The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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f&f - i's
n- ,.,
J - . . . 'snv.. rt v ( r ; ' 'I
. .1.
nf! modern uwmminn storc.
The Stewart
Gas Iron
Saves time, fuel, work nnd
money. The Stewnit gas
hented flat iron enn be
operated for two cents a
day. Connects to the ordi
nary gas Jet with rubber
hose heat ia inside the iron
and applied diiectly. to the
bottom. Domestic size, 0
lbs; launch y size, 10 to SO
Footc & Shear Co.
JI9N. Washington Ave
Capital $200,000. S'irpliis $300,000.
United States Depositary.
Busiuess, personal autl sav
ings accounts invited.
$ per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm t"!osti t. President.
His'rv, Jr.. Vice Pros.
Wm. II. I'n.K. Cashiei.
are tho-e who Itn'i a II. mi nujii'. peiiw.
vilhotir waiting to an mutilate larcr Minn. I'm
tliort tinie I fan inane on .1 (iROlM) fr.O.'H
rrrviitlon en r tenired .'. per writ
tttirual inlrrm !old UomK In block, uf WW.
Robert Van Schoick.
fllfitM f. aH Lttinllll AltMile. '.MIIOIl. I'l
Plftnrl rranajer 'Hit" Ninth Vhimiau I'liunc'iei
lug Compare;.
Repairing Done Gratis.
I oil data for I li ;. vhii
ill,.lirt i";np.TJi !! ., iK i . (
alSe-t tfllipiMtllli' -, J.1'1
Hi -nidit .
"I 1 pr .et.i.
v I' i'. . . -." per ii-iil.
Jrutfall, "t limn, mhns i in. ii .i iih'i.
Atl-net C. . l.,v .11 I. in l,i-i ,14.
!' ai.'J Mr. hi. pli irii.L.i .11. In I'hl'j.lil
Indie I!. V, Ai .,1,1,1 .niuil hu.ii,. I
Hi '.minion Uii ilihi,
II'V I'. II. llnpkiii.. J.i,,... . : ,1,. ji,, Mi,,
cull Ihninn, "ill ',,n,. ,n viiin'n aiund
rie.ldeut 1. hiulrv . ii.ium.iiion
Itee. I'rjul, .1. Milium, will I,,,,, , , ,, .,
n.'lihrm till. .111.I h ),,,,, ,, t, ,,',, ,',..
nip ,iiih1, i 1, mi,, 1 i iii ,
I'l'mln. nit hiintla) iiinic.
They Weie Filed with the Clerk of
the Courts Yesterday.
Two more reinotiMianoe.s were illtd
yesterday with rierl; of iUc i,uurin
Oanlcln. They are itgnlnut Mlvhael
Itumlo, who wants In tun ti hotel ut
Old KoiRe. and Andtevv lluyncft. whonu
plnce In loi-uted on tlu ll.iok mad In
I.OL'l.awunn.t townslil.
It Ih Mft forth thut Imth i.l.ices me
unnoc'sary and arc c!om tu hoieln ut
present in cxlstcm-p. Tin- ic
nionNtmiicp ha seventy tlKiiutui-L-H at
tached to it, und that uguiiixt Iluyueo
has fifty-six,
'1 I -
Royal Aicanum.
Pctanton Council, !:'3, meets tunlRht,
Foclal ifCHtlon and wnioker.
Tr, (ins. II. TIHon, whosxs dental
office Mas destroyed In the I.ucKu
wanna. avenue flic, linn openrd new
offlccrtft'fronfi SO", Hoard1 of Tiade,
I yajerj&MnUfiizvwi
i 8fcimK:r.w
. M
They Are a Decided Improvement
Upon the Old Ones.
The nianaRrment of the Hcranton
lOIcctiia Light und Heut company (n
carryliiff out their plans for the im
provement of the street IIrIUs have
commenced to Install a new type of
imp lamp which promises to Rive rcii
era! nn (Infliction. Tho.e nlrendy placed
In position have made n favorable lm
lirt'Hilon, and oven the most critically
Inclined pronounce them supeilor to
any Unlit over runilMiert In this city.
The new lamp has many new features,
flilef iimont,' them are: Increased
caudle power, r?reat brilliancy, perfect
distribution nf light und freedom from
shadows and llloUerlriK, which have
heretofote been noticeable In the old
lamps. The efforts of the elci'lilc llKht
conipuny, who are similnfr no e.xpenst
In maklnf( the Improvements, will, It
Is expected by the company, be duly
appreciated bv the public generally.
The city councllmen nnd oth-;r iMHclols
have expresced their entire satisfac
tion Mlth the new lamps and the tint
tesutts shown upon the court houso
Kiiuaie iiuiJ other points where they
huve boen placed.
After the new lluhts have all been
put In place the company oltlclals pie
diet that the change In the location of
the lamps from the top ot the poles to
n projecting- arm lower down will be
found to be for the belter.
Verdict of Coroner's Jury in the Case
of William O'Connor of Dunmore,
Who Wk Killed at Crossing.
