? (" m ; h v.sp;-,.,. '"'itfy Ti" '' v, ': -ribtnte. crmttmi TMKONI.Y SCRANTO,PAPI:R RbChlVING THE COMPI.KTENbWS SKRVICU OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE CREATES T NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCttANTON, l., FRIDAY 3IOKXIXU MAHOH I, 1001. TEN PAGES. TWO CENTS. d$T INAUGURATION PREPARATIONS Arranuenicnto lor the Succtaciilar Features ot the Occasion Nearlu Completed. WILL BE ON FINE SCALE Reviewing St nnds An- Uulfoiui and of Unique Design Electrical Dis play Will He of Uuusunl Magni tude Elnboiato Floinl nnd Other Decorations Othci Eentuies. lil I "lu-iv M.ir (i,. n li.i mn 1.1..1I I'lni W t.ililiiK lolt. Feb. '."i. The picp.iia i' .nu fin- tin' Inauguration if President l Kinlvy m-Nt Monday uie rapidly ih.i'-Iiih: completion nnd without nil sil,ll f.lll I hi 'i' M 1)1' II larger cllllVll ii' stiaiigns picsein to witness the 'i moult' thrill Washington luc men n iiiiiny i'.iri. Tin- general Inaugural 'iiiiiinltti'" has been linul at work lor looi" than u month pcifec tins the iir iiigpliienls anil the spot tin ular rou tines of tin? celebration us well as tin tt"iii nil aiiangeinciil niaili' for the 01 -i.ismn m be on nil e.e:epllonnlly line ale. Tin' lcvlcwing stands which h.iM- been elected al Intervals along ' iins.ilvnnhi avenue liom the fooL of tli" tupltol gunnels to Seventeenth stiuct have boon unlloiiii ami uiilqui! In leslgn and the general docuiatlons of hi' olty, espi chilly along the lino of oarade will in- uioii' lavish and ai Untie in chaiatlcr thiin fount-ily. Although Pennsylvania avenue will he Illumined 11111111? thp tin ui' night of tin. uii, r.Ui ind ISth of Maich as in rely borore. a "iM-rhii feature will h" made of that 'Mil extending from Fifteenth supuI to o Seventeenth sliett on the mn Hi '"id of tho while limine grounds. This Hon has lii'cn designated tin- "Court o' Honor." and many special fo.ttuio f llluiiilnatloii will ln Inttoduced. 'Vc u ular drive in fionl. of the exet utlve in in .mn Is Jmltid.cl In tills grand s hi ill" of Humiliation ami a law furor hi milkmen lins been engaged for two III -f Km or mine In ii, erection of nlllnrs i l.issli Muipp in tit-queiil intervals hieing tins ili in-. J.'ioni Hiom' plUms kioicl .lii-, th in clcciiie Illumination rill be iliHplnii il tt ii tl It Is cci"c.teil that kf -onit o honor will siiiii.ism In riut aujtli.nc of the kliul ever bo le attempted In tills country and cer tili n 'Washington The Decorations. f'llu ii li,i inirthi' cowl nini'iii linliil. Us in . haige .no putting in place pi ml di'i orations in honor of tln oc- Mon ( iiiiiniandr.r H.ilid, supi'iln- ' nnr lit of the M.ito, war and nan- f pni'iinnt building, has ni.nli! an lu- ri irsiing i.iiilillaitloii to Hip niu.il.il 'Ii- intioii. II,. has pl.iri.il electric liii- forniimr tliP ui'll-knou o liml"..- of tin KlRhth and Ninth .liny coi p". as uspd iluiimr thp AVur of thp iti- iieiliuii. mi tin- oast pavilion of the KMiiili' til-dciartnipit Imlldlnt,-, VivA d' nt .MfKlnlpy as a major In thp ainiy priPd In both tlipi-p imps dtiiJiiff the 'lvii Mar. Ilcprorpnlativfs of Hip ration vl niii offiiiiilx.it loni. m-Ihi ypsterd.iy thiuimh tSi'iifi'iil Slikh-s ilpi-liind to pnrtlilpatp in tin. liuiiKtu.ii i-i'ivinonlei lecatibu thf.v w,.ip UIm-iUMUmI wllh Ihr-phn-p nto-lRUf-il them In Hip parade, to day dPillupii an olfer of Craml jfnr shal Uunnal ii cone to send a Kimnl r honor of twenty una train each linul pon to npl-its an oxiui't to the prpslilent. Thp vpteinns iU-i lined to hae any part In thp ei pinnule unie.H n,H '. Mt.itlou was extended to all member of Viterau niKanlziitiiins, both Ii.a and vIMHiir: fiom other i m,.. 'flip ln- niBiiral committee haMomplcteil ( -K.ry ' 'ail of the projrramnie. The inauiftiral i-eremonle.-, inoper for 'Ii- tlrht limp will be poiidiiitrd by a i"int lomniitte,. (,t tho senate and " -p. the ctibtnin licri'tnfnif liuiiiiB li"iii to leave the conduct of the iu "Uguratlon entirely in tin hands of 'In- upper body of confjlets. At It "loik Mr. Konhovelt will take the ath of t- lip-iirosldPiipy In the sen ate ihamber In the presence of 1'iesl i'ii McKlnley and n illHlliiBuUhi'il eoinpiitiy. After the delivery of big n. nusitiMl address, tile vlee-pieslilent will ailinlnlhtPi- the oath of oill-i. to uifi HPiiutuib-clect. Ceremonies nt the Capitol. U noon the natii of odlio will be ad ministered to I'loHilent JIcKlnley iy Chief .lustleo Kiill.,. -,,mt r u,', ni.nn eiur.ince to the (apllol. Mliero a ptanrt for this puipo-.,' has Iicmii eon stun ted. Tht president Uien will de l'pr his inaiiBiiinl addrpss. lie will take bis luueh at the capital befoio hPadliiK tlit bililinnt liiaiiKtmil parade tin I'eiinsylianl.l .iiciiue to the execll tie mansion. 