'"'& ' e- n THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901'. -J " (3c Scnnfon ri8ime I'ulilitlitil Dally, l.tcepl hulilnj. tiy The Tnli ui PultUtlilwr. Cimi'iiny, nt 1 liny ( Mitt .1 Month. I.1VV H. Jllf'll lll, IMIief. 0. 1. HYMHX, DiHlnru MaiHF". Xt-iv York UflU-ct I'd X.saii M. s. s vukllaxt), r-tdo Asrnl tor I oielmi AJiertUiiiif. Lideicd at llio rotiithrc at -dreiuin, l'a, as Second Class Mall Matti r. Vftn fwcc will rnnl, 'Hi1 Tribune U always clad. to print sbcut Idtim Irom tin friend Itu. liKt mi lUirent topin, Inn 11 tula Is Hut tlioc miast be flancd, dr publication, by Hie writer t lull name, and the condition pieceiluil to ar te piance Is tint .ill contributions 1mll bo nt Jo t to e.lltniiiil -vtUtciii. riir i'i,r nvn: roit ah. niti'Msii. 'Mil' lulloetln table tlnra '. Hie price per Initi (nth Insertion, space in be used within one yean 1 ituii ut" 3iilTiinnj " I nil" " 1)1C1T.V I'jpn lliadlmt I'osllicn l.iti lli.ui rXUnibw. .J.1 " .275 I .-,') .Vwlmlc 20 .22 .'.'I 1 " HI .1.5 I ,l Wl " 1V .IT I .Im own .. r. i,L ls 'of eunU of lhank, molullniH n( nindulcniii uiiil similar c-nntilbntliitis In tli nature of ad '(itt'liitr 'Ike 'lrlbuti- makca I ibariie it ." enl a line. Ibilwt lor t laittel AJvcrd-intr furnished n upplloullon. TEN PAGES. SCISANTON. I'KlilU'AUV 2 I'.'Ol. Tho pasUBu of tin new chnit'r bill, ripper and all, Is Indicated In lust night's vote. The margin Is miiuII but it will ilotibllcvs grow ere the vote Is tiiken mi lln.il paj-s.iEt. AVhen rilnn lipped lilBelou out of the I'ltUljurg dliectorsblp of public arety be lluhu-d the ruso Hint has exploded a mine be neath Ii i tn. The ripper Is drartlc but tho provoatl(in Is cMivnie Reflections on State Politics. UNiriCATION of Republicatl Nm In Pennsylvania Is1, highly dislrablo and may boon become Imperative but o.spt'iicnco has show n that the peace maker who mixes into a family row at tliu luoppoitunc time t'oncrally cm crsca u candidate; for the hosfpital. The variety of eontradietoiy utti Ititles Into which I'eniisylvanla politi cians can got who ate "ti lends of ljuay," whothcr Quay knows It or not, would supply rich nir.teilu! for a comic opera. An tmc(itlvoLul line-up bvlweeii a s tulwar t Uepubliean tiiul u Fusion Democrat for govornor, letting the people tettle once tor all Just which kind of politics they prtfor, might In the end promote pcoce by smoklns out uncertain elements. It Is (Jovernor Clone's boant th.it lneo his boyhood davsi In old Tlojm he has had to ilshl for every advan togo he has won in this world and lias never luen defeated. No fact h bettor iriotinded In pnllllcnl epell eiice than that a faint heupt fal'.s. Tlioso democrats who pay the Upper will umubh the i:epublican paity into Bmlthereena and yet djclaie their pur pose to voto against It aio likely to exrlte a guessing contest as to whether they ni-o intentional philantliroplstu or merely ordinary fools. A ro-nrganizatlon of the Democratic paity In Pennsylvania to take it out of the mnnlpulatlM- clutches of leaders In secrnt lcaf,uo with oau or the other of tho Republican factions and to put It on a basis oi eelf-owncrshlp and 1U uoss for public respect would bo tin excellent subject to engugo the utten lion of genuine lefornior. In these tumultuous llnieri .-.n oxeel lent aid to political cheerfulness Ih found In the fact that every guiiouulon bus Its Intilgues, Its conspliaeles, and Its see-mlnsly annlhllattvo lights, yet the eotirfe of government inns on, the average tit human comfoi t and op lioi tlinlty steadily Incr'-ate.s and tho r.uin who thinks that things are going to tho iloga silmply denotes that he has luiporfect dlgihtlon, iu Ignorant ot liis tory, or is woiklng up u cumpuli,-n boom on u, yellow Journal busts. Tho-e who ic'call how bitterly the .o called reform clemeutb iu our nttite pulltlcs two ycaiH ago fought the Jlc; Cairell bill, divesting tho district at torney ot exccsslvo power to htnnd nicldo Jtirorn, and how i-uvugely the ad vocatus ot that incasuiv, among them .IlldKO Arrlihaltl, of this city, were al locked In the Insurgent newsimpeio, tiro finding It dlllletilt to account foi tho fact that the .tnimi bill under an other name bus been pet ml tied to go through the pietent loglHlatuio almost without imposition. Thu circumstance illustrates the luilncerlty of the out cry auainst the MoOarrell bill and provesa conclusively that It ui not atin,?d for the general welfare but at Coionel Quay, then on trial before thu PhlLldelplila eoutts. No wonder hucIi hynoenlBy doca not llnd t.tvor aiuung falr-llndctl people. Trent All Alike. A:; i.uioiviant it-vomio bin. iiiirodueert by Uepiecnltitlvo Ifosaelv of Alleshony, pro 's iio iej to lovy nil the cupitat of forulgii coVpcihiilutiii .hnvlnv. tli.ir uhiafplace ot' buim-b. .ttiei dulng the priiclpal part of tlulr buulnes xvlihln thtf.-atate tho same fix or "bonus" ontthlrd of one per emit. now levied upon-Jtho enrital of corporations organ-lxetls.und:-r the laws of l'enu&ylvaula. TwoJyeara ago thl.-j bill p,u,.sod the )ioi$o unanimously bul came to grief In tha senate. Tills year efforts am belii mado to eiuothi-.p it In commit twfmw of 1p aiKiimeiits Uhed b.-lng that, luiiaiiiuch .im Its author is nil "In nuriivnl." the bill Is dangerou. KiJii an nrgument nhould have no wulght with any ndf-renpucilng member.