The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    !' -T5 TJfS
rit7i ; f .
a '
We appear on the scene with a vast array of genuine bargains that easily surpass in value anything of the kind within the recollection of the old
est "buyer. Yesterday we closed the store and devoted the entire day to remarking the stock for the final chapter in our history. We Re-Open
This Morning, and the remaining weeks of this gigantic sale will witness the greatest slaughter of high-grade goods (free from all damages and im
perfections) ever offered. We have no further use for the goods for we shall not continuejn business, We, therefore, offer every inducement to en
able us to dispose of this stock, We have a perfect assortment of clean, up-to-date, well made
V iJr
V A.
I Spring
For men, boys and children, which we have placed on our tables at astonishingly low prices,
now, when you can actually save 50 per cent, on every purchase ?
We enumerate a few of the offerings which means dollars saved to every buyer :
Aden's Bicycle Suits, the $5.00 kind, now $2.95
Aden's Dress Worsted Coat and Vest, were $10.00, now $1.95
Aden's Unlaundered Shirts, reinforced front and back, 33c
Men's Suspenders, regular 25c grade, 9c
Aden's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, were 15c, now 6 for 25c
Men's Fine Cashmere Hose, were 40c, now 19c
AH Other Goods Correspondingly Reduced. Follow the Crowd of Intelligent BuyersYou'll Find the Place.
225 and 227 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa,
ml. a imm I'
f .11 what was tr-insplilng, ''"' f'om
what (i hi Ul !)'" observed fioni n posi
tion nil tOl of .a desk 111 till' pH'SS g.ll-
ii)iliul fioni Inquiry among the priu-
Ipals: at the rinse of the session, It ReprcsMitatlve Hitchcock, a
sianl Insurgent) attacked Messenger
Miii-shall ami one of .Marshall's uhnr
lin.ites. Oorgo 11. (Iroutl, an ex-pilne
tighter ft om Pittsburg, iiltiln'ii into
Repicseiituliv. Hitchcock with a view
if preventing .Marshall Hum In-big
When They Disentangled.
In the pushing anil lugging til" bcll
Uerents worked their waj out iif the
ulslu and Into the. open space at the
Hum ol Iho lusl iiiv of desks .mil
tuon commenced to gradually disen
tangle. -d KC.iiit--.ii-Arms Knwllugs
pulled .Marshall fiom out of llio crowd
and with the assistance of snni" othei.s
huillcd 1 1 in to thi.' spectators' plal
1'inn. When the Hiilo of the loom was
ivichcil Alurshull and licpreFeutntivc
liurkc, of Luzerne, became embroiled
i nil ii it-petition of tin tlr.-t tinntilt
wis only revolted liy tin.- plucky littles
Nfi jiuiit'iit-nrnis getting into tho mid
dle nt tho "push" niul gradually quiet
ing ilie rising tumble liy throwing him
self in between r.iiii two ihut had
ilu-oatened to CM'liaiiRO blows.
Speaker Mutshuir.s navel m vcr
.used licntiiiKT dm lug the whole pro
gress of tliu tumble, and Ilnally win n
llieie came a lull and It was and
it mum lioi'iluil, tin-call of till! loll WI1K
i'-Miun:il wltliout tiny i efoionce m the
TJicu- Is tails t. Ill- niotnlna- of unostK
tut- at-H.iult iind imttfry, Inn it
One of tin- hlKRi'ht i.owds that cvrr
iliriinuvd hi-iv was pivmmh m-Iii'H
th evinlnt, (fM.-'ioii opotK-d at s is,
.mil nut a lltilo dllllculty was i-x-peiicnc-tMl
In cICiirlnK tin) Hoor. Stv luinilivrt lepii'M-ntailiv rittsliui'--ii,
wchiIiik ilbhinis ln-iiriinr tlio muhIk,
"AVo .ui for tliu i-Iimh-'I." .u-in iinonir
tln fpcctntot'fc.
, The "ilppci" win- the tit mi hill un the
lalendar, mid alter liclnR" read at
leiiKth It ivas taken up M-rl.ithn.
Tobtpoliement J)etented,
Tin- (li'M fceetlotl, IMlllH.lclnii tlllei- of
)t unty-ilvu piiki. was read and then
.Mr. lpm.iek. IliHUlvent, of AlleRiiny.
nioV" 1 to iiiUetlnltely puHlpuue. Tin
iniitlnii mis .lei'eat"'d hv ,i vuli- of lu.'
to '.I'J. an liilloAii.
Vfa AWaktin-, Sics-mli-r lllnn, Aiuliivii.
