' . 1 THti SC13ANT0X TMlBUNE-'rHrBSDAY, VEBKCAIIY 28, 1001. 5 The Sweetheart of the Alice Club. T1IU YOl'.W. ollloois of tlio lui tec nth wivnliy, Klntlnnnl nl Suti tu llltci, In llio Philippine-, tre plttliiK in fiont "f Hit- nlpft shuck, whli-li they oeouplutl ii their (luurtorc. "Did yon hpu th iirrs fiom tho tntes Unit culm up todnyV" iiskol Toinllnuon. "The-y'vc nit Rot iiictiiicrt of poor nrury LPiinlnp with tlmt plr turo of that Kill whoso photKniph he had In n Koldon loclcet iinuind Jl i- in-rk when he tin killed. Johnson pulled at his pl- for uuhllu nnd looked oiU at the iiiouitllKhl lying white In Uiq trout. "Well." wilil John son. Dually, "Vhli flll duo it-Hpoct to poor Drui y, and to th.it hl of his. amt to tlui nrlef which xlir- must reel vcii now. Htlll, honest, fellow x, when 1 Cut killed r hope I'll have u hettei looking tuio than that In the lorket iii'ound my nock." "Conic, Johnny," nalil little Sunim-I-toii, lrtnfUie hofloin step, "lliut ain't rlf,ht. you know," "NO." Willi JllllllMOII, "I siippo-f not. hut lumfht, I would half to bo eallK.it dead with a faee like that Hid utound my nckl:. 11 all goes lulu all the papei.". and Til he Imaged If I ootild rest t-nsy under my little- old pile of dirt If hum wns hiu h a f i ump looking picture m 111 it prlntid In nil the papeis under the raptlo'i. 'Meiit. Johnson's Kwoot ho.irt, Whoso Picture lie AVotu Over ills IifTirl WImii He Died.'" eedn'v worry," h.ihl Tomllnson. ' When thi nlifKi'iv pot you nil the hew t lt ii I mrpi will Hud on our in.iiiKled " ni.iliih will In- a Kie.au' deek of cauls. io plpfs'aud u rhiFT Of lohareo. You ma hull1 one pletuic In the purkul n.r uui hiai. Imt It VHI ho that of onii wuih-xllli aetless with gnhleli hail that tluv lo away with clwi- dti-s.. ' ' "Oh. I don't know " said Johnson. Tie lookrileuiitloufly aeios the street tow aids Miinuliw'ii qUji'torp. Then ho pulled tium his pocket the pliotoKiaph of ,i beautiful 0111127 woman. The lace was of nlltiost pathetic sweetness and Ik cro.it eyes looked straight out f i oni tin- pletuu , ulid the lips seemed as though Just drawing ap.u t to sjieak. Sue that." said Johnson. "1 him n't i,ot (my sw. I'tluail mvsolf any mine Muiii a i.Uiblt. lint 1 laiueaied this emu ' la Mom old Manny." hjiiiuelson held tin- plctuie laithei fi wheiu the llnht fiom the window liililud him could tall upon It hettei. "Wow." ho said. "Well, she Is a stun ner. Whnt nit: you going to do with It Johnny." 'I'll o you," ald Johnson. "A fol low never knows out hole when he's iculng tr pit 111.' little chunk of fold h.ml lead right, hack of the eais. When ii Kllov l.i killid uvtiyliody paws oer tho things he has and thi newspaper eiowd chai'Kia In and looks for pic tures and thing, and If ho hasn't got a. plcturn around his neck they'io liable to put oik; there. Now. I'm going to t.iny the 'plctuio of till gill In my brent t pocket, right over mo hoait. Then when 1 set nailed why the pa pers will publish It along with mine and I'll ho the most lomantic thins that over happened." ' Hut you .won't be here to enjoy It." b.ild Knnuioison, softly. Nope." paid- Johnson. "Tint my fniiilx will be pleusod. I've got tlnoe nst is that arc prouder than ten poo I i and If 1 weie to lay me down and ill" with a ctos.s, forlom looking hIiTs pletiue above my hcait my fam li would ncM-r fuiglw me." That's a, pietty wood notion, John nv mi id Tomllnson. "Let me have t'tat picture." Not " said Johnny, piomptly. "Just t u ni Hunt up u lady of your own oi i ui uiie out nl a newspapei." Vim needll t be so swellei' up about that plittin." said Andrews fiom the window "I know oil about It. I know how -Manny got It. Manny's HIGH This Is No Fake Fire Sale of Shoddy Goods, but GENUINE BARGAINS in Every Department. OUR REPUTATION for Good, Honest Shoes, is Too