- Thu hill on Its face la a fair and .lust measure, calculated to add up. prclably to the revenue of the com mouvtiulth, us well a lo con eel n manifest Injustice whereby nivii who go ' Into corporations under tho limn of I'anunylvunhi uio ellHcilmlnatt-el against by the tux-g.itheiliis power as eom-liartjlti- wlh jJ.Klueii wliu ietK wide- open charter In Jcracy or Ualawnro nnl tlipn conic b.ii 1. Into 1'oimnylvunln, Hcol frt'P of lieuiug tax, tuul rompcto with the ilonu-Mtlc conmr.ttlonH Trout nil tillko In ii rooiI motto In luxation, Tliu vtihMimco of tliu I'luuiKe ftom existing law nimlt' In the now libel law. upon which nil partita at lUiitlsliiirR have now uKi-ecd, Ik embodied In tho ucrtlon which 'ihuvIUuh that In civil actions for llliel, where malice or ttetfll Kuncu njipearn to the Jury under tins direction of tho court, nn In other fiiM'M, Mich d.ttnnKTH may be nwar'iU nH the Jin y islutll deem tnnper. They do not have to be proved: they mny 1)8 lllferied. TTiiih yellow Jun nalHm, by Its uxeopHcc, Is rowponslble for a tlKlit enlnir. of the Iiiw'h toHtrlellve power upon newspaper pilvlleBo which would otlierwlxe not have been mistulned by nubile HPtitlmi'iit. Yellow Join nullum Is In a fair way to bo destroyed by Its own mendacity. The ndiicntlon of BvcntA, TTM1K CONVUUSIOX of old ncneral Oomez to the prop- JL otltlmi that continued Amer ican supei vision over Cuban alTalrs Is esientltil to the success of Cuba's rsperlment In stlf-gov-ornmeut Is slKiillleant In view of I he fact that his Is by nil odds tho meet Important and Inilucntlal per sonality now on the Island. The cele brated San Dominium bus been edti-c-'li'il up to tills projiositlon by de grees. )ils original belief having been that about all that was necesniry to do In order to form a Cuban republic wns to git Spain out and to get hlJ tutteideiiuillun handful of swamp lumping (evolutionists In. Observa tion of the lleklenes-s of the Cuban character, of Its susceptibility to mem sentiment when contraty to all rules oi' reason and of the Immense sorlous ii"FS and amount of exacting detail In the work of constructing an actual government out of tho raw and In tlammnhle mnteilals at bund bus evi dently wrought u change of conviction In the rugged old warrloi's hi east, domes! is nairow and conceited but honest, lie has the courage to learn ne.d to change his mind; In other winds, the courage of his convictions, it tr'ilt rare among the Latin race. Ills conversion will cany with It that of many Cubans of nibstunre who have secretly fe.ued the i onsetiueneeJ of preinatuie and iiiK-nnilltlonul Inde VMid'MH'o but have kicked the manhood to speak out. It pnilnbly betokens an i.nly acceptance by the Cubans ot the eight demands foi initialed In the l'lutt amendment to the aimy appropriation bill: demands, it is impoitant to note, that have the unanimous approval of the senate cunmltteo on Cuban lela tion. Including that of Senator Tol ler, Hie author of the mischievous Tel ler lesolutlon which Is tit the bottom of most of our present perplexities In Cuba. The l'lutt amendment. It may lie wyfirtli while to note in n view, pro poses to uuthoilze tho piesidellt to "leave the government and contiol of the Island of Cuba to Its people so ciin as a government shall have been established ill said Island under a con stitution which, cither as a putt there of or In any r.rdlnanee appended theie lo, shall delliio the ttttuie relations of the United Slates with Cuba substan tially as follows:" I'litl "flut Hie itotiinniciit of 'bt lull lieur enter Into mis treaty or oilier inirnurt tllli any fpidmi putter ji pimei wliicli lll tmp.ilr or lend t impilr llio ImlrptniliiKo of Ciilu, nor in any uiaiiiur auilierbu er pmiilt any (onlitn power er powirn to ulitain by coloi.U ratlin or fur military u naval pitrpmc or otlurv.l.c, luOinent In n icntiel inn any poi- Hon ot said isltiul iNiond That nald iioieinmeiit sliall mil !-. Mima oi contr.Kt any pablle ililit, to piy the Intrre.-t upon Mbkb anil to m.il.e iia-onible nlnklns funil pruiMon Mr llio ultiinate ills ilurire of ulilili the onlinaiy leiumi's of Hie lilaiiil after ilifiajinu the anient cspenns ot griiemmuit tlnlt lie Inailcr.iute. Tlilnl Tliat the ifuwiiii.Kiit of Cnbj eonnts that Hie 1,'nlteil states ma feuL-e the rlclit lu Intenine lor the piei rv.ulon of L'nbin inJc- pinilcnic, the nialnttiunio nt a Roiriiinient .ole i .pnte for the pioteilion or life, piorty and individud liberty, and for clisclurging the clili (..itiuiH with lu-pcit to Cuba Imposed liy the Treaty of Parla on Hu I'uiteil Mates, now to be ii-uinneil and undcrtakiu by the goveniiii.nl of Cuba. l'mirth That all ads of Ihe I'lillcd 'talis In I Nil u iluiini; its military oetiipatlou theieot arc .titled and validated, and nil lavvtul lights ac inilml tliirtiuclei (-h.ill be inali.tained and pio luted. ITitli That Hie Rovcriuiiciit ot Coin will exe cute, and, .is tar as nece-sair ecliliil Hie pi eis alieuly devisul, or oilier plain to be mutuill agreiil upon, for tho sndlntlon of the citlis m tho idaiid, to the end Hut a lecurnnic oi t-pl-eiimlc and Inficlloui ill casts may be prevcuud, Hurrby assiirnig protrdlon to the people anil louiniuce of (iibi, as will as to the eoiiuiicicc if the i-oiithriu perls of the United Mali and the people lesldliu therein. Mvtli -Tint the hie of I'imu khall be omlltid from the propusid iiiiictlti.tiou.d buundaibs o CuKi, imd the title thereto left to (utiiio adju.-.t-l.irrt liy tie.ity. Seventh-'I hat to enible the t'nlted Mates to maintain tho indepeiiikiicc ef Cuba and to pio teit (lie in-epic thcicof, as well as tor Its own ill ft nic, Hu goi.-rrnient of Cuba will sell or Uai-i to the Untied Ktalm lands ncoits.m !' coalin-; oi naval stitlins at certain (.pedil-d pidiits, to be aguid upon vvltii llio president of the t nltrd states. l.li.tilb That by way of fiuthcr js,uranee, tin Roniii'iient of Cub i will einbidy the foicfcolni: piovlsbiiu In a prrmirent tiuty with t!i(. t'nlted Mates. Thin prciErt amine, It will icadllj be pci eel veil, Is .soiniuvhat dlifcrent fiom the chlvaliotiH ideal with which tho Cuban deliverance campaign was en teied upon. AVo are not now dealing with benutltul concept lona of the Im agination or poetic fancier! culled ftom lonuuico but with fnctf. Since the ex citing spring eluyti of three yean ago, when practical HtaleHinanahlp at Wash ington w:ih overpoweieil by a tl.lal wave of unculculutlng popular sentiment, tbeio llUH been in coulee) of deVe lop uie'iit a costly education of the Ameil cun people