, ilil,, IIihIioh', llliniuin, IIa.mii-, llrcn
rati, llrowii. I. I : ilmliii, llmiivlt, .-!.
f (uli i lar n.v, t Uil.. Curai, t nttrr, "'ij,
ID.ori, Hoiili. lir.Ki-. Iiiuiii, IM-.aiJ-. Dm. .y.
t'o'p, H'Iht, I'oi (, Viwtii. I'lifrili. liattiiTi liO''-i-'miliv.
!". liiicitlni, I l.iwu . Hill, Hamilton,
.1 lUitliuii, ll.iw. IMI, IIollMllh, ilill,
HIlcLlOCk, Until, llOHliV, llM'alll. IklKl, lullll'
mi .MUh W . Mrl., l.lnion,
('c( jlidloi, Mil.J n, Mrl'ltiwiu, M Wlili.i.f.v,
kVAl.fn, 'Majrif, Mllti'i. II I'uiiU; Muon-, Mo.ui.
"Iif-, N'uiulnsir. Vi'li, Ui,. 1'ilni, l'.uil. I'hil
I I'lli, Ila.V Itfi-rt. Hoilcns, Itulli, Ninilrrili. M--
t(, Nttt, Niinr. Nliull, Mmtli llifit I :
.)uU- swt-tnej, lj.vl.ii. I !i : lliuiiu,,
II ip11 liunr. .i(IHirlli, Willi U ilLimit,
LVl'M IVIiiiior. Y1111115. ''
N'xi r"iu''iirc, U..1IU1, II. J. oiit.lti u-i III'..-.
Ilonluin. IliUkcr., CiMii. ('.ill, (
pultfii, Clii-w li llli . IViiiii-ll, I okI, .njiir,
t'epo, f'ur.icll. (u4t ll.iii(;lirit, lUtW.;
Pti Tliemn; 1'e uifii. Cilny, IVmlwr, I'm,
H-Jiivr, Unit iii, '.imMii, (luiiln, llilnuu, iluj
I t, lltl.lvnwn, lltniiltuu, J1.I111; lUinlll.Mi. S.
S, lljiri', HinUuii, lljvnrtli, lliiOfron,
lltrry, Hi,, Hoiii-!ni, Ho'', Unit, .loiien, U'.iln,
Kn.lMr. K(liil.ill, Knpli, l..u-i.v LiiiiO, I.iili, M.--Mills
MrtlJin, MclViimell, ilrCimc Mclllathio,
MeTialie. Mjilur. M.iloin-y. iUimlnir, Mttu,
UcrMi. Mlllr, .i, I i )l.iliiviiui.. M'.nl'i'ii,
Miill.ip, Murpli . NgviuiiI, ilt. (In, I'attir
in. I'uiiirro,), lijMnoiul, Kiiiiul'N, Ili-I'il, 1II'I .
II01I1I111I,. Itullicrloiil, ftlirupr, i'.iI. MlliJ, !'"
nukir, Mjit-r. Miillli. .tolm It -nillli, HaiM
.1 . -iiiii-i, Miicn-, Mom-, Mnili, M11II1, Tilri,
.1 1I111 C; II11 iiii-mii, Hor.i.-e K.: 'llioniwii,
N'iIm-ih II : I'll Idi. VainIjKo. Vuot l.c( , tlwo,
WiIUil, Vjtis Mir-lull ( -10.'.
AVIien tho verifle.ulon of the vote w.i
oil .Mr. Iluvac k letutied to lie In order
at the command of the chair and had
to he led to hltf seat by the serRearit-iit-arniM.
Ho iwih lnsi.stInK- upon beliiR
lienrd on n itie.tlon of pcrsimal prl i
U'Ke mid the chair Instilled that he waa
not In order. Jlc ivlutd to ce.i-'f his
i-.iIIh fur ".Mr. Spi .liter" until the ser-Reiint-at-arint
(ippin.u-lml liiin. This
)as txiltliiK at the time, but it was
only a inmUer to the lm ident in which
tlie .t.uuc j mini,' 111.111 lliured later.
Thoie wt-re "Xnt.s" from th.- in.tu-Keut-
on ewry section, but no call foi
the a.ies and until the schedule
was icaclleil. Mi lliler, I),, of
iVilunililn; .Mr. l)l::on. Jicinocrat, ol
I Ilk: .Mr. llosack. Insiu-Rent, ol Alle-
nlii.iM ' Alt tm in. Ikittirtit it At' (n
n t' !, f ,)li iihij 111 1 i'i inut 1111, lit -
lilnh, ami lr. I'ottir, KuIoii-n'tiio-crat,
of .li Ke.111, made IeiiR-thy
speeclles aKillnst the "llppet" allium
tho lines that h.ivi been made mi f.i
miliar by the newFp.ipers. .Mr. t (-,.i-
(.IhIm-mi'I. ut I). In v;iti! Me.
