The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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., .j
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and bcnclicitil
effects, of the noil luoiu icturdy,
Smtii' or Fiob, inuuiifarlnroil ly tlm
Oalikounia. I-'io Mintii' Co.. Illustrate,
llioviiliieof obtaining tho liquid laxu
tlve principles of pltnits known to bo
medicinally ltixntivu nnd preM'titinij
them in tin form most rcfrpshlnff to the
taste, ami acceptable, to tho sj stem. It
Is the, one. perfect strengthening' lava
ttxc, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling; colels, hcaelnc-hes nnd fevera
jicntly yet. promptly mill viinTilhifc oim
to overcome liiilntital constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
eery objectionable quality and sub
stance, unci itB acting- on tlie kidneys,
liver anil bowels without xveukeniiiir
or irritatiiiK1 them, niuUo it the ideal
In the process nf inunufacturiurr IIrh
are used, as they are plcnstiut to tho
taste, but the medicinal eiuilitlosof tlm
remedy are obtained fiom senna and
other 'nroinntie plants, by a method
known to the Cami'iiiimv Viu Svitup
Co. only. In 01 der to pel its benetlcial
en'ectaand to avoid Imitations, please
jcmember the full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package
Loui8vii,T.y. kt ytnw yoke, n. y.
roraloliyalll)riiKKisiA. l'rho&Oo.perbottlo.
Ice Cream.
)C Per
jjc Quart.
UclrpboniOra'tr Promptly U-rtlMrol
C'-3J7 Adims Aveniu.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
faggajjc Checked Direct to ! lotcls
and Private Residences.
Omce D., l. a- w.
Station. Phone .r?5.
-f -- i-ttt-t-
in i.riM. "I vit.:i. w -nun m.ii u n
1 ctln n tin- i itibli V.i Vitoiaii-i lunt'lit ill
l.'ui l.'s 1-all.
lOKiiMK ( VM.' In. Itiil in. mi 11
.-t lliullt nf till- iloalll 111 I Jlliilill ilr if .1 1
Jill'OliI lllllll, Mllilll M.4 I lll'tll l. i-.'linc.
MlK' UTlnW- Hit lansii vtfiimi if tin
1. neii WiliiO Imiiiii'j liil will mtt ut llu
. TJiitnn 1 oiiMi.ilorv if lnii iii'IIiiiijIu
mliisf, lib. -", .it ins) o'lloili.
II. i II. l'i-- llin ).Ulali' llll lfllibfli
luinpiii pilil jrMcitlav .il ilu" llaltlriine tiimil,
imtliiirro No. J, Itiltlmoii hlop.. Viilki. Hurt,
.mil tlio IMiwjir iiilim at Piinoii
I U illlC AMI "(it I.M -Miam 11 ifiiiiiu,.
!'-. Kiuil iiiimiiu, will lulil 11 inil.M ant
1 IjI tlil. rtinttu til tlulr lntin. mi -om
in, ckiiio, .Ml iniiitiiti. uir ii.i Uc.l u nttirl
(OMl'XNV V 1,1,1 tTION'. -Tin' lntmlit if
ttinplli)' 1", 'lliltltrntll tisluictlt. Mill tlift ,1
iptiln and flitl lituttmnt n Mtunliv nlslit
nt bifiro tin- ibjMilUin ol Hit com) jn fir
v 1'liliistun,
INsllUNl 11 .Mill nill-HiO null il nl
' .line; t l.c liwn.mi't on tin iloil. of ai.I.,
Kiulily, Hull? iV Jlmplij. i!w lo tin- itctnt III
m liarkauaiitM airaue, i.-i iJliUctuill nl l
1 1 jftrnli).
I'll'i: I'l'.l.I, UN 1IIM-I I liillj. .1 u.
ncrri kticcl. ( Jiliomlili. mj. Iniilii) ulmii
1 1" tttl niul icr,. je.tirilui bj Hit pillluc m .111
mi i'C ul tin- l.,t .auatina maililiit .lpi..
lb wax til in to tlio Mmt. 'Ii.ilm l.n.llal.
vultcl. of tliU ilu, U 1 11 if llu ilturliiii if
ll.t iiiiilijn --I iin mil I, Inn inmiato, ,lli
Vs IniMipviildl al 'l mi, N . '"i.tnliv
J iiui ij'p piimip.. oifiii iini. ji 11 in 1j
. Ill l Ills Win -II 1' hi . 1 hr. i,.
4 SpilnR Biook Water, let Mtg.ds
Lacka. Valley Elec. Light, Is:
-V Mtg'. 5s.
" Noith Jersey andPocono Moun-
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 5s.
Stnndnid Gas Co., 1st Mtg. 5.
" Lehlghton Watei Supply Co.,
tl Jbt Mtg. 5s.
New Mexico Railway and Coal
-f Co., 1st Mtg. 5s..
Descilptlon and pike on appjj.
- f nioiilnoy, X V. WJlUi Unit.
i, i anil 0, Coiuinouiscalth Hid; ,
-f hiranton.
tf(;t t-'ft'f-ft--
court, xtlio ua irfleil by IMtfolmrti Country
tiri.l lloclcmbw on a watt-ant limed by Uet
man Itlllar, xvtii Hunt M jrtirdJ un llio dunce
M n.iull ami tuttc-ir niul illwlotlv coinlii't.