ill the kcIioo! of bitter ex perience. AVo han all been taught .something In the ilueetlou of ellstln- gulxhiug belweeli llctlou ami facts. The Ideal of an InMiintiiueousdy created tree Oulun lepublle. to lie iet Up wU-aid-like by I'nclo 8am and then left to do absolutely as It might please, even thought It might pleaso to make a lot of bother tor Its Indulgent creator, Htlll obtains aiming Americans who are Inclined in prefer theory to truth; but It Is dlsappeailug us tho practical .ispectH of this pioblem como more plainly Into general view. It Is dawn ing rapidly upon many minds that tho age of miracles has passed: and that the beet that tho United Hiates can do for Cuba Is to do tho beat that It can both for Cuba and for Itself, ac- cordltiB to the golden rule of ntates- nauxhlp: "The greatest good to the KivuUMt miinlnr." One of the most distressing features about the tcvlval of the Sampson eon ttovcrsy Is the vast amount of pent Up eloquence that Is liable to be let loose In congress and nt other guthei Ings where restless Clceios nre await ing oppoittlliltles to llnd fault with ev erything connected with tliu eouise of the war department and the adminis tration. The people who tuo advising the striking silk workers to stand llim np pear to bo largely In the majoilty when compared with the sympathizer who are willing to contribute cash to enable the girls to hold out. General Gomez evidently belljves that tliuto are too many politicians In Cuba at present, who nre anxious to make a lecoid, A few days hence and the man with the moving van will cause the eyes of the plumber to turn green with envy. Foreign Uieute of American Trade I'rcm ' i umiiiiiilil SMltlJ." Ikhlioiu f Hi I i'ii-d F nltr.lnv Ollntvr.lCj ic keenly allc t i the Uroater c.llileno of our Industrial method-', and ere ecklni: eauitttly to profit by tlun A w I Iter In tin luwloii llme nt Pet. 2'. KAl. iittributi the Aiuiilcin I'lanofic liner's iiibjiitann our tle'llrltli larirdy lo thelt ciiiisldcratlnn 'mn to jon.it: tn-n ant lin. wllllna.ni is to utlllio tlu-ir inttny and i-nl r pr.e. lie la fln.i upon the lint that It Is tii-toniuy for Ainniiati lathe ii "tu ilUeit-4 Hulr business allalu with their mum in u way that Ii ipilto ur rMna; to an rnglMmun." Vis Anierii in youth, It Is polntrd out, ubtahia hU ImiliuM uluealloii fnni practical ixperlenco ind melal Intetroiirse, and Hill fouu of eiliicatlnn 11 held to In "inimiastiiiuly aboio the meie leliii lug of Ire,M ulileli loo oTtin fiocs by the ntnio ol rduiatloii." Another itaion for the adapia blllty of Aiiicilcaii south lo limine. I statut to be the public school sisteni. whlili is "nioic tiuly edticitioiial, l.'s ptil.iEORlc." In lonclu flun. Hi 'limes oiici-peiiililil sa: 'To mi, it appeals one of tliu must ilisiiulctlne faitoit In Hie problem befmo us (mdiiilrlal competition) that the tutted Mites hae I rained a body of jouni? men who ai iletennfncd to make their eountii unit, aiel' wbu bile belli educated to a lliliu, picitlcal Inbri.t In the Hilnts needful to that Hid. ' o-- '1 l.o IIiik, ii i.iiuntinK eelilorially on Hhm dews, sals: "The Ihieab-ued reinpitltton lot I nltid states tnanti(actuiei In mukets hltheilo our o-mi enne from itllituicy in produiiimi 'ith ae has iii'ier bclor- bdii ncn," and iiitepts the dew lint this ettlcleiify Ii to be asulbid. t-i .1 lime i Mint, lo Hie piiuli.d ftlt educ.it Ion of Aiiitilian-i. whiih inablis tluui timially to enter hualucse "with .1 Hih of knowledge of wlilcli the juiintr I.iulUhiraii lush fiom llio uid.crsuy or .1 public miiool baa i ol in hiklluir." luil.ur hi tin- Tliinn fi: "In Hie iricrcstlni: nnili-ls of tho causes ..t woik adiic to Knzlanel, honn thii.i; ml.Iit bo Mid of the liUJt iluelllkiMi oil i.il put Into airain. The Ai.ieilian nun of liu.iliOH takes bis phasim in what be is iloli.c, ami iicwi- fails whin In I- tiaiebiit: to Ion out foi hints tr be applied 'lien he iiluins home. .Not iiiiald to admit Hut 1 e Is 'in po.k' u 'in grain' If the lad bj so, he is cm leu- j io ill tint atliit his liuslnrM, and It. . i,en lo lev Ideas In a way width ii i.iiimmI hi'.Ii vj, 'What h.is Mieccideil III the pat ill nol ufecil In the future' is i wnrUnj: mui'ii with llio but nun of liib-liitM, who aio ready to t'njv ir.tlr experknee us will Hi I heir antliiuted miihinery on the map h.-ap. There aio tome sign-s of a ehansc 111 this re-piet in thlJ country i but tho idea Hut theie Ii suniethini; lei-pu table, julld, and satMaitoiy In doln? in tlio mill. vorklnp, and eiunlliii; hoii'i whit eme'n l.ithir did din haul." l.oid lio-ibcry Is quoted by cable as limns; said in a speech befou a tbitlsh thamhii- of commerce Jul in, lull, tint the cldcf rivili ti be feaud by (beat llntalii "aic Amcili i "id Cclinnnv." "tin- .ilirlpeis of tho Americans," hi. continued, "their incalculable natural te Mimics, th"lr aeulinisi, their inlnpii-s. tlieir va.t pop.dilion, which will iu all probibllity within Hie next twenty yiau reach lii,00i),ii, tivikc llicin vciy formidable competitors .vlth cersclies. And with the Heiinaiis their -l xv but sure poristiiuy, tlieir ttienllllc n.ethod-. and Hulr conqueiltig tpiilt, ilevoleil is these iiiill ties aic at this moment to picp.uation for trade wailaie, make Hum ul-o, in my Judgmt.it, httk lips iciloiibtable than the Amnlcans. Tl-eie Ls ouo Icilure of Hn Vnurlian competition which ii ems to in" c-pi daily foiiiddable, and as I bivv not nvn It lar,'dy noticed, pnhapd yo.i will dense me lor lalllng nltcntion to it. Wc are dally reminded of the gigantic fortunes which aie arci'iuul.ited lu Amiriin, fortunes to whlrh nothing In lids tommy bears any relation wliat ever, and which In llicowlics loiistitnte an cnoimoiH comuuidal foice. The Ainerlems, a it aipcais, aic se.ucely sati-fied with IIicm.