AUTlKlie, e.-.nsillVfi III of lMltslllllR-,
niul .Mr. Nlsle-i. i-Iiimii-kiiI of I'ltts-hurR-,
l(lke ill faor iif the bill. The
"Mi mp" follmvdl and tin n i ame the
vul" on Hie iipper" 1 1.1UM-. il was lot
In !"i. . lnoilun to adjourn made by
.Mi. Ilor.n-k miis lost by Id; to s alter
.Mr. i.'a-iiier. Insurgent, uf l.ycninlm.',
iind tailed to niiii'iid by lluiltliiK tie
tcim 01 (be appointed iccordei to l!mJ.
Insui gents Ii;ht for Delay.
The imitr ol iiildnlRhl had arilved
and two more stcMmis of the bin ie
mallieil to be passed. The l.iMirijenls
tiled all the old tlllbusleii iif trick i
to clfect delay, In the hoju uf tliliiK
1 nut the Malum lis and ffel iihukIi Hi"
I tlieni out if thi- house u maUe Ii
1 pie-'slble to cany u motion lu -iiijnui'.:
, but the stalwarts had tnilivM vitr.-
neis ut the c.slts. and if a iti u wot
. nway lie would not lmw all hie, ilntlcs
I with liim. A inmloii to ndlonrn tit
mlduli;lt showed Iu7 vot.-s on tin- ii-
surRi'lll tide. .Mr. Ilusack r tiled for
ih order uf Thursday, when the dmlr
show oil a new day had ilnv.'iu.l, but
he wan laughed down. The leuls'a
live day lonlltmns us louii as Hi- b"dy
remains In session.
Ml Si lienor and .Mr, Hi .wmMs void1,
with tl Illppeiltes" nil eiery (pt.'s-
tioti. Mr. 1'hllbln vor.-l Willi ihe ln
H'lir.cnlH on the molioii to postpone m
deilnlli ly. but did not ole at all
on any of the other ijiieMleii '. He i x
plnliinl that he wn- ptltv.l ivlili ,Mr.
Jiiik-h who was called hunie nt noon
liy 1111 annouiiceiiieni tluit his father ilyluit The iiKiceineut, .Mi. IMill
bln ,--tali. was (hat lie wan lulled
only on s'loinl readlii";. niul that tin
IlKlei-lllent was nut to be clfictUe as
in p.issuv(s. The tnotlon to in.
definitely postpone heliiR "Miihahii'
to lllltil dlspie'ltloll, lie fell hliiise'f ut
llbeity to vote.
The 'ilpjier" will loino up on t'nal
passaRe (Ms altcnai.-in. That It will
pat-s as it stiMuls Is utmost ceitatu.
Its Effect In Pittsburg.
I A en tilth the ilppern law 11 Is quite
Improbable Ihul lln allcRed ultetloe
puipose. tlie itnshlliR- of the PIttsbilli;
lliiK, would be ui.eouipllshed.
la the Hist plan, the senate niu ln
lt,t, on havliiu a say as to whom shall
be i ei order and Die mall the cuvci unr
jib ks out may not he .iltoiji'ihcr in
ceptuble to any tinuty-sK" of the sen.
utois, whli Ii would lnliit," abniii tlm
ills.iKlioiM dlliuimii or .Mayor niohl
mid Ihe othei oillclnts cnutluulur In
tlielv olllres till the end of their term,
which will i mi well Into the pel led of
iiiinpalKnlim for the state otllcus.
Secondly, iho uiuyois of I'ltlsbni-R
and AllfKheny announc that they will
lint lm ousted without u Hunt, mill that
meant; un attack on the cunstltutlou.
nllty of iliu "ripper" clause, If not the
whole bill, How this would result is,
of course, highly conjectural, bill there
are niuny unbiased porsons, with au-
Suite and
thoitty to speak, who declare that tins
Supreme court at h ast must declare the provision of the
"tipper" clause which atlenipls to ex
telid the tetin of the recoider he. mil
an InterveiiiiiK- election.
Then lastly, but not Icastly, one
Setmtof ('. I,. .Magic, lamillarly known
as "Chi is," who is the most popular
limn in I'lltsbutc and who, even ills
hlttetrst opponents admit, can get
pretty ninth what lie wants from Hie
people of the "Smoky I'lty." Is iceov-eilng-
Ids health and liopvs to be able,
In tlie course of n few mouth", to take
a hand in the game of polities. If lie
I'tinii tor recordi r, It Is claimed he will
cither be clei ted or lause .such a divis
ion of the Kepubllian vole that a
iKinocral will almost assuicdly he
eleited. This would nnau the lipping
of the "ripper."." mid with their power
(itrtalled and Kllnu still at the liead of
the city coiumittie. limn which he inn
not lie dislodged, a new" ling1 would
lestllt that Would tie quite as clllciielous
as tlie present one.