'Seiioial Fiam Is V Ureoup will bead the puidp a? urauil marshal. I'resl dent .MeKlnley will follow, escorted liv Troop A, of Ohio. The body of Ih'e pande is divided mto two Kiand til Mhlous. nillltniy and ilvle. and will be a notable p.iKentit In many te spetts. A eoniPiiny of volunteer troops fioui rono ltico will form n part or tho tltst brlnado and ln an iiMiactlvu feature of Hip parade, as will a larsn delatlmienl of fcallois and innrlnes. Tho Kinnd inaiiRiiral ball, wbleh ivlll he hold In tho fiuat coiut or tho J'en slon bulldlnff. will bo thp t-oelal feat iit r of tin) occuhlon. I.ihku innoiiiit.i of money ar IioIiib fNpendpd In tloi-al and other decoration", and thp com inltuo Imvlnu this part of the pin .KrHinmo In cIiuikp have no doubt that this RTeut room will e we In point or lienuty and brilliancy niiylhliiK AVashlnittrai lias seen. IV'Hdont MeKiniPy bar doi Ided to i-finipst the iislKUnlloii or all nf the im-iiibpis of the f-nlilin-i, to lake pr fn't Maitii I. On TiiPKiuy. lie will re loinliiate tin n i all, with the nNcsptioii o' AUnniey (Icueial IrlfKi'i who thus far ha resisted the pfHdent's Impor tunities to iPtualll nt tho bead of. til? ibpiii tniPiit of Jilitle" fot nmitiier four years It Is known that Air. CSrlRRt nan llnally del bled that hW busliiesi 'i.teiestH nie such that he dipnoi nf 'nil to lemulii. and bus t Inform"'! V- picsideiil. lie will leinaiu In ollli ?. boiMicr. until about Apill I. WE SHIPPED HOUSES. Americans Have Sent Suiiplieo of Eveiy Kind to South Africa. I!.i i:uluip WilP fio.u rii. Ai'in iatfil PifM AVashliiKlon. h'eb. L'v Sim rotiuy (iiiri today .wtibniltled to the house a reply to the lesoliilloii or Inquiry as t" ivhellnr our potts or waters have been u-eil fur the exportation of hoist", iiiuli-H or ntlier supplies for tii,t 111 SutiUi Africa. Jlr. !iif;f .-.ivh: 1'irl llui nit luie bun lent Inr tin i- iiiliilmli cl Ihii'-, nmli' ,'inl olliu s.iililln r.r a.' In oiill Afiliii, Minii(l--l!i'tiivHii iiilnlirr, IsW, onil .Imi, '.',, 10U, lnl. luuli-4 ullit otlirr Mliiis. 10 tlif I'xlrni t.f u.V'".,rj rri. pnp.nl til ti. S-nutli .Mrii i Thiol - W - i 1 1 - 1 j n linn tnl.rn In pre t ml tho ljulnl i ji,.ii ,ii n i ln.,1,,1 . 1 1, , I'iiiiiiIi Tie nmiiln-r i.l li.tr-. - i.ml luulr lil..f.l (ipi.i our pirt iliirlnt, il.N inioil wn i(i.Uf. Mr. !ai,'i adds that It Is not reasllile befoie cmiKii'hs adjoin ns to i the slilpiiii-iiis by pot is In tlelall. A table shows all the shipments to Hoittli Al'ilea, the i hlel outs bclns lloiscs, jiiiiIp", wheat, iniuiPil beer and i mn The Itctit" of ffunpowil.i and Hi farms ate e small, ROSSLYN FERRELL DIES IN THE CHAIR Pays the Penalty of His Crime in the Murder of Charles Lane. Hi l..lull. Wilt 1,1.111 Till. I'n i.1tnl i, Colillublis, I.. Aim eh I -lViicll tonk bis Mat In the eli'iirle i hall at li.07 a. 111. 4t IJ.O'.i a. lu. the em lent waa tuineil on. Death was insianlimniiH Ills last winds wete: "I bale nothing to say." l!ossln l-'eiiell. who tunlKht paid the penally for his eilme in the i-lei -Hie (h.ili if the Ohio iienllentlary, "lml and killed l-:pivs .Ales-enwi' Charles Lane on the nlffbt of AtlKUM I'l. l!HiO. H, b.,,1 peep In the employ of the Adamt 10xpie.-s i.iiiip:ni . aun had lost his position, lie had lepie s'lilnl to Ml -s Lillian Cosllmv. tfi whom In was to have been mairled on the i oinlnt,' ThuiMhiy hIkIu. that h" had a i uusldetablii t-utii of iinniey In I'le bank and Hint In- still retained his situation with the inmpniiv. He was de"perate. lie i,a wllliniit moiiPy and his iveddlnj; il.iv was appioacblmr. Up bad a peculiar pilde which prc M'lited blni li'llliiB the p'aln linth to the ;lil and lie IP tei milled to hae money by murder, lie boarded lh" e:: piess tar of an east-bound l'cniis) li.i ula tialu on the uIkIu ineiiHonetl, 1. -In i,' peiuiilled to i hie bv his old frit nil. Lane. The two mi u talked pliasantl until Hie train icaihcd l'lnln City, about fif teen miles from this illy, when lame Mas prep.ului; to uiiike his pxpiess dp lively for that siatlun. a small town in Madison county. When the nies eilKer's b.n k was turned Keirell shot, the ball lakliiK effect 111 J.une's back The killnvr was just before coiiiIuit to rnlou, .Madison county. Ferrell tired, iiKalu and atc.iln until the chambeis of bis revolver M-ei,. ctiipty. Lane lay on the i.'ir Hour dead. Ferrell look sold, l.auk chciks and bank uot"s ainouut IniC to .V-MO fiom the safe and when the train siopul at l'lnln City lie leaped 1 1 If. The flop was but for u moment and Up- ci line was not dlseoveied until the ear wns opened wliru Hip train i cm hud this city. Feiull stayed all lilKht at a hotel In H'Jalu City and li.' iifl day went to All.-.-. Cmtlow. II" was in tested at lit r house the following .Suml,i and his lilnl ami univli Hun followed. He admitted the ulrin nrtl it has been shown that tho re.umn for It was the luratuatlon for the sjlrl la: was to many. She bus repeatedly vis ited blni since he v as c iiitleiuird to dk. THREE MEN KILLED IN MINE EXPLOSION. H.i JuIikiii If In 111 'Hi. AswiliteJ I'iui ' .Snth JIi Al. .In. I T, Kill. '. in e..lo I. ,ii .iiiiiui'il teniiilit i limn Ni. .'.. in-' mill. liuillic.i.t ef the i it. uliiili ittiltiil in Mn ilfatli l tl'li'C llllll lltltl till' .l..l 111' IUjl'11 In llillll iiioii . 