- in ilivldud loiltincs, but Use them, by combination lu tiu-ti, to make a capital .Hid a power which, wieldcl ns it is by cm- er two minds, is almost lricsL-tlble, and tint, as it semis to me, II ton- ei'iitrited upon (licit llntalii as an engine in tin trak- wirfaie is a danger which wc ratit.ut nflorcl t i ilisngard suppose a tnist of ininy inillion.., of .1 few men eoinblnnl to eoinpete with any ti.ule it. tliu countiy liy uu.leniilllng ill its pio ducts, even at .1 loa-lderablo Icsa to tlieniselvcs, and vve tan in- In that what me the poo-llulitio. of tin conuncrrlil uulcuie ot the imineiliatc lu tuic." o It ba. I cm evident lor sonic (into tint the Vtiitid Mates, not content vviili hiving holu.i that pait of tlw pioblem of economy of pio iluctlon which relatis to proics.-cs of itunufji turf and tho utlllMtton ot labor, Ins been diilt luy instinctively te vaul the lirger question "f the ceiicenliation ot capitsl as the loglt.il oc t lAiiitiiil .if llir. tnmn r-.Midi.l 1,1 , it i.il,i,-in.T cs- and increu,!,.. the nn.gin of p.otlt. Ih, .. ,i,. ij i,. i,.,.. . i, i. ... . ii, .. .,..... .- ,..,........, u..s . ..,,,- ...,u and moie guunl bearln,' usn the cnnioiiil- and ucial llfu of the natlo:.-, upon Hie intcre.ti., .1 il or iiiiagllH'ii, o( Hie whole body politic. Wo ban to do with It l,eie only because of its te- lallon to and possllilo clliil upuii our foieigu trade, and it is iutrrotiug lu know tint thuiightful an obvernr a I.ird Itosibeiv pu i cilia In the tlliiplifiiation ct tin- iie of capital In the United Mates width is goinj on It ni ly tic aid i-iiriiuenlally, to u l.i'-ge txlent in yrt a trcim ndiiui imwer In tin cctnmciiial ilvalry 01 Hio world. o (itriuany, as well as Crint llntalii, msim lully Miiilble of Hie mriouMiOhk of Auitiicin couipe til om. In ,i leant Issue, the llaiubuigir l'rnn ilinblatt points out that I'm I'lillcd Mate,', vvhldi ten ycais ao ixp-utul inoic linn Ml per ml. of the igriiiittiual pioduits and b'.-j tlun .1 llftli 1 1 miuiit.ictunil i,o..d, t.jil.i,-- iltaw marly a third of its mtiio cxpotls Inmi the pioducts of Its i.iiloihv. - In other words, tl.o t'nlon is miieiilnv with glgmtlc strides t.,vv,uil innvcislon lioui ..ii agilcultiiial to an mdiiKiilal uall'iii.'' "ll.'i s not the lapld intieiiau of tin l nlted Miln In the value of Induitrld cxpoun," tin l'liinden bl.it t n-ki, "iiiistitutu ai liiuulmiit dinyir for u'l tcnipctln.: natli.nsi" Continuing, the rremditi Mill t4: "fho kteet iimiiui.icIi.iIib of he I'nltid Milts, whlili two tkcadis ,11,11 mil) In Hill intiimy, Indiy lonlrcl tin inaikt'tii ot Ih.1 vvnild. dictate diher illicitly or Indiuitly all. pi h o.i of lion and sli-cl in ull emililile-. and pai.lv through Hie ilthuc.s of tlulr oiipnly of lion oie and ioal, paitly by llio iiv of IjImuu lug luaihlueiy and kllllul, Uliillvi meaiu of Iranvpoitatiou, line atlaliud a position to not only voniiicti' with the oldir hon and tccl pro iliuli.lt enuutrlea, but even lo profitably expoit their prodaets In l.ughmd. Aiiicilcaii tisils in. Joy. liy icason of their excellent quality, til--best tepiitatlon, and, in tplto of tlulr hlglur price, (.land abovo conirKtltlun in nearly thu whole woild. Alo III lenin; niaihlnei, blcy ele, and agticultural iinphuieiits of every kind, Hie t'nlted Status has be.'un to drive llusland and (iennariy fiom Hie world'j marl.cu, .-o "A rei.uik.iblc i bang la also lakt-n plier "In tho field ol toot and (hoo tnwluctlon. Ilinlty inure tlun teii jcam Oiin Hie enltnl Sialrj Impotteil ulior lrom llurope csl4lly (o men's tuotweir from Austria, lille other k'j were ma.lc of leather Imported frein lltiRliinil nt'd O imany. Tixlaj, It noi only inike Its ttitlre itipply of leather at Immc nnil exK)tt It hi coll ihkrablo qinntlHei., but It llooiU I'.uropc Willi lenity-made tliom, ronipelw ltli the proiluctn of dmip labor In Unwind, eitnhlMui hoe ilil'oU In Pails nd een In the pilnelp.il cMf ( (,f1' ln..ny. 'lint Hie flitted SUten, by reaion of lln riibiie) In mineral olli and aided ly lt unrhaled facllltlei tor leflnlns and trnpoHliis thU In teitiatlonal iioefMlty, conltoli llio petroleum Iride of the uitilil and h held III rlifck only by Itussla Ii well known. The expetleme ot tho poit few month proiei tint ltliln not far dWilit pctlod, the toal of the t'nlted Stain i.-lll play the Mine lole in the market of the wuiM. Tho t'nlon In reieiwl Hie old admc, 'It l( tldlciiloiM to tarry toali to Newcastle,' lor tmlay anthracite mU from reiiiihanli aio uttually cxKiited to Knulanil. Inrldiiitatly, It may lie remaiked that llio tjperltln maehliio Willi nlileli tliU ntllile U written. a( well m the. thomandi nay, liiiiidnd-t of tlioimwdi of olherj that aru in uo thrmnjliont Hie world, wai made in Ainerlca; lh.it It ctniiM on an merlrati tank', hi an olllie furnltieil Willi American ilctl. book im, and i halm, which cannot bo made in llmepo of ce.ual quality, to practical and con Unlmt, for a diinllar pike, llio M of mill articled, nppaicntly tinlmpoiUiil In theinwltn, but In Hulr aitKrcg.itc mmilier and aluc oi too tillilmt flitnlflcanee, could le otiinkil Imlcll likely. Hut It would n-ern moie tntertitliiK and iharactirMIc to eltc the tait that an American indicate Ii now plannlnif, imd liai eicn taken the Initial etcpi In a rtlieinc. to take In hand the whole li-p!nf?-ear nrvlie of Kurope, to lin proio It and make It clicoper than d now posl bte. Morcoier, American maiiulacturcra of tin deidolliliiir, slcieo, and menV elothlnn, at well j-1 womin'i cloaki alt artlileo wlilcli a few years aira were exiioited in .it Cuantllle from Ilmtipe to tho t'nilid statxj an- alirnly IkkIiiiiIik to caleulato bow they can place (hell surplus output in Ueropcan mail it.'' o--The fieimlctiblalt's inurliisicui Is that lluiope "mint tUlit Atiiilleaiiliini with id own incthodsj tin battle must be fonglit with their weapon, and whircur possible theli weiponi must be betteicd ind linproied by u. Hi, In "peak with oilier and more prattled word-, (leiniany lluropc mmt adopt linpiuMsl md proRrcushc methodi in iiuy dipartmcnt ol Industry ; must cue nmri-, and moie cITcdiic, maelilneiy. Manufattinvr .is will as nierchints miul ; " America, acini tin tr assistants and worklmiincn, not merely to Kuperllclllly obno the iiitthods there employed, but lei uttnly them HioiouRldy, to adopt Hum, and whettier possible to Iniproic upon thi-iu, i.