Colonel ,1, .1. Itolieils i-oiidtii'ted an
Ilifltie.Mt In the hi liltrntlon loom uf the
court house, last night. In the .ice
of Wtllllam O'Connor, tho Uunmotc
tcaniHter, hi was killed at the Hun
ker Hill dossing; of the rv-lawuio,
l.uek-iiwunna ,md Westein iitllrond on
h'ntutdny Keli. 9. wlille driving a
wngiin belonging to the Atlantic Kc
lining fomtuny. A Now Yotk bound
pnsseuKfi train struck the team about
1 o'clock In the afternoon, killing on"
if the horses and ruining the wagon
The c 01 oner's Jury nnsl?d of Wil
liam Hughes, A. K. Haldwln. O.ivld
l.'dwards, I.uthor Lewis. Ulchanl Da
vis and Leon Levy, brought In tho
following veidlet:
"We the umMrsigned Jurors. Hud
lh.t the said William (VfVinnw mini
to his de.ilh by being struck by an
onglne. We regatd his death as uril
detilal and cannot place the icspon
slhlllty foi the same upon any per
son." Attorney W. W. Watson wj.s pies
ut In the Inteicsts of the Atlantic
lioflnlng ponipanv.
Lyman S. Chase, engineei of th
Lackuwannn tialn whlcl- stinck
O'Connors team, u the Hit wit
ness calleil. lie te tilled thai 011 Hat
urduy, Keb. 9, the rlote of the aci 1
dent, his train was iiinnlng at tho
rate of about thirty-llvt lo foi ty inllcs
an hour. At the point where the ol
llslon happened, II wits Impossible for
him to "ee more than thieo o-ii lengths
When h'' saw the team on tln tt.ickn
lv tried to stop the engine by putting
on the brakes, and also sounded his
warning bell, but was totally unable
to prevent th collision. The flag
man's shanty at the crossing was de
stroyed by the shock, the flagman
not being It. It when the train struck,
N'oble Johnson, the fireman on tin
tialn. was then put on the stand. He
was not In a position to see anything
of the accident, and testified accord
in gl v.
Andiow Wilson, of Dunmore. who
lives near tin cioslng. testified to ,se.
Ing O'Connor's wagon conn down the
hill toward the eioslng, the grade br
ing In a very Icy and sllppciy condi
tion Me saw no watchman al the
shanty when the accident oc. Hired,
but later on po wived hi in In the
ciowd that g.uhcied.
Miss LiT.Zle Wilson, Hie lflt wli-
n"ss. saw the team going down tlv
hill on a not She sjw a flagman
about during the moinlng. but not at
the tlnr of the accident, she could
hear the 1 limbic ol th nilng train,
and at the time de, tared to tier inmncr
that the driver n I'innlii',' a big
risk In coming down hill it that In
stant Thonia Moian, of KtiuVer Hill, then
test Kb d that he saw a fl'igmnn at the
tbii'' In iU'Stnn, motioning the team
ster 1 umlng ilfvn the hill to stop, lie
braid no lell nor whistle. On ctoss
ennilnallon by Mr. Walon. the wit
ness d"clnied that Ih" icgular tlug
iintu was uh.sent, and the man at the
crossing was 0 .siinnge:' to hlin.
P. K. C'is-py, who uexi put on
the i-'.and. was In the .mioker of the
twill) on the day of Hie accident. Ho
le'tinl no whistle or bell before tin
t' am was struck b th" cngin,
Mleh'ir Plmuiil:, the ll.igmnn. ra
mil pi sent when his 1111111." was culled,
lie w.h th" man tcuipoiurlly In clurK-
ul the cttvhlng.
i.'oiom.r Itoberts li!ttilrd whether
anyone deslnd another heating, In or
der to obtain Plnnock'a testimony, hut
ev'oyoin' .ippeurlnn satUlletl with the
evidence already heuid, he save tho
iMKi' to tho Jui v.
Dayton D. Tranklin nnd Mir,3 Ratio
A. Rulond United.
A ipili't weddlu:: took plate 1,11 AD 11 -Ja.
IVb. S.-i. U'ni, at lit Methodist p.trsonnge, Wallsvllle. the
contracting p.utles being Dayton 1),
Kiankllu and Miss Katie A. Uu'an 1,
both of Hast Ilenti'ii, I'a. The UxUXf
and gioom sumd In fiont ( a neatly
arrangr-d 'ollectUiu 01 luui.-.' plants, in
the pailoi.
The i illual of the .Meth
odist Kpl.-copal chuieh vMr in-ed In
uniting the couple In holy niattlmony,
and ut s.o." p. 111, the oirieUitlng clergy
man, Hev. H. II Ilanton, tuonounced
them man und wife.
Work Thnt Was Done Durlnff De
cember and Janaury.
Following Is the report of the
ton Hcscup Mission for December, 1SP0,
und January, tool:
Mrrtlnpi Ci
Altrndanci' l.Wij
I'uld loittcinzH 3
I'rtu l(Ulnss st j
SlruU furnished i-,
Vllls iiuJe ,.., !;
Ai ticks ot iiotiiiiiB iii.iiibiitiii ::;
TMimonlri In nifttlnj , S
Ilcqumtii for iurr .17
Cul.-r at the orike ).
I'ltifrulng conifrslon 13
Oeorge (I. Sanborn, Superintendent.
F. L. Crane's Big Fire Sale
Will open Saturday morning at 9
o'clock, 12S Washington avenue.
Scranton, Pa.
If They Endeavor to Maintain an
Output Which Does Not Permit a
Surplus They Might Unsettle
Prices and Thus Affect E.mlnps.
On the Other Hand if They Pros
the Mines for Their Gie.itest Out
put nml There Is No Market De
mand Prices Will Fall.