'Hie ilr,ii nu st,, i. iiiuu7, jiiUt,, it.. 1 1 i. VI IS. Wflili. All Urn' nun Hi'ir u..tiii,i .ili.l iuil Jtut sot lillii tlif- nniie .. imiii. u,.u II .. ixi.ImuUiii mciiiriil. It i siitinnuil Hul lh. pit ".n riMtdaixcil Willi u.i'. ii' utuu turiv i itdiklni; 1" null llie dcuil mill, but ,i II'.) i Uf cl I lie nliiKk ir-.lllnl tu strai iljinasi' In tin" liiliii". ktow prctfira i. m. ilr. Tin inliio l; Uii? pr,'Kity el tlio CKifr Coal ami Minlu c.im. imnr, ulilili U uwiml ly II. c .MU..nui Cuifl' i.illioml. AGAINST CONCESSIONS. Ilj l.niluulic Win' ffii TIip Aisodi'fil 'in. I. iidi.li, M.iii'i 1. Hip IVUlii onropniiiliiii el l lie Hail' MhI. uiiiiii; Wciliii'nlo, saiv: "llrmi llil'uii). ,I,imi .mil iloiiimuy lute illiilr.l .iml O.lvl-ul Cliin.i lli-iii.li I.l IIiiiik ( Imiijt. I iiiiili-r- I. Mill, ilfJHl.l Kl.llltil' H(lll l0lil(l0IH tl) llie nilij.iU if .my lutlenilily. 'Iliom ripti!. llltai!.:ll lif, 1 ,l ,i. ljll-il. I llllll" IOI11TII. lion tittiailini- Mjiiohuil.i, wliicli lu Hut ,tci I. ii ullfiiil h.i I liliu ' Antl-Cigniette Delegates Meet. Ilr l.silmhp line tiuin t'lif i.tvintnl Vtnt liloicu, JVIi. " - ll.'IrgJli'A irom Imal .imi taii Anllt'lifiutlc Icn'jeiw nf ilUilim illtti'iini I.iik nut Inn. imij;. in (mill a 4tipn.ii lute f Ignite oswk talicin. 'I In nnlii' i.tjut o( t lit? iilMiiliMtlou v. Ill lie in ii I J mil t-a IcruK tlt IcuN. IhIIihi mitt iirntllni; In yui turnty Ktuto 1ijh liluirn. Hayti and San Domingo Quiet. P." i:ilmlv Ulrn fitjiu Tli" AwKUl"! IVt-n I'uil An I'llinf. lljyli, Till. V Time I. no limit hi tin icpoii piilillihi-il In Ni'" Amk tli.il ll.t,ll jti.l S.ti Domlniin mi irruilng tor jr in aiiuiiut in tin? ii.mulji Inilclonl lit li)jliun. Tlui .iltjii- ! prlcitii tiuillfl rfinl U nignt liiipcirliiiiic IIjiU .nul sj iiuliio jir ,r. lrill. iiiiri, Secietaiy Hay Entertains. IV i:il.uhr Win. Irom The lioolitcj Pici Umlilimlun, 1VK J. -Si-cifijr.i .mil Mn. Iljy i litrrtainwl at lilniier lniils,la, tlitlr siiM. i. cIlcJIiik II (Uitliiritt uml Mi. UeKli.lr.i- .imi tin' lurmlii-rt of tin- irfMui't in. I lUIr iilif.. SERENITY IN THE SENATE Ail Immense Amount oi Business Disposed of with No Fuss About It. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL Passed Without Discussion Pinal Conference Reports Are Made and Agiced to ou the Diplomatic and Consular and the Agricultutal Ap piopriatiou Pills. li.i I.l. I i ie Win fmni '1'ic ,mu il I'd . WashliiKlnn. Feb. -i.Ati t fi'ori Mas sot on f'lot 111 I lie senate today to add the house omnibus public biilldlni; bill with numerous additions to the sundry civil bill nt an amendment and a llli'C'tlii'r of (he commit tee on public bulldllins and Brounils was held to de cide upon a mciivtiie. Confeienees With leaitltlir i.P!iatnis. lioieei ee. i uti- vliued tho Intel enti'cl that It would be Impos'slble to hnld their aniendmeui In lonf-'ienep. They theirfoie nban doued their elfort to set ure the eilin t inept an an amPiHlm.-nt nnd renewed their work IimiIcIiik to Hut p.saire of the house lull. They lettlved Htioiiir assuraiipps that the bill would be al lowed to become si law with the one addition or the piopnsed increase lu the Indianapolis public biilldlni?. The serenity of today's proceed Iiiks in the senate was In a Hiarp eontiasi with the llM'ly cl!( tisslnn of .vestenlai-. An immense amount of business was disposed or and n0t a shiKle point lalteil was sharply nmtroverted. The tlicr and harbor bill, cnrylmr appro priations nf nioie than Sio.OBn now. was pasietl wllboiit a word of dlscus-don and the senate adopted the coiifeicnee report on Hie war levvniit- j eduction inensiire without ilNturbliifr In Hie I-nst (be mill ponil MiioiitlinesK of the piu- culliicfb. Final lonfereiue ieportt wire iii.ule anil .iKieed to on the dlplo. matiu and (onsular and the intfleul tutal appropriation bills and another lonfereiue on the postolllie bill weie ordeifd. Confereiice reports on sev priil cither iiuasiires w..i' agreed to and several bill of a minor character wete piiskmI. The lait hour and a h,,ir of thp he.s. Mini w.m itfioit'd to folitlderatlo'.i or Hie sundry tlIl appropriation bill, it hud not bp'ti fompleletl when the hen ale adjoin ned. Clear Decks in House. The house cleared the decks to.lni of n number of hnpoitnut cnnfeience re pints without much illiliculty. The con ferenie ivjiiiiih cm the ir levemie n. duetluii bill ))!oved ueini.illv a. cpi nble to both sldfs and waH adopted rtlthout division. Air. Illehaidson, the minority leader, .mqiticsi oil in t llH lho lust that niiild be done, nlthoiiKli be slated Hint the tiiltnuliv still belli ved the war taxes should be icdiieeil STO -Otin.noo. ' Final it-ports on the diplomatic nnd i onsnlnr and nKtleiiliur.il appropila tlon bills weie adopted. The ma im part of the day was devoted to the bill to piomole lh. eilielenry of the reve nuo fuller set vice, its friends were very pptslstPiu and In the face of many tlliilt ultles hiinir to it with bull dos tenacity and llnally forced the bill Into such a parliamentary situation that It will be voted upon after five minutes' debate) toniorioiv. FATAL COLLISION NEAR PITTSBURG Two Dead mid Three Badly Wounded. Two Engines Meet Head On. I'.v I ii-liiciii Mac .i.iin flu .-iiktiil Ph... I'lttshiui;. Feb. i'f.