-st as Amciiiana htio done and aie still il-dnir In Kuropc." THE NEW LIBEL LAW. In all criminal prosecutions or indft-tmenti for Mnl no condition shall bo allowed It the subject-matter ol the publication, whether ton tjliiid In newspapers or othertte, relates to can didatesj tor public otlltc, the ofliclal conduet of public otliceis, or to other matter proper lur public.- iiifoiniitlon or Inicstlgatlon, when It is found to the' cat Wilt Ion of tho liny tint null publliation has not been inallclou-lv or iieRllgcntly made. In all mcli e-asej the tmth I may be glxen in ciidmcc to the Jury. I In ull civil action for libel the pica of Jiutlft catlon slnll be accepted as an adequate and loinplite defense when it Is pleaded and pioddod to the natlsfaction of the Ju'v, uiulei the direc tion of Hie court, as in oilier ta-.es, that the publication is rulutaiitlally tnu- -mil is proper foe public Infoimatlon or investigation, and has pot licer. maliciously or liiRliwntly made In all civil actions for libel no damages (-lull bit leiovricd unless it lie tMablUlicd to the satis lartlou of tlie Juiy, under the diiectlon ef the couit, us In other eases, Hut the publication hai been maliciously or negligently made; but vvheie niallee or negligence appeal Mich damages way be nvvaided as the juty liuT ileini propel. Xu iletendint t-liall be trim nil r tiled, nor UM any ilvil action for dainagis be maintained tor Hi" printing: or publication of the same libel uiion tnc f.une Indlvidml In more than one ' .... .... i-oiuitv n the state, ami all mniases sua i Ui riciivcranie iu one tun. The Ml entitle l "An act leialing to libel and its punishment," approved .lulv 1, 1)7, and all acts or pans of acts inconsistent with the pro vUloii.s of this act, are a pealed. oooooooooooooo The People's Exchaegec if A rorui.Aii ci.r.Amxa iioust- for the ' L) r Iteneflt ol Alt Who Have llousei to Rent, Ileal litato er Other 1'iopeiiy to Sell or r.xchanirc. or Who Want bituatlons or lleln Tlieso Small Auierllsenier.'s con ( One Cent a Word, fclx- Insertions lor ITvo X Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, V which .ro inserted rrce. s 0000X000000000 Situations Wanted. WORK AMtD-WAslll.SC. AXD IllOMXti 10 lake home. Hood lifcieiices. .dihes Mts, M. it.. Tiibune cftiie. WAXTIID-Sirt'ATIOS' AS VLKMAX, MIV cral ycais' experience; can furnish best of icfeiinie Addu-vs "T.," lleiidham, l'a. M1TATIO.V WAXli:i)-ll A IHIV ID illxhS old lo wirk In ttoio or vork of any kind; Kiul piul, ljj."i Dickson avenue. WAxrr.D-iti'siiiox or tiu'st nv a votsti im.il ol business ability, would do lolletliin, .1 1 s keep an omits; experienced, references. Ad dusK I, W., Tiibune ollici. For Rent. mis. i:. r. iiom,i;s klhiiknc i:, it.u sonrn Wakhlugloii avcnui, i i lent, Imnlshisl or urlutnl-siicd. Apply "Jo Xirtli W.ihluKrtou .ne. roit iir.xi sick rriiMMiiit) iioom. .)H) Quiucy avenue Apply I l HBNT-Al'HIL .M"..0-.-' I.M'KV ' wanna avenue, biick building In rear, suit , al)(, (fl. Im,mbill(r ,)r olhl,, imsinc,,. I otnC8 or t in .un hulldiin:. Apply IViJ sane'eiwii avenue. - I HOl-'hl' I'Oll 1IHXT -ll.'l MAPlMlV AVIIXt II, modiiu huprovriueiits. A. Iloie, 2-JJ I. iu wanna avenue. kaum to iti:sTivj Acm. i'oii it hthiii: infoiiiiation lall at i!7 1'ienoti avenue. rou uikst'-iiAir D01 tux holm: lis iiau li.ou avenue, fine room-, -b. Apply Thomas HuMi'll, tell) llatrison .ivcncr. IIOLs-L'. UU WASIIIXC.TOX WUXt L', Tttlll.Vi: room, good Iruraliy, perfect oich-r, Hardin,.'. ItOOvlS IN Till: (T..STi:il Of IT; 2ll AST) 207 Wyoming annuo, tteam heat; all lui piovimitits; uiltible lor any kind of liu-inim. alio bain lu liar. 1 1 1 1 iu 1 1 e at 2-'J JcfTcnou avc inn, near bpmtu sticet. e5is-Ti:xnooi hou'-i:, i:i.i:rrni(i t.ioiits. modem Iniprnveiiiints. I.irge lot front mid back. Tree. li.iy to two Hired cai. l'leisant put ot linen Milne. Aplll 1. O. W. 15., 'lilt- UPC. pis! liiniiiv itiiini: siRiicr. tlx iioomm. mi. .Ii hi iinpiuveiueuts; Hem leal, fuinislud; deslnble- 2i.tw. Wantetl To Buy. WANTKD--Sr.CONlMUS'l SLOT MACHI.N'LSi must bo In good onicr, state pirtlculan at to make and pi Ice Addles L. M , cneial de livery, Scranton, pa. Honey to Loan. MOXIA TO LOAN OX IMi'HOVLT) CI TV IILAI. ttiuie. HlkSTtV IIIII.IN, .lit. (HAS. II. ttKLLr... THOMAS Sl'IIAdl't:. MOXHV TO LOAN OX UOSD AXD MflUiaAUK, itiy amount, M. II, llolcatc, Couimeuvvealtli b'jllOlncr. ANY AMOUNT 01' MONF.Y TO LOAN'-'-jUICK. straight loina or Uuddlrg end Loin. At from I to 6 per cent. Call on N V 'Vall.tr, :i 913 Connell buildln;. ALWAYS BUSY. So. Hi and lltl WeomlnB Aicnne. We place rn tale M. inlay inotniui;: fiO) palrn of Jivlnt' tnd !)' tdioe. nlrei 200 palm of men'a line bouse nllpptiM, all .uOc. all mrii , , lite. SOI (fllr of tncn'ii rublieri, toei a Utile tur low V. run womi... We have a tpidal ultiadlun lilt WW palm ot mlssei' and ultli sl.U'i hot, whiili we rell for 'I-- These ulioe aro well built toes miuaie, tone luon ene"K0od iHallly. Neier .i lltcr bar gain In hoc leattier. 800 pain of ladles' comfott (hoes not p.ilr north lr than 7J centj. Take them at -Jc. We liaec Hie jOO cac of ladles' rubbcn the 10 and 60 ecnt kind take 'cm at ....2J. We line no other stoic. We have no branch loit. We hue been here tlncc Id's, pa.dnjc 10) eenti on the dollar and discounting our bills. We fit more fed than any other ulioe iilore In Nortliraitcm t'eiuisjhuulJ. tliir lioe an lioiiet. o ate our price. Lew5s(&Re311y 'o. lit and 110 WyomliiB Aenue. Real Estate. ron s?ai.i: v vi:uv ursikmuj: slsimku place Lirire ID room bouse, bain, waijon liot'ie. Ice houe (tilled), four acres of land, nit- li.l.i.l nn hlivli .irminil mliK.av l.nliLAiii I It. oli'.ll it atn ),,PIlf tin minutes' walk or Hie mlniiliV drive fiom station. Neier fallins water rupiih. Om of the hest mnl mo,t cominlmt locations fir Mimmir puiposcs north ef Mranton. llemy Watts, .11 kaikananua .