Ills nlfc ilifc?ii Knipp w.iii bijllnu whin arid-
tit, uppi ltTll Hffulllil lit in
lilt. KtMPt.i: rO'HNR.-ltoc. II. t iii'It
It. I)., xrlio tin b'Hi tnciilfi licit ct llic I 'i inly. wwiiilly. mil Kriwl ptvaclur.
v III occupy Hie l'"lli ,"" "'" IV'bjlcrlin
1'iurili r( thl' till' I I'M simlay mm nine. Mr.
Mi In, scirduif ni tin1 eiin Mm'.c Clirbtliin
noclitlcii, Mill matt cut mJlr. Jn UiC tiniln,
tu lil li jount; pec pie n hivi'i-d.
nAMI llltil' llVI'fl. fln,. .. ni li ,. H11..I 4.
!ti police i 'mil jtntcnlii for Itlnc ilnuiL. Orr
na itr.i-i.lcil Tiiil nlgM by Uculrtiant JUiU
iiinl I'-itmluifn Hum iihI HjiU on uiilclrn it
hlvitt, rvtiiHii fin iiimxiiaitii nun h.t ihc mine ui
Klo'il ltvil., hlli l ho lilli.r Itltic In tbt
iloomn) ' .i Ificlw.u.intiJ (iM'tinc ulnmi. bill
t lilt innM tot li- iiouil. l.i u U vj (oniiiiitlcil
In Inn i '':il. iJil in ili I ml t o !,. Ill"
r.Nri:tiTiMi.xv iomi.iit Hit iwouii
l.o.iaii'. .( Hi" Mm I'.'il. iln.i'H Mill 1.011I.1 t
an 1 tilcrlalm ! nf ami " lal In Hie Icilnie iwim
cl tin fli'inli lliic tiniiiisr. 11i impulir ntnl
iloir (lurti Ililllrj will uliui.(i wit'i I1I1
Kiuihllli"". Wlllliiii II. Poik will lent in in
tort'tliiR pjpn. nnd Hip Iz-IbiilN qu itl.-tlc will
irmlor irril i-lrttlmij An cnjoublc c
ditf ll 1 roiubrtl nil I msi nhc 1IU11I. All ire
wtlcun ,
OKllll 'lo 111 Ml lltl. I'M'l U--IIi. Stnl
pllllnl Itrlu'ilpll III IllC 1111104 Wlfllll lIllA
mid ii-Rinbni; 11 llvin.inlllii.- ct tin (Mater)
billttv I11.1J Hi.' iliflrnl trlnt. -I.i.l hIrH
Time .but fn I li h.ii.i iii, .ifiuraty II I ili.lit
Iik Mtll lo ft lie dial tho fin-l uiiiimmrtiiKiil .11
H10 oblluhl fins' of lliiit W.1II.11V ile-r blltii.i
u.v. prliilul in 'flu' Irllniio'i lit it pirtmnit
inlulilli inilc Hun ,1 ninutli hl'i), Ift-itiiri I h
(libf yirflnuiin'ii rUtcii'cnt rf win II n
i anilui til.
Mntinpolllrin OlsplAV nf T.adlrV
Si'ity, .riu'cln niul SKliln nt chip mtnre
TMilny nnd Saluiday. Soo cmi ml.
etKoiiHit on nuotlPi- 1 nni of thl
p.iper. .Miiirn V; llaoii.
Meetings of Stilkliig Silk Woikeis
Held at Several Places Yester
day Applications for Relief.
Yfllerdny witnessed no iim dm flop
mentM in the Hllk mill f-lilki sltiiallnn,
ind with tlie oi.-epilon of ,1 nunibci of
nioetlnKi? of tho sills, tin- day i).xsed
withtiui any i-vonts woithy tin heinld
ln," A nicniliiK w.ih liold at St. Ju-j-pph'H
hall, MliuKikii. of tin- h.ind fiotn
llii ylmpuon mill, and Mother Maty
fonoii di-llvered nn tnldrcs alotid simi
lar Hues to tlio'f followed In lvr otliei
spi-cf hes
X hip hum inrclltiK was comlui led
at Foley's hall, l'llcrliutff, last nlKht,
wliteli l.iiffely attended by the
strlLnis ltinn UlNs" Plelcon City mill,
and ollu-i of the boioiiKh people.
Mother Jones save another t.ilK at this
K.itherlnK. The Sauriiinit suit ,sl
workeis -will meet at Caipenli-t-c' ball
thlt. nfiernonn. and tomoirow the haul
j'llk Kills v 111 assemble.
Ariaiiifcments .11 . under w.t. for a
blK niasfi iiuetliifr to lie held nPNt
Thursday nli;hl nl the nimoi. Thin
will be attend! d by the Htilkfis ft urn
nil the mills, who will listen to a talk
by .Mother .lones. National ('oininlitie
111,111 Trrdciiik Jtlleher, of tin I'nlled
.Mine Wmkeis, will iiiolmbly h.- an
olliet- of the .spealn-is ot the niirht.
VtHteiday was devoid of any ilnlent
nutbienkf. on the pail nf the tiiki-rs
As far as is Known at .stiikc head-
lii.uteis theie is not a Kit I la the
county woiKIiik: at the Lilioni d mills.