The I'Vbinary letter of the Anthra
cite Coal Operators' association says:
Mncr tin' jl letter tlx-ie lu l-wii ui tliAllv
lm iluiw In tlic Dtitliiiidti' slluilloii oilier tlun
giinul prutiii-n In tin. i.lins tin rrin 1 1 1. 1 i ..1 ! .
lirmMlnir Ijir tin- piiiiliMr it tlw loiinjt "I Hie
lii'lji Idiul 0n'iat'iis. 'I lie niDitiiii'iil In tli!
IllrctlOII ll.lS I"'"!! Ill) H'flitUl. OMltiK III ll'C
ti.ilure nf tlie tortuds jt'il pariiinliiil.i lo Mi,
trullrulniis fer liirinonv In tin (11 ui mlnliltl
i'l III" Dlllfllildlo lllillDt"
1!" opimtci, tl.lisp 1 fi mil il,p puMIr
l.atf KiiDirnl In Mm lul hnin IIIjiIUm-.I i 111
)'tltl"ii boewt'iii tl,t jiloi. sflllng tuinruiiu"
III" intlie nl'-ilue ,f lOii'iKlltlnn wniiltl i.f
cnrr, I,,' a fti.iw- ilnti.'i r ami "M hIiIiIi uiM
li"t fir h inniiirnl lie p rinlllril iiniler tlir Uit
el Hill or any ntlioi fnnntrt. 1'iepei itnl bvl
tlnisli' leiipctitlnii, oiiiIIIIib rli'i'tui
lion. In pikos. ,miiiK 10 1 lit- puvpine or alucii'',.
nl 1 prpliii: iliniimi. In llnl In nlilrli llif li
iiln-lr ii'dll of io Kiel.. j iiiiiipiiinl mII,
inlirr iiniiii"ilitli ol Hi, mini linrii"lir, reaii
l.ili H11 ttli linpionrr nml iliiiilinl mill
pitlllon I- tint m nlilili .mil linni nr.iri
.u'rrpli.K rxlm timi. .11c in.nli' ill pi I' s In coin
tn liritt ttle tl.ltlo rm.l tlMilll, tin pn-ilieil or a
Ill .l 1UIM I' llip. Ilil, II li.ltWI'll III .111
tl.mili' ititriests li.i" I ecu IjlK'h ruiiHnnl In
tin la-t d'ltgii.i. Due 01 Ins. In
r.riltr Pi tump Its t,mi...r. taUni t otit tat Is .it
HuiIIc'nI.i low pilus or ,,s fri'0.iirnth lnp
pein'il. filler. it .it a t'.v'iiie "iimii liflnw in.
mil In the in.uki't. .1 l.lnr ol rnul whl, i linl
lecn inirii'd In rloMuo. This it, pin iiilc.l i;,e
Milno "f 1 ml pii'ilrnidt Imiulil jml in tlie li.m.U
of Hit' HI. ill ili-.llrls. Int.' Iht'lll In lillllillln
Hit' prlio to the pnlillo. ulilh uhlliL' to n Ii
of ttirlr roniprtltni.s ,1. pi. I lint cntrlttl Inf'r
tit'itl'i .mil Ixtiiilil ui lliii louti fiuurr. .1 tei
s I'PIA CiJI M. in 1)1. MWIi.
Tin Mipplv of (oil i , ,rppt ilium; "i until''
tll.itol.e folltiwlnc Lilior tii-luilniH.'s hi tin tniiif.
n.alntaliusl tipiit In tho ilomiml Then' i,
l,lltlr III,' tpllltilill il.illi piouns to Hie H1.11
1 "I. tl-.ll.ll1j 1 U'-eite lot 1. ttlilrh is , . oriel in
oithr tf meet anv MitMen pii.siup lit ilellwn
rtl.lll,.t, thill, ttllh .1 ' etlllit
l.iliilirri1 in .inn tli'iii.niil, ,1 ton Ainatl
hi of t'ojl vohl heltiw tiitirnl pliti .iffeit'i lip
price of tlp entlrt' toiiiiaKr l.,iu tlrll rrnl .mil
of ttut heii,! I'll foi (una, lle'ltlTJ In
oilier ttoiiN. ,i lt'inpor.irt ron,e-i"ii of this
fh.iT.utrr afft'i t- tl.t. setlltiu prut ol ni.itiv th'in
..imI ol (iih'i ilistinhs the tutle, .iml
(dipr. no litnelit uii net ei in ih., pnlilit.