-Twn dead, tlltee Iwdly hint and a pahsunifer tialu binned Is the lesult of a licicil-un en I llslon belli fen passeiiuer train No. lu", Miulh-bouml, and a JoenI frolt,'ht on the I'lltslmrs. A'iiKlnla and Charleston lallioad this evenlntr al Coal Valley, live mile" from Alt Keesport. Until: Finnlt AVliite. eiiGin -r, of I'nloiiloivii, licirj ilily inaim'leil; Milton S. Thompson, mall clerk, of liriiuns illle, lcic bm ned nrr, liurt InU-rimlly. died on way to hospital. Injured: c. Sim or. lltiimrtii. I'nliui loivn. badly sialditl and Inulsed: chailes .Stroud. batjiMKeiniistpr, biuispil nnd burned: Allelmel Kulllc, Schn -n-vllle. n passeniter. back htiit. None- of the other pasHcnsets woiv hint bpnii( minor cutB and luul.ses. Imiiunliately after thn eollbloll the passencur cam tuok lire nnd nion uero totally deHtioyt'd, only one mr estaidnt; tho Haines The trains In inlll.-loil wtie the l'n. lontoivn e.spress. soutbbound. and the Imal CiflKht, couiliiK toward PltixbtirK. The local wuii slandlnt; on a sldlnif. For .some rcmon .is yet uiiexplaliied the expie"s, Instead of keepliiK- to the main tuitk. shot Into the sMInir and tel -scoped the oili"f train. All of Hie victims were on the express train, which carried between llfiy and slMy passenger. The ciiKlucmeu of tho ltiilKhl Jumped when they s,m the col lMou ias Inevitable. Physician's Mistake, n.i- i:ilmlro Wlie from Thf Swoilittil Pi..j I'oitljiiJ. 1., I'rlt. -J!, lit. IMiuul ,, yei. Kll'll'll. rf r1l L.II0W II l',tl.lllll I'lljfll Uu. MV.ll- Inviril to iirf-pnciii.ttil of j Hj pir ii'nt. i-olutlon vt Crfilinllc mlil l.v iuI.IjI.o toiliy jnil iliej Mltliln llllern liiinuli. Hi. I'vxi iMpii 1.11111. line frelii llir'vc-t htivul 1-IkIiI yuu ugu. He HJ4 Vi MU Ct rfi,i'. Mill Yaids Deshoypcl, lly Kxiliiiiii- Mita ligin The A.oijul l'u.i. Hiiluiji, Jllnn , IMi. if, VTic In Alsci , simlli A. Cu.'k tnlll j.mN Iin) thi.i udtnioiiii tlr.limril Ir.iiu Sij,(im In M,(io umili ni nm'i'. lhc H-iilnr iniiiilifr cl tin- linn U vvipiirlrfii i.f Wur Aler. MR. CONGER'S POSITION. Does Not Appear to Be Understood in Foreign Lnnds. Ily 1'.lnlr W'tir (mii llii- Awi'vUtcl 'rfl. AVashlnuton. Feb. ;s. A inlsuilder standltiK appears to exist lu Jhtrupcnn npltnlM an to the coiiilltlmis tindni whit Ii .Mr. Conner was replaced at I'Pkln by Mr. Itoekhlll. In cdiaiKc of the negotiations for the Fulled States. Tin- lmpi.'sslon "uenm to have unliied 'UiiPtiPV that the 1 ha nire m-hs minli. by th' s-'tute dPiartment because of illsttstlsfm linn Mith Mr. Conner's ac tion. It Is said ut the clep.il tment. that Air. Coiitjer ujs ielb'1-i'tl at bis own re qtlcM, and his cable luesstiite of Inn week struimly uriitd that lie be allow etl to i nine hiini" for slty days, not lit tlmatlni; nny putpo-e on bis pml to lemtlli lomjer In Hie Fulled Slntef. In Hie same niessaoe. Air. CntiBei' recoinmeudeil that All. ltockhlll be iliaiKfd vith the conduct or tho upbo llulloii" and In so dliccllm; Hie state department bus done nothing more iluin curry out lhc icqupst or Air, Con BPi'. The Iinve of nbseiiti of sixty thus v. Ill rtnlly cover more than double that prrii'd or Htnc. for the leave only oprintes when the tulnNl. r rcnehi t the rcililllics of the Fulled .Stales, ami nccordliiK lo lh" reitiiliitlnnt be is al lowed thii'tv-iiv? tlnvs to mike the join nt'; rioui T't kip lo bis home and an much time Tor the return trip. A-. It is not expected that be will bo able lo ri t away from 'Vklu, owing to llv Ii e, much before the middle of .March, he could not be pvpected to leturn to Ills pot, e Pli If he deshetl to letlllll ills ministry, until the latter v o( next summer. EMPLOYMENT ROLLS ARE INVESTIGATED Speclnl Committee of the House Gives Opinion ns to Some of the Taults Obsoived. Ily I.l, lien 1; W ir fiom li.i A-tot'ljtftl 1'iiic AVnshliiKtou, "Feb. ii. The it-port or the special committee; of the hoti"e which ini estimated the employment lolls was made public today bv Chair man Moody. It say" that "some or the faults obseried In administration or the Hft'iiiiN of the bouse are altrlb. utable to the peislstenee of members of the h0ll.e In ui'Klllfi: upon the nlll eeis the appointment of their lonsllt ueius and Irleini.s to subordinate places and that Pin li faults are deeplj root ed, of loin; standlni,'. and likely to i on line under tin- administration of any political party as ImiK as such a fiys tem Is maintain il." The coiuiiilVted' can tlnd riotblut; to c-rltlt se In th hitttse potolliee or sei -Kvnnt-nl-iiriifR oillcc. or the otllces of the clerk and doot keeper th" commit tee icjiorts that they "found In both departments, which they have Kioup.'tl under thiee heads. nani'Iy, transfers of i.