Senator I'linti iays 'ilppci" or no
"ripper" the lt' 1!( piiblle.m oigun
ixatton will be maintained and that It
will loiurol the Allegheny count and
t'ittsbitig city elivtlon-. if the goiv
nor's appolnteps do get Into nlltiu they
will .stay in only as long as the g-over-nor
sti.ids between them and the votes
of Hi- people, lu a wotd, they i inlm
tlio "ripper" mav Up. tint It won't
crush. 'I', .1. Huff.
Senate Connims Appointments Made j
by the Governor. I
?! fii.ui 11! tii,nil. nl. I
llai'llsliuig. l'Vh. T. The senate to
da ciitiliimeil the 1) appointments of
not.u les public made liy the itowiuor
dutliig the Inteilm between tlto s.-s-slons
Of tlie leglsl.ituie. 13. A. ieflg,
ptlvale sivietary to the governor. sis
It will lie a iviek or ten days before
the commissions will lie issued.
Among the appointees an : .lames j,
I'mninltiKs, S.iiiiuel AV. IMgar. Lewis
II. t'ailer, At thin- IX Tcau, Jauiis K.
Hi ui luu I, .bihll I'. Hutlei, lleurv It.
Iliirlbutl. l-'rank Ciiblis, of Ser.ui
loii: Heniy I). 'ntiou. l.yinan M.
Smith, .1. P. Heynolds. J. O. llearn. of
I'arlK ml.ilt), Mlth.iel l!(isack, of oiy.
pliant; I.. V. lliotns, of niintnoie
I'lmi'Ii'S c. "West, of Hnyic: Chmle.s i,
liohan, John .Ionian, of I'lttston. Will
iam A. Slialer, of StloiKlsliui'i;; .lo.irph
c. Cluimherlaln. of .M Hint, I; Hitam II.
.lolies. of Moittiose, llolii'il PergtlKOn.
of (trout liend: Simeon l-i. Chase, n'
llnllHti-nd' .Miss Ciiare .M. lturrliux, of
Susquehanna: C. P. ''lulls. Jr., of Sus
quehanna li'pol; John Tompkins, of
nqulllltnk. T. .1. Dufty.
Wntching the Kopp BUI.
iiii, iivin .i st.ilf I'lnriki mi'l nl
IlairlshuiK, Peli, aT. Willliim K -liy.
to one ot u nuuilicr of brcweis wn i
are Jn HariJshutg- to look into the
U'opp bill, which Is designed M bleak
UP tlie brewery syudh ates, by limiting
cleiy liicwer to one IIcoiihc. The
brewers me alleging that tills inciistue
Is hi i tlllicasounble It lailttol li- in.
guided In any light otlnr than
of being a "pltichei." The Indlvlilutii
nienibers of the syndicate will w he
veiy reilously luluteil, they say,
should a bill of this kind be adopted,
lis they (ould re-enter the business
ut'dtT the ( oudltlous which obtained
In i ore the lomblui'. The bond holdeis,
however, would be prucllcully i ribbed
ol theli Investments, by the nullify
ing syndicate. Tim brewots claim
the will defeat Ihe bill and that this
will bo iii'compllshed without submit
ting themselves lo any "pinching."
T. .1. 1 1.
Bills Intioduced in House.
Spinal ( a -"tall Corrriondiif.
Ilatrlshuig, Peb. 27. Tile j-i legls
lutloii wlileh ttio mine wotkors me de
manding, and which was dealt with at
longth In yesterday's dispatches, was
Introduced In the house today by vill
ous mouthers from the anthracite r
Rion and leferred to the committee on
mines utid mining.
Chairman Schetier. of the committor
on luniks and hanking, lias lived next
Tuesday, .Match f. at :'. p. ut.. us tlf
lime for a hearing on tlie raft of
building and loan association bill! that
have been Introduced at this session.
Hefoi-e leaving this morning .Mr,
lames Introduced a hill providing that
all nchool children shall he eairicd
to and front school for half faro on
slre-l cars. It Is similar to the bill
Intro.luced liy .Mr. ('alder yesterday.
T. J. Duffy.
Expei t Testimony Shows This to
Have Been the Cause of W. M.
Rice's iuth.
D Kiihniio W ire ir-nn 1io A--.,. Llnl Pf. -.
New Yolk, Peli. L'T -Prnfes-or Ru
dolph YVitthuus, the i hemlFt, lias inaile
a verbal ivpoil, Mippleuii-nliiry to his
tluat report to the distilct attoiney,
in which he declines that enough mer-
my and other poisons weiv lound in
Hie stomach of William -.Marsh Itice l.i
kill him.