-im-uuc. lOIt HAI.K-A PAttM OK GO fTir.S. ! .UMIM Imprcned; ',i mile from t'uctoryxllle; about twenty minutes walk fiom Keystone Academy, A eery tightly and pleasant location far it country home, can bo had very nasonible, pcseNlon at opce. hii;tihe er iddicei W, I). tliKseil, It. a: II r.'s oltlci, fc-r.inton. Business Opportunity. WAXTi:il-MN- Willi SJi) TO INVI.T IV (tood pajlue bushier. Addic-S at once Hcb ert, Tiibune oftlte. Hccrults Wanted. KXV WANTKl) KOIt U. S. AIIMY: .MUX UOPIKl), imnurrlfd men between ages ol 21 and "; citizens of t'nlted Stiles, of good chara-t-r and temperate hahltn, who can speik, lead and write I'.ngli-li. ISrtruit specially desired tor nrvieo iu Philippines, l'or Information apply to Iteeniltlns Ottlic, 123 Wyoming avc., hiran ton. l'a. LEGAL. w'v. Tilt: ANNfAI, Mi:niN(, OP "IIIU srtKkllOI.I) eia of the laiikinamu lion ar.d Sled I'oni pany, for the cleition of cllicctors and transac tion of such other buslncs as may propirly come bcfoic the ireellng, will be held at the oflice of the Company in the City ot Seranlou, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, Mrch Bth, lliCl, at 2 o'cloik p. 'ii. Tito polls will lenialu open for om hour. The Transfer Hooks will 1h clo-ed on 1'ebnury tilth, l's'l, and le opei ed on Maul, "til, Kill. J. I". lllCi(IINON, tfeiutary. S-cranton, l'a., t'ebruar !, Jt-01. TvOTKT.-MIAl IU) I'KOfO-sVt.S VOH Tilt: ( O.v. i-trtictlon of tho nuieistructiite of a Mecl bridge at Arthbald, in actoidanco Willi maps, plans and specifications, on file at the ofllcj of Hioige Ik tevensin, county Mtiveyor, at llio court lmii-e, will be received by tho irmintssicn I nn of Larkananni county at Hulr ofllcc unlit 11 n'.lo.e .. n. iin-h n. mul I N.ilnl prciiosals fur the coiistiuetioii of Hie m.ionrv for the abutment foi a tul lirlilifi! ut , -Mdibald. iu aiioidamo will, maps plans and it. ..nil n.t nn. .... 111.. it 41. n ..lllr.i i.f l:..rir., I I Mcvenson. rountv uivlVoi. will In received be . 'i-" " - '"" " " - ".'"'. " '--- ... the cominissloneis of kackiwanm county, at their eltlie imtil 11 n'rlsck a. m.. Jlnch P. 1-01. sealed ucosals fur the construction of a 6lo u on h bildge over IveyGir criel; in Taylor boroueb, in iicsroidancc with nn.w, plans and -pcciniatiou.s, op file at the of. lie of ilecrge h. Meviii'on, civili ty tairvryor, will be icelvid by tho eoinmnsiuii. its ot Lackawanna county, at Huir oftito untd 11 o'clock, Jlirdi 19, 1ID1. .lOllV IM.NMAV. .1. COt'ltll'.It MOIlltl?, .IIIIIN .1. PIlllvIX, Mttst: W. If. liiniel', ( leik. is nn. rsrvTi: or catiiaiiini: wh.i.i.ww. late of Ihe iltv of Mranton, l'a. I.ctuis testamentary upon the above estate hiving been granted to the undersigned, all persons indibtnl to the Mid estate arc lcquestul to make Imme diate piyment, and Hnnu bivlng damn lo pre ttnl tin in without ilihv lo I,. X KOIIKUTt. Kiel nlnr. No. Kill Mim.ult ate-., Miaulon, l'a. II S. ALU Oil I II, Attiruey. AD-MIMslltATOlt'S X011CII llll'ATt: Of Hcoige 1 1'ntoii, iliceased. Notice is lieieby given tliat lettus of adminis tration upon the i-slite of Oeoigc I,, l'listmi, late of the city of N-llnton, icuntv ol Luk.1 wann, deceased, have bem granttsl to the under ignetl. All penons having diims cjr juilgnients against llic estate of said decea-cd ale it quoted lo inil.o known caiin- to mi vv ltlic.it deliy. And all pir. sons Indebted tbeicto aie icquiied lo make im mediate pivmciil to. s-AMLTIli It. .-sTIlVKX's. Adnilnistrator, Coiinell llullilmg. Wni.l.lIS & lORItr.V, Attoineys lor IMatc. AUDITOKh' N0T1CK-IX ill:: l.M'A'l II OP Wil liam Menrs, eliiiasid, Xo. 21i, Seiles (', in Hie Oi pliant Couit ot Lackawanna tounly, l'liii.-.-. Ivania. The undi rslgnrd an auditor, appointed by He Orphins' Court of l..ulovv.inua county, to slate Ihe .u count of I'.llabcth lv'iufl, executrix oi Mid estate, and also to make distribution of the fund In her bands, ninoni, the pailli's enll Hid theitto, hereby gives no! lie that le will attend tu the duties of hi appolnliiiint at li's olllti-, .No. Pl'i Connell buddiiu. Mianton, l'a., on Monday, the i-kvtnlh day of March, A. I). l'llll, at 11) o'eliHk a. In . at vvhldi lime and plate all persons tnteiested aie iciiuircd lo pri ma their claims or be detuned from eonilue, iu on i-aid fund. II. ?'. AbWOItlll, Audltoi. to thi: tiouiiiits or hoxp-, m miiiiiis seven (7), eight tl, forty one (It) and foily-sl (IC) of the Colliity Inuinrer t'oiu y, being tho bonds healing ilali IKlober 1st, li'U, and secuifd Iiv Hiist luoitgaite "f that ilil". Please Take Notice Hut In piitsinnio ol the piovisiotw of the said bonds and the Oust moil aagc given to mcuie Hie Mini, tin bolide is nunibeied alovi- have been drawn bv lot foi iiaimiiit on the first ilav ot Amil. l'"01 . and vi u .no hereby notified that the .imc will bo pilil on Ihe tlri-t day of April. llH, at the l.uk.i wmna Tnist and .vile Pijioslt Company, 'Iiiislee named In tho lrut motigagc above nfeiicd to, together with Intcicst coupons utui'inl thrreto and rinuinlnif unpaid, and that iutiicot will ccaae after tin iiltl date tiii: (or.Lirnv i:xi.ixt.i:i: compaxv. Kianton, l'a., t'tbiuary 23tli, 1WI. PROF" f- ; oy i -. Cevtifled Public Accountniit. E. C. Vork M'IT.I)INT., niioimv. si.m Aichltects. l.HUAItll It buiiiling. DWK MiLtiiiie r, tosM.i.L nn 111:1111 k 1. iiiinwx, Am iiiii't r. iMiit't: bulldliii., !.'' Washington avenue, vantcn. Cabs nnd Carriages. iiTTiiiiiu 'iini.i) twiii AXD t .iiiiiw.Ln hum of kivUc. t'lompi .ittuuioii given ordeis by 'phone, M'Iioiin 2o72 and 31 12, Joseph Kdley, 121 Limleii. Dentists. 11. c. "v. r.n,r.siiKiiai:it, r.ui.t l-inuce uticii, r-intriii. lllTl.lilXd, 1)11. (. C. LMTIVCII, 115 MVOMIM. AVLXI lj. Seeds. 