-lllplo.s es from tile duties of the po sition lo ilhlell they iveio appointed to other duties, uiijti"tlllable payments of compensatlnn to employee M'hlle ab ftent from their pmiA or duties, and division" of salaries. Fnder each head the committee spe cifies a number of individual Institutes The committee soys llut the aiiiiu.iil of ubsenteelsin Is ery i-onHiler.ibl. tl 1" stated that one t-inployo had not walked for over sl- months In the nearly four yen is dining -which lm has dr.iuu pay and bus not been lu AVash lilKlou for eleven or twelve month". .Many cases of conlilhiitlon by em ployes ot salaries aie mentioned, one of them in th" last e onuress being Sl.l'.Ou out of a snlaiy of e.noo. It is ex Plained that the-ip contributions went loivaids eiiuali.lnt; salaries of uthui employes. Tlie cuminlttfe lbuls no ovl- tltnee ot the practlc of sissesniietit, . oiiti-lbiitlon ot salaries in the present iiuniress. Tlie coiinnllte .ays lu ion 1 Itislon: "We belieie that the eill 1n.i1.H1 es v nleli have by Iiiim eoiillniinnie i;rown up under the present system of ap pointing of house employes cannot be rally prevented evept by a peiniinent -i.iltte which .shall propprly and eqult nbly adjust eoinp'nsatloa and employ, mi'iit and spcilflcally pieveiit tiie i.busiH whir h bine been herein leport ed." The testimony, mnklim a voluine ot l.'u page?, giving the tPttiuiony of each employe examined, aim was made pub lb. Steamship Arrivnk. Cy i:uli-i Who from Tlw Aintlj'.i Pr, Vn- VutU, IMi. . Anivril ItutU'iiUm. i..ui 11. tti.ali.i'1. ImiHii. I.i (.a.i'cisiu', lljiu'j ltl.e!n, Ituiiii". liottriiLmi lirlci-n: P.1I.1I.1111, Vc-w A'nrt. siilicl: Hrft.'ml.iiti, llmiliiHin .'h. .Suv Yi.rk. l-licro"! nlnl: Al.iju.tl. , Ni .iil.. ij't. ii.-l.mil Salleil: tl'llllrflin , I lii'i, I Or Vcw oik, leaiiirf 1riw1l: hjiwihi M.HU llni'.ij. New Aerk 11.1 .u.li. llnnlmrif- u ..wil: I'thiivliaiuj. .Nriv Veils vi 1 Pl,iinentii. k. tiHi,inii,,n-scllfil: WiMin.bn.i. Xiniicrii f"r .Von- Vol iv. 1.1'rfiU Prfii.i!: l,'AtuiUiir, m V 1!. tin- I) .vrr. BOTHA OFrEP.S TO SURRENDER. Ilr l.iiluslve ui (ii'ni lh AxoclatcU Prim. T.nmon, JIji-iIi 1. Tui' lull Srvm .i.v: "lV Irani tlnl ( iniiiti.ifxl.il t liimi.il I'.cill,. nllridl In -mioti.ld' on n'll.iin lei.illtlo'n 311.I that Pour luili-m aie -llll In pioii. It I. piobrflilp Hut Mm. It.itlu lirutulit tiropunila ficiu lar Im.liinJ . l-ord KlUlt nrr " Second List of Oftendeis, fly l.. liulip Wire fiom 'Hie AvAitljtfO Pun, Pliaiulul. IVli '.'. -'II1.1 ii.ifbtt i.fn.pjjirf , id. lUh .1 uriiiiiil IM nf if'ltirflii Iiii iuni.liiii.'i,l. ! ilriiirfinlnl Iiy 1I10 ifiwus. It inttiilc ,, elm, l.'n, euml iciiinillloi, rasl pimliluit of tt. Itnnnl of tllm, HiiUu I.411, li.M In ett airrttitl .11 1 jv.jlu piinlil.Tiitlil. Prince I tut, I.jh 11. .1 tit I.f VII 1.1 In 11. Wants to Inciease Salaries. By llnltitiid Uiio finu Ihr Atcorlntfi lie,., W i.ltiiiiiti'li. Oli. ii. nutor fliitltr tu.iy t..ivi. 11.. I Ice of un .11111 mlmriit lie will (,nfr (,, lliv! tiimlry tiill enrvlii bill iiutcrftliiK tho jIj. lilt 11I M'lljlelt .tlnl IIH'Nil.ci. ni (iiiujii'I In T,,"WI per jfjr. Do Wet Hunying to Roeutonteln. II; llm-liiivli Mifl fiuin tin. A'ocijIkI 1'iivi. iiutlltlieoin, ( j f'iluii.1, ll) iiS. (kni'ial Ptv Wrt, It l oliltljlly at.iitcil, lni'Imr Mllid In tnkw Hip Omiie iltu at irflloi.u.iil, I ln.ii ina to ItotnlunMii, by ii.t.v e Iviriitillli'. 'Ilir Ill-anal' titer i lillllt fj-i. RIPPER BILL IS PASSED The. McdSuTfi Ratified in the House bija Votfiot 106 to93 Thrf.c More Than Necessnru. END OF A BITTER FIGHT A Vote Taken at 1.00 Yebteidny Af ternoon Decides the Question of Supremacy lit the House The P10 posed Bill. It Is Expected, Will Be Signed by tlie Governor at Once. Tlie Instil gents Show a Propensity to Ciente Another Disturbance When Their Tactics of Delay Are Foiestalled by Action of the Rip pel ites Speaker Marshall Aveitu Tiouble by Tnlklnp; in a Fatherly Way to the Membeis Disposed to Rnise a Rumpus. SpL-iiil (mm a Mlf Coiir4iomli.itl llaiilsbuig, Feb. S. Tlif Miiehl lirunner bill has passed (he lenMiituro; II Is expected It will be slRUPd by the ffovemor at once, and Hint a new form of go eminent will be Installed In Scranton, J'lttsbutu mnl Alleshcny In the ionise of .1 forlnlHhl. The goier nor'f appiilntnienls or lecoiders who art' to succeed the innyois will mil be mi'iit to the senate for couilrmnilou. Siitb collections as the hill may need will bo made by the printer, ami sum" Might amendments ( remove iiicon listen. 'It's will be attempted by a up Plcmentaiy til 11 to be lutimlileed later. This is the status of the "tippet" leg hlatlon n( the piCHc-ul writing, cir cumstances may bring uboul a change, but no change u looked rot-. The bill pntseil the house :ii 1,1; this arternqon by n vole ol Idti to ,t, or by thiee mine than the rpiiulsltc coiistltti llonal mnjoilty. .Mr. .Ijliucs. who was palled with .Mr. 1'hllblii em second leading, left the bed side or his grievously ill father to vote for the measure on final passimc Ile al lived hete at 11 r,n a. 111, Just as the bill wae reached, .mil left again roi home, nl I o'clot k. Alessis. Hcheiier and Iteynolils cited with the Itlpperilex on e-Miy eiticstlon. Mr. l'lillbln was on the opposite side Ihroiighoul. The Insurgents showed a propensity to "rough house" again when their tmllcs of delay wen- foiestalled by I ho action of the lllpperltes lu moving the previous question, but Speaker .Miir bbalb succeeded In averting .1 posslhi lepolillnn of last night's dlsgracefti tin moll by talking "kindly but Hi inly" to mcnilieis who weie disposed lo be inn tluu.c. Tin- iiimull of lm.1 night brought lot ill torinal complaints fiom the memb. is on whom the ntiathes of Hi" house ufd Violence. .