'Il.o I'tTttl of iiu h iltt lines in prl, e i- i'h
natlilntr I'n ih" lalliiMiN ii l.uu
fiplfdit lettipts, ,intl to tht mine ,p-i.ilors .1
Mii.illtr it lm ii fnr llnir lihor- .ml Im'e.lm, t.l
rnllronl rppiivr.N tie liititt.iei t of .1 !h-i;p
ft in of moTie.t, .tntl am t'.ni.p wli'ih ftl'i.e Its
Inrome nffpiH thc prrtiiiil Imo'iio ot t.itii "I
hi lhonjnils of hohlrr. of lit s pnriti' Tie e
in linn, line inliti-l. in olhu ,inii'li-s ol
leuitiri ,tnd .1 tt'tltutinii of iiitoni.' Iinin on.i
rotiuo foi, ps tit. in In time urilrr piohn te.p
nt'-s, fioin the ntliei. or, in .iefnili of tills. It,
1,'tliuo iml.. This tliirtll.f i.flett- the v.i.ft
of hbrr, vhltli leprenl 1'ie Lirgir p'r.eit
Imre ot the cost of iiianiilatiiiie. Thn., oe
titats'il ciiiiings for Hie r.tlltt.ijs lute 1 line
fold ellfil. tint of pie,i.tlny the tletelt pi"eni
lnl linpioiemi'iii of mi, ite ami equipment "ii
lhr(; In ilneitlt .illiilin; lit,, innnhei of
r.illnit'l iinn'otfs ind lli' ii tt,, nii'l in He
li'diirfl, hnt cone the less .teltul, pfle, t im ,,
Ih" r.uiiliii;s t.t Iho'-r Intpie-letl m,l iiiplu,.il
in ., linn h titlet . itf lr of lie in ln-fies.
V Hie inli'ts this i p.on mow .ippiifiii. "t
nnl.slm.illtis ihe ui.i'.ime if "en.)m,iiH profit ."
uluth h.i', btpii hiiill uii.lei tin pele-.ttl ul t'.t
"it..d hiron," 1 ho niifnrli'i'iti' lot u, llnl 1
in 1 in.til,i't the tn.i!v!ri hri't'eji ro't
ai.iI helllnu inito is pMitnielt m ill, .., .mill
Indiril, iflintiM 1 f .1 Ii .nnd snihi lent fut I
In .t'l Usltle .If ill) .wjiiot mi 1 . .,1.1 it.',
at idf nts thiol's!, piiitlilenliil uii-., ill. Im!
note tl.rft uoiiltl liot. .1 lo. 1 11 In .r 't. hi reple'nlet ihe meiter pit of th" fv
IhI'.o tf tno In, int ,ind tthlte nun.' .uo
erf hate tpt tiuny Ihoii-aii.t-, f tli,Il.t'- In
mitt limit .mil O'lnipintiit In lite .a 1 'tlut'li.c
llilf. II t-llll irnnliK. and pnet.lilt ,ilivs i I,
Ihe l.iijir p.r, rl.t.i.i .1 lit . ,i-vi,il lu Mielif .
I'd xiiifiitl, ulitn Hit pihef ihtlliv iliei it
j t holt Itetxti'cii rlitsii.' Ih ' inliip; opi'Lil'irt H
1 li,s-, 01. nf lfihielti'; exp'ii-o. tnd tt.te In
Meet tho iWiv.t.e in eiiinlti'Xf.
I iillli:il I'MIMM.-
riiei In the .11 thi.itlt" lehiiit tt.'i'ti n
1 jiimui .mil .iKi.tmi pei-oof ,ii,pojet in md
jii nnd ihe i.iin.'.. tth .' oi.iiinlnetl trfitiiiuf
aniieml l ,,houi AlnajNtinml pel III t It 1
t.t.111 jhi.tit suimymi 1, fxpnnl'd f.n f.'.l;
i'i n.lil,Ul i 1 llmtor and I.i1i.irti., mil Ih' ir
11 limit r. I,iiii,iii), f. r ilothliu- nnd Hie ..lli-r
farilt p.prtii'P ritrt ninnet tllfiillitil-il in
eitfh town In tln'-e piniliivfs hi. Itnlll up r.itiii'
eroM Mii.ill liiiiiotries. Iiiret tnttl h.nils-, t,"d
llni'imh Htetit pin't la-tit ol t.iippips me imde all 1 .i 1 1 s nf th foiiivtit Con. iii,ni1t.
etllt ilnhl',ill lli'ltl rtldih thr-P "ondf ,P
btiuhl, and n.'i't atlh etert man
by them, l ,i!Ti.ted lit ,mt thinf in t ."
euiniints of tli'-" enntd In npilnaelto niln
inrr Tl. ,tT...I llirn ..f ...l,c .....i.llllm.
'"S. " '.-.. v. .' --- -...,....... j
III Ihe anthrailie nuiliti-. 'veil m .-111 ill .1 put-
. - , .. ... .
it as , me pritp in orarm in. sir
of 11 ftv ton,, at a 1ritif.1l ntointiit, is
111., that of ,, .lino I In nun lm,. j pond, it
cli'iidf In tviileiili: oliilm until It rea lies the
ItliH of Hit ttoikt'i In titarh etei.t luiportant
IiiiJttstrv In tin round;
'Ilk lie operalor-i lie plated l.ttuepti
tun lire: If t Ik", riultavor to rniinialn mi
output ultltli, while amp! tulliolini ti i.i"c'
the ttirnnl tleniiind, tine, not ikiihIi a sur .I "t
thai inlfc-lit mitt'llle prli'f. and lln.s nlTeet I In
crnlni-s of all 'lifimd In Ihe ImhMrt, llicn
llirif U tlie toniphtinl 01 1 01 ihli.atlon ami e
stilttmn. On Hip other hind. If Hut pie
the initio lm Hi. Ir gri'.ite-i outptit, ami their is
no niiiket iliinainl f.n ihe pioilntl. pi It tit. fnl
lowinc Ihe mot liable law ot .iipilt and demand,
will ih 1 1 in" '. "mil a low point that ,1 inat'iid
rrtlitetltill in w ice., wood So ihrolutth liete.. .