0. II. CLAIIKi: . Cn. M.KI)s.N ASI) Slip eiyincn, Hon- .1)1 W iblni,loii aiiniie; bus.ii biiu-cs, lllvO North Main avenue, lotu lite plioni, 7s2. Hotels nnd IlestauinntR. Till: Lbl-TcAI'i;, 1 AND 127 ITtAXlvl.lX AVI'.- line. Hates ic.ionablc. I'. Xl.lHLl'.ll, riopileior. sciivxTox' iioiiii:, ni:ai'. d, l. a- w. i'.s- enter dewt. ConduetiKl on ll European plan, VK'lon Ivi'CIt, I'lopii'to,. Lawyers. I'lMNK v.. nmu:, ati(Uim:vti,w. Itoonii', IS, II, 10 nnd is llntr Imlldlint. J. IV. lllton N. ATHlltSKV VSH (TIL'S-KI.. lor-at-l.in-, lloomi Mi Jit .Mean biilldliu,-, it. it. iii:i'i.O(iM .vnotiM:v-i.i)s m:h- Hated on led estate sccmlty. Meiira bulldlnj, corner WushlnRlon .Hemic ami spruce dreel. Ml.bKI), WAItltl.S .x and euiiiisrlliiis il-l.i . Washington iiirnuc. leSMT. ATTilltMAS Itrpiibliiau bulldlii(r, JK'sllI1 .V JKI I'. AIIOIIM'.VS AMI OL.. in llors-at-l iw. t'oinmouwciiltli bulldlluf, ltoouw 11', -'U and 21. biiWAiin w. Tiiwr.tt. vnoiisr.v. iiooms !U-ou, mil .r, Mifcid bulldliii,-. I. A. WATlir.s. ATTOIlMiV-AT-bAW, 110AUU nt Tiade bulldlnit. sraiiteii, t'.i, PA m;itv1N7l.COX. ThAHKIls' N A 1T0XAI, II ink bulldlnf. C. rtlMIKlYS. UI.1 lll.l'l lll.lt.AS HLTI.DIXH. A. w. nr.iiTUoi.r. "vrientsiiv. mh.mis nt.in:. rhyslclans nntl Surgeons. int. w. t:. AM.U.V, venue. II XOIllll WAslllMllXy.V mt. s. x. i.'witiitKvt . otnt'i: .tn w it- liiRton oieniii-. lie-Idem i , 151S Multniry. (Tiiiiulu dlse.isc, 1'iiins. hr.ut, kidneys and Kcnito-urliuiy oiR.im u -pec tally, llourr, 1 in 4 p. m. Schools, S.C1I0OI. W Till: LACKAWANN pTTiAMOv" l'.i. Coiuse prrparntory to college, law, medi lino or bmlnos. Opim Sept. lsth. Send for catuloi'iio, Kcv. 'IbuiniisM. linn. 1,!,. I), prin cipal aid prepilitotj . l' l'luniley, A. M.. bcadtua.te r. Wlro Screens, jovci'ii KtT:rn:i ih:aii jii i,.t kwvanVa aienue, Mranton, l'a., inanufactutcr of Wire Scircns. Miscellaneous. llllOsMAKIM! I'Oll tTlll.llltllV TO OltDI.l" also 1 idles' walsU. bouls y.ucin.ikir, "JU Adams avenue. A. II. ItllKiilS tl.HA.Nb I'lllVV VAITIS AMI cc-Li poole; no udci. luipioved pinups Used. A. n llrlggs, propilcto.-. Iave ouliu Its) North Main avenue, or I.IiKc'h dru More, iOi tier Adanu and Mulbciry. 'Iilephcme 1)I. MKb, I.. T. Ki:i.l.t:tt, M M.f TUI.VTMI'.Vr. .'ifl .; sh ini pool i",', .V'. ; I .icl:i 1 in.i-tj','i'i miniiuilm,, 20i.l diliepnili. 'iOi (Juiiiiy. iiAnni'i oittTii:-ri!A-Mfsin ion ham.. plrjilix, parties, uceptions, vvedcling and con icit wmk fiirnbhed. l'or lenns address 11. J. lluur, coiiductoi, 117 Mjuniltn; avinue, over Utilbirl'h linei'.' stou .Mi.iiMtciu: mhos.. pitiXTnts' m'ppmi:. i"- vehiprs, pipit bis, twine, W ai i liuil-e, 1,1) V.i-hliiKtcti avciue, hcrrntou, l'a. Till vvii.KKaimiiu' i:i:coiii) can hi: iimi iu Ssranlon hi thu mvs Ktands of Krlsium Ilios,, loo s-piuic- and Sill l.lndiii; M Noit u. .:.'.' I.ick.iaiitii avi.iui, I. s. xhlltzer, -JII Fpiuce lrei t. RAILROAD TIM? TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, In Illicit Iki. -. nm soiitb Leave Sr.u.t.ih ill Xivv oti at I. in, 3,tm, s.,',0, son and lu.itt a. in.; 12.oi, 3.1M p. in. l'or Philadelphia at t-.tts cu.l 10 Oj a in.: V.'.jj and .).. p. in for Mioiidsbuiir at tl.U) p. in. Milk aitonimoilatlun nt .1 10 p. m. Airive at llibokcii at (i u. 7.1s. lu.-.'s, 12 US, :i.l, I.I-. T.l'l p. m Anlv- at Philadelphia at 1.0-1. :l.V!., WW and 8.22 p. nt. Airive fiom Seiv ork at 1.10, t.ofi jn,l 102:1 a in.; MM, 1,12. oil, .n , and ll.M) p. m. I'rcm stiiiiiil-liuig at Ktij a 11. j North Leave hciantni, for lluftalo and Intel mediate stations at l.l'i, I.P) and O.m) a, t'l . I l.5'i, ." is and ll.l'i 1 1. oi. l'oi (Mvcgo mid "-v ' dec at Mil a. 111 and l.iJ p. lu. l'or I Hi 1 at J. ID 11. 111 and 1. V, p ni. l'or Monti is, at 1 Oil a, 111.; I.0 and a.ls p. m. loi' Xiiholson 01 'ill and tMi p. in. for lllughaiiitoii at ln.'.'ti 1. 111. i ilvo in Mnnton trim llnffiln .it l..'a, -' ", and leisi a. m.; .'I...11 and h ml p. 111. I'i mi l vvgo and 'siianee ai 2 j ", .1. 111., I''.- and "d p. in. I'i out 1 Ilea nt 2.M 1. 111.; 12. Is and si p. m. I'iomi Mcholsoii at 7.W a. in. nnd il.'JO p m. 1'ioni Montiosi at HUM a. in.; a.2D and f UJ p. 111. tllooinsbur llivisioii Leave Sirar.loii for Noitbui iliiiland, nl O.I. ldiii a. m : 1..V. md .. p. 111. l'or l'lvinoiith at l.ui, . in, ;si p 111. l'or Kingston it S.lu a. 111. Ariive at Soitli linibcilind at !.". a. ni ; 1.10. Boo and M". t m. Airive at Kingston at ."i2 a. m. Ainve ., Plymouth at 2.tm, t.:;2, U.l V- ' Auivi- 111 Set. niton lio m Soithuiiibulaiid at 0 IJ 1 111 . 12:11, I. .VI nnd S Ii 11. iu. 1 1 0111 Kingston at 11.10 a. m. Prom I'lyrioutli at 7.0't a. m.j ii.2n and o.JJ p. m. M NOW lit MS-t. Smitli Leave -.ii.,ntun at Lit). 3 CO. .' .W, 10 Hi p. 111 ; ;I..h! and :!. IU p. 111. Xoilh-Leave Viantou at 1.11. 1. 10 .1. nt.; I 5'., o.ls and lL.ti p. 111. lllouuisburg Division Li avc t-iraiitou al 100a 1. m. and ."...'.Op. 111. Lehigh Vnlley Raihontl. Iu lltfed Xov 2,"i. l'l. 1'i.iins leave 1-e.iaiiti n. l'or l'liiladilpliia and Sivv Yolk ill 1). iX II 15 II., at 0 Ii and II. ii .1. in, and 2 Is, 1. 7 tlllack Diamond l.xpiist), ami ll.fli) p. in. Ni:i davs, I). & 11. It. It.. Lis. s.27 P. in. l'or Whin- llavin. Ililcton and iritulp.il points i.i tin- coal ngiotis, vi.. D iX II. I,'. 1!.. oil. 2. IS ami 1.27 p. m. l'or 1'ottsvillo, o.lj, 2 Is and 1.27 p. in. I'm lltthlchtni. Ilastiui, llculiug. Ilariisbuii; and piiuilpil iiiliiuiidiito stations via D ,X II. IE. It., li.li, ll.il J. ill.; 2.1s, 127 (lllail. In. nionil Hxpios). 11. JU p. m. lini'als, 1). a. II. lit. I!., Lis, C.27 p. in. l'or T11i1kI1a1.11.uk, lo-.v.inda, Lliuit.i, Itliact, fleneva and piineipil ititcriuediatt- stations, v'i I), 1.. i: W. it. II., . a. in.; I.oi and .10 p. 111. I'm Henev 1, Itoihesfri, H'lflalo, Siagua la'ls, Chli.ign and all points west, via D. , II It It . llfli u. 111., y.3.1 tlllack Diamond llxprew). 7.l, lu II, lllli) p. m. Niulays, I). .; II. II K , 11..1.". C-.