The few in)hiyi-i still letnltied at
-nmp of the factories are foieuien or
loom fleis, and but little anlinoslly'ls
1 ulei tallied asains-t them by the .stilk
ei. All isindav, howcvu', ;i uiimlii-i of
Kills and ."mill hoys wutihul iho
rettubuiK mill to pi 1 vent any female
emplojes fiom lesiuuInK wink. The
f 1 w mule hands encouiiti-ied who
hnotcd nnd ji-etod on eveiy ocea-lnn
but ihi-n weie nn seeiifi- 0f.aet11.1l xln
leui e
The I'd. ishliiif fitilKoin and (he i,il
fiom tin 'llm.' nuntnoie mill will hold
a M'oslnn this nfieinunn In AVashhiK
ton hall, and listen to an addit-'s hv
Mother .louts. The cxeeiithe iinninll
tec dally icielxts appeals tor aid. and
a mutihci of h ivo been nlri.i'l,
attended to. J'riix It-long and fti.-l ate
lirovbli'd In nil neeehsaiy Inslnniot., lint
the eommlilfe Ii.ih been foieej to rIv,
nejrathe nnswem fo s-eveial ierucsts
for flinnelal aid. Day after day pahM'.s
m. Itliotit the .ippt'.ils lor aid bilnKlng
In any substantial nnswei and the
unlon'a 0III1 rr.s as they cue al lln-li
uipldly shrinking 1 1 ''.isiii me be-jlii-iilni;
lo .shake thilr hiads and ixijuss
themselves as dubious about the mmse
which Is to lie piu.stiid, If atipeals eon
llnue to multiply nnd nioie inntilhu
llons aie not 101 incoming.
Valmtlno Ullss, owner of tip time
ltllss mills, and Supc ilnlrndetit V. il.
Davlr, of tliH HaiKiuoit Miiiiui.ii tuilnif
(onlpany. will leave the di. this mniii
Itifi for New Ymk. and iltiiri tiael
to (ifuieln mil iitln 1 of (he southern
htati s.
Edltoi Knowlton, of the Labor Her
ald, Dlfcchaiged.
John M Knowlton, edltoi of the
Uabiir Ilei.ild, was k1v.ii ,1 heailim
bttoie Aldei niiill Mllliti esterdiiv nf
leinoon fur libel Mux s Alaish. pii Intel-,
was the pioseilllur. The aitlele
whli li olfendcd him appealed In the
Labor Ileiald 01 IMi, Ji, last. In which
.Mnis-li was criticised.
The illUile, Il appeals, was blnl-,ht
In IMltm KunWlliiii hj I he P1-1.SS 1 nin-
nill f Up' Wa-,011 .MuKeiA' union
Knowlton anejited it and It was pub
llshcd M ihailiii. It was sliimn thin
IP Ind no i i-.un.ll lielliik" In lile
tiiattii- atid'pi iinltled lis iiibllealbiii
without malicious Intent, Thei loin
the disc was iIIm luii),ed, with the pio.
lslon an at Hi lo would appear
la the tins t t-sue o the Labor lluabl
ji-tractltn, the toimm statement.
La Vetne Russell Attested on That
T.a Veuio ItllSfCll. of WlllV.O1.1l .Sus.
ciuehauna i.ouiit. was .iiu-teil yes
leidiy on II W.iiKUU Is .tied by Aldei
111.111 MJIlai, chaiBlnu him -vltli cheat
Inur uud doftauillin- n bonidlng Ihhihl
kc-t-piii .
("hniles Dlllmtith piornletor m the
Anierleuu hou.u. Is the inosecutoi IK
alleges .that KucmII uws hhn the bal
tinec ot a bonitl bill, aniounllna in V.
rui Di'iombei l last. Dllliuutli 1 lalms
thai Ilussell deciunpeii,i leavliifr this
unpaid bcuiicl bill and niaiuiKed on
illfleienl pnleMs. lo jji-i possession
of Iho inni'i) vahuible of his. 1 lathing.
Since Uceeiuber 1 11 w. in ant had been
Issued for r.usgen'tt ainst, but tlnr
liiK that tlmo he haH been nbteut Horn
the city. Ycsleiday he ennio fo town
from i.'nrbondalo and was mmi tir
j cited.
ItiiffeOll wont botoie Aldemmn Mil
lar, wulxed a hotulnj;, nnd oiuoied
vm ball fop appeal .ince in touit.
Asked the Th emeu's llelief Assocln
tlon to "Resent the Insults Which
the Volunteer riiemen Have Been
Subjected To" It Was Deemed
Unwise to Do Anything- About It
nt This Time Association Is to
Obtain an Inventory of Ptoperty
Owned by the Companies.
r of iho Klro- j
. ni.tile nn un-
Joi"ph Hall, a meml
men's Relief iissoc Inilon
successful efl'oit IiifI nli;ht at the
meeting of that (irKatil'.atlini lo bold
u suit of IndlKiiatlon atter-meetlui; to,
as he put II, "resent the Insults which
the volttntLcr tliemen of this eltv have
been subjected to shue the leiettl big
Mr. Hall wnnlid all the meuihcts to
stay after the meeting and ilWciiss the
iinestlou, but he was talked nut of his
Idea by A. II, Holmes and nomo of the
other meinbeis. who said Unit It would
not he wis-1 under exb-tlng conditions
to take .inv "llch in Hon. .Mr, Holmes
was all, 1I1I t lint the alTalr would get
out Into the newspapers and that Hie
nunc lliueu would be led to antagonir.e
the lliemen'.s eempt bill now jiendlng
la llu- b'glslatuie
The lommlttet' uppnlliteil to fill tiler
the Intel esls of this piece of legisla
tion icportcil that thry had waited up.