The pud. lit itniMt. an lniple supplv ft.t ihe
maikti ami tompeliiton on the taiious tpiilitie.
No. 3.
We oiler this week,
Coursen'.-s B2st Coffcs
at, perlb 35c
3 lbi 75c.
Courseu's Java autl
Mocha at, per lb 19c
One pouud limit.
Goldcu Rio, s lbs 55c
E. G. Goursen
129 ItncknwannaATcnue.
Who Can Write the 0
Best Short Story f
i.or.u. uitnr.ns of locai, niiin,
$25.00 for the JJest Story.
S10.00 for the Second Butt.
5.00 for thn Third Ilest.
i.tiKit n iiiMn.rmoN wiikiik r.
i'i:iiii:m 1: is .not in
Ollllllli io M.
Ill tlt ot ill" (act thai luhle nine
Inn t'laeil lg'e thn. ha Is-tli .111 puMltJ tltlon lliiiniitli Ihe Iwal prr.s ("r tr.e
plirpo-e 1.1 .tiiniitatllii: the lilnr alilllt
Inlrlit miiaiig the people ot or!lir.tti tn
Prmiltaiila, Ihe 'hlhum lias tltiltlnl to
oltfi ,1 mi let ot prl-i's at u tlliiintiu III Hdit
iiifftivii. II In tlwioiM ot .nih II14 I") Ii."
In it toliiiilw it utilnU'r of I'ioII .Will J
lleitlllitf ol Ion I ll.emc lit oul.r to fiimWi
an Ini-n.tlt: It pinpiifes to p.i)
t-'t for th last lory ol not lo exienl
:),0"0 Houlf In length
M tor ihe t'toiiil left .tot, ami
i lor the tltiitl ll stnry.
Mann-ftilptt not nttetwtnl In seri.rlim on;
of tin prlrv lll be pnhlbheil dml ilillj
iretlltPtl If the milhoiii .11 tlesllo
Morlett Ifhtliiit; la btlnu out 111" rolnilife
at'tl loir ol tin' ntitlirullr tnfilti-f
Intlilttr)- will hue pitlfleiRi'. In loli'ieilion
Willi ricit mine IP Hi" tJlle) Htert' I i
tttfut of trailition. iliiludltiK Mil I'ri'.i Ilil "-'
iope, hHtr.ltltit .t -pookt lmppenlinft ..lid
other tl.lallf hornerlnu on Ihe -tt'inl or aupei
nitnral w-hltli hui mt-i betn Ratbcittl to
nether In Ulerait foint. 'I Ins "p-'lir J tild
which l piiitthallt Inrxluiittlble nd whleh
.hotihl Jtippl, ih, maleiiil '"r winf extcrj
inal) inlernttliiK In lien.
The tii'l, of pi(fni upon Hie nnill ol tin1
iiutHi'i liptt tiihmitteil will be uMlRned lo
u illtlnttriMitl ImUe wlitiw liaine will won
be annoieirrtl, ami who will letnl (In n-.atiii-htilptft
but Intte no Wnotvlclce of Hie Well
tit) of tin iuil,oi. I'lio intelopes contain
int; the ie..l n.inief of the iiithor will be
pif-rrtetl ini-p'iiril nnl'l afirr the attai-ils
I1.1t f been made
Should this Initia' inttip-ilHon prole et,
lOiiraglni;, II tnal b follow "(I bl otl"r
piifp offen of timllii tenor
rOM)ITIOS or Till lONTl-l'
All 111 intift riot-, tinift be snbniittr.I -.nil
later than Mjrth ::!.
All tn.iiiu-irlpts miift be .Igotd b) a fl--iltions
t-.m ,. anil also the wrllei't leal mm
nrd pottofrtte nidi 1
The ittene of eatli stmt iiintt b Iml In
Northi ii-lere IVnne)!. iiiia, l"d the names o
leal peifolii. hiiei tot he Oted.
One fniHier , Audition tiintl be tnuleri.1 "d
( onttibntioiis inteiidril for thin eonirsi will
b" api'iptetl onl) fiont prt, nr wuliietbrrh to
Hip Tribune rr fiom tho. win, mi). ,1 irlrc;
Hie rotiteflt, he, oiti,' fiibferlhri- b) p.itm nl
of at leit one ninniliA -a.h'trlption in id
tamp tltlieff,
sums ( nvrr.-i.
sunt m Ir.bnii.-. "tiiilon. '"a
fltnt io nf ti fur!. in Ihr iilt -.ifr Mr
r fiillmr ml it (-. li.i.nKr wr nw .. "m
'tr i.itti-l Hut (til- uill li.- f.ilWpil, lint
tin lui.iinc f'"iiiri.ttH Iur fO-Mi-tl ,n! ati.u .
ta tlir HM.ittis Tlir iti..ittn. f JVi it if
ttil .llnl Mm IJlInu- iiil'Mt-hli'. iiMusnim? tli
tews! itMiiii'Ml iitTilt 1 fn'mrr 1111 llii'il. tut '! 1
(llowiiitr llif 1 Hi r uti'l w iri inninc, ltd tit
luting Urn lui.krttiu- uf t liti 4l n Irnil
Iiiihii. lii'o-t
Hint ilii-i will!!' icnlt in -imi t .ni
-f frntiAl i'.ntttil I nitt prttliitilt. flic hmhj
ettnl inipoitiint -Mh.inti'.r-i ImcIi mmiII nsit
frt'in fu.Ii a ttn air n j tit titnl vnl
bi nf i. li unti.pi-ii4H.cil to Uk tiinfliH t-r,
ti.iictpnru r linl t ftiwihu 1 f .mthi.itiii tl i' fk
itilti-tu (,imi4l Ik f.Ji-Ulirtl ,ii lu.iiit; Kitlicl
.1 ClU1llitl.tU s ttlrtj lu.i in, ill I U 1'!ip( t
Kew Proposition Tlmt Will Be Frc-
sentcd by the Centtnl Rapid Tr?n-
'slt Sticct Railway Comprny.