An iitlldiivlt (haiRlng Albert T. P.U
rlcl: with murder in tle first dcgrei
was submitted to Justice Jerome Vith
an application for a uairant for Pat
rick's re-anest. The justice Issued the
warrant and II will be served should
ball be accept -cl on the lorgity i harge.
The alildalit is made by Cliailcs P.
Jones, mid leads that on tlie twenty
third day of September. IPim, lie was
mploed by William .M. Rice, of ;,no
.Madison avenue, as a private s-et-ftmy
and companion; tliut on tlie tweiuy
thild day of September, iJiOO. Albert T.
Patrick caused the said William M.
Itice to take "a larvro ritiatltily of
deadly poison, containing mercury, and
divers oilier deadly poisons." The af
fidavit then charges that Kite's death
wns due to these poisons.
Another atlldnvlt Is made by Piotos
sor Wlttliaus, who being duly sworn,
"I reiC'ived the viscera ther- its they
were taken ft run the body of tlie said
William M. Klie. I lliereafter made a
i hemleal analysis of the portion of the
said vlscra ami discovered inerein ine
piesence of incrctiry.
"I have also read the I'otegolng si III -davit
and Info! minion of Charles P.
Junes, in view of the remits of my
analysis lu the absence of intercurrent
i.uise.s of death, it Is my opinion that
If til' said alllilavJI and Infoi ni.itloli
Is till", the deie.ised, 'William .M. Itice.
died of mercurial pols-onltiK."
ft l'.xiliHllf Wire trnm Tin- orlitti1 I'esi.
1'luljilclplil.i, I'll'. '-" fie mum tjiulne ot
tin- 1.1-litRli Vallry llailioiil imnpim tor .Faliu-iii-
wiin s'.Cdl.Oil, .in Indian ot -.',(i!i coir
l.lltsl M-ltll J.llilUI. iilM. tl.'-.'N:
.liuci.i'. s.m,.lllt mi rainless M.d.lJJ: in
1 1 1 (, NiJt:i.lil,
I'ur itm ln nwnlli uf ilir piivoiii nai
ilu iw-t pauilliB line ""-e.OAs .ui mura.o o(
vi,ii lAiniupit ith die oncipoiirtirj; t'i oj
nf (lm picitniK yi'ir.
'ttii (.lo latnlns" f tl Lililali V..t!i'j- ceil
rcmiuny t"r .lsi.ii.ay m-re nl.rt'WTJ, .ui tiiruioi
nf sjisi'ipl. ceiiipjieil villi .l.uiujiy, I'-ms r
n(. M.tL'sTTIt tnruaw. Mil.'"; ml lovs
l: ,.V)7, iHiiipirnl witti a ml lu of SI,0tl In
iRMiary, Ii")
l'nr tlu ( niunths of tl.i- pr. -. it ycai
tlio mt ln-s wn s'lii.iill rettipauil with u liit
l. cl s-.t.ll in lln1 iu'H..jiiwlIiij pi'ilnl n( Hi" jijr
Steamship Anlvals.
P l.i ljre Win' us'" fli 'iUtfn t'l.x
Si-w Veil., I'iIi. -j;--uiid- Tiiiloiilr, Uiti
p.iiil at il (i-.' (lean-it: I .a dav-ffc-iii.
Il.ui.-! Anii'iiiJii I'Iu-IiIhb (ilrared tilt'i ml
iquili-ili, s'alldl: N't Yell, .xnitluiiiptuni
I'lli.ljiul, AMniip: iViaiili, Muttionl. Ham.
IUIB--Mlliill lli'liiulj. Nrw Yrik. i)uci.
iomii Aiilinli V.irtli. Nrn Ymk I'll- Sgiuh
iliiplen. smilliaini'Mn- Vrmi'il. t. l.mils Sv-
Vl' ' - -
Forming tho Cabinet.
Vy Ilmli8 Who (pvii ll.ii A'torUtnl Pro
MmirM. Kill. 27.-He iitk lcmnl today ion
Mtltul Mith Hi" pifrliliiita c( Ui" rn.ui- unO
iImiiiIiiT, ami Imlli " t !'('' oir.tials mliU'il ht
tuaji'ity to cntni-fSfiini i'lhrti wltli tli ivml
ftcii lulus; ft Litiliirt, i-cnnu Ihcla arsl e
va'J. jflirntub. i'" air. n ti.iilli.