un nnd secuuil the suppott ot the
members of the leglslnltue fiom this
jiarl of til'1 stale. The bill pi ox Ides
for the oigaubtitlou of b'h emeu's !'.
empl ns.soi lntions In cities xvhote the
volunteei ili-pai tnient Is leorganUed
into a paid cltpai tment and glxes such
cities the ilnht to nppiopilnte til" fuiiila
now going to the Klteinen's Itellet as
snclatlons to such mganUailons.
The nitinber.s of Hie local assoclixtlon
may run up against a snag In cixso
this bill becomes a hixv, Inasmuch as
the coiini llnien who aie most Interest
ed In the leotgunb.ntlon ot the fire de
pin tnient of Ibis city have all along
been counting upon linxlug the S.'.TOa,
11101 e or less, xxhlch now goes exeiy
year to the riienun's Itullef nssocia
llcm In helping to pay tho added e
pcne of a paid dep.11 tnient. Tho
nimii'V In Mtiestlnn Is this city's shate
of the stale taN on foielgn Hie In
sin. nice companies .unl only goes to
the 1 lief nssiw I, illon by the giace ot
t'otiniils. Theie Is 110 law xxhlch makes
It obligatory upon them to appiopilate
lite money for this put pose.
Tin seiioiiuy vas clliecled at last
night's meeting to lommunlcate xvlth
the set rctaiies of nil the 1 oinpanles of
tlii cilv and intltest them to furnish
the association as soon as possible
with 11 complete luxintory of all the
piopeil in the xailous Hie houses be
longing e.Mluslvch to th- companies.
This xx. is done, as Mr. Holmes ie
matUc 1, In older to show councils nnd
the 1 iiLiih at large that xxhen the
Xolilllteei depaitinellt goes out of e
Isunie li doesn't go out a banhiupt,
but xilth n veiv conplderabbi iimount
ol assets to Its 1 It dlt
The following c 1 ihns weie appiovcrl
and onleieil paid. A'alentlne lllillcy,
js, v.. A. Conuois J'-- Cli.ules iinx
noi. $iii. The asjoc I Hlon will iiui-t,
again on "XI u 1 li 1"
Enjoyable Attnii Given at Excelsior
Social Club lot the Benefit of
Temple Building Tunci.
'llu Tom Thumb 1
xT .tlxeu at the rxcel
snine utiKs iign, xwis
tilghl lot tin bentll of
'ddlng wlib li
lor Smi'il' 1 lull
u peatcd last
tin- new lem-
pb ' bull Hug 111111I. Tin- 1 lull innms
wen- ijnwdcd 1 a well phased ntl
ilienci, xbti xxllnc-seil the will dillb-d
tots glxo 11 xu.x 1 lexer peifoinnnce.
uoliig llnniigli the moel; inntll.ii;e Si 1 -x
b 1 with till tin nib nniltv nnd si 1
lotisutsc lietlttluu the iiiiaslnn.
Ilxel.v one nl til" OllllgHli 1'.-. 1 ll'li ltd
111" inle III laultless sijle, nnd thili
Xinlk lellittiil gl .11 on dlt on the
jiatii-nce and jii'i-i xvi ,iiu t of the
; niing l.nlv xho was In 1 hinge of tho
1 HP I t.i llllil'-lll Xllss Minnie Diit-ru.
l.litle I'x-lxn Samler and K'til .Moses
xieii the xxhistiiui' bibb' and manly
gimiiii. nnd n iinxei liaiuu 01 the
i-ntt-i liilninenl xa-. 11 Clio de Mirodu
tl nic e bv Adeb J,i vy.
t tie- cmiclusiiiu nl ihe cute 1 tain
iiienl, a genual social linn xvas cu
be'.il lei'ieslimenls being ii-ixed and
iliimlhK luilulged In. Tlie piueeeds of
tltt niinlr neiltd a mibstnnllnl . m
li Iblltlon 10 the tc mple Jlllid.
It Was Aigued Before the Supienie
Com t This Week.
c 'It x Solicitor Vii.liiug, x.ho li liuiii d
xhtt-idH fium I'lillatiitlidilit, xx hen
be iitgueil Ihe'il iucc befoie llf
suiieuie court, stitnl to a Ttlhiilii
lain Ihit he lelt xm.i conlldent that
the 1 emit xioubl uphold Judge Kellj
In ifuliu- n pi liniment wilt of In
junction, for iln milfoil that th-IlldKi-H
letilbid lo heat tiigumt'Ut.i nil
nil but mie ni die many obJiciloiH
nils d bx Mr. Kelb'i's nltotiit-vs.