The oiillii iiif" gt-jiitliu; a i'i. in Ills'
to the Cclltllll It.tpltl Till'Hl Stl't.'t
K.ilhMiy conipany will couip up b for
htleei I'liuncll tov iiftl t.i tonltfht tn a
itvlsetl foi 111, lint led down with iiiren I
mt'i'is iiipI hi.vlu;: chair.;.-" In Its orlg
IikiI tlraftlU'j. 1'nleyp s ituc of th
tiuiendments ai" wllluliawn. nolih y
that of AL. Chlttt niicn slliiula'.iiig th it
nl th' mil of tucnt.v y ut, the fp n-.
chise slrill tevcil In the city, l l most
likely thai the new ininpany will iu
fuse lo act "lit it. Se.'ietaty .loliu It.
Crooks, of Ihe 1 ompauy, nM ycfter
day In a Trlbuit" 111:111
"It Is tltteily li!iiusllile fur us lo .'ic-i'l-PI
tin- fiiiurhlse with that Chltien
den twenty-yeur clause In it. TTe oh-J'-ctlon
to our running Ihtoiigh iVnter
ftteel, which was g'li"inlly raised by
ciiuni'll. has now been ou'ivotne by one
itlliitiulsblug tint lot i(i of our ln .
Another mull' has been itriaiigcd and
will lie presented tonight. This pro
vides for our 1 tinning down Spruce
sttcel f 1 0111 Wvtunlug avenue to Mlf.
Illn, nnil then out to l.ackawann i.
"We w I'l inn down Spruce on the
Scr.intou Hallway coiupan's tiaeks.
bflng allowed to do this under the ,i.
lottncnt if law, which grunts permis
sion to run twenty-live hundred feet.
We are pel ft't'tly willing to do every
thing which Is fair and -itmrf in this
matter, but It is a pure business piopn.
sltion, and we cannot alt'otd to ruin
our prospects by taking n franchise
loaded dow 11 as ours has been. Wo
cannot accept the Chittenden proposi
tion, unless' It Is greatly modified.
"The piexcnt condition of affalis is
tntlier dlscouinglng, as we wished to
start in laying our ttacks this spring.
Fully !ir per cent, of the citizens want
a new conipuny. and it seems an out
rage that we should be held up In this
Biought by Mrs. Margaret Biglln
Against Scranton Railway Co.
Airs. Margatet l'lglln. through At
torneys Ulce it Donnelly, yesterday
began nn action against the Scran
trn Railway conipany to tecover 110,
omi damages for the death of her hus
band. Cryan Hlglln. who was killed
on the track nf the company near
Dickson City on Oct. 23, ltno.
Mrs. Biglln nllegcs that the acci
dent was due to the failure of tin
motormnn In charge of the cur to
sound a warning bell.
0, S. Johnson Wants to Compel Spe
cific Performance of Contract,
o. S. Johnson yesterday began an
action In ejectment ngalnst Annl-j
Scanlon to either recover possession
of u lot on Madison avenue, Dunmore,
SOxtr.O feet in s'iro, or compel tho
speclflo performance of contract
her part.
Tho defendant purchased the
from tho plaintiff on a rontruet.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
Ceremony Performed at tile Hrlde's
Horns by Rev. J. I). Sweet and th
Couple Left Shortly Afterward for
nil Extenntv Wedding Trip The
Marriage a SAfjitel to n Sensational
Case in Which Mi 83 Howell's
Brother Sought to Have Her De
clarcd a Lunatic.
Miss Jennie ilowell, hns htoilier
tecently sought to have her tlecllti'fd
Insane, but who was declared sane by
ii Jury, was yestenlay afternoon niar
rld In a tiulet and unostentatious
tminiior lo Kdward tl. Dean, of Huck
cllsnck, N , Itllinfir Iihm had It since
lh beRlllhihg tlf tlin llllinpy pi'ticeed.
ing that they were brought !(' l'runk
lln Howell, her hi other, solely for tho
pin pose of pm-entlng the tnuirlnge
which took place yesterday.
Kver since the pi-oct'edlngs collapsed
so suddenly a llttlu over a week ngo,
the niHi'iliimo has bi-in momentarily
CMH'cled by llH wild llllM given the
case any cuilsldenttloii, but lUHltlllg
tllilglblo developed until yestf'rdrt.v
ntiirtilhg abolll 10.30 o'clock, when Miss
t tun fit und Mr Dean entered the of
fice ol l'feik il( till' I .illrlft Dnnlels
In the 1'iiuit house (iliil iipplleil for a
marriage license. Almost lllslalitly
everybody In the building knew of II
and it was really remarkable to set
how many parsons were suddenly
called Into the clerk's otllce on bust
tifss PI'AN'rt IMHTOIIV.