Why not
Best Sweet Orr and Newburg Overalls, now 59c
Men's $3.00 Shoes reduced to $1.29
Men's and Boys' Plush and Woolen Caps, were 40c and 25c, at 9c
Children's Suits, were $3.00, now 83c
Children's French Kid Shoes, sold for $1.25 and $1.50, now 73c
Linen Collars, the 1 5c kind, now 5c
I I . I ...-... . . , I . . , I . MMJ-
A Number of Measutes Agreed to.
Bills Sent to Conference.
Ity I'trln-tM' Wire (Mm The tMoclatcil 1'if.c
Washington, Pol). '.'7. Tlie house
had n busy day of routine, ngreelng
to the conference icports on the fortifi
cations, District ot Columbia and the
iiilllt.ii.- ncadPtny bills, the last
named containing the nntl-hn.lng leg
islation. The navnt appropriation bill
was Kent back to confeiftice, after
the defeat of it motion to concur in tins
en.Ttu'is provision for three more sub
marine torpedo boats. The I7nuls
Ifina pniihase exposition bill, whlili
has been In a piecailou.s pntllamen
tnty state, was tlnally sent to confer
ence foi an tidjiti'tnieut of differences, hills for statues wero disposed
of by v m.inouvrrs. -The
leveltli'-. cutter bill ali-O received a
revet se, the hoii-o ndjoutiilng wlun an
elfort was made to take It up. H.irly
sessimis begin III the lmupo tomotrow.
Tlie confeieiice rtport iiiwin the
milltaty iundemv aiiprepriutiuu bltl,
which was adopted, wan the s-.une re
pot t pteviotisly agreod to, hut ie.
Jelled by tlie senate on account of the
ptovlslon against hnx.lng, which had
been modllled.
Air. Hull commi-ndeii the tompro.
niisc which had been reached and e.v
luessed the opinion that If the i-epor
was rejected, the bill would fall.
Air. .Mci'.ill, of .liiKs.uhusctts, said
be , was willing to accept the ronipt-o-nilse,
if no monger provlt'ion against could bo procured.
.Mi. Did;, Ohio, lir.ii man or the
Fpecliil co.nmlttee wltlth tttvo?tlgated
tlie v.ip of Onc.ii' t 1I007., gave it as
his opinion that the compromise con
tained In tlie icnnmlltec's icpoit was
th' only legislation which could Tie
enacted Into law dm lug this, congress.
The lepott whs ndopi'il without di
005 Peisons In Candling; Voluntaiily
Swear Allegiance.
Ity ntclinlv! Wlr (roil Tli .iKocialeil rrs
.Manila. Peb. '". Pro-Aiuerlcan sen
timent Is spreading in former insur
gent strongholds. Sl hundred and
sixty-five persons voluntarily took the
oath of i ileglance at Candling. pro
Ini'c of Albay. at one time reported as
the woist Insurgent center mxt to
Lur.on, and .'.St took the oath at l.'al
amba. Captain chas , wilhn detachment of
ihe Twenty-tlrst leglnienl, lu a three
days' scouting expedition, dispersed
HM) Insiugents unci destioyed their
main Lamp, that of IVdto Ccballos.
l.lef.ienant James, wl'h a d'ltnch
iiient of the Hlghth Infantry, has raid
td ,t Ladrotio lendcxvous at .dacrjull
lm?. liland of Polo, kllll'ig two men,
lei. log . 173 pilsoners an) destroinf
twenty tons of rire and other Incur
(VOIlt Hlipplies
The armored ciuls-r rii.Kikln has
returned lieie from Hong Kong.
Additional evldetne against Carman
mid Cnrranz.!. (the niftchants accused
of dealing with the insurgents) has
developed. The Investigation Into tho
ehut'RCb against them Is being prose,
cutfd vigorously. '
House of Commons Passes BUI Re-
sttictiug Woilt.
11; '.fi1iiie Wii fioni Tlie .Wii Pirn.
Loniloit. Peb 27. --The of cum
nioiiH today, after a lengthy debate,
p.iasicl tlie second feuding of the bill
i ei trifling the woik ot miners lo eight
hours dally, by -I- to IP:) votes.
The bill Is ti ptlvale ineasuie. The
rippoueiit'i of the I'esltlftlon of the
hours of labor IiihImcii tliat such ac
tion would ciiorniotiidy enhaneo th
pilco of c oal,
Sir Alfred Hickman, (ousirvallve.
said tho count!)', during the past year,
had had an object lesson of the etfect
on trado of dear roal. Tho UiltlHh
govptnment lml to buy bridges in
Aiuciicii foi Pgiiudu. I-Igvpl and Hitr-
lay in your Spring and
mnb. Tlie railroads bought rails In
Ametlcn, and even roal had to be Im
pel tod Into this country. In tho 1 'tilted
Stales mineis produced fifty per cent,
more roal than they did in England,
not because they were- mote skillful,
but because they worked ten htutri
per day.