Tip' mil point oil xx lib li the Ji'dg.s
would hiai- tin .iiguniitit was ilia!
tin il' ltinn il tin I'lllll, (,L' to be
inuseil b the iiicil'ill !! the viaduct
xvniild InuetiFe ilie illx's Indibieiliichs
In ond Hie llmll lled by-law. Messrs.
osbiiig und AX'aiieu innii-ndeil that
(K. mages to be caused would be null-tjitlili'tt-d
claims and not, tiieu'foi. en
actual inc lease ol debt be ond tile lim
it fisul by the loiisiitutliiu ot the
'Ihe te1hnlt.1l oblecibms to the xalid
11 ot the mdln.iiii 0 Itself x.'eie inbd
out by ih iniiu. It Injur, decided lliat
.llidi," Kellx liatl glxili lliesi) tiuesllnns
Mitlu-lcnt c inisldniition .Mi. Vohbuig
nulil thai 110m Un ue.stlotw usKed by
the Jtnlpt n. II multl In- seen that they
xxcie dl'-lded upon tin mnln ctiiestlon
it ijtsne
Mis. Mniy Ducey Injiutd by Slip
ping' on the Ice.
Mi- .M.ny Iiucey, of HJ Stone axe
line was luKcii to the 1. 11 Ktiwanuu
hospital Inst i-xvniny suffeilng xxllli
xuiai is thought to bo a dl.slocattd
sl'.oulder ni a piece ol bolin chipped nit
the shoulder hlaile.
About n u;ev ago .Mis. Ducey clip
ped on tin Ico uud spstnlned Injurlos
to tho shoulder, She Is about 7S :vnis
old. '
Abu tor ICully' union uuiokern.
An Apparently Invincible Combina
tion for Board of Revision.
It Is understood that Clly Solicitor
Vosbtirg holds that tl'fl election of
niembeis of the bo-iid of levlsion and
nppenl L fill the tlueo vacaneles ox
Istlng upon that body Is nuindatoiy
iipon joupclls. for tho rnjscui that
Setnnton Is still op-rntlng tiiuler the
third class city chatter, and for this
reason It Is expected that thfie xxlll
be no quorum-bieaklng at tonlglifs
Joint session and that the Micanoles
xvlll be filled.
A combination ionIstlng of Select
Councilman Wade M. Tlnn and t'otit
inon Councllnien John Nagell and Tred
Phillips has just entered the race to
buck against the tlalvln-Coleinan-Ue-gnn
combination of Iho Democratic;
Nli'uuio n'ti.,. ,,! Viii-nll Ai-is ttntillli.
Henns and Mr. I'lillllpn Is a Oeinociat.
If thi votes of the twenly-one llepub-
llcans ciin be hecutcd for this ti Jo it
xvoulil seem to be xvelt nigh Invincible,
as Mr. 7hllllps' vnte added xxould make
n tunlorltvoi one. tho llepubllcnna unci
Democints each having Just txeuty
one votes In Joint sishIoii. Than- Is 11
possibility, hoxvever, that Ml. Menl
Jnnn, Heimlillcau, xxlio has been vety
III. will not be able lo attend the met
ing. Some doubt olsls ns to xx bother
thoio xxlll be 11 resolution introduced
tonight ilheetlng the city assessms to
ilassifv and rale the asstssnietit from
a nuc-thlrd to a two-thirds valuation.
Many of the count ilmeti' aio not par
ticularly iiii'.loui- lo assume the ie.
sponslblllty tor such action, though
thej tealle that H Is a neco.sai one.
The assessois will not assume the p.
sponslhllllv unless dliectecl bv tho
councils to do so,
Dclaxvaie and Hudson Is to Get n
Number of Impoitant Coal
Pioperties Heteaboxits.
It Is xetx likely the deal be
txvecti the Delaxxare and Hudson Ilall
load company nnd the Langcliffe,
Lntllii, llrooks and (ireenxx'ood Coal
companies, xvlileh has licit pending
lot- some time, xxlll be closed today and
lour compiles and txxo xxMsherles more
xxlll have been acquit cd by the fotmer
Ah matteis stood -stciday, the deal
was piactlcally closed, but u Tribune
ninu lecelved Information from 11 most
lellablo souue that today xxlll witniss
the close of the negotiations. The
Langcllfte company xiill dispose ot 0110
collleiy at Ax oca.
T'lio Latlln people cil'o pait xxilh one
initio, thcli tolllery at Laflln, l'a. The
(iieenwood t'oal company, howexer,
transfeia txxo lollleiles, No. 1 and No.
". at (iteenxxood. The lliooks Coat
conip'in.x aie Hie )iiesetit owners nt
th xasherles xx'ibh are Included in
the transaction, They aio located at
(iieenxxnod and Axolii. Another xx-nsh-ery
now In cotun' of coiistiuctlon at
ilreenxxood xxill til-o be disposed of to
the Delnxwiie and Hudson.
llecsc! tl. ltionks Is pi-i.sIdenL of all
four of these companies. T. II. Dale
Is truism cr, and T. It. J'nioks, s((i,..
Wllke3-Bane nnd Sctanton Aie Far
Beloxv Haiilsbuifj.