Weil Known ("the World's Best"), so You Can Rely Upon This to Be sun biolhcr-ln-Iiiw Is an editor liiu-k In the states. This plctuie" Is that of u i:lrl 111 soino country town who was the iiui'fii of u Htrwt falf or huslnoss men's cm nival or something like tlmt. The paper pi lilted hur picture 111 rem neetloii with the Hlory of tho doing. Manny saw It lying on his hi other's ilctk and f-Uilp It. Ho doesn't know what tho Kill's name Is or anything and doesn't cnio. Ilo likes It Just In taliso it's the plcltllo of u pietty Kill, that's all, and he's run led It eveiy wheie. Had It down to I'uba with hlm and won It stilctly ovei his henit up San Jit. in Hill. Ymii notion l-,nul nho, Johnny, but It's not now. oil Manny, yon see, choilshed tho enine ideas u long, long time ago," "Whew"' said Johnson. "Well, old Manny's wiser than I thought ho was' "Say. Johnny," put In Saiiiiielson, "bo u good lellow. 'Why not let the picture travel around. That Is?, let the fellow that goes out on a cainpnlmi tnko the pletuic, and llK-n wlien he comes back lot It k to the net mull that KO'S hiking." I can beat thai," Mild Tomllnson. ' l.et'rf have that pletuic photographed and .i copy given to each one of us. Then we'll all ! Instiled. ' "WjII, all right," hi mid: "I'll Jus', do that." So the tievt day. when SamilClson went down to Manila, he look tho ple tiue and had a photographer make sK copies of It, and he also bought some cheap lolled gold lockets and a couple of yauls of blue tlhbons. When he came back to Santa Illta that night he passed out tho pictures and the loekots to the other men, and the) each cut off enough blue ilbbon with which to fasten the lockets around their UPcks. "And now." said Johnson, as ho fumbled at his locket as It swung n his breast, "I am ready to ho u real heio, and the p.ipcis can pilnt tilt 'iilcturo found in the locket on tho In oust of the gallant juiing olllcer killed In the Philippine' as much as they plenso. Say, It would bo a posi tive pleusiiie to die with this pit lute over your hcait, wouldn't It?" "P,ut," piped up Sainuelson, sudden l. "how about this gill'.' Stippoe she. sees her plctuie In the papeis as tho swtotheait of a biavc young olllcer who tiled for his Hag In Luzon. Say, sho won't do a thing!" "l.i'ln back then Sammy," com manded Tonillnsoii. "Ueln back to our tioop. The gill, oxen If she happens to see it, which is not at all likely, needn't Imagine sho is the only pretty gill in the world. Sho will merely think that there Is another glil In tho win hi who bears a lemaikable resem blance to her, that's all." "That's all," cchod Johnson. "! the way," said Tomllnson, "I was studying that photogiaph as I caiiio back today, and I could traoo tho name Alice on the back. It had been rubbed out, hut It was .still theie. So her uumc Is Alice, and I think wo may call this association tho Alice Club." "Hlghl," said Johnson. "Who'll bo tho th st to die for sweet Alice Hen IioltV" "With all admiration and dosotlon for tho beautiful laco I have enclosed In a golden loi kot and swung by a pale bluo ilbbon about my swan-IIke neck," said Tomllnson, ' I 'opes It won't bo mo." Tho ganlson at Santa IJHa had little to do fot tho next few weeks. Then suddeny the ladiones began to make lalds on tho villages near by, ami one night they shot Into a town whole thtio w.ib a small imilj, of Ami'ilcaii soldleis and killed two of them. Tom ilson and Johnson took thult compan ies and wont out to lound up the lad iones and punish them. Alter a two days' maich JoIiiifouV company "lid denly oncountiied tin enemy. The j light win a shoit aftalr. Tho Filipinos I hioke aflei a ft olleys fiom the sol- GREAT GRADE dler and featton-il In cvoiy direction. Tho last bullet that thov llred, though, lauded squiiii'ly In Johnson" hreaft, and when