-' m
Fayne Moote Wants to Gain Her
Fteedom from Her Husband.
He ntilivfr Wire firm Tin- .Wiytalcil l'rr:.
New York, Peb. l!7. Xews has luon
teoolied here from London saying that
Payne .Moore, of badger fame, Is about
to brim,' action for divorce Hum iu-r
husband, William Moore, now- serving
a sputouce of nineteen years at Slug
Sing rw assisting in the attempt to
badger Martin .Mahnn, proptlcioror the
new Amsterdam hotel, la November,
Tlie action, It !k .slated, will be
brought on the ground of non-support.
Mrs. Jloote has been livlnjr In Lon
don for mure than a year. She occu
pies a handsome apartment and has.
many t'liends. She is now a membi r
of "Th. Messenger Hoy" theatrical
company at the Oalrty. win re she ap
peals nightly in the role of an Amerl
ran barmaid.
The leport that Mi. Moore would
liy to secure a divorce was taken to
Moore at Sing Sing yesterday. He said
that no paper for divorce had been
set veil upon him yet, but If the tcimit
was line. It simply proved that his
wife was a woman.
Mooie had Intimated to friends that
if his wife should ever sue for dlvorcj
he would bring a counter. suit.
Owners of Gient Lucas 011 Gusher
Will Burn Up 300,000 BnrrelH
I! i:?f1uic Wire- ficiu Il. Ah.n Intel Vim. s
Austin. Tex., Peli. 27. J. 51. Uutfy
and J. II. Haley, (lie owners nf tliu
gteat oil gusher, near Item
inuiit, hae cli-cided that (lie HOo.OOa
banc-Is of oit. which now tills an earth
reservoir, coveilng about sevijuty-llve
acres. Is of such little coinmciclal
value, owing to lb being mixed with
surface dht and trapli, that It will ho
destroyed by binning.
This oil represented a value of not
less than ?J00,f)Mi). it will Is- diverted
Into small ditches and set on llic It
will be tho In went the ever witnessed
It) this country and piecautions aie
taken thai no dnmages will lie dune to
properly In that vicinity. It Is staled the oil will burn several dav..
Ilj- Jta'It'iitY Wlra from lb Aviiatcil I'ifJi.
l'lillait.lpltt.'. tVli. T. -lliv. Iliilirtl Mi'vaudiT,
P. P.. a v.'iikli UiunMi IVdn ti'ri.m 'lirntun
mid nlitnr r.i "H.e Piclivbrlrii.'' dint it lit
l.iiini' litre today. Itci. Dr. .Meander v.u horn
III PitmMil inline, (I., '.Ii IS.IT. Hi- i.- i;uilii.
atcil W.illulli inllojji, tliln ialc. vli-n
!S iau nt aire. II- t-liiuic 1 I'm'elecy t I'llnrc
Inn am) at 1 liluliuic, tirolUiid. IIU Imt ilijrn
v.ii (it l.itilo lit 1 1 J in. i'a. In 1.7 In- (itii'iil
ii cull Id tie I 'Il t liet. tec !.ti at s't
('laiidiill'. ) . and tils iiturji' llii-rc fit-inli'd
mir J iHiiml 'I tli'iti lw iaic Pi. Alrv
ai.dir tifiirnnl ll.e (Jituijlilp uj' "Tin Piclijln
mi" In IfjJU. A widow and ili rlilldrcn url
I, U.i. tIL. tt.-,i koii,, .ltin p., atiil llrr.iv :.
U"C)iMc,', itruticl tin. jiifaillc, II.. slgnr.
l'liilaillphU, IVI. 'J?. Illiarli I t. Kal.iiiiciil.
.1 irtlrr-d iiiirclni.t and Mituan en tl.c ihil ccai,
N clcid at luc liunif '.,ri, uiucl VI li.uu In
Itiiiiiany, lm ame o IliU luiinti al m 'uilv
okc. Wlion tlie war liioko nut lir viiliir. In
Hi Xhiely.fluh'li nitltiiiiit, IVnii.ihJii.rt '.''l.!
i ecu, n a prliatn and ua .inr.c'il ( feiic
lu llm Sitlli reri r.f liaiihtnteiK. K.niiiiciir
rimalnut In tl.e annv niitll f-pli mlw. t-Hi.
lb- wad a inrnibir nf llic Mawnu iiainiilh Oil
n( I'n-t 1". (iianl true ..i Hi t;i'iMi
Botliii'e Suiiencler Repotted.
