.ation 3 to OLD DOMINION STttAASHIICO. 81-85 Beech St., New Yoik. 11.11 ALKl.n.Tra'.Mi(r. J J HHOWN.G P . The Blues U ouc hlgnal wlileli lorttclU vni-ii:al decij Auoili. ' 1. iwl HU-lcv. ..kin Tlie uuistles shrink ami liccome fl.ib. b . llir Imily lircoim 1 nnd there U ail cirly Irudrncy to round shoulder. The Mtl ImKi claslicitv, the :nrei licrumc wtak; uiental and physical nttn ity are a liurilru Tills coudillnii I-called A on A 4iii : It In cured by the use ol Some South Ameilciui Countiies Hnvo but One Waishlp Allont. Kicm tlin Xnv Veil. l.ill .iinl !.irn Tlio ))1iio-iioi-i1 hMppi'i' .lio ti-Ii uiuphi'd fiom City iHiaivl Hint lie lunl Killed his new ami wuuitil I ho iolk iu meet Ills i'i.ift m linn u.ilo lml i.ifiip liunioi' limn uhimlly urrunipaiili'S ii trjsedy ul itn kind. II lb i-splolt hm none ovor llir- wuild In u im-asur.?. This nppeal wum uim-ph'iI Iiy thu po Iiip hojt J'utrul. bilhClliip. with anus and MuccoatH. "Wlitn K unite aluliR- l'lo thp tklppet' pointed to Hi hotly of a ilonil negio ami miIiI: "l havn uliot iny new." Theie U a iai,il!.:l nnty In u (-alilfniiiiu ihu wa le- nlvcil ftom Colomhiii ki'viiiiI iIu.vm iiKO. It i wtil: "Whole t'liloiiihlaii n ivy huiih," Tho iiuuliK' editor ami "Xpert imvnl wrltnr oC u inonilnsr pa I'or liPipmied In lie mil "pllclui; iho mn In linuo nt thin fiitlcal iiionieiit, nnil had no linnd In the Curry thn followeil. It tool; imioli oveihuullni; MEN'S SHOES LOT 1 Men's Box Calf Kubl,. r Heel. Leather-lined $'3.(-'0 inoes at $1.08. LOT 3 Men's Winter Russet Rub ber Heel, Lenthcr-lined shoes at S1.08. lot a Men s Enamel itusset ami Black Shoes, worth $3.00, nt !?1.08. LOT -I Men's Vlci Kid Leather lined S2.50 shoes, nt $1.-10. LOT 5 Men's Box Calf. Velour Calf, Enamel nnd Patent Leather, 33.50 and $4.00 shoes nt $2.48. LOT 0 Men's Light and Heavy Worltinp Shoes, worth 81.50 nt 08c. Men's Mining Shoes. 08c. Men's WoonsocUet Rubber Boots, nt S2.25. Men's Arctics, only 08c. Men's Embtoldeietl Slippeis, woith 75c, onlv 40c. Men's Felt Shoes, worth S2, nt 08c. Child's Rubber Boots, only 75c. Youth's Rubber Boots, only 08c. FicMj.i 'H LADIES' SHOES i Ladles' High Cut. Box Calf, also flno Kid-llncd nnd Winter Russet Shoes, woith $2.00. $3.00 nnd $4.00, at $1.00. Ladles Goodyear welt flue shoes, made to .sell nt $3.50, only $2.20. Ladles' Patent Leather, lace nnd button Shoes, worth S2.50, nt $1.70. 300 pairs Ladies' Songoln Button and Lace. Kid nnd Patent Tip, Good year welt shoes, worth $2.50 nt $1.40. 200 paiis small nnd odd sizes of palis to close out, worth $1.50 to $2.00, nt 50c. 300 pahs Ladles' $1.50 Russet Shoes nt 08c. lliev feed the hungry ncnei revive the weakened otpant and make life brlfjliter nnd -vveeler t . anv in in or uoiu.iil ttholu- sufkred Tom idi -ival dr.ilu i Oil lift 1). i Hi Iei;..l cii.uaulei- to. in cm wdmililieiiioin ', 5(l lliHil, fee I'i ii MiuwiM. Co Ctevelaiiu Olnu. 1'or t.i .l-i n II 1 i''l' . I'l'iiuunii, miner U)umu 3i line jiul t-puKe ntcet 'J Lp $1.50 Values. $i.m a Vanl. 100,000 Rolls High Grade Wall Paper 3c Up Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile, colors through to the luefc. $1.50 gooiis, now 05c, 75c, Si.ou yartl Reinnnnts. J WILLIAflS&ricANULTY i; 129 Wyoming Avenue 5" t' THE SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 aud'2, Cora'lth B'l'a'g. SCRANT0N, PA. Hining and Blasting llfde at Mooilc and I'.mb JI Wor'il. LAPLIN i RAND POWDUR CO 'X ORANGE GUN POWDER Xleetrlo llutorl'i, Kioolrlo KioloiUrt, xplodluc blili, is.ifty fins 11:1 1 Rcpauns Chsraicaf Go.'s iwi"oivij DR. DEKSTEN Flijslclan and SurCeot 311 Sprus) St, lucp.e Iturt B11II1IIQS SCRANION PA. The above arc ouly a few of the mauy bargains. Wc iuvite you to call aud exam ine our goods before buyiug elsewhere. Remember, we sell Strictly Reliable aud Up-to-Datc Footwear. All nun un.w lAUi. jnJ He 4iul ' mum lilMieii AMI VhllN All Uln'4- . ui.furft uf (n'u o CIIIIOMl .M.lllil . l)l?i:i'I.S A 6PM. tl.c l.ner. Kiun .. MYER DAVIDOW, The CheapesL Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue iil.iidei. Smi l'i"0a. .eri. mniin. tie. I r. Nik nil IjiiiB'. aii''fi, I'uitoi.,,, Ituiiiuie. ,!o" ; lllitimwiuiii. .ilini.i. ('ititrli Villi oi-el'. Ui Maiilieoii. Nigi,U i:ir,iioiif. " r;!y ii"-'"-. i'nin. .1 , (l.miipiilif.i. hJI'lnlH' l11"-" I1'. Iiiilim. tlou l"l nitl'l"! h'lli, 'lilmrili'il. hur..iy, Vif. I'.l'llei".". 'IJ1' ""'' "' iriiin. I . 1 UlltliOOM'. Hflli' l"i tanirli 'ilir.' nmntlit Irulmeni fill V. mi liul dee in ..filce roii.ulUttuii inJ I'Niinliuluiii flee. u. J tlie lioui ilally una Mimlii. 111. l 9 ji 111. OR. DENSTEN iiis 0 n Lager Beer Brewery MuHurueluroH i: OLD STOCK LSUE BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings,Clevc lands, Iver Johnson aud Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. Thev'rc beau-ties. E! 211 Washington Ave. 61 1 HENRY BELIN, JR., Cincral Ajent fur U11 AVjenlnj Jliittut (cr DUPONT'S POWDER. ! Uibln;, llUttln.-, tperlinj, Smol.cIe. and lh C'liemutl Louipiu'i 480 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, Telcplioiii: Call, 2:1.1.1. High Explosives. Stdty fuse, Cjps ami Kiploderi lloom 101 Con nvll Ilulltllns, fccrunkii. AiJi:.NLIi:3! THOiJ. I OKP rilUton JOHN' 11. SMIJII k bON .I'ljmon'i V y, UUUIUA.V WULerDarrt .)