Ma 01 Is.uit I!. Jiioxxn. 1 lib I of the
I state liuioau of lallxxay-, In his annual
icpnit. piiM'iits 1 tablt conipaiiiig tin-
lltiaiitinl innclltliiu nt tie- Sciantoii
ttaitluu h'Slun with that of the lfai-
IiIsIuuq TttiiMlon coiiipan.x. the l.t High
1 Tun lion coiiipaiix and tin WIIKi s-
ltane and omlng X'alby 'Ir.iitiou
1 iiiiiimii),
With Tib's mlh. of tiacU, the Si tan
ton iiimpauy lias a total lapltallatlon
nf $r.,l'!S,ss",. gloss Income of Jlnl.MiT
lor the last .xe.11: nn Income pi 1 mile
ot mad of ft! '-"ifl, epensis, eilusl(
of dividends, of $111, I'll); epenses pi f
mile of mad ol $5 TiTti. leaving a net In
come per nilb- of mad ol '71l. The net
Income ii'M- mile of mad of the Unuls
buig Ti ail ion 1 inupaiix Is .'.Hsi, 01
mom 1 lum ilu ie times that nt the
Si 1. niton (mucin: of tin WIIKoiiai re
1 11111I Wx mnlng Vulb x ininpany S.'.nil
I pei nilb ol mail, or almost thui times,
I and of the L-IiIkIi X'alle ininpin.x, $!,.
j u'i.'. 01 neiuly r,s per tint, gieatei. The
pelt eutttge of the Si'iailton (oiupaux's
I expense Inc. nine xxas SS,."i.', xxhld Unit ol
the Lt high alio company xas N! !7
that ol the WitKcs-iSaim loinpati
1 77,.'i7, and Unit nt the HutilshuiK rcmi
1 jinny only 7.i sj. The AX'IIK, s-iai n
cnmpanv last .xe.u p ild l"iii,(ifiO nnd the
lllaiilsbuig ininpany Slini.bni) In tllxl
I (lends, Millie the Stiautoii 1 mupaii.x
paid no dividends
in addition lo i.imOjiiifi In simK the
Seiantnii couipaii has niilstimdlng $.:,
nijo.OOii ot bunds, m ally twbe as nun h
as ihe WllUes-llaiic 1 onipany uud
Imlx times- that ot the llaitNiniig
company. The Hatilsbiiig iiiuipiuy.
xx lib 101 nilds uf mad, has i.'.ium.eiio
illicit und only ST.".otiu boncb cl Indebted.
lic-ss, W'lKes-Uaiie News,
Will Be Given by the John Mitchel
Club Sundnv Night.
un Miuilax ixininii. Maiih t the
iiilin Mitt In-l 1 bib will celebiatt the
mie huiiilii'd and twciily-thlul tiuul-
1 viMii nt the bh lb of llobeit I'niiuett
with an t nlm talnnietU ut the Xc-ad-
cni ofMusii The lolluwlng ptogiain
xvlll bu ifiuleml.
l'triT I.
( hillliiir, Xli r 'l llnl.iul
I'lmn Miln, I1UI1 lutlni il alia , Ml- n.i Uuiiu
Itnoi (Aid. "Hun Mr uw 'Iliv Yeniu IH.
j-luiktl" , m'iIiii i IIUL.ur 4
-u lano Miln. -ult It'll , . .'li. .Iumi1i n'lni n
Hixllailcn, n-littcil , , , , J, Maiulu llohml
l!u una, "Hit liowii bi'lainoy"-
Picit, J11I111 T XlatkiiH,
Aillie. Mlobirl rinnicti" ..XV. J. Mien, i
lutt , . .Mi i.-cinui iv llnllit-rt
'linoi- ioI -, '" loin tonuii
t-tprjim olo. ftlitltd , ... xh Jowpli Ollrlin
llm kolo, "Hy Culccti 11 n"--
Prof. ,Iol:i T. XjUIn:
Tcnir u,Ie, It-a Iini, tint Hunt ihioneli
lara's HaU" .slJiity lint,!, ,
'iho rulco of adiul-felon xxlll lu
luenty-ilvi .mil thtity-thc cent,,
f-uats can b- ui-ivt-d nt tlie hex oilbi
01 Iho Academy of MttIc Siiinhi) uf.
re 1 noon.
Woiking' Besido His rather When
Accident Occuned.
Jiihu Uallagher, a .xoung man Pi
mmjh of .ige, was killed h a fall ut
to coal In tho Nny Aug mine at lhni-
llllllO JC'htl iclav
Ills tiiiher Is a tnlner and iho hem
xxns his laboicr. Willie they xxeio
woiking close together In their chain
bov cslord.iy a lull of mot tooK place,
which killed tln-youin; man limtiiutly.
Believed to Have Seemed a Long
Teim Lease of the Bird Coleman
nnd North Cornwall Furnaces of
Which tho Company Obtained a
Five-Year Lease in 1,807 Part of
the Cornwall Road Is Being Double
Tracked Other Woik That Is Be
ing Done.
"Tlie Lackawanna. lion and Steel
company, or Scrantoit, in 1J'7 bccured
a five-year lease on llm tthd Coleman
and North (.'oinxvall fuinaeis and has
lnce b'ou opetatlng them jointly xxltb
the Colelnook plant IteuV cayic a
Lebanon evhunge. ''This' lease xvlll
hnx-i' exphed oh Decemtier 1, ltiOJ, and
negotiations tue now pi tiding, If not
already completed, xxhlch Is piobablc,
for a lenoxxal of the lease for twenty
yeuts and the ovcutlou of ti lease on
the Cornwall inilioail for a like tot in.