the. hospital cotpM men picked hlm up ho was dead. The hos pital steward eaiefully removed thi dead lieutenant's poional oifiets aivl tut nod thoni over to the colonel coin inundlng Hit icghnent. Thoy weic all dub sent hack to th" stales to JohiiHonV family, and In due i tlmt: along with tin pic tin en of John- sun that weto printed In the papeis wen ihou of the "be-autltul muiiik woman, tlio sjt'etmoarl tit Lieut, joiin on of the Fourteenth eavali.v, who was killed In the Philippine." Alice Xetley saw It one day. She gazed at It In uslonlsluiiont, "My plctuie," she gasped. Sho looked at It until she was oeitaln theie could ho no mistake. To iiutk" suit "he wont 111 a;id got a copy of tlio photogiaph which .she Ihought to 1)0 the same. "There can ho no doubt," she said. "Johnson Johnson," she lopeatod. "Why. I never know hlm. He never even saw me " Thou sho thought. Yes. the Four teenth cavalry Irid come thiough the to,n on their wav to the Philippine. This lieutenant had been with the leg Iniont at that time, of course, and piohahly had seen her and fallen In love. Thou he had obtained a photo graph soniowh.'io begged It fiom one ol hor friends, who would not tell hi i of the affair. Then In- hud wmn this picture over his boatt to tho day of lili death. She tinned to the net omit of how th" lieutenant had died. The bullet had stllifk a golden locket ho woie mi his bieast, and, glancing, had J tot n hid way thiimgh his Itcuil. Tho gill's head di tipped on her bofom. Sho sat theie In tho twilight, ciylug softly. Tw'o months latir Lleuleiiant John on's body was hi ought homo. AYheii It passed tluough Kmnietsbuig theie wis a palo-faccd glil In mourning' at tho depol. The whole town know I ho sloiy and looked at tho glil with pity In their eyes. "Lieutenant Johnson's nuethe'.ut." Ih-y whispered, "th' had her plctllio over his heart when ho was killed." As tho tialn stopped Miss Xetley wan helped Into tho baggage ear. Sho luhl some tloweiH on the oollln, and th"ii, buiying her face In her h.indkcr ch'.el, was led away. "He loed me," .she mm nun cd to hoi self "lie Is my hum my pool, do.id hi to. Lieutenant Saiiiiu lsoii. who wa SSSrSSSSjEvery WeSi Dressed Woman man who had died with l'or pic tun on I i her lu.iit. Samuelsun gn v led. "I'm ufiuM wo cariled that thing ton far," In thought lo hlniselt. i ttachtd his lK'iul into ills bosom and toio a lm let tiom hlr bieast. As the tialn cioss d the bildge he iv.irhul out his hand and ilioppod the loektt IntJ tho livor. HillTiilo Xews. - MH, WU AFTER DINNER. Chinese Minister the Star Atti action j of Each Function. Gi-uigt limy M.illiin in .Vtii-l.i 1 When Ills oxcellei.cy. AVu Ting-laiig, the ('hlnetjo minister with viiol ivuii" the wind "clover" Is now Invailably linked, made his Uiyt nltei-dlnrnf tpeoch In this oountiy loss than two .eais ago the Anieilian people claim d hlm as tholr own. Ills siieeeh wuh so loplete with humor, mi lllli d with solid atHlte, and mi dcllctt'-ly eiltlcal ot Mime of our 11atii1i1.il chai 11 teilstli 1 that he leaped Into instant populnilt. His sulistiiuftit alter dlmier talks and he 1.1 not piodlgal ol them, though his mail Is Mini corv day with loiiuecU to aeltiies'i various associations, navo done mole lo make him the mot popu 1 ir Chinaman whu liaa ever btcn in this country than oven bis moie lm imitant "onlies as a dlp'i nru ilmltK the stio.s.sful peilol of th. hlcge of the Pekln legations. Xut only ." .Mlnlstor Vtt's use ot Kngllsth sthnlaily. but his 1 wit Is of the Kind which we have al- t ways assumed lroitestij was Aineiitan. Ills Impassive Oiieiita! fan and to our iais. 