-,id In n mild, Indirect M-.iy the lomluct or the latter was (Hs.ippiovt.il by the chnlr. ftepie senlatlve c'oray made paitloular 00111 lilnlnl against Mes-age Clerk Ooige Maiiihnll and said he Mould hold to himself the privilege Of seeking ie ilti'is i-Ithei- bv having Air. .Marshall lcmovcd or .'iiiestod. H Is thought, however. Hint he will not tuk- either aetlnn. as .Air. .Marshall has what Is claimed to be ap udetiti.ile defense. Tfe says he was inlet furlng lo save the assistant seigeant-at-arms fiom as sault and that It M-a hi- duly to do this when culled upon. Just as II Is the, duty of any citizen to respond to a call for assistance from any peace otll cer. Theie was no demonstiatlon fol lowing Hie pa.isas" of tbu bill other than snilles and fiowns Tlie First Taste. The (lift lilsle nf "ilppii" 1 nine at th" e (inclusion of the icports from committees, when Mr. Ilosink pre sented a stack of petitions fnnn I'lllshurg imlnt Hie charier, which 1 onlalueil oi'fr ten thousand nanie-t Kand Mhlib weie seniied. so II Is .enhl, iiy the city implo.ies ir.aklng a rail ass among their lolnlives. nolslibors and filPiiK, with the plea that If Hie "ripper" passed they Mould lo-t' lliclr Jidi-'. The petlHous w.-re if'tPlved and alloWPil lo lay over. They weie mu hiuiil from again, as the "prciimis qUesllon" cm lied when Air. Ilos.iclc was piepr.rlng to niake a speech on them. The "tipptr" v.am th- iifih bill on the inuriilng ciileiidar and when it was penciled, .Air. liosucl; rising 011 a ilies- llon ol ppiiiunnl iii'lvlleg... propeetled to oxplaln that ills-lKii.dsIciicy in ie fusing lo obey the command of the speaker last nigh', was because or hl-i having been on Hie floor nnd claiming attention long In Ten Hie roll call was null Mil, mnl nr htj knew he was being unjustly treated, he wanlctl to cxenl.su his tight ol' leisonal privi lege to protest against lite wieug and right li II' he 1 mild. l.pferrbii? to Ike ilolenee he said: "lias 11 count to such a pass timt it member of this house, who wants lo rise lo a qnesllon of peisouai privi lege. Is to be grappled by the neck nud violently I In ow 11 into his t.-liiilr Will Miballerns of hl-i hous-e be por inllfd lo nssnuli iho membeis"' Mr. Coray's Complaint, Air. Coiny next look Hr. oor on a question of pC'ihtinal privilege ami said' "1 h.ie a complaint similar to Air. Ilos.nk's. Lat night, during th 1 cinslderaliou uf this so-c Ailed ami apt ly tunned 'llppei" bill, thn message clerk. iniilivcl. 110 doubt, bv ihe 'tip pel' spirit ol the occasion, uiughi mo by the neck and iuim-ai'mmI tu p n;i my rights to tlie Hour of this house. If It was not that I was icmihmI by some of my Irli-nde, he would also have rip ped the clothes off my buck. I was not oireiidlng against any or the hi'Am rrtnitiin.il on I'jt-c .1 TIIE NKWS THIS MORNINtt. AWathtr Imllctllonit loJay, INCNEAaiNB CLOUDINESS, 1 Hcnntl -'Hip lllpprr IIIII I'p fn tlif (tovrtrior. I'lrpintloir Or ll.e Invmii.itlon. llnhiitlon o( thp War IrfK. S'lijtp (Jjl-lly lnnsictii Jlncli llvoincni, i Rrnfrrft-('rfiboliili1i li'i-tilni'itt .! fioticrnl -llll.? tut!(r f'jiinnl ltrr dm llai in; l.fji'fljlln. i IMItiriil. Nolo ami (.i.rnn.ei.t. S (iriirril A WnMiiig hi IumiIcLimI "Hio l'lillrftitliroillt" (Mtort vti) ) 8 Lot Jl-Olilttei.dcn Hit iinllnanre iitnvliiii nl llx& Olfl. Somp WiMtlicr 1'jilc 7 l.Ot.il-11. A- II, tiv I our Colln-lir H1-111011.1I1. Cjiliite lleanl or ItciHlfti rfiil AppciN. s I.ol'.iI -l .-i'iitiKii an.l s'.iluiil.bn. I' (iriic-irfl 01ll1f ltd in IViiieilijiilj, Ilhiiiciil j 1 i.l t'on.mtiviil. 10 l.cc il -('lirfiivtff M j it, Jvn r-.m v In ilir ttli.hff flill. Nul- ot Ilr f.tboi Weill WM.M.EVARTSDEAD. Peaceful End of the Distinguished Lawyer A Victim of Pneu monia, and Old Arc. fit hlciii.br Mite fi,ii '1 tip 1v3.i1111le1l l'ij. sv Votk. Feb. S. William .Maxwell Kv.lfls dlrt al his home, 2.51 tec(ind Hvenu-, at !U0 o'clock this inornlntf. The lend was peaceful, death being causl'd by pneiimoulti and etliatistlon. K-.4nator Kvarls hud been a slek Hum for yeni. and old uge viorp blin out. ille would have srIous relapses 11 0111 On dlnitry illness, ivlileh would Ii'hk lilm down so leu as lo cause lepcnii that death whs near. tVhut 1m known as the "reporters' death watch" was put on lilm and laken off piobnbly inure 11111611 than lu the oas-ti of any pi eminent man In late years. Dr. Sanrtiel f.utnbort, of ISO Knul Thlr-ly-flflh itn-el. was Mi. nvnits' phy sician and'hnd been In constant attend ance for the last lew days. Pneumonia developed mil long ago. and II was felt thai this would h" Hi- end or the aged man. The Hppiii.iehlng end or .Mr F.mrls was foriwcru soon after 1 o'clock In lh" iiioriiiiii;, when h" suffeied a re-l.lps-e which irtilsetl llllll to lnk lapld lv. lie had nut rested wll tlilring the nlchl and tli'.' morning. The tloctoi ami Hie nurses -iPie mt lo their Utmost resouii en. but the.l could not juevent the p,ipil -Viini sinking titto, uiln sclotssrif s itblitit If o'clwlv and' 1 nev er legnlned jils inetilal faiiillle. He became weaJvt'i and wenker until he biPiltlicil bl.-JI.isl Mis death was t aim ami qulel. 