"Slme the I.acK.lxxnnna company
ncnultcd ihe oie. Iron und rilltoad
holdings of Kobeit 7t. Colemiin, It has
steadily lneieasul Its local Interests
and the ii-iiulieiueiit of uuxx ludusttles
bx lease, pun base and eonsti notion
has of late been a source of mill It
spec illation In local business 1-11010.
Theie has been a liunked I111 lease of
business In nil lhec lines and as n te
sult of the new Investments 11 blight
and piospetotts ftttutc Is foieshndow-t-d
for Lebanon nnd Its vlclnll.
"It Is u rait that the Lackawanna
company very lecently .sought to nc
loinpllsh the negotiation of an ngteo
meiit for a ienew"ul of the In
teust lease and also the lnlltond
lease, only oftlulnl coufltmatlon of tho
execution ot Ihe agi cement is luck
ing, but In Its absence icccnt , oc
currences point signlllcantly to 11 fa
vorable completion of the negotlitlons.
Notnblo Intniices nte tho dlsoUitlon
ot the Cornwall hon company, limited,
the beginning of xxoik by the Corn
xxall inlltoad cotnpaii at Midway, In
completing it ilonhli tun I; .s.xstein. and
the decision of the L.ickaxiunnn com
pany to build upwauls ot SOO coke
0x1 ns heie.
"The C'otnwall lion company limit
ed, dec ld"d to dlssolxe and xxind up its
business on Jan. t last It xvas a joint
stock association, oigunUed in ISM!,
xvlth a twenty-year chattel. Its capi
tal stock was $li00,000, dlxttled 111 C.000
shau-s at a pat x-allte of l(W 11 shale
The block xxas owned by ndwattl C
rieemnn, William C. Pieenum. Isabel
Kie 'man, Saiah C. lb ib.v, .Maigaret
C. IJuiklughain. lt l'eicy Allien and
Ileujninln II. r.uekliigluini This com
pany leased the tut tunes to the Lack
awanna company In 1VI7 and now has
cllstolxcd, although under Its e baiter
It could haxe lontintled business for
six nioio year--. This fact alone sliong
1 points in the "Neiutioti of the agiee-nn-nt
lorienewal ot the lease
"The Cornwall Italhoad loinpany has
a capital .stoi k of J ion una dlxided Into
I 1,000 shatis, at u par -value of $100.
I 'I'he sh.iieholdeis. with a lew othets,
I aie the same as tho" In the Cornwall
Jioti eonip.iny, llmltul, now dlssoul,
The l.illioael compaiiv's puscnt olll
ceis tti i 1'iesldeilt, Captain H H
Uiuklimhain: clliectois. It 1'un Al
lien i:. c. ru email W. C. Fteeman
and A. Al Patch. Th lattti is the
siipuiiitendent its line inns fiom
Li ballon to Mt. llopi In Lantast. 1
lOiuiU. xx hue it Joins the Heading and
Columbia The has
b-en self-sustaining and lor much of
Its luijilh. fouiteen miles, lt is u singl, pat lb ulaily liom .Minus il
lage to Mt. Hope
' Tliero is illso 11 Minnie stu-lib .f
u.uK timu th" southern ill limits lo
11 point near Ninth Cornwall Tin
I xx oik leieiitly In gun neai Mblwa, two
and one-h.ilt inlbs south ot Libation
I Is bellexid to be the In ginning ot th
coustiuetimi of a loinpb-ti double tiacK
.sxstein. 'I hem is a disposition to ex
it nil Ihe mad tioin Alt. llopi to t 11
tin- Penns.xlvanla inllioad. and Mt
Joy, about tui miles distant, Is upoKen
of as a libel point. Tin LaiK.iwanua
I' It is uiiileistood, piopo-t'l in
only assume tie nianugi nn nt 01 tin
mad txxo t.irs hence.
"The untnl of Un tin nans and 1 ill
m.iil wniibl 1 1111 Into maux hgiins,
piiib.ibly not less th 111 liiiinon annual-
, v. Tin annual leutal nf tin numices
.liuiii- Is mpnttril to In mnii than urn -fnuilli
nt that sum XX'ith the imtal
of lite finnan's s an Agiiuuuit ns to
j the lle of xx.ltil, lllliesloue and Coin
1 wall lmu oie, hi xxhlt'h tin La ka
wanna uuiipaiiy Is uKn int. it si. -I.
boldliig tin toinur Itobiit II Cub ninn
Intciist, llltien and llxt i liJiih shatis
nl the total nllietx -sl slinnss This
tigieiment Is no doubt conlalin d in lb
new lease.
"Tho uddltlmi ol tlieti p. w Intutsi-
1 xxlll Incii'.ise Ihe L.ukawatin.i nun
1 pauy's loenl holdings ivxotobl. At pus-
em II is tlie sole oxxiiu nl Un ' 11 1
CiiIl'IuooI; I'muaies, has n ontinlllug
lnteiest In Ihe Cornwall ami Lebann-;
rallin.ul, and almost a siih hit nsi m I
lilt CnillWIlll tile hills, btsil s bol llnR 1
Ihe llve-ear leau 1111 the llliel Cn',- I
1111111 and North Cornwall 1 11111,11 is In
addition In the piujtiled ivn ntx -war
lease of these luuiiiii-s nnd th. Coin
xxall lailioad, il Is about t mupletlng n
maniniiith om miiblci plant in ai th -
CtilebioiiK luilliues nnd lias awiiiibdi
Ihe eonliaet for the eiiUlmi 01 tin I
sexitul hiiuibcil inlvi iiinii in ii-
same vicinity Us CobbmoK piniii is 1
being culms-d and aliolhu- bit, I low -lllg
uiglll' ' to be pbl tl In pi-itpi
Mi. Jayno Highly Indignant nt Men.