The cotlple were shfiwli lulu the till
Mite olllce adjoining, away from Ihe
gaze of i he curious, and here Ihe
questions w-m-o risked and the license
was made out. The blrtli-plaee of Mi
Dean on the lit eine Is given ns An
ilnvt'r. N. V.. mill his age as 1 years
The license sliuws alio thai he had
married oil Inn pi-et loilt! iiivnslotis
His fit st wife h- Ht-ctirf'il a divorce
fiont. nccordlng to the ictoid. In ItTI)
In Cameron county, this stale, while
his second wife died on March IT. Unit).
or less than a year ago. Ills orcupa
linn he gave as a gentlcninn. Miss
Howell's age Is given at IIJ Jhuis ami
II Is lecoiib'il that this Is her first
matrimonial venture.
The tuai't-l.ige ceivmnnv took place
nl the home of the bildc on Sct-aiHoli
rrcM nl ID n't'luck uti'l was rerform -.1
b.- Itev, Dr. .1. Ii Sweet, ilrtnr of the
Sl.npson .Mithndlsl Kplsiiipal church.
The btlde was attired In ;t simple lr.iv
cling i-osiiitue of brown, while the
aio.'in wore n black frock coat. The
rorenion.v vva.s wltnss'el by only a
few of the ImuiedlnU' friends of Miss
A wedding dinner followed and the
couple !fl on the U.I. Delaware an 1
Unison i "alii foi Philadelphia via
Wllkcs-ltatro T'ley will attend Ihe
lnalii;ll!ulltill of I'rt'fltlent MeKitile.
in Wiishltmluii on .Monday next and
will then tour the south fo some time.
It Is unrloistoed that they will live at
Mlvs Pno ell's liotnn uti S-rtiiitnii strct
afft'i their honeymoon, but th.'re Is n
ptwvll'llll.'- tlmt th")- nny reside In
Miiei'iiiii ... a here Mi. Pi all has a
I ati'l'tiine iisldeucf,
Miss Hnvvli lit rtl met Mr. Dean In
Atlalilb' City last nuuiuier, and It up
pouts tlmt It v. us it ease of love Mt His
''g'.'t. They vvete much In cielt other' .i
c utip-inv at the sen ii le tesoit. n-ul
late In tlie full In canto io HiH tit) to
I Pew his suit. Miss Howell's bl'.itllel.
I'i Hii'-lln. utitl some of her niher tela
lives looked upon Dean us all .1 IVr II
t tlire- end etitjeavotetl in luvak off th"
ti'iilih. It was si on 'innouiKP.I. hfi.v
I evei. that tliy were ctigag-!.
He" lelatlvts I'lideilvort'd to got M'st
i Iltivn In give Mr. I) 'iin up, but sll'
was obtlutole. pomMed tint sin- love I
j him ami tie. Inretl that she would marrj
' him. Shortlv nfterwtirds 1'iank in
Howell uriltlii'it'd court to have h's
i sister declared Insane. In order that a
1 tiuslee might be app iptleii fop hei es-
lute, which Is valutd at between $t.".0,.
j 000 iind t'lli.inio Cottpl apptilnte I a
I I'oiiinil.f.sliiuer mid a Jury to lake t.-s. I
j intmy, mid a nuiubcr of heatings weie
I held.
I Seveial local physicians who had at
tended Miss Howell ut minus, times
leslllled that she was not sane on int
ensions and that she was lncati.ilile of
m iliaghif; bet buslnesr tiff a Irs.
The cae , uii'o lo a very midden ter
mination on elt'cilnii tl.iv. when tin- de
felin culled three of the most riniuent
tieui-olopisls in the country to the
s'untl. Kiich of tluse medical ecperts
t"stlllet that Miss Howell was peife't
ly sane ami showed no sign of mental
abberutitm. Tin- case suddenlv col
lapsed with this testimony. Mr. How
ell's attorney w itlidtaw ing the petition
und the jury dei-lailng Miss Howell
For Shattered Neivcs,
reined) that will soothe, build up
the wasted tissues and em it'll the
blood Is Indispensable. Utility's Celery
Nerve Compound has been wonderful
ly Micecssful In cusoh of nervousness,
ns thousands of grateful people will
testlf). Sold by Matthew? Utos.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
V F. & M. T. Howley 231 Wyoming ave.
Ask for Kellv's union ctackers,
Take good mateilals, ''mix
them with brains, sir," and
you can be pretty 6ure of the
Years of experience and
search for the best have gone
into the make-up of
Knox Hats.
Spring styles now ready.
1 .' sQi Si
I WWiitkiUt An!Sfr I
It's another case of "where to spend money is to make money.'
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Advance in Bessemer.
tly Kxelilslt Wire from Ihe Utoi latetl I'rtM.
I'ltlKbnrp. Kid. 27.- Within . wn-k the pilte
of hesstimr pl)f llotl lit. ad allied about one
tlollar a ton. Slnte tin' pun lute In the Car
neffle conip.ini two wteVt apo ot l.'tO.tiui torn,
there have been a hcaii'lty ol iron aAtl Ihii
srett Intt one tlittipand Ions wire fold, the r'Ue
liellig lll.TA ton at the valley fumst-tn, 01
II.VVI tli-llttrfd In I'lltobniK.