'i slightly inonotonoun voice aie Ik Hod by his eyes, whltli twinkle In an appreciative wav when some one 0N0 Mivn a good thing. Mlnls-li '. wllh the .nt of a skilled act 11, '1 vs his own 1 gooil things with a face th.it gives no m Wrm 1 1 mt m Damaged by To Commence Indication of undue appreciation of his owl woiihlness. This iiuliil finality of his gives hlm the raino tdvinlag", when ho mnk-M tv lumiuioiiH obsena Hon that tlv I'lnth dais rcmo of our mlulsl'is who him CHlabtlsh d repit t. lions as witty eft "i lililu t speaker. Tliei.- is no pienionllory rinlle, like a ilautnan sent out ahead to ntinmiiuo a Jnlc ll.Mln'.sli l W'u luiit the humor cms feuutioM of the lion. Thomas H, IteoO, he inlght possibly lidl In mi ef lort to lle up to them As It Is, when ho tin-1 Indulges- his humor his audi i n e believes that It I,; tuilto liy ae'cl tlmit until It dhuovirs the legulailly wllh which his luuiior i iber to the asloii, Not long ago MlnlsP'r W'u was tin uliost ol honor at the Lotos club, "When ,lhe piesldelit of your club and Hie chalinian of your i onuulttei ," he siild, "eiime io Washlugtuii lo toil dor lie an Invitation lo he present at this baiuiuet 1 did not know at tlrst oMictlv what It meant: but when I lior.nl the name of the elub then 1 kuc that In thai 11111110 lay the taiise of tho Invitation, of all the plants that grow In China tin lotos Is the most apiiror latod bcalie of Its pur ity." Mlnlstei Wu In -Hated Jihi a mo ment, and the laughter which gneled lib; limculoits explanation wont ui'ouiul the table". Ills giave and lngloil tun duct of an ahsiiid pioposltlou won his audiuiKO lioin the stmt, and the few mot! who aitopteel his explanation soil inisly ibooifully admitted their m's take long botmo his o-cecllency loft the grlll-i 00111 below whoio the Informal aricimiith of a Lotos club illnnec ovt ilontly was mn unapincclatod by the guest of the evening. Dm lug the pasi winter .Minister Wu has been too star attraction of eieiy dinner which ho has attended. WELSH DAYS PLANNED. Two to Be Set Apnit at the Pan American Exposition. A? was noted odlloi hilly hi The Tilb lllie some days 'it,o, the WcKh puiple ire to meet this year at tho J'an Aliierleau oxpiiiltlmi hi llutfalo. 1)1 r, cloi'-iioiie ml liuchalian has coiivoiit 01' to designate two days as Welsh tliixs at tho cNposltiuii, iim the icull of eoilOdpoilileliie with plollllneut AVo'sli m -ii. They hii not b 'en lled, but It hr ixpeclod that dates In Septembi r Will Be Interested to Learn That STRAW BRIDGE & CLOTHIER, of Philadelphia, Will flake a Great Display of I d AT OUR STORE, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 1 AND 2. Tlicy assure us that this will b: the lavgest aud most complete exhibition of Stylish Garmeuts that they have ever made. Ladies arc all invited to call aud see the new styles. They can also select goods, be measured and have suits made to order. Over a thousand samples to select from. MEAR5&HAQEN 115-117 LackAWtiniM Avenue. F OF- ;ce Smol will be (hosen. The mutter Is In coin potent hands and an elaborate H'" grimni" will be lneparcd, tut linpoit ant feature of which will be chotnl I'ompelUlons In which th' mot ne conipllshcd M vocill'ds will patil- filiate. The Cyniilfgyddlon nucleiy, or t'lleu, l manifesting 11 dtep Inteicst hi thlv piojcct and pushing it forward wllh earnestness inoug Hie ptoinlnoiit ni"ii who hno jippi oved nl I Ik plan are William Apinntloe, of ChUigo, J. Haydcn Mortis, of Mt. Yciimn, X. Y.. William Xathinlcl. 