Who Went Back on Htm.
Tin Mippmti is ot - vl'it slduii u i
Jnxue. of the ho. ml ot loiiim!, spun
all duy esieiday tt.xlug tn undi i land
Jltst how Coulrnllu- (ilbbmis got ileili l
piesblent on Ttifnla.v uIkIH. Mi. Juxii"
iilnisi-lt Ads sj .cltii,t.v Indignant at
tin- in tlon of the iiu n vvhn pitdgi
themselves to li tin and thui wiled im
his opponent, and In doi s i.o iiesK it
tn say so
Il was amuiui.i oil niilii utnalh xin
ludii that ul Monday t s un n
of tho followers of Mi Jiitii u -ei-aiato
lullul xxas taduii. nub one of tho
lllll leen meinbeis piesuit plulHliig
himself em ti .dip of put" I In X Ot mi
Ml. ,1.1 lie.
Tvxo of the ini-iiibeis win m.i im
Air. (Ilbbmis, Air. Sillies, of the Klisl
waul, ami Mt, tioblen, ol the skip
xx ill d. xx.iih ilex,- schools hi tin b m
spcetlx luilllvxkks. It in safe io as
sunio that they will get them. It is
uiidoistood Mr. Sliliis will git
the c liuliiuuiislilp of the building committee.
iGas Globes
Do vc sejl globes? Well now if you were, to
see the quantities we buy you would thinVso. Irfatl-
Mion Cut Glass, Acid Etched, Cut Glass. The niPccs
5gi well their is no excuse for not having nice onea, if
lag you will take the time to see what we offer for-20c
and 25 cents.
VyvxyaTVCW .
5 Geo V Millar &
-S VJCU. V. ITJLlllCtl U
SJ We Carry tlie Only
Hr on and SteJil
this section of
miike auy mistake
ket for same.
Bitten ben den &,C,o..,,
JJ 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue.
Our Fire
We sustained just a
recent fire and that was, by water in our base
ment, xxlu-re our IIOUSHIIOLP UTIiXSIl.S ' ,''
were stored. - i -
.- i ..f... . I....,..., i
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
I " .. .; i
- .
Nos. 1 14 and 1 16 Wyoming Ave.
We arc the largest buycrSof HottesUlvbesautl
we pay for them promptly, saving alV- discounts,
which is a great benefit to you who buy of ,u$. '
Local notoriety is not the chluf relia'iice of our
business success, but Self Reliance, ' HprQsSt Busi
ness Methods and National Populatity''?icij,some of
the vital features of our well-earned and acknowl
edged prosperity.
We are not defeuceless because we' are lUi'cfe-
fcuders of Honest Shoes and Houcst advertising, ' t
Wc appeal uot to your sympathies ,'npr' you
nreittdiees nor anv fiue5tionablc' infliitineei .for v,nii
patrcuagc. It our shoes are not jusf wuafwe'axl
vertise them and the values uot as we represent,
your moucy cheerfitllv refunded. Relying 'buiy'ou
this Honest Business Rock for our existence.
Why We Grow Prices
We Place on Sale This Morning:
500 pans N. outlis in J
Hoys Allocs .ill sues
.200 p.ius ot Men s line
House Slippers, all Mes.
200 pairs of Men sRub
beis, toes .1 litte tiatrow,
30 1'
I .
We haw .1 special .tttt n--liuii
in :
; 0 paiis misses and
gills' i.2i .Shoes, which
we sell fur . .")()C
I'hesc shoes ate well built
--toes square, common sense
- -good quality. Never a bet
tei luiy.nn in shoe leather.
-00 paiis ofladies'com
foit shoos not .1 pair
w 01 th less, than 7-, cents,
lai.e them .it 'J"il'
Nos. 1145: 1 16 Wyoming; Ave
Telephone 2482. Fre3 Ce'.ivjfy to a:i Pari of the JQUy
IX )"
Co m wjomin? wtN
VU. .Ik In .nd Look Around Sh
Complete Stock, ot 3
i 'xAjfvA'oe X!D
I'M l'i8
v n i 1 i
little claimic tluritif; tliV
. ' i i Ul.'' '
,, -rr-
1.. n -1
jou prfils' m' Men's
Hurt Shoes, plain globe
toe, mostly narrow
widths; iioo and S5.00
kinds; why we giow
puce ,i
Wc have 50a cascs ot
ladies' iiibbeis the 40
and 50c kind- take "em at"25c
joo paiis of ladies' standard
makes, button nnd lace slioes,
extension soles, the '$, $4
.s kinds "why we grow"
pi Ice, $2.50 pet paii.
joo paiis of ' ladies'
heel and ppilng heel
shoes button and lace,
$i.o kfnd; "why we
grow pike !$,10