The Sernnton Qas nnd Water Com
pany and the Hyde Park Qas Com
pany. In atrordmire with the polity of thre t-oni-pahlrs
to redute rales fiom time tn lltiiw
may fir wuiianl,-. 1 bv intreasetl t'onsiimptl i'l.
notlie it berth given thai, on ami afttr April
1 nest, the pi fee of cat will be one tlollar per
one thousand cubic feit lonoiined, Mibjet't in
Ihe following dl-tontits- Kite er cent oti till
bills while the tontiitnption for the m tit'i
smotinls lo let tliin twrntv-the tlollirs; til. ier
(till, on all bilLf where Hie t-onsiunptloii fnr I lie
month arr.tunt. tu tnent) Hit' dollars and up
I'rovhleil the bill It paid on or before the
;oth ilav of the month in whit It tht bill is
louden il. Ily onler of the board.
U. II HAND. Scurtar)
sriisMiiv fas ii wmit: (ovii'vsv M
little Park llat ii.ntp.nit In oolei In enis-iir-aiti
the live .t R,f fut fttel pinptstt. Unlit,' f.t
hen I kIkii llnl mi ami nlltr April 1 neM ih'
.rlte ot Kit o iim(I ill be one tlollai per out
thotl-altil feet tollfinnerf, ttlhieil lo the folbtwiiv.;
tpulal tllt mint : Ten ier init.on nil blllswhei.'
tlie t.tntumpttoiifoi' tht tiinnth.'lltinimt-li' lesflhiii
ivtetily.llvf th'llais, iwintt pir cent n all lulls
when- Hi,. ttiliMiiiiplli'li fin Hit inotllh alnnlllit.
I.t lutntvthe dolhir- ami iipwanlt. tin- bill It ptltl on or befure the iiiilt
tinv or tin. monlli in whltli Hit mil i niiiieien
V Kepii.ite miter, finliltliH b) tin t'.mpatn is
netesart llv oi-tler ol Hit fotnpitiv
tl II II 1M. Setrttan
1 be pr,ttest commercial
economist In tho world today.
Comoarcd to any necessary
nvestment In business,
'llieprofit from a 7 ELEPHONE
is incalculable.
Rcsidenco and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Vlanigcr'a ofllte, 1 1 7 dann atcnue.
ltmi'll lit the Hut Hie l.idi-s who uie Renerall)
,ut,t!itttl with the Intt tate in Mirv lesptst
iin t't, ope. for whnm wo ntake i1oth"s. Vo'ir
title Uii K ifiniii.i' We'll i harm- von si.' f0
Inl lilt Mill tun ouht to lilt".
i(.ng Miller, Merchant Tailor,
435 Spiuce St., Scranton, Pa.
406-408 Adams Ave.
A family hotel; fifty rooms; strictly
llist-cl.iss. elevator setvice; elcctrlo
bells; suites; private baths; single and
double moms; handsomely furnished.
For teinis adtltesu,
t:. K. THOMAS,
Now I'lojiilt'ltn of "The Linden."
Moriiz MoszkoWski
Mason and Hamlin Pianoforte
The eminent musician, compo
sei, teacher anil pianist, Jiow in
Paris, wules in a recent letter
warm words ot praise in regard to
the new scale Mason & Hamlin
Pianoforte. Mos.kowski says,
among other things, "It has a full,
singing tone and a most satisfac
tory action. As a whole, the in
stalment I believe lo be of the very
first rank."
A stock of these superb instru
ments may be seen at the ware
rooms of
L. B. Powell & Co.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
We make ipeclalty of fancy Creamery nut
ter and ttrlctl (reab egt and tho price ii at
low as1 Brit class tuodi can be cold at.
We do not bava any .pedal railca or leatltra
but at all timra cairy at complete u lino o!
llarket (looda. Fancy Uroceriri and Table Ucllea
cits a. can be found lit tho largest Kew York
or 1'hlladelphlt Uaiketa width we tell at right
W. H. Pierce,
II laukairinna -re.
Prompt delivery.
110, 112, 111 Penn irt.
The Dickson Mauufucturliis Co.
icrauton and Wll.evllarra, l-
Mauufaoturori of
Boiler, HoUtlNKsad Pumplnc Machinery.
General Office, Qcranton, Pa.
It's Easy
to make a mistake by not
being careful to keep . wtch
on what we offer you. Ou
California Wines
you should sec. It will be
coblly to miss them.
If evil- hadine lo our ttme. brciii.i It Lt a lutrn
of le-t in ihr ki.i ibe-oer .Spring l)let Irt
bosom nhlitt are oitiipjlni: a piominrnt plate
with ti ami .ie ling tnui) who are "all at
ita" sit to whit ihe.t want
305 Lackawanna flue.
"1817 Kosscrs Jlros.' Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
iS'o question about the quality; wft
have all the newebt patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents
Mercereaii & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
Steam and LSoofnro
Hot Water HGdlBlSi
I Any Kind
For Any Kind
of a Hottse.
Tho season for talcing up nnd
cleaning isn't ar off as wo
live nowadays. Suppose you
look at cnrpntii now, when'
there's time to examine them
thoroughly. It also gives you
time to make your carpets
without hurry or give us time
to mako them for you if you
wnnt us to.
Ueluef Carpets
All the latest pastel coloiings,
halls, stairs and room eifectb
floral and Oriental patterns at
the remarkable low price of, p
per ynru,
TV Hloi-
221.223-225-27Wyomlnp; Ave
fcl-s. C.'ff