1k- the tinning dovwi of a light. I'Vor.i the time he hep.uiie un e.iust louii the end w.ii so obiioiis that all the ehlhlieii of the d.i lug man and his wife were In the room. There wer- nine clilldieu live daughters ami four on". These I'hlltlleii, 111.- wife. Dr. l.ambtfit and .1 I rained niirs watched until the end. The funeral seivbes will lie held at Calvary chtiri h, I'oiirlh avenue and Twenty-llrsi slivet, on Saturilay at 10 .1. 111. Th burial will be at Wiinlsoi, Vftiiiont. Alter Ihe sciiIik tin- l.iinlly will go Willi the re mains (o Windsor. Ver monl. ivheie servlies will b- held again. Interment will be made hi Hi family plot In the ceiuetety there. Tin- pull beaters will be chd'en loinorroii WOMAN AND CHILD BURNED TO DEATH, li.i I -.vllKllI- Wtr. Imiii llio At-Oiiltftl Pit irfiiiliililirt-. l'di. ;.-. -tin-iMlilri.i'i' of lb. huh Wlllcy. fjiiiitt, b.lnif In ll,iicl."tfi touiiiy, w i.i iltivtioiol In 1,11 rih- jilird.iy itHnoing. ..ml lil ilatmlitei, Sl.. 'Ilttmm Uoilior, tnii.tlt'i 11 "Hi Her u-ypii -old 1 liilcl, iwih Imini'il to ilcjtli. Mr. nul Mr'. lUel.ir in, I (lu'li 1 I1II1I iv.ciii'il 101.111I on I In' -vtiirtl IK'mI- 01 tie IiiiiIiIIm. .nil kui(ct't1 in It.uliiii:; Hi. loot n' ike sl.tinv.i,v. biit lr. io4ir Iiioki ut I a umtlow s.i.li miiI o. npotl Win 11 1. 11 luincil lu -i.l I.I-' Mil,' n.tl 1I1M they timl dl..i.i.iau I A ttili w.i :iuilr .11.1l Hii'V vvie Totin.l tuiitioncil in rlrfiiir, mil m- 1 1.1 illt litniitil tli.il I '.ft tllrtl 111 fftv n!ie till IV. BASE BALL SEASON. Ily I Jibuti W'lie fiom Iho AttodjUJ I'iok. S"oiv Volt., l'di. ' -Viconllns to tli( sclidi 11U' Ihe M.ixun trill oirn April Is sanl rlo-e iVl, tl. The .Vow A'oike i"it it home tvltli Ilortott u ll.e utlriictlon. Hinoklui ojkii. the mmwii at I'lill.nli Ij'blu, I'lll-I.urg (.pen at t IiipiiuijII rfml iIiiIjko l.igll... Ill" sr.ltr.n jt Si lmi. Inf ui'iiirm (lulu itill lie In Hie irf'l cm 1 1 e 1 1 1 r. 1 1 .1 1 llrfl. uml till' M'll'lll little. I'lj.1 in I lie IVltl nil iiiiliH-nilcnie iliy. i'or Uip tirt time In many ycjf tin- ui'ttriii 1 Tcibs ulll liiiudr the rjit lir.l nnd I lie r.itcin n.i.m will Iu-e tin tewii in Hie in'l, Aflir loniplcllnir I'.io vlinliile lint nugiMtn tlnl-liril 1111 miiip loiilinr unrL jiuI ndit.tiliirtl. Collieries Shou of Water. Ii lliulteliv- W'iro (run I lie .liioillpil Pirn. .slniuiiiluili, felt. t!.- Tlie -li.'nrfliilo.ili V.ilr eouiiuny iM.iulit 1 til oil in itppl.i n( iiacr Irom Hio linliiiuHu, IVmt Slirn.iniiuli. 'I111L It1.11, C.nlfiiiul. .sliiiuml.nl, 1 lie uml Cumin Itlipi ...III, 1 m Jill Plunk l!iUe wii.tirv, mi atK.nui ol 1 .li. .nlil. An rlli.tl nlll lie msile lo U ro 1 1 Hi.- ii.lli.'ilie In t cinlii.it ulih i'iiC,I ilpl.'lr ,iIim. lull .ts lhl rits .our Hie Killrr iqiiil,i, Il It 1 .iiitI .1 gt'itil.tl miiriHlon will Mull ( llie tlietiiilil ilo..- nut H'.'.n 1". il.. Silence on Hny-Pnuncefote Tieaty. Ily lUfki.he Win- (.0111 Tlif A.Kiiljtr.l PiV w'.islili.'l'i. IVli. S Nvtliinit li.et hi-fti if iibnl I'P- l'lolil lltlllill eontifk lo iii'iicji. tlm Ui.iiMctcr ol tint iiovfiiiiiKiil' ir.poii'f to the n'luto ainnnliiicr'it lo tlm Ibiy.p.iiiuifdiii' Mr iMfctun canal tlut.v. Neltlior l.Mtl I'atni. (till- nor s'lintjty IUy Ji. jr.y iiidnnutlnii on trnsnlijt., 'il e uinrrul belirl prtwll. 'hit lie trejt.t will he iifitiilttnl pi UU. Fifteenth Wreck Victim. II' .MluliP Win' fiom 'llio Av'Xi'lr-l l'if t'miiiKii, V. .1.. t'.li . --rtm 1I.1 Miiii'iuf, j'v.l .1 tt.iu', un llrfll.in, ol Vet'.' Am!, iitt. iIiki in IV)c(Mi litufiltal tmlty fnnn liijuiicc in't-bul lu Hip i.illnuil mmpiU i1r.11 llnriii'iiltiiin. . .1 , .1 wick ,iii. IliU i.iakiii tl.o lllti-rit U.'.illi . d l.-llll ot Iho an hl-nl Postmaster al Riishborn. Ily llvlii.liii w'lict (10m 'flip A.'oilrfiul l'n-. w'.i.lilnitoii. 1.. -H. (I. It, ll-llllOll JC 10. ilny apont.i p.vinntri Jt IIihIiLhiu. Miiir lu'iiii.i 1 (Mint; , Pj . a fiunlli ilas iiiue. THE WAR TAX IS REDUCED Gonlerence Report on the Revenue Reduction Measure 15 narecrt to hii the Senate. PRINCIPAL REDUCTIONS Reveuuo Reduction Estimated nt) ?42,105,000 Victory for House- oi Beer, but Senate Stands by To baccoLarge Cut on Foreign 33ill of Exchange. . ,' A. fly lltiliuue AMie from Tim Au.clalrd Trm. ' Washington, Feb. 2!. Tiir; sona h agreed to tho conference report on the) war tnventio reduction bill. Them it as no objection. : ( The Demiwr.itlo coufotees .Senatmr". .loties, ;f Arkantiiis, and Mr. Richards son. of Tennosspt! signed the reportrf which is looked upon ns rcmovlnic doubt 011 the i.is?ngt of the bill. The tvnr tax ivductlon proposed "hiji the- cunferees W i.'stlmatPd at ?42,ttl5,00r The following' aro delalled entlmnte' of leduetlons made-- by Itepresentatlvei' Payne, ono of tho house conferees: roninu'icial l.rcl.t 1 j. $13S,e.W: rrrtt.lcatrfi ul il.'i06it. MU.rjI.O; .ivmtaoi.t- notr, $J,500,Oi5(n I.illi tt luling. for cspotl. IW.(; telrlpl ilUpatclifs. ifoOO.OOi; trkplionc mcisf, fllJ, tnio; hond otlur Hun ImlcnnJty, 51.000; rcr tilltaliJ rot etl.ttvUo spfcitled. SiOO.000; chjrtct' pail, $1V,0X: oiitejsni, $I.T.'O,0tl0i iiuirn'f lire. SJ,r.iiX): lci't, Wflil.OOO; niortiOfeit,) Ivm.OOO; VJ.'