01 Puullney, Vt j Anthony Howell, of .Musvlllou, Ohio, Jo'm o, Thomas and J. II. Foulkos, nt l'tlrti. and llohcit Iliiinphn'v, of lluf falo nanus which 1110 itiiewu to W'elMimon iweivwhoiv. A llely cm tcsiititidcnie bctwcin Welsh Micloll"i and pi'oiuliipiit Welshmen rll ovei the rounliy has bef 11 slaitcd, 1 nil the Idea of AMsi dajs ai tin Pain American opposition Is otteiiule populnt. Th" AVelsh newspapers aro also ugltrtlng Hi" mutter and niglng their renins to Inlet el thoinsplvos. Tint the Welsh Day a nl the P.itl-Ain-ilcin exi'osltlon will bo vuy hup c"s.ofnl itheie Is not ll'- ullghtsi doubt In the mliiil of those who 1110 familiar with th" lUiinnoi' In which Die AVolsh tii'oiile entry tail the projects Hun- nil d"i.ik. . THE DOCTOR. nr tin (,niiw 1.1 of i" loi" Ale fiHiUii ii"l 1 fir, 'nine miy In' im.mt li'iiul'in-. Hut. t.liio nro li'Jilicd nml tun. (Hit' MHil.lll't It III OCIllitt, hnoiiil In.ilt tin- Mr. V Itlllll iliVntrs lilnwll I" imu nl ill i'U4 miiinls'ilDtli I1f.11 . ffiiiilli vtltli lils lanni(i.iK Will in' niii' luttl- qnhil. Willi- III III) llllll till nlillU li Mid lit 110. mini' Die ;iirt. soini" sp-t I.iIIsM iiifu I In joint, A lor Ilia lnnlni nml urtnsi. -..in" iiprjy i nt ulil ut.intii With liftpi tint iwvfr Wfiio. "iiin llihik a inni In lu'tli'iii toiili nml pilr ti ililvr Mjv Kite In lieu (it vhilrin. Ami llius iiiit lo llirlti. Put 'mill lliKi. Ii'.aiieil n IIiMk'I' id 'II 10 11 in who I0.11N tlio llt J llllt KCIltll HllKllOll tfC-llI'lli. riie lij'iiiP'eiil-ii'itlt. (iinl lili-S tin.' Iio'ili rtucllllrt-l In .ill lie- Inn to ilo. Anil (iil liiio 1111 ley en tin imiJi Of oil tll'lr li.Uiilit, tm, WlllUin To.l It. liiiml! m K fll SH OlL-lLn and Water This Morning. JONAS LONG'S SONS. rsvv'i Nobby Styles At Prices We call attention today 4b inch iMcnoli .-ill Weiol Q Poplins in black only, yd OVC 4; inch Blade Satin Finislied AniHiic, be.uitilul solt nml mel low finish; Me.imccl .uul shitnil:. ready (or use, the 2.2 t quality .it. v.. 1 .7 5 - - wru v x v . 1 vwvyvww Sale of ha attracted hundreds to The values continue through tomorrow if the lots last; bO-Avc repeat the prices for those who were so un foitunate as to miss them today: i a 1 twwrr.i 1 '11.1.UW t.uvi, C in many new and nrtis- , i tic designs; special at... 5vC ) STAMPl-D PILLOW COVI-RS r, .,.! t- till f AMI rrtWIMU' that wete .nic and -uk, -. all reduced to JLoQ PILLOW CORD in eveiy shade and color at these special prices : The 10c kind for 5c The 12c kind tor 10c The 15c kind (silk) for 12c PILLOW TASS1LS, all silk, in everv color, ihc 10c ones for..' 7c SILK I'RINGh, specially pi iced at iZC COLOUHD TA15LL COVERS in many handsome patterns; some to' finish with tinsel ,- braid, special at 59 ami ZvQ I UJMSTITCIIED LINENS , per yard OoC ORION I'LOSS. per skein . . 5c donas Long's Sods EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY THE" FOR RENT" JONAS LONG'S SONS. in Dress' Goods j 4 of Interest to borne of the new Par- i isuin styles mat iorm tne most-wanted fabrics of the season: designs and color ings are the richest imagin able and especially ini poited for shirt waists. Guaianlecd fast colors. Among them arc: jS inch all wool Stiiped 59c Albatross, at 26 inch all wool Striped 69c 75c Serge?, at 2S inch all wool 'Armuie Stripes, at 28 i-ch Silk and Wool I'cisian Stripes, at With them are splendid values for 85c these Suits and Skirts that have no counterpait in any other store. !.):, inch black all wool Louisinc, the regular 1.75 quality, t per yam 1 ,jbO it) inch black all wool Pebble Cheviot, heavy enough to make up withaut limni;: the 89c 1.00 quality Art Goods thib department today. CLOVhK CLUSThU COUCH- IN'G CORD, per skein at 7C FRINCiFD BUREAU COVERS, in new and striking pat- . terns; special at 49C NEW LINEN DOYLIES, Q special at OC SHhTI AND I-'LOSS in all shades and colorings; double A . skein for 14C BFLUING SILK, pet skein.. 2c HEMiMINWAY & SON'S . SILKS, skein 4C KNI'ITING SILKS, per sKciii y DOWN PILLOWS, well covered and carefully filled, at these special prices: 18 in. 20 in. 2: in. 24 in- 30c lye 9C 75c FILLED IF ADVERTISED lit COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE HONEST SALE OF HONEST SHOE LEWIS, RUDDY ? 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. jV- y ,xj,l?"-ASiitt 't Jr yi TDDUV IViUKr H Y