IV lljcthlihr W'lrr hri.i Tin .wflal(il l'if
I.ondcn, I'iIi, '.".-'flu I Mil Cliiniilili' lui. ii
eclud a rcpnit wlildi il Islli'iM tin.tvunili.i.
tlirnii:li il bas p.) iih. in., nf inlrioatloii, (lilt
lirmiil llillia luu nuiiriiiVrril tn I.eol kin linns
Summer supplies
'l .included from l'j(jr 1.1 '
tire Culjan nmeiidment wise. He wan
not able to shuro lu the apprehenslonn
iudiilgcd In cm tho other side. It wau
designed to enforce tho Alonroa doc -trine.
The only condition against whlelt
objection could be raised was that ic
giirdlng sanitation and he thought it
was only proper that our country
should be safeguarded against yclloiC
fever and oth-r epidemics which might
alginate in Cuba under unsanitary
.Mr. Joins lepHci! Hun the Alontoe
doctrine was not involved In the third
condition. The light of tlie Unite'"
States to intervene in lit? internal nf
fairs of tlie Island would be, bo thought,
tantamount to assuming tho tight (
tin n out il.o government of Cuba
whenever we s.i.v lit on one pretext oe
a no the r
Mr. Jon s tlieieupoti modllled bis
amendment so as 'to strike out onlv
thit port Ion of the condition or sec
tion proiidliig the Pulled States could
Intervene "for Up maintenance ot u
Kiivci tmient adequate' for the protec
tion of life, property ind Individual
.Mr. 5torgaii dedaied the Cuban pio
position was a piece of miaiit hypon
llsy. 'J'he position we aie to asstinin
toward Cuba would Justify PugUm.
hi slaying the Hocr people In South
Africa miller the claim of suzeraiitt).
The aiuuticlineut lu effect proposed an
American suzerainty over Cuba.
.Mr Points (Ala) declined that tho
lion or of tlie country was at slake.
Congr'ss and ill president hod
pledged their word that the Cuban
people "wi-ie and of tight and ought t"
lie free and Independent." This ptopo
sltlon llolntcd the pledge. It w;ih to
the old law "let him take who has the
(tower and let him keep who can." Ii
was a dlsgiace upon the American
Mr. Jones' motion to amend the
atiicndment w an lost, yens. 21; nays, It.
Mr. 'I'lllman lend the text of th
war lesolulton pledging independence
lo Cuba and the list of Republican
seuiitoiH who bad voted for it. H
s.ild th Itepublh mis now had tin
power and. assumed the i'ipotiNlhllltv
j for the ii.-issnge of Hits lesolullou. II-
warned iliein Unit It this titiniatnui
prct.ipituted war. ills hnniln were
1 1-itn. At tills puliu. ill. I'" .
ineinbei nf tlie futelgti iiti'aliH com
ndttce. laiiicr .startled the semite bv
proiiosliif, an amendment to cluing,
section S lu effect, us suggested In
Mr. .lotus In his amendment.
Much as be ilMlkcrt to dllfer with
Ills leilliiiKiics. be n.ilil. Hk moie h
thmmlit of il. Ihe more he was con
vinced that Hie language of the tllP I
section was unfortunate. Ilo pointea
out thai It might lead to complication
and urged lb" acceptance of hi
amendment, but Ii was defeated, yens
lit, nays 12. Tlie vote wns then taken
upon tin Cuban ameniltueiu, and H
was ns'ieed to, II! to .'v. Sovoinl
nuiendments who voted down and tlf
bill war passed. )'tas 4'!, na) IS.
.Mr. Allison, Iowa, reported the .uii-cli-y
civil appropriation 1)111. Tho srii
nte tli"n, lit I o'eloi I; a. ut., fld
Skiiinlslt at Sulin)', Fash.
11 Ks'. lmiv Wire ficm Hie Ant-cUtcd fiti'.
Ily Kuluilin W'tm fimii tin- .o.tili'.i l'li'H
llcilln, Tib. '7. llic "ar olllie lm ircflinl
lli. fiilliviliiu fiiini I on in Urn Waldciff,
IVkili, Till, "in " allol ol i'UIiI Ornui"
irp'ilml an mini I. Ii H'l ( idii'i"' ImjiriMl tionpi
jf "nlhiu PaM, lillllnit jii"
Vnmlevllp'B SucceBsor.
Hi- r.iUmiu) W'liv fioni llic AiMctil'jil I'ics.
W'n.lilnyton. IVli. - . 1 lie piesldcnl toiler
imminatcil .Villon K. Allc. e( Ohio, lu h jmU'
nut ffcrrlaty nf the lrni'. vice KianV Vnti'tn
t ,
. ,s,r .t,'niL1x-si'l-..J-ilfca.-a-M .j..
..i.4 a..w .u-.m.(