-'iEP tidvcti, Unl.ooi: pow o( atj tornot, .-le,eH; t Mliftt. .2.'i.0ut): waroliour! rtipiilK, .i'ie).i): ciprnw rrcrlpt-, sno.OOn; pmA lirii'Lny incdlrlni 1, lontnttli't ami cltciving- bhij, i tJ.Oili.Wn); lrua-Iii, s.V)n,iMo; rigrs. $.i,l(,0iia j Irbacrfl, ?7,(XW,00n: mnall rlfir a ml cit.!itttt, ttdcMnV; 'wrr, o.E0O.0eie): bank cltrcU, !j7.0m).-i (ml; forduit lilllu ol riilangi, .'i0,exi: monti oilier-'. ViiiDoO : nui.KMt for itintniu liouiMrf' y,(i,ii. The ch.iiiRtts ill the vresent law nr4 as follows: 'lolii'to "a p.r cut lU-.oiml olf thr oriKlti'l1 j of li i fills per pound, nt .tgcilttot. :'i per ifnt rnliifllon lltnl In tlie vnolo and noiif II hill piwil Hip hoin-p. Tlie r.itf iiRrord on til 1 1 inile tin- ta t'l.im ptr Hi ionnd .it utatrd In ll.i'.e ilipJUIifi -iti'rilaj-. I ijtis Un llmfe nriiililnc more 1lini 1hr iiuiile pri l.ltH the lio'utp rtlp, !V. per l.nOt', itjrf rrlaiufd. an acalntt m.sn a Htrtl b; tlm Mi.atf .nul J.i'i 114 In llio priscnl l.iw. Hit li. .yiy'sjila-, lf Hun thtfc pcindi jwr l(('i II. f . '( '.' ol 1 rr.tti ti.Jt tWeiii tnt . 1, .mil in t.titil, a un.tintt Hie .'a'c ol 1 ln-r l,0tl in (itnl lo the etNtliis Itvv, tvhlfli tt. nul ili.lnrliitl Iiy (In- Imiisf. ( is.m tits (in lh.ee v.ntliine not more linn thn.. p 111111U pir Ihoiujni! the Hnats action tl -in. Iie iile ut 'I- .'ills 'r pomi.I prrtallnl. 'I lu- Itoii-i- ill. I not iliniRp the ettttliiir I m-. Iltfi -Hie lioii-e rrfte of t per lunrl and uiirnlinif the 7'j per ci nt. iUkuiiiiI irulnfd llll.kl'l,-' ( .lliil.ll 1'lP-Ctit Lilt" IflrfllllSl, llfl srl.il.' if. rdlna 11. .111 ili miiriidmrnt. ( n11111iPiPi.1l llr.'Uo" Tn-llfpfalftl In id-ot.l. am, iv llli eiitflnil aillon .if liolli Itortff. 1'fiiitit.ilt ef si.iik lian-frn 'Hip l.ite of tt.o cinlit lor eaoli vlr" I4 ii'l.tlnoil .ind thp niain ainendiiiPiit nnXliur Hip law lm hitlo the (unfit , Hint el Initial niup iv.ii anpillctl I'.v the limim 1 i.nti rrt -. sale of I'roiliitis .tr l'.v,liatii;rs -Tlie snaM jiiii'iidiiunr I'Mi.iiitlna f..lr of infrclnndhe .u tutiul (ulll.' e.f traiwnoil itlon tvji accept nl, tut Hip rjle ol I 1 1 nt lor rath $100 a.t (in.l l.y the picrfiit lair i3t ifluliifil. Hip n-ultt aincnilintnt nuku.; the i.Ip V" l"le dlwirrffil Ie. II j nl; l hfcl.ti llt'fi-aloil in aceoiilanct! whli the hot. m! .Hti.m. liriitioaK of l)rpcll-Ti: rtpftlril, ( PreiniSiorj' Noli-'las u'l'Mlml. 1 Aronre Onloiii TJ iPfiMlrd. Iblli nf Ktclianjc, 1 on Igii Tlie Taip llxxl ti( (o criit lor e-arli 4tm in jnoidinee with l irualp Riuotidiiicnl. 1I11L1 ut l.ndlns: for l.i.vl -llrpeaUl, IH l'.pirti )trieiiiti--Ui)n.ilPil. 'Irli'phoiiP JIr.vs(J IteppJli-el. Miiiillaiiuoui llonds 1 liepfalctl, turpj iiin IioihU 01 liiiliinnilr. c crtifiprftp of lJanitKi' and OltlOrilM Xt Olln fiveie sptctdi'il lttpoili'd. lui ter Party Urpralfvl. I'oniffaiiip. I'tpiiiptfil heloir ?,."ft"lj ahovij 4J.10'. 2.1 Of nl tor iMih 'M in iteortUnoj ' ivitli tc-nilft anion. Telfsraph Me-o-Ti- n'pcalrd. ' liiFiirancf 'I'av irpcjlid on all kimlf pf 'n iil.n.io in auorilJiKit tilth tlie fiction nf Hl hoi.tf. tin- wuato ionfiTfM r' 'rdlni; en all si ale amcndiiKnt.-.'. 1 ..ij Tjx leppjlfd. Mori case-Ta npoalfd. stfjiiishlp 1'jrfi.iirti TlcVfti. Kitinpttd Iv:' i in t iluo and the rl fltnl at. fin cent foi o.uli ifiO In tott for that pikf ami oicr, Piiiiir of Alloiiify -Tjx irptolcd. 7 " J'mti'sl Ta ii-'.ifalfil "I Waifhoiiio llecciplis Tjs leppilnl. Piopilrlaiy Jkclleinni- Ins rCKalnf, In actor.1. anie itltli lion-n action, tho somto amcndinrni hnnif tlijeTenl to. IVifinnriy ond Cotniflltii -Tin rfpralrd I'liviuiiic rtiini -Tj-v irpfuled. l.iK.ii'h"1tti- mwlltifil M n to ftcllid' Irom latatlon lopacin of rhariijljlr, Ifllsloiu, lltrr i or cdui itlonal cluijeti'i. The total reduction of the revenue', as made by the bill ns agreed upon, -will amount lo about -tll.0fi0.0iii. a-c against a icduitloii of SlO.000.noo as is passed HM himse and 1l".00O.OM an illlietldt'd III the M'lialo. TI11 piovlslons of the bill ns agreed upon ti-lll lake i-ifeet on the first of nevl .luly. Pile at Lincoln, l!y lis. belt vVn (mm 'lli AvikmIhI PrfJk lilnroh). N'rli.. I'oh. 'J l tire l rJs'n- H 01,0 nl I ho 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 : 1 x nf l- aiaip iHlilttllllJi '. tlirrt. mlli'it fnuiH of tie (llv. 'Hip I.lnooln flm il, .ailiiii-lit. irltli u. nlojimr mid men, nif on Hi.. way out, 'Hid lire lmlfi In lite llilrir mit. iiiontt of Iho it ai 1I1 11 .ind ti Inn nil u" iurlotil.v, 'I ) (Oiivh.t crlN aie in no iiiniiidljlp ibnsri. Liluniy for Jncksou. ll.v Diiliuive Wire fioi-i Tlif Awwlatfil Pr,t. .ljik-011. Trim, IVli. ' link. 'iv (.iihibIp W. ataml I11 Rite fe ", . 1 s 1 1., 1 0. (ire pulitit- lihun In to, iiiotidfi! 1U0 town will tiirfkp an rfnnnal uppii'l.tl 1tl1.11 mi (1). Irui in k.i. up ihr lihiir.i tr4l TlT MTt T-f t- 4- - WEATHER FORECAST. - M. hnvl .11. I.1 '? I'oir. a-i lor I'll 4. ,di uml s,.iiuv: l..,.ifin I'i mi.t Iv.inh . 4- - l'n iirftiirf- 1 Ii ititii.t.h t'riild.v ; irfin 11 . iinv ull'i 1M11 I, ii U.1111P In .illrinoini . 4 nr i.tgl.t. s.tiinliv. lull ; 0u lit In Ins 1 . iHiiitlii'tslirly wliidi, lucnniliirf- nrli-li. tfHttlltttHtHttt ,s ",