-J7 p. Ill I'ulhniii pallor and sleeping or Leb.ah 1 .lh-v pal lots cars on all tiaim lutvneii Wilki. Itun. and Xevv Vork, t'liiladelplda, lltitlilu and Sjiit pel si. ,11 llridge. ltOILIX II. Wir.lUTi, Hen. -ept., 2d Coitand siiiel, Xew ork. (.TIVL'LII-s S. Mill. l.tn. l'as. .-,t., 2u Conland tivit, New Vorl . A W. X"OSi:.MlUiril, lliv. t'as. , Agl., smth llrthbbein. l'a. l'or Uikils and I'nllman icsnvalloiis apply to "ft 1 Luk.iunnna avenue, frciantou, l'a. Delnwnre nnd Hudson, In Hflii't S'ov. 2J, Wis). 1 1 jiii. for I'jtboiidale leave -soiamon it 0."0, 7 'si, s..il, 111.11 a. 111.; 12.liii, l.'jci. 0.11, l.ji. .i.2i', t. .ii, "''. IL 11. 11. Li p. m.i Liu .1. m. l'oi lljt.csdale U.2t), 10.'.! a. in.; 2.11 and j 2D 'l'or Wllkasllino-ll Ii, 7.1s. S 13. U.3s, jo.4.1, 1 1.3.1 0. II..; 1.2e, 2.1S, d.37, 1.27, 0.1W. ".Is, 10.11, ll.:;u p. m. l'oi L. V. I,'. II. poinls--t).3, 11. ii a. in ; 2 1s 1. 27 and 11.10 p in. I'm l'eiiiisylvaiiki II. It. pmnU-0. 13, 9.3 a. m.; '1.1m and 1.27 p. "1. 1 01 Albany and all poInU norili U.2i) a, 111. Olid 11.32 i. III. MXIIVY TltAINb. lor Laibond.de U.U0, II. m a. in.: L'.tl, i.".2, 3 17 ln.1' p. 111. for Mlkn-llarie-t'., 11.53 .1. 111.; Lis, :;, 0 27, H.27 p. in. lor Mbiny aim points 1101 Ih -.! .',. p. 111. I or liouerilali' -O.t'l a. tu. and il. 'ti 11. 111. Lowest lull l all I'oints tu L'ui'cil Stjus and t at mU .1. II. IILIIHIl K. ! 1'. A. Alb my. V. Y. Ii. W. UI0,.1. I. A., siianton, l'a. Centinl Raihond of New Jersey. M.lllon.. in Si iolle-luut ol I.il.. nv li.t, X. II . and Siitlli I eil.v. IIMI". TAIILL IS LPiT.t I' SUV. 2i. lOrnl Tiallii- leave K-iaiitiiti t"i Si vv Yolk, Nevvaik, Llimbclb, I'ldlid. Ipliki, I'. l-t.i.i, lletlilcbctu. VI Kuitovni, MjikIi Clunk and Uliito llivin nt Mti i m.i eiptCK-, 1 ll'J ivpics, ,1.00 p. in. isinnlays, .Mi p, in. i'oi 1'ittslon and Wllkcs-ikine i,M a. in , 1 1) .tii'l 0..iil p. iu. mini i.i s, !.!! )i. in. I'm- ll.ltlmi-io mid Wasldi.-jioii, mid 'p.ilnti -soutli nnd Wcit la lk-tblibtm, e.:u) a. m. ; I U mil l).3ii p. in. iliiel'i). 'M3 p. in. for lanic llrancli. ne.'uii Hrovc, e,c, a, 'ii i. m. and t.m p. m. for III. nlicir . 1 1 ban. u am! ILiiil.buiK, via VI Icntovni, es.ein a. m. .'nil I ID p. in. Miiidays, !,l'i . PI. for I'otlivllle, s.J) a. in. an I 1.10 p. ii. Iluoiiivli tlikils in all (Hill, is iut, kjiuIi and vvtit at lov.i-t late,) at tin ktutlon. II. I'. llvl.HWIS. tJeu. l'ai. Ant. .1. II. iil.ll.U'sK.V. lien. Mipl. Tlie and Wyoming Valley. 1 inn Table In Kiln I Mpt. 17. ItsjO. Tiains lot llawlev and local points, connect inn at llav.ley vvllb L'rle nillio.pl lor Sivv YoiH, Xeuburir and lulerniedlatc points, leave feu in lot: at 7,(. a, m. and 2.4i p. lu. Tiafiui airivi- at ctiiiitoii at I1I..K1 a 01 md d.p) p. in. FINLEO . SP The' King XI . Ml 1 0 ojli ie Wai jfl fi For Boyso::.' ll.. The best waist in the market. 11 They are too well known to need any recommendation from tis. We have the solo agency for Scranton and our spring.stock is now complete. We also carry " a line of the Mothers Friend waists and other makes. st -11 e . 1 (l .' M ' r " s-l-.il I Si 512 LACKAWAMA AVEMJS "A Word ilo Wise S SEfficieit.?' Tho pat I of wisdom Is to got the 'A Bolus:. AVe Imve tho largest lino ot (stations 01 y, tiillt-e supplies and blanU books in Nottlii'iiitci n Pennsylvania.. Reynolds Bros St.itionets .ind Enc;ravers, Hotel Jermyn Buildinjj, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. mmnm mum Schedule In Effect Mny 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, 1). & Hi Station: 0.45 n. m,, week days, for Sunbury, Hanisburg, Philndelphla, Baltls moio, Washington and for 1'ittss burp nnd the West. 0.38 n. in., week days, for Hnzleton, Pottsville, Itendlng', Norrlstownj nnd Fhilndelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Hanlsburg', Philndelphlnt 10 It. more, Washington' and Mtts. burg nnd the West. ' . 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.68 p. ni.) for Sunbufy,rHnrris burg, Philadelphia ;Bnlt.ltnoie. Washington and Pittsburg nntl the West. Tor Hnzleton, Potts-, vllle, Reading, &c, week days. 1.27 p. m., week days, for Sunburyj Hnzleton, Pottsville, HnrrUburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. J II WOOD, l.en !'a, Aft J II, III TUIIN--OX, (Jen. Mf( - SSKK-y 1 tmt Cnrd In rffeet Dee. .tUtli, tOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. I an sos I col Oil ilb U.S H - s a a 'e i I5ni n c' 5 MATIONS flwiioo I I PM , IH J -Jl K W .Y.WKilM.I,v. . , "" TtTl'DJ " i . t-r -r 3 l.r .. a.. . ..,.,. . .(?. J. ,,llil) ieuAr. . s auusia .l,t. ' t CSIKI 10 ii) IU lis lit in ilo llanrneif a 11(15 attsiv 3UI 11, VMiiS, . 3r)3.. 3W8M . (lisea, (M a ii 5 si 19. St ,IUI .101) t-nill,;l ' .Pnuton luck, ' .VvlnwroOil, . . .Poyntrllr, ' .Orson... ' PlfUielint Jit. ' . I'liioiietate ' roiitrt tit ' t'AtbonilatoYd ' t'fulioiiitsle ' .Wliiio IlrUk-e'. ' stsyiiel.l Yil ' V( lleM ' Itrlnyu ' V, el. I.ul.l Wliitnn Pie-kvllle nlyplalit ' PlhlfllUltf ' . I fa roup ' PluVtittuce- ' ..toco DM 0. 0(011 II 11 sine) J Ml Li. lllt.'3 J III II '.M VI II.' .1 U 01 1 1 II vi en 1 1 11 .. PK ..6 40 .8!K 1 '.03M5M...I t .a .BIl 7eVj ttl9 , ;t; iieci 1 (W3 tie tu. 7 161 II blS IT UiMtl., 7 tat u 7 ml Bit A 7SI410H7 .8 Si etuis swiiw - 8:1 a. vi 1 1 en at sunt ot els aino.'ij lijl Hi.iau ..611! snnutsj ..atri inns ..00)' MI0 V . nia1 (n'i'i(3 . 0t SMlllcM.e PM 1M 1M I HI I II I 9 1 ink I'tsei tkranton ( -11 17f W At IU i Ml U , im n fu .tillittciual IrAlrt le-svp C'arbonetslo for MitfacM Yanl 1 1 J Ml Ijr.a ell ini-,.riii i-wiiii.s, nei .r iiiii oe ulilivtl-l.t Virl700ln smllHIlrni. .V.l.tiUimsl Iralni Irsir empton 17 tt'pni bundar odIt, lini'liijatbllitktlHnf 1 11 t'srli-initalr, aenvipff at 7 h 1 a ...I ,,.li. I..... ,,.!., S.4 ,. (l-( ...1. ... ..'. . n ,.., s.-. M..,u.,.. .,u im , aiwuuaiv at S IJ If eliUy rrlilu at t irawidala at ,!; am, Kates y rcntt per mile, I.onent llnte tu Jill 1'olnts West. j. c. triotntON, k will r.U'llinrvtent